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Air Requirement for SBR STP

1. Air requirement for equalization Tank-

Flow per day = 500 m3/day

Flow per hour = 500/20 = 25 m3/hr

Volume of tank= flow * RT = 25 * 6 = 150 m3/hr

Depth of tank = 2.5 m

Area of tank= 150/2.5 = 60 m2

 Air required per m2 area = 1.8 m3/m2/hr

Air vol. require for Equalization Tank = 60 * 1.8 = 108 m3/hr

2. Air requirement for sludge holding tank-

Excess Sludge generati0on = flow per day * 0.025 ( 2.5% approx..)

= 25 * 0.025 = 12.5 m3/day

Retention time = 5 days

Volume of tank= 12.5 * 5 = 62.5 m3

Depth of tank = 2.5 m

Area of tank = 62.5/2.5 = 25 m2

 Air volume require per m2 = 1.8 m2/m

Air volume require for Sludge holding tank = 25 * 1.8 = 45 m3/hr

3. Air requirement for SBR tank-

Influent BOD= 300 Mg/l , Effluent BOD = 10 Mg/l

Ratio of BOD5 to to ultimate BOD = 0.68 (typically)

Influent kjehldal Nitrogen = 55 mg/l

Effluent kjehldal Nitrogen = 10 mg/l

Total O2 Requirement -

= {(flow per day/1000)*(intial BOD-final BOD) } / [ (BOD5 /Ultimate BOD) + (4.57/1000)*(inlet TKN-outlet
Density of Air = 1.201 kg/m3 (fixed)

Oxygen Quantity in Air (23%) = 0.23

Volume of O2 requirement = Total O2 Requirement Weight / (Density of Air * Oxygen Quantity in Air)

Considered Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (5%) CPHEEO = 0.05

Volume of Air Required = Volume of O2 requirement/ Oxygen Transfer Efficiency

Field Correction Factor at Peak flow (Safety factor) = 2 (fixed)

Volume of Air Required With Safety Factor = Volume of Air Required * safety factor

Depth of Aeration = 4.5 m

Hence volume of air required = Volume of Air Required with safety factor /Height of Reactor / System
Working Hours

Total Air Requirement = Total Air of Eqn Tank + Sludge Holding Tank + S.B.R. Basin

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