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25/7/2020 Simple Past: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / V-2020-C-2-1450-470-ING-002 / Tema 4 / Simple Past

Comenzado el sábado, 25 de julio de 2020, 11:50

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 25 de julio de 2020, 11:53
Tiempo 3 minutos 18 segundos
Calificación 100 de 100

Pregunta 1 Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses.

Puntúa 100
sobre 100 1. 

A: How did the Pilgrims survive (the Pilgrims/survive) their first winter?

B: The natives taught (teach) them how to hunt and grow crops.


A: Who killed (kill) Alexander the Great?

B: Nobody. He died (die) of a fever.


A: Did the children eat (the children/eat) at the museum cafeteria?

B: No. They had (have) lunch at home.


A: Einstein didn't start (not/start) to speak until he was three years old.

B: Really? I didn't know (not/know) that.


A: Did Pizarro destroy (Pizarro/destroy) the Incan capital of Cusco?

B: Yes, and he founded (found) LIma, the new capital.

◄ Vocabulary 1 Ir a... Vocabulary 2 ►

https://plataformavirtual.itla.edu.do/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=79290&cmid=13026 1/1

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