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Jonessa May T.

Molles II-Capella 08-05-08



1. The passive movement of molecules or particles along a concentration gradient, or from

regions of higher to regions of lower concentration.

2. The spontaneous net movement of particles down their concentration gradient (i.e.
difference in the concentrations of substances or molecules between two areas).

3. (Cell biology): a type of passive transport, therefore, it is a net movement of molecules in

and out of the cell across the cell membrane along a concentration gradient.


Unlike active transport, diffusion does not involve chemical energy. When molecules move
(diffuse) via special transport proteins found within the cell membrane, it is called
facilitated diffusion, otherwise it is only simple diffusion. An example of diffusion in
biological system is diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the alveolar-capillary
membrane in mammalian lungs.



1. Diffusion of a solvent (usually water molecules) through a semipermeable membrane from

an area of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration.

2. Net movement of water molecules through a semipermeable membrane from an area of

higher water potential to an area of lower water potential.

3. Tendency of water to flow from a hypotonic solution (low concentration of dissolved

substances) to hypertonic solution (higher concentration of dissolved substances) across a
semipermeable membrane


In biological systems, osmosis is essential since many biological membranes are

semipermeable, and it leads to different physiological effects. For example, when an animal
cell is exposed to a hypertonic surrounding (or lower water concentration) the water will
leave the cell causing the cell to shrink.

When an animal cell is placed in a hypotonic surrounding (or higher water concentration), the
water molecules will move into the cell causing the cell to swell. If osmosis continues and
becomes excessive the cell will eventually burst. In a plant cell, excessive osmosis is
prevented due to the osmotic pressure exerted by the cell wall thereby stabilizing the cell.
In fact, osmotic pressure is the main cause of support in plants. However, if a plant cell is
placed in a hypertonic surrounding, the cell wall cannot prevent the cell from losing water. It
results in cell shrinking (or cell becoming flaccid).

The Consequences of Osmosis

Firstly what happens to plant cells:

Plant cells always have a strong cell wall surrounding them. When the take up water by
osmosis they start to swell, but the cell wall prevents them from bursting. Plant cells
become "turgid" when they are put in dilute solutions. Turgid means swollen and hard. The
pressure inside the cell rises, eventually the internal pressure of the cell is so high that no
more water can enter the cell. This liquid or hydrostatic pressure works against osmosis.
Turgidity is very important to plants because this is what make the green parts of the plant
"stand up" into the sunlight.

When plant cells are placed in concentrated sugar solutions they lose water by osmosis and
they become "flaccid"; this is the exact opposite of "turgid". If you put plant cells into
concentrated sugar solutions and look at them under a microscope you would see that the
contents of the cells have shrunk and pulled away from the cell wall: they are said to be

When plant cells are placed in a solution which has exactly the same osmotic strength as the
cells they are in a state between turgidity and flaccidity. We call this incipient plasmolysis.
"Incipient" means "about to be". When I forget to water the potted plants in my study you
will see their leaves droop. Although their cells are not plasmolsysed, they are not turgid
and so they do not hold the leaves up into the sunlight.

And now for the animal cells:

When animal cells are placed in sugar solutions things may be rather different because
animal cells do not have cell walls. In very dilute solutions, animal cells swell up and burst:
they do not become turgid because there is no cell wall to support the cell membrane. In
concentrated solutions, water is sucked out of the cell by osmosis and the cell shrinks. In
either case there is a problem. So animal cells must always be bathed in a solution having
the same osmotic strength as their cytoplasm. This is one of the reasons why we have
kidneys. The exact amount of water and salt removed from our blood by our kidneys is
under the control of a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The process of regulating
the amounts of water and mineral salts in the blood is called osmoregulation. My insulin
page will tell you more about other homeostatic mechanisms.

Animals which live on dry land must conserve water; so must animals which live in the sea
(the sea is very salty!), but animals which live in freshwater have the opposite problem; they
must get rid of excess water as fast as it gets into their bodies by osmosis.

Hypertonic Solutions: contain a high concentration of solute relative to another solution

(e.g. the cell's cytoplasm). When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, the water diffuses
out of the cell, causing the cell to shrivel.

Hypotonic Solutions: contain a low concentration of solute relative to another solution (e.g.
the cell's cytoplasm). When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, the water diffuses into

Isotonic Solutions: contain the same concentration of solute as an another solution (e.g. the
cell's cytoplasm). When a cell is placed in an isotonic solution, the water diffuses into and
out of the cell at the same rate. The fluid that surrounds the body cells is isotonic.

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