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Devoted to the Exposition of Scripture respecting Conditional Immortality, Resurrection,
the Return and Reign of Christ, and the Final Destruction of all Evil.


" The Wages of Sin is Death; but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

No. 10. VOt. Ill. JU LV, 1880. Price One Penny.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. graciously given to us, so patent to the world by our noble
PAGE sacrifice, that spectators say, "These Christians are terribly
Have we valued the Light? 10D in earnest!" Nay, can we without a blush of shame speak
The Origin of Man ... 110 of what we have done?
The Centre ... 111
Dispensations ... 111 Reader, kindly listen! We shall not detain you long, but
Beckoning to Partners ... 112 we implore you to ponder the few words that follow, and
" Exustus non Convictus" ... 115
Theological Reform l1fl take counsel with your heart and understanding concerning
News from the Unseen ... 117 them.
Canon Ryle on Scepticism ... 118 There are grand things doing among the Churches;
Reviews 118
News of the Work ... 118 zealous and comprehensive schemes propounded and adopted
[Fo!' Prelimituun] Announcement of Forthcoming Conference, see page 117.]
-architectural, benevolent, educational, missionary; and
splendid sums put down for them all. Are we jealous?
No! we rejoice and pray Him whose are the silver and the
gold, to bless His servants, the princely donors. But,
WE put in deep seriousness a serious question to all whom mark! not one of those schemes for building churches and
it concerns. At this moment there is a burden upon the manses, and for sustaining schoolmasters and missionaries,
heart of the writer, some of the weight of which he wishes and not all those schemes put together, can equal in import-
to fall upon the heart of every reader, not of course to ance the work of rescuing the character of our God from the
relieve him from responsibility in the mutter presently to be infamy which the father of lies has thrown upon it for many
named, for he has never shrunk from that, and never will, ages! The alienation of countless thousands throughout
but to elicit honest self-questionings, and to secure, in con- Europe from everything connected with Christianity, the
sequence, practical sympathy in our work. avowed atheism of many and the scepticism of more, and
Are we really doing anything worthy of our profession? the heaviness of heart under which thousands of real
anything to convince our brethren of the so-called orthodox Christians groan every day of their lives, are all the direct
creeds that we are constrained by Christian love to deliver results of flagrant errors respecting the nature of man and
them from two or three delusions which we, as well as they, the government of God. Had the truth, unmixed by the
were taught to believe as divine truths? anything at all falsehoods of paganism, been proclaimed through the ages
commensurate with our privileges to tell the world that the that Christianity has been the nominal religion of Europe,
Church has lied in the name of God? anything worth it is impossible to doubt that infidelity and atheism would
naming to shew that the redemption of our Father's have been unknown. A true representation of the God of
eharact=r from the dreadful charge of being the scourge and the Bible must have won men. A true representation of
terror of His own Universe, has been and is the absorbing the nature of man must have convinced all that a divinely
care of our lives; to effect which the rich among us have offered gift of immortality to mortals was a boon too splendid
freely, gladly, eagerly given their thousands, whilst those to be refused by anyone who wished to lay claim to the pos-
who have no gold have with equal zeal given their heads and session of reason. A second life to any man, and that not
hearts? Is the fact that we have valued the divine light so of probation but of perfection, is a purely supernatural idea i

it is brought to light by the gospel; it is itself the gospel; restrial creatures. This governmental idea has been per-
and it is in Christ Jesus. petuated in the assumption of Asian monarchs, each of
Now, what are we doing-we whose eyes have been whom calls himself" The shadow of God."
opened, by grace, to the truth-what are we doing to purge " And the Lord God formed man of the dust ofthe ground,
the theology of Christendom from the falsehoods which and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man
have made Italy and France nations of infidels, and which became a living soul."
have had such a disastrous effect, in the same direction, upon
hundreds of thousands in these British islands ? People This passage records the physical formation and invigora-
upon whom our doctrine comes with the surprise of novelty tion of the first man. The original word translated" dust,"
signifies minute atoms, and as here used it means the
and the shock of heterodoxy will not buy our literature
which proves that doctrine true. It should, therefore, be elemental atoms of which all organic bodies are formed.
The word "breathed," represents the Hebrew nali-phaqh.,
given, sent by post in all directions, from 10,000 copies
which means to blow, to breathe, to put air in motion; that
monthly upwards to men of influence. Ten thousand copies
of the Bible Standard, sent out every month to different ad- is, by the operation of natural laws, by artifical means, 01'-
dresses, would tell powerfully in the direction of that as in the present passage-by the immediate will of the
Doctrinal Reformation which is the want of the age. .Of Creator.
course, subscribers and purchasers of books on the great The "breath of life" -nish-math-ghah-yeem-is the
question would multiply rapidly, when it thus became atmospheric air, as inhaled in the way of respiration. This
widely known that our object is nothing less than the re- is clearly shown in the record of the Noachian deluge:
covery of Apostolic doctrine to the Churches. The practical " And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of
question now is, How is the great cost of such gratuitous all flesh, wherein is the breath of life." And again: "All
circulation of literature to be met? The answer is, Easily. in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was on
The creation of a fund for this purpose by wealthy 01' well- the dry land, died."
to-do men who are in earnest should be esteemed a high It should be observed that the word translated" life," in
privilege. Several prosperous tradesmen would give £100 the present passage, and also in the record of the deluge, is
each, and there are rich men who could give £1,000 each. plural; and these instances of an idiomatic usage, are in-
A capital of £10,000 thus secured, and lodged in the hands tended to denote the lives of all respiring creatures on
of a responsible committee, would enable them to enlighten earth, in common with men.
the community on the grand truth we have recovered from
The word" soul" represents the Hebrew term, neli-phesh,
the gloom of the dark ages. Ours is simply a Missionary
which literally means a breather-a creature furnished with
Society of the very highest kind, and £10,000 for its glorious
organs of respiration; and the word "living" represents
object would prove that we VALUETHELIGHT!
ghah'y, or ghah-yah, the ideal meaning of which is to be strong

• or vigorous. The phrase neh-phesh-ghah-yah,." living soul,"

is used by Moses to describe all creatures that li-ve by means
THE ORIGIN OF MAN. of respiration. In the present passage it is translated
IN the first place let it be observed that the origin, and not "living soul;" in every other instance it is rendered
the constitution, of man is the present theme; and that in " living creature."
the Mosaic account of the origin and formation of the first The information now derived is to the effect that the
man, the terms are used with their primary significance. Lord God formed the man of elemental atoms, within the
" So God created man in His own image, in the image of ground (" for out of it was he taken") as in a matrix,
God created He him; male and female created He them. wherein the man was organized through the operation of
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful the laws of a created principle of vitality; and when he (the
and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and man, not cm 'inanimate body) was taken out of the ground,
have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of God caused the breath of life to enter into his nostrils and
the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the inflate his lungs, and thns establish respiration; so that the
earth." man became unto a living 01' vigorous being. And in the
In this passage, the Hebrew term, tzehiem, translated process described, an intelligent person may discern the
"image," signifies a shadow, a corporeal image, a repre prototype of procreation and gestation, and of infant birth
sentation of an unseen object. And by means of the entire and invigoration.-From "What is Truth?" by TVilliam
passage, it is shewn that man was created in the guve1'1l1nental Morris, M.D. [An admirable hand-book. London: Elliot
image of God, to be lord over all the other orders of ter- Stock.]

THE CENTRE. seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his heart from
him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"
" EVERYman for himself, and God for us all." That is the
Let us make God, and not ourselves, the centre, and all
religion of the world-the accepted and popular formula in
will be well. He will accept our homage and give us back
which it expresses its faith. Doubtless it is a very honest
un measurably more than the most grasping worldly selfish-
creed, that is to say, the men who use this brief summary
ness ever secured, and crown His rich gifts with eternal
really mean it; although there are some benevolent persons
who think the first part of the phrase somewhat selfish.

It feels rather chilly to their notions of brotherhood. It
does not sound like a family sentiment; its effect is not DISPENSATIONS.
union; but separation and cold individualism. The glow of THE following shows how each dispensation begins in
charity is not in it, but the frost of selfishness. It makes mercy but ends in judgment :-By the term" dispensation;'
every man a centre for himself, to which all events must we simply show God's method of dealing with the world,
contribute. He must not think of others except so far as for the promulgation of His truth, and the establishment of
they minister to his greatness. His worship. Foul' dispensations have already passed
And even the second half of the formula, which seems at away; the fifth is drawing to a close, while two remain to
first sight to have a flavour of piety about it, turns out after be accomplished.
a little criticism to be a bit of impudent hypocrisy. It First, "Adamic." The dawn of creation, was one of un-
means simply that the selfish man expects God to minister clouded beauty and blessing. God dwelt and talked with
to his selfishness. 'That is the logic of it, say what you man, whom He made after His own image, and Adam's
will. fellowship and communion was with God. By the Fall,
death and disorder reigned. The child was at once trans-
The light of revelation is a consuming fire to this
formed into the rebel. The only records were the Law of
miserable creed of the world. It says, "Every man for
Sacrifice, the Law of the Sabbath, and the Law of
others, and all men for God." This is an inexpressibly
Marriage. The "seal" was the tree of life, and the
grander sentiment, and lifts us up to a region of glorious
" termination" the flood.
thought, where our Father is the centre of homage and
Second, "Noachic." God is again personally present,
worship and love. "In lowliness of mind let each esteem
and converses with His servant. He enlarges the record of
other better than themselves. Look not every man on his
His communication. The seal of His covenant is the
own things, but every man also on the things of others.
rainbow, and the termination the overthrow and destruction
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus"-
of the Cities of the Plain.
the mind of self-denying service for the good of men and the
Third, or "Abrahamic." God again appears and con-
glory of God the Father. When we realize this idea, we
verses with Abraham. He enlarges His revelation pro-
feel the dignity of being, and catch something of the divine
mulgating His covenant, and seals it with the rite of
beneficence, something of the sunlight of-love that we may
circumcision. It terminates in the desolation of Egypt, and
shed it upon others. For God wants us all to come around
the overthrow of Pharaoh and his hosts.
Him, not because He is selfish, but because He is love, and
Fourth, "Mosaic." Here again God personally appears,
wishes to warm us with His own nature, that, being happy
and converses with Moses, unfolding a far fuller revelation
ourselves, we may do something to cheer the lot of others.
of His will, establishing a new covenant, and sealing it with
Our cup filled to overflowing from the river of life, let others
the, blood of sprinkling. The terminating judgments were
share the vitalising draught.
the destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersion of the Jews.
Believers are made alone unto God in Jesus Christ. They Fifth, or " Christian Dispensation." God, who at sundry
learn that they are not their own, but bought with a price , times, and in divers manners, spake in times past to the
and, therefore, they are to glorify God in their body and fathers, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son,
their spirit, loving one another with a pure heart fervently. unveiling the higher mysteries of grace, making known the
Diametrically opposed to the maxim of worldly selfishness presence and operations of the Holy Spirit, establishing a
is the doctrine of Christian love. Thus:" Give to him new covenant and sealing it with Baptism and the Holy
that needeth," out of the results of your honest labour. Supper. It terminates in the great day of God's wrath, the
"Be hind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one wrath of the Lamb.
another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Sixth, or "Millennial," now follows. The features are
And thus: "Herein perceive we His love, in that He laid the binding of Satan, the Kingship of Jesus, the heavenly
down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives glory of His risen people, and the earthly glory of the Jews.
for the brethren. But whoso hath this world's gcods, and But even here it terminates in judgment, for fire from heaven

comes down upon God's enemies, and the devil, who deceived knowledge depends the acceptance of their testimony and
them, is cast into the lake of fire. the success of their mission. Every division impairs this
testimony; but when the people of God are in close and
Then comes the awful interval of the Great White Throne,
intimate fellowship, their testimony comes with convincing
and the judgment of the dead, followed by the seventh, or
final dispensation, " The New Jerusalem State." It is ushered
in by the vision of a new heaven and a new earth, and The partnership of the people of God is not only a fact,
the first heaven and the first earth are passed away' but it is a necessity. In union there is strength, and that
and we have the blessed assurance that the tabernacle strength is needed in crder to cope with the hosts of dark-
of God is, as at the first, with man. That He will dwell ness that assail on every side. Labouring alone they are
with them, and they shall be His people; and God shall be weak and inefficient, while by uniting they mass their forces
with them, and be their God, and He that sat upon the and achieve success.
throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." Then
When our Lord had preached the gospel from the little
cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up the
fishing boat of Simon as it lay idly upon the sunny waters
kingdom to God, even the Father, "For He must reign
of Gennesaret, he said to Peter, "Launch forth into the
until He hath put all enemies under His feet." -1 Cor. xv. 25.
deep, and let down your nets for a draught." Simon
• objected that they had spent the whole night in fruitless
BECKONING '1'0 PARTNERS. toil, but said, "Nevertheless at Thy word I will let down
the net." They did so, and instantly the swaying of the
THE religion of Christ is the grandest system of partnership
struggling mass informed them that they had" inclosed a
this world has ever seen. The terms "fellowship," and
great multitude of fishes," and under the strain, the meshes
"communion," are the words used to express the common
of the net began to tear away, and the fishes were pouring
participation, common responsibility, common labour, and
out and escaping. Something must be done at once, or the
common reward connected with the gospel of the Son of
" hanl " was gone, " And they beckoned unto their partners,
which were in the other ship, that they should come and
This partnership commences on high. First, "our
help them. And they came, and filled both ships, so that
fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus
they began to sink."
Christ;" then if we walk in the light" we have fellowship
one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son " They beckoned." They did not need to wait, and talk,
cleanseth us from all sin." (1 John i. 3, 7.) and call, and frighten the fish and delay the work; one
wave of the uplifted hand: one beck of the outstretched
Involved in a common ruin, partners of a common re-
finger was enough, and the hardy fishermen bent to their
demption, heirs of a common salvation, sharer's in each
oars, rounded to, and were ready to haul in the net and
other's sorrows, helper's of each other's joys, eo-workers
save the fish.
with God in common labours, and joint heirs to a common
heritage; the household of faith becomes in its development, " They were partners." The bargain was already made,
both inward and outward, both present and future, a and they had no need to stop and adj ust terms of co-opera-
partnership, the closest, the broadest, the dearest, and the tion. Many a good catch has been lost while men were
purest that humanity has ever known. disputing as to how the fish should be divided.

No man liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. They were honest men, for without honesty partnership
A constant interdependence, and an intertwining of the is the poorest ship a man ever sailed in. If they had
tenderest and most vital interests and necessities, unites quarrelled over the division of the last catch; if one boat's
God's children by the strongest bonds. Against this unity crew had covetously insisted on having the whole draught ;
Satan works incessantly, while above the jars and tumults if one boat's crew claimed all the big fish, and the best fish,
of a discordant world, above the strifes, schisms, and dis- and the gold fish and the silver fish, and left the other boat's
sensions of a distracted church, the Saviour spreads His crew only dace, and shiners, and sculpins, and hornpout,
pierced hands, and prays for His people, " that they all may and horse-mackerel, no beckoning would have brought their
be one, as thou Father art in me, and I in Thee, that they partners round with such quick and steady oar. But there
also may be one in us." (John xvii.) was no such trouble as this i-they were ready for work,
Nowhere is the necessity and utility of the Christian's " they were partners," and they saved the fish.
partnership more manifest than in the work of saving men. " They filled both ships, so that they began to sink."
The unity of Christ's followers is the token by which" the There were fish enough to load both boats to the water's
world may know" that God has sent them i and on this edgp,-no trouble about that, and both crews had all they

could do to take ~are of them; and there were as good fish the deep _and let down their nets "-they are afraid of
left in the sea as those they had taken out. water, and would not get wet for anything,-but they have
And what about Simon Peter? Did he start off to find built a splendid fish-house up on top of a high hill in a
the local editor of the Capernaum Chronicle or the Galilee central location, and have issued proclamations for all the
Gazette and give them each a string of fish, get them to
fish, especially the big fish, and gold fish, and silver fish, to
insert in their columns a little notice which he had pre- come ashore, and crawl up through the sand half a mile to
pared, intimating that "Simon Peter, the eminent fisher- their fish-house and be caught, and promising that they
man, had by a masterly exhibition of piscatorial skill, shall be well taken care of.
succeeded in securing two boat loads of fish at a single Away with all this nonsense; go into partnership with each
haul-a thing never before known on the sea of Galilee ; " other, ye fishers of men. Send your land-lubbers and
and advising all who wanted fish caught, to send for the bullies ashore, and get some of those old fishermen in their
firm of Simon Peter, Zebedee and Sons, to bring their boats dorys whom you have driven off the grounds, to come and
and nets and have the business done at once? " "Simon show you how to catch fish. Do not quarrel over your
Peter, Zebedee and Sons!" Why, they had toiled all night catch. Stop scaring away the fish. There are fish enough
and had not caught a fish, and no wonder, their net was so to fill all your boats if you will only behave yourselves.
foul that when daylight came they -had to take it ashore to You" --ist " boat, make a little less noise and do a little
wash it; and the first haul they caught, the old thing began more pulling, and you will catch more. You" --ian"
to break, and they came near losing all the fish. No, they boat, better not be quite so much afraid of water, you will
had no such nonsense as this in the Golilee Gazette. But have to spoil some fine clothes before you catch many fish.
"when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, You" --ist" boat there, those carpets look very nice on
saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, 0 Lord. the bottom of the boat, but if you do ever get a load of fish,
For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the your Brussels will be in a sorry plight before you get them
draught of the fishes which they had taken. And so was ashore. You" --ist" boat there, your craft is alittle narrow,
also James and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were and you are a pretty strait-laced crew, but never mind,
partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear come into the partnership, you will learn, and there will be
not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men." some fish caught if you toil faithfully. You "--ian"
crew, do you not think it would be as well for you to try
"I will make you fishers of men," is the promise, but
how poorly we succeed in the work. And what is the and lay aside your starch and propriety, and catch a few
fish yourselves, as to hang around the other boats and pick
reason? Dirty nets that need washing; nets with holes in
out the best fish, and especially the gold fish, after they
them that need mending; rotten nets that would rip and
have caught them? You," --ist" crew, your net needs
break if they ever got a haul of fish in them,-which they
mending, and washing too; it is in a horrible condition;
never have had, nor are likely to have-and worse than all,
no partners to help haul in the nets, but rather a set of better pull ashore and get in fishing order, and then you will
be able to catch fish.
fishermen who try to scare the fish away from each other's
nets, and who, if they ever fish in partnership, are liable to Fishing is rough work and hard work, and unpleasant
wind up with a grand quarrel when they come to divide the work. The fish will not come to you, you must go to them;
catch. they will not climb into your boat, they must be hauled in:
Then there are so many different boats on the lake, that and fishing for men is very different business from the
there are not fishermen enough to man them, and so they picknicking and pleasuring which dainty-handed kid-gloved
have got aboard a lot of land-lubbers who do not know how gentry so greatly enjoy.
to fish, but who will fight and quarrel, and scare the fish, Hark! the Great Teacher, He whose head has pressed the
and dispute when they come to divide them; and so each fisherman's hard pillow, and whose wisdom has guided their
boat has to go by itself, and catch what they can, and get weary toils, says, "Launch out into the deep, and let down
ashore with them the best way they know how. Some of your nets for a draught." Listen to His word. Pull away!
the big boats are manned by crews who have splendid nets there,-not too close together,-give plenty of sea-room,
and nice tackle, but they are afraid of getting them wet, and don't get foul of that little boat! Now pull away! there,
as for fish, they do not know a mackerel from a muskalonge, let down your nets, mind! "on the right side of the ship,"
and as for fishing, they mostly raise their own fish in their -there you have them! now beckon to your partners! see
private ponds, and never let them out for fear they will them bend to the oar; now all hands to the work, haul in
never be able to catch them and get them back. the nets and fill the boats, and rejoice that the Lord has
Then there are others who dare not" launch forth into made you" fishers of men."-American Paper.


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"EXUSTUS NON CONVICTUS." that I shrink not from grvmg up this poor body for God's
truth to those who need it."
OUTSIDEthe city gate of Constance, in the grand duchy of
At length, at the instigation of pope John, a council was
Baden, Germany, stands a simple monument with an in-
called at Constance, in November, 1414. The pope himself,
scription, " Joannes Hus, exustus non convictus; "-" John who had fled for protection to Sigismund. the emperor,
Huss, burned but not convicted." On that spot, on the 6th
attended this council with thirty cardinals, one hundred and
of July, 1415, stood a man in the prime of'life, for it was on
fifty bishops, and eighteen hundred priests, along with the
his forty-second birthday, surrounded by fagots, and emperor and numerous princes and knights. Summoned
fastened to a stake by a blackened chain; and there with by the emperor to appear at this council, and granted a
the torches ready to kindle the fire, he uttered in the ears
"safe conduct," securinq his safe return to Bohemia, Huss,
of the gazing multitude which surrounded him this good
disregarding the cautions of his friends, left Prague and
confession: "The chief aim of all my declarations, teach-
went to Constance. Shortly after arriving there he was
ings and writings, has been to bring men to repentance and imprisoned by order of a conclave of cardinals, deprived of
the forgiveness of sins, according to the truth of the Gospel
sufficient food, and his arms chained to the walls, that thus
of Christ, and the teachings of the fathers. I gladly this day
harassed and discouraged, he might recant and deny his
seal that truth which I have written and proclaimed, with
faith. At length he was allowed to speak before the council,
the pledge of my death."
but was received with such outcries of "Recant, recant,"
Born in the village of Husinits, Bohemia, in 1373, that he found it impossible to defend himself; his con-
educated in a monastery, graduated at a high school, and at demnation was determined, and justice had no place in the
the age of sixteen a student in the University of Prague, council. After the council had adjourned Huss was re-
where he was graduated in 1393, elected dean of the peatedly brought forth and urged to yield to its decision,
theological department the following year, and afterwards whatever it might be. His answer was, "I call God to
selected as confessor to the queen of Bohemia, and made witness, most indulgent emperor, that I never conceived the
pastor of Bethlehem chapel, Prague, in 1402,-he there purpose of defending anything with extreme stubbornness,
uttered with trumpet voice his rebukes of the drunkenness, but that I came here of my own accord, with this intent,
ignorance, and errors of an apostate priesthood; and finally, that if anyone would give me better instruction I would un-
catching the flame that glowed in the writings of Wyckliffe, hesitatingly change my views."
the first translator of the English Bible, he speedily drew Instruction. they could not give him, they had only
upon himself the condemnation of the ecclesiastical authority to urge. jiIe must recant or die; and so on his
authorities, against whose sins his faithful testimony was forty-second birthday he went to the stake, singing the
borne. Easter hymn of Venantius Fortunatus, that has come down
Prohibited preaching in Bethlehem chapel, and refusing to us from the sixth century:
to be silent, he was summoned to Rome to defend himself "Welcome, happy morning! age to age shall say:
before the pope, and declining, by the counsel of friends, to Hell to-day is vanquished, heaven is won to-day 1
Lo, the dead is living, God for evermore!
undertake such a journey, he was excommunicated in Him the true Creator, all His works adore.
March, 1411. As he disregarded the excommunication, the
Earth with joy confesses, clothing her for spring,
city of Prague was placed under interdict, and every public . All good gifts returned with her returning King:
religious service within its limits was prohibited. This act Bloom in every meadow, leaves on every bough,
secured the interposition of the king; and. the archbishop of Speak his sorrows ended, hail his triumph now."

Prague, who had instigated all the trouble, was compelled to So died a faithful witness and confessor of the Lord, and
beg and secure of the pope the revocation of the interdict. where his dust mingled with the ashes of the fagot fire,
Again the sentence of excommunication was ordered to be stands the monument erected to his memory, bearing the
executed, and it was commanded thatHuss should be burned record, " JOANNESHus, EXUSTUSNONCONVICTus,"-a simple
and Bethlehem chapel demolished; but the king would not sentence, but one that might be written over the ashes of
execute the unrighteous mandate, and Huss continued to .many a martyr, many a sufferer, many a saint of God.
preach the Word to thronging multitudes. Subsequently "They were stoned, they were sawn asunder;" and
he was compelled to leave Prague, and seek safety in thousands on thousands of God's elect have given their
temporary exile, and thus went everywhere bearing the bodies to be burned ;-bu1'lwd but not convicted. Malice
glad tidings, and writing to his brethren, "Pray.for me that has assailed them, cunning has sought to entrap them,
I may more richly write and preach against Anti-christ, and perjury has heaped shame upon them, and authority has
that God may lead me in the battle, and when I am driven crushed them with its blow, but still above their charred
to the greatest straits in defence of His truth. 11'01' I know and blackened forms is written, burned but not convicted.

Bigotry spews her blackening venom upon the names of that" whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but
such patient sufferers, but God's angel of record writes them should have everlasting life."
in his Book of Life, and a grateful and sympathizing We have studied the Bible through and through, some of
posterity, redeemed from thraldom through their sorrows, us for forty years, and can find no single verse in any of its
goes round the world to find a marble fair enough to bear books, from Genesis to Revelation, in which it utters forth
tbe record of their names, and writes on it, "BURNEDBUT even once that almost universal notion of the Immortaliuj
NOT CONVICTED." of the Soul,-of a "never-dying soul," which "must for
It is easy to convict men. Councils and conclaves, ever live in raptures or in woe." Observe! The Bible
truck ling courts of venal slaves and fawning place-seekers never once addresses men-as our common preachers
can do the work. Bigots who atone for the blackness of generally do - as "immortal creatures." The Bible agrees
their iniquities by the bitterness of their sectarianism, are with true Science and Philosophy. Both alike condemn the
ready to scoff and scorn, to judge unexamined and condemn figment of man's natural and absolute immortality of body
unheard; to cry, "Recant or die," and to light the fagots or soul. On the contrary, the Bible teaches, from beginning
which surround the worn and wearied form of the suffering to end, that although God made man at first" in His own
saint of God; but when their names rot in eternal infamy, image," a rational being, and king of the world, and made
those who are" BURREDBUT NOTCONVICTED" shine with an him with a view to "taking of the Uee of life," that he
increasing lustre; and when persecutors and scorners of " might eat and live for ever "-this result was conditional
every age shall go down to shame and everlasting contempt, on his obedience; and that sin brought in death, death
they who have been "BURNED BUT NOTCONVICTED,"per- absolute, the curse of destruction, of perisliinq, in soul and
secuted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed, body, from under the heavens. Man, then, is now born

" shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and as the under the law and sentence of destruction, but it is the result
stars forever and ever." of sin-or law-breaking. It is the very object of Redemp-
• tion by Christ to save man's life, to prevent us from perish-
• ing,' from dying utterly-to give us everlasting life.
THEOLOGICAL REFORM. Salvation, then, means the saving of man's life.
MR. EDWARDWHITE has published" A Lecture to Artizans," But how does the Bible teach us that the Everlasting God
from which we extract the following ;- bestows this blessing? It is by nothing less than by joining
We, who thus differ from our brethren, come forward- our nature to the Divine Nature, in the Person of Christ,
with no excessive opinion of our own wisdom or abilities, the WORD MADEFLESH. Christ as Son of Man endured the
but at least with an earnestness which makes us forget onr curse of the law, death or destruction, in order to save us
own insignificance,-to declare that, having devoted in by His sacrifice; the rulers" sought to destroy Jesus;"
they put an end to His life as a man. We are taught that
many cases a lifetime to the special duty of this question,
we find in the Bible a God whose dealings with man are in this precious life-blood was a "ransom." God Himself
perfect accord with your and our best notions of both justice provided the sacrifice necessary. But as Son of God He
and mercy. was" raised again." The" destroyed temple" was raised
We therefore cry aloud to all who will listen, that the up on the third day, and henceforth Christ becomes the
great requirement of this age is a REFORMEDDOCTRINEON Divine fountain of endless life to perishing human beings.
All who repent and believe the Gospel shall be forgiven all
THE MORALCHARACTER OF GOD; a return to Bible-teaching trespasses, shall be saved from perishing along with Nature,
on man's nature, and on the Nature of God. And we affirm shall live for ever in that wondrous universe dimly repre-
that a promulgation of this reformed doctrine on the Natures sented to us by the starry firmament, and shall live for ever
and ever with God in the future eternity. All who wilfully
of God and of Man will go far to reconcile the Churches and continue in wickedness, in uncleanness, in drunkenness, in
the Workshops-the thinkers and the workers-as it will lying, in frivolous neglect of truth, in injustice and angry
impart a new life to the preaching of the Gospel as " glad tempers, and refuse to obey God, shall not live for ever, but
shall give an account of themselves in a resurrection of
tidings" both at home and in heathen lands.
damnation, or judgment-when Christ solemnly declares
" This then is the message which we have heard of Him. that they shall suffer the just penalty of being depriued of the
and declare unto you, first, that GOD IS LIGHT, and in Him life which they misused,-they shall be destroyed out of the
universe both body and soul in hell. (Matt. x. 28.) We
is no darkness at all." His justice is an intelligible justice,
maintain that this, in a few words, is the drift of the whole
appealiug to every conscience, and silencing every objection. Bible; that man is not by nature immortal, in either body
And next, that GOD IS LoVE. The Eternal Being loves or soul; that" God desires to give" an endless life to each
mankind, pities us in our sins and miseries, in our perishing of us in Christ; that all who become" new men" in Him
shall be forgiven all sin, shall live for ever in a new and
condition, and desires to endow us with Immortality; and eternal world; but that all the obstinately wicked" He will
to this end has given His Son to die, the just for the unjust, destroy."

NEWS FROM THE UNSEEN. definite information concerning the dead than all the
WE have seen floating about among our Exchanges a scrap writings of the prophets and apostles convey.
of news pertaining to the reception of Pope Pius Ninth in We suggest whether, on such themes as these, it might
the celestial world. Thus it is said: not be well to leave these vague fancyings, and cultivate
" We are gravely assured on the authority of Le Pelerin, a that modesty and reticence which was characteristic of our
Catholic paper, not only of the safe arrival of the late in- Lord. We know that Lazarus died and was buried and
cumbent of the pontifical throne in Paradise, but of several rose, but on his return to life he made no mention of such
particulars in regard to the honours of which he was the scenes as these to which we have referred. We know that
recipient upon his entrance into that blessed state. our Lord Jesus died and was buried, but we also know that
" The paper referred to says: 'Upon entering Paradise when He burst the grave and returned to life, it was not to
he received a crown from the hands of the Immaculate gratify our curiosity with any wondrous tales concerning
Virgin Mary, as a reward for the crown he had conferred death and its mysteries. The safest preaching is preaching
THE WORD, and if He had many things to teach us which He
on her while on earth.
" , St. Joseph, whom he had made the patron and pro- withheld, we, in this respect, may safely follow His example.
tector of the church, did not fail to shake him cordially by
the hand, and thank him.
" 'On seeing him enter, St. Peter instantly gave the FORTHCOMING CONFERENCE.
pitch, and the heavenly choir struck up.
" , Florins, Francis de Sales, and Alphonse de Ligouri,
.. whom he had proclaimed doctors of the church, extolled THE THIRD ANNUAL CONFERENCE
each in turn the exploits and achievements of his pontificate.
of the
." 'Fifty-two Saints and twenty-six Blessed, who owe to
Pins Ninth their existing position, regaled him with
melodious concerts.' "
We have noted the somewhat incredulous tone in which
will be held CD.V.)
papers have commented on this remarkable information,
and we have been led to inquire what there is about all this On TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, & THURSDAY,
so incredible. Have we not repeatedly heard ministers,
eminent, able and orthodox, who have reported things as SEPTEMBER 7th, 8th, & 9th, 1880, in
wonderful as these? Have they not sung of. their friends
who are watching and waiting for them at the beautiful LIVERPOOL.
gate? Have they not preached that those who had de-
parted this life have been welcomed by their friends to
celestial joys? Have they not told how mothers looking Full Particulars will be given in the SEPTEMBER

over the battlements of heaven have watched their children issue of the "Bi ble Standard," which
in their homeward way as they drew near? Has not this
will be published early.
been the warp and woof of a thousand funeral sermons?
And if our Protestant brethren so clearly discern the
mysteries of the unseen, is it surprising that the Romish
hierarchy have similar glimpses of the great beyond? Donations in aid of the above Conference are
To be sure it is possible that there may be no Scripture to specially invited, to enable the Association to
prove that Pope Pius Ninth was thus received by angel
choirs and with apostolic welcomes, but is there not quite as organize the same on a scale commensurate with
much Scripture for this, as for a hundred other statements the importance of its object, in bearing testimony
which men are making from the pulpit from day to day?
to the truth of "Life only in Christ."
In fact, if we come clown to the simple ministry of the Word
oJ God, we will find that the wings of fancy will be All enquiries and donations should be addressed
astonishingly reduced in length and spread. We can get
more information on these subjects from m"anya minister in to the SECRETARY,

one sermon, than can be derived from all our Saviour's

teachings as recorded in the New Testament; and many a
hymn composed by some sentimental girl, contains more 4, Oriel-place, Cheltenham.

OANON RYLE ON SCEPTICISM. and Catholic exposition of this, no man of our acquaintance is better
qualified. The work is small, but pregnant, It is divided into ten brief
chapters. But each of these contains Multuni in Parco,
Extract from the Liverpool Daily Courier, May 27th, 1880.
Whilst going somewhat beyond the author in our view of death,
SIR,-Being much interested in our "Bishop designate," whom I have believing it to be an utterly unconscious state, still, we are cordially in
seen and heard, and some of whose writings I have read with much agreement with the' bulk of the conclusions of this work, and shall be
pleasure, I naturally perused with care his Oxford sermon on Scepticism, glad if by our good word, thus given, we can aid in circulating this new
published in your issue of to-day. Though not a sceptic in the common and valuable contribution to the tract literature of the life.
acceptation of the term, I yet must confess myself rather sceptical on
some statements in the Rev. Canon's discourse, and with your permission
I would most respectfully allude to them as being open to amendment. NEWS OF THE WORK.
The Rev. Canon is reported to have said, "Alas, what a waking up
remained for many the moment the last breath was drawn! There was
After a pastorate of six years, this church is severing its connection
no unbelief in the grave. Voltaire nolO knew whether there was a sin-
with its minister, Mr. Tbos. Vasey, who purposes devoting the evening
hating God, and David Hume nolO knew whether there was an endless
of his life to the work of an Evangelist; to declare the gracious truths
hell. The infant of a day by merely dying acquired a knowledge which
of 'Life only in Christ,' and His Advent and Kingdom. Upon the
the subtlest philosophers while on earth professed their inability to attain.
wisdom of a chauge the church is much divided, some preferring to
The dead Hottentot knew more thau the living Socrates." Now, Mr.
retain a witness to tbese truths, and others desiring the flesh-pots of
Editor, I do not believe all this any more than that J onah swallowed the
Egypt-in tbe shape of the traditional tbeology. As a house divided
whale, and to screen myself from the charge of scepticism I take refuge
against itself cannot stand, we can but think Mr. Vasey has acted
in the Sixth Article before referred to. It would be interesting to know
well and wisely in tendering his resignation. Should any church or
whence the preacher drew these conclusions that he so boldly put forth
mission desire his services for the Sunday supply of their Pulpit, we
on such an important occasion. It would appear to me that such
shall be happy to forward their communications.
statements have a tendency to make sceptics rather than unrnake them.
If from the Holy Scriptures it would be well to have the proofs, and if LIVERPOOL.
not from that source, whether from classic, poetic, or what other theology. The Auxiliary Association here-claiming, with justice, to be older
The Scripture testimony respecting the dead is-" The dead know not than even the General Association-bas made a three-montbs engage-
anything." " His breath goeth forth-he returneth to his earth; in that ment with Mr. Thos. Vasey, of Bridgnorth, as Evangelist and Lecturer. It
very day his thoughts perish." "The dead in Christ shall rise first." is intended to rent a hall in the centre of Liverpool, and hold stated
" But the rest of the dead lived not again until the one thousand years Sunday Evangelistic Services; whilst prosecuting-duricg the week-
were finished." Therefore man's hope is in the resurrection, based upon a vigorous canvass of the city and district, for Association Subscribers
the work of the Redeemer and the Divine promise. Then will man live and Donors, delivering Lectures, and giving publicity to the Literature
and know, but until then, according to Scripture, the dead are dead, and of the Life. The General Society has also received a unanimous
the dead know not anything. Other teaching seems contrary to Scripture invitation to hold its next Annual Conference in Liverpool, to commence
and common-sense, and puts a stumbling block in the way of intelligent on Tuesday, September 7tb, and close on Thursday, September 9th.
men receiving the truth where faith is required.
Yours, &c., The Mint Lane Baptist Church made, on Sunday, June 13tb, its
ANGLICANUS. first collection in aid of the funds of the General Association, the
sermon being delivered by the Pastor, Mr. G. P. Maekay, from" But
REVIEWS. speak thou the things which become sound doctrine."-T·itus ii. 1. We
would ask all churches, in sympathy with tbe purposes of our Society,
POPERY AND PUSEYISM,or, Ritualism unmasked, by R. 1\'1. Gurnell,
to help it by an annual collection.
Publisher, F. Southwell, 19, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. Price Is.

The purpose of the author is to prove that Ritualism and Romanism On June 2nd, a meeting of friends and believers in "Conditional
are one, or, to use his own strong language" twin-demons with one soul." Immortality," was held at Torquay, when it was decided to form an
That Romanism and Paganism are one, or, what we might substantially auxiliary for that neighbourhood, to be called the " Devon Auxiliary
define as, Civilised Paganism. And, hence, that Ritualism is Paganism Board," and to be affiliated wiih the General Society. The following
in 19th Century dress. With these, his positions, we cordially agree, appointments were made :-Mr. H. Matthews, President; Mr. H.
though we think that, at times, the language used is somewhat too Cliff, Vice-President; Mr. E. H. Taylor, Secretary; Mr. H. Leonard,
strong-as against Ritualism-for that "Christian spirit" and "love" Treasurer; Messrs. Hawke and Soper, Auditors; Mr. J. Hawke,
with which the author rightly inculcates this system should be fought. Assistant Secretary; and Mr. H. Matthews to also act as Literature-
The work is, however, chiefly a stirring expose of Romanism, and, as Agent. It was decided to hold a fortnightly meeting, for members, for
such, we most heartily commend its readable and trenchant pages to the the purpose of Bible Reading, Preaching, and Lecturing; and that, if
consideration of our readers. possible, a hall should be secured in Torquay for a stated Sunday
WHATIS TRUTH? An Expository Essay, by W. Morris, M.D. Publisher, Afternoon Public Service. The Auxiliary embraces tbe following
Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. Price Is. 6d. clotb, towns :-Torquay, Marychurch, Paignton, Dartmouth, Newton, and
post-free. Teignmouth. As the officers are men of considerable pulpit talent, and
Anything from the pen of Dr. Morris, of Plymouth, is, of necessity, accustomed to warm and earnest effort in religious enterprise, we are
worth reading. Specially anything touching the religious question of hopeful of much good being locally accomplished, by this the youngest
he p,~e-the Oris in and Constitution of Man, And, for the intelligent of our Auxiliar1 Societies.

BIRLE STANDARD.-All contributions should be addressed to the Editor,
Publishing and Evangelistic). 34, Sandringham Road, Dalston, London, E. Advertisements and
Orders to the Publishing Office.
PUBLISllING.-The Society undertakes the publication of tracts
PUBLISHINGANDCORRESPONDING OFFICE: pamphlets, periodicals, and books, bearing on the Life, Advent, and
Kingdom. Address the Secretary.
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postage, if declined. 4. Do not be annoyed if it does not see print, nor,
London Agent-F. SOUTHWELL,19, Paternoster Row, E.C. censure those concerned.
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President-HENRY J. WARD, Esq., Liverpool. excess of the British Inland charge, such excess must accompany the
Yice-P resident- W ILLIAM LEASK, D.D., London. order. Also sent in exchange for suitable periodicals,

Treasurer=B: J. HAMMOND,London.
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Auditor=: WILLIAM MORTIlHER,Lincoln. to whom all ord rs should be sent and payments made. N.B.-In
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. {THOMAS VASEY, Liverpool.
Lecturing Agents HENRY B. MURRAY,Cheltenham. THE BIBLE STANDARD: Edited by the Rev. W. LEASK,
D.D., London. The Organ of the "Conditional Immortality
SPECIAL LITERARY CONTRIBUTORS: Association." Price Id. monthly.
Rev. HENRY CONSTABLE,M.A., late Prebendary of Cork. POST-FREE: 1 Copy, 12 months Is. 6d.
Genl. HENRY GOODWYN. 2 Copies, " 2s. 6d.
Rev. GEORGE A. BROWN,New Zealand. 4 Copies, " 4s. Od,
Mr. NATHANIELSTARKEY. And 2s. for each additional two copies.
Mr. W. LAING, Edinburgh. 1'01. n. now ready; Paper Is. 3d.; Cloth Is 6d. post-free.

THE MIDNIGHT CRY-A 16 pp. Second Advent Tract

TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP: well calculated to arrest attention and lead to thoughtfulness. On~
penny each; 6 copies post-free.
Sympathy with the purposes of the Association, the acceptance
of the Sacred Scriptures as the Inspired Word of God and rule THE SOUL-Two' exc~llent Conversational Tract Books,
of life, with a minimum subscription of 3s. 6d. per annum. (Nos. 1 & 2) 16 pages, tinted wrappers, One half-penny each; 6
Each member being entitled to receive, post-free, a monthly copy copies post-free.
of the official organ, the" Bible Standard," and an Annual Report,
and to speak and vote at the Annual Conferences. ANNUAL CONFERENCE REPORT, 1879.-The Special
Number of the Christian. W01'/d, containing a Verbatim Report of
the Three Days' proceedings; of all Newsagents, at One Penny.
Sent carriage free at Is. per dozen; carriage unpaid 3s. per 100.
OUR FINANCIALYEAR closes on July 31st next. We earnestly urge
all Association Members, whose subscriptions for current year have not LIFE ONLY IN CHRIST. Envelope Series, No. 1, "The
yet been paid, to remit to the Secretary at Cheltenham without delay. Intelligent Ploughman, a Modern Parable," 4 pp. 10d. per 100, post
free. ,
As our needs are great, if the work is to be pfficiently maintained, we
plead for enlarged contributions, wherever practicable. Donations, in "MAN NEXT TO GOD." 240 pp. Cloth, Is., post free.
response to the circular forwarded three months since to members, will
greatly oblige. REV. HENRY CONSTABLE, M.A., Album Cartes, ea.
post free.
SPECUIEN TRACT PARCEL-containing seventeen different tracts, post-
free for two stamps. THE EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT. By B. WILSON, of New,
York. Containing the Original Greek Text of the New Testament
FOR GRA'ruITous Drsrnmurrox.c-Bpecimen copies of the Bible (according to the ~ecension .of Dr. J. J. Griesbach.) with an inter~:
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Canada, and the United States. Back numbers, Is. per 100,_carriage Version, based on the renderings of eminent critics, and on the,
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CHEAP TRACTS,NEW SERIES,-Nos. 1 and 2 now ready, 4 pages, Is, per
100, post-free; Net, 7s. per 1,000. By H. CON S TAB L E, M.A.,
THE FORTHCOMINGCONFERENCEwill be held in Liverpool on Tuesday, (Late Prebendary of Cork, Irelands,
Wednesday, and 'I'hursday, September 7th, 8th, and 9th, 1880. Full DURATION AND NATURE OF FUTURE PUNISH-
particulars will be given in our September issue. MENT. 5th Edition, 340 pp. Price 3s. 6d.
PULPl'!' SUPPLY.-The Secretary being wishful (as time and strength HADES: or, The Intermediate State of Man. Crown
permits) to do the work of an Evangelist, will occasionally supply 8vo. Price 3s. 6d.
pulpit service to Missions or Churches desiring the same, on the Lord's RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS-Price 8d.
Day. Terms: Railway-fare and entertainment, Address-e-d, Oriel
Place, Cheltenham. By MILES GRANT.
SUBSCRIPTIONSANDDONATIONS,from \lTay 13th to June 15th, 1880.- RATURE OF MAN: Is he Mortal or Immortal? Note'S
A Friend, 103,; J. S, F., 5s.; H. H., 178. (:d.; E. B. B., Is. 9d, and Queries. Thoughts on the Soul, &c, Price Is.
E. ~r H" Is. 9d.; F. C., 5s Od.; A. Mc. L., 3s. 6,1.; H. G., £2 2;,
J, K, 5s.; J. B., 5s.; Liverpool Auxiliary, £5 8s. 6d.; E. A. G" 14s.
SPIRITUALISM UNVEILED, and shown to be the Work
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TOTAL-£16 t« ea. WHAT IS MAN? and the -Meaninz of Soul, Spirit,
CYRUS E. BROOKS, SECRE'l'ARY. Death, and Hell. Price 3d. 0
SPIRIT IN MAN: What is it? Price 4d. s. d.
Oxford Theology--by J. Harrison .. .• .. 2 0
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H. Lu=is, Methodist Episcopal Church, U.S. An Address at the CHELTENHAM
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Great Prophetic Conference, New York. Price 3d.; post-free 3~d. HENRY B. MURRAY,Minister. Sunday Services, 11 and 6~.
THE SEVENTH DAY: Is it the Duty of Christians to THE TREASURERof the Association wishes to spend a few weeks, in the
Observe it? By W. Kellaway. Price Id. middle of the summer, at a seaside Wateringplace, where he could
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Hudson's Greek Concordance 10 6 Place, Cheltenham. '
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