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Version 7 - 28 August 2020


Government Direction

Government guidance 1 for the reopening of schools identifies systems of control that are to be followed:

1. Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell – those with symptoms or those in a household
with symptoms must not attend school
2. Clean hands thoroughly more often than usual
3. Ensure good respiratory hygiene: ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’
4. Introduce enhanced cleaning, including frequently touched surfaces
5. Minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible
6. Where necessary, wear appropriate PPE

Response to any infection

7. Engage with NHS Test and Trace process
8. Manage confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst the school community
9. Contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice

Items 1-4 must be in place at all times.

Item 5 must be properly considered with measures to suit specific circumstances.

Item 6 applies in specific circumstances.

Items 7-9 must be followed in every case where they are relevant.

Risk Assessment
This COVID-19 Risk Assessment identifies the current risks at Dulwich College associated with a return to
school and describes methods of controlling those risks. This Risk Assessment is a dynamic process, updated
when official advice is published and circumstances or any of the assessed risk factors have changed.
Site, school and department-specific assessments and instructions will be completed with reference to this
Risk Assessment and communicated to all relevant staff.
Consultation & Communication
Representatives of the teaching and operational staff have been consulted in the process of compiling this
Risk Assessment, which has been communicated to all staff.
The core principles and essential relevant details will be communicated to parents and pupils.


Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Risk Assessment – General Risks

Whilst there is no vaccine nor general immunity to COVID-19, everyone is at risk from catching the disease,
with varying degrees of severity for patients, influenced by various factors, including age, health, medical
conditions, obesity, ethnicity; patient outcomes can be from mild to fatal. The highest level of risk has to be
assumed as possible for any individual contracting the disease.

Government guidance suggests that the risks of children contracting the disease (and, possibly, of
transmitting the virus) may be lower than of adults, depending on age, but there is currently insufficient
confirmed data to support this opinion.

The overriding general risk to the College, its staff and pupils, is of contagion by transmission to/from others
in different forms, via either one of or a combination of:
- physical contact with carriers/infected persons, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic
- transmission from surfaces touched/infected by carriers of the disease
- inhalation of the virus in an airborne state

This Risk Assessment takes into account these levels of risk and government advice, and seeks to achieve the
most effective and practicable mitigating measures to balance the risks of contagion with the ability to
enforce and implement practical measures to offset that risk. A balance has to be struck to avoid excessively
restrictive measures that are ultimately impractical to implement and sustain.

This assessment sets the general principles for the operation of the College with full attendance during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Individual departments will make their own localised risk assessments and operational
procedures based on the provision of this Assessment. DUCKS, Junior School and Boarders will apply the
relevant control measures and will develop their own localised arrangements consistent with the whole
College Assessment.

Countermeasures - General Principles

- it is assumed that anyone may be carrying or capable of transmitting the virus
- a cordon sanitaire will be created around College premises by effective sanitation regimes for all
individuals and materials when they access the campus
- contact between individuals and groups of pupils is to be minimised
- very high standards of hygiene are required by regular handwashing
- very high standards of respiratory hygiene (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’) are required
- measures will be in place to identify and immediately isolate any symptomatic individual, and to
address any outbreak within the College community

Assessment of Mitigated Risk

Information about COVID-19 and its means of transmission, severity and likely impact on communities,
especially those of young people in schools, is not yet extensive. However, by deploying the full range of
measures in this Risk Assessment, together with active intervention and engagement by all staff to
communicate, educate and enforce these measures, we can be confident of limiting and minimising the
risks as far as possible.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Rather than seek to measure each item of inherent and mitigated risk line by line, a summary of the core
risks to the College associated with a full return to school is offered below.
The impact is assessed from a whole College perspective rather than for the individual, for whom the impact
might be more significant.
Mitigated risks are those which exist after the control measures detailed in this document have been carried

Inherent Risk Mitigated Risk

Hazard Impact Likelihood Risk Impact Likelihood Risk
Rating Rating
Individual cases of COVID-19 5 4 20 - Critical 5 3 15 - High
Individual bubbles being 5 4 20 - High 5 2 10 - Medium
required to isolate
Asymptomatic transfer of 5 5 25 – Highly 5 3 15 - High
infection critical
Transmission by poor 5 5 25 - Highly 5 3 15 - High
respiratory hygiene (coughs critical
and sneezes)
Outbreak requiring a school 5 4 20 – Critical 5 2 10 - Medium

Impact: 1-Insignificant; 2- Minor; 3-Moderate; 4-Major; 5-Extreme
Likelihood: 1-Remote; 2 – Unlikely; 3- Possible; 4-Probable; 5-Highly Probable

Specific risks and control measures are detailed below.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Hazard Who is at Control measures

Contagion Staff and GENERAL HYGIENE
from contact pupils
A full handwashing routine is to be carried out by every individual when
with others onsite and,
coming on campus and before entering any building. This will require
individuals to go to handwashing and sanitiser stations first before
attempting to enter a building.
Everyone entering any building from within the campus during the day is
to use hand sanitiser or carry out handwashing.
External handwashing stations for multiple use are to be established across
the campus at key points.
Hand-sanitising stations are to be in place at the entry to all buildings, with
effective routines for replenishing sanitiser.
Hand sanitiser is to be available in all classrooms and meeting rooms
These routines are to be applied to all onsite: staff, pupils, parents, visitors,
contractors etc.
Anyone leaving the campus to go into public areas must repeat these
sanitation procedures on return to campus.
All individuals are to be educated in and must strictly follow respiratory
hygiene rules (‘catch it’ ‘bin it’ ‘kill it’) including the risks and how to
manage coughs and sneezes, and disposing of tissues etc. Suitable bins are
to be provided around the campus and in every room.
Government advice has been has been that PPE (including face coverings)
is not required except in specific circumstances. The advice on face
coverings has not changed other than for areas in lockdown but is now left
to headteachers’ discretion. The pros and cons will be kept under review;
pupils and staff will be encouraged to carry masks but a decision on
whether they should be mandatory in communal areas of the school for
those over 11 years old will be taken as advice and information becomes
clearer. Discrete groups will be required to wear PPE as directed. These
- Catering staff serving food
- Cleaning staff where applicable
- Maintenance and Facilities staff where they may be required to be
in close proximity to others in carrying out their tasks (e.g. repair
work etc)
- Visitors, including parents, inside buildings
- Contractors as required
Individuals may elect to wear their own PPE.
If PPE is to be worn, training in its proper use and how to wear it will be

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Hygiene materials will be provided in every room, including sanitiser, anti-

bacterial wipes, waste bins etc. Hand sanitiser must have suitable non-
alcoholic ingredients where there is the possibility of naked flame during
lessons e.g. Science laboratories, DT, kitchens, smoking areas,
Government advice states that he risk of transmission from touching
shared surfaces and materials lasts for 48 hours, and 72 hours for hard
plastics. Cleaning regimes and use of spaces will take account of this

Contagion Staff and Distancing

from contact pupils
The government has directed that no child should be denied access to
with others onsite and,
school because of space limitations in school buildings, and that all children
onsite those
are expected to return; schools are not expected to increase available
space to achieve distancing.
Managing the risks of contagion must therefore be a compromise between
maintaining distance and accommodating all pupils and their teachers
within available spaces.
Pupils will be taught either in classes or in year group bubbles, seeking to
achieve the smallest practical unit within available space in accordance
with government guidance. Pupils cannot be expected to maintain social
distancing, but bubbles are to be kept separate at all times from other
bubbles. In the event of a pupil within a bubble becoming symptomatic,
local authority medical advice will be followed to isolate those who have
been in contact with that individual, using Test and Trace procedures that
will be put in place (see below).
Adults are ideally expected to maintain 2m social distancing; where this is
not possible, adults should avoid close face to face contact and minimise
time spent within 1m of anyone.
Contagion Pupils
Timetable and Zoning
Because of the complexities and variations of transport and travel it is not
possible to achieve staggered start and finish times to the school day. To
support effective teaching and learning, pupils will follow the standard
timetable, with minor variations to take account of specific local or
departmental circumstances.
Year group or class bubbles will be established within which pupils carry
out their daily activities, receive teaching, take breaks and eat lunches.
Bubbles will be isolated from each other throughout the school day from
arrival to departure. The programming of activities will be designed to
maintain these bubbles. Any breaking of bubbles is to be avoided. In the
event of unavoidable and rare exceptions that may lead to the breaking of

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

bubbles and the creation of new bubbles, strict sanitation regimes are to
be carried out before new bubbles are formed.
Year Group Zones will be established within designated buildings, within
which classroom teaching is carried out. Arrangements to maintain zoning
within bubbles will be established for subjects requiring special facilities
that need to be shared e.g. Science, Art, DT.
Any crossover or sharing of facilities by different year groups will be
managed by effective cleaning regimes (see ‘Cleaning’ below).
Classroom and teaching facilities are to be arranged to ensure that all
pupils face forward.
Systems for managing and using shared resources in classrooms are to be
in place.
Contagion; Pupils Co-Curricular, Assemblies, Games
Assemblies are important to pupil wellbeing and will be conducted within
year groups in designated locations; venues will be cleaned between use
by different year groups.
Co-curricular engagement is an integral part of education at Dulwich
College and co-curricular activities will be maintained as far as possible,
consistent with rules on distancing and separation. In most cases co-
curricular activities will be conducted online.
Games will take place within a separate programme, following guidance
issued by professional sporting bodies, and with individual risk
assessments in place within the overarching principles in this risk
assessment. Games will be carried out within year groups. Sporting fixtures
with other schools will not take place until further notice on government
Contagion; Pupils Breaks, Eating and Drinking – Pupils
poor nutrition Breaks and lunches will be arranged to ensure separation amongst year
groups. Supervision and control of pupils at these free times will pose
particular challenges, and the inclination of pupils to drift into or meet with
others in other bubbles will need to be controlled.
Designated outside break areas will be created for recreation for each year
group; pupils are to be expected to remain in these areas at break times.
Lunches will be taken within year groups. An additional temporary dining
hall has been built to provide sufficient capacity to enable separated dining
during the timetabled lunch break. Each year group will have a designated
dining area within these two dining halls: the Christison Hall and the
Temporary Dining Hall. All seating will face in the same direction.
Drinking water will be available onsite in the usual locations. All drinking
fountains have been converted to spout fill and must not be used to drink

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

from directly. All pupils are to carry their own water bottles which can be
filled at fountains and drinking stations.
Ned’s Place will be trialled on a click and collect basis for Year 13 pupils and
may be extended to Year 12 if this is possible within limitations.
Ned’s Cabin (Tuck Shop) has to be closed. Parents should be encouraged
to ensure that pupils have a proper breakfast at home.
Boarders will eat under their own specified arrangements.
DUCKS will have their own eating arrangements on their site.
Patball games are permitted but are to be contained within bubbles only
because of the risk of cross-contagion.
Pupil Administration – Uniform & Security
Contagion via Pupils
The risk of contagion through uniform is considered low and uniform has
clothing; theft
important unifying and bonding benefits: government advice is that
uniform should be worn. School uniform will be worn and should be
regularly washed. Some relaxation of uniform rules may be deemed
appropriate to take account of particular risk items e.g. ties and items
which require specialist cleaning.
Security of pupils’ personal belongings, especially IT devices will be taken
into account and lockers made available as far as possible. Parents are to
be encouraged to label pupils devices indelibly.
Vulnerable or Isolating Pupils
Vulnerable Pupils
For pupil wellbeing, it is important that all pupils are able to access the
curriculum as far as possible. Onsite lessons will be capable of being live
streamed for self-isolating or shielding pupils.
Contagion Staff and The boarding community has particular risks associated with living onsite
onsite pupils and within proximity to each other.
A separate assessment of risks and detailed arrangements for boarders will
be issued to ensure their safety and wellbeing.
Particular attention will be paid to the crossover of boarders into year
group bubbles, socialising, washing and dining arrangements.
Procedures will be in place for managing any boarder who becomes
symptomatic and for those who test positive for COVID-19.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020


Working Practices
Teachers in classrooms are ideally to maintain 2m distance from pupils and
room layouts are to be arranged accordingly.
Face to face contact is to be avoided. Classrooms and other working areas
and lunch seating are to be laid out to ensure that all pupils are facing
Good ventilation is important to help minimise the spread of the virus.
Classrooms are to be well ventilated and windows kept open, as far as
To improve ventilation and minimise touching of surfaces, doors in
corridors and classrooms will be kept open as far as fire procedures permit.
Doors with hold-opens will be kept open at all times. Doors into classrooms
may be wedged open by the individual teaching staff at the start of their
lesson but MUST be closed at the end of their lesson; this is to comply with
fire management procedures.
No fire door may be left wedged open without direct supervision by
responsible staff.
Workstations - Staff
Contagion Staff
Individual workstations are to be a minimum of two metres apart. Teaching
departments will be given priority for office space, and hot desk
workstations will be established to enable all departmental teaching staff
to use a suitably distanced workstation. When not required on campus,
teachers are to be encouraged to work from home.
Operational and administrative staff workspaces are to be arranged to
maintain social distancing and avoid face to face layouts. It is not possible
to provide alternative office space for operational departments and where
distancing cannot be achieved, departmental rotas for staff to alternate
between working from home and onsite will be arranged by Heads of
Department to enable distancing within offices.
It is the responsibility of staff to wipe down and clean workstations before
and after use, especially hot desks.
Hygiene equipment/anti-bacterial wipes etc will be provided in all rooms
for this purpose.
Contagion Staff Printing and Photocopying
Printing/copying should be minimised as far as possible and staff should be
aware of the risks of contagion from shared surfaces .
Where necessary, printing should be planned so that it can be completed
in one trip to the copying area.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Staff should collect items sent for printing as soon as possible, to avoid
others picking up their printed paperwork.
Only one person at a time is to be permitted at each printer/copier and
social distancing is to be achieved at all times in the printing/photocopying
Hand sanitiser is to be available and used before and after using the
Antibacterial wipes are to be available in printing and copying areas and
are to be used to wipe down surfaces and touch points after each use.
Inadequate Staff Socialising - Staff
Social contact is important for staff wellbeing and arrangements are to be
made to enable safe contact where possible, accepting the limitations of
individual buildings, and spaces. Whilst weather permits, socialising
outside is to be encouraged, with distancing. (See also ‘Refreshment
Facilities’ below).
Inadequate Staff Eating, Drinking, Rest Areas and Refreshments – Staff
Teaching staff supervising pupils within bubbles will take their lunch with
pupils at designated locations within the dining halls to ensure separation.
All other staff will take their lunches in the Christison Hall at times to be
advertised, either before or after pupils have eaten.
To minimise the risk of contagion, no meals other than lunches will be
provided to staff, except those directly supervising boarders. Boarders will
take breakfast within their houses. Breakfast is not available in the dining
halls to staff.
Arrangements for teas and coffees should be made within departments
which conform to distancing and hygiene rules. Tea and coffee will be
provided by counter service in the Common Room. All staff are expected
to bring and be responsible for their own water bottles and cups. Shared
cups and utensils are not permitted.
The number of people using kitchenette amenities (e.g. making tea/coffee,
using microwaves) is to be limited to one person at a time. Signage should
clearly denote this on entry. As far as possible staff bubbles are to have
their own snack and kitchenette amenities.
All persons are to wash hands or, failing handwashing facilities being
available, to use hand sanitiser before using rest and breakout areas.
Suitable signage is to be in place to remind staff of distancing rules.
Seating is to be arranged to support social distancing measures.
Antibacterial wipes to be available in rest and breakout areas.
After using the rest and breakout areas persons are to wipe down surfaces
and touch points with antibacterial wipes.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

The Catering Department will have its own risk assessment in place to
cover the preparation and service of food, hygienic provision of utensils,
cleaning etc.
Contagion Staff Meetings and Gatherings
Staff attending pupil meetings (e.g. assemblies) must maintain 2m
All other meetings should be carried out as far as possible online, to reduce
the risk of cross-contagion, and the demand on cleaning resources. Face to
face meetings should be avoided.
Where meetings in person are deemed necessary, rooms must be
requested and booked centrally. Rooms will be allocated where they are
available on the basis of capacity that enables 2m distance to be
If for any reason face to face meetings are required they must be carried
out in areas where social distancing measures can be achieved; ideally
Attendance at meetings should be limited only to those participants whose
presence is absolutely necessary.
The capacity of all available rooms will be published centrally on My
Dulwich, showing the capacity for adults with pupils, and adults only.
Rooms should be well ventilated. Windows should be opened where
Avoid sharing pens and other objects during meetings.
Keep the duration of meetings to a minimum.
Avoid using seating for short duration meetings.
After using the meeting spaces persons are to wipe down surfaces and
touch points with antibacterial wipes.
Contagion via Staff Dress – Staff
To reduce the risk of contagion from clothing, some relaxation of dress
rules whilst maintaining appropriate standards may be permitted and will
be communicated.
Staff are responsible to ensuring that their clothing is clean and free from
contamination as far as possible.
Ill Health of Clinically Clinically Vulnerable Staff
staff vulnerable
A risk assessment and individual consultation should be carried out for
any member of staff previously deemed to be clinically vulnerable before
returning to work. The Medical Centre and HR will provide advice and
guidance. Members of staff in these categories will be assessed for their
suitability for a return to work by the School Doctor.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

A report by Public Health England 2 states that there is evidence that

adults from Black, Asian and some minority ethnic groups have
experienced higher fatality rates from COVID-19 than other groups. The
headlines about this risk will be a cause for concern to staff in these
groups. Managers should be aware of these concerns and take them into
account when asking staff to come back to work; they should engage in
discussions with staff in these categories to ensure that any concerns
they may have are addressed and taken into account.
Transport and Travel
Contagion Staff and
pupils Wherever possible staff and pupils are to be encouraged to travel to work
alone using their own transport, avoiding public transport as far as
possible. Walking and cycling are to be encouraged.
Staff and pupils are to adhere to social distancing rules when travelling to
and from work.
Staff and pupils are to be encouraged to take their own hand sanitiser
when travelling to and from work.
Staff and pupils are to be encouraged to wash their hands before leaving
the house, on arriving at work and regularly throughout the day.
Staff and pupils should be reminded of the imperative of avoiding public
transport as far as possible, of maintaining good hygiene (washing hands
etc), and of complying with government guidance.
Staff, parents and pupils are to be encouraged to use healthy means of
travel to school as far as possible, noting that emergency traffic control
measures in Dulwich Village and surrounding areas will result in significant
traffic congestion.
The Foundation Schools Coach Service (FSCS) will continue to operate
under agreements with the Foundation Schools. Some routes involve
mixing of pupils from different schools and it is not possible to operate
coaches by year groups alone. As far as possible pupils should be instructed
to sit on coaches within their school and year group. Pupils using the coach
service are to wear face masks and use hand sanitiser when getting on and
off the coaches. Parents will be asked to ensure that their children are
equipped with re-useable face masks and sanitiser. Coach operators are to
provide hand sanitisers on board and have a supply of spare masks on each


Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Pupil overnight trips are not permitted; day trips will be minimised, and
the risks of contagion in public places trips are to be expressly addressed
and managed.
Procedures for the booking and use of College minibuses for trips, games
etc, are to be in place to avoid cross-contagion. Numbers of minibus
passengers are to be controlled and vehicles cleaned between trips; it is
unlikely that a minibus can be used for more than one trip per day; forward
planning will be essential to take account of limtiaiotsn on availability. No
minibus may be used for a new trip until it has been cleaned internally.
Contagion on Staff and Arrival, Departure and Access Arrangements
and offsite Pupils
Arrival onsite is a critical control point at which to limit and prevent
transmission of the virus.
Before any staff or pupils enter any building, strict hygiene procedures are
to be followed by proper handwashing and sanitising. By this means any
residual contagion can be eliminated before coming into contact with
internal areas.
Thereafter hygiene measures through the day, at breaks, before and after
eating and on movement around site, will complement a clean and healthy
Congestion on arrival by pupils is to be expected and will need to be
managed. Pupils will need to be clearly edcuated in proper procedures
until routines and disciplines are in place.
Consideration should be given to staggering the arrival times of non-
teaching staff to avoid peak times.
Buildings are to be opened at 8.00am to enable pupils to congregate in
their appointed zones and avoid loitering and contact with others outside.
Pupils arriving at the College by coach are to be instructed to remove their
face coverings properly and store them appropriately before coming onto
the campus, and to follow hygiene arrangements before entering the
school buildings.
Pupils coming by car are to be dropped off in the North Gravel. Parents are
not to leave their cars or park and are to leave the site immediately after
dropping their children off.
There is a high risk of congestion and bunching at choke points on entry to
the campus, which must be managed.
With the exception of the Junior School and Catering gates (see below) all
gates are to be opened to the campus, to encourage ease of flow.
The Main Gate may be used for pedestrian access also, to avoid congestion
at the pedestrian gate. Pupils and staff are to be instructed and signs

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

erected to avoid bunching at gates. Vehicle management and traffic

control will be required at this gate to ensure the safety of pedestrians.
Visitors and contractors are to be instructed to avoid start and finish times
of the day to come to site.
Once onsite, all staff are to carry out the mandatory hygiene measures (see
There are sufficient cycle parking points around the campus and cyclists
are to be aware of the risk of contagion with others. Changing rooms will
be allocated to staff for showering and changing after cycling to work. The
maximum capacity of each changing room is to be clearly signed and must
be adhered.
At the end of the school day, pupils should be directed to leave the site
immediately and not loiter. Waiting areas for coach passengers and those
awaiting parental pick up will be established.
Access to the main campus from Hunt’s Slip Road will be confined to Junior
School staff and pupils only. The Junior School curtilage will be isolated
from the rest of the campus and the walkway to Junior School past Lower
School from the LG playground will be closed.
The Catering Gate is only to be used by catering staff and deliveries, and
by residents of the Old San. Access to the campus from the South will only
be possible via Lower School and Alleyn Park gates.
Junior School pupils should only use the JS Hunt’s Slip Road gate.
Contagion Staff and Buildings: Management, Circulation, Facilities
onsite Pupils
Everyone must take responsibility for their actions and behaviours to
maintain distancing and minimise person to person contact.
Due to the large numbers of pupils within buildings and the geography of
individual buildings, it is only possible to create one-way circulation routes
in limited circumstances; where this is possible these routes will be signed.
Otherwise a general principle of ‘Keep Left’ will be adopted and signed.
Choke points in stairwells and doorways should be monitored and pupils
encouraged to keep moving and/or create space.
Year groups will be separate within their zones within buildings, but
consideration must be given to the risk of crossover at lesson change times
and breaks, especially in buildings which will have shared use, e.g., The
Laboratory Art, DT etc.
Staff must maintain 2m distance from pupils and will need to consider
managing their own movements at lesson change and break times to avoid
coming into proximity with pupils on congested circulation routes.
Room capacities will be identified for every room, and published in a
central document on My Dulwich.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

To improve ventilation and minimise touching of surfaces, doors in

corridors and classrooms will be kept open as far as fire procedures permit.
Doors with hold-opens will be kept open at all times. Doors into classrooms
may be wedged open by the individual teacher at the start of their lesson
but MUST be closed at the end of their lesson; this is to comply with fire
management procedures.
No fire door may be left wedged open without direct supervision by
responsible staff.
Good ventilation is important to help minimise the spread of the virus.
Classrooms are to be well ventilated and as far as possible windows kept
open. Mechanical ventilation systems will be at maximum and the facility
for recycled air will be turned off.
A rigorous cleaning regime will be in place for all buildings and rooms (see
Cleaning below).
Equipment in IT suites is to be wiped down after use by each individual;
staff should ensure that pupils comply. A sufficient supply of anti-bacterial
wipes is to be maintained in rooms.
Increased use of pupil devices is expected; priority will be given to bursary
holders for the issue of College devices. The need for additional charging
facilities will be monitored and trip hazards from trailing cables to be taken
into account. It is unlikely that additional charging facilities will be possible
in all rooms and alternatives options will be taken into account. Pupils
should therefore be instructed to ensure their device is fully charged
before coming to school each day.
Contagion Staff and Toilet Facilities
onsite Pupils
Government guidance accepts that toilets cannot be assigned exclusively
to bubbles, although this will be accomplished wherever possible. Some
shared use of toilet spaces by pupils is to be expected and guidance to
pupils must be issued to manage this risk.
Doors into toilet washroom/cloakroom areas will be left open to improve
access, minimise contact contagion and assist ventilation
Limitations on numbers may be required for toilets with restricted access.
Use of toilet facilities by pupils is to be managed to ensure control of
numbers in toilets and enable distancing.
Toilet facilities are to be regularly cleaned each day, focusing particularly
on door handles, locks and the toilet flush.
Pupils and staff are to wash hands thoroughly (using soap and water)
before and after using toilet facilities. Form Tutors are to reinforce basic
hygiene messages to boys regularly, tailoring the message according to
emerging issues, as advised.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Hand dryers are to be used to dry hands, or paper towels which are to be
properly disposed of in open bins.
Hand soap is to be regularly checked and replenished to ensure that it does
not run out.
Staff are to notify Maintenance Helpdesk if soap levels are low.
Handwashing signage is to be prominently displayed to show how hand
washing at basins is to be carried out and at a safe distance.
Particular attention is to be taken of narrow access routes to toilets
facilities that may be in use by different categories of staff and pupils (e.g.
in South Cloister), with signage in place to ensure that staff and pupils keep
their distance.

Contagion All Cleaning Regimes

Rigorous and effective cleaning regimes are an essential part of measures
to prevent the transmission of the virus. A cleaning regime will be in place
for every building:
- All rooms are to be cleaned at the end of each day
- High touch areas in common use will be regularly wiped down
throughout the day
- Shared facilities where there is crossover between bubbles will be
cleaned at break times by the cleaning team with assistance as far
as possible from technicians and staff
The demands on the cleaning team will be considerable and for their
resources to be most effectively deployed sharing of facilities will be kept
to a minimum. Bookings and use of common areas and facilities should
likewise be kept to a minimum. Staff support for cleaners in fulfilling their
duties will be appreciated.
Additional cleaners have been hired to ensure that demands can be met.
Cleaning materials effective in defeating the virus will be readily available;
self-help with localised cleaning will support the work of the professional
Self-help is especially important with IT devices and hot desks; it will be
assumed that this is being carried out by staff: cleaning during the day of
these facilities will not take place. Pupils are to be instructed to wipe
keyboards after each use. Computer equipment and desks is to be regularly
wiped clean.
Anti-bacterial wipes will be available in classrooms and break- out rooms
for staff and pupils to use in wiping down equipment and surfaces as
COSHH regulations for cleaning materials are to be followed and

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Cleaning substances are to be stored in designated secure cupboards when

not in use.
Contagion All Visitors
No visitor who is symptomatic is permitted anywhere on the College
To help maintain the principal of a cordon sanitaire around the College’s
buildings and campus, visitors should be kept to a minimum and must be
strictly managed and supervised. No visitor should come onsite without a
prior appointment. Reception must be informed in advance.
Essential visitors and third parties must be fully briefed on the site specific
rules on or before arrival. This should be communicated electronically
where possible.
The number of visitors onsite at any one time should be limited as far as
Visitors will be required to sign in at Reception and complete Test and
Trace information (see below).
All visitors are expected to wear face coverings at all times whilst in
Parental visits are to be kept to a minimum and are to be by appointment
only. Parents will be expected to comply with arrangements for visitors,
i.e. face masks
Contractors will be managed through the Maintenance department and
will be required to follow the same visitor procedures. Contractors are to
be issued with COVID-19 Safe Systems of Work documentation as part of
site induction or pre-construction information and to include COVID-safe
methods in all RAMS and Construction Phase Plans.
Departments should determine if schedules for essential services and
contractor visits can be revised to reduce interaction and overlap between
All persons are to be directed to adhere to social distancing rules when
entering and leaving the school.
On medical advice and as directed by the government, temperature testing
is not considered worthwhile and will not be carried out for visitors and
those coming to site.
Distance is to be created in front of reception desks with physical barriers
(e.g. table); 'sneeze screens' to be provided for reception staff and those
in regular close proximity to visitors (e.g. school offices, contractor

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Contagion All Reception

The seating and waiting areas in and by Reception in the South Block will
be managed to ensure distancing as far as possible.
Sneeze screen protection will be in place for receptionists.
Visitors toilets will be managed to take account of the risks of congestion
and limited access. Particular attention is to be taken of narrow access
routes to toilets facilities that may be in use by different categories of staff
and pupils (e.g. in South Cloister), with signage in place to ensure that staff
and pupils keep their distance.
Other reception areas in the College should follow these principles for
separation of visitors and staff, distanced waiting areas and Test and Trace
procedures (see below).
Lack of Staff, Test and Trace
contact pupils,
To enable Test and Trace in the event of infection or an outbreak, the
information visitors
College is required to keep a record of the contact details of every person
for tracing
onsite every day. This information will be securely stored and made
available to health authorities on demand.
Data will be captured as follows:
- Pupils; through the Daily Report and iSAMS. Year 12 and 13 pupils
who go offsite at lunchtimes are to sign out and in under
arrangements in Upper School and are to be remined of the need
to follow rules about distancing and face masks in local shops.
- Staff: all staff are required to sign in each day via arrangements
that will be published. HoDs of staff without a College login are to
ensure that details of those onsite each day are uploaded onto the
- Visitors, including parents, will be required to record their details
via bespoke software and a QR code to be scanned by their
phones; where scanning is not possible, manual records will be
kept by Reception
Contagion All Support and Service Facilities
Maintenance, IT and Facilities support will be available in the usual way. In
responding to requests for assistance, however, individual departments
must have measures in place to maintain separation between staff and
pupils. Staff personal parcels delivered to the College should be limited and
a hygienic system be in place for collection by staff.
The Comm will be closed to casual visitors and will manage orders via pre-
booked appointments.
The Nearly New Shop is to remain closed; requests for second-hand
uniform should be processed through the Comm

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Contagion Staff and Deliveries

The a risk of contagion in handling post and parcels will be managed by
appropriate hygiene procedures. Person-to-person contact should be
avoided during deliveries.
Deliveries will be directed to a single point of control under arrangements
directed by the COO. The system will be communicated to staff as relevant.
The need to manually sign documents etc. should be avoided where
possible. The handling and moving of items in Stores should be limited as
far as possible.
The number of people in contact with items should be minimised.
Minimise the amount of deliveries by placing single orders for multiple
items where possible.
Where this is not possible the 2m social distancing rules must be adhered
Medical & Staff and Medical
First Aid Pupils
The Medical Centre will be available for staff consultation by appointment
and will provide support to pupils and staff in the usual way, ensuring
appropriate PPE and preventative measures.
Testing for COVID-19 will only be available at the Medical Centre for
boarders. NHS testing facilities are now fast enough and sufficient to
support rapid responses testing for staff and day pupils.
First Aid
Trained first aiders/medical staff will be on site during school and working
The Medical Centre will to be open and available to staff and children
during school hours.
If an accident occurs, care of the casualty may override the need for social
distancing but the numbers attending the patient should be kept to the
necessary minimum.
People involved in assisting those receiving first aid to others should pay
particular attention to sanitation measures immediately afterwards
including washing hands. Where possible first aid should be administered
by Medical Centre staff wearing appropriate PPE, however, the need for
immediate first aid may override this provision and the casualty’s needs
must take priority.
First aid boxes are to, where practical, contain a face mask and disposable
First aid boxes are to be regularly checked and maintained.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

Contact details of first aiders are to be communicated and displayed as

Self-Isolation Staff and If Symptoms Appear:
Managers are to consult with staff to determine if they need to self-isolate
as per government guidance. Information must be treated confidentially
with assistance from the Medical Centre as required.
Anyone who is knowingly symptomatic or in the vulnerable person
category will not be permitted in the College. This will be reviewed by
management and they will be required to self-isolate if:
- they have any of the published COVID-19 symptoms
- they are living with someone in self-isolation
Reasonable steps should be taken to enable anyone self-isolating to work
from home. Government and risk assessment information and advice will
be communicated to all relevant persons and regularly reviewed.
Staff and pupils are to contact management if they have suspected
symptoms or have concerns about COVID-19 when working in school. If
anyone develops any of the typical COVID-19 symptoms while in school,
they should notify their line manager or teacher and return home
immediately: high temperature; persistent cough; anosmia (loss of smell
and/or taste).
Symptomatic individuals are to be issued with a face mask and required to
wear it at all times whilst onsite. They should be made aware of the risk of
spreading infection, avoid touching anything, and be vigilant about the risk
of transmission by coughs or sneezes. The Medical Centre will have a
quarantine room where symptomatic children will be looked after while
they are waiting to be picked up.
Any symptomatic person must follow directions on self-isolation and not
return to work until their period of self-isolation has been completed.
Lack of Staff Communication
This Risk Assessment is to be shared with all staff as part of a consultation
process for returning to school, communicated to all staff and made
available on the College website. It is to be used in conjunction with
supporting documents, additional specific instructions to individual
departments and managers with responsibility for particular aspects of
Relevant government guidance and advice is to be incorporated into all
documentation and adhered to, with awareness of the R rate in South
SMT and HoDs are responsible for ensuring that all relevant measures are
communicated to the schools, pupils, staff and departments.

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

All staff are to be clearly briefed and acquainted with COVID-19 risk
mitigation measures and relevant procedures for their Year Groups ahead
of pupils returning to ensure training.
Government display notices are to be displayed and signed where relevant
to confirm that the five steps to working safer together have been fulfilled.
Suitable signage advising of social distancing, handwashing and COVID-19
awareness information is to be displayed in strategic locations around the
Signage in place is to be reviewed and updated regularly as required.
Information, instruction and training is to be refreshed regularly as
Signage and instructions for visitors, contractors and those not normally
working at the College is to be displayed and communicated to all external
Fire All Fire Safety
All staff are to be trained in fire and emergency procedures, and where
alterations to standard procedures have been put in place because of
COVID-19 risks, especially keeping doors and windows open, these must
be expressly communicated to all relevant staff. The risk of fire must not
be overridden by COVID-19 control measures; where there is conflict
between different measures for fire safety and contagion avoidance,
guidance is to be sought from the COO.
If a fire occurs, people's safety and the need to evacuate rapidly may
override distancing rules where safety is at risk.
People involved in assistance to others should pay particular attention to
sanitation measures immediately afterwards, including washing hands.
Doors will be kept open where possible, using fire-alarm activated door
stops. Clear rules and procedures for closing doors in the event of a fire
alarm activation are to be communicated and enforced.
Escape routes and exits are to be kept clear and easily openable at all
Fire Assembly Points are to be reviewed and adjusted as necessary to
ensure social distancing can be achieved in the event of fire evacuations;
where changes are necessary, these are to be communicated clearly to all
staff and signage moved.
Contagion Staff Smoking Area
All smokers should wash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitiser before

Version 7 - 28 August 2020

All smokers are to maintain social distancing when in the Smoking Area.
Smokers must not enter the smoking area when social distancing cannot
be achieved.
Smokers must not share cigarettes and lighters/matches.
Hand sanitiser within Smoking Areas must be of a non-flammable variety.
Lack of Staff and Service Calls to College Buildings
facilities pupils
In the event of a service failure or fault requiring Maintenance, Facilities
or IT support, and if urgent and the work cannot be carried out after hours
or when pupils are not present, consideration may need to be given to
moving pupils to an alternative location to make the relevant space
IT/Maintenance will offer guidance remotely if possible or will try and
make arrangements to resolve any issues out of hours.
If the repair is essential, IT or Maintenance staff will attend to fix the fault
once the area has been vacated; the work area will be wiped down once
work is complete with antibacterial wipes. PPE will be available to service
staff if required.
Contagion Staff, Pupils Satellite Locations – Other College Buildings
and Visitors
The principles and provisions of this Risk Assessment are to be applied to
all College locations, including the Sports Centre, DUCKS, the Boathouse
and the Outdoor Centre, with local risk assessments and arrangements
recorded and in place as appropriate.
Inadequate All staff Contingency Planning & Review
SMT will stay abreast of government guidance and information daily,
and planning
including London rates of infection. Advice and support from Southwark
and Lambeth Councils will be taken account of and sought where
appropriate. The offer of support from Helen Hayes, MP, is appreciated
and will be taken up as relevant.
This Risk Assessment will be regularly reviewed in line with government
guidance, new directives and infection rates.
Particular awareness is to be taken of the risks of a ‘second wave’ and the
impact on and implications for the College community. Planning should
take account of worsening weather and the rising incidence of ill health
associated with winter, and control measures monitored and adjusted to
take account of colder weather and the limitations on use of outside areas.
Formal review of this Risk Assessment should take place at October Half


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