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Math Formulas From Class 6 to Class 12

 Maths Formulas For Class 6

 Maths Formulas For Class 7
 Maths Formulas For Class 8
 Maths Formulas For Class 9
 Maths Formulas For Class 10
 Maths Formulas For Class 11
 Math Formulas For Class 12

Basic Maths Formulas

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The Math Formula Chart has all the basic math formulas, below:

Perimeter 1. Square 1. P = 4a
2. Rectangle 2. P = 2(l+b)

Circumference 1. Circle 1. C = 2 (pi) r

Area 1. Square 1. A = a2
2. Rectangle 2. A=lxb
3. Triangle 3. A = ½(b x h)
4. Trapezoid 4. A = ((b1 +b2 ) x h) / 2
5. Circle 5. A = π x r 2

Surface Area 1. Cube 1. S = 6l2

2. Cylinder 2. CSA = 2 x π x r x h
3. Cone 3. CSA = π x r x l
4. Sphere 4. S = 4 x π x r 2

Volume 1. Cylinder 1. V = πr 2h

2. Cone 2. V =1/3 πr 2h
3. Sphere 3. V = 4/3 x π x r3 

Pythagoras a2 + b2 = c2

Distance Formula d = √[(x2 – x1)2 +(y2 – y1)2]

Slope of a line m = y2 – y1 / x2 – x1

Mid- Point M = [(x1 + x2 )/ 2 , (y1 + y2 )/ 2]


Algebraic 1. Pythagorean theorem 1. a2 + b2 = c2

Formula 2. Slope-intercept form of 2. y = mx + c
the equation of a line 3. d = rt
3. Distance formula 4. total cost = (number of
4. Total cost units) × (price per unit)
5. Quadratic formula 5. X = [-b ± √(b2 – 4ac)]
6. Laws of Exponents /2a
7. Fractional Exponents 6. am x b m = (a x b)m; am x
a n = (a)m+n
7. a1/2 = √a

Trigonometric 1. Sine Function 1. Sin x = Opposite Side/

Formulas 2. Cosine Function Hypotenuse
3. Tangent Function 2. Cos X = Adjacent Side/
3. Tan x = Opposite Side/
Adjacent Side

Additional guidelines based on all Math formulas are given on our site. Students can also get
help from our tutors who are available 24/7.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

What are the basic Maths formulas?

The basic Maths formulas include arithmetic operations, where we learn to add, subtract,
multiply and divide. Also, algebraic identities help to solve equations. Some of the formulas are:
(a + b)  = a + b + 2ab
2 2  2 

(a – b)  = a + b – 2ab
2 2  2 

a – b  = (a + b) (a – b)
2  2

What are the fundamental topics for formulas in Maths?

The fundamental concepts we learn for maths formulas are:
Area and perimeter of shapes
Surface areas and Volumes
Powers and exponents
Percentage, etc.

What are the important Maths formulas?

The important formulas are related to algebra, Pythagoras theorem, series and sequence,
mensuration, calculus, probability and statistics, trigonometry, matrices, etc.

What are the area and perimeter formula?

The area of a shape defines the region covered by it whereas perimeter gives the total length of
the outer boundary of the shape. Area is measure in square units but the perimeter is denoted by
the unit of the dimension. Suppose, the formula for the area of a square is side  sq.units. and

perimeter of a square is 4(side) units.

What is a3 – b3 formula?

The formula for a – b  is given by:
3  3

a – b  = (a – b) (a + ab + b  )
3  3 2  2

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