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API Reference https://doc.kredivo.


You’ll need a server_key to interact with the Kredivo’s server. Please send an email to merchops@finaccel.co to sign up as an Kredivo merchant and get server_key.

Checkout with Kredivo

Kredivo provides two very straightforward checkout methods for you.


This checkout method works for your e-commerce site. By using this checkout method, your customer will only need to input their mobile number and PIN, then finalize the
purchase by inputting OTP.

You can learn more about Kredivo 2-click checkout API here. This is how Kredivo 2-click checkout works.

confirmation flow


This checkout method enables your customer to purchase from your offline store using their Kredivo limit. Our API will give you the QR code which will be displayed on
your POS device. Your customer will then scan that QR code and they can finalize their payment on their Kredivo mobile app.

You can learn more about Kredivo QR checkout API here. This is how Kredivo QR checkout works.

confirmation flow

Tokenization and Express Checkout

Tokenization is a feature that allows Kredivo users to tokenize their Kredivo account inside the merchant’s platform. A tokenized user will then be able enjoy our express
checkout feature. Whereas our regular checkout requires the user to enter his/her phone number, PIN, and OTP to confirm the transaction, the express checkout will
essentially allow the user to checkout without entering anything. In the case where our security system flags a transaction as suspicious, we will throw an OTP challenge
to the user.

Our tokenization feature, along with the express checkout capability, is a great leap forward even when compared to our already smooth 2-click regular checkout. It is the
smoothest checkout process in the market today, giving unparalleled user experience.

This tokenization feature is only be available for selected merchants. Contact us if you’re interested in using this feature.

On this step, we will try to obtain the Kredivo Login page when performing a transaction. There is at least 3 components that are required to obtain Kredivo Login page:


You’ll need a server_key to interact with the Kredivo’s server. Please send an email to merchops@finaccel.co to sign up as an Kredivo merchant and get server_key.

Order Id
Transaction Amount

Initiate 2-click Checkout

To initiate 2-click checkout with Kredivo, you will need to call checkout_url API.

Using the API:

 POST /v2/checkout_url

The Request JSON structured like this:

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