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Software & Services

Qualify and Quantify Your Reservoir

Header Hampson-Russell CE9
Subhead Software for Every Dimension Development Plan

Table of Contents: “Hampson-Russell has been providing innovative geophysical Our objective for software updates and new releases is to concentrate on Workflow Approach
making your life as a Hampson-Russell software user much simpler and more • Integrate a workflow orientation to guide both novice and expert
software and services since 1987. Our goal has been to productive. users in most functions.
Page 3 research and deliver these tools in a form which is accessible • Select a detailed expert approach, a faster everyday workflow, or

CE9 Development Plan to the working geophysicist. While the techniques may be Our focus is to significantly improve our software in the upcoming CE9 define a specialized workflow with parameters set for particular areas.
release. With CE9, you will be able to do more evaluation with more data
sophisticated, we always strive to determine the key process and better results, but with less effort, fewer steps and a far lower learning
flow which makes these methods work reliably on your data.” curve. To achieve that, we will use the latest proven interface designs and
Page 4 - 5 a more powerful software development tool.
The Key Points
Page 6 - 7 Integration
• I ntegrate all of our modules and programs, including SeisLoader and
AVO Modeling View3D, into one package.
• C entralize functionality common to all programs into a single module,
thereby eliminating duplication of effort.
Page 8 - 9 • I mprove the links with GeoFrame, OpenWorks and OpenSpirit.
• I mprove the data management and the visual display of that data
AVO Reconnaissance
for projects.

Page 10 - 11

Page 12 - 13 Dan Hampson Brian Russell

Who We Are
Page 14 - 15
Our words are as valid today, when Hampson-Russell has close to 50 employees located in offices
EMERGE around the world, as they were in 1987 when we founded our start-up company in Calgary with
four employees. We built our reputation by partnering with our clients, getting to understand their
challenges and goals, and delivering effective, customized solutions.
Page 16 - 17
Today Hampson-Russell helps petroleum and service companies across North and South America,
ISMAP Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Australia, specializing in AVO Analysis, Seismic Inversion, Reservoir
• C reate an easier interface by supporting drag-and-drop and context
Characterization and Near-Surface Refraction Analysis. With input from our many customers, we feel
sensitive right-clicks on most display windows.
confident that we can meet the challenges of the future.
Page 18 - 19 • A dd more advanced, but easy to use, plotting features to maps,
seismic cross sections, log tracks and OpenGL 3D displays.
PRO4D • S implify the entry of parameters for all log and seismic processes.
Processing Capability
• S peed up the seismic processing and reduce the overall analysis time
Page 20 - 21 by providing a chained option for typical processes.
• A llow the use of multiple cores and CPUs.
PROMC • C ompile the programs in a true 64-bit mode to handle larger data sets.
• A dd more seismic processes for multiple 2D lines in addition to 3D
• W ork in the depth domain in addition to time.
Page 22
The expected release of CE9/R1
Page 23 is the first quarter of 2010.
Training &
Reservoir Services

2 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 3

Well Log Conditioning and Modeling

eLOG is a comprehensive well log editing and modeling tool designed Wavelet Extraction Well-to-Seismic Correlation Fluid Replacement Modeling
to prepare or create log data for use within the Hampson-Russell suite
of applications. eLOG is launched from each of the Hampson-Russell A key element in modeling and well-to-seismic correlation is the wavelet It is critical in all of the Hampson-Russell programs, as well as most Fluid replacement modeling (FRM) using the Biot-Gassmann approach
programs, or can be used as a standalone application. used to generate the synthetics. While a generic wavelet will model a others, that the wells used to integrate measured rock property data allows a seismic response in the reservoir to be analyzed with varying
seismic response, an accurate comparison to existing seismic data requires with seismic data correlate correctly in time. fluid types and saturations.
a wavelet matched to or extracted from the seismic.
• T he check shot utility in eLOG includes options on how the check • C ustomary petrophysical parameters to be analyzed are the density and
• T here are two methods of wavelet extraction in the eLOG program. shot measurements are honored and applied. Graphical displays moduli of each of the constituent components: matrix, hydrocarbon and
Log Editing One method compares the well log reflectivity with the seismic data showing drift curve and required velocity deviations are used to brine.
• e LOG provides graphical log and calculates an operator, which shapes one into the other. This is the QC the data. • The default parameters are “book” values. However, the fluid and matrix
editing functions to fix or preferred method. However, it requires a good well-to-seismic tie in time. properties calculators allow for calculations from more fundamental
prepare logs for modeling. • The second method uses the seismic data alone to calculate a constant measurements.
• A library of log transforms phase wavelet whose amplitude spectrum matches that of the seismic. • The Batzle-Wang fluid properties take into account parameters such
is supplied to synthesize An automated phase cross-correlation procedure helps match the phase. as pressure, temperature, fluid gravities, salinity and GOR.
missing logs required This is generally the wavelet used during the initial well-to-seismic • Matrix properties can be modeled from precise specification of the
for modeling. In many correlation process. Once the well is properly positioned in time, mineralogy, and matrix averaging techniques are designed for different
cases, these transforms the full phase extraction method listed above is performed. types of reservoirs.
are designed for the “wet” • It is important to allow for exclusion zones when modeling sands with
case and must be processed thin streaks of shale or other non-porous events. This is accomplished
through fluid substitution by setting rock property constraints in the model based on boundaries
to properly represent the in log values.
in-situ hydrocarbon case.
• A log math tool kit is provided
to create customized log transforms.

Log Cross Plots

Well log cross plotting is a powerful tool for identifying and classifying
• A
 fter check shot correction, manual corrections are made to optimize
• M odeled or in-situ logs can be cross plotted and overlaid on interpretive the correlation in time. Each well is individually “tied” to the seismic
petrophysical templates. via a comparison of its synthetic seismogram to a composite seismic
• Zones highlighting clusters and anomalies, such as wet trend sands or trace extracted following the well bore. Manual matching of the
target zones, are graphically drawn on the cross plots and projected back synthetic to the seismic is accomplished with mouse clicks on each,
on the curve display. initiating a stretch-and-squeeze operation whose parameters and
effect on the time-depth relationship are user defined.

eLOG provides well log based functionality which is required prior to utiliz-
ing the well data in the advanced technologies found in Hampson-Russell
programs. These same requirements exist in most integrated well and
seismic technologies. eLOG is therefore provided as a standalone program
as well as being embedded in the Hampson-Russell suite of programs.

4 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 5


Practical work in AVO methodology generally falls into two separate, yet Fluid Replacement Modeling Synthetic Calculation Model Analysis
linked, workflows; AVO modeling for in-situ and “what if” scenarios, and
AVO reconnaissance of the prestack seismic data. The Hampson-Russell Fluid replacement modeling (FRM) using the Biot-Gassmann approach Modeling utilities in the AVO program are designed to create 1D, 2D and 3D An AVO model is the link between the modeled logs resulting from fluid
AVO program provides both, and intermingles the two workflows into a allows an AVO response in the reservoir to be analyzed with varying synthetic offset or angle gathers from well log data. An analysis of the real substitution or other changes and the real data. The AVO program provides
seamless and thorough AVO analysis. fluid types and saturations. seismic gathers is used to parameterize the models for direct comparison. several qualitative and quantitative approaches to comparison that can help
distinguish subtle yet important differences, or add confidence that the
In an AVO study, modeling is usually performed first, in order to determine • A library of log transforms is supplied to synthesize missing logs • T he AVO modeling operation will create an offset/angle-dependent syn- “what if” scenarios modeled are valid.
what type of AVO anomaly may be anticipated. required for AVO modeling. In many cases, these transforms are thetic using ray-tracing to calculate the incidence angles and the Zoep-
designed for the “wet” case and must be processed through fluid pritz, Aki-Richards or Full Wave equations to calculate the amplitudes. • G raphical comparisons between real and synthetic gathers can be made
substitution to properly represent the in-situ hydrocarbon case. • F or modeling seismic geometries with sufficient angle range, the “third” by plotting the corresponding reflection and transmission coefficients
• C ustomary petrophysical parameters to be analyzed are the density term of Aki-Richards equation, curvature, is employed. for one or two interfaces.
Wavelets and moduli of each of the constituent components: matrix, • A lthough Zoeppritz and Aki-Richards equations are the most commonly • A further comparison can be made by simultaneously plotting the
hydrocarbon and brine. used options, multilayer AVO modeling requires computation of the full amplitudes from any number of events that have been picked from
A key element in modeling is the wavelet used to generate the synthetic • The default parameters are “book” values. However, the fluid and elastic wave solution (with optional anelastic effects) which includes real or synthetic data. This graphical display provides a more detailed
seismogram. While a generic wavelet will model an AVO effect, an accurate matrix properties calculators allow for calculations from more primaries, converted waves, and multiples. Elastic wave modeling is also analysis between modeled and real data than visual inspection or
comparison to existing seismic data requires a wavelet matched to the fundamental measurements. used to model critical and post-critical events. difference plots.
seismic. • T he Batzle-Wang fluid properties take into account parameters • I n the cases where you suspect that transverse anisotropy is affecting • I nteractive and automatic prestack event picking is available, and
such as pressure, temperature, fluid gravities, salinity and GOR. the AVO response, Thomsen’s parameters are added to include anisotropy can utilize post-stack picks as seed picks in the prestack domain.
• T here are two methods of wavelet extraction in the AVO program.
• M atrix properties can be modeled from precise specification in the synthetic seismogram. • M odeled logs can be cross plotted and overlaid on interpretive petro-
One method compares the well log reflectivity with the seismic data
of the mineralogy, and matrix averaging techniques are designed • C hanges in reservoir thickness can be modeled as 2D wedge models using physical templates. An understanding of rock physics is crucial for the
and calculates an operator, which shapes one into the other. This is the
for different types of reservoirs. the same synthetic calculation parameters. Additional information is interpretation of AVO anomalies.
preferred method. However, it requires a good well-to-seismic tie in time.
• I t is important to allow for exclusion zones when modeling sands required regarding thickness change, impact on the area outside the • S ynthetic models can be displayed on intercept-gradient cross plots for
• T he second method uses the seismic data alone to calculate a constant
with thin streaks of shale or other non-porous events. This is zone, and changes in the depth-time relationship. Modeled well logs, in Rutherford Classification analysis and similarly compared to real data.
phase wavelet whose amplitude spectrum matches that of the seismic.
accomplished by setting rock property constraints in the model addition to the synthetic gathers, can be captured at any position in the
An automated phase cross-correlation procedure helps match the phase.
based on boundaries in log values. wedge. A tuning analysis chart is generated which graphically shows am-
This is generally the wavelet used during the initial well-to-seismic
plitude variations along one of the wedge interfaces. This highlights the
correlation process. Once the well is properly positioned in time,
point of maximum amplitude which corresponds to the tuning thickness.
the full phase extraction method listed above is performed.
• A library of wavelets is generated based on the wells in the target
area and the extraction methods employed. In some instances it is
appropriate to create multi-well wavelets based on wavelet averaging.

The AVO program analyzes the fluid content of reservoir rocks through
a combination of visual, analytical and modeling processes which utilize
both prestack seismic and well log data. Advanced tools and practical work-
flows are provided which allow this complex technology to be a
• O
 ftentimes an AVO anomaly cannot be adequately modeled by changing cornerstone of the exploration effort.
one reservoir parameter at a time. AVO provides a 3D modeling technique
which systematically modifies two reservoir parameters simultaneously;
one in the inline direction and the other in the cross-line direction.
Typical parameters used for modeling are porosity, water saturation,
density or thickness, among others. The resultant modeled cube has
synthetic gathers at each grid cell or a stacked response.

6 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 7


Practical work in AVO methodology generally falls into two separate, yet • T he super gather process analyzes the gathers and calculates a number • A
 VO attribute maps are generated either as horizon extractions from the • C ross plot zones can be displayed on any of the seismic sections or maps.
linked, workflows; AVO modeling for in-situ and “what if” scenarios, and of “super-gathers”, in which each trace represents a range of offsets. AVO attribute volumes, or from intercept/gradient calculations made at • W ell logs or synthetics are plotted with deviation paths.
AVO reconnaissance of the prestack seismic data. The Hampson-Russell CDPs are averaged to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio and decrease the events on each gather identified by prestack horizon picks. Interactive • V iew3D is a companion program supplied with the AVO program for 3D
AVO program provides both, and intermingles the two workflows into a size of the data set, while maintaining amplitude-versus-offset information. and automated prestack event picking is utilized in the AVO program. viewing of seismic, horizon and well data. Among the numerous display
seamless and thorough AVO analysis. • T he trim statics process attempts to determine an optimal shift to apply Post-stack options are:
to each trace in a gather to fix migration moveout problems. horizon picks, -O  blique slices, fence diagrams, probes, contour maps, well bores with
AVO reconnaissance is a study of the prestack seismic response to identify • A VO Offset Scaling is designed to correct systematic offset-dependent either generated colored amplitudes, and opacity tools to enhance objects and cross
and evaluate amplitude-versus-offset anomalies in order to determine the amplitude distortion. in the program plot zones.
fluid contents of the rocks. or imported
from ascii files,
AVO Attributes can be used
The AVO Attribute process analyzes seismic gathers to determine either as seed picks
Data Conditioning the zero-offset or gradient components of the amplitude (A,B,C), or the for prestack
A basic assumption in AVO reconnaissance is that the seismic gather zero-offset P-wave and S-wave reflection coefficients (Rp,Rs) at each interpretation.
data has been processed to be noise-free, while preserving the amplitude time sample.
response. As AVO-compliant data is often not the norm, the AVO program
• T he raw attribute volumes are rarely used in this form. Instead, other
includes a complete set of processing tools for optimally conditioning the
AVO attributes are calculated from them. A few of the most popular are:
data for analysis.
- AVO Product (A*B)
- Scaled Poisson’s Ratio Change (aA+bB) • A gradient analysis plot is used to test AVO attribute parameters prior
- Shear Reflectivity (aA-bB) to generating AVO volumes or maps. It also helps in determining the
- Fluid Factor (Rp-1.16[Vs/Vp]Rs) classification of the AVO anomaly.
- Vp/Vs • A VO attribute cross plotting is a powerful tool for identifying and classi-
fying AVO anomalies. Zones highlighting clusters and anomalies, such as
wet trend sands or target zones, are graphically drawn on the cross plots
and projected back on the seismic data.
• P olarization analysis (Hodogram) is used to reduce the effect of
wavelet interference in the Intercept/Gradient cross plots. The calculated
polarization angles are plotted trace by trace as a function of time.
Also generated is the Polarization Product attribute, which is Polarization
Angle multiplied by the length of the Polarization Vector.
• T he AVO program generates range-limited stacks averaged over specified
offset or angle ranges. In addition to highlighting AVO bright spots,
they are a required component in elastic impedance inversion.

Graphical Display
Much of AVO reconnaissance involves a visual inspection of the seismic
gathers, stacks, and attributes. The AVO program has advanced display
options designed to facilitate the simultaneous interpretation of multiple
• T he angle gather process transforms gathers from the offset domain into volumes and maps.
the incident angle domain. The AVO program will automatically convert
offset-to-incident angle for all calculations, but this function lets you • S eismic sections (gathers, stacks, attributes) and map views can be
see the offset-to-incident angle process in detail, before you start linked together for simultaneous navigation.
performing the AVO analyses. • A rbitrary lines can be displayed or extracted by drawing on base maps
• B andpass and Inverse Q filters are used to reduce noise and compensate or horizon maps.
for attenuation. • I ndividually selected gathers can be displayed or extracted by mouse AVO reconnaissance requires a combination of visualization, processing and
• T he INVEST Radon filter is used to perform multiple elimination and clicking on maps. analytical tools to identify and evaluate Amplitude-Versus-Offset anomalies
random noise suppression. • M ultiple seismic volumes can be overlaid and represented by colors from seismic gathers. The Hampson-Russell AVO program is the premier
• T he NMO process is used to apply a Normal Moveout correction to or traces. tool available to the geophysicist endeavoring to identify ever more subtle
a range of CDP gathers, using one or more velocity function(s). • A variable-shaped “panner” window including one data volume can hydrocarbon reservoirs.
• R esidual NMO is applied to correct errors in a previously applied NMO be positioned on top of another data volume and moved with the mouse.
function. • S eismic attributes based on multiple volumes in one window are
• T he Mute feature applies an offset-dependent mute (or “ramp”) to calculated on the fly and displayed as color or wiggle.
a range of gathers, with options for inner, outer and surgical mutes.

8 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 9

AVO Uncertainty Analysis

AFI (AVO Fluid Inversion) estimates uncertainty in fluid predictions from • T hese rock physics parameters are used in the Biot-Gassmann substitu- Calibration of the Real Data • B
 ayes’ Theorem is then used to predict the probability that AVO attribute
AVO analysis. Designed as a seamless companion to the AVO program, tion to calculate the effects of changing fluids within the sand layer. values derived from real seismic volumes can be associated with each
AFI uses the techniques of Biot-Gassmann fluid substitution, Monte The ultimate goal is to make comparisons between the real data and of the modeled fluid types. AFI produces maps of gas, oil or hydrocarbon
Carlo simulation, and Bayesian estimation to build fluid probability maps. the modeled data to determine probabilities of encountering different probabilities, and fluid indicator maps set with a minimum acceptable
These are then used to make a quantitative analysis of the probability fluid types. Scalers are required to plot the real and simulated data probability.
of exploration success. simultaneously.

• W
 hile the simulated data accurately reflect the range of intercept and
gradient for reflection coefficients, the real data values typically have
an arbitrary scaling. There may also be errors in the gradient due to
Modeling processing limitations.
In order to assess the probability of fluid types from the actual seismic • A
 FI automatically derives scalers which can be applied to the real data
data, AFI must first model the range of seismic AVO responses associated points to convert them to the same amplitude range as the model data.
with expected rock property variations. • A
 VO attribute maps are generated from seismic gathers or angle range
stacks along specified horizons. AFI includes prestack gather event pick-
• A FI starts with the assumption that the target reservoir can be represented ing for this purpose. Zones identified as “wet” or hydrocarbon-bearing
by a three-layer model, with a sand layer enclosed by shale layers. are defined graphically on these maps. The data from these zones is then
• T he shales are assumed to be wet, while the sand is modeled with brine, overlaid on the modeled intercept-gradient cross plots for comparison
• T he resultant stochastic models vary with depth, as the rock properties
oil and gas alternately. and validation of the scalers.
vary due to compaction trends.
• T he rock physics parameters for each layer can be defined as a probabil-
• W avelets are extracted from the seismic data and used to determine the
ity distribution, which determines the relative spread of values expected
influence of layer thickness and event tuning on the model.
for that parameter.
• B y representing lithologic parameters as probability distributions, we can
calculate the range of expected AVO responses. This allows us to investi-
gate the uncertainty in AVO predictions.

Predictions from AVO, as with all geophysical predictions, are really prob-
Monte Carlo Simulation ability statements. The level of uncertainty varies greatly. This depends
not only on the seismic data quality, but on the “non-uniqueness” in the
Monte Carlo simulation is used to determine the probable AVO response
relationship between the target lithology and the seismic measurement.
for brine, oil and gas. The responses are displayed as Intercept and
AFI measures that uncertainty, allowing the interpreter to better under-
Gradient cross plots.
stand and quantify AVO decisions.
• T he Monte Carlo simulations are performed at a series of depth
levels, to model the varying trends in the area.
• A lthough only one interface of the model is used to calculate
the intercept and gradient values for the cross plot (generally the
sand top), the sand thickness is still modeled because of wavelet
interference from the second interface.
• S tarting from the Brine Sand case, the corresponding Oil and Gas
Sand models are generated using Biot-Gassmann substitution. This
creates three points on the I-G cross plot. By repeating this process
• M any of the required parameters can come from a trend analysis of well
many times, we get a probability distribution for each of the three
logs in the area. In particular, p-wave sonic, density and porosity logs
fluid types. Because the trends are depth-dependent, so are the
are used for this analysis. Gamma Ray or similar lithology logs are used
predicted distributions
to differentiate sands from shales.
• T he rock physics parameters in the sand layer are more complex than
those in the shale layers.
- Brine, Gas, Oil and Matrix Modulus
- Brine, Gas, Oil and Matrix Density
- Porosity
- Shale Volume
- Water Saturation
- Thickness

10 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 11

Seismic Inversion

Inversion is the process of extracting, from seismic data, the underlying • T he wavelet used for the synthetic trace is extracted from the seismic in Inversion Diagnostics
geology which gave rise to that seismic. Inversion results are a fundamental a multi-stage iterative process. Initially a constant phase wavelet whose
component of reservoir characterization, and a flagship technology within amplitude spectrum matches the seismic data is extracted. A cross- Inversion analysis is performed at the well locations to optimize the
Hampson-Russell Software. The STRATA program provides different method- correlation procedure indicates time shifts required to improve the fit. inversion parameters prior to final computation.
ologies appropriate for varying geologic scenarios and available data. Once the well and seismic are reasonably tied, a complex phase wavelet
• I nversions are run based on the selected parameters, and compari-
can be extracted using both the seismic and well data to model the
sons are made between the inverted, modeled and original well
shaping operator.
data for impedance, density, Vp/Vs, etc.
• A multi-well averaged wavelet is generally used in the actual inversion
• Synthetic seismic traces calculated from the inverted impedance
Inversion Types process. Prestack Inversion utilizes different wavelets for each angle,
are compared with original seismic traces at each well location.
to account for frequency variation caused by frequency-dependent
STRATA provides a number of different inversion methods. The traditional • Inversion parameters can be interactively modified to instantly
absorption and NMO tuning.
approach is to use post-stack seismic data to invert for acoustic impedance. see the new inversion results and associated diagnostic displays.
A more recent advance utilizes prestack seismic data with the aim • Cross validation is applied for each well in the initial model, where-
of extracting both acoustic and shear impedance, along with density. by the well is hidden from the inversion process and compared with
the subsequent result.
• P ost-stack: Model Based, Sparse Spike, Colored, Recursive and • Inversion error is calculated by subtracting the inversion synthetic,
Neural Network calculated from the impedance traces and the inversion wavelet,
• P restack: Simultaneous, Elastic, Independent and Lambda-mu-rho from the input seismic. Localized events apparent in the Inversion
error signify problem areas for review.
Initial Model
The geologically consistent initial impedance model serves as both input
and constraints for the inversion.

Post-Stack Inversion
Although eclipsed somewhat by the new methodologies in Pre-Stack
Inversion, Post-Stack Inversion is still a fundamental component of
reservoir characterization.

• R equired data is more commonly present than that necessary

for Pre-Stack Inversion.
• A n important component of the initial model is the set of seismic • M odel based inversion is the most widely used method within STRATA.
horizons used as guides for the interpolation of well data. The horizons • V olumes of acoustic impedance are the products of Post-Stack Inversion.
represent both structural and stratigraphic constraints to the model.
Inter-horizon layering for interpolation can represent Top Lap, Base Lap Prestack Seismic Inversion The final inversion can be run with time or horizon boundaries and
or Conformable Scenarios. Horizons can be interpreted within the STRATA results in a SEGY volume, which can be navigated, interpreted
program or imported from other programs. This process is also referred to as Simultaneous Inversion, as two or more
and displayed exactly as the original seismic volume. Regardless
• F ollowing interpolation, a time domain filter is applied to the model lithologic volumes are created simultaneously. The typical products of this
of the type of inversion run, the STRATA program provides an intuitive
when only the low-frequency component is desired for the inversion. process are acoustic impedance, shear impedance and density, although
and easy-to-use methodology for integrating inversion products
• I t is critical that all the wells used in the initial model correlate correctly other combinations are also possible.
into the reservoir characterization workflow.
with the seismic data. After check shot correction, manual corrections
• S TRATA has two options for the input seismic data
are made to optimize the correlation in time. Each well is individually
for Prestack Inversion.
“tied” to the seismic via a comparison of its synthetic seismogram to a
- Fully processed NMO-corrected CDP gathers
composite seismic trace extracted following the well bore. Manual match-
- Two or more angle stacks
ing of the synthetic to the seismic is accomplished with mouse clicks on
A background relationship between P-impedance, S-impedance and Density
each, initiating a stretch-and-squeeze operation whose parameters and
is determined from the well information, and used to stabilize the inversion
effect on the time-depth relationship are user defined.
process. Prestack inversion is especially useful for analyzing data with
AVO anomalies.

12 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 13

Multi-Attribute Analysis

EMERGE is designed to predict rock properties away from the borehole, Training Data (Seismic Attributes) Validation • S everal different neural networks are available.
using well logs and attributes of the seismic data. The rock properties - Multi-Layer Feedforward Network (MLFN)
may be any measured log type such as porosity or velocity, or may be Seismic attributes can be internally or externally derived, and are sample- Validation is a critical step in the EMERGE process. Theoretically, the - Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN)
derived lithologic attributes such as volume of shale. Using multi-linear based (volumes), rather than horizon-based (maps). The number of input inclusion of more and more attributes to the transform will create a - Radial-Basis Function Network (RBF)
regression or neural network analysis, EMERGE “trains” at the well attribute volumes for consideration is unlimited. Horizon-based attributes better and better match to the training data. Unfortunately, there is • G enerally, the optimum set of attributes determined in the multi-linear
locations to learn the underlying transform which connects the log are used in a similar manner in ISMAP; a geostatistical mapping program a risk of “over training” on the available data set, which degrades the stepwise regression is used with the neural network, which determines
and seismic data. It then applies that training result, transforming which utilizes the EMERGE algorithm for multiple maps. ability to make accurate predictions as you move away from the bore- the nonlinear weighting factors for each attribute.
the entire 3D seismic volume into a volume of the log property. hole. The key to success lies not only in determining which attributes, • A s neural networks operate best on data with stationary statistics, the
• A
 number of different attribute types are calculated automatically within and their weights, are best suited to predicting the targeted rock prop- option exists to remove the trend determined in the multi-linear regres-
the EMERGE program. erty, but discovering when to stop adding more attributes to the mix. sion calculation, and add it back after the neural network calculation
• M
 any other useful seismic attributes are generated outside the EMERGE
is made on the residual data.
program. This is because they are “difficult” to produce or are proprietary
Training Data (Target Logs) to other software packages.
Any measured or calculated log data can be chosen as the target • W
 hether generated internally or externally, all attributes are considered Application
to be predicted, but must be present at all of the training locations. equally viable until their relationships to the target property are discov- The final step is to use the relationship determined in the training process
ered and ranked in the training process. to transform the seismic volume into a trace-for-trace replacement with
the target rock property. These rock property volumes are ready for further
Training interpretation or used as input to geomodeling applications.

A workflow utilizing multi-linear regression and neural network prediction • E MERGE is also used to classify an input seismic sample into one
uncovers the underlying transform which connects the log and seismically of N classes, rather than a direct mapping to rock properties. This is
derived attribute data. Complementary features from several attributes will accomplished using discriminate analysis, or in the case of non-linear
combine to discriminate subtle features on the target logs, which none of separation between classes, neural networks. In addition to creating
the individual attributes could predict by themselves. a classification volume such as facies or lithology, the probability of
encountering any given class is determined.
• T he EMERGE prediction should be focused on the reservoir level,
• E MERGE has a very useful feature in its log-to-log prediction. In this
rather than on a large time range representing varied geologic episodes.
case, EMERGE predicts logs which are missing or corrupted in some
This allows the transform to be designed for a more specific set of rock
• E MERGE uses an automated validation process which systematically manner. Many log types have pre-existing regression equations.
“hides” each of the training wells and predicts its values using the However, EMERGE calculates a “local” derivation of a new statistical
• T he seismic wavelet is not used independently in the EMERGE
transform calculated from the other wells. relationship for log predictions. The process used is the same as
process, other than its importance in producing good well-to-seismic
• A Validation Curve, showing predicted error rate versus number of with the seismic attributes. However, in this case, available log suites
ties. It is, however, part of the derived relationship as a consequence
attributes used, graphically displays how many attributes optimally are used in place of attributes for calculating the desired log type.
of using seismic attributes.
predict the target property.
• A t each sample, the target log is modeled as a linear combination of EMERGE is a program designed to merge well log and seismic data, predict-
• A similar validation process is used to determine the size of the
several attributes, using a process called multi-linear stepwise regression. ing rock property volumes using attributes of the seismic data. Statistical
convolutional operator.
• E MERGE assumes the training logs are “noise”-free. They need to be - T he single best attribute is found by trial and error; cross plot- analysis is used to determine the attribute-log relationship, including
• The program also has easy procedures for making user defined
QC’ed for logging problems, and preferably reviewed by a petrophysicist ting each attribute with the target and determining the Prediction neural networks when nonlinear relationships are encountered. Extensions
“blind” tests on the fly.
for possible measurement corrections. Error of each (RMS difference between the target and the predicted of the EMERGE process are used for classification and log predictions from
• W ell-to-seismic ties are critically important, as sample-to-sample value). other logs.
comparisons are made between the target log & seismic attributes -A  ll attribute pairs are tested in the same manner, given that the
in time. EMERGE utilizes P-wave logs in the training wells to perform single best attribute is a member of the pair. Neural Networks
the depth-to-time conversion. Check shot corrections and log-to-seismic - Attribute groups with increasing numbers of members are tested.
correlations, which update the P-wave log, are preformed in eLOG, The previous group is always a subset of the new larger group. EMERGE uses neural networks to account for non-linear relationships be-
a companion program provided with EMERGE. Residual time shifts - T he attribute groups are then ranked by Prediction Error. tween the target logs and attributes. This can increase both the predictive
between the target logs and the seismic attributes, which may exist • A
 fundamental challenge to this approach resides in the difference in power and the resultant resolution of generated rock property volumes.
despite the correlation efforts, are corrected automatically using frequency content between logs and seismic data. EMERGE utilizes a
a cross-correlation technique convolutional operator to extend the cross plot regression to include
• A good distribution of wells representing the range of expected rock neighboring samples from the attributes, which have a possible relation-
properties is optimum. ship with the given log sample.

14 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 15

Geostatistical Mapping

ISMAP is a geostatistical mapping program designed to help the geosci- • T he EMERGE multi-attribute transform algorithm has been adapted for Mapping Methods • C ross validation is the process of deleting one well at a time from the
entist integrate multiple sets of geological or geophysical measurements, map-based calculations in ISMAP. This allow us to use a collection of kriging calculation, predicting its value from the other wells, and dis-
in order to characterize a sparsely measured attribute, whether that be a attribute maps simultaneously, selected for their combined correlation Geostatistical mapping is a method of interpolation which predicts playing the mis-fit error associated with the prediction at that location.
reservoir property, formation depth or velocity value. Typical data inputs to the target property, rather than relying on single attributes with unknown values from data at observed locations. Whether using one • A nother assumption in geostatistical mapping is that the error variance
to the program are a combination of dense, “fuzzy” data such as seismic untested relevance. See the EMERGE description for a detailed or two data sets, the process minimizes the prediction error, therefore is minimized. An estimate of error is therefore calculated at each point
attributes, and sparse, accurate data such as measured well log values. explanation of the process. producing an “optimal prediction” which tends to be smooth in nature. for every map generated.
The resultant maps honor the sparse (well) data exactly, while using the • W ell log data, representing the desired target reservoir property,
• I SMAP contains several geostatistical interpolators which incorporate
dense (seismic) data to determine spatial continuity properties which consist of a single value extracted or generated at each well location.
the spatial continuity defined through variogram modeling. Single vari- Stochastic Simulation
drive the inter-well interpolation. This data is accessed directly from the wells in the database or imported
able mapping utilizes Kriging, while multiple data sets require the more Stochastic simulation involves creating a series of equally probable
via ASCII files.
complex Cokriging, Collocated Cokriging, Kriging with a Trend Model (KT) realizations, or models, which honor the sparse (well) data exactly,
or Kriging with External Drift (KED). and at the same time display the spatial continuity properties implicit
Generating the Input Data Determining the Spatial Relationship in the variogram. The most popular type of simulation, and that used
Amongst the features in ISMAP are a set of geostatistical analysis tools in ISMAP, is Sequential Gaussian Simulation.
ISMAP utilizes rock property measurements extracted from well logs,
for measuring and modeling the spatial continuity patterns in the data.
and maps generated from volumes of seismically derived data. • T he simulation maps
This gives a qualitative assessment of the ability to accurately predict the
differ from the kriged
• A
 range of horizon-based attribute maps, representing the dense data, target property as distance from the well bore increases. It also distin-
or cokriged maps in
can be quickly generated from seismic volumes. Seismic attribute maps guishes trends in the data which require special consideration.
that they contain the
are also accessed from previous Hampson-Russell projects or imported possibility of large
• I nitial cross plotting provides
as ASCII files. deviations or outliers.
insight into whether the dense
data is an appropriate indicator Although they honor
of the target property. It will also the sparse (well) data,
highlight, for editing, outliers they are not “optimally”
which may be detrimental to the smoothed, therefore
calculation of spatial continuity. representing a range
The regression fit from the cross of equi-probable
plot can be applied to the seis- scenarios.
mic data for a first-pass look at
a map of the target property.
• A range of variogram modeling • I t is difficult to assimilate all of the information by viewing the many
options exists for measuring • G
 eostatistical algorithms assume that the data is stationary, or in other
multiple realizations generated. ISMAP analyzes and presents the
the spatial continuity in the words, organized in a Gaussian distribution. As this is often not the
simulation results in three, user-parameterized methods for viewing
data sets. Smoothed variograms case, tools are provided to analyze trends in the data. Options exist for
the distribution of features.
are automatically computed for removal of the trends for dual computing followed by trend restoration
- Average: An average of all the maps
wells, seismic, and wells+seismic. (KT), or an automated method (KED) which determines and accounts
- P robability: A map of probability that a certain range of values is
The user, however, has control for the trends simultaneously.
over the variogram design param- - I ndicator: A distribution map of those values which reach a prob-
eters such as number of struc- Diagnostic Tools ability threshold
tures, type of model (shape), As with any interpretive process, risk reduction is enhanced when the
sill, range and nugget. results are analyzed throughout the workflow. ISMAP includes several diag- The use of geostatistics is becoming much more main stream in reservoir
• T o investigate for anisotropy, nostic steps which increase our confidence that the initial data is adequate characterization workflows. ISMAP provides a comprehensive and easy-to-
ISMAP utilizes covariance maps for geostatistical computing, and that the results demonstrate an accept- use platform for the interpreting geoscientist to apply this technology
which show the calculated vari- able probability of error. to everyday interpretation challenges.
ances as a function of direction
as well as distance. Multiple • A
 critical assumption in geostatistical mapping is that the input data
directionally-based variograms is fairly Gaussian in nature. The data histogram plot provides an under-
are utilized when directional standing of data distribution, and can be calculated for the initial data
trends in the data are observed. and all subsequent maps in the workflow.

16 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 17

Time-Lapse Seismic Interpretation

PRO4D integrates all the key elements required for time-lapse seismic Seismic Survey Calibration Analysis of Production-Related Changes Volumetrics
monitoring. The general objective is to track production-related changes in
the reservoir and determine areas of bypassed production, or inefficiencies The challenge in calibrating surveys is in removing unwanted differences A wide range of time-lapse attributes can be generated that highlight PRO4D contains an advanced volumetric analysis capability that facilitates
in the production process. The program includes a well log toolkit, fluid (spurious differences related to acquisition/processing and near-surface production anomalies in the data. the comparison of time-lapse anomalies to production and injection data
replacement and rock physics modeling, synthetic seismic generation and a changes due to seasonal temperature variations, tidal effects and changes at their associated wells.
in weathering or seabed sediments) while not altering the desired differ- • E xtracting difference amplitudes from the reservoir zone allows us to
library of functions for the display, comparison, calibration, interpretation
ences related to production-induced anomalies. highlight the reflectivity changes caused by the production process. • I nterpretation of the time-lapse seismic response and its relation to
and inversion of multiple vintage 3D seismic data.
• V olumes of amplitude ratio, cross-correlation coefficient, and time shifts production information is challenging in part due to the non-uniqueness
• P RO4D contains comprehensive survey calibration features that match further define the extent of the production effects. of the 4D response. Through material balance, the time-lapse response
the phase, frequency, amplitude and event times of base and monitor • A n important component for analysis between multiple time-lapse sur- is validated and the interpretation can be refined.
surveys in areas where production has not occurred. veys often lies in the comparison of seismic attributes following horizons • N ew features simplify comparison of time-lapse attribute maps to pres-
Rock Physics and Synthetic Modeling • M ultiple methods exist in PRO4D to assess the quality of the seismic to characterize a stratigraphic zone of interest. PRO4D includes advanced sure and saturation distributions estimated through reservoir simulation.
Rock physics relationships provide the bridge between the primary reservoir matches. horizon management which simplifies the use of related horizons from • C omparing the volume of the time-lapse anomalies to known production
properties and the seismic response. PRO4D supports advanced rock phys- • O nce the background differences have been removed, the production- multiple vintages of surveys or attribute volumes. changes of saturation can greatly reduce uncertainty in the interpreta-
ics modeling that assesses how the seismic response will be affected by induced anomalies can be interpreted with confidence. tion process.
changes in fluid saturation, pressure and temperature. • T ime-lapse analysis, involving multiple vintages of surveys, generates Time-Lapse Inversion
a very large and confusing amount of data. The advanced data manage- PRO4D provides a framework for the analysis and interpretation of time-
• M ultiple scenarios for a single well can be rapidly generated using Inverting time-lapse seismic volumes can provide detailed information lapse data sets. The interpreter has tools to model expected production-
ment system in PRO4D facilitates organization and ensures consistency
Systematic Changes modeling. Synthetic traces (pre- or post-stack) are regarding acoustic impedance changes between the base and monitor related changes, minimize non-production differences, and analyze the
of processing and interpretation of all volumes at every stage throughout
automatically calculated and organized into a systematic grid for display. surveys, which gives us insight into saturation changes. actual differences for further exploitation of the reservoir. It is also com-
the calibration process.
• T hree-dimensional synthetic volumes can also be created from rock prop- monly used to register seismic attribute volumes, which due to processing
erty models imported from reservoir simulation. • T ime-lapse inversions are typically compromised by a lack of low-
differences, have been subjected to time or spatially varying shifts.
• S ynthetic volumes with modeled production effects are compared with frequency velocity information, and time-variant misalignment between
“base” models to create difference volumes for comparison to seismic base and monitor data. When this occurs, the impedance (or velocity)
difference volumes. differences do not accurately represent the reservoir changes. These
changes in velocity below the frequency content of the seismic wavelet
are calculated in PRO4D from the cross-correlation and time shift cubes
already used to determine time-variant statics in the calibration process.
The inclusion of the missing low-frequency velocity information in the
initial model greatly improves the inversion results.

Time-Lapse Attribute Correlation

Synthetic attributes calculated from Systematic Changes modeling are
analyzed and correlated to their corresponding reservoir property values
in a time-lapse attribute correlation toolkit.

• R
 elationships between the synthetic attributes and reservoir proper-
ties are derived using multi-variate regression, neural network and
cross-correlation techniques.

• T he transforms generated in the correlation process are applied to the

seismic data to produce maps of time-lapse reservoir properties such
as saturation change, contact thickness, pressure and temperature.

18 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 19

Multicomponent Seismic Interpretation

Historically, it has been difficult to interpret PP and PS seismic volumes Interpretation Multicomponent Attributes Joint Inversion
consistently. These difficulties are related to the different event times
and frequencies on the PS data, together with differences in PP and PS Domain conversion is the cornerstone of interpreting multicomponent Multicomponent seismic data has proven to be very useful as an aid The purpose of simultaneously inverting PP and PS data is to produce
reflectivity. Furthermore, the interpreter has many more seismic and seismic volumes. Converting PS seismic data to PP time can greatly in identification of reservoir petrophysical properties. Once the estimates of P and S impedances and (optionally) density. Joint Inversion
attributes volumes to manage simultaneously than with traditional simplify the interpretation process. PROMC provides multiple solutions multicomponent data sets are aligned in a common domain, PROMC in PROMC includes a coupling between these variables, adding confidence
seismic interpretation. PROMC has been developed to directly address to fine-tune the correlation between PP and PS data sets in an intui- can extract important horizon or volume-based attributes from the data. that resulting impedance variations are indicative of differences in fluid
these challenges, creating an easy-to-use and intuitive work environment tive workflow, leading to accurate domain conversion. or lithology characteristics.
• P P and PS data volumes can be cross-correlated and cross-plotted to
for the interpretation and analysis of post-stack multicomponent data.
• I mported velocity files or velocity tables can be utilized for the highlight anomalous areas. Cross-plotting and interpretation is greatly • A n initial low-frequency model is created from the extrapolated well logs,
first pass at domain conversion, as well as a generic Vp/Vs ratio. improved when the multiple data modes are filtered to contain similar updated by the horizon matching performed in the domain conversion
• T he P and PS well logs are correlated to the seismic volumes bandwidth. process.
recorded in each of those domains. The well velocities are then • V p/VS ratio maps derived from the horizon times are a key attribute • A model-based inversion then updates this initial model to create
Modeling used to correctly define the relationship between the data sets for interpretation. detailed models of P and S Impedance, Vp/Vs ratio and density volumes
Accurate interpretation of PP and PS data starts with an analysis of log in- and bring them into alignment at the well locations. • I nterval Vp/Vs data can provide useful insights into the sand-to-shale that are consistent with the PP and PS seismic volumes.
formation, and the effects lithology and fluid changes have on the multiple • S ince the Vp/Vs ratio changes laterally, the velocity model ratio, lithology or fluid content between the specified horizons. • T hese inverted results merge the high-frequency information from
wave mode responses. produced through well ties is only accurate at the well locations. • T he Vp/Vs ratio data obtained in PROMC is at lower frequency than horizon matching with the higher frequency detail that comes from the
PROMC utilizes the picked horizons in each domain to guide the is possible to obtain using AVO techniques. This low-frequency VP/Vs multicomponent seismic amplitudes.
• P ROMC has the capability to create synthetic traces for all three wave velocity model interpolation for structural or stratigraphic control. data may be an important constraint in AVO Rs determinations. • C ross-plots of P and S impedance, or P impedance and Vp/Vs ratio help
modes. • H orizon picking in PS data sets is facilitated by displaying the • A dditional details about lithology and fluid saturation can be obtained to classify lithology and fluid content.
• A ll modeling functions are linked to the currently active domain func- P-wave interpretation in each domain as a guide or using it as through careful analysis of the P and S reflectivity variations. • T he added information obtained from the multicomponent data has
tion. Logs, seismic and synthetics are shown in a common domain seed picks for auto tracking. proven beneficial in predicting lithology logs using the EMERGE process.
(depth, PS, or PP time) and conversions are made based upon the well • A fter common events are picked on each data set, PROMC horizon
log velocity data. matching insures the structural image of the converted S-wave data PROMC makes multicomponent interpretation and modeling highly
• A dvanced fluid substitution modeling is included to assess the impact set is consistent with the P-wave structural image. At the same accessible to the interpreter. It arranges all necessary functions into
of fluid saturation and lithology changes in the multiple wave modes. time, the velocity model is updated to remove the inconsistencies. a coherent workflow and manages the enhanced data challenges
• I n addition to modeling “what if” scenarios, the synthetic traces are • D igitizing and matching fault planes in each data set can be more that are inherent to the technology. The benefits of interpreting
used to assist in the well log calibration process which links seismic accurate in areas where event matching is difficult due to poor multicomponent seismic data are now available without the historic
events to their corresponding geologic markers. reflectivity correspondence. drawbacks that limited its full utility.
• S ynthetic traces are also used for wavelet extraction techniques that
estimate PP and PS wavelets from the seismic and well data, leading
to phase and frequency matching of the data set

20 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 21

VIEW 3D Training & Reservoir Services
3D Visualization

View3D is a new visualization tool which has been developed to enhance Training Services Reservoir Services
the display and interpretation of all products in the Hampson-Russell
software suite. View3D is seamlessly integrated within a Hampson-Russell Public Workshops Hampson-Russell has the global expertise and experience through its
project, thereby allowing seismic volumes from any Hampson-Russell Public workshops are organized by local Hampson-Russell offices. consulting staff to handle any size of geophysical consultancy project,
program to be quickly displayed as 3D objects. A wide range of display Workshops are scheduled throughout the year and are held in all our major from the inversion of a single 2D seismic line to integrated reservoir
capabilities allows the user to visually enhance the target area to allow centers. These workshops combine the underlying theory of the software characterization of the largest 3D survey. Our reservoir services are not
the interpretation of subtle anomalies. with practical, hands-on exercises. Public workshops range from 1 to 5 limited to the technologies available within the Hampson-Russell
days in duration, and are offered for the majority of our software packages. software suite. In addition to our Hampson-Russell software experts,
View3D can access any seismic volume, well log, horizon or data slice within Scheduled workshop dates, locations and prices are listed on our website. we have expert consultants in other disciplines, including petrophysics
a Hampson-Russell project. Among the numerous display options are: and seismic interpretation.
Private Workshops
• F ence diagrams Private workshops can be arranged for individual companies at any Hampson-Russell can offer the following
• Contour maps location. The content and duration of these courses can be adapted as Integrated Reservoir Geophysics services:
• Well bores with colored amplitudes required. Our private workshops range from extended training programs
• Opacity tools to enhance objects AVO Analysis:
for new users to exercises-only courses for users already well-versed in
• Seismic volumes with wiggle display and color AVO modeling
the theory. Private courses can be arranged for any of the following:
AVO fluid inversion (AFI)
View3D uses the Hampson-Russell project as its database for display. Each AVO attribute generation
Geoview & eLOG. Many users benefit from combining a private workshop
object within the project may be individually selected for vizualization. AVO attribute analysis
with project-based training.
Data Conditioning:
View3D’s tight integration within a Hampson-Russell project Project-Based Training Well log conditioning
ensures a useful consistency with other Hampson-Russell displays. The best of both worlds comes from the ability to learn the theory and Seismic gather conditioning
application of the software on clients’ own data. Mentoring results in a Rock property calibration
deeper understanding of the concepts and an assurance that the software Petrophysical Analysis
is being used to best advantage. Seismic Inversion:
Post-stack inversion
Prestack simultaneous inversion
Prestack joint PP/PS inversion
EMERGE Predictions:
3D volume prediction
Prediction of missing logs
Seismic Interpretation
Geopressure prediction
Fracture analysis

Our staff can provide services either on-site at

a client’s office or in our own offices worldwide.

Hampson-Russell software can import data from many sources. In addition to file reading of various types, Hampson-Russell has direct links to Landmark,
GeoFrame and OpenSpirit. These links allow a Hampson-Russell project to be directly connected to a third party data store, removing data redundancy and
allowing real-time updates. Landmark, GeoFrame and OpenSpirit connectivity is supplied automatically with all software (except GLI3D) where available.

22 2010 Software and Services cggveritas.com/hampson-russell 23

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