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A Buyer’s Guide to Yellow Diamonds

Precious, rare but very affordable compared to other colored diamonds, canary yellow diamonds are a
perfect choice for engagement rings. You can choose between naturally-grown diamonds that may come
with a premium, or synthetic diamonds which are cheaper, conflict-free, and environment-friendly.

Yellow Diamonds, also known as Canary Yellow Diamonds, have recently gained popularity in the
jewellery industry. Although mined all over the world, yellow diamonds are mostly found in South
Africa, especially the intense yellow diamonds. These precious gems, despite their affordability, are still
fabulously fashionable. They come in all shapes, sizes, and color intensities. Particularly as engagement
rings, a fancy yellow diamond number is a beautifully unique choice that will perfectly symbolize an
everlasting promise of love.

1. What are colored diamonds?

As a backgrounder, colored diamonds are formed either through the impurities or through an alteration
in the carbon bonding process. There are several types of colored diamonds, each of which is formed
through varying scientific reactions like intense heat and pressure, chemical bondings, crystal distortion,
etc. that change the hues of a supposedly colorless diamond.

2. Where do yellow diamonds get their color?

The coloring in yellow diamonds is formed through structural alteration caused by nitrogen formation.
Carbon atoms are very similar to nitrogen atoms that when these atoms bond, the latter easily replaces
the former, thus changing the clarity of these gems.

These nitrogen atoms alter the way light is absorbed causing a change in the diamond’s hue. They
arrange in such a way that blue light is absorbed, therefore a yellow color is produced.

3. How are yellow diamonds graded?

The Gemological Institute of America grades colored diamonds with an exact description comprised of a
combination of two or three colors together with the intensity level. According to GIA, the most
common combinations of yellow diamonds are Brown Yellow, Green Yellow, and Orange Yellow which
happens to be the most dominant. It is important to note that the brown, green, and orange in the
aforementioned examples are merely secondary tones.

Besides identifying the tones, yellow diamonds are also graded for their intensity which could fall under
the following: Faint, Very Light, Light, Fancy Light, Fancy Dark, Fancy Deep, Fancy Intense, and Fancy
4. Why should I choose yellow diamond for an engagement ring?

If you’re looking for a cheaper alternative to the classic colorless diamond engagement ring, fancy
yellow diamonds are your perfect choice. Colored diamonds are generally rare, but fancy yellow
diamonds are the most common among the colored ones that fall under an almost endless spectrum.
This is why they are affordable. Fancy yellow diamonds are nevertheless beautiful and one-of-a-kind
that a bride-to-be would surely want to flaunt her breathtaking engagement ring.

5. What considerations should I look into if I choose a yellow diamond engagement ring?

There are several factors that need to be considered when choosing your yellow diamond engagement
ring. If you, before other factors, put the heaviest weight on your budget, you may want to check out
how the 4C’s of diamonds affect their price.

i. Color.

If you choose to veer away from the classic colorless diamonds, color (and the intensity thereof)
should be the first factor to look into. The higher the intensity level (i.e. the stronger the yellow is),
the more expensive your diamond will be. Therefore, those that fall under Faint to Fancy Light are
relatively cheaper than the Fancy Deep or the Fancy Vivid Yellow Diamonds. Price, as a rule of
thumb, is very much dictated by supply and demand. The rarest ones – which happen to be the
Fancy Vivid Yellow Diamonds – are also the most desired, making them the priciest.

ii. Clarity

As to Clarity, looking for high quality grading yellow diamonds is fairly easy. The trick here is just to
make sure that your yellow diamond is “eye clean”, i.e. with inclusions that are invisible to the
naked eye, even without the use of a magnifying glass.

iii. Carat

Carat also significantly affects the price which will then exponentially increase along with the weight of
the yellow diamond. This means that a slight difference in carat would mean a huge spike in price. For
example, one 1ct yellow diamond is priced higher than two 0.5ct yellow diamonds. If you wish to get the
best value for your money, remember that carat does not mean the size. Carat equates to weight, so
make sure to check the measurements vis-à-vis the weight of the diamond.

iv. Cut

One of the most popular cuts for yellow diamonds is the cushion cut. It imparts a vintage look that adds
up to the “rare” and “unique” feel of yellow diamonds. If you prefer a bright, brilliant, and flashy yellow
diamond engagement ring, go for a round cut or a princess cut.

6. What basket color should I pick?

You should also remember that the basket color may make or break the engagement ring. A good
strategy is to choose a basket with a lower intensity (preferably one intensity grade lower) in order to
create a good contrast, maximizing or even intensifying the yellow diamond. Yellow gold or rose gold is a
good choice because the corners of the diamond will reflect the golden basket, enhancing the look of
the ring. This is perfect for when you prefer white gold or platinum setting.

7. What are synthetic diamonds?

Now, if your budget still won’t make the cut, there is nothing to worry about. You can choose synthetic
diamonds. These are lab-created, man-made diamonds formed through artificial processes, as opposed
to natural diamonds created through geological processes.

There are several methods to create synthetic diamonds. One is through the use of high pressure and
high temperature (HPHT) and another is through the use of chemical vapour deposition (CVD). The
production of synthetic diamonds incurs lower costs, and are environment-friendly and conflict free.

In the same way that naturally-grown yellow diamonds attribute their color to nitrogen, lab-grown
diamonds also get their color from nitrogen impurities. However, the color in synthetic yellow diamonds
can be selected and adjusted by controlling the amount of nitrogen in the growing process. It will be up
to you to decide how intense you want your yellow diamond to be.

8. Should I go for lab-grown yellow diamonds?

If you’re looking for a cheaper, conflict-free, and environment-friendly alternative that does not sacrifice
elegance and quality, you should!

Yellow lab-grown diamonds are significantly cheaper than their mined equivalents. Therefore, if you
plan to save on your engagement ring, choosing synthetic yellow diamonds is a wise move. Synthetic
yellow diamonds are the easiest colors to grow, and as a result, are the least expensive as well. You can
save up to 70% to 90% or $7,000 to $45,000. These synthetic yellow diamonds come in various shapes
and sizes depending on your choice.

Apart from the monetary aspect, synthetic diamonds are conflict-free. Because they are created in
laboratories, no harm is inflicted to the environment by way of soil pollution or excessive emission of
carbon and other greenhouse gases.

Synthetic diamonds in general look very similar to real diamonds, and the physical and chemical
differences between the two are not easily identifiable to non-experts. They are also more accessible to
consumers with a wide selection of colors.

Fancy yellow diamonds are inarguably a good choice for an engagement ring. A gem precious and rare
will no doubt be a perfect symbol of an everlasting promise of love. You only have to keep in mind a few
considerations in choosing your desired color, intensity, and kind.

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