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Key Takeaways

By Elbenson Rescober

Part 1: https://www.facebook.com/113312687006928/videos/3174621425963894

Part 2: https://www.facebook.com/113312687006928/videos/282897363007072
Day 1:

 Success primarily depends on Character Ethics which includes Integrity, Fairness,

Human Dignity, Courage, Justice, Honesty and Patience while Personality Ethics such as
Personality traits, Skills, Techniques comes secondarily.
 Habit 1, 2 & 3 deal with SELF-MASTERY or PRIVATE VICTORIES.
 Habit 4, 5 & 6 deal with PUBLIC VICTORIES.
 Habit 7 is the renewal of the FOUR DIMENSIONS of a meaningful life.
 Paradigm is the way we see and understand around us.
 On the other hand, paradigm shift the way we Saw Differently / Thought Differently /
Felt Differently / Acted Differently.
 With shifting paradigm, once you see things as they really are, you will think, feel and
act differently
 If you want to make changes in your life, work on your behavior but if you want to
make significant quantum breakthrough, work on your paradigm
 “All the significant breakthroughs were break-withs old way of thinking”


Habit 1 – Be Proactive

 Principle: Individuals are responsible for their own choices and have the freedom to
 Highly Effective Paradigm – “I am free to choose and am ultimately responsible for
my happiness”.
 Highly Effective Practices:
o Pause and respond based on principles and desired results
o Use Proactive Language
o Focus on Circle of Influence
o Become a Transition Person
o They can subordinate feelings to value.
 If you are a proactive person, you will focus on circle of influence (things you can
control) but if you are a reactive, you will focus on circle of concern.
Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind

 Principles:
o Mental creation precedes physical creation.
o If you fail to plan, then plan to fail.
 Highly Effective Paradigm: “Clearly defining my vision and purpose in life will make all
the differences”
 Highly Effective Practices:
o Define outcomes before they act
o Create and live by a Personal Mission Statement
 A Good Mission Statement:
o Encourages you to think about your life
o Clarifies what is important to you – your deepest values
o Provides direction
o Enables you to monitor progress
o Addresses the most important aspects of your life
o Helps avoid failure
 “Visualizing Something Organizes One’s Ability to Accomplish it”

Habit 3 – Put First Things First

 Principles: Effectiveness requires balancing roles, activities, and relationships

 Highly Effective Paradigm: I spend time on what’s most important
 Highly Effective Practices:
o Focus on Highest Priorities
o Eliminate the unimportant
o Plan every week
o Stay tune in the moment of choice
 Time Management Matrix:
Day 2:


Habit 4 – Think Win-Win (Attitude)

 Principles:
o Mutual Benefit
o Fairness
o Abundance
 Highly Effective Paradigm: “There is plenty out there for everyone, and more to
 Highly Effective Practices:
o Have an abundance mentality
o Balance Courage and Consideration
o Consider other people’s wins as well as their own
o Create Win-Win Agreement
o Cooperative not competitive
 The whole idea of an abundance mentality and thinking win-win is that you can
grow the pie – we can all win abundantly.
 People with Win-Wind mindset give:
o Credit to others
o Extend trust to others
o Empower them

Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood (Skill)

 Principles:
o Respect
o Mutual Understanding
o Empathy
o Courage
 Highly Effective Paradigm: “I have greater influence with others if I truly understand
them first”
 Highly Effective Practices:
o Practice Empathic Listening
o Respectfully seek to be understood
 Emphatic Listening is simply understanding another’s point of view and feelings
without judgment.
Habit 6 – Synergize (Result)

 Principles: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

 Synergy takes place when two or more people produce more together than they
could have produced separately. This is the very essence of team spirit.
 Highly Effective Practices:
o Value Differences
o Seek 3rd Alternatives
o Using other people’s talents to enhance yours

 “If two people have the same opinion, one is unnecessary”

Habit 6 – Sharpen the Saw

 Taking the time on a regular basis to sharpen your saw in the physical, spiritual,
mental and social or emotional dimensions
 Principles: Renewal, Continuous Improvement, Balance
 Highly Effective Paradigm: I take time for myself everyday because it gives me the
ability to do everything else
 Highly Effective Practices: Achieve daily private victory.
 4 Dimensions- Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit

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