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Copyright JeromeFitness 2015


Nothing from this program may be copied, reproduced or used without written permission from the
author. Brief quotations are allowed if properly referred. This program may not be spread by anyone
except for the author and are only distributed in a way approved by JeromeFitness Business.

Author: Jerome Fishermen

All rights reserved Copyright ©2015 by Jerome Fishermen and his business JeromeFitness.


This program is meant to educate and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a medical
professional. Information provided in this program is based on research articles as well as personal
observations, experience and education of the author who is not doctor. Always consult with a
physician or other health care provider before you start with a new workout, diet or other health
program. Get a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, have diabetes or other serious
diseases, high blood pressure, are overweight, have a high cholesterol level, are over 35 years old or
have other health issues or problems with your body before applying tips given in this program.

If at any time you feel dizzy, unwell or too tired to perform the exercise with proper form, take a
longer break or end the workout. Consult a doctor if the problems remain.

You are responsible for your own health. By using the information shared with you via this
program you agree to not take me responsible for any kind of injury or problems you might get.
Read the safety tips given in the ‘Information to get you started’ section to minimize the risk of
getting injured or hurt.


Thank you for purchasing my 1 year bodyweight workout program. My name is Jerome and I am an
online personal trainer, nutritionist and flexibility expert. After the success of my full 3 year workout
program available in my web shop, I figured it was time for a bodyweight workout plan. You can find
a lot of online programs that are often very expensive and most of the time consists of a plan for only
12-20 weeks or so. This program, however, has you covered for a complete year for the only one-
third the price of an average personal training session. It even includes 3 bonus months for free.

Whether you are a beginner or more advanced, I think everyone should have access to cheap, easy
to follow workout programs. The One Year Bodyweight Program that lies in front of you is a perfect
example of that. I hope you enjoy the program, learn a lot of new exercises and get in great shape
using the routine!

Stay healthy,



Foreword ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 5
Information To Get You Started .............................................................................................................. 6
Warm Up & Cooling Down .................................................................................................................. 6
Breathing ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Sets, Reps & Rest ................................................................................................................................. 8
Tempo.................................................................................................................................................. 9
How To Read The Workouts .............................................................................................................. 10
Improvised equipment ...................................................................................................................... 11
Pull Ups .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Dips ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Weights.......................................................................................................................................... 11
Bodyweight Rows .......................................................................................................................... 11
Safety ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Overtraining....................................................................................................................................... 12
Nutrition is key ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Preparation Month ................................................................................................................................ 14
Month 1: Foundation Fitness ................................................................................................................ 16
Month 2 General Strength & Strength Endurance ................................................................................ 18
Month 3: Beginners 5 x 5 Calisthenics .................................................................................................. 20
Month 4: Supersets for Super Results ................................................................................................... 21
Month 5: Push, Pull, Legs Split .............................................................................................................. 22
Month 6: Giant Sets I............................................................................................................................. 23
Month 7: Intermediate 5 x 5 Calisthenics Workout .............................................................................. 25
Month 8: Circuit Sets ............................................................................................................................. 26
Month 9: Giant Sets II............................................................................................................................ 27
Month 10: Advanced 5 x 5 Calisthenics Workout ................................................................................. 29
Month 11: Pyramid Training Part I ........................................................................................................ 30
Month 12: Pyramid Training Part II ....................................................................................................... 31
BONUS Month 1 Your First Muscle Ups ................................................................................................ 32
BONUS Month 2: Your First Muscle Ups ............................................................................................... 33


Official links
Check out my YouTube channel with over 380 FREE videos and counting. Learn everything about
nutrition, fitness and flexibility with short, entertaining and informative videos.


The JeromeFitness website is a great source of free information on nutrition, fitness and flexibility.
Get in contact with me, learn the basics of various health related topics or hire me as your online
personal trainer.


Find tons of articles about nutrition, health, fitness, workouts and flexibility training. Submit your
own topic and I write an article about your question or comment.


Purchase some of the best and cheapest workout plans, eBooks and other products. The product list
continues to grow so stay up-to-date!


Subscribe to my newsletter for updates AND a FREE 50 pull ups and 100 push-ups program. Perfect
to use as preparation for the more advanced parts of this workout program:



Bodyweight training or calisthenics is one of my favorite ways of working out. At the age of 15 (and
even before that) I worked out with body weight only. I did pull ups on monkey bars at kid
playgrounds, used fences and chairs to do my dips on and did a lot of push-ups and crunches to get in
shape. As an online personal trainer I often have people asking me to make them a personalized
workout plan. The most challenging requests were from those who only wanted to work with
bodyweight exercises. Since you have to work with a limited amount of equipment, creativity is the
best way to get the most out of these workout programs. Building a good bodyweight workout plan
is more than just keep on adding repetitions to your push-ups and pull ups. It is about increasing
intensity, rather than volume. That is why this program consists of various exercises that vary in reps
and sets.

This workout program is similar to the workout plans I make for my clients as a personal trainer. The
difference is that it cannot be personalized, but on the other hand it is way cheaper. If at any time
you have questions or comments (both positive and negative) about the program or are having
difficulty following it, you can contact me directly via my website:


Before getting into the actual workouts, there is some basic information to get you started. Learn
how the program is built up, what everything means, how to read it, how to use the exercise guide
which demonstrates all the videos and much more. If you want the full program printed, consider
printing only the workouts schedules and not the explanation to avoid waste of paper (and ink). The
exercises are linked to a demonstration video that can be found on YouTube. You do not have to
watch the entire video as the names of the exercises are linked to the part of the video that
demonstrate that particular exercise. Here is the list to the complete video, just in case you want to
see all the exercises at once.

Bodyweight Exercise Guide: For Beginning AND Advanced Athletes



Information To Get You Started

In order to get maximum results out of these workouts I want to give you some more information to
get started. Even though some of this is basic, it is highly recommended to look it through and apply
the given tips to the workouts. This general information is all you need if you are a complete
beginner and refreshes the knowledge of the more experienced athlete. Please take your time to
read this through regardless of your level of fitness or experience!

Warm Up & Cooling Down

Even though the warm ups that can be done before the workouts are not shown in these workout
plans, it is crucial to do a proper warm up. A proper warm up will gradually increase your heart rate,
get the blood flowing to your muscles and reduce the chance of getting injured. So how do you do
this? Starting with a moderate intensity and working your way up to a higher intensity, you perform a
couple of general warm up exercises as well as specific exercises.

An example of the first would be to skip rope for a couple of minutes, perform jumping jacks or
simply go for a short run at moderate to low intensity. The further the warm up progresses the more
you increase the intensity of the exercises. After you raised your heart rate a bit and your muscles
are more warmed up you can do a more specific warm up. Basically you do some light exercises for
the muscle groups you are going to work out.

Say you have a legs workout with heavy squats planned. Prior to the main workout and after
performing the general warm up you can do some light squats first. I recommend you to use around
50% of the weight or intensity you are planning to use in the actual workout. The same is true for
bodyweight exercises. To warm up for push-ups you could do knee push-ups for example. The reason
why a concrete warm up is not included in this workout is because everyone has their own preferred
way to warm up.

The main purpose of warming up is to raise your heart rate and loosen up your muscles. For some
this may take 15 minutes, whereas others, like me, hardly warm up at all. Personally I only do a
lighter version of the main exercise I am doing that day. Especially for squats I tend to warm up
properly, but for other exercises I feel I can start pretty soon. Bodyweight exercises generally are
safer than weight lifting exercises. All exercises in this workout are steady-state, meaning you do not
do dynamic, dangerous exercises. A warm up can therefore be more compact. Here is an example of
a proper warm up.

Example Warm Up
5 minutes of rope skipping, jogging or jumping jacks (with some rest in between if needed)
3 sets of 10 arm rotations
1 minute of high knees
1 minute of heel to butt kicks
3 sets of 5 knee push-ups or 20 knee push-ups (depending on level of fitness)
15-25 bodyweight squats
10 modified chin ups or bodyweight rows


Stretching is often recommended prior to working out, but that is a very bad advice. Stretching has a
relaxing effect on your body and if there is anything you do not want when you have a 100 kg barbell
above your head is to be relaxed. A cooling down on the other hand can be finished with some
stretching exercises. The cooling down is the opposite of the warm up and is performed after the
main workout. The intensity of the cooling down will actually decrease towards the end of the

Dynamic stretches such as high knees, arm rotations and heels to butt kicks are alright to do as part
of a warm up though!


Something I get a lot of questions about is: how to breathe when you are working out? There is a
very simple answer to this. The most optimal way of breathing is to exhale during exertion and to
inhale when you return to the starting position. Here is an example:

Push Ups

When you perform a push up you breathe in when you go down.

When you push yourself back up you exhale.

Some people may prefer a slightly different breathing technique and this is where the personal part
of fitness comes in. Everyone is different and you may prefer another breathing technique. The most
conventional and probably the best and safest way is the above described technique. Things you
definitely should NOT do are holding your breath during exercises or pressing your lips together and
let escape only very small portions of air. This puts more pressure on your body and can raise your
blood pressure.

Sets, Reps & Rest

The amount of rest is always shown in the last row of a workout day (in grey). Try to stick to that
amount of rest if possible. If you feel you cannot possibly perform the recommended amount of
repetitions without taking more rest, then take more time to recover properly. Just make sure you do
not exaggerate. If you need much more time to recover then you are probably working out with too
high of an intensity.

The first number before the 'x' in the workout is always the amount of sets. The number following is
the amount of repetitions (reps). A rep means you perform a certain exercise for one single time. So
doing one push up is one rep. When you do 20 push-ups in a row you are doing 20 repetitions.
Therefore, 3 x 20 push-ups means 3 sets of 20 repetitions of push-ups. In total that are 60 push-ups.
Why not perform these 60 push-ups in a row? The reason for that is because it is either too advanced
or it goes beyond the purpose of your workout. If you can do 32 repetitions in a row with a bench
press you cannot possibly lift as much weight as you would with 4 sets of 8 repetitions.

When it comes to gaining muscle mass there are a couple of things important. The time under
tension (how long one repetition takes to finish), load (how heavy the weight or how intense the
exercise is) and range of motion (how much distance is covered throughout one repetition). These
are all accounted for in the video demonstrations and workout plans.


Let's make it more practical:

Exercise: Pull Ups

Sets and Reps: 3 x 8 repetitions

Rest in between sets: 1 minute rest

Is performed as follows:

8 Barbell Rows (that's one set)

1 minute rest

8 Barbell Rows (set number two)

1 minute rest

8 Barbell Rows (third and last set)

1 minute rest

Perform the next exercise

The time under tension was already mentioned. In practice this comes directly from the tempo, or
‘lifting’ speed. Throughout this workout plan I recommend using a tempo of 2-1-3 to 3-1-4. The first
number (so 2 or 3 in this case) is the time in seconds it takes you to perform the first part of the
exercise. When you do push-ups this is the part where you push yourself up. The 1 stands for the
little pause you take on top of your push-up exercise. The 3 and 4 are the amount of seconds to
lower your body to the floor, ready to push yourself back up.

Doing pull ups in the 2-1-3 and 3-1-4 tempo looks as follows:

Pull yourself up in 2-3 seconds.

Hold this position on top of the bar for 1 second.

Then lower yourself in 3 to 4 seconds.

It is that simple. The first number is the actual exertion of the exercise. The middle number is the
little break you take between the first and last number. And the last number is always the time in
seconds to return to the starting position.


How To Read The Workouts

Without further ado, let me explain to you how this program is built up and how to use it. The plan is
roughly divided into 12 months, each consisting of 4 to 6 weeks of training. You can see there are
also days that are numbered 1 to 7. Now day 1 may be a Monday, but it could just as well be a
Tuesday or Thursday. This may be confusing at first, but it is made that way for your own

If day 1 is a heavy leg day for example and on Mondays you have to play hockey, basketball or some
other sports it is not a good idea to do that heavy leg day on day one. Instead, you could put day 1 on
a Tuesday. Day 2 then automatically be a Wednesday and so on. The numbers of the days are to give
you an idea of in what order you should do your workouts. Stick to the order I give in the program to
avoid overtraining and to optimize your progress.

 So you look at what day of the week it is and find the corresponding workout. Then look at
the right to see what week you are at and perform the amount of sets and repetitions for the
exercises in the left column of that day. It is probably easier if you just look at the schedule
for a while and then it will all be clear. This is how the majority of the workouts are built up.
Some are a bit different, but then there is extra explanation with that specific routine or the
exact days and weeks are shown.
 As you can see there are a lot of blank fields in the program. These are meant to write down
comments that you can use later on. If, for example you did not finish a set, you can write
that down to keep in mind for your next training. This allows you to slightly adjust the
program when you feel the need for that. All of this helps you to make the most progress
 Every month starts with a short introduction text explaining why the program is built up in a
certain way, what specific techniques you are going to use and additional information for
training techniques that differ from status quo.
 You can click on the names of the exercises if you are not familiar with them. These names
are all linked to an instruction video that is available for free on my YouTube channel. Once
you are familiar with the exercises you will not need the example, but you can always look
back at the video that I made for you.
 Finally, the grey bars that are seen at the end of each table indicate how much rest you
should take in between sets. Try to stick to that amount as much as possible. If at any time
you feel you cannot keep up, feel free to take some more rest.


Improvised equipment
Even though most exercises in this workout plan do not require equipment, there are some exercises
that indeed do require you to buy, find or improvise workout equipment. Here are some tips for
those who have literally no equipment at hand to do the recommended bodyweight exercises.

Pull Ups
Pull ups are essential for a complete workout, regardless of the workout being calisthenics only or
weight training. Luckily there are plenty of alternatives to a regular pull up bar. You can go outside
and find yourself a playground. Very few playgrounds do not have a pull up bar you can use. Other
options are tree branches (make sure it is absolutely sturdy and safe to use), a step of (open) stairs or
any other kind of beam or bar that allows you to do pull ups, that is strong enough to hold at least
twice your own body weight and that is close enough to the ground so you can safely dismount.

Everyone should be able to find something suitable to do the bench dips recommended in this
program. You can use the edge of your bed, a chair, edge of your bathtub and so on. Actual dipping
bars are more difficult to find, but definitely not impossible. Most playgrounds have something
suitable for doing dips. Another option is to find two chairs or barstool that allows you to dip down
(with knees bend) without touching the floor. A corner of a steel construction could also be used,
such as that of a fence. Look around and I am sure you can find something that is strong, safe to use
and convenient. Safety comes first!

Even though this is a full bodyweight program, weights can be used to increase the intensity of these
workouts. As a kid I used my backpack for certain exercises. I filled it with books or bottles of water
to make bodyweight exercises more difficult.

Bodyweight Rows
Objects with which you can do bodyweight rows and similar exercises are very helpful. You can do
bodyweight rows underneath a table (again, make sure it is safe and strong!), a broomstick or ladder
placed on top of two sturdy chairs or even look on the playground as most of them have something
you can use to do modified chin ups or bodyweight rows.


Despite the fact that bodyweight training usually prevents overloading and therefore increasing the
risk of injury, one should note that working out always has a certain risk to getting injured, hurt or
damaged in any other way. The preferred way to work out is under strict guidance of a personal
trainer. However, this is unpractical or too expensive for the majority of people. This workout plan is
build up in such a way that most beginners can start with it and very gradually build up their strength
and muscle endurance. That does not take away that it still may be too difficult for some users.
Always listen to your body and rather do too little than too much, especially if you just begin a new
workout. Consult a health professional (doctor or in some cases physical therapist) to be sure you
can safely use this workout program.

Always make sure the area you work out in is safe, meaning no pointy objects, enough space, etc.
Also be sure that the materials you use to work out with are safe to use. This is especially true for the
improvised equipment mentioned in the previous paragraph.

As mentioned before, it is very hard to make a program that is perfectly suited for a lot of people.
Personal training is often the best way to get a program that is completely tailored to your needs.
However, this is a cheap alternative to that. You may want to skip some weeks (especially when you
are more advanced) or perhaps you need to repeat a couple of weeks because you are not ready for
the actual workout plan.

Overtraining is something that is pretty controversial. Some trainers say it is a myth that you can
train too much, others thinks it is a real issue. I myself think overtraining is a true thing that happens
to people who work out too much, use an intensity that is too high for them and take too little rest.
Despite the fact that this program is built up in such a way that you should have plenty of rest each
week, using this program besides your other (sports) activities could lead to overworking your body.
If you feel your performance go down, you are tired all the time and do not make any progress, it is
time to take some extra rest.

A good test to see if you are overtraining is to measure your heart rate directly after waking up. Do
not get up out of bed, but immediately count the heart beats per minute. If your resting heart rate is
70 normally, but now is 80 or 90 just after waking up, this could be a sign of overtraining. There is a
simple solution to this problem, which is to take extra rest. Take a break from working out for one
week and then gradually start working out at half the intensity (half the reps and sets you normally
do) until you feel better. When you do, you can resume your regular workout routine.


Nutrition is key
The most important aspect of gaining muscle mass or losing fat is nutrition. This program does not
include a nutrition plan. Mostly because it is nearly impossible to make a standard nutrition plan that
suits everyone. What is most important to remember is that losing weight comes down to eating
fewer calories than you burn. Gaining weight is the other way around, meaning you need to eat more
calories than you burn. In theory you can lose 0.5 kg (about a pound) of weight every week if you eat
500 kcal less each day. Gaining weight takes 500 kcal a day more than you would need to maintain
weight. The question now is how much you should eat to maintain weight. Formulas are available for
those who do not know how much they have to eat for any specific goal. My website contains a
calorie calculator which you can use to determine your required calorie intake.


On the site you also find a lot of free information about nutrition. I recommend you to read the
articles on my website to learn more about nutrition. If you want to get in-depth information then I
recommend you to order your copy of my book ‘The Complete, Not So Giant Book Of Six-Pack Abs’.
One important thing to know is that it does not really matter WHAT you eat when it comes to gaining
or losing weight, but HOW MUCH you eat. Theoretically you can get the body of your dreams with
pizza, although that is a very bad idea when you care even a little bit about your health.


Preparation Month
Part of the bonus material of this workout program is the preparation month you see here. Even
though the first month of training (Month 1: Foundation Fitness) is already pretty easy for some
people, a preparation month to work yourself up to that level is not a bad idea. In this month you
start with the most basic exercises. It also includes a kind of cardio workout, which helps you build up
your (muscle) endurance. Simply perform as many repetitions in the given amount of time as
possible. Other than that, follow the program as shown here for the next 4 weeks. That way you are
prepared for the first month of the 12 months program.

Prep-Week 1 Sets + Reps Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Push Ups (From Knees) 3x 8
Pull Ups (negatives) 5x 2
Body Weight Squats 3x 8
Pike Push Ups 3x 6
Table extensions 3 x 10
Bench Dips 3 x max
Rest between sets: 30 seconds

Week 1 (Optional) Time Performed Day 2 Day 4

Burpees without push ups 30 seconds
T-twist 45 seconds
Walking Lunges 40 seconds
Mountain Climbers 30 seconds
Standing Bicycles 60 seconds
Rest between sets: 90 seconds

Prep-Week 2 Sets + Reps Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Push Ups (From Knees) 4x 6
Pull Ups (negatives) 3x 3
Body Weight Squats 3 x 10
Pike Push Ups 4x 6
Table extensions 3 x 12
Bench Dips 3 x max
Rest between sets: 45 seconds

Week 2 (Optional) Time Performed Day 2 Day 4

Burpees without push ups 40 seconds
T-twist 50 seconds
Walking Lunges 40 seconds
Mountain Climbers 40 seconds
Standing Bicycles 60 seconds
Rest between sets: 90 seconds


Prep-Week 3 Sets + Reps Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Push Ups (From Knees) 4x 8
Pull Ups (negatives) 4x 3
Body Weight Squats 4x 8
Pike Push Ups 3x 8
Table extensions 2x 8
Bench Dips 4 x max
Rest between sets: 60 seconds

Week 3 (Optional) Time Performed Day 2 Day 4

Burpees without push ups 50 seconds
T-twist 60 seconds
Walking Lunges 50 seconds
Mountain Climbers 60 seconds
Standing Bicycles 60 seconds
Rest between sets: 90 seconds

Prep-Week 4 Sets + Reps Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Push Ups (From Knees) 3 x 10
Pull Ups (negatives) 4x 4
Body Weight Squats 4 x 10
Pike Push Ups 4x 8
Table extensions 2x 6
Bench Dips 4 x max
Rest between sets: 90 seconds

Week 4 (Optional) Time Performed Day 2 Day 4

Burpees without push ups 60 seconds
T-twist 60 seconds
Walking Lunges 60 seconds
Mountain Climbers 60 seconds
Standing Bicycles 60 seconds
Rest between sets: 90 seconds

Thank you for using my One Year Bodyweight Workout Program

For more products from this author and trainer, visit the web shop:



Month 1: Foundation Fitness

When you build a house, the first thing you have to do is make a good foundation. The same goes for
fitness. The workout that is laid out for you in the first few weeks may seem very simple for you now.
This first month is necessary to get you familiar with some of the basic movements. Three full body
workouts are done each week to increase your muscle endurance, strength and even build some
muscle mass.
Since this is a program that should be useful for everyone, you may need to adjust some things. If
you cannot do 8 regular push-ups in a row, I highly recommend you to follow this program exactly
the way it is presented to you. If you can already do more than 8 push-ups in a row, replace the ‘knee
push ups’ with regular push-ups and follow the amount of reps and sets given here. Also use this
concept for pull ups. If you can do more than 6-8 pull ups you can follow this routine and replace the
‘negative pull ups’ with regular pull ups.
Other than that, you can use this month of foundation training to prepare yourself for the next
months. Month 2 is still rather simple, whereas starting from month 3, the program is more suitable
for those who are already more advanced.

Week 1 Sets + Reps Monday Wednesday Friday

Push Ups 3x 1
Pull Ups (negatives) 4x 5
Body Weight Squats 3 x 12
Pike Push Ups 3x 8
Hyperextensions (floor) 3 x 10
Bench Dips 3 x max
Rest between sets: 30 seconds

Week 1 (Optional) Time Performed Day 2 Day 4

Burpees without push ups 2 x 30 seconds
T-twist 2 x 45 seconds
Walking Lunges 2 x 40 seconds
Mountain Climbers 2 x 30 seconds
Standing Bicycles 2 x 60 seconds
Rest between sets: 90 seconds

Week 2 Sets + Reps Monday Wednesday Friday

Push Ups 4x 1
Pull Ups (negatives) 3x 3
Body Weight Squats 3 x 12
Pike Push Ups 4x 6
Hyperextensions (floor) 3 x 12
Bench Dips 3 x max
Rest between sets: 45 seconds

Week 2 (Optional) Time Performed Day 2 Day 4

Burpees without push ups 2 x 40 seconds
T-twist 2 x 50 seconds
Walking Lunges 2 x 40 seconds
Mountain Climbers 2 x 40 seconds
Standing Bicycles 2 x 60 seconds
Rest between sets: 90 seconds


Week 3 Sets + Reps Monday Wednesday Friday

Push Ups 3x 2
Pull Ups (negatives) 4x 3
Barbell Squats Squats 3 x 12
Pike Push ups
Military Press 4x 8
Hyperextensions (floor) 2x 8
Bench Dips 4 x max
Rest between sets: 60 seconds

Week 3 (Optional) Time Performed Day 2 Day 4

Burpees without push ups 2 x 50 seconds
T-twist 2 x 60 seconds
Walking Lunges 2 x 50 seconds
Mountain Climbers 2 x 60 seconds
Standing Bicycles 2 x 60 seconds
Rest between sets: 90 seconds

Week 4 Sets + Reps Monday Wednesday Friday

Push Ups 3x 3
Pull Ups (negatives 4x 4
Barbell Squats Squats 3 x 12
Military Press Pike Push ups 3 x 10
Hyperextensions (floor) 2x 6
Bench Dips 4 x max
Rest between sets: 90 seconds

Week 4 (Optional) Time Performed Day 2 Day 4

Burpees without push ups 2 x 60 seconds
T-twist 2 x 60 seconds
Walking Lunges 2 x 60 seconds
Mountain Climbers 2 x 60 seconds
Standing Bicycles 2 x 60 seconds

Thank you for using my One Year Bodyweight Workout Program

For more products from this author and trainer, visit the web shop:



Month 2 General Strength & Strength Endurance

After the preparation month and a month of laying the foundation for your muscle endurance, it is
time to work on your general strength and endurance. This is where you do your first set of 5 push-
ups, start doing some weighted exercises using a backpack (filled with bottles of water, weights or
books) and do other more difficult exercises. This is a perfect preparation for the beginners 5 x 5
workout which you do after these 5 weeks.

Week 5 Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Exercises Sets + Reps
Push Ups 3x 5
Backpack Squats 3 x 12
Pike Push Ups 3x 8
Hyperextension (on the floor) 3 x 10
Bench Dips 3 x 15
Rest between sets: 30 seconds

Week 6 Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Exercises Sets + Reps
Push Ups 4x 5
Backpack Squats 4 x 10
Pike Push Ups 5x 8
Hyperextension (on the floor) 4x 8
Bench Dips 4 x 12
Rest between sets: 45 seconds

Week 7 Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Exercises Sets + Reps
Push Ups 3x 6
Backpack Squats 3 x 15
Pike Push Ups 3 x 12
Hyperextension (on the floor) 4 x 15
Bench Dips 3 x 20

Thank you for using my One Year Bodyweight Workout Program

For more products from this author and trainer, visit the web shop:



Week 8 Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Exercises Sets + Reps
T-Push Ups 4x 5
Backpack Squat 4 x 12
V-Sit Up 4x 5
Modified Handstand Push Ups 3 x 12
Dips 4 x max
Rest between sets: 60-90 seconds

Week 9 Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Exercises Sets + Reps
T-Push Ups 4x 4
Backpack Squat 4 x 15
V-Sit Up 4x 6
Modified Handstand Push Ups 4 x 10
Dips 2x 6
Modified Chin Ups 4 x max
Rest between sets: 60-90 seconds

Thank you for using my One Year Bodyweight Workout Program

For more products from this author and trainer, visit the web shop:



Month 3: Beginners 5 x 5 Calisthenics

5 x 5 workouts are well-known in the weight lifting scene. You perform 5 sets of 5 repetitions of 5 big
exercises: bench press, squats, deadlifts, military press and barbell row. This concept is directly
translated to this beginner 5 x 5 calisthenics routine. During four weeks you are going to do a similar
routine. Look at the schedule below to see what week you are in. Then see which of the two
workouts you have to perform on that given day.

Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Week 10 Workout A Workout B Workout A
Week 11 Workout B Workout A Workout B
Week 12 Workout A Workout B Workout A
Week 13 Workout B Workout A Workout B

Workout A Sets + Reps Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13

Negative pull ups 5x 5
(Backpack) Squats 5x 5
Bench Dips 5x 5
Crunches 5 x 10
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

Workout B Sets + Reps Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13

(Knee) Push Ups 5x 5
(Backpack) Squats 5x 5
Modified BW Row 5x 5
Knee Hug Crunch 5 x 10
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

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Month 4: Supersets for Super Results

Supersets save you a lot of time and they are also rather effective. The increased intensity helps you
to improve your strength and meanwhile have a cardiovascular benefit too in that it increases your
overall endurance. Besides that they help you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. When
you see 'Superset' that means the next two exercises are performed back to back without any rest in

For example:
6 push-ups followed immediately by 8 crunches. That makes one set. So 3 x 6 push-ups and 3 x 8
crunches mean you repeat those two more times. In between the superset you can have some rest.

Day 1 and 4 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17

Push Ups 3x 6 4x 5 4 x6 3x 8
Crunches 3x 8 4x 6 4x 8 3 x 10
Normal Sets:
Declined Push Ups 3x 6 4x 5 4 x6 3x 8
Chin Ups 3x 2 3x 2 4x 2 2x 4
Knee Hug Crunch 3 x 10 4x 8 4 x 10 3 x 12
Rest after normal and supersets 60 seconds 45 seconds 60 seconds 90 seconds

Day 2 and 5 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17

Close Stance Squat 3x 8 4x 6 4x 8 3 x 10
Bulgarian Split Squat 3x 8 4x 6 4x 8 3 x 10
Normal Sets:
Hyperextensions (on floor) 2x 5 2x 5 2x 5 2x 5
Glute Bridge 3x 8 3x 6 4x 8 2 x 10
Plank Get-Ups 3 x 10 4x 8 4 x 10 3 x 12
Rest after normal and supersets 60 seconds 45 seconds 60 seconds 90 seconds

Day 3 and 6 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17

Pull Ups 3x 5 4x 4 4x 5 3x 6
Pike Push Ups 3x 8 3 x 10 4x 8 4 x 10
Normal Sets:
Modified Rows 3 x 10 4x 8 4 x 10 3 x 12
(Weighted) Crunch 3x 8 3 x 10 4x 8 4 x 10
T-Twist 3 x 12 4 x 10 4 x 12 3 x 16
Rest after normal and supersets 60 seconds 45 seconds 60 seconds 90 seconds


Month 5: Push, Pull, Legs Split

Even though not all split routines (meaning you assign different body parts to different days) are
effective, the Push-Pull-Legs routine is definitely useful. You start with a 'push' day, and then do a
'legs' day followed by a 'pull' day. Have a day rest on day 4, then follow two days of training that
combines pull, push and legs and have a day of rest on the 7th day. To avoid boredom and for
maximum results, each day has different exercises or a different layout.

Day 1 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21

Declined Push Ups 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Modified Push Ups 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Dips 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Incline Push Ups 3x 8 4x 8 3 x 10 3 x 12
Rest between sets 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds

Day 2 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21

Assisted Pistol Squats 4 x 6 each leg 4 x 6 each leg 4 x 6 each leg 4 x 6 each leg
One Legged Glute Bridge 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Hanging Leg Raises 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Seated Twist 3x 8 4x 8 3 x 10 3 x 12
Rest between sets 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds

Day 3 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21

Pull Ups 4x 5 4x 5 4x 5 4x 5
Hyperextensions 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Inverted Row 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Chin Ups 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Rest between sets 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds

Day 5 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21

Decline Knuckle Hip Push Up 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Assisted Pistol Squats 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Hanging Bicycles 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
One Legged Glute Bridge 3x 8 4x 8 3 x 10 3 x 12
Rest between sets 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds

Day 6 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21

Pull Ups 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Hyperextensions 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Bodyweight Row 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Chin Ups 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6 4x 6
Rest between sets 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds 45-60 seconds


Month 6: Giant Set I

Giant sets are fun yet challenging. Without any rest in between exercises, you are going to do 4
exercises for the same (or similar) muscle group. After the series of 4 exercises you can take a 2
minute break and repeat the exercises. So for day one, you do 10 wide push-ups followed by 10
normal push-ups, 10 modified handstand push-ups and finish with 10 triangle push-ups. That is one
set. Take a 2 minute break (more if needed) and repeat so you do 4 sets in total. If at any time you
feel dizzy or too tired to perform the exercise with proper form, take a longer break or end the

Day 1 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25

Wide Push Ups 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Normal Push Ups 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Modified Handstand Push Ups 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Triangle Push Ups 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises

Day 2 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25

L-sit on ground 3 x Max 4 x Max 5 x max 3 x max
Knee Raises between chairs 3x 8 4x 8 3 x 10 4 x 10
Handstand Against Wall 60-50-40-30 seconds hold 60-50-40-40 seconds hold 60-60-40-40 seconds 50-50-50-50-50 seconds
Hanging Full Leg Raises 3x 5 5x 3 3x 6 4x 5
Rest between sets 1 min rest between sets 1 min rest between sets 1 min rest between sets 1 min rest between sets

Day 3 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25

Back Pack Squats 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Back Pack Bulgarian Split Squat 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Back Pack Glute Bridge 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Hyperextensions on floor 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises

Day 4 to 6 are on the next page!


Day 4 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25

Hindu Push Up 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
L to V Hanging Leg Raise 3 x max 3 x max 3 x max 3 x max
Decline Push Ups 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Wide Push Ups 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Rest between sets 1 min rest between sets 1 min rest between sets 1 min rest between sets 1 min rest between sets

Day 5 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25

One Handed BW Row 4 x 3 each hand 4 x 3 each hand 4 x 4 each hand 4 x 4 each hand
Assisted Pistol Squat 4 x 10 each leg 4 x 10 each leg 4 x 12 each leg 4 x 12 each leg
Pull Ups 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Modified Chin Ups 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 12
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises

Day 6 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25

L-sit between chairs 3 x Max 4 x Max 5 x max 3 x max
Knee Raises between chairs 3x 8 4x 8 3 x 10 4 x 10
Handstand Against Wall 60-50-40-30 seconds hold 60-50-40-40 seconds hold 60-60-40-40 seconds 50-50-50-50-50 seconds
Hanging Full Leg Raises 3x 5 5x 3 3x 6 4x 5
Rest between sets 1 min rest between sets 1 min rest between sets 1 min rest between sets 1 min rest between sets

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Month 7: Intermediate 5 x 5 Calisthenics Workout

A second 5 x 5 calisthenics workout and this time the intermediate version. By now you should be
able to do at least 5 pull ups in a row, preferably multiple sets. These 4 weeks you follow a similar
structure as with the 5 x 5 beginner calisthenics routine. Use a slow and controlled technique for all
the exercise, concentrating on proper muscle contraction throughout the exercise.

Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Week 26 Workout A Workout B Workout A
Week 27 Workout B Workout A Workout B
Week 28 Workout A Workout B Workout A
Week 29 Workout B Workout A Workout B

Workout A Sets + Reps Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29

Pull ups 5x 5
Assisted Pistol Squats 5x 5
Dips 5x 5
Alternating Hyperextensions 5 x 10
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

Workout B Sets + Reps Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29

Slow Push Ups 5x 5
Assisted Pistol Squats 5x 5
Modified Handstand Push Up 5x 5
Knee Hug Crunch 5 x 10
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

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Month 8: Circuit Sets

This month is similar to the first Giant Sets program where you do multiple exercises in a row. The
difference with this one is that you do not just focus on one muscle group at the time, but rather do
various exercises in a row. Perform each given exercise back to back without any rest in between
(unless you feel you need more rest). After the 4 exercises you can take a 2 minute break before
doing the next circuit set.

Day 1 + 4 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33

Pistol Squats 3 x 5 each leg 3 x 5 each leg 4 x 5 each leg 3 x 6 each leg
Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
One Legged Glute Bridge 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
Hyperextension 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises

Day 2 + 5 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33

Wide Grip Pull Ups 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
Abdominal Wheel Rollout 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
L-Sit Bodyweight Row 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
Baseball Grip Pull Ups 3 x 5 each side 3 x 5 each side 4 x 5 each side 3 x 6 each side
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises

Day 3 + 6 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33

Wide Push Ups 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
Hindu Push Ups 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
Hanging Side Raises 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
Dips 3 x 10 3 x 10 4 x 10 3 x 12
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises

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Month 9: Giant Sets II

Similar to the first giant sets workout you do four exercises in a row without rest. After the series of
four reps you rest for about 2 minutes and repeat. The difference now is that you start with a Tabata
workout on day 2 and 4. Tabata means you do 8 sets of 20 seconds of a certain exercise, with 10
seconds of rest after each set. Take some extra rest right after the Tabata exercise before continuing
with the rest of the workout.
Day 1 Week 35 Week 36
Pistol Squats 3 x 6 each leg 3 x 6 each leg
Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 10 3 x 10
One Legged Bridge 3 x 10 3 x 10
Weighted Hyperextensions 3 x 10 3 x 10
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises

Day 2 Week 35 Week 36

Burpees (as many as you can) 6 sets of 20 seconds burpees, 10 seconds rest
Hanging Knee Raises (weighted) 3 x 10 3 x 10
Plank 3 x 90 seconds hold 3 x 90 seconds hold
Weighted Twist 3 x 10 3 x 10
Rest between sets Minimal rest between abdominal exercises

Day 3 Week 35 Week 36

Weighted Push Ups 3 x 10 3 x 10
Wall Handstand 3 x 50 seconds 3 x 50 seconds
Dips 3 x 10 3 x 10
Hindu Push Ups 3 x 10 3 x 10
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises

Day 4 Week 35 Week 36

Bodyweight Squats 8 sets of 20 seconds front squats, 10 seconds rest
Hanging Knee Raises (weighted) 3 x 10 3 x 10
Plank 3 x 90 seconds hold 3 x 90 seconds hold
Weighted Twist 3 x 10 3 x 10
Rest between sets Minimal rest between abdominal exercises

Day 5 Week 35 Week 36

Wide Grip Pull Ups 3 x 10 3 x 10
L-Sit Row 3 x 10 3 x 10
Modified Chin Up 3 x 10 3 x 10
Baseball Grip Pull Ups 3 x 5 each side 3 x 5 each side
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises

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Day 1 Week 37 Week 38 Week 39

Pistol Squats 3 x 6 each leg 3 x 6 each leg 3 x 6 each leg
Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
One Legged Bridge 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Weighted Hyperextensions 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises 2 min rest after 4 exercises

Day 2 Week 37 Week 38 Week 39

Burpees (as many as you can) 8 sets of 20 seconds burpees, 10 seconds rest
Hanging Knee Raises (weighted) 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Plank 3 x 90 seconds hold 3 x 90 seconds hold 3 x 90 seconds hold
Weighted Twist 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Rest between sets Minimal rest between abdominal exercises

Day 3 Week 37 Week 38 Week 39

Weighted Push Ups 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Wall Handstand 3 x 60 seconds 3 x 60 seconds 4 x 60 seconds
Dips 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Hindu Push Ups 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises 2 min rest after 4 exercises

Day 4 Week 37 Week 38 Week 39

Bodyweight Squats 10 sets of 20 seconds front squats, 10 seconds rest
Hanging Knee Raises (weighted) 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Plank 3 x 90 seconds hold 3 x 90 seconds hold 3 x 90 seconds hold
Weighted Twist 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Rest between sets Minimal rest between abdominal exercises

Day 5 Week 37 Week 38 Week 39

Wide Grip Pull Ups 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
L-Sit Row 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Modified Chin Up 3 x 12 3 x 12 4 x 10
Baseball Grip Pull Ups 3 x 6 each side 3 x 6 each side 4 x 6 each side
Rest between sets 2 minutes after each serie of the 4 exercises 2 min rest after 4 exercises

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Month 10: Advanced 5 x 5 Calisthenics Workout

By now you are probably used to the 5 x 5 workout style. This is 5 exercises, 5 sets and 5 repetitions
per set. Look at the schedule to see in what week you are, then find the workout day and perform
the shown workout (either A or B).

Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Week 40 Workout A Workout B Workout A
Week 41 Workout B Workout A Workout B
Week 42 Workout A Workout B Workout A
Week 43 Workout B Workout A Workout B
Week 44 Workout A Workout B Workout A

Workout A Sets + Reps Week 40 Week 41 Week 42 Week 43 Week 44

Pseudo Push Ups (slow) 5x 5
Pistol Squats 5x 5
Bounce Dips 5x 5
Knee Hug Crunch 5 x 10
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

Workout B Sets + Reps Week 40 Week 41 Week 42 Week 43 Week 44

Arched Back Pull Ups 5x 5
Pistol Squats 5x 5
Handstand Push Up 5x 5
Abdominal Wheel Rollout 5 x 10
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

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Month 11: Pyramid Training Part I

A training technique I recently became more enthusiastic about is pyramid training. This basically
consists of doing repetitions that ascent and / or descent. There are various forms of this training
style and in this month you are going to experiment with them. When it says 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 it means
you do 1 rep, then stop for 2 seconds, do 2 reps, stop 2 seconds, 3 reps, 2 seconds stop, 4 reps, 2
seconds stop, 3 reps, etc. The ‘-‘, means 2 seconds rest, without getting out of the position. In case of
more advanced exercises like pull ups you probably need more rest in between and even need to let
go of the bar from time to time. Do what feels right and do not hesitate to take some more rest
where needed. Some people can complete workouts like these without ‘cheating’ whereas others
need way more rest. Consider these two months a workout you can later repeat so you can do it
exactly how it is planned.

Day 1 Week 45 Week 46 Week 47 Week 48

Push Ups 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Bodyweight Squats 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Crunches 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Pull Ups 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

Day 3 Week 45 Week 46 Week 47 Week 48

Declined Push Ups 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Hyperextension 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Knee Rollouts 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Hindu Push Ups 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

Day 5 Week 45 Week 46 Week 47 Week 48

Pull Ups 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Dips 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Bodyweight Squats 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Glute Bridge 2-4-6-4-2 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

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Month 12: Pyramid Training Part II

The second part of the pyramid training style. This time you increase the amount of repetitions you
do. Again, safety comes first! If you feel dizzy, too tired to perform the exercises properly, take a
break or end your workout. Some people cannot do the recommended amount of repetitions.
Hence, you can use this workout later on to build up your endurance. You can re-use month 11 and
month 12 after you have completed the bonus workouts too.

Day 1 Week 49 Week 50 Week 51 Week 52

Push Ups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Bodyweight Squats 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Crunches 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Pull Ups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

Day 3 Week 49 Week 50 Week 51 Week 52

Declined Push Ups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Hyperextension 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Knee Rollouts 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Hindu Push Ups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

Day 5 Week 49 Week 50 Week 51 Week 52

Pull Ups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Dips 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Bodyweight Squats 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Glute Bridge 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 3-6-9-6-3 10-8-6-4-2
Rest between sets 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds

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BONUS Month 1 Your First Muscle Ups

This is the first of two bonus months, which actually are both rather similar. In these two months you
do higher reps with more advanced exercises. To get even more bonus months you can repeat
month 11 and 12 after this one to see if you have made progress. This is also a perfect workout to
use in preparation for your very first muscle up, hence the title.

Day 1 + 4 (Push) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Bar Dips 4 x 15 4 x 15 4 x 15 4 x 15
Pseudo Push Ups 4 x 15 3 x 20 5 x 12 4 x 20
Dips 4 x 15 3 x 20 5 x 15 4 x 20
Triangle Push Ups 3 x 30 3 x 30 3 x 35 3 x 35
Rest between sets 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes

Day 2 + 5 (Pull) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Arched Back Pull Up 4 x 10 3 x 12 5 x 10 4 x 15
Chin Ups 3 x 15 3 x 15 3 x 15 3 x 15
Baseball Grip Pull Ups 4 x 12 4 x 12 4 x 12 4 x 12
Hanging On Bar 2 x to failure 2 x to failure 2 x to failure 2 x to failure
Rest between sets 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes

Day 3 + 6 (Legs) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Modified Handstand Push Ups 3 x 20 4 x 16 4 x 20 4 x 20
Pistol Squats 4 x 5 each leg 4 x 5 each leg 4 x 5 each leg 3 x 5 each leg
Hindu Push Ups 3 x 20 4 x 18 4 x 18 4 x 20
Weighted One Leg Bridge 3 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 10
Rest between sets 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes

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BONUS Month 2: Your First Muscle Ups

See BONUS Month 1.

Day 1 + 4 (Push) Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Bar Dips 5 x 20 5 x 20 5 x 20 5 x 20
Pseudo Push Ups 4 x 15 3 x 20 5 x 12 4 x 20
Dips 4 x 15 3 x 20 5 x 15 4 x 20
Narrow Push Ups 3 x 30 3 x 30 3 x 35 3 x 35
Rest between sets 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes

Day 2 + 5 (Pull) Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Arched Back Pull Up 4 x 10 3 x 12 5 x 10 4 x 15
Chin Ups 3 x 20 3 x 20 3 x 20 3 x 20
Baseball Grip Pull Ups 4 x 12 4 x 12 4 x 12 4 x 12
Hanging On Bar 2 x to failure 2 x to failure 2 x to failure 2 x to failure
Rest between sets 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes

Day 3 + 6 (Legs) Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Modified Handstand Push Ups 3 x 20 4 x 16 4 x 20 4 x 20
Pistol Squats 4 x 3 each leg 4 x 4 each leg 4 x 4 each leg 3 x 5 each leg
Hindu Push Ups 3 x 20 4 x 18 4 x 18 4 x 20
Weighted One Leg Bridge 3 x 12 4 x 12 4 x 12 4 x 12
Rest between sets 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes

Thank you for using my One Year Bodyweight Workout Program

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