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Inaugural Lecture

Safety and risk: models and reality

J Wolfram, BSc, PhD, CEng, FRINA
Total Oil Marine Professor of Offshore Research and Development
Department of Civil and Offshore Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

This paper provides a summary of how engineering safety practices have been built up over many centuries by hard-won experience
through trial and error. Because engineers design new structures there was no way of deciding whether a structure was safe so methods
had to be devised to increase the factor of safety. Today models are used to test for safety and a Code of Practice has been established
to set standards. Reliability theory and risk assessment are used to estimate failure rates and prescriptive and goal-setting regulations
have been introduced to reduce the risk ofaccidents. The paper also discusses how the public perceive risk and how training can be
given to reduce accidents and improve safety and reliability.

1 INTRODUCTION taking up a struggle with the forces of nature without the

assurance of emerging as the victor after the first attack.
Safety offshore has received considerable attention from
the media and the public at large since the Piper Alpha Well before Navier’s day, engineers learned that if they
disaster in 1988. The recovery of oil and gas from did not get it right first time the penalty could be severe.
beneath the North Sea requires innovative multi- Xerxes, the King of Persia in the fifth century B.c.,
disciplinary engineering and involves a wide range of ordered the engineers to be beheaded when a storm
new and evolving technologies. It is very much at the destroyed a bridge at Hellespont needed for the army to
frontiers of engineering knowledge, and ensuring safety cross to the west. Needless to say, the next bridge was
is a demanding task. In what follows I will be looking at heavily overdesigned and proved to be safe.
safety both generally and with reference to North Sea Of course, engineering has advanced a great deal. In
activities. the early years engineering progressed slowly and engi-
Safety is a curious thing: we are all aware if it, but neers passed on their hard-won experience from gener-
have markedly different views of what it means, depend- ation to generation. Construction practices were
ing on the circumstances and our own perspective. established for buildings, bridges, ships and other arte-
What do we mean by ‘safe’ and ‘safety’? A similar sort facts. Even when the workmanship was good and the
of question was asked, but about games, of the modern materials selected with care, failures could still occur.
philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. After months of deep The principal materials, stone and timber, both showed
thought and reflection Wittgenstein pronounced ‘the considerable variability in strength, which could not be
common property of all games is that they are called anticipated even with careful inspection. The problem
games’. still exists today and Fig. 1 shows the variation in
I am not a philosopher, I am an engineer and I will strength of 1373 Sitka spruce specimens with no visible
be giving you an engineer’s view and a personal view of defects (1).
safety. Like many engineers I will start by looking back- It was in ships where the greatest rate of loss
wards. I will not reminisce on past glories but catalogue occurred. Of course ships can capsize, leak and sink,
some of the failures that have punctuated the develop-
ment of engineering.
However, before I start I wish to distinguish between
science and engineering, so that the blame for these fail- I Sitka
ures is not miscast. The well-known twentieth century
engineer Von Karman made the distinction most suc-
cinctly when he said, ‘Scientists discover what is: engi-
neers create what never has been.’


Whenever something new is created there is always a
risk that it might fail to perform its intended function.
Engineering has evolved through a history of trial and
error, its experimental nature being expressed by the
great French engineer Navier (1785-1 836): --
To undertake a great work, and especially a work of a 0 4000 6doo
novel type, means carrying out an experiment. It means Strength
This paper was presented at Q I I inaugural
lecture held at Heriot- Watt University
in Edinburgh on 30 October 1991. The M S WQS received on 16 December 1991 and Fig. 1 Variation in strength of unseasoned Sitka spruce.
WQS accepted for publication on 9 September 1992. [From Pugsley (l)]
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catch fire, as well as break up either at sea or on rocks. In 1760, the first ship classification society evolved
By the sixth century (A.D.) the risks associated with ship- from Lloyd’s coffee house in London (2). Lloyd’s Regis-
ping were well recognized by the Phoenicians, mer- ter of Shipping, as it became known, employed a group
chants who traded in the central Mediterranean. They of surveyors who regularly inspected ships and classified
sought to insure their vessels against loss and this led to them according to their quality and soundness. Lloyd’s
a flourishing insurance market. Underwriters, a separate organization but emanating
It was to the glory of God to which many engineers originally from the same coffee house, would use these
next devoted their efforts-in the construction of great classifications when deciding whether or not to accept a
cathedrals. Cathedrals continuously pushed at the fron- risk. Soon Lloyd’s Register of Shipping was to be found
tiers of engineering knowledge and building technology, supervising the construction of new ships and setting
with each new one attempting to be more splendid than standards for naval architects, marine engineers and
the previous one. This led to many collapses; for shipbuilders. They provided the first systematic and
example at Beauvais in the thirteenth century the tower independent checks in engineering and ‘A1 at Lloyd’s’
fell once and the roof twice during construction. has been an expression of quality ever since.
In more recent centuries it has been commercial The end of the eighteenth century saw the increased
rather than religious fervour that has driven engineers use of iron as a structural material and in 1779 the
closer to the edge of failure. The relationship between world’s first iron bridge was built over the River Severn.
increasing cost and increasing safety was well recog- This was successful but a number of iron bridges failed
nized and engineers would always wish to ensure safety due to lack of strength before this new material and the
both to protect their reputations and out of a sense of variability in its quality was thoroughly understood.
duty. However, the need to keep costs down to a Indeed, some of the early iron probably had greater
minimum and make a profit was also well recognized as variability in strength than good timber. However, the
an essential element of business survival. The dilemma routine measuring of the strength of materials grew and
which the engineer faced is illustrated in Fig. 2. more reliable iron was developed.
In some cases the engineer could turn to successful In iron, the engineer finally had a material that would
past practice for guidance, but when the design was allow the construction of efficient steam powered
novel, the scale of the enterprise different or the machinery and the start of the nineteenth century saw
materials new engineers would have to rely entirely on the rapid growth of the machinery industry and the
their own judgement. They might make a few simple ad development of mechanical engineering. The harnessing
hoc model tests but until less than three hundred years of steam power provided the potential for high energy
ago they would have no theory or theoretical models to explosions for the first time outside the military sphere.
guide them and would be unaware of the results of any This potential was frequently realized and nowhere
systematic scientific experiment. more than on American steamboats plying for trade on
By the seventeenth century systematic investigations the great rivers of the Midwest. In this competitive
had been made by Leonard0 Da Vinci into the strength trade, speed was of the essence and safety valves were
of iron wires and Galileo had undertaken experiments disabled to keep up steam pressure. Between 1816 and
into the strength of beams. Towards the end of that 1848 there were 233 explosions, killing 2563 people.
century Hooke made the first tentative steps in the One explosion in Cincinnati in 1838 on the Moselle
theory of the strength of materials. This theory gathered killed 151 people and there were demands that the Gov-
momentum in the eighteenth century, notably in France ernment do something about it.
where the military academy and Grand Ecoles were a In France, where engineering science had advanced
great focus for developments in mechanical science. A most rapidly, they already had. Boiler safety standards
little of this new knowledge and understanding was based on sound scientific and engineering principles
being applied in engineering but standards in design, were introduced by the state between 1823 and 1830. It
construction and maintenance still varied greatly. was not until 1852 that Congress finally introduced
regulations for boilers in America.
In the nineteenth century, considerable attention was
focused on the forces or loads acting on structures and
produced in machines, and the use of safety factors
became more widespread. A safety factor is the ratio of
the force required to break something to the maximum
force it is likely to experience during its operational life.
For example, if the maximum force or weight on a

beam is likely to be, say 10 tonnes and an experiment

u with a similar beam showed 20 tonnes was needed to
Ethical pressure cause collapse then the factor of safety would be 2. This
is illustrated in Fig. 3.

When there was uncertainty or doubt about the
strength of a structure or the loads to which it would be
subjected then the cautious engineer would increase the
factor of safety. Indeed, they are often referred to as
> ‘factors of ignorance’.
Strength and safety
Increasing risk of failure A regulation or standard specifying a factor safety
Fig. 2 Cost versus strength and safety: the engineer’s helped the engineer address the problem of how safe to
dilemma make things. However, almost invariably an attempt
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Safety factor = C/D hanger, backwards and fowards until it breaks. The
term fatigue was probably introduced by the French-
man, Poncelet, and it is not difficult to see its origin.
Fatigue presented a major problem for engineers who
had to estimate the lifetime of anything they designed
which was subject to a fluctuating load. Estimating how
long something will last before a fatigue failure occurs is
still a major problem and fatigue experiments, which
started in 1877, still continue today.

IJ Y By the beginning of this century the internal com-

bustion engine and oil, gas and chemical industries had
emerged. On the transport side there were huge steam
ships, motor cars and later aeroplanes. Clearly the
0 Force (load)
scope for accidents and engineering failures was greatly
Fig. 3 The factor of safety concept increased. However, engineering science and good
engineering practice was being disseminated widely
from institutions such as the Watt College, one of the
would be made to provide just the regulation factor of forerunners of this university, and codes of practice and
safety and no more. The objective often became more a standards existed for many areas of engineering activity.
matter of satisfying the regulations than thinking funda- It is perhaps from the early part of this century that
mentally about the safety of a design. Figure 2 is modi- we begin to see the gradual bifurcation of engineering
fied and shown as Fig. 4 to reflect this development. and scientific knowledge. The rapid and widespread
An important practical check of structural safety developments in engineering theory and practice have
introduced in the nineteenth century was the ‘proof also led to the more pronounced separation of engineer-
load’ in which a beam or boiler, for example, was delib- ing into the different sub-disciplines of mechanical, civil,
erately overloaded by anywhere up to 50 per cent electrical, chemical, maritime, aeronautical and quite
before being introduced into service. This provides not recently offshore engineering-to name but a few. What
only a check on the design calculations but also on the these various branches of engineering produce is so
quality of construction. Proof tests are still used today diverse that one engineer could not be expected to
and can lead to spectacular explosions of boilers that operate effectively in more than one or two areas, unlike
have some significant flaw. their nineteenth century counterparts who could turn
One of the greatest contributions to safety came in their hands to designing any engineering artefact.
the mid-nineteenth century with the gradual replace- However, the pressure on the engineer to produce
ment of iron by steel. When iron breaks it gives no fore- safe but economic structures has not reduced over the
warning like timber which creaks and bends excessively centuries. Striving for a healthy safety margin can also
before snapping. Iron fractures in a brittle and often bring the engineer problems. The pressures to be both
catastrophic manner, particularly under impact load. simultaneously safe and economic exist under any poli-
Steel, on the other hand, is ductile and bends out of tical system and not surprisingly failures still occur,
shape on overload, which gives some warning of an even when engineers use codes of practice.
impending collapse and an added margin of safety. Blockley (3) had listed some of the reasons for struc-
However, it is still susceptible to another, difficult to tural failure as:
predict, mode of failure: fatigue. Fatigue is the slow,
incremented growth of cracks in materials subject to a (a) overload,
fluctuating load. It is the source of the majority of (b) understrength,
mechanical failures even today and can be readily (c) movement, such as foundation settlement, etc.,
demonstrated by bending a steel paper clip, or wire coat (d) deterioration, such as fatigue, corrosion, erosion,
(e) random hazards, such as fire, floods, explosions, etc.,

(f) human-based errors, such as design errors or con-

Limit imposed by
Fdactor of safetv I struction errors.
I would add operator errors to the end of this list. In
some respects almost all types of failure could be said to
have a human cause inasmuch as they stem from our
failure to anticipate eventualities and predict how both
the natural and man-made worlds behave. Engineers,
however, have usually learned from their failures and
frequently significant improvements in engineering
practice have occurred as a direct result of failures.
Wide publicity and quick action may sometimes
i Region of most design activitj
prevent other, similar failures. Such was the case with
the Tacoma Narrows bridge which collapsed dramat-
ically in 1940. The collapse was filmed and the film seen
by many engineers. This together with an elegantly
Strength and reliability simple analysis by Von Karman of why this failure
Fig. 4 Designing down to a factor of safety occurred encouraged the modification of other similar
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bridges. They were substantially stiffened to prevent any form of equation) to the data. This is almost invariably
occurrence of the large amplitude torsion vibrations claimed to be a better model than a previous one
that caused the Tacoma Narrows bridge to fail. Inter- derived from a similar set of data. I will call this the
estingly, before its failure the flexible behaviour of this Frank Sinatra Approach (‘I did it my way’) and offer
bridge had prompted some academic engineers to make the following example as an illustration.
a wind-tunnel model. This was being tested at the time When designing the joints of tubular members in off-
of the failure. shore structures the possibility of fatigue cracking due
to the cyclic action of wave forces must be considered.
At the joint there is a concentration of stress (known as
2.1 Engineering, science and models the hot spot stress) due to the abrupt angle at which the
The practice of engineering revolves around the use of tubulars meet. To estimate this local increase in stress
models. Models are used to predict how a proposed the designer uses a stress concentration factor, which
design will behave when built-whether it will meet its measures how many times greater the hot spot stress is
design specification or fail. Only when the models than the average stress in the tubular. To find the stress
predict that the proposed design will be successful will it concentration factor the research engineer can use a
be built. A measure of the quality of an engineering physical scale model which may be made from acrylic
model is how accurately it predicts what actually plastic tube or steel tube. Alternatively, the engineer
happens. Traditionally there have been two principal may produce a theoretical model which will involve
types of models: physical or experimental, simple exam- using a computer and the so-called finite element
ples of which would include train sets and model boats, method for the associated calculations. Figure 5 shows
and theoretical, a well-known example of which is Ein- stress concentration factors estimated for a simple
stein’s scientific model relating energy ( E ) , mass (m)and T-joint bending using three different models: one
the speed of light (c&E = mc’. In recent years a third experimental and two theoretical (4).
modelling approach has blossomed: numerically based Clearly the predictions from these models are very
computer simulation models, lay examples of which different. If we take a joint where the two tubes have the
include the ubiquitous video games beloved of many same diameter and predict how long the joint will last
children (and not so few adults). Sometimes constructs before breaking we get very different answers. If the esti-
are made using all three types and very frequently there mated life using Gibstein’s formula is 30 years then
are inputs from one kind of modelling into another. using Smedley’s formula it is just 4.6 years. While the
Indeed, the philosophy of science, certainly as difference in these predictions is large it is by no means
expounded by Kuhn and Popper, sees experiments untypical for certain aspects of engineering. The
proving or disproving a theoretical model or hypothesis problem of course is we do not know which prediction
as the way science progresses. is correct or whether the fatigue life is going to be some-
Engineering draws heavily on the theoretical models what smaller or larger than either prediction.
of science, Newton’s laws of mechanics being perhaps Unfortunately, the engineer cannot wait until the
the most frequently utilized. However, there are many matter is resolved definitively before designing an off-
areas of interest to engineers to which scientists have shore structure. Indeed, with hundreds of tubular struc-
given scant attention in their headlong rush to the fron- tures already in the North Sea the problem of
tiers of scientific knowledge and discovery. Now engi- accurately predicting the fatigue life of joints still
neers frequently view the modelling process very remains. To obtain guidance, the offshore engineer will
differently from scientists. They are less concerned with
comprehensive models that can explain a broad range
of different but linked phenomena and much more con- 6-
cerned with explaining (to a sufficient accuracy) part of
a particular phenomenon or process that is central to
something they are about to design and make. The 5-
majority of models produced by engineers come either .8.
from experiments with physical models or prototypes, 0
observations on the real world or from computer-based ..z 4-
simulations. .Ec.

Being engineers their approach to model making is

not always scientific, as illustrated by the contrasting 3 3-
two approaches below. The first is that of Professor VI

Kalman whose approach to designing digital filters has .2.


had a huge impact on the design of control systems. He 8 2-

stated that if the data describing a system is complete 2
and exact then there exists a unique model to describe
the system. This is known as the Uniqueness Principle. I-
The second approach, which is more common, deals
with the following situations. The data derived from
experiments are neither complete nor exceptionally 01 I I I I 1 I

accurate. They are analysed by a particular engineer (or 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I .o 1.2
group of engineers), often academics, who frequently Brace-leg diameter ratio
perceive the need to make a name for themselves and Fig. 5 Estimates from various models for the stress concen-
who decide to fit a new empirical model (usually some tration factor at a tubular T’Joint. [From UEG (4)]
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turn to a code of practice or standard. This will tell the Failure rates can be established for items such as light
engineer which models to use and in what way, to bulbs, valves and other small components. The varia-
ensure that the structure would not be threatened by tion in strength of materials can similarly be established
the cracking of one joint, that the estimated fatigue life by testing. All large structures and systems are built up
must well exceed the life required of the platform and from basic components. If the reliability of the basic
that all critical joints should be regularly inspected and, components is known then the reliability of the whole
if necessary, repaired. structure or system can be predicted.
The question arises, How does one establish a Code The great advantage of reliability theory is that it
of Practice? This is done by gathering a group of admits the possibility of failure and estimates the likeli-
experts from around the country, or increasingly from hood, whereas the older safety factor approach does
Europe for EC Codes of Practice or regulations, and not. True, if a safety factor is increased we know that a
charging them with producing a written document. failure is less likely but we have no idea how much less
These experts review the models and the data on which likely.
they are based. They also examine the risks involved in The second technique, quantitative risk assessment,
any possible failure, both to human life and property. looks not only at failure rates but also at the conse-
The greater the potential loss the higher the factor of quences of a failure. In this way a risk cost can be
safety; thus, for example, lift cables will have much obtained where:
higher factors of safety than, say, carrier bags. The
factor of safety will also be increased when the model- risk cost = probability of failure
ling is poor or subject to great uncertainty. x consequences of failure
This kind of approach has been used for many years by
2.2 Reliability theory and risk assessment the insurance industry actuaries when calculating prem-
Recently code makers have started to use two newer iums for both property insurance and life assurances. It
techniques, reliability theory and quantitative risk does require attaching a cost to the loss of a human life.
assessments (QRA) in establishing their Codes. Reliabil- Indeed, such calculations date back to the seventeenth
ity theory is used to predict how reliable a system or century when Sir William Petty estimated the loss to
structure is and also the probability or likelihood that it England '. . . from the plague, by the slaughter of men in
will fail. The theory has been developed over the last 50 war, and by sending them abroad in the service of
years and is now used widely in all branches of engin- foreign princes'.
eering. To illustrate the underlying concept consider a The total cost of an engineering project is the first
trivial example. cost plus the risk cost, plus the cost of maintenance,
Students visiting a beer festival are told they can take repair, etc. By plotting the total cost for similar designs
out as many free bottles of beer as they can carry in one of increasing reliability we produce Fig. 7. This shows
carrier bag. The number of bottles chosen by each that designs of low reliability are not worth while
student will vary. There will also be some variation in because the risk cost is so high. Indeed, there appears to
the strength of the carrier bags. This is illustrated in Fig. be an economically optimum level of reliability and
6. If the student trying to carry out the largest number safety. However, this is misleading. Models are used to
of bottles happens to pick one of the two weakest predict the reliability and probability of failure. Of
carrier bags then that bag will fail. The probability of course, models do not reflect reality precisely and the
this happening can be calculated by the theory. A high extent of the error involved is uncertain. Figure 8 rep-
probability can be accepted when just beer is spilt, but resents the situation when this uncertainty is included.
an extremely low failure rate, indeed as close to zero as In the face of this uncertainty there is a tendency to
practicable, is required for a lift cable where failure may be conservative and move towards higher predicted
put human life at risk. levels of reliability. This is the same as selecting larger

-I Strength of carrier bag
8 I--) /
\ Apparent economically optimum

i J
2 .$
I 1 First cost + maintenance costs. etc.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 1 0 1 1
2 f---
Increasing risk of failure
Strength. safety

and reliability
Weight of bottledstrength of carrier bags
Fig. 6 Illustration of the reliability theory approach Fig. 7 Total cost versus reliability: a simple model
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carry half the people on board at the time when it sank.

A regulation which clearly stated something like ‘the
ship operators must demonstrate that they have policies
and arrangements to deal with all foreseeable emer-
gencies’ may actually have led to more lifeboats being
carried and better training for their use. This is an
example of a goal-setting type of regulation.
After the explosion and fire at the Flixborough
chemical plant in 1974, the first steps were taken
towards the introduction of goal-setting regulations
which put the onus on the plant operators to demon-

Where is the economically
strate the safety of their activities. The introduction of
the Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards
Regulations (CIMAH) in 1984 in the United Kingdom
optimum reliability level?
required the production of a Safety Case for all major
plants (5). The Safety Case addresses qualitatively and,
Increa\ing risk of failure
Strength. d c t y
and reliabiliry

where appropriate, quantitatively all the potential

hazards in a plant and its operation and must demon-
Fig. 8 Total cost versus reliability, with uncertainty (and strate a strategy (both managerial and technical) to
realism) added ensure safety and deal with emergencies.
The Cullen report produced in 1990 following the
safety factors when there is ignorance about how a Piper Alpha disaster in 1988 strongly advocated that
structure or system will behave. The penalty for this the offshore industry should adopt the goal-setting
ignorance is a substantial increase in first cost and regulation approach (6). This approach is now being
weight. This is very significant for weight-sensitive implemented by the new Offshore Division of the
structures like oil rigs and, in particular, aeroplanes. To Health and Safety Executive who were given
increase strength, weight increases. To keep it in the air responsibility for offshore safety in 1991.
the aeroplane’s engines must be bigger and more fuel Even with goal-setting regulations applied well, there
must be carried. This increases weight, and before long is still a risk of accidents occurring. The principle
this vicious cycle cuts down the number of passengers adopted is to make these ‘as low as reasonably
that can be carried so much that the whole project practicable’-the so-called ALARP principle. In the
becomes uneconomic. Norwegian offshore sector where goal-setting regula-
There is therefore a strong desire to develop good tions were introduced following the Alexander Kielland
models that reflect reality as closely as possible. The disaster, this has widely been taken to mean aiming for
models do not need to explain wide-ranging pheno- an annual accident probability of less than 1 in 10 000
mena, just the areas relevant to the design. The fact that for all types of serious accidents.
engineering models should be most precise close to the To give some idea of how this accident rate compares
region where failures may occur is frequently with that which exists onshore, I turn to the Mortality
overlooked-by engineers and others who develop Statistics for 1989 (England and Wales), the latest year
models ! for which they have been published by HMSO. These
show that for men there were 4.6 fatalities per 10 OOO
due to accidents and violence. If we look at the figure
2.3 Prescriptive and goal-setting regulations for the UK offshore sector for the same year it was 1 in
It is not a difficult matter to produce codes of practice 10 000. It therefore appears that men now may be
or standards for the design and construction of bicycles somewhat safer offshore than they are at home.
or domestic heating systems. The range of feasible Looking at one year’s figures for a particular industry
designs is limited, as are the circumstances under which can be misleading as there are significant fluctuations
each will reasonably be operated. from year to year. What is important, however, is the
In other cases, however, the variety of designs is commitment to safety in the offshore industry and the
much wider, as are the operating conditions, and the widely accepted aim of bringing accident fatalities
technology involved is developing rapidly. A good down. It is worth noting that the offshore industry has
example is the offshore oil and gas industry. There is a spent El billion on safety in the last 3 years.
substantial and continuous programme of research and
development so the design, construction and operation
of one offshore installation may be very different from 2.4 Public perception of risk
the previous one. In these cases prescriptive regulations Despite these endeavours many of the public still view
stating that the designer should make such an item so the offshore industry as risky. However, the public per-
big or so strong may be totally inappropriate if the item ception of safety and risk is changing. When I was
has been designed out of the system or could be younger the expression ‘safe as houses’ was in common
replaced by a newer and better item to which the regu- usage. Since the collapse in the housing market in 1988
lations do not refer. and the collapse of houses under falling trees in the
In some cases simple compliance with regulations can gales that swept south-east England in 1989 I have not
encourage the designer to avoid making sensible safety heard that expression.
arrangements. For example, the Titanic was equipped I also remember interviewers on the radio and tele-
with the regulation number of lifeboats: only enough to vision asking ‘Is it absolutely safe? That question has
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since been replaced by ‘How safe is it? or ‘What are the The behaviour of people can, of course, be greatly
risks involved? No one nowadays is under the delusion altered by education and training. Safety is very much a
that anything man-made is indestructible or completely matter of attitude and a way of thinking. In any safety
without risk. management system, training will provide a substantial
The public’s perception of the risk involved in an and important part.
industry depends very much on how that industry com- Considerable attention has already been devoted by
municates with and treats the public. Consider the psychologists to the person-machine interface, but as
nuclear reprocessing industry. Both the transport of yet very little to people-machine interfaces. In any large
nuclear waste and the plant at Windscale in Cumbria system, such as an offshore oil and gas platform, a
were a cause of substantial public disquiet and almost chemical plant or a ship, several people will be involved.
continuous media attention a few years ago. Windscale There will be individual interaction between each
changed its name to Sellafield and the public were person and the system; there will also be interaction
invited to visit in an intensive press and television between people prompted by the perceived behaviour of
advertising campaign. The concern about the containers the system. In an emergency, this interaction is most
used to transport nuclear waste being damaged in an important.
accident and leaking radiation was addressed in a tele- In my view, far more attention will be devoted to
vised experiment. A container was placed across a studying this in the future.
railway track and a train (remotely operated) driven
into it at 100 miles per hour. The crash was spectacular,
the train was wrecked but the nuclear container 3.2 Data
remained intact. These efforts served to allay the fears of Knowledge of human responses is gained from experi-
some of the public and, in the latter case, provide some ments by psychologists and from observing people at
useful engineering knowledge. work. Knowledge of how man-made systems and struc-
The public response to accidents is very much a func- tures actually work, and fail, can be gained in a similar
tion of how extensively they are reported in the media. way. These data, as they are called, are the lifeblood of
In its turn political response is similarly conditioned. good engineering models. Without this our models are
Following the Flixborough disaster in 1974 in which 28 prone to drift away from the reality they are trying to
people were killed the Advisory Committee on Major represent. Let me consider one example.
Hazards was established, leading to a radical rethink of The environment in the North Sea in winter can be
safety in the chemical industry. Since the Piper Alpha very hostile and in storms wind and waves can give rise
disaster in 1988, in which 167 people died, a new Off- to tremendous forces on offshore platforms. Fortu-
shore Division of the Health and Safety Executive has nately, very severe storms are not particularly frequent.
been established and far-reaching changes are underway However, this infrequency means we have few data on
for offshore safety. which to base our models of these events. This is the
By contrast, also in 1988, 4639 people were killed in largest source of uncertainty facing the designers of off-
accidents on the roads of England and Wales. The shore structures. The current approach is to estimate
national media coverage was comparatively minimal the largest wave expected to occur in a 50 year period.
and no major political initiative was taken in road The same is done for the wind and current. It is then
safety. assumed that the extreme wave, the extreme wind and
Communication is clearly a vital factor in the public extreme current will occur simultaneously and from the
perception of risk and any industry that devotes con- same direction. This approach leads to very strong off-
siderable attention to safety and minimizing the risks shore structures. However, many are probably over-
associated with its activities should address this ques- designed, which is expensive, and the offshore industry
tion. It forms a key element in any comprehensive risk in the North Sea will not survive if it is uneconomic.
management strategy. To improve our understanding and modelling of
extreme storms more good data from these events are
3 FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS required. The collection of data, already practised in the
offshore industry, needs to be more widespread. More
3.1 Human reliability importantly, individual companies should be persuaded
In the future both the scope and precision of engineer- to release their data to a general pool and this larger
ing modelling will increase in the pursuit of safety and quantity of data would be available and of benefit to
reliability. One area in particular has received scant the whole industry.
attention from engineers given its importance: human I have recently been looking with Total Oil Marine
behaviour. People are crucial components in most large at the analysis of extreme wave data collected at Alwyn
engineering systems. They are also, historically, the North. These show some very interesting trends.
most unreliable. However, enquiries to see whether analysis of other
People are the source of the vast majority of acci- similar data showed similar trends found that much of
dents that occur-not from malicious intent, but from the other data that exist have not been processed.
ignorance, oversight, overstress, misinterpretation and
fatigue, among other factors. While you cannot change
the physical characteristics of people you can certainly 3.3 Statistical versus probabilistic models
study them and design a system around them. Human It is perhaps the absence of a plentiful supply of good
factors and human reliability are now receiving increas- data that has led to the largely independent develop-
ing attention from the engineering profession and par- ment of structural reliability theory. Structural reliabil-
ticularly from the offshore industry. ity theory has developed based on probability theory
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with little attention to the data with which it must be The question arises: ‘How reliable are the safety and
used for practical purposes. Data analysis using sta- reliability programs? This is a very important question
tistical methods has been undertaken as a quite separate as systems become more complex and we rely on com-
activity. puters increasingly for design, construction and oper-
In structural reliability theory the current approach is ation.
to assume that a particular distribution can represent The output of some computer programs can be
the variability in the strength characteristics of a checked against results from model experiments or
material. A parallel assumption is made concerning the manual theoretical calculations. In many complex cases,
loads acting on the structure. Having made these however, this is not feasible.
assumptions the theory can be used to make an assess- Two independently developed computer programs
ment of the probability of failure. The models widely can have their outputs compared. However, if they
used in this theory are ones that were originally devel- differ, how d o we know which is right, and even if they
oped for deterministic analysis and little attention has appear to agree, how do we know that they are not
been focused on their statistical robustness. In some both wrong?
cases the output can vary substantially with small These questions and ways of obtaining answers to
changes to the sample of input data used. It is my per- them will be of particular interest to those involved in
sonal view that we should move towards a more inte- safety and reliability in the next few years.
grated statistical approach to reliability modelling, as
indicated in Fig. 9. 3.6 Education
To undertake these tasks we require able and well-
3.4 Environmental impact educated engineers. Ideally safety, reliability and risk
assessment should be taught to all undergraduate engi-
In addition to improved modelling a broader approach neers as an integral part of their design education.
to safety will continue to emerge in the future with not However, at the moment only the Institution of
just the risk to human life but also that to the environ- Chemical Engineers explicitly requires safety to be for-
ment being assessed. The offshore industry has long mally taught at the undergraduate level to students who
since embarked on this road and environmental impact hope to become Chartered Engineers. This may well be
studies are an integral part of their design and planning related to the fact that the chemical industry was the
processes. This is not true of many other industries, as first to be subject to goal-setting regulations. The other
one can see by looking at some of our rivers and engineering institutions would like to see safety taught
beaches. in courses, but, as they do not insist on it, it is frequent-
In 1991 the then Secretary of State for Energy, Mr ly omitted from an already crowded syllabus.
Colin Moynihan, indicated that goal-setting regulations We do teach some safety and reliability to our off-
may well be used to protect some areas of the environ- shore engineering undergraduates, but there is now such
ment in the future. How widely this will, or can, be done a body of material in this area we decided to mount a
remains to be seen. One problem with goal-setting regu- new MSc course. The MSc in Reliability Engineering
lations is that their use requires a level and breadth of and Safety Management at Heriot-Watt University is
technical and managerial expertise not found in the the first full-time course of its type in the United
smaller companies of some industries. Kingdom and is open to all types of graduate engineers.
It has attracted considerable interest both from appli-
3.5 Software reliability cants and industry.
However, for the majority of engineers design educa-
To cope with the increasing complexity of safety and tion is orientated towards using prescriptive regulations
reliability assessments use is being made of computers. that can be applied in a systematic and, dare I say it,
often unthinking manner. The shift to goal-setting regu-
lations will require the more explicit consideration of

E Reliability
f safety and reliability and a clear understanding of the
Probability based assessment
reliability theory underlying principles involved in design.
4 In my view this will make engineering design more
difficult but much more rewarding. There will be greater
scope for innovation coupled with greater responsibility

fi Distribution
and concern for safety and reliability. This will be par-
ticularly true of the offshore oil and gas industry which
involves the broadest range of engineering skills and
already has a tremendous history of innovation.
These opportunities should be grasped by our bright-
est and most creative youngsters and then we can look
forward to a fascinating and safer future.
data analysis input
1 Pugsley, Sir A. The safety of structures, 1966 (Edward Arnold,
Current popular model Proposed model London).
2 Blake, C . Lloyd’s register of shipping 1760-1960 (Lloyd’s Register of
Fig. 9 Probabilistic versus statistical reliability models Shipping, London).

Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering QIMechE 1993

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3 Blockley, D. 1. The nature of structural design and safety, 1980 (Ellis The assessment and perception of risk, 1981 (The Royal Society,
Horwood Limited, Chichester). London).
4 Design of tubular jointsfor ofshore structures, Vol. 2, 1985, Pub- Gordon, J. E. The new science of strong materials, 1968 (Penguin
lication UR33 (UEG, London). Books).
5 A guide to the control of industrial major accident hazards regula- Lewis, E. E. Introduction to reliability engineering, 1987 (McGraw-
tions 1984, HS (R)21,1985 (HMSO, London). Hill, New York).
6 Cullen, The Hon. Lord The public inquiry into the Piper Alpha disas- MacFarlane, C. J. Resolving conflicts: engineering attitudes to safety.
ter, November 1990, Department of Energy (HMSO, London). Inaugural lecture, University of Strathclyde, March 1990.
Martin, M. W. and Schinzinger, R. Ethics in engineering, 2nd edition,
1989 (McCraw-Hill).
BIBLIOGRAPHY O’Hear, A. An introduction to the philosophy of science, 1989
(Oxford University Press, Oxford).
Development of the oil and gas resources of the United Kingdom, April Timoshenko, S. History of strength of materials, 1953 (McGraw-Hill).
1991, Department of Energy (HMSO, London). Wolfram, J. A statistically based fatigue crack growth model for off-
Risk analysis in the offshore industry, Notes from a three day work- shore structures. Appl. Ocean Res., April 1986,8(2).
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