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its application to drug discovery

In an increasingly competitive world, the race between pharmas to get high

quality candidate drugs to market is on. Contributing to this success is the
discovery phase of lead optimisation. The application of Lean and Six Sigma
processes have, until now, been theorised to benefit the improvement in the
rate at which drugs progress through to development and improve the quality
of the clinical candidates1. It is the objective of this communication to
demonstrate that this is indeed possible.

ean and Six Sigma are process improve- attempts to reduce the time taken to get a drug to By Clare Hammond
ment methodologies that have been used market have focused on the necessarily lengthy and Charles J
throughout industries as varied as the development phase. It is only in recent times that O’Donnell
healthcare industry to car manufacturing2, in order the discovery phase has become the target of
to improve their processes and respond the their improvement strategies, with the potential
customers’ needs. Lean investigates the potential to improvements being theorised1. In the R&D
remove non-value adding activities from the world, the LSS term ‘customer’ may mean anything
process, while Six Sigma attempts to improve the from downstream development departments to the
activities that must be done3. They are both data clinical patient. In the first of its kind for
driven approaches4, which respond to the require- AstraZeneca at Alderley Park, a Lean Six Sigma
ments of the ‘customer’, however, it is only rela- project was embarked upon within the Discovery
tively recently that the combination of the two Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK)
approaches has been considered. Publications have department (CVGI), with the objective of improv-
demonstrated the strong performance of Lean Six ing the process of gathering in vivo pharmacoki-
Sigma (LSS) as an important new direction5,6. netic (PK) data, the ‘customer’ being defined as the
Businesses are increasingly aware that improving Lead Optimisation (LO) projects.
quality with Six Sigma or trying to improve process
efficiency with Lean isn’t enough – they have to do The PK process: the past
both to get maximum payback3. Based on certain in vitro parameters, such as
Based on data generated, it is the objective of all enzyme potency or metabolic stability from hepa-
LSS projects to identify and resolve the underlying tocyte assays, a compound was put forward for
cause of process blockers, rather than treating the measurement of in vivo PK parameters†. Using
outward symptom of the problem. these results, usually using rats as the primary
The pharmaceutical industry currently faces a species, the LO project would then make decisions
difficult time, with competition on the increase. on how to progress the specific compound of inter-
The ultimate aim of getting new or improved drugs est and the chemical series to which it belonged. In
to the market as quickly as possible is now begin- the Discovery department at Alderley Park there
ning to come under the focus of LSS. Initial are multiple such LO projects all vying for in vivo

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Figure 1: SIPOC Diagram. Simple flow diagram detailing the people involved in each step of the PK
process and what they bring to or receive from the PK process. Areas highlighted in pink boxes are
known process blockers or causes of delay.

PK data and information. In previous years, each Based on preliminary discussions with the LSS
LO project would request several dose slots per project customers (ie the LO project teams), a
month, without knowledge of the needs of the project charter was written. The LSS project had
remaining LO projects. Deadlines were not realised three key objectives: design a process to deliver rat
or adhered to, with demand for dosing often PK results and information to the LO project
exceeding the capacity of the PK process. teams within 10 working days from original
Compounding this, was the variability in the time request 80% of the time; to deliver high quality
taken for the in vivo data to be reported to the LO information and direction in the reporting phase;
projects. By November 2005, it became clear the and to minimise the amount of time and resources
department could not continue in such a manner, required to meet the LO project’s requirements.
and that something must be done to address it. The scope was set out to focus on rat PK studies,
Along came Lean Six Sigma. as this is the primary species used by all LO proj-
ects when deciding on the need for further work
Lean Six sigma and the direction it should take. The scope was
The Lean Six Sigma process is broken down into five intentionally set to be very focused on this partic-
interconnected stages: Define, Measure, Analyse, ular aspect of DMPK.
Improve and Control; abbreviated to DMAIC3,7,8. The deliverables were detailed as: a clear under-
standing of the requirements of project teams,
Define: This step sets about defining which aspect of detailed understanding of the capabilities of the
a particular process is to be improved. It included DMPK process with supporting data and informa-
three main deliverables: the project charter, the voice tion, and a set of recommendations for improving
of the customer, and a preliminary process map. the process accepted as business case.
Five main benefits identified included simplified
The project charter decision making in LO projects, no hold-ups in
The project charter is a document that clearly projects due to unavailability of PK data, better
focuses attention on a specific aspect of a process communication and shared learning amongst LO
requiring improvement. The one-page document project teams, DMPK, the Compound
clearly defines the objectives, deliverables, benefits, Management Group and other external depart-
scope, criteria for success and potential risks. The ments, and finally, improved understanding of
team members, a representative customer, sponsor roles and responsibilities and time freed up to use
and facilitator are also named. on other DMPK activities.

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Criteria for success were stipulated as: manage- Preliminary process map
ment sponsorship of the Lean Six Sigma process A simple process map was drawn up in the form of
and implementation of improvement opportuni- a flowchart (Figure 1). This helped define the sup-
ties; team members have sufficient time freed up, pliers, their inputs, the processes key stages, the
are committed to the LSS project objectives and outputs from these and the customers of them.
feel empowered; required data is of sufficient qual- This SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs
ity and collected on time; and that the stakeholders and Customers) diagram helped to inform the team
and customers are appropriately informed, who would be appropriate to include in future dis-
involved and supportive. cussions and whether any further VOC discussions
The LSS project team included DMPK team were required. This SIPOC diagram was later
members who routinely conducted PK studies developed into a more detailed process map, indi-
(which included the LSS project team leader), cating where decision points, potential blockers
DMPK team leaders, a representative LO project and causes of delays may lie.
team customer, the LSS project sponsor and the This approach identified areas of commonality
master black belt project facilitator. In total, 10 or difference in the conduct of PK studies between
DMPK (more than half the FTE number LO project teams. It developed unanimous agree-
employed in the section, emphasising the com- ment in the process steps within the LSS project
mitment to success of this project) members team. All LSS team members, including the facili-
were in some way involved in the Lean Six tator, gained a clear understanding of the current
Sigma project. PK process and the rationale for change. The
process map began to distil the value adding activ-
Voice of the customer ities that are required but may be improved upon
Once the Lean Six Sigma team had been estab- and the non-value adding activities that may be
lished, they embarked upon a voice of the customer reduced or removed completely.
exercise. This took the form of face-to-face discus-
sions with key LO project stakeholders. In this Measure: This phase consists of a period of time
exercise, the customers defined what they wanted spent gathering data in order to understand the
to see as a tangible outcome of the project. It was performance of the current PK process.
stated that the LO projects would like their data to
be reported within 10 working days from request, During the first three months of the LSS project,
and that quality information and interpretation of data was gathered in order to understand the cur-
data should be provided in the report, they did not rent state of the PK process. Information on the
want DMPK to become a service that merely pro- speed, quality and costs of the suboptimal process
vided numbers. As variability in the time taken to were collected. A simple tool called ‘deviation
report PK data had been a problem for the LO reports’ were used extensively to describe the
projects, they required the variability to be problems encountered that prevented the success-
reduced, with 80% of all studies to be reported ful transition from one step of the PK process to
within the 10 working days criterion. They also the next.
requested a more consistent approach to the meth- Once a process blocker or delay was encoun-
ods used during the conduct of a PK study. tered, the DMPK scientist experiencing the issue
Through this exercise, the LSS team ensures they wrote down information describing the problem
do not correct the wrong things and that the objec- on a simple form, referred to as a deviation report.
tives of the charter meet the customers’ require- Costs in terms of days delay to the LO project and
ments. The customers are also made aware of the time lost by the scientist trying to resolve the prob-
scope and therefore what to expect as a result of lem were also recorded. The data was used to
the LSS project. expose the underlying root causes of problems.
When put to members of DMPK, these figures These details were used to indicate which blockers
appeared unreasonable and impossible to achieve would yield the greatest benefits if improved. It
without considerable amounts of stress being also enabled the identification of the non-value
caused. It was therefore agreed that the turn adding steps that may be of most benefit to the PK
around time might be negotiated based on the process if reduced in timescale or removed from
findings of the LSS project. The results of the the process. The PK process had not significantly
voice of the customer exercise were used to clari- improved, despite a general trend seen, during the
fy the objectives, scope and desired outcomes of measure and analyse phases (Figure 2) of the LSS
the LSS project. project. The reduction in the average turnaround

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4 Source of
Analys is
Staff Re
3 Pre-LSS
SS project
ure/analyse phase
mentation phase

inability and
Total Working D

2 Continuous
nuous Improvement

2 100 % success



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Fi g
gure 2
2. P PKK Turn a around
round time
s. Data gathered
gatthered at the end of 2005
2005 was used to initiateinitiate the
prooject. Similar
Similar data gathered
gatthered during
ng the measure
meassure and analyse phasesphasees of the lean sigmasigma project
p ect
deemonstrated no initi initial
al im
mprovements due to focussed
fo attention
attention or the
he structural changes within
DMMP PK. ItIt was seen thatt average
age turn around timtimes
mes (blue circles)
circles) exceeded
exceeded the
the desired
desire ed 1010 working
daays and that they are highlyhigghly variable
variable (black/green
(black/greeen filled
filled squares). The green
g dashed lineliin
ne represents
repre esents
thee target
tarrget turnaround
turnarround time.
time. Variability
Variabiillity and average
averrage turn around times
times dramatically
dramaticalllly reduced during
e implementation
implementatiion phase.
phas se. This trend has been been maintained
maintaiined and improved
p upon throughout
throughou ut the
continuous improvement
improvement phase.p

times may have been as a result of trials in certain Human resource was found to be capable of run-
improvement solutions, however, the average turn- ning 21 studies per month. The limitations would
around times had not reached the desired 10 work- therefore be analytical capacity and dosing slots. It
ing days and the variability remained high. It was is widely accepted that a process should be run at
clear that the full package of solutions were approximately 60% of capacity in order to absorb
required to be implemented in order to achieve the times of excess or failures, if and when the need
LSS project’s objectives. arises. It was calculated that the maximum number
of studies the PK process would be able to cope
PK capacity with was 16 studies per month, divided between all
Demand for PK studies was examined and infor- species and strains available.
mation on the number of studies dosed and the Data gathered during the early stages of the LSS
number of compounds studied per month was project indicated that the number of studies dosed
recorded. Calculations into the maximum capacity was far in excess of the maximum capacity of the
were made, investigating human resource, plus PK process for much of the time. This was found
dosing and analytical capacity. These capacity cal- to be as a result of the LO projects not being
culations were conducted in order to ensure aware of the maximum capacity. Times of highest
demand meets capacity throughout the PK process activity coincided with LO projects aiming to
and that bottlenecks are avoided. Dosing capacity achieve particular project milestones, and also
was fixed at 10 dose slots in-house with a further coincided with the longest turnaround times
four through a contract house. Analytical capacity recorded. In 2006, the DMPK team struggled to
was determined to be 14 slots per month, equating clear backlogs when failures arose due to the
to 50% of current capacity of all mass spectrome- demands placed on it. Through the Lean Sigma
ters running 24 hours per day, 7 days per week (the project it was argued that we should aim to avoid
remaining 50% was assigned for all other non-PK the spikes in demand seen in early 2006. It was
related activities). agreed that where possible, these milestones

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should be staggered throughout the year in order which an agenda and meeting objectives are circu-
to prevent the PK process being operated at 100% lated prior to the meeting. Any activities are
for extensive periods of time. required to be completed before the start. Such
Matching demand for PK slots with capacity events were conducted as two-hour meetings. The
was indeed reported as being a problem. chairman ensured any discussion was kept rele-
However, matching demand to dose compounds vant to the subject and that the timescale was
and the ability to do so was not the only example strictly adhered to. Through these focused discus-
where demand and capacity did not marry. sions, appropriate solutions and tools were devel-
Human resource and the capacity to analyse the oped. Trials were conducted on some of the tools
samples via mass spectrometry were also reported to be implemented and allowed to evolve into a
capacity deviations. more robust solution as a result. Before the solu-
tions were fully implemented, they were commu-
Analyse: The root causes of the blockers are iden- nicated to the CVGI community and agreed with
tified by using the data gathered during the meas- the key customers. Comparison against the project
ure phase. charter ensured the solutions were as appropriate
as possible.
Using the collated information, the cumulative Many tools were implemented as a result.
time lost to both the projects and the scientists Changes included visual planning tools for sched-
were determined. The frequency with which a devi- uling ongoing PK studies and mass spectrometer
ation occurred and the related costs were plotted. use. Working practices, ‘super-users’, improved
Root cause analysis using a ‘5 why?’ exercise preventative maintenance, QC checks and service
allowed the underlying cause of the problem to be contracts, all relating to the mass spectrometers,
determined and therefore the most appropriate have been revised and implemented. Improved
solution to be determined, rather than a ‘sticky lines of communication, both inter and intra LO
plaster’ approach to remove the symptoms. project teams and within DMPK allow enhanced
A ‘5 why?’ exercise uses the information gath- time and resource management. A PK study index
ered in the deviation reports, and asks the question has been made available to all LO project team
‘why?’ at a particular problem. After asking ‘why’ members in order to allow improved transparency
five times, the underlying root cause is determined. and planning of studies. A service level agreement
Solutions are then designed to target the root cause was approved and signed by LSS stakeholders and
revealed, rather than the problem reported. project sponsors alike. Visual planning tools, mass
The cost of action verses the cost of no action spectrometer logs and reporting tools have been
was determined and problem areas that would be installed in an attempt to improve efficiency and
of most benefit to resolve were established. reduce the time required to complete a PK study.
Various improvement opportunities were identi- Training in tools developed was offered to all
fied. Many opportunities were presented, howev- DMPK members. Visual planning tools have been
er, it was not possible to address all of them at installed in order to clearly see where a LO project
once. Improvement opportunities were prioritised or team is most busy, whether they may need addi-
and solutions determined to resolve the most tional resource, and whether there are any prob-
costly problems and those that would reveal the lems resulting in the process being slowed or halt-
greatest benefit to resolve. The criteria for the ed, allowing more effective planning and use of all
solutions were that they should not add time or resources available.
effort to the scientist, and should address the Throughout the LSS project, PK turnaround
underlying root cause. times were recorded. Data collected in the first
three months of the LS project (pre-implementa-
Improve: Changes are identified and implemented tion) correlated with the data compiled at the
during this phase. The changes (or solutions) are inception of the project (Figure 2). These turn-
designed to collectively improve the process. around times were recorded immediately after
Changes may include the complete removal of the implementation of the tools developed to
some steps in a process or the introduction of tools improve the process. As can be seen in Figure 2,
to improve those that remain. an immediate and marked improvement was
made, with the average turnaround time being
Kaizen events were held in order to determine reduced to the desired 10 working days and the
and develop the most appropriate solutions8. variability being much reduced on implementa-
Kaizen events are highly structured meetings, in tion of the various tools.

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Figure 3: Deviation reports. Showing

18 Pre LSS project the frequency with which a particular
problem occurred. An example of a
Post/During LSS DMPK related deviations would be a
14 Project sample analysis failure, an external
deviation per month

deviation could be lack of compound

Average number of


availability and a planning deviation might
be a problem concerning communication
between DMPK and another department
6 resulting in a scheduling problem
4 Deviation reports collected during the
continuous improvement phase indicate
DMPK related issues and those external
to DMPK have dramatically reduced and
DMPK External Planning
remain low. Planning issues have been
Source of deviation

The PK process: current times On occasion, a potential deviation may be pre-

dicted and therefore planned for. For example, PK
Control: During this final phase, the improvements studies conducted through a contract house were
are monitored and controlled in order to sustain routinely turned around within 12 working days,
the long-term impact of the changes. due to transit times. The LO projects were made
aware and exemptions to the 10 working day rule
The outcomes of the Lean Sigma project had an were agreed. The anticipation or prediction of such
immediate impact on the turnaround times. one-off deviations may be planned for, lessening
However, the purpose of utilising a LSS approach the impact should the deviation occur.
was to ensure that these improvements were sus- Deviation reports continue to be filed to ensure
tainable. Data on turnaround times continues to be the department does not return to ‘the bad old
collated in the continuous improvement phase the ways’ and that any new problems that occur may
DMPK team is now in. Data collated in the first be highlighted and dealt with early. The total num-
few months of the LSS project (prior to the imple- bers of deviations have reduced since the imple-
mentation of solutions) revealed variability in the mentation of various solutions (Figure 3). Through
turnaround times was large, with the mean turn- monitoring this information, the DMPK depart-
around time being above the desired 10 working ment is able to maintain the improvements made
days. This data closely agreed with the pre-LSS and to further improve the PK process. Learning
project figures used to instigate the Lean Sigma was applied to PK species other than rat, with
project (Figure 2). Immediately after implementa- improvement in mouse and dog PK studies being
tion of the various tools, the average turnaround evident. Deviation reports now describe issues out-
time fell to the required 10 working days and vari- side of the control of the DMPK department (eg
ability was markedly reduced (Figure 2). Data routine building maintenance) and do not arise
shows that the results have indeed been sustained very often. Indeed, it had been shown to be possi-
during the 18 months post implementation. ble to turnaround all PK studies within the desired
During 2007 only one month fell below the tar- 10 working days during five months of 2007.
get of 80% of studies being reported within 10 In an attempt to match demand and capacity, PK
working days. This was as a result of large-scale slots are no longer for the sole use by a particular
mass spectrometer failures. All other months have LO project. Each slot is assigned to a project (vice
achieved 90% or more of all rat PK studies being versa during pre-implementation) for them to use
reported within 10 working days, with most as they wish. Any unneeded capacity is then
months achieving an average turnaround time of offered to the remaining LO projects. Figure 4
seven working days. This result is an improvement shows that the implementation of this approach
on the objectives originally set out in the project has not resulted in a compromise in the number of
charter, clearly demonstrating the sustainability of compounds able to be dosed. Improved protocols
the solutions implemented. Additionally this has resulted in more compounds being dosed in
should be seen in the context that the team origi- 2007 (cf 2006), evidence that limiting dosing
nally viewed the objectives as unrealistic. capacity has not negatively impacted the LO

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projects. In later months, demand has fallen, with Implementation of various solutions has resulted
initial PK data being used to make more informed in the reduction of many problems, particularly
decisions about future dosing strategies. those under the control of the DMPK department,
Access to a study index enables the LO projects as shown in Figure 3. Improved communication
to more effectively plan their workload and has resulted in the reduction of problems not
resources. Through the improved planning process, directly under the control of DMPK but under
LO projects continue to achieve milestones in a their influence. Although many of the solutions are
timely manner without sacrifice. The staggering of very simple, the cumulative effect of all of them has
milestones throughout the year ensured the large resulted in a significant improvement in the turn-
spike seen in 2006 was not reproduced. Dosing around of all PK studies conducted.
capacity was rarely exceeded during 2007. The original target of 80% of all rat PK studies
An additional problem area highlighted through to be turned around within 10 working days
deviation reports was the failure rate of the mass appeared to be an unobtainable target at the onset
spectrometers. Through analysis of the data avail- of the LSS project, however, the DMPK team are
able, it was found that mass spectrometer or auto now able to turnaround 90% of rat PK studies
sampler failures resulted in ~30% of the time lost within seven working days. Past experience has
to both the scientist and the LO project teams. It shown that initiatives that have attempted to
was realised, although it may take a large amount address similar problems often result in short-term
of effort to resolve, mass spectrometers must be improvements that are hard to sustain. However,
made to work more reliably, with initial targets set the solutions implemented here have been demon-
at 90% of all studies to work at the first attempt, strated to be give sustainable results with the
as opposed to the 50% determined. This required immediate effects being the norm over a year later,
a large amount of work and changes, including as shown in Figure 2.
improved Mass Spectrometer user training and the Working within the constraints of the PK
use of simple templates to avoid human errors. process capacity has enabled the turnaround times
Matching demand with capacity was required with to be rapidly reduced and maintained. Backlogs are
respect to analysts requesting Mass Spectrometer less likely to occur and are more easily cleared if
time. Planning tools have been implemented, making they do. A large amount of work based on a con-
it easier to schedule analytical time or times of pre- siderable body of data has resulted in the initial
ventative maintenance and servicing. Users may also objectives of the project being met. Tools and
use this tool to document any issues encountered and learning that were originally developed to address
relate this information to the remaining DMPK team. issues within the generation of rat PK have been

Figure 4. Throughput.
Number of PK studies dosed

25 2007
(A) shows the number of
rat PK studies conducted
per month. Greater
15 fluctuation is seen in the
2006 data. Data shows
10 that the number of studies
dosed during 2006 at
times greatly exceeded
0 the maximum capacity of
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
the PK process. Similar
Month figures show that in 2007,
the process successfully
B remained within capacity
2006 range. (B) shows the
Number of compounds dosed

2007 number of compounds
dosed for the same period.
150 Improved study design
has resulted in a larger
100 number of compounds
being dosed through 2007
(1,618) as compared with
0 2006 (1,410).
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

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References applied to other species, with these species also Acknowledgements

1 Petrillo, E. 2007. Lean showing improved turnround times. Consistency The authors would like to thank Dawood Dassu
Thinking for Drug Discovery – in the methods used has enabled flexibility within whose vision and knowledge of the Lean Six Sigma
Better Productivity for
the DMPK team, enabling improved support of was invaluable. Additionally it needs to be empha-
Pharma. Drug Discovery
World. many LO projects by a relatively small team. The sised that without the support and hard work of
2 Stewart, Brad. Growing number of deviation reports to be filed has reduced members of the DMPK section, in the authors’ lab,
Pharmaceutical Sales Utilising since the implementation of the tools developed, this work would not have been possible.
Six Sigma and Lean. Pharma with a larger proportion detailing factors outside
Marketing News. 2005 Vol 4
of the department’s control. † Any procedures involving animals were given
3 WWW.ISISSigma.com ethical approval by the UK Home Office under the
4 Smith, R, Rhines, T and The future: life after LSS Scientific Procedures (1986) Act. DDW
Crowley, R. 2006. The Life in the post-LSS era bears testament to the
application of six sigma. activities and achievements of the LSS team. The
Natural products insider. Virgo.
PK process is now a much more refined model,
5 George, ML et al. 2005. Lean
Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook. satisfying the LO project’s (ie the customer’s)
Mcgraw-Hill. needs. It has also created a much calmer and less
6 George, Michael L. 2003. stressful environment. It has provided the oppor-
Lean Six Sigma for Service: tunity to improve other aspects of DMPK life.
How to Use Lean Speed and
Learning has been applied to in vitro assays, such
Six Sigma Quality. McGraw-
Hill. as metabolic stability in hepatocytes, and CYP
7 Harris, Betsi. 2002. inhibition. It also allows the DMPK scientist
Transactional six sigma and more time to embark on other value adding past-
lean servicing. Leveraging times such as assay improvement and innovative
manufacturing concepts to
assay development.
achieve world class Service.
Ehrlich. Original fears relating to the PK process becom-
8 Sewing, A et al. 2008. Helping ing a production line, with the scientist acting as an
Science to Succeed: Improving ‘automaton’ have not been realised. Stress has been
processes in R&D. Drug much reduced, resulting in a markedly improved
Discovery Today.
working atmosphere. While in the past, a DMPK
scientist may have spent a large amount of their
working week trying to resolve problems encoun-
tered, this time has now been released enabling
them to work as scientists. There are currently in
excess of 10 new technologies being investigated
and validated with a view to their introduction to
the DMPK toolbox of in vitro assays. We are expe-
riencing the benefits of a more innovative culture.
Not only are we able to keep pace with science and
technology, we are now moving into a position
where our improved innovative prowess has result-
ed in the potential to set it.

The application of a Lean Six Sigma approach to
the rat PK process has greatly improved the turn-
around times and support offered to LO projects
with 90% of rat PK studies reported within seven
working days. Learning has also been applied to Clare Hammond has worked for AstraZeneca in
non-rat species without the need to conduct a full Discovery DMPK for the past five years. Clare led
Lean Six Sigma project. Improved decision making the highly successful Lean Six Sigma project team,
within the LO project now provides the possibility the first within R&D at AstraZeneca.
to generate candidate drugs of higher quality and
more quickly. Innovation is also on the increase, Charles O’Donnell has worked for AstraZeneca
allowing the DMPK scientist opportunity to work in a Discovery DMPK environment for the past
in more scientifically stimulating environment. five years.

18 Drug Discovery World Spring 2008

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