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Berry, The Post-Archival

Constellation, 2017
ano 2017
autor David Berry
f.leitura feito
key 9
Berry, D. 2017 . The Post-Archival Constellation: The Archive
under the Technical Conditions of Computational Media. Em I.
ref bib Blom, T. Lundemo, & E. Røssaak Eds.), Memory in Motion:
Archives, Technology, and the Social (pp. 103 128 . Amesterdão:
Amsterdam University Press. Acedido a 20 de Novembro de 2019
em https://monoskop.org/log/?p=17872.
título The Post-Archival Constellation: The Archive under the Technical
Conditions of Computational Media

conceitos: digitalização, computação, mediação, abstracção
Aborda a forma como o arquivo, como condição para a construção socio-
cultural, é dependente do meio pelo qual é transmitido e dado a conhecer,
sendo que esse meio é cada vez mais mediado por processos

Berry, The Post-Archival Constellation, 2017 1
De-archiving the archive
Materialized abstractions [flat design e material design; casos Apple e
The post-archival constellation

principais pontos
— o arquivo já não se encontra encerrado em instituições como bibliotecas e
museus com acesso restrito. Na verdade, o poder dos investigadores e
arquivistas de interpretar o arquivo transformou-se com a digitalização e as
novas técnicas computacionais - que tornaram o acesso ao arquivo possível e
mais fácil.

— os dispositivos digitais são mediadores do conteúdo do arquivo.

— as interfaces e visualizações reanimam uma colecção que se conhecia

— a introdução dos novos medias alterou aquilo que se tinha vindo a entender
como arquivo. Esta disrupção gerou as condições para a criação de novas
formas de arquivo através de práticas de re-arquivar.
— re-arquivar aponta para a mutação do arquivo de um domínio estático
para um que é informado e mediado por estruturas computacionais que
restruturam esse espaço através de formatação, estruturação e
— os arquivos podem ter várias camadas e a sua organização estrutural
pode ter formas de arquivo mais profundas ou mais superficiais (ou seja,
os arquivos variam em facilidade de acesso). Ainda assim, a computação
alcança todos estes pontos e, ao fazê-lo, reorganiza o conhecimento, os
artefactos e objectos e os sistemas, com base no princípio do
conhecimento computacional.

— as práticas arquivistas que se geram e reforçam através da digitalização

levantam questões importantes acerca de como o arquivo é abstraído,
Berry, The Post-Archival Constellation, 2017 2
delegado ou remapeado através de software.

— processos de abstracção tornam diferentes áreas de conhecimento

comparáveis, calculáveis e passíveis de serem reconstruídas.
— o processo de abstração levanta, portanto a possibilidade de um desvio
técnico em termos de conhecimento, práticas e artefactos, e daí surge uma
nova constelação "pós arquivista".

— para existir no meio digital, o arquivo é mediado através de processos

computacionais que acrescentam novas dimensões ao artefacto, objecto ou
documento original. Tal fenómeno tem implicações na construção socio-
cultural do "complexo que compreendemos como cultura".
— " A cultura em si (...) é refeita quando materializada em formato digital."

— novo tipo de colecções: os arquivos digitais são maleáveis e

reconfiguráveis a novas formas, sem terem que se restringir aos limites
impostos pelas estruturas de organização do arquivo tradicional.

— as novas formas de gestão do arquivo (digital) tornam as colecções mais

acessíveis e, logo, mais visíveis. Ainda assim, a possibilidade de ter "arquivos
infinitos" dá lugar a arquivos abrangentes e exaustivos em detrimento de
arquivos curados.
"Computation therefore threatens to de-archive the archive,
disintermediating the memory institutions and undermining the curatorial
functions associated with archives. (...) Indeed, the logic of digitization
implies that rather ‘than being a purely read-only memory, new archives
are successively generated according to current needs’" (p.107
— os sistemas computacionais servem-se de feedback no sentido em que
operam sobre os seus próprios algoritmos e metadados para melhorar o seu
processamento, complexidade e estrutura. Os aspectos basilares dos media
computacionais levantam, então, questões acerca do armazenamento do
conhecimento e da construção cultural: o arquivo deixou de ser um espaço

Berry, The Post-Archival Constellation, 2017 3

passivo de armazenamento, para se tornar ele mesmo generativo através de
processos regulados por algoritmos.

— emergem novas técnicas de controlo e gestão: reorganizar, procurar,

descobrir, optimizar.

— o arquivo como condição para o nosso conhecimento histórico torna-se

dependente do meio em que é transmitido e dado a conhecer que, por seu
turno, é cada vez mais mediado de forma computacional.

def. arquivo
«Wolfgang Ernst argues that the original role of an archive was ‘to preserve
[…] for an indefinite time, or even to bar present access, conserving […] for
later, unexpected, and hence truly informational use’.» (p. 103
«For Derrida, the ‘gathering’ of an archive was the ‘dwelling in a location’ and a
place for objects and knowledge to be sheltered. It was a place of
classification and putting into order a process of archivization.» (p. 103

«This is another way of saying that the archive (...) is not only the place for
stocking and for conserving an archivable content of the past which would
exist in any case, such as, without the archive (...). No, the technical structure
of the archiving archive also determines the structure of the archivable
content even in its very coming into existence and in its relationship to the
future. The archivization produces as much as it records the event.» (p.103
«The archive, which is ‘traditionally that which arrests time, which stops all
motion, [instead] is set in motion in the age of digitization’.» (p.104

«Through its digital remediation it is put in a condition of performativity and,

thereby, accelerated. Thus, culture itself, understood as a kind of tertiary
formation, is remade when materialized in a digital form. By the post-archival,

Berry, The Post-Archival Constellation, 2017 4

I am gesturing towards the notion of a ‘post-digital’ re-materialization of
digital technology and its integration into physical environments but also the
idea of a historical phase of development that comes after the digital and
changes the concept of the archive as a means of memory storage.» (p. 104

«We are here confronted with a process in which the links between the
contents of archives and their internal structure are increasingly lost or hidden,
while a computerized ledger abstracts the archive from its representation. This
changes the frameworks of social and individual memory (...). Could it be that
the computational transformations in the structure and use of archives may
act as a canary in the coalmine [prenúncio] for wider changes in knowledge in
society more generally?» (p.105

o papel das instituições

«The traditional pre-digital structure of archives and practices of archivization
were captured and stabilized through memory institutions such as museums,
national libraries, universities, and national archives, often funded by the state.
These institutions provided an organizational form and institutional structure
that made possible a political economy for archives as such and hence an
economic stability to the archive in question. Institutions provided a decision-
making centre around the collection of archives, in essence an
institutionalized archivization process that delivered judgment in
combination with curatorial functions. Indeed, the archive became ‘defined as
a given, preselected quantity of [artifacts] evaluated according to their
worth for being handed down’. The structure of traditional institutional
arrangements around the archive was legitimated through a complex chain of
practices and institutionalizations that authorized decisions to be taken
about which parts of the present (and past) should be kept and what should
be discarded.» (p. 105 106
«We are indeed faced with new archival machines that demand not just a
different social ontology but also different ways of exploring and interacting
with archives.» (p.106

«new gateways to social memory» (p.106

Berry, The Post-Archival Constellation, 2017 5
«With the increasing interpenetration of computational systems and processes,
we are thus witnessing a dramatic change in the material structure of
memory institutions – in part due to technical changes but also due to the
social ontologies that computational logic seems to produce.» (p.107

«algorithms structure not just knowledge but also space and time.» (p.107

«Basic principles of computation – modularity, iteration, abstraction,

optimization, etc. – are applied across the multiple levels of the computational
system’s operation. The question of the archive is therefore increasingly linked
to new digital spaces and microtemporalities and the way in which they
structure, organize, and mediate archival systems, institutions, and political
economies.» (p.108

«In changing the structure of archives, and the memory institutions that curate
and store them, computation renders them anew through a grammatization
process that discretizes and re-orders. (...) T]hrough computational
mediation, new approaches and methods are made objective and thereby
instrumental.» (p.108

«Digitalization puts pressure on the need for the storage of originals, and
many objects are sent off to less-expensive locations far from the centres of
population. But it also raises the question of the need for originals as, sooner
or later, the access or footfall (which is tracked) shows a declining access rate
for the original materials. In some cases, the digital versions are considered
superior to the originals due to the quality and resolution of the scanning
processes. New digital formats also present the materials in new interfaces
such as PDFs, HTML5, ePUB, and other storage formats.» (p.109

«All objects are treated as records to be entered into a database, and they are
processed through a grammatization framework which flattens the object
not only into the data store but also within the warehouse space: the
singularity of the object is, in other words, abstracted away by the
technology.» (p.110
Berry, The Post-Archival Constellation, 2017 6
bibliografia relevante
— Røssaak, Eivind, ed. 2010. The Archive in Motion. Oslo: National Library of
— Berry, David M., 2014. Critical Theory and the Digital. New York:

Berry, The Post-Archival Constellation, 2017 7

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