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1. The Clock as an attention- getter(?) (hindi ba dapat seeker? Luh seeker daw Hahahaha).
Based from the text, the clock is an attention seeker since, apparently, the character,
considering the fact that she has a prior commitment, he was mesmerized by the presence of the
clocks, especially the one-handed clock, thus forgetting about her appointment.
If we are to relate this, however, in our life, the clock is an attention seeker in constant act
of reminding us how much time we have left. There are times where we are preoccupied with a
lot of things that we tend to forget the more important ones. Say for example, we are to
preoccupied of spending time in our studies and other kinds of work. We are preoccupied with
the finite things that we tend to forget the things that make us happy. Have you spent your dinner
with your family? Have you been enjoying yourself? When we see a clock, let it be a reminder
that it is time for us to reflect and recollect what we have been through and what we are capable
of; the clock represents that force that makes us ask questions like “How much time do I have
left?” “Was my life worthwhile?” “Have I achieved my purpose?”



1. I do not agree. Saving only becomes harder when we do not manage our resources well.
Saving makes it a little harder when upon receiving money, we spend it so quick that it all dries
up immediately. Saving is not that hard when we set the right priorities.

2. The Father still takes care of us. There is a reason that the Father is taking care of the animals
and birds but it does not mean that he cares more for them than us. Of all the creatures that God
has created, humans are the most rational and can have feelings not based on survival instincts.
God is still taking care of us, but he sees that we, as rational beings, are capable of taking care of
ourselves in this world. The Father still cares for us in a way that he allows us to reinvent
ourselves and continually guiding us into the path of salvation.

3. This is a very dangerous notion. We should not overlook the fact that, somehow, the hardships
and efforts we are facing right now will redound in the future. We work, we study, so that we can
have a bright future. Earning money is one of the hardest things to do. But all beautiful things
don’t come too easy. That being said, we should not use this as an excuse to spend the money we
have in a careless way, and thus, raising the presumption that we can do anything we want.
This is where the danger comes: out of all the efforts we have made, to spend our money
carelessly would bring us back to where we started. We don’t want that to happen. Spending
money also needs a constant reevaluation.

4. CANT MAKE ANY OF THIS? Hahaha. Di ko alam to.

5. Yes. We have the right to spend our hard-earned money. But let us not use this so as to injure
the feelings of others. Let us not use this as an excuse of doing whatever it is we want, and
eventually, becoming insensitive of the sufferings of others. Spend money wisely and when you
have little money in your pocket, the underprivileged might use that for their welfare, too.

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