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I want to move my business, an Italian restaurant, and family to Brazil because of their
standard of living, trade, and natural resources. My family plays a role in my decision because
of Brazil's literacy rate, life expectancy, and GDP/GDP per capita. Throughout this essay, I will
tell where I want to live, why, and the family/business connections. Let's begin with the standard
of living and how it relates to my business and family.
Brazil has a very good standard of living. Even though you can't measure that with a
number, you can infer that using the numbers given: 74, 98.5, 2,346 trillion, 11,208, and 56.6%.
What are those figures? Left to right, the life expectancy (74), the literacy rate (98.5), the GDP
(2,346 trillion), the GDP per capita (11,208), and the economic freedom (56.6%). Some of those
figures may not look like a big deal, but in comparison with Mexican, Venezuelan, and Cuban
ratings, they're actually pretty good. Brazil ties for third in life expectancy, ranks second in
economic freedom (shocker: Mexico is only 66.4%, and Venezuela is 34.3%), and first in GDP,
GDP per capita, and literacy rate, as well as area (3.3 million square miles) and population (206
million). The standard of living concerns my family because I want them and myself to have a
good education, a good source of income, and a long life. (Even though Cuba has the longest
life expectancy at 79, it's communist.) Although 56.6% is not a good economic freedom index, at
least I'm not handing the government my business like I would be in Venezuela or Cuba. Let's
move on to trade and natural resources.
Brazil doesn't have much arable land, but it makes the most of what it does have. Brazil
produces one-third of the world's coffee, leads it in production of oranges, sugar cane, and
papayas, and is also a major soybean producer. Seven major Atlantic ports allow for trade with
Africa and Europe. Though Brazil does not border the Caribbean, it can still use the Panama
Canal to access Asia! However, their biggest trading partner is... the U.S.! All this trade makes
Brazil a very wealthy country. Food prices must be low, (all the more profit!) because of those
unbelievable crop production numbers, which are contributed to by the year-round growing
season and the 40 to 80 inches of rainfall a year. Finally, we'll move on to where I want to live
and why.
I want to live along the coast, south of the equator, because for one, the climate is pretty
moderate. Though I prefer summer to winter, it's not because of intense heat! Another reason is
that it's urban -- and a restaurant needs a city! My family would enjoy the moderate climate, and
the urban areas means no farm work, and yes grocery stores – both of which are good things!
Those reasons, the standard of living, trade, and natural resources, are why I want to move my
business and family to Brazil.

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