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scene works powered by SpheronVR

SceneCam® Solution

SceneWorks SceneCam® Brochure

A different approach to crime scene documentation


„Oftentimes the documentation of a scene
„consists of multiple images that do not allow
„spatial orientation and might miss details
„that seem not relevant at that point of time.“

The Spherical Image – for unlimited views as being on-site

Complete visual presentation of the crime scene; provides unimited, unchanged
access to original scene

The SceneCam® Solution

„ Captures a full spherical high resolution image (50+ megapixel) 180°

„ With support of several 32 bit file formats

„ Utilizing a Nikon Nikkor 16 mm f/2.8D fisheye lens

„ With a vertical resolution of max. 5200 pixel

„ High quality images with a resolution of 50+ megapixel

fully spherical and up to 700 megapixel cylindrical
SceneWorks SceneCam® Brochure

The spherical image presents one consistent view

„ a full rotation from floor to ceiling

„ in one single scan


„ with one single press of a button

„Various light conditions require images with
„different apertures to ensure all areas are
„properly visible.“

HDR Imaging – for highest visibility in various levels of light intensity

The unique automatic capturing of 26 aperture steps (26 f-stops) in parallel
ensures lucid visibility of all areas.

The SceneCam® Solution

„ Captures 26 exposure stops (96 bit/pixel)

„ All levels of light intensity

„ Overexposure or underexposure of images is virtually impossible

„ Dark areas can be lightened up and bright areas can be shaded

Uncompromised visibility of different areas is enabled

by the unique full spherical HDR-technology
SceneWorks SceneCam® Brochure

„To measure distances you have to be onsite.
„Afterwards measurements are either im-
„possible or they require high effort.“

Measurement application – for on-demand measurements

The capturing of a full spherical image pair allows instant
and accurate measurements.

The SceneCam® Solution

„ With photogrammetric technology

„ Allows instant 3D measurement in a full spherical image

„ No extra calibration needed

„ A pair of images taken from 2 different height levels

SceneWorks SceneCam® Brochure

On-demand measurements are possible

„ independently of time and location


„ just by a few clicks

„Security is mandatory. Unmonitored digital
„images could be manipulated. To ensure a
„digital image gets accepted as evidence,
„any change, made to the image, has to be

Digital Signature – for forgery proof digital imaging

The integrated digital signature option ensures authenticity
and forgery proof of an image.

The SceneCam® Solution

„ Uses asymmetric cryptographic methods and secure hash algorithms

„ Digitally signs the SceneCam® raw file

„ Manipulation of the raw file can be detected by counterchecking this file
with the public key

„ In one easy step all relevant image information and verification is displayed

„ The card reader is integrated in the system

„ Uses SmartCard with Cryptographic Certificate

SceneWorks SceneCam® Brochure


A digital image – as fully accepted and provable evidence.

„Exact positioning might be a challenge.
„Especially in remote areas.“

GPS – for an automatic time & location stamp

The integrated GPS-Module enables the use of standard technologies
for position finding.

The SceneCam® Solution

„ Utilizes standard GPS technology to generate images with additional information
on global time and location
SceneWorks SceneCam® Brochure

Automated positioning – particularly important


for outdoor-field-usage.

„A system that captures a full spherical
„image in HDR-quality with measurement
„application, digital signature and GPS.
„Is this still easy to handle?“

The SceneCam® Solution – designed for an easy to handle field operation

The entire solution design is dedicated to the specific requirements
of crime scene documentation.

The SceneCam® Solution

„ Two pack bundling for one-person transportation and operation

„ With a full power complement, power outlet independent working is enabled

„ For easy operation, the specially designed user interface provides consistent and
reproducable quality

SceneWorks SceneCam® Brochure

A professionally designed solution allows

flexible service whenever needed.

Corporate Information:

About SpheronVR AG
SpheronVR AG is one of the most innovative companies in the area of visual information technologies.
Core products for panoramic, spherical and HDR (High Dynamic Range) imaging are building the
foundation of the ground-breaking concepts. Pioneering developments of specialist hard- and soft-
ware-solutions allow SpheronVR to support trendsetting new ways of “doing things”. Comprehensive
service offerings complete the professional portfolio.
Based on those core technologies and offerings, SpheronVR is developing workflow supporting
solutions. Designed for highly specialist applications SpheronVR is focusing on three major markets
u Digital Camera Systems for panoramic, spherical & HDR imaging

u Photorealistic Visualization for automotive marketing purposes.

u Digital, visual based scene documentation in the areas of crime scene documentation,
tactical training, critical infrastructure protection and huge damage documentation

The 35 people strong team in SpheronVR AG is based in Waldfischbach-Burgalben, near Kaiserslautern,

Germany and develops, manufactures and sells its technologies and solutions. Strategic partnerships
and sales channels allow SpheronVR AG to offer their unique portfolio to a worldwide market.

Additional information is available on the company‘s website www.scene-works.com

Contact-Information: 9000101201 / 07.06–1 / SC-B / EN / Subject to modification / © SpheronVR AG

SpheronVR AG
Hauptstrasse 186
67714 Waldfischbach-Burgalben
SceneWorks SceneCam® Brochure

Manufactured by:

SpheronVR AG
Waldfischbach-Burgalben, Germany

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