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DIRO, Zacaria D.

August 12, 2020

ENE 13.06i Ma. Socorro Q. Perez

Cat in the Rain

1. How did you find the story? If you were to repeat the story to a friend, how will you tell it
but limiting the telling to 30 words only? Retell the story using 30 words only. Write on the
space below.
An American couple staying in Italy saw a cat stuck in the rain that the wife wanted,
she failed to get it. However, the hotel padrone gifted it to her.
2. Now, looking at your work, try to answer the following questions:
a. How did you tell your story?
In accordance with the main structure of story telling which is the character setting and
the events which occurred in the story. It was chronological and followed the events and the
actors and reactants.
b. What details did you include in the retelling?
I included the most important details that would help listener understand the events that
were going on in the story in order for it to make sense and have a logical flow. Location,
weather, characters, and actions are the most important details in order to achieve that flow.

3. What is the difference between a story and a narrative? Go back to the activity on Cat in
the Rain. In narrative theory, what are some understandings do you get about the differences
between a story and narrative? According to Brownen, how does plot figure in a narrative?
Answer on the space below.
A story is meant to relay details and paint a general picture of the events which
occurred, while a narrative on the other hand is meant to follow the development of
characters and a more in depth look into their driving factors. Reading Cat in the Rain began
simply with basic motivations which didn’t really express anything more about the character
and their motivating factors, that is until nearing the end. The wife begins to talk about her
desires in all the aspects, in the way she wants to dine and look, the way she has wanted to
feel about herself. Looking deeper we see the difference in the narrative and story when it
comes to the meaning and purpose. It wasn’t simply the cat that she desired, instead the cat
was an avenue to something she would be able to achieve since it was just in plain sight. This
is what would be considered the plot which the wife follows and helps arrange her existence
as a character. As a reader, the purpose of the character in the story is what creates an interest
for me in the whole reading, because these characters are supposed to be relatable or at least
have a connection to us as individuals. Life simply doesn’t happen, there is a reason behind it
which is supported and given importance by narrative, there is nothing dynamic about the
character or story if it wasn’t for the narrative. It is very difficult for me to read a story
without questioning why are these things happening, why did she take it upon herself to help
that stray cat stuck under a table, was it out of pity or was there something that the cat
symbolized for her. That is one of the best things in narrative, a story allows inferences of the
maybe, but the conspiracy will never be able to do better than the truth. It is an amazing thing
for authors to input the plot to a story developing it more to become a narrative. Especially
interesting in the way Cat in the Rain putting an extra spice near the end after the story which
showed us the plot after the story.
4. Looking at Cat in the Rain and following our definition of “plot,” offer an understanding of
events using this bare bone structure:
a. The American wife sees a cat in the rain
b. Decides to get it
c. But fails to find the cat
The task expected here is the beginnings of posting an analysis and making full sense of the
structure of the story.
a. During their stay in a hotel in Italy, an American couple is stuck and unable to do
other activities. The wife looks out the window and sees a cat stuck under a table
stuck and unable to move as well due to the Rain. The cat was a desire for the wife,
something that would make her feel better for herself as well as more comfortable
being able to pet it. As well as feeling like the cat unable to move due to the way she
feels restricted by her husband.

b. She decides to get it and follow what she wants and says no to her husband who
offered to help her. A form of independence in order to reach her desires is one way to
see this action. Considering the way she views this cat similar to herself, she is saving
it the way she would want to be saved.

c. After going into the rain to look for the cat, the wife still failed to find it, it’s a symbol
or a sign that she will never be able to find the comfort with her own self or the fact
that no one will be able to find and save her.

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