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1. Make an argument from the phrase "Social Stratification and the Dominance of the Elite".

Social stratification is a system of ranking individuals and groups within societies from higher class to
lower class. It refers to the society for hierarchical arrangement of its people into socio economic status
based on factors like wealth, income, race , education and power. Nowadays we can't deny that the elite
or the powerful person are more dominant and more appreciable than the lower class. Yes social
stratification has beneficial consequence for the operation of the society. Nowadays we need a person
who has more intelegent and educated person to perform difficult jobs like example, discovering
corona virus desease vaccine and other difficult jobs that uneducated person can't do. However social
stratification makes inequalities, most rich person is more appreciable than poor like, a wealthy person
may receive higher quality medical care than a poor person. Most poor person cant afford to study in
the school because of insufficient money. Instead that the government should provide a free education
and lift up out their poverty, they make no attention and negligent for this kind of class in our society
upto this lower class become a merchant of can and metal garbages, so that I will disagree this type of
society system.

2. Relate Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism or that what we call survival of the fittest to what is
happening now during these pandemic crisis.

Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism or that what we call survival of the fittes is implies that strong
people will succeed or survive and weak people will perish or die. This concept is that I agree because
despite what we encounter for this pandemic crisis today, there is no already a vaccine for corona virus
to solve our problems. Moreover, the good hygiene or healthy person will more expected to survive
than others because they have strong immune system and they can afford to fight the virus without
forget praying to God. Furthermore the weak person that I am referring to are the people who are old
enough usually 65 above, who are vulnerable person and more susceptible for pandemic virus for what
we have encounter todays.

3. Explain: "The Beauty of the World Lies in the Diversity of the People"

There is this wonderful saying that, ‘the beauty of the world lies in the diversity of the people.’ Everyone
in the world has a diverse backgrounds, races, beliefs, ethnicities and cultures .We believe that culture is
one of the important aspects that brings out our identities. We are proud of who we are, our origins and
our values, beliefs and traditions!

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