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Edited by

T. William Lambe
Robert V. Whitman
Professors of Cil'il Engineering
Massachusetts lnstítute of Technology

Soíl Testing for Engineers by T. William Lambe, 1951
Soil Mechanics by T. William Lambe and Robert V.
Whitman,, 1968
Soil Dynamics by Robert V. Whitman (in progress)
Fundamentals of Soil Behal'ior by James K. Mitchell, 1976
Elastic Solutions for Soil and Roe k Mechanics by H. G.
Poulos andE. H. Davis, 1974
Soíl Mechanics, SI Version by T. William La mbe and
Robert V. Whitman, 1978

The airn of this series is to present the rnodern concepts

o[ soil engineering, which is the science and technology of
soils and their application to problems in civil engineering.
The word "soil" is interpreted broadly to include al! earth
m a terials whose propertíes and behavior influence civil
engineering construction.
Soil engineering is founded upon many basic disciplines:
mechanics and dynamics; physical geology and engineering
geology; clay mineralogy and c'olloidal chemistry; and
mechanics of granular systems and fluid mechanics. Prin-
cipies from these basis disciplines are backed by experimen-
tal evidence from laboratory and field investigations and
from obs.ervations on actual structures. Judgment derived
from experience and engineering economics are central to
soil engineering.
The books ilt this series are in tended primarily for use in
university courses, at both the undergraduate and graduate
levels. The editors also expect that all of the books wíll
serve as valuable reference material for practicing engineers.

T. William Lambe and Robert V. Whitman

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The University of Sy~._;r·:>¡>·:-'73:'.';_:;'"~~

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Copyright 1980
All rights reserved. Published simultaneous1y in Ca nada.
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permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the 1976 United StatesCopy·
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This book deals with methods of analysis that may be use- the interaction between two or more piles and, therefore,
fui in design of pile foundations. Many excellent text- to examine the behavior of groups of piles .
. books are concerned with the more practica! aspects of pile The material contained in this book is organized as
foundations, such as the factors influencing the selection of follows:
the type of pile, the techniques of installation, and practica!
details of construction and maintenance of piles. No l. The behavior of piles under vertical loads (Chapters
attempt has been made to duplicate this type of inform- 2 to 6).
tion. The aims of the present book are to: 2. The behavior of piles under lateral loading (Chapters 7
and 8) and under combined vertical and lateral loading
l. Present a consistent theoretical approach to the predic- (Chapter 9).
tion of pile: deformation and load capacity. 3. The behavior ofpiled rafts (Chapter 10).
2. Present parametric solutions for a wide range of cases. 4. Piles subjected to vertical or lateral soil movements
3. Demonstrate how such solutions can be used for design (Chapters 11 to 13).
purposes. 5. Miscellaneous topics such as pile buckling, dynamic
4. Review the applicability of these approaches to practi- loading, and pile load tests (Chapters 14 to 16).
ca! problems.
Although the text deals with a relatively wide range of
In any theory, a certain amount of idealization is neces- topics, it is by no means exhaustive. Furthermore, since
sary to obtain a tractable mathematical solution; this is geotechnical analysis is advancing ata very rapid rate, there
especially so when dealing with problems involving soil. In may well be cases in which the analytical techniques we
dealing with the deformations of pile foundations irr this describe may have been superseded by more versatile
book, we have generally considered the soil as an elastic methods capable of modeling real soil behavior more
material, with allowances made for pile-soil slip and soil realistically. Nevertheless, we feel that the techniques and
yield where appropriate. Although real soils possess few, if solutions presented in this book can be usefully applied to
any, of the attractive attributes of an ideal homogeneous most practica! problems and provide a basic series of results
isotropic elastic material, they nevertheless can often be against which the results of more sophisticated analyses
treated as elastic over a limited range of stress, provided may be checked.
that the "elastic" parameters are determined for this stress Sorne worked examples are given to illustrate the appli-
range. When u sed in this manner, with due discretion and a cation of the solutions to practica! problems. Beca use units
measure of engineering judgment, e!ashc-based theory has are by no means standardized as yet, sorne of the examples
had considerable success in predicting the deformation of are worked in •SI units, sorne in British units, and a few in
both shallow and deep foundations. Although other simple the Continental metric system.
soil models have also been successfully used for various We thank the· many people who have contributed to
. aspects of pile analysis (for example, the theory of subgrade th:is book and in particular Dr. N. S. Mattes, of the Elec-
reaction as applied to laterally loaded piles), elastic theory tricity Commission of New South Wales, who obtained a
provides a unified basis for the analysis of all types of ¡;onsiderable number of the elastic solutions presented, Dr.
foundation; it also makes possible identification of the J. R. Booker and Dr. P. T. Brown of the University of
parameters that exercise a significant influence on pile Sydney, who provided a great deal of assistance with
performance. Since elastic theory allows consideration of various aspects of the theoretical analyses, Mr. P. J. N. Pells
stress transmission through a mass, it can be used to analyze who provided valuable information on the subject of piles


to rock, and Dr. T. J. Wiesner, who obtained sorne of the made the facilities of the Department available to us, to
solutions presented in Chapter 10. The Civil Engineering C. J. Peiti, B. Crook, J. Kilpatrick, S. Picken, J. Knight and
Graduates Association of the University of Sydney gave B. Rocke who undertook the typing and assembly of the
financial support for the post-graduate .course on pile manuscript, and R. Brew and H. Papallo who prepared
foundations that formed the basis of this book. Grateful many of the diagrams.
ac.knowledgement is given to Professor J. W. Roderick, H. G. Poulos
former Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, who E. H. Davis

l GENERAL PRINCIPLES 3 .3 .2 Pile Groups in Sand 35

3.4 Piles to Rock 38
l.l lntroduction
3.4.1 Point Bearing Capacity 38
1.2 Structural Approach 1
3.4.2 Pile-Rock Adhesion 40
1.3 Basic Theory Required 2
3.5 Use of In-Situ Tests 41
1.3.1 Failure 1heory 2
3.5 .1 Sta tic Con e Penetrometer 41
1,3 .2 Elastic Theory 2
3.5 .2 Standard Penetration Test 43
1.3 .3 Changes in Soil Type 3
3.6 Special Types ofPile 43
1.3 .4 The Role of Idealization 3
3.6 .1 Large Bored Piers 43
1.4 Examples of Iheo~tical Pile Calculations 3
3.6.2 Under-Reamed Bored Piles 44
1.4.1 Vertical)y Loaded Foundations on
3 .6 .3 Screw Pi! es 44
Deep Clay 4
3.7 Uplift Resistance 45
1.4 2 Vertically Loaded F o un da tions on
3. 7.1 Singie Pi!es 45
Clay overGravel 4
3.7 .2 Pi! e Groups 48
1.4.3 Foundations Subject to Rotation 4
3.8 Load Capacity of BentPiles 49


2.1 Introduction 6
4.1 Introduction 52
2.2 Effects of Pi! e Driving in Clays 7
4.2 Pile Driving Formulas 53
2.2.1 Influence on Soil Shear Strength
4.2.1 Derivation of General Formula 53
and Pile Capacity 7
4.2.2 Practica! Dri:ving Formulae 54
2.2.2 Pore Pressures Developed During
4.2.3 Realiability of Dynamic Formulae 54
Driving 7
4.3 Pile Driving Analysis by the Wave Equation 58
2.2.3 Dissipation of Excess Pore Pressures 9
4.3.1 The Wave Equation 59
2.2.4 Displacements dueto Driving lO
4.3 .2 Smith's ldealization 59
2.3 Effects of Pi! e Driving in Sands 13
4.3 .3 Basic Equations 6Í
2.3 .1 Single Piles 13
4.3 .4 Values of Soil Parameters 63
2.3 .2 Pi! e Groups 14
4.3.5 The Effect of 'Set-Up' 65
2.4 Effects of Installing Bored Piles 15
4.4 Typical Solutions from Wave Equation
2.4 .1 Clay Soils 15
Analysis 66
2.4.2 Sands 17
4.4 .l Resistance versus Set Curves 66
4.4.2 PiJe Stresses 68
3 ULTIMA TE LOAD CAPACITY OF PILES 18 . 4.5 Reliability of Wave Equation 68
4.6 Pile Impedance 69
3.1 Introduction 18
3.2 Ultima te Load Capacity of Single Piles 18
3.2 .1 General Expression 18
3.2.2 Piles in Clay 19
3 .2 .3 Piles in Sand 24 5.1 Introduction 71
3.3 Pi!e Groups 30 5.2 Theoretical Methods of Analysis 72
3 .3 .1 Pile Groups in Clay 30 5.2.1 Load Transfer Method 72
vin CO!\"'''ENTS

5.2 .2 Analysis Based on Elastic Theory 74 7.2 Single Piles 143

5.2.3 Finite Element Analysis 83 7.2.1 Conventíonal Statical Approach 144
5.2.4 Comparison between Solutions from 7 .2.2 Broms's Theorv 146
Mindlin Approach and Finite 7.2 .3 Plan e Strain Sol 1 ltions 152
Element Analysis 83 7 .2.4 Piles with Significant Base Resis-
5.3 Theoretical Solutions for Settlement and tan ce 153
Load Distribution 84 7.2.5 Socketed Piles 153
5.3.1 Stress and Load Distribution in PiJe 84 7 .2.6 Piles Subjected to Inclined Loading 154
5 .3.2 Load Transferred to PiJe Tip 85 7 .2.7 Battered Pi! es 156
5.3 .3 Settlement of Pile 86 7.3 PiJe Groups 157
5.3.4 Sett1ements in a Soil Mass Resulting . 7.3 .1 Groups of VerticafPiles 157
From aPile 94 7 .3.2 Groups Containing Battered Piles 159
5.3.5 Immediate and Final Settlements 96 7.4 Use of Piles to Increase Slope Stability 160
5.4 Simplified Method for Constructing Load- 7.5 Methods for Increasing the Lateral Resis-
Settlement Curve to Failure 99 tan ce of Piles 161
5.5 Deterrnination of Soil Parameters 101
5 .S .1 Laboratory Triaxial Tests 102
5.5 .2 Pi! e Loading Tests 10'2
5.5 .3 Empírica! Correlations 102
5.5 .4 Typical Values of K 103 8.1 Introductíon 163
5.6 Sorne Comparisons between Observed and 8.2 Subgrade-Reaction Analysis 1M
Predicted Pile Settlements 104 8.2.1 Basic Theory 164
8.2.2 Solutions to Linear Theory 166
8.2.3 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 172
6 SETTLEMENT OF PILE GROUPS 109 8.2 .4 Nonlinear Analysis 175
6.l Introduction 109 8.3 Elastic Analysis for Single Píles 177
6.2 Analysis of Group Settlement 110 8.3.1 Basic Theory 177
6.2.1 Two-Pile Interaction Analysís 110 8.3 .2 Solutíons for Floating Pi! e in U ni-
6.2.2 Interaction Factors 110 form Soil 182
6.2.3 Analysís of General Groups 117 8.3.3 Solutíons for Floating Pile in Soil
6.3 Theoretical Solutions for Freestanding with Linearly Increasing Modulus 192
Groups 120 8.3 .4 Solutions for Socketed Piles 199
6.3.1 Settlement of Floating and End- 8.4 Analysis of Piie Groups 209
Bearing Groups 120 8.4 .l Introduction 209
6.3.2 Load Distribution in Groups with 8.4.2 Elastic Analysis of Intcraction
Rigid Cap 126 Between Two Piles 209
6.3.3 Groups with Equa11y Loaded Píles 128 8.4.3 Solutions for Two-Pile Interaciion 211
6.3.4 Approximation ofGroup as a Single 8.4.4 Elastic Ana1ysis of General Pi! e
Pier 129 Groups 216
6.4 Sett1ement of Groups Caused by Compres- 8.4.5 Elastic Solutions for Square Groups 217
sible Underlying Strata 132 8 .4.6 Approximate Prediction of Load-
6.5 Preparation and Use of Design Charts 133 Deflection Curve for a Group 221
6.6 Surface Settlements Around a Group 135 8.5 Determination of Soil Modulus 223
6.7 Observed and Theoretical Group Behavior 135 8.6 Comparisons Between Theoretical and Ob-
6.7 .l Sett1ements 135 served Load-Deflection Behavior 225
6.7.2 Load Distribution 139
6.7 .3 Group Behavior Predicted from
Sing1e-Pile Test Resu1ts 141
9.1 In troduction 233
9.2 Simple Statical Analysis 233
1 ULTIMA TE LATERAL RESISTANCE OF PILES 143 9.3 Equivalent-Bent Method 234
7.1 Introduction 143 9.3.1 Principie ofMethod 234

9.3 .2 Determination of Equivalen! Bent 235 11.4.6 PiJe in Soil Subjected to Variable
9.3 .3 Torsional Re'sponse of Piles 237 Loads 284
9.4 Elastic Analysis of Pile Behavior 237 11.4 .7 Data on Pile-Soil Parameters 285
9.4 .1 Analysis of Single Battered Pi! e 237 11.5 Pile Groups 288
9.4 .2 Analysis of Pi! e Groups 242 11.6 Comparisons Between Measured and Pre-
9.4 .3 Pa:rametríc Studies of Pi! e Groups 243 dicted PiJe Behavior 289
9.5 Comparison of Methods of Píle-Group
Analysis 248
12.1 Introduction 294
12.2 Existing Methods of Analysis 295
10 PILE-RAFT SYSTEMS 250 12.3 Analysis Based on Elastic Theory 296
12.3 .1 Basic Analysis 296
10.1 Introduction 250
12.3 .2 Pile-Soil Slip 297
10.2 Analysis 250
12.3 .3 Compression Failure of Pi! e 297
10.3 Elastic Solutions for Square Groups 253
12.3 .4 Tension Failure of PiJe 297
10.3 .1 Influence ofPoisson's Ratios Vs 257
12.3.5 Nonuniform Soil 297
10.3 .2 Influence of Pile Arrangement 257
12.3.6 Variation with Time 298
10.3 .3 Systems Containing Large Numbers
12.4 Typical Solutions for Pile Movement and
of Píles 257
Load 298
1O.3 .4 Effect of Pi! e Compressibility and
12.4 .1 Purely Elastic Pile-Soil Interface 298
Raft Flexibility 258
12.4.2 Solutions IncorporatingPile-Soil
10.4 Simplifíed Analysis for Load.Settlement
Slip 299
Curve to Failure 259
12.4.3 Effect of Tensile Failure of the Pile 303
10.5 Other Analytical Approaches 262
12.4.4 Differences Between Piles in Swelling
and Consolidating Soils 304
12.5 Design Curves 304
11 NEGATIYE FRICTION ON 12.6 Application of Theoretical Analysis to
END-BEARING PILES 265 Practica! Problems 306
12.6 .1 Prediction of Soíi-Movement Pro file 306
11.1 Introduction 265
12.6 .2 Pile-Soil Interface Strength 307
11.2 Field Stúdies on Instrumentcd Piles 269
12.63 Soil Modulus 30?
11.2.1 .Observed Downdrag Forces 269
12.7 Observations of Pile Behavior and Comparí-
11.2 .2 Deve1opment of Downdrag with
sons with Theory 309
Time 269
11.2 .3 Effect of PiJe Drivíng on Negative
11 .2 .4 Methods of Reducing Negative
Fríctíon 269 13.1 Introduction 311
11.3 Analysis of Downdrag Forces 271 13.2 Analysis 312
11 .3 .1 Introduction 271 13.3 Typical Results 314
11.3.2 Analysis of Final Downdrag Forces 272 13.3 .1 Effect of Relative PiJe F1exibility 315
11.3.3 Development of Downdrag with 13.3.2 Effect of Boundary Conditions 316
Time 273 13.3 .3 Effect of Soil-Movement Distribu-
11.3 .4 Modiflcations to Elastic Analysis 274 tion 316
11.4 Theoretical Solutions for Single Pile 274 13.3 .4 Effect of Magnitude of Soil Move-
11.4.1 Final Maximum Downdrag Force 274 ment 316
11 .4 .2 Rate of Development of Downdrag 13.3 .5 Effect of Pi! e Diameter 318
Force 278 13.3 .6 Effect of Es and Py Distributions 318
11.4 .3 Pile Settlement 279 13.4 Application of Ana1ysis to Practica!
11.4.4 Rate of Development of Settlement 282 Problems 319
11.4.5 Effect ofPile Crushing 283 13.5 Comparisons with Field Measurements 319

14 BUCKLING OF SLENDER PILES 323 15.5 Pile Response to Earthquake Forces 353
14.1 Introduction 323
14.2 Fully Embedded Pi1es 323 16 PILE LOAD TESTS 354
14.2 .1 Basic Subgrade Reaction Theory 323
16.1 Introduction 354
14.2.2 So1utions for Constant kh 324
16.2 Maintained Loading Test 355
14.2.3 Solutions for Linearly Varying kh 325
16.2.1 Procedure 355
14.3 Partially Embedded Piles 327
16.2.2 Interpretation of Load Tests 356
14.3.1 Theoretical Approach 327
16.3 Constant-Rate-of-Penetration Test 358
14.3.2 So1utions for Constant kh 327
16.4 Method of Equilibrium 358
14.3.3 Solutions for Linearly Varying kh 327
16.5 Sources of Error in Settlé"inent Measure-
14.4 Effect of Practica! Complications 328
ments in Pile Load Tests 359
14.4 .1 Axial Load Transfer Along Pile 328
16.5 .1 Errors Resulting from Use of Re-
14.4.2 Initial Imperfections 329
ference Beam 359
14.4 .3 Inelastic Buckling 330
16.5.2 Errors Resulting from Jacking
14.4.4 Group Effects 330
Against Anchor Piles 360
14.5 Analysis Using Elastic Theory 330
16.5.3 Errors Resulting from Jacking
14.5.1 Analysis 331
Against Ground Anchors 363
14.5.2 Typical Solutions 332
16.6 Lateral Load Tests 365
14.5 .3 Comparison with Subgrade-Reaction
16.7 Torsional Testing 365
Solutions 335

15.1 In troduction 336 EQUA TI ONS FOR
15.2 Estimation of Dynamic Loads 337 PILE-SETTLEMENT ANAL YSIS 366
15.2.1 Machine Loads 338
15.2.2 Wave Forces 338
15 .2 .3 Earthquake F orces 338 ELASTIC EQUATIONS USE:>
15.3 PiJe Response to Axial Loads 339 FOR LATERALLY-LOADED
15.3 .1 End-Bearing Piles 339 PILE ANAL YSIS 369
15.3.2 Floating Piles or End-Bearing Piles
w.ith Load Transfer 341
15.3 .3 PiJe Gro u ps 345
15.4 PiJe Response to Lateral Loading 347
15.4.1 Equivalent Cantilever Systems 348
15.4 .2 Finite-Difference Analysis 348
15.4.3 Novak's Analysis 351
15 .4.4 PiJe Groups 351 SUBJECT INDEX 389

1.1 INTRODUCTION excessively; in the present context, the design involves

too few, too-slender, or too-short piles. But it can also be
The use of piles is man's oldest method of overcoming the irnperfect beca use it is more than adequate (too many,
difficulties of foundmg on soft soils. Although it dates back too-long, or too-substantial piles) and therefore is an
to prehistoric lake villages, until the late nineteenth cen- excessively costly design. Design based on empiricism alone
tu ry, the design of pile foundations was based entirely on tends to focus attention on the former, because recorded
experience, or even divine provídence. Modern literature on experience gerierally only distinguishes between unsatis-
piles can be said to date from the publication of Pites and factory and trouble-free performance and rarely between
Pile Driving, edited by Wellington of the Engineering News economical and uneconomical design_ Only by under-
(later to become the Engineeríng News-Record) in 1893, standing the behavior of the engineering structure in an ·
in which the widely known Engineering News pile-driving analytical as well as empírica! sense can engineers reason-
formula was proposed. Since this first attempt at a theoret- ably expect to achieve designs that are neither ínadequate
ical assessment of the capacity of a pile, a great volume of nor overadequate. In other words, to obtain the full benefit
field experience ancl empírica! data on the performance of of experience of actual engíneering behavior, it is irnportant
pile foundations has been published. In recent years, the to have a sound theoretical understanding of the problem.
increasing demand on the foundation engineer to predict Of course, it is equally irnportant that engineeríng theory
reliably the behavior of his pile designs has stirnulated should be based ínitially on experience and extended or
more-sophisticated theoretical research into the interactíon modified in the light of further experience.
between a pile or piles and the embeddíng soil, so that a
large volume of empírica! knowledge is now balanced by
a comparable theoretical understanding.
Thls balance between empiricism and theory is a com- 1.2 STRUCTURAL APPROACH
mon feature of progress in many engineering fields. Any
engíneering design or solution to a practica! problem can It is only too convenient to divide the design of major
be irnperfect in two ways. It can be irnperfect because it is buildings into two components: the design of the structure
inadequate: that is, parts of the structure fail or deform and the design of the foundatiorís. The structure for its own

reaso11s alone is assumed to produce certain column loads, the pile base, ordinary bearing-capacity theories may be
and L1e foundations are merely required to carry these applicable. Thus for vertical failure, the shear stress at the
predete:míned loads. In reality, for complicated structures, .shaft-soil interface attains a limiting val ue (possibly varying
the load.' on the foundations determine their movement, wíth depth and soil type), and for horizontal failure result-
but this n;ovement af(ects the loads imposed by the struc- ing from lateral load or moment, the normal stress at the
ture; there is ~~:':~-~?jy interaction between structure and
foundation. 1rl fact; the whole complex of structural frame,
interface attains a limiting value (again, possíbly varying
with depth). In such a simplified approach, any reduction
foundation components (footings, piles, piJe caps, raft, in failure load for a particular pile because of the presence
etc.), and soil or rock forming the founding materíal, of a nearby piJe cannot be taken into account, except
tog,ether comprise one interacting structural system. The that the failure load for a group of closely spaced piles
interaction between a pile ánd its embedding soil, and that can sometimes be calculated from bearíng-capacity theory
between one pile and another piJe, provide subsets of the for buried footings on the assumption that the piles and soil
larger set of al! interacting structural components. between them act as one solid block. This load can be
If an overall structural approach is to be successful, taken as the answer if it is less than the sum of the failure
we need to know much more about a particular piJe than loads for the piles, calculated individually.
that it can be classified as, say, a 50-ton pile. We need to
know its load-settlement behavior up to failure, possibly
its behavior under lateral load and moment, and how its 1.3 .2 Elastic Theory
behavior is modified by adjacent piles. This is analogous
to saying that we need the complete load-deformation Soil and rock are not ideal elastic materials in that stress
characterístics of beams and columns, not just their load and strain are not linearly related, strains are not fully
capacities, before we can analyze complete structural recoverable on reduction in stress, and strains are not
frameworks. independent of time. However, at least i.t can be said that
Most of this book is concerned with bringing the ana- strains in soil increase as stresses increase. Furthermore,
lytical treatment of the load-deformation and the failure the assumption of anything more complicated than a
behavior of pile foundation systems to the same level of Iinearly elastic material for the soil in the pile-soil contin-
sophistication as similar analytical treatments available for uum situation would generally lead to unduly complicated
systems of structural frames. With this aclúeved, it is a theory lacking useful generality. The use of linear elastic
relatively simple matter with modern compu ter programs theory is therefore expedient and should be sufficiently
to combine the structural and foundatíon systems ínto accurate for engineering purposes, provided that elastic
. one-but thar matter is outside the scope of this book. "constan ts" are employed that are appropriate to the
particular problem. That is, they have either been back-
figured from field tests on piles in similar situations, or
determined from laboratory tests employing stress changes
similar to the average changes in the soil mass in the partic-
ular case.
Piles embeded ín soil províde a reinforcement to the soil,
The basic elastic response of the soil from which the
increasing íts load capacity and modifying its deformation
solutions for elastic piles in elastic soil can be derived is
behavior in rnuch the same way as the steel reinforces the
given by Mindlin 's set of equations for the stresses and
concrete in reinforced or prestressed concrete members.
displacements throughou t an elastic half-space resul ting
Unfortunately, although a sufficiently accurate analysis
from horizontal or vertical point load applied at a point
of the effects of reinforcement in concrete members can
beneath the surface. As will be explaíned in subsequent
usually be obtained by adaptation of the simple theory
chapters, this bas!c ·response can be integrated to give the
of bending, the extended-continuum nature of the embed-
pile-soil interface stresses in such a way that the displace-
ding soil around piles makes the corresponding analysis
ments of the pile and soil are compatible. Modifications
of the reinforcement effect of piles much more difficult.
to take account of failure at sorne parts of the interface
are the:n relatively easy to make.
1.3.1 Failure Theory Alternatively, the elastic response can be assumed to
be that of a series of unconnected springs, that is, a Winkler
In the present state of knowledge, it is generally only medium or the subgrade reaction assumption. In spite of
possible to consider failure as something that o~curs mainly what is said by sorne of the protagonists of this approach,
at the interface between the sides of the pile and the soil, it must fundrunentally be inferior to the elastic continuum
ignoring the details of failure within the soil, although for approach of the Mindlin equations, since it ignores the

very real interconnection among elements throughout the Working Loads

soil mass. However, it does have the advantages of com- ¡340 kips
l340kips 1340 lltps ,1:40kips
putational simplicity and perhaps more-ready adaptation
to complicatíons such as change in soil type. On the other
L 13' 1
hand, it can never take into account the important matter
of interaction between adjacent piles.
15 •: 1, SQUOr<?

1.3.3 Changes in Soil Type

- r?'dta.
- 1:_5'dta
- ~5.d10.

Appropriate idealization of actual subsurface conditions

Soft clay
Cu =0·5ksJ
·- '4 5'

frequently involves consideration of one or more distinct E u , 100 k.s t 75'

Iayers of material of different properties. Piles in soft E' = 80 k S f
clay are often driven to a stiffer stratum of sand, which y' ó 3
may in tllfn overlie a different clay before encountering
bedrock. Both the failure themy and the deformation
theory should therefore be capable of coping with such
changes in properties from !ayer to !ayer. The modification
of the failure theory for this matter presents little diffi-
culty, but the modification of the deformation theory may 1.__ _
require a number of simplifying assum"ptions.
(a)Pad Footing (b) Si~l<l (e) Pil<i! (d) 4 Pile
Pil<i! plus Pad Group

1.3.4 The Role of ldealization FIGURE 1.1 Example L Foundatíons on deep clay.

Engineering theory can only give the behavior in an ideal

situation. It must start from assumptions with regard to 1.4.1 Vertically Loaded Foundations on Deep Clay
the properties of the materials and their disposition. In
complicated problems such as that of pile behavior, the The' foundations considered are shown in Fig. l. l. All
engineering theory itself is often not fully rigorous, since carry the same load and have the same factor of safety
approximations have to be made to obtain numerical
answers even for the ideal situatíon. Thus, there ís a judge- TABLE l.1 BEHAVIOR OF
ment to make about the extent to which a particular set
of numerical answers is an accurate enough answer to the
ideal problem. This judgement is largely the job of the la lb le ld
Pad Single Pile + 4-Pile
research engineer. There is also a judgement to be made on Pi le pad Group
Fxample footing
the practica! side, of the accuracy with which the idealized
situation fits the real situation. This judgement is largely Factor of Safety 2 2 2 2
the job of the practicíng engineer. It is important that the
Percent of Pad or cap 100 73 14
difference between these judgements should be recognized Failure load Shaft 87 26 83
and that they should never be made as one. For example, taken by: Plle base 13 1 3
the fact that predicted behavior is not verified by subse-
Percent of Pad or cap 100 45 5
quent observation can mean ·either that the prediction was ·
working Shaft 92 53 93
based on inaccurate theory, or that it was based on an load taken Pile base 8 2 2
unrealistic idealization, or even both. by:
Settlements lmmedíate 4.1 in. 0.9 inb 2.3 in. 0.8 in.
at Percent of 56% 0% 36% 0%
1.4 EXAMPLES OF THEORETICAL workíng immed. resultíng
PILE CALCULATIONS load from yield
Conso!idation 1.2 in. 0.1 in. 0.4 in. 0.2 in.
As a foretaste of the types of prediction possible from the Total final 5.3 in. 1.0 in 2.7 in. 1.0 in.
theory to be given in subsequent chapters, the results of 11
See Fíg. 1.1.
calculations are given for different-example pile founda- b Elastic shortening of pile as a colurnn 0.04 in.
tions, and for comparison, a surface pad footing. e Elastic shortening of pite group as columns 0.11 in.

against ultimate failure. The calculated behavior is given in Worki~g Loods

Table 1.1, from which it can be seen that the surface pad 340 kips
footing, an unlikely choice for a comparatively heavy load
on a soft clay, settles what would probab!y be an excessive
amount. Furthermore, a high proportion of the settlement
is irrecoverable, so that variatíons in load might produce
further settlement. The single large-diameter pile and the
four-pile group have similar behaviors and may even involve 2' diO
5oft Cloy
settlements that are more than satisfactorily small. The
e = 05 k S f
case of a pad with one small-diameter pile is unusual but
represents ari interesting intermediate case between pad Eu 100 k 5 f
E' 75
80 k s f
only and pUes only. At the working load, the pi! e is V 0·3
carrying its full failure-load but nevertheless succeeds in
reducing the settlement well below that of the pad on íts
(e) Pad Footír>g (b) 'End
1.4.2 Vertically Loaded Foundations on Clay over Grave! plle

The cases of a surface pad footing and a pile driven to a

stiff grave! base under the soft clay are illustrated in Fig.
·,;.. ·.-;:¡, -.:' <t '. / __ . t.. "/¡ '-...
1.2. Again, each foundation carries the same load and has . L1! !_ p '-4 ~ / '- l
the same factor of safety. The results of calculation are Grcv121 ~'E, ·.o,ooo k.s.t
given in Table 1.2. The behavior of the pad footing is rj;' 40°

unaffected by the grave!, since the clay has a depth of FIGURE 1.2 Example 2. Foundations on clay over grave!.
five times the footing breadth. The pile, being "end-
bearing," can be of smaller diameter than before; in fact,
it is the strength of the concrete of the pile which deter-
mines íts diameter, rather than soil properties. The settle-
ment of the pile is now even smaller, as would be expected,
although still greater than the straight column compression.
It is interesting to note that although the pile is classified
as "end-bearing," a third of the load is in fact taken by
side shear on the shaft. For more slender piles, the pro-
Example Pad footing "End·bearing" Pile portian of the load taken by the shaft can be even higher.
The fact that "end-bearing" piles are far from 100 percent
Factor of Safety 2 2 (concrete strength
end-bearing has been verified in the field in severa! instances.

Perccnt Pad 100

Failure load Shaft 13 1.4.3 Foundations subject to Rotation
taken by: PiJe base 87

Percent Pad lOO For the same vertical lcrad as in the previous examples,
working Shaft 33 but also with a horizontal load and á moment applied,
load taken Píle base 67 a pad and pier are compared in the third example (Fig.
by: 1.3). The results of calculations are given in Table 1.3.
Settlements Immediate 4.1 in. in In order to carry even a relatively small moment, the pad
at Percent ímmed. 56% o footing has had to be enlarged to an inordinate size, and
working resulting in view of the movements and rotations at the working
load from yield loads, it wouh1 unlike1y to be considered a satisfactory
Consol. 1.2 in. o solution. The length and diameter of the pier have been
Total final 5.3 in. 0.5 in.
selected so that the factor of safety against failure resulting
a See Fig. 1.2. from the vertical load is the same as that against failure
b Elastic shortening of piJe as a column ·:. 0.25 in. resulting from the horizontal load and moment.



rt. 3a 3b
Example Pad Footing Single Pier

Factor of Safety 2 2

square Settlement Immediate 2.7 in. 1.0 in.

Canso l. 0.6 in. 0.2 in.
(a) f'od Foot.ng Total final 3.3 in. 1.2 in.

Scft .Cioy Horizontal Immedíate 1.4 in. 0.8 in.

dísplacement Consol. 0.3 in. G.2 in.
Cu (1 !) k S f
Total final 1.7 in. 1.0 in.
Eu 100 ksf
(b) P 12r
E 80 k sf Rotation lmmediate 0.45° 0.16°
V 0·3 Con sol. 0.10° 0.04°
Total final 0.55° 0.20°

FIGURE 1.3 Foundations subject to rotation. Percent immediate movement 56% o

re su! ting from local yield

a See Fíg. 1.3.


2.1 INTROOUCTION including undesirable movements, vibrations, or even

structural damage. Much of the available data on installa-
Piles may be classifíed in a number of ways, the common tion effects is concerned with driven piles, since pile driving
methods being generally creates more disturbance than other methods.
Relatively little is known of the effects of constructing
(a) By the material of which they are formt>d. bored piles.
(b) By the method of installation. In this chapter, the effects of pile driving in clays are
examined, with particular emphasis on the pore pressures
The commonly used materials for piles are concrete, steel,
developed around the pile and the resulting influence on
and timber; discussions on the relative practica! merits of
the surrounding soil. Piles driven into sand are then con-
each type of piJe for various applications may be found
sidered, and final! y, a brief review, largely qualitative,
in many references, for example, Chellis (1962), Tomlinson
of the effects of installing bored piles is given.
(1975), Bowles (1977), and Whitaker (1970). In terms of
It should be emphasized that this chapter is concerned
installation method, piles may be classified as
with 'the extent to which installation changes the proper-
(a) Driven piles. ties of the soil surrounding piles from those existing prior
(b) Bored or cast-in-situ piles. to instal!ation, which are presumably determinable by
(e) Dríven ami cast-in-situ piles. nonnaJ methods of site investigation, sampling, and labora-
( d) Screw piJes. tory or in-situ testing. Furthermore, it is concerned with
the manner in which such changes, at least with clays,
Detailed descri'1tions of these methods and equipment may subsequently become modified the longer the loading
used in installation may also be found in the above four of the installed piJe is delayed. The change in bearing
referen,ces. capacity of a loaded pile as a clay consolidates under the
The method of installation of a pile may have a pro- stresses produced by the load on the pile is not dealt with
found effects on its behavior under load. It may also here, but is considered in Chapter 3. It is important to
determine the severity of effect on nearby structures, maintain a clear distinction between these two matters.



Seed and Reese
The effects of pile dri\jng in clays have been classified
. into four rnajor categories by de Mello (1969):

·(a) Rernolding or partial structural alteration of the soil

surrounding the pile.
(b) Alteration of the stress state in the soil in· the vicinity
of the pile.
(e) Dissipation of the excess pore pressures developed·
around the pile. .5 1 10 100 1000
(d) Long-term phenomena of strength-regain in the soiL Ti rne" t1ours
FIGCRE 2.1 lncrease of load c..tpacity with time (Soderberg,
Sorne data is available on all the above effects, although the 1962).
state of knowledge, particularly in relation to ( d), is gener-
ally lirnited. showed that the undrained strength had almost returned
to its original value after nine rnonths, except when piles
were spaced at less than about 4.0 diameters, in which
2.2.1 lnfluence on Soil Shear Strength and Pile Capacity case little strength-regain (and in sorne cases a further
loss) was noted with time.
Early investigations into the effects of pile driving on the Other than for thixotropic regain, the rate of increase
properties of clays were rnade by Housel and Burkey of soil strength subsequent to pile driving is related to the
(1948) and Curnrnings, Kerkhoff, and Peck (1950). Based rate of dissipation of excess pore pressure. Data presented
on the evidence from load tests to failure carried out on by Soderberg (1962) showed that the increase in ultimate
piles at different times after their installation, it can be load capacity of a pile (and hence, shear strength of the
inferred that the undrained strength of a clay is initially soil) was very similar in character to the rate of díssipation
decreased considerably because of driving, but that signif- of excess pore pressure with time (see Fig. 2.1). Sorne
icant regain of strength occurs with elapsed time between estímate of the "set-up" time rn~y be obtained frorn a
driving and pile testing. Generally, it rnay be expected that k.nowledge of the excess pore pressures developed around
the driving of piles in to clay will initially cause sorne ( or the pile, and the rate of dissipation of these pore pressures.
even considerable) loss in undrained strength of the clay
because of rernolding at constant water content. Subse-
quently, the strenglh will usually increase because of a 2.2.2 Pore Pressures Developed during Driving
combination of two factors: thixotropic regain of un-
drained strength as the structural bonds destroyed by A nurnber of measurernents of the excess pore pressure
remolding are at least partially restored, and increase developed in a soil be cause of pile driving have been rnade;
resulting frorn local consolidation of the clay produced forexample,Bjerrurn et al. (1958),Bjerrum and Johannessen
by dissipation of excess pore-water pressures that arise (1960), Milligan et aL (1962), Lambe.and Horn (1965),
frorn the increase in stress in the soil surrounding the Loand Stermac (1965), Orrje and Broms (1967), Hanna
pile. Conceivably, there would be situations in which (1967), Koizurni and Ito (1967), D'Appolonia and Lambe
the consolidation was negative (i.e., a swelling with time), (1971). Results of measurements of poré pressure at the
thus producing a weakening in addition to that caused by pile face in rnany of these papers have revealed that the
rernolding-for example, for stiff, overconsolidated clays. excess pore pressures rnay becorne equal to or even greater
Although investigations into the extent of the dis- th~ the effective overburden stress. However, the induced
turbance around a pile caused by driving have produced excess pore pressures decrease rapidly with .distance from
sornewhat conflicting results, the available evidence (de the pile and generally dissipate very rapidly.
Mello, 1969) suggests that inunediately after driving, the A surnrnary of sorne measurernents of the variation with
amount of rernolding decreased frorn about 100% at the radial distance of the excess pore pressures around a single
pile-soil interface to virtually zero at about 1.5 to 2.0 driven pile are given in Fig. 2.2. The excess pore pressure
diarneters frorn the pile surface. Investigations by Orrje !:,u is expressed dimensionlessly as !lu/ o' va, where o' va ls
and Brorns (1967) of concrete piles in a sensitive clay. .the vertical effective stress in -situ prior to drjving, while.

Legend: maximum pore pressure developed near the piJe surface,

O Wallaceburg 1Lo and Stermac, 1965) Lo and Stermac (1965) derived an expression from the
1). Ghost River 1Lo and Stermac, 19651
O Wabi River (lo and Stermac, 1965)-(291! depthl
consideration of failure of a radial zone of soil around the
• Wabi Riber (Lo and Stermac, 1965)--(37 ft depthi piJe. D'Appolonia and Lambe (1971) derived an alternative
x Marine Clav (Bjerrum and Johannessen, 1960)-(7.5 -n depth)
á Marine Clay (Bjerrúm and Johannessen. 1960)- (10m depth)
form of Lo and Stermac's equation, namely,
\1 Firm Clay (Airhart et al., 1969)-(40 ft depth)
+ 8oston Blw; Clay (0' Ap;:¡olonia and Lambe, 1970!
• Varved Clay [Soderman and Mílligan, 1961 )-(20 f: depth)
Y Varved Clay (Soderman and Milligan, 19611-125 ft depth)
O Varved Clay (Soderman and Mil ligan. 1961 )-130ft depth}.
a vo
[ 0-Ko) +
vo } A f (2.1)

1.5 -
!lum maximum excess pore pressure
Ka in-situ coefficient of earth pressure at r<:st
Su undrained shear strength
A¡ = pore-pressure coefficient A at failure
, = ini tia! vertical effective stress in soil
0.5 -

Comparisons, reported by Lo and Stermac (1965) and

o ____L ____-L----~~~~--~~~~
Lo (1968), between measured pore pressures and those
() 10 20 30 40 50 60 calculated from Eq. (2.1), showed generally good agree-
menL Within the failure zone of the soil surrounding the
piJe, the pore pressures were a maxirnum and constant,
FIGURE 2.2 Summary of measured pore pressures.
and driving of adjacent piles only increased the pore pres-
sure slightly. Outside the failure zone, the pore pressure
the radial distance r from the pile is expressed in terms of decreased rapidly with distance and was negligible at a
the pile radius a. There is a considerable scatter in the radial distance of about 16 diameters from the piJe (see
poin ts in this figure resul ting largely f ro m differences in Fig. 2.2). Driving of adjacent piles developed pore pressures
soíl type, the larger por e pressures being associa ted with in this outer zone that added up directly until the maxi-
the more sensitive soils. mum value was reached. Thus, the maximum pore pressures
ln the vicin:cy of the pile, very high excess pore pres- induced by driving a number of piles in a pile foundation
sures are deve~oped, in sorne cases approaching 1.5 to 2.0 may be predicted simp1y as the value of !lum from equa-
times the in-situ vertical effective stress. Data presented tion (2.1). The data presented by Lo and Stermac (1965)
by Airhart et al. ( 1969) sug&ests that near the pile tip, suggests a radius of the failure zone of about 4-pile radii,
even greater pore pressures may be developed, amounting which is consistent wíth the extent of remolding around
to 3 to 4 times the in-situ vertical effective stress. the pile, discussed in the previous section.
Beyond rfa of about 4 for normal clays, and about 8 Theoretical methods of estimating the distribution of
for sensitive clays, a rapid decrease in pore pressure with excess pore pressure with distance from· the pile have been
distance occurs, and beyond rfa = 30 the excess pore developed by Nishid~ (1962) and Ladanyi (1963). The
pressures are virtually negligible. former method is based on an elastoplastíc analysis, while
A further consequence of the development of pore the latter ís an adaption of the theory of expansion of a
pressures around a piJe during driving has been reported cylindrical cavity in a mass for use with the measured
by Fellenius and Broms (1969), who found that signif- undrained stress-strafn behavror of a soil. Although the
icant negative friction and downdrag forces were induced latter method is versatile and relates to real soil behavior,
in a pile because of reconsolidation of the soil around the it requires considerable computation. Furthennore, it relies
pile. Tlús aspect is discussed further in Chapter 11. on the details of laboratory stress-strain curve, the accuracy
of which is Hable to be' affeeted by such factors as sampling
Estimation of Pore Pressures disturbance and the inítial stress condition of the sample.
A number of methods have been developed to predict As a rapíd, practica! means of estimating the excess-
the excess-pore-pressure distribution around a driven pile. pore-pressure distribution, the following procedure is
For cases in which it is sufficient to estímate only the suggested:

(a) The Lo and Stermac expression (Eq. 2.1) is used to near the top and tip of the pile being ignored. The relevant
obtain the maximum pore pressure C:.u 111 , from the face equation of consolidation is then
of the pile to a dístanc~ R from the face. On the basis
of Fig. 2.2 and also the analxsis 'of Nishida (1962), R
varies from 3l:1 to 4a for insensitive clays, to 8a for sensitive
(b) Beyond the distan ce R, the excess por e pressure is where
assumed to vary inversely as the square of the distance r
from the pile, thatis, eh is the two-dimensional coefficient of consolidation
for horizontal drainage
u is excess pore pressure
The above equation may readily be written in finite
The in verse vanat10n is predicted from elastic theory, difference form (e.g., see Gibson and Lumb, 1953), and
as utilízed by Ladanyi (1963) and Nishida ( 1962). solved for. the appropriate drainage condition at the pile
(e) For pile groups, the pore pressure distributions around and initial pore-pressure distribution. Solutions for the
individual piles may be superposed, except that the pore excess pore-pressure dissipation at the pile face, for an
pressure cannot exceed C:.um, as found by Lo and Stermac impermeable pile, were obtained by Soderberg, who found
(1965). that the form of the initial pore-pressure distribution had
a relatively small influence on this solution.
The excess pore pressures around a pile in sens1t1ve A reasonable measure of the rate of strength or adhe-
clay as calcuhited by the above procedure, agree well with sion-regain after driving appears to be to consider the rate
the average observed curve in Fig. 2.2. of consolidation within a limited are a in the vicínity of the
piJe. Such solutions are shown in Fig. 2.3, assuming an
initial excess pore-pressure distribution as suggested in
2.2.3 Dissipation of Excess Pore Pressures Sectíon 2.2.2 and a failure zone having ratios of radius
R to piJe radius a of 3 and 5. The degree of consolidation
A relatively simple solution for the rate of dissipation within a radius "f R is shown for both a permeable andan
of excess pore pressures around a driven pile has been pro- impermeable piJe.
posed by Soderberg (1962a). It is assumed that dissipation It is interesting to compare these theoretical solutions
occurs radially only, the vertical dissipation that may occur with an empírica! relationship suggested by Radugin ( 1969).

Assumad limit
0·2 --...._ of farlur\2
¡'' \ zone


a ~r ~R R
- - - 0=3
0·6 - - - B a. :5


FIGURE_ i.J. Theoretical sotutions fo-r rate of consolidation near a: driven pile.

Tírne ( days)

.5 ~
§ ~
15 ::! 0·4

o e
~ .Q
u o 'O
.2! 0·6
o ~
"' o
"'g' o 0·8
L 01

o n::


FIGURE 2.4 Comparison between empirical and theoretical solutions for rale of adhesion increase.

Assuming R/a 5, c¡2 0.04 sq in./min (typical of a 2.2.4 Displacement Caused by Driving
medium clay), and a permeable concrete piJe of 6-in.
radius, Fig. 2.4 compares the theoretical degree of consoli-
dation versus time curve and Radugin's empírica! curve, PiJe driving generally causes a he ave of the el ay surrounding
assuming the rate of consolidation is the same as the rate the pi! e, followed by consolidation of the clay. This move-
of adhesion increase in Radugin's relationship. There is ment caused by pile driving may have a significant effect
sorne difference between the shape of the curves, but on adjacent structures and may also cause the piles driven
they are generally in sufficient agreement to suggest that earlier in a multiple-píle installation to rise during the
the simple consolidation analysis provides a reasonable driving of the later piles. Under these circumstances,
estima te of the rate of increase of load capacity. redriving of the earlier piles is often considered necessary,
From a practica! point of view, solutions such as those or may lead to a decision to use bored rather than driven
in Fig. 2.3 are of most use in giving an estímate of the time piles. The limited data available on the magnitude of the
that should elapse after driving before a load test is carried heave is rather conflicting, although much of the conflíct
out, if a reliable estímate of t~e ultimate undrained load may arise from differences in soil types in the various
capacity and load-settlement behavior is to be obtained. investigations. The ratio of the total volume of initíal
A more rigorous analysis of the stress changes, excess heave to the total volume of driven piles within a founda-
pore pressures, and subsequent consolídation around a tion has been found to be a.bout 100% by Adams and
driven pile in clay has been presented by Wroth et al. Hanna (1970) for steel H-piles in a firm till, 50% for piles
( 1979). The pile-driving process is modeled as the creation in clay by Hagerty and Peck (1971), 60% by Avery and
of a long cylindrical cavity by radial soil movement. Values Wilson (1950), and 30% by Orrje, and Broms (1967) for
of stress and pore-pressure change have been obtained precast concrete piles in a soft, sensitive, silty el ay. The
using a finite-element analysis incorporating a work· latter investigators found that the heave near the edge of
hardening soil model (the Cam-clay model). It is concluded the foundation was a&out 40% of the value at the center.
· that the total and effective stresses a:djacent to the pile Outside the edge of the group, only very small heaves
just after dríving may be related directly to the original were noted by Adams and Hanna, and Orrje and Broms.
undrained strength of the soil, and are essentially indepen- Adams and Hanna measured radial and tangential move-
dent of the overconsolídation ratio: The final stress state ments as well as vertical heave, and found that the maxi-
after consolidation is similar to that in an oedometer mum radial movement was about 1.5 in., and the maximum
(K 0 ) test, except that the radial stress is now the major tangential displacement about 0.4 in.-both these values
principal stress. being considerably less than the average vertical heave of

about 4.5 in. As with vertical heave, very small lateral sensitíve clays than for corresponding piles in insensitive
movements occurred beyond the edge of the group. clays, and that when piles penetrate alternating strata of
Measurements of the- movement of an exísting building fme-graíned soil and granular materials, the observed
as a result of driving of piles for the foundations of a surface-heave may be much less than that which would
new building were reported by Lambe and Horn (1965). have occurred in insensitive clay soils. It was also found
It was found that, at the near corners of the existing that if the sequence of piJe driving involved driving piÍes
building, a heave of about 0.3 in. occurred duríng driving, first along the perimeter of the foundation, the heave of
but that by the end of construction, a net settlement of the soil surface in the central area of the foundation is
about 0.35 in. had occurred. Despite the fact that the increased and that of the surrounding area correspondingly
piles were preaugered to wíthln about 30ft of their final decreased. Observations also were made of lateral move-
elevation, high excess pore-pressures (maxinmm of. about ments, and it was found that driven piles tended to be
40 ft of water) were measured near the comer of the displaced away from subsequent dríving, with rr;ovements
existing building, even before a substantial building load continuing for a considerable length of time after com-
was carried by the piles. pletion of driving. Where large differences in elevation
Figure: 2.5 shows sorne measurements of heave and existed withln the foundatíon area, pile driving often
settlement of buildings caused by pile driving, as reportéd displaced the soil preferentially toward the areas in which
by D'Appolonia and Lambe (1971). The settlement data the lower elevations occurred.
plotted are for net settlement one to three years after the
end of construction. Larger movements than those mea- Estimation of Dísplacements
sured by Lambe and Horn were found, although the piles Lambe and Horn (1965) proposed a method of estimating
were again preaugered to within 20 to 30 ft of the final the heave and subsequent settlemeRt of the surface of soil
tip elevation. near a piJe resulting from driving of the pile. Although
From measurements of displacements resulting from the method was found to predict movements considerably
pile driving in clays, Hagerty and Peck (1971) concluded larger than those measured, it appears to be a logical pro-
that the soil displacements are less for piles driven in cedure and worthy of further application. The method

Dístanetz from N<Zar<Zst Pí/<2 Cap (ft)

o 50 100 150 200

X X:. O

o • "

0 "
:;l· " Not<Z ·

z"' •
S<Zttlrzm<Znt 15 mrzasur<Zd trom
0·051--~--:.~-,A--~-=---th<Z oríg¡nol pr<Z-construct,on _ __
<ZI<Zvat1on, not trom th<2 top
Ce: Of th<Z h<ZOV<Z. 1

"' E"'
E " •
~ !l •
~~<11 • • !symbol

E 0·10
o ... ·¡¡ o
)( 0·0150
¿ •• 1
• 0·0155 Spac<Z C<Znt<Zr
0·15 L__ _ _ __L__ _ _ _....L_ _ _ __J._ _ _ ____¡

FIGURE 2.5 Movements of nearby buildings caused by piledriving operations (D'Appolonia and Lambe, 1971).

Eff<2Cl1VQ The choice of a single "average" element, however,

- - str.zss patÍ1
Total stress patn
appears to be a difficult task. Obviously, a more satis-
1b factory procedure, although it involves considerably more

7J 3
testing, is to divide the soíl into a number of layers, test
samples from each of these layers, and add up the resulting
displacements computed for each !ayer to obtain the overall
2 \ displacemen t.
Of course, the movement of the surface of the soil,
discussed above, is not necessarily the same as the move-
Measur<2d or ment of the top of an existing pile caused by the installa-
1 calculat<2d tion of an adjacent pile. A very simple approximate pro-
du<2 to
cedure for estimating the heave of an existíng pfle was
proposed by Hagerty and Peck ( 1971 ). This procedure~
Stc;ep 1 D<2p0s1t format•on was based on the concept that inextensible vertical piles
St<2ps ·1o ,'b Undra1nczd loading and consolidation embedded in the clay would be lifted by the relative rise
due to build1ng ( 1f appiiCOblcz)
Step 2 Pi1<2 drtv1ng SlffiUIOtiOn of the soil along the uppei part of the piJe, but that along
St12p 3 DlSSipOtlon subsequcznt to dnv•ng the Iower part of the pile, a downward force would act,
FIGURE 2.6 Test pro~edure far displacement calculatian (Lambe tending to reduce the total uplift of the pile (Fig. 2.7).
and Horn. 196S). (©Ca nada, 1965 by University af Taranta Press.)
A surface a-a can be found af which the relative movement
between soil and piJe is zero. The pile heave is considered
is b8sed on the stress-path approach advocated by Lambe to be approximately equal to the ~eave of the soil, on the
( 1964). 1t consists of estimating the effective stress-path assumption that no heave takes place be!ów a-a; that is,
for an element in the compressible soil !ayer,
(L · d¡¡) ( ·¡ h )
running a laboratory test on a sample of thís soíl such that Pile heave =--L- Sm eave (2.4)
the loading follows the stress path estimated for the field
element, and using the Jaboratory-measured value of The depth, dh, is estimated by balancing the poten tia!
vertical strain to estímate the building heave and settle- upward and downward adhesive forces on the upper and
ment. lower parts of the pile.
There are essentially three steps in the procedure, For simple distributions of plie-soil adhesion, d¡¡
which ís shown diagrammatically in Fig. 2.6: may be calculated directly (for example, for uniform
adhesion, dh = O.SL), so that the pile heave would be
l. Consolidation of the sample (usually under Ka con- estimated as one half of the soil he ave; while for linear! y
dítions) to the in-situ stresses in the !ayer prior to pile increasing adhesion, from ze:o at the surface, dh 0.67 L,
driving. Where the element under consideration is beneath and the pile heave is estimated as one third of the soil
an exísting building, as it was. in the case described by heave.
Lambe and Horn, this first stage involves simulation of the Hagerty and Peck found good agreement between
undrained loading caused by construction of the building observed piJe heave and estimates based on the above sim-
followed by consolidation, after initial K 0 consolidation ple approach.
of the element to the field stress state.
2. lncreasing the total lateral stress at constan! total
vertical stress until the pore pressure in the element equals
that measured by the field piezometers or that calculated rlczoving
on the basis of Section 2.2.2. The vertical strain measured
during this stage al!ows the heave to be computed.
3. Dissipation of the pore pressures developed by the
pile driving, that is, consolidation of the sample. Lambe a ---

and Horn suggest that thís process might take place under Stat1onary
conditions of no lateral strain, but this suggestion appears
questionable. The movement measured in this stage will
enable the total consolidation, subsequent to the heave, FIGURE 2.7 Balance of forces along driven piJe (Hagerty and Pecl
to be computed. 1971).

A more refined analysis of pile movement caused by sand (Dr = 35%), the extent of movement was somewhat
adjacent pile-driving may be made using the approach larger, extending 4.5 to 5.5 diameters from the side and
described in Chapter 12 for piles in swelling or shrinking 3 .O to 4.5 diameters below . the tip. These figure.s aie in
soils. broad agreement with tft.ose found by Meyerhof (1':159).
The tests of Robinsky and Morrison also showed that
the process of sand displacement and compaction below
a pile tip is followed by sand movements adjacent to the
2.3 EFFECTS OF PILE DRIVlNG IN SANDS pile sides. These movements tend to decrease the sand
density in the immediate vicinity of the sides and thus
2.3.1 Single Piles nullify sorne of the benefits gained by the primary com-
paction. The pattern of displacements around a typical
When a piJe ís driven into sands and cohesionless soils, pile, as found from the radiographs, is shown i~ Fig. 2.8,
the soil is usually compacted by displacement and víbra- while the strain pattern deduced from these displacementS
tion, resulting in permanent rearrangement and sorne is shown in Fig. 2.9 (Vesic, 1967). The decrease in density
crushing of the particles. Thus, in loose soils, the load occurring above the tip is clearly reflected in the tensile
capacity of a piJe is increased as a result of the increase In strains, which amount to about half of the maximum
relative density caused by the driving, and installation by compressive strains below the tip. The above remarks
driving rather than boring has distinct advantages. Detailed apply to a straight-sided pile, but Robinsky and Morríson
investigations of the extent of compaction of sand and the found that the same process occurs with a tapered pile.
increase in relative density around the pile have been Their tests did not indicate that the loosening effect was
carried out by Meyerhof (1959) and Robinsky and Morrison markedly compensated by the wedging action of the pile-
(1964). taper compacting the surrounding sand. The higher load
Robinsky and Morrison conducted a careful series of capacity of a tape red píle can probably ·be attributed
model-pile tests in sand in which the displacement and com- mainly to the greater normal stresses developed between
paction around the piles was studied by means of radio- the pile and the soil when loaded by the foundation.
graphy techniques. lt was found that in an initially very On the basis of an empírica! correlation among density,
loase sand (relative density Dr = 17%), soil movement penetration resistance, and friction angle, Meyerhof (1959)
extended 3 to 4 pile diameters from the side of the pile and devised a method of estimating the extent of the zones of
2.5 to 3.5 díameters below the pile tip. In a medium dense increased density, and hence increased friction angle,

9. . . . . .


1/ 7

/ 1

// i
~ :
13 .....,._
: 1\ 1

40 20 o 20 40
Vertical Stroih o/o

FIGURE 2.8 Displacements around driven pile in sand (after FIGURE 2.9 Strains around driven pile in sand (after ,Robinsky
Robinsky and Morrison, 1964). (Reproduced by permission of the and Morrison, 1964). (Reproduced by permíssion of the National
National Research Council of Canada from the Canadian Geo- Research Council of Canada from the Canadian Geotechnical Jour-
technical Journal, Vol. l. 1964, p. 81.) nal, VoL 1, 1964, p. 81.)

When <f¡'1 40° in Eq. (2.6), there is no change in relative
density due to pile driving.

2.3.2 PiJe Groups

When groups of piles are driven into a loose sand, the soil
around and between the piles becomes highly compacted,
and if the pile spacing is sufficiently close (less than about
six diameters), the ultirnate load capacity of the group
rnay be greater than the sum of the capacities of the indi-
vidual piles-that is, the efficiency of the group is greater
than l. On the other hand, if the sand is so dense that
Observed Results: F•na!._ P<Zn<Ztrot1on R<Zslstonc<Z --()
pile driving causes loosening rather than cornpaction, the
Est1motad Rasults; Angi<Z ol friction ~· O group efficiency may be less than l.
Ma)Or principal stress rat1o --() An estímate of the effects of driving a group of piles
Test i'Jo 11, Worce ster, Mass into loose sand may be made by application of the
FIGURE 2.1 O Observeil vs. computed compaction of sand near approach suggested by Kishida ( 1967) for single piles,
piJe (after Meyerhof, 1959). assurning that superposition of the effects of single piles
is applicable. In applying Eq. (2.6), the value of if¡~ is the
changed value caused by previous piles. By application of
around a piJe driven in sand; a typical result compared wíth this approach, a rough estímate rnay be made of the effect
observátions is shown · in Fig. 2.1 O. These results are in on ultimate load capacity of the order of installation of
broad agreement with those of Robinsky and Morrison the piles. It has been found in practice that piles driven
( 1964), but according to Meyerhof, the amount of com- la ter have a greater load capacity than those driven earlier.
paction near the tip is greater, and that near the top of the Sorne field measurements of the amount of cornpac-
shaft is less. tion caused by the driving of a group in a granular soil, in
A sirnpler method of estimating the effectsof driving which standard penetr~tion tests have been carried out
a pile in loose sand in the vicinity of the tip is that pro- before and after driving of groups have been reported by
posed by Kishída (196 7). On the basis of field and model Phílcox (1962). The test results are shown in Fig. 2.12. In
test-results he assurnes that the diameter of the compacted case (a), the standard penetration number, N, n~ar the
zone arou;td a pile is 7d. Within this zone, he furiher center of a four-pile group, was more than doubled by
assumes that the angle of friction if¡' changes linearly with driving. In case (b ), the in crease in N for a point a little
distance from the original value of t/1 1 at a radius r = 3.5d away from the center of a nine-pi!e group shows a relatívely
to a maximurn value of if¡~ at !he pile tip, as shown in Fig. smaller increase (average about 75%). Cases (e) and (d)
2.11. show that the increase in N becomes less as the point
The re la tionship between if¡ 1 ' and <P/ is taken to be
considered becomes more distant from the center of the .
group. Another point apparent from Figs. 2.12b and 2.12c
(2.6) is that the effect on driving on N, and hence on soíl density,
is greater below the tip than along the shaft.
In order to relate the increase in N lo the increase in
if¡, Kishida (196 7) suggests that if¡'1 and N m ay be related
by the following expression:

The differences between the degree of densification
at various poínts within a group, as shown in Fig. 2.12,
suggest that the load capacity of piles near the center of
the group rnay be greater than those }1e3i the e~ge of the
group, and that the load distribution, even at working
loads, rnay be nonuniform, with larger loads being carried
FIGURE 2.11 Effect of driving on q, (Kishida, 1967). by the center piles~as predicted by Kishida's approrch.

No. of Blows par Foot !«k>. ol Blows par Foot

2"'/JSplit- Spoon ( 140~ 30') 2"rp Split Spoon ( 140"'- 30")

Nathan Road Kowloon Fa Yuan Straut Kowloon
(a) (b)

-- N Valua of Bora Hol12 BatorQ Piling

N Valu<Z of Bora Hola A ftar Ptling

No o1 Bklws par Foot No ol Blows par Foot

40 80 120 40 00 120

~ ;;
- ¿

e Q
o (j
g60 ~

g 60

80 80

2'1Ó Split Spoon (140"'- 3') 2'</> Splít Spoon (140#- 30')
Kimb.,ri<>Y Rd. / Austin Avo. Kowloon Kímb<>rl<>y Rd j
Aust1n Avo J(owloon
(C) (d)
FIGURE 2.12 A comparison of N Values-bcforc and after driving piles (Philcox, 1962). (Reproduced by pennission of the lnstitution of
Structural Eng;:neers, London.)

This behavior, which is in contrast to that usually observed the soil. The adhesion has been found to be less than the
for groups in clay, has been observed in tests carried out by undrained cohesion befare installation, mainly :.•ecause of
Hanna (1963) and Beredugo (1966). As suggested by softening of the clay immedlately adjacent te the soil
Kishida ( 1967), the effects of differing compaction may surface. This softening may arise from three causes:
also explain the dependence of pile-load distribution on
the arder of dríving piles in sand. (a) Absorption of moisture from the wet concrete.
(b) Migration of the water from the body of the clay
toward the less highly-stressed zone around the borehole.
2.4 EFFECTS OF INST ALLING BORED PILES (e) Water poured into the boring to facilitate operation
2.4.1 Clay Soils of the cutting tool.

The effects of installing bored piles in clay have been stud- Factor (e) may be eliminated by good dr~lling technique,
ied largely in relation to the adhesion between the pile and · and (b) can be minimized by carrying out the drilling and

A 1 1

K 1 1


8000 G,¡- 1
8 ~ ..... n ¡
'V '•, .C>
~' ~ 6

.e 1 ¡ 1
r~~ ~

e 2000
1 l i 1

: ~~""" l_

A-P Tunnels
(J) o Brandon '* """.....
1000 o Paddington
800 + Kensal G reen
¡--~ - l* Camberwe\1 f.--- - '
++ Finsbury
0 South Ba~k
o Victoria
Á Míllbank 1
Y Galway St. 1 i 1
: & St. Pauls 1
200 1 1 1 1 1 '
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Water content, %
FIGURE 2.13 Relation between shear strength and water content for London clay (Liquid Limit 1 70-85) (Sk~mpton, 1959).

concreting operations as rapidly as possíble. Sorne effects A further effect of installing a bored piJe is that the
from factors (a) and (b) are consídered to be inevitable by clay just beneath the pile base may be disturbed and
Skempton (1959), but their seriousness will depend largely softened by the action of the boring tools. The effects of
on the technique employed, whether or not casing or this disturbance may result in increased settlements, espe-
drilling fluid is u sed to support the' walls during construc- cially for belled piers, in which the base carries ,a major
tion, and the time taken for construction of the pile. proportion of the load; hence, it is important to clean out
Palmer and Holland (1966) contend that softening in over· the base thoroughly. However, as stated by Skempton
consoliiiated London clay is minimized if drilling and con- (1959), base disturbance and softening should have a
creting is carried out within one or two hours. negligible effect on the ultimate bearing capacity of the
Meyerhof and Murdock (1953) measured the water base because of the comparatively large mass of clay
contents of the clay immediately adjacent to the shaft of involved when the base penetr¡¡tes the el ay. In contrast,
a bored pilc in London day and found an increase of the shearing process developed in the clay along the piJe
nearly 4% at the contact surface, although at a distance of shaft is probably restricted to the narrow softened zone.
3 in. from the shaft, the water contents had not altered. Construction problems may also arise with bored
This increase should be a maximum value, as the hole was piles, and a number of these have been described by Pandey
drilled by hand and took two to three days to complete. (1967) in relation to the foundations for a heavy industrial
An estímate of the effect of the increase in water content building, including the following:
can be made if information is available on the relation
between shear strength and water content. Such a relation- (a) Caving of the borehole, resulting in necking or misalign-
ship for London clay has been presented by Skempton ment of the piJe.
(1959) and is reproduced in Fig. 2.13. These results show
(1)) Aggregate separation within the piJe.
that an increase in water content of only 1% results in a (e) Buckling of the pile reinforcement.
20% change in the ratio Ca fcu, of undrained adhesion Such structural defects may be difficult to detect, since a
ca to original undrained strength eu, while for a 4% in crease load test may not reveal any abnormal behavior, especially
in water content, cafcu is reduced to about 0.3. Values if the load is only taken to the design load.
of Ca/cu. for bored piles are discussed in detail in Section Barker and Re ese ( 1970) investigated the influence of
3.2. drilling fluids on the performance of bored piers. They

concluded that when proper construction techniques are soil for severa! feet below and around the pile. Thus, in
ernployed, drilling rnud has no detrirnental effects on the calculatíng the load capacity of a bored piJe in sand,
load-carrying characteris.tics of a borl;(d shaft. The con- Tornlinson (197 5) suggests that the ultirnate val ue of
crete properties and the concrete-placernent procedure angle of shearing resistance lji should be used, 'unless the
are the two rnost critícal factors involved in the construc- pile is forrned in a dense grave! when the "surging" effect
tion process. Elirnination of the effects of the drilling rnay not take place. If heavy cornpaction can be given to
rnud is accornplished when it is cornpletely displaced by the concrete at the base of the piles, then the disturbed
the concrete, resulting in a vigorous scouring of the bore- and loosened soíl rnay be. recornpacted and the value of
hole wall by the rising concrete. Should drilhng rnud be lji for the dense state used., However, if the shaft is
trapped between the concrete and borehole wall, it would obstructed by the reinforcing cage, such cornpaction rnay
virtually eliminate the developrnent of any shear-load not be possible.
transfer in the vicinity of the trapped drillirtg rnud. The Tests on bored piles in sand have been reported by
use of casing in placing the concrete involves a greater risk Tourna and Reese (1974) and Clernence and Brurnund
of trapping drilling rnud than does the procedure of placing (1975). Tourna and Reese found evidence of the arching
the concrete under the drilling rnud by the use _of a trernie that occurs around the pile with driven piles (see section
or concrete purnp. Barker and Reese suggested that reduc- 3 .2) and that results in the developrnent of lirniting values
tion factors of 0.6 for clay and 0.8 for sand and silts should of skin frictíon and base resistance at depth. It was also
be applied to the shear strength in the design of drilled found that the skin resistance, for piles penetrating less
shafts. However, no reliance should be placed on load than 25 ft, could be correlated with the integral around the
transfer developing within three shaft diameters of the pile periphery of a~0 tan lji' (where a~0 ""' effectíve over-
surface or one diarneter of the base. burden pressure ), using a reduction factor of about 0.7.
There were indícations that srnaller reduction factors are
2.4.2 Sands appropríate for greater penetrations. Frorn a large-scale
test on a bored pier in sand bearing on a sirnulated rock
There is relatively little quantitative inforrnation on the base, Clernence and Brurnund (1975) found that 20 to 30%
effects of installing bored piles in sands or cohesionless of the design axial load in "end-bearing" drilled piers was
soils. Such piles usually require casing or drilling fluid carríed by the pile skin. A roughly linear increase in skin
to support the walls of the hole and sinking of the hole, friction with depth was rneasured, except near the lower
and subsequent withdrawal of the casing while conc~eting part of the pier, where a sharp increase in skin friction was
the shaft is likely to disturb and loosen the soil to sorne noted, presurnably because of the confining effect of the
extent. Also, sorne loosening is hable to occur at the rock base. It was found possible to use the results of direct
bottorn of the pile as a r~sult of baling or "shelling-out" shear tests for the soil-pier interface rnateríals to predict
the hole, and when this is done under water, the upward the lirniting skin friction, except near the tip, where the
surge on withdrawal of the baler or shell can loosen the calculated skin friction was lower than that rneasured.

3.1 INTRODUCTlON shaft and base resistances, less the weight of the pile; that
There are two usual approaches to the Galculation of the
ultimate load capacity of piles: the "static" approach,
which uses the normal soíl-mechanics method to calculate
the load capacity from measured soíl properties; and the
"dynamic" approach, which estimates the load capacity
Psu ultimate shaft resistance
of driven píles from analysis of pile-driving data. The
Pbu ultimate base resistance
first approach will be described in detall in this chapter,
W weight of pile
and the second in Chapter 4.
In this chapter, a general expression for the ultimate
Psu can be evaluated by integration of the pile-soil
load capacity of a single pile is given and its application to
shear strength Ta over the surface arca of the shaft. T a
piles in clay and sand is described. Approaches for groups
is given by the Coulomb expression
of píles in clay and sánd wíll then be outlíned. Other topics
include the design of piles to rock, the use o.f in-situ tests
Ta = Ca+ On tan rPa (3.2)
such as the standard penetration test and the static cone
to estímate píle-load capacity, the calculation of uplift
resistance of piles and grou'ps, and the load capacity of
bent píles.
Ta pile-soil shear strength
Ca adhesion
3.2 ULTIMA TE LOAD CAPAClTY OF SINGLE PiLES On normal stress between pile and soiJ.
rPa angle of friction between piJe and soil
;3.2.1 General Expression • lt is an implicit assumption of Eq. 3.1 that shaft and base
resistance are no! interdependent. This assumption cannot be
The net ultima te load capacity, Pu, of a. single pile is strictly corree!, bu! there is !ittk doubt that it is corree! enough
generally accepted to be equal to the sum of the ultimate for practica! purposes for all norrnal-proportion piles and piers.

an ís in turn frequently related to the vertical stress av, base resistance of piles, reliance has to be placed on approx-
as imate theoretical or semiempirical methods. With regard
to: sands, these methods ha ve be en reviewed by Ve sic
(1967), who fmmd that the solution of Bcrezantzev et al.
(1961) gene rally fitted experimental results bes t.
where From Eqs. (3.1), (3.5), and (3.6),

Ks coefficient of lateral pressure

Pu J~ Cfea + avKs tan 1/Ja) dz
+ Ab(CNc + OvbNq + 0.5-ydN"f)- W (3.7)
Ta Ca + a~Ks tan tl>a (3.4)
Equation (3.7) is a general expression for the ultimate
and load capacity of a single pile. If the undrained or short-
term ultimate load capacity is to be computed, the soil
parameters e, 1/J, ca, and r should be values appropriate
to undrained conditíons, and av and avb should be the
JL0 C(ca + avKs tan 4>a)dz (3.5) total stresses. If the long-term ultimate load capacity of
piles in sand is required, the soil parameters should be
drained values, and a~ and a~b the effective vertical
where stresses. The vertical stresses are usually taken to be the
overburden stresses, and for clays, this ís probably true
e pile perimeter enough, even close to the piles. However, for sands, there is
L length of pile shaft now clear evidence implying that the vertical stress near the
pile may be less than the overburden. This matter is dís-
It is usually accepted that the ultimate resistance Pbu
cussed in greater detail in Section 3 .2.3.
can be evaluated from bearing-capacity theory as
For steel H-piles, two modes of failure of the shaft
are possible: (a) the development of the limíting pile-
soil shear strength along the entire surface area of the
pile; and (b) the development of the limiting pile-soil
shear strength along the outer parts of the flanges, plus
the development of the full shear strength of the soíl along
Ab area of pile base
the plane joining the tips of the flanges-that is, the soil.
e cohesion of soil
wíthin the outer boundaries of the pile effectively forms
avb vertical stress in soil at leve! of pile base
part of the pile shaft. Therefore, when using Eq. (3.7),
r unit weight of soil
the ultimate skin resistance, Psu, should be taken as the
d pile diameter
lesser of the two values.
Nc, Nq, N 1 bearing capacity of factors, which are
primarily functions of the angle of
interna! friction tJ> of the soil, the relative
3 .2.2 Piles in Clay
compressibility of the soil and the pile

Rigorous solutions for the bearing capacity of surface For píles in clay, the undrained load capacity is generally
footings using the methods of classical plasticity are now táken to be the critica! value unh~ss the clay is híghly
well-established (Prandtl, r 1923; Sokolovskii, 1965; Cox, overconsolidated. (Burland, 1973, contends, however,
1962; Lundgren and Mortensen, 1953; Davis and Booker, that an effective stress-drained analysis ís more appropríate,
1971 ), and t~e only doubts regarding the practica! validity as the rate of pore-pressure dissipation ís so rapid that
of these solutions lie in the possible effects of the differ- for normal rates of load application, drained conditions
ences between the behavior of real soil and fhat of the ideal generally prevaíl in the soil near the pile shaft.) If the clay
material assumed in the theory. At the presen t time, there is saturated, the undraiqed angle of friction 1/>u is zero,
are few if any classical plasticity solutions that are relevant and 4>a may also be taken as zero. In additíon, Nq = l
to a buried footing, and therefore, for the calculation of and N1' =O for tJ> =O, so that Eq. (3.7) reduces to

(1974); are shown in Fig. 3.1. It is generally agreed that

for soft clays (cu .;;;; 24 kPa), cafcu is 1 (or even greater*);
however, for driven piles in stiff clays, a wide scatter of


undrained cohesion of soil at leve! of pile base
undrained pile-soil adhesion

Further simplification is possible in many cases, since
for piles without an enlarged base, Abavb = W, in which Case Soil Conditions Ratiob Ca/e u
case Sands or sandy soils <20 1.25
overly íng s tíff
(3.1 O) cohesíve soils >20 See Fig. 3.2

Il Soft clays or silts <20 (>8) 0.40

Undrained Pile-Soil Adhesion Ca overlying stiff
The undrained pile-soil adhesion Ca varies considerably cohesive soils >20 0.70
with many factors, including pile type, soil type, and
Ill Stiff cohesive soils <20 (>8) 0.40
method of installation. Ideal! y, Ca for a given pile at a withou t overlying
given si te should be· determined from a pile-loading test, strata >20 See Fig. 3.3
but since this is not always possible, resort must often be
a After Tomlinson (1970).
made t. o empirical val u es of Ca. Many attempts ha ve been
b p t . t" _ Dep1h of penetration in stiff clay
made to correlate Ca with undrained cohesion Cu, notably ene ratwn ra 10 ·- Pile diameter
Tomlinson (1957, 1970), Peck (1958), Woodward et al. NOTE]: Adhesion factors not applicable to H·section piles.
(1961), Coyle and Reese (1966), Vesic (1967), Morgan NOTE 2: Shaft adhesion in overburden soil for cases 1 and
II must be calculated separately.
and Poulos ( 1968), McCielland et al. ( 1969), McC!elland
(1972), and McClelland (1974).
• For driven piles, the rapid dissipation of excess pore pressures
For driven piles, typical relationships between cafcu due to driving may result in a locally overconsolidated condition,
and Cu, based on the summary provided by McC!elland and hence a value of ca even greater than cu for the unaffected soil.




Tomli~ '--..,__

0.2 .
Undrained Cohesion e" kips/sq ft
FIGURE 3.1 Adhesion factors for driven piles in cl,ay (after McC!elland, 1974).

Undraíned shear strength (e, 1 kNim 2

50 100 150 200

o 21
Figures denote peneuation ratio
Depth of penetration in clay
o 21 Pi le diameter Key
• Steel tube piles
Precast concrete
2 10 ° piles

·~ 1.0
o 27
17o 23
44. o o
0.5 160
60 ... 56
Design curve for
penetratíon ratio> 20

1000 2000 3000 4000
Undrained shear strength !e") ltJ/ft 1
FIGURE 3.2 Adhesion factors for case l (sands and gravels overlying stiff to very stiff cohesivc soils) (Tomlinson, !970).

Undrarned shear strength le,) kN/m 2

50 100 150 200 250

Figures denote penetration ratio =

Depth al penetration in clay
Pi le día meter
e Steel tube píles
Precast concrete
O piles

Design curve for

penetration ratio > 20

2000 3000 4000 5000

Undrained shear strength lcu) lb/ft 2

FIGURE 3.3 Adhesion factors for case III (stiff to very stiff clays without overlying strata) (Tomlinson, 197 0).

values of ca/cu is evident. This scatter ís often attributed be little data on appropriate values of Ca for driven piles
to the effects of "whlp" during driving. A more complete founded in very sensitive clays, and the extent to whlch
investigation of adhesion for driven piles in stiff clay has "set-up" compensates for remolding can at present only
been made by Tomlinson (1970), who found that ca/cu be determined by a load test.
may be markedly influenced by the soil strata overlying For bored piles, the available data on ca/cu is not as
the clay, as well as by the value of Cu. Tomlinson has sug- extensive as for driven piles, and much of the data that is
gested the adhesíon factors shown in Table 3.1 and Figs. available is related to London clay-" Table 3.2 gives a sum-
3.2 and 3.3 for cu > 1000 lb/sq ft (48 kPa). The most mary of adhesÍon factors, one of wlúch is expressed in
notable feature of Tomlinson's results are the high values terms of remolded strength, e,, as well as the undisturbed
of ca/cu for case I, where sand or sandy grave! overlies undrained strength, Cu. Results obtained by Skempton
the clay, because of the "carrying down" of á skin of the (1959) and Meyerhof and Murdock (1953) suggest that
overlying soil into the clay by the pile. There appears to an upper limit of Ca is 2000 lb/sq ft (96 kPa).

TABLE 3.2 ADHESION FACTORS FOR BORED PILES IN CLAY A somewhat different approach to the calculation of
· the ultirnate shaft capacity Psu has been adopted by Vijay-
Adhcsíon vergiya and Fochi (1972) for steel-pipe piles. From an
Soil Type Factor Value R-eferencc examination of a number of loading tests on such piles,
they concluded that Psu can be expressed as follows:
London clay 0.25-0 7 Golder and Leonard
Average, ( 1954)
0.45 fomlínson ( 195 7)
Skempton (195?)
----~·· where
Scnsitive cby Go1der (1957)
o~ mean effective verticai-·stress between ground
Highly exp~nsive Ca/e u 0.5 Mohan and Chandra
el ay (1961) surface and pile tip
Cm = average undrained shear strength along pile.
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5




Locctiun Synthol Source
Detrol! o r Housel
Morganz.a Ma:isur
Cleveland o Peck
Dray:on X Pe ek
:Jorth Sea t. Fox
Lemowe 0 Woodward

Stan-nore Torr linson
0Je\v Orit~ans Blessey
Ven ice

MSC Hocston
• Darragh
-- McCietland
San Francisco Seed
Bt~:ish Columbia McCamrnon
• Peck


l'IG!JRE .3.4 Fricti•mal capacity coefficíent le vs. pile penetration (Vijayvergiya and Focht, 1972).

10 --¡-¡ strain behavior of the soil. From an analysis of the expan-

9 sion of a cavity in a rnass, Ladanyi (1963) found that
for insensitive clays, 7.4 < N e < 9.3, depending on the
8 stréss-strain behavior of the soil. This analysis bróadly
confirmed the earlier analysis of Bishop et al. ( 1945), which
7 gave the following result for a circular base (as quoted by
z" Ladanyi).
?:; 5 - (3 .ll)



~-~~ Rectangular base Lr 1.. B,

For piles in stiff, overconsolidated clays, the drained load
2 capacity, rather than the undrained, m ay be the critica!
N, {Lr B,!
-~fi, Br
value, and Vesic (1967, 1969) and Chandler (1966, 1968)
[o - 84 + o . 16 ;--·] have advocated an effectíve-stress approach in such cases.
_l__L lf the sirnplifying assumption is made that ihe drained
o 2 3 4 pile-soil adhesion r:~ is zero and that the ten11s in Ec!.
level L_
(3.7) involving the bearing capacity factors Nc and N,
Br can be ignored, the drained ultimate load capacíty from
FIGURE 3.5 Bearing-capacity factors for foundations in clay (rp (3 .7) m ay be expressed as
0) (after Skempton, 1951).
Pu ·--- JLc, v
Ovüs 1
tan 1/!11, cz
As = pile surface area
A = dirnensionless coefficient +

In effect, the average pile-soil adhesion factor is then where

a~ == effective vertical stress at depth z

(3.1 Ob) a_~ b effective vertical stress at level of pile base
</! ~ drained angle of friction between piJe and soii

A was found to be a function of piJe penetration and is Burland (1973) discusses appropriate values of the
plotted in Fig. 3.4. combined parameter {3 = Ks tan q. ~ and demonstrates that
Equation (3.10a) has been used extensively to predict a lower lirnit for this factor for normally consolidated clay
the shaft capacity of heavily Ioaded pipe-piles for offshore can be given as
{3 = (l - sin cp') tan cp' (3.13)
Bearing Capacity Factor N e
The value of Nc usually used in design is that proposed by where
Skernpton (1951) for a circular area, which increases frorn
6.14 for a surface foundation to a lirniting value of 9 for 'rp' = effective stress friction angle for the clay
length ? 4 diarneters (Fig. 3.5). The latter value of Nc
9 has been confirrned in tests in London clay (Skempton, For val u es of rp' in the range of 20 to 30 degrees, Eq.
19 59) and has be en widely accepted in practice. However, (3.13) shows that {3 varíes only between 0.24 and 0.29.
differing values have been found by other investígators; This range of values is consistent with values of {3 Ks
for example, Sowers (1961) has found 5 < Nc < 8 for tan rp ~ deduced frorn measurements of negative friction
rnodel tests, and Mohan (1961) has found 5.7 < Nc < on piles in soft el ay (see Figs. 11.26 and 11.2 7). Meyerhof
8.2 for expansivt: clays. The variations in the va1ue of (1976) also presents data that suggests similar values of
N e m ay well be associated with the influence of the stress- {3; however, there is sorne data to suggest that ¡3 decrea~es

Average sktn resistance (lb/in 2 )

with increasing pile Iength, and that for long piles (in
o 2 3 4 5
excess of about 60 m), {3 could be as low as 0.15.
For piles in stiff days, Burland suggests that taking
Ks = K0 and 1/J~ = the remolded friction angle, gives an
upper limit to the sldn friction for bored piles and a lower
limit for driven piles. Meyerhof (1976) presents data
indicating that Ks for driven piles in stiff clay is about
1.5 times K0 , while Ks for bored piles is about half the
value for driven piles. For overconsolidated soils, K0
can be approximately estimated as

Ko ( 1 . sin rt/) .j{5CR (3.14)

OCR overconsolídation ratio
It is inferred that ¡p~ can be taken as ¡p', the drained fric-
tion angle of the clay.
In the absence of contrary data, o~ and o~b may be
taken as the effective vertical overburden stresses. Values
of l'v'q may he taken to be the same as for piles in sand;
these values are plotted in Fig. 3:11.

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4\ 3.2.3 Piles in Sand

Average skin ltons/ft 1 )
FIGURE 3.6 Varial!on of skin ¡esístance wíth pile length (Vesic, Conventional methods of calculation of the ultimate load ·
!967). \ capacity of piles in sand (Broms, 1966; Nordlund, 1963)

Point resistance ( lbiin 2 )

o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

-........ ..........___ Pile díaleter 4.0 L. l


' \ ! ~ ~sand 1:~4)

'1 '\

¡ \\ i
\ !--...
~ 60
\ ·, ~
! 1

1 1
1 :\ Field tests
80 ...

• _¡ \ lloose, moist, sánd)
! 1 \ G-41

100 : i i l. \

0 1 1
Llose Medium dense sand \
sand IG~2) \
··---· 1 le
140 1 1 1 1 1 1 1·
10 20 30 40 50 60
Point resistance (ton/ft 2 1

FIGURE 3.7 Varíation of point resistanee with piJe length (Vesic, 1967).

assume that the vertical stresses a,. and Ovb in Eq. (3.7)
are the effective vertical stresses caused by overburden.
However, extensive research by Vesic (1967) and Kerisel
( 1961) has revealed that the unit shaft and base resistances
of a pile do not necessarily increase linearly with depth, o' ve
but instead reach ahnost constant values beyond a certain
depth (Figs. 3.6 and 3.7). These characteristics have been
confirmed by subsequent research (e.g., BCP Comm., L
1971; Hanna and Tan, 1973). Vesic also found that the
ratio of the limíting unit point and shaft resistances, fbffs.
cf a pile at depth in a homogeneous soil-mass appears to
be independent of pile size, and is a function of relative
density of the sand and method of installation of the
piles. Relationships between fblfs and angle of ínternal FIGURE 3.9 Simplified distribution of vertical stress adjacent to
friction (q/), obtained by Vesic, are shown in Fig. 3 .8. pile in sand.
The above research indicates that the vertical effective
stress adjacent to the pile is not necessarily equal to the
Sorne design approaches have effectively incorpo"ated
effective overburden pressure, but reaches a limiting
Vesic's findings by specifying an upper limit to the shaft
value at depth. This phenomenon was attributed by Vesic
and base resistances. Eor example, McClelland et al. (1969)
to arching and is sin1ilar to that considered by Terzaghi
have suggested, for medium-dense clean sand the following
(1943) in relation to tynnels. There are however other
design parameters: .p ~ = 30°; Ks = 0.7 (compression loads)
hypotheses, such as arching in a horizontal plane, which
or 0.5 (tension loads), with a maximum value of shaft
might explain the phenomena shown in Figs. 3.6 and 3.7.
resistance fs of 1 ton/ft 2 {9t kN/m 2 ); and Nq = 41, with
500.-------.--------.-------r-------r-~ a maximum base resistance fb of 100 ton/fe (9 .6 MN/m 2 ).
400 However, such approaches take little account of the nature
of the sand and may not accurately reflect the variation
of pile capacity with pile penetration, as the limiting
resistances generally will only become operative at relative-
ly large penetrations ( of the order of 30 to 40 m).
In order to develop a method of ultimate load pre-


diction that better represents the physical reality than
the conventional approaches, and yet is not excessively
complicated, an idealized distribution of effective vertical
stress a~ with depth adjacent to a pile is shown in Fig.

3.9. a~ is assumed to be equal to the overburden pressure

u 50 to sorne critical depth Zc, beyond which a~ remains con-
"' 40
stant. The use of this idealized distribution, although
e -~--j

G. / simplified, leads to the two main characteristics of behavior
a 30 observed by Ve sic: namely, that the average ultima te skin
resistance and the ultimate base resistance become con-
20 stant beyond a certain depth of penetration.
Georgia Hwy. Oept.
tests in
If the pile-soil adhesion Ca and the term eNe are taken
silts as zero in Eq. (3.7), and the term O.S¡d N 7 is neglected as
being small in relation to the term involving Nq, the ulti-
mate load capacity of a single pile in sand may be expressed
as follows:

30 40 (3.15)
Ang!e of shearing resistan ce 1degrees)

FIGURE 3.8 Variation of { 0 /fs with q, (Vesic, 1967). where


a:_. = effective vertical stress along shaft results, it may be possible to derive dífferent relationships
effective overburden stress for z ,;; Zc or limit- for dífferent pile materials.
ing value a ;,e for z > z e F or bored or jacked piles, the values of Ks tan if> ~ in
a ~·b effective vertical stress at level of pile base Fig. 3.10b are considered to befar too large, and it is sug-
Fw correction factor for tapered pile (= 1 for gested that values derived from the data of Meyerhof
uníform diameter pile) (1976) are more appropriate for design. These values are
shown in Fig. 3.10c, and have been obtained by assuming
On the basis of the test results of Vesic (1967), values if>~ 0.75q:.'. The values for bored piles are reasonably
of Ks tan 1/> ~ and the dimensionless critica! depth zc/d consistent with, although more conservative than, those
have been evaluated. Vesic's results are presented in terms recommended by Reese, Touma, and O'Neill (1976).
of the relative density D, of the sand, but the results may Also shown are val u es of Ks tan if; ~ tor dríven piles, derived
also be expressed in teirns of the angle of interna! friction from Meyerhofs data; these latter values are considerably
tp', by using a relationship such as that suggested by Meyer- smaller (typically about one half) of the values given in
hof(1956): Fig. 3.1 Ob. Sorne of thís difference m ay lie in the method
of interpretation of the data ofVesic and others by Meyer-
tp' == 28 + lSD, (3.16) hof, which leads to smaller values of Ks tan if> ~ associated
with larger values of 'ic/d.
Relationships between Ks tan ,P ~ and ,p·, and Zc /d and The bearing capacity factor Nq is plotted against 9
r?', are shown in Fig. 3.10. In a layered-soil proflle, the in Fig. 3.11, these values being based on those derived by
critica} depth Zc refers to theposiÚon of the pile embedded Berezantzev et al. (1961). Vesic (1 967) has pointed out
in the sand. lt should be emphasized that these relation- that there is a great variation in theoretical values of Nq
ships may be subject to amendment in the lig..1.t of further derived by different investigators, but the values of
test results. For example, at present, the dependence of Berezantzev et al. appear to fit the available test data best.
I<s tan tp ~ on the pile material is not defmed. Vesic's tests The solutions given by Berezantzev et al. indicate only
were carried out on steel tube piles, but the values of Ks a small effect of relative embedment depth Ljd, and the
tan</>~ derived from these tests appear to be applicable to curve in Fig. 3.11 represents an average of this small range.
other pile materials. However, in the light of future test The curves given by Meyerhof (1976) show a larger effect

For driv«n pll¡¡¡s 1/) = ~ í/)"1 •10 (Fig.3.10a,Fig.3.10b)
For bor¡¡¡d piiQs,í/) =01 -3 (Ftg.3.10a), í/)=í/); (F1g 3.10c)
wh<ZrQ 01 angl¡¡¡ of 1ntqrnal friction prior to
1nstallctt•on of pil¡¡¡

(o) zc/d vs íl) (b) K 5 tan 0'0 vs 0 (e) YoluQS of K5 tan 0~ Basqd
( Driv¡¡¡n Pil¡¡¡s) on Mcy,zrhof ( 1976)
20 3·0

15 2·5

10 2·0

" 5 1· 5

FIGURE 3.10 Values and K, tan o~ for piles in sand.


For dríve;o píi<ZS , 0 :

(a) Driven Files
(a) For the determination of Nq, the values of ¡p beneath
For bored pi les, 0 : 0'1 3· the pile top should be taken as the final value subsequent to
wh<2r<2 0' = ongl<2 of ínt«<rnol fr1ction
1 driving, as given by Kishida (1967):
pr1or to ¡nstallat10n ot p1!<2
1000 1
1----- + 40
-- /
¿_ where

Nq 100
- - F-7-
/ rp ~ = angle of interna! friction prior to installation of
the pile
/ (b) For. the determination of Ks tan rp~ and zc/d, the
value of rp along the pile shaft should be taken as the mean

1--- of the values prior to, and subsequent to, drivíng; that is,
25 30 35 40 45
FIGURE 3.11 Relatiorrsilip between N q arrd <f; (after Berezantzev
et aL, 1961).
(b) Bored Pites
of L/d; however, the curve of Fig. 3.11 also Iies near the (a) For the determination of Nq and zc/d, it is suggested
middle ofMeyerhofs range. that the value of if¡ be taken as rp '1 3, to allow for the
Values of the taper correctíon factor F w are plotted possible loosening effect of installatipn (see Section 2.4).
against rp in Fig. 3.12 and have been derived from the re- (b) For Ks tan 1;~, Fig. 3.10c should be used, taking the
sults of the analysis developed by Nordlund (1963). val ue of rp 1 directly.
In applybg the results in Fig. 3.10 to Fig. 3.12, it is
suggested that the following values of rp be used to allow The above suggestions may also require modification
for the effects of pile installation. in the light of future investigations. Furthemwre, if jetting
is used in conjunction with driving, the shaft resistance may
decrease dramatically and be even less than the value for
a corresponding bored piJe.
McClelland (1974) has reported tests in whích the use
of jetting wíth externa! return flow followed by driving
reduced the ultimate shaft capacity by about 50%, while
installation by jetting alone reduced the ultimate shaft
capacity to only about 10% of the value for apile installed
by driving or.ly.
Another case in which caution should be exercised is
when piles are to be installed in calcareous sands. Such
sands may show friction angles of 35° or more, but have
beeQ found to províde vastly inferior su¡:iport for driven
piles than normal silica sands. In such cases, McClelland
(1974) suggests limiting the skín resistance to 0.2 tons/ft2
(19 kN/m 2) and base resistance to 50 tons/ft 2 (4800
kN/m 2 ). In such circumstances, drilled and grouted piles
may provide a· more satisfactory s_olution than wholly
1.0 2.0 driven piles.
Pile !aper angle wo
In many practica! cases, only standard penetration-
FIGURE 3.12 PHe taper factor Ft.J(after Nordlund, 1963). test data may be available. The value of rp ~ may be esti-

3 400;.
For drMtn pii<Zs, Ql = ~ 0;•10 For dnvrzn pilrzs • íZ\
= - -- ·
whrzr<Z, 0; anglrz of íntrzrnal frlction
For borrzd p1lrzs , 0 QIÍ -3
pr<or to ¡nstallaf10n of pll<l
whClrrz 0; =anglrz o! ínt<lrnal trístion
prior to installatíon of pli<l

Valurzs ol L/d ;;. 22



FIGURE 3.14 Dimensionlcss ultirnate base·load capacity for· pile
in uniform sand.

10 against Q> in Fig. 3.14. The value of L/d does not generally
32 36 40 44
have a marked effect on the ultimate base load unless
<P is relatively large, that is, for dense sands.
FIGURE 3.13 Dimensíonless ultimate shaft-load capacity for pile
in uniform sand. The use of a high value of cP for very dense sands ( say,
cP > 40°) simultaneously for the shaft and the base, should
also be treated with cautlon, since the full base resistance
mated from a correlation such as that given by Peck, may well only be mobilized after a movement sufficient
Hansen, and Thorburn (1974), or by the following em- for the operative value of <P along the shaft to be signifi-
pírica! relationship suggested by Kishida (1967): cantly less than the peak.
lf the pile is founded in a relatively thin, firm stratum
(3.19) underlain by a weaker layer, the ultimate base load may
be governed by the resistance of the pile to punching into
where the weaker sotl. Meyerhof (1976) shows that if the weaker
1ayer is situated less than about 10 base diameters below
N = standard penetration number the base, a reduction in base capacity can be expected;
he suggests that in such cases, the ultimate point resistance
A more detailed discussion of the relationship between can be taken to decrease linearly from the value at lOdb
<P '1 and N, and also <P '1 and relative density D,, is given above the weaker !ayer to the value at the surfac~ of the
by de Mello (1971). weaker !ayer.
For the case of a driven pile in a uniform !ayer of The suggested approach of ultimate load calculation
sand, dimensionless values of the ultimate shaft load and has been applied to 43 reported load-tests on driven piles.
ultimate base load may be derived using Eq. (3.15) and The details of the parameters chosen for the calculations
Figs. 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12. In Fig. 3.13, the dimensionless are given in Table 3.3, and the comparison between cal-
ultimate shaft load PsuFfd 3 is plotted against cp for várious culated and measured ultimate loads is shown in Fig. 3.15.
values of L/d; ;:¡ is the effective unit weight of the soil The mean ratio of calculated to observed ultimate loads is
above the critical depth Zc. The marked increase in ultimate 0.98, with a standard deviation of 0.21. It should be
shaft load with increasing L/d and <P is clearly shown. The pointed out that the ultimate load of al! piles considered
dimensionless ultimate base load PbuF(dAb is plotted in the comparison is less than 300 tons. The use of this

Tests reported by Nord 1und ( 1963)

o Power plant site-ar~a 1
!::. Power plant site-area 11 BETWEEN CALClJLATED AND OBSERVED LOAD
+ Mojave R iver bridge CAP ACITY OF PI LES IN SAND
X Port Mann
\1 Buffalo Bayou
9 O St. viaduct
Reference Case Remarks
Field tests reported by Vesi (1967)
-o- Ultimate skin loads
O Ultimate base loads Nordlund (1963) Power Plant Values of tp ~ suggested
Síte-Areas by Nordlund used
F ield tests reported by Desai ( 197310
Field tests by Tavenas (1971) • 1&11
Mojave River Upper 14ft of sand
Bridge assumed to have lower
tp~ (38°) than lower
dep ths ( t/) 1 40°)
D be cause of jetting
during installation
Port Mann Val ues of <P; suggested
by Nordlund used
Buffalo Bayou Values of tp ~ suggested
by Nordlund used
Interchange Vertical stress due to
soil above excavation
leve! ignored
O Street As above; H-píle treated
Viaduct as a sql!are pile

Vesic (1967) Píles Hll- From reported N values,

H16 & H2 following values of tp
50 100 150 200
cho~n: 0-12 ft, <P~ =
Measured Pu (U.S. tons)
33°; 12-30 ft, <P~ = 38°:
FIGURE 3.15 Comparison between calculated and measured ulti- 30+ ft, tp', =42"
ma te load capadty of driven piles in sand.
Desai (1973) Pites 2,3,10 <P ', assumed to be 33°,
constant with depth
approach for piles of much larger capacity-those used
Tavenas (1971) PilesH2-6, !Ji', assumed to be 33°,
for offshore structures for example-should be treated constant with dcpth
with caution. Indeed, for relatively short, larger-diameter
piles, the average values of shaft resistance given by this
approach are considerably larger than those normally
adopted for design purposes (for example, the values sug- standard penetratíon value, N, of about 16. The water table
was 3.4 m below the surface. On the basis of the available
gested by McClelland et al., 1969). These high values
data, the following values were adopted:
arise because of the combination of high values of Ks
tan c/J ~ (Fig. 3.10b) with a relatively large critical depth. (a) Bulk unit weight above water table 17.3 kN/m 3 .
In such .;ases, a more conservative estímate of shaft resis- (b) Submerged unít weight below water table · 7.8
tance may be desirable for design, based on the values of kN/m 3
K 3 tan c/J~ derived from Meyerhof (1976) and shown in (e) Angle of interna! friction angle prior to installation:
Fig. 3.10c.
To illustrate the application of the suggested method c/J ¡ 25° (O 2.4 m)
of calculation, the following example details calculations ·c/J'1 = 32°(2.4-18.3m)
for two of the pile tests reported by Nordlund (1963). c/J'1 = 30° (18.3 -20.8 m)
c/J ~ 33° (> 20.8 m)

l/lustrative Example Considering first the ultima te skin resistan ce, the
The piles considered are Piles B and A from the Power values of c/J given by Eq. (3.18) are as follows:
Plant Site, Area I, Helena, Ark. Pile B was a closed-end
steel-pipe pile, 24.4 m long and 0.32 m in diameter, driven c/J = 28.75° (0-2.4 m)
into fine sand grading to coarse and having an average c/J = 34° (2.4-18.3 m)

32.5° (18.3-20.8 m) 0+41.52) X 7T X 0.51 X 3.35 X I.OOX2.4'

( .
34.75° (> 20.8 m) 2

From Fig. 3.l0b, the values of Kstanr/>~.are 1.00 (0-2.4 + ~:..:..::......:..;..:..:..;:.;;x 0.15 + 44.12 x oo- 2.ss)J
m), 1.30 (2.4-18.3 m), 1.18 (18.3-20.8 m), 1.35 (20.8 m).
lf it is assumed that the crítica! depth is less than 2.4 m 0 202
below the surface. then for dJ = 28.75°, = 5.0, from
X rrX0.33/\4.1X 1.30 + 44.12 X -X
.. ·
Fig. 3.10a; that is, Zc = 5.0 X 0.31 1.56 m. Thus, the
assum ption is justified X 88
At the critical depth, the effective overburden stress = 2243 kN (252.2t)
"" 1.56 X 17.3 = 26.99 kN/m 2 The measured ultimate load for this pile was 2400 kN
(270 t).
Beca use the pi le has uniform diameter, F w = l.
For thc ultimate base resistance, the value of rp given
by Eq. (3.17) is 36.5°. From 3.11, the value of Nq
ís 98.
Subsíituting into Eq. (3.15),
In examining the behavior of pile groups, it is necessary

?" = ,, X 0.32{[(O+
2 ~· 99 ) X 1.55 + 26.99 X
to distinguish between two types of group:

(a) A free-standing group, in which the pile cap is not

(2.4 1.56)] Xl.OO +26.99X(I8.3-2.4) in contact with the underlying soil.
X 1.30 + 26.99 X (20.8 · 18.3) (b) A "piled foundation," in which the pile cap is in con-

X l.J8+26.99X(24.4 20.8)X 1.31 tact with the underlying soil.

0322 For both types, it is customary to relate the ultimate load

+ 26.99 / 1T X X 98
4 capacity of the group to the load capacity of a single pile ·
through an efficiency factor r¡, where
1029 kN (ll5.6 t) ultimate load capacity of group
T) (3.20)
su m of ultimate load capacities
This compart"s with the measured value of 1 ~ 12 kN (125 t). of individual piles
Pile A was a Raymond Standard pile, 1O m long, with
a hcad dwmeter d 0.55 manda tip diameter of 0.20 m.
The pile taper w is 1°. From Fíg. 3.12, for w = 1°, Fw
= 3.35 (Q ... 2.4 m), and Fw 4.1 (2.4--18.3 m). The values 3.3.1 Pile Groups in Clay
of tan rp ~ are as for pile B. Assuming again that the
critica! depth is above 2.4 m, Zc/d = 5.0 as before, and FREE-STANDING GROUPS
taking an average value of d of 0.51, Zc = 2.55 m, that is,
greater than 2.4 m. However, the difference is negligible For free-standing groups of frictíon or floating piles in clay,
and hence Zc wíll be taken as 2.55 m. At thís leve!, the efficiency is unity at re!atively large spacings, bu t
decreases as the spacing decreases. For point-bearing piles,
the efficiency is usually considered to be unity for all
spacings~that is, grouping has no effect on load capacity,
At 2.4 m, although in theory the efficíency could be greater than
unity for closely-spaced piles that are point-bearing, for
a:. = 2.4 X 17.3 = 4l.52 k!\í/n1 2
example, in dense grave!. For piles that derive their load
capacíty from both side-adhesion and end-bearing, Chellis
Since ·~he piJe tip is founded in the second stratum,
4> from Eq. (3.17) is 36° and the corresponding value of (1962) recommends that the group effect be taken into
/1/q is 88. consideration for the side-adhesion component only.
Substituting intu Eq. (3.15) and using, for simplicity, Several empirical efficiency formulas have been used to
the mean diameter of the pile in the upper 2.4 m and ti1e try and relate group efficiency to pile spacings, among
lower 7.6 m, which are the following:

(a) Converse-Labarre formula, was accompanieá by the formation of vertical slip planes
joining the perimeter piles, the block of clay enclosed by
r¡, _ t Í(n-l)m+(m-l)n] the slip planes sinking with the pile relative to the general
~ C mn 190 (3 .21)
surface of the clay. For wider spacings, the piles penetrated
individually into the clay .The critica! spacing was found to
where increase as the number of piles in the group increased.
Although Whitaker's tests confirmed the existence of
m =· number of rows the above two types of failure, th~ transition between the
n = number of piles in a row ultimate group capacity as given by individual pile failure
~ = arctan d/s, in degrees and that given by block failure was not as abrupt as the
d "' pile diameter Terzaghi and Peck approach suggests. In order to obtain
s = center-to-center spacing of piles a more realistic estímate of the ultimate load capacity of
a group, the following empírica! relationship is suggested:
(b) Feld's rule, which reduces the calculated load capacity
of each pile in a group by l/t6 for each adjacent pile, that
is, no account is taken of the pile spacing.
(e) A rule of uncertain origin, in which the calculated load
capacity of each pile is reduced by a proportion I for each
adjacent pile where

I = -djs (3.22)

A comparison made by Chellis (1962), between these Clay

Cu 50 kPa cf = 0.3 fP
and other empírica! formulas shows a considerable variation
in values of r¡ for a given group, and since there appears to
be little field evidence to support the consistent use of a..1y
empírica! formula, an alternative means of estimating
group efficiency is desirable.
One of the most widely used means of estimating
group-load capacity is that given by Terzaghi and Peck
(1948), whereby the group capacity is the lesser of(a) The 30

sum of the ultimate capacities of the individual piles in the

group; or (b) the bearing capacity for block failure of the
!sola red
group, that is, for a rectangular block B, XL,, z single pile
(3.23) .2 20
where 2
e undrained cohesion at base of group ~
L = length of piles S
Nc = bearing capacity factor corresponding to depth 10
L (see Fig. 3.5)
e "' average cohesion between surface and depth L

Model tests on free-standing groups carried out by Whitaker

(1957) confirmed the existence of the above two types of 0 ~0~--------~5-----------~,o----------~,5
failure. For a given length and number of piles in a group,
there was a critica! value of spacing at which the mechanism
of failure changed from block failure to individual pile FIGURE 3.16 Example of relationship between number of piles
failure. For spacings closer than the critica! value, failure and ultima te load capacity of group.

obvious 'that virtually no advantage ís gained by using more

piles than is required to cause failure of the group as a
block; in the example in Fig. 3.16, increasing the number of
where piles beyond about 80 produces very little increase in ulti-
mate load capacity.
Pu ultimate load capacity of group A considerable number of model tests have been carried
P1 ultimate load capacity of single pile out to determine group efficiency factors in homogeneous
n number of piles in group clay-for example, Whitaker (1957), Saffery and Tate
Po ultimate load capacity of block (Eq. 3.23) (1961), and Sowers et al. (1961). A summary of sorne of
these tests has been presented by de Mello· (1969) and is
Eq. (3.24)may be reexpressed as follows: reproduced in Fig. 3.17. From thiS summary, it may be
seen that higher effiéiency factors occur for

(3.25) (a) Piles having smaller length-to-diameter ratios.

(b) Larger spacings.
where (e) Smaller numbers ofpiles in the group.

r¡ = group efficiency For spacings commonly used in practice '(2.5d to 4d),

r¡ is on the order of 0.7 to 0.85, and little increase in r¡
Figure 3.16 illustrates an example of the relationship occurs bey01:rl these spacings, except for large groups of
between the ultimate load capacity of a group of specified relatively long ~;les.
dimensions and the number of piles in the group, cal- Figures 3.18 and 3.19 show comparisons between the
cula.ted using Eq. q .24). This figure shows the transition measured efficie1cy-spacing relationships from the tests
between síngle-pile failure and block failure as the number '1[ Whitaker (1957) and those calculated from Eq. (3.25).
of piles increases. In the design of such a group, it is The agreement is generally quite good and the method of

1.0 . . . . - - - - - - - - . . , - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - - ,
3 2 x 30 di S Ti
2 x 12 d(SF)

3 2 x 12 d(ST! 1

o 6 1----------+.......::--J'+--~r=
e: 72 X 24 díWI

'."i Whitaker (1957!

ST Saifery- Tate 119611
SF = Sowers-Fausold í19611

2 3 4
Spaci ng/diameter

FIGURE 3.17 Relationships for freestanding groups Óf 2' to 9'!,piles oflengths 12d to 48d,from model tests (after de Mello, 1969).

0.6 0.6 0.6

!] !] !] o

0.2 0.2

2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4

d' '-d

o Experimental
(Whitaker, 1957)

lo 48

FIGURE 3.18 Experimental and calculated group efficiency, effect of group síze.

calculatíon appears to predict . with reasonable accuracy has measured the load carried by the piles in model free-
the effects of group size, pile spacing, and pile length. standing groups in clay by introducing a smallload gauge
It has often been assumed that all piles in a group are at the head of each pile. The results for a 3 2 group of piles
equally loaded. However, if the group supports a rigid at three different spacings are shown in Fig. 3 .20, in which
cap, the load distribution within the group is generally the average percentage of load taken by each pile is plotted
not uniform, the outer piles tending to be more heavily- against the group load as a percentage of the group load at
loaded than the piles near the center. Whitaker ( 1957) failure. At spacings of 2d and 4d, the comer piles take the
greatest load (about 13 to 25% more than the average
load) while the center pile takes the least (about 18 to 35%
less than the average). At a spaci.'1g of 8d, virtually no
group actíon was observed and the load dístribution was
r¡ uniform. The load distribution for a 5 2 group, ata spacing
of 2d, is shown in Fig. 3 .21. The comer piles reached their
maximum load at about 80% of the ultimate group load,
and carried a constant load thereafter. At failure, the comer
0.5 0.5
o 2 4 (i 8 o 2 4 6 8 piles carried about 28% more than the average load, while
~ S
(¡¡) d (b) d the center and Hghtest-loaded pile carried about 44%
l ~ 24 less. Therefore, there appears to be a tendency for the load
1.0 1.0 distribution to become increasingly nonuniform as the
number of piles in the group increases. A theoretícal
method for calculating the load distribution prior to
r¡ '1
ultimate failure is described in Chapter 6, and this method
also confirms the trends displayed by Whitaker's tests. PILED FOUNDAT/ONS

0.5 0.5
o 2 4 B ¡! o 2 4 6 8 The ultimate load capacity of a piled foundation (i.e., a pile
~ S
d d group having a cap cast on or beneath the surface of the
(e) (d)
l 36 l =48 soil) may be taken as the lesser of the following two values:
d d
o Measured (Wh;taker. Í957) (a) The ultimate load capacity of a block containing the
- Calculated
piles (Eq: 3.23) plus the ultimate load capacity of that
FIGURE 3.19 Effect of pile length on group efficiency. portion of the cap outside the perimeter of the block.

(a) (e)
s/d = 2 s/d 8

40 80 100 o 40 80 100 o 40 80 100

Load on group as a percentage of the load
a\ failure

A B A --- Average o! piles A

---- Average ol piles B
BQ C B()
Centre pile
FIGURE 3.20 Load distribution in 3' pite group (Whitaker, 1970).

(b) The su m of the ultimate load capacity of cap and the

piles, acting jndividually, that is, for group of n piles of
diameter d and length L. supported by a rectangular cap of
dimensions Be X Le.

Pu = n(c~As + Ab cb N e)+ NccCc (3.26)

(BcLe- mrd 2 /4)

"C r,J
o average adhesion along pile
undraíned cohesion at leve! Cl pile tip
undrained cohesíon beneath pile cap
bearing capacity factor for piJe (see Fig. 3.5)
20 40 60 80 100 "' bearing capacity factor for rectangular cap Be X
Load on a group as a percentage
of the load at failure
Le (Le> Be)""' 5.14 (1 + 0.2 BcfLc) (Skempton

'(he first vaJue will apply for clase pile-spacings while the
A o o co sn o
• Average of plles A second will apply at wider spacings when individual action
so Eo oo so o Average of plles B can occur.

co Eo o E() co . Average of pi les C Whitaker (1960) carried out tests on model piled foun-
dations in clay and found that at close spacíngs, block fail-
• Average of pi les O
ure occurred, and that when the cap did not extend beyond
so E
o o B() D ó Average of píles E
the perimeter of the group, it added nothing to the efficien-
o Pi le F
Ao so e'O o o B A cy of the group. At greater spacings, the efficiency-versus-
spacing relationship was found to be an exter.sion of the
FIGURE 3.21 Load dis'tribu tion m 5' pite group at 2d spacing relationship for b.lock failu re, with the efficiency exceeding
(Whítaker, 1970). unity because of the effect of t.he cap. Good agreement was

1.0 3.3.2 Pile Groups in Sand


There is less information on pile groups in sand tilan l'll
groups in clay, but it has been fairly well est':lblÍslted that
0.8 group efficiencies in sand may vften be greater than 1.
A surnrnary of süme of the available data on larger piles
¡o- is given in Table 3.4.
> 0.7
A summary of some tests on model piles, presented
.,ue by Lo ( 1967), is reproduced in Rg. 3.23. The data shown

in this figure are reasonably consistent with the data in
Table 3.4. Results of tests on somewhat larger model
piles, in groups of four and nine, carried out by Vesic
0.5 (1969), are shown in Fig. 3.24. Vesic measured t!re point
loaél separately from the shaft resistance, and in tl1~ light
of his measureménts, he concluded that when •he efficíency
0.4 - of closely spaced piles was greater than unity, this increase
was in the shaft rather than the point resístance.
The broad conclusion to be drawn from the above
data is that unle~s the sand is very dense or the píles are
Spacíng factor, s!d widely spaced, the overall efficiwcy is líkely to be
rests on freestandí:~g groups
than l.· The maxímum efficiency is reached at a spacing of
Tests on
2 to 3 diameters and generally rm!ges between 1.3 and 2.
- - Calculated for foundations,
assumíng block U.2.2 JNFLUE!VCE OF PILE C"r1PS
FIGURE 3.22 Efficiency of piled groups (Whitaker, 1970).
As can be seen in Fíg. 3.24, the piJe cap can contribute
significantly to the load capacíty of the group, partícularly
obtaíned between the model test results and the predicted in the case of tl1e srnaller four-pile groups. Hov.ever, it
efficiency from the block failure equation (Fig. 3.22). seems likcly that mobilization of the bearing capacíty of
The load-settlement behavior of piled foundatíons tbe full area of the cap requires considerably greater move-
containing a relatively smal! number of piles to reduce ment than that required to mobilize the capacity of the
settlement is considered in detall in ~hapter 10. piles themselves. This is the implication of tests by Vesic.
and for practica! purpose>, the contribution of the cap ECCENTRIC LOADING can be taken to be thc bearing capacity of a strip footing
of half-width equal to the distance from the edge of the
Model tests on groups with small eccentrícitíes of load have capto t!Je outside of the.pile.
been carried out by Saffery and Tate (1961), who found
that for eccentricities up to two thirds of the spacing, ECCENTRIC LOADING
the group efficiency is not noticeably affected. Meyerhof
(1963) also reported that model tests on piled foundations The influence of eccentric loading on the load capacity
showed that the load eccentricity had no effect on load of pile groups in sand has been studied by Kishida and
ca;:>acity for eccentricities up to half the group width. Meyerhof (1965) in a series of model tests. These tests
This behavior is explained by the fact that the reduced showed that small eccentricities of load have no signif-
base resistan<::e is offset by mobilization of lateral resis- icant inf!uence on the bearing capacity of freestanding
tance. The group capacíty can therefore be calculated as groups and piled groups because the applied moment is
for symmetrical vertical loading, except that for groups resisted mainly by the earth pressure moment on the
whose width is on the same order as the pile length, Meyer- sides of the group. At larger eccentricities, the load capa-
hof ( 1963) suggests that the shaft resistance can be ignored city decreases rapídly because of smaller point resistance
and the base resistance calculated in a fashion símilar to of the group by a reduction of the effective base area.
eccentrically-loaded spread foundations, that is, using a In estímating load capacity, Kishida and d!eyerhof
reduced effective base area. suggest that the moment caused by a load V at eccentricity


Pile Pile Group

Length Diameter Spacing Efficiency
Reference Soíl L d L/d 1Group d ,., Remarks

Press ( 1933) Medium-grained· 6-10ft 5 & 6 in. 12-20 2-8 Various >1 Driven pilcs. Max.
moist, dense of 1.5 ats/d "'.2
sand 23ft 16 in. 17 2 Various <l. Bored pites

Cambefort (195 3) Humus/stiff 100 in. 2 in. 50 2-7 2 1.39 Driven piles
clay/sand/ 3 1.64 Average values of r¡.
grave! 5 1.17
9 1.07

Kezdi (195 7) Moist fine 80 in. 4 in. 20 4 2 2.1 Driven piles.

sand (square) (In line) 3 1.8 Max. 11 at s/d"" 2.
4 1.5 r¡ greater for square
6 1.05 group.
4 2 2.1
(square) 3 2.0
4 1.75
6 1.1
Bold l1nes. Data fron1 Bereclugo
Thín línes. Data fi·om others
3.0 ..-----,----,-----,----r----v-----,
Solíd Lnes. . Dense san el

240 Oa$h l1nes Loose sand
Rp . Rough píle
Sp· . Smooth plle
l. large group, piles 1
S . Sm(jll grn11rt, shnn pdf;S

2.51 i
§ ..!P
o; ,¡Q'
~e t¡/1
.,a.~ oj¡l¡i
"' 2.0
1 /¿t ' --
] 160
]'" ¡¡c:r 1 rora¡ er¡:.

11¡11 ,,o,<;¡ ~1-'Jc'"ncy................

:::¡ (¡;
o a.
a, :J
o "''ti¡ cap 1
"'E ..____,_
1¡ /t/ .-
1 1>' >)~
j.. <
1.5 -·
1/·:>."' 1;"'--=--
9-pile qroup

'' '<l'"' ol.ll'

'' ll.-?
-,w'"' 1

-"f -t-l(A.;,;; 0
041 1 ... y
).» Point eft,crenc _ =-1---
- 3:' 32. 'Í' ~ 4!'>0 1.0
-o... ..........
. 1?() •. ~5
o<'" e "¡sts)
x- - - ""*- - - -32
· S p,cl¡=315'
- -~- :._ --- --- 1
i .
9 2 3 4 5 6 7
Spacíng In píle diameters P!le spacing in diameters

FIGURE 3.23 Measured values of group efficiency in sands-model .ests (Lo, FIGURE 3.24 Píle group efficiencies (Vesic, 1969).
1967). (Reproduced by permission of tJ>· National Rcsearch Council of Canada
from the Canadian Geotechnical Jour.. al, Vol. 4, 1967, pp. 353-354.)


loase Dense
Ir,', _:e 3~, 1 ¡._., .~ 4 3")
1.25 1.25 E~rt
Sand Sand
S1eel Steel
paper ~ paper

~ :,;
o "'
1.00 1.00
¡; " ~ '"'
u ~
u u ~

"' "'
-o e "
:J Cl
Cl :J
o e

o o;e

.f" ·~
g Cl
Cl ro
ro u
u 00
00 e
e ·e: 0.25 0.25
"' "'

2 3 4 o 2 3 4

FIGURE 3.25 Bearing capacity of model piJe groups under eccentric load in sand: (a) freestanding plle gr~ups; {b) piled foundations
(Kishitla ami Mcyerhof, 1965 ). (Copyright Canada, 1965 by University of Taranta Press.)

e is balancerl by the moment caused by lateral forces on ing between 20% and 50% more than the average. Thes,~
the sidcs cf the group until it reaches the maximum value results are in contrast to the load distribution in groups in
corresponding to the coefficient of passive earth pressure. el ay, where the center pile carries the least load and the
Within this limit, the eccentricity of load is assumed to comer piles the most.
have no effect on the point resistance. When the moment The influence of the order of driving piles in a group
Ve is greater than can be resisted by side pressure on the 011 the load distribution has been studied by Beredugo
outer piles., the extra is considered to be taken by an (1966) and Kishida (1967). They found that when the
eccentric base resistance for the case of block failure; load on the group was relatively small, piles that had been
or, for individual pile failure, by the development ofuplift installed earlier carried less load than those that have been
resistance of some piles. The total bearing capacity then installed later; but whe11 the failure load of the group was
decreases with further i11crease in eccentricity. approached, the influence of driving order dirninished,
Comparisons between the theoretical and measured and the position of the pile in the group became the domi-
effect of load eccentricity 011 load capacity are shown in nant factor. At this stage, the piles near the center took
Fig. 3.25 for the tests carried ou't by Kishida and Meyerhof the most load and the comer piles. the least. as in Vesic's
(1965), and there is fair agreement for tests in both loose experiments.
and dense sands. Beredugo also investigated the effects of repeated
loading and found that there was a progressive reduction LOAD DISTRIBUTION IN GROUP
of the influence of driving arder, and that for the third
The most detailed data available on load distribution and subsequent loadings, the pile position was the domi-
within groups in sane! is that reported by Vesic (1969), 11ant factor at allloads up to the ultimate of the group.
wha- made axial load measurements in individual piles
during group placement, as wcll as during loading tests.
For the four-pile groups tested, the measured load distri-
butio11 was Ji.most uniform, as expected; the maxirnum 3.4 PILES TO ROCK
deviation from the average was 3 to 7%. For the ni11e-
pile groups, significant nonuniformit.y of load was mea-
sured. The center pile carried about 36% more load than 3.4.1 Point-Bearing Capacity
the average, while the comer piles carried about 12%
less and the edge piles 3% more. Other tests on similar There are a number of possibl approaches to the cstima-
groups shmved a similar trend, with the center piles carry- tion of point-bearing capacity of piles to rock, includi11g:

(a) The use of bearing-capacity theoríes to calculate the cL:aws attention to the fact that the load-penetration curve
ultímate point-bearing capacity p¡1u. for rocks of medium strength or less (.;:;;; lOO MPa) has a
(b) The use of empirical data to determine the allowable large "plastic" component, despite the brittle nature of
point pressure Pba· the rock. The curve divides into two portions, with what
(e) The use of in-situ tests to estímate either ultima te appears to be a change of slope associated with the forma-
point capacity Pb 1, or al!owable point pressure Pba. tion of a crushed zone beneath the footing. The displace-
ments required to mobilize the full bearing capacity of
Bearing-Capacíty Theories such rocks are very large, and it seems that factor of a
Pells ( 1977) has classified theoretical approaches into three safety of 3 to 4 is required to lirnit the displacements to less
categories: than 2% of the footing diameter. Very brittle rocks (qum
> 150 MPa), do not exhibit this "plastic" load-penetration
l. Methods that essentially assume rock failure to be curve.
"'plastic" and either use soil mechanics-type bearing- The presence of jointing in ¡he rock will tenrl. to reduce
capacity analyses o; modifications thereof to account for the ultima te bearing capacity. The presence of dosel y·
the curved nature of the peak faiiure envelope of rack. spaced continuous tight joints may not reduce the bearing
2. Methods that idealize the z.ones of failure beneath a capacity much below that for the intact rock material. If
footing in a form that allows either the brittleness-strength the~ are open vertical joints with a spacing less than tne
ratio or the brittleness-modular ratio to be taken into width or diameter of the pile point, the point is essentially
account. supported by unconfined rock columns and the bearing
3. Methods based on límiting the maxímum stress beneath capacity may be expected to be slightly less than the aver-
the loaded arca to a value less than required to initiate age uniaxial strength of the rock. If the joint spacing is
fracture. These methods assume essentially tltat once the much wider than the footing width, Meyerhof (1953) sug-
ma:dmum strength is exceeded at any point in a brittle gests that the crushed zone beneath the footing splits the
materiaL total col!apse occurs. block of rock formed by the joints. Sowers and Sowers
{1970) present a theory for this case that generally indi-
For a typical sandstone having an effective frü:tion cates a bearing capacity slightly greater than the uniaxial
angle rf/ in excess oC 45°, effective cohesion e' of about . strength. Thus, in summary, theoretical considerations sug-
one-tenth of the uniaxial strength, qum, and a ratio of gest that the ultimate bearing capacity is unllkely to be re·
Young's modulus-to-uniaxial strength of about 200, Pells duced much below the uniaxial strengtn of the intact rock,
shows that the various theories predict an ultín1ate point- even if open vertical joints are present.
bearing capacity ranging between 4.9qum (incipient failure
theory based on the modified Griffith theory) to 56qum Use of Empírícal Data
(classical plasticity theory). Various model tests on intact Allowable bearing pressures on rock have often been
rock carried out by Pells and others indicate ultímate specified by various building codes and authorities, either
capacities ranging between 4 and ll times qum. Pells , based .on a, descrlption of the rock, or in terms of the
-t r ,¡ ~
';J~. ;? t~'. / 1•.\
..,: )::J l ¿_ ~ \. . •
1 \j


Roe k Compressive Sheat E(J u•pslJ Poisson's Ratio

~ype Str.ength q 11 m Strength
(psi) (psi) Field Lab. Field Lab.

Basalt 28,000-67,000 0.8-3.5 3.6- 5.9 0.30-0.32 0.26-0.28

Granite 10,000-38,700 200D-4260 5.6-11.6 5.4-11.8 0.25-0.27 0.17-0.29
Quartzite 16,00Q-44,800 3 1- 8.5 3.6-12.5 0.25-0.30 0.07-0.17
Limestone 2450-28,400 1200-2980 3.3-11.9 0.24-0.27
Marble 7900-27,000 1280-6530
San.dslone 4900-20,000 284-2990 1.3- 5.6 1.0- 9.0 0.28-0.30 0.07-0.17
Slatf 6950-31,000 199\)--3550 LO- 25 5.3- 8.4 0.30-0.32 0.24--0.25
Shale 500-{)500 0.26-0.27 0.20-0.25
Concrete 2000-5000 400-1000 2.5- 4.0 2.5- 4.0 0.15 0.15
-·-..·--··-·---" ··-"·~-·--··--------·

• Ur1failed
't' Failed

"~ 30~------~------~--


]' 20~.----~~----~--
~1· 1
-E---4 i

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Ur1confir1ed strength (MPa)

FIGURE 3.26 Achieved end-bearing pressures in field tests on piles to rock (Thorne, 1977).

uniaxial compressive strength Qum. Some typical values been used but may be expensive if the rock is strong and
of Qum and Óther rock properties are summarized in large loads are required. Freeman et al. (1972) have
Table 3.5 Typically, allowable pressures, Pba, ranging described the use of the Ménard Pressuremeter to estímate
between 0.2 and 0.5 times Qum have been stipulated. An the allowable point-bearing capacity, Pba, of piles in rock,
example of sti~ulated bearing pressures related to rock and suggest that Pba may be taken as the value where the
types is provide by Ordinance No. 70 in New South Wales, pressure-versus-volume relationship starts to become
Australia, in which val ues of Pba range between 430 kN/m 2 nonlinear. Satisfactory designs of caissons in sound shale
for soft shale to 321 O kN/m 2 for hard sandstone free from bedrock using the above approach have been reported by
defects toa depth of 900 mm. Freeman et al., and design pressures considerably larger
Thorne ( 1977) has collected data on recorded values than those specified by empirical relationships or building
of bearing capacity, as shown ·in Fig. 3 .26. These values codes have been used.
vary from 0.3qum to about 4qu~, an('[ most cases do not
involve failure. The few recorded failures are in swelling
shales and in fractured rocks, it is clear from these results
that the fracture spacing has an effect on the bearing capa- 3.4.2 Pile-Rock Adhesion
city, . although the data is insufficient to quantify this
effect. When piles are socketed or dríven into rock, sorne load
On the basis of the available data, an allowable point- transfer to the embedded portion of the shaft will usually
bearing pressure on the order of 0.3Qum would appear to occur. Theoretical solútions for load transfer are díscussed
be quite conservative for all but swelling shales. Reference in Sectíon 5.3, and also by Ladanyi ( 1977). The distribu·
to the tbeoretícal solutions shows that such values generally tion of applied load between side-adhesion and end-bearing
imply a factor of safety of at.least 3 in fractured or closely- at workíng loads, as gíven by theory, has be en supported
jointed rocks and 12 or more for intact rocks. by in-situ measurements at a number of sítes (Pells, 1977).
There is not a great amount of data on ultimate values of
The Use of !n-Si tu Tests pile-rock adhesion, but Thorne (1977) has summarized
A number of methods of in-situ testing of rock have been sorne of the available data, and this summary is reproduced
de'v'elopeci in recent years. Plate-load tests have frequently in 3.27. These results show that a number of failures

• Unfailed
• Faíled


Kings Park
....,c;.......o.___ _ -....i----=S; 1 shale
Normal maxímum
andesite--::.,.¡¿=M-el-bo_u_rn_e for 25 MPa concrete-:::É:~C-a-líf-or-n-ía-l
/ mudstone 1 shale and
(value approxímate) sandstone
Ca nada 1
shale • UK síltstone/mudstone UK shale

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Unconfíned strength (MPa)
FIGURE 3.27 Adhesion attaíned in field tests on piles in rock (Thorne, 1977).

have occurred, even in relatively unjointed rocks, at values 3.5 USE OF IN-SITU TESTS
on the order of O.IQum. It should. be noted that in many
instances, concrete strength will be the limiting ·factor,
and in the few instances in which information is available 3.5 .l Sta tic Cone Penetro meter
on concrete strengths, failure has occurred at an average
shear-stress of between 0.05 to 0.2 times the ultimate com- The basis of the test is the measurement of the resistance
pressure strength of concrete, f~- However, the tests of to penetration of a 60° cone with a base area of 10 sq
Jaspar and Shtenko (1969) indicated that considerable cm. Two types of cone are commonly used; the standard
· cautíon must be exercised with piles in expansíve shales point, with which only point resistance can be measured;
that are lik:ely to be affected by water; an adhesion of and the friction-jacket point, which allows both point
only about 11 psi (75 k.Pa) was measured in these tests. resistance and local skin resistance to be measured (Bege-
Freeman et al. (1 972) suggest a design value of allowable mann, 1953 and 1965).
pile-rock adhesion of 100 to 150 psi (700 to 1000 k.Pa), In purely cohesive soils, it is generally accepted that the
depending on the quality of the rock. With such a value, cone-point resistance, Ckd, is related to the undrained cohe-
they recommended that the full calculated end-bearing sion, eu, as
capacity be added to obtain the total-design-load capacity.
On the basis of the limited information available, (3.27)
it would appear reasonable to use as a design value an allow-
able adhesion of 0.05!~ or 0.05Qum, whichever is the As· discussed in the previous section, the factor Nc may
lesser value. These values should not be applied to highly vary widely both theoietícally and in practice, and values
fractured rocks, for which values of adhesion between 75 of Nc ranging from 10 to 30 have been suggested. The
and 150 k.Pa may be more appropriate. lt must be empha- major causes of this variation are the sensitivity of the soil,
sized that care should be exercised to remove all remolded the relative compressibility of the soil, and the occurrence
soil from the socket zone. Furthermore, for upÍift loads, óf adhesion on the side of the cone. The variation in the
a reduction of the above loads(e.g., by about 30%) appears rate of strain between the cone test and other testing
to be desirable. methods also has an effect on the deduced value of Nc,

but the use of a constant-penetration rate minirnizes cone resistance Ckd within a distance 3.75 db above and
variations from thís cause. For design purposes, a value of db below the pile tip, where db is the diameter of the
Ne 15 to 18 appears reasonable (Begemann, 1965; pile tip.
Thomas, 1965; Blight, 1967; Thorne and Burman, 1968). Full-scale tests carried out by Vesic (1967) showed
Van der Veen ( 195 7) suggested that the ultima te resis- that the point resistance of the piles tested is comparable
tan ce of a pile point, of diameter db, could be derived from with that of the penetrometer, but the shaft resístance of
the corresponding cone-penetration curve by taking the the piles was approximately double that measured by the
average cone resistance over a distance bdb below the penetrometer. Thus, the ultimate load capacity is given by
pile point and adb above the point. Average values· of
a= 3.75 and b 1 were suggested by Van der Veen.
The adhesion measured by the friction jacket may
safely be taken as the skin friction for driven piles in clays
(Begemann, 1965). Alternatively, but less desirably, the
cohesion rnay be estimated from the point resistance and
Ckd = measured cone-point resistance at base
an appropriate reduction made to obtain the pile-soil
j~ average shaft friction along pile, as measured
adhesion (see Section 3.2.1).
on the friction jacket
For piles in sand, various attempts have been made to
relate the cone-poiút resistance to the angle of friction
and relative density of the sand (Meyerhof, 1956; Shultze For driven steel H-píles, Meyerhof (1956) suggested that
and Mezler, 1965; Plantema, 1957), but it has been found the above shaft resistance should be halved.
that con e resistance is very sensítive to changes in density. A comparison between the piJe and penetrometer
For p~actical use, the previously mentioned suggestion of resistances for the tests reported by Ves;c (1967) is shown
Van der Veen (1957) may be adopted; name1y, that the ~ Fig. 3.28. The upper and lower linlits of the penetro-
ultimate point resistance of the pile be taken as the average meter values are shown. Correlation with static cone tests

Pi le skín resistance and

Cone and pi le point resistance doubled cone ;hah resistance
fb c,d (ton/ft
r f, 2f,(ton/ft 2 )

0.4 0.8 1.2



- Measured values Shaded area-values cale. from static cone results

'lJRE 3.28 Variation of point and skin resistances with depth (Vesic, 1967).

was found by Vesíc to be better than with the results of 3.5.3 Pressuremeter Test
standard penetration tests (see oelow).
~~ or cases in wlüch separa te measurements of friction- The use of the pressuremeter in foundation design has been
jacket resístances are not made, Meyerhof ( 1956) suggested developed extensively in France in recent years. Its appli-
that for dríven concrete or timber piles, the ultimate sk:in cation to the estimation of pile load capacity has been
friction fs could be estimated from the cone point resis- summarized by Baguelin et al (1978) who present curves
tance ckd as fol!ows: relating ultimate base capacity to the pressuremeter limit
pressure, for both dríven and cast-in-sítu piles. Relation-
fs 0.005Ckd (3.29) ships are also presented between ultimate skin resistance
and limit pressure for steel or concrete piles in granular and
For driven steel H-piles, Meyerhof suggested that the cohesive soils, and for cast-in-situ piles in weath;¡red rock.
above value be halved. Sorne comparisons (Mohan et al., The following upper limits on the ultima te skin ·resistance
1963; Thorne and Burn1an, 1968) indicate that Eq. (3.29) are suggested by Ba:guelin et al for pressuremeter limit
underestimates the skin friction by a factor of about pressures in excess of 15 00 k.Pa;
2 if ckd is less than about 35 kgf/cm 2 •
In sands, it is necessary to make a distinction between concrete displacement piles in
the skín frlction for downward and upward loading. Modi- granular soil 122 k.Pa
fications for uplift resistan ce are discussed in Section 3.7.
concrete displacement piles in
cohesive soíl, or steel displace-
ment piles in granular soil 82 kPa
3.5.2 Standard Penetration Test
steel displacement piles in
Meyerhof (1956) has correlated the shaft and base resis- cohesive soil 62 kPa
tances of a pile with the results of a standard penetration
non-displacement piles in
test. For dísplacement piles in saturated sand, the ultímate
any soil 40 k.Pa
load, in U.S. tons, is given by


3.6.1 Large Bored Piers
f!p standard penetration nnmber, N, at pile base
N average value of N along pile shaft Large-diameter bored píles have come into íncreasing use
in recent years as an alternative to piJe groups. They have
For small displacement piles (e.g., steel H-piles), been constructed up to lO ft in diamcter and in lengths
exceeding lOO ft, often with an underreamed or belled
base. Such piles have found extensíve use in London clay,
and much of the research on large bored piers is based on
their behavior in London clay. Empírica! methods of
where desígn have been developed on the basis of extensive expe·
rienc~ and research. One of the earliest investigations was
net sectíonal are a of toe ( sq ft) in model tests on piles wíth enlarged bases, reported by
gross surface area of shaft (sq ft) (area of all sur- Cooke and Whitaker (1961). These tests ~evealed that,
faces of flanges and web for H-piles) whereas settlements on the arder of 10 to 15% of the base
diameter were required to develop the ultimate base capa-
In Eq. (3.30), the recommended upper limit of the unít city, the full shaft resistance was developed at very small
shaft resístance (ii/50) is 1 ton/ft 2 and in Eq. (3.31 ), settlements, on the order of 0.5 to 1.0% of the shaft
0.5 ton/ft 2 . díameter. (The theory given in Chapter 5 supporJ:s these
The above equations have also been used with sorne findíngs.) A considerable amount of field-test evidence has
success in stiff clays (Bromham and Styles, ·1971 ). subsequently been obtained (Whitaker and Cooke, 1966;

Burland et al., 1966), and the behavior of full-scale large r where

bored piers has been found to be similar to that of the
model piles. Cb cohesion at pile base
Because of the. different degrees of shaft-and base- eo cohesion at leve! of base of bulb
load mobilízation at a given pier settlement, it may be Ncb value of N e at pile-base leve!
advisable to detennine the working load on a large pier Neo value of N e at leve! of base of bulb
by applying separate factors to the ultimate shaft and base ca average pile-soil adhesion
resistances; for example, Skempton (1966) suggested. a As surface area of pile shaft
safety factor of 1.5 for shaft resistance and 3.0 for base do bulb diameter
resistaríce, for piers wíth an enlarged base of diameter
6 ft or less .. In many cases, the working load for bored Values of Ca, Ncb, and Neo can be obtained from Section
piers, especially those with enlarged bases, will be deter· 3.2.
mined by settlement considerations rather than ultimate For double or muhiple underreamed pile·s with the
capacity (Whitaker an4 Cooke, 1966, Burland et al., 1966). bulbs suitably spaced, the súil between the bulbs tends to
Settlement theory is discussed in Chapter 5. act as part of the pile, so that the full resistance of the soil
can be developed on the surface A-A' of a cylinder with a
diameter equal to that of the bulbs and height equal to
3.6.2 Underreamed Bored Piles their spacing. Model tests carried out by Mohan et -al.
(1967) have confinned this beh¡¡vior. Mohan et al. (1969)
Underreamed piles ha ve been extensively _u sed in India, have suggested two methods for estimating the load capa-
both , <lS load-bearing and anchor piles in expansíve clays. city of multiple underreamed píles:
For anchor piles, a single enlarged bulb is often used,
while for load-bearing, one or more bulbs may be used. L Summation of the frictional resistance along the shaft
A single underreamed píle can be treated in a similar man- above and below the bulbs, shearing resistance of the
ner to a pile wíth an enlarged base, except that the bulb cylinder circumscribing the bulbs, and the bearing capacity
may be situated above the base of the pile. Mohan et al. of the bottom bulb and base.
(1967) suggest that the base and shaft resistance be added 2. Summation of the frictional resistance along the shaft
to give the ult~ate load capacity. Thus, referring to Fig. above the top bulb and below the bottom bulb, and the
3.29, for a pih~ in clay, bearing capacity of al! the bulbs and the base.

It was found that for a typical example of a pile in London

clay, these methods give almost identical results. For other
cases, the lesser of the two capacities given by the equations
+;:¡:7((do 2 d 2 )coNco should be taken.
Mohan et al. (1967) suggest that the optimum spacíng
of the bulbs in a multiple underreamed pile lies between
1.25 and 1.5 times the bulb diameter for maximum effi-
ciency. As an example of the economy in material that may
be obtained by using underreamed piles, they calculated
that a multiple underreamed piJe in London clay can
develop the same load capacity as a uniform pile of about
L four times the volume.

3'.6.3 Screw Piles

Screw piles have been used in severa) countries for mast

and tower foundations and for underpinning work. Load
tests on model and full-scale screw piles have been reported
(a) Siugle rmderreamed (:) Dou~le muferreamed by Wilson (1950) and by Trofunenkov and Mariupolskii
pi/e pi/e ( 1965). Wílson ( 1950) developed a method of analysis
FIGURE 3.29 Underreamed piles. of the load capacity of screw piles in both sand and clay,

The remolded strength of the soil is used because the clay

adjacent to the shaft is likely to be almost fully remolded
by the passage of the screw and by the lateral displacement
caused by the cylinder.
A comparíson made by Skempton between measured
and predicted load capacities by the above method showed
that the predicted ultimate loads were within 15% of the
measured values, although always greater. Trofirnenkov
and Mariupolskii ( 1965) employed the same basis of cal-
culation as the above and also obtained good agreement
between measured and calculated load capacity.

FIGURE 3.30 ldealized screw píle.


based on the use of elastíc theory. In a relatively simple

3. 7.1 Single Piles
analysis for screw piles in clay proposed by Skempton
( 1950), the load capacity is taken to be the sum of the
Piles may be required to resist uplift forces~for example,
bearing capacity of the screw and the side resistance along
in foundations of structures subjected to large overturning
the shaft, assuming no skin fríction to be J110bilized for a
moments such as tall chimneys, transmission towers, or
distance above the screw equaJ to its diameter. Thus,
jetty strJctures. Methods of calculating the adhesíon to
referring to Fig. 3 .30.
resist uplift are the same as those u sed for bearíng piles.
For a uniform pile in clay, the ultirnate uplift resis-
tance,Puu, is
e, = average remolded shear strength aJong the shaft
in the length (L -do) where
cb average of undisturbed and remolded shear
strength of soil beneath the screw weight of pile
Ab area of screw average adhesion along pile shaft


• Source of data i
Toml1nson ( 1957) } Average values
Skempton ( 1959)
1.00 f-----".ct------+~-----t------+---r-- Mohan and Chandra ( 1961
Turner {19621 1
lar pile load tests

Data lar p•le

o p' erson and Um (1964) pullmg tests

o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

e" = undraíned shear strength (psi)

FIGURE 3.31 ! -tationship between calcu and undrained shear strength for pulling tests (Sowa, 1970). (Reproduced by permission of the
National Research Council of Canada from the Canadian Geotechnical Jo urna!, Vol. 7, 1970, pp. 482-493.)

Relatively f~w pulling tests on piles have been reported (a) The shear resistance of a vertical cylinder above the
in th~ literature. A surnrnary of sorne of the avaílable results base, rnultiplied by a factor k, plus the weíght of wil and
is given by Sowa (1970), who has found that the values of pile, W, above the base.
calcu agree reasc.nably well with the values for piles sub- (b) Tlie uplift capacity of the base plus W, that is,
je~ted to downward loadíng 3.3l).
For piles of uniforrn diameter in sand, the ultimate
uplift capacity rnay be calculated as the surn of the shaft
resistance plus the weíght of the pile. There is, however,
little data available on the skín friction for upward loadii1g, where
and the available data is to sorne exteni conflicting. For
exarnple, tests r~ported by Ireland ( 1957) on piles driven Nu uplift coefficient
inío fine sand suggest that the average skín friction for ""' Nc for downward load
uplíft loading is equal to that for downward loading, but
data surnmarized by Sowa ( 1970) and Downs and Chieurzzi Examination of the results of model and field tests Jed
(1966) indic:ates considerable variations in average skin Meyerhof and Adams to suggest the following values of
friction between different tests, although there is a ten- k:
dency for the values to be lower than for downward load-
ing, especially for cast-in-sítu piles. In the absence of other Soft clays k := t~l.25
information, a reductíon to two thirds of the calculated Medium clays k 0.7
shaft resistance for downward loading is recornmended. Stiff clays k 0.5
However, a reliable estimate is best detenr.ined by carryíng Stiff fissured clays k 0.25
out a pulling test ín-situ.
If stalíc-cor,e-penetration tests are used as a basis for The !ow values of k in the stiffer clays are partly attributed
estín1atíng ultima te uplift skin resistance, Begemann (1965) by Meyerhof and Adams to the influence of tension cracks
suggests that the calculated skin resistan(;e for downward arísing frorn premature tension-failure in the clay.
loading be adjusted by a reduction factor dependent on lt has been found that negative pore pressures may
the soil and pile type. He also suggests reduced values of occur in clays duríng uplift, particularly with shallow
skin resistance be used if the uplift load is oscillatíng. embedment depi.hs. The uplift capacity under sustained
Begemann's suggestions, however, should be viewed with loading may therefore be less than the short-term or un-
cor,siderable caulíon, as they are based onlimited data. draíned capacity, because the clay tends to soften with
Additional upUft resistance may be obtained by under- time as the negative pore pressures dissípate. The long-tenn
reaming or enlarging the base of the pile, and in such uplift capacity can be estimated from the theory for a
cases, the pile shaft may have little or no influence on the material with both friction and cohesion, using the drained
uplift capaci1y. Traditional methods of design assume the paran1eters rPd and ca of the el ay.
resistance of the enlarged base ·to be the weight of a cone For a soil with both cohesion and friction, the follow-
of earth having sides that rise either vertcally or at 30° ing expressions were obtained by Meyerhof and Adams
from the vertical. Neither of these · methods has proved for the ultima te load capacity, Pu u, of a circular base:
reliable in however. The 30° -cone method is
usually conservative at shallow depths but can give a con- (a) Shallow depths ( L < db):
siderable overestimate of uplift capacity at large depths
(Turner, 1962). Parr and Varner (1962) showed that the
vertica1-failure-surface approach did not apply to piles in (3.35)
cby, althougJ¡ it could apply to backfllled footings. Alter·
nativ0 theoríes for uplíft resistance of enlarged bases have (b) Great depths (L > H):
bcen proposed by Baila (1961), MacDonald (1963), and
Spence (1 %5)-- these theories differing in the assump-
tions regarcling the shape of the failure surface.
Meyerhof and Adams ( 1968) have developed an approx-
imate approach based on observations made in laboratory where
model tests. They suggest that the short-term uplift capa-
city of a piJe in clay (under undrained conditions) is given "'f soil unit weight*
by the lesser of s shape factor

1 + mL/db, with a maximum value of values may be appropriate to upward loading. However,
lt-mff/db the theory for failure of anchor piles with enlarged bases,
K!l = earth-pressure coefficient ( approximately 0.9. or of anchor plates more generally, has yet to be fully
0.95 for .p values between 25° a.."ld 40°) developed.
m coefficient depending on .p For use in Eqs. (3.35) and (3.36), values of H/db,
H limiting height of failure surface above base s, and m, obtained from tests results by Meyerhof and
W weight of soíl and pile in cylinder above base* Adams, are shown in Table 3.6. The ultimate uplift capa-.
cíty should be taken as the lesser value of that given by
The upper límit of the uplift capacity is the sum of the net Eq. (3.37) and the appropriate equations 3.35 or 3.36.
bearing-capacíty of the base, the side adhesion of the shaft, The results of model tests in clays, reported by Meyer-
and the weight of the pile, that is, hof and Adams ( 1968), are shown in Fig. 3.32. !3oth the
undrained and long-term pullout loads are shown; and the


20 25 30 35 40 45 48

bearing-capacity factors
2.5 3 4 5 7 9 11
ultima te shaft-shear resistan ce_
effective vertical stress at level of pile base
m 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.5 0.6

Meyerhof and Adams suggest that the values of Nc

1.12 1.30 1.60 2.25 3.45 5.50 7.60
and Nq for downwarcl load can be used in this context,
but theoretically this is incorrect, and somewhat lower
a From Meyerhof and Adams (1968). {Reproduced by permíssíon
of the Natíonal Research Councíl of Canada from the Canadian
• BPoy3nt or total, as appropriate. Geotechnica/journal, Vol. 5, 1968, pp. 225-244.)

Measured undraíned capacíty


200 Measured draíned capacíty

(iongterm) ·

[ill Est¡m¡¡ted drained capacity



Bríck clay Bríck clay Brick clay

5" x 5" anchor 1.125" día. anchor 1.125"' di a. anchor
depth 12 in. depth 7.5 in .. 2 in.
D/B 2.4 DiB 6. 7 = 1.78

considerable reduction in load capacity with time can (b) The uplift load of an equivalent pier foundation
clearly be seen. The extent of the load-capacity decrease consisting of the· footings and enclosed soil mass.
becomes greater as the soil becomes stiffer. The predicted
Meyerhof and Adarns (1968) have presented sorne
long-term capacities of the piles show reasonable agree-
data on the uplift efficiency of groups of two and four
ment with the measured values.
model circular footings in clay. The results indica te that
The above theory can also be used to estímate the
the uplift efficiency iricreases with the spacing of the foot-
uplift capacity of piles in sand. Meyerhof and Adams have
ings or bases and as the depth of embedment decreases,
compared predicted and rneasured uplift capacities for
but decreases as the number of footings or bases in the
buried footings in sand and have found fair agreeme~t,
group increases. The uplift efficiencies are found to be
although there is a relatively wide scatter of points.
in good agreement with those found by Whitaker (1957)
for freestanding groups with downward loads.
For uplift loading on pile groups in sand, there appears
3.7.2 Pile Groups to be little data from full-scale field tests. However, Meyer-
hof and Adams ( 1968) have carried out tests on srnall
Meyerhof and Adams (1968) suggest that the ultimate groups of circular footings and rough circular shafts, and
uplift load of a group be calculated as the lesser of have analyzed the group efficiencies. For a given sand
density, the uplift efficiencies of the groups increase
(a) The sum of the uplift of the individual footings. roughly linearly with the spacing of the footings or shafts,


Pi le Aiignment
Reference PileType Length Soil Type atTip Type ofBend

Parsons and Composite: lower 140ft 20 ft fill, layers of 4.4 ft Gentle sweep over
Wilson 85 ft, 10%-ín. pipe, organic sil t, rnedium lower length
(1954) top 55 ft. sand, fine sand, silt
corrugated pipe with c!ay layers,
grave!, bedrock

Bjerrurn Steel H-scction 30ft Clay 1.2 ft Gentle swcep


Johnson Composite: lower 40ft 20ft silt overlying 8 ft Gentle sweep over
(1962) 40 ft, 1O% in. mediurn sand lower length
upper 50 ft,
corrugated taper pipe

Mohr (1963) 1 0 3.4-in. pipe 85 ft 80ft soft silt, 10.25 ft Gentle sweep
stiff s:ind da y,
medium den.se sand

National Precast hexagonal, 60m 50m soft clay, 1Om 11m Gentle
Swedish Hercu[es jointed clay, silt, sand,
Council rock a! 70rn

Hanna (196 7) Steel H-section 140ft 34 ft stiff clay, 5O ft 3.0 ft Triple curvature.
14 BP73 soft clay, 64 ft stiff relatively sharp
clay, shale direction changes
Steel H-section 138ft 6.0 ft Double curvature,
14 BP 89 rela tively sharp
dírection changes

and increase as the depth of embedment becomes smaller. largely be caused by the neglect of the structural strength
The uplift efficiency decreases as the numbt:.r of footings or of the pile shell in the design. Long, precast, hexagonal
shafts in the group increases and as the sand density in- test piles ha ve also been found to perform satisfactorily,
creases. but Hanna {1967) has found that for steel H-piles, large
stresses are induced because of bending during driving. Pile
bending is attributed by Hanna to the d~velopment of asym-
3.8 LOAD CAP ACJ.TY OF BENT PILES metrical stresses in the pile as a result of the eccentric pile-
tip reactiÓn and eccentric driving inherent in all pile-driving
A number of cases have been reported in which long, work. These eccentric stresses are considered · to be suffi-
slender piles have become bent during driving. A summary cient to initiate bending, which causes the piJe to drive off
of these measurernents is shown in Table 3.7. For con- vertical. Reverse curvature of the pile may subseq_uently oc-
crete-filled steel shell piles, load tests indicated that the cur, and this is believed to result primarily fro~ the verti-
piles could tolerate significant out-of-verticality and still cal-weight component of the inclined pile forcing the pile
carry their design load with safety. This, however, may to bend.

Deflection in inches
80 40 o 40 40 o 40




N-S line throug~

castng grooves
, inclined 7 degrees
':í' west of N-S pile
100 ? axis
:::;;-" ~

J Slope outside range

of instruments


c. 14BP73

N-S line through

Slope outside range casmg grooves
of instrument inclined 15 degrees
west of N-S pile

----. Deflection about axis of pi le

Deflections measured by inclinometer

fiGURE 3.33 Measured deflection components of driven pile (Hanna, l968). (Reproduced by permission of the National Research Council of
Canada from the Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 5, 1968, pp. 150-1 72.)

Boreho~ o 2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1
Sea le in ft

FIGURE 3.34 Driven positíon of pile tips (Hanna. 1968). (Reproduced by permission of the National Research Coundl of Canada fro 1 ~ the
Canadian Geotechnical Joumal, Vol. 5, 1968, pp. 150-172.)

Typical deflection profiles, ·reported by Hanna (1967), Pmax maximum allowable soil pressure
are shmvn in Fig. 3.33. These proflles ha ve been obtained Pcr buckling load of pile
from measurements on an inclinometer installed within the k modulus of subgrade reaction
H-piles. The as-driven positions of the piJe tips for every Pmax maximum lateral detlection (deviation of the
20 ft of depth are shown in Fig. 3.34. For the two piles center line of the piJe from a straight line con-
conside,red, mínimum computed radii of curvature were on necting the piJe tip and the point at which
the order of 170 ft and 190 ft at depths of lOO ft and 70 curvature of the piJe begins)
ft: these values are about six times less than the suggested
safe mínimum value for steel H-piles of 1200 ft (Bjerrum,
For the second criterion to- be satisfied, the allowable load
Methods of estimating the stresses in a piJe dueto non-
verticality ha ve been proposed by Johnson ( 1962), Broms
(1963), Parson~ and Wilson (1954), and Madhav and IÚo p"' 0.5 (b -~4c) (3.39).
(1975). Typícal of these methods ís that of Broms, who by
expressing the deflected shape of the piJe as a Fourier sine where
series and assuming the soil to be a Winkler medium, was
able to derive a simple approximate equation for the buck-
ling load on the piJe (the subject of buckling is discussed
more fully in Chapter 14). Provided that sorne information
of the departure from straightñess of the actual piles is e (3.39)
available, the maximum soil pressure along the pile and the
maximum bending moment can then be calculated. As de- Pcr pile-buckling load
sign criteria, Broms suggested that A area of piJe
Gmax allowable maximum stress in piJe
(a) The calculated maximum soil pressure along the pile Ep Young's modulus of piJe
should not exceed one third of the ultima te value. fp moment of inertia of pile
(b) The maximum stress (axial plus bending) in the piJe z pile section -modulus
.should be less than the allowable value. Rmin mínimum radius of curvature along piJe

The first criteríon leads to an allowable load P given by

From Eq. (3.39), it may be dedw.;ed that the load-
carrying capacity will be reduced to zero if e,;;;; O, that is, if
p (3.38)
kPmax + Prnax

Rmin (3.40)


<0. 400
<i 200

o 10--6 10- 5

Moxímum curvature (rads/in.)

0 oL____________2~(_)____________4LO----~------------_J60
Mínimum radíus ot curvature (ft) lv1axfmum dc1ícci;on \in,}
(.:r) On basis of steel stre:;s Un On basis of soíl pressure

FIGURE 3.35 Allowable loads for bent pites (from Broms' analysis).

For a typical steel H-pile sectíon in clay, the allowable pendent of pÜe length. For the limiting steel-stress criter-
loads from Eqs. (3.38) and (3.39) are plotted in Fig. 3.35. ion, an allowable steel stress of 18 kips/sq ft has been
For the limiting-soíl-pressure criterion, the allowable load adopted. The a!lowable load is insensitive to change in soil
in creases as the stiffness of the soil increases (K =kd = 3 3 subgrade-reaction modulus or pile ler:gth.
times the cohesion, has been assumed) buLis almost inde-

4.1 INTRODUCTION ing load is usually determined by applying a suitable safety

factor to the ultimate load calculated by the formula. This
Perhaps the oldest and most frequently used method of saf~ty_factor, however, varies considerably,. depending on
estimating the load capacity of driven piles is to use a the_formula used and the type of pile being driven. Also·,
driving formula, or dynamic formula. All such formulas re- because pile driving formulas take no account of the nature
late ultimate load capacity to pile set (the vertical move- of the soil, the appropriate safety factor may vary from one
ment per blow of the driving h:~mmer) and assume that the site to another.
driving resistance is equal to the load capacity of the pile A relatively recent improvement in the estimation of
under static loading. They are based on an idealized repre- load capacity by dynamic methods has resulted from the
scntation of the action of the hammer on the pile in the use of the wave equation to examine the transmission of
last stage of its embedment. There are a great number of compression waves down the pile, rather than assuming that
driving formulas available, of varying degrees of reliability. a force is generated instantly throughout the pile, as is done
Smith (1960) states that the editors of the Engineering New in deriving driving formulas. The main objective in using the
Record have on file 450 such formulas. In Section 4.2, a wave-equation approach is to obtain a better relationship
summary of the most common formulas is given and their between ultimate pile-load and pile-set than can be obtained
reliability is discussed. The derivation of most of these for- from a simple driving rormula. As well as providing a means
mulas is discussed by Whitaker (1970), while details of of load capacity estimation, this relationship allows an
sorne of the parameters required are available in Chellis assessment to be made of the driveability of a pile with a
(1961). particular set of equipment. Moreover, this approach also
The primary objectives in using a pile-driving formula enables a rational analysis to be made of the stresses in the
are usually either to establish a safe working load for apile pile during driving and can therefore be useful in the struc-
by using the driving record of the pile, or to determine the tural design of the pile. The application of this technique is
driving requirements for a required working load. The work· described in Section 4.3.


.• W·H
Load HT ~rw·H
f IV
:.i ·<l ·W·H

~~- ~~-~------


FIGURE 4.1 Assumed load-settlement curve for pile.

FIGURE 4.2 Transfer of energy and penetration of pile during one
blow of the pile-driving hammer.


g gravitational acceleration
Ru load capacity of pile Uust after driving)
4.2.1 Derivation of General Formula
E1 energy reaching píle
Pile-drivíng formulas attempt to relate the dynamic to
E2 energy left after impact.
the statíc resistance of a píle, and have been established on
an empírica! or a theoretical basís. Several of the latter are The process of energy transfer and pile penetration
during one blow of the hammer is shown in Fig. 4.2. The
based on Nrwton's law 9f impact, modífíed in sorne cases
energy reaching the pile is
for energy losses during impact and stress propagation.
The assumed relationship between pile resistance and
· downward movement of the pile is shown in Fig. 4.1. The E 1 = e¡iVH (4.l)
materials of the ;:lile and the drivíng cushion are assumed to
be perfectly elastic, and inertia forces in the soil and ener-
The efficiency of impact is
gy losses stemming from irreversible deformatíons ( except
of the soil) are disregarded.
The derivation of a general pile-driving formula has been
(W/2g)u 2 + (Wp/2g)up~ E2
given by Taylor (1948) and quoted by Flaate (1964). This (4.2)
derivation will be reproduced below and the various ver- (Wj2g)v + (Wp/2g)v/ E1
sions of this general formula will be díscussed subsequently.
The law of impulse
The following symbols are used in the derivation:

S= pile penetration for last blow, or "set" w

-(v u) (4.3)
t:.Spp plastic de:formation of pile g
Mep elastíc deformatíon of pile
Mes elastic deformation of soil The coefficient of elastic restitution, n, is
So S t:.Spp
w Weight of hammer
H drop of nammer
n = (4.4)
e¡ efficiency factor for hammer
e¡v = efficiency factor for impact Assuming Vp O, and eliminating u, up, and v,
Wp weight or pile
A cross-section of pile
L pile length ·
Ep = rr.odulus of elasticity of pile
V hammer velocity before impact The energy left after impact is
u = hammer ve!ocity after impact
Vp pile velocity before impact .. (4.6)
Up pile velocity after impact

The work done during impact is approximately The left-hand si de of Eq. ( 4.1 O) represents the energy of
the hammer blow, the first term on the right-hand side is
{4.7) the energy consumed by the elastic compression of the pile,
computed as a static compression under the force Ru, and
Neglecting the elastic deformation ·of the soil, and intro- he second term is the energy absorbed by the plastic de-
ducing Hooke's Law for the pile, formation of the soil.
A summary of various practica! formulas is given in
Table 4.1. Tables 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 give typical values of var-
íous quantities required for these formulas.

4.3.2 Reliability of Dynamic Formulas
e = ratio between actual displacement at pile top and
that given by Hooke's Law Severa! investigations have been carried out to determine
the reliability of the various pile-driving formulas by com-
From Eqs. {4.6), (4.7), and (4.8), the following equation is paring the load capacity computed from the appropriate
obtained: formula wíth the measured capacity from a pile loading
test. Sorne of the most comprehensive investígations have
been reported by Sorensen and Hansen {1957), Agerschou
(1962), Flaate {1964), Housel {1966), and Olsen and
Flaate (1967).
Sorensen and Hansen used data from 78 load tests on
concrete, steel, and wooden piles, most of these having
their points bearing on sand (a few were founded on hard
moraine clay). The results of their comparisons are shown
4.2.2 Practica! Driving Formulas in Fig. 4.3, in which the ratio, Jl, of the measured to the
computed load-capacity is plotted against the pcrcentage
Although the above general formula takes most practica! of load tests smaller than Jl. This plot is a probability plot,
factors into account, the validity of the law of impact is and a straight line on this plot represents a normal or
very questíonable, since the piJe is by no means the free Gaussian distribution of results. Figure 4.3 shows that all·
body that the law of in1pact assumes. As pointed out by the formulas considered, with the exception of the Eytel-
Terzaghi ( 1943), "Newton himself warned against the appli- wein formula, follow approximately a Gaussian distribu-
cation of his theory to problems involving for instance the tion. There is very little difference in the accuracy of the
impact produced by 'the stroke of a hammer ."' In addition Danísh, Hiley, and Jan bu formulas, and the theoretícal
to this basic criticism, the formula is not readily
applicable in practice, since many of the quantities are ex-
tremely diffícult to measure or estímate reliably. Conse- 98 • Jonbu formulo r
quently, rnost practicai pile-driving formulas are simplífi-
cations of the general equatíon, often incorporating em-
o H;ley formulo
x Eytelwe;n formula----
.c. Donish formulo - - ,
i/, ,_,,r:./

/ /

pírica! "comtants" and coefficients. Most of these for- a 70 • WOvt,z equotion---- t' X ~
~50 ;, /
mulas can be expressed in the following form: ,)< ' '

~ 30 __..-<-6 Q/
~ 10
3 }'
~ ....... ~ ...... ~
// 1
1 ,/ ~-- ¡o
·0·8 -0·6 -0·4 -0·2 o 0·2 0·4
log ll

e¡¡, efficiency of impact

FIGURE 4.3 Statistical distribution of load 1est results (Sorensen
e¡ = efficiency of hammer blow
and Hansen, 195í). (This figure is reproduced from the proceedings
s factor allowing for elastic compression of the fourth lnternational Conference on Soil Mechanics and
of soil and drivíng cushion Foundatíon Engineering. Butterworths, London, 1957.)


Formula Equation for Ru Remarks


WH e= 1.0 in. for drop hammer
News 0.1 in. for steam hammer
0.1 Wp/W in. for steam hammer
on very heavy piks


Weisbach S~Ep + j (2WH:Ee) + (SA{e) '

e¡WH • W+n'Wp See Tab!es 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 for values
Hile y
S+Yl(e,+e,+e3 ) W+WP of e¡, e" e,, C3 , and n.

Jan bu (¿)(~H) ku ed(l + J¡+"fe/edi

ed 0.75 +0.15 Wp/W
t..e = WHLIAES'

Danish See Table 4.2 for e¡values.

Uníts are inches and tons (short).

4.0 .Je¡Wffiog 10 (25/S) Units are me trie tons (l 000 kg)
and een timeters. '

TABLE 4.2 VAL UES OF curves derived from the wave equation (see Sectíon 4.3),
HAMMER EFFICIENCY, ef but the Eytelwein fonnula is very inaccurate.
Agerschou 's investigation concentrated on the Engi-
neering News formula but also broadly confinned the con-
Hammer Type e¡ clusions of Sorensen and Han sen regarding the Hiley, ..
Janbu, and Danish formulas. Agerschou showed that des-
Drop hammer released by trígger 1.00 pite its popularity, the Engineeríng News fonnula is unre-
Drop hamm.cr actuated by rope and
friction winch . O. 75
liable. It has the highest standard deviation, and 96% of the
McKiernan-Terry single-acting hammers 0.85 allowable loads determined by this formula will have actual
Warrington-Vulcan single-acting hammers 0.75 safety factors ranging between 1.1 and 30.0. Flaate (1964)
Differential-acting hammers 0.75 inve·stigated the accuracy of the Jan bu, Hiley, and Engineer-
McKiernan-Terry, Industrial Brownhoist, ing News formulas for 116 tests on timber, concrete, and
Natíonal & Union doÚble-acting hammers 0.85
steel piles in sand. The conclusions reached by Agerschou
Diesel hammers 1.00
regarding the unrelíability of the Engineering News formula
are reinforced by Flaate's results. There ís relatively little
a From Piie Foundatíons by R. D. Chellis. © 1961 difference between the Jan bu and Hiley formulas, although
McGraw-Hill Book Com pan y, In c. Used with per.mission ·
of McGraw-Hill Book Company. the fonner is perhaps the more reliable overall and gives


(a) Values ofC 1

Temporary Compression Allowance C, for Pile Head and Cap

Material to Which Easy Driving: Medium Driving: Hard Driving:· V ery Hard Driving:
Blow ls Applied P1 500 psi P1 1000 psi P1 =
1500 P1 =2000 psi on
on Cushion on Head or Cap psi on Head Head orCap
or Pile Butt (in.) or Cap (in.) (in.)
lf No Cushion

Head of timber píle 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

3-4 in. packing inside
cap on head of precast
concrete pile 0.05 +0.07b 0.10 + 0.15b 0.15+0.22b o.20+ o. Job
1/2-1 in. m a t pad onJy
on head of precast
concrete piJe 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.10
SteeJ-covered cap, con-
. taining wood packing,
for stecl piling or pipe 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
3/16-in. red electricaJ
fiber disk between two
3/8-in. steel plates,
for use with severe
driving on Monotube
piJe 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Head of sleel piJing
or pipe o o o o

(b) Value of C 2 C, RuL/AEp

(Include additional value for followers.)

(e) Values of C, e, is temporary cornpression allowance for quake of gro un d.

Nominal value = 0.1 inches
Range = 0.2 for resilient soils toO for hardpan

b The first figure represents the compression of the cap and wood dolly or packing above !he cap, whereas the second
figure represents the compression of the wood packíng between the cap and the píle head.
a From Pi/e Foundarions, by R. D. Chellis, © 1961 McGraw-Hill Book Company, lnc. Used with permission of
McGraw-Hill Book Company.

good results for timber and concrete píles. Hiley's formula formula is greater and that of the Engineeríng News for-
is also reasonable for timber piles. mula is less. This difference may well stem from the fact
The tests undertaken by the Michigan Department of that the results in Table 4.5 are predominantly for píles in
State Highways at Belleville, and reported by Housel sand, whereas the Belleville site consists largely of clay. ·
(1966), are compared in Table 4.5 with predictions from a Consequently, the reliability of pile-driving formulas at this
large number of píle-driving formula. The Engineering News si te is likely to be poor, as significan t fríctional resistan ce
formula gives predictions of u! tíma te load of between 2 and may be mobilized along the pile, whereas this resistance is
6 times the measured values, the Hiley formula gives 7 to not directly considered in the formulas. It is also interesting
30 times the measured values, and the Eytelwein formula to note that the Belleville resulis are consistent with the
gives 5 to 25 times the measured values. In comparison with analyse~ performed by Forehand and Reese (1964), which
the previous comparisons, the spread of results of the Hiley suggest that the Engineering News formula may be less uñ-

a reliable for cases in which considerable side friction occurs

(e.g., piles in soft clay) than for point-bear!ng piles.
PiJe Type Head Condition · Drop, Single- Double- Olsen and Flaate (1967) extended the comparisons re-
acting, or acting ported by Flaate (1964) and examined the reliability of
Diesel Hammers various pile-driving formulas for the timber, concrete, and
Hammers steel friction piles in sand consídered by Flaate.lt was con-
cluded that Janbu's formula was the most accurate for tim-
Reinforced .HelrrÍet with composÍte ber and steel píles, although none of the formulas was
concrete plastic or greenheart
clearly best for the precast concrete piles. The three for-
dolly and packing on
top of piJe 0.4 0.5 mulas that yielded the highest average correlation coeffi-
Helmet with timber cients were the Danish, Janbu, and Gates formulas. The
dolly, and packing on Engineering News formula was found to be quite unsatis-
top of pile 0.25 0.4 fadory. As a rapid and accurate means of estimation of
Hammer direct on pile
load capacity, Olsen and Flaate suggested the following
with pad only 0.5
1djusted versions oí the Gates formula:
Stcel Dríving cap with
Timber piles:
standard plastic or
greenheart dolly 0.5 0.5
Driving cap with timber Ru 7.2vfe¡WH (4.11a)
dolly 0.3 0.3
X log 10 ( 10/S) - 17
llamrner d irect on pile 0.5

Precast concrete pites:

Timber Hammer diNct on pile 0.25 0.4

Ru = 9.0vfe¡H-'H (4.llb)
a After Whitaker (1970}.
X log 10 {10/S)- 27


Steel piles:

Formula Upper and Lower Limits of Nominal X log 10 (10/S) - 83

SF Ru!R/ Safety
Range of R 11 , kips: Factor where Ru and W are in tons, and H and S are in inches.
0-200 200-400 400-700 A summary of the statistical analyses of Flaate, Ager-
schou, Olsen and Flaate, and Sorensen and Hansen is given
Engineering News 1.1-2.4 0.9- 2.1 1.2- 2.7 6 in Table 4.6. Thís table contains standard deviations for
Hiley 1.1-4.2 3.o-- 6.5 4.o-- 9.6 3
2.7-5.3 4.3- 9.7 8.8-16.5 4 different formulas, the standard deviation being defined as
Pacific Coast
Uniform Building the difference between the values of log 11 corresponding to
Code 83.5% and 16,.5% on the curve. The nominal safety factor
Redtenbacher 1.7-3.6 2.8- 6.5 6.o--10.9 3 is the value to be applied to each formula if only 2% of the
Eytelwein l.G--2.4 l.G-- 3.8 2.2- 4.1 6 formula loads are allowed to have an actual safety factor
Navy-McKay 0.8-3.0 0.2- 2.5 0.2- 3.0 6
less than 1.0, and is equal to 1 divided by the value of 11
Rankíne 0.9-1.7 1.3- 2.7 2.3- 5.1 3
Canadian National 3.2--{).0 5.1-11.1 10.1-19.9 3 corresponding to 2%. The upper limít of the safety factor
Building Code for 96% of the formula loads, also included in Table 4.6, ís
Modified l. 7-4.4 1.6- 5.2 2.7- 5.3 6 calculated as the 11 value for ·96% multíplied by the nominal
Engineering News safety factor. The relíability of the varioUs formulas can
Gates 1.8-3.0 2.5- 4.~ 3.8- 7.3 3
best be judged from the upper limit of the safety factor for
Rabe l.o--4.8 2.4- 7.0 3.2- 8.0 2
96% safety; the higher this value, the less-reliable is the for-
mula {higher values of this quantity are also associated with
a After Housel (1966). higher standard deviaúons). It is obvious from Table 4.6
ultima te test load .
b Ru
Rd design eapaeity, using the nominal safety factor recom- that for the formulas considered, the most relí~ble are the
mended for the equation Janbu and the Danish formulas.


Formula Standard Upper Limit Nominal Number of

Deviation of 96% Safety Safety Load-Tests
on ¡.t if Lower Factor
Limit ls LO

Engineering A 0.78 26.0 0.86 171

News F 0.70 17.5 5.8 116

Hile y S& H 0.27 3.8 1.4 50

F 0.37 10.1 2.4 116

Ja:nbu S& H 0.25 3.6 2.3 78

F 0.22 3.2 2.0 116

Danish S& H 0.26 3.8 2.0 78

O&F 0.28' 4.1 3.0 55
A 0.30 4.2 2.3 123

Eytelwein S&H 0.57 17.0 7.1 78

Weisbach A 0.36 6.0 2.6 123

Cates O&F 0.35 5.1 2.3 55

Legend: S& H " Sorensen and Hansen (195 7)

A Agerschou (1962)
F Flaate (1964)
O&F" Olsen and Flaate ( 1967) (steel piles in sand)
11 = ratio of measured to computed load capacity

The overall conclusions from the above comparisons are it is necessary to take into consíderation the vibrations
that, if driving formulas are to be used, those which invo]ve which are produced by the impact."
the least uncertainty are the Janbu, Danish and Hiley for-
mulas, whíle the most uncertain is the Engineering News
In conclusion, it is interesting to note the remarks made 4.3 PILE-DRIVJNG ANALYSJS BY THE WAVE EQUA-
by Terzaghi (1943) "In spite of their obvious deficiencies TIQN
and their unreliability, the pile formulas still enjoy a great
popularity among practicing engineers, because the use of The realization that pile driving could not accurately be
these formulas reduces the design of pile foundations to a analyzed by rlgid-body mechanics led to the development
very simple procedure. The price one pays for this artificial of an analysis that utilizes wave theory. This analysis takes
simplification is very high. In sorne cases the factor of safe- account of the fact that each hammer-blow produces a
ty of foundations designed on the basis of the results ob- stress wave that moves down the length of the pile at the
tained by means of pile formulas is excessive and in other speed of sound, so that the entire !ength of the pile is not
cases significan! settléments have been experienced. On ac- stressed simultaneously, as assumed in the conventional
count of their inherent defects all th(' existing pile formulas dynamic formulas.
·are uti~'rly rn·isleading as to the influence of vital condi- As previously stated, the wave-equation approach is
tions, such as the ratio between the weight of the pile and primarily used to yield a relationship between ultimate pile
the hammer, on the result of the pile dríving operations. In load and pile set, although the stresses set up in· the pile
order to obtain relíable information concerning the effect during driving are also calculated. In addition, this approach
of the impact of the hammer on the penetration of the piles enables a rational analysis to be made of the effects of var-

ious factors in the driving process, such as pile characteris- For a pile, the tesistance of the surrounding soil must also
tics, hammer characteristics, and cushion stiffness. lt there- be considered; in which case, Eq. (4.12) becomes ·
fore provides a convenient and logical means of determin-
ing the suitability of a given driving system for driving a
given pile, and of choosing an optimum system to obtain = (;) (~) ±R (4.13)
a desired load capacity without damaging the pile. lt has
been widely used for piles supporting offshore structures where
(McClelland et al., 1969; McClelland, 1974).
Although the safe working load of the pile is again R = soil-resístance terrr.
determined by applying a safety factor to the calculated
ultimate-load capacity, the fact that sorne account is taken Equation ( 4.13) m ay ·be sol ved, for t,he appropriate initial
of the soil characteristics removes at least part of the uncer- and boundary .tonditions, to determine the relationship
tainty in ascribing a suitable safety factor to a particular among displacement, time, and position in the pile, from
si te. which the stress variation in the pile may be determined.
The method of solution of the wave equation to obtain Because of the complications involved in practical piling
the ultima te load versus set relationship is described below, problems, analytical solutíons to Eq. (4.13) generally are
and typical values of the requisite soil-data input are dis- not' feasíble, and resort must be made to numerical means
cussed. Some solutions from the wave-equation approach of solution. A conveníent numerical method has been des-
showing the effect of various factors are given in Section cribed by Smith (1960). A simple computer program is
4.4, and a dÍscussion of the reliability of the wave equation listed in Bowles (1977).
is given in Section 4.5.
The use of the wave equation was considered by Isaacs
( 1931) and Glanville et al. (1938), but it was not until the 4.3.2 Smith's Idealization
work of Smith (1960) that the method was fully developed.
The method developed by Smilh is a finite-difference meth-
Considerable refinements of Smith's analysis have been
od in which the wave equatíon is used to determine the pile·
made, notably by Samson, Hirsch and Lowery (1963), and
set for a given ultimate pile load. The pile system is ideal-
Forehand and Reese (1964). Scanlan and Tomko (1969)
ized as shown in Fig. 4.4. and consists of
ha ve also applied wave theory, in a somewhat different ap-
proach, to estímate pi! e capacity. In the developmen t of the
l. A ram, to which an initial velocity is imparted by the
method described below, the nomenclature and notation of
pile driver.
Samson et al. (1963) and Lowery et al. (1969) will gener-
ally be employed.

4.3.1 The Wave Equation

The wave equation may be derived from consideration of

the internal forces and. motion produced on a segment of a
freely-suspended prismatic bar subjected to an impact at
one end. The resulting equation is

(4.12) ~ S•de Frictional

J Resistan-:¡z '


D ::: longitudinal displacement of a point of

the bar from its original positíon
E modulus of elasticity of bar R(10)

p density of bar material

(a) Actual Pile (b) Ideal•slld P1!e
=: time

x "' direction of longitudi:1al axis FIGURE 4.4 ldealization of pile.


Load Load D Pile Model-lnternal Springs

The ram, capblock, piJe cap, and cushion block máy be
considered to consist of interna! spríngs, although the ram
and pile cap can often be treated as rigid bodies. The load-
deformation behavior of these e1ements is most simply
taken to be linear (Fig. 4.5a) although interna! damping
may also pe considered (e.g., as shown in Fig. 4.5b), for
(a) No Interna! Dampmg (b) lnternal Dcmp1r;g Cap components such as the capblock and the cushion block. !t
Plle Elem,znts Block ond C::ush•or; Block ·
should be noted that the spring K(2) in Fig. 4.4 represents
FIGURE 4.5 Load-deformation relationships for interna! springs. both the cushion block and the top element of the piJe, and
its stiffness may be obtained from Kirchoffs equation as

2. A capblock (cushioning material). 1 1 1

3. Apile cap. --- +--- (4.14)
K(2) K(2)cusllion K(2)pile
4. A cushion block ( cushioning material).
5. The pile.
6. The supporting soiL Soil Model-External Springs
Smith's model of the load-deformation characteristics of
The ram, capblock, piJe cap, cushion block, and píle are the soil, represented as externa! springs, subjected to sta-
represented by appropriate discrete weights and springs. tic loading, is shown in Fig. 4.6. The path OABCDEFG re-
The frictíonal resistance on the side of the piJe is repr~sent· presents loadirig and unloading in side friction. For the
ed by a system of springs and dashpots (see Fig. 4.6), while point, only compressive loading is considered and the load-
the point resistance is represented by a single spring and ing and unloading path is OABCF. The quantities defining
dashpot. The characterístícs of the componen ts are consí- this static behavior are Q and Ru where
dered subsequently. Jf the actual situatíon díffers from that
shown in Fíg. 4.4-that is, if the cushion block is not used Q "quake," the maximum soil deformation that
or íf an anvil is placed between the ram and capblock-the may occur elastically
idealization of !he system can of course be modified. Ru ultimate static soil-resistance



(a} Static Loadíng (b} Dynamic Loading

Soil R<>sistanca

Friction l1nk D
limits spring,
load '----.._ (C} Equlvalent
constant K' Mod¡zl of So1!

FIGURE 4.6 Í.oad-deformation re la tionships for soil.


A load-deformation diagram such as Fig. 4.6 may be esta- C(m, t) = compression of interna! spring m at time t
blished separately for each spring, so that D(m, t) displacement of element m at time t
D' (m, t) plastic displacement of externa! spring m
' . ) _ Ru(m) at time t
K ~m - Q (m) ( 4.15)
F(m, t) force in interna! spring m at time t
g acceleration caused by gravity
wher~ K' (m) is the spring constan! during elastic deforma- J(m) soil-damping constan! at element m
tion for externa! spring m. K(m) spring constant for interna! spring m
K' (m) spring constant for externa! spring m
To allow for the effccts of dynamic loading during R(m, t) force exterted by externa! spring m on
driving in increasing the instantaneous resistance of the soil, element m at time t
the dynamic load-settlement behavior of the soil is taken V(m, t) velocity of element m at time t'
to be that shown in Fig. 4.6b, which as pointed out by W(m) = weight of element m
Lowery et al. ( 1969),. corresponds to a Kelvin rheological
model. This dynamic behavior i.s characterized by a further Equatíon (4.18) applies for the elastíc pile elements for
parameter J, the darnping constan t. The dashpot in the mo- which interna! damping is ignored. For elements such as the
del produces an additional resistíng force proportional to capblock and the cushion block, in which interna! damping
the velocity of loading (V). should be considered, the foltowing equation should be
u sed instead of Eq. (4.18):

4.3.3 Basic Equations · K(m)

F(m, t) [e(m)] 2 • C(m, l) (4.21)
In solving the wave equation numerically, Eq. ( 4 .13) could
be expressed in finite-differenc<: form for each element, and
then the rcsulting equations, incorporating the appropriatc
Üe(~)jl - j ·K(m) • C(m, t)max

boundary conditions, could be solved simulianeously for

each tíme-interval cor..sidered. This mt:thod is the conven- whcre
tional method of solving such equations and has been sug-
e(m) coeffícient of restítution of interna!
gestcd for this problcrn by Soderberg ( l962b); ít m ay also
spríng m
be applied to problems involving periodic dynamic loading
C(m, t)max temporary maximum value of C(m,t)
of the pile. However, it has bcen shown by Smith (1960)
that the finite-difference form of the wave equation may
The above equation characterízes the path OABCDEO
be replaced by a system of five simpler equations, and this
shown in Fíg. 4.5b. For a pi! e cap or cushion block, no ten·
form of expression of the wave equation has gene rally been
sile forces can exist and hence only this part of the diagram
adopted for pile-driving analysis. The basic equatíons are
applies. lntermittent unloading-loading is typified by path
as follows:
ABC, established by control of C(m, t)max in Eq. ( 4.17).
The slope of lines AB, BC, and DE depends on the value of
D(m, t) := D(m, t·· 1) + llt • V(m, t l) (4.16)
C(m, t) D(m, t) D(m + 1,t) (4.1 7)_
Smith (1960) notes that Eq. (4.19) produces no damp-
F(m, t) = C(m, t)· K(m) ( 4.18)
ing when D(m, t) D' (m, t) becomes zero, and suggests an
R(m, t) == [D(m, t) D' (m, t)] ( 4.19)
alternate equation to be used after D(m, t) first becomes
·K' (m)· [1 +J(m) · V(m, t 1)] equal to Q(m), where Q(m) ís the "quakc" for element m:

V(m, t) '= V(m, t- 1) + [F(m l,r) (4.20)

·R(m, t) = [D(m, t) D' (m, t)] ·K' (m) (4.22)
+ W(m) F(m, t) R(m, t)] W(m) + J(m) • Ru(m) • V( m, t l)

where where Ru(m) is the ultima te static soil-resistance of element

m elemen~ number m.
t = time Equations (4.16) to (4:22) are solved for each of the
llt time interval pile elements involved, m= 1 to m= p (point), for a succes-

sion, of tim<~ intervals starting when the hammer [W(l)] K( m) = ( 1 - ~) Ru (4.26)

travelling with known velocity touches the first spring. The nQ(m)
solutíon of these equations contínues until the permanent
se: or plastíc: díspfacement of the soil at the point D' (p, t) where
is a maximum.
Before c:ommencing the computatíons, the following Q(m) quake at element m
values must be determíned: n number of elements along the pile

l. The ínitíal velocíty of the ram at initial impact; Vr, 4. Values of the quakes Q(m) and Q(p) and the damping
which can .be calculated as fact~m J(m) and J(p). These quantities are discussed in Sec-
tion 4.3.4.

(4.23) In performing the computatíons, the followíngsequence

of operations is carried out:
l. The inítial velocity, Vr, is calculated from Eq. ( 4.23).
Er = manufacturer's hammer-energy ratíng Other time-dependent quantíties are initíalized at zero or to
Eh = pi!e-driver hammer efficíency produce equilibrium of forces under gravity.
wh = weíght of hammer 2. The displacements D(m,t) are calculated from Eq. ( 4.16)
where for the first tíme-step, V( 1, O) is the initial velocity of
2. Values of the interna! spring constants, K(m ), of the the ram.
pile and other elements, where 3. The total plastic deformatíon of the soil, D' (m, t), re-
mains constant [starting at D' (m, t) = O] unless it ís
changed by the following condítion (see Fig. 4.7a):
K(m) = AE
D' (m, t) <tD(m, t)- Q(m) (4.27a)
where D' (m, t) l> D(m, t) 1 Q(m) (4.27b)

A cross-sectíonal arca of element m These comparisons are made in ea eh time-ínterval, tlt, and
E = Young's modulus of element m D' (m, t) ís adjusted accordlngly.
ilL = length of element m 4. The plastíc deformatíor( of the píle tip, D' (p, t), re-
mains constant, startíng at zero, unless changed by the con-
3. Values of the externa! spríng constants, K' (m), of the ditíon (see Fig. 4.7b)_
soil. This necessitates the assumption of a total pile resis-
tance Ru, the percen tage of piJe resistan ce to be used as sí de
resistance, and the distribution of síde resistance along the
píle. lf known, the soil strength and adhesion propertíes
l1lay provide a guide to the selection of the above quantí- , Displac<Zm<Znt
tíes (see Chapter 3).
If it ís assumed that the proportion of load carried by
the pile point is ~. then the interna! spring constant, K(p), {a) Pile Shoft
for the píle tip is

K(p) = ~Ru (4.25) /

P,zrmon,znt Sa:t, S
Q(p) Displacem<Znt /
D (f:¡,t)
where Q(p) quake at the pile point. Also, if, for exam· o
ple, the shaft resistance ís assumed to be distríbuted uní- (b) PII<Z Point
formly along the shaft, the externa! spring constant, K(m),
at the elemen t m is FIGURE 4.7 Dísplacements of píle vs. time.

D' (p, t) <tD(p, t) ·· Q(p) (4.28) Because inelastic springs and material of different densities
and elastic moduli are usually involved in practica! prob-
This comparison is made at eacL tü:ne·interval and D' (p, t) lems, Samson et al. ( 1963) recommended a value of C::.t of
ís adjusted accordíngly. about half the value given by Eq. (4.29). The accuracy of
5. The soil resistances R(m, t) fC>r m = 3 topare calculated the solutíon is more sensitive to the choice of t::.t if the pile
from Eq. (4.19). lf desired, when D(m, t) D' (m, t) fírst is divided into only a few elements. The solutions of Sam-
becomes zero, Eq. (4.22) may be used. son et al. suggest that t::.L = L/ 10 is generally a reasonable
6. The spring compressíons C(m, t) for m =1 to p 1 are division· of the pile. Smíth's original suggestions on C::.t and
calculated from Eq. ·(4.17). t::.L were 1/4000 sec. and 8 to 1O ft, respectively, for most
7. The forces in the pile elements, F(m, t), are calculated practica} piles, which are consistent with the values recom-
from Eq. (4.18) for the pile elements in which no interna! mended above.
dampíng occurs, or from Eq. (4.21) for the capblock and
cushion block (m t and 2). For the capblock, which is
Modification for E[fect o[Gravity
not attached to the pile, F(l, t) can never be less than zero.
Smith's original procedure does not account for the static
For the pile cap, two cases are possíble:
weight of· the pile sin ce all springs, interna! and externa!,
are assumed to exert zero force at t = 0: that is, F(m, O) =
(a) F(2, t);;;. O if cap is not properly attached.
R(m, O) O. If the effect of gravíty is to be included, these
(b) F(2. t) can be ncgative if cap is attached to pile.
forces must be given initial values to reproduce equilibrium
of the system; in fact, these inítia1 values should be those
Case (a) or (b) must be specifíed at the start of the prob·
in effect as a result of the previous blow, but thís refine-
ment appears unjustified (Samson et al., 1963).
8. The vetocity V(m, t) ls calculated for m = l to p from
Studies by Samson et al. (1963) indicate that the gra-
Eq. (4.20).
vity effect ís relatively small, and in a typicál case, the effect
9. The tyclc is repeatr~d for successive tirne-intervals until
of gravity was to in crease the permanent set by about l 0%.
the pile segments reach their maximum downward move-
For practica! purposes, it does not appear necessary to in·
ment and rebound upward. Unless Eq. (4.22) is used for
elude the effect of gravity in the wave-equation analysis.
R(m, t), the computation can be terminated when

(a) D' (p, t) D' (p, t- 1) =O.

(b) V(l, t) to V(p, t) are aU sirnultaneously negatíve or zero. 4.3.4 Values of Soil Parameters

The permanent set of the pile típ as a result of the ram blow The soil parameters required for the wave-equation analysís
ís the maxirnum value of D' (p, t). are the ultima te soil resistance, Ru; quake, Q; and damping
10. lf the relationship between permanent set ( or its recí- factor,].
proca!, the blow count), and the ultirnate resistance Ru of
the pile is required, various values of Ru are chosen and the
Ultimate soil resistance, Ru
procedure repeated. A plot of Ru versus permanent set ( or
Various values of Ru are input into the computer program
blow count) may thus be obtaíned.
arid the corresponding permanent set determined. The main
problem wíth Ru is to determine the relative proportions of
It is obvious that the above procedure requires the use
shaft and base resístance. A reasonable estímate of these
of a computer for practica! problems. A simple computer
proportions may be made by estimating the static shaft and
program has been given by aowles:( 1977).
base resistances from the known or assumed soil propertíes,
In employing the numerical procedure described above,
¡¡.s described in Chapter 3. A typícal example of the effect
the accuracy of the resulting solution will depend on the.
values of C::.t and t::.L chosen. It has been shown that for of varying the proportions of shaft and base resistance is
shown in Fig. 4.8. A somewhat higher ultima te resistance
free longitudinal vibrations in a continuous elastic bar, the
discrete element solution is an exact solution of the partía! for a g.\ven driving resistance is obtained if some shaft resis-
tance is considered, rather than only end-bearing. As a
differential equation when
rough guide where other information is not available, values
of the percentage of shaft resistance suggested by Forehand
t::.t (4.29)
and Reese (1964) are sliown in Table 4.7.


Pll-:2' 36 in. prt<scr~?ssed concrete 176 tt.

Hamm<2r Raymond 3/0 12,5001b rc"ll 39in strok~?
500 Capblock: Micarta
-:;; Pilecap· 5,700 lb
e: Embedded l,;mgth 40 ft
Curve A End
C 50% POII'\t fnction
e: J'=1/3J e
~ A
~ 300
____ ...6
...., Load
"'o 200

o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
alows pllr ¡,,eh
FIGURE 4.8 Resistance vs. set curves for 36-in.-diameter prestressed concrete Pite. Effect of percentage point load (Forehand and Reese,

TABLE 4.7 EMPIRICAL VALUES soil-resistance curves employed by Seed and Reese (1957)
OF Q, J, AND .PERCENT SIDE ADHESIONa and co'yle and Reese (1966).
An example of the effect of varying Q on the Ru ver-
Síde sus driving-resistance curve is shown in Fig. 4.9. The curves
Q J(p) Adhesion have been obtained by Hirsch et al. (1969) for a steel-pipe
Soil (in.) (sec/ft) (% of Ru) pile in a layered-soil profile consísting maínly of clays. Ru
tends to decrease as Q increases.
Coarse sand 0.10 0.15 35
Sand grave1 mixed 0.10 0.15 75-100
Damping factor, J
Fine sand 0.15 0.15 100
Sand and clay or Empirical correlations between J and soil type obtained by
1oam, at least 50% 0.20 0.20 25 Foreh~nd and Reese (1964) are shown in Table 4.7. The
of pile in sand values in this table are for the pile point [i.e., J(p)]. The
Silt and fine sand average value for the si des of the pile J(m) have been found
underlain by hard 0.20 0.20 40
Sand and grave!
underlain by hard 0.15 0.15 25 350r-------------------------------------,
~ 300
0 ,;;:
After Forehand. and Reese (1964). ~· 250

.. 200
Quake, Q ¡;!
Values of Q have been obtaíned empirically to date, and B
the single empirical values of Q for all elements of the pile .

suggested by Forehand and Reese ( 1964) are ·shown in 100

Table 4.7. It is, however, also possible to derive values of "' 50
Q theoretically from pile-settlement theory if the "elastic"
soil parameters are known (see Chapter 5). On the basis of 0 L-~-so~---,~o-o----,'s~o----2~oo----2~5-0--~3o~o--~350
this theory, the value of Q varíes along the pile, with the Blows. PQr Foot

value at the pile tip being greater than the values along the
shaft. Alternatively, Q could also be estimated from the FIGURE 4.9 Effect of varying Qside (Hirsch et al., 1969).



::¿ 800

~ 600
!:: 0·8 o

t> 5pnng 1968

200 a. Foil 1967
o V<2tt-zrs
0~---~--~--~--J----L---L---L---L--~-J o Orgoníc
4 a 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 0·4 , Eos l<lt'WOQd
Blows Por Jnch o Hall Pít Sandy Clay .

FIGURE 4.10 Effect C•f J (Hirsch <:1 aL, 1969). Arkansas load test,
pile4. 0·2

to be less than J(p), and for practica! purposes, it has been 0·2 0·4
suggested that l!QUid1ty Ind<zx

1 FIGURE 4.12 Liquidity index vs. damping constan! for clays

J(m) = -J(p) (.:1.30) (Coy le and Gibson, 1970).
A typical example of the effect of J(p) [J(m) = 3J(p)] suggest that this problem can be overcome by rewriting
is shown in Fig. 4.1 O for a pipe pile in a relatively dense Smith's original Eq. (4.19) as follows:
medium to fine sand with sorne thin seams of clay (Arkan·
sas Test Piles, Hirsch et al., 1970). For a given blow count, R(m, t) = [D(m, t) D' (m, t)] (4.31)
Ru de creases as J(p) increases.
XK'(m){I+J 1(m)(V(m,t-l)]N}
Various attempts have also been maCe to measure J(p)
from static and dynamic tests on triaxial specimens (Coyle
where J 1(m) is a modified damping factor and the exponent
and Gibson, 1970). lt has been found, however, that J(p)
N ís less than 1 .
is dependent on the velocity of deformation for both sands
and clays, decreasing as velocity i.ncreases. Coy le and Gibson
The most suítable values were found to be

N = 0.20 for sands

N 0.18 for clays
\ OUowo Cocd

On the basis of the above modified equation, Coyle and
Gibson found J 1(p) to be almost independent of velocity,
and reasonable correlatíons between 1 1(p) and soíl pro·
, ~V1ctoria Sand perties could be obtained. The relationship between J 1 (p)
0·4 -Arkonsos and q/ fór sands ís shown in Fíg. 4.11, while the relation-
shíp between J 1 (p) and the liquidity index for clays is
02 shown in Fig. 4.12.

4.3.5 The Effect of "Set·Up"

C/J ( D12gr<2<zS)

FIGURE 4.11 Effective angle of interna! shearing resistance vs. As described in Chapter 2, driving apile into normally con·
damping constant for sand (Coyle and Gibson, 1970). solidated el ay results in the creation of excess pare pres·

Soll R(?s1starw2, Rsr ond RJ ( Tons)

' 1!: !
Sto tic " Dr1V1ng :E...J-'1
\ Copoc1ty, ', R<2S1stonc<2
"o. .,
', Ru
. X
o; O
e \ u" e cE
\ o :;-
\ e ;o
o 0'\
¡¡:; b Stot1c

e o"' "'e COROCity

0: .{7
Drivmg ',
Rasrstance ',
'+ ....... _...-- ...........
Go1n alter Dri·v1ng

(o) P•'e 1n Normoliy consol1doted Cloy (bl Pil<2 1n Sond or Ov<Zrconsolidoted Cloy

FIGURE 4.13 Effect of piJe characteristics (McC!elland et al.. 1969).

sures and subsequent consolidation and possible regam m sistance during driving (see Fig. 4.13b ), and under these cir-
soil streng!h and pile-soil adhesion. As shown in Fig. 4.13a curnstances, the driving limít of the hammer m ay be reached
(McC!elland ct al., 1969), undcr these circurnstances, apile before design penetration is reached. ·
harnmer with a driving lirnit less than design capacity may
successfully drive a pile to design penetration. A prediction
of the piJe capacity on the basis of the wave equation, how-
ever, will only give the pile capacity irnmedíately after 4.4 TYPICAL SOLUTIONS FROM WAVE-EQUATION.
driving; thus, if the pile capacity sorne time after driving is ANALYSIS
required, sorne knowledge of the arnount of "set-up" (i.e.,
in crease in mil strength and adhesion with time) is required.
If the "set-up" factor (the ratio of soil strength a consider- 4.4.1 Resistance versus Set Curves
able time after driving to that immediately after driving)
can be estimated, the final load capacity, RuF, can be cal- Effects of Pile Characteristics
culated as follows: Typical solutions showing the effect of various pile charac-
teristics on the resístance versus set curves have been pre-
l sented by McClelland ét al. ( 1969). The problem considered

"_¿,¡ D.R¡sk¡
(4.32) is shown in Fig. 4.14, together with the effects of piJe
length above the ground, ernbedded length, distribution of
soil resistance, and pile wall thickness .. The effects of the
where first two factors are relatively small, while as prevíously in~
dicated in Fig. 4.8, the ultimate resístance increases as the
M¡ immediate soíl resistance in soil type í, as calcu- proportion of load taken by the pile point decreases. The
Jated from the wave equation effect of pile wall thickness is quite marked, wíth the ulti-
sk¡ sct-up factor for soil type i mate resistance increasing as the wall thickness increases.
l number of soíl Jayers through which the pile is Bender, Lyons, and Lowery (1969) have found that a pile
driven having a varying wall thickness along üs length may be ade-
quately replaced by a pile of equivalent uniform thickness.
Lowery et al. (1969) tentatively suggest that a set-up factor
of 3 míght be appropriate for soft clays, 2 for firrn and stiff Effect of Hammer Characteristícs
clays, and 1 for other soils. For the same problem shown in Fig. 4.14, the effect of the
McClelland et al. (1969), on the other hand, consíder hamrner energy is shown in Fig. 4.15. The resistance in-
that for piles driven into hard clay or sand, a decrease of creases as the harnmer energy increases, but doubling the
soil strength and adhesion with time could occur. The final energy leads only to an increase of about 28% in this case.
static resistance of the piJe would then be less than the re- For the 60,00G-ft-lb hammer, whích is widely used in the

Assumlld Cond1t1ons
HammQr affiCiqncy = 80°/c
Aluminium- mi carta cush10n 1200 Pilo Wt
block, o= o-'so ~
e 88 tons
Viscous damping sac/rt o ~

SidO, J' = 0·05 >- 139 tons e

ond, J = 0·15 ,
- 800 154 tons o
"' L = 290'
P1lcz A Rp/Ru = 5°f
O 1" (quoko)
400 ""
Rp= cznd nzsistanccz
o :
--' o
0-20 hammar
o 20 40 50 80
(Ru= total rczsistanccz) Displacarncznt
Blows . pczr I nch ""
~ 1200
(a) Problam (b) Effact of P1lcz Langth AbOvcz Ground ~
1500 1500 ,---,,----.,-----,.----,
R0 /Ru= 5"/o 20"/o 75"/o

1200 1200
400 0-20 hammor L2 = 290'
>- 800 Rp/Ru = 5"/o
L 1 = 320'
R 0jRu = 5 "lo
o '------'------'--..L...---'
o 20 40 50 80
400 Blows par Inch

0-20 hammar (el Effczct of P1la Wall Th1cknass

20 40 60 80
Blows' pczr [nch Blows pczr Inch
(e) Effact of P1l<2 Pczncztrat1on (d) E1fact of Pczrcantagcz Po1nt Load

FIGURE 4.14 Effect of piJe characteristics (McClelland et aL¡ 1969).

United States, the maximum pile-load capacity for the pile (b) Grouting a pile into an oversized hole.
considered is on the arder of 1200 tons for a practica! driv- (e) Driving a pile concentrically with an undersized pilot
ing limit of 40 blows per in. For offshore pile installations, hole.
capacities in excess of 2000 tons may be r.equired, and ( d) Driving a pile with the aid of uncontrolled drilling or
under these circumstances, using a large blow count or in- jetting.
creasing the energy rating of the hammer are nót efficient
solutions. As shown in Fig. 4.14, increasing the pile wall These four procedures are illustrated in Fig. 4,16.
thickness m ay be effective. Alternatively, McClelland et al.
(1969) suggest four possible solutions: The effect of ram shape and hammer efficiency has
becn examined by Bender, Lyons, and Lowery (1969). For
(a) Driving an insert pile through an initially installed, larg- a given ram weight and fall, a longer ram was found to be
er pile. slightly more effective than a shorter one, although the

~ 1600

L· 1 = 32o'
~ 400 Pile A L2 = 290'
n:: Insert pile Controlfed Uncontrofled
f'l.p/Ru= 5°/o (drlven) dnff¡ng drill1ng
( re-drlven) (re-driven)
o 20 40 60 80 (a) (b) (e) (d)
Blows per lnch
FIGURE 4.16 Installation procedures currently in use for piles that
FIGURE 4.15 Effect of hammer energy (McC!elland et al., 1969). cannot be installed by driving alone (McClelland et al., 1969).

presence of a cushíon tended to reduce the effect of ham- the effect of relative shaft and point resistances has been
mer shape. A reduction in hammer' efficiency was found to shown in Figs. 4.8 and 4.14.
result in considerably more blows being required to drive
to a given resistance when the resistance is- high. At lower
resístances, this effect is not as pronounced; however, 4.4.2 Pile Stresses
the net increase in total driving time per pile can be quite
signifícant, and the possibility of not being able to drive the Effect of PiJe Characteristícs
piJe to design penetration must be considered. Thus, neg]ect For typical cases ínvolving prestressed concrete piles, Sam-
of hammer maintenance can seriously reduce hammer capa- son et aL (1963) have ínvestigated the influence of the
bilities. Young's moduius of the pile and the stiffness of the cush-
The effects of both hammer and pile characteristics on íon block on the maximum tensile á"nd compressive stresses
the resistance versus set curves have also been examined by in the piJe. Higher compressive and tensile stresses are de-
Mosley and Raamot (1970), who give a series of solutíons veloped for higher values of píle modulus or increasing stiff.
for various sizes of steel and concrete piles driven by two ness of the cushion block. The high tensile stresses are of
different hammers. considerable interest, especially for a prestressed concrete
pile, and could significantly influence the design of the piJe
Effect of (ushion Stiffness and the specification of driving conditions. Samson et al.
An example of the effect of cushion stiffness is shown in (1963) have noted that the time for a tensile wave to be
Fig. 4.17 (Bender, Lyons, and Lowery, 1969). As the cush- reflected back along a typical pile is less than 0.02 sec,
ion stiffness decreases, the ability to drive against soil resis- whereas the time interval between successive blows, for a
tance decreases. Figure 4.17 suggests that there is an opti- typical rate of 105 blows per m in, is 0.57 sec- that is, about
mum cushion stiffness that can provide adequate protection 28 times greater than the time for tensile-wave reflection.
for the hammer and pile while not seriously affecting the Thus, successive blows cannot be relied upon to rfduce ten-
driving capabi!ity of the system. For example, increasing sile stresses.
· the cushion stiffness abo ve about 1000 kip/in. when driving
against 800-kíps resistance does not lower the number of Effect of Hammer Characteristics
blows per foot and wílllead to higher driving stresses with Samson et al. (I 963) have also investígated the effects on
no gain in driveability. It is clear that in practice the cushion piJe stresses of ram ve!ocity and weíght, and of explosive
should be inspected at regular intervals, so that a deterio- pressure (as might be encountered in certain types of diese!
rated cushíon, whích might adversely affect the driving pro- hammers). The ram velocíty is of primary ímportance, the
cess, may be detected and replaced. stresses increasing with increasing velocíty. However, the
effects of ram weight and explosive pressure are relatively
Effect of Soil Characteristics minor.
The effects of varying the quake Q and damping factor J
have been shown previously, in Figs. 4.9 and 4.10, whíle Effect of Soil Otaracteristics ·
From Figs. 4.9 and 4.1 O, it will be seen that an in crease in
both quake Q and damping J Iead to a decrease in Ru and
hence to lower driving stresses in a given pile.

Investigations of the reliabilíty of the wave equation in pre-
o dicting ultima te resistance have been inade by Sorensen and
E Hansen (1957) and Lowery et aL (1969). A statistical ana-
---D, 1600 K - - - lysis of the above comparisons is summarized in Table 4.8.
: E=2000K
Despite dífferences in application of the wave equation in
L~::d:;;;;;;;;t::=±=-.L_j_ -


300 400 the two cases, the results are reasonably consistent afld in· .
Rote of P<m«trat<on ( Foot) dicate that the wave equation is at least as good as the best
FIGURE 4.17 Effect of cushion stiffness (Bender etal., 1969).
of the píle-driving formulas (see Section 4.2). Lowery et ál.

TABLE 4.8 STATISTICAL ANALYSES Despite the above comparisons, care should. be taken
OF WAVE-EQUATIOH RELIABILITY when attempting to use any dynamic approach, whether
it be a pile-driving formula or the_ wave equation, for esti-
Reference Standard Upper Limit for Nominal Number mating the static bearing capacity of a pile, since such ap-
Deviation 96% s~Jety if Safety of Load proaches strictly only predict the piJe capacity just after
on 11 Lower Limit Is Factor Tests
driving. In soft clays, "set-up" can greatly affect the load
capacity of a piJe subsequent to driving, as described in Sec-
tion 4.3.5, and unless an appropriate allowance is made,
Hansen &
Sorensen 0.23 4.0 2.7 78 serious errors in predicted capacity could result. Also, if
(1957) piles are driven thr~ugh a compressible soil that may conso-
lidate ynder its own weight or may be subjecte~ to fill or
Lowery et al. embankment loading, a downdrag force is transmitted to
0.26 3.4 2.0 31
(1969) the pile by "negative friction" acting on the pile surface.
In considering the safe load that can be applied to such
11 ~ ratio of measured to computed load capacity piles, account should be taken of this downdrag force,
which may in sorne cases be a significant part of the ulti-
( 1969) consider that load capacity is predicted by the wave mate load capacity of the pile. The calculation of down-
equation toan accuracy as follows: drag forces caused by negative friction is treated in detail
in Chapter 11.
Piles in sand: ± 25%
Piles in da y: ± 40%
Pi! es in sand & e! ay: ± 15%
Sorne comparisons have also been made between mea-
sured and predicted stresses in the pile during driving, a de-
Parola (1970) used the concept of impedance to motion
tail that cannot be predicted by conventional pile-driving
to examine energy transmission from the ram to the pile,
formulas. A typical comparison made by Samson et al.
as a function of system impedance. His simplified analy-
(1963) is shown in Fig. 4.18 for a point 9.5 ft below the
sis simulated ram-drive head impact and energy transmission
pile head. Fair agreement is found when interna! damping
to an infinite elastic rod. From a series of analyses employ-
is considered.
ing a rar:ge of hammer-cushion-pile properties commonly
used in practice, Parola found that a range of pile/hammer
impedance values would assure at least 90% efficient ener-
i,2rJo gy-transfer to the piJe, this range being expressed as:
.:;; -- T1rTlQ 'M1ll1sQCO~ds)

5 10 '15 20 peA = (0.6 to 1.10)~mn
-¡-(K) ( 4.33)

>-"' CJ

coo 1
p mass density of pile
¿ e wave velocity in pile =.VEJP
"'"' -- Expcrli'rlQn~cl
E Young's modulus of pi! e
.:;;''-" 1200 --v-- TheCJret,co'
A cross-sectional area of pile
('J :;, Wram ram weight
:> Q


K axial stiffness of pile cushion

('J moo
Q g acceleration as a result of gravity
The quantity peA is detlned as the pile impedance, and the
FIGURE 4.18 Compa:cison of theoretica1 and test results: pik IV
(Sarnson et al., 1963).
term jwc;(K) represents the driving impedance. .

The implications of thls concept are as follows. Too length) was more effective in increasing penetration per
stiff a píle, and he.nce too large a pile impedance, will cause blow than was the magnitude of the impact stress. Con-
the ram to rebound, ref1ecting input energy. Piles having versely, for hard driving conditíons, pile penetration was in-
too low an impedance absorb only a portion of the ram creased more effectívely by íncreased stress amplítude than
energy, as the ram will follow the pile and retain energy. by increased ímpact duration. Thus, in the latter case, use
Either condition causes inefficient driving and may cause of a lighter ram at hlgherimpact velocity, a stiffer cushlon,
pile damage. Pile impedance also has a significan! inf1uence and a hlgher ímpedance pile all tend to produce a hlgher
on peak driving stresses. Higher impedance piling (heavier stress wave of shorter duration, and this stress-wave shape
and/or stiffer sections) induces hlgher peak stresses and will drive piling more efficiently under hard driving condi-
shorter impact durations under otherwise similar conditions. tions. Under easy driving conditions, the selection of the
Along with matching the impedance of the pile and opposite trend in any of the above variables will produce
driving system, consideration must also be given to the more penetration per blow. The judícious selectión of a
shape o(the transmitted stress wave in order to ensure the compatible hammer-pile-soil system may therefore optimíze
most efficient driving system. Parola found that pile dríve- dríveability and minimíze installation cost. It is in pursuing
abílity is directly inl1uenced by stress-wave shape. For easy thls aim that the wave-equatíon analysis probably enjoys its
dríving conditions {low resistance to penetratíon), it was greatest success.
found that longer impact duration (longer stress-wave.

P!Pcob and has found that for relatively long highly-stressed

piles having Pcol > 8 mm, the movement ratio is on the
Traditional methods of calculatmg the settlement of a pile order of 0.5, whereas for relatively rigid piles, having Pcol <
rely on either an arbitrary assumption of the stress distri- 8 mm, the movement ratio is larger, on the order of 1.0.
bution along the pile and the use of conventional one- With the advent of computers, more-sophisticated
dimensional theory (Terzaghi, 1943), or on empírica! cor- methods of analysis have been developed to predíct the
relation's. Typical of these correlations are those proposed settlement and load dístn1mtion in a single píle. Such
by Mcycrhof (1959) for piles in sand and Focht (1967) methods may be classified into three broad categories:
for piles in clay. From an analys1s of a number of load tests,
Meyerhof h;¡s suggested that at loads less than about one l. "Load-transfer" methods, which use measured relation-
third of the ultímate, the settlement of p of apile could be ships between pile resístance and pile movement at various
estimated as follows (provided that no softer layers exist points along the pile.
beneath the pile): 2. Methods based on the. theory of elasücity that employ
the equations of Mindlin (1936) for subsurface loading
p (5.1) within a semi-infinite mass.
3. Numerical methods; and in particular, the finite-
where element method.

db diameter of pile base · This chapter describes these methods and discusses their.
F factor of safety (>3) on ultimate load advantages and lirnitatíons. Attention is then concentrated
on solutíons obtained "frorrí the elastíc-based analysis and
Focht (1967) has examined data frorn a number ofload theír use in predicting_the load-settlement behavior of piles.
tests and has related the observed settlernent, p, at the The estirnation of the required soil parameters is then dís-
working lo:rd to the computed column deforination Pcol at cussed, and fmally, sorne comparisons between observed
the working load. Focht hás deffned a "rnovement ratio" as and theoretical pile behayior are presented.


5.2 THEORETICAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS l. The pile is divided into a number of segments (for sim-
plicity, three segments are shown in Fig. 5 .lb).
5.2.1 Load-Transfer Method 2. A small tip movement, Pr. is assumed (zero may be
selected, but generally the tip undergoes·some movement,
Thís method, proposed by Coy le and Re ese (1966 ), utilizes except for end-bearing piles on rock).
soil data measured from field tests on instrumented píles 3. The point resistance, P, caused by this movement is
and laboratory tests on model píles. The relevant soíl calculated. This may be done approximately ·by assuming
data requíred in this m"ethod are curves relating the ratio the pile tip to be a rigid circular area and employing the
of the adhesion ( or load transfer) and the soil shear strength Boussinesq theory:
to the pile movement. Such curves were first developed by
Seed and Reese (1957), and a typical relationshíp is shown
in Fig. 5.1. In actual problems, a number of such relation- (5.2)
ships may be requíred to describe the load transfer along
the whole length of the pile. where
The load-transfer method may be summarized as
follows: E, v are · the average deformation parameters of the
material beneath the tip, estimated from triaxial tests
or other data

4. A movemenL p 3 , in the bottom segment at midheight

is assumed (for the first tria!, assume P3 Pr)-
5. Using the estimated p 3 , the appropriate curve of load-
transfer/soil-shear-strength versus pile movement ( e.g., as
in Fig. 5.1) is used to find the appropriate ratio.
6. From a curve of shear-strength versus depth, the
strength of the soil at the depth of the segment is ol:Ítained.
7. The load transfer or adhesion is then calculated as ra =
0.4 1.2 1.6 20 (ratio X shear strength). The load Q 3 on tbe top of segment
Pi le movement (in./ 3 can then be calculated as
FIGURE S.la Typical shear stress vs. pile movement curve (after
Coyle and Reese, 1966). (5.3)


L3 length of segmen t 3
P3 average perimeter of segment 3

8. The elastic deformation at the midpoint of the pile seg-

ment (assuming a linear variation ofload in the segment) ís
calculated as



= Q3 + Pr
Qm 2
A3 "' area of segment 3
Ep pile modulus

FIGURE S. lb Load-transfer analysis (after Coyle and Reese, 1966) 9. The new midheight movement is then given by

obtained. These values can then be used to plot a computed

1 r
Curve A for0-10 ft
Joad-settlement curve.
-sm Curve B for 10-20 ft
On the basis of field data on instrumented piles and
e 2.0
Curve C lar 20 ft* laboratory tests on model piles, Coyle and Reese derived a
~ series of_three average curves of load transfer, shear-strength
.¡¡¡"' 1.5 versus pile-movement curves for various depths, which are
·¡; shown in Fig. 5 .2. The interpretation of the tests on in-
-r Curve C
strumented piles to obtain these curves is described in
~e 1.0 !"'--
.... detail by Coy le and Reese (1966). The curves in Fig. 5.2
;¡; 0.5 1 ~~ A
are limited to the case of steel-pipe friction piles in a clay
t::::-- ¡--

soil with an embedded depth not exceeding 100 ft, and the
soil shear strengths in these curves have been obtained from
o 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 unconfmed compression test~.
Pile movement (in.) From a series of tests on instrumented pile in sand,
Coyle and Sulaiman ( 1967) ha ve presented data on the
FIGURE 5.2 Design load·transfer curves for pipe píles in cla)l
(Coyle and Recse, 1966). load-lransfer-versus-movement characteristics for steel piles
in saturated sand, a summary of which is shown in Fig. 5 .3.
This data suggests that for depths of O to 20 ft, curve A,
(S .S) with an upper limit of skin friction of twice the shear
strength, can be used (considerably higher values were
obtained at shallow depths). For depths greater than 20ft,
10. p~ is compared with the estimated value of p 3 from step
the measured relationships approach curve B, with an upper
limit of skin friction of 0.5 times the shear strength.
ll. If the computed movement p~ does not agree with p 3
Reese et al. ( 1969) carried out load tests to study the
within a specified tolerance, steps (2) to (10) are repeated
load transfer hlong bored piles in el ay. On the basis of a
and a new midpoint movement calculated.
curve-fitting analysis of these test results, the followii:Ig
12. When convergence is achieved, the next segment up is
relationship between load transfer (adhesion) and pile
-considered, and so on, until a value of load (Q 0 ) and dis-
movement was developed:
placement (p 0 ) for the top of the piJe are obtained.

The procedure is then repeated using different assumed 1az = 1amax [2.0)t- (~)] (5.6)
tip movements until a series of values of Q0 · and Po are

Arkansas test pi les 1, 2, and 10


0.6 0.1 O.B 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2

Pile mover¡1ent (in.)

FIGURE 5.3 Design load·transfer curves for píles in sand (after Coyle and Sulaiman, 1967).

The máin difference between the various methods líes in
Taz adhesion at depth z (tons/ftl) the assumptions made regarding the distributíon of shear
Tamax = maximum adhesion that can occur at any stress along the pile. D'Appolonia and Romualdi, Thurman
depth (tons/ft 2 ) and D'Appolonia, and Salas and Belzunce assume the
p = downward movement of pile at depth z (in.) · shear stress at each element to be represented by a single-
So = 2de (in.)
point load acting on the axis at the center of each element.
d = pile diameter Nair assumes a uniformly-loaded circular area at the center
E = average failure strain, in percent, obtainea
of each element. Poulos and Davís, Mattes and Poulos,
from stress-straín curves for unconfined com- and Poulos and Mattes s;onsider a shear stress distríbuted
pression tests run on soil sarnples riear the pile uniforrnly around the circumference of the píle. The latter
tip appears to be the most satisfactory of those men!ioned,
especially for shorter piles. However, for relatively slender
Although the load-transfer method has gained quite piles, there is very little difference b~:tween solutions
wide acceptance, the following theoretical and practica! based on the three above representations of shear stress.
limitations should be recognized: In the derivations described below, the method of Poulos
and Davis (1968), among others, is followed. The basic
(a) In using the load-transfer curves, it is inherently as- problems of a floating or friction pile in a semi-infmite mass
sumed that the movement of the pile at any point is related and an end-bearing pile are considered in detail and modifi-
only to the shear stress at that point and is independent of cation,s to these analyses are described.
the stresses elsewhere on the pile. This inherent assumption
ís equivalent to that rríade when the theory of subgrade BASJC ANALYSIS FOR SINGLE FLOATJNG PJLE
reaction ís used to analyze laterally loaded piles. Thus, no
The pile is considered to be a cylinder, of length L, shaft
proper account is taken of the continuíty of the soil mass.
diarneter d, and base diarneter db, and loaded with an
(b) The load-transfer method, beca use of its inherent dis·
axial force P at the ground surface. For the purposes of the
regard for continuity of the soil, is not suitable for analyz.
analysis, the pile is acted upon by a system of uniform
ing load-settlement characteristics of pile groups.
vertical shear stresses p around the periphery, and the base
(e) In order to obtain load-transfer curves at a site, con-
is acted upon by a uniforrn vertical stress Pb, as shown in
siderably more instrumentation is required on a pile than
Fig. 5.4. The si des of the pile are assumed to be rough. The
for a normal pile-load test. Extrapolation of test data from
soil is initially considered to be an ideal homogeneous iso-
one site to another may not always be entirely successful.
tropic elastic half-space, having elastic pararneters E5 and v 5
that are not influenced by the presence of the pile. Modifi-
5.2.2. Analysis Based on Elastic Theory cations for more realistic representation of soil behavior
will be discussed later. Unless otherwise stated, db will bé
Elastic-based analyses have been employed by severa! taken to be equal to d.
investigatórs: for example, D' Appolonia and Romualdi As in alrnost all methods of pile-settlement analysis,
(1963), Thurrnan and D'Appolonia (1965), Salas and Bel- it is assumed, that the pile and soil are initially stress-free,
zunce (1965), Nair (1967), Poulos and Davis (1968), Mattes and that no residual stresses exist in the pile resulting from
and Poulos O969), Poulos and Mattes {l969a), Butter- its installation. Holloway et al. (1975) emphasize the irn-
field and Banerjee (197la, 1971b), Banerjee and Davies portance .of residual pile-soil stresses on pile behavior and
(1977), Randolph and Wroth (1978).In most of these ap- on the interpretation of pile-load tests, and suggest a meth-
proaches, the pile fs divided in.to a number of uniforrnly- od for evaluating su eh stresses. However, in order to reduce
loaded elements, and a solution i:; obtained by irnposing the complexity of the 'analysis here, the assumption of an
compatibility between the displacements of the pile and the initia!Jy stress-free pile is adopted; as subsequently will be
adjacent soil for each element of the pile. The displace- demonstrated for predicting pile settlements, the influence
.rnents of the pile are obtained by considering the compres- of the residual stresses may be adequately taken into
sibility of the pile under axial loading. The soil displace- account by choosing appropriate values of the soil modulus.
ments are obtained in most cases by using Mi~dlin's equa- If conditions at the pile-soil interface remain elastic
tions for · the displacements within a soil mass caused by and no slip occurs, the movements of the pile and the
loadíng within the mass. adjacent soil must be e qua!. The correct values of the stress

h modulllS, E,
Shear Poisson's
stress ratio, v!
p Young's modulus, E0
0,.____ _ _ _ __
Displacernent, p / Rigid stratum

(al Simplified stress~displacement (bl The problem

relationship for soil

(e) Stresses in soil (d) Prle element (el Stresses on piJe

adjacent to pi le

FIGURE 5.4 Analysis of floatíng pite.

system p* and base stress Pb will be those that satisfy this piers of normal proportions very similar solutions to those
condition of displacement compatibility. ldeally, consider- from the simple analysis described below.
ation should be given to compatibility of both vertical and In order to obtain a solution for the values of p, Pb, and
radial displacements, and a normal stress system u should the displacement of the pile, it is necessary to obtain ex-
also then be imposed on the pile elements. However, as will pressions for the vertical displacement of the pile and the
be discussed, this more-complete analysis gives solutions soil at each elernent. in terms of the unknown stresses on
that are generally almost identical with those from a sim- the pile, impose the compatibility condition, and solve the
pler analysi~ that considers only vertical displacement com- resulting equations.
patibility: therefore, only the simpler analysis is described
in detail. Details of the more complete analysis are given by Soil Displacement Equations
Butterfield and Banerjee (1971) and by Mattes (1972). It Considering a typical element 1 m Fig. 5 .4, the vertical
has also been shown by Mattes (1972) that an even more displacement of the soil adjacent to the pile at i resulting
refmed analysis, one recognizing the difference between !he from the stress p¡ on an element j can be expressed as
fictitious and the real stress-systems, gives for piles and
d .
• The shear stresses (p) are fictitious in that they represen! trac- sPij = -J~p¡ (5.7)
tions applíed to the boundaries of the imaginar y surface in the half-
space representing the piJe surface, and are not n"ecessarily the actual
stresses acting on the real-pile surfaces. Once the. values of p are
determined, the actual stresses and displacem~ta they produce
anywhere in the half-space, including the real-piJe boundaries, may Iq = vertical-displacement factor for element i due to
be calculated. shear stress at elernent ¡

As a result of al! n elements and the base, the soil dis- ring to Fig. 5 .4d, consideration of vertical equilibrium of a
placement at i is small cylindrical pile element yields

(5.8) (5.11)

where where

Iib = vertical displacement factor for element i due to a == axial stress in piJe (average over the cross section)
uníform stress on the base p shear stress on piJe surface

A similar expression may be written for the base; and The axial strain of this elemen t is
for all elements on the pile, the soil displacements may be
written as a*
[/s] fp} (5.9)

where pP displacemen t of pi! e

{sP} soíl-displacement vector From Eq. (5 .11) and (5 .12),
{p} pile stress vector
[fs] n + 1 square matrix of soil-displacement factors
a~p _ (4p) ( r ) (5.13)
factors az 2 - \d EpRA
Us 1
This equation can be written in finite-difference form
/¡¡ 122 and applied to the points i = 1 ton. Equation (5.11) may
sintilarly be applied to the top of the pile, where a
P/Ap, and Eq. (5J2) to the base of the piJe, where a=
Pb. The following relatíonship is then obtained for the piJe
displacements (Mattes and Poulos, 1969):


Evaluation of the elements of fs is most conveniently car-

ried out by integration of the Mindlin equations (Mindlin, where
1936) for the displacement caused by a point load withín n + 1 shear -stress vector
a semi-infinite mass. Details of the relevant integration n+ 1 pile-displacement vector
are given in Appendix A. pile-action matrix, (n + 1) by (n + 1)

File Displacement Equations -1 1 o o ....•..... oo o o

The piJe material is assumed to have a constant Young's 1 2 1 .o ... ....... oo o o
modulus Ep and area of piJe section A p. lt is convenient to o 2 1 ........... oo o o
define the area ratio, RA, as
RA nd'/ 4 (5.10) o o oo .......... o 1 -2 1
ratio of area of pile section Ap to area bounded o o oo .......... 2 2 -5 3.2
. -4! -32!
by outer circumference of pile o o oo .......... 0 -3 1 2 /3-
For a so lid pi!e, RA = l.
In calculating the displacement of the piJe elements, • This equatíon invo!ves the approxímating assumption that the
only the axial compression of the piJe is consídered. Refer- pile ís undergoíng pnre compression under a uníform axial stress a.


{Y} = (rr~ 2) (¡jd)! { ; } = vector of reciproca! valu·es of soíl Yourig's mod-

s ulus along the pile
For a point i, the elements of Us] are calculated for the
o value of Vs at i.
The pile-displacement equation (5 .14) remains urr-
changed, so that combining ofEqs. (5.18) and (5.14) yields
the analogous equation to (5.16), which may be solved for
stresses and displacements along the piJe. ·
Although the above approach is only approximate, it
should. give sufficiently accurate solutions for practica!
o purposes, unless sudden large variations in soil moduli occur
along the pile length. In such cases, a better solution is
o obtained if the soil modulus Es is taken as the mean of
o the value at point i and the int1uencing elemen.t j. This pro-
ce dure leads to lower settlements that are in reasonable
Displacement Compatability agreement with finite-element solutions (Poulos, 1979).
When purely elastíc condítions prevail at the pile-soil inter-
face (i.e., no slip), the displacements of adjacent points Approximate Treatment for Finite Layer Dept~
along the interface are equal, that is, The elements of [/5 ] calculated as previously described ap-
ply only for a soil mass of inifinite depth. For soillayers of
{pP} = fsP} (5J5) finite depth, the elements of fs may be obtained approxi-
mately by employing the Steinbrenner approximation
Equations (5.9), (S .14), and (5.15) give (Steinbrenner, 1934). For a point i in a !ayer of depth h,
the displacement-influence factor f¡¡(h) is then

{p} = [rn (4(;t~)i)<Kupn<usnr. {Y} (5.16) (5.19)

where [!] = unit matrix of order (n + 1). where

11¡(~) displacement-ínfluence factor for i caused

K = EpRA (5.17) by stress on elemen t j, in a semi-infinite
= pile st¡ffness factor
Ihj(=) displacement-influence factor for a point
K is a measure of the relative compressibility of the pile and within the semi-infinite mass directly be-
the soil. The more relatively compressible the píle, the neath i, at a depth h below the surface,
smaller the value of K. ca used by stress on element j
Approximate Treatment for Nonuniform Soil
Using these adjusted elements of Us], Eq. (5.16) may be
The foregoing analysis assumes constant soil-deformation
solved for the stress and displacement distríbutions along
parameters at al! points within the soiL An approximate
the pile.
allowance may be made for the effects of varying soíl-de-
·For the case of h "' L-that is, an end-bearíng pile
formation moduli along the length of the pile by assuming
resting on a rigid or stiffer stratum-an alternative, and
tha t the stress distribu tion within the soil remains the same
probably more reliable approach is described below.
as if the ·soil were homogeneous, but that the soil displace-
ment at a point adjacent to the pile is ·a function of the soil·
deformation moduli at that point. With this assumption, PILE RESTJNG ON A STJFFER STRATU.M
the soil·dísplacement equation (5 .9) is modified as follows: A great number of piles are installed such that the tip bears

{sP} d{~J[!s]{P} (5.18)

on to a stratum that is stiffer than the soil along the slu:.it
of the pile. Such piles are often designated as "end-bearing"

or "point··bearing," but the results of severa! analyses and Soil Displacement Equations
field and laboratory measurements have shown that a signi- To properly determine the displacement in the soil sur-
f~ant proportion of the load may be transferred from the rounding the piJe, it woúld be necessary to use equations
piJe shaft to the surrounding soil. foi loading within a two-layer elastic system. Since suitable
To analyze the behavior of such piles, the analysis de- analytical solutions to this problem are not available, Mind-
scribed in the preceding section, for a floating pile, must be lín's equations for displacements caused by loading within a
modifíed to allow for the effect of the stiffer bearing-stra- half.space may be utilized in an approximate manner. To
tum. The same assumptions are again made for the pile and allow for the reduction in soil dísplacements because of
soil behavior, but in addition the bearing stratum is as- the presence of the bearíng stratum, a method ís used that
sumed to be an ideal elastic half-space with constant para- is an extension of the "mirror-image" approximation sug-
meters Eb and Vb. The problem is defined in 5.5a. To gested by D'Appo!onia and Romualdi (1963) for piles
obtaín the solution for the unknown stresses on the pile bearing on rock. Referring to Fig. "5 .Sb, pile elemént j ís
shaft and tip, and the corresponding piJe movements, com- mirrored in the soil-bearing stratum interface by an imagi-
patíbility of the vertical displacements of the pi! e and adja- nary pile element /, which is acted on by stress kpj in the
cent soíl aré again considered. opposite direction to the stress P¡ on the real element j. The

Young' s cnodulus E,

-- r-- d

Young 's modulus Es

Po:sson · s rat1o Vs

Baar~ng Strotum •
Young 's modulus Eb
PQISSOn. S ratiO Vb

(a) Th<Z P·ob:em

Int<2rf:Jc<Z batweer
h. so11 ond bear1ng

(e) Stress<2s Actng on F 1112

!mog,nary El12m<2nts J


( b) StrQSSQS on So:l Ad;OC<2rt

to Pil<2

FIGURE 5.5 Analysis of end-bearíng pile.


lirniting values of k are k·= O for a floating pile where Eb dívided into three components: displacement causeá by
in which case the stratum has no effect on soil dis- shear stresses along the pile, displacement caused by applied
placements; and k 1 for a pile resting on a rigid bearing- axial load P, and displacement caused by the finite com-
stratum (Eb oo), in which case the condition of zero pressibílity of the bearing stratum. Again assuming only
tip-disp]a¡;ement is satisfied. In general, k must be deter- a;o¡.ial compression of the píle, it may be shown (Poulos and
mined as part of the analysis, and it is one of the assump- Mattes, 1969a) that the dísplacement vector {pP} for the
tions of the analysis that it has thc .same value for all n elemen ts along the shaft is
imaginary elements.
Taking downward displacements of the soil as positive, {pP} -{Ep~A [Dp] (5.23)
the displacement sPií of the soil at i because of the stress on
the real element j and the irnaginary element j', is
+ (1T(l ¡.;b 2)) (~)(~)[X]}. {p} ·tpR:1Té {h}
d ( ,
--pi l¡¡ - kl íJ)
sPíj (5.20)

Iq vertical dísplacement factor for i due to shear
stress on elementj, as before [Dp] = n X n matrix of pile displacement factors, with
vertical displacement factor for i due to shear Dp¡¡ = 4ohid for í ~j
stress on imaginary element ¡' (cai,culated for a
dístance L + h¡ from the irnaginary soil surface) or

If we make the simplifying assumption that the influence Dp¡¡ = 4oh¡d for ¡;;;:. ¡ ·
of the stress on the pile tip has a negligible effect on the o = L/n
soil displacement at i, sPi, then h¡, hi = distances from bearing stratum to points i and
j (see Fig. 5.5c)
{h} = n column vector of values of h¡
. (5.21) [X] n X n matrix, every term of which is unity
{p} · = n column vector of Pi val ues
and foral! n elements along the píle shaft (not including the
{ W} n column vector of values of unity
RA = arearatioofpile(Eq.5.l0)
pile tip),

Displacement Compatibility
(5.22) Assuming again no slip at the pile-soil interface, {pP} =
{sP}, so that from Eqs. (5 .22) and (5 .23),
{sP} and {p} vectors of soil-displacement and shear-
stress, respectively ( of arder n)
[Is - ,u;] 11 X n matrix of values off¡;;- kJ¿.

Equation (5.22) is analogous to Eq. (5.9) for a floating

pi! e.
The soil displacement at the pile tip will be consi-
dered subsequently when dealing with compatability re-
quirements. where
The values of !¡¡ and !~ are evaluated from the Mindlin
equatíon as describecl in the previous section. K = píle-stiffness factor, as defined in Eq. ( 5 .17)
Pzle Displacement Equation For a chosen initial value of k, Eq. (5.24) may be solved
The displacement of ea eh element of the pile itself may be to give the n unknown stresses Pi. The stress acting on the

piJe base rnay then be evaluated from the equilibrium equa- MODIFICA TION TO BASIC ANALYSES FOR SINGLE
tion PILE

Pile-Soil Slip
P ==
4 Pb + nf-n ""p·
.t::...J 1
The analyses described above require that no slip occurs at
the pile-soil interface. However, sin ce real soils ha ve a finite
Having obtained the solutions for the chosen value of shear strength and the pile-soil interface has a finite adhe-
k, a closer estimate of k for the particular piJe, soil, and sive strength, slip or local yield will occur when the shear
base parameters being considered may be obtained by ex- stress reaches th~ adhesive ( or yield) strength. By use of a
amining cornpatibility between the displacements of the method similar to that descríbed by D'Appolonía and
soil and the bearing stratum at the pile base. The soil dis- Rornualdi (1963), Salas (1965), and Poulos and Davis
placement at the piJe base is, from Eq. (5.24), (1968), the elastic analyses can be modified to take ac-
. count of possible slip, provided that the following assump·
tions are made:
sPb (5.26)
l. Local yield or slip occurs at the pile-soil interface
where when the average shear stress on any piJe elernent, calcu-
lated from the elastic analysis, reaches the limiting value
vertical-displacernent factors for the center fa.

of the pile base. 2. Although compatibility of piJe and soil displacements

at a yielded ~ement is no longer possible, displacements
However, from symmetry, lb¡== !bj, so that anywhere in the soil caused by the limiting stress Ta are
still given by elastic theory.
sPb == [d(lEs k)] L (p.Jb:)
j=l l '/
3. Failure of the tip or base 9f the pile occurs when the
base pressure reaches the ultimate bearing capacity of the
base, the displacements of the soil elsewhere resulting from
this pressure still being given by elastic theory.
Making the simplífying assumption that, as far as the
bearing straturn is concerned, the displacement at the piJe
In carrying out the modified analysis, it is convenient to
base is caused by the base stress Pb alone and is given by
restate the elastic equation governing pile behavior in terms
the Boussinesq equation for the vertical displacernent of a
of displacement · rather than shear stress. Thus, using the
rigíd circular disc on a half space, it then follows that
floating pile analysis as an example, Eq. (S .16), in tenns of
the shear-stress vector { p}, alters to the following fonn in
terms of the displacement vector { p):

{Y} (5.30a)
Thus, by equating Eqs. (5.27) and (5.28), the next
approxirnation for the value of k is as follows:

~;) (;;) (;)[ (~ ~ Vb

k =1 )Pb] (5.29)
[Z] • {p) = Ed {Y} (5.30b)
Equations (5 .24) and (5 .25) m ay. now be solved again,
using this new value of k, and the process repeated un ti!
convergence in the value of k is obtained. The soil and
bearing stratum · displacements along the pile m ay then be
calculated from Eqs. (5.22) or (5.23). lt has been found The analysis is carried out incrernentally, increasing the
that in many cases, only two or three iteration cycles give applied load P successively. For any stage of loading, Eq.
adequate convergence of k. (5.30b) is solved on the assumption that all elernents are

elastic. From the resulting solution for {p}, the shear-stress is more accurate than considering only a thin, enlarged
vector{p} is calculated from Eq.(5.14) or Eq.(5.9). These base.
shear stresses are then c~mpared with the specified limiting For the case of apile with a rigid cap resting on the soil
stresses r0 . At an element where the computed stress ex- surface, uniformly loaded anriular elements are included in
ceeds r 0 , the displacement-coznpatibility equation for that the analysis, to represent the pile cap. Compatibility of pile
element (i.e., the appropriate row of the. matrix [Z] in Eq. and soil displacements is considered at these cap elements,
5 .30b) is replaced by the pile-displacement equation for as well along the pile. Details -of such an analysis are given
that element (i.e., the appropriate row of the matrix in by Poulos (1968b) and Butterfield and Banerjee (1971b).
equation 5.14), putting the shear stress at that element The effects are discussed later in this chapter and again in
equal to r 0 • For example, if an element i has slipped, the Chapter 10.
elements Z¡¡ in row i of the rñatrix Z in Eq. (S .30b) are re-
piaced by the elements pl¡¡ of matrix pi, while the element ACCURACY OF ELASTIC SINGLE-PILE SOLUTJONS
d Y¡ on the right-hand side is replace~ by E ;L ~ 2 (raí Investigations into the sensitivity of the solutíons on the
~ . P A n
number of elements used in the analysis have shown that
- Y¡), where r0 ¡ is the value of r0 at element i. the _u~men ts to _diV.iA~_!he pg~_.S.h~ft.. le.A<:b__19
The modified system of equations is now resolved and answers of acceptable accuracy unless the pile is relatively
the procedure is repeated until the computed values of long (Lid> 50) or very compressible (K< 100), in which
shear stress do not exceed the limiting values r0 • case 15 or 20 elements may be desirable. For short, stiff.
By successively increasing the applied load P until al! piles, even the use of S. elements gives accurate solutions.
elements have failed, a load-settlement curve to failure may The use of a single base element and the application of a ri-
be obtained. gidity-correction factor (see Appendix A) also appears to
Analyses taking account of pile-soil slip along the shaft be quite satisfactory, as the solutions are almost identical
have revealed that for nom1al piles having Jength-to-dia- with those obtained by the use pf S · annular elements to
meter ratios greater than about 20 and for constant r0 , the divide the base.
load-settlement curve ís substantially linear until a load of Complete solutions for the settlement of a pile, in
at least 50% of the failure load is reached. For the predic- which both vertical and radial displacement compatibilíty
. tion of settler:1ent at working loads for such piles, a linear- are considered, have been presented by Butterfield and
elastic analysis is theref;:;re adequate. For larger-diameter Banerjee (1971a), and Mattes (1969; 1972). Comparisons
piles or piers, full shaft slip may occur at relatively low between the complete solutions and solutíons in whích
Joads. For such cases, a simplified procedure for obtaining only vertical-displacement compatibility is considered,
the load-settlement curve, described m· Section 5.4., has are shown in Fig. S .6 for the shear stress along the pile
been developed. (Mattes, 1969) and in Table S .1 for the top displacement
of the piJe (Mattes, 1972). Only for relatívely short pi! es
Other Modifications (L/d<25) does the inclusion of radial-displacement com-
The basic analyses have been formulated in terms of a uni- patibility have any effect on the solutions, and even in such
form piJe with provision for a thin enlarged base. However, cases, the effect is unimportant' from a practica! point of
extensions may readily be made to allow for cases in which view. It therefore appears quite adequate to employ ana-
the shaft is not of uniform diameter or in which the pile is lyses in which only compatibility of vertical displacements
attached to a pi! e cap resting on the soil surface. is considered.
For piles having nonuniform shaft diameter, the relative Although the analysis described in Section S .2 .2 .2 is
diameters of the various shaft eleinents are considered when primari.ly developed for end-bearing piles, it may be used
calculating the pile and soil displacements. In thosé cases to obtain solutions for a floating piJe in a uniform mass
where the shaft diameter of an elementis less than that of by puÚing Eb!Es = l. The possible errors involved in the
the element above it, the stress on the annular area at the analysis are a maximum for Eb!Es 1, so that by com-
j·uhction of the two elements must be included as an addi- paring this solution with the corresponding solution from
tional unknown. Examples of the analysis of underreamed the floating-pile analysis described in Section ,.an
and step-taper piles using the above approach have been estímate may be made of the inaximum error of the end-
given by Poulos (1969). For piles with an enlarged base of bearing piJe ana!ysis. Comparisons of the settlements of
relatively large volume, the shaft elements neár the base can the top and tip of a pile obtained from the two solutions
be considered to have an increa.sed diameter; this approach have been made by Poulos and Mattes (1969a), and reJa-

:'l0.8~ el~~
Without radial compatibility


o 0.4 0.8
-- 1.2 16
p1rd LIP
(a) Distríbutíon of si de shear ( v, 0.5)

.b o d
d - - 1';

0.4 - - Wíthout radial compatibility


0.8 08~

(b) Distribution of side shear 1 v, O)
(e) Distríbut ton of radial stress

FIGURE 5.6 Effect of inclusion of radial displacement compatibility (Mattes, 1969).



L/a K Top Displacement lnfluence Factor,/p

Vertical Displacement Vertical and Radial

Compatability Only Displacernent Compatability

10 100 1.793 1.782

1000 1.378 1.448

25 100 3.559 3.542

1000 3.181 3.160

100 100 10.670 10.488

1000 5.220 5.140
20,000 2.758 2.712

Displacernent p =-lp

tively close agreement has been found (see Figs. 5.24 and analysis to investigate the effects on settlement of non-
5.25). The end-bearing analysis, when applied to the homogeneity of the soil that might aríse during installatio.n
floating pile, results in a slight underestimate of settlement of the píle. In a further application, Balaam et al. (I:976)
(maximum effect about ·10%) and a slight overestimate of have used thls approach to analyze the behavior of piles
the amount of load in the pi! e. From a practica! point of composed of grave!. ·
view, the errors involved in the end-bearing pile analysis are
unlikely to be significant, especially for E biEs >l.
5.2.4. Comparisons between Solutions from
5.2.3 Finite-Element Analysis Mindlin Approach and Finite-Eiement Analysis

Detailed descriptions óf the finite-element method have Balaam et al. (1975) obtained elastic solutions for the case
be en given by Zienkiewicz ( 1971) and Desai and Abe! L/d = 10, K= 1000, h/L 2, and Vs = 0.45. Twénty trian-
(1972), and its use in geotechnical problems is discussed gular elements were used for the pile and 160 triangular
comprehensively in Desai and Christian (1977). The appli- elements for the soil. A free outer boundary was assumed
cation of finite-element analysis to pile foundations has at 35 pile-diameters from the píle axis, the base underlying
been described by severa! investigators. Ellison et aL (1971-) the soil was assumed at 35 pile-diameters fro111 the piJe
have considered. a multilinear soíl stress-strain curve and axis, and the base underlying the soil was assumed to be
have introduced special joint elements at the pile interface rough and rigid. The settlement at the top of the pile was
to allow for slip. Dcsai (1974) has considered apile in sand found to be only 2.0% less than that given by the previous
with a hypcrbolic stress-strain response an~ has also used analysis utilizing Mindlin's equations. Furthermore, the
special elements for the pile-soil interface. Hyperbolic finite-element solution was identical with the conventional
stress-strain behavior has also been used by Esu and Otta- elastic-finite-element solution in which the pile and soíl are
viani (1975) for analyzing apile in clay. A very interesting analyzed together as a single mass. Decreasing the number
result of theif analysis is that the load-settlement behavior of pile elements to 1O and the soil elements to 120 in·
of a pile is substantially linear to a load we!l beyond half creases the discrepancy between the finite-elemcnt solution
the failure load, despite the fact that the soil stress-strain and the elastic solution to 3.5%. In a parametric study of
response is nonlinear. This fact suggests that elastic theory, the settlement of apile presentcd by Lee (1973), the solu-
modified for slip as previously suggested, should prqvide an tions are obtained from a finite-element analysis. Table 5.2
adequate basis for load-settlement prediction, provided shows a comparison between Lee's solutions for a f!oating
appropriate values of soil modulus are used. pile in a uniform mass and the corresponding solutions
Lee (1973) and Valliappan et al. (1974) have done elas- from the elastic analysis presented herein .. In this case, the
dc parametric studies of the influence of soil layering on finite-element solutions are slightly greater, but gene rally
settlement behavior. The superior accuracy of isoparametric there is close agreement between the two series of solutions
elements over conventional elements is also demonstrated. and such difference as does exist may well arise from
Balaam et aL (1975, 1976) have used a different type of numerical inaccuracies in one or both of the solutions.
analysis, in which the finite-element method is used to ana· ·A further comparison with Lee's solutions is shown
lyze the píle and soil mass separately and then compatibi· in Table 5.2, this time for a pi! e bearing on a stiffer stra-
lity conditions are imposed to determine the nodal forces tum. The agreement is again reasonable, and these compari-
and deflections. This approach is thus a generalization of sons suggest that the analysis based on the Mindlin equation
the elastic approaches descríbed earlier in this chapter. The s.~ould give results of adequate accuracy for practica! pur-
possibility of slip at the pile-soil interface is allowed for by poses, provided that severe variations in subsoil .conditions
specifying a limiting pile-soil shear strength, from which do not occur along the piJe (see Section 5.3.3 for further
limiting values of nodal force can be calculated. Possible discussion of the effects of soillayering).
failure within the soil mass itself is allowed for by consi- A comparison between computed load-settlement
dering the soil as a bilínear elastic or elastic-plastic materiaL c'urv:es to failure for apile in a purely cohesive soil is shown
Thls type of approach appears to hold some advantage over in Fíg. 5.7 (Pu is the ultimate load capacity). The agree-
the use of joint elements in that the rate of convergence of ment is generally reasonable, but at loads approaching the
the solutíon is much more rapíd when pile-soíl slíp or soil-. ultimate, the settl~ments given by the finite-element analy-
yield has occurred. It a]so overcomes problems that may sis are greater than those from the "elastic" approach, pro-
arise when there are extreme differences between the mo· bably because the latter uses elastic theory to calculate soil
duli of the pile and the soil. Balaam et aL {1975) used this deflections after pile soil-slip has commenced.

K = 1000
To enable rapíd practica! estimates of pile-settlement be-
(a) Floa tíng Pi! e in Semi-infinite Mass havior, it is extreme! y use fui to have available dimension-
less parametric solutions from which the effects of varia-
tions iri pile and soil properties can readily be determined.
In this section, a series of solutions is presented for the
Finite Elementa Elastic Mindlin stress and load distribution in a pile, and for the settlement
Approach of a single piJe. The soil is assumed to be homogeneous,
having constant Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. How-
3.5 0.267 0.258 ever, the íntluence of nonhomogeneity and soillayéring is
5.0 0.211 0.205 also discussed. The solutions described have been obtained
10.5 0.115 0.112 from the analyses based on Mindlin's equations, and in
15.0 0.103 0.100
most cases, 10 elements have been used to divide the pile
0.094 0.092
a Lee (197 3).

(b) End-Bearing Pile 5.3.1 Stress and Load Distribution in Pile

For a tloating píle in a uniform $Oíl, the dístribution of

shear stress along the shaft is shown in Fig. 5.8 for L/d =25.
Finite Elementa Elastic Mindlin
Approach For K= 5000, the piJe is almost incompressible and the
shear stresses are relatively uniform, but for K= 50 (a very
5 10 0.078 0.075 compressible pile ), high shear-stresses occur near the top of
lOO 0.014 0.016 the piJe. Poisson's ratio of the soil, Vs, has little intluence on
the shear stresses.
15 100 0.020 0.020 For a pile bearing on a stíffer stratum, the distribution
of load in the piJe is shown in Fig. 5.9 for various values of
a Lee (1973).

- - Finit<z el<211")(¡!nt sol.Jtion

- - - - Solution Írom oulhors' analysis

40 ,..........,------
/ " i-= 25
/ 0·4-
/ p
30 / z

/. L
Ep/ = 1000 0·6
>.- d
'X. = 2 1
1 '11
e% ·1 t
1 1
V 0-48 0·8- 1 1 v, ~o
1 1
\K" 50 \K='.iOOO
•1 ''
4 6 8 1·0 ' '
o 1·0 2·0 3-0

FIGURE 5.7 Comparíson between load-settlement curves to failure. FIGURE 5.8 Distributíon of shear stress along compressíble píle.

constant pile-scil adhesion of Ca= Cu (undrained cohesioh)

and a point resistance of 9cu is assumed in this case. The
~ =25 progressive slip along .the shaft with increasing load is clear-
0·2 ly shown.
K =100C• The effect of nonhomogeneity of the soil on the stress
distribution is discussed by Randolph and Wroth (1978)
and Poulos (1978). For a soil whose modulus increases
linearly with depth from zero at the surface, the shear
stresses increase approximately linearly with depth also.

S.3.2. Load Transferred to PiJe Tip

In a simplified presentation given by Poulos (1972d), the
proportion of load transferred to the pile tip, ~. is expressed
in terms of the value {3 0 for an incompressible floating pile
in a semi·finite mass, multiptied by correction factors to
take account of pile compressibility and the relative stiff-
. ness of the bearing stratum.
FIGURE 5.9 Load distribution along pile bearing on stiffer a) Floating Pile
Eb/Es. Load transfer along the pile increases as the relative
modulus of the bearing stratum decreases. Load transfer
also increases as the pile-stiffness factor K decreases or as {3 = Pb /P = proportion of applied load transferrcd to
the length-to-diameter ratio L/d increases. pile tip
An example of the effect of pile-soil slip on the stress {3 0 = tip-load proportion for incompressible pile
distribution alonga floatíng pile is shown in Fig. 5.10. A in uniform half-space (Poisson's ratio =
CK correction factor for pile compressibility
ev correction factor for Poisson's ratio of soil

Values of {3 0 , eK, and ev are plotted in Figs. S.11, 5.12,

and S.13 for a wide range of parameters. The effect of pile
compressibility is to decrease the amount of load trans-
ferred to the tip--that ís, eK is less than l. The presence of
an enlarged base íncreases {3 significantly. {3 ís not signifi-
cantly affected if the pile is situated in a finite !ayer rather
r than a half-space, provided the hard base of the !ayer is
more than 0.2L below the bottom of the pile.
(j 25
,., ~ 0.5 b) End-Bearing Pite on Stiffer Stratum
e, '


{3' f3o eK ' and eV are defined as a bove and to suffi.

P.. cient accuracy, m ay be assumed to take their previous
e, values
FIGURE 5.10 lnfluence of local yield on stress distribution along eb == correction factor for stiffness of bearing stra-
· floa ting p ile. tum

0.6 ·---+---- -·----l

0.5 ' - - - - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - ' - - - - J . . - - - - - - l

o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

FIGURE 5.1 ~ Poisson's ratio correction factor for base load, Cv.

10 20 L 30 40 50 geneous remi-infinite mass, the effect of these factors is

(f shown in Figs. 5.15, 5.16, and 5.17. These figures may be
FIGURE 5.11 l'roportion ofbase load, {3 0 • used approximately to estímate the effects on tip load for
compressible piles.
Values of Cb are plotted in Fig. 5.14. The load at the pile
tip incr~ases as the relative modulus of the bearing stratum,
Eb!Es, íncreases. Ti"te effects of the bearing stratum are 5.3.3 Settlement ofPile
more pronounced as K or L/d increase.
The tip load may also be affected by other factors, As with the tip load on a pile, the settlement of the top of
such as the presence of enlarged bulbs along the pile, taper- the pile m ay be expressed, to sufficient accuracy, in terms
ing of the pile. or the presence of apile cap resting on the of the settlement of an incompressible piJe in a half-space,
soil surface. For an incompressible floating pile in a horno- with correction factors for the effects of pile compressibi-
lity, and so on. It is again convenient to consider two cases
for a homogeneous soil mass having constant Young's mo-
dulus Es and Poisson's ratio v;;:

a) FloatingPile



I = IoRKRhRv (5.33a)
p = settlement of pile head
P = applied axial load
100 1000
lo . = settlement-intluence factor for incompressible
K piJe in semi-infinite mass, for Vs 0.5.
FIGURE 5.12 Compressibility correctíon factor for base load, CK· RK = correction factor for pile compressibility


1L-----~------~----~ 1 ~----~----_.----~
1 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000


1~----~----~----~ '1 '-------'-----1.----~

1 10 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000
Eb/ Eb/
/E, /Es

FIGURE 5.14 Base modulus correction factor for base load, Cb,


5 Values of K -·-+---:-c·-:-:----l
500 1,000 ~ 20,000

~ 0·81----~
¡¡ §
~ 0·6
e ~

:::> .e
1> ¡;;O· 4 f.----+
'O ..J
8 "'
!!! 0·2~-------+

2 3
Bulb diomeler
FIGL'RE 5.14 (continued).
Shott d1ometer '

correction factor for finite depth of !ayer on a FIGURE 5.16 Influence of underreaming on tip load {incompress-
rigid base ible floating pile with single central bulb, 0.2L long).
correction for soil Poisson's ratio Vs
total depth of soillayer
a finite !ayer is to decrease settlement (Fig. 5 .20). [If the
Values of 10 , RK, Rh, and Rv are plotted in Figs. 5.18, hard base is leve! with the pile tip, case (b) should be used.]
5.19, 5.20, and 5.21. Figure 5.18 shows the decrease in A decrease in Poisson's ratio, Vs, while maintaining Es con-
settlement of a pile of constant diameter as the length in- stant leads to a decrease in settlement, as shown in Fig .
. creases. The presence of an enlarged base also decreases set- 5.21, althOugh the effect is relatively small.
tlement, although the effect ís only significant for relatively
short piles. PiJe compressibility increases settlement, espe- b) End-Bearing Pile on Stiff'er Stratum
cially for slender piles (Fig. 5.19), while the effect of having
p (5.34)


u }E~
+ § 0·6
.:!! .ee 0::0::
a: :J ~ E
.e .e ~~ 0·6
o e
'O 'O 1-:::>
o 8 0·4 ~ ~

..'l ..J .22

a. Cl.
'O 'O 0·4
¡:: ¡.:: o
o o
c. a.
0·2 ¡::¡::

oo 10 20 00 0·2 0·4 0·8 1·0

Pi le Cop Diorneter
Ti::> diometer
Shoft Diomeler
Top diarneter

FIGURE 5.15 lnfluence of pile cap on tip load. Incompressible FIGURE 5.17 Influence of tapered or step-tapered pite on típ load
floating pile. (incompressíble floatíng pílc, top diameter =á).

1' o !
i 1
i 1 1
1 !
i :
0-4 1

0·2 ~ 1

\ ~ o~ Volues d01¡d

0·1 ~~··
~~- ~3 "'-...~'.."'-.


0·08 --· '-.. ~ __L_t --~ ~

-· ~ -·· ....•... """-~t-..
0·06 -- .
···- tyL 0·5 o
~-· --~

·--· FIGURE 5.20 Depth correction factor for settlement, R¡.,.

:~ ~
0-04 f--· ..... , .. ·- ....... , .. -- T ·-~

For ! "100
e- . !----·-·· .- lo oo254 L-
For 3;.d% ;;.1-
0·02 ! : 1 1 r

o 10 :?0 30 40 50

FIGURE 5.18 Settlemcnt-inf!uence factor, I 0 •


FIGURE 5.21 Poisson's ratio correction factor for settlemcnt, R,..


I = I~xRbRv (5.34a)
Uo, Rx, Rv are defined as for Eq. 5.33 and take
the same values to sufficíent accuracy)
Rb correctíon factor for stiffness of bearing stratum

Values of Rb are plotted in Fig. 5.22. The effect of the

bearing stratum is to decrease settlement, the effect beíng
rnost pronounced for relatively short or stiff piles on a stíff
For very slender piles (L/d ~ lOO), the properties of the
bearíng stratum ha ve little effect on settlement (Le., Rb
""' !) for most practica! values of pile stiffness factor K.
It should be emphasized that the expressíons for settle·
FIGURE S. I 9 Compressihility co;rection factor for settlement, ment in Eqs. (5 .33) and (5 .34) are only approximate be-
RK· cause except where taken into account, sorne of the effects

10 .!:'Jt 100 1000


10 1000



FIGURE 5.22 Base modulus correction factor for settlement, Rb.

111R = ~_S_e~t_tl~em
are assumed to be mutually independent; for example, the
·;;:; (5.35)
effect of finite !ayer depth is assumed to be independent of Elastic shortening of pile
píle stiffness factor K. Whíle this m ay not be strictly cor-
rect, the use of the correction factor allows a convenient Theoretícal values of MR are shown in Fig. 5.23 for a pile
parametric presentation of results and should be of ade- on a rigid bearing-stratum and in Fig. 5.24 for a 25-dia-
quate accuracy for practica! purposes. meter pile resting on a nonrigid stratum. The pile-head set-
tlement is calculated as MOVEMENT RATJOS

For sorne applications, it may be useful to reexpress the set- (5.36)

tlement of a pile bearing on a stiffer stratum in terms of the
movement ratio MR, where Focht (1967) .has observed from actual tests that the ratio

o o 001 L--.L--'----'---'----'----::-:":-:::'--::-::-'
100 2JO 500 1000 200C 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000

FIGURE 5. 23 Movcment ratio for end-bearing pile on rigid base. FIGURE 5.25 End-bearing piJe on stiffer stratum. Pile-tip move-
ment ratio.

MR lies within the range 0.5 to 2 for most practica! pile di- EFFECT OF PILE-SOIL SLIP
mensions and this observation can be said to generally agree
For a floatíng pile in a purely cohesive homogeneous soil,
with the theoretical results in Figs. 5.23 and 5 .24.
with constant adhesion ca along the shaft, the ínfluence of
A plot of the theoretical movement ratio for the pile
slip on settlement is shown in Figs. 5.26 and 5.2 7, in terms
tip,MRt• is shown in Fig. 5.25.
of plots of a slip factor M 5 and the factor of.safety against
undrained failure, where

Elastic settlement of pile

(S .37)
Actual settlement of piJe

By first calculating the elastic settlement of the pile

(Eq. 5.33), the actual settlement of the piJe, includíng the

LO Ms V,=0·5


0·2 ····--2

_J.._ -':-:-:::7:::-:::--'
_J.._ _ _ o

2·0 1·75 1·0

Factor of Safety

FIGURE 5.24 Movement ratio for end-bearing pile on ~·.Lffer FIGL"RE 5.26 Settlement modification factor ,IJ,f8 for slip. Effect of
stratum. L/d and adhesion factor.

me·nt is relatively sm:>!¡ in many cases, and it is therefore

convenient w ignCJe the effects of shaft slip and assume
that the relatio:tship between shaft load and shaft settle-
ment is linear. This assumption leads to a convenient meth-
od of prr..:iicting the load-settlement behavior of piles or
piers in which a significant amount of base resistance is de-
veloped. This method will be discussed in detall in Sectíon
Ms 5.4.
0·4~---~--~--~-~--4-----~~~ LA YERING AND NONHOMOGENEITY OF SOIL


As previously mentioned, in Section 5 .2.2, an approximate

() analysis of the behavior of a pile in a layered or nonhomo-
6 5 4 3 2
geneous soil may be carried out by using the Mindlin
Factor of Safrzty
equations for a uniform mass but employing the appro-
FIGURE 5.27 Settlement modífication factor M 5 for slip. Effect of priate value of Young's moclulus and Poisson's ratio at
various points along the piJe. For a piJe in soil whose modu-
lus increases linearly with depth, detailed solutions for
effects of slip, m ay be estimated from Figs. 5.26 and 5.27. settlement are given by Randolph and Wroth (1978),
The following observations can be made from these figures: Poulos (1979) and Banerjee and Davies (1977). Considera-
tion wi!l be given he re to ways of utilízing the solutions for
l. The effect of L/d 1s not very significant, provided that a homogeneous soil to obtain approximate solutions for
L/d > 25 (i.e., provided that the pile is relatively slender). non-homogeneous soil profiles.
. 2. The effect of slip on settlement becomes more pro- A number of solutions have been obtained from this
nounced as calcu decreases. approximate analysis (which will be referrecl to here as the
3. For very low va!ues of píle-stiffness factor K, small val- approximate computer analysis) for an incompressible piJe
ues of Ms can occur, indicating the very pronounced effect
of slip. Approxímatrz -computrzr solut1on
4. Except for low values of K, slip has little or no effect - Approxímat<Z solutíon us1ng Eav
e Solutions tor· point b<:~aring pil<:~s_
on settlement at normal working loads. While this conclu-
.:;, Finite element solut•ons ( Vollioppon
sion applies strictly only to piles in an ideal soil with a con- et al, 1974)
stant soil modulus, it has also been found to apply closely 8 r---r---~--·~--.--..

for soils with linearly-increasing modulus and strength with

depth, and confirmation of this observation has been found
in a considerable number of load-test results.

For piles bearing on a stiff1~r stratum, the effect of slip

is gene rally less than that shown in Figs. 5.26 and 5 For
the extreri1e case of a rigid bearing-stfatum, computations
by Poulos and Mattes (1969a) show that unless the pile ís
very compressible (K less than about 200), the load-settle-
ment curve remains substantially linear up to full slip along 3

the shaft. Beyond full shaft-slip, the load-settlement beha-

vior of the piJe depends on the elastic properties of the
bearing stratum.
The above remarks apply for a uniform distribution of
adhesión along the piJe shaft. If the adhesion or skin fric-
tíon increases linear! y with depth, the effect of slip is more 0o 0·2 0·4 (1·6 0·8
significant and the load-settlement curve prior to full shaft. h,
slip departs from the purely elastic relationship at some- T
what lowerJoads. Nevertheless, the effect of slip on settle- FIGURE 5.28 Se.tt!ement of pile in laye red soil.

in a two-layer sol, the upper layer being of depth h 1 (h 1 In cases where the pile passes through distinct layers of
< L) and the lower !ayer being of infiníte extent. These soil, having large differences in soil modulus, the uniform
approxirnate computer solutions for pile settlernent are soil solutions may be utilized in an alternative approximate
shown in Fíg. 5.23 for L/d 25. Also shown are the solu- fashion. For example, for the simple case of apile penetrat-
tions for a point-hearing pile (h 1 "'L) for E¡/E2 2 and 5, íng one !ayer and founded in a second !ayer, the settlement
obtained frorn the analysís described in Section S.2.2, and may be estimated by treating the portian of the pile in the
finite elernent solutions frorn Valliappan et al. (1974). first !ayer as an end-bearing piJe and determining the settle-
Finally, approximate solutions are shown that use the dis- ment of this portian and the arnount of load in the pile at
placernent-fnfluen.;e factor for a hornogeneous soil and an the interface of the two layers (say, P2 ). The settlement is
average rnodulus, F;av, as foÍlows: added to the previously calculated settlernent of the upper
portian to obtain the overall settlement of the pile head.
Comparisons with the finite 'element solutíons of Lee
(5.38) (1973) indicate that this approximate approach gives a
settlement within 20% of the finite-element solution, the
Figure 5.28 shows that at least for E 1 >E 1 , the approx- accuracy increasing as the modulus of the bearing stratum
imate computer solution for h 1 "' L overestimates the set- increases relative to that of the overlying soil.
tlernent somewhat. as compared with the point-bearing pi! e Despite the apparent success with which the settlement
analysis, but the e ·ror is not great. Furthermore, the simple of a pile in a nonhomogeneous soil may be estimated
solutions employirg thc average modulus Eav are in reason- approximate methods, it must be borne in mind that such
able agreement with thc approximate computer solutions methods will probably not give an accurate picture of the
and in sorne cases are in {act in closer agreement with both distribution of load and settlement along the length of piie,
the solutions for a point-bearing pile, and the finite-element a more refined analysis is warranted and necessary íf such;;
solutions. picture is required.
On the basis of the above evídence, it is suggested that
where the soil mc•dulus varíes along the length of the pile OTHER EFFECTS
(e.g .• where a nurrber of layers occur), and where the mo-
The effects on settlement of enlarged bulbs, tapering of the
dulus variation between successíve layers is not large, the
pile and of a pile cap resting on the soil surface have been
settlemenr, may b~ calculated from the expressions for a
investigated for an incompressible pile in a semi-infinite
pi! e in uniform soJ (Eq. 5.33 or Eq. 5 .34) using an average
mass (Poul0s, 1968a; 1969). These effects are shown in
soil modulus Eav a:; follüws:
Figs. 5.29, 5.30, and 5.31 in terms of the settlement of a
uniform-diameter freestanding pile. The presence of en-

( 1) "';'
..:;.; E¡h¡
(5 .39)


E¡ modulus of !ayer i
h¡ thicknes1 of !ayer i
11 = number of different soillayers along pile length

Because the pib displacement is only slightly dependent

on Poisson 's ratb (vs) of the soil, variations of Vs along the
pile length may be ignored.
For the impor·.ant case of a soil in which the modulus
increases linearly Vtith depth (a "Gibson soil"), comparisons
between the solutions of Banerjee and Davies (1977) and 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0
the settlement calculated by using the average modulus to- -----
gether with the uniform soil solutions indicate that the FIGURE 5.29 Influence of underreaming on pile settlement (in-
errors involved in the latter approach are on the arder of compressible piJe in halt~spac~; single central bulb, length Lr, día-
10 to 1_5%. · meter drl·

of a pile increases settlement as compared with a uniform

pile of equal head diameter. However, the settlement of a
step-taper or tapered pile may be closely approximated by
the settlement of a uniform pile of diameter equal to the
mean diameter. Poulos (1969) has shown that for a given
volume and length of pile, an underreamed pile settles less
than a uniform-diameter pile, which in turn settles less than
a tape red or step-tapered pi! e. Although 5.29, 5 .30,
and 5.31 apply to incompressible piles, they may be u sed
to give an indication of the likely effects on the settlement
of compressible piles.

5.3.4 Settlements in a Soil Mass Resulting From a PiJe

Once the stress distribution along a pile is known, the ver-

tical displacement of any point within the soil mass may be
determined by integrating the appropriate Mindlin equation
around the various elements of the pile and the pile base.
1 3'-----'----1...---'-----'----'

Results of such computations for a uniform semi-infínite

FIGURE 5.30 Effect of tapcríng or step-tapcríng on >ettlement (in- soil mass have been presented by Póulos and Mattes
compressíble pílc in ha!f-space, tip díameter db).
(1971a) and Poulos and Davis (1974) for various values of
L/d and K. Typical solutions for one value of K are shown
in Figs. 5 .32, 5.33, and 5.34 as a function of the dimension- ,
larged bu lbs along the piJe, shaft de creases settlem;nt, as less depth of a point below the surface, H/L, and the di-
do es a píle cap resting on the soil surface, but the e ffect is mensionless distance from the pile axis, r/L. The displace-
generally only significan! for relatively short piles (e.g. L/d ment at any point in the mass is given by
~ 10). The position of an enlarged bulb has sorne inHuence
on settlement, with the maximum effect being obtained
p (5.40)
when the bulb is near the piJe tip. Tapering or step-t<tpering

- - •., 0,5


a: 0,2

2 4 6 8 10
0,1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0,02 o

FIGLRE 5.31 Effect of pile cap on settlement. Incompressible piJe in half-space, rigid cap, diameter de-




01 02 03 04 05
2 15 05 o
r .b.
L r 08 o6 04 02 o
r L
FIGURE 5.32 Displacement influence factors. L r

FIGL"RE 5.34 Displacement influence factors.

little influence. If desired, Fig. 5.21 may be used to obtain

a correction for other values of Vs. Settlements near the pile
are considerably influenced by the pile stiffness factor K
(see Poulos and Davis, 1974), but at points remate from the
piJe (e.g., H/L > 1.75 or r/L > 0.4), settlements are almost
independent of K. For points remate from the axis, the pile
may be replaced by a point load of magnitude equal to the
load on the pile, and acting at a depth 2L/3 below the sur·
The solutions shown in Figs. 5.32, 5.33, and 5.34 may
be used in the following ways:

(a) For calculating the settlements in the soil surrounding a

single píle.
(b) For calculating the settlement of a pile resulting from
underlying soillayers (see below ).
0·1 o2 o 3 0·4 o5 (e) For calculating the settlements around and beneath a
2 15 1 0·5 o pile group (see Chapter 6, Section 6.4).
r L
FIGURE 5.33 Displacement influence factors.
where The solutions for settlements within a uniform semi-infinite
fp = displac•!ment-influence factor soil mass caused by a pile, described in the preceding sec·
tion, may be used to estímate the settlement of a pile
Although IP is only plotted for Vs . 0.5, lJs has relatively founded within the first layer of a system of m layers of

different soíJs. lf the first !ayer is of depth h 1 (h 1 > L), the identical with those given by the Mindlin equation for a
settlement p of the piJe is given approximately a:;: poinf-load acting at a depth of 2L/3 below the wrface, that

P -_ Po 1m + m""
+ -P [ ~ Ij--Ij+-
..:::.,¡ -
1( 1)] · (5.41)
L ESJn 2 E. s¡ (S .42)


Po settlement of a pi! e in a !ayer of depth h = h 1 ,

obtained from Eq. (5 .33)
displacement influence facror JP on the pile axis where
at the leve! of the top oflayer j
Young's modulus oflayer j S' = H/L.

The first term of the above equation is the sett!Ement . Equation (5.41) is similar to that suggested by Nair (1967)
of the piJe in the founding !ayer ( depth h 1 , modulus Es 1) for piles and that used by Egorov, Kuzmin, and Popov
and the second term represents the summatíon of the dis- (1957) for surface foundations, and makes use of the Stein·
placements of the underlying layers caused by the piJe. It brenner approximation that the stresses in a layered system
should. be noted that the value of Ur Ij+J) calculated for are the same as those in a uniform mass. The use of this
layer i should be that for a value of K corresponding to a equation will generally lead to an overestimate o[ the settle-
soil modulus although for deeper layers, the value of ment caused by the underlying layers if th<~ modulus of the
K used has almost no influence on the calculations. layers decreases with depth, but Poulos and Mattes (197lb)
For application of (5.41), it is convenient to have estímate that this error is not serious unless the modulus of
values of the influenc•: factor lp on the axis plotted against successive layers varíes by more than a factor of 10. If
depth, and such a plot is shown in Fig. 5.35 for three values softer layers overlie stiffer layers, little error is involved in
of L/d and for Vs"' 0.5. The effect of Lfd becomes insigni- using, . (5 .41).
ficant for HIL >
1.75. The influence factors then become For cases in which layering occurs along the pile as well
as beneath the pile, an average value of Esl should be e'sti-
1.0 mated from Eq. (5.39).
f---~5···· 1Values ol -~
1---- 1 -
i---- -
p •....
···-· ··-· -

¡::.=h..\ - 5.3.5 Immediate and Final Settlements'
1---f ....... ~ ~ !H -
1---c-·· ~ r·J=:!= ----
For piles in sand or unsaturated soils, the final settlement
(exduding possible creep movements) may be considered to
[', K- 1000 occur immediately on application of the load, so that the
v, 0.5
values of Es and Vs u sed in calculating the settlement of the
---· ... -~

----- ' ...... ·--

piJe should be the drained values, that is, the moduli of the
soil skeleton, E~ and v~. On the other hand, for ¿iles in satu-
-- .... f-· f - · - f.-···· "" rated clay, an immediate settlement, p¡, occu·'s under un-

"'\ drained conditions followed by a tírne-dependent consoli·
dation settlement. After dissipation of the excess pore
pressures resulting from loading of the piJe is complete, the
f -- -- t--· \
·"")· ....
tot?l settlement <Jf the pile is PTF (pTF =Pi+ PcF, where

2 3 4 5
' ~ PCF final consolidation settlement). The imrnediate set-
t!ement Pi is calculated from the theoretical solutions by
using the· undrained Young's modulus of the soil, Eu, and
f::l 0.2 0.1 o the undrained Poisson's ratio, Vu, which is 0.5 .for a satu-
H rated soil. The final settlement PTF is calculated by using
FIGURE 5.35 Innuence factors for seitlement beneath center of a the drained Young modulus of the soil skeleton, E;,and the
píer. drained Poisson's ratio v~.

0·1 o
FIGtlRE 5.36 n,e relative importance of immediate settlement for an incompressible pile in a semi-infinhe mass. RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF !JI1MEDIATE tends to decrease with increasing pile compressibility (i.e .,
SETTLEMENT decreasing K), but it still remains the most significant part
of the final settlement. For end-bearing piles, virtually the
It is possible to examine the relative magnitudes of the
entire settlement of the pile head is immedíate settlement;
ímmediate and final settlements of a pile if the soil is as-
sumed to be an ideal two-phase elastic homogeneous isotro·
only for compressible slende.r piles (L/d > 50, K < 500)
does the consolidation movernent exceed 1O% of the total
pie material. For such a material, the undrained and drained
final movement.
moduli may be shown to be related as follows:

Confirmation of the predominance of immediate settle-

(5.43) ment may be obtained from a considerable number of pub-
lished results of maintainecl load tests on piles ( e.g.,
Whítaker and Cooke, 1966) that show that at loads well
The rado PdPTF' of ímmediate to final settlement can then
below the ultimate, there is only a relatively small amount
be calculated as



Io.5 displacement-influence factor for v = Vu = 0.5

1;, displacement-influence factor for v ~·s'

Figure 5.36 shows values of p¡/ PTF calculated by

Poulos and Dav,s (1968) for an incompressible pile for var-
ious values of L/d and v~. This figure shows that for a prac-
tica! range of values of L/d, the ímmediate settlement con-
tributes the major part of the final settlement, even for
v; =O. For example, for v;
0.2 and L/d = 25, PdPTF
0.89, or in other words, 89% of the final settlement occu:-s
ímmediately on applícation of the load, and only the re-
maíning 11% is tíme-dependent consolidation settlement.
Similar computations have been made by Mattes and Poulos
(1969) for a compressible pile and Poulos and Mattt:s O·? 1"'-:0----:-100 1000 10000 =
(1969a) for an end-bearing pile. The effect of pile compres- K
sibility on Pi!PTF for a floating pile is shown in Fíg. 5.37 FIGURE 5.37 Relative importmce of immediate settlement (com·
for L/d = 25. The proportion of ímmedíate settlement pressible floating pile).


~ 0·21----···~·-_;_=-~----~----·-·-

9 041-------- ----'----

§ 0·6
~ 0·81--------- ----"·--------------------+-----------

FIGURE 5.38 Approxímate solutíons for the rate of settlement of a single pile (Poulos and Davis, 1968).

of time-dependen! setdement. At higher load levels, how- Theoretícal analyses of a piJe in a viscoelastJc soil have
ever, significan! time-dependen! settlements occur, primar- been described by Booker and Poulos {1976a; 1976b). In
ily as a result of the effects of shear creep. the case of soil whose creep-response varíes linearly with
Figures 5.36 and 5.37 imply that in contras! to suéface log time, it has been shown that the logarithrnic creep rate
foundations, the consideration of the rate of settlement of e, (the slope of the settlement-versus-log-tirne relationship)
a pile is of relatively minor importance. Figures 5.36 and ís given by
5.37 also show the fallacy of calculating settlements of sin-
gle piles by usíng one-dimensional consolidation theory. (5.45)
However, it should be em:)hasized that consolidation settle-
ment becomes more imp·Jrtant for piJe groups. A further where
implication in regard to pile-loading tests, is that suffídent
information on the settlernent behavior of a pile at normal P applied load
workng loads may be obtained from a constant-rat~:-of­ fp displacement-influence factor from elastic theory
penetration test, as ~uggested by Whitaker and Cooke (Eqs. 5 .33a or 5 .34a)
( 1966) (sec Chapter 16). B parameter in the creep function J(t) of the soil,
Although the rate of consolidation for piles is generally in which
not of great importance, some approximate solution~; for
J(t) A+Blog(I+a:t) (5.46)
the rate of consolidation settlement of an incompressible
piJe have neverthe!ess been obtained by Poulos and Davis
{1968) and are shown in Figs. 5.38 and 5.39. For a g,iven
diamcter, the rate of settlement decreases as L in creases. ·01 ·1 10


A nunóer of long-duratíon piJe tests have revealed that at

loads above about one third of the ultima te, the settlement
U) "'
~ o 4 1--------·-..------~-C"' -~~c-------",;:--
tends to increase with time, long after consolidatíon sh•)uld 0

h ave finished (e .g., Muray ama and Shíba ta, 1960; Sharrnan, "'S\ 0·6
1961. Yamagata, 1963; Cambefort and Chadeisson, 1961; i3
Bromham and Styles, 1971). In severa] cases, it has be en o
observed that the settlement appears to increase linearly ~ oe
with the logarithm of time, and consequently, sornE: in- o"'
vestigators have proposed empírica! equations relating
settlement and time (e.¡~., Cambefort and Chadeisson, FIGURE 5.39 Comparíson between rate of settlement of a piJe and
¡ 961). a surface footing (Poulos and DHis, 1968).

A, B, and a are experimentally determíned parameters Shaft Load versus Settlement

of the soil, and J(t) is, in effect, an inverse Young's modu- The amount of the load carried by the shaft, Ps, is related
lus that is time dependent. A is the inverse of the drained to the total applíed load P as
Young's modulus E~ of the soil and the parameter B reflects
the rate of decrease of modulus [or increase in J(t)] with Ps =P(I p) (5.47)
log time. There is little available data on values of B, but
from one test reported by Cambefort and Chadeisson where
(1961), backfigured values of B/A were found to increase
very rnarkedly with increasing load-leve!, from a value of p = proportion of load carried by base, obtained from
about 0.3 at a load of about 30% of the ultimate to about elastic theory, Eq.(5.3l) or (5.32)
2.7 at a load of about 80% of the ultimate. Provided that
an appropriate value of B can be established, the logarith- Assuming a linear shaft-bad-versus-settlement relation-
mic creep rate can readily be estimated from Eq. 5 .45, ship up to failure of the shaft, the relationship between
using the elastic solutions for fp from Figs. 5.18, 5.19, settlement of the pile head p and Ps, up to the ultimate
5.20, 5.21, and 5.22. shaft resistance, PSlt, can be expressed as



J displacement-influence factor for pile, obtained
Analyses taking account of pile-soil slip along the shaft have from Eq, (5.33) or (5.34)
revealed that for normal piles having a length-to-diameter Es average soil modulus along the piJe shaft.
ratio Lid, greater than about 20, the load-settlement curve
is substantially linear until a load of about 50 to 70o/o of the Base Load versus Settlement
faüure load is reached. For the prediction of the settlement The load carried by the base, Pb, is related to the total load
at wotking loads for such piles, a linear elastic analysis is P as
therefore adequate. However, for large-diameter piles or
piers, piles with an enlarged base, or sorne pile groups, full (5.49)
shaft slip may occur at a relatively low load (less than the
working load), so that sorne account should then be taken Assuming a linear relati::mship between base load and
of the effects of shaft slip on load-settlement behavior. settlement up to failure of the base, the relationship be-
A simplífied method of constructing the load-settle- tween settlement and base load is
ment curve for such cases has been described by Poulos
(1972d) and is similar in principie to the methods suggested
by Whitaker and Cooke (1966) and Burland et al. (1966). (5.50)
The overallload-settlement curve is constructed as a combi-
nation of the relationships between shaft load and settle- where
ment and base load and settlement, which are assumed to
be linear up to failure of the shaft and the base, respec- Es average soil modulus along the pile shaft
tively. However, in contrast to the methods of BurlanJl et
aL and Whitaker and Cooke, which rely almost entirely on To the settlement in Eq, (5.50) should be added the
the use of empírica! data to construct the shaft-load-ver- coinpression of the pile shaft which occurs subsequent to
sus-se':Üement and base-load-versus-settlement curves, the the development of the ultimate shaft resistance.
proposed method utilizes the elastic solutions described in Assuming that the piJe material remains perfectly
this chapter. Consideration will be gíven first to the esti- elastic, the additional compression of the shaft, !:,.p, is
mation of loád-versus-immediate-settlement curves for
piles in clay or load-versus-total-settlement curves for piles
in sand. Consolidation settlements in clay will be consider- (5.51)
ed subsequently.

The base-load-versus-settlement relationship is there- The ultimate shaft and base resistances r1ay be cal-
fore culated from the methods described in Chapter :-1.

Consolidation Settlement
To calcula te consolidation settlements for pEes in el ay,
it is convenient to assume that the consolidation process
It :;hould be noted that the effect of having a modulus is entirely elastic, even if sorne yielding or slip has occurred
at the pile tip, , greater than the average value along the under undrained conditions. A similar assumptiOn is made
shaft, , is taken into ::.ccount in determining the s·~ttle­ in Chapter 1O in relation to pile-raft systerns. Referring to
ment-influen:.:e factor I, and not by using the value c•f Eb Fíg. 5.41, the final consolidation settlement, pr:¡:.·, is
for in the denominator of (5.52). by

Overall Load versus Settlement PCF PCF(E) PTF(E} - Pi(E) (5.56)

The overall load-settlement curve can be constructed by
supe;position of the shaft-load-versus-settlement and base- where
load-versus-settlement curves. lf only the overall curve is
it can readily be constructed as two linear por- total final settlement for the reguired work-
tions (see Fig. 5 .40): ing load, calcu lated on a purely elastic basis
(no yield), and similarly for and PCF(E)
l. The first extends from the origin to the load Py¡
to full shaft yield, where If values of undrained Young's rnodulu~, Esu, and
drained modulus, E;,
of tht! soil are avaílable, PCF can be
calculated as follows:
(:5 .53)

the settlemer~t, , at this load being given by

PCF = -
[f -::r
Es (5.57)

working load on pile
2. The second extends from the latter point to tbe ul- displacement-ínfluence factor for the drained
timate bearing capacity of the pile, Pu Pru + Pbu, at Poísson's ratio, ~~~
which the set tlernent, Pu, is given as

Elastic 1mmedíat12
V r
_Elastic total
tínal sctti<Zm<znt

1 1
1 1
f>cF <Zfas
~ Shaft compress1on r7
1 aft<Zr full slip
Load 1 1
--Load vs. ímmczdlatrz s«:~tlem¡znt

o Setti<Zm<Znt

FIGURE 5.41 Suggested method of estimating consoli:!ation setl\e-

FIG!JRE 5.40 Construction of !oad-settlement curve. ment.

displacement-mfluence factor for the undrained From Fig. 5.12, Ck = 0.76

Poisson's ratio (0.5 for saturated clay) From Fig. 5.13, Cv 1.0
{3 0.215 X 0.76 X 1 = 0.164
If no data is available on the drained modulus E~, a
rough estímate of the consolidation settlement m ay be ob- Determination of Ultima te Shaft and Base Resistance
tained from the ratios of immediate to total-final settle- Assuming ca fe u O.33,
Pru ;r X 2.0 X 36.5 X 1.2 X 0.33
mem plotted in Figs. 5.36 and 5.37 for an ideal elastic two-
92 tons (920 kN)
phas.e soil. On this basis,
Pbu 9.0X 1.4X 12.6
= !58 tons (1580 kN)
Determination of O vera!/ Load-Settlement Curve ;
From Eq. (5.53), total1oad at ultimate shaft yie1d is
The total final settlement ís obtained by adding the
consolidation settlement, taken from either (5 .57) or 92
0. = 11 O tons (1100 k N)
Eq. (5.58}, to the intmediate settlement calculated from the 836
procedure previously described.
Frorn Eq. (5.54}, settlement at ult.imate shaft yield is

ll/ustrative Examp/e o;l!SX110Xl2

To illustrate the use of the simplified procedure described PYJ
2.0X 675
above, the case of a large bored píle in ciay will be consi- 0.112 in. (2.8 mm)
dered. The piJe has been tested by Whitaker and Cooke
(1966) and ís denoted as PiJe F. The pile details are as fo1- From Eq. (5.55), settlement at ultimate faihire of pile
1ows: [Pu = 92 + 158 = 250 tons (2500 kN)] is

39.9 ft (12.2 m) [shaft length 36.5 ft (11.1 m)J

2.0 ft (0.61 m) Pu
= O·
2.0 675
X l
X 12 + (ts 8 - 92
3.0 X 10 6 lb/se¡ in. (19.3 X 104 tons/sq ft, 20.67 X 0.165
X 10 6 kN¡m 2 ) 10
1.088 in. (27 .6 mm)
The soil detaíh are as follows:
The load-settlement curve is thus drawn as two
A long shaft, e, 1.2 l.ons/sq ft (129 kN/m 2 ) straight línes, the fírst joming the origin to the point
Atbase, 1.4tons/sqft(l50kN/m 2 )
c 11 P = 11 O tons, p = 0.112 in., and the second joining · the
Average Es along shaft 10,500 lb/sq in (675 tons/sq 1atter point to the point P = 250 tons, p =· 1.088 in.
ft, 72,400 kN/m 2 )· see Sec This computed curve is compared wíth the measured
tion 5-5-3 curve in Fíg. 5A6c.
V 3 =O. 5 ( assumed undrained conditions)

Frorn the above data,


K= 3X 10 6 /1.05)( 104 285
The application of the theoretical solutions descríbed in
Determf,wtion o[ 1 and {3 this chapter to practica! problems general! y requires ·a
From Fig. 5.18, / 0 0.085 (for L/d = 19.5 and db/d = knowledge of representative values of the defonnation
2.0) parameters E u, E~ and v~ of the soil and of the soil sheat
From Fig. 5.19,R.K 135 (for K = 285) strength and the pile-soil adhesion. Methods of detennining
From Fig. 5.21,Rv l. O soil shear strength are well-established, and sorne data on
the relationship between shear strength and pile-soil adhe-
Treating the pik as a floating pile in a deep soillayer, Rh
sion are given in Chapter 3. However; methods for deter-
l. O
mining the soil defonnation parameters are not so well esta-
FromEq.(5.33a),I = 0.085X 1.35X l.OX 1.0=0.115 blished. There appear to be three means of obtaining these
From Fig. 5.1 l,/3 0 0.215 parameters:

(a) Frorn laboratory triaxial tests. test ( e.g., as described by Da vis and Poulos, 1963, for pad
(b) F ro m píle-loading tests. footings). At low load levels (about one third of the ulti-
(e) From empírica! correlations based on previous exper- mate), where little time-dependent settlements may occur,
ience. it m::.y be possible to use a constant-rate-of-penetration
(C .R.P.) test rather than a maintained loading test, and ob-
tain a single value of soil modulus. The interpretation of a
5.5.1 Laboratory Triaxial Tests pile-loading test to obtain the deformatíon parameters is
considered in detail in Chapter 16.
The use of such tests for settlement predictions of pad If the load test is carried to failure, the field value of
foundaLons has been described by Davis and Poulos pile-soil adhesion rnay also be determined, provided that
(1963), Lambe (1964), and Kerisel and Quatre (1966). In the strength parameters can be estimated indepeqdently.
all cases, the stress paths of typical elements in the field are Thus, a single pile-loading test may provide sufficient data
reproduced in the labo1·atory test and the resulting strains to enable both the deformation and the strength parameters
measured. However, for a pile foundation, such tests are to be estimated.
complicated by the difficulty of determining the appro-
priate stress path, both during installation of the pile and
resulting from the applied load on the pile. 5.5.3 Empirical Correlations
Conventional types of triaxial tests such as those used
for settlement prediction of shallow foundations (Da vis md In order to provide sorne information on values of Es for
Poulos, 1963; 1968) ha ve be en found to give val ues of Es situations in which pile-loading test data are not available,
that ary much too low for piles. For example, Bromham a number of published piJe-test results have been analyzed
and Styles (1971) obtained a value only about one third of and values of Es determined.
that backfigured from a field-loading test, whiie Mattes
(1972) obtained a value of only about one eighth of the 5.5.3. 1 PILES IN CLA Y
backfigured value from a field-loading test. Attempts Where possible, the calculated values of Es llave been
(Mattes, 1972) to simula te more closely the stress path of a correlated with reported values of the undrained cohesion,
soil element near a driven pile by failing the specimen in ex- eu, of the el ay, and these are plotted in Fig. 5 .42 . .Mean re-
tension, allowing consolidation and then testing for tht de- lationships between and Cu are plotted for 'Jored and
formation parameters, led to higher values of Es, but still driven píles for which two trends can be observed •
lower than the backfigured values from model-pile ksts.
The conclusion, then, is that it is not possible to measure l. For soft to medium days [cu < 17lb/sq in. (120 kPa)],
accurately the value of Es appropriate toa pile in a conven- Es for driven piles is greater than for bored piles, but for
tional triaxial test, even with relatively refined testing pro- stronger clays, Es for bored piles becomes greater. The first
cedures. At the present time, pcssibilities of other, mo're effect may be attributed to the higher excess pore pressures
appropriate forms of laboratóry testing remain to be and greater subsequent reconsolidation for the driven piles
explored. in soft clay, while the second may be attributed to the ef-
fects of "whip" in the driving of piles in stiff clay.
2. For stiff clays, Es appears to reach a limiting value--
5.5.2 Pile-Loading Tests about 6000 Ib/sq in. (40 MPa) for driven piles, and 12,000
lb/sq in. (80 MPa) for bored píles-although sorne tests on
Because many uncertainties may be associated with small- bored píles in London clay gave considerably higher values.
scale JalJoratory tests, it is desirable where possible to de-
duce the deformation and strength parameters from a full- In many of the tests, it is not possible to determine
scale pile-loading test. Such factors as the method of in- whether the value of is the undrained or the drained val-
stallation of the pile ancllayering of the soil profile are lhen ue. It is possibly reasonable to consider the values of Es in
largely taken into account. In order to determine all three Fig. 5.42 as drained values, E~, and in the absence of other
required deformation parameters from full-scale pile tests, informaEc'.", the undrained modulus Eu may be estimated
it is theoretically necessary to carry out loading testo on from the following relatíonship for an ideal isotropic elas-
two piles of different proportions and to use the appro- tic two-phase soil:
priate theoretical solutions to backfigure these parameters.
However, it is probably sufficient either to estímate the 3E'
E = S (5.59)
value of v~ or to determine it from a laboratory triaxial u 2(1 + v~)

constant wíth depth although tne assumption of Es varying

linearly with depth might have been more appropriate.
Most of the tests considered are for driven piles, and the
suggested ranges of average values of Es for such piles are
• summarized in Table S.3 .

driven piles

.r ----¡;----
Range Qf
~:.. L Sand Density
Range of Relative
Density,D, Es
E, (kNím') t/ o (lbs/sq in.) (MN/rn 1 )
1 Loo se < 0.4 4000-8000 27.5-55
1 Medium 0.4-0.6 8000-10,000 55 -70
10000 t. Dense > 0.6 10,000-16,000 70 -llO
- t:..l

Values of Poisson's ratio, Vs, obtained from triaxial tests

o generally lie between 0.25 and 0.35 at relatively low stress
levels. An average value of 0.30 is reasonable when no test
6 Driven pi les
data are available.
e Bored píles While the use of a constant average modulus with depth
• Bored píles in London clay of the sand may provide satisfactory settlement predictions
for relatívely slender piles in which only a small proportion
of the load is taken by the base, it may lead to inaccuracy
in load·settlement predictions for shorter piles or piers, as
o 50 100 150 200 250 the soil modulus near the tip tends to be considerably
Cu lkNím J greater than the average modulus along the shaft. A more
FIGURE S.42 Backfígured soil modulus Es for pi!es in clay. detailed analysis of Vesic's tests together with an examina-
tion of the tests by Meyerhof (1959)-see Chapter 2--sug·
gests that the soil modulus beneath the piJe tip, Eb, is of
He reliability of thís relationship when applíed to real the order of 5 to 10 times the average value along the shaft,
soils i:; somewhat dubious; ín relation to shallow founda- Es. The use of súch a value of Eb/Es (rather than assuming
tíons, it has been found to be reasonable for a remolded Eb/Es = 1) leads to more satisfactory agreement between
kaolin (Davís and Poulos, 1963) and a silty clay (Moore and measured and predicted load·settlement behavior from
Spencer, 1969) but to be most unrelíable for Boston blue Vesic's tests (Poulos, 1972d).
clay, probably because of anisotropy of the soil. lt is therefore suggested that for the prediction ofload·
From a number of triaxial tests on various types of settlement behavior of piles in sand, the value o f. the a ver.
clay, the followíng typical ranges of values of v~have been age soil modulus along the shaft, Es, be estimated from
encountered (suggested average values are shown in brac- Table 5.3 and that the ratio of Eb/Es be taken between 5
kets): and 10, the higher value being used for driven piles in dense
sand and the lower value for bored piles in loose sand.
Stiff overconwlidated clays: 0.1 -0.2 (0.15)
Medium clays: 0.2 -0.35 (OJ)
Soft normaUy consolídated clays: 0.35-0.45 (0.4)
5.5.4 Typical Values of K PJLES IN SAND
On the basis of the preceding values of soil modulus, aver·
In analyzing the results of pile tests in sand, has been age val u es of pile-stiffness factor K, calculated for various
calculated on the assumption that the soil moduli remain types of pile and soil, are given in Table 5 .4.

TABLE 5.4 AVERAGE VALUES surface cond,tions are given in Fig. 5.43. The site involved
OF K FOR SOLID PILES about 120 ft of naturallevee and back-swamp deposits con-
sisting of layers and laminations of clays, silts, and fine
Soil Pite Material sands, which overlay a 70-ft deep !ayer of fine silt grading
to sandy grave! with depth. Two pairs of step-taper piles
Stt·el° Concrete Tim ber and one pair of steel-tube piles were driven: step-taper piles
lB and 3 were friction piles driven to within 20 ft of the
Soft clay 60,000 6000 3000 sandy stratum, step-taper piles 2A and 4 were end-bearing
Medium clay 20,000 2000 1000
Stiff day 3000
in the ~andy stratum, tube pile 9 was a floating piJe
300 150
Loose sand 15,000 1500 750 founded at a similar depth to lB and 3, and tube pile 10
Dense sand 5000 500 250 was end-bearing in the sand. Piles lB and 3 gave very.similar
load-test results, and were analyzed as floating piles in a fi-
aFor hollow or H-piles, multiply these nite !ayer to derive a backfigured soil modulus for the back-
v:dues by area n1tio RA. swamp deposits. The relevant details of these piles are as

Pile length, L: 108ft

5.6 SOME COMPARISONS BETWEEN OBSERVED Average diameter, d: 13 in.
Depth of founding !ayer, h: 120ft
Although the majority of published pile-loading test results h/L: 1.1 ( approx .)
are concerned primarily with ultima te load capacity, ~;ome Ultimate load: 160 tons
tests are sufficiently well-documented to allow the settle- Settlement at 80 tons: 0.12 in.
ment behavior to be analyzed and compared with that pre- Soil modulus Es (backfigured): 6500 psi
dicted from pile-settlement theory. A number of these .;ases Pile stiffness factor, K: 460-500
are described below.
For the purpose of predicting the performance of the
Tests by Darragh and Bell ( 1969) end-bearing piles 2A, 4, and 10, it was assumed that the
Mattes (1972) has analyzed an interesting series of piJe tests base-soil modular ratio,Eb!Es, was 2.
carried out by Darragh aud Bell (1969) at the sit'e of Gulf In Table 5.5, the observed settlements of piles 2, 4A, 9,
Oil Corporation's Fausilina Works, on the banks ofthe Miss- and 1O are compared with those predicted by the elastic
issippí River. Brief details of the piles driven and of site sub- theory, using the soil modulus derived from the floating-

3 18 2A 4 9 10

lllVIlll (Cuo 5·5 p.s ¡)

1"--- ~- --
r--:,__ -~
Stczp 1-- Tapczr- ~Tubcz
50 backswamp
dczpostts (Cu• 6-13 ps 1)



denscz sand
LczncJth 96 ', 1üt¡'" 126' 134' 100' 120'. N o 32- 154
Top dtc1m. 171,;4 17 '.-4 17~· 17Y~ 12 3,.-;¡" 12 3,.-;¡
Base ' 9y4· 10 3,.-;¡. 10 3/4" 10~4· 12 3/4. 12 3/¿' 150

FIGl'RE 5.43 Details oftests by Darragh and Bell (1969).


Pile Number 2A 4 9 10

Floating or End-bearing End-bearing Floating End-bearing

Length (ft) 126 132 100 120
Length/diameter 120 120 80 95
Pile type Steel step- Steel step- Closed C!osed
t&per (closed) taper (closed) Steel tube Steel tube
0.188-in wall 0.188-in. wall
Es (psi) 6500 6500 6500 6500
EbiEs 2 2 1 2
K 500 500 270 270
Applied load 120 120 40 80
Predicted top 0.25 0.25 0.09 0.16
settlement (in.)
Measured top 0.20 0.24 0.10 0.17
settlement (in.)
Predicted base 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.016
settlement (in.)
Measured base 0.04 0.06 0.015 0.02
settlement (in.)

o ·4 r - - - - - r - - - - - , 05


0 t:r"'---..:-'-~--o-=--2 0·1 0·2 o~~----0~·725=---~o~·5~
0·1 0·2
5ettlement (¡nJ Settlement ( 1n ) Sattxzment (in l Sattlemcznt (in.l
Shoft Load vs. Settlemant Basa Lood vs Settlemcznt Shatt Load vs. Settlament Base Lood vs. Setti<lll'l<2nt

(a) P1la D

1·0 02 1·0 0·4

o o
o o o
Ps/Fsu Q Pb/Pbu Ps /Psu o fb / fbu
o·s o
0·1 0·5 0·2 o
o o o
o o
o 0·1 0·2
oo 0•25 0·5
0·1 0·2
Settlement (in) S<lttlem<lnt {in) Sett lqmant (in.) S<lttlement (in)
Shaft Load vs. Settlczment. Base Load vs. S<lttler<1<2nt Shoft Load vs. Sllttkilmant Base Load VS. Settlem12nt

(b) PiJe H ( b) Píka L ( Enlarg<Zd Bas<2 )

- - Pr<Zdíct<2d - - Predicted
o Mllasur¡¡¡d o M<ZOsured
FIGURE 5.44 Comparisons between predicted and observed beha· FIGURE 5.45 Comparisons between predicted and observed beha·
vior. Tests ofWhitak'er and Cooke (1966). vior. Tests of Whitaker and Cooke (1966).


200,-----.,----· pile tests lB and 3, and it can be seen that the settlement
performance of both the floating and end-bearing piles has
e: been closely predicted.

''oCl Large Bored Piers

For sorne of the tests reported by Whitaker and Cooke
0·5 1·0 0·5 1·0 (1966) and Burland et al. (1966) on bored piers in London
S<zttlczm12nt (in) Sczttlczmcznt (in) clay, comparisons are shown in Figs. 5.44 and 5.45 between
(a) (b) measured and predicted shaft load versus settlement, and
base load versus settlement. The values of Es in these com-
parisons have been obtained from the mean curve.in Fig.
5 .42. The agreement is gene rally reasonable and the lineari-
e"' e"' ty assumption of these relationships appea~s justified, at
{?. {?.
least over the range of load employed in these tests.
~ 100 :g 100 f---O>f-------+~-..
o o Comparisons of overall behavior are shown in Figs. 5.46
o _J
_J and 5.47 for the tests ofWhitaker and Cooke (1966) and
1·0 tests reported by Burland et aL ( 1966). Reasonable agree-
S<Zttlczm12nt (in) Sczttl12mcznt (in) ment again is found, and at least part of the discrepancy
(e) (d) that exists can be attributed to the selection of Es from the
Predícled by F nile Elemert 1\no:ysís IE:Iisor el ol.1971) average curve in Fig. 5 .42, rather than from the actual
-Predícled by S.mplíf,ed Approoch backcalculated value of Es for the particular test. Also
o Mr:osured
shown in Fig. 5.46 are the curves for piles and predicted
FIGURE 5.46 Comparísons bctween observed and predícted load·
by Ellison et al. (1971) from a finite-element analysis using
settlemcnt curves. Tests of Whítaker and Cooke (1966).
a trilinear stress.strain curve for the London clay. These
predicted curves agree well with the measured curves and
are in reasonable agreement with those predicted by the
approximate approach described herein.

Tests by Mansurand Kaufman (1956}

Six instrumented piles were driven into a fairly deep-lay-
¡~ o o 8
o _J
ered system of silts, sandy silts, and silty sands with inter-
spersed clay strata, underlain by a deep !ayer of :lense, fine
2 2 sand. All except pile number 5, a floating piJe. were dri-
:,12tt112m<Znt (in) S<zttl12m<2nt (in) ven to end-bearing in the dense, fine san d. One of the end-
(a) Cromwczll Hd (!)) Borbican No. 1 bearing piles (pile 3) was an H-pile with a rectangular base-
plate attached, and because of the disturbing effect of this
plate during driving, pile 3 will not be considered further.
The test results were analyzed as follows:
1000 500 ..-----.,....---,

o l. Using the theory for a floating pile in a finite !ayer

e: o (Section 5.2.2), a soil modtdus, Es, of 10,000 ps1 was back-
~ 500 o
"CI 'O o figured from the test results for pile 5.
o o
o o
2. From the S.P.T. blow counts for the silty soils and the

dense, fine sand, it was deduced that a ratio of bearing-

2 2·5 stratum to soil moduli, Eb!Es, of about 3 would be appli-
S<zttl12m12nt (in J cable for the end-bearing piles.
(<: l St. Gtlczs Circus (d) Blacl\friors Rd 3. The analysis for a pile resting on a stiffer stratum (Sec-
- - Prooíctozd by S>mplified Approcch tion 5.2.2) was used to evaluate the !Óad-distribution along
o Obsczrv¡zd and settlement of piles l, 2, 4, and 6. In Table 5 .6, the de-
FIGURE 5.47 Comparisons between observed and predicted load- tails of pile properties, settlements, and sett.lement predic·
settlement curves. Tests of Burland et al. (1966). tions are given, while in Figs. 5 .48a to 5 .48e the predicted


PiJe number 2 4 5 6
z PiJe type 14-in. 21-in. 17 -in. 17-in. 19-ín.
I' H-beam pipe pipe pipe pipe
Pile length (ft) 81 65 66 45 65
L/d 70 37 47 32 41
K 470 250 350 350 350
End-bearing (E.B.) E.B. E.B. E.B. F E.B.
or floating (F)
E biEs 3 3 3 1 3
Monsur & Koufmon Monsur & Kaufman Load (tons) 125 125 125 75 125
(1956) (1956)
Observed (in.) 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.10
(a) (b) settlement 0.13
Predicted (in.) 0.144 0.130 0.142 (0.100) 0.150
Predícted/ 1.10 1.00 0.89 (LOO) 1.15
t o observed settlement
NOTE: Soil type: alternating strata of silts, silty sands, sandy
silts, with interspersed clay slrata.
Bearing Stratum: Dense fine sand.
PiJe S (floating) used as control pile for predictions.

Mansur & Kaufmon Monsur & Kaufmon and measured load-distributions along the piles are com-
(1956) (1956) pared.
(e) o Mozaswr<Zd (d)
- Predrct<Zd
Figure S .48 and· Table S .6 show that quite low values of
K are possible when steel tubes or H-sections are used as
piles. In such cases, ít is likely that very little load does in
fact reach the pile base, even in nominally end-be~ring piles.
l In the case described he re, the results of a floating-pile test,
when combined with the results of a routine borehole test,
0·5 0·5 have allowed the accurate prediction of the load distribu-
tion along and settlement of end-bearing piles on the same
si te.

'·O 1·0 Test by Mohan, Jain, and Kumar ( 1963)

\Aonsur & Koufmon Mohan Jorn & A 14-in.-diameter cast in-situ piJe of L/d 33 was placed
(1956) Kumor (1963}
(¡z) (!) through a layered system of fill, medium s,and, and silt to
end-bearing on a bed of dense, fine sand. No satisfactory
00 0·5 00 0·5 soil data were available in the test report, and.so a value for
K of 300 was assumed, based on an Es value from Table
.. z
T T S.3, and a ratio of bearing stratum to soil modulus of 2 was
adopted. The observed and calculated load-distributions
0·5 0·5 shown in Fig. S .48/ reveal good agreement.

Tests by D 'Appolonia and Romualdi ( 1963)

Prle 2
Tests on two instrumented H-piles were reported; the piles
1·0 L............l.--'---'-Eo--l-.....1
C• Appolonia & Romualdí D Appolonro & Romualdr
were about 4S ft long, and passed through layers of fill,
(1963) t1963) sandy silt, sand and grave!, fine to medium sand, sand and
(g) (h) grave!, and sandy silt, to end-bearing in shale. No satisfac-
FIGURE 5.48 Camparisons between predicted and observed load tory soil data was available, so a K value for so lid steel piles
distributions. of 3000 was adopted, based on an Es value from Table S.3_


(Control Pilczs)
The~rcztical Curve
E" 1·0 0-B

u ·o
.;!u :;¡~ 0·5 o Jmrnczdiatcz Sczttlczmcznt, Su
0·5 Brass PIIQS
e:. F1nal Sczttlczmcznt, SrF
-6 "'
L o0.

40 o4

FIGURE 5.49 Comparison between measured and predicted settle-

ments (Mattes and Poulos, 1971).

o L-------~--------~
10 40
FIGURE 5.50 Comparison between observed and predicted ratio
P;/PTF (Mattes and Poulos, 1971).
Pilc number 1 2
Pile t)rpe 14 BP 89 14 BP 119
(H -pile) (H-pile)
Length (ft) 44 45 Model Tests
Assumed L/d 33 34 A series of carefully controlled model tests on piles in nor-
Assumed area 0.143 0.186
mally consolidated clay has been carried out by Mattes and
ratio (RA)
K 430 560 Poulos (1971) in order to examine the effects on settlement
E biEs of length-to-diameter ratio and pile compressibility, and the
Load (tons) 75 100 relative proportions of immediate and final settlement. Fig-
Obscrved (in.) 0.07 0.11 ure 5.49 shows the ratio of predicted to observed settle-
settlement ments for piles of various L/d, using brass piles having L/d
Predicted (in.) 0.09
0.06 = 25 as control piles and backfiguring the und~ained and
Predicted/observed settlemwt 0.86 0.82 drained Young's moduliESI1 andE~,from themeasured set-
tlements of these piles. The agreement between predicted
and measured settlements for L/d = 1O ancl 40 is reason-
NOTE: Soil: layers of fill, sandy silt, sand and grave!,
fine to medium sand, sand and grave!, ably good, indicating that the theory predicts with ade-
and sandy silt. quate accuracy the effects of pile length on settlement.
Bearing stratum: shale. Also shown are comparisons for plastic piles, of about ten
times the compressibility of the brass piles,, having L/d =
40. Again, the good agreement indicates that the theory
The bearing stratum was assumed to be rigid. In Table 5.7, gives a good prediction of the effects of pile <_:ompressi-
the piJe properties and settlement details are listed, and bility.
comparisons based on the assumed soil properties are made. Figure 5.50 shows a comparison between measured and
In Figs. 5.48g and 5.48h, the load distributions within the predicted ratios of immediate to final scttlernent :)f the m o-
piles are compared with the calculated distributiom.. In del piles, and reveals fair agreement. The test results con-
each case, quite reasonable agreement between predic tion firm the conclusion reached from the theory that the major
and observation is obtained, although better agreernent part of the settlement of a pile occurs as immediate settle-
could possibly have been obtained if the soil had been con- ment and that consolidation settlement is relatively unim-
sidered to have a modulus that increased with depth. portant at normal working loads.

6.1 INTRODUCTION · s = ratio of spacíng to pile-diameter

r = number of rows for square group
Untíl rdatively recently, estima tes of the settlement of pile Among the simplified approaches based on one-dimensional
groups were based either on empirical data or on simplified theory is that in which the group is replaced by a flexible
approaches based on one-dimensional consolidatíon theory. footing acting at the leve! of the pile tips, or more conser-
Among the empirícal approaches are those for groups in vatively, at two thirds the depth of the piJe. Bjerrum et al.
sand devised by Skempton (1953), who .on the basis of a (1957) compared these two approximations and found that
li.mited number of field observations, suggested the follow- both underestimated the settlement of a bridge foundatíon,
ing relationship between the settlement, PG, of a group and although the second gáve closer agreement. However, the
the settlement, p 1 , of a single pile- comparison was complicated by an appreciable amount of
settlement arising from secondary consolidation in the
(4B + 9) 2 fiel d.
(B + 12) 2 More recently, analytical methods based on the theory
of elasticity have been employed with sorne success. These
where analyses are extensions of those for a single piJe (see chap-
ter 5). Such analyses have been described by Pichumani
B :: width of,pile group in feet and D'Appolonia (1967), Poulos (1968b), and Poulos and
Maues ( 1971 b ). Attention will be concentrated on the
For driven piles and displacement caissons in sand, Meyer- method in the latter two papers, which although similar in
hof (1959) suggested the following relationship for a square principie to that of Pichumani and D'Appolonia, is amen-
group: able to hand computation. In this chapter, the piles will be
assumed to be freestanding. Thus, a piJe cap will only in-
fluence the behavior of a group by controlling differential
Pc/P1 (6.2)
settlement between different piles· in the group. The effect
of contact between cap and soil is included in the analysis
where given in Chapter 10.

6.2 ANAL YSIS OF GROUP SETTLEMENT (n + 1) by (n + 1) matrix of displacement-

influence factors, containing elements
Ju + 2 Iu, where
6.2.1 Two-Pile Interaction Analysis displacement-influence factors at element
i on pile 1 caused by shear stress on ele-
The method described here is that described by Poulos ment j of piJe 1 and pile 2, respectively
(1968b) and Poulos anrl Mattes ( 1971 b) for floating and
end-bearing pilc groups. A group of two identical, equally- The values of 11¡¡ and 2 lu may be obtained by integration
loaded piles is consid·~red, as shown in Fig. 6.1, andas with of 1he Mindlin equation for the vertical dísplacement in
the single-piJe analysi.>, cach piJe is divided into n cylindral a semi-infiníte mass resulting from interior verticalloading.
eler:~ents and a unifor:nly-loaded circular base. If conditions In the case of end-bearing piles, an allowance may be rnade
rema in purely elastic w thin the soil and no slip or yield for the effect of the stíffer underlyíng stratum, as ó'utlined
OCC'Jrs at the pile-soil interface, the pi! e and soil di>place- in Section 5.2.2.
ments at the center of each elcment may be equated. The The soil displacements_ thus obtained may be equated
equations for the piJe displacement are identical with thosc to the pile displacements and the resultíng systern of
for the single piJe: that is, (5 .14) for a fully f1·)ating equations solved, to obtain the unknown shear-strcsses
piJe, or Eq. (5.23) for a piJe bearing on a stiffer stratum. and displacements along the piles. The analysis of a two-
The soil disp!a.:ements for a floating_ piJe may be writtcn pile group ís therefore identical with that of a single pile,
as follows: except that the soil-displacement-ínfluence matrix includes
contributions from lhe second pile.
(6.3) The results of the above analysis may be c:onveniently
expressed in terms of an "interaction facto"'' o:, where
{ sP) vector of soil displacement
Additional settlement caused by adjacent pile (
{[' l vecior of l'hear stresses 64
Settlement of piJe under its own load · )

where the piJe and the adjacent piJe carry the same load.
Solutíons for a: as a function of severa! variables are de-
scribed below. The use of interactíon factors to analyze
the settlement of general piJe groups is described in Sec-
tion 6.2.3.

6.2.2 Interaction Factors FLOATJNG PJLES

Interaction factors o:F. for two floating piles in a homo-

geneous semi-infinite mass Vs = 0.5) have been obtaíned by
Poulos and Mattes ( 197lb) and are shown, as a function of
dimensionless píle spacing sfd, in Figures 6 2 to 6.5 for
various va! u es of L/d and K. The decreasin5 interaction
with increasing spacing is clearly shown. Interaction in-
creases as L/d increases and K increases, that 1s, as piles be-
comes more slender or stiffer.

Effect of Fínite Layer

Solutions for the interaction factor for two incompressíble
1t 11 tltt piles in a finite layer have be en · obtained by Poulos
pb Po
(1968b). On the basis of these solutions, correction factors
P¡l~ 1 Pdcz 2
Nh to the interaction factors for piles in a semi-infinite
Str<ZS5<2S OC(¡ng pii<Z5 mass are shown in Fig 6.6. The actual interaction factor
FIGURE 6.1 Group of tw0 noating píles. o:isthen


2 3 4 5
0·2 0·15 0·05 o

FIGURE 6.2 Interaction factor.1 for floating piles, d = 1O.

(6.5) l. As L/d decreases, the value of N11 decreases.

2. As K de creases, the val ue of N¡¡ increases.
As examples of the effect of L/d and K on N11, for sjd =
üp = ínteraction factor for semí-infinite mass 5 and h/L = 2, a decrease to L/d 15 results in a 10%
decrease in N¡¡, whereas for L/d SO, N¡¡ ís increased by
Whle the values of Nh in 6.6 are for the case L/d 22% compared with the value for L /d = 25. If K ís de·
= :5 and K = 00 , they may be applied approximately to creased to 1000, the value of N¡¡ for L/d = 25, h/L 2.
oth~r val u es of L/d and K, bearing in mind that and s/d =5 is decreased by 8%.

0·15 005 o

FIGURE 6.3 Interaction factors for floating piles,-= 25.


0.05 o

FIGURE 6.4 lnteraction factors for floating piles,'" 50.

o/ Enlarged Pile Base IXF interaction factor for db/d 1, fm relative

Correcti-:m factors, Ndb, to the interaction factors for spacing sfd
uniform-diameter floating pile3 are shown in Fíg. 6.7
for values of db/d o[ 2 and 3. The interaction factor for
Interaction increases as the base diameter increases, this
wo enlarged-base piles i:; then
effect being most pronounced for relatively short piles.
(1í.6} The values of N d b in Fig. 6.7 are for incompressible piles
(K = ""'); for relatively compressible piles, the effect of the
, where enlarged base is less, so that N db is less than in Fig. 6.7.

4 5
0·2 0·15 0·05 o

FIGURE 6.5 lnteraction factors for floating piles,- 100.

1.6 r---r--.---,--.,.--,------,~----....,

1 50


1.2 f-----i---+- --+--+······

S o

FIGURE 6.6 Correction factors N h to ínt<.--ractíon factors, for effect

of finíte !ayer depth. 1.1

E:tfect of Poísson 's Ratio

The t:ffect of Poisson's ratio, vs, of the soitis indicated in
Fig. 6.8, where for L/d = 50 and K 1000, a correction o 2 3 4 5
;¡ 0.2 o1 ()

FIGURE 6.8 Correction factor N 0 for effect of Poisson's ratio.

factor Nv is plotted for floating piles. The interaction fac-

tor for any value of v5 is gíven by

ex Ndb • o.,
where <> íntern factor for requíred

"' = íntern. factor for relative spacing a~ for ¿.d ~ 1
ao.s = interaction factor for Vs = 0.5

Nv, and hence interaction, increases as the value of Vs

decreases, this effect becoming more marked as the spacing

Effect of Nonunifonn Soil Modulus

The preceding solutíons for interaction factors all assun'le
a uniform soil-rr,odulus along the pile shaft. In many cases,
a closer approximation to reality ís to consider the. soil
modulus as increasing lineai!y with dcpth. A typical inter-
action curve for this case is shown in Fig. 6.9, where it
is compared wíth the corresponding curve for a uniform
1.0 '----'---'--...:..;;;"--~-...1-.---L---'-----'-----'
soil with the same average modulus. The value of a; for the
o 2 4 5 nonhomogeneous soil ís 20 to 25% smaller than for the
0.2 0.15 .0.10 0.05 o homogeneous soil at any given spacing. Thus, the use of
!! interaction factors for a homogeneous soil may overestí·
FIGURE 6. 7 Correctíon factors N db to ínteraction factors, for ef- mate the settlement somewhat for cases in which the modu-
fect or tlnite layer depth. lus increases with depth.

icance. However, extensíon of the above interaction-

analysis to incorporate a moderate degree of slip shows
that the value of o:.F is not signifícantly changed. END-BEARING PILES ON RIGID STRA TUM

Interaction factors C<E for end-bearing piles on a rigid

stratum are shown in Figs. 6.1 O to 6.13 (Poulos and Mattes,
197lb). As sjd increases, CY.E decreases, but in contrast
to the floating piles, CY.E generally decreases as K increases,
and for K = (incompressible piles), no interactlon occurs,
sin ce the entire load is transferred to the rigid basé. Al so,
CY.E decreases as L/d decreases. since less load-transfer then
occurs. The effect of Poisson 's ratio, Vs, is again small
in relation to the effects of L/d and K.

o Effect of Finite Compressibility of Bearing Stratum

o 2 3 4 5 Interaction factors for a píle resting on a compressible
0.2 0.1 o
~.. stratum will lie between those for a floating pile in a
d ¡j
homogeneous mass, CY.F, and those for a pile resting on a
rigid base, CY.E, ami m ay be expressed as
FIGURE 6.9 F!fcct of distribution of Es on interaction factor.

As pointed out in Chapter 5, slip at the interface between where
the píle shaf1 and the soil plays a negligíble role in the
set tle::ncnt behavíor of single pi! es of normal proportions FE is a factor depending on K, L/d, and Eh/E~.
at the working load, but for piers having low values of
L/d ami for pilcs with enlarged bases, slip has sorne signif- Values of for four values of L/d are shown ir. Fig. 6.14,




o 4

' '

o 2 4 5
0·2 0·15 0·05 o

FIGURE 6.10 lnteraction factors for end-bearing piles,!: = 10.


1·0 1 !
i ...................
0·8 1 ~/, - 25

i Vs = 0·5
\ :
of :
"-, 1
r-:-,:_- ....



-~ ~~
0·2 ¡ - - .::u~

r- ..-.::'-
----- ,_ -·~---

r·· ..
.. ---
1- ::1~~ 1

2 3 4 5
0·2 0·15 0·05 o

FIGURE..;:~ 1 lnteraction factors for end-bearing piles,- = 25.

which ~hows the transition from end-bearing to floating is reasonable io calculate the increase in settlement of pile
interact..on with /Es and K. The sma\ler the val u e of K i caused by pi! e j, L::,.pij, approximately as
or the larger the value of L/d, the srnaller the value of
Eb/Es fJr which tends to 1 (i.e., the interaction factor (6.9)
tends to tbe rigid base value ). Although the curves shown
are for s/d 5, they apply approximately for other values where
of s/d.
P¡ settlement of pile j under its own load
ex¡¡ interaction factor corresponding to the spacing 11\fTt'RACTJON BETWEEN PI LES OF DJFFERENT SIZE
between piles i and j, and for the geometrical
For two piles-í and j in 6.15- of different size, it pararneters (í.e., length and diameter) of pilej

S 0.1 o
,:¡ Q

L .
FIGURE 6.12 lnteraction factors for end-bearing piles,-; =50.



0·8 ,---
... . ___ L/d = 100 -------r-----"'1

"'· VaiUC2S of K 1


V5 = 0·5
1 ' 1

1 1 . 1 1
0·6 --10----+-----+----------r--- -----+
...__ 1 100 1
(lE 200 1


-- L- ------+----- T

o 2 3 4 5
0·2 0·15 0·1 0·05 o

FIGURE 6.13 lnteraclion factors for end-bearing piles,- = 1 OO.

Simila rly, the increas.e :.n settlement of piJe j caus·~d by between piles i and j, and for the geometrical
pile i, 6.p¡¡, is parametrrs of piJe i.

6.p¡¡ == Pi • 0 /i 16.10) In general, for equalloads on piles i andj, 6.p¡¡ * 6.Pji·


settlement of piJe i under its own load

interaction factor corresponding to the spacing

.8 ¡-----¡-------j---j---f----i----- -f---- 1

Hl w

ILW 2 .6r-r--~~-T-
0-1:3 e
L "25

L ·;:; d
.8u :J
'O v, -- 0.5
Cl ~
e 0-G

·¡:; .4

0:: 0'4
_1.._ =10
+' d '


u i 1
$l o-s----

o ~--1_---~----~--~
1 10 100 1000 =-- 10 100 1000

FIGURE 6.l4a lnleraction reduction factor FE. FIGURE 6.l4b Interaction reduction factor FE.

Pilcz l Pilcz j

Ef ~
FIGURE 6.15 Interaction between two piles of different size.

6.2.3 Analysis of General Groups

The analysis for a two-píle group can be extended to any

number of piles, provided that all piles in the group behave
identically: that is, the piles are spaced equally around the
circumference of a circle and each displaces equally and
carries equal load (a "symmetrical group"). Solutions for
such groups have revealed that the additional settlement of
each pile in the group caused by the other piles is almost
exactly equal to the sum of the displacement increases
caused by each of the other piles in turn-that is, the indi-
vidual interaction factors m ay be superposed*. Thus, for
a group of three equally-loaded !)iles arranged in an equi-
lateral triangle, the in crease in group settlement over that
of a single pile is twice that for a group of two piles at the
same spacíng, while for a square group of four pites, at a
spacing of s diameters, the group displacement, PG, is given
10 lOO 1000 by

FIGURJ: 6.14c Interaction teduction factor FE.

P1 load in each pile

t1' p1 displacement of single pile under unit load
L. 0·8 o1 ínteraction factor for spacing s • d
o2 interaction factor for spacing y2s · d
e: 0·6 Although pile displacement íncreases can be superposed,
it should be noted that the shear-stress distribution is
"O slightly altered by interaction and the proportion of the
o 4 load taken by the base increases as the number of piles in
o the group in creases (Poulos, 1968b).
oL. The applicability of the superposition principie to
2e 0·2 symmetrical groups suggests that it may be applied to
general pile groups. Thus, for a group of n identical pilt:s,
the settlement Pk of any pile k in the group is given by
superposition, as
10 100 1CXXl =-
E~ * It should be noted that superposition cannot be rigorously
correct beca use the addition of apile involves a change in the overall
FIGURE 6.14d lnteraction reduction factor FE- elastic system as well asan additionalload.

n equated, whlch together with Eq. {6.14) give n + 1 simul·

Pk Pt ~(P¡ • O:k¡)+ptPk
r- 1
{6:12) taneous equations that can be solved for the unknown
.Íiok loads in the group and the group settlemént. Frequently,
in practice, the number of equations is reduced by the
symmetry of the pile arrangement.
For most practica! purposes, the proper consideration
of a group with a rigid cap, as outlined above, is not neces-
p1 displacement of single pile under unit load
sary if the group settlement only is required. As in the
P¡ load in pile ¡
example below, the average settlement of a group with
o:k¡ ínteraction factor for spacing between piles
equally loaded piles is approximately equal to that of a
k andj
group with a rigid cap. Thus, the assumption of equal
Ioading should be adequate in most cases, arid it may be
For groups contaíning pi! es of different size or geometry,
adequate if the settlement is calculated at a representative
followi.ng upon Eq. (6.8) and (6.9), Eq. (6.11) may be
piJe that is neither at the center nor. at the comer of the
cxpr,essed as
The above analysis of any general pile group therefore
requires only a knowledge of the relationship between
Pk L (p¡¡-l¡ o:k¡)+Ptk ·Pk (6.13)
o: and pile spacing for two-pile groups (see Section 6.2.2)
j= 1
jc/ck and the settlement of a single pile. The results of this
analysis for the group settlement can be expressed con-
where veniently in two ways:

p ti displacement of single pile j under unit load 1. In terms of the settlement ratio Rs, where
¡yki interaction factor for spacing between piles
k and j, and for the geometrical parameters of Average group settlement
of pile j ( 6.15)
Settlement of single pile at same average
load as a piJe in the group
Equ.ations (6.12) or (6.13) may be written foral! píles in
the group, giving n displacement equarions. Also, for 2. In terms of the group reduction factor Re, where
vertical load equilibrium,
Average group settlement
1/ Re
Settlement of single pile at same total ( 6.16)
= L P¡ (6.14) load as the group
j= 1

Re is strictly meaningful only for an elastic soil, where

there is a linear relationshlp between load and settlement
and failure of the single piJe under the group load does
total group lm:d
not develop.
The n + 1 equatíons thu., obtained may be solved for two The settlement ratio Rs is the more useful and familiar
simple conditions: quantity for practica! problems, but there is sorne advan-
tage to using the g1 · p-reduction factor Re; for examining
l. Equal load ( or known load) on all piles, corresponding the comparative behavior of piJe groups, since Re iri
to loading over a flexible pile cap. fact represents the settlement of a group if the settlement
2. Equal settlement of all piles, corresponding to 1 per- of the corresponding single piJe is unity, Thus, Re gives
fectly rigíd cap on the píies. a direct measure of the relative settlement of groups con-
taining ·different numbers of piles and subjected to the
For cáse 1, P¡ =Pe !n, and Eq. ( 6.12) may be u sed directly same total load. Re Jies in the range l/1; ,;;_Re ,-; ;,_ 1, and is
to calculate the settlement of each pile in the group and related simply to Rs as follows: ·
henGe the differential settlement between the píleo:. For
case 2, the settlements from the 11 equations ( 6.1 2) are ( 6.17)

Once Rs or Re has been deterrnined from the analysis, 1 5 5 1


the group settlement, Pe, is then given by

Pe = RsPavPl (6.18)
l 2

or 1
.Lh4 5 6 l
Pe ( 6.19)

where 300 T

Pav average load on apile in the group
Pe total group load
1t ::hould be emphasized that the above analysis does 1
not diiectly consider the influence of softer compressible
layers which may lie beneath the piles unless the interaction 125'

~ ~too ~-
factors and single pile settlement are computed to allow for
Madi u m
such layers. A simple extension of the analysis to cover this Cloy 1
problern is described in Section 6.4. ~~J
To illustrate the use of the superposition principie
for calculating the settlement of a pile ¡;roup, an example
is described below. Solutions for square groups of piles are FIGURE 6.16 PiJe group configuration in example.
described in Section 6.3.
The settlement of pile l (and all type A pílesl is given
by Eq. (6.12) as
Rlustrative Examp/e
A freestanding group of si.x 12-in-diameter concrete piles PA = p¡{PA (0.27+0.42+0.25)+ P8 (0.42+0.35)+rA}
is driven into a deep !ayer of medium el ay, and ís to be
subjected to a load of 300 tons (see Fig. 6.16). A test on or,
a single pile gives a final settlement of 0.60 in. under a
load of 50 tons. Determine the final settlement of the
six:-pile group. !!..tJ.. = 1.94PA + 0.77 P8 (6.20)
From Table 5.4, the value of K is about 2000. Piles
1, 3, 4, and 6 behave identically and will be called type where p 1 is the settlement of a single pite under unit load.
A, whik piles 2 and 5 w!ll be called type B. The loads on Similarly, for pile 2 (and all type B piles),
typcs A and B are PA and Ps, respectively. From Fig.
6.4 for L/d = 25, the interaction factors may be inter- PB = P1 {PA (0.42+0.42+0.35+0.35)+
polated for K 2000. The factors are tabulated in Table P8 (0.42)+Ps}

1.54PA + 1.42PB (6.21)

Püe 1 (Type A) PiJe 2 (Type B)

Pilej s/d a,¡ s¡d a2¡ Also, from equilibrium,

1 o 5 0.42
4PA + 2P8 = 300 (6.22)
2 5 0.42 o
3 10 0.27 5 0.42
4 5 0.42 7.07 0.35
For a rigid cap,pA PB·
5 7.07 0.35 5 0.42
6 11.2 0.25 7.07 0.35 The solving of Eqs. (6.20),, (6.21 ), and (6.22) for this
case yie!ds the following solutions:

P.4 57.4 tons be interpolated from Tables 6.2 and 6.3. For groups con-
PB 35.2 tons taining more than 16 piles, it has been found that Rs varíes
PB approximately linearly with the square root of the number
P1 P1 of piles in the group. Thus, for a givef1 value of pile spacing,
K and L/d, Rs may be extrapolated from the values for a
From the piJe-load test, 16-pile group anda 25-pile group as follows:

0.60 (6.23)

O.O 1 in ./ton
value of Rs fot 25-pile group
value of Rs for 16-pile group
PA = PB 1.66 ín.
number of piles in group
Settle:11ent rati<,
Figure 6.17 shows the group reduction factor, Ro,
plotted against s/d for vanous groups. Ro, and hence group
settlement, decreases as the number of piles in creases. How-
ever, at relatively close spacings, the use of more piles to
Group-reduction factor decrease settlement becomes increasingly ineffective if the
same spacing between the piles is retained.
In general, it is found that the settlement of a group of
piles in a relatively uniform stratum depends primaríly on
lf the piJe cap ís sufficiently flexible and the load is
the breadth or width of the grollp; hence, within a group of
uniformly distributed so that all pi les are equally loaded,
· then given breadth or width, increasing the number of piles
beyond a certain number will only marginally improve the
PA PB - 50 tons settlement performance of the group, unless the original
PA 50 X 2. 7 1 X P1 1.62 in. spacing within the group is greater than abom six día-
PB 50 X 296 X P1 1.77 in.



6.3.1 Settlement of Floa1ing and End-Bearing Groups

Theoretical values of settlement ratio Rs, determined from

the :lJlalysis described above, are shown in Tabíe 6.2 for
f1oat.ng-pile groups in a deep !ayer of uniform soil, and in
Table 6.3 for piJe groups bearíng on a rigid stratum. These
values apply to square groups of piles with a rigid cap in
whíó the center-to-center spacing between adjacent piles
in a row is s, and the length and diameter of each píle areL
and d, respective! y. The pi le stiffness factor is K. In all cases,
Rs increases as the spacing decreases and the number of
piles increases. For floating groups, an increase in pile- 4 5
stiffness factor K leads to an increase in R 3 , whereas for the S 0.2 0.1 o
if .!"!
end-bearing groups, Rs decreases as K increases. The exact
configuration of the piles in a group does not significantly FIGURE 6.17 lnfluence of .type of group on settlement-groups
influence Rs, so that values for other numbers of piles may with rigid cap.

No ofPíles
in Group 4 9 16 25

L/d s/d K 10 100 1000 ~

10 100 1000 "' 10 100 1000 "' 10 100 1000

2 1.83 2.25 2.54 2.62 2.78 3.80 4.42 .4.48 3.76 5.49 6.40 6.53 4.75 7.20 8.48 8.68
10 5 1.40 1.73 1.88 1.90 1.83 2.49 2.82 2.85 2.26 3.25 3.74 3.82 2.68 3.98 4.70 4.75
10 1.21 1.39 1.48 1.50 1.42 1.76 1.97 1.99 1.63 2.14 2.46 2.46 1.85 2.53 2.95 2.95

2 1.99 2.14 2.65 2.87 3.01 3.64 4.84 5.29 4.22 5.38 7.44 8.10 5.40 7.25 9.28 11.25
25 5 1.47 1.74 2.09 2.19 1.98 2.61 3.48 3. 74 2.46 3.54 4.96 5.34 2.95 4.48 6.50 7.03
10 1.25 1.46 1.74 1.78 1.49 1.95 2.57 2. 73 1.74 2.46 3.42 3.63 1.98 2.98 4.28 4.50

2 2.43 2.31 2.56 3.01 3.91 3.79 4.52 5.66 5.58 5.65 7.05 8.94 7.26 7.65 9.91 12.66
50 5 1.73 1.81 2.10 2.44 2.46 2.75 3.51 4.29 3.16 3.72 5.11 6.37 3.88 4.74 6.64 8.67
10 1.38 1.50 1.78 2.04 1.74 2.04 2.72 3.29 2.08 2.59 3. 73 4.65 2.49 3.16 4.76 6.04

2 2.56 2.31 2.26 3.16 4.43 4.05 4.11 6.15 6.42 6.14 6.50 9.92 8.48 8.40 10.25 14.35
100 5 1.88 1.88 2.01 2.64 2.80 2.94 3.38 4.87 3.74 4.05 4.98 7.54 4.68 5.18 6.75 10.55
JO 1.47 1.56 1.76 2.28 1.95 2.17 2.73 3.93 2.45 2.80 3.81 5.82 2.95 3.48 5.00 7.88




No. of Piles
in Group 4 9 16 25

L/d s/d K .10 100 1000 "" 10 100 1000 "" 10 100 1000 "" 10 100 1000

~ !.52 1.14 1.00 LOO ? 02 L31 1.00 1.00 2.38 1.49 LOO 1.00 2. 70 1.63 1.00 1.00
10 5 1.15 1.08 1.00 1.00 1.23 1J2 1.02 LOO 1.30 1.14 1.02 1.00 1.33 1.15 1.0) l. UU
10 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.04 1.02 LOO 1.00 1.04 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.02 LOO 1.00

2 1.88 1.62 1.05 1.00 2.84 2.57 1.16 1.00 3.70 3.28 1.33 1.00 4.48 4.13 1.50 LOO
25 s· 1.36 1.36 1.08 1.00 1.67 1.70 1.16 1.00 1.94 2.00 1.23 1.00 2.15 2.23 1.28 1.00
o 1.14 1.15 1.04 1.00 1.23 1.26 1.06 LOO 1.30 1.33 1.07 1.00 1.33 1.38 1.08 1.00

2 2.49 2.24 Í.59 1.00 4.06 3.59 1.96 1.00 5.83 5.27 2.63 LOO 7.62 7.06 3.41 1.00
50 5 1. 78 1. 73 1.32 1.00 2.56 2.56 1.72 1.00 3.28 3.38 2.16 1.00 4.04 4.23 2.63 1.00
10 1.39 1.43 1.21 1.00 1.78 1.87 1.46 1.00 2.20 2.29 1. 71 1.00 2.62 2.71 1.97 1.00

2 2.54 2.26 1.81 1.00 4.40 3.95 3.04 1.00 6.24 5.89 4.61 1.00 8.18 7.93 6.40 1.00
100 5 1.85 1.84 1.67 1.00 2.71 2.77 2.52 1.00 3.54 3.74 3.47 1.00 4.33 4.68 4.45 1.00
10 1.44 1.44 1.46 1.00 1.84 1.99 1.98 1.00 2.21 2.48 2.53 1.00 2.53 2.98 3.10 LOO

:~: rt.---r-t----r-t---,-~--=-~
coincident with the curve for the group, can be used

1 1 over a practica! range of group breadths. The dependence of
settlement on group width rather than number of piles has
been confirmed in full-scale tests by Berezantzev et aL
Design curve for !l 1 {1961), and from data collected by Skempton (1953) for
driven pi le groups L
in sand 1 v, 0.5 driven piles in sand. The relationship suggested by Skemp·
{1.7 (Skempton, 1953)-- K oo --t----+-----1
o ton (Eq. 6.1) between settlement ratio and group breadth,
as reexpressed in terms of Re and plotted in Fig. 6.18,
B (1.6
agrees quite well with the theoretical curves. These results
suggest, therefore, that if settlement is the sole criterion, it
"ti 0.5 is more economical to use a smaller number of piles at a
~ relatively large spacing, rather than a large number of píles
c. 0.4

at el o ser spacings.



0.1 For floating-pile groups, the presence of an underlying

figid base below the soil ]ayer tends to reduce the settle-
o ment ratio Rs. An indication of the extent of this decrease
o 10 20 30 40
is given in Fig. 6.20, in which, for typical groups, a reduc-
Group breadth/d
tion coefficíent, ~h· is plotted against the ratio of Iayer-
depth h to pile-length ~~~ being defined as
FIGlRE 6.18 Seltlement aglinst breadth ofgroup~rigid píle cap.

meters. This point is illustrated in Figs. 6.18 and 6.19, in
which the group reduction factor, Re, is plotted against to-
tal group breadth. These figures show that for larger groups, Thus, ~~~ is a factor by which the values of Rs for an infi-
Re does not vary greatly w ith the number of piles in the nitely deep layer in Table 6.2 are multiplied tJ obtain Rs
group. For groups containing more than 25 piles, it appears for a finite !ayer. Figure 6.20 shows that as would be ex-
that a common limiting curve of Re versus group bwadth, pected, ~~~ de creases as h/L decreases, and that the effect of

1 o
--- ---- - -
: 1

~ = 25

08 ~------
1/, 05 ,__ -
K =100
---· : ------~

06 \ . -- ¡-

----~- --------~

\ ---+~-
~ 1"---.
~~- ' 22

~~------ : 32 1
1 4"52

o '·
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
8rvadth of Group J d

FIGURE 6.19 Re vs. group breadth~Floating Groups.



An example of the influence of the stiffness of the bear-

'JE ing stratum on Rs is shown in Fig. 6.21 for the particular
case of a 32 group with a pile spacing of four diameters. A
reduction coefficient, ~ b, is plotted against the ratio of the
22 modulus E b of the bearing stratum to the soil modulus Es,
0.6 ~b being defmed as

~h v, 0.5 Rs for group resting on bearing stratum
42 d ce 2.5 Rs for floating group on infinitely deep
52 !ayer

The following points are apparent from Fig. 6.21:

l. ~b, and hence settlement ratio Rs, de creases as the rela-
1 tive stíffness of the bearing stratum, E biEs, increases, this
effect being most pronounced for shorter, stiffer piles.
2. For slender piles ( e.g., L/d = 100), unless the piles are
1 2 quite stiff, the bearing straturn has little effect on settle-
0.5 (1 ments, because ve1y little load reaches the pile tip under
1c normal working-load conditions.
FIGURE 6.20 Rcduction coefficient th for effect of finite !ayer

the fi1üte !ayer is more pronounced as the size of the group

increases. ~h increases as the pile-stiffness factor K de-
creases. As Ljd increases, the effect of the finite layer
beco mes less significan t.


_ --1oo-

---- 25


3 2 group

0.2 ·-- ---- K 100 t - - - - - - - - l

- - -- K 1000

10 100 1000

E, 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

FIGURE 6.21 Reduction coefficient t 0 for effect of beanng
stratum. FIGURE 6.22 Correctíon factor ~u for effect of u8 •

As E¡,/Es approaches infinity, ~ approaches the ratio of Rs Br---r---

for the end-bearing group on a rigid base (Table 6.3) to the
corresponding value for the floating group in a deep layer.


1. 25
The effect of Vs on Rs is shown in Fig. 6.22, in which fac-
tor ~v is plotted for a typic:al case, ~v being defined as R, 1000

~v = Rs for specified_ value of Vs }= 5

R 8 for Vs - 0.5 h
~v increases as Vs decreases, and this irnplies that as con- Lin. varying E,
solidation proceeds and L's decreases from the undrained - - - Ctnstant E,
value (0.5 for a saturated clay) to the drained value, the 2 4 6
value of Rs will increase. The effect of Vs becomes more ...¡¡;
pronounced as the number of piles in the group increases. FIGURE 6.23· Effect of distribution of Es on settlement ratio. EFFECT OF SOIL-MODULUS DISTRIBUTION

settlement to total final settlement, PdPrF, as described
Figure 6.23 shows the effect of the distribution of soil- in Section 5.3 .5. For various groups of incornpressible
modulus on Rs for a typical case. Two cases have been floating piles, the ratio PdPrF is shown in Fig. 6.24.
considered: a deep soiJ-layer having constant Es, with Poisson's ratio ~~~ of the soil ske!eton has beer. taken as
depth; and a soil in which Es varíes linear! y along the piJe zero, so that Fig. 6.24 can be considered as representing
shaft, with the value at rniddepth of the pile being equal the theoretical mínimum relative importance of immediate
to the constant value in the first case. As expected from. settlement. As with a single pi! e, the predom[nant part
Fig. 6.9, larger val ues of Rs occur for the uniforrn ~•oil, of the total final settlement occurs as ímmediate settle-
the d.tfference becorning greater as the number of piles ment, although the time-dependent settlernent does in-
increases. crease as the number of piles in the group incr~ases. PiJe
compressibility has little influence on the ratio p¡/PTF· RATIO OF !Ml'JEDIA TETO FINAL SETTLEMENT
For end-bearing groups, the relative amount of ímme-
For a píle group in an ideal, saturated, two-phase elastic diate settlement ís even greater than for floating groups,
soil mass, it is possible to calculate the ratio of immediate and in most cases likely to be met in practice, the cónsoli-

{al/ groops)




o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
FIGURE 6.24 Relative importance of immediate settlement-pile groups with rigid cap.

dation settlement theoretically comprises less than 10% less uniform as the pile spacing decreases, the number of
of the total final movement. piles increases, L/d íncreases, or K increases. The load dis-
tribution is also influenced by the existence of a !ayer of
finíte depth, a typical example for a 3 2 group being shown
6.3.2 Load Distribution in Groups with Rigid Cap in Fig. 6.26.
For piJe groups bearing on a rígid stratum, load
F or a wide range of values of Lfd, sfd, K, and group size, distributions are gíven in Tables 6.5a and b, while typícal
load distributions within a floating-pile group are given in dístributíons for a 3 2 group are shown in Fíg. 6.27. As
Tables 6.4a and b, the pile load being expressed as a frac- wíth the floating groups, the load dístribution generally
tion of the average load in the group. The key for identi- becomes \ less uniform as L/d in creases and spacíng
fication of the piles in each group is shown in Fig. 6.25. decreases, but in contrast to the -~orresponding floating
The greatest loads occur at the comer piles, and the least groups, íncreasing the piJe stíffness factor K causes the
at the center píles. The load distribution tends to become load dístribution to become more uniform.



PiJe J Pile 2 PiJe 3

K 100 1000 100 1000 JOO 1000



3' group JO 2 1.28. 1.47 1.56 0.84 0.75 0.72 0.52 0.16 -0.15
5 1.20 1.25 1.26 0.91 0.88 0.88 0.57 0.47 0.45
10 1.10 1.13 L14 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.78 0.73 0.70
20 1.04 1.05 1.06 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.91 0.88 0.88

25 2 1.18 1.38 1.50 0.89 o. 79 0.65 0.71 0.32 -0.35

5 1.17 1.29 1.32 0.92 0.87 0.84 0.63 0.38 0.34
10 1.11 1.18 1.21 0.95 0.91 0.89 0.77 0.61 0.55
20 1.06 1.11 1.12 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.87 0.77 0.73

100 2 1.24 1.11 1.70 0.86 0.93 0.66 0.58 0.84 -0.45
5 1.22 1.17 1.37 0.90 0.92 0.81 0.53 0.61 0.24
10 1.14 1.15 1.28 0.94 0.93 0.86 0.70 0.68 0.42
20 1.07 1.10 1.21 0.97 0.95 0.90 0.86 O. 79 0.55

4' group 10 2 1.68 2.00 2.14 0.97 0.95 0.95 0.38 0.09 -0.04·
5 1.42 1.51 1.52 1.01 LOO 1.00 0.56 0.48 0.47
10 1.21 1.25 1.28 . 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.77 0.73 0.70
20 1.10 1.13 1.12 1.00 LOO LOO 0.89 0.86 0.86

25 2 1.50 L87 2.25 0.97 0.95 0.89 0.54 0.23 -0.05

5 1.40 1.62 1.70 1.01 l. O1 0.99 0.59 0.36 0.30
10 1.25 1.41 1.48 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.74 0.57 0.50
20 1.14 1.23 1.26 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.76 0.72

100 2 1.56 1.35 2.30 0.96 0.97 1.01 0.52 0.70 . -0.15
5 1.50 1.45 1.84 1.02 LO 1 0.98 0.47 0.52 . 0.18
10 1.29 1.35 1.65 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.63 0.34
20 LIS 1.24 1.42 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.83 0.75 0.56

PiJe 1 PiJe 2 Pile 3 Pile4 Pile 5 Pile 6

K 100 1000 ~ lOO 1000 "" 100 1000 .. 100 1000 "" 100 1000 "" lOO 1000 "'
L/d -

5' !O 2 ?.1? ?.48 2 ()_<; 1.18 1.19 l.l2 1.05 1.07 1.20 0.42 0.21 -0.15 0.26 0.10 0.16 0.12 0.01 0.45
Group 5 1.64 1.75 1.79 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.07 1.09 1.10 0.60 0.53 0.49 0.55 0.4'! 0.46 0.49 0.45 0.42
10 1.31 1.39 1.41 1.07 1.09 1.09 1.03 1.04 1.05 0.81 0.75 0.74 0.76 0.71 0.69 0.73 0.68 0.64
20 1.18 1.22 1.19 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.02 0.90 0.87 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.82

25 2 1.90 2.46 2.90 1.17 1.19 1.13 1.01 1.09 1.20 0.58 0.20 -0.20 0.38 0.12 0.09 0.24 0.04 0.25
5 1.62 1.98 2.11 1.14 1.18 1.19 1.05 1.09 1.07 0.63 0.40 0.35 0.54 0.34 0.27 0.46 0.29 0.22
JO 1.39 1.63 1.73 1.10 1.14 1.16 1.04 1.05 1.07 0.77 0.64 0.56 0.70 0.55 0.47 0.64 0.45 0.37
20 1.22 1.37 1.40 1.06 1.09 1.09 1.02 1.04 1.05 0.87 0.77 0.74 0.82 0.72 0.71 0.78 0.68 0.67
100 2 2.06 1.75 3.00 1.15 1.14 l.! O 1.08 LOO 1.20 0.41 0.65 -0.30 0.33 0.48 0.05 0.25 0.33 0.40
5 1.77 1.78 2.34 1.18 1.18 1.22 1.07 1.06 1.09 0.54 0.55 0.21 0.48 0.42 0.14 0.33 0.30 0.07
10 1.45 1.58 2.05 1.10 1.13 1.21 1.05 1.04 1.08 0.72 0.66 0.38 0.68 0.58 0.26 0.63 0.49 O.l 7
20 1.25 1.41 1.78 1.17 1.10 l.l3 1.02 1.02 1.02 0.85 0.77 0.55 0.80 0.70 0.50 0.75 0.62 0.52


12 r-----,-----r-----r---.....,
¡-s-.¡ To
1 1o 5

o 01
Píl<2 3
1 2
• • •
2 3 2

o o 01 •1 •2 •1
_Lo o· 03 o2 1 1 • • •
Lo 03 02

o o 03 o2
o o
o t--4~;;;.:::;=:::::::::~~;;;.;=-..:.::~
o o o o1 p
3 2 Group
~~d 09
42 Group
il =25
o o o 01 08
v,=o 5

o o o 04 02
01 oL-------~s--------,~o------~15~------2~o
o o :::>6 o5 o3 S
o o o o4 o2 FIGURE 6.27 Load distributions in 3' end-bearing group.

o 01 Figure 6.28 shows a typical variation of pile loads

within a 3 2 group with varying relative bearing-stratum
modulus Eb/Es. The load dístribution becomes more
FIGURE 6.25 ldentification of piles in square groups. uníform asEb/Es íncreases.


6.3.3 Groups with Equally Loaded Piles

1 2 1
Lld 25 o o o
v, 0·5 2 3
2 For groups with equally loaded piles, the maximum settle-
{~ 2
ment occurs at the center pile or píles, while the mínimum
~ settlement occurs at the comer piles. For sorne typical
groups of incompressible floating piles, the ratio of the
maximum settlement, Pmax, to the settlement of the




.2 .3 .2

Incornpressíbl<2 Píl<2s
e Ljd = 25
0·5 V5 =0·5
il: K = 1000

10 100 1000

FIGURE 6.26 lnfluence lay•:r depth on load distribution-3' group FIGURE 6.28 lnlluence of bearing stratum on load distribution in
with rigid cap. gro u p.


Pite 1 Pile 2 PiJe 3

K lOO 1000 100 1000 100 1000


31 group 10 2 0.98 0.92 0.99 1.01 1.11 1.20

5 1.02 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.94 LOO
10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

25 2 1.07 0.95 0.94 1.00 0.93 1.17

5 1.11 1.02 0.94 0.99 0.76 0.96
10 1.05 1.01 0.98 0.99 0.88 0.97
20 1.02 1.00 LOO 1.00 0.97 1.00

100 2 1.22 1.02 0.87 0.97 0.65 1.04

5 1.21 1.13 0.90 0.94 0.53 0.73
10 u: LIO 0.94 0.95 0.71 0.78
20 l.Ot 1.06 0.97 0.97 0.88 0.87

4 1 group 10 2 1.04 0.88 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.17

5 1.0~ 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.00
10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 LOO
20 1.0(1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

25 2 1.2ti 0.95 0.98 0.98 0.77 1.10

5 1.21 1.05 1.01 1.00 0.75 0.94
10 1.11) 1.02 1.00 1.00 0.88 0.98
20 1.0.1 1.00 1.00 1.00 o 98 1.00

100 2 1.6l 1.19 0.97 0.98 0.44 0.86

5 1.4:3 1.33 1.00 1.00 0.51 0.65
10 1.21 1.23 1.00 1.00 0.72 0.75
20 l. U 1.13 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.84

corresponding group with a rigid cap, PR, is given in Table For typical groups of end-bearing piles on e rigid base,
6.6. The ratio PmaxiPR increases with increasing number values of PdiPmax are shown in Fig. 6.30 fo: K = 100,
of piles in the group, but ís almost independent of spacing For such compressible piles, relatively large dífferential
for a practica! range of spacings. The value of K has little settlements may occur, expecially for large groups of
effec on PmaxiPR. slender piles. However, the relative differential settlement
For groups of end-bearing piles on a rigid base, values decreases rapidly with increasing K and is ze·o for piles
of PmaxiPR are shown in Table 6.7, for L/d = 25 and K== that can be considered as incompressible.
lOO. For such groups, PmaxiPR decreases rapidly as K
increases and is unity for K > 2000, since no íntera.;tion
then occurs. 6.3.4 Approximation of Group as a Single Pier
The ratio PdfPmax. of the maximum differential s~ttle·
ment to the maximum settlement, is shown in Fig. 6.29 For ca!Culations relating to large structures supported by
for incompressible floating piles in a semi-infinite rnass. a number of pile groups, it may often be useful to replace
This ratio increases with increasing spacing but decreases each pile group by an equivalent single pier that settles
if the !ayer depth is decreased or L/d increased. The value an equal amount. Such an approximation is useful, for
of K has relatively little influence, example, if an analysis of intergroup interactio:J. is desired,


Pile 1 PiJe 2 PiJe 3 Pite 4 PiJe S PiJe 6

K lOO 1000 100 1000 100 1000 lOO 1000 100 1000 100 1000

~; 2 group 10 2 1.11 0.86 1.02 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.99 1.13 0.90 1.14 0.81 1.18
5 1.06 1.01 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.94 1.00
JO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

25 2 1.55 0.99 l.J2 0.99 0.99 0.96 0.77 1.07 0.59 1.03 0.44 0.99
5 1.37 1.09 1.09 1.03 1.04 1.00 0.77 0.95 0.72 0.92 0.67 0.87
JO J.J5 1.03 1.04 1.01 1.02 1.01 0.90 0.98 0.88 0.97 0.86 0.97
20 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00

100 2 2.08 1.48 1.20 l.11 l.OJ 0.96 0.48 0.83 0.25 0.63 0.36 0.44
5 1.75 1.55 1.16 1.13 1.08 1.04 0.53 0.68 0.46 0.58 0.39 0.47
10 1.42 1.39 1.08 1.09 1.04 1.04 0.73 0.77 0.70 0.71 0.67 0.65
20 1.21 1.22 1.05 1.05 J.OJ 1.01 0.88 0.87 0.83 0.82 0.79 0.78


GROUPS IN FJNITE LAYER.L/d 25;''s = 0.5.

Group 3' 4' S'

1.5 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.2

1.13 1.15 1.15 1.13 1.17 1.18 1.18 1.25 1.26

2.5 1.13 1.17 1.16 1.14 1.20 1.17 L19 1.30 1.24
5 l.l3 1.18 1.13 1.15 1.20 1.15 1.2J 1.30 1.23
10 1.14 1.15 l. la 1.16 1.16 1.11 1.24 1.20 1.11
20 1.14 1.05 1.01 1.13 1.05 l.OJ 1.18 1.04 1.02
40 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.00 LOO J.J7 1.00 1.00

TABLE 6.7 VALUES OF PmaxiPR FOR or if settlements caused by underlying compressible strata
END-BEARING PlLE GROUPS. L/d = 25, are to be estimated (see Section 6.4). Two types of approxi-
K 100, vs 0.5. mation may be useful:

~ 3' 4
l. An equivalent single pier of · the same circumscribed
plan area as the group and of sorne equivalent length,

2 1.04 1.08 1.17
2. An equivalent single pier of the same length, L, as
5 1.19 1.14 1.2J the piles, but having an equivalent díameter, de.
10 1.09 1.1 o 1.13
20 1.03 1.02 1.02
4o 1.oo J.oo 1.oo For incompressible lloatíng groups, values of Le/L
for the first approxirnation, obtained by Poulos (l968b),



e; S.

"B" 0·1

0~--~--~---LL-~~~~~~--J--- L=oo
0 ID 00 ~ ~


FIGURE 6.29 Diffcrential ;e1tlerncnt in lloating pile groups with Ü L___ _ _ _ _ .L------"'--·---
equally loaded pites. 0 10 20
are shown in Fig. 6.31. L,:/L depends both on spacing and FIGURE 6.31 Equivalen! length of single pier for sarn~ settlernent
L/d, but is virtually independent of the numbcr of píles as píle group.
in the group. For most practica! cases, Le/L líes between
0.9 and 0.6.




FIGURE 6.30 Differentíal 'ettlernent in end-bearing groups with equally loaded piles.

Ihe second approxirnation ís more appropriate when

the piles pass through layered soils or are founded on very calculating the settlement of single piles resulting from
different materiaL R,!Jationships between de/B and sfd cornpressible strata has been described in Section S.3.4.
are plotted in Fig. 6.32 for floating piles, where de This method may be extended to a pile group by calculat-
equivaient diarneter of single pier of length L, and B = ing the settlernent of the group as the surn of the settle-
average width of group (i.e., the square root of the gross ment of the group in t!:te founding !ayer and the contribu-
plan' area of the group). Like Le/L, de/Bis alrnost indepen- tions to settlement of the underlying layers caused by all
dent of the group's size, but it does depend on L/d. The piles in the group (Poulos and Mattes, 197la).
effect of the pile-stiffness factor K, al so shown in Fig. Poulos and Mattes found that little error results in
6.32, is considerable, especially for slender piles. The ratio assuming that the load distribution in the group is uniform,
de/B tends to decrease with increasing piJe compressibility. rather than considering the nonuniform distribution of
lt should be noted that the equivalent pier in Fig. 6.32 load . .Moreover, it was found that .the replacement of the
has the same value of K as the píle in the group. piJe group by an equivalent pier (see Section 6.3.4 above)
Similar calculations could be done for end-bearing also leads to very similar answers. Thus, in practica! cal-
piles. For the limiting case of incompressible piles bearing culations, it is convenient to employ the latter approach
on a rigid stratum, one obtains, by either method, an and. calculate the settlernent of the group as the surn of
equivalent pier that has the same total area and the sarne the settlement PGD in the founding !ayer and the settle-
length as the original piles. For compressible piles on a ment caused by the underlying layers, using Eq. S .41
nonrigid base, the equivalent pier will be intennediate and Fig. S .35.
between this limiting case and that for the fully floating
situation. lllustrative Example
To demonstrate the application of this method to a prac·
tical case, the exarnple shown in Fig. 6.33 will be con·
sidered. A 3 2 group of concrete piles wíth a rigid cap is
6.4 SETTLEMENT OF GROUPS CAUSED BY founded in a clay !ayer underlaín by two further layers,
COMPRESSIBLE UNDERLYING STRATA which are in turn underlain by rock. It is assumed that
only a limited amount of soil data is available from the
In practica! cases in whích the soil profile is layered and results of undrained triaxial tests and oedometer tests,
compressible strata are present below the piles, the settle-
ment caused by these strata must be considered in calcu- P = 4.5 MN
lating the overall settlement of the group. A methocl for

3 2 group, driven
concrete piles

Layer 1
Medium el ay
,Cu "60 kPa
d 0.4 m


Layer 2
Mediurnsoftclay, mv 0.15m 2 /MN

Layer 3
o Wml Medium clay, m., ~ 0.05 m2 /MN
o 5 10 15 20


FIGURE 6.32 Diameter of equivalen! pier to represen! pile group. FIGURE 6.33 !Uustrative example.

as indicated in Fig. 6.33. An estímate is requíred of the TABLE 6.8 CALCULATION OF ADDIT!ONAL
total final settlement of the pile group. SETTLEMENT CA USED BY UNDERL YING LA YERS
The first step is to estímate the drained Young's mod-
ulus and Poisson's ratio· of ea eh !ayer. For the first !ayer Layer lk+l b Ei!f< /k- ll<+l
in which th<c piles are situated, interpolation from Fíg. (k)
(MN/m') Eiíf<(m'fMN)
5.42 for c11 '" 60 kPa gives E~ = 17 .O MPa. v~ is assumed
to be 0.35. For the second and third layers, v~ is assumed
2 1.67 0.428 2.0 0.308 4.2 0.02 79
to be 0.35 and 0.3, respectively. Using the specified values
3 2.0 0.308 2.55 0.230 14.9 0.0052
of mv, and the following theoretical relationship between
H~andmv, l: = 0.03 .ll
a Le 18m.
b From Fig. 5.35.
r.' 1
(1- 2v~Xl + v~) :. Settlement caused by layers 2 and 3 4.5 X
18.0 0.)331
L,s ( 6. 27)
(1- v~) m¡. ~ .0083 m
8.3 mm

the values of E~ for laycrs 2 and 3 are 4.2 MPa and 14.9
MPa, respectively.
Assuming Young's modulus of the concrete to be the equivalent pier, Le/de = 18/5 3.6. The calculations
17,000 MPa, to evaluate the settlement of layers ! and 3, using Eq.
(5.41), are tabulated in Table 6.8. It is assumed that the
Pile-stiffness factor rock beneath !ayer 3 is rigid. From Tablc 6.8, the settlc-
ment caused by the underlying layers is 8.3 mm, so that
X 1.0 the estimated final settlement of the group is
p 8.9 + 8.3
17.2 mm
The settlement of a single pile in the first !ayer may now be
calcuiated, the relevant dimensionless parameters beíng lf the equivalent-diameter approach is used, the settJe.·
L/d 20/0.4 = 50, K 1000, v~ 0.35, h/L 30/20 = ment caused by the underlying layers is calculated to be
· 1.5. Using Eq. 5 .33a, the single-pile influence factor 1 9.7 mm, compared with the above value of 8.3 mm.
is found to be 0.046, and for the average píle load of
4.5/9 0.5 MN, the single·pile settlement is

Piav Pav • P1 0.4 X 17.0 X 0.046 6.5 PREPARATION AND USE OF DESIGN CHARTS

.0034 m
The theoretical solutions presented in this chapter can be
used to prepare design charts to assíst in the s~lectíon of
The settlement ratio must now be determined. From the necessary number and spacing of piles to support a
Table 6.2, for a 3 2 group in a deep !ayer, with s/d 2/0.4 given load with a specified maxímum settlement and
5, K 1000, and Vs = 0.5, R~ = 3.51. Making allowance factor of safety against failure. The procedure is best
for the effect of the fíníte !ayer from Fig. 6.20 and for the described with reference to the following simple example.
effect of Vs being 0.35 rather than 0.5 (Fig. 6.22), the A load of 5 MN ís to be supported on a deep !ayer of
required value of Rs is cstimated to be 2.63. The settlement clay having the followíng average properties: Cu = 50
of th¡~ group in the founcling !ayer, Pon. is then given by kPa, pile-soil adhesion ca 45 kPa, E' = 15 MPa, ¡/
Eq. (IS.l8) as 0.3. It is proposed to use dríven 20-m-long concrete piles,
0.4 m in diameter, for which Ep = 15,000 MPa. It is re-
PGD = 2.63 X 3.4 quired to examine the combínations of number a:1d spacing
of piles that satisfy the criterion of a factor of safety of
2.5 agaínst faílure and a maximum final settlement of 15
Thc settlcment contril::ution from the underlying !ayers
must now be calculated. From Fig. 6.31, using the equiva- mm.
lent-length approach to represent the group; Le is about Consideríng first the settlement criterion, the results
0.9L, or, Le 0.9 X 20 '= 18 m. The plan area of the for Rs in Table 6.2, together with the solutions for single-
group is 4.4 .:< 4.4 = 19.36 m 2 , and hence the diam•:1er pile settlement (Chapter 5) may be used to prepare plots
of the equivalent pier is de 4.96 m-say, 5 m. Thus, for . of settlement, S, versus number of piles, n, f·lr various

100 different allowable settlements. lt is assumed here that

as previously m en tioned, the settlemen t is dependen t
almost en tire! y on the number and -spacing of piles and not
on the exact group configuration.
A similar plot to Fig. 6.34 may be made of factor of
E safety, FS, versus n for various values of pile spacing. In ob-
E 20 taining these curves, the relationship in Eq _(3 .22) for ulti-
mate group-load capacity has been used.
E The resulting curves of FS versus n for three values of
" spacing s are shown in Fig. 6.35. From Fig. 6.35, the value·s
of s and n giving the required value of FS = 2.5 have been
"'e 5 - plotted as curve 2 in Fig. 6.36. Again, combinatio.ns of s

and n to the right of curve 2 have a factor of safety greater

than 2.5, while combinations to the left ha ve FS ]ess than
2 2.5. The minimum combination that satisfies both the set-
tlement and the factor-of-safety criteria is given by the in-
tersection of curves 1 and 2-in this case, n = 12 piles at
1 100 about 2.8-m spacing.
\Jo. of pi les, n Of course, other requirements may dictate the final
design-for example, requirements for design of the pile
FIGURE 6.34 llesign chart for settlcment of pile group; in
cap, or limits on the area of the group. In such cases, Fig.
6.36 gives a rapid appreciation of the consequences of other
constraints; for example, if the spacing had to be no greater
piJe spacings, s. The resulting plot is shown in Fig. 6.34.
than 1 m, a total of about 38 piles would be required to
From this plot, the values of s and n that satisfy the cri-
satisfy the settlement criterion, whereas 16 would be ade-
terion of 15-mm settlement may be obtained and replo tted
quate for bearing-capacity" purposes.
as curve 1 on Fig. 6.36. Combinations of s and 11 to the
The use of design charts such as Figs. 6.34, 6.35, and
r(~ht of curve 1 will give settlements less than 15 rnm,
6.36 can therefore give a ready appreciation of the effects
while t lwse to the !eft will give greater settlement~.. If
on group settlement and safety factor of changes in spac-
desired. a series of such curves could be constructed for
ing, number of piles, pile length, and soil and pile proper-

4.0 --'""T,-,-------,---..,------,-------,

1 Curve 2-minimum
~) -- \ requirements for
FS •- 0.25
3.0 \
__,_ FS --2.5
Values of specmg,
s (rn) \
f:Jl 4.0
/ a 2.0 - '\ Curve ·1-minimum
u " '\. '-... requirements for
0.. ....,_s=15mm
0.5 - '-.
....... ........


o 11 OL_____L__ __ L_ _ _L __ __ L_ _~
2 5 10 20 50 100
o 10 20 30 40 50
No. of pi les, n
l~o. of pi les, n
FIGURE 6.35 Design chart for factor of safety of pile groups in
example. FIGURE 636 Composite design chart for piJe group example.

ties. H is the simplicity and rapidity of construction of There is close correspondence between all three settlement
such charts-as compared with, say, a "one-off' finite-ele- profi!es, except in the ímmediate vicinity of the groups, in
ment solutíon-that make the elastic parametric solutions which case the e nsideration of a uniform pile-load distri-
so useful in designing pile groups. bution leads to nonuniform settlement of the ¡;roup. The
satísfactory nature of the equivalent-pier approximation is
evident from Fig. 6.37.
Further examples showing the effects of pile-stiffness
6.6 SURFACE SETTLEMENTS AROUND A GROUP factor K, length-to-diameter ratio L/d, and relative layer-
depth h/L, on the surface-displacement pro files surroundíng
The precedíng sections have dealt wíth the settlements di- a 2 2 group, are shown in Figs. 6.38, 6.39, and 6.4J.
rectly beneath the pi! e group. In sorne cases, ít m ay al so be
of interest to estímate the settlement of the ground surface
at some distance away from the group--for example, in
deterrnining the addítíonal settlement of an existing build- 6.7 OBSERVED ANO THEORETICAL GROUP
ing caused by a new structure. Such an estímate may be BEHAVIOR
obtained by usíng the solutions in Fígs. 5.32, 5.33, and
5.34 for the settlement distributíon around a pile. As with
the calculatíon of settlements caused by compressi'lle 6.7 .l Settlements
underlying strata, it ís convenient to consider the group
either as having a uniform load dístribution among the A number of comparisons between measured and theoreti-
piles, or as an equivalcnt single pier. An example of the sur- cal values of settlement ratio for t1oating-pile groups were
face-displacement profile caused by a 3 2 group with a tigid made by Poulos and Mattes (l97lb ). A summary of the
cap in a uniform semi-infinite mass, as given by Poulos ami cases consídered ís givcn in Table 6.9, and the ccmparisons
Mattes (197la), is shown in Fig. 6.37. Profiles were ob- are shown ín Fig. 6.41. In all cases, the load leve! corre-
tained by consídering: sponds to a factor of safety of at least 2 agaimt ultímate
failure of the group. With the exception of the model tests
l. The correct distributíon of pile loads P¡. by Hanna (1963) in loase sand, the agrecmcnt i:. generally
2. A uníform distríbution of loads satisfactory for both large and small val ues of K. The poor
3. A single equívalent picr. agreement for the tests in loose sand may be attributed to

32 Group
15 = 25
; 5
'\ d
Y, 0·5
Group wíth R•grd Cap
K 1000
Group wíth Flexible Cap
( Uní!orm load drstribution)

Group consíder·ed os eqUJvaiQnt

srngle prle (Ríg•d Cap)( L• • O·lll)


o 10 40
FIGURE 6.37 Comparison b<:tween correct and approximate surface·displacement profilcs.

35,----..,..----.,.-----.---.,-----, 25

22 Group 1
25 1

~.K =100
d = 5

1 5
'\.\\ p • _!¡¡_
v, =o 5
(X) \\
K= 1000 ' \
p= -lo 1 o \.\~·\
\ '\ ".!!.:1'15

' ...
' .......
_-- ------
o 10 20 30 40 50

o FIGURE 6.40 Influence of !ayer depth on surface-displacemcnt

pro files.

the effects of the greater densificatíon of the loose sand by

10 20 30 40 5(1
the pile group, as compared with the single pile. These corn-
d parisons, therefore, indicate that the theoretical approach
FIGURE 6.38 lnfluence of K on surfacc-displacement profiles. should be satisfactory in practica] cases, except for piJe
groups in Joose sand.

3 Group -} = 5
K =1,000
vs = 0·5

p = d~. lp


o 10 20 30 40
·FIGURE 6.39 lnfluenc:e of -on surface·displacement pro files.
V Sartary & Tatq(l961 3 Mod12l Group in 3 2 Modal Group in 3 2 Modal Grocp •n
o Whital<<ir (1957) Clay Oqnsq Sand
SowG'rs at n.t Hanna (1963)

Rs Rs
3 3
3 Mod~l Group In

Cloy o
1 11
1 1
1 3 5 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5
5/d s/d s/d s/d
(a) (b)
(a) (f)

7 - 4 15 15
2 2
3 Full S cal" Group 2 Full Se al" Grot.p 5 2 Mod~l Group in
5 Modal Group o
!O Dcmsq Sand .n OQMS<l Sand Dansq Sand
B<ZrazantzQ'v at al Bo2ro2zantzqv <2t al Hanna (1963)
( 1961) (1961)
5 3 10 10

o \
Rs R, l~s

3 5 5

1.2 ---'-- 4 12
o o
6 4 6 1 3 5 1 3 5
5/d 5/d s/d
~e) (d)
(g) (h)

---- Thl2oratical Curv12

o Obs12rvcd Volu\ls

FIGURE 6.41 Comparison between theoretical and observed settlement-ratios.


Assumed Parameters

.. Test
Pi le
Soil Type
for Comparisons
L/d K Layer Depth/L

Whitaker Brass Remolded 24 2 Model tests

(1957) London
Saffery and Stainless Remolded 20 2 Model tests
Tate (1961) steel ela y
Sowers et al. 'Aiuminium Remolded 24 2000 2 Modeltests
(1961) tu be bentonite
Berezantzev ·concrete Dense sand 20 1000 Field tests.
et al. (1961) K estímated
for quoted
val ues of Es·
Hanna (1963) Wood Dense sand 33 100 2 Model tests.
Hanna (1963) Wood Loose sand 33 1000 2 K estinlated
from Table 5.4


""" Elostic th«ory h/L =1·5 L/tj• 25 f\

1 \
8 1o. . . . '--.\
/¡ ~'- ........
o 1 " ..,g__
3 o
;; 6 ~ 1 " , ................
a:: o/ ., . . . ._
~ 1 ' ....
E / Elostic th«ory "-.

_.._ ______
. .---_ 4 ~

h/L=1·5 L/d=25

5 x 5 Groups
3x3 Groups
2 o Stifl cloy, h/L = 1 8 L/d = 20
D Stiff cloy h/L =1·8 L/d = 20 • Soft cloy h/L =2·4 L/d = 20
• Soft cloy h/L = 2·4 L/d = 20
(al (b)
o -L----~----~----~----1----_J QL---~----~-----L----~----~----J
1·0 1·5 2·0 2·5 3·0 3·5 4·0 1·0 15 2·0 2·5 3·0 40
Pil« Spacing s/d Pilcz Spacing s/d

FIGURE 6.42 Theorctical and measured settlernent-ratios. (Barden and Monckton, 1970).

Further cvidence of the applicability of the theor.e tical rock, comparisons between measured and theoretical settle-
approach can be found in the cornparisons between theory ments ha ve been made by Poulos (1972b). A typical soil
and the data collected by Skernpton, 1953 (Fig. 6.18) and profile is shown in Fig. 6.43. The calculated values were
Barden and Monckton, 1970 (Fig. 6.42). With the eJCcep- based on a val ue of modulus backfigured from the result s of
tion of the 3 2 groups in soft clay, the results ofBarden and pile-loadir.g tests, and a typicalload-test result ís shown in
Mon.;kton are in fair agreernent with theory. Fig. 6.44. For each building, the foundation consisted of a
For two buildings at M.I.T., founded on end-bearing number of piJe groups, so that in obtaining the theoretical
piles passing through a deep deposit of clay and bearing on settlement ratios, both the interaction between the piles of

Description Stress (ksf)

1 20
o 2 4 10 12 14
Miscel!aneous fili

Organic silt-some peat layers

o Sand and gravel
(usually dense, N 10 ~ 30i
··20 f- .
- X >z.-~ / 00
X?j!X f o o
X)< / o o
.::! --40 f-
Boston blue clay o
t: 50% PI o

l ~~
o (WL 30%1
--60 f-
~~ o
~\ o
~so.~ - :{ \ Sv éb o Ovo

x \ inferred lrom
-- '100 ~ - o e
¡Glacial till (ver y dense sandy grave!)
x F ield van e strength
Weathered shale o Maximum past pressure from oedometer tests
--120 (q" = 25 30 Tsf; e= Stsf, 1J = 29' 1
FIGURE 6.43 Typícal soíl pro file, MIT buíldings. (After D' Appolonía and La m be, 1971).

150r-----,-----~-------r-----~-----r----~ an individual group and the intergroup interac:tion have

been considered. Comparisons between measured and calcl.l-
lated settlements, shown in Figs. 6.45 and 6 46, re vea! rea-
sonable overall agreement. The discrepancies thé.t occur at
sorne columns possibly result from neglect of the structural
rigidity in estimating the colurnn loads, and errors in assess-

ing the settlements that occurred prior to commencement
of the settlement measurements--especially in the case of
the eastern (right-hand) side of the Space Center Building.
1 Poulos (1972b) presenteri a further comparison be-
tween predicted and observed settlements by corrparing the
theoretical relationship between settlement and number of
piles in the group with measured values reaorted by
D' Appolonia and Lambe ( 1971) for four buildbgs on the
12 · 7 5 in. OD x
M.I.T. campus. An average piJe length of lOO ft was as-
12·50•n. ID 1 sumed in deriving the theoretical relationship, which is
Dríwn w1th Boot Plot<Z
& F•ll,zd w•th 4000ps• concr¡zt.;; virtually linear and is an fair agreement with thc observed
relationship. Thls comparison is reproduced in Fig. 6.47.
o 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·5 3·0
S"ttl.;;m<Znt (in ) 6.7 .2 Load Distribution
FIGURE 6.44. Load-settlement curves from pile load test (a:'ter
D' Appolonía and La m be, 197 '! ). Comparisons between measured and theoretical oad-distri-
butions withln a model pUe group with a rigic cap have
be en made by Poulos ( l968b ). These are shov, n in Figs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A r----r----,-----,-----·,----r----.-----r----r----~---~
i·40 ·32 !·35 ! !
B ~.......+---~--!---·· --!------ t·_.,.4,.-,8),__+·"'-'45"-'-J--t-f"'48"-'-)-t-1--...;...¡----+------1
·37 ·32
·40) (·39)
e-- +_3"'15"-----+'--4.:!.0~~,"'-4"'15'---+1 : - - - - ,- - - -

D f--- -+-
·45) ~-415) 1<·47)
... ......,...¡~_;..~-~~....:::.:___+~:.:-:____+-:.c:...:..__+--1-~-~ ·¡-- .

M.zasur.;;d column S<rttl<2m<mts :n inchqs , Nov 1969
Pr<2d1ct12d línal colurnn S(lttl.zm.znts in brock<Zts.
FIGURE 6.45 Comparison bctween predícted and observed column settlements, MateriaÍs Scíence Building.

2 3 4 5 6
A -

B -
t '

e - 0·2_3_ _ _ _ --~-
0·46) r0·36l


M<ilosur.zd column S4lttl4lm<Olnts ín inch<ils ot Octob<Zr, 1969

Pr4ldíct<2d fmal column S<ólttl<ilm<ólnts brack<Olts
FIGURE 6.46 Comparisons between predicted and observed ~olumn settlements, Space Center.

150r-·-----r------,r-------~--~------~-----~ an individual group and the intergroup interaction have

been considered. Comparisons between measured and calcu-
lated settlements, shown in Fígs. 6.45 and 6 46, reveal rea-
sonable overall agreement. The discrepancies that occur at
sorne columns possibly result from neglect of the structural
rigidity in estimating the column loads, and errors in assess-
~100 ot Pi le ing the settlements that occurred prior to commencement
e 1
o X
of the settlement measurements-especially in the case of
the eastern (right-hand) side of the Space Center Building.

8 1
Poulos ( 1972b) presented a further comparison be-
Dasign Load tween predicted and observed settlements by comparing the
theoretical relationship between settlement and number of
piles in the group with measured values reportcd by
p,P<2 Sectíon·
D'Appolonia and Lambe (1971) for four buildíngs on the

Driv~n ~~¡~~:~~!~ Í M.I.T. campus. An average pile length of 100 ft was as-
sumed in deriving the . theoretical rdationship. which is
Fílled with 4000psí concrete vírtually linear and is an fair agreement with the observed
relationship. This comparison is reproduced in Fíg. 6.47.
o 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·5 3·0

Sa!ttlement (in J 6. 7 .2 Load Distribu tion

FIGURE 6.44. Load·settlement curves from piJe load test (after
D' Appolonia and Lambc, 1971 ). Comparisons between measured and theoretical load-dístri-
butíons within a model pile group with a rigid cap have
been made by Poulos (1968b). These are shown in Figs.

M<Zasur<Zd column .;ai.tlem<21'1tS 1n inchas , Nov. 1969

Pr;zd1ct<2d f1nal column S<2tti<Zments ín brack<2ts.

FIGURE 6.45 Comparíson betwcen prcdicted and observed col·~mn settlements, MateriaÍs Science Building.

2 3 4 5 6

A .

8 -~~~-- ----fo:g~:::,.)---,.;:-
e -

Maasurli!d column Sli!ttl<ilmants ín ínch<ils at Octobar, 1969

Pr<ildict<2d final column S<Zttlqmants brack<Zts
FIGURE 6.46 Comparisons between predicted and observed column settlernents, Space Center.

but nevertheless exhíbits similar trends. For the 5 2 group, Group load,Pc 90 tons
both the magnitude of the loads, and their variation with Group-reduction factor, R G 0.40
spacing, are predicted mo.re closely by the theory. Single pile settlement at 0.20 mm/ton
unit load, p 1
Predicted settlement of 7.2 mm
6.7.3 Group Behavior Predicted from Single-PiJe Test group,PGPtRG
Result; Measured settlement of 7.1 mm
Tests by Koizumi and lío (1967)
A series of fuH-scale tests by Koizumi and Ito (1967) offers Although the cap of this group was in contact witL the soil,
.un excellent opportunity to study the prediction of pile·
the effect of the cap on group settlement calculated on the
group performance from the results of a single-pile test. A
basis of the analysis in Chapter 10 is in this case negligible.
single floating·pile and a nine-pile rigid-capped group of
It will be seen that there is excellent agreement between
similar piles were founded in a thíck uniform !ayer of sil::y
predicted and measured group settlement. The measured
clay overlain by a thin !ayer of sandy silt. The piles we;e
and theorétically-predicted load distributions within the
closed-end st~el tubes instrumented to allow piJe loads,
group also agree well, as·is shown in Table 6.1 O.
earth pressures, and pore pressures to be measured. Prmi-
Soil displacements near the group were recorded mainly
sion was also made for measuring displacements ar.d
pressures in the soil remote from the piles. Details of the
foundations and site conditwns are given in-Fig. 6.50.
By using the single-pile load-test· results, a soil modulus
of 2500 psi was backfigund, corresponding to a pile-stíff.
ness factor of 500, at a load factor against failure of ap- KOIZUMI AND JTO {196 7)
proximately 2.5. From the theoretical solutions presented
in this chapter, the settlemtmt of the rigíd-<:apped group (at Pile Load/ Average PiJe Loa<!
the same load factor) was calculated and compared with the PiJe Loca tion
measured settlement, as folbws: Theoretical Measureda

Centre 0.35 0.46

Group 3 2 , floating, rigid cap Mid.Side 0.82 0.86
L/d 18.5 (individual piles) Comer 1.35 1.20
Spacing 3 piJe diameters center-to·
center a Group load 120 tons.

r L
"'n dy
!:.!L,E OETA~ '5ilt
len,;U; S.Sm

30 cm
0.)2 cm
Mater 1a t s tee \ zV
V lilt
/ <ia

/ Wlt

sh< u.
o'~o o 6/
T o o o

FIGURE 6.50 Pile group test (Koizumi and lto, 1967).


in connection with ultimate-bearing-capacity investigations groups with piles of L/d = 25, at a pile spacing of two dia•
and at working loads, are considerably smaller than those meters. In Table 6.11, the mea su red settlements are com-
predicted theoretically. pared with those predicted from the results of single-pile
tests carried out under the same conditions, and it can be
Model-Group Tests by Mattes and Poulos ( 19 71) seen that there is good agreement between observed and
Tests were carried out on 3 X 3 and 6 X 1 floating pile predícted settlements.


Group size 3X 3 6X1

Total group load (lb) 50 40

Theoretical group settlement 4.77 3.24

ratio Rs

Settlement of single pile at lmmediate 3.82 4.41

average pile load (predicted
from average soil modulus
backfigured from single pile
tests) (in. X 1o·• ) Final 4.98 5.56

Predicted 18.2 14.3

Observed 15.3 15.0

lmmediate settlement of group
(in.X 10--<¡
Ratio of
predicted to
1.19 0.95

Predicted 23.4 18.0

Observed 24.2 20.0

Fin al se ttlem ent of gro u p
(in. X 10--<)
Ratio of
predicted to
0.98 0.90

a After \1attes and Pou1os (1971).


7.1 INTRODUCTION tion requirement that may result in the specificiation of

allowable lateral loads much less than the ultirnate lateral
Piles are frequently subjected to lateral forces and mo- capacity of the piles. For such cases, the estimation of la-
ments: for example, in qua y and harbar structures, where teral deflections caused by lateral loads is discussed in
horizontal forces are caused by the impact of ships during Chapter 8, while the general problem of a pile or pile-group
berthing and wave action; in offshore structures subjected subjected to both axial and lateralloading is considered in
to wind and wave action; in pile-supported earth-retaining Chapter 9. Consideration in the present chapter will be con-
structures; in lock structures; in transmission-tower foun- fined to situations where the lateral deflection is not an irn-
dations, where high·wind forces may act; and in structures portant consideration. It must, however, be emphasized
constructed in earthquake areas such as Japan or the West that in many cases, the ultimate load wíll be reached at very
Coast of the United Sta tes, where sorne building codes spec- large deflections, especially in the case of relatively flexible
ify that piles supportin:s such structures ~~~ piles. For such cases, it rnay be desirable to carry out a
~bility_to__n~~-~~!~Jor<;.e..nU_Q% of the ap.elLed l!:Xial
complete elastoplastic analysis, as outlined in Section 8 3.
JruL<l. In the design of such pile foundations, two crit~ However, for relatively rigid piles, the method describe:d
must be satísfied: first, an adequate factor of safety against herein will generally be applicable. The chapter concludes
ultimate failure; and se::ond, an acceptable deflection at with a brief consideration of the effects of piles on slope
working loads. As in other fields of soil mechanics, these stability, and of methods of increasing lateral load capacity.
two criteria are generally treated separately, and the design
is arranged to provide tt:e required safety.margins indepen-
dently. 7.2 SINGLE PILES
In this chapter, metlwds of estirnating the u!tirnate la-
ter~ 1esistance of single piles and pile groups are de~crii~d. In this section, methods of estimating the ultimate lateral
In many practica! cases, the design of piles for lateralload- resistance of relatively-slender vertical floating piles having
ing wm be dependent on satisfying a lirnitíng lateral-deflec- . negligible base resistance are considered first, and a number

of po:>sible approaches are described. Th~ effects of soc- = pL = Pu -the abo ve equations yíeld the following solu-
keting the tip and of pile-batter are then discussed, and tions for the depth of rotation, z,, and the ultimate lateral
the "thin-pile" analysis ís extended to piers with sígníficant ioadHu:
base resistance.
7 .2.1 Conventional Statical Approach
The simplest method of estimating the ultimate lateral resis-
tance of a floatíng pile is to consider the statics of a piJe, as
shown in Fig. 7.1 for apile with an unrestrained (or ''free")
head. The pile is subjected to a horizontal force H and a
moíuent M, and the ultimate soil pressure at any depth z P~~L = j(1 +~~y+ l- (1 + ~) (7.5)
below the soil surface is Pu. The limiting combination of H
and M, Hu and Mu, to cause failure-that is, to :mobilize
HudL is plotted against e/L in Fig. 7 .2.
the ultima te soil resistance along the pile, assuming the pile Pu
to be rigid-may be obtained by considering equilibrium of For the case of a linear variation of soil resistance with
horizontal forces and moments, and solving the resulting depth, from Po at the ground surface to PL at the pile t4p,
simultaneous equations for the unknown depth of rotation, the following equations may be derived:
z,, and the ultima te horizontal load Hu (taking the mom·~nt
Mu as He, whete e eceentricity of loading). Treating the
piJe as ~ thin strip of diameter or width d, these equatíons,
in general form, are

Zr L
+! l2po )
'(pL · Po
(3 ~)ff!.o + PL)
\L VJL- Po
fo Puddz
Puddz (7 .1)
_ (2pL+Po\ O
Mu Hu e J Pudzdz (7.2)

+ J Pudzdz 0·5r·-----¡------1~---~~--~

Uniform py

In the case of a uniform distribution of soil resistance Distr ibution -~---·--+----·..J

with depth along the whole length of the pile-that is, Po

Pii<Z diomet,zr=d

L 0 ' 1 Varying Pu
Distrlbution z ro at
~urfac!Z. pL at tip
O Pu PL /2
o 0·5 1·0 0·5
<l/L L/1Z
FIGURE 7.1 Unrestrained laterally-loaded píle. FIGURE 7.2 Ultímate lateral resistan ce of unrestrained rigíd píles.

point. Since this maximum moment cannot exceed the

(7 .7) yield moment of the pile section, the ultimate lateral
resistance is the lesser of:

~(l+Po) l. The horizontal load required to cause failure of the soil

2 PL
along the whole length of the pile (i.e., the pile then is
essentíally rigid and its capacity is govemed by the soil
HdLu is plotted against e/L in Fig. 7.2 for the case Po'= O. resistan ce).
General solutions for failure load and moment combma- 2. The horizontal load required to produce a maximum
tions are shown in Fig. 7.3. moment equal to the yield moment of the pile section
For any general dislributíon of soil resistance with (i.e., the lateral capacity of the pile is governed primarily
depth, it is convenient to employ the procedure recom- by the pile characteristics).
mended by Brinch Hansen (1961). In this procedure, the
center of rotation is determined by tria! and error, such A more detailed consideration of the ultima te resistance
that the resulting moment, taken about the point of appli- of botñ rigid and nonrigid free-head piles is given in
cation of the load, is zero. When the center of rotation 'is Section 7.2 .2, together with consideration of the load
determined, the ultimate lateral resistance can be obtained capacity of piles having a restrained head.
from the horizontal-equilibrium equation.
An extension of the above analysis for the case of a Ultimate Soil Resistance
pi!~ near a slope has bew described by Poulos (1976). For a purely cohesive soil, the ultimate lateral resistance
Pu increases from the surface down to a depth of about
Nonrigíd Pites three pile diameters and remains constant for greater
The above derívatíons assumed that the píle is sufficiently depths. This is shown diagrammatically. in Fig. 7.4. When
rigid that failure of the soil will occur before failure of Pu becomes constant, lateral failure involves plastic flow of
the pile itself. However, for relatively long pi! es, the ulti· the soil around the pile in the horizontal plane only and the
mate lateral resistance may be determined by the yield mo· value of Pu can be determined by plastícity theory. The
ment of the pile, which may be reached before full mobili- value of the lateral resistance factor Kc (pu Kci:) depends
zation of the ultimate s3il resistance. In such cases, the on the ratio of piJe adhesion to cohesion ca/e and on the
ma~mum moment (occuningat the point of zero shear for a shape of the piJe section, the most significant property of
free-head pile) should be: calculated, as described above, the shape being the aspect ratio d/b. The influence of the.
assuming full mobilization of the soil resistance above t~s aspect ratio on the value ·Jf Kc is shown in Fig. 7.5 for

'' ±;......M'H -- !

o~ ~=RJJ.~s~o~¡,=
1 1

• ~ ---f-

N ~T"-1--l::::~ ,
~ ~ -~-
~N . '~ . .!¡__
-~ --~

i ' 1' " ' - 1
1 i '
1 h =! -H,l.---

¡ ¡~
! "'
i -0~5 1'--' ......,8 o
~ '::-.f'.....
1...... i"{A
• ~¡ "t 1

1 : ~ ::::.... Í'. ".....
1 -- 1

" "'
1 ........ 1

""" ~~- ~
! l
1 ~
1 ! 1
-1 1'-- ..........
¡....._ ~

l l
i i
FIGURE 7.3 Ultímate lateral resístance of uruestrained rigid piles.

For the more general case· of a e- if¡ soil, an alternative

derivation of the ultimate lateral soil resistance, based
essentially on earth-pressure theory, has been given by
30 Brinch Hansen (1961 ), who also considers the variation
of resistance with depth along the pile. The ultimate resist-
ance at any depth, z, below the surface is expressed as

Pu = QKq + cKc (7.8)

(a) D¡¡flczctíons (b)Prol:xlbkl Distríbutíon where
ot Soí 1 Rczoct ions
FIGURE 7.4 Dístribution of lateral resistan ce.
q vertical overburden pressure
e = cohesion
c11 jc = 1 and c0 fe = O and,
to suffícient accuracy, the K,, Kq = factors that are a function of if¡ and z/d
solution for any intermediate value of ca/e can be obtained
by linear interpolation. The curves in Fig. 7.5 have been ob- Ke and Kq are plotted in Fig. 7.6, while the limiting values
tained by plastícíty theory using limit analysis. (The upper for the ground surface and for infinite depth are plotted in
bound obtained in this analysis generally only exceeded the Fig. 7.7. '
lower bound by lO to 15% and the curves are for the aver-
age of the two bounds). The analysis assumed the pile sec-
tion to be a rhomb and may be slightly conservative for 7.2.2 Broms's Theory
other convex shapes of the same aspect ratio. Elsewhere in
this chapter the lateral resistance at depth in purely cohe- The theory developed by Broms (l964a and b) is essentially
sive soíl is usually taken as 9e, whatever the shape of the the same as that described in the preceding sectbn, except
pi! e and value of ca/e, see for example Brom 's approach to that simplifications are made to the ultimate soil-resist-
ultimate pile capacity detailed in below. Fig~ 7.5 ance distribution a]ong the piJe and also that full consider-
confirms the reasonableness of this simple assumption. ation is given to restrained or fixed-head piles as well as

Srnoot;¡ (
Valua ganarally Co•OJ
8 assumad

o 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0
1-o o-e o-e o-4 o-2 o
b/d d/b

FIGURE 7.5 Effect of aspect ratio and adhesion ratio on lateral resistance for purely cohesive soil.

o 5 10 15 20
z z
cr a
(o) (b)
FIGURE 7.6 La tera1 resistancc factors Kq and K e (Brinch Hansen, 1961 ).

unrestrained or free-head piles. For convenience, piles in Unrestrained or Free-Head Pi/es

purely cohesive soils and in purely frictional soils will be Possible failure mechanisms for unrestrained piles are shown
considered separa te! y. for "short" and "long" piles in Fig. 7 .8, together with thc
soil-reaction distrihutions. "Short" piles (termed rigid pi/es
t-.2.2.1 P/Lt:S IN COHE"SJ VE SOJLS in the preceding sections) are those in which the lateral
capacity is dependent wholly on the soil resistance, while
As discussed previously (Fig. 7.4 ), the u! tima te sod
"long" piles are those whose lateral capacity is primarily
resistance for piles in purely cohesive soils increases with
dependent on the yield moment of the piJe itself. In Fig.
depth from 2cu at the wrface (cu = undrained shear-
7.8, f defines the location of the maximum moment, and
strength) to 8 to 12 cu at a depth of about three pile-
since the shear there is zero,
diameters (3d) below the surface. Broms (1964a) suggested
a simplified distrihution of soil resistance as being zero

from the ground surface to a depth of l.Sd and a constant ,,

value of 9cu below this depth. This assumes also that piJe i,r
movements will be sufficient to generate this reaction in 11
the critica! zones, the location of which will depend on the 1
failure mechanism. 1
L 1¡



10" 20" 30° 40"

0 Dafl<2ction Soil r~'C1ction B<2nding momant
FIGURE 7.7 f,atera1 resistance factors at ground surface (O) and at FIGURE 7.8 Fai1ure mechanisms for piles in cohesive soi1 (Broms,
great depl:h (~) (Brinch Hansen, 1961). 1964a).

Hu Broms's solution for short piles can easily be recovered

f=-- (7 .9) from the simple statical solution for uniforrn soil described
' 9cud
in Section 7.2, by using an equivalent length c:f pile equal
to L - ].5d, andan equivalent eccentricity of lcading equal
Also, taking moments about the maximum moment location,
toe+ 1.5d.
Mmax = Hu (e + l.Sd + 0.5[) (7JOa)
Restrained or Fixed-Headed Pi/es
al so, Possible failure mechanisms for restrained piles are shown in
Fig. 7.1 O, together with the assumed distributions of soil
(i .lOb) reactiol\ and moments. The changeover .points from one
failure-mode to another depend again on the yield moment
Sin ce L = l.Sd + f + g, Eqs. (7 .9) and (7 .1 O) can be solved of the piJe. It is assumed that moment-restraint equal to the
for the ultima te lateral load, Hu. The solution is plotted in
Fig. 7 .9a in terms of dimensionless parameters L/d and
flu/(;ud 2 , and applies for short piles in which the yield
moment M y> Mrnax. the inequality being checked by using
Eqs. (7.9) and (7.lüa).
For long piles, Eq. (7.10b) no longer holds, and ffu is
obtained from Eqs. (7.9) and (7.lüa) by setting_ Mmax r
equal to the known value of yield moment, My. This 1
L 1
solutíon is plotted in Fig. 7 .9b in terms of dimensionless 1
parameters Hu/cud 2 and My/cud 3 . It should be notecl that 1 1

D~flactton Soil R~oction Bc;~ndins Momant
60 (My~ldl
u _,.--.. Hu
I 50
;;¡ 40
oc" JO
o 20

o" 10
::> (
(a) Emt>adm.,nt L•mgth L/d (b)
&nding Momant
""', 100
..¡' 60

V 40
;¡¡ 20
!! 6
·-' 4
s 2
34 6 10 20 40 60 100 300 600 (e)
D<:~fi<Zction Soil R4oction Banding Momant
FIGURE 7.9 Ultimate lateral resistance in cohesive soils: (a) ~hort FIGURE 7.1 O Restrained piles, in cohesíve soil: (a) s.ho.~t; (b) ínter-
piles; (b) Ion piles (Broms, !964a). medíate; (e) long (after Broms, 1964a).

moment in the pile just below the cap is available*. Tn of predicted to measured ultimate loads is about two
Fig. 7.1 Oa, the following relationships hold for "short" piles: thirds. The distribution of soil resistance is

1.5d) (7 .11) Pu (7 .15)

Hu (0.51, + 0.75d) (7 .12) where

Solutions in dimensionless terms are shown in Fig. 7 .9a. effective vertical ·werburden pressure
For "intermediate" piles (i.e., first yield of pile ( 1 + sin <t;')/(1 - sin q/)
occurs at the head) in Fig. 7.10b, Eq. (7.9) holds, and angle of in terna! friction ( effective stress)
takíng moments about the surface,
The analysis resulting from the assumption of the above
My 'kudf(l .5d + 0.5[) (7 .13) factor of 3 is rnuch simpler than that which would follow
using Brinch Han sen 's variable factor Kq (Fig. 7.6 ).
This equation, together with the relationshipL 1.5d + f +g, Broms'~ approach is equivalent to assuming that Brinch

may be solved for fl~t. lt is necessary to check that the Hansen's Kq 3Kp for all depths. From Fig. 7.7, it can be
maxímum positíve moment, at depth f + 1.5d, is less than seen that for values of </> likely to obtain in sands, 3Kp
My; otherwise, the failure mechanism for "long" piles líes between Brinch Hansen's surface and deep values of
illustrated in Fig. 7.1 Oc holds. For the latter mechanism, Kq.
the following relationship applies:
Unrestrained or Free-Head Piles
(7 .14) Possible failure-modes, soil-resistance distributions, and
Hu = (l.Sd + 0.5[) bending-moment distributions for "long" and "short"
piles are shown in Fig. 7.11 (for constant soil unit weight 'Y
Dimensionless solutions are shown in Fig. 7.9b. along the pile). As before, the pile will act as a "short"
pile if the maxímum moment is less than the yield moment
of the section. In Fig. 7.lla, the rotation is assumed to be
about a point close to the tip, and the high pressures acting PILES IN COHESIONLESS SOILS near this point are replaced by a single toncentrated force
at the tip. Taking moments ábout the toe,
The following assumptions are made in the analysis by
Broms (1 964b ): 3
H = 0.5 ¡dL Kp (7 .16)
u e +L
l. The active earth-pressure acting on the back of the pile
is neglected.
This relationship is plotted in Fig. 7 .12a using the dimension-
2. The distribution of passive pressure along the front of the
less parameters L/d and HulKp"fd 3 • The maxímum moment
piJe is equal to three times the Rankíne passive pressure.
occurs ata distance /below the surface, where
3. The shape of the pile section has no influence on the
distribution of ultimate soil pressure or the ultimate lateral
resistance. (7 .17)
4. The full lateral resistance is mobilized at the movernent
considered. that is,

The simplified assumption of an ultirnate soil resist-
ance, Pu, equal to three times the Rankíne passive pressure
is based on limited empírica! evidence from cornparisons
bet)Veen predicted and observed ultimate loads rnade by
f 0.82
Jl -

The rnaxímum moment is

Broms; these comparisons suggest that the assumed factors
of 3 may in sorne cases be conservative, as the average ratio

* If only limited head-restraint is available, solutions may be

obtaíned by applícation of statical considerations similar to those If after use of Eq. (7 .16), the calculated value of Hu
described in this and the preví.ous section. results in Mmax > My (Mmax from Eq. 7.18), then the píle

1 1


D.z!l<zdion Soil Raaction


Da!laction Banding MomClnt

( b)

F!Gt;RE 7.11 Frec-head piles in a cohesionless soil: (a) shOit, (b) long (after Broms, 1964b).

will act as a "long" pile, and Hu may then be calculated (7 .19)

from Eqs. (7.17) and (7.18), putting Mmax = My. The
solutions for Hu for "long" píles are plotted in Fig. 7 .12b, This solution is plotted in dimensionless form in Fig. 7 .12a.
in terms of lf11 /Kp¡d 3 and My/d ¡Kp. The maxímum moment ís
For short piles, comparisons reveal that Broms 's as-
sumptions lead to higher values of ultima te load than the (7.20)
simple analysis given in Section 7 .2. For example, for L/d
20 and e/I. O, Broms's solution gives a load 33% more
than that derived from the simple statical analysis. If M max exceeds My, then the failure m o de in Fig. 7 .13b is
relevan t. From Fig. 7 .13b, f9r horizontal eq1:1ilibrium:

Restrained or Fixed-/Jead Pites

The assumption of an available moment-resistance at the (7 .21)
top cap 'of at least My is again made. Possible f.iilure
modes for ''short," "intermediate," and "long" pil~s are
shown in Fig. 7.13. For a "short'' piJe (Fig. 7J3a), Taking moments about the top of the pile, and substituting
horizontal equilibrium gives for F from Eq. (7 .21 ):

R<Zstrom<Zd/ i
---:-7 Fr<2<2 t1<2adad
Hu ------r--r- <2

e: :~~~
tu / ~. T=O
~ .120 ¡-:----,f-+--1'-+---1
¡¡; --if-d / •


o 4 20
Embadmant L.;¡ngtn, Lid


.:- 1000 . - - - - - ; - - - - . . - - - - , . - - - - , . . - - - - - . .
"'' "

g 100

0:: ""
1·0 10 100 1000 10000


FIGURE 7.12 Ultimate lateral resístance of píles in cohesionless soils: (a) short; (b) long (after Broms, 1964b).

(7.22) Dimensionless solutions from 1.his equation are shown in

Hence, Hu may be obtained. Comparisons have been made by Broms between
This equation only holds if the maximum moment at depth f maximum bending mornents calculated from the above
is less than My, the distance f being calculated from Eq. approa,ch and values determined experirnentally in a con-
(7 .17). siderable number of tests reported in the literature. For
For the situation shown in Fig. 7.13c, where the cohesive soils, the ratio of calculated to observed moment
maximum moment reaches My at two locations, it is ranged between 0.88 and 1.19, with an average value of
readily found that 1.06. For cohesionless soils, this ratio ranged between
0.54 and 1.61, with an average value of 0.93. While good
agreement was obtained, it was pointed out by Broms that
the calculated maximum moment is not sensitive to small
(7 .23)
variations in the assumed soil-resistance distribution.

(Mm 0 x).


i __

(a) D<lfl<tctiOn

l e
FIGURE 7.14 Plastícity analysís for Jaterally loaded plate.

Solutions for the failure of a strip footing near a vertical

edge are then utilized. At failure, the pressure on AB is
2c, while that on BC is given by the solution for a strip of
width BC, distant AB from a vertical edge (Davis and
So1l R<tact1or B<2nd1ng MC>r1Q:nt
Booker, 1973). Upper- and,lower-bound solutons obtained
in this way are shown in Fig. 7.15, and for :)factical pur-
poses, these upper and lower bounds coincide or are only a
slight distance apart. A similar approach can be employed
in the case of a rough plate, by considering a rough footíng
under various inclinations of load (it is still assumed there is
no tension between soil and plate.) A lower-bound solution
for the rough-plate case is also shown in Fíg. 7.15. The
roughness of the plate only has an appreciable effect over
a limited range of rnoment and load cornbinatíons. It should
be emphasized that the solutions in Fig. 7.1 5 are for a
weightless soil and will tend to be conservative for soíl
having appreciable weight. Also, plane-strain conditions are
assumed with failure occurring in a vertical plane in con-
trast to failure in a horizontal plane in the a:J.alysis in Fig.
7.5. Model tests (Douglas, 1958) show satisfactory confir-
D!2fl<2ct1on So1l R<2oct1on 8<lnd¡rg Mom<2nt
mation of the theory.
Comparisons between the solutions in Fig. 7.15 and
HGURE 7.13 Restrained piles in a cohesíonless soil: (a) srort; (b) those obtained from Brorns's theory (Fig. 7.9) show that the
íntermediate; (e) long.
ultima te lateral resistance calculated frorn plas'.icity theoryis
much less than that frorn Brorns's theory--for example,
for L/d 12 and e/ L = O, the calculated ultima te loads
7 .2.3 Plane Strain Solutions differ by a factor of 3. Tlús difference arises largely from
the lower ultirnate-soil-resistances used in the plasticity
Solutions for a perfectly-rigid free-head plate in a purely- approach (a value of 2cu for the portian AB and a maxi-
cohesive weightless soil have been obtained by Davis murn value of 5.14cu for portian BC, as against Brorns's
O961) for plane-strain conditions. If it is assumed that value of 9cu ), as a consequence of the assumption of
there can be no tension between the soil and plate and that plane-strain conditions.
the pla te is smooth, the soil pressure will act normally The plasticíty solutions in Fig. 7.15, while unduly
over the right-hand side of a portian AB of the plate, and conservative for normal proportions of pile, are relevant
over the left-hand side of BC, as shown in Fíg. 7.14. to the case of shallowly·embedded sheet pilbg and may be



No Fo!lur~ o Expqrim.;¡ntal r.;¡sults

from mOd<ó!l t<O!sts.
ua ~ upper bound
LB= lower bound




- - ..._ ___ _ \

FIGURE 7.15 Failure of a rigid vertical platc under moment and horizontal load (Davis, 1961}.

relevan t lo a group o f pi! es dosel y spaced in a single long vertical load, the pite weight, and the vertical component of
row. For the latter, the plane-strain plasticity analysis the lateral forces on the front and back of the píle.
plays an analogous role for the loadings considered in this Consideration of these forces, together v.ith those actíng
chapter to the role played by the block-bearing-capacity on the front and back of the piJe, leads to a quartic
analysís in consideration c,f groups of piles subject to expression for the position of the center of rotatíon.
vertical load (Chapter 3). Solution of this equation .enables the ultimate lateral load
to be calculated. Roscoe also describes a similar analysis
for tíed piers, restrained to rotate about the center of the
píle at the ground surface. In both analyses, however, it·was
7.2.4 Pites with Significant Base Resistance assumed that the ultimate lateral pressure on the pile was
the dífference between the Ranking passive and active
Satisfactory theoretícal solt::tíons to thís problem have not pressures; thís assumption may be conservative unless the
yet been obtaíned. For relatively long píles, it may be pile or pier is shallow.
adequate, if c'onservative, to add the shearing resistance of
the base of the .pile to the ultimate lateral resistance of the
píle calculated from the pre.ceding sections. F or relatively
short piers, the base may provide sígnificant moment- 7 .2.5 Socketed Piles
resistance, and this can be estimated from bearíng-capacíty
theory for eccentric and inclíned loading (e.g., Meyerhof, For piles that· are socketed into rock or whose tip is
J953). As the length-to-diameter ratio de creases, the embedded in a firmer stratum, a moáificatíon of the
center of rotation moves downward toward the base of the preceding analyses for floating piles is necessary. A typical
piJe and may even be located outside the pile. In such cases, case is illustrated in Fig. 7.16, for a free-head. pile. Here,
it may be desirable to consider alternatíve failure-mechan- assumed failure-modes and moment-distributions are shown
isms and adopt the one giving the mínimum ultímate- together with an arbitrary distribution of ultimate soil
lateral-resistance of the pier. resistance, Pu. The actual distributíon of Pu may be
A reasonable engineering approach has be en suggested by estimated from the theories described in Section 7 .2.1. It is
Roscoe (1957), who considers the presence of a horizontal again assumed that the effect of the high pressures near the
shear-resistance at th(~ interface between the base and the tip may be replaced by a single force, sínce the center of
soil and í.he effect o~· an eccentric vertical reaction acting rotation ís obviously close to the tip. Considering "short"
on the base. This reactíon is balanced by the applied piles first: Takmg moments about the típ gives


C<:mtNZ O!

D«fl<i!ction So<! R<i!SIStanc<i!

(o) Short Pil<i!

D<i!fl<i!ction Soil Rqsístanc«

(b) Long Pil«
FIGURE 7.16 Free-head socketed piles.

L, where

PurZ dz (7 .24)
z vertical distance, meaSJred downward from the sur-
L + Lr )
+ J Puszdz The bracketed term ipur>, in Eq. (7.25) applies only if f
L, extends below the top of the stiffer stratum. The maximum
moment is then
ultímate lateral resistance of stíffer stratum d J {pus + <Pur>)zdz (7 .26)
ultimate lateral resistan ce of soil o
z vertical distance, measured upward from the tip
Hu m ay then be determined freo m Eqs. (7 .25) and (7 .26).
For tile value of Hu thus calculated,1the maximum moment, For piles with a restrained o: fixed head, similar analyses
may be carríed out; these cases may be treated as extensions
Mmax must be checked. If Mmax < My, the piJe will fail
of the restrained-pile analyses of Broms, 1964a and b
as a short piJe. I f M max >My, then the piJe will fail as a long
(Section 7 .2.2).
piJe, and Mmax must be equal toMv. The position oUHmax
(dislance f below the surface) may be determined by the
condítion of zero shear there; that is, when 7.2.6 Piles Subjected to Inclint~d Loading

l The ultima te load capacity in this case is a function of both

d J (pus + ipu,))dz (7 .25) the lateral resistance and the vertical load capacity of the
o pile. When the applíed load deviates only slightly from the

axial direction, fail ure will occur essen tially by axial slip
(and also bearing failure of the tip for downward loading).
Lateral faílur« will occur when the inclinatíon of the applied
load ís large, that is, as the load becomes perpendicular to 300
the píle axis. The above two modes of failure will occur as Cu= 15001b/tt
follows: 20' Ca= 0·45 Cu
250 = 6751b~t:1
l. Axial failure will occur when the ultimate lateral J~
i:apacíty exceeds the horizontal componen! of the ultima te
inclined load: that is, when 200 Axial (uplift) --t---=La=t=o;ro~l---i

Hu > Qu sin o, Ull1mat<01

foiturQ faílurQ
.... .....__.

or Ou
Hu > Pu tan o (7.27)


Qu ultima te inclined-load capacity of pile

Hu ultimate lateral capacity of pile (calculated as 50
described earlier in this chapter)
Pu ultimate axial-load capacity ofpile (see Chapter 3)
8 angle of inclination of load from vertical oo 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Inclmatíon of Load, 5"
2. Lateral failure vvill occur when the ultimate lateral
FIGURE 7.17 Exarnple of vario.tion of load capacíty with indina-
capacity ís less than the horizontal componen! of the tíon. Pier in cohesive soil.
ultimate inclined load: that is, when
• Hu < Pu tan o
Axial Failure
For cohesive soils, it is reasonable to assume that the In a cohesionless soil, the lateral component of load will
ultimate axiai capacíty of the pile ís independent of the ínfluence the axial load capacity of a piJe. An illustration
lateral componen! of load and that the lateral load capacíty of the change in lateral pressure caused by inclínation of
ís independent of the axial componen! of load. The inclined- the applied load is given in Fíg. 7.18a. Wh.en the inclination
load capacity, Qu, can then be calculated as the lesser of is small, the in creases in latera.! pressure are small, the largest
the followíng two values: increases occurring near the top and tip of the pile. The
lateral pressure ís assumed to increase linearly near the
l. For axial failure,
surface as failure in ihe soil occurs, and ís three to nine
times the Rankine passive pressure. An idealized distribution
of this change in earth pressJre is shown in Fig. 7 .18b. It is
2. For lateral failure, assumed by Broms that the :1ígh lateral-earth-pressure near
the pile tip can be replaced by a concentrated load, and that
Q11 = Hu cosec o the ultima te soil resistance is equal to five times the Rankine
For a typical example involving a bored pier in a passive value to a depth g below the ground surface. This
medium clay, the variation of ultimate load capacíty wíth assumption is less conservative than Broms's earlier assumpt-
inclination of load ís shown in Fig. 7.17. ioñ of three times the Rankine passive value in deriving
solutions for laterally-loadeé. vertical piles in cohesionless COHESIONLESS SOILS soils (see Section 7 .2.2).
Yoshimi (1964) has employed the same approach as The axial load capacity,Pu, can be caJCH.lated as
described above for cohesive soils. However, Broms (1965)
has extended this ap¡;roach to consider the influence of the (7 .31)
lateral component of load on the axial load capacity. In
Broms's method, the two modes of failure, axial failure and
lateral failure, are again considered. where

.... ·:::
·: :: :·
...... '',
l ;.:.:_:.;·.
.. .
11. • . .•
. . ·....
1 1 ..
L \
1 \
1 \
1 1 \
1 \
1 \
d \
1 \
1 1 \
1 1 \

Daflaction Earth Prassur~ Distribution
FIGURE 7.18a Earth-pressure distríbution for oblique pul! (Broms, 1965).

Puo axial capacity when the applied load acts along Lateral Failure
the pile axis If it is assumed that the vertical component of load does not
D..Pu íncrease in pullout resístance caused by the two affect the lateral resistance of the píle, then
latera:! forces, T and R, ín Fíg. 7 .18b
Qu = Hu cosec o (7 .33)
The ultimate inclined-load capacity is then
(7.32) ultima te lateral resista.:-tce for horizontalloading

Consíderation of the statics of the pressure distribution ín The actual load capacity is then the lesser of the values
Fig. 7 .18b cnablcs Mu, and hence Qu, to be determine d. calculated for axial and lateral faílure.
For piles with a restrained head, or "long" piles {which
may fail by failure of the pile it>elf), the approach outlined

above may be extended in a similar manner to that described
in Section 7 .2.2.

Broms (1965) has compared predicted ultimate load
L_' H capacities with those measured in the tests by Yoshimi
{1964) and found reasonably good agreement. An example is
2/3g shown in Fig. 7.19 for an 18-in.-long model pi! e in sand
subjected to a load inclined a.t an angle of 30° to the
vertical, the piJe being battered at an angle {3 to the vertical
{the pile is treated as a vertical pile loaded at an angle
{3 + 30° to the vertical-see next section). Also shown is the
predicted ultimate load if no allowance is made for the
1 1
increase in uplift capacity caused by lateral load. The latter
1 prediction is obviously very conservative.
1 1
l...j R
7 .2.7 Battered Pi!es

The geometry of the problem ls illustrated in Fig. 7 .20a.

Dczflact1on Eorth Pr(Zssur(Z Distributíon For the normal range of pile batters employed in practice,
FIGURE 7.18b Assumed earth-pressure distributíon (Broms, 1965). it is reasonable to assume that the ultírnate axial and normal



\ Latarol
0 Maasurad voluas (Yoshirní.1964)
-F"n<díctad valuas (Brcrr,s ,1965)
- --Pradictad valu<Zs (no allowanc:a
..ó 300 (
\ tor lataral a1fact on uplift
_J Axial

200 Fallura\~'


-30 -15 o 15 30
Inclmatíon ~
FIGURE 7.19 Predictcd and observed inclincd-load capacity-modcl pilc in sand.

loads are not seriously affected because ofthe inclination of

the soil surface relative to thc piJe axis, so that the battered
piJe may be considered as an equivalen! vertical piJe
subjected to inclined loading (Fig. 7 .20b ). The angle uf
inclination, · ó, of the load to the vertical, as detined in
Fig. 7.17, is then

(7 .34)

The ultima te load capacity, Qu, of a battered pile can then

be calculated in exactly th·~ same manner as described in
the previous section for vertical piles subjected to inclined
(a: 8attCZ1--qd Pila Geomatry Model tests to determine the effect of pi! e batter · on
piJe-load capacity have been reported by Tschebotarioff
(1953), Yoshimi (1964), anJ Awad and Petrasovits (1968).
The similaríty between th ~ behavior of a bat te red pik
subjected to a vertical load and a vertical piJe subjected
to an inclined load, as dernonstrated by the latter investi-
gators, is shown in Fig. 7.21


7.3.1 Groups of Vertical Pil,~s

_L In estímating the lateral load capacity of a piJe group, an

approach similar to that adopted for the calculation of
(b) EquM:llcnt Prot~am
vertical load capacity can be taken. The group capacity
FIGURE 7.20 Battered pile. for a group of n pites is, ther, the lesser of

.¡. e=15cm
a..~ a:' L= 50cm
'O 'O 140 D:2·0cm
"' o ~·=37· 2°
SS y :H15Pjc
~o 130
r: .~
·- +'
" e¡¡
....ow ...."o
110 .~ .~
+' ...

oo 7. 5° 15° 22· 5° 301,00

Load Inclination, Pile Inclination,
a,Degrees ~.Degrees

FIGURE 7.21 Load capacity of batlered píles and píles subjetled lo inclined load (Awad and Petrasovits, 1968).

l. n tí mes the lateral load capacity of a single pile. Ultima te lateral-load r:apacity of group
2. Thc lateral load capacíty of an equivalen! single block n X ultimate lateral load capacity of
containing the piles in the group and the soil between single piJe
A relatively small amount of data ís available for values of
The fírst value, representing individual piJe faílure, can be TfL. A series of tests on model pi! e groups in clay was carried
obtaincd by the methods described in Sectíon 7.2. The out by Prakash and Saran {196í') while Oteo (1972) carried
sccond value, representing block failure and occurring at out similar tests in sand; the values of TJL derived from these
re!ati·<eiy clm:e spacings, can be obtaíned as described in test results are shown in Fig. 7.22. r¡L decreases wíth
Section 7.2.4 for an equivalen! single piJe of diameter or increasing numbers of piles in a group or with decreasing
width equal to the breadth of the group perpendicular to
the dírectíon of loading. However, in using Broms's
theory for a píle group in clay, ít is clearly absurd to allow
a "dead" zonc of zero soíl-reaction of 1.5 times the group
breadth, while ígnoring such a zone may be unduly
optimistic. A reasonable compromise is to use a "dead"
zone of thc lesser of l .Sd (d = individual pi! e diameter) or
O.IL (l. embedded length of piles). Results of a limitcd
series of model tests suggest that the above procedure gives
a reasonable estímate of the group capacity at close spac- :l
ings. lt the group ís relatively narrow, and loadcd perpen- (?
dicular to the longer direction, the ultimate lateral load
for block faílure may be estimated from the plastícity
solutions in Fíg. 7.15. For a gro u p of fixed-head piles,
with the head embeddcd in a massive cap, the ultimate
2 3 4 5 6
load for block failure can be calculated as the sum of the
Spacrng Prle DiorPetcr
resistan:e of a short restrained pi! e ( e.g., see Fig. 7.9 and
7.1 2) and the shear resistan ce o f the base. So me allowance - - Model pi les incloy ~- 32

may also be made for side shear resistance of the block. (Prokosh Jnd Sornn (1967)

The concept of a group efficiency for lateralloadmg, - Model P'l''' in sond ~ -275
(Ofec (1972))
rn, can be employed as wíth group efficiency forvertical
loading, where for a group of n piles, FIGURE 7.22 Lateral group efficiency from modeltests.

spacing. Comparison with the efficiency values ,(r¡) for 7 .3.2 Groups Containing Batte1:ed Piles
axially loaded groups shows that 1)L < r¡, or in other words,
that groups are less efficient under lateral loading than As with groups of vertical piles, the ultimate lateral·
under ax1ial loading. Model tests on three- and seven-pile load capacity of groups conta:ning battered piles may be
dolphins embedded in sand o ver .ying silty clay ha ve be en taken as the lesser of
described by Tschebotarioff (1153). For the three-pile
group (a central vertical pile an d two outer battered at l. The sum of the lateral lcad capacities the individual
10°), ancl efficiency 77L of O. 7~· was calcula ted, the piJe pi les in the gro u p.
spacing at the ground line being about nine diameters. 2. The load capacity of the group acting as a single
For the seven-pile dolphin, containing a central vertical block.
pile surrounded by piles batterecl at 5°, with a spacing at
the ground line of about three diameters, 77L = 0.52. The first value can be estima te el from Section 7 .2.1 or
Because of the effects of pile batter and the layered soil Section 7.2 .2 for vertical pi les and Section 7.2 .4 for
prcifile, direct comparison between Tschebotarioffs results battered piles. The second value can be estimated in a
and those shown in Fig. 7.22 is not possible; nevertheless, similar fashion to that described for vertical groups, but
the values of 77L in the two sedes of tests appear to be now allowing for the battered piles. If an analysis of the ·
reasonab 1y consisten t. type describe el by Roscoe (19 57) is employed, su eh allow-
Finite-element analyses provide a means of theoretically ance may be made by considt:ring the resultan t forces on
estimating the lateral efficiency of a pile group. By the front and back of the group to act on inclined surfaces.
carrying out a plane-strain analysis of the pile group in if the front and back piles ate battered. The base shear-
plan, and employing a f\Onlinear stress-strain relationship resistance may also be assumed to act over the plan arej
Íor the soil, a load-deflection curve may be obtained for of the group at the leve! of the pile tips. Alternatively,
the pile group (on the assumption th1t the piles are infinitely and more simply, an equivalen! block with vertical sietes
long). By comp:1ring the maximu1:1 load capacity from this may be considered. Both of these approaches imply that
analysis with tHe corresponding ·value for a single pile, an if the group fails a5 a single block, the ultimate laterai-
estímate of the group lateral efficiency may be made. load capacity of the group dE pends on the batter of thc
Analyses of this tvpe have been performed by Yegian and outer pites only, and not on the batter of interior piles.
Wright (1973) and Moser (1973). The solutions obtained by Sorne confirmation that this inplication is reasonable may
Yegian and Wright show that the efficiency oftwo or more be seen from the results of model-pile tests in clay carried
piles in a row is considerably ess when the horizontal out by Simek (1966), who f,)tmd that little benefit was
loading is in a direction parallel to the line joining the' piles
than when it is perpendicular. For example, for two piles at
center-to-center spacing of two diameters, the efficiency is
about 0.72 for loading parallel to the piles, but 0.90 for
loading perpendicular to the piles.
In designing the individual piles in the group, it is
desirable to determine the loac distribution within the
group. Mcthods for such determinations are described in
Chapter 9 for groups subjected to a general system of loading,
and although these methods are strictly valid only for
working-load conditions, they probably give a reasonable
estímate of the failure load di:>tribution. In practice, a
widely use el and relatively simple c[,~sign-method of determin-
ing the load distribution in a group with a rigid cap is to
assume that the piles in the group carry equal proportions
of the applied horizontal and vertical load, together with
additional vertical loads that are proportional to the dis-
tances of the piles from the gro11p's center of gravity and
thereby balance the applied moment. This approach ignores
the effect of the soil and considers tJ.' oile group simply as
a structural system. FIGL'RE 7.23 Model g10ups tested by Simek (1966).

dcrived by having battered piles additional to those at the creases significantly with increasing embedded 1ength.
encl of the group. The benefits of having the end piles Also, as indicated above, the effect of batter in increasing
battered were found to be particularly marked when the lateral-load capacity decreases as the embedded length
piles were embedded in the soil for only a relatively small increases, and for 75% ernbedment, has virtually no
dis:ance. Four group-configurations were tested by Simek, effect.
as shown in Fig. and the results of these tests are
summarized in Table 7 .1. The ultirnate lateral load capacity,
Hu, is expressed as a percentage of the total weight, W, of
the ~roup, and it is se en from Table 7.1 that Hui W in- 7.4 USE OF PI LES TO INCREASE SLOPE ST ABILITY

Broms (1972) describes the use of inclined timber piles to

increase the slope stability of very soft clays, while 1arge-
diameter cast-in-place píles have been used in the United
States to stabilize active landslíde areas in stiff clays and
shales through dowel action. The diameter of these píles
Relative Relative Lateral
Embcdded Load Movement at
varíes between 1.0 and 1.5 m. In Japan, 300-mm-diameter
Lengtb, Capacity, Failure, steel-pipe piles reinforced with steel H-piles have been used
Grúup L/(L +e) H11 /W (j)/s)% for the same purpose. The piles are generally p1aced in
predrilled holes close to the bottom of the s1ope, where
0.25 0.42 3.5
0.50 1.90 5.0 the shear deformations ín the soil are largest. Fukuoka
o. 75 5. 70 7.0 (1977) describes further uses of piles to stabilize land-
slides and presents a method for analyzing the resulting
0.25 0.98 5.0
moments and deflections in the piJe. The possibilities of
B 0.50 2.02 6.0
o. 75 5.62 7.0 a finite-element analysis of this form of stabilization have
been discussed by Rowe a:1d Poulos (1979), who have
0.25 1.09 5.0
emp!oyed the technique for analyzing soíl-structure inter-
e 0.50 2.10 6.0
5.55 7.0
action described by Rowe et al., (1978).
In order to make an approximate estímate of the
0.25 1.10 5.0
influence of píles on the factor of saftety s1ope
D 0.50 2.58 6.0
failure, the theory for ultim<.te lateral resistance presented
5.1 o
0.75 7.0
in this chapter may be utilized. Referring to 1f

/Crítica! failure surface

~/ (e.g., circular sut!acel

Disturbing force on pd~, P

Resisting force developed

by p:le, Hu (Hu P)

Additíonal resísting
moment H, R Hu e

FJGL'RE 7.24 Analysis of effect of pite on slope stabi!ity.


a piJe is installed in the slope, the portion of the píle distribution has been determired. Approximate allowance·
(length L 1 ) above the assumed failure surface wíll be can be made for th~ inclínat.on, as outlined in Section
subjected to an inclíned dísturbíng force P at sorne 7 .2.6. The eccentricity e can, as a first approximation, be
eccentricity e abo ve this surface. lgnoring any axial estimated by assum.ng full nobilization of :he pile-soil
resistance for símplicity, this disturbing force can be con- pressure above the assumed faiL.tre surface.
sidered to be resisted by tite lower portian of the pile Once the value of Hu has been thus determined, the
(length L 2 ) below the critica! failure surface. The maxi- additional resisting moment e r force caused by the pi! e
mum val u e of this resísting force. H 11 , is given by the least can be detetmined, and hence t:1e effect on the safety factor
of the following four values: can be evaluated (see Fig. 7.~4). The procedurc must be
repeated for a series of tria! failure surfaces to find the one
1. The ultimate lateral resístance of a "short" pile of with the lowest safety factor. ·::onsideration should also be
length L 2 loatled atan eccentricity e. given toa surface that passes be low the piJe tips.
2. The ultima te lateral' resistan ce of a ''long" pi le loaded With groups of piles, adju:;tments can be made to the
at an eccentricity e (this value will depend on the yield ultimate pile-soil pressures to allow for group effects, anJ
moment of the pile ). the influence of each píle can be added up to tle termine thc
3. The ultimate load tha t can be developed along the uppe r effect of the gro u p on slope stability.
part (kngth L 1 ) of the pi le if the soil t1ows past the piJe and
the ultima te pile-soil pressure is developed along this portion
4. The shear resistance of the piJe section itself. SISTANCE OF PILES

The values in 1, 2, and 3 may be obtained from the analysis Broms ( 1972} has di ;cussed so:ne rncthods of increasing the
presented in Section 7 .2, once the ultima te pile-soil pressure lateral resistan ce of píles. As shown in Fig. 7.25, most of

Sand or
gravel fíll



concrei:e pi!e Beams

FIGURJei 7.25 Methods used to increase the lateral resistance of pilcs.


these methods rely on increasing the dimensions and/or cyclic loads. The fill gradually works itse1f down into the
stiffness. of the piles near the ground surface. The use of a clay and increases the effective diameter of the piles. The
sand m gravel fill placed around a piJe (Fig. 7 .25a) is height of the fill around the piles is limited, however, by
very effective for soft clays when the piles nr~ subjected to the bearing capacity of the unürlying soil.


In designing pile foundations to resist lateral load;;, the Medium Fine Medium
criterion for design in the majority of cases is not the Píle Type Sand Clay Clay
ultímate lateral capacity of the pi! es, buUhe .J!!~JS!ml!.!.!!._
deflection of the piles. Jhe allowable deflection may be Free-head timber,
relatively large for temporary structures or tíed retaining 12-in. dia. 1.5 1.5 L5
walls, but only small movemen ts can be tolerated in su eh Fixed-head timber,
structures as tied abul:ments to bridges, or in the foundat- 12-in. día. ~.O 4.5 4.0
íons of taU structures. Design practice in the past has Free-hcad concrete,
frequently ~nade use of empírica) information for pile 16-in. día. ~.O 5.5 5.0
design; for example, that provided by McNulty (1956) from Fixed-head concret,,,
full-scale lateral-load tests, as shown in Table 8.1. In recent 16-in. di a. ''.0 5.5 5.0
years, however, theoretical approaches for predicting lateral
a Based on a safety factor c.f 3 appli"d to the load requíre<l for
movements have been developed extensively. Two approach- 0.25-in. deflection.
es have generally been employed:
The subgrade-rea{:tíon moJel of soil behavior, whích was
l. The subgrade-reaction approach, in which the continuous originally proposed by Whkler in 1867, characterizes the
nature of the soíl medium is ígnored and the pile reaction at soíl as a sedes of unconnecte;d l:.nearly-elastic springs, so
a point is simply related to the deflection at that point, that deformation occurs )nly. where loading exists. The
2. The e!astic approach, which assumes the soil to be an obvious disadvantage of this soil model is !J:¡..e_la.cls.¿[
ideal eíastic continuum. continuity; real soil is at least to sorne extent continuous,


since the displacements ata point are influenced by stresses (for example only elastic), or too time consuming, or too
and forces at other points wiíhln the soil. A further dls- uncertain with regard to accuracy to be entirely suitable
advantage is that t~Jiog_!IlQ@l!!~ of the ¡;nodel (the for parametric studies.
modulus of subgrade reaction) is_depe~Lc!.w.LQllJhe si~~f In thls chapter, the application of both the subgrade-
the_fP!:l!!_datiQn. In spite of these drawbacks, the subgrade- reaction and elastic approaches w the analysis of a single
reactíon approach has been widely employed in foundation pile is described in detail, and in ea eh case, the available data
practice because it provides a relatively simple means of on the relevant soil parameters i; reviewed. The extension
analysis and erables factors such as nonlinearity, variation of the elastic approach to the e:>timation of group move-
of soil stiffness wíth depth, and layering of the soil profile ments is then described.
to be taken into account readily, if only approximately. In
addition, despíte the many difficulties in determining the
modulus of subgrade reaction of real soil, a considerable
amount of experience has been gained in applyíng the 8.2 SUBGRADE-REACTION ANAL Y SIS
theory to practica! problems, and a number of empírica!
correlations are available for determining the modulus.
Frorn a theoretical point of view, the representation of 8.2.1 Basic Theory
the soil as an elastic continuum is more satisfactory, as
account :.s then taken of the continuous nature of soil. The In the Winkler soil model, the pressure p and deflection p
use of fús model for the analysis of the settlement of at a point are assumed to be related through a modulns of
piles and pile groups, as described in Chapters 5 and 6, has subgrade reaction, which for horizontal loading, is denoted
been found to provide a convenient and relatively reliable as kh. Thus,
means of describing pile behavior under axial loading.
While the elastic model is an idealized represen tation of p =e knP ( 8.1)
real soil, it can be modified to make allowance for sciÍl
yield and can also be used to give approximate solutions for where kh has the units of force/length 3 . Equation (8.1) has
varying modulus with depth and for layered systems. Jn been restated frequently (e.g., Reese and Matlock, 1956;
addition, it has the important advantage over the subgrade- Davisson and Gill, 1963) as
reaction approach of cnabling analysis to be made of
group ac:íon of piles under lateralloads; also, it provides a w = Kp (8.la)
means of analyzing the behavior of battered piles subjected
to a g,eneral system of loading (Chapter 9). A further where
advantagt! of the elastic model is that it enables consistent
analysis of both immediate movements and total final w soíl reactíon per unit-length of piJe
movements. The majar drawback to the applicatíon of the K subgrade-reaction modulus, in units of force/
e las tic method to practica! problems is the di fficulty of length 2 (K = khd)
deterrnining !he appropriate soil rnoduli; however, this d diameter or width of píle
dífficulty also exists to a certain extent with the subgrad,>
reaction method. The pile is usually assumed to act as a thin strip whose
The ~xact solution of the problem of a laterally load,~d behavior is governed by the beam equation
f1exible pile in an elasto-plastic soil rnass is a complicat<~d
and dífficult une in tluee-dimensional continuum mecha- (8.2)
nics and does not appear to have been satisfactorily solved
at. present. Some attempts include IWo-dimensional finite
elernent treatments in the horizontal plane (Yegian and where
Wright, 1973; Baguelin and Frank, 1979; Rowe and
Poulos, 1979); a special finite element technique which is Ep modu!us of elasticity of piJe
capable of dealing with general three.dimensional loading fp moment of inertía of pi..e section
for ax1-symmetric geometries, but only for elastic cond.i- z depth in soil
tions (R.mdolph, 1977; Banerjee and Davies, 1978); and d width or diameter of píle
general bree-dimensional elastic finite element analysis but
with allowance for axial slip via the use of joint elements As in the simple theory of bending of beams, the
(Desai and Appel, 1976). Such analyses are too restrictive effect of axial load in the pile i:; ignored. (The effect of

axial load in relation to buck!ing is discussed in Chapter 14 .)

Frorn Eqs. (8.1) and (8.2), the governing equation for the
deflection of a latemlly l9aded piJe is
n nurnber of íntervals along pi le
k¡ rnodulus of subgrade reaction kh at :'
o (8.3)
Equatíon (8.4a) may be applied to points 2 to n to gjve
Solutions to the above equatíon rnay be obtained either 11 -1 equations.
an¡¡lytically or nurner[cally Analytícal solutíons are only Four further equations may be obtained frorn the boun-
available in convement f. 1 for the case of constant kh dary conditions at the top énd típ of the piie. At the top
along the pi le. For other utstributions of kh, solutions are of the pi! e, two conditions rnay be consídered; -
rnost conveniently obtained by a nurnerical finite-difference
rnethod (Palrner and Thompson, 1948: Gleser, 1953). L A free-head píle, for whic1
In thís method, the basíc differential equatíoti (8.3) is
written in finite-difference form; for a typícal point i, thjs
shear H
equation is (referring to Fig. 8.1)

that is,
-p_z + 2p_¡- + PJ (8 5)
+ (k¡dp¡) o Ff;lpn:;

that ís, and rnoment

' (/ d2¡J)
tpfp -,,- ~ M
· \dz·

Pi:J. 4p¡.¡ +a,p, 4Pi+l + Pi+2 o (8 Aa)

that is,
P2 - 2p 1 + P-1 (8.6)

• -2
• 1 2. A fíxcd-head piJe, for wluch Eq. (8.5) still applies, and

rotation El dp O
'P ¡:.dz

that is,
P2 - P-! =0 (8.7)

At the tip of the pi le, assuming a 11oating píle with a free


• i t
-shear o
L' that is,
_ L _ ___ ··--~-T,, 1 ~Pile tip
- Pn-1 + 2Pn - 2Pn+2 + Pn+! o (8.8)
o n.,. 2
1 n +J
and moment o
FIGURE 8.1 Finite-difference analysis of laterally loaded piles.

that is, For the case n "' 1, it is convenient to reexpress the

variation of kh as follows:
Pn - 2Pn+l + Pn+2 = O (8.9)
The final two equations required come from equilibrium
of hor,zontal forces and moments. A system of n + S
simultaneous equations is obtained for the n + S unknown
displacernents (those at points -2, - 1, n + 2, and n + 3 are 1111 coefficient of subgrade reaction (units of force/
of course fictitious). length 3 )
As an alternative to the above procedure, the shear z depth below surface
equations at the top and tip of the piJe (Eqs. 8.5 and 8.8) d piJe width or diameter
may be omitted, thus omitting the unknown displacements
at pcints 2 and n + 3. In this case, only n + 3 equations are For real soils, the rel~tionship between soil pressure p
solved. Thís procedure has been found to give almost and deflection pis nonlincar, with the soil prcssure reaching
identical solutions to the previous procedure. a limiting value when the deflection is suffidently large
By using the finite-difference method, any variatwns (in some cases, "straín-softening" may subsequently occur).
of k11 with depth may be considered. Distributions of kh The most satisfactory approach to deflection prediction is
relevan t to various types of soil are discussed below. to carry out a nonlinear analysis of the type described 'in
Soluéions for various linear distributions of kh are described Section 8.2.4. However, if linear theory is to be used, it is
in Section 8.2.2. necessary to choose appropriate secant values of the sub-
grade modulus. Reese and Ma1lock (1956) argue that the
8.::!.1.1 COEFHCIEVTOFSUBGRADA'RE4CTION, kh adoption of a linearly increa.sing modulus of subgrade
reaction with depth takes sorne account of soil yield aml
The analysis of piJe behavior using the subgrade-reaction
nonlinearíty, as values of the secant modulus near the top
apprJach requires a knowledge of the variation of a!ong
of the pile are likely to be very small, but will increase with
the píle. Severa! distributions of kh have been employed,
depth because of both a higher so!l strength and lower
the most widely used being that developed by Palmer and
levels of Jeflection. Reese and Matlock's argument is most
Thompson ( 1948), which is of the form
relevant to piles in sand and ~oft clay. In sorne cases-for
example, relatively stiff piles in overconsolidated clay at
~h = (
7)/l (8.10) relatively low load-levels--the assumption of a constant
subgrade modulus wíth depth rnay be more appropriate.
Solutions for the simple cases of constant subgrade
modulus with depth, and linearly incrcasing modulus with
depth, are described below.
kL val u e of k]¡ at the piJe -tip (z = L)
11 ~ an empírica) index egua! to or greater than zero
8.2.2 Solutíons to Linear Theory
The most common assumptions are that 11 =O for clay~
that is, that the modulus is constant with depth- and that 8.2.21 CONS'I~1NT k/¡ W!TH DEfTH
n = 1 for granular soils -that is, that the modulus in creases
línearly with depth. Solutions to Eq. (8.3) in closed form ha ve been obtained by
Davisson and Prakash (1963) suggest, however, that Hetenyi (1946). For horizontal load H applied at ground
n 0.15 is a more realistic value for clays (presumably u:Jder leve! to a free-head or unrest rained pi le of length L, the
undrained conditions), as this has the effect of including following solutions are given by Hetenyi for horizontal
sorne allowance for plastic soil behavicr at the surface. displacement p, slope e,
moment M, and shear Q ata depth
As an alternative to usíng n = 0.15 for clays, Davisson z below the surface:
(1970) suggests that an equivalen! solution may be obtained
by considering the soil as a two-layer system, the upper 2H[3
!ayer having a value of kh of 0.5 times the value for the
P =- X (8.12)
lower !ayer, and a thickness egua! to 0.4R, where R =
( Eplvfkod )1/.•, k being the coefficient of subgrade reaction lsinh [3L cos [3z cosh ~(L - z) - sin{3L cosh {3z e os {3(L z )]
for the lower layer. [ sinh 2 [3L - sin 2 ¡)L

• KpH (8.l2a) (8.18a)

e= (21/{32 \ ( 1 (8.13) M sinh ilL [sinh {3(L- z) (8.19)

kh d ) ;;inh 2 (3L {3L (
( sinh (3L [sin {lz cosh {3(L z) + eos {3z sinh {3(L z)] cos (Jz + cosh {3(L- z) s.n {3z] sin {3L (sinh (Jz eos
+ sin {3L [sinh pz cos p(L - z) + cosh pz sin p(L z)]) {3(L-z) + cosh{3zsín{3(L-z)J)

(8J3a) (8.l9a)

-2M 0 (J
G~) X
Q = -------:---- [sin {3L sin {3(L -, z) (8.20)
M (8.14)

sinh {3(L - z) - sin {lL sinh {3z sin p(L - z) J. sin {3z + sin {3L sinh (Jz sin {3(L ·-· z)]

sinh 2 {3L ··- sin 2 {3L

lf Solutions for the case of a fixed-head or restrained pile rnay
be obtained from the above solutions for a free-head pile
by adding to the solutions for horizontal loading H, the
Q ( sính 2 {3L
sin 2 {3L)
(sinh {3L [e os {3z (8.15) solutions for an applied monent of

sinh p(L- z) sin ¡3z cosh {3(L- z)] sin {3L [cosh ¡3z
sin {3(L - z) - smh {3z cos {3(L z)])

(8.15a) (This is the applied mornent required to produce zero slope

at the pile head -i.e., the fixing rnoment).

{3 {k '14f':T, 1p )Y.
\ /¡U¡ (8.16)

The corresponding expressions for rnornent loading M o

applied at the ground surface are o.
~ 10,000

( sính (JL (8.17) r

"'o 1,000
[cosh {3(L - z) sin {3z- sính {3(L z) eos pz] + sín{3L
fsính {3z cos {3(L - z) - cosh {3z sin (J(z :0



For rigíd pi le
1 4 6 12 '----'
o (8.18) 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Deflact on and slope factors

[sinh (JL cosh (J( L ;; ) cos {3z + sin {3L cosh {3z cos (J(L - z) J FIGURE 8.2 Top deflection and rotation for lateral loads on ver-
tical piles for constan! kh (after Barber, 1953). (Reprínted by per-
sính 2 (JL sin 2 pL · míssion of the American Society for Testing and Materials, © 1953.)

Values fór the dimensionless coefficients Kp¡¡, KeH, 1. Rigíd píle (holds if ~L < 1.5):
and so on, are given in Table 8.2. For deflections and
rotation~; at the soil surface, convenient plots presented by 4H(l + 1.5e/L)
Barber ( 1953) are shown in Fig. 8.2. For a free-head or un- p (8.25)
restrained pi! e,

{) 6H(l + 2e/L)
~. khdL 2 (8.26)
deflection, p

2. Infinitely long píle (holds if (jL > 2.5 ):

¡¡ \ M\ • felvf (8.23)
rotation,B = ( khdU) ·Ion+ ( khdL3)
p (8.27)
For a f1xed-head pile, which is free to transl&te, but not to
rota te,
deflectíon, p khdL. lpp (8.24)
For a fixed-head píle. the limíting solutions are

In Eqs. (8.23) and (8.24), l. Rigid píle (~L < 0.5)

H applied horizontal force at
p (8.29)
ground leve!
M moment at ground leve)
d = piJe diameter 2. lnflnitely long pile (~L > 1.S):
1~ = pile length
lp¡¡. 1pM· frJ/1, lalvf• 1pF=' deflection- and rotatior-in-
fluence factors in Fig. 8.2 (by p (8.30)
the reciproc~l theorem, !eH
For a free-head pile, of embedded length L, subjected to
a ho::izontal load !1 at an eccentrícity e above the ground Convenient closed-form solutions are not available for this
surface, the following limiting solutions apply for horizon- case, but the following limiting-solutions apply for free-
tal tiLsplacement and rotation at the ground line: head piles (Barber, 1953):


(3L z/L KpH K eH KtvfH KQH Kpilf KeM RMM KQM

ú O. 1.1376 1.1341 o. 1.0000 -1.0762 1.0762 1.0000 O.

2.0 0.0625 0.9964 1.1200 0.1080 0.7333 -0.8807 0.9519 0.9836 0.1256
2.0 0.1250 0.8586 1.0828 O. 1848 0.5015 0.6579 0.8314 0.9397 0.2214
2.0 0.187 5 0.7264 1.0298 0.2347 0.3035 -0.4644 o. 7178 0.8751 0.2913
2.0 0.2500 0.6015 0.9673 0.2620 0.1377 -0.2982 0.6133 o. 7959 0.3387
2.0 O. 3125 0.4848 0.9004 0.2704 0.0021 -0.1569 0.5192 0.7073 0.3669
2.0 0.3750 0.3764 0.8333 0.2637 -0.1054 -0.03 76 0.4366 0.6138 0.3788
2.0 0.4375 0.2763 0.7695 0.2452 -0.1868 0.0624 0.3658 o 5191 0.3771
2.0 0.5000 0.183 8 0.7115 0.2180 --0.2442 0.1463 0.3068 0.4262 0.3639
2.0 0.5625 0.0981 0.6610 o. 1851. -0.2793 0.2168 0.2591 0.3379 0.341 1
2.0 0.6250 0.0182 0.6192 0.1491 -0.2937 0.2767 0.2220 o 2564 0.3101
2.0 CJ.6875 -0.0571 0.5865 0.1125 -0.2887 0.3286 0.1946 o 1834 0.2722
2.0 0.7500 -0.1288 0.5628 0.0776 -0.2654 0.3747 O. !757 0.1208 0.2282

TABLE 8.2 Continued

(JL z/~ Kpf/ K oH KMH KQH Kplv! KeM KMM KQM

2.0 0.8125 -0.1981 0.54 74 0.0468 -0 2245 0.4171 O. 16~ O 0.0698 0.1787
2.0 0.8750 -0.2659 0.5389 0.0222 -0.1665 0.4572 0.15~'8 0.0318 0.1241
2.0 0.9375 -0.3330 0.5356 0.0059 -0.0916 0.4963 0.15:.4 0.0082 0.0645
2.0' 1.0000 --0.3999 0.5351 O. -0 0000 0.5351 0.1551 0.0000 o.
3.0 O. 1.0066 1.0004 o. 1.0000 -1.0004 1.0C·8 1.0000 o.
3.0 0.0625 0.8210 0.9695 0.1543 o 6575 -0.6589 o.8U:3 0.9690 0.1545
3.0 0.1250 0.6459 0.8919 0.2508 03829 -0.3854 0.64::3 0.8913 0.2514
3.0 0.187 5 0.48:J2 0.7870 0.3018 O.l 709 -0.1743 0.48S7 o. 7862 0.3029
3.0 0.2500 0.3515 0.6698 0.3184 00141 -0.0184 0.3493 0.6684 0.3202
3.0 0.3125 0.2371 0.5514 0.3101 -0 0956 0.0905 0.23:;2 0.5491 0.31. 27
3.0 0.3750 0.1444 0.4394 0.2850 -0 1664 0.1607 0.14::9 0.4360 0.2887
3.0 0.4375 0.0716 0.3389 0.2496 o 2063 0.2002 0.071 o 0.3339 0.2544
3.0 0.5000 0.0164 0.2528 0.2091 -0.2223 0.2162 0.0168 0.2458 0.2150
3.0 0.5625 -0.0242 0.1823 0.167J -0.2205 o 2147 -0.02:!2. 0.1728 0.1744
3.0 0.6250 -0.0529 0.1271 0.1272 -0.2057 0.2011 -0.041:9 0.1148 0.1353
3.0 0.6875 -0.0727 0.0864 0.0908 -0.1819 o. 1793 -0.0661 0.0709 o "~995
3.0 0.7 500 -0.0861 0.0584 0.0594 -0.1519 0.1524 -0.0763 0.0396 0.0684
3.0 0.8125 -0.0953 0.0411 0.0340 -0 1178 0.1227 -0.0816 0.0189 0.0426
3.0 0.8750 --0.1021 0.0321 0.0154 -0.0807 0.0916 -0.0839 0.0069 0.0225
3.0 0.937 5 -o.1q11 0.0287 0.0039 -0.0414 0.0599 -,'),0846 0.0014 O.OC83
3.0 1.0000 -0.1130 0.0282 o. -0.0000 0.0282 -0.084 7 0.0000 o.
4.0 O. 1.0008 1.0015 o. 1.0000 -1.0015 1.0021 1.0000 O.
4.0 0.0625 o. 7550 0.9488 0.1926 0.5616 -0.5624 0.7567 0.94 72 0.1929
4.0 0.1250 0.5323 0.8247 0.2907 0.2411 -0.2409 0.5344 0.8229 0.2910
4.0 O.!B75 0.3452 0.6693 0.3218 0.0234 -0.(,220 0.3478 0.6673 0.3219
4.0 0.2500 0.1979 0.5101 0.3093 -0.1 !08 0.1136 0.2010 0.5082 0.3090
4.0 0.3125 0.0890 0.3641 0.271 í -0.1810 0.1855 0.0926 0.3626 0.2705
4.0 0.3 750 0.0140 0.2403 0.2226 -0.2055 0.2118 0.017 8 0.2397 0.220;
4.0 0.4.375 -0.0332 0.1419 0.1715 -0.1996 0.2079 0.0295 0.1430 0.1671
4.0 0.5000 -0.0590 0.0682 0.124:' -0.1758 0.1858 -0.0558 0.0720 0.1176
4.0 0.5625 --0.0692 0.0163 0.084:. -0.1432 0.1545 ··0.0674 0.0242 0.0749
4.0 0.6250 -0.0687 -0.0176 0.0529 -0.1084 0.1200 -0.0696 -0.0043 00406
4.0 0.6875 -0.0615 -0.0379 0.0299 -0.0756 0.0858 -0.0665 -0.0178 0.0149
4.0 o. 75p0 -0.0505 -0.0488 0.014 7 -0.0475 0.0538 -·0.0616 .. 0.0206 -0.0025
4.0' 0.8125 -0.0376 -0.0536 0.0057 -0.0255 0.0242 -0.0568 -0 0166 -0.0122
4.0 0.8750 -0.0239 -0.0552 0.0014 -0.0101 -0.0033 -0.0535 -0.0096 -0.0148
4.0 0.9375 -0.0101 -0.0555 0.0001 -0.0016 -0.0296 -0.0520 -0.0029 -0.0106
4.0 1.0000 0.0038 -0.0555 -0. 0.0000 -0.0555 -0.0517 --0.0000 -0.
.'l.O o. 1.0003 1.0003 o. 1.0000 -1.0003 l.OOC2 1.0000 O.
5.0 0.0625 0.6964 0.9214 0.2249 0.4 711 -0.4715 0.6964 0.9211 0.2250
5.0 0.1250 0.4342 O. 74 76 0.3131 0.1206 -0.1210 0.4343 O. 74 72 0.3133
5.0 0.1 S75 0.2317 0.5479 0.3155 -0.0842 0.0840 0.2320 0.5472 0.3158
5.0 0.2500 0.0901 0.3628 0.2716 -0.1817 0.1818 0.09(7 0.3620 0.2720
5.0 0.3125 0.0013 0.2121 0.2093 -0.2079 0.2084 0.0022 0.2111 0.2095
5.0 0.3750 -0.0466 0.1013 0.1461 -0.1919 0.1930 -0.0455 0.1002 0.1461
5.0 0.4 37 5 -0.0659 0.0277 0.0915 -0.1556 0.1575 -0.0644 0.0267 0.0910
5.0 0.5000 -0.0671 -0.0157 0.0494 -0.1133 0.1163 -0.0654 -0.0161 0.0482
5.0 0.5625 -0.0584 -0.0368 0.0203 -0.0738 0.0778 -0.0567 --0.0361 0.0180
5.0 0.6250 -0.0456 -0.0435 0.0026 0.0412 0.0461 -0.0444 -0.0409 -0.0012
5.0 0.6875 -0.0321 -0.0419 -0.0063 -0.0169 0.0223 -0.0321 -0.0365 -0.0117
5.0 0.7500 -0.0197 -0.0369 -0.0088 -0.0008 0.0055 -0.0221 --0.0276 -0.0159
5.0 0.8125 -0.0090 -0.0317 -0.0075 0.0081 -0.0059 -0.0150 -0.0175 -0.0157
5.0 0.8750 0.0002 -0.0279 -0.0044 0.0108 -0.0139 -0.0110 -0.0086 -0.0125
5.0 0.9375 0.0086 -0.0261 -0.0014 0.0079 -0.0201 -0.0094 -0.0023 -0.0072
5.0 1.0000 0.0167 -0.0259 -0. 0.0000 -0.0259 -0.0091 -0.0000 -0.

l. lligid pile (Zmax < 2.0): 1,000,000

18H(l + 1.33e/L) (8.31) 100,000

p - - L 2 nh _ __
24H(I + l.Se/L) (8.32)
8 ~

L 3 nh a'
2. lnfmitely long pile (Zmax > 4.0): ~
;¡ 100
2AOH (8.33) LL
. . p ¡p )2/5

1.60H + 1.74 lle

o (8.34)
(n~¡)2/5(Epip)3/5 (n~¡)li5(E(;lp)415
10 10( 1,000 10,000 100,000
Defleclion and slopc lactors
For flxed-head piles:
FIGURE 8.3 Top deflection and rotation for lateral!oads on verti-
cal piles for kh proportional to depth (afler Barber, 1953). (Re-
l. Rigid pile:
prínted by permission of the American Socicty for Tcsting and Ma-
teríals, © 1953.)
p (8.35)
L n~z
of very long píles (i.e., Z m u > 4.0), Matlock and Reese
2. lnflnitely long píle (Zmax > 4.0): (1961) give the following solutíons for deflection p and
moment Mz along the pile:
p (8.36) HT3
(nh)Ú5(Epip)215 P Cy. E-1 (8.39)
"P p

For the above equations, Zmax is defined as

Mz =Cm· HT (8.40)

z.mx = LiT (837)

Values of Cy and Cm are plotted in Figs. 8.4 and 8.5
for varíous values of M/HT, where M= applied moment, H
applied load, and T is defined in Eq. (8.38). The dcpth
tf;lr:.) 1/5 coefficíent, Z, is
T ( ll/¡
Z = z/T (8.41)
e = eccentricity of applied load H, (i.e., He app!.ied
moment) z distance belO\y ground surface

Solutions for pile-head deflection and slope, obtaired Dependíng on the angular restraínt provided by the
by Barher (1953), are plotted in Fig. 8.3. The actual cap, values of M/HT will range from zero for a free-head
deflection and slope are given by Eqs. (8.22), (8.23), and case to -0.93 for the case where the cap prevents any
(8.24), except that k~zd is now replaced by n~¡L in the rotaticn of the pile head--in other words, the fixed-head
denominator of these equations. case. Davisson (1970) suggests that the degree of fixity that
A comprehensive series of solutíons for deflection, can usually be developed is I•,f/HT -0.4 to -0.5; for thís
rotation, moment, shear, and pressure along a pile have case, the positive o.nd negative moments in the píle are
been presented by Reese and Matlock (J 956). For the case approximately equaL


"'uo 1.0

Defection coefflcient, e,
FIGURE 8.4 Curves of deflection coefficient Cy for long pites (after Matlock and Recse, 1961) c;f.'Nl:RAL D!STR!BUTfO:V OF kh WIT!J DEPT!J factors lp!J, lp,"f, and lpF for uniform k ís shown in
8.6, 8.7, and 8.8 as a function of the ratio of thickness d
Cases involving a general distribution of k~¡ wíth depth, of
upper !ayer, h 1 , to length L, md the ratio of modulus of
the form k~¡ nhz11 jd or khd = k 0 + k 1i + , have been
upper !ayer, k 1 , to that of the lower !ayer, k. These results
considered by Matlock and Reese (1960). deflections
ha ve been derived from those of Davisson and Gill (1963)
and moments are associated with larger values of n.
and apply to a pi! e of intermediate flexibility (kdL 4 / éplp
Matlock and Reese also give solutions for the case k~zd =
256): they may be used as factors to correct the uniforrn
k0 + Both deflections and moments decrease as k 0
!ayer influence factors in Fig. é .2.
in creases.
The results of Davisson and Gill's analysis may be
summarized as follows: LA YERED SOILS

S'olutions for pllles in a two-layer system ha ve been presented l. With respect to reducing ~;urface deflection and maxi-
by Davisson and Gill (1963) and Reddy and Valsangkar mum moment, there is little :Jenefit to be gained from a
(1968). The intluence of the upper Iayer on the detlection stiff surface layer exceeding a éepth of 0.2R (a depth of the









u 1.6
L case




2.8 1----..i·····--+-~+--··-+·····--l----

3.0 L...__..!__ _¡__ _ L - - - ' - - 1 - . _ _ . l

1.0 ·0.8 -0.6 04 -·0.2 o +0.2 4 0.4 t0.6 -0.8 1-1.0 +1.2 +1.4 +1.6 + 1.8

Moment coefficient, Cm

FIGURE 8,5 Cmves of moment coefficicnt Cm for long píles (Matlock and Reese, 1961).

order of a few pile-diameters) or from a modulus ratio consider a distribution of kn in each ]ayer of the form
e.xceeding 5, where khd k 0 + k 1z + k 2 z2 . The conclusions from this analysis
are identical with those of Davísson and Gil!.
R lié'
1p¡lkd] l/4

2. The soil from the ground surface to depths of 0.2R to 8.2.3. Modulus of Subgrade R·~action
0.4R exerts a controlling intluence on piJe behavior, so
that investigations to determine kh should be most thorough Determinatíon of the modulus of subgrade reaction is gener·
in thís area. In addítion, seasonal variations in moísture ally carrü:!d out by one 'of the following methods:
content may affect the upper part of the soíl profile and
hence influence the pile behavior. l. Full-scale latcral-loadíng te;t on apile.
3. Use of analytical results for a constant kh with depth 2. Plate-loacling tests.
may Jead to underestimates of moment and deflection by 3. Empírica! correlations with other soil properties.
a factor of 2.
The most direct means of using pile-loading tests is to
A further analysis of piJe behavior in a layered system instrument the pile so that the soil pressures and pile
has been made by Reddy and Valsangkar (1968), who deflections along the píle can be measured directly: This

2·0 2.0 , - - - - r - - - : - - - - r - - - - - - , r - - - - - .
Values of 1¡. 1 /k

el !,/)


o ' - o

3: e:
¡.... :::>
~ ~ Hl
o ...,
u u
u u
e o·~s
"'-" "' _:::J

:S~ ó .______ ,,L__

o 0.05 0.10 0.20

O OD5 O 10 0'5 O 2G-· FIGURE 8.8 Effect of layered soil on def1cction-inlluence factor
H1/L lpF (after Davisson and Gil!, 1963).

FIGURE 8.6 Effect of layered soíl on dcf1cctíon-in(1uence factor

lpH (after Davisson and Gill, 1963). method has been used for a number of piles (e.g.,
Matlock and Ripperberger, 1958) but is time-consuming,
requires care, and is relatively expensive. A more convenient
procedure is to measure the ground-line deflection and/or
rotation and to backfigure the valw~ of k¡¡, assuming an
appropriate distribution with depth. Reese and Cox (1969)
3·0 .....-----,------;-.,-----,---........-, describe the interpretation of tests in which both deflection
and rotation is measured.
The use of plate-loading tests has been discussed by
Terzaghi (1955) and Broms (1964 ). The main problem with
this approach ·¡s the extrapolatíon of the results for a plate

to a piJe. Terzaghi (1955) consídered that for clays, the
<JVJ 5 modulus of subgrade reaction ís essentially the same both
o LE
_¡ horizontally and vertically and is independent of depth, and
' o
o- he suggested the following conservative relationshíp for
3: e

o o
u u
J'J' (8.42)


ksl modulus for horizontal square plate, 1 ft wíde

d breadth or diameter in feet


FIGURE 8. 7 Effect of laye red soil on def1ection-inf1uence factor Typical values ofksl for overconsolidated clays, suggest-
(after Davisson and Gil!, 196 3).
1 pM ed by Terzaghi, are shown in Table 8.3.

Consístency of Clay Stiff Very Stiff Hard Soil Type (lb/in.') Reference
UnJrained shear Soft N/C clay 0.6-12.7 Reese and Matlock, 1956
0.5·1 1-2 2 1.0-2.0
strenph eu ton/ft' Davisson and Prakash, 1963

Range for ks1 S0-100 10()..200 200 N/C organic clay 0.4-1.0 Peck and Davisson, 1962
0.4-3.0 Davisson, 1970
Propcsed values of
75 100 3'üo Peat 0.2 Davisson, 1970
a 0.1·0.4 Wilson and Hilts, 1967
After Terzaghi (1 955).
Loess 2940 Bowles, 1968

Vesic (1961) analyzed an inflnite horizontal beam on

an elastíc foundation and by comparing the results with For piles in sand, assuming that the modulus of elasticíty
those obta·ned by the use of\ubgrade-reaction theory, depends only .on the overburden pressure and the density of
related the modulus of subgrade reaction k to the elastic the sand, Terzaghi (1955) showed that
parameters ls~, and !'s of the mass, as follows:
- A¡ 3
nh - (tons/ft ) (8.47)
k (8.43)
Typical values of the factor A and nh are shown in
wher~ Table 8.5. For comparison, values of nh of 2.5 tons/ft 3
and 1.5 tons/ft 3 (cyclic loading) for loose, dry sand, and
pile stiffness 79 tons/ft 3 and 86 tons/fe for dense, dry sand, have been
pile diameter reported by Rowe ( 1956) and Davisson and Prakash
The application of pressuremeter test results to the
detr~rmination of kh has been summarized by Baguelin et al T ABLE 8.5 VALUES'(JF nh (TON/FT') FOR SAN Da
([978). kh is related to the pressuremeter modulus and a
fa el or dependent on the soil type.
A number of empírica! conelations for kh are available. Relative Density Lo ose Medium Dense
Fcr clays, assuming a constant kh with depth, Broms
(19641) has related kh to t~e secant modulus E 50 at 10()..300
Range of values of A 300-1000 1000-2000
half the ultimate stress in an undrained test as Adopted va!ues of A 200 600 1500
nh, dry or moíst sand 7 21 56
1.67Esoíd (8.44) nh, submerged sand 4 14 34

Using a value of E 50 equal to 50 to 200 times the undrained After Terzaghi, 1955.
shear strength Cu (Skempton, 19 51),

k~¡ "" (80 320)éu/d (8.45) EFFECT OF PJLE DEFLECTION

Davisson (1970) suggests a more conservative value of Because of the nonlinearity of observed horizontal load-
deflection curves for laterally-loaded piles, resulting frorn
local yielding of the soillong befare ultima te failure occurs,
67 cu/d (8.46)
the overall modulus of sub grade reaction depends largely on
the deflection of the pile, or the applied load leveL An
For softer cohesive soils, ít is usually assumed that kh example of the variation of nh with deflection fo·r piles in
increa~es linearly with depth, that is, kh nh • zjd. Typical sand is shown in Fig. 8.9, where the value of nh, expressed
values ofnh for such soíls are shown in Table 8.4. as a fraction of n¡¡ for a ctimensionless pile displacement

1.5 pile and a plle group. On the basis of these expressions, the
r following values of kerrfkh are suggested for normal spacings:
1 o Tests by Alizadeh and
Davisson 119701
~ e:. Tests by Awad and
Two pites: kerrlkh 0.5.

a Petrasovits ( 1968)
Three or four piles: kerdkh
Five or more piles: kerr/kh
\ Repeated loading causes sorne deterioratíon of the soil
~ resistance, effectively reduc:ng kh. Davisson (1970) states
that the net effect is that the deflectíon observed under
\ first applícation of a load is essentially dqubled if the load
0\ C;.
is cycled 50 times or more. Moments are also: increased
and occur over an increased depth of embedment. Re-
peated loading has the effect of redncing kh to approxi-
\ o
u mately 30% of the value app:icable to initialloading.
0.5 ~
o'- C;.
The combination of group effects and repeated loading
can reduce ketf to a value a:. low as l 0% of that applícable
~ to initialloading of an isolated pile (Prakash, 1962).
o o'ó'--- o

o -- Further information on the effects of repeated loading

is summarized by Re ese (197 5) in re! a tion to the nonlinear
"p-y" analysis (see Section 8-24). EFFECT OF CONSOUDAT!ON t!ND CRJ-.EP

As a result of consolidation and creep of the soil surround-

ing a laterally loaded pilt, an increase of the lateral
FIGURE 8.9 Effect of piJe dh1Jiacement on subgrade modulus nh deflections and a redistribution of soil reactíons will
for piles in sand. occur with time. Only a small amount of data is available
on the consequent reductior. in the value of kh, but Broms
pfd o[ 0.005, is plotted against pjd. Data from full-scale (1964a) tentatively suggest:. values of kerdkh of 1/2 to
tests reported by Alizadeh and Davisson (1970) and model 1/4 for stiff to very stiff clays, and 1/3 ,o 1/6 for soft and
tests hy Awad and Petrasovits (1968) are plotted, and the very soft clays. For sands, ke;1/ kh may be taken as l.
rapíd variatíon of nh within the range pjd 0.003 to A more satisfactory assessment of the effects of
0.015 is clearly shown. Similar varíations in kh are found for consolidation is possible with the use of elastíc theory
pi! es in el ay. Figure 8.9 therefore pro vides an approximate (Section 8.3).
basis for taking accolmt of the nonlinearity of soil EFFECT OF BA TTERED PILES
Al! the preceding values of kh and nh have been obtained
8.2..1.2 GROUP EFFECTS AND Rlil'EA TED LOADING for vertical piles. The effect of píle batter on piJe deflections,
and hence the effectíve va]ues of k~¡ and nh, has been
Whcn using subgrade-reactíon theory to predict group investigated by Kubo ( 1965) for model pi! es in clay and
movemenrs, an empirical correction must be made to the Awad and Petrasovits (1968) for model piles in sand.
value of k.¡¡ used in the analysis. Davisson (1970) states Deflection decreases for positive batter (í.e., batter in the
that the spacing in the direction of the load is :or primary direction of load) and increases for negative batter. More
importance, and that at a center-to-center spacing of 8d or detailed consideration of the behavior of batter pilcs is
more, there is essen ti al! y no influence of one pile on given in Chapter 9.
another, provided that the spacing normal to the load
dírection is at least 2.5d. When the spacing parallel to
loading is less than 8d, the effective value of kh (kerr) is 8.2.4 Nonlinear Analysis
less th~.n for an isolated piJe, and from model tests on piles
in sane (Prakash, 1962) keff was found to be about 0.25kh As discussed previously, the relationship between pressure
at a spacing of 3d. Jampel (1949) obtained expressions and deflection at any point along a piJe is nonlinear. Severa!
relatin~ k¡, to Young's modulus of the soil, Es, for a single. approaches have been develcped to account for this non-

linearity. Madhav et al. (1971) ha ve employed an elasto-

plastic Winkler model, while Kubo ( 1965) has employed
the following nonlinear relationships between pressure p,

deflectfort p, and depth z:

p (8.48)


k, n•, n = experimentally deterrnined coefficients

However, the most widely-employed approach appears to

be the so-called "p-y" approach developed by Reese and
his coworkers (here, p = pressure, y = detlection). In this
method, a finite-difference solution is obtained to the

following equation:

p o (8.49)
FIGURE 8.10 Concept of p
t p curves.

instrumented piles, have been developed by Matlock (1970)

p deflection for saturated soft clays subjected to either short-term
il4 mornent at depth z in pile statíc loading or cyclic loading. O:her cases ha ve subsequent!y
depth been treated by Reese and his eo-workcrs and are summa-
P axial load on piJe at depth z rized by Reese {1975). As an example of thcse procedures,
p soil-reaction per unit length (i.e., p here is, in the case of soft saturated clays is outlined below.
effect, ~n equivalen! line loading)
l. Short-terrn static loading.
1llis ~quation is a more general form of Eq. (8.3), in which
(a) Values are obtained for the variation of shear strength
the effects of axial load and variations of pi le stiffness with
and effective unitweight with d·~pth, together with a value
depth can be incorporated. Equation (8.49) can be written
of E 50 , the strain corresponding to one half the maximum
in finite-difference form, and a full description of the
principal stress difference. (Values of Eso typically range
resulting equations are given b_y Reese (1977), who also
from 0.005 for stiff clays to 0.02 for son clays.)
describes a computer program that salves these equations.
(b) The ultimate soil resistanc•J per unit length of shaft,
The ·~quations are a generalized version of those given in
Pu, is computed, using the les~;er of the following values:
Secti::m 8.2.1.
The solution requires input of a series of "p-y" curves
Pu = (3 + 'YZ/cu + 0.5zjd)cud (!s.Sfu)
(in the present notation of this book, p-p curves) for various
points along the pile. Such a set is illustrated diagrarnmati-
cally in 8.1 O. As in the normal subgrade-reaction
approach, the curves shown in Fig. 8.10 imply that the
Pu (8.50b)
behavior of the soil at a particular depth is independent of
the ~;oí! behavior at other locations. 'Nh.ile not strictly
true, Reese states that experiments indicate that this
assumption is sufficiently true for practica! purposes. Since 'Y average effective unit weight from ground surface
there i;; no restriction on the shape of the p-p curves, an to the required depth z
itera1ive solution of the finite difference equations is c11 = undrained shear-strength at depth z
necessary in arder to obtain compatible values of p and P d = width or diameter of ;Jile
at al! poínts along the pile.
Desígn procedures for constructíng P·P relationshíps The value of Pu is computed a·t each depth for which a p-p
based on the results of field measurements on · full-síze curve is required.

(e) The deflection, p 50 , at one half the ultimate soil equal to the increase in radim. of the pressurerneter and is
resistance is calculated as obtained from the volume c:hange measurernents. Using
· this approach, Frydrnan et al. were able to reproduce with
Ps<J (8.51) quite good accuracy the measured deflection profiles of
two prestressed-concrete test piles. Bague!in et al (I 9n)
(d) Firrally, points describing the p-p curve are computed also discuss the use of pres~:uremeter test results to obtain
from t he following relationship: p-p curves and describe a nurnber of reasonably successful
applications of this technique to instrumented piles.
P/Pu (8.52)

Thc value of p is taken to remain constant beyond p =


2. Cyclic loading. 8.3.1 Basic Theory

• (a) The p-p curve is constructed in the same manner as for
shorHerm static loading, for values of p less than 0.72pu. Analyses irt which the soil has been considered as an
(b) Equations (8.5G1) and (8.50b) are solved simultaneously e!astic continuum have be·~n desc1ibed by Douglas and
to find the transition depth, Zr· For constant unit weight Davis (1964); Spillers and Stoll (1964); Lenci, Maurice,
and sJ--ear strength in the upper zone, and Madignier (1968); Malthewson (1969); Banerjee
(1978); Banerjee and Davies (1978); and Poulos (1971a,
1972). All these analyses are similar in principie, the
(8.53) differences arising largely f1orn details in the ar.sumptions
(¡d + 0.5cu)
regarding the pite action. The anal yS<! S of Poulos ( 1971a)
for a floating piJe and Poulos (1972) for a socketted pile
(e) lf the depth of the point in question is greater than or
are described below.
equal to Zr, then p is equai to 0.72pu for all values of p
greater than 3p 10 . FLOATING PJLES
(d) If the depth is less than z, then the value of p decreases
from 0.72pu at p 3p 50 to the value given by the expression Referring to Fig. 8.1 l, the piJe is assurned to be a thin
below at P 15Pso: rectangular vertical strip of wid th d, length L, and constant
t1exibility Epfp (in applying 1:he results of the analysis to
p 0.72pu(zjz,) (8.54) a circular piJe, d can be taken as the piJe diameter). To

The value of p remains constan t beyond p 15p so. M

01her cases for which p-p curve-construction procedures __,._H
have b~en recommended are: p,

l. Sttff clays above the water table (Reese and Welch, 2 2

2. Stiff clays below the water table (Reese et al., 197 5).
3. Sa nds, shorHerrn and cyclic loading (Reese et aL, 197 4).

A unified approach for constructing p-p curves for piles
'in clay has been developed by Sullivan et al (1979).
kt alternative and perhaps more generally applicable
approach to deterrnining p-p curves was described by
Frydman et al. ( 197 5), who rnade use of pressureme ter n
test results. The p-p curves were obtained by assumlng that if
the sarne pressure is applied to the soil by the pressure- n +1

rneter and apile, the ratio between the lateral rnovernent of

the scU next to the pile to that next to the pressuremeter (a) (b)

is eqt.al to the ratio of their diameters, or widths. The FIGURE 8.11 Floating pile. S tre>ses acting on (a) pilc; (b) so1l
lateral movement of the soil next to the pressuremet¿r is adjacent to pile.

simplif)' the initial analysis, possible horizontal shear-

stresses developed between the soil and the si des of the pi! e (8.56)
are not taken into account. The pile is divided into n + 1
elements, all being of length & except those at the top and where
tip, which are of length &/2. Ea eh element is acted u pon
by a u11íform horizontal stress p, which is assumed constant {pP} ·¡s the n - 1 column vector of pi! e displacements
across the w:idth of the piJe. The soil is assumed to be an
ideal, homogeneous, isotropic, semi-infinite elastic material, [D] =n - ¡'by n + 1 matrix of finite difference coeffi-
havíng Young's modulus, and Poísson's ratio, Vs, which cients.
are unaffected by the presence of the pile. It ís also assum·
ed tha t the soíl at the back of the pi le near the surface 2 5-4 00 .... 0 0 0 0 0
adheres to the píle. This assumption is discussed further in 1-4 6 4 10 .... 0 o oo o
this se:tion, when an approximate method of allowing for
pile-wil separatíon is outlined. o 1 4 6-4 1 .... O o oo o
lf :mrely elastic conditions prevail within the soil, the ......................... . .
horizontal displacements of the soil and the pile are egua!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

In thí'; analysis, these displacements are equated at the o o o o o() .... l -4 6 4

element centers, except for the two extreme elements, for
which displacements are calculated at the top and the tip oo oo 00 .... O 1-4 5 2
of tt:e píle (i.e., the collocation points are equally spac~d).
The soil displacements for all points along the pile may
be expressed as {4}

{ 1 d [ '' } (8.55)
sP r Es fsHP
where {sP f, {P} are the n + 1 column vectors of horizontal
soil •.ti>placement and horizontal loading between soil and
pile. (The stress. between pile and soil caused by externa!
loads on the piJe is p/2 compression on one side arid p/2 ten-
sion on the othtr si de.) Us] is the n + 1 by n + 1 matrix of
mil-displacement-influence factors.
Elements Iij of [IsJ are evaluated by integration over a ()

rl:ctangular area of the Mindlin.equation for the horizontal

displ:w~ment of a point within a semi-infinite mass caused
by horizontal point·load within the mass. This integration ís o
d%cribed by Douglas and Davis (1964), and their solution
is reproduced in Appendix B. Although Eq. (8.55) is for a Equating the soil and pile displacements from Eqs. (8.55)
soil wiíh uniform , the case of a varyirig Es along the pile and (8.56)~that is, putting sP = pP,

(e.g., for apile in sand) may also be considered by assuming

that the soil deflection at a point is given by the Mindlin [r!] + KRn 4 [D] · [!,] J·{p} {B} (8.57)
equaticnand using the value of Es at that point.
In ieterminíng the pile displacements, use is made of where
the dilJerential equatíon for bending of a thin beam
(Eq. 8.2). This equation can be written in finite-difference {B} -Mn 2
form, for the points 2 to n, and by using the appropriate dL 2
boundary conditions at the top and típ of the pile to o
elirninate fictitious displacements at points outside the o
pile, the following equations may be derived for the cases
of a free-head pile anda fixed-head pile:
a) Free-Head or Unrestrained Pile o


Soft Medium Clay Stiff Loose Sand Dense Sand

Pile type Pile Length (ft)
20 50 20 50 20 50 20 50 20 50
1-ft diam.
concrete 6.2 X lO"' 1.6 x ¡o·· 3.1 X lO"' 8.0 X 10"' 1.2 X 10·' 3.1 X lO"' 3.7x 10·' 9.5x lü-' 9.2 x 1o·• 2.4 X l0- 5
3-ft diam.
concrete 5.0 X 10"' 1.3 X 10- 1 2.5 X 10-1 6.4 X 10-' 9.4 X lO"' 2.4 X 10" 3 3.0 X 10·' 7.7X l(J"' 7.5 X 10" 1 l. 9 X 1o·'
1-ft (averag1~)
diam. tirr ber 3.1 X 10-' 7.9 X W' 1.5 X 10"3 3.8 X 10"' 6.0 X 10"" 1.5 X JO-' 1.8 X lO"' 4.6 X 10·' 4. 7 X 10·• l.Zx 10·'
14-in. X 14-in.
X 117-lb steel
H-pile 2.7 X JO"' 6.9 X 10·• l.3Xl0' 3.4 X 10"" 5.0 X 10·' 1.3 X 10-< 1.6 X 10 1 4.1 X 10·• 4.0 x ur' 1.0 X 10·•
NOTE: Al• ove values of KR are derived from secant values of Es at normal working loads.

[!] unít matrix (n 1 by n + 1) {F} is an n + 1 row vector,

EsL4 with

the pile-flexiblity factor F¡ í l for 1 < í < n+1

f"¡ 0.125
K R is a dimensionless me asure of the flexibility of the pi le
relatíve to the soil and has limiting values of"" for an intlnite- f~ +¡ = 0.5n - 0.125
ly rigid pi:e and zero for an infinitely long pile. As a rough
Equations (8.57), (8.58), and (8.59) may be solved for
guide to practica! values of KR, Table 8.6 gives typical
the n + 1 unknown stresses, whereby the displacements may
values for various types of piles and soils. These have been
be calculated fr.om Eq. (8.55). The rotations, moments, and
derived u:;ing secant values of Es (see Section 8.5) and-
shears can subsequently be evaluated.
should be :egarded as approximate only and applicable when
a purely dastic analysis is used (lower values of KR may (b) Fixed-Head or Restrained Pi/e
be relevant when an elastoplastic analysis is employed). The analogous equation to Eq. (8.56) is now
The horizontal-load and momen t-equilibrium equations
provide tite remaining two equations required for the o (8.60)
analysis, and these may be written as
nL H
{E} . {p} ·- (8.58) [D 1 ] = n - 1 by n + 1 mat1ix of finite-difference
4 7 -4 1 o .... o o o oo
{E} is an n + 1 row vector, 1 -4 6 -4 1 .... o o o o o

o o o 00 .... 1-4 6-41
1 for 1 <i < n + 1
0.5 forj = l,n + 1 o o o o o .... o 1 -4 52
(8.59) The horizontal-equilibrium equation is identical with that
for the free-head pile (Eq. 8.58), but the moment equation,
must be _altered to take account of the 11xing moment at
where the píle head. This equatíon then becomes

iG} ·1p} = O (8.61) expressing the beam equation in finite-difference form,

which yields the follmving equation (for points 2 ton):
{G} is an n + 1 row vector,

wíth where

{p}, { pP} are n 1 column vectors for loading and pi le

[D 2 ] is an n 1 by n + 1 matrix of finite-diff.erence
and coefficients
{C} is an n - 1 column vector
fj is defined in Eq. (8.59)
The elements of [D 2 ] and { C} depend on the head and
Equations (8.60), (8.58), and (8.61) may again be solved tip boundary conditions. The following conditions are
for the pressures, displacements, and so on. considered:

Solutions obtained from the above analyses are given Free-head: moment at head = applied momentM
in 1he followíng sections (8.3.2 and 8.3.3). For these Fixed-head: head rotation = O
solmíons, 21 elements were used to divide the pile. This Pinned-tip: tip displacement = O
number was generally found to gíve results of adcquate tip moment,Mt = O
accuracy, cxcept for very slender or flexible pi! es, in which Fíxed-tip: tip displacement O
case. dcflections and rotations may be underestímated. tip rotation O
Evangelista and Viggiani (1976) and Poulos and Adlér
(1978) have examined the accuracy of such solutions and The boundary condition> may be expressed in finit!:·
conclude that greater accuracy and economy may be difference form and the fint and last rows of [D 2 ] and
achieved by formulating the beam equatíon for piJe bending {C} may be determined. The inner rows are identical wíth
In t ~rms of unequal spacings between adjacent no des. those of [D] and [D 1 ] for the floatíng pile.
This leads to different matrices [D] and [D¡J in Eqs. The soil displacements at all elements along the pile may
(8.56) and (8.60). Smaller e1ements can be used near the be written as
top of the pile, where displacement, pressure, and moment
gradients are steep, and larger elements used along the d
{sP} · = [/s J{p} (8.63)
lower part of the pile.
An alternative formulation or" the analysis, using a finite
element discretization of the pile, is described by Poulos where
and Adler (1978). Non-uniform pile sections are readily-
handled with this analysis. {.~p} = the n + lcolumn vector of soíl displacements
The extensíon of the analyses to cover the case of (15 ] = the n .+1 by n + 1 m a trix of soíl-displacement·
yield of the soil is described la ter in this section. Modi· int1uence factors
fications for battered piles are discussed in Chapter 9.
In evaluating the e!ements of Us] , allowance should be
made for the effect of the rigid base in reducing soil
movements, and a convenient approximate means of
The assumptions made regarding pile and soil behavior are makíng this allowance is to introduce a fictitious "mirror
similar to those made in relation to floating piles, but image" of the pile, loaded by equal and opposite horizontal
the :mil is now assumed to be underlain by a rough, rigid stresses (see Fig. 8.12). This procedure is analogous to that
bearing stratum, and a force Ht and a tip momefit Mt act used in the analysis of axially-loadéd end-bearing piles
at the tip, which is restrained from moving horizontally. (Chapter 5). The displacements at all points along the pile,
The solution for the case of purely-elastic soil behavior is resulting from both the real and írnaginary elements, are
again obtaíned by equating pile and soil displacements at the again evaluated from the e):pressions derived by Douglas
node points. The piJe displacements are again obtained by and Davis (I964).

( For fixed-head
pi les, M = Mto) 2


Roe k

(Direction of positive moments

and loads shown above.) lmaginary
Clockwise rotation positíve ele"Pents

FIGURE 8.12 Sockcted píle.

The piJe and soil dísplacements from Eqs. (8.62) and loads and moments, the entire lnad-deflection curve for the
(8.63) can be equated, and the resulting equatíons, to- pile may be obtained. Thís analysis assumes that at
gether .vith the appropriate equilibrium equations, solved elements at which the soil ha:; not yielded, the soíl dis-
for the unknown pressures and displacements as well as the placement caused by elements that have yielded is stíll
típ force H¡ and ti p moment Mf. given by elastic theory. This assumption should not in vol ve
Sohtions from the above analysis are given in Section_ serious error when only a few elements have yielded, but is
8.3.4, \V>úle the extensíon of the elastic analysis to account likely to lead to inaccuracy in the load -deflection curve as
for locd yield of the soil is described below. the ultima te loador moment is approached.
The above analysís is best carned out by reexpressíng
the equations in terms of the unknown deflections rather .tNALYSJS FOR LOCAL YIELD OFSOIL than the unknown pressures, so that difflculties regarding
displacements at yielded elements are elimínated.
Because the elastic analysis shows that high pressures are
developed near the top of the piJe, real soils are likely to ANALYSISOFPILE-SOJLSEPARATION NEAR SUR.E4CE
yield a1. relatively low loads, and consequently, increased
displace ments will occur. Modifications of the elastic The elastic analysis assumes that the soil behind the pile
analysis to take account of soil yield have been descríbed adheres to the piJe at all times. However, because soif has
by Spillers and Stoll (1964) and Poulos (197la). For a limited ability to take tension, ít is likely that separation
specífied load and moment, a solution is first obtained will occur near the top of the pile, where large stresses,
assumir g the soíl to be elastic, and the soil pressures thus compressive in front of thé pile and tensile behind the pile,
obtained are compared. with the specified yield (ultima te are ·developed. This separation 2.nd local yield are the main
lateral) pressures, Py, at each point (see Chapter 7 for a dis· causes of the marked nonlinea.ríty in load-detlection be-
cussion of values of Py, denoted as Pu therein). At elements havior that is observed in lateral loading tests, even at low
where the elastic pressure exceeds Py, the displacement- load levels. Douglas and Davís (1964) state that this effect
compatibility eqúation is replaced by the condition that could lead to an increase in displacements and rotations of
the pre ssure equals Py. The solution is then recycled and 100% in the extreme case, but in practica! cases involvíng
the procedure repeated until the yield pressures are stiff piles, an increase of 30 to 40% appears to be a more
nowhe1e exceeded along the pile. Then by increasing the reasonable allowance.

Approximate allowance for the effects ofseparation may the linear portion of these curves depends on the pressures
be made in the elastic analysis in the following manncr: on all the elements rather than on the pressure at one
element only. It should be noted that it would be possible
1. F:om the initial elastic analysis, the strcsses along the to use other types of p-p relationshíps in conjunction with
pi le a ·e obtaíned. Assumíng in-situ horizontal stress to be elastic theory, although it is doubtful whether the added
Ksa 1,, where av is the vertical overburden stress and Ks is a complications in such an analysis would be justilied in
coefficíent of horizontal pressure (see Chapters 2 and 3), view of the approximations ínvolved in using the Mindlin
the elements a t whích the resultíng stress a t the back of the equations.
pile, K,a 1 · 0.5 p¡, is negative (Le., tensile) are determíned
(the factor of 0.5 arises because half the total force on a
pile element is compressive at the front ofthe element and 8.3.2 Solutíons for Floating PiJe in Uniform Soil
half is tensile at the back of the pile ).
2. Assuming the soíl to have zero tensile strength (if D!SPLACEME'lvT AND RCTA TION
justifiable, a certain small tensile strength could be consider-
ed), separation is assumed to occur at these elements and the Solutions have been obtained for the case of a free-head
displaccmcnts caused by these elements are recalculated, floating pile, loaded by a horizontal force H acting at an
assummg these displacements to be twice the values given eccentricity e above the ground line. A soil having a uni-
by thc Mindlin equations. The factor of 2 is correct for form modulus Es and limiting pressure Py is considered;
loading in an infinite mass, and at the soil surface (pro- such an idealization is generally considered to be appti-
vided 1 hat l's 0.5). cable to piles in overconsolidated clay. In the solutions,
3. A ncw solution is obtained, and the procedure repeated
the influence of local yield of the soíl adjacent to the pile
until r,o resulting net-tensile stresses exist at the back of is taken into account, but no allowancc is made for the
the pik effects of pile-soil separation. A value of Vs of 0.5 has been
chosen; however, Vs has relat:.vely little influcnce on the
. Solminns showing thc effect of separation are discussed in solutions .
Section 8.3.2. The ground-!ine displacement, p, and rotation, e, for a
Th:s procedure may also be combined with the analysis free-head pile may be expressed as follows (Poulos, 1973):
for local yield of the soil to obtain a more accurate load-
deflectíon relatíonship to failure for a laterally-loaded (8.64)
pi le.


RLACFON ANAL YSES 8 EsL2 (/e¡¡ + L laM)IFo (8.65)

Having completed the description of the elastic method, it

is now possible to consider its relatíonship to the subgrade- where
reaction analysis. Considering fmt the linear analyses,
comparison between Eqs. (8.1) and (8.55) reveals that the H applíed horizontal load
subgrade-reaction method can be formulated ín precisely e = eccentricity of load M/11
the sane manner as the elastíc method; however, the off. M applied moment at ground line
diagonal components of the soil-influence-factor matrix 1pl/. lpM elastic influence factors for displacement
[/s] ar·~ al! zero in the subgrade-reaction analysis, and the caused by horizontal load and rnoment,
respectively, foc constan t E 8
diagonal components in the elastic theory (E~ l¡¡ for an lefl, leM elastic influence factors for rotation caused

element i) are replaced by l/ k¡. The presence of the off-dia- by horizontal load and mornent, respective-
gonal dements of [lsl in the elastic theory is caused by the ly, for constart (1 0 ¡¡ = 1pM from the
abílity of an elastic material to transmit stress, in contrast reciproca! theorem)
toa Winkler material. Fp = yield-displacem~nt factor ratio of piJe
Th•= ebstic analysis modified for local yield is equival- displacement in elastic soil to píle displace-
cnt toa nontinear subgrade-reaction analysis in which the p-p ment in yielding soil, for constant Es and
curves are linear up to the yield pressure Py, but in which Py


1d ~
~ ¿
r----. u

vs =
Valu<ZS of L/d
100 = 1

::o) 3 1~~'-'"' 1
10 ---
~ ---~·--

,_ ____ ---~-'···

1d -~- L .•. e
- - - ~-- ~-
! '~
¡--- +---
t-- - -- j-
¡~ t-- - -
10 -----
t - - j----- e· --+ -------

f- .J. t - -
: - -- -- L--
1 .6 -5 -4 3 -2 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
FIGURE 8.15 Valués of IeM-free-head 11oating pilc, constant soil
J 'o yield-rotation factor"' ratio of piJe rotation rnodulus.
in elastic soil to piJe rotation in yielding
soil, for constant Es and Py The e]astic influence factors lpH• lpM !eH), and
Py limiting soil pressure (also termed 'yield leM have been gíven by Poulos (l97la) and are reproduced
pressure' or 'ultimate lateral pressure' else- in Figs. 8.13, 8.14, and 8.15. Because of the Iimited num-
where in this book) ber of elements used, the solutíons may be somewhat
inaccurate for piles that are very slender or very t1exible,
- and may lead to underestimates -Jf deflcction and rotation.
The yield factors Fp and Fe are functions primarily of the
relative eccentricity of the loaó, efL. the pile-t1exibility
factor, KR, and the applied load levd, which may be
conveniently expressed dimensiJnlessly as H/ Hu, where
Hu is the ultirnate lateral-load capacity of the pile if
failure occurs by failure of th'! soil (!.e., if the piJe is
rigid). Values of Fp and Fo are shown in Figs. 8.16 and
8.17 as functions of e/L, KR, and H/llu, for L/d = 50.
Both Fp and Fe decréase (i.e. the effect of soíl yield
10 increases) as H/Hu increases ora> KR decreases. Howcver.
for relatively rigid piles (K R 10- 2 ), the effect of soil
yield is not great at ordinary wo:·king loads. An indication
of the effect of L/d for one val u e of KR and for e/ L O is
given in Fig. 8.18. Fp decreases as L/d decreases.
1 L-~~----~--~--~----~--~--__j The valÚes of Fp and Fe in Figs. 8.16 and 8.17 are for
1(1 6
10' 5 1Cí 3 10'2 10' 1 10
e/ L ~ 0-that is, mornent and load acting in the same
direction. Values could also be deríved for the case where
FIGURE H.l4 Values of fpM and IeH-free-head 11oating pile, con- rnornent and load act in opposite directions~thal is,
stan! soil nodulus. e/L <O.

FIGURE 8.18 Effect of L/d on PP.

FIGl.IRE 8.16 Yield-displacement factor Fp-free-head floating

pil~. 'Jníform Es and Py-
(í.e., small KR values), a piJe may deflect excessively or fail
by yielding of the piJe befare this value of Hu can be
Hu may be obtained from statical considerations, and developed.
it is shown as a function of eíL in Fig. 7 .2. lt should be For a purely elastic soíl the displacement p and the
emphasized that the presentation of the theoretical results rotation O at the ground line may be e..:.pressed as follows:
in krms of llu does not necessarily imply that the actual
ultima te load could reach Hu, since for very flexible piles

o (8.67)

where Af is the applied moment at ground !ine. In applying

the above equations to practica] problems, the value of Es
to be used should be a secant value áppropriate to the work-
mC·1 1--------+~-;-----r- ---~-+--~~----~-----~ ing load leve!. However, the expression of the results as in
Eqs. (8.64) and (8.65) enables a more rational account to
be taken of the effects of >oH yielding and allows the use
of a single tangent value of Es, irrespective of the load
leve!. The relationship between solutions from the above
two approaches is discussd later in this section. Appro·
priate values of Es are discussed in Section 8.5.
For a fixed-head piJe subjected to a lateral load H, the
ground-líne displacement can be expressed as
o 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0


FIGURE 8.17 Yíeld-rotatíon factor Fe-free-head floatng píle, uni-

fqrm Es and Py- where

o 2 4

' ~~ ~tt 1
= 0.5


Free-he3d pile
o 25
Values of Lid L -', O" 0.5
111 0.6

IOF 0.8

Effect of Kr1

-·2 o 2 4 5· e 10
o ,--,----.--,-=--r--~~

0.2 d /'1oo
0.4 /
1 .____ __]___
10 6
10 '• 10 L KR = 0.001
1 V; = 0.5
l0 •ee-head pile
FIGU¡;:E 8.19 Intluence factor fpp-fi.xed-hcad t1oating pile, con- 1
stant s' ,j[ modulus. 1
1.0 \ (b) Effect of Lid

FIGURE 8.21 Typical displaccmen t pro files a long piJe.

lpF displacement-influmce factor for horizontal load

on fixed-head pile
FpF = yield-rotation facte<r for iixed-head piJe

..- Values of lpF and FpF are plotted in Figs. 8.19 and 8.20.
For this case, the ultima te load, H 11 , is delinee! as


Typical displacement profiles along a pile showing the

effects of L/d and KR are shown in Fig. 8.21 for the case
of a purely elastic soil.
An example of the effects of pile length and soil modulm.
on the horizontal movement is shown in Fig. 8.22 for a
free·head concrete pi le 1 fr in dümeter, in a purely
etastic soil and subjected to horizontal load only. For the
soft soiJ, a rapid reduction in displacement occurs as pile
length increases, up to a length of about 30 ft. Furthe1
increasing the length results in little or no reduction in
(1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 displacement, a result that is consistent with the concept of
effective length frequently employed in subgrade-reaction
analysis. Similar characteristics are shown by the piles in
FIGURE 8.20 Yield-det1ection factor Fpp-fLxed-head piJe, uni- stiffer soils, except that the relative 1eduction in displace ..
form Eg and Py- ment with increasing pile length becomes less as Es in ..

0·3 ,____:_-..,.---.....,...----,----.----. creases. Figure 8.22 also gives sorne indícatíon of the
1ft d1a. concrata pila subjactad o possible order of error in predicted movernents caused by
horrzontal load ~:>nly errors in estimating Es.
For relatively short and rígid free-head plates, Douglas
and Davis (1964) have pres·~nted corresponding elastic·
y displacernent and rotation-ínfluence factors. These factors,
"- 0·2 whlch are shown in Fig. 8.23, :;hould be more accurate than
.e the corresponding values for short, rigid piles in Figures
8.13, 8.14, and 8.15, because the transverse distribution of
e pressure is not assurned to h~ constant across the width,
E as is the case with the presem anal)'sis. For L/d > 15, the
"'u difference between the two sets of solutions is negligible.
-ºo. 0·1 By the reciprocaltheorern,/0H =fpM. The srnall discrepancy
in Fig. 8.23 results frorn rninor inaccuracy in the nurnerical
.8e analysis. Beca use the piJe is idealized as a thin strip, these
N solutions will tend to overestimate deflections and rotations
9 for a piJe of finite thickness. The errors involved in the
'thin-strip' idealization are di:;cussed by Randolph ( 1977),
20 40 60 80 100 and are generally less than 15%.
The elastic analysis enables determination of the
Píla Langth (ft)
relative arnounts of undrained rnovernent p¡ and final
FIGURE 8.22 lnl1uence of pile length and soil modulus on piJe dís-
rnovernent PTF of the piJe. p¡ is cakulated by using Es '=
placernen t.


IM 1 1 1
V -- 1

2.0 '-1



V 0.5 ~-/
/ /
1 1
1 V!' _¿;',,H
v( Vi,H
- 1.5 --·

(D --

V 1

V ~
~ 1.0 --

.. M_ ' '"" + E;l__ ·,':_
/ ~-

V p
I,M +
_1 1

• !pM
0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0

FIGl:RE 8.23 !nfluence coefficients for rotation and translation of rigíd plate (Douglas & Davis, 1964).

E u, the undrained Young's rnodulus of the soil, and the

p {8.70)
influence factors for Vs o_s (the undrained Poisson's ratio
of the saturated soil); PTF is calculated by using Es =
E', the (rained rnodulus of the soil, and the influence factors He e 1 \ 'F' HeJ
1Oli + L e1v~ i e +
for vs = v; (the draíned Poisson 's ratio). F or an ideal + ( EsL (
two-phase soil, E u 3E' /2(1 + v'), and ratíos of p¡/ PTF are
shown in Fig. 8.24 as a function of KR, for v;
= O. For For the case of a pite projecting a distance e above the
practica•. values of L/d and KR, Pí/PTF is considerably ground surface and having a Hxed head, an equation may
greater ~han 0.5. Furtherrnore, for rnost soils, v;
is likely be derived for the fixing moment l'vfr at the pile head by
to be ~;ignificantly greater than zero, and thus p¡/ PTF obtaining an expression for the pile-head rotation in terms
rnay be J.7 or more. It can therefore be concluded that, as of Mr and the applíed lateral load H. and equating this
with axíally loaded piles, the tirne-dependent dísplacernent expressíon to zero. Knowíng Jl-·J r, the pile-head deflection
is not líKdy to be of major irnportance. Some confirmation can be calculated. Further consideration ís given to this
of the above conclusion is provided by the rnodel pile case in Section 9.3 .3.
tésts reported by Prakash and Saran ( 1967), in which a ratio
of p¡/PYF of about 0.75 was obtaíned for a relatively stiff FFF'ECTOF PILE-SOIL SEPARATION
pí~e having Ljd ce 32. Thís conclusion applies only at
An example of the cffects of pile-soil separation is shown
relatível:i·low load levels, sínce tíme-dependent movernents
in Fig R.25. The ratio PeiP of the displacement from a
caused by creep may become sígnificant at loads approach-
purely e las tí e analysis to the displacement includíng separat-
íng failu•e.
íon effects is plotted agaínst dimensionless horizontal
In additíon to the dísplacement and rotatíon of the pile
load HhL 3 . Even at relatively low loads, PciP is [ess than
at the ground surface. the solutions presented may be used
one: that is, displacements are :tffected by separation, thís
to calcu:ate the displacernent of a pite ata point above the effect being generally more pronounced for more t1exible
leve! of the ground surface. For example, for a free-head piles. For normal working loads. the amlysis indícate~ that
pite sub•ected to load H at a distance e above the surface, separation occurs to a depth of about 0.2L for flexible
the displ.acement at the point of application of the load is piles ancl up to 0.4L for rigid pites. Figure 8.25 indicates
gíven by that for practica! purposes, the effect of separation is to

Ground -líne moment only
Ground~líne horizontal load only

v; O 1


0.7 --~ ~~

0.4 L = 25

~'s 0.5
K, 0.5

0.2 F;ee-head prnned~t p pile,

horizon::al load oniy

0.5 ·-----4----~----~----~--~----~----~ o 0.05 O. 10 0.15 0.20
1( 10-s w-• 10- 3 10~ 10
FIGURE 8.24 Theoretica! ratio of immediate to total-final FIGURE 8.25 Example of effect uf pile-soil separa tion on hcad
displacem;ont. movemcnt.

M,/HL M,/M
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0.2 02

0.4 0.4
l L
0.6 0.6

25 ,,, 0.5
0.8 0.8
Horízocnalload only, Moment only,
F'eehead Freehead
1o 1.0
(a) (b)



~ '''· 25
,., 0.5

(e! Fixed-head

FIGURE 8.26 Typical moment clistributions.

virtwtl!y double the detlection of the piJe head under ing for stiffer piles. For moment-loading only, the maxi·
elasti;: condítions. Tltis effect may also he considered as mum moment always occurs at the surface and equals the
apprc.xima te! y equivalent to reducing the soil modulus by applied moment.
a factor of about 2. For a fixed-head piJe, unless the pile is very flexible
(KR < 10-5 ), the maxímum moment oecurs at the pile head
where the restraint is provided. The variation of thls
restraining moment with KR wd L/d is shown in Fig. 8.28
Typical moment distributions along a pile in a purely elastic for the case of an elastic soil.
soil are shown in Fig. 8.26. The variation with KR and L/d An example of the ínfh.:ence of local yield on the
of the maximum moment in a free-head pile in an elastic moments in a pile ís shown in Fig. 8.29. At failure, the
soíl Stlbjected to horizontal load is shown in 8.27. Tiús maxímum vaiue of dímensiorless moment Mz/HL in thís
maximum moment typically occurs at a depth of between case ís about twice the elastíc value (i.e., that for H/Hu <
0.1L and 0.4L below the surface, the larger depths occurr 0.38). It should be noted that the elastic distribution of

0.16 o 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 o 25


··+i 1 L
¡values of d

1 1 50
0.1 --1--~·

(Mz 1m;;¡~
HL 0.6



(,,¡ Horizon cal load orly

10 ' 10 ' 10 3
10 ? 10 ' 10 M,'M 0

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

FIGURE il.27 Maximum momcnt in frce-head piJe.

moment is largely dependent on the pite flexibility, KR,
whereas the dístribution at failure ís independent of KR.
lt therefore fo!lows that the largest íncreases in moment 0.4
during local yielding may occur in relatively t1exible piles
in which the morilents under elastíc condítíons are small.

To compare solutíons from elastic theory with those from

subgrade reaction theory, ít is necessary to establish a

(bl Moment loading {Joiy

FIGURE 8.29 Intlucnce of local yield o o momeots in pite.


relationship between Young's modulus, E,, and the modulus

of sub grade reaction, kh. The most reasonable method
appears to be to equate the elastic and subgrade-reaction
M¡ solutions for the displacement of a stiff fixed-head pi! e.
HL Assumlng lis = O.5 and usíng values of I,JF from Fig. 8.19,
for L/d 25, kh = 0.82 Es/d.
Cornparisons between the elastic and subgrade-reaction
solutions for displacement and ::otation factors are shown
in Fig. 8.30 for L/d 25. In all cases, the values frorn
o~~~~·~_L __i ___L__J__~ subgrade-reaction theory are grea ter than those from elastic
o6 w--s w-• 10-3 10·> w-• 10
theory. For L/d < 25, the difference between the two
KR theories is greater than that shown in Fig. 8.30. Thus,
FIGURE a.28 Fixing moment at head of fixed-head piJe. subgrade-reaction theory tends to overestirnate displace-

1 25 v, = 0.5
- - Elastic solution
- - -Subgrade-reaction


10- 5 10 4 10-3 10 2
10"' 10 10
(a) (b)
104 20

3 ~
~ ~
7 ~
IoM 10
~ 1" F
2 -


FIGURE 8.30 Comparison of elastic and subgrade-reaction solutions for displacements aPd rotations, constan! Es·

men ts and rotations if kh and Es are related as described stiffer píles and the overall agíeement is better than for
above. The discrepancy between the two theories will displacements (Jnd rotations.
be decreased if the relationshíp between kh and Es ís
varied as the relative flexibility of the pile varíes, as . COMPARISONS WITH SOLUTIONS FROM A "SECANT
suggested by Vésic (1961) for strip foundations. l'rfODULUS" APPROACH
Comparisons between e!astic and subgrade-reaction so- In practica! predictions of lateral deflection of piles, it has
lutions for moments are shown in Fig. 8.31. The largest been customary practice to use the solutions obtained from
difn:rence again occurs for relatively flexible piles, for an analysis in ~hich no soil yield is assumed to occur,
wlúLh subgrade-reaction theory overestimates the moments. together with an appropriately-chosen secant modulus of
Ho..-. ever, the two solutions are in reasonable agreement for the soil. It is obvious that in such an approach, the secant

0.1 o.)

M/HL M,!HL 0.3

- - - Elastic solution 0.2

- - Subgrade-reaction
o. 1

10 _, 10
(a) Maxírnum rnoment in free-head pile lb) Fixing rnomPnt in fixed-head pile

FIGURE 8.31 Comparison of elastic and subgrade-reaction solutions for moments, constantEs.

pE,/pv d BEJPv
o 2 0.05 0.10 0.15
z 0.5

1.0 u__ _ ___._ _ _____,

Deflection Rotation
- - - Solutions frorn
analysis with yíeld
- - - Solutíons from
secan! elastíc aoalysis

v, 0.5 2 3
KR ~ 10 J

Floating pi le,
constant E, & Pv

t 0.5

Bending rnoment

FIGURE 8.32a Comparisons between solutions with soil yield and secant-elastic solutions, H!Hu 0.4.


o 0.1 0.2 0.3



t C.5

1 o1!l.___.L___.L___..L__..L____J

Defiection Rorar ion

. - - Solutions
50 f rom analysís
wiF1 yteld
KR 10 J
secant elastlc
Floating pile, an.:dysts
constan\ E, & P,.

_z 0.5

Sending rnoment

FIGURE 8.32b Comparisons bctween solutions with soil yield and secant-elastic solutions, H/Hu 0.6.

modulus (whether it be a modulus of subgrade reaction or not great, and it would appear that the secant-elastic
an elastic modulus) will decrease as the load on the pile approach will not be in serious error unless a significan!
i!1sreases. lt is of some interest now to examine the relation· amount of local yield occurs along the pile.
ship betwecn snluti0ns for pile behavior obtained from this
"secan1 clastic approach" with !hose obtained from the
analysi:; incorporating the effects of pile-soil yield, as
8.3.3 Solutions for Floating Pile in Soil with Linearly
descríbed above.
Increasing Modulus
Comparisons are shown in Figs. 8.32a, 8.32b and 8.32c
for a typical floating pile in a uniform soil, subjected to a
lateral force H at the ground lín~. Solutions are expressed For sands and soft normally consolidated clays solutions
in dimwsionless form, Es being the original "true" elastic for linearly increasing soil modulus with depth are required
modulus of the soil. The secant-elastic modulus for each since the assumption of one constant modulus may lead to
load leve! has been obtained by fitting the elastic and yield solutions of unacceptable inaccuracy. As previously men-
solutio.1 for ground-line deflection of the pile, and deter- tioned the Mindlin equation can still be used when the mo-
rnining the equivalen! soil modulus, as described in Section dulus is not constant although the resulting solutíons will
8.5. Figure 8.32 shows that the solutions, although general! y only be approxímate, and will tend to over-estímate
similar. do differ significan ti y as the applied force approach- groundline deflections and rotations somewhat (Banerjee
es the ultimate. The main differences are that the secant- and Davies, 1978). In the solutions described below, the
elastic approach underestimates the ground-line rotation soil modulus is assumed to increase linearly with depth,
and the maximum bending moment. However, at normal from zero at the ground surface, so that at any depth z,
working-load levels (e.g., H/Hu ""0.4), the differences are the modulus is

0.2 0.4

L ~ 0.5

Deflection Rotation

v, 0.5

KA 10-·3
Floating pile,
- - Solution¡ from
constant E, & Pv analysis .vith yield
- - - Solutions from
secan! elastic analysis

Bending moment

FIGURE 8.32c Comparísons betwecn solutíons with soil yíeld and seéant-elastic solutions, H/Hu ~ 0.8.


The ground-line displacement, p, and rotation, O, of a

free-head pile may be expressd as follows:
Nh = rate of increase of with depth
p (8.74)
Nh is analogous ton~¡ (Eq. 8 J 1) in subgrade-reaction theory,
and if Es and kh are assumed to increase with depth at the
same rate, then 8 (8.75)

The pile-flexibility factor is now defined as
/pH, /pM elastíc-influence factors for displacement
caused by horizontal load and moment,
KN (8.73) respectively, for linear! y varying Es, and
similar! y for lm and 18M
F'P == yield-displacement-factor == ratio of pile
The soil-yield strength, Py, is also assumed to vary linearly displacement in elastic soil to pile displace-
with depth, from zero at the surface to a val ue of pL at ment in yielding soil, for linearly increasing
the leve! of the pile ti p. and Py, ami similarly for F'e.



: 1



; 1 1

i .


1 : i

Volu~s of ¿

1 ¡

~~ 1-=+=-----+-¡------¡------;'
~-=r---t----..~t&t ___¡ T
t j 1 \ 1\ '\
~·- !

j j
I~M, l~H



1 '

. ! . 1 1


10 -6 -3
10 ...
10 -~-2 10 16 5 104 10 10 2 10~ 1 10
Epip Epip
¡o;N = Nhl5 KN= NhL 5 ~

FIGURE 8.33 Va!ues of fpH-free-head floating pile, linearly-vary- FIGURE 8.34 Values of fpM and f~:IH-free-head floating pile, li-
ing soil modulus. nearly-varying soil modulus.

100000 ~
r~ ···-·

r'\.'\ ' --

10000 ' ~\

: '\'\'\



1000 \'\\


' "' ~""-
Valuqs of


·--~-L-. -

10 -5 ·5 -4 -3 -2 -1
10 10 10 10 10 10
K = Eplp
N Nh L5

FIGURE 8.35 Values of feM-free-head floatíng pile, linearly·varying soil modulus.

·=-- KN >10-2 -+~---~--1---'~ó-',==o"~+~~

KN =10"3
KN =10-4
KN=10" 5 -+----~~~--~~~----,

O· 01
o 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0
H;:;' H/H
FIGURE 8.36 Yield-displacement factor F~-free-head floating FIGURE 8.37 Yield-rotation factor F'e-free-head 11oating pile, li-
pile, linearly-varying Es and Py- nearly varying Es and p y-

The elastic ínfluence factors lpH, etc., are given in Figs. LO .-r...----r-...,---.,.--.._:c--·-r---...,.-=:----.,
8.33, 8.34, and 8.35. The yield factors Fp and Fe are,
again, functions primarily of e/L, KN, and HfHu; they are
shown in Figs. 8.36 and 8.37. Hu, which in this case, may
again be obtained from statical considerations, is shown in
dimensionless form in Fig. 7.2 as a function of ef L.
For a fixed-head píle, the deflectior1_Ls
given JY

H 1 , 1
p = .N¡¡ L__2_ I pF 1F pF (8.76)

The elastíc influence factor lpF is plotted in Fig. 8.38,

while :he yield-displacement factor FpF is plotted in Fig.
8.39.1n the latter figure, Huís given by O.Sp¿dL.

Values of
Illustrative E:xample of Construction of load-Deflection 0.001 ....__ __..._ _ ___.__
Curve for Single Pile o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10
The application of the theory is illustrated in the following
example. The case considered is a free-head steel-tube piJe, FIGURE 8.39 Yield-displacement ractor F~p-fixed-head floating
piJe, linearly-varying Es and Py·
40-cm O.D. and 2-cm wall thickness, situated in a rnedium-
dense sand. The píle is 14-m long, embedded 10m in the
sand, and loaded at the top -that is, at an eccentricity of
4 rn abovc the ground surface. The sand is assumed to have
strength parameters and q/ = 34°, a saturated unít
wcight of j3LX. L0 3 kg,lcm 3 , anda Young's modulus that
varíes lincarly with depth. From Terzaghi's correlation
(Table 8 5), the coefficient of subgrade reaction, n 11 , is Taking
0.5 kg/cm 3 and the rate of increase of Young's modulus
with d~pth, N h, will be taken as equal to nh.
Th~ relationship hetween applíed horizontal load and
ground-line deflectíon will be computed. For the pile, then,

1 :
:........ ---- e--- ---··-~
·--- ··-····

p H '
- 2 ' 1 pF
100 ....... ·--+·
""""" ~~ 1

'-~~~ L~ 1_

1 1
! ~ ~

! -

1 ' ----·-
1 -~

10.: 10' 3 10' 2 10

K = i..cl..e
N NhL5

FIGURE 8.38 Values of l'pp-fixed-head floating pile, linearly· varying soil modulus.

4.78 X 10 10 kg/cm 2
= 0.5!8H/F p cm (Hin tonnes) (8.77)

= Eplp 4.78 X 1010 The ultima te load, Hu, for failure of the soil will now be
KN 9.56 X 1o-s
NhLs o.5 ·x 1000 5 computed. From Fig. 7 .2,

L/d 1000/40 25

ejL 4/10 0.4 In this case, Py is the yield pressure halfway along the
embedded part of the piJe. It will be assumed, as suggested
From Figs. 8.33 and 8.34, by Broms, that Py = 3pp = 3Kpa~

!Ot Py = 3 X tan 2 (45 + 34/2) X 500 X (1.91- 1.00)

X 10- 3
= 4.83 kg¡cm 2
Ground-·line det1ection from Eq. (8.74) is
Hu = 0.169 X 4.83 X 40 :X: 1000
32,600 kg

32.6 tnnnes


::> O. 2 1------+---



FIGURE 8.40 Maximum moment in free-head pile-linearly-varying soil modulus.


The subsequent calculatíons for the load-deflection curve are Ljd and of the pile t1exibility factor, KN. These moments
tabulated in Table 8 .. are greater than for a uníform Es with depth (Fig. 8.27),
and occur typically at depths e f OJL to 0.45L below the
surface, the larger depths being for stiff piles.
TABLE 1!.7
The fixing moment at the head of a fixed-head piJe is
plotted as a function of KN in Fig. 8.41. Comparison with
H H Fp p (cm)
(Fig. 8.36}
Fig. 8.28 shows that larger moments are again developed
(tonnes} Hu (Eq. 8. 77)
for a linearly-increasing soíl modulus.
5 0.152 0.76 3.4
15 0.456 0.305 25.5
20 0.608 0.23 45.0 In relating elastic and subgrade-reactiOn theories, Nh and
25 0.760 0.18 72.0 nh ha ve been equated. For the displacement factors 1pf!,
30 0.912 0.155 100.3 comparisons shown in Fig. 8.42 reveal somewhat closer
agreement than with the ca:;e of constan t modulus.
Similar comparisons are found for the other influence MOMENTS JN FILE
factors. The subgracle-reaction solution does not directly
For free-head piles, the maximum moment caused by take account of the effect of Lid, but in fact corresponds
horízon 'al load only ís shown ín Fig. 8.40 as a function of relatively dosel y to the elastic solutions for L/d 25.



FIGURE 8.41 Fixing moment in fixed-head pile -linearly-varying soil modulus.


8.3.4 Solutions for Socketed f'iles

- - - Subgrade-reaction
solution For a socketed pile in a uniform soil, subjected to a hori-
zontal force H at an eccentridty e above the surface, the
displacement and rotation at the ground line may be
calculated from the same exp:éessions as for a floating pile
(Eqs. 8.64 and 8.65, or Eqs. 8.66 and 8.67); but now,
different elastic-ínfluence fa,;tors, lpH. 1pM· Irm, and
leM, are used. These factors are plotted in Figs. 8.43,
100 8.44, and 8.45 for both a pinned tip and a fixed tip. The
tip boundary condition has· virtually no effect on these
factors unless the pi! e is relatively stiff (K R > 10- 2 ).
For smaller. values of KR, tht: displacemeht- and rotatíon-
influence factors are almost identícal with those for a
floating pile. Sirrúlarly, for a given load H, the yield
10-6 10 100 factors Fp and F8 for a floating pile may be applied to a
socketed pile if K R is less than 10-2 . F or larger values of
KR, the effects of local yield at normal working loads are
FIGURE 8.42 Comparison between clastic and subgrade-reaction very small, and Fp and F 0 may be taken as unity.
solutions -free-head pi le.


f- -·
f- ! -·
Values of .b -·
~ d ':

- ~00

--- :-.....-
~: ~"-..
5-- ~ ~

1 -·

f- ¡ -.... ~
1 1 .... .;.;,~

1 f--
'"r\, -
f- ~-J -

-· '\ -·

1-- -

- - Pinned tip
- - - Fixed tip

\ ',_
f- 1 -
1 1
0.01 1 i 1

10-6 10

KA =
E, L4

FIGURE 8.43 Influence factors IpH for free-head socketed piles in uniform soil.

1000 - ! 10,000 ~---+---·--1--------·~- ..·~-+---·-+-·-

- -
- ¡ -
~~ l!
100 ,..- ~
.........._' ~100
Values of
- 1000 -· --""<:~
~!:>U -
~"""" ~· -

___ , __ f---- -~ ~
10 ~ ' i-----::

r-- ~
" R::-...~ J,M

~~ -
t- ~~
--··· . -

t- 1--- '""\ 10

..... - -~-----

f--- Pinned

1·· - r--- fíxed


O. ---- ~·---¡-- ·- -- ·- ·~
--·--·-- i·-
! - · - ---

1- -

- ~

0.0 1.
10-6 1 o· 5 10-4 10-3 10 w· 10

KR E, L4 KR E, L4

FIGURE 8.44 Influence factors and 1&H for free-head socketed piles in FIGURE 8.45 lnl1uence factors IeM for free-head socketed piles
uniform soíl. ín uniform soil.

100 ¡-- ----~~~-" "--~~~~--

¡-- - -~~·----
r------ .. - - ~
.-'--- -

~ Values of ~ 1 ···-
100 e--
1~ --
100 ! ¡--
" ""'"-
"" ··---···---- i
------- --------::::

---~~ 10
5 f-·
- i
,~r-=- ~~ .......
-- Values of ~ -
- r-... 100 .

~~ .,, 5
pH 10 - -- -
-----= - ~-

'~ -
I¡¡F 1-
,________ ¡---
--- ~\

~ ,_ --

- i

--- -- ·---- \
j_ \
\! \ r-·
--- t----
\ -
0.1 f-.-------- e-- -
----- -- \- 1------- 1----- ------
-- 1 l\ \ r

------ 1--- \
f------- ------- 1--\--.J; r-
- \
- --- Fixed
\ '-
0.1 \
0.01 1 10" 6 10- S 1 o 4 10' 3 10' 2 10-1 10

KA EE_I_¡;_ KN ~ Nh L S

FIGURE 8.46 Int1uence factor for fixed-head socketed piles in FIGURE 8.4 7 Values of /~H-free-head socketed piJe, línearly vary-
uniform soil. ingEs-


1 1

~ 1


1000 ¡...-

"" -=-

1-- -

- -



1'\.~ -
---~ ... -----
~~ 1 Values of
~ -

1~ r- 25
\- " -

'1\\ -

- -

- \ -
¡----- \ -
f-- \ -

-- 1 Fixed tip

'\ -

o1 1 \
10 10

KN -S,_!:,_
- -
Nn L,
FIGURE 8.48 Values of fpM and Iim-free-head socketed píles, linearly varying Es·

For a fixed-head socketed pile, the groundline disp!ace- An example of the effect of pile length, end conditions,
ment i> given by Eq. (8.68), and the e!astic influence and soil modulus on pile-head movement is shown in Fig.
factor lpF is plotted in Fig. 8.46. 8.51 for a 1-ft-diamet~r concrete pi!e. The soil is elastic and
For the case of pi!es in a soil with a linearly increasing has a uniform modulus Es with depth. As the soil modulus
modults with depth, the displacement and rotation is decreases, the píle movement increases until the limiting
given by Eqs. (8.74), (8.75), and (8.76), as for floating displacement for an unsupported pile is reached; this
piles. The elastic-influence factors (lpF. etc.) are plotted in limiting value is finite for all cases except the free-head,
Figs. 8.47 to 8.50. As with the case of a soil with uniform pinned-tip case. For the piJe considered, the tip boundary
modulus, the. yield factors Fp, F(J, and FpF for floating condition only affects movement if tlie soil has a modulus
piles may be applied to socketed ¡,1les at the same load H, less than about 40 lb/in. 2 -that is, an extremely soft soil.
provided that the flexibility factor KN is less than about The increase in the effective length of the piJe with decreas-
10-'2_ ing modulus is shown in Fig. 8.5lb.

~\ '\ 1

10,000 ,---M

1- \.\.\




-- - - - -

' \~



100 r-
'- '' t.. '

· · - 1--- ~ -·-----···

~ ~'.....
: L
- Values of d

········- 1----·-· 1 100 ·--;-

\ ~255
- ! \ --
- ! \

- \

- \
- 1 \
Pínned típ
- - - Fíxed típ
1 \
1 1

0.1 1 \
10-6 10

FIGURE 8.49 Values of feM-free-head socketed piJe, linearly varying Es.


1000 f--
! -
f-- -

f.- -

'~ i

100 - .......... ~'-..""'-

- L
- - 'r-....'-..". Values of d ·-

- -

~ -25

10 - -
~: 5'~~ 0.. -
~~ -¡
1- '\~~

~ '\ -
1- \ -
-- \ \ -

1- \ -
\ 1\
\ \ \
-e- \
..• \
- - - - Fixed típ -


10" 6 10" 5 10-4 10" 3 10-2 10-1 10

Nn L5

FIGURE 8.50 Values of I'pF-fixed-head socketed pile, linearly varyingEs. MOMEV1~~ IN PILE HORIZONTAL F(JRCE ATfJLE TJP

A summary of the moments developed in a socketed pile For L/d 1O and L/d = !00, and an elas tic soil having
in a uniform elastic soil is given in. Figs. 8.52, 8.53, and uniform Es with depth, the horizontal force developed at
8.54 for L/d = 10 and L/d = 100. These figures show, as a the pile tip is shown in Fig. 8.55 for free-head piles and in
function of KR, the moment at the head of a fixed-head Fig. 8.56 for fixed-head piles. 1his force is generally very
pile, at the tip of a fixed-tip piJe, and the maximum moment small for KR < 10-3 , but in creases .rapidly in the range
in a free-head piJe subjected to horizontal load only. As KR 10-3 to 10-1 , á.nd generally is a maximum value for a
with displacements, the tip boundary condition only stiff piJe (KR ~ 1)--the exception is moment-loading on
influences the moment if KR is greater than about 10""'2. free-head, fixed-típ piles.

1 ft día. concrete pite 25 lt long,

subiected lo horizontal load


:> Legend
E 0.01
Cu:ve 1 Free~head, pinned-típ
2 F ree~head, fíxed-t ip
3 Fixed-head, pinned-tip - - - Fixed-head, pi>ned-tip
4 Fixed-head, fíxed-tip
A Upper limit for curves 2 and 3 1 1
8 Upper limit for curve 4

4 w-3 10- 2 10
FIGURE 8.52 Fixing moment at pile head-socketed pite in uní-
Soil modulus, E, lbíin. 2 form soil.
(,r) Effect of soil mod"lus and end condítions
E, 100 lbiín. 2 0.75

~<U " ~ 1

r: 1 ft día. concrete pi le
e: ! subjected ta horizontal load M,
~ only HL
..,e F1xed-head, fixed-tip
~:> 0.1
E 0.25
e: E 500 lbíín 2
;¡ '

E, = 1500 lb/ín 2 0~----L----M~~~;_L-----L-----L---~

10 10-2 1o~' 10

o KR
o 20 40 60 80 100 (,,¡ Resulting from applíed horizontal load
Pile length (fri
!b) Effect of pile '.ength .Or---~--~----r---~---.--~

FIGURE 8.51 lnfluence of soil modulus, pile length, and end con- 1 l " -:,.-:-"""
O 8 1---- Free-head, ,,.. /
ditions on horizontal movement of socketed pile in uniform soil.

o4 ~

~ :---~--
1/ l

= 100-!'rf-lO--t-----1 TIP ROTAT!ON OF PINNED TIP PILES

It is of interest to consider the tip rotation of pinned-tip

.~: 02~¡ +{
piles, especially in relation to assessing the effectiveness of
nominally fixed·tip piles. For a uniform elastic soil,
o !
' :--...-+
. t; ¡1¡-1/--+----t----i
-0.2 1------!-----t-- --t----+----
influence factors TfJH, ToM, and ToF for the tip rotation,
Or, are given in Figs. 8.57, 8.58, and 8.59, where flt for -0.4 ' - - - - - ' - - - ' - - _ __,_ __.__ __,
10- 5 10- 4 10- 3 10' 2 10
free-head piles is given, ·as
(b) Resultíng from momenr

(8.78) FIGURE 8.53 Fixing moment at pile típ-socketed pile in unifonn .



10~ 5 10 4 10~~] 10~ 2 10- 1 10
102 10 1
(a) Free~head, pinned-tip
(a) Homon::al Load Only


10~ s 10-4 10-o 10_, w· 1 10
(b) Free-head, fixed-tip

FIGURE 8.54 Maximum momcnt in free-head soclceted piles (hori- FIGURE 8.55 Tip force-frec-head soclceted piles in uniform soil.
zontal load only)~uniform soil.

or for fixed-head piles,


For the free-head píles, the rapid changes in tip- H,

rotatio{t factor with increasing KR reflect the change in H
deflected shape of the lower portion of the pile. For
relative),y stiff piles, the tip-rotation factors are identical
with the corresponding values for head rotation. For - 0.5 t-----+----+-
fixed-head piles, the maximum value of TeF occurs for
KR 0.02; TeF tends to zero for a stiffpile.
-1.0 L;.-~·-_L::---J-:---L~~!!!I...J EFFECT!VENESS OF A "F!XED-T!P" FILE
10 -s 10··4 w·'
¡o- 2 10~' 10
Because the bearing stratum has a fmite modulus, sorne
rotation of a nominally fixed-ti p pile will inevitably occur. FIGURE 8.56 Tip force-fi.Xed-head socketed piles in unifonn soil.

3 ----+

FIGURE 8.59 Influence factor 1 8F for laterally-loaded fLxed-head,
pinned-tip socketed pile in uníform soiL

For a given depth of embedment, Le, of the tip in the

10'' 10 bearing stratum, thls rotation may be estimated by assum-
KR ing the tip to be a floating pile of length Le and diameter d,
FIGURE 8.57 In!1uence factor TeH for tip rotation of free-head, situated in a uniform semi-infinite elastic mass of the
pinned-tip socke ted pile in uniform soil. bearing-stratum material having moduli Eb and vb. The tip
is acted upon by a horizontal force H¡ anda moment M¡,
which may be determined from Figs. 8.52 to 8.56. From
Eq. (8.67), for a uniform elastic soil, the actual tip rotation,
8¡, is

8¡ = - -2 • f IJ H + L' 1 3 • ! 8·"
,u (8.80)
Eb L C Lb 'C


f!JH, feM are obtained from Figs. 8.14 and 8.15


KR --EL 4
b e

Alternatively, the solutions of Douglas and Da vis (1964)

may be used (Fig. 8.23) if KR of the tip is greater than
about 0.5. Thls procedure will tend to be conservative,
overestimating the tip rotation, as no account is taken of
the resistan ce of the pile base to rotation. A further approxi-
mation is involved in the above procedure, since any
rotation of the tip will influence the load and moment
there. While an iterative procedure could be devised to take
FIGURE 8.58 ln!1uence factor TeM for tip rotation of free-head,- thls into account, thls appears unnecessary, as only the order
pinned-tip socketed pile in uniform soiL of the tip rotation is required.

A reasonable criterion for judgíng whether or not the tip "' 0.46 ft = 5.5 in.
rotation Br is satisfactorily small, is to compare it with the
tip rotation 81 of the corresponding pinned-tip piJe From Fig. 8.55, the horiwntal Ji¡, developed
(Eq. 8.78 or Eq. 8.79). For satisfactory performance as a at the piJe típ may be deterrnined.
fixed tip, should be only a small fractíon of 81 (e.g.,
Frorn Fig. 8.55a: H¡/H 0.50
although thís figure will generally depend on engíneer-
From Fig. 8.55b: H¡L/M 1.46
ing judgement in relation to the case being examined). If
8¡is found to be unacceptably large, the embedment depth, :. H¡ 0.50 X 50 + !.46 X
, should be increased until e¡ is acceptably small. 20
A~ mentioned previously, the above procedure will only 32.3 kips
be necessary for stíff piles (KR ~ 10-2 ) since only then
(M¡ = O)
does socketing the tip influence pile behavior. An example
illustrating the abo ve procedure ís described below.
Now, assuming that tlús force has to be resísted by
embedment of the piJe ínto the rock (i.e., neglecting
lllustmtit·e Example adhesion between the piJe base and the rock), it is found
The case considered ís that of a 20-ft-long free-head con- that for a factor of safety of 3 and assuming the ultirnate
crete pier, 3 ft in diameter, loaded by a horizontal force pressure of the roe k near the st..rface lo be 2cb, the requíred
of SO kips applied at an eccentricity of 2 ft above the soil embeddment depth is only 0.5 in.
surface. The pier is situated in a 20-ft !ayer of soft alluvial Finally, considering the típ rotatíon of the pinned-
silt, having an average c11 of 2.5 lb/in 2 , undrained Young's típ piJe (frorn Figs. 8.57 and 8.58),
modu.us, of 100 lb/in 2 (14.4 kip/ft 2 ), and underlain
by sandstone. The average properties of the sandstone near T 0 ¡.¡ 2.4
the rock surfacE' are Eb = 1.5 X 10 6 lb/in. 2 , Cb = 5000
TeM 2.4
In this example, an examinatíon will be made of the
Therefore, from Eq.
relative merits of having a pinned tip ~o the pier and of
havin~. a fixed tip, socketed into the underlying sandstone. 50 X 2.4 2.4 X 100
Tiprotation, e, +
Considering the pile-flexibility factor, KR, it is found 14.4 X 20 2
14.4 X 20 3
that fp 82,700 in 4 , and assuming Ep = 3 X 10 6 lb/in 2 ,
0.0229 radians

0.747 b) Fixed- Tip Pi!e

From Figs. 8.43 and 8.44, the dísplacement-ínfluence
factors are
20/3 6.67

. Thc case of a pinned tip and a fixed tip will be consíder-

ed in 1urn. "L.
p .4 X (0.44 + X 0.68)/1 .O
14 20 20
'(]) Pir.ned-Tip Pi/e
0.088 ft. 1.05 in.
From Fígs. 8.43 and 8.44, the displacement-influence
factors may be determíned. For the relevant values of
and KR, Thls ís considerably le~s than the 5.5 in. for the pinned-tip
2.4 Considering now the horizontal force and the moment
2.4 developed at the piJe típ, from Fig. 8.55,

Be cause the val u e of K R is so hígh, the yield factor, F P, m ay H¡/H 0.75

be taken as uníty. Therefore, under the working load H¡L/M 0.80
(from Eq. 8.64 ),
From Figs. 8.53a and 8.53h,
p ( 50 ) 2
\14.4 X 20 ( 2 .4 + 20 X 2 .4 )/1.0 M¡/HL 0.80


8.4.1 lntroduction
H1- = -O.;t X 50 + 0.30 X iOO = -36.0 kips
M¡ 0.80 X 50 X 20 + 0.75 X 100 = 875 kip ft. Many published methods of analyzing the behavior of piJe
groups subjected to horizontal load and moment make use
of the theory of subgrade reaction, and have the advantage
Assumíng again a factor of safety of 2 applied to the that groups containing battered piles and subjected to
load and moment and an ultimate rock pressure of 2c, ít ís various types of loading can be readily considered. How-
found by statical consíderations that the required embedded ever, be cause the subgrade-reaction m o del is not con-
depth of the pile into the sandstone ís 1.25 ft = 15 in. tinuous, the effects of interaction between pil~s cannot
An estímate must now be made for the actual rotation properly be considered. The consideration of the soil asan
of this "fíxed" tip to determine whether it is sufficiently
elastic material provides a convenient means of examining
small for the tip to be effectively fíxed. For the embedded
group effects for laterally loaded piles.
portian of the tip,
The followíng analysis has been descríbed by Poulos
1 .2 5/3 0.42 (1971 b ). It parallels the analysis of axially-loaded piles,
in that interaction between two identical piles is examined
3 X 10 X 82700 first, and the analysis ís then extended to general pile
1.5 X l 0 6
X l 54 groups. A simple approach is subsequently described for
utilizing the solutíons for single piles to obtain approxi-
For thís value of KR, the típ is rigid, and hertce use may be mate load-deflection curves t::¡ failure for pile grcmps.
made of the solutions of Douglas and Da vis ( 1964) for the
rotation of rigid plates. Using these solutions, ít is found
8.4.2 Elastic Analysis of lntE:raction between Two Piles
Itw 0.92
Two identical, equally-loaded pites are considered, each
0.53 pile being divided into a number of elements, as for the
-(36.0 X 0.92) single pile. The center-to-center pilc-spacing is s, and the
:. rotation of "fíxed" tip
216,000 X l angle between the line joining the piJe centers and the
direction of loading is {3, termed the departure angle (see
875 X 1.53
+ Fig. 8.60). While elastíc conditions prevai! within the soil,
216,000 X 1.25 3
· the horizontal displacements of the soil and pile at each
3.08 X 10-3 radians element may be equated, and together with the relevant
equilibrium equations, solved for the unknown pressures.
This is about 14% of the típ rotation of the pinned-tip In the analysis that follows, the only interaction effect that
pile, so that the embedment of the tip 15 in. into the sand- is considered is the horizontal movcment of one pile thM
stone is unlikely to be sufficient for the fixed-tip condítion results from loading on another pile, the loading and
to be achlev~~d. lncreasing the embedment depth to 24 in. movement being in the same horizontal direction. A more
reduces the rotation to 7.5 X 10-4 radíans, or about 3.3% general analysis along the lines of the present analysis would
of the rotatíon of the pínned-tip piJe, which should be
be possible but would not be of frequent practical import-
The soil deflections along pile 1 may be expressed as
The above example indicates the advantage that may be
gained by socketing the tip "to obtain. fixed-tip conditions, d
if the ·pile is relatively stiff. In socketing the píle 24 in. Es (¡[ + 2/] {p f (8.81)
into rock rather than 0.5 in., reduction in displacement
at the ground line from 5.5 in. to 1.05 in. is obtained. where
However, it must be emphasized again that -for piles that
ªre more flexible and have a value of KR of less than about
1o-2, no benefit is achieved at working loads by attempting (¡! + 2/] the (n + 1) by (n + 1) matrix of influend~
to "fix". the pile ti p. factors 19, where 1Iq and 2Iq are the


T p,

j --
::::: P,

n + 1 P¡ + 1
Píle 1 Pi le 2

(a) Forces and pressures actíng on pi les

n ~ 1 n +1

(bJ Pressures actí0g on soit

FIGURE 8.60 Two laterally loaded piles.

influence factors for horizontal displace- obtained by assuming the uniform pressures on each element
ment at i caused by stress on element j of piJe 2 to be replaced by an equivaknt point-load acting
of píle 1 and pile 2, respectively at the center of the element. This procedure is justified in
view of the resulting simplificati:m in evaluation of 2 /;j and
The influence factors 1/ij are obtained as for the single is unlikely to be seriously inaccurate except for extremely
pile (Section 8.3.1). Values of 2 / 11 are most conveniently close spacings.

"" Additional displacernent caused by adjacent pile

ap Displacement of pile caused by its own loading
t', ~ 0.5 •(8.82)
Fixed-head pi le
----KH 10 Additional rotation caused by adjacent pile
0.8 i-
! -----KR = 10-" Rotation of pile due caused by own loading
0.7 - Vaiues of J The values of ap and ao for various conditions ofloading
and head fixity are denoted as follows:

t:XpH, a 0 H: va'ues of ap and a 0 for a free-head pile sub-

jected to hQ!iz.ontalload only. ! ·
CXpJJ, OtoM: va1ues of ap and a 0 for a free-head pi! e sub-
jected to mom<:nt only (from thc reciproca!
theorem, apM '= etoH ).
CXpF: value of ap for fixed-head pile.

'-• In the solutions described, the piles have b_e_enA!vJc!_e_d

_intg .2L~lerntmts, and purely e las tic conditions are assum- ·
ed to exist within the soiL

8.4.3 Solutions for Two-Pile lnteraction


An example of the variation of the interaction factors with

departure angle (3 ís shown in Fig. 8.61, where apF is
02- plotted against ¡3 for two particular spacings for both a stiff
pi le (KR "" 10) and a flexible pile (KR = 10-5 ). It will be


Departure angle,
FIGURE 8.61 Typical variation of interaction factor with depar-
ture angle.

The displaccments of the piJe may be expressed in an

identical manner to that for a single piJe. For the free-head
case, Eq. (8.56) is relevant, while for the fixed-head case,
the relevant equation is (8.60).
Equating soil displacements from Eq. (8.81) and pile
displacements from Eq. (8.56) or Eq. (8.60), solutions may
be obtained for the influence of the second pile on the
disp1acements and rotations of the first pile, for various
spacings and values of the departure angle (J.
It is convenient to express the additional displacement
* C.2 .0.15 0.1
0.05 o
and rotation at the pile head in terms of interaction factors
ap and a 0 , where FIGURE 8.62 r:xpH for K R = 1o·s.

1.0 1
v, 0.5
¡~·1 I.L
Values of d 1
- - - ¡3 = 90°

.\\\ ~
\\ 1 KR "'10 1
0.6 1\10

"oH \ '~
'\ " ~~ ~
apH 0.5
\ ,~0""" ~ !'...
0.4 --25 ~
r-;:: ..........
...... _
' ~o
1 '.....""' -
...... t'-..._ ~ \
0.3 ,,
' ...... ' ~.;: ~ 1\
' ...... ~
0.1 ~ ~\
-- c---. _::::::__,_ r--....,
2 3 4
o 4 5
2 3
S 0.15 0.1 0.05 o ~ 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o
º- d

FIGURE 8.63 "pH for KR "' 10-3 • FIGURE 8.65 apH for KR = 10.

se en that the variation of CXpF with ~ is sufficien tly el ose to factors is similarly close to linear. For convenience, a linear
linear to be considered as such for practica! problems, (a variation of all values of ex with {i will be subsequently
more accurate assumption is that CXpF varíes linearly with assumed, so that only values of ex for ~ = Oo and 90° then
sin 2 P; however, this refinement is probably unwarranted need be computed.
for practica! problems ). The variation of other interaction Interaction factors for displacement and rotation of


v, 05

0.7 0.7



o.:~ e 0.5





3 4 5 o 3 4 5
S 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o 0.2 O. 15 O. 1 0.05 o
,<! _e!

FIGt.:RE 8.64 rY.pH for KR 10-1 FIGURE 8.66 "pM and aeH for KR"' 10"'.



0.9 0.9


¡-_ 0.8


0.6 J 0.6
""'e:; 0.5 o?J 0.5

~:t 0.4 "'


0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

I. 3 4 5 00 2 3 4 5
S 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o S 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o
Q. d el

FIGURE 8.67 aplH and a.eH for KR" 10-'. FIGURE 8.69 a.pM and a.eH for KR lO.

the pile at the ground surface are .shown in Figs. 8.62 to The followíng characteristics of behavior may be seen:
8.77, for values of L/d of 10, 25, and 100. Four values of
KR ranging betwecn 10-5 and lO are considered. In all
cases, v., = 0.5, but since Vs has relatively little influence on l. Al1 a values decrease with increasing spacing and are
the interaction factors, the values for Vs 0.5 can be used greater for (3 = 0° than for (3 90° .
wíth little error foi all values of Vs. 2. All a values increase with increasingL/d.

1.0 1-,,--,---,
1.0 r----r,--.---,----,----,-----,--
v, 0.5 ¡
0.9 o.9 r---t--+---+--+-+--- o ' : - ·-·
fl 90' 1
0.8 o.8 t---t--+---+--
0.7 0.71---f--....---+-·+··········+---+-~lf--·-·+--··

i '
0.6 0 ·6 r--r--,---¡-,--t·¡ -t--r--t===±=:;:j-· !
e! ~\ ~ 1
! 1KR 10
<>o M 0.51---t--+---+--+---t-- -r-'====t-i=~-1----l
~-r, j

0.4 0.4 f--·--1--+---+-+-+---+-~t---+-·--¡

~-r, '
1~ Val~es of d
0.3 r---lt'"t-'\..-t-i
'~1004 .........
25~....._\ 1 "'- ..._

2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
S 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o S 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o
d d
.1 Q.

FIGURE 8.68 «pM and a.eH for KR = 10·1 . FIGURE 8.70 a.eM for KR = w-s.

1.0 ,---,---,---.,--,--·--,---r--.,---,----.


2 4 5
2 3 4 5
S 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o S
0.2 0.15 0.1 0.5 o
d <!
FIGURE 8.73 e>:aM for KR 10.

3. All a valucs generally increase with increasing pile- 5, For a free-head pile, the deflection-interaction factors
stiffnEss factor KR. are greater than the corresponcling rotation factors.
4. For a free-head pile, the ínteraction factors for moment 6. For horizontal loading only, values of O'pp are greater
are less than those for horizontalloading. than the corresponding values for a free-head pile, apH·

2 3 4 5
~ 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o 2 3 4 5
d o
S 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.5
FIGURE 8.72 eteM for KR = ¡o·•. FIGURE8.74 o:pFforKR= 10·'.

1.0 1.0

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

apF apF 0.5


0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2


o o 2 3 4 5
o 7 3 4 5
0.2 0.15 0.1 005 o S 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o
~ d
r! <!

FIGURE 8.75 o:pF for KR = 10-'. FIGURE 8.77 a¡)F for KR 10.

The influence of a linearly increasing modulus with constant modulus, although the effect is small for P 90°.
depth on the interaction between two piles in a typical For practica! problems, the values of o: for cúnstant modulus
case is :shown in Fig. 8.78. The interaction factor tends to in Figs. 8.62 to ·8.77 may thus be used, assumíng that KR =
be less for the linearly increasing modulus than for the KN; their use \Vill generally overestimate interaction and
wíll thus be conservative.
11 le 25
0.9 -···-- !---- d
v, 0.5
v, J.5
0.8 1 - · -
' KR 1o '3 KN
- ;:~
0.7 --- \
Values of d L
-- 90"
0.8 Fixed-head pi les

~ L'--.
0.6 jKR 'l 10

\~' ~ ~~
0.6 ·t·-
apF 0.5

', '~~~ ~t---. 100........ ........

',,ss' . . ~K..::-:.~""' 0.4

~' '-\
....... 10
...... .........

o 1'~
o 2 3 4 5 0 o~~-L--~--~~----5~-------L------~
S 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 o S 0.2 0.1 o
d d
<! <!

FIGURE 8.76 o.pF for KR Hí'. FIGURE 8.78 lnfluence of modulus distribution on interaction.

8.4A Elastic Analysis of General Pile Groups pinned to the pí!e cap. It may also be applied to fixed-
head piles by using the appropriate unit-reference displace-
An extension of the analysis for two píles to the case of a ment and interaction facto1s. Where moment loading is
four-pile group has revealed that the principie of super- applíed to the group, axial forces wíll be developed in the
position, as described in Section 6.2.3 for axially-loaded píles and thus consideratíon of both axial and lateral
groups, also applies to the laterally-loaded group. lt interaction is necessary. Thi!; more general analysis is dis-
then-fore appears reasonable to extend the use of the super- cussed in Chapter 9.
position principie to the analysis of the displacement and Whíle dírect consíderation ís given only to calculating
rota1ion of any general pile group subjected to lateral load the displacements at the ground surface, the movement at
and ~11oment. the top of a group loaded above the ground surface may
Consideration may then be given to the calculatíon of readily be evaluated. To the calculaiéd surface displacement
lateral dísplacements and rotatíons at the ground surface is added the addítional displacement caused by the rotation
for the following types of groups: e at the ground surface and the elastic deflection of the
pile at the poínt of load applkation.
1. A free-head group in whích ea eh pi le displaces equally. The group displacement rnay be conveniently expressed
2. A. free-head group in which an equal (or known) hori- in terms o(a dísplacement ratio Rp, whích is the ratio of
zontal load and/or moment acts on each piJe of the group. the group displacement to the dísplacement of a single
3. A fíxed-head group in whích ea eh pi le displaces equally. píle carryíng the same average load or moment as a piJe
in the group, and is analogous to the settlement ratio Rs
For cxample, for a group of n free-head piles subjected for axially loaded groups. Alternatively, the displacement
to h::Jrizontal load only, the displacement of a pile k in the may be expressed as a group reduction factor RR, defined
group is, hy superpositíon, as the ratio of the group dísplacement to the displacement
of a single píle carryíng the !;ame total load or moment as
the group, and is analogous to the group reduction factor
Pk (8.84)
Re for axially loaded groups.

RR is calculated as follows:
PH t11c umt reference displacement, that ís, the
dísp!acement of a single free-head píle under where pis the appropriate u;1it-refercnce displacement and
unít horizontal load PG is the group displacement. Whíle elastíc conditions pre-
H1 the load on pile j vail in the soil, RR and Rp ar'~ related simply as follows:
C(pHki thc va!ue of o:pH for two piles, correspondíng
to the spacing between piles k and j and the (8.87)
angle ~ between the direction of loading and
the line joining the centers of piles k and }. where n is the number of piles in the group.
In practica! problems, R 0 is the more use fu! quantity;
lf the total load on the group ís H G, then but in examining the behavior of various groups theoreti-
n_ cally, the use of RR has sorne advantage, since as with
He~ ~H¡ (8.85) RG, RR always lies within ;:he range l to 1/n.
}~i Various values of RR. rray be determined, dependirg
on the type of loading, pilehead condition, and whether
In thc case of equal oisplacements, the n equatíons for deflection or rotation is considered. These values will be
pile dísplacements from Eq. (8.84) and the equilibríum denoted as follows:
equation (8.85) may be solved for the unknown loads and
the group displacement. RRpH group·reductíon factor for deflection caused
In the case of e qua! loads in all piles, Hj = HG/n, and by horizontal load.
the :lisplacement of each piJe may therefore be calculated RRpM group-reduction factor for deflection caused
directly from (8.84). · by applied moment.
The analysis described above applies to cases involving RReH = group-reduction factor for rotation caused by
horizontal loadings on a group of piles having their heads horizontal load{= RRpM)

.~ = 25

6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
d d
FIGURE 8.79 lntluence ofpile stiffness on RRpF· L
FIGURE 8.81 lntluenee of- on R
RRe.41 = group-reduction factor for rotation caused
is shown in Fig. 8.79 for twl ·alues of KR and for a fixed-
by applied moment.
head group. At any spacing, . is considerably greater
RRr>F = group-reduction factor for fixed-head piJe.
for the stiffer píles. For a group of free-head piles,RRpll is
found to be smaller than RRpF for fLxed-head piles (Fig.
8.80). Also,RRpF increases a' L/d increases (Fig. 8.81).
8.4.5 Elastic Solutions for Square Groups
For a given total load, the displacement of a group
decreases as the number of p.Jes in the group increases. lf,
For , 32 , 4 2 , and groups in a uniform soil, the variat-
however, the displacement of the groups is plotted against
ion of the group-reduction factor RRpF with piJe spacing
the total group breadth, it is found that the value of the
group reduction factor RRpF is almost independent of the
number of piles in the group. Typical plots of RRpF versus
group breadth are shown in Figs. 8.82 and 8.83. With the
exception of the four-pile ar.d nine-pile groups, for which
RRpF tends to limiting values of 0.25 and 0.11, respective-
ly, at relatively small breadths, the points lie closely on a
single curve. Only for large b.:eadths do the points for indi,
vi dual groups tend to diverge from the common curve, as
RRpF tends to the limiting value of 1/n, where n ís the
number of piles in the group. The dependence of RRpF on
breadth rather than number of piles in the group parallels
the similar dependence on breadth-only of axially-loaded
Figure 8.84 shows the ratio p¡/ PTF of immediate to
total,final movement for piles with L/d "' 25 in an ideal
elastic two-phase soiL This ratio depends primarily on the
drained Poisson's ratio, v~ and is almos! independent of
factors such as the number of piles in the group, KR, and
the piJe spacíng. Even for the extreme case of v 's = O,
d PdPTF-= 0.72, and, for more practica! values of v's, is of
FIGURE 8.80 Intluence of head fixity on R R. the order of 0.8 to 0.9. in other words, the major part of

FIGURE 8.82 vs. group breadth- K R 10·'

the movement (excluding creep) of a laterally-loaded pi! e 4. The nonuniformíty of load distribution generally be-
group cccurs immediately on loading. comes more pronounced as KR and L¡'d increase.
For groups situated in a uniform soil and in which al!
pi! es d:.sp1ace equally, typícal distributions of horizontal
load w1thín 3 2 and 4 2 groups are shown in Fígs. 8.85 to Illustrative Example
8.88. These figures show that:
The problem show11 in Fig. 8.89 involves the calculation
of the distribution of horizon cal load and the horizontal
l. The outer piles carry the greatest load and the center displacement at the ground JinE: of a .six-píle group of 1-ft-
piles the least. diameter c<;mcrete pilcs situatcd in a uniform medíum
2. The load distribution becomes more uniform as spacing clay. lt is assumed that the top of each piJe is rigídly
increases. attached to a massive pile cap, so that the top of each píle
3. The relative maxímum load in the group increases as is fixed and cach displacés equally. The value of Hs
the number of piles in the group increases. shown in Fig. 8.90 is the value (assumed constant with

FIGllRE 8.83 RRpF vs. group breadth- K R O. l.


V 2.5
/ •1
/ 2.0

.Pi_ v, 0.5
// KR = 1o··s
! 1.5

' .........
......... 3
1 ' ....., _

=------ --- ----

Ji. 1 .o
o 0.1

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5


~;;~ -
/ "
FIGURE 8.84 Ratio of írnrnediate to total-final displacernent for / ''
fixed-head groups. 1

depth) for the soíl skeleton, so that the displacement calculat-

ed will be the total final displacement. The soil will be
assumed to remain elastic.
Be cause of symmetry, there are only two unknown
horizontal loads in the group. The load in píles 1, 3, 4, and


,. 3 2 Group FIGURE 8.86 Ty·pical horizontal load distributions in fíxed-head
2' . )
2 1 pilc group.
2.0 ..
3 4 3
~ ~ ~
__ __,_ HG
6 is H 1 , and that in piles 2 and S is H 2 • For pi!es 1, 3, 4,
and 6, the displacement at the ground line ís given by

Pi!es ·"'d 0.5
1. ~~ e

10" 5
1 .o
_;;·::-:_-:~-----~ interaction factor for deflection at píle 1
2 / /--
caused by load on pile 3, and similarly for
/' / other o: values.
/. 4//
/ displacement of a single fixed-head piJe under

/ 1
/ unit load
o ,/

A similar expression may be written for the tlisplacerrient
p 2 at píles 2 and 5.
For the condítion of e qua! displacement of all pi! es,
P1 p 2 =p. Also, frow equilibrium,
o 2 4 6 8 10
d He = 4H 1 + 2H 2
FIGURE 8.85 Typical horizontal load distributíons in fixed-head
pile group. where He is the total applied load.

1 1 1 1
¡----,·---- ·----,--
4 2 Group 4 2 3roup
1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
•~ •4 •4 •3 •3 4• •4 •3
:;·.s t-
3 • 4 •
• 3~HG
- •3 4• •4 •3 -;--------;- H G

•1 •2 •2 •1 •1 •2 •2 •1
•• •• d
25 •- •-•-•l
2.0 t- v, = 0.5 - d
----- .L
Pi les KA 0.1 10

1 .O --
/ ----------
3- - ......

2 ------- ..-.:=

o.s .. !-------------- -_
Ot- -

- 0.5 ,___ _l,___~l,___ ___.l,___ ___..¡_ ____J

o 2 4 6 8 10
FIGURE 8.87 Typícal horizontal load distributions in fixed-head
pile group.

Thus, three equations are obtained for the unknowns H 1 ,

ff 2 , and p. 1.0 o 2 4 8 10
From the given data,

FIGURE 8.88 Typical hori<oontal had distributions in fixed-head

pile group.

From Fig. 8. 19, the unit displacement PF for a single pile

may be calculated. For L/d = 25 and KR = 7.4 X 10"', 62.5 H 1 + 27.6 H 2 •

4.7 Similarly, for píles 2 and S, it may be shown that


PF 31.4 X 1o· 3 in./kip
300 O. 500 TABLE 8.8

lt is sufficiently accurate to use the interaction factors

for KR = l0- 3 ; and 1he rele·.-ant interaction factors, PiJe
lnfluence on Pile 1 lnfiuence on Pile 2
tabulated in Table 8.8, are ohtained for th¡; appropriate (Also Piles 3, 4, and 6) (Also Pile 5)
values of {3 and s/d and for L/d = 25, from Fig. 8.75. (¡) s/d (f o.pH~' s/d ¡f 0 pH2j
Substituting the appropriate interacthn f:lctors for· the
displacement of pites 1, 3, 4, and 6, 1 3 o 0.50
2 3 o 0.50
p [H 1 (1 + 0.36 + 0.35 + O 28) + H 2 (0.50 3 6 o 0.36 3 o 0.50
4 3 90 0.35 4.24 45 0.38
+ O 3 8)] X 3 1.4 X 1O-3 5 4.24 45 0.38 3 90 0.35
6 6.71 2G.3 o 28 4,¿.1 45 0.38
that is,

1· D<lrivqd trom dqflqction
1 1 1 mqasUrqm<z-nts.
Dqrívqd trom slopq
Dtzrivtld from or
KN Vs Nh rqlationshlps

kips fcu ft

/./¡ossiwz Cap

-~----'---1-----HG =100k1pS
1 Soil
FIGURE 8.90b :v!ethod of backfíguring modulus from load test.

Cnder the average pile load of 16.67 kíps, a single pile

would deflect 16.67 X 31.4 X 10- 3 0.52 in. Thus, the
group-displacement ratio Rp 1.53/0.52 2.94. The
group-reduction factor RRpF Rp/6 "' 0.49.

FIGURE 8.89 lllustrative example.

8.4.6 Approximate Prediction of Load-Deflection Curve
for a Group
The eqtlilibrium equation is
In developing a simple practica! procedure for load-deflect-
4H 1 + 2H 2 100
ion prediction of piJe groups, the following assurriptiorí.s are
Solution of the above equations gives made:

20.1 kips l. The group reduction factors RR remain constant for

9.8 kips allloads up to the failure, although they are calculated from
1.53 in. elastic theory.
2. The reduction in ultimate lateral-load capacity of the
piles resulting from group effects is calculated by applying
a lateral efficiency factor, r¡¿, to the ultima te lateral load
capacity, Hu, of a single pile, and fiL applies equally to all
piles in the group, so that th,~ reduced ultimate lateral-load
capacity, Hur, of each pile is
kipsJsq tt (8.88)
Curvq 1 • Dqr.vqd lrom d!lfl<lctíon
m<Zasur<Zmcmts. 3. All piles in the group deflect equally, so that the load-
Curvq 2- Oqriv<Zd from slope mQosunzmr:znts deflection curve for the group is obtained by computing
Curv<~ 3· D<¡,rivqd from KR Vs E 5
rqlationships the curve for a single pile having an ultimate load Hur, and
then multiplying the ordinates of this curve by the number
of piles in the group.

With these assumptions :he following expression may

be derived for the ground-line deflection, PG, of a free-
FIGURE 8.90a Method of backfiguring modulus from load test. head piJe group in a soil with constantEs:

Illustratíve Éxample
The problem considered will be one of the model tests
where reported by Oteo (1972), which is discussed in Section 8.6.
Aluminium piles 8 mm in diameter wíth an embedded
== total load on group length of 220 mm were tested, with an eccentricity of
group-reductiorr factor for deflection caused loading of 55 mm above the ground surface. The group
by horizontal load consídered was a nine-pile square group with a center-to-
group-reduction factor for deflection caúsed center spacing of four diameters, in sand having an inítial
by moment densíty of 1.80 t/m 3 . The deflection of the group at the ·
yield-displacement factor for a single píle, for poínt of load application will be.• calculated for various
H¡¡G ,H11, being given by Eq. (8.88). From a single-piJe test, the value of Nh was found to be
Hu 11 ur 4.0 kg/cm 3 (39.23 MN/m 3 ), md hence tite dimensíonless
singh>pile elastic-ínfluence factors (see Eq. pile-flexibility factor, KN = Epl pJ,VhL 5 , ís found to be
6.8X 10-4.
The deflection of the group at the point of load
Similar expressions may be derived for the rotatíon and application is given by Eq. (8.90), modified for linearly
del1ection of a pile with varying Es and for fixed-head piles. varying E5 :
If the de!1ection of the group at the point of load
application, PGa, is required, the additional deflection He
PGa = - 4 - [(L
2 1
RRpH pH + eLRRpMfpM )/F~p
c:msed by rotation is added to the ground-line deflectíon. L N¡¡
Neglecting the deflection of the piles caused by bendíng of
the freestanding portian, Pea is given by + (eLRReHf~H + e 2 RReMfÓM)(F~]

Values of the interaction factors OtpH· and so on, for

PGll (8.90) a soil with constant modulus are now used to calculate
RRp1J, and so on (see Sectíon 8.4.3). Assuming KR equal
to KN, the following values are obtained:

RRpM RReH 0.203
RReM = 0.149
RRoM group-reduction factor for rotation caused by
Iau.loM síngle-píle elastic in!1uence factors
Sucstitution of the above values into the above equation
and the symbols are as defined for Eq. (8.89). gives
A similar expression is obtained for soil wíth linearly
varying Es, and in Eq. (8.90), Es is replaced by NhL; IPH•
1pM, and lo M are replaced by I'pH, /~M, and I'eM; and FP,
Pea He [(oAJs) + e:.:¡)]
Fe ar•; replaced by F'p, Fe.
T'1e use of Eq. (8.89) or Eq. (8.90) er 1bles the overall where PGa is in mm and He is in kgf.
load-deflection behavior of the group to b~ calculated, and From the single-pile test, the ultimate lateral load is
an example illustrating the applicatíon of this method is 2.7 kgf (at a deflection of 0.5 pile-diameters). Referring to
gíven below. Fig. 7 .22, the group lateral-efficiency factor 7JL is 0.60.
F :Kht and Koch ( 1973) developed a similar type of The estimated reduced ultimate lateral-load of a pile in
the group Hur is therefore 0.60 X 2.7 = 1.62 kgf, and the
apprcach to the calculation of load-defle~tion behavior of
group ultimate lateral-load capacity ís 9 X L62 = 14.58 kgf.
groups, by combining a nonlinear subgrade-reaction ana!ysís Values of F' P and F' e m ay n()W be determ;n.ed frorn Figs.
for a single pile with the elastic analys1s for píle interaction. 8.36 and 8.37 for efL = 55/220 = 0.25 :::;.d KN = 6.8 X
This approach also enables nonlinear load-deflection relat- 10-4. The calculatíons are tahulated in Table 8.9, and the
ionships to be obtained and has been applied to the pre- load-deflection curve thus derived is plotted in Fig. 8.100,
dictÍ(•n of deflections of offshore piJe groups. toget:ter with the measured curve.

TABLE 3.9 CALCCLATION OF LOAD-DEFLECTION ClJRVE mising agreement between the calculated and measured
FOR GROUP behavior.
Full-scale loading tests are probably the most saiis-
He He Pea factory means of determining the soil modulus, since such
(kgt) nHur Fp Fe (mm) .factors as the effects of installation and pile-soil separation
0.1 l. O 1.0 0.26
are taken into account automatically and reflected in the
2.92 0.2 0.90 J. O 0.55 backfigured modulí. There appears to be two possible
5.84 0.4 0.68 0.88 1.39 means of interpreting pile-load results:
8.76 0.6 0.55 0.72 2.57
11.66 0.8 0.40 0.56 4.63
l. To use the ground-!ine deflection at the working load
13.14 0.9 0.36 0.52 5. 74
to backfigure a secant value of soil modulus, which may be
used with elastic theory to predict deflections at the
working load (ignoring the effects of local yield and soil-
pile separation).
8.5 D.ETERMINATION OF SOIL MODULUS 2. To use the linear portian of the load-deflection curve to
backfigure a tangent value of soil modulus, which may then
A number of methods may be employed l.o estímate the be used with the theory (including the effects of local
Young's mod ulus of the soil for use in the theoretical yield) to predict the load-deflection curve to failure.
solutions given in the preceding sections. Among these are:
The latter procedure would appear to be preferable, as a
L Laboratory tests in which the stress path of typical more relevant value of the pile-flexibility factor may be
elements of soil along the piJe are simulated. obtained. However, in sorne cases, the use of the first
2. Plate-bearing tests, preferably on vertical plates, at procedure may be more expedient if piles similar to thc
various depths. test píle are to be used in the foundation, and as shown in
3. Pressuremeter tests. Section 8.3 .2, the use of a secan t modulus wi th purcly
4. The use of full-scale loading tests to backfigure the ebstic theory should give results of adequate accuracy al
modulus. normal working loads. In either case, the principie of
S. Empírica! correlations \Víth other properties. interpretation of the load test is thc same. Considering
first the case of Es constar.t witli. depth and a free-head
Little cvidence is available at present to indicate whether piJe, the ground-line deflect:;on for an elastíc soil is, from
the first approach yields satisfactory values of modulus, Eq. (8.66)
although the simulation of the correct stress path caused H l'vf
by loading of the piJe is easier in this case than for an
p -- . f H + - -2 . fp'f (8.91)
EsL P EsL "
axially-loaded pile. Nevertheless, the problems associated
with the simulation of the effects of installation of the pile By substituting the mea;;ured values of p, H, and M in
remain. this equation, Es may be expressed as a functíon off pH ::mJ
Similarly, little information is available on whether the fpM· For various values O'c KR, lpfi and fpM rilay be
use of values of modulus determined from plate-loading obtained from the theoretical curves in Figs. 8.13 and 8.14,
tests at various depths giv0;, satisfactory load-deflection and hence a relationship between Es and Kn is obtáined
predictions for piles, although the use of such data gave from the definition KR = Epfp/EsL 4 . Símultaneous solut-
reasonable predictions in one series of full-scale tests, as ion ( e.g., by graphical means) of these two reiationships
described in Section 8.6. gives the values of Es and KR for the plle. Because the
The use of pressuremeter tests by Frydman et aL (1975) theoretícal-influence factors are insensitive to the valuc of
and Baguelin et al (1978) has already been mentioned in Poisson's ratio of soil, vs, tho~ value chosen for this quantity
Section 8.2.4, in relation to the determination of p-p is of secondary importanc,~. The above procedure may
curves, and such tests can a\so be interpreted, in terms of similarly be applied to fixed-head piles or to tht case of a
elastic theory, to give values of Young's modulus at various linearly increasing. modulus with depth, for which relation-
depths. The pile-soíl yield pressure, Py, may also be esti- ships between Nh and KN would be derived.
mated from the limit pressure measured by the pressure- A more complete del1nition of the soil moduius
meter. This procedure has been applied to the pile test can be obtained íf tests on piles of dífferent proportions
reportcd by Frydman et al. and has produced very pro- are made or if the ground-line rotation as well as the

def1ectíon of a pile is measured. The case that best fits the intersection of curves 1 and 3, giving the backfigurecl
data (constan! or linearly-increasing Es) m ay then be rnodulus from the deflection measurement, gives Nh
deterrnincd. Thls procedure is analogous to the procedure for 28 k.ips/ft 3 , whlle the value backfigured from the slope
dcterrnining the subgrade-reaction modulus described by measurement (íntersection of curves 2 and 3), gives Nh
Reese and Cox (1969). 23 k.ips/ft 3 . The closer agreem~nt between these two values
Asan example of the application ofthe above procedure, of Nh indicates that the assu:nption of a linearly varying
the result s of the test on Pi! e l-B described by Alizadeh modulus is a better approximation than a constan! modulus.
( 1969) are analyzed. Thls piJe was a Class B timber pi! e, It is interesting to note that the value of the modulus of
of embedded length about 37 ft and situated in a ·soíl subgrade-reaction nh backfígured by Alizadeh from sub-
profile consisting of 4 ft of sand and grave! underlain by grade-reaction theory is about 30 kips/ft 3 , which is in
clay <md silt strata. The consistency of the clays ranged reasonable correspondence wi th HÍ~ backfigured val ues of
from soft to medium, with an average shear-strength of Nh.
about 600 lb/ft 2 • The piJe was loaded at the ground line
by jackíng against an adjacent píle (Píle 1-A). At a load Empirical Correlations
of 1O kips, for the first load cycle, a deflection of 0.80 From a number of published load-deflection measurements
in. and a slope of 0.012 radians were measured at the on full-sca1e piles, Poulos (l971a) backfigured secant values
grounj line. of at work.ing-load levels on the assumption that is
Considering, first, the case of a soíl modulus assumed constan! with depth. For cohesive soils, the values of Es so
to be constant with depth. The def1ection and rotation !J deduced varied widely, lying within the range
may be cxpresscd as in Eqs. (8.66) and (8.67). Substítut·
ing th·~ appropriate values in these expressions, one obtains (secant) Es = 15cu to 95c¡¡ (8.92)

Es = 4.05 fpH k.ipsift 2 , from the deflection measure- with an average va1ue of 40 Cu, whcre Cu undrained
ments shear-strength of el ay. The lower val ues tended to be
associated wíth very soft clays and the higher values with
and stiff clays. Banerjee and Davies (1978) backfigured value5
of Es of between 1OOcu and l80cu. All these val u es are
E.1 "' 0.6081 oH kipsi f¡2, from the slope measurements lower than values normally as>aciated with surface founda··
tions or axially loaded piles, and this can be attríbuted to
Frorn Figs. 8.13 and 8.14, values of lpiJ and loiJ may be the effects of local yielding of the soil and pile-soil separa-
Dbtained for various values of pile-stíffness factor KR. tion near the typ of the piJe (soil anisotropy may also have
Hence, two plots of versus K R may be obtained ( shown contributed slightly.) The scatter of the backfigured results
as curves 1 and 2 in Fig. 8.90a). A further relationslúp may also reflects the effects of !o.;al yielding, since more local
bcobtained frum the definitíonofKR =oEpfp/EsL 4 ,which yield may have occurred in the softer soils at working loads
upon :mbstitutíon of the appropriate quantities, gives than in stiffer clays.
In order to obtain more-satísfactory correlations, values
of the tangent modulus shotld be determined from the
initiallinear portions of the mNLSUred load-def1ection curves.
This relationship ís plotted as curve 3 in Fig. 8.90a. The Although only a limited number of tangent values of
backllgured Es from the deflection measurement is given modulus ha ve been determined and rclated to Cu, the
by t he intersection nf curves 1 and 3, while from the slope correlation appears to be more consisten! and to suggest
measurement, it ís given by the intersection -of curves 2 values of Es in the range
and 3. These values are, respectively, 44 kips/ft 2 and 26
kips/f 2 • lf the assumptíon of constan! sml modulus was (tangent) Es (8.93)
valid, these two values should have been the same.
l\'ow considering the case of a linearly varying modulus These values are about one ha.lf of those normally associat-
with depth, the def1ection and slope rnay be expressed from ed with surface foundations (D' Appolonia et al., 1971)
Eqs. (8.74) and (8.75). As in the case of constan! modulus, and may ref1ect the effects of soil anisotropy and pile-soil
two relationshlps between Nh and KN may be plot ted; separation, as descríbed in Section 8.3.2.
these u e shown as curves 1 and 2 in Fig. 8.90b. Also, K N = The use of the correlation given by Eq. (8.93) rather
Eplpf,VhL 5 , so that another Nh·versus·KN relationship rnay than Eq. (8.92) enables a more logical predictíon of the
be plotted; this is shown ·as curve 3 in Fig. 8.90b. The · load-deflection relationship, sí~1ce the effects of local yield

may be taken into account by determining the appropriate For sand, no reduction te the static value of Es appears
value of the yield-deflection factor, Fp (Eq. 8.64). to be necessary, but the static val u e of Py is multiplied by a
As indicated in the discussion of subgrade-reaction factor which increases from about 0_25 at the surface to 1.0
theory and from the example of pile-loading test interpretat- or so at a depth of 3 diameters or grea ter.
ion deSLTibed earlier, the assumption of a linear! y varying The reduction in modulus and lateral resistance is
modulus with depth may often by more satisfactory than a likely to arise from one or both of two main causes:
constant modulus, especially for soft clays and cohesionless
soils. In these cases, it is reasonable to assume that the rate (1) Build-up of excess pare pressure (mainly with clays).
of modulus increase, N¡¡, is approximately equal to the (2) Actual degradation of particles at their contacts
modulus of sub grade reaction, nh. Approximate ranges of (mainly with granular materials, particularly calcareous
values of n¡¡ are discussed in Section 8.2.3. Banerjee and sands).
Davies (1978) found that a value of N¡¡ of about 40 lbíin 3
fitted a number of experimental results. lt should be recognized that, in predicting the behavior
At Lhe present time, it has not been possible to dís- of a prototype from small-s.;ale tests, the significance of
tinguish between values of undrained moduli and drained the first cause will be affected by the dependence of pare
moduli; however, most tests were probably carried out pressure dissipation on scale a1d period of cyclic loading.
relatívely rapidly so that the correlations quoted are best
considered as being applicable to the undrained modulus.
Also there is insuff!cient data for any distinction to be made
between values of soil modulus for various installation 8.6 COMPARISONS BETWEIEN OBSERVED ANO THEOR-

Repeated-Loading and Cyclic-Loading Ejfects Tests of M o han and Shrivastava ( 19

The increased movement associated with repeated or cyclic A series of field tests on steel pile piles was reported by
loading can be taken into account in a crude manner by Mo han and Shrivastava ( 197 J ). The load-deflectioh behavior
adopting a reduced modulus, as discussed in Sections 8.2.3 was measured for seven piles, one of which was instrumented
and 8.2.4 in relation to the subgrade-reaction approach. to record bendíng mornents_ A surnmary of the piles
. The apparent reduction in modulus found experimentally tested is gíven in Table 8.10. The soil profile, the results of
may arise from the cumula ti ve effects of soil-pile separation standard penetration, and static and dynamíc cone tests are
as well as a genuine change in the soil properties with re- shown in 8.91. ln add Jion, plate-bearíng tests wc re
peated loading. The analysis for a single-load application, carried out at three depths, and the results of these tests
outlined in Section 83.l, could be extended to take into were used to calcula te values of Es and Cu, on the assumpt-
account repeated loading, but as pointed out by Matlock
ion that the soil was purely cohesive_ The values obtained
(1970), the most feasible approach appears to be to seek a
are shown in Table 8.11
quasi-static approximation to the response of a pile to cy-
Comparisons between the measured load-def1ection
clic loading. Most of the current design procedures for this
curves and those predícted from the nonlínear analysis
approach have been developed by Reese, Matlock and their
are shown in Fig. 8.92. The values of Py input into the
co-workers on the basis of field and model tests, and are
analysis were obtained frorr. the values of cu calculated
presented in terms of p-p ("p-y") curves (see Section 8.2.4).
from the plate-bearíng tests, assuming Py 9cu. I3elow
It is al so possible to interpre t some of their design re-
200-cm depth, a constant value of Py of 1.3 kg/cm 2 was
commendations in terms of the elastic-based theory. Cyclic
assumed. A unifonn value of Es of 35 kg/cm 2 was assumed
or repeated loading influences both the soil modulus and
for all píles except the shorter piles N 1 and N2, for which a
the pile-soil yield pressure Py. For piles in soft clay, Es
constant value of 50 kg/cm 2 'Nas used.
appears to be unaffected by cyclic loading, but Py is
The agreement between predicted and observed load-
reduced as follows:
deflection curves is reasonable for píles N2, N3, N6, and
1Nl, but the theory underpredicts movements for Nl and
(a) for depth z < z, where z, = transition depth (Eq. 8.53),
overpredícts for N4 and NS. I3etter agreement could have
the static value ofpv is multiplied by 0.72 zíz,
been obtained for these cases by varying the iúput para-
(b) for depth z > ;, , the static val u e of Py is multiplied by
meters. Nevertheless, the comparisons generally
that the theory, together with val u es of Es and Py obtained
For stiff clays, the static value of E 5 is multiplied by 0.4, from plate-loading tests, may be capable of giving fair load-
while the statíc value of p_.,, is multiplied by 0.24. deflection predictíons for piles.
Soil Properties Number of Blows N Resistanccz ( MPa) f\lumber of Blows Nc

00 2

SM R.O.:: 75"/o
Void Ratio= 48"/o
Bulk Density
2:05 gm.fcc.
E 3

()1 Cl 4·
o l l : 48 °/o
P.l 27 OJo
P 1 = 21 °/o
5 5 .

6 '---'-----''---'----J 6L-~--~~~--~

(él) Bore Log ( b) Standard Penetration (e) Sta tic cone ( d) . Dynamic Conrz
Test Tqst T¡zst
FIGURE 8.91 Soil data (tests of Mohan and Shrivastava, 1971).

12 r-·----......,..-

Plle N2
8 f-----,---+-_,c:.-+----4 8 1------,.·------+-~.,,4/F+-,.~.

Load Load
(k N) (k N}
4 1----+,..L.......~+-,...""'--+---l 4~----~~~----4----

4 8 12 16 4 8 12 16
Dczflczction (mm ) Defl¡zctíon (mm )

P illl N3
12 1--------,.
(k N)

4 4


4 8 12 16
o 4 8 12 16
Dllfl¡zction (mm) D12f ltZct ion (mm)

......_ ObstZrved Curv,z

- - Computed Curve
FIGURE 8.92a Comparison between observed and computed load detlectíon curves (tests of Mo han and Sluiva:>tava, 1971).

12r--------.----r---~ 12
Pihz N6
sr---.---~----+---4 8
Load Load
(k N) (k N)

4 8 12 16 4 8 12 16
Deflectíon (mm.) Deflection (mm)

Pile 1N1
Load __.._ Observed curve
(k N)
- - Computed curve

o 4 8 12 16
Del lect ion (mm )

FIGURE 8.92b Comparison between observed and computed load- dcflection curves (tests of M•Jhan ond Sh:ivastava, 1971}.

TABLE 8.10 SL'MMARY OF PlLESa TESTEO BY MOHAN AND For the ínstrumented pi le IN l, comparisons between
SHRIVASTAVA (1971). the observed and theoretical dístríbutions of deflection,
slope, and mornent with depth are given ín Fig. 8.93.
Again, the agreernent is reasonable, ami is at leastas good
Pile Día. Embedded Stiffness, as that reported by Mohan md Shrivastava, using Kubu's
Test (cm) Length (cm) Eplp(kg cm 2 ) (1965) modífied subgrade-reaction approach.
N1 10 200 6.22 X 10' ;:'imílar agreement has been found by Poulos (197la)
N2 10 300 6.22 X 10' betwee,' theoretical behavíor and that reported by Kerisel ·
N3 10 400 6.22 X 10' and Adam (1967) from full-scale piJe tests in clay.
N4 10 500 622X 10'
N5 3.8 525 0.316X 10'
N6 76 525 2.46 X 10'
JN1b 10 525 3.20 X lO'
Tests of Gleser ( 1953)
~ All piles are steel pipe.
Gleser (1953) report~d measurements of deflection and
lnstrumented pile. moment along a fixed-heacl piJe in sand. In order to
TABLE 8.11 CALCULATED VALUES OF Pv AND Es FROM compare the measured distributions with the theory, the
PLATE-BEARING TESTsa BY MOHAN AND SHRlVASTAVA theoretical and measured pile-head deflectíons were equated
(1971) and the soil modulus backfigured. The test was ínterpreted
in two ways: first, as the cas·~ of a pile in~ soíl havíng con-
Depth Below Dirn. of Es Py stant soíl-modulus Es wíth depth; and second, as a píle in a
Surface (c;n) Loading (kg/cm') (kg/cm') soil whose modulus jncreases with depth. The calculated
50 Vertical 121 4.2 deflection and moment profiles are compared with the
50 Horizontal 82 3.1 measured values in Fíg. 8.94. As might be expected for a
100 Vertical 220 8.0 pile in sand, the calculated profiles for linear! y varying Es
150 Vertical 35 1.8
are in much closer agreement with the measurements than
aAl! tests on 30-cm square plate. are the profiles for constan! Es.

Banding Momant (kN m)

8.96. In obtaining the predictíons, values of Es and Py were
o 4 6 o 1 2 3
backfigured from the reporti:d single·pile test, and the
group-efficiency factor was taken to be the value observed
in the tests. In both cases, the agreement between the
theoreticai and predicted load-deflection curves is good.

Model Pile Tests of Dn.tery and Ferguson ( 1969)

A series of free head tests on model brass piles in kaolin
~ 3.~-~---+---+---r-~ was carried out to obtain load-deflectíon curves to failure.
~ 1 A typical deflection-time relati.onship for a load increment

. ·~"·-r~]k
5 ._______,¡_____.¡_1_ _ _
\ Appliad load H • 4·90 k N is shown in Fig. 8.97. It is ínteresting to note that a con-
siderable amount of the defle,;tion occurs immediately on
application of the load, as the theory predicts for an
ideal two-phase elastíc soil (P:mlos, 1971a ). F or the case
shown, the measured ratio of immedíate to final deflectíon
(o)Banding Momants is 0.56, whereas the theory predícts a somewhat hígher
ratio of0.73.
Daflact10n (mml Rotation (,. 10' 3lrod Load-deflection predictions were made assuming a
!:\ 10 o 5 10 15 uniform Es and a constant value of Py of 9 Cu along the
pile. Two values of Es were considered, 2500 lb/in. 2
(175 kg/cm 2 ) and 1000 lb/in. 2 (70 kg/cm 2 ), correspondíng
to values of Es/cu of approxirr:ately 450 and 180.
1 Comparisons between the t wo predicted load-deflection

-~- --¡--- curves and the observed curve:; are shown in Fig. 8.98 for
four of the tests. Final deflectíons (measured values after 90
0 ......._ Maosurad valu12s min) are considere d. The agreement is generally satisfactory,
3 - - Comput12d valuqs and with the exception of test 1, the predicted curve for
Es 2500 lb/in. 2 agrees more closely with the observed
4 L----'----' curve. Thís value of Es is of the same order as the value of
( b) Dqt 1act1on Ce) Rototion about 500 to 1000 Cu generally applícable to surface
foundations (D' Appolonía et .11., 1971 )-allowing for re-
FIGURE 8.93 Cornparisons betwecn rneasured and computed beha-
vior, pile !NI (Mohan and Shrivastava, 1971).
ductíon resulting fro·m the effects of pile-soil separation, as
prevíously mentioned~and is much higher than the average
secant value of 40cu backfigúred from reportee! field tests
Model Tests of Prakash and Saran ( 196 7) (see previous sectíon). It is interesting to observe that the
A series of tests on groups of model piles in clay was difference between the predictions for Es = 1000 lb/in? and
reported by Prakash and Saran ( 1967). Tests, ínvolvíng Es 2500 Ib/in 2 is much less than the factor of 2.5
horizontal load near ground leve!, were carried out on between the Es values themselves. In fact, it is found that
free-head single píles and groups of four and nine piles, the predictions are as sensítíve to the value of Py as to the
whích m ay be considered as effectively free-headed, since. value of Es.
significan! rotatíons occurred at the piJe caps. Compari- Comparisons between mea:;ured and predicted values of
sons between the measured and theoretical ratio ·of group ultima te load Hu are shown in Fig. 8.99. Predicted values
dísplacement to single-pile displacement, for a load equal · are given for both the simple statícal theory, assumíng a
to the average load in the groups, are shown in Fíg. 8.95. constant value of Py of 9cu along the whole length of the
The average piJe-load considered is well below the ul- piJe, and the modified approach of Broms (1964a) who
limate value for the single pile. Figure 8.95 shows reason- assumes the same Py distributicn, except that Py is taken as
able agreement between theory and observation, although zero from the surface to a depth of 1.5d (see Section 7 .2).
the theoretical displacement ratio is smaller at close spacings The predicted values from bmh methods Iie withín 25%
and larger at greater spacíngs. of the m.easured values, but the simple statícal theory tends
Comparisons between the observed and predicted load- to overestímate Hu, whereas Broms's approach tends to
deflection behavíor of two of the tests are shown in Fig. underestimate Hu and therefore is more conservative.

Fíxed-head pi le,~ 33.3

---<>-- Measured
- · - Theory (variable EJ

- fheory (constant E, 1

Deflection lín.) Load ~ 4 tons Moment (TOn/in.)

-0.02 o 0.1 +50 o -50 -100 -150
o or---------,-------~.--~=-~~~--~==~

z \

FIGURE 8.94 Comparisons between measured and theoretical deflections and rotations. Tests ofGleser (1953).

Measured values
"' Theoretical
5 relationshíp

4 - 2.5 "'
Rp ~
3 Re 20

2 - 1.5

LO ;___ __¡___ __¡__ _ ___¡_ _ _ __¡___ _.:'

2 3 4 5 6 1 1. 4 5 6
d d
(a) 3 2 group (b) 2

FIGURE 8.95 Comparison between theory and Prak:ash and S~.an's results.
15 15
o, o,
~ -"
CJ ::J
I 2 I
3 group
·6 10 "'¡;- 10
_Q "' ~= 3
a. a.
:0 :0
~ ~
c:J c:J
5 5

o 2 4 6 8
o 2 4 6 8
Deflection, p (mm) Deflection, p (mm)

FIGURE 8.96 Comparisons between measured und'predicted group ¡load-def1ection curves (tests of Prakash ancl Saran, 196 7).

É 0·075
:!. 0·050
Q/ Test 5 Applied load
o _ _ _ _ J........___

a 12 24 36 48 60 72

FIGURE 8.97 Typical time-def1ection curve for piJe (Druery and Ferguson, 1969).

1 Test 1 1 25 r----,---...,---~ L=5.5"
1 T<2St 2 d=0.25"
• Measured e=0.75" g M12osur12d e= 1 .o"
20 -- - - Es=2500psi } Cu =5 21b/sq in __ E = ~.l} Cu= 5 91b/sq 1n
-- E5 =1000psi
Theoret1cal 20 s 2500 P Th<2oret1cal ~--
.D - - Es = 1000 p:,1 ~~--



-- ~
-::--- ---- ~ I

+-) ~4-~¡--
10 1---.......,w'---~--+---c-----r-----

D _<3
/ 1


o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.20

Ground Line Deflect1on (in)
o 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
C3round Defl12ction (m)

FIGURE 8.98a Comparisons between measured and theoretical FIGURE 8.98b Comparisons between measured and theoretical
load-def1ection curves (tests of Druery and Ferguson, 1969). load-deflection curves (tests of Druery.and Ferguson, 1969).

Test 3 d=<ÚS'' A Colculot~d from Broms' opprooch
e Colculat~d from s1mpl~ statical
• M
cu= 5.81b/sq. in
20 --- Es- 2500ps' Theoretical 1
Es= iOOOps:
z 150 1 - - - - - - - - j - - -

. :--

10 ---··-+---+-~~±--~~---/¡-- -g



o 0.025 0075 0.10 0.125 015 o 150 200

Ground L1ne D<Zilect1on { 1n) Hu (N)

FIGURE 8.98c Comparisons bctween measured and theoretical FIGURE 8.99 Comparisons between measured and calculated ultí-
load-defkction curves (Tests of Druery ;md Ferguson, 1969). mate loads in model pite tests (te~ts of Druery and Ferguson, 1969).

30 1 L= 5.6
Test 4 d=0.375"
Measured e= 1.0"
• E
5 2500 psi } cu= 5 91b/sq in
25 1 - - Es = 1000 psi Th<2ore~1ca1 -

! ~
20 /

1 l

Q 10 f /


o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10

Ground Line Deflection (in)

FIGURE R.98d Compárisons between me¡>sured and theoretical load-defloctíon curves (tests of Druery a:1d Ferguson, 1969).

Model Pi/e Tests of Oteo (1972) 1.8 t/m 3 , comparisons between the measured and predicted
Oteo ( 1972) carried out tests on aluminium-tube piles in load-deflection curves, shown in 8.1 00, reveal el ose
san d. The piles were 8 mm in diameter, with an embedded agreement. The basis of the prediction ís discussed in the
length of 220 mm, and various initíal densities of the sand example given in Section 8.4.6. The results of a single-pile
were use d. Both single piles and pile groups were tested. For test were used to backfigure the rate of increase of Young's
nine-pile groups ·tested in sand with an initial density of modulus with depth, Nh.

I "'
o" (a) 3 group, ~ = 2
ts 2

2 3 4 5 6
PG (mm)




(h) 3 2• group,

·~ = 4

o 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
PG (mm)



=- l?
-o" 10

2 4 5 6 8 9
PG (mm) - - - - Measured
- - - Predícted

FIGURE 8,100 Comparisons between measured and predicted group load-defiectíon curves (tests of Oteo, 1972).


9.1 INTRODUCTION The first two methods ca.n only consider interaction
between the piles through the pile cap and not interaction
In previous chapters, the behavior of vertical pile groups through the soil as well. Therefore, they assume that once
under axial loading or lateralloading has been consídered. the loads on any piJe are known, the deOections of that pile
In general, a pile group may contain battered pilAs and may may be calculated from th€:se loads alone. The third
be subjected to simultaneous axial load, lateral load, mo- method removes this limitation and allows consideratíon of
ment, and possibly, torsional load. Methods of analyzing pile interaction through the soil; the deflections of a pile
this general problem may be broken down into three cate- are therefore not only a function of the load in that pile
gories: but also of the loads in all the piles in the group.
In this chapter, the three approaches mentíoned above
l. Simple statical methods that ignore the presence of the will be described, with empha~;is being placed on the third
soil and consider the pite group as a purely structural method, that employing elastk theory. An example will be
system. presented to compare the solutlons from each approach.
2. Methods that reduce the pile group to a structural
system but that take sorne account of the effect of the soil
by determining equivalent free-standing lengths of the piles.
The theory of subgrade reaction is generally used to deter- 9.2 SIMPLE STATICAL ANALYSIS
mine these equivalent lengths. Typical of these methods are
those described by Hrennikoff (1950), Priddle (1963), Traditional design methods have relied on the consideration
Francis (1964), Kocsis (1968) and Nair et al. (1969). This of the pile group as a simple statically-determinate system,
type of approach will be termed the ':equivalent bent ignoring the effect of the soil. One such method, whích
method,'' following Kocsis ( 1968). may be employed eíther graphically or analytically, is illus-
3. A method in which the soil is assumed to. be an elastic trated in Fig. 9 .l. Considering, for simplicity, loads and
cominuum and interaction between piles can be fully batter in the x, z plane only and piles having a pinned head,
considered. the steps in this method are as follows:


V lt should be noted that this method cannot take into

M account different conditions o:c fixity at the pile head, and
always assumes zero moment at the head of each pile. Al-
though methods such as that described above are widely
used in design, Jittle is known as to their relíab ility, al-
though it cannot ·be expectec. to be high in view of the
Typical group
simplicity of the assumptions. A comparison between this
method and other methods will be given in Section 9.4.4.


H, " Horizontal load carried by pi les 9.3.1 Principie of Method

The principie of this method i:; illusl rated in Fig. 9.1 for <~
planar group. The actual group, shown in Fig. 9 .la, is acted
upon by vertical and horizontal forces and a moment. The
equivalent bent, shown in Fig. 9 .la, consists of the píle cap
Force Polygon supported by fixed-end freestanding columns or cantilevers
of equívalent lengths Lei, Le2 and Le3, and equivalem
cross-sectional are as A el, A e2 and Ae3. There are a number
of ways of convertíng the actuallengths and cross-sectional
areas of the piles to equivalent values for the columns and
P, V,
these are discussed in 9.3 .2 below. Once the equivalen!
lengths and areas have been det~rmined, the equivalent bent
H may be analyzed by standard structural analysio techniques
FIGURE 9.1 Simple statical method for determination of group to determine the deflections, rotations, and pile loads in the
load distribution. system.
In order to simplify the structural analysis, the piJe eap
is frequently assumed to be rigid and the piles assumed to
l. Assuming each piJe to take an equal share of the verti- behave elastically. Saul ( 1968) and Re ese et al. (1970) have
cal load on the cap and assuming the vertical load in a piJe, presented matrix analyses in 1N hich the abo ve assumptions
caused by moment in the cap, to be proportional to the are made, and in the former paper, torsional loading and
distan ce x, the vertical piJe loads.are calculated as dynamic forces may also be incorporated. However, if hand
computation is contemplated, the method described by
V Mx¡ Nair et al. (1969) is more convenient. Their analytical pro-
z n + n (9.1)
cedure is as follows:
j= 1 l. Through the rígid pile ca::>, arbitrary horizontal and
vertical displacements, 77 ando, andan arbitrary rotation, e,
1. If ;he solution is done graphically, the forces V and H are ímposed. Thus, axial and lateral forces and moments
are plotted on a force polygon. The vertical pile forces, V¡, will be introduced in the pile heads-these being a function
from Eq. (9.1) are then set off. e
of r¡, o, and and of the arrangement and characteristics of
3. Th1~ force polygon is then completed by drawing lines the equivalent cantilevers, which reflect pile and soil prop-
parallel to the piJe directions. The axial force, P¡, in each erties. Expressions for these forces and moments can be
pile may thus be obtained. There is then a residual horizon- determined frorn standard structural analysis, and are given
tal force, He, whích is assumed to be equally distributed be- in the original paper.
tween each pile in the group. 2. The mornents and forces in the pilé heads are added to-
4. If desired, the design of the group m ay be amended and gether in the various coordinate dírections and equated to
the pil<~ batters adjusted to give He 0-that is no horizon- the externa! applíed forces and moments. This will give
tal load in the piles, so that each píle is axial! y loaded. three equations in three unknovms, o, r¡, and (}.


~1 r -- '{[ {a)


'·jl (b)

(o) Actuol P1l<2 Group

'"If-H (e)



( b) Equivoi<Znt B<Znt
FIGURE 9.2 Principie of equivalent-bent approach.
3. These eq uations are sol ved for 8, r¡, and 8.
4. The mcments and forces at each piJe head are then
determined using the expressions derived in step l. The Actual P1l<2 Equival<znt Cant1l<2v<2r
necessary information for the design of the group is thus
FIGURE 9.3 Equivalen! cantilevers for laterally loaded piles.
lateralloading of piles. U~ing this approach, sorne allowance
can be made for side shear and for group effects as de-
9.3.2 Determination of Equivalent Bent scribed below.

In puhlished methods using the above approach, the equiva- a) EquivaJent Length of Piles
lent lengths of the piles are almost invariably determined The equivalent length will depend on the boundary condi-
from a subgrade-reaction analysis. The normal deflection tion at the piJe head and on the type of loading assumed to
(or rotation) of a pile subjected to normal load (or mo- act. A number of cases have been considered, as illustrated
ment) is calc:ulated and equated to the normal deflection in Fig. 9.3, and the solutions derived for the equivalent
(or rotation) of a cantilever under the same load (or mo- cantilever lengths are summarized in Table 9.1. The group
ment), the cantilever having the same moment of inertia as effect has again been taken into account approximately by
the piJe. The required equivalent length can then be deter- applying the group displacement and rotation ratios to the
mined (e.g., Francis, 1964;Kocsis, 1968;Nairetal., 1969). single-pile movement (see Section 8.4).
The equivaJ,~nt area of each cantilever is corrÍmonly The various ratios referred to in Table 9.1 are as fol-
assumed to be that which gives the same axial deformation lows:
as the actual pile when considered as a column, the effect
of side shear from the soil thus being neglected. RpH = group-displacement ratio for free-head piles sub-
The equivalent lengths and areas of the· cantilevers in jected to horizontal load, obtained by super-
the equivalent-bent method may_ also be determined by use position of values of Ct.pH·
of the solutions given in previous chapters for vertical and RpM = group-displacement ratio for free-head piles sub-

jected to moment, obtained by superposition of sonable to take either the av·~rage of LeH and LeM as the
values of apM. equivalentlength, or, conservatively, adopt LeH.
Reu group-rotation ratio for free-head piles sub-
jected to horizontal load, obtained by super- TABLE 9.2 EQUIVALENT LENGTHS Lef! AND LeM (L/d =50,
position of a8 u values (Re u RpM) Vs = 0.5, single pite, constantEs)
RoM group-rotation ratio for free-head píles sub-
jected to moment, obtained by superposition of
Cl.oM values .
RpF group-displacement ratio for fixed-head piles Leu/L 0.0406 0.0818 0.157 0.293 0.551 1.123
subjected to horizontal load, obtained by super-
LeMIL 0.0251 0.0614 0.127 0.224 0.446 1.154
position of Ct.pF values.

Table 9.1 gives directly the equivalent lengths for constant

Young's modulus, Es, with depth; corresponding solutions The derivation of the equivalent bent, as described
for !inearly increasing Es may be obtained by replacing KR above, assumes líncar clastic soil response. As shown ir;.
by KN (Eq. 8.73), and the inl1uence factors l pH, and so on, Chapter 8, this may not be a good assumption for lateral
by tp¡¡, and so on. loading. lf desired, an iterative approach can be adopted, in
which a nonlinear load-deflection curve is specified for each
TABLE 9.1 EXPRESSIONS FOR EQUIVALENT CANTILEVER piJe and the solution from the analysis of the equivalent
LENGTHSa bent is recycled, using successively corrected values of the
equivalent cantilever length, umil the load and deflection of
each pile are compatible.
Case Equivalen! Length
b) Equivalent Area
For a fully-embedded pile, the axial movement is given by
b Eq. (5.33). In arder to make some allowance, albeit approx-
imate, for the interaction of the piles through the soil, the
e single-piJe axial movement should be multiplied by the
settlement ratio Rs (Eq. 6.1 S) for the group. In other
d&e Le is !he solution to the equation.

(!-i/ + 1.5 ¡7re~)' = 3KR 0pHlpH+:;, lpMRpM)

words, the settlement of a pi! e: in the group is given ( ap-
proximately) by
For case d, (Le= Le¡) M He
For case e, (Le Le 2 )
M -HL[IoHKRReH+ l/6(e/L)'] +He
IoMKRRiJM+ 1 .
where lis defined in Eq. (5 .33a) and (5 .34a).
aThe cantilever is assumed to have the same elastic modu!us and
moment of interia as the píle it replaces.

The value of settlement ratio Rs may be estimated from

lt should be noted that for case e, the first term of the the solutions presented in Sectíon 6.3. For estimating Rs
expression for M represents the fixing moment developed at when the group contains battered piles, the battered piles
the pile head. If fixity is not considered to be fully effec- can as a first approximation be considered as vertical piles
tíve, a reduction factor, rangíng between 1 and O, can be located at the midpoint of the ernbedded part of the pile.
applied to this first term. In the limit, if no fixity is devel- The equivalen! cantilever will have a length Le, which
oped, case e then reduces to case d. will be determined as described above (Tab]e 9.1) for la-
Table 9.2 give.~ an example of the difference between teral-de!lection equivalence. The axial deflection of this
the equivalent lengths Leu and LeM obtained, assuming e·quivalent cantilever is
lateral load only and moment only to act, respectively. A
single free-head pile only is considered so that RpH (9.3)
RpM = 1. For flexible piles, the equivalent length, LeH, is
greater, but for rigid piles (KR > 10-1), LeM becomes
slightly greater. For most calculations, it would appear rea- where

EP "' Young's modulus of pile and can tilever modulus of pile, lp polar moment of inertia of pile sec-
A e '" equivalent arca of cantilever tion, Gs = shear modulus of soil, and d piJe diameter. For
the case of a linearly-increasing soil modulus with depth
From Eqs. (9.2) and (9.3), (Fig. 9.5), Kr = Gplp/Ncd 5 , where Nc = rate of increase
of soil shear modulus with depth. Rotation increases a'
torsional stiffness decreases and as length-to-diameter raÚo
(L/d) decreases. The effect of L/d becomes less as the piJe
becomes less stiff, and for very flexible piles (small values
For a pile having an unsupported length e above the of K T ), the rotation is independent of Ljd.
ground surface, the axial det1ection of this length must 'be Although no solutíons have yet been obtained for tor-
added to that for the embedded portion. The corresponding sional interaction of piles, it is likely that such interaction
expression for A e is then is small. Figures 9.4 and 9.5 provide a basis for évaluating
the response of a piJe in a group to torsion. They can ais6
be used to evaluate the results of torsional píle-load tests
(see Chapter 16). When incorporating torsional movements
into an equivalent-bent analysis, it appears most convenient
to determine an equivalent torsional stiffness, Gplp, of the
If an cquiv<lent length L~ is required, rather thanAe, cantilever such that the actual pile and the cantilever of'
equivalent length and area, deduced from Section 9 .3.2,
will have the same rotation. The structural analysis of thc'
(9.6) equivalent bent may then proceed.

The abo ve expressions for A e and L ~ should apply for 9.4 ELASTIC CONTINUUM ANALYSIS OF PILE
battered piles as well as vertical piles since, as shown in BEHAVIOR
Table the axial movement of apile due to axial load is
not significantly intluenced by íts inclination. The elastic analyses described in previous chapters for piJe
movemcnts under axial and lateral loads may be extended
to cover piles and pile groups subjected to combined loads.
9 .3.3 Torsional Response of Piles

9.4.1 Analysis of Single Battered PiJe

In the preceding sections, only axial, lateral, and moment
loading have been considered, but in sorne cases, a further
In order to take account of groups containing battered
component of loading, torsional moment, may be present
piles, the behavior of a single battered pile is considered
(e.g., because of eccentric lateral loading). Relatively little
first, and the analysis is then extended to pile groups. The
work has been carried out on the torsional response of
analyses described in the following sections have been
piles, but Poulos (1975b) has obtained elastic solutions for
presented by Poulos and Madhav ( 1971 ). The effect of
the rotation of a single pile subjected to torsion. The cases
torsionalloading is not considered.
of a soil with uniform shear-modulus with depth and linear-
The analysis is considered in two stages:
ly varying shear-modulus have been considered. The
principie of the analysis is similar to that of the settlement
1. A battered piJe subjec\ed toan axial load.
or lateral-load analyses in that expressíons are derived for
2. A battered pile subjectecl to a normal load and a
the rotation of the pile at various points along the pile, and
of the rotatíon of the adjacent soil, using Mindlin's equa-
tions to evaluate the latter rotations. Imposition of rota-
In both cases, the soil is assumed to be an ideal elastic
tional compatibility yields a series of equatíons that to-
material with parameters and .vs that are constant
gether with tht' equilibrium equation, can be solved for the
throughout the mass.
shear stresses and rotations along the pile.
The solutions for single-pile rotation are shown in Figs. BATTERED PELE Sr.JBJECTED TOAXIAL LOAD
9.4 and 9.5 as a function of a dimensionless torsional stiff-
ness of the pile, K T. In Fig. 9.4, for the case of constant soil The analysis follows directly from that of a vertical pile (see
mL•dulus with depth, KT Gplp/Gsd4 , where Gp shear Section 5.2). The piJe is of diameter d and length L, and the


1 !

~ 1

! 1
1 i 1

! 1000
! T1

r- \ 1

r- \ ! 100
r- 1\ ! ¡

\"' cjJ=-_l_·l
1 4
1--- 1 ! 1
" NGd

1 1

i '\

¡ 'i- 1.
V•lo" "' ~ '

1~ r-
"~ ~

~ ~21!
Values of



'1 o 2
1 ~
~- 1 o

r- ~ ............. 5 1

~ ~10
... 10' J
~ 25



"-- ¡..._
1 o. 4
"' ~~l "
- 1
1 1 lOo-·

1 [ 1 1

10-5 i 1 1 1 i
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1T
1 1 1

M~ ~~-t--+~-j_~~ 1 - 1

0.001 0.01 0.1 10 102 10] 1 o• .0001 .01 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8

Kr = G,J, GPJP
G1 d' K~= NGd5

FIGURE 9.4 Influence factor for torsional rotation of pile head- constant Cs. FIGURE 9.5 lnfluence factor for torsional rotation of piJe head-
linearly increasing G S·

Stresses on pile Stresses on soíl

(ai Axially loaded piJe

QC /~~~)(\
~ "
\>''. ' \


Stresses on pi le Stresses on sol!

(b) Norrnally loaded pile

¡J; +ve anticlock11vise
- ve cloci<wise

FIGURE 9.6 Analysis of battered pite.

axial force ís considered to mobilize only shear stresses on stresses and displacements. In evaluating rhe soil displace-
the periphery and a uniform normal stress on the base of ments, the unknown force on each element is resolved into
the plle. Thc: pi k (Fig. 9 .6a) is divided into n elements of vertical and horizontal components, and vertical and hori-
egua! length and the axial displacements of the soil at the zontal displacements caused by each of these components
center of each element are evaluated and equated, the re- are calculated using Mindlin's equations. These displace-
sulting equations being solved to obtain the unknown ments are then combined to giVE' the axial displacements.

9.4. j .2 BA TTERED PILE SUBJECTED TO NORMAL LOAD AND ment on batter angle appears to be unaffected by the pile-
MOi'r!ENT flexibility factor, KR, and the boundary condition at the
The analysis in this case follows closely that described in piJe head.
Section 8.3. lt is assumed that only stresses normal to the BATTERED PILE SUBJECTED TO VERTICAL AND
pile are mobilized in the soil by the applied load and
moment, and that the plane of the batter and of the
loading are identical. The pite ís divided into elements, as The fact that the axial and no·mal displacements ofa pile
'shown in Fig. 9.6b, and the soil and pile dísplacements are are almost independent .of the pile batter means that solu-
evaluated at each element and equated, the resulting equa- tions previously obtained for vertical and horizontal dis-
tions beíng solved for the unknown normal stresses and dis- placements of vertical piles may be applied to calcula te the
placements. The soil displacements are evaluated in a axial and normal displacements of battered piles. This, in
'Similar manner to the axially-loaded piJe. turn, leads to a relatively simple method of calculating the
Typical results for battered pile-dísplacements are given horizontal and vertical displace nents of a battered piJe sub-
in Table 9 .3a for axial load and in Table 9 .3b for normal jected to vertical and horizontal loads and moments. The
load and moment. In each case, the appropriate displace- vertical and horizontalloads V and H are first resolved into
ment-coefficient is given for piles with a batter angle, l/J, of axial and normal cornponentsP and Q, as follows:
0° (a vertical piJe) and 30°. lt should be noted that the
solutions for positive and negatíve batter-angles are identi- p V cos l/J + H sin l/J (9.7)
It is signífícant that both the axial and normal displace- Q = H cos l/J - V sin l/J (9.8)
ments are almost unaffected by the batter of the pile; the
maxirnum effect for a batter angle of 30° is approximately The axial and normal displacements, Pa and p N, m ay then
only 4%. The virtual independence of the normal displace- be calculated and resolved into vertical and horizontal com-


(a} Axial Dísplacement dueto Axial Load Incompressíble Pile
"s 0.5


L/d ,¡;=0 •-íJ = ±30

10 1.415 1.382
25 1.860 1.859
100 2.542 2.538

(b) Normal Displacement Caused by Normal Load and Moment

•·s = 0.5

lpN lpM lpF

K.R 0.0001 JO 0.0001 10 0.0001 10

L/d ,¡;o o ±30 o ±30 o ±30 o j:30 o ±30 o ±30

·¡o 7.29 7.35 3.22 3.37 39.89 39.78 3.90 4.05 5.81 5.92 1.04 1.09
25 9.75 9.84 3.98 4.13 54.68 54.65 4.99 5.15 7.27 7.40 1.23 1.28
100 12.21 12.33 4.79 4.95 68.28 68.32 6.16 6.33 8.67 8.82 1.44 1.49

Free-head piJe: PN - 1(
Fíxed-head piJe: PF = _L (lpF. Q)

ponents. To simplífy the analysis, it is assumed that lateral fhFV (Ipa- lpp)sin¡J¡cos¡J¡
loads do not influence axial displacements and that axial fhFH lpa sin 2 ¡J¡ + fpF cos 2 ¡J¡
loads do not affect lateral displacements. Tests reported by fpF normal displaceme r1t-influence factor for fixed-
Evans (1954) show that ·this assumption is conservative in head pile
that the lateral deflection of a pile subjected to axial and
lateralloads is less than that of the pile subjected to lateral Vertical displacement of fixed-head pi! e:
load only. The following expressions are then obtained for
the battered pi! e, for the case of constant E 5 with depth:
PvF (V • lvFV + H • lvFH) {9.12b)
Vertical displacement:

Pv (9.9)

fvFV lpa cos 2 ¡J¡ + fpF :sm 2 ¡J¡

where fvFH (lpa fpF) sin iJ; cos iJ; = lhFV
lvv lpc¡ cos 2 ¡J¡ + lpN sin ¡J¡ Since, as found above, the influence factors for axial
lpH (! pa fpN) sin ¡J¡ e os ¡J¡ and normal displacement and rotation of a battered piJe are
11M == -f,oM sin ¡J¡ almost identical with those for the vertical and horizontal
J,oa = axial displacement-influence factor for axial load displacement and rotation of a vertical pile, lpa may be
lpN normal displacement-influence factor for normal taken as IL/d, where 1 ís evaluated as described in Sec-
load tion 5.3, while fpN, fpM, fpp. 18 N, and feM may be ob-
fpM normal displacement-influence factor for mo- tained from Figs. 8.13, 8.14, 8.15 and 8.19 as lpH, lpM.
ment loading 1pF, 1eH, and laM, rcspectively.
For a soil with Es increasingly linearly with depth from
Horizontal displacement of free-head pile: zero at the surface, the above theory can be employed by
substituting NhL cos ¡J¡ for Es ar1d using the 1 values in Figs.
8.33, 8.34, 8.35, and 8.38.
(9.10) Although the above analysis is limited strictly to a piJe
in which the plan e of the battcr coincides wíth the plan e of
where the horizontal loading, the general case of horizontal
loading out of the batter plane could be analyzed approxi-
Ihv (Ipa fpN) sin ¡J¡ cos ¡J¡ == fvH mately by resolving the horizontal load into an in-plane
l~zn == lpa sin ¡J¡ + fpN cos ¡J¡
2 component anda component normal to this. lf the horizon-
lhM fpM cos ¡J¡ talload H is inclined at an ang!e w to the plane of batter,
the horizontal displacement caused by the in-plane com-
Rotation of free-head pile: ponen t H cos w m ay then be Céilculated as described abo ve,
while the displacement in the cirection normal to this may
be calculated as the horizontal displacement of a vertical
(9.11) pile of length equal to the prcjected length of the piJe, L
cos 1/J, and subjccted toa load H sin w. The resultant mag-
where nitude and direction of the horizontal displacement may
thus be calculated from these two components.
lev -leN sin ¡J¡
len = leN cos ¡J¡ = IhM lllustrative Example
leN rotation-influence factor for normal load
18M = rotation-influence factor for moment loading To illustrate the effect of batter on pile displacements, the
numerical example shown in Fig. 9.7 has been evaluated.
The case considered corresponds to a concrete piJe in a
Horizontal displacement of fíxed-head pile:
medium-stiff soil. The vertical and horizontal dÍsplacement,
Pv and Ph, and the rotation O of the pile head are plotted
PhF (9.12a) against batter angle ¡J¡ for 30" ;;. ¡J¡ ;;. +30°. The effect of
a positive batter in reducing Ph and (J is clearly shown. All
where displacements are significantly larger if a negative batter is

the axial deflectíon of píle j under this axial load, multi-

plied by an interaction factor for axial loadíng. Simílarly,
it is assumed that a normal load on piJe j will cause a de-
flection of pi! e i that is in the normal direction of piJe i and
equal to the normal deflection of pile j under this normal
load, multiplied by an interaction factor for normalloading.
e· Poulos (1974) has made the alternative assumptions that
"''¿ 0.6 0.03 e:
'!' axial load on piJe j causes a deflection of piJe i that is in the
"§ axial direction of piJe j; and similarly, that normal load on
~: "" pile j causes a deflection of piJe i that is in the normal
r. §
·;:; direction of piJe j. These assumptions, although apparently
0.4 0.02
more logical, lead to solutiom that do not satisfy the reci-
proca! theorem unless al! pilt:s are vertical or battered at
equal angles. It will be assumed for simplicity that the inter-
0.2 0.01 action factors for two battered piles are identical with those
for vertical piles at sorne equivalent spacing Se. Calculations
suggest that for practica! ranges of pi! e flexibility, se is
approximately the center-to-center distance between ihe
pites one third of rhe vertical depth of the pile for lateral
Angle of batter ,¡; (degreesí loading, and somewhat greate: for axial loading. However,
for convenience, the same equivalen! spacíng will be as-
FIGURE 9. 7 Typícal example of effect of batter on piJe move-
sumed for both axial and lateral loadíng (see Fig. 9.8). It
ments and rotation.
is further assumed that the in1Graction factor for axial dis·
placement caused by axial loads equals that for vertical dis·
employed. The 'ertical displacement, Pv, ís a mínimum for placement ca u sed by vertical load on a vertical pi! e, and the
a battcr angle of about +15°, and thís characteristic is also
rotation and normal-displacement interaction factors
somewhat similar to that found from experíments on model
caused by normal load and monent are identical with those
piles in sand reported by Awad and Petrasovits (1968).
for rotation and l¡orizontal displacement caused by hori-
zontal load and moment on a vertical piJe.
On the basis of the abovo assumptions, the resultihg
9 .4.2 Analysis of PiJe Groups
equations for vertical and horizontal dísplacement and rot<-J·
tion may be written convenie1tly in matrix form, as fol-
Analyses of groups of vertical piles given in Chapters 6 and
8 were based on the use of "interaction factors," which
express the increase in movement of a pile caused by an

r· c,J
adjacent loaded píle, and which are functions of the piJe
spacing, relative stiffness, and geometry; and for horizontal 4¡, B¡, C¡¡ (9.! 3)
loads, of the dire..::tíon of loading. By summation of the
{: J {:; J
Ae Be Ce
interaction factors for each pite in a group resulting from al!
the other piles in the group, the displacement of each pile
may be written in terms of the loads on each piJe in the
group. 1' i ' + +-
A similar approach can be adopted for groups con·
taini ng battered piles. The first case considered will be that
of :. group in which all the piles are battered in the same
plane and on which the horizontal load acts in the same
plane. In the interaction analysis for vertical pites, it is
implicit that normal forces produce only normal deflections
and that axial forces produce only axial deflections. Thus,
Two battH<Id p¡l,zs Vert1ca1 p11es ot
considering two battered piles i and j in a group, it is EqU!vclent Spoc1ng
assumed that an axial load on piJe j will cause a deflectíon
of pile i that is in the axial direction of piJe i, and equal to FIGURE 9.8 EquivalE' ni spacing of battered piles.

where the co<:fficients of the sub-matrices are as follows: the analysis could be extended to take these into account.
For example, the influence of the cap on vertical move-
Av¡¡ PalCt.if cos 1/1¡ cos 1/1¡ + PNQlo.pHif sin'#¡ sin'#¡ ments may be allowed for as described in Chapter 10.
Bv¡¡ if;¡ sin if;¡ PNQio.pHij sin'#¡ cos 1/1¡
'p 0 ¡o.¡¡ cos Groups in which píles are battered in different direc-
Cv¡¡ PNMio.pMif sin 1/1¡ tions can be treated approxirnately by resolving the hori-
Ah¡¡ Pa¡o.¡¡sinlj;¡cos>J;¡ PNQ!O.pH¡¡coslj;¡sin>J;¡ zontal load into two components and calculating the in-line
Bhij Palo.¡¡ sin V;¡ sin >J; ¡ + PNQ 1O.pHif eos '#¡ cos '#¡ horizontal displacements caused by each component, using
(~ij PNMJO.pMif cos '#¡ as the length of a pile its projected length in tl}e plane of
A o¡¡ -fJN¡cxoH¡¡ sin if;¡ loading. The resultant horizontal displacement can then be
B 0 ~· ONlaoH¡¡ cos '#¡ calculated from these displacernent components.
C 0 ¡¡ OMJCXOMtj A more complete analysis ¡hich avoids mapy of the
Pal axial deflection of single pile caused by unit assumptions made above has been described by Banerjee
axial load and Driscoll (1976). However, because it does not employ
PNQI normal deflection of single piJe' caused by unit interaction factors, a complet¡, re-analysis is necessary for
normal load each group configuration, whereás the present analysis
PNM! normal deflection of single pile caused by unit allows any group configuration to be rapidly analyzed once
moment values of the interaction factors and single-píle responses
ONI rotation of single pile caused by unit normal have been evaluated
O,m rotation of single pi! e caused by unit moment
9.4.3 Parametric Studies of Pile Groups
The above-menti<med unit deflectíons and rotations
may be calculated from the theoretical relationships in EFFECTOF P!LE STIFFNESS ANO BATTER ANGLE
Chapters 5 and 8 if values of the soil moduli can be esti-
mated, or if pile-load test data are available, from the pile The effects of pile stiffness and batter angle on the defle<:-
deflections at the working loads. The interaction factors o. tion and load distribution withín apile groupare illustrated
may be found in Figs. 6.2 to 6.5 while values of the inter- in Figs. 9.! O to 9.14 for a typical case 9f a group of síx
action factors aPH• o.pM. and o.oM are gíven in Figs. 8.62 to piles, as shown in Fig. 9.9. The pile cap is assumed to be
8.77. rigid, and rigidly attached to piles in an elastic soil whose
The submatrices Av, By, and so on, are of order n X n, modulus is constant with depth. Three values of pile-stiff-
while the vectors V, Pv, and so on are of order n. Equation ness factor K are considered: K 100 ( corresponding to
(9.13) together with the three equations expressing vertical concrete pi! es in a stiff soil), K = 1000 ( corresponding to
and horizontal load-equilibrium and moment-equilibrium,
may be solved to obtain the 3n + 3 unknown vertical and
horizontal \oads, moments, displacements, and rotations, V
for the desired boundary conditions at the pile heads. _.,_H
A number of cases may be considered, including

l. A rigid pile-cap rigidly attached to the piles, so that the

rotation and horizontal displacement of ail piles are equal

and the vertical displacement of a piJe is related to its
position in the group and the rotation.
2. Piles pinned toa rigid pile-cap, which is similar tocase l
except that the pile head moments are zero.
3. Piles attached toa massive cap, in which case horizontal
and vertical displacements are equal but all pile-head rota-
tions are zero.
4. Piles attached to a relatively flexible piJe cap, so that
each pile is subjected to known loads and moments.

No account is taken in the above analysis of the hori- FIGURE 9.9 Pile group consídered in parametríc study of spacing
zontal shear and rotational resistance of the cap, although and batter angle.

- - K 100 where
- - - K 1000
K= 10000
0.1 , - - - - - - - - - , 02.---------, V = vertical lo1d on group
H = horizontal load on group
M = moment on group
I,v, ivH, etc. dimensionless deflection and rotation
----..__ influence coefficients evaluated from
--~ the analysis
o~..-- _ __.__ _ __J
o 7.5 15 o 7.5 15 For the symmetrical group considered he re, Ih v = ! 8 v =
\t Batter angle, 1/1° ivH fvM O, or in other words, the horizontal de0ection
and rotation ca u sed by unit vertical load are zero. Sin ce Pv,
.005.---------, .005.--------, Ph and 8 define the rigid body displacement of the cap, to

which the píles are assumed to rigidly attached, the dis·
- placements and rotation of any individual pile are readily
calcula te d.
------ For a center-to-center spacing of 3d at the pile cap, Fig.
9.10 shows the effect on the deflection and rotation co-
o.______.__[_ __, efficients of the relative piJe stiffness and the angle of
0 Lo-----=-7'=.5---,-'5
o 7.5 15 batter of the outer piles. The coefficients are not greatly
Batter angle, ,¡;" affected by pile batter, but the pile-stiffness factor, K, has
a significant effect.
FJGlJRE 9.1 O Effecl .of batter angle and relative stiffness on deflec·
Corresponding solutions for the loads and moment on
tíon and ro latían coefficients: síx·píle group, L/d ~ 25; "s = 0.5;
s/d 3. the front piles (type 3) of the group are given in Figs. 9.11
and 9.12. The actual vertical load V 3 , horizontal load H 3 ,
and momen t M 3 in each pi! e ar~ given by:
concrete piles in a medium-stiff soil), and K= 10,000 (cor-
responding to concrete piles in a soft soil). For each value
VCvv + HCvu + MCv111/d (9.18)
of K, the value of pile-flexibility factor KR is related as
VCHv + HCHH + MCmf!d (9.19)

(9.14) (9.20)

V, H, M = the
applied loads and moment on
l moment of inertia of pile section
the group, as before
RA area ratio, defined in Eq. (5.17)
Cvv. CvH, etc. = load and moment coefficients
L pile length
Figure 9.11 shows that most load and moment coeffi-
The vertical deflection of the cen ter of the píle cap, p 1,,
cients are markedly infll¡enced by pile batter and pile-stiff-
the horizontal deflection, Ph, and the rotatíon, 8, for a
ness factor K. However, the vertical piJe load caused by
general loading system are given as follows:
vertical load on the ·group and the horizontal pile load
caused by horizontal load on the group ( coefficients Cv v
P¡; · Ivv + E d. fvu +E d2. lvM (9.15) and CHH) are almost independent of both factors.


Ph. · Ihv + - · [hH + E d2. IhM (9.16)
Esd S
The influence of piJe spacing on the load and moment co-
V H M efficients is shown in Fig. 9.12. Again, an increase in the
o · Iov + E d 2 • leH +E d3. IeM (9 .17)
S S spacing generally reduces the coefficients.

- - K=100
---K 1000.
- - - K 10000

0.2 ::::::--,
. 0.1 . - - - - - - - - - ,
- --=-== ----=

- - --·----
0.2 ::::--, ............
eVH 0.1-
--- -- -- 0.05
QL------'-----' o o '-------'----'
o 7.5 15 o 7.5 15 o 7.5 15

Batter angle, e

0.2 . - - - - - - - - , r--·· 01 o.-----------.

0.2 ---- -==--= =--= -

_../' .005
0.1 e- CHM

o 1
7.5 15 o 7,5 15 7.5 15

Batter angle, '

0.2 . - - - - - - - - - , 1.0 0.10

-0.1 f- -0.5""'--- 0.05 --- ----~

/,. ---- CM,..
-------- --- CMM

o~~:c:=:J 0'-------'-----'
o 7.5 15 o 7.5 15 7.5 15
Batter angle,"

FIGURE 9.11 Effect of batter angle and relative pile stiffness on load and moment coefficient for pile No. 3: síx-pile group; L/d 25;vs

The effect of pile spacing on the deflection and rotation spacing between the outer piles. The pile loads and mo-
coefficients for the center of the cap of a six-pile group ments are correspondingly greater in the four-pile group.
(Fig. 9 .9) is shown in Fig. 9.13 for a batter angle of 15°.
Almost all coefficients decrease with increasing spacing, a~ EFFECT OF PILE CONFIGURATION
would be anticipated.
In order to examine the effect of pile configuration on
group rotation and deflections, the six groups shown in Fig.
9.15 have been anaiyzed. Group A ís the one shown in Fig.
The effect of the number of piles in the group on the de- 9.9, while group B ís the same group except that the center
flection and rotation coefficients for the center of the pile two piles are removed. The other four groups have dífferent
cap is shown in Fig. 9 .14. A four-pile group and a six-pile piles battered. In all cases, the batter angle of any battered
group are compared for K = 1000 and a pile spacing of piles is 15°.
three diameters. As would be expected, deflection and rota- The deflection coefficients for the leading piles of each
tion coefficients are greater for the four-pile group, and the group are shown in Table 9 .4. The following observations
rotatíon coefficients are most affecteó because of the closer may be made:
--K 100
K 1000
---K 10000
.2 , - - - - - - - - - , .2 r - · - - - - - - - , .1 , . - - · - - - - - · - . ,


o 1
3 6 6 9 3 6 9
2_ 2. S
d d d

.2 ~--====--~ ---=-
.005 :--.


.o .O i
3 6 9 3 6 9 6 9
S ~
d d

.2 .5 ,----------=-~-, .1 o ,---·--------,
- -.25 =---------

....... .._
, ..........

--- ---

o ¡____
6 9
d d d

FIGURE 9.12 Effect of píle spadng on load and rnoment coefficients for pilc No. 3: six-pile group; L/d 25; vs O.S;s/d = 3; batter angle
Ji; ~ 15°.


Coel~ A





0.04 76
fvu 0.0136 0.0121 0.0262 -0.00346 0.00495 0.00569
I,M 0.00615 0.00671 0.00666 0.00463 0.00486 0.00571
Il1v o o 0.0148 -0.0148 -0.00733 -0.00677
l¡¡}{ 0.1006 0.1010 0.1093 . 0.1093 0.1026 0.1025
lh~1 0.00453 0.00403 0.00380 0.00380 0.00409 0.00416
Iov o o 0.00102 -0.00102 -0.000818 O.OOOOll
hm 0.00453 0.00403 0.00380 0.00380 0.00409 0.00416
le M 0.00205 0.00224 0.00188 0.00188 0.00189 0.00190

~Se" Fig. 9.! S for details of piJe groups.

Coeffícíenrs are for the leadíng piles of the group.


--K~ 100
---K 10000

0.1 , - - - - - - - - - - ,

.05 - .1
l..,v '
lt;H A B e
------·- 6 pri<ZS 4 pii<Z5 6 pd<Zs

o 1 ()
3 6 9 3 6 9
2_ S
d d


... ~

' ~-....:::-.._

'\ F

3 6
-- 9 6
6 pii<ZS

!n all cas<ZS, pil12

6 prkz,;

spoong c1 cap
6 pJI<Zs

3d ( <Zx c<2pt
tor B
S= 6d)

d d L/d 25
K 1000
FIGURE 9.13 Effect of pile spacing on dd1ection and rotation co-
Bott<Zr angi<Z 15°
efficients: six-pile group; L/d = 25; vs = 0.5; batter ang!e ·.¡; !5°.

FIGURE 9.15 Graups considered in pnramctric study of el lec: of

pite configura tion.
- - 4-pile group
- 6-píle group

0.2 . - - - - - - - - , 1. The behavior of group A is very similar to that of group

B--that is, the center piles in group A have líttle innuence
r--- _ _ on the deflection and rotation coefficients.
O.lc- ---
2. The advantages of group D over group arise primarily e
from the negative horizontal-deflection and rotation devel-
oped under vertical load.
o '-----'-1_ ___,¡ 3. Groups E and F behave similarly -that is, battering the
o 7.5 15 center piles has a relatively small ínfluence on the group
Batter Angle, ,¡,o deflectíon.

In arder to gain a better ~ppreciation of the relative

0.01 . . . - - - 0.005 ;;:;.---
meríts of the six groups consi.dered, a numerícal example
has been taken in which L = 10m, d = 0.4 m, Es= 7000
kNLm 2 , V= 1200 kN, H = 400 kN, andM = 600 kNm. The
resulting deflections and rotations for the center of the pile
leH --
. ;;;::,_------ cap, calculated from Eqs. (9.15), (9.16), and (9.17) and the
coefficients in Table 9.4, are s!':own in Table 9.5. As might
o '-----'''-----' o~__ __._.:..____¡ be expected intuitively' group e
is the least satisfactory.
o 7.5 15 o 7.5 15
Groups A and B behave quite similar! y, and from an econo-
Batter angle, /1°
mical viewpoint, group B woul:l. give satisfactory perfom1-
FIGURE 9.14 Effect of number of piles on deflection and rota- ance, pr~vidcd that vertical and lateral stability are
tion coefficients: L/d 25; v., 0.5 ;K 1000; s/d ~ 3. adequate.


V 1200kN,H 400kN,M = 600kNm
L 1Om d = 0.4 m Es = 7000 k~/m'

hty A B e D E F

Pv (mm) 16.8 18.5 27.4 .22.1 18.9 19.4
Ph (mm) 16.8 16.6 24.0 11.3 13.7 14.0
e 0.00436 0.00444 0.00497 0.00278 0.00312 0.00404

°For center of rigid piJe cap.

TAB.LE9.6 EFFECTOF BOUNDARY def1ection of the group with pinned piles is larger than in
CONDITIONS AT TOP OF PI LE: GROUP A !N FIG. 9.15 the first, but the rotation is less. The group with a massive
cap sustains the smallest movements.
Piles Rigidly
Piles Rigídly Attached to
Atlachcd but Cap Piles Pínned Massive Cap~No
Coefficient Can Rotate to Cap Top Rotation
I.,v 0.0391 0.0396 0.0391 ANALYSIS
l¡¡H 0.1006 0.1338 0.0906
Ihw ··1/jH 0.00453 -0.00220 o
[IJM 0.00205 0.00345 o To compare the three method:; of analysis described in thís
chapter, two simple planar pile-groups have been analyzed.
As shown in Fig. 9.16, each ;;;roup has three piles. In the
first, al! piles are vertical, while in the second, the outer
piles are battered. In applying the equivalent-bent method,
V 1200 kN,H ~ 400 kN,M ~ 600 k~/m the equivalen! length of each member has been taken as the
L "' 10m, d ~ 0.4 m, Es = 7000 kN/m' mean of LeH and LeM (Table 9.1). A computer program
(Harrison, 1973) was used to evaluate the solution. For the
Piles Rigídly elastic continuum analysis, the single-píle vertical and hori-
Pi1es Rígidly Attached to zontal responses have been obtained from the theoretical
Attachcd but Cap Piles Pinncd Massive Cap~No
Quantíty Can Rotate to Cap Top Rotation
solutions in Chapters 5 and 8, while the corresponding
group effects have been determined from Chapters 6 and 8.
Pv (mm) 16 8 17.0 16.8 The piles are assumed to be rigidly attached to a rigid
Ph (mm) 16.8 18.0 13.0 cap in both cases. The loads, moments, and deflections
(J 0.00437 0.00384 o from each method of analysis are summarízed in Table 9 .8.
a For center of cap. The m a in points of interest from this table are: EFFECT OF BOUNDAR Y CONDIT!ONS AT TOP OF

V 600kN V 600kN
For group A in Fíg. 9.15, the def1ection and rotation coef- H = 200kN

ficients for the center of the pile cap for various boundary
condítions at the junctíon of the pile top and pile cap are 1·2m 1·2m
10m 2 3
shown in Table 9.6. A larger horizontal deflection occurs if
the piles are pinned, but the presence of a massive cap ap· Q-4m
pears to have relatively little influence. The vertical move-
E,= 7000kPa
ment caused by vertical load is unaffected by the boundary 6
Ep= 21 x 10 kPa
conditions. Considering the same numerical values as used
in Table 9.5, the resulting deflections and rotation are Group A Group B

shown in Table 9.7. Under this loading system, the lateral FIGURE 9.16 Pile groups considered in comparison of rnethods.

TABLE 9.8 COMPARISON OF elastic continuum analysis. T:1e simple statical analysis
METHODS OF GROUP ANAL YSIS assumes zero rrwment in all pile:;.
3. The equivalent-berit approach predicts a considerably
Simple Equivalen!· Elastk
larger rotation than the elastic continuum analysis and a
Staticai Bt~nt Continuum
Quantity Analysis Anaiysis Anaiysis slightly larger vertical deflection of the leadíng pile, but a
smaller horizontal deflection.
Group A V, (k/V) 75 67.2 50.5
V, {kN} 200 200.0 163.4 1t should be noted that the computed rotatíon and hori-
V, (kN) 325 332.8 386.1
H, (kN)
zontal deflection in the equivalent-bent method are sensi-
66.7 66.6 .75.9
H, (kN) 66.7 66.7 48.2 tive to the equivalent length of the piles. For example, for
H, (kN~ 66.7 66.6 75.9 Group A, if the equivalent length was taken as LeJ,f ( = 1.96
M 1 (kN m) o -6.2 -39.6 m) instead .of the mean of L,M and LeH (~ 2.24 m), the
M, (kN m) o -6.2 -23.5 vertical and horizontal deflections and rotation would be
M, (kN m) o -6.2 -39.6
16.8 mm, 6.7 mm, and 0.00521, compared with 17.5 mm,
Pv, (mm) 17.5 14.8
Ph (mm) 8.9 11.8 8.9 mm; and 0.00581 in Tabk 9.8. On the other hand, if
() 0.00581 0.00248 LeH (=2.52 m) is used, the corresponding values are 18.2
mm, 11.4 mm, and 0.00639. The latter val ue of horizontal
Group B V, (kN) 75 59.3 65.4 deflection corresponds more closely to that from the ela,:¡tic
V, (kN) 200 200.3 174.8
V, (kN) 325 329.6
continuum analysis in this case.
359 8
H, (kN) 52.0 76.7 20.3 A more detailed comparison of the computed deflec-
H, (kN) S2.0 75.5 26.3 tion and rotation under the individual components of load
H, {kN) 52.0 47.8 153.3 reveals that the vertical movements caused by vertical load
M, (kN m) o -43.3 -6.4 as given by the equivalent-bent method and the elastic
M, (kN m) o -26.9 -5.1
continuum method agree closely, but that the computed ro-
M, (kN m} o 66.9 -41.8
Pv, (mm) 16.4 12.9 tation ca u sed by both horizontal load and moment is consi-
Ph (mm) 8.2 10.4 derably greater in the equivalent--bent method. The equiva-
() 0.00490 0.00233 lent-bent method also gives a larger horizontal deflection
caused by moment, but a sr:1aller horizontal deflection
caused by horizontal load.
l. The vertical pile loads from the three methods are of The above comparisons, therefore, highliEiht the díf-
the same order, although the elastic continuum analysis ficulty of attempting to characterize a complex pile-soil
tends to predict a higher maximum load. system by a structural frame. Be cause it is of a more ration-
2. There is a considerable discrepancy between the al nature, the elastic continuum analysis should give more
computed pile moments from the equivalent bent and reliable deflection predictions.

10.1 INTRODUCTION witl1out the need to resort to computer analysis. The Davis
and Poulos method of analysis and design will be described
In the design of the foundation for a large building on a in this chapter. Sorne alterna:ive approachcs to pile-raft
deep deposit of clay, it may b~ found that a raft founda- analysis will also be rnentioned.
tion would have an adequate factor of safety against ulti-
mate bearing-capacity failure, but that the settlements
woulcl be excessíve. Tradítíonal practice (assumíng the addi-
tíon of basements to produce a t1oating foundation is
The basis of the analysís is similar to that employed for
unacceptable) would then be to pile the foundation, and to
freestanding groups (Chapter 6\ except now the basic unit
choose the number of píles to givc an adequate factor of
to be considered is a single pLe with an attached circular
safety against individual pile failure, assuming the piles take
cap resting on the soil surface, instead of th.e previous unit
all the load. However, it is clearly illogical to design the
of a single freestanding pile. The interaction of pile-cap
piles on an ultima te-load basis when they have only been in-
units can be considered in a :'ashion similar to that des-
troduced in arder to reduce the settlement of an otherwise
cribed in Section 6.2 for freestanding piles. The settlernent
satisfactory raft.
interaction between two identical, equally-loaded units can
Pile-raft foundations have been successfully used in
again be expressed in terrns of an interaction factor, a,,
Mexico City (Zeevaert, 1957) and more recently in London
(Hooper, J 973). In the latter case, the finíte-element meth-
od has be en employed to analyze the behavior of the foun- Additional settlernent caused by adjacent unit
dation and compare it with the measured behavior. In a Settlement of single unit
method of designing a pile-raft system proposed by Davis (10.1)
and Poulos (1972b ), the number of piles required to re-
duce the settlement to the desired amount is determined Curves relating ex, to dimemionless pile spacing s/d are


1.0l--r==:-- ::::::¡ -- -
' '\
- .........
'· ..... -- ¡-

................ d

,, '
' .....
'' .....
"" .
..... ..... .........

' ....... .......
Values of ---

0.4 ..... .......

,20 "



2 4 6 8 10
S o: 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 o
FIGURE 10.1 lnteraction factors for pile-raft uníts,!.:. 10.

shown for various values of dc/d (de cap diameter) in occurs for Vs O tl1an for v8 0.5, but that for dc/d > 10,
Figs. LO.l, 10.2, and 10.3 for three values of L/d. In all Vshas little influence on interaction.
cases, Vs = 0.5, the piles are incompressible (K= oo), the pile The curves in Figs. 10.1 te 10.4 may be used to analyze
cap ís rigid, and the units are situated in a semi-infinite piled foundations or pile-raft systems by considering them
mass. lnteraction increases as dc/d increases, bu t the effect to consist of severa! pile-cap units, each having an equiva-
of dc/d becomes smaller for larger L/d. lent value of dc/d such that the area occupied by the unit is
Corresponding curves for Vs = O are shown in Fig. 10.4 the same as that occupied by <1 typical portian of the cap in
for L/d = 25. A comparison between these curves and those the group. For example, for ;:, square a:rrangement of piles
for Vs := 0.5 shows that for dc/d ,¡;;; 10, greater interaction in the group,

l. 25
V 5 =0 5
08 !Loo

Valwzs of .2!;

o 4

o 2

0 o~---~2------4~-~-~6~---~a------10L-----~-----L------L-.

-a- 01 008 006 004 0·02 o

FIGURE 10.2 lnteraction factors for pile-raft uníts,- 25.

1 0~----~-----r----~------~----,-----~----~~-----~-----.-----,

v ~o
5 5




o 2

oo 2 4 6 8 10
S o1 008 006 o 04 o 02 o
FIGLRE 10.3 lnleraction factors f0r pile-raft units,- ~ 100.

equívalent dc/d == A s/d (10.2)

If a system consists of a total of n units, the settlement
of a typical unit i ís then given as

It has been found that superposítion can be applied to

symmetrical arrangements of piJe .:cap units in a similar fash- (1 0.3)
ion to the freestanding piles in Section 6.2. Therefore, it is
again reasonable to extend the use of superposition to the
analysis of any general configuration of pile-cap units com-
prising a pile-raft system. where

'........._ ---- ------
........... ......_

--- ........... ......_ Valu<.?s of de


o o~-----------------------------L-----------------------------~
2 4 6 8 10
S 01 008 006 004 002 o
d d
FIGURE 10.4 lnteraction factors for pile-raft units, vs O.

the value of a,, for the equivalent val u e of de/d These are re la ted as
of unit j, corresponding to the spacing between
units i andj Rs = nRe
P¡ load on unitj
p1 the settlement of a single pile-cap unit under For practica! use, since pile tests are normally carried out
unit load on a single freestanding pile, it may be more convenient to
~xpress the settlements in tenns of the settlement of a sin-
From Section 5.3.2, p 1 can be expressed as gle freestanding pile-that is, .n terms of Rs and Re (Sec-
tion 6.2). Thus,
Rs =Re ·Rs (10.9)
Pt settlement of freestanding pile under unit load
Re ratio of settlement of pile..:ap unit to settlement Re =Re ·Re (10.10)
of freestanding pile (Fig. 5.31)
The settlement, p, of the system is thus given by
As before, n equations may be obtained from Eq.
(10.3) for the n pites in the group; together with the equi- Pe
librium equation P = Rs·-·p¡ (10.11)
LP¡ (10.5)
P =Re· Pe· P1 (10.12)
they may be solved for two limiting cases:
For immediate settlements, p 1 is the immediate settle-
l. Equal displacement of each unit (corresponding to a ment, per unit load, of a single pile at the average load of
rigid raft). a pile in the group; and for total final settlements, p 1 is the
2. Equalload (or known loads) on each unit. corresponding total final settlement per unit load.

This latter case approximates the case of a uniformly-

loaded, perfectly-flexible raft. However, it must be borne in
mind that each pile-cap unit displaces vertically as a rigid 10.3 ELASTIC SOLUTIONS FOR SQUARE GROUPS
unit, so the displacement of adjacent units will not in gen-
eral be compatible. Thus, instead of continuously varying, Values ofthe group reduction factor Re are plotted against
the displacement varies in "steps" from one unit to the dimensionless group breadth B/d in Figs. 10.5, 10.6, and
next. Hence, the use of the case of equalload in each unit to 10.7 for 2 2 , 3 2 . 4 2 , and 5 :t groups for a rigid raft and for
can at best only be an approximation. This approximation vs = 0.50. The piles are incompressible and are embedded in
will become more satisfactory as th<~ pile spacing decreases. a semi-infinite mass. Also shown are the values of Re for
The results of such an analysis may then be expressed the rigid raft only arid for a rigid block (corresponding tci
either in terms of a settlement ratio li.s, where an infinite number of piles).
For a given group breadth, Re decreases as the number
of piles increases. F or large breadths, the effect of the
Average settlement of system
Rs (10.6) númber of piles becomes small, especially for piles having
Settlement of single unit carrying
small L/d. As L/d increases, the influence of the number of
same average load
piles becomes more marked and extends over a wider range
of breadth.
A comparison between the values of Re for a 3 2 free-
Average settlement of system standing group and for a 3:! pile-raft system is shown in
(1 0.7)
Settlement of single unit ,;arrying Fig. 10.8. At relatively clos<~ spacings, Re is almost the
same total load same for both cases, indicating that the pile cap or raft

-v, O 5
Pilli'S J..= 10
o 4 d

o 3



o o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 10.5 R<; vs_ b¡cadth. rigid rJft,~ ~ 10.

Pí les -a-= 25
V 5 =0 5
o :s

o 4

o 3

o 2

10 20

FIGURE 10.6 Re, vs. bre~dth,rigid d = 25.





Ys O 5

o 5
Pi 1<2S h- =100


o 3


10 20 30 40 50 B 60 70 80 100
FIGURE 10.7 Re vs. breadth, rigid L = 100. O Br---,----,--- ------,---~---.

3 Pll" Group
"• =0 5
.tl.::. c-;J
has virtually no influence on the settlement of the piles. L
As the spacing increases, the effect of the raft becomes o6
more pronounced. The spacing, s/d, at which the raft F'raa- standing group
begins to influence the settlement, íncreases as L/d in- Group w1th rott
creases and also as the number of píles in the group in- o5
Typical curves of Re versus B/d for the case of uniform
loading are shown in Fig. 10.9 for the center of the system
and in Fig. 10.10 for the comer. For the center, there
appears to be a single mean curve for all groups between
2 2 and 6 2 . For the comer, Re decreases as the number of
piles increases, up to a 6 2 group. Thus, at least up to a
62 group, the differential settlement wíU tend to increase
as the number of piles increases.
As previously mentioned, the curves in Figs. 10.9 and
10.10 provide an approximate means of considering a per- o 1
fectly flexible raft only for systems in which the pile
spacing is not excessive or the number of piles too sma!L
The general case of a raft of any flexibilíty could also be
5 10 15 20 25 30
considered approximately by means of the interaction
analysis descríbed herein, but a more satisfactory analysis d
requires a new approach involving consideration of the FIGURE 10.8 Comparisons bet\~een settlement freestanding
overall action of the raft (see Section 10.5). group and píle-raft system.
o 8


o 6

Pllcz; ~ :25
Ys=O 5



o 2

FIGURE 10.9 Re vs. breadth, centcr of uniformly loaded system.

o 7


O· '3

.k 25
v,=O 5

o 3

o 2

o 1

o 10 20 30 40 50 B
--- __ __ - __
60 70


90 10C

FIGURE 10.10 Re vs. breadth, comer of uniformly Ioaded system.


2 o o 6
• 22
{a) .1...:25
o 5 0
~ =25
A v5 = O· 5
0. 3 ~=886
101 o 4
a: 0

RG A e42
a: 1 o 3 + 1!:.
+ •52

o 2
0 Rows ol 4 pi l<ls
ARows ol 5 pil<ls
+ Rows of 6 pil<ls
o 1
20 40 B 60 80 100

o L-----~----~----~---~----~----~~
(b) 1_ = 100 o 5 10 15 20 25 30
d No. or Pil<ls

Raft only FIGURE 10.12 Influence of piJe arrangement on settlement.

For the given group breadth and value of L/d, the value
of ReofRGo.s may be interpolated from Fig. 10.11, and Eq.
1 pil<l
(10.13) then used to estímate the required value of Rev-
The use of the above approximation will be described
subsequently in relation to the calculation of consolidation
settlements of the system.

10.3.2 Influence of Pile Arrangement

o 20 40 B 60 80 100 The foregoing solutions have only applied to square groups

of piles. Solutions have also been obtained for rectangular
FIGURE 10.11 Influence of Vs on Re-
groups having different numbers of piles in the two direc-
tions. It has been found that the settlement of a system de-
pends primarily on the number of piles in the group, and
10.3.1 Influerice of Poisson's ratio, ~'s· not on the arrangement of the piles. A typical example
showing the group-reduction factor Re for Vs = 0.5 plotted
The inf1uence of Vs on Re is shown in Fig. 10.11, in which against the number of piles i> shown in Fig. 10.12 for a
for L/d = 25 and 100, the ratio of Re for Vs =O (Reo) to spacing of 8.86d. It will be seen that, apart from groups
Re for Vs = 0.5 (Reo.s) is plotted against group breadth for containing small numbers of piles, Re is almost indepen-
various rigid square systems. Reo is generally greater than dent of the arrangement of the piles. For small numbers of
Reo.s, the difference being greatest for the raft only and piles (e.g., four), less settlement occurs if the piles are
least for the rigid block. It has been found that the varia- placed in a row (i.e., 4 X 1) than if a square group (2 2 ) is
tion of Re with Vs is reasonably linear, so that the values of use d.
Reo/Reo.s in Fig. 10.11 may be used to interpolate linearly
for other values of ~'s- Thus, for any value of Vs, the values
10.3.3 Systems Containing Large Numbers ofPiles
of Re,, may be estimated as

!3_ev = 1 + ( Reo _ 1\ ( 1 _
RGo.s Reo.s ') 0.5
2) (10.13)
For large systems containing a considerable number of
pÚes, .the value of B/d may be very large and that of Re

very small, so that the use of the curves in Figs. 10.5, 10.6,
and 1O.7 may lead to inaccura te answers. lt is then con-
venient to consider the piles as a number of small groups of
piles within the system and to replace each small group by
an equivalen! single pile or pier. This equivalent pile should
ha ve the same area as the gross plan area ofthe small group
and an equivalen! length Le/L (see Fig. 6JI). The system
is thus replaced by a smaller number of shorter, larger-
diameter pi les. As an example, a system 40-ft square com-
prising an 8 X 8 group of 1-ft-diameter, 100-ft-long piles, 0·8

each spaced at 5 ft, may be replaced by a system of 4 X 4 ~

• Cl.
piles, ca eh of equivalen t diameter de =5 5.65 ft, and -5
now ata spacing of 10ft. From Fig. 6.31, the equivalen!
length of cach pile is (for L/d 100 and s/d = 5), Le
92 ft. Thus, the refcrcnce pile for the equivalent
e E "' 0·4
0.92L "'
E,g VaiUGlS of PiiGl
system ís onc having Le = 92 ft and de= 5.65 ft, orLe/de= -
:::!/) "' Stiffn12ss Factor K
J 6.3. In terms of this reference piJe, the group breadth is "' 0·2
now 40/5 .ú5 7.1 diameters, rather than the original
group breadth of 40 diameters.
lt has been found that the settlement of the system cal- o
culat~d for thís equivalen t system agrees with that of the 10

original systcm to wíthin about 2%. 4

Str1p FI12X1bli1ty Fcctor Fr= Erlr/Esd

FIGURE 10.13 Effect of strip tlexibility and piJe cornpressibilit

on settlement (Wiesner and Brown, 1975).
l 0.3.4 Effect of Pi le Compressibility and Raft Flexibility

11 is ohvious lhat fíníte compressíbility of the píles in a

pilc-nft system will lead to increased settlemen t as com-
pared wíth thc case of rigid piles.
For a rigid raft, the previous solutions for a rigid pile
may be utilized approximately for piles of flnite compres-
sibi!ity by considering the compressible piles to be rigid
piles of an ~quivalent length such that the settlement of the
pile heads are egua!. This equivalent length may be deter- ~
mined from the parametric solutions for a single piJe given ri
in Chapter 5. .o
No extensive parametric studies of the effects of raft
!lexíbility or pile compressibility ha ve yet been made. How-
evcr, so me indica tion of these effects m ay be inferred from tl
results of elastic solutions for a píled strip obtaíned by
Wiesner and Brown (I 975) and Brown and Wiesner (1 975). o
In the case of a long strip with a single pile, the width of
the strip being 5 pile-diameters and the pile length 50 dia-

meters, solutions for the ratio of the settlement of pile and L"'

strip to scttlement of strip only are given in Fig. JO .13.

!l. "'
These solutions depend on the pile-stiffness factor, K
EpRAfE5 , and a dimcnsionless strip-!lexibility factor, o
2 3 4 5 6 7
4 0·1 \0 10 10 10 10 10 10
Erlr/Fsd , where Er Ir is !he raft stiffness, Es is Young's
Str,p Fl12x1bii1ty Factor F r;Erlr/E,d 4
modulus of soil. and d is piJe di<>.neter. Figure 10.13 shows
that the effect of pile compressibility becomes more pro- FIGURE 10.14 EtTect of strip flexibility and pi1e compressibility
nounced as the raft stiffness (i.e., the factor Fr) decreases. on load taken by pite (Wiesner and Brown, 1975).

The use of even a very compressíble piJe beneath the very A further example of the effect of strip flexibility is
flexible strip (Fr = 10) causes a significant settlement- shown in Fig. 10.15 for a strip with five piles, ami equal
redu(;tion as compared with the case of a strip only, and the concentrated loads above each pi le. Distributions of dimen-
use of an almost rigid pile reduces the sett!ement by almost sionless contact pressure, settkment, and bending moment
75%. in the strip are given for three values of strip stiffness.
However, for a stiff strip (Fr 10 6 ), compressible pi! es The strip and pile lengths are 50 pile diameters, and the
have virtually no influence on settlement, and even a rigid strip width is 5 diameters. Fi~;ure 10.15 shows that as the
pile only reduces settlement by less than 20%. strip flexibility decreases, the contact pressures near the
The percentage ~ 5 of the applied load taken by the pi! es decrease while the settleraents near the pi! es increase,
piíe beneath the strip of 5-diarneter width ís plotted in Fíg. The magnitude of the bending moments increases as tb.e
10.14. This percentage decreases as the píles becorne more strip beco mes stiffer.
comprcssible or the strip becomes more rigid. For other Although the results presented in Figs. !0.13, 10.14,
values of strip width b, the percentage of load ~b is given and to 10.15 are only indic2tive, they may be useful in
app roximately by suggesting orders of correction to be applied to the S0lu-
tions for a rigid raft and rigid piles.
~b =L - 2.3 log 10 (b/5d) (10.14)



A simplified method of obtaining the load-settlement curve

Valua of o/d ~50
Erlr s/d =10
to failure for a piled foundation or píle-raft system has been
Fr~[-;;d4 described by Da vis and Poulos ( 1972b ). The method is
bid 5
---- 1·64·10 5 K =1000 sirnliaí in principie to that employed for large-diameter
- - 1·64.10 3
Lid =50
piles in Section 5 .4, and assunes that for loading under un-
v5 =ü-5
---- 1-64 drained condítions, purely elastic conditions prevail up to
the load at which the píles woüld fail if no cap were pre-
(o) Contoct Pr!2ssur,z sent. Thereafter, it is assumed that any additionalload is
taken entirely by the raft or cap and that the additional
settlement of the system is then given by the settlement of
the raft only. Thus, referring to Fig. 10.16, the undrained
1oad-sett1ernent curve of the pile-raft system consists of
two linear sections
o .-----.,----,----,----.,..----,
( b) Sat tl«mtznt

PE 5 d_ 5
Pp, --------- -·/ B

Load P
M/Pd 2

o 0·2 0€ 00

2x/o Undrainad or Immadi Jta Sattlamant

FIGURE 10.15 Typical solutions for strip with five pUes (Wiesner FIGURE 10.16 Simplified appr•Jach for calculation of undrained
and Brown, 1975). load-settlement curves.

l. The !in e OA, from zero load to the ultima te load PA of where
the piles alone, the settlement being calculated from Eq.
(10.11) or Eq. (10.12) .. Reo.s the elastic value of Re for the pile-raft systern
2. The líne AB, frorn the load PA to the ultimate ·load PE for lls llu :::: 0.5
of the whole system (piles plus raft), the settlernent being Rev' the elastic value of Re for lls v~
calculated from the equation for the settlernent of the
p !TF :::: total final settlcment of a single piJe under
raft acting alone without the piles. For exarnple, for a
unit load
square rigid raft B X B with m piles, the overall undrained
p ¡¡ :::: immediate settlernent of a single piJe under
settlernent ata working load Pw is given by
unit load
:. PCF Pw(Rev'PITF Rco:SP!i) (10.19)
Both P!TF and Pli rnay be obtained either from apile-
where the fírst term represents the settlement of the pile- loading test (the settlernent pei unít-load, at the workíng
load) or from the theoretical relationships described in
raft systern, calculated on an elastic basis for lls = 0.5, and
the second term represents the settlement of the raft acting Chapter 5.
alone. This second term will only be operative if Pw > PA , The total final settlement of the system is then the sum
that is, íf the failure load of the píles ís exceeded. of the irnrnediate settlement (taking account of possible
pi! e slip) and PCF, or
lt should be cmphasized that the above basis of cal-
culating thc ultimatc load PB of the systern as the sum of (10.20)
the capacities of the piles and the raft is only valid where
rclatively few pilcs are added to the cap or raft (Le., where
the pilc-cap units are sufficiently widely -spaced to act
indivülually). If the piJe spacing is sufficiently close for The value of Rev' may be estimated from Eq. (10.13).
block failure to occur rather than individual-unit failure, If only a few piles are add ~d to the raft or cap, the
lhe ultimate load of the group should be calculated on this failure load of these piles may well be far exceeded at the
basis. lt should also be mentioned that the sirnplified
approach discussed above does not consider the effects of
local slip along the piles or of local yield of the cap as the
load íncrcases loward failure.
In calculating consolidation settlements, it is again
assumed that the consolidation process is not affected by
any local yielding occurring under undrained conditions, so
thal tlte consolidation settlement, PCJc, is

PCF PTPc Pie (10.16)

Rigíd block, length L
where PTFe, Pie are lhe total-final and irnmediate settle-
ments of thc system from a purely elastic analysis. The
above procedure will yicld the correct value of PCF for the
limiting cases of the raft only and of thc rigid block and for
those systems in which the failure load of the piles is not
reached. It is therefore reasonable to assume that it wíll
give satisfactory results for other cases involving piles that load
have slipped. Pw
A t the working load Pw,

Minírnum MaximuTJ Settlement
and settlement settleme1t

(10.18) FIGURE l 0.17 Concept of pile raft s:rstem.


working load of the whole system. Despite the facCthat Considering now the settlement of the raft alone. For
these piles may have failed, they are nevertheless effective a rigid, square raft on a semi-in!'inite mass,
in reducing the settlement of the system, as is shown día·
grammatically in Fig. 10.17. The validity of the above
approach is dependent on, among other factors, the raft
maintaining contact with the underlying soil. It is con·
Considering the total final settlement under the working
ceivable that with a relatívely large number of piles, and
load of 3500 tons,
with relatively soft clay directly beneath the raft, the raft
could be "held up" by the piles because of the effects of 3500 X ( l - 0.35
nega ti ve friction and lose contact with the soil, thus effec· .947 X 63
tively reducing the system to a freestanding group. This 0.925 ft
situation wíll probably only occur when the piles are suf.
ficiently closely-spaced to act as a block, in which case the Thís settlement is excessive, and hence pites rnust be
raft would be ineffective, even íf contact were maintained. added to the raft to reduce the settlement.
However, where only a small number of pi! es are preseQt Calcula~ions will be detailed for 1-ft diameter, 100-ft-

in the system, and tl:ese pites are overloaded at the working long piles. Results for other types of piles will be sum-
load of the system, continuous contact between the raft marized.
and soil should be maintained. This latter case is the one
Immediate Settlements
beíng prit¡1arily consídered here.
Considering undrained condit.:ons first: The bearing ca-
The use of the simplífied approach described above is pacity of a single pile, assumíng (possíbly rather conserva-
demonstrated in the example of the design of a pile-raft tively) that cafcu 2/3, is found to be 145.5. tons. The·
system, given below. undrained settlement of a single piJe under unit load is
(from Eq. 5.33)
Illustrative Example I
The case of a square, rigid raft 50 ft on a side, restíng on a Pu = dEu
deep deposit of soft clay, will be considered. The total
working load on the raft is 3500 ton:;. The relevant average For this case, L/d 100 and 1 0.0254 for Vs == 0.5. There-
pararneters of the day are as follows: fore,

eu 0.69 tons/ft 2 p ¡¡ 0.000354 ft/ton

rf>u o
70 tons/ft 2 Thus, from Eq. (10.15), the imrnediate settlement of
63 tons/ft 2 the pile·raft system may be written as
!) 0.35
P; = 0.000354Rco.sPA + [0.000203 (350ü-PA)] ft
I: i.s specified that the maximum total final settlement
of the raft must not exceed 6 in. The calculation of P; for varíous numbers of píles is shown
The problem is to investigate the adequacy of the raft in Ta ble 1O.l. The values of are obtained from Fíg_
alone, both in regard to ultirnate bearing-capacity and set- 10.7 for L/d = 100 and for Bíd 50/l 50.
tlement; and if the raft. alone is found to be inadequate, to
determine the number of piles that must be added to the Consolidation Settlements
raft to satisfy design requirements. These are calculated as the difference between the elastic
Considering first the ultimate bearing-capacity of the values of p¡ and PTF for the system: The total final settle-
raft alone, and considering undrained conditions: the ment of a single pile under unit load is
average ultima te pressure is q u = 5 .69cu ( Cox, and
Hopkins; 1961 ). Therefore, I
PtTF = ¡j?
B qu = 2500 X 5.69 X 0.69
9830 to;-_ For L/d = 100 and for v~ = 0 ..35, I is found to. be 0.0242.
This gives a factor of safety agaínst undrained bearing- p iTF = 0.000384 ft/ton
9830 2 8
. f a¡.1 ure o f 3500'
capa<:Ity ~ IS. adequate.
= . 1, wh.ICH
From the previous calculations,

1 o~----~-----T------·~----~-----r----~

o 7

:~5 ft pilll5, 1ft diO

0-6 o8

o 5 o7 50ft~.
2ft.~;~""· ~
PrF (ft)

~,0·4 06

100ft pilll.5, ~

1ft:dl0 ~

o 3 --- o 5

o 2 04

o 1 o 3

01) 2 4 6 8 10
o 2L-----~----~-----~----~----~----~
o 2 4 ; 8 10

FIGURE 10.18 lmmediate sctticment vs. number of pi!es-illustra· FIGURE 10.19 Total-final settlement vs. number of piles-illustra-
tive examplc. tive example.

1) ,¡. .OOOJ 54 ftiton Also shown in Figs. 10.18 and 10.19 are the relatíon-
ships between settlement and number of piles for two
Thcrefore, from Eq. (10.19), other, different types of píles. lt is notable that the shorter
50-ft píles, even though they ar<~ of larger díameter, are not
PcP 3500 X (Rcv0.000384- RGo. 5 0.000354) as efficient in reducing settlement as the 1-ft-diameter, 100-
1.343 Rcv 1.240RGo.sft ft-long piles. The settlement criterion cannot be satisfied by
using l·ft-diameter, 25-ft-long piles, regardless of the num-
Value> of PcF are shown in Table 10.1, together with the ber used. It is interesting to note that for such piles, the
total settlement (p¡ + PCF ). normal design procedure woul d require the use of 246
such piles to satisfy bearing-capacity requirements,
The variation of P; and PTF with the number of piles
in the system is shown in Figs. 1O.18 and 10.19. It will be
seen that in order to satisfy the specified settlement crite·
rion, only 16 of the l·ft-diameter, 100-ft·long piles are 10.5 OTHER ANALYTICAL APPROACHES
required. The undrained bearing-capacity of this system ís
12,100 tons. The traditiona1 design procedure, which deter-
In addition to the method described in detaíl in this chap-
mines the number of pi1es so1e1y on the basis of u1timate
bearing-capacity wíth no allowance made for the raft, gíves ter, a number of alterna ti ve approaches to analyzing pile-
the required number of piles as 68 (to gíve the same load raft systems can be contemphted. Those described by
capacity as the raft, i.e., 9830 tons). Thus, a very consider- Brown et al. (1975) are listed below:
able economy in design is effected. Furthermore, the use of
68 piles rather than 16 leads to a further reduction in settle- l. Strip-superposition method, in which solutions for
ment of only 0.1 ft. píle-strip footings (Brown and Wíesner, 1975) are super·


No.of Load Cap_acity Rco.s Pi Reo Rco.3s Rco.3s PCF PTF

Pile~ of Pites (from (jt) Rco.s Rco.s (Eq. (jr)
PA (Tons) Fig. (from (Eq. 10.19)
Fig. 10.13) (jr)

o o 0.710 0.215 0.925

1 145.5 0.474 0.704 1.39 1.12 0.5~0 0.126 0.830
4 291 0.373 0.689 1.24 1.07 0.399 0.074 0.763
9 1310 0.338 0.602 1.24 1.07 0.362 0.067 0.669
16 2330 0.325 0.429 1.24 1.07 0.348 0.065 0.494
25 3640 0.310 0.384 1.24 1.07 0.332 0.062 0.446
36 5240 0.295 0.366 1.24 1.07 0.316 0.059 0.425
49 7130 0.285 0.353 1.23 1.07 0.305 0.057 0.410
64 93IO 0.275 0.341 1.23 1.07 0.294 0.054 0.395
~(block) 28,400 0.247 0.306 1.20 1.06 0.262 0.049 0.355

posed lo obtain the settlement of the raft. Thís method simulted by a continuous annulus with an ovcrall stiffness
does not require the use of a computer but is limited to equal to the sum of the stiffnesses of the individual piles.
giving settlements only. The lreatrnent used by Desai ·~t al. was similar, excc lhat
2. "Plate on springs" analysis, in wh::ch the raft is analyzed rows of pi! es were simulated by a continuous strip .. v'hile
as a plate using the finite-element method, with the piles such approaches offer f1exibility ín being capable of taking
being replaced by springs located at appropriate nodes. The into account such factors as soíl ínhornogeneity, they
stiffness of these springs can be estimated from the eiastíc suffer from the fact that a o:onsiderable volume of data
solutions for a piJe ( allowing for interaction effects) or is required, and there will be difficulties in choosing an
from the pile-raft analysis described earlier in thís chapter. appropriate stiffness for the ring or strip simulating lhe
piles, and in dealing with pile slip.
3. "Plate on springs and continuurn" method. Here the
raft is again treated as a plate and the piles are replaced by These last four approaches require the use of a corn-
spríngs, as in the method above; but in addition, the soil is puter but have the advantage that distributions of settle-
treated as an elastic contínuum as far as support to the ment, pile load, and raft-bendhg moment can be obtained.
raft i~self is concerned. The results of analyses bmed on five methods (the first
4. "PÍa te on pi! es and contínum" method. This approach four approaches, 1 to 4, abo ve, plus the method describe el
has be en described by Haín ( 1975). It gives a el o ser repre- in detail in this chapter) were compared by Brown el al.
sentatíon of the real problem by treating the pile as in the (1975). They analyzed two relatively simple problems, one
normal pile-settlement analysis (Chapter 5), the raft as a involving concentrated loads actíng at the location of the
plate, and the soil as an elastic continuum. Interaction píles, and the other beíng a raft-pi.le system subjected lo
among the piles, raft, and soi! is then taken into account in uniform loading over the whole area; in each case, both
a logical manner. Haín and Lee ( 1978) ha ve u sed this ana- a stiff raft and 'a relatively fi,:xíble raft were considered.
lysis to successfully predict the load and settlement distri- The pla te-on-piles and con !in Jum rnethod ( 4 above) was
bution for two pile-raft systems, one in Mexico City (the assumed to give the reference solutions, as it involved the
La Azt,eca building) and the other in London (Hyde Park leas! approximation. From !he poínt of view of settlement,
Cavalry Barracks). the most satisfactory of the other four methods was found
5. S1mplified finite-element analyses; Hooper (1973) and lo be the elastic-based analysís described in this chapter.
Desai, Johnson, and Hargett ( 1974) ha ve descríbed fínite- The method of strip superpcsition overestimated settle-
element analyses of piled-foundatíon problems in which the memts, while the plate-on-spri:lgs and continuurn method
foundation, the piles, and the soil are represented by finite consistently underestimated settlement, presumably be-
elements, without performing a full three-dimensional cause ít ignores the downward movement of the contínuum
analysis. The case Hooper describecl was approximately arising from the settlement of the piles. The settlements
axially-symmetric, and each concentric ring of piles was given by the plate-on-springs nethod were generally too

large, although the error depended on the basis adopted for In summary, if only the settlement of the pile-raft
the se:ection of spring stiffnesses. system is required, the elastic-based analysis is likely to be
From the point of view of bending moments in the raft, adequate if the raft ís very stiff or very flexible. If bendíng
none of the simple methods gave accurate results when moments in the raft are required, none of the simple
compared with the values from the plate-on-piles and con- methods are satisfactory and a proper analysis of plate on
tinuurn analysis. (It should be noted that the method of pi! es and contínuum is desirable.
this chapter does not predict bending moments in the raft.)

1 1.1 INTRODUCTION The magnitude of the downdrag force developed in a

pile will depend on a number of factors:
It has long be en recognized that when end-bearing· piles are
situated in a conso!idating soil-mass, a downward force is l. The pile characteristics-type, method of installation,
induced in the pile because of the downward movement of length, shape of cross section, surface treatment (if any).
the soil relative to the pile. This downdrag effect is com- 2. Soil characteristics-type, strength, compréssibility,
monly termed "negative friction," since downward shear- depth of !ayer, stiffness of bearing stratum.
stresses are developed along the pile. Measurements on long 3. Cause of soil movement.
steel end-bearing piles in soft clay by Johannessen and 4. ·Time sin ce installation .of the pile.
Bjerrum ( 1965) ha ve revealed that the downdrag force may
be su.fficiently large to cause the design load to be ex- In this chapter, a number of field studies on instru-
ceeded. In consequence, additional settlement of the pite mented piles are reviewed, and then various methods of
occurs, stemming partly from elastic pile~ompression and estimating downdrag forces are described, with emphasis
partly from penetration of the pile tip into the bearing placed on the method based on an elastic analysis with
stratum, or even crushing of the pile. allowance for slip between the pile and soil. Finally, a
Consolidation of the soil may arise from a number of number of solutions from this analysis are presented, in-
causes: forexample, sutface loading of the soil, consolida- cluding solutions for the rate of de:felopment of downdrag
tion of a soil under its own weight, ground water with- force with time.
drawal, the effect of pile driving in soft soils. Downdrag can Only end-bearing piles (i.1: ., piles resting on a rela tively
also a.rise because of downward movement of .a relatively in- stiff stratum) are considered. Friction or floating piles are
compressible layer_:_gravel or sand, for instance--caused by also subjected to forces caused by consolidation of the em-
settlement of an underlying compre:>sible !ayer. bedding soil, but these are considered in Chapter 12.

Negative (1) Ps
Pile Friction (2) Pp
Const. L d Load (3) t.Psp Soil Sens·
Reference Details (m) (cm) (Tons) r 12 /a~ (cm) Condition P.!. eula~ L. l. itivity Observations

J ohannesscn, Steel 53 47 -400 0.20 1) 200 Soft 25 0.15 0.5 4 ' Large negativc-frictíon loads caused
Bjerrum Pi! e 2) 10 marine· ± ± ± '!:. rock point to penetra te -1 O cm into
(1965) pi!e, 3) 190 el ay 6 0.05 0.1 2 rock, consolidation caused by a fiU
do sed 1 surcharge.
driven 57 50 300 0.18 1) 27 u , , , , Piles Il, lli driven at diffcrcnt sites
to rack 2) 5.3 from l.
u 3) 21.7

41 50 250 0.23 1) 7
, , , , , Driven ín an are a consolida ting o ver
2) 3.2 the last 70 yr. Disturbance cau~ed by
3) 3.8 pilc driving íncrcased settlement by
3-5 cm. liPsltíme befare driving 0.1
m cm/yr

Bjerrum, PileA: ~30 30 120 0.26 1) -20 7-m fill, 15 0.25. 0.7 4 Control pile, no spedal treatment, no
J ohanncssen el o sed 2) 3.3 ctayey ± ± 2 enlarged poin t.
(1969) tip 3) 16.7 silt, 5 0.05 0.2 2
steel silty
pipe el ay (Píles A-D at He roya Site)
to cnd
on rock

PileB: 27 30 10 -0.03
, , , 11 , Enlargcd point (diam. = 40 cm) used
shnilar to protect asphalt-bítumen. (Bitumen
toA but l·mrn thJck, ISU/100 penetration)
with ene Bentonitc slurry around bitumcn.

Pile C: 28 30 57 -0.16 7-mm fill, 15 0.25 0.7

, Dírect current used to reduct nesative
similar claycy ± ± ± friction. "'40-ton reduction caused by
toA but silt, 5 0.05 0.2 4 amperes; 20-ton reduction caused
with silty by enlarged point.
enlarged el ay
PileD: 30 30 ~100 -0.22 " 11
" " Enlarged poínt, bentonite slurry used
identical t?separa te effect af biturnen Pile B.
to B but

S~ renga ~57 50 300 0.18 1) 5 Soft 25 0.15 0.5 4 Control pile, no enlarged point, no
Sí te: 2) 2.5 marine ± ± ± ± treatment. Poínt penetrated 2.5 cm
PileC, 3) 2.5 clay 6 0.05 0.1 2 into rock.
pile to
on rock
.Pi1e D, -57 50 15 -0.01 1) 5 " " " 11
Bitumen covered, bentonite stabi-
same as lized, fil1 (20m) sepa.rated from pile
Pile C by casing. Negatíve frictíon reduced
by 285 tons. Enlarged point (69 cm
u sed).

PíleE, ~57 50 210 -0.13 1) 5 Soft 25 0.15 0.5 4 Bitumen covered, enlarged point, bu t
same as marine ± ± ± no bentoníte or casing; bitumen
píleC e! ay 6 0.05 0.1 2 scraped off during dríving.

He roya 32 50 300 0.25 1) -30 7-m fill, 15 0.25 0.7 Enlarged típ?
pile 85 c1ayey ± ± +
silt, 5 0.05 0.2

Fellenius, Precast 40 32 30 tons 0.05 Very soft, 45 0.35 1.0 18 Negatíve friction caused by consoli-
Droms reinforced (me trie) sensitive ± I (+0.5 ± dation of soil remolded by píle
(1969) píles driven marine 5 0.05 -0.1) 6 dríving.
to end· el ay
in sand,

Endo, Minou, (1) Steel- 43 61 250 to -0.35 1) 5.4 Silty 45 0.55 0.6 low Negatíve frictíon caused by consolí-
Kawasaki, pipe piles, 300 tons 2) 12;5 sand, ± ± ± datíon ofclay by pumping underlying
Shibata point (U.S.) 3) 7.1 soft 3 0.05 0.1 layers. Settlements 6.72 days after
(1969) closed, silt driving.
driven to
., alluvium
IV T ABLE 11.1 (Con tinued)

Ncgative (1) p S
Pile f'riction (2) Pp
Const. L d Load (3) ilPsp Soil Sens·
Reference Details (m) (cm) (Tons) (cm) Condition p .1. L. l. i tivity Observations

(2) Steel 43 61 180 mctric ~0.20 Same as 45 0.55 0.6 1ow

pipe, tons in (1) ± ;; ±
point 3 0.05 o. 1
as in (1)

(3) Steel 31 61 160 tons ~0.30

el o sed;
as a
pi! e

Bozozuk & Composite 82 99 920 tons "-0.18 1) 37 Gray, silty 40 0.25 0.4 lO Ncgatíve frictíon causcd by embank-
Labrecque pi! e, (U.S.) 2) 1.5 clay ;; to lo ment loadíng- piJe p1accd 18 months
(1969) concrete· 3) 35.5 0.05 1.5 30 after embankment construction com-
fil!ed menced. Early pile hcave noted,
steel causcd by ecment hydration, and
tu be: electro-osmosís applied tu piJe.
pile B2

11.2 HELD STUDIES ON INSTRUMENTED PILES from consolidation caused ,by pile driving is reported by
Resendiz et al. (1969).
In recent years, a number of tests on instrumented piles The variation of downdrag load with time (logarithmic
have been carried out to study the effects of negative scale) for two pi! es tested by Fellenius and Broms, is shown
friction. A summary of sorne of these tests is given in Table in Fig. 11.2. It shows the same characteristic shape as a con-
11.1 ,. and the results are díscussed below in relation to a solida tion curve.
number of aspects of behavior.

11.2.4 Methods of Reducing f\.egative Friction

11.2.1 Observed Downdrag F orces


Table 11.1 shows that extremely large downdrag loads can
be developed in píles if the piJe surface area is large. The The reduction of negative frictíon by applying coatings to
soil consoiidation causing these loads arises from severa! the pile has been investigated under severa! field conditions
causes, as discussed above. Although the available data are by Bjérrum et al. (1969) and Hutchinson and Jensen
not conclusive, ít appears that downdrag loads induced by (1968). In tests on long steel-pile piles carried out by
the effects of dríving the pile are usually much iess than Bjerrum et al. (1969) at two different sites, control piles
those stemming from consolidation of the soil by loading or were established with rock po::nts and no enlarged tip and
drainage. measurements taken of the downdrag developed if no treat:
In severa! cases where large soil settlements have oc- ment was applied. Bitumen-covered piles were also driven
curred, the measured dístribution of load along the pile in- with enlarged points and a bentonite slurry, in order to
dicates that slip between the piJe and the soil has occurred protect the bitumen coatings; downdrag loads in these piles
along almost the entíre shaft. Even in cases where the soil were found to be reduced by more than 90%. In order tn
settlement is relatively small (e.g., pile C, Bjerrum et aL, evaluate the effectiveness of he bentonite, piles with en-
1969), large downdrag forces can occur. larged tips and a bentonite slc.rry but no bitumen coatin:~
were driven, and the reduction in downdrag in this case wa:;
about 1S% compared with the control piles. Thus, tht
11.2. 2 Development of Downdrag with Time bitumen was responsible for a 75% reduction in downdrag;
however, when no bentonite slurry was u sed to stabilize the
The measurements have shown that downdrag [orces are enlarged hole caused by the passage of the enlarged tip, the
time-dependent in that they are rela::ed to the pore water bitumen was largely scraped off by the surface fill, resulting
pressures. The dissipation of pore pressures has a two-fold in a reduction in downdrag of only 30%. The advantages of
effect: ít leads to settlement of the soil, and at the same different types of bitumen coatings were discussed by
time, to an increase in the pile-soil adhesion because of the Hutchinson and Jensen ( 1968).
increase in effective stress. An example of the variation A series of laboratory rnodel tests carried out by
with time of soil and pile settlement, pore pressure and Koerner and Mukhopadhyay (1972) also confirmed that the
downdrag force, is shown in Fig. 11.1 for a test reported by use of asphalt coating on a piJe can significantly reduce
Johannessen and Bjerrum (1965). A theoretical method for negative friction. The softer and thicker the asphalt coatmg,
estimating the variation of downdrag load with time is the greater the reduction.
described in Section 11.3.3. Brons, Amesz, and Rinck (1969) report the use of a 1-
cm-thick !ayer of bitumen on a vibrocasing pi! e, also with a
resulting decrease in downdrag load greater than 90%. The
11.2.3 Effect of Pile Driving on Negative Friction effect of a bentonite slurry wat: also investigated, and if no
piles were driven nearby, the downdrag reduction was
The tests of F ellenius and Broms (1969) ha ve shown that about 85%, but if piles were driven 1.8 m apart, the cor-
the dJissipation of high excess pore pressures, caused by pile responding reduction was only 50%.
driving in sensitive clays, may develop appreciable down- Walker and Darvall (1973) have reported a 50-fold
drag loads in the pi! e, even though re1ative pile-soil move- reduction in maximum downdrag-1oad by the use of a
ments may only be a few millimeters. Thus, downdrag bitumen coating on a steel-tube píle. An average thickness
[orces may frequently occur in driven end-bearing piles, of 1.5 mm of hand-sprayed cornmercial 60/70 penetration
although they are not accounted for in design. A further bitumen was used, and precautíons were taken to avoid
case in which pile driving leads to additionalload in the pile . ;tripping of the coating in the upper layers of the soil.
Top of fill Nov 1962

_ \ Seabottom 1962: ¡,April ~~63 1 No:'1963 ~ ::: :. ~t~
.. '\~

1 April1963
17~~~ \\

:!E f ~.7z'¡¡'J -Jo
~~ /1
1 ""
(".-;:..-· /
i1 ~

-+-l/-+-/1---i -20
~-----;,~arr0-M_a_.y_- -+--············+-!1 -+-:--1-/-r--t--
1 96 3
A¡.rir 1964
: ¡ ¡ settrement
--_May 1963rl--+----t------t-----JI---tJ-¡·'"
11 Calculated primary 1 April 1964
¡ h'/ ~

~-~~~t---r-~~-7~---~-----i--~+~~~--~----t·--.r+~~--f~-~-30 .g
flu f:J"Q~'Y
~ :! 1'
1• j
\~o~puted 1 ,¿rJ ~

-u 1 1/ j 1 Observed
,, ·4---~~--+---~f--~~-----~---;--r~~7~-t----1-40

11 ~ \~

"-.." ~
JLV=~g:::~~:d -50

o 20 40 60 T/M 2 o 50 100 150 CM o 1000 2000 o 5 10 15mm

Effective stress KG/CM 2
Settlement Stress in steel Shortening of pile
Excessive pore pressure
(a) (b) (e) (d,
la) Excess pore pressure and effecttve stresses in ton/m 2 ; (b) settlement tn cm; (e) computed and observed st,Jel stresses
in kg/crn 2 ; (d) cornputed and observed shortentng of pi le in mm.


1" ''~"-
Soil Undrained shear strength,
de- tím 2
2 4 6 B 10

'957-62 5'o;,, "'' "" 4

L __/·s!~?~~o 6 7
Pile A . + Pile B Slope, April
,~ 1963 3
Symbors/ 1 • \
o Test pile O 10 20 2
+ Vane boring Clay
o Sarnple boring Scale ir '1leters
• Pi¡>e throug,_,h..:.f:.:.il:..l- - - - - - - - - - - '

A 8
$12345 6 7 3
sand 8
layers 3

w natural water content o ""' unconfined c::>mpression test
o wL linuid iimit "' ~ laboratory cone test
> wP = plastic 1imi!
(/) Soil Propertíes

¡¡. Measurement points in test pi les
o Piezorneter
- Settlernent anchor
" Cobalt capsule

(e) Site plan and sect1on

FIGU.:<E 11.1 \le~surements of downdrag on steel piles (after Johannessen and Bjerrum, 1965). {il:! Canada. 1965, by University ofToronto


Time after driving, days but the effectiveness of this treatment could not be ac-
1 10 100 1000 curately determined, although it did app!:Jar to be at best
partially effective in the lower part of the pile.
Tests by Fellenius and Broms
{1969) In a further case in which electro-osmosis has been suc-
cessfully used to relieve negative friction (M .LT ., 1973),
treatment of a steel piJe in Boston blue clay for oníy six
hours was sufficient to eliminate virtually al! drawdrag in
v; 10 - the piJe.
B The theoretical analysis described in the following
;¡¡ section may be adapted to pr.;díct the rate of reduction of
en 15 - downdrag in apile as a result of electro-osmotic !reatment,
.;:; by using the theory of eleclro-osmotíc flow iri a soil to
~ determine the rate of increast~ of pore pressures wíth time
:>o --
along the piJe, and hence the nte of decrease of adhesion.


FIGURE 11.2 Variatíon of downdrag Joac! wíth time. 11.3.1 Introduction

Possibly the earliest-formula ted and most widely u sed

Claessen and Horvat (1974) also found signíficant re-
method of estimating downdng forces is that described by
ductions in downdrag with the use of bitumen coatings.
Terzaghí and Peck (1967). The maximum downdrag force
However, it was found that the point-bearing capacity of
that can be transmitted to tht píle is calculated as the sum
the pile was affected by the presence of the bítumen !ayer
of limiting shear.forces along he pile. For the typical case
near the pile toe;and that the permissible base pressure was
of a single pile, shown in Fig. ! 1.3, the downdrag force P at
reduced to a value comparable w:ith that for a corre-
any depth z ís
sponding surface plate. To avoid thís problem, it was re-
commended that the lower part of the pile should remain
uncoated o ver a length of about 1O times the diameter or
width of the pile.
P JTaCdz (11.1)
The effectiveness of bitumen or bentonite treatment
therefore is probably highly-dependent on local soil condi-
tions and pile-installation procedure,, but in sorne circum-
stances, very significant reductions in downdrag may be
ra limiting soil-pile shear stress
e píle perimeter USE OF ELECTRO-OSMOSIS
The maximum val ue of P occL rs at the tip of the pile if the
Bjerrum et aL (1969) experimented with the use of electro- bearíng stratum is rigid.
osmosis to reduce negative friction. A reduction of 50% in The relevant value of pile-soil adhesion Ta will be the
downdrag, as compared with an untreated pile, was value for drained conditions if :he final value of P stemmíng
achieved with currents of about 4 amp, although the cur- from consolidation settlement is required. ra may be ob-
rent required to elimínate negative friction entirely was too tained from the Coulomb exprtssion
high to be economical. The success achieved may have
stemmed in part from the fact that the soil conditions (11.2)
(clayey silt and silty clay) were favorable for th.e application
of electro-osmosís; in highly plastíc soil, e\ectro-osmosis where
may not be successful (Mitchell, 1970). Bozozuk and
Labrccque (1969) also attempted to use electro-osmosis to e~ drained soil-pile adhes"ion
relieve negatíve-friction forces in a long pile in silty clay, Ks co.efficient of lateral ;Jressure



(b) Distributíon of soíl (e) Pile ín soil load2d

movement wíth depth with fill

FIGURE 11.3 Ne¡,atíve fríctíon problem.

e;. vertical effective stress puted downdrag loads, althoug[ Zeevaert's method gave the
q•~ drained angle of friction between piJe and soil. lowest value.
A nurnber of rnethods have recently been developcd
The "alues of these pararneters are discussed below. that make use of the theory of elasticity to estímate down-
Zeevaert (1959) pointed out that the transfer ofvertical drag forces (Salas and Belzunce, 1965; Begernann, 1969;
stres! to the piJe through negatíve friction reduces the verti- Verruijt, 1969; Poulos and Mattes, 1969b; Poulos and Da vis
cal ( •vcrburden pressure on the bearing straturn. If this 1972). These rnethods have the advantage ove1 previously
stratum consists of sand, the point-bearing capacity of the described rnethods in that the dependence of downdrag on
piJe will be reduced, since it depend~ on the vertical stress. the settlernent of the soil can be studied, rather than as-
Thus, negatíve fríction will have the dual effect of inducing surníng that suffícient settlernent occurs to mobilize the ad-
dowr drag load and reducing the point-bearing capacity. In hesion along the whole length of the pile. Walkcr and
hís analysís accounting for this reduction in point capacity, Darvall (1973) have descríbed (! finite-element analysis that
Zeevaert shuwed that for soil conditions typical to Mexico can be used similarly to analyz.e the interrelationship
Cíty, the reduction in point capacity together with the in- between settlement and downdrag.
duced downdrag force severely reduced the allowable load The analysis described below follows Poulos and Mattes
capality of the pilc. However, íf the point resistance is not (1969b) and Poulos and Davis (1972), and is an extension
stron?;ly dcpendent on the effective vertical stress ( e.g., of the settlement analysis of a single pile (Chapter 5). The
ceme l!ed or cohesive cornpacted strata), the correction for analysis is divíded into two part:;:
rednced tip resistance does not apply. Furtherrnore, for a
sand bearing straturn, íf the piles are driven well into the l. Analysís of final downdrag force.
stratt:m, most of the pile load rnay be resisted by síde 2. The development of downdrag force with time during
shear. so that little load may reach the ti p. Thus, the reduc- consolidation.
tion •n pile tip capacity only occurs under certain tpecial
conditíons, and in most cases, it ís probably sufficient to
ignow the decrease in verticaJ effective stress with depth. 11.3.2 Analysis of Final Downd.rag Force
This procedure may overestirnate the base resistance, but
this will be compensated for by the tendency to over- The problem is illustrated in F:g. 11.3. The piJe is divided
cstimate the downdrag force. into elernents as for the axially-loaded end-bearing pile in
Lt)cher ( 1965) cornpared the computed downdrag load Section 5.2 .1. While elastic conditio!)S prevail withín the
in a Ji)e from Terzaghi and Peck's approach, Zeevaert's soil, soíl and pile displacements at each element are equated
appro 1ch, and an empirícal approach developed by Elmasry to obtain the unknown shear stresses along the pile. It will
(1963). There was relatively close agreement between com- be assurned that the bearing stra:um is rigid.

~ + I- 1]
The vertical displacement of the soil at any point arises
[ {p} Es {S} (1L6)
from two sources: the shear stresses along the pile and the d
con~olidation of the soil .\ayer itself. The soil displacements
caused by the shear stresses are given by Eq. (5.22) as
( taking downward displacements as positive and k 1)
(id) (RA )[h]
-d , where
{s¡P} =-;-;-[!- l]{p} (11.3)

K = (~:) (RA) = the pile-stiffness factor
Pa = applied axial stress Pa/Ap
{si p} vector of soil displacements ca u sed by shear
stress Equation ( 11.6) m ay be sol ved to obtain the n unknown
{pl· vector of shear stresses shear stresses along the pile shaft. The load per unit arca,
[I - /] matrix of displacement-influence factor (in- Pb, transferred to the pile tip m ay then be obtained, from
cluding the effect of the "mirror image 1' equilíbrium considerations, as
elements, Fig. 5.5)

The net downward soil-displacements are then Pb (11.7)

{sP} {S} + {s¡P}

{S} (%Ju t]{p} (11.4)

11.3.3 Development of Downdrag with Time

The above analysis for final downdrag force may be ex-

where tended to consider the development of downdrag force
with time, provided that certain simplifying assumptions
{S) vecto'r of conso!idation settlements at the ele-
are made. The main assumptions are:
ments along the pile

l. The pile is impermeable. For a fully permeable pile, the

For the determination of the final downdrag force, the ele-
final downdrag should develop relatively rapidly becausc of
ments of {S} are the final consolidation settlements.
the rapid dissipation of por e pressures in the vícinity of the
The displacements of the pile elements are determined
as described in Chapter 5. For the particular case in which
2. For the case in which the consolídation of the soillayer
the bearing stratum is rigid and an axia1 load Pa applied to
is caused by the placement ora surcharge on the soil sur-
the píle head, the piJe displacements are expressed as
face, the presence of the pile do es not influence the exccss
pore pressures in the soH nea:· the pile. Sorne evidence to
E R [DJ{p} + Ap~ {h} (11.5) support this assumption has be~n given by Poorooshasb and
P A P P Bozozuk ( 1967).
Under purely elastíc conditions, the displacement·
{pP} pile:displacement vector compatability equation is identical to Eq. (ll.S), except
{p} shear-stress vector that the vector {S} of soil displacements is now a function
[D] matrix ofvalues of D defined in Eq. (5.23) of the pore pressure at each point. For each time con-
{h} vector of distances h¡ of the center of element i sidered, the vector {S} is input into the analysis and Eqs.
above the base (11.6) and (1 Í .7) are sol ved to determine the distribution of
Ep pile modulus negative friction ami downdrag force in the pile. The proce-
Ap area of.pile section dure is repeated for the required number of time steps.
RA area ratio (Eq. 5.10) For the simple case of conslant surcharge applíed to the
clay, the rate of pore-pressure dissipation may readily be
Equating soil and pile displacements from Eqs. (1 1.4) obtained from the classical Terzaghi solution and the settle-
and ( 11.5), the following equation is derived: ment vector {S} may be computed within the computer

pro¡~ram at each time step. The effect of delaying u¡ excess pore pressure at í at time t
installatíon of the piJe for sorne time after settlement of the qt effectíve applied sur,~harge pressure at time t
clay has begun can also readily be handled by startíng the q reference value of effective surchargr: pressure
corr,putation of {S} at the time of ínstallation. For loading (e.g., the maximum value)
tha. varíes with time, or cases involvíng pore pressures
created by driving the pile or by the application of electro- (Values of Ks tan 1/J~ will be discussed in Section 11.4.7 .)
osmosis, a numerical analysis may be necessary to deter- lf the consolidating soillayer is overlain by other layers
mine the variatíon of pore pressure-and hence settlement- and has an initial effective stress p 0 acting at the top of the
with time along the pile. !ayer, it can be treated as having an equivalen! pile-soil
adhesion c~e, where

11.::.. 4 Modifications to Elastic Analysis c~e = e~ + PoKs tan 1/J~ (ll.IO) P1LE-SOJL SLIP P1LE CRUSl!lNG

The a hove elastic analysis may be modífied to take account If thc downdrag force inducecl in a pi! e is sufficiently large,
of ·oca! yield or slip between the pile and the soil in a the crushing strength of the pile may be reached; if this
mar ner similar to that described in Section 5 .2.3. Such a occurs, the crushed portian of the piJe can sustain no addi-
moclification is very desirable in considering negative tional load and a redistribution of load in the remaining
friclion, since, as mentioned in Section 11 the field portion of the pile occurs. The additional displacement that
evidence indicates that sh~ft-soil slip is very like1y to occur accompanies the crushing of the píle now enters into the
when soils consolida te past a piJe, especially with soft clays. analysis as an additional v.niable. At each time, the
At any given time, the shear stress p on an element, as maximum axial stress in the piJe, from the analysis for an
given by the elastic analysis, is compared with the pile-soil ínfinitely strong piJe, ís checked agaínst the crushing
shea strength Ta at that element. If pis greater than Ta, it is strength, qc, of the píle: if it exceeds qc, the element can
set equal to Ta, dísplacement compatabílity now beíng con- sustain no shear stress, as the load in this crushed portion
sidered only at the elastic elements. A new solution is remains constant (assuming ideal elastoplastic behavior of
obtained and the procedure repeated until all shear stresses the pile material). Thus for the cmshed elements, the dís-
are less than or equal to Ta. The value of r 0 at any time t placement-compatability equations are replaced by equa-
can be estimated from the Coulomb expression tíons stating that the shear str<:ss is zero. A further equation
is províded by the condition that the axial stress at the top
e~ + a~ tan 1/J~ (1 1.8) of the crushed portion equals the crushing strength, qc.
Thus, for a surcharge pressure q, and crushing at the top of
where element k,

~ (Pi)-f. (qc)
effectíve stress values of pile-soil adhesion and
friction angle n ) (11.11)
effective normal stress at time t
i=l \_q -\.4L/d q
For thc case of a surcharge on the surfacc (see Fig. 11.3c), A total of (n + 1) equations is then obtained for the n shear
assumíng the water table to be at or above the surface of stresses and the unknown displacement caused by crushing.
the consolidating !ayer, Eq. (11.8) may be written in These equations are solved and the procedure repeated until
dim~nsionless form, for a point i at depth z below the the axial stress does not exceed the crushing strength of the
surface, as pile at any point. This.solution is then the required solution
for the time considered. The whole procedure can be re-
peated for a number of times after installation of the piJe.

Ks coefficient of lateral pressure, assumed to remain
constant during consolidation There are a large number of parameters that may be inves-
1' submerged unit weight of soil tigated: the piJe parameters L¡d and K; the soíl parameters

Vs, c;
1/q, ¡L/q, and Ks tan if¡~; the drainage conditions of the Pa = axial force in pile at top of consolidating !ayer
soil layer; and two time parameters--the time t 0 , between
the commenceinent of consolidation of the soíl and installa- The first term in Eq. (11.13) represents the maximum
tion of the pile, and the time t, between the commence- downdrag force; the acldition of the term Pa is correct if
ment of consolidation of the soil ar;d the time being con- full slip occurs, but only approximate in other cases. How-
sidered. The latter parameters may conveniently be ex- ever, the resulting overestima':e of load at the pile tip is
pressed as dimensionless time factors, generally small in most practica] cases. lt should also be
noted that Pa may ínclude the axial force caused by nega-
Cvlo tive friction of overlying soil layers, as well as applied axial
Tvo ulvf (ll.l2a)
force at the piJe head. If su eh layers are noncohesiie, it
will generally be sufficiently accurate to assume for the cal-
and culation of Pa that full slip occurs between the pite and
these layers.
TV S.~M (1l.l2b)
L2 PNFS is expressed as

PNFS = nd Jr 11 dz (11.14)
Cv =
coefficient of consolidation of soil
AI = 1 ( one-way drainage) or 4 ( two-way d1aínage) where

For most of the numerical results given in this chapter, ra final pile-soil adhesion (Eq. 11.2)
the effects of the parameters c~jq, ¡Ljq, and Ks tan 1>~ are
given, while the other parameters are kept constant at typi- For a uniform soíllayer,
cal values L/d = 50, K 1000, and ~-'s =O; however, sorne
indication of the effects of taking ocher values of L/d, K,
nd1> ta
+ K s tan Gla, (¡L
2 + e~\] (11.15)
and lls is also gfven.
Attention is concentrated on the maximum downdrag Correction factor N R repre~ents the ratio of the actual
force in the pi! e and the settlemen t of the top of the pi! e, maximum downdrag force to that for full slip along the
and the results are preseoted as in Poulos and Davis (1975). píle, and is plotted in Figs. 1 1.4, 1 1 and 1 1.6 as a func-
Sorne detailed distributions of force and stress along the
pile have been presented previously (Poulos and Mattes,
Contours of NA
1969b;Poulos and Davis, 1972).
An illustrative example outlíning the use of the solu-
tions is given in Section 11.4.8.

11.4.11 Final Maximum Downdrag Force

The final maximum force PN in a pile, generally occurs at

the pile tip and may be expressed conveniently in terms of 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6
the downdrag force for full slip, as follows:


final maximum downdrag force if full pile-

soil slip occurs
4 5
correction factor for cases in which full slip
does not occur e; /q
N:r = correction factor for effects of delayed instal- FIGURE 11.4 Va!ues of downdrag reduction factor NR. (Ks tan
lation 'Í'~ = 005.)

1d 50 v; ~O
Contours of NR
K~1000 T 0 ~0
K, tan q,; = 0.20

2 4 5 6

FIGURE 1 L5 Valucs of downdrag reductíon factor NR. (Ks tan

1/>~ = 0.20.)

tíon of c~fq and -yLfq, for three values of Ks tan </>~. The
curves in Figs. 11.4, 11.5, and 1 i .6 are for L/d 50, Vs "'
O, and K = 1000. A decrease in K or L/d tends to decrease
FIGURE 11.7 lnfluence factors for final downdrag at pile tip- clas-
NR, but the effects are generally small and these figures tic analysís.
may be applied to most cases involving full or partial slip.
The regions in which NR is unity represen t cases in which
full slip occurs along the piJe. As c~fq and -yL/q íncrease,
NR tends to decrease, but only for high values do fully-
elastic conditions prevail (generally for c~/q > 5). Such
cases arise if the soil is stiff, or the consolidating !ayer is
situated beneath a deep overlying ]ayer, or the applied
pressure q causing consolidation of the Jayer is small.
If fully elastic conditíons are indicated, a more satis-
factory predíction may be made by using the elastic solu-
tions, in which case the values of K and Vs may become
significan t.
If the soil sett!ement is assumed to vary Iinearly from
S 0 at the surface to zero at th~ base, the elastic maxúnum
downdrag force may be expressed approximately as fol-



elastic influence factor

FIGURE 11.6 Values of downdrag reduction factor NR. (Ks tan
(l - 2v~)(l + v~)
!/>~ = 0.4.) (1 v;)

0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5


One-way drainage


FIGURE 11.8 Downdrag reduction factor N 7 -one-way drainage.

FIGURE 11.9 Downdrag reduction factor Nr-two-way drainage.

For a uniform !ayer subjected to a surcharge pressure q, average value is the same in bÓth cases, it is found that
Eq. 11.16 becomes downdrag forces and piJe movement are decreased (typi-
cally by 10 to 25%) as compared with the case of a linearly-
(11.17) varying Es. Thus, the assumption of constantEs with depth
will ·be conservative when soil .:onditions are elastic. In all
Values of !¡y are plotted in Fig. 11.7. L/d and K ha ve a the ensuing solutions in this chapter, a constant Es is
majar influence on IN, but the effect of soil Poisson's ratio, assumed.
v~, is relatively small and may be approximately accom- Values of NT are shown in Figure 11.8 for one-way
modated by use of the factor R. (top) drainage and in Fig. 11.9 for two-way drainage. Nr
The effect of having a linearly-varying soil modulus represents the ratio of maxi.num downdrag force for
with depth rather than a constant value has been investi- delayed installation at time T0 to that for T0 O. For one-
gated. If the distributions of Es are chosen so that the way drainage, NT decreases as T0 increases, although only

If the pile tip rests on or is embedded in an underlying

!ayer that is not perfectly rigid, Eqs.' {1 U3), (1 U6), and
(11.17) will tend to overestin1ate PN if full slip has not
4 L occurred along the piJe. Positive friction will be developed
d 100
r; O in the embedded portian and ilie load transfer may be
analyzed approximately by assuming the tip to be a piJe
3 . acted upon by the maximum downdrag force. An estin1ate
of the additional tip movement may also be made in this
2 For a piJe in a soil !ayer in which the settlement away
Case (ii)
from the pile varíes linearly with depth to zero at the base,
the surface settlement Som required to mobilize full slip
along the length of the piJe . s shown in Fig. 11.1 O for two
idealized distributíons of pile-soil adhesion r0 . Som is
greater for a triangular distribution of ra than for constant
Ta with depth, and also increases as the pile-stiffness factor
100 1000 10,000 K decreases.

FIGURE 11.10 Surface settlement required lo mobílize maximum

downdrag force. 11 .4.2 Rate of Development of Downdrag Force

The rate of development of the maximum downdrag force

for T0 > O.1 is Nr significan ti y less than l. O. At a given with tin1e is shown for one-way and two-way drainage in
value of T0 • it appears that Nr tends to decrease as either Figs. 11.11 and 11.12 as a dímensionless plot of time factor
c~/q, K.1. tan <f¡~, or ¡L/q increase. Similar characteristics Tv versus the of downdrag development UN, where
general! y apply for two-day drainage, but the effects of UN is the ratio of the maximum downdrag caused by
dE layed installation are m u eh more pronounced than for negative friction at any time, to the final maxin1um value at
one-way drainage. Al so, for certain combinations of Iow Tv = 00 • Curves are shown for the purely elastic case and for
values of the pile-soil parameters, Nr oscillates because a case in whích full slip occurs finally. The occurrence of
positive friction is developed near t:1e pile tip when instal- slip increases the rate of downdrag development as coro-
lation is dclayed, thus causing the locatíon of the maxímum pared with the case of no >lip, but the difference is not
downdr::~g force to move upward from the pile tip. great. As expected, the downdrag force develops more

0.001 10
ai 0.2

.2 i
ApproxiMate limiting curve
"'::: 1! full slip occurs during ·
"eS: 0.4
development of downdrag

w 0.6
E 1 = 100-0-1-----~--l-----\---\-~-l-··~~~--l
!-----~ 1

> One-way drainage
"o O.B

FIGURE 11.11 Development of downdrag force-one-way drainage.



'-' 0.2
¡; 0.4



FIGURE 11.12 Rate of development of downdrag force-two-way drainage.

rapidly when two-way drainage conditions prevail. The where

curves are not greatly affected by L/d, vs, or K unless K
is less than 100. PFS axial movement .)f piJe if full pile-soil slip
Although the curves shown are strictly applicable only occurs
for T 0 = O, it has been found that the curves for T 0 i= O correction factor for cases in which full slip
are very similar, provided that the time factor Tv i~ defined does not occur
in terms of the elapsed time te =t- t 0 since installation of Qr = correction factor· for effects of delayed instal-
the pile. Thus, Figs. 11.11 and 11.12 may be used approxi- lation
mately for all values of T 0 • axial force in pile at top of consolídating layer
Thus at any time te after insta!lation of the pile,
assuming the axial load Pa has been applied at zero time,
!o~ 50
the maximum downdrag force, Pr, can be calculated as Contours of QR d


P¡.¡ final maximum downdrag bree, calculated from

Eq. (11.13) or Eq. (11.16), if more appropriate
UN degree of development of downdrag, for a time
factor Tv =Mcvte/L 2
Pa axial force in pile at top of consolidating !ayer

11.4.3 PiJe Settlement

In a manner similar to downdrag force, the axial movement

p of the pile at the leve! of the top of the consolidating
layer can be expressed as

p (11.19) FIGURE 11.13 Values of deflection reduction factor QR. (K 3 tan

</J~ = 0.05.)

50 o
:ontours of 0;:: ---~<=o
K, tao,,; ~ 0.20 1000 o ---,i=03
. '¡ .
L. -----r-
100,000 ¡.-.--v~a~lu~e~o~~ l
/í 1


FIGURE í 1.14 Values of detlection reductíon factor QR· (Ks tan

9~ o 20)

By íntegration of the strains in the piJe, ít m ay be

shown that PF'S ín a uniform soíl is JOL---------~-----------L----------~--~
100 1000 10,000 100,000
Pi le stiffness factor, K
,~,• ('L
Ks tan 'Pa 3q + 1)] (11.20) FIGURE 11.16 Elaslic solutions for top detlection of piJe.

Contours of QR 50 Correction factor QR is p .otted in Figs. l 1.13, 1 1.14,
and 11.15 as a function of c~jq and ¡Lfq for three values of
Ks tan r/J~. A value of QR = 1.0 indica tes that full slip
occurs along the pile. QR tends to decrease with increasing
c~Jq and ¡Ljq, but ata slower rate than the downdrag-force
correctíon factor NR Cases in which conditions remain
entirely elastic are also indicat•;d in Fígs. 1 LI3, 1 Ll4, and
11.15, and in such cases, th~: use of elastic solutions is
q For elastic conditions, the axial movement of the piJe
may be expressed approximately as follows:



q applied surcharge on ;oil

RA are a ratio of pile
fp settlement-influence factor
FIGURE l 1.15 Values of deflection reduction factor QR. (Ks tan
u~ 0.4.) Values of fp are plotted in Fig. 11.16 as a function of K

and 1/d, for v~ = O. One curve for v~ 0.3 and 1/d 50 caused by negative friction developed between the piJe and
also g1ives sorne indication of the effect of v~. any overlying layers.
Qr is plotted in Figs. 11.17 and 11.18 for one- and If the bearing stratum ís not rigid, the additional tip
two-way drainage. QT generally decreases as T 0 increases, settlement may be estimated conservatively by treating the
reflecting the corresponding reduction in axial force. pile tip as resting on ( or embedded in, if appropriate) the
The second terrn in Eqs. ( 11.19) and ( 11.21) represents bearing stratum and being subjected to the maximum axial
the settlernent of the pile acting as a freestanding column force in the pi! e.
under the axial load. The addition of this value to the When the consolidating soil !ayer is overlain by other
settlernent caused by downdrag will give the correct settle- layers, the settlement of the portian of the pile in these
menÍ if full slip occurs, or a slight overestimate in other layers must be added to the calculated pile-settlement at
cases. Jt should be noted that Pa includes the axial force the leve! of the top of the con:;olidating !ayer.

To =


FIGURE 11.17 Defle~tion reduction factor Qr-one-way drainage .


FIGURE 1 LIS De11ection reduction factor Qr- two-way drainage.


11.4 .4 Rate of Development of Settlement up degree of pile settlement, for a time factor Tv =
As with the maximum downdrag force, the settlement of
the pile Pt at any time te after installatioh may be calcu- The first term represents the time-dependent component
lated as resulting from negative frictior and trie second the constant
value resulting from applied lo:ld. Up is plotted against time
Pt (11.22) factor Tv in Figs. 11.19 and 11.20 both for a purely elastic
soil and one in which pile-soil slíp occurs and for one· and
where two-way drainage. As with the maximum downdrag force,
the piJe movement develops :nore rapidly íf pile-soil slip
p final deflection of pile, from Eq. (11.19), or Eq. occurs or if two-way drainage corrtlitions exist. Also, L/d '·
( 11.21 ), if appropriate K, and v~ have Jittle influenc(~ on the Up·versus-Tv curve,

T :::,::¿<:
' L2
0.001 0.01 0.1 10
0.2 o-~··
e !imítíng curve
"'E if full slip
04 !-------~-.. occurs during - - - - ' H - - ' \ - - - - -.. --+---·...- -..
~ development of
~ downdrag
ñ 0.6

FIGURE 11.19 Degree of piJe settlement vs. time factor-one-way drainage.

0.001 0.01 o. 1 10
l. 50
0.2 1-----=-.....:;::--:---------'"""'--+-------- K = 1Ql)_O_ _
v'~ =O

e Approx i mate Two-way drainage

limiting curve if
~ 04 · · - full slip occurs -~-',..·+-->r-------+-------

~ during development

FIGURE 11.20 Degree of piJe settlement vs. time factor-two-way drainage.


and this curve is a!so independent of T 0 , provided that Tv

is defined in terms of te. o o2
1 03

11 .4.5 Effect of Pile Crushing 02

The influence of pile crushing on the relationship between

pile-head displacement and Tv is shown in Fig. 11.21 for a
typic::J case in which the pile is installed in an elastic soil at
the same time as placement of the surcharge (T0 0). In 3--'L
this case no crushing occurs unless the relative crushing
strength of the pile qcfq is less than 246. As qc/q decreases,
the value of Tv at whích crushing commences becomes less
and the final downdrag load developed in the pile also de-
creases. The resulting displacement of the pile head in-
creases markedly, however, and even for qcfq 200 (cor-
responding approximately to a concrete pile in a !ayer sub-
jected to about 18 ft of fill), the displacement is about 30% (a)
greater than for the case of no crushing. Also shown in Fig.
11.21 is the displacement-versus-Tv curve for the limiting
case of qcfq = O. This curve corresponds to the time-settle-
ment curve of the soil !ayer. The final settlement in this -2 o 4 6
case is more than five times that for the case of no crushing.
Typical distributions of downdrag load and shear stress
at various values of Tv are shown in Fig. 11.22 for qcfq o 2
200. The growth with time of the crushed region of the pile
can be seen.


kr ~25
y~ o o
08 K o1000
On12·way dra1nage
lOO OC ._______,_____ _,_-=Eccla;;.:;s.;:;.ti.;:..c-=:o...:.•1_ _____.
1 0
One-woy top droinogc¡¡

L/d = 25 FIGURE 11.22 Stress and load di;tributions in a partíally crushed

K : 1000 piJe.
V~ • O
E:lostic Soil 20
Top displocc¡¡ment If local yield occurs or if installation of the piJe is de-
p " Ip. qd layed, crushing of the pile is less likely, sin ce the loads de-
EpRA veloped may be considerably smaller than the elastic values.
If an axial load acts simuitaneously, the possibility of
crushing of the pile increases. This case can be considered
30000~-----------4------------~----------~ approximately by assigning te the pile a reduced crushing
strength equal to the actual crushing strength minus the
FIGURI~ 11.21 lnl1uence of pile crushing on pile displacements. applíed axial stress.

0-1 o 1 2 3


0·4 1\
3 T \
<11 \ \ Volues of \
"'P.'o 2 06
1 \ Tv \
1 \ \
ps \o 2 o 05 01~
r _cvt 1 \ \
o1 02 03 v-1::"2 08 1
1 \ \
(a) Pottczrn of Surchargcz Loodmg 1 \ 1
1 \ 1
1 o ...__ _,___,__,_____.__ _.__ _.___ _.__,_.
(b) lsocrronczs at VariC•us Tv

FIGURE 11.23 Surchargíng sequence and isochrones for example.

11.4.6 PiJe in Soil Snbjected to Variable Loads placement of the surcharge. The soil is assumed to have a
constant permeability during 1he consolidation process, but
As an example of the further application of the analysis, to have a value of mv for elípansion or recompression of
Fig. ll.23 shows the case of a pile installed in a !ayer that one fifth of the value for virgin compression. The distribu-
is ::ubjccted to a variable surcharging loading. The deve- tion of pore pressure in the l2yer at various times has been
lopment with time of downdrag force at the tip is examined obtained by a finite-difference analysis. The resulting iso-
for various times of installation T0 after commencement of chrones are shown in Fig. 11.23.

T- Cyl, 2
- /L

00001 001


o 02

004 la-= 25
K =1000
v;: O
005 Elastíc soil

FIGURE 11.24 Downdrag load-time relatíonships for example.


The varíation of maximum downdrag load (PN = layers, in which case an equivalent v.alue, c~elq, m ay be de-
INqe) with time for various values of T 0 is shown in Fig. terrnined from 11.10. If c~/q =O, Talo~ K 5 tan . An
11.24. It will be seen that when the pile is installed during examination of values of Talo~ deduced frorn available
the peiiod of build-up of surcharge, the downdrag in creases field-test data was rnade by Dawson (1970). It was found
rapidly with time until removal of the excess surcharge. A that TaÍO~ tended to increase with increasing plasticity in-
further small increase in downdrag is followed by a decrease dex and increasing culo~, where cu = undrained shear
to a final value of load-which in this case, is very close to strength. Coating a píle with bitumen greatly reduced
the load in the pile at the time of removal of excess sur- Tala~. The correlations obtained by Dawson are shown in
charge. The later the time of installation, the less the ulti- Figs. 11.25 and 11.26 and rnay be useful for design pur-
mate downdrag load. poses when no other data is available. Walker and Darvall
If the pile is installed after removal of the excess sur- ( 1970) al so examined sorne of the sarne data as Dawson and
charge (i.e., T 0 ~ 0.15), only very small downdrag loads re- found that, as previously noted by Endo et al. (1969), Ta is
sult. The downdrag reaches a maximum value at sorne con- frequently closely-approximated by the original undrained
siderable time after installation (in this case, about Tv = 1) shear strength, cu, of the soil (Fig. 11.27). This fact a1so
and decreascs thereafter. A pile installed after Tv "'0.5 ex- emerges frorn an examination Jf Fig. 11.25, and may pro-
periences virtually no downdrag force. lt is interesting to vide a useful approximate means of estimating Ta in the
note that for T0 > 0.15, a considerable portian of the pile absence of other information.
rnay be subjected to upward stresses (positive friction) al- The estirnalion of drained Young's modulus E5 of the
though downdrag forces always ( xist in sorne position of soil presents sorne difficulties. The value apprupriate to the
the pile, general! y néar the top. case of negative friction is likely to be different from the
value appropriate to axialloacing (see Chapter 5). The cf-
fects of pile installati~n in the case of axíalloading are ve1 y
11.4. 7 Dat:1 on Pile-Soil Parameters importan!, but these effects a :e like1y to be greally rnndí-
fied by the consolidation of tf e soil. It appears likely that
The rnost important parameters in the analysis are the pile- Es wil! correspond more closely to the value for the s0il
soil shear-strength parameters and Young's rnodulus, Es and iayer subjected to surface loading, and in this case, m ay
Poisson's ratio, v5 , of the soil. The forrner parameters are of be conven.iently estirnated from the results of oedomctcr
great importance if full or partía! slip occurs, while Es :md tests vía thc following equation for an ideal elastic soil:
Vs only become irnportant when conditions are e!astic or
nearly so. In rnany cases involving soft soils, estimates of
the values and v3 wíll not be necessary. (11.23)
With nomlally-consolidated clays, it seems reasonable
to assume that c~/q = O unless the clay is overlain by other where


Driven displacement plles

0.4 (
!.& 0.3



FIGURE 11.25 Suggested design values of pile-soil adhesíon (after Dawson, 1970).

0.5 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1

0.4 ¡-· -

0.3 1- o Steel pipe displacement piles

o Open steel p1 pe pi les
~ >-----{---<
+ Negative friction resulting

!::. remolding o~ly
0.2 f- X Bi tu men treated
.::, Benton ite-slurry treatment

0.1 f-

o 1o 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Plasticity mdex

FIGURE 11.26 Píle->oil adhesion vs. plasticity inclex (after Duwson, 1970).

Proportion of de::>th in consolidating !ayer

FIGURE 11.27 Summary of negative friction data in dimcnsionless form for sleel-pípe piles in clay (Walker and Darvall. 1970).

mv coefficíent of volume-decrease from oedometer The following data will be assumed:

test 19.62 kN/m 3
Fil/ and sand r
¡;~ drained Poisson's ratio of soíl 1/>' 35°
Clay r 18.65 kN/m 3
Fm normally· consolidated clays, v~ generally iies between e u fa~ 0.3
0.3 and 0.4, with values decreasing to 0.2 or less for over- mv 5.4X I0-5 m 2 /kN
cor:solidated clays. Cv 18.5 m 2 /yr
Píle EP 20 X 10 6 kN/m 2

1/lustrative Example The shale is assumed to be rig:d.

To illustrate the use of the parametric solutions described
abcve, the following cxample is considered. a) Final Maximum Force in Pile
A soil pro file consists of 4 m of sand overlying 16 m of The force in the pile will ari5e from the applied axial load,
clay overlying impermeable shale. The water table is 1-m the downdrag on the píle ca¡; sed by the consolidating clay,
below the surface of the sand. Three meters of fill is to be and the downdrag on the pile caused by the fill and sand
pla•:ed over the site, and one year after placement of the overlyíng the clay. The first two components are given by
fill, 0.4-m-diameter piles will be installed to rock. The ( 11.13 ), and to apply this equatíon, PNFS must be cal-
wo·king load on each piJe is 500 k N. It is desired to calcu- culated after the pile-soil parameters are selected.
late the final maximum force in the piJe and the final move- It will be assumed that f<s tan 1/>~ eu fu~ "" 0.3. The
me1t of the piJe head, and alsv the ll1axil;num force and equivalent píle-soil adhesion c~e is calculated from Eq.
movement six years after installation of the piJe. (1 1.1 O), and assuming e~ "" O, ·

C~e = e~ + PoKs tant¡J~ The final maximum axial force in the piJe is tperefore
O + [(4 X 19.62) - (3 X 9.81)] X 0.3
14.7 kN/m 2 1502 + 126 = l628kN

The applied stress caused by the fill is The possibility of crushing of the pile should also be
checked. The maximum axial stress is 1628/(rr X 0.2 2 ) =
q 3 X 19.62 = 58.86 kN/m 2 12955 kN/m 2 . This is less than the normal compressive
:.c~.,/q 14.7/58.86 = 0.25 strength of concrete and hence crushing should not occur.
(19.62- 9.81) X 16
yLfq "-----=-::--::-,.....:._-- = 2. 6 7
58.86 b} Final Axial Movement of P.'le
The axial movement of the po~tion of the pile in the clay is
Applying Eq. (11.15), given by Eq. (11.19). From Eq. 11.20),

PNFS = 1T X 0.4 X 16 [14.7 + 0.3 ( 9 · 8 ~X 16 + 58.86)] PFs

= 2 X 58.9 X 162 X l.O [0.25 + 0.3(2.67/3 + 1 )l
20 X 1 X 0.14

== 1125 kN 0.00308 m 3.1 mm

Since pile installation is delayed one year after fill place- From Figs. 11.14 and 11.15,
ment. T 0 = 18.5 X 1/16 2 = 0.072. lnterpolatíng between
Figs. 1!1.5 and 11.6forK,tan,P~=0.3,NR 0.90.•Because
conditions at the pile-soil interface a;e not e1astic, an estí-
mate of E, and v~ will no't be required, as there will be no From Fíg. ll.l6,
need to use the e1astic solutions in this case.
Assuming one-way drainage of the clay !ayer and inter-
polatíng between the available curves from 11.8, N T
=0.99. Now the axial force in the piJe at the top of the clay !ayer

From Eq. (11.13), = 500 + 126 626 kN.

1125 X 0.90 X 0.99 + 500 Substituting into Eq. (11.19),

1502 kN p = 7.1 mm

The downdrag caused by the overlying sand !ayer and (The component resultíng frorn the axial load of 626 k N is
fil1 must now be added. It will be assumed that e~ O, 4.>~ = 4.0 mm.)
0.7lrp' = 25°, and Ks = 0.5,so thatK 9 tanrp~ 0.23.lt will The compression of the pile above the top of the clay is
further be assumed that full slip occurs between the píle given, to sufficient accuracy, as
and these soíllayers.
At the leve! of the water tab1e, (500 + 626)/2 X 7
.0016 m
20 X 10 6 X rr X 0.2 2
4 X 19.62
78.5 kN/m 2
The total final axial movement of the piJe head is therefore
At the leve! of the top of the clay,
7.1 + 1.6 = 8.7 mm
a~J ::: 78.5 + 3 X 9.81
e) l>-faximum Force and Defle.;tion After Six Y.:ars
107.9 kN/m 2 Six years after installation of the piJe, Tv = 18.5 X 6/!6 2
0.43. lt will be assumed that the downdrag force and de-
The downdrag force caused by these layers is then flectíon resulting from the fill and sand 1ayers have been
fully developed at this time and that only the downdrag
rr X 0.4 [(O + 78.5)/2 X 4 + (78.5 + 107.9)/2 X force caused by the clay is time-dependen t.
3] X 0.23 From Fíg. 11 .ll, interpokting between the two curves,
UN = 0.73. Applying (11 18), the maximum pile load
= 126 kN after six years ís

't 0.73(1 ,;28 626) + 626 J.3

1357 kN

From Fig. 11.19, Up 0.79. From Eq. (11 the

pile·head movement after síx years ís )2

0.79(7.1 4.0) + 4.0 + 1.6 n:j


In ¡:;roups of end-bearing piles in consolidating soil, down-
drag loads in individual piles are likely to be smaller than on
an isolatet'. píle, since the presence of additional piles tends d
to reduce the s01l se.ttlements within the groups. The inner
FIGURE 11.28 Interaction curve> for two end-bearmg piles sub-
piJe; nf a group may thus have considerably smaller down- jccted to negative friction.
dra¡; loads than the outer pilcs.
An analysis of the effects of negative friction on groups
may be madc by ex~:ending the elastic analysís for single
P¡ == P 1 Il ( 1 - a.d;¡) (11.25)
pi! es. combining the single-piJe analysis (Section 11.3 .3) j= 1
with the pile-group analysis (Chapter 6). A full analysis i*i
reqniies consíderation of each piJe in a group, the consider- where
ation of pile-soil displacement compatability at each ele-
mel!t of each piJe, and solution of thc subsequent equations P¡ downdrag load at pile i
for the specifl'cd boundary conclitions, for example, rigid P1 downdrag load in iwlated single pile
pile cap (in this particular case, unknown axial forces at the D'dij downdrag interaction factor for spacing between
pile heads will also need to be included in the set of equa- piles i and j
tious). Su:h an analysis will give thc stress and load distri- I1 denotes a repeated product
bution in each pile of the group. Allowance can also be
m a de for pile-mil slip or par tia! crushing of the pi! e. How- The above superposition rule is approximate on1y and
eve:, for relatively lage pile-groups, the number of equa- tends to undereslimate the pile loads, especially for stiff
tioHs to be solved m ay be large. piles at el ose spacings. It m ay be useful, however, as a guide
A simplified approach may be made by first considering to the load distribution wíthh a group. For example, for a
the interac:tion between two piles in a consolidating !ayer. square group consisting of four comer piles and a center
The rcsults of this analysis may be expressed in terms of a píle, with L/d = K = 1000, and the comer piles spaced
dowrdrag interaction factor cxd, where at five díameters, the downdrag load on the comer piles is
found to be 0.38 P 1 , and on the center pi! e, 0.19 P 1 •
The above approximate malysis takes no account of
pile-soil slip. For small group' in very soft clay, the consoli-
(11.24) datlon settlements may be sufficiently Jarge that slip will
occur along all piles in the group, so that there wi!l be no
An example of the relationship between a.d and dimension- downdrag reduction from a group effect. On the other
lesf: spacing is shown in Fig. 11.28 for L/d 25. The hand, for hrge groups of closely spaced piles, the presence
larger the valuc of piJe stiffness K, the larger the val u e of a.d of the píles will suppress the settlement of even very soft
(i.e., the greater the reductíon in downdrag load). It is also soils and it is likely that considerable reduction in down-
fot nd that ata given sjd, a.d in creases as L/d decreases. drag.Ioads will occur. However, as pointed out by Zeevaert
The two-píle analysis rnay be extended to syrnmetrical (1959), group effects may remlt in a decrease in the point-
pilE groups, and it is found that for such groups, the indivi- bearing capadty of a pile.
dué) pile loads may be estimated approximately from the Tests carried out on model píles by Koerner and
so1utions for two-pile interaction, as follows: Mukhopadhyay ( 1972) confirmed that the group effect de-

·¡:; 30 •

:E • - - - - - - - - - } liHrnax e
e .g
~ (,)

'"> 20 •

"' •
""e - - - - - - - - - { D.Hma< •

Vertical píle
2 3 4 5
Spacing día meter ratio, (~1

Note: ó..Hmal( max. soil surface sett1ement 1:1 1:3 1 c5 1 :15

Pi le batte> (horíz: vert.)
FIGURE 11.29 Effect of pile-group spacing on average negativc
skín friction. Model tests of Koerner and Mukhopadhyay (1972). FIGURE 11.30 Eff'ect of pile batter qn average ncgative skin fric-
tion. Model tests of Koerner and M·1khopadhy&y (1972).

creases negative skin friction. A 3 X 3 group of piles was

tested for various pile spacings, and it was found that for restra.ined or fixed, the pile head's force or moment will be
spacings closer than about 2.5 diameters, a distinct reduc- correspondingly increased as the batter angle is increased.
tion in negative skin friction occurred, as shown in Fig. Some measurements of 1he negative skin friction on
11.29. Thi> reduction was apparent at all values of surface battered model piles made bJt Koerner and Mukhopadhyay
def!ection of the soil up to the maximum value (not (1972) are shown in Fig. 11.:10. For cornmonly-used batter
specified by the authors). The authors noted the similarity angles, the negative skin fric1ion may be twíce that acting
with the behavior of pile groups subjected to axialloading, on a vertical pi! e.
in which positive skin friction is also decreased by group A further indication of the large downdrag forces that
action. The extent of the reduction is, however, not as can occur in batter piles was found in the case reported by
great as would be calculated on the basis of the elastic M.I.T. (1973), in which at lcast one batter pile in a group
interaction curves in Fig. 11 probably because of the of piles beneath a bridge abutment was found to have
occurrence of considerable pile-soil slip in the model tests. pulled out of the pile cap because of the effects of down-
If a pile group in a consolidating !ayer contains batter drag. The vertical piles were therefore subjected to ín-
piles, these piles will be subjected to normal stress as well as creased axial forces, because the batter piles could carry
shear stress. The development of this additional normal none of the applied axial load.
stress will tend to increase the shear stress, an9 hence the
axial force, in the piles. Bending of the piJe will also occur.
An analysis of this problem can be carried out by com-
bining the analysis for a pile subjected to axial soil-move- 11.6 COMP A RISO NS BETWEEN MEASURED AND
ments with that for a piJe subjected to soil movements in a PREDICTED PILE BEHA VIOR
normal direction (see Chapter 13).
A preliminary analysis carried out by M. R. Madhav For the purposes of comparing observations of píle behav-
(prívate cornmunication) suggests that the vertical and ior in the presence of negative friction with the behavior
lateral movements of a piJe with an unrestrained head are predicted from the theorftical analyses given in this
dramatically increased as the batter angle in creases. F or chapter, two series of observations reported in the literature
exarriple, for K= 5000, L/d =50, anda batter angle of 15°, have been considered (Bjernm et al. (1969); Walker and
the vertical movement is increased by a fac.tor of about 10; Darvall (1973)). In the serie> of tests described by Bjerrum
as compared with the case of a vertical pib. This additional et al. (1969), def!ections ancl loads have been measured on
movement arises primarily from the development of normal a number of piles at two different sites and sufficient data
displacements for the battered piJe. lf the pile head is is presented to allow theoretical predictions to be made.

The effects of delayed installation are also present in these For the theoretical analysis, the following parameters were
cases. chosen or deduced from the published data:

Pile A L 30m. d 0.3 m (7 :nm wall thickness),

Tests of Bjerrnm et al· Heroya Site
q == 98.1 kN/m 2 , 'fsub = 9.81 kN/m 3 ,
At the first site (Heroya), 8 m of fill, sand, and grave! over-
Ks tan 1>~ = 0.25, e~ O, Es 9.81 MN/m\ K
lie a !ayer of silty clay of variable thickness (20 to 30 m)
thatDverlies gravel and bedrock. The fill had been placed 2
cv=70m 2 /yr,t 0 3yn,t Syrs.
to 4 years prior to ínstallatíon of the test piles. The main
Pile C As for pile A, except that L = 20m and Ks tan 1/1~
object of the tests was to determine the effectiveness of
0.17. Píezometer measurements indicated that one-way
varíous methods of reducing downdrag forces, as measure-
drainage conditions were pre~ent !rt this site. lt was also
ments on piles installed earlier had revealed that very large
assumed that full slip occurred between the flll and píle and
downdrag forces were developed because of reclamation
that for the fill, Ks tan 1/1~.= 0.20 and 'f 19.6 kN/m 3 .
filling. Two of the steel-tube test piles wt:re chosen for
analysis, pite A, an unco.ated pile, and piJe C, which was Because detailed distributions of downdrag force and
subjected to electro-osmosis. Both were driven to bedrock. deflection were required to compare with the corre-

Pile shortening (mm) Downdrag force (tons}

o 5 10

10 J:::

la) Pile A
Pi le shortening (mm) Downdrag force (tons)


'5. _j
30 30 o"' '

(b) PileC


--- Meosured
FIGURE 11.31 Comparisons with piJe tests of Bjerrurn et al. (1969) at Heriiya.

sponding measured distributions, a computer program was about 70 years and measurements showed that the conso!i-
used to obtaín the theoretical solutions. The resulting com- dation under this fill was complete. Three test piles (e, D,
parisons are s'.1own in Fig. 11.31. For both piles, the E) were installed in the newly filled area, and two (G, f{) in
agreement between measurerl and predicted downdrag-force the older area. Piles e
and G were analyzed, both being
distributions is good but the measured pile-shortening is Jess conventional uncoated steel-tube piles driven to bedrock.
than predicted. The irregularity in the measured force near For pile e, the following data were adopted after an
the tip of piJe A may be attributed to the fact that the examination of the available data given by Bjerrum et aL ·
lower part of the pile. was resting against steeply sloping
L 40 m, d = 0.5 m (8-mm wall thickness),
bedrock, thus causing load transfer to the rock by adhesion.
q 147.1 kN/m, "fsub = 9.81 kN/m 3 ,Ks tan <P~"' 0.20,
Es 9.81 MN/m 2 ,K= 1280,cv 80m 2 /yr,
Tests of Bierrum et al-Sorenga Site
t0 2.5yr,t=4.5yr.
At the second si te (Si:irenga), 1O to 15 m of fill overlay 30
to 40 m of day overlying bedrock. At one end of the site, The characteristics of the fill were assumed to be the same
fill had been placed a few years befare the piles were as at the Heroya site. Piezometer measurements indicated
installed. At the other end, the fill had been in place for two-way drainage conditions.

Pile shortening !mm) Downdrag force (tons)

200 300

(a) Pi leC

Pi le shortening !mm) Downdrag torce {tons)

lb) Pile G

- - - - Theoretical
-- - - Measured
FIGURE 11.32 Comparisons with píle tests of Bjerrum et al. (1969) at Sorenga.

Comparisons between measured and theoretical distri- the Iatter layers. Three meters of fíll were placed ove.r the
butions of pile shortening and downdrag force for píle e are site and measurements were made of downdrag force, soil
shown in Fig. 11.32. which reveals a remarkable degree of settlement, and pore pressure in the soil.
agreement. The only point of disagreemenr is near the tip, In obtaining a theoreticd solution for this case, the
where the theory predicts a ~;maller downdrag force. The following parameters were selected for the el ay and piJe:
theory suggests that slip does not occur in this region, and L = 16.5 m (in clay), q 3.9 t/m 2 (38.3 kN/m ), 'Y!Ub =
the bearing stratum is assumed rigid in the analysis, whereas 9.81 kN/m , Ks tan rf¡~ = ü.4, Es
170 kgf/cm 2 (16.7
ín reality, the finite compressibility of the bearing stratum MN/m ). For the overlying sand, recent fill and fill mate-
may allow sufficíent movement of the pile to generate full rial, full slip was assumed to occur at the pile-soil interface,
slip near the típ. with Ks tan rf¡~ = 0.45 and = 22.6 kN/m 3 . Walker and
A t the location of píle G, fill had be en placed 70 years Darvall were of the opinion that éonsolidation under the
previously and consolidation under this fill was ahnost new fill had occurred very rapidly and that creep was in
certaínly complete. Nevertheless: a soil movement of about progress when the latest measurements were made (about
70 mm was measured in the vicinity of the piJe in a two- 250 days after commenceme 1t of filling). Accordingly, in
year period. It is reasonablc conjecture that this settle- the theoretical analysís, the measured soil-surface settle-
ment resulted from the threc-dimensional cffects of the ment of 35 mm was input in the analysis and the soil
recent filling at the othec end of the site. Calculations were settlement was assumed to va:y linearly with depth to zero
carried out for pi! e G, assuming that the settlement of the at the top of the sandy sílt lay ~r.
soil decreased linearly from 70 mm at the surface of the soil A comparison between measured and theoretical distri-
to zero at thc piJe tip. The píle and soil parameters were as bution of downdrag force in the uncoated piJe, shown in
for piJe C, except that for piJe G, L 30m. The resulting Fig. 11.33, again reveals good agreement. There ís also good
comparison between measured and theoretical downdrag agreement between the pres,ent theoretical solution and
force and piJe shortening, shown in Fig. 11.32, reveals very that of Walker and Darvall, which was based on a finite-
closc agrcement. This case provides evidence that large element analysis using a nonlinear stress-strain relationship
. downdrag forces m ay occur when soil movements are for the soiL It is significant to note that the present calcula-
caused by three-dimensional effects arising from loading at tions indicate that slip occurs only near the top of the pile
so me distance from the pi! e. in the clay. Thus, an estímate of downdrag force assuming
A further comparison was made with another pile (B), full slip along the whole length would give incorrect predic-
which was installed at the same time as the recent fill was
placed. The piJe and soil parameters were taken to be the Downdra<· force (tonnes)
same as for piJe C. except that filling and piJe installation o 50 100 150 200 250
were assumed to be simultaneous (i.e., t 0 = 0). Detailed 10~--~----~--~-----~-----~~-----~

measuremenls wcre not given for this pile, but the maxi- Sóíl
mum downdrag force was reported to be about 400 tons
(3.99) MN), while the theoretical calculations gave a value
of 408 tons ( 4.07 MN), with full slip along the whole length
of the pile. The values of piJe shortening did not agree well
(100 mm measured, 29 mm calculated); however, the ~
«:::.~. . ~
average axial stress in the piJe was on the ordcr of 3200

'-' " clay
kgf/cm 2 (314 MN¡m 2 ), and it is therefore probable that
yielding of the pile occurred, resulting in increased

shortcning of the piJe. /

-- --- --
Test of Walker and Darvall Dense
A further documented case of downdrag measurement in an ·-
L . - - - - - L ._ ____!._ _ ___¡__ _ _ _s
end-bearing piJe has been presented by Walker and Darvall
--- Measured (Walker & Darvalll
(1973). Two stecl-shell piles of 0.76-m diameter and 11-mm
Predicted (Authors)
wall thickness ( one pi le uncoated, one coated with bitu- --- Predicted IWal cer 1'1 Oarval!¡
men) were driver\ into a soil profile consisting of 2 m of
recent fill and 7 m of sand overlying firm silty clay, sandy FrGURE 11.33 Comparison with pile tests of Walker and Darvall
silt, and dense sand and grave!, the piles being founded in (1973).

tions of both the magnitude and distribution of downdrag; san<l.y silt, sand, and grave! layers underlyíng the clay. [n
the use of the measured downdrag to infer Ks tan 1/J~ would the theoretical analysis, the pile was assumed to be end·
give an erroneous value. bearing on the sandy silt, and consequently the calculated.
The measurements indícate the development of positive downdrag force at this leve! is somewhat greater than the
friction and consequent reduction in downdrag force in the measured value.

12.1 INTRODUCTION ever, considerable uplift force s are induced in such piles
because of the action of the swdling soil.
Foundations in expansive clays are frequently subjected to An analogous problem arises with piles in soils under-
severe movements arising from moisture changes within the going shrinkíng or consolidation, when downdrag forces
el ay, with consequent cracking and damage caused by dis- are induced in the piles by neÉative friction. The effect of
tortion. Donaldson ( 1965) c]assifies the migration of negative friction on end-bearing piles has been discussed in
moísture bencath structures into three phases: Chapter 11. In this chapter, the effect of soil movements on
the behavior of floating piles will be considered. Beca use of
l. A primary phase caused by the erection of the struc- the similarity in approach betv·een a piJe in a swelling soil
ture, resulting in a changc in the moisture regime until an and a pile in a consolidating or shrinking soil, attention will
equilibrium state is reached under the new conditions. be concentrated on the case of a swelling soil, although
2. The fluctua tion caused by seasonal clima ti~: changes. sorne theoretícal differences tetween the two cases will
3. The results of extraneous ínfluences, such as broken be considered.
drains, leaking water pipes, local concentrations of storm- In designing piles in swelling soils, there are three
water, and gardening operations. requirements:

PUes have been used extensively for foundations in l. The pile must be able to carry the structural load safely
swelling soils in order to anchor clown the structure at a i.e. there must be adequate ultima te load capacity.
depth where changes in moisture content are negligible, 2. The piJe must have sufficient tensile strength to with-
so that movements of the struc:ture are minimized. How- stand the tensions developed in the pile due to uplift forces.


3. The rnovement of the piles due to the uplift forces and

the structuralload rnust be less than the prescribed limiL -


In this chapter, attention is focused on the latter two

aspects, since few problerns arise in obtaining adequate
load-carrying capacity in expansive soils. Existing rnethods
of determining pile-uplift forces and movements are re-
viewed and then an analysis based on elastic theory is de-
scribed. Some results of this analysis are presented to indi·
cate sorne of the theoretical trends and then a series of
curves are presented for use in design. Finally, the relation-
ship between theoretical and observed pile-behavior is
exarnined for a number of case histories.

(a) Unloaded píle


·A relatively simple approach for the calculation of the

tensile for(;es in a pile in a swelling soil was outlined by p Ca mpression tension
Collins (1953). The approach was developed for an under-
reamed pile anchored in nonexpansive soil, and it was
assurned that full slip occurred between the expansive soil
and the shaft, so that the shear stress along the piJe equals
the píle-soil adhesion. Referring to Fig. 12.la, the total
tension T in the pile at any depth h is


ra pile-soil adhesion

As in the case of pües in sand or piles in clay under drained

conditions, Ta may be expressed as


(b) Loaded pile
cffective adhesion
coefficient of horizontal pressure FIGURE 12.1 Forces in underreamed pile in expansive ~oil (¡¡fter
Collíns, 195 3).
effective vertical stress
effective angle of friction between pile and soil
tion. The probable variation of tension with depth is shown
Thus, in Fig. 12.1a.
h If a vertical load P is applied to the top of tht! pile,
T 1r Jd(c~ + Ksa~ tan <P~)dz (12.3) Eq. (12.3} is modified to

At the tip of the pile, there is zero tension (T 0), so P + T = 1r Jd(c~ + Ksa;, tan <P~)dz ( 12.4)
that there is a transition zone near the underreamed sec- o

Th~ probable load-distribution ís shown in Fig. 12.lb. fashion similar to that described in Chapters 5 and 6 for
Collins originally suggested that e~ and if¡~ should be piJe settlements and in Chap·er 11 for negative friction on
taken as the values of e' and ¡1/ from drained-strength tests end-bearing piles.
and that Ks could be taken as 1.0. Subsequently, Donald-
son ( 1967 b) suggested that· a reduction factor of between
0.3 and 0.7 should be applied to the measured drained 12.3.1 Basic Analysis
shear-strength to obtain the pile-soil adhesíon, r0 . A sum-
mary of suggested methods of obtaining ra is given in Sec- The problem is illustrated in Fig. 12.2. A circular piJe,
tion 12.6. length L, diameter d, and base diameter db, is situated in
Bozozuk (1972) described an analysis in which the a soil mass in which occurs, away from the piJe, a general
location of the "neutral point" (i.e., the point at which the specified distribution of movement, S ( either swelling or
maximum load occurs) was computed, assuming full slip shrinking), with depth. The píle is divídcd into n cylindrical
to occur along the pile. The maximum load on the pile dements, each with a uniform shear stress, Pj. acting on the
could thcn be obtamed. Ap extension to this analysis to periphery. In the basic analysís, the soil is assumed to be
allow for loads caused by horizontal stresses generated by homogeneous and !inearly el<<stic and it is assumed that no
an embankment was also descr.íbed. slip occurs at the pile-soil interface.
Sahzin (1968), in obtaining expressions for the move- Defining downward soil displacements and shear
ment of a pile in swelling soiL analyzed the work done by stresses as positive, as shown in Fig. 1 the soil displace-
friction forces in the upper pc-rtíon of the piJe, which tend ments along the piJe can be expressed as
to lift the pile, and the applíed load and the friction forces
in the lower half, which tend to resist uplift. Sahzín found
(sP} =- d [Is](p} + jS} (12.5)
good agrcement between piJe movements and those pre-
dictcd.from his approach.

[fs] the (n+l) by (nt1) matrix 'of displacement-

12.3 ANAL YSIS BASED ON ELASTIC THEORY inf1uence factors
Es Young's modulus of soil
The existmg approaches described in the previous section (S} = the (n+ l) vector of soil movements, negative
depend on the assumption that slip occurs along the entire for swelling
pile shaft. Also, the first two consider only the loads { sP} = the (n+ l) vector <•f soil displacements
developed in the piles, and only the method described by {P} = the (n+ 1) vector of shear stresses at the soíl-
Sahzin considers the pile movement. A more satisfactory pile interface and the base pressure~with posi-
analysis can be carried out by employing elastíc theory in a tive directions as in Fig. 12.2

(a) P·le 1b i Stresses o n le) Stresses on (d) Specified soil

pi le soil rnovement

FIGURE 12.2 Pile in swelling or consolidating soil.


The elements of [Is] are obtained by double integra- constant and the movement of the piJe subsequent to full
tion of the \.1indlin cq uations as described in Appendix A. slip will be that occurring at the point of shear reversa!.
Poissons' ratio of thc soi:l, lls, is nota very importan! para-
meter of the values of fs.
Without slip, the píle displacements pP = sP· For the 12.3.3 Compression Failure of Pile
more general case of a compressible piJe, the piJe displace-
ments must be compatible wíth the elastic properties of the Allowance can be made for cornpression fa(lure (see Chap-
piles and the analysi~¡ could proceed along the lines de- ter 11). If the load ata point i.n the pile reaches the crush-
scribed in Se,ction 5.3. He re, only the single case of an ing load, it can increase no further, and hcnce shear stresses
íncomprcssible pílc is considcrcd, and therefore pP = sP p below that point will reduce to zero and the shear stresses
=constant. It follows that above that point will redistribute, with a consequent
increase in pile displacement. The solution is rccycled until
(12.6) the load in the pile nowhere exceeds the crushingstrength.

Also, from cquilíbriurn of the pi! e,

12.3.4 Tension Failure of Pile
P0 +}: Pj rrd L/n + Pbrrd/)4 O (12.7)
When the tensile load reaches the tensile-load capacity of
j= l
the piJe, the piJe is assumed to fracture and in effect be-
comes two piles. Two equílibrium equations now apply:

app!íed downward load on pilc top l. For the upper fractured portion:

For a gíven distribution [S], equations (12.6) and

(12.. 7) m ay be sol ved to obtain the díspla~ement, p, and the (12.8)
distribution of shear-stress, p, from which the load in the
pile P at any depth can be calculated.
The above basic analysis fails to take ac.count of severa! where
factors whích are líkely to be importan! in real situations.
The modifications that can be made to allow for these m number of elements in fractured portian
factors are set out below.
2. For the lower portion:

12.3.2 Pile-Soil Slip rrdL rrdl
Pi n + PbT =O (12.9)
The effects of pile-soil slip along the shaft can be allowed
for by specifyíng a limiting value of shear stress, fa, at
each element along the pile, and a limiting base pressure A new variable, the displacement of the fractured portíon
equal to the bearíng cápacity of the base. The solution of the pi! e, is now introduced, so that the n+ 3 equatioGs
must be recycled until the shear stresses and the base may now be solved for the n unknown shear stresses, the
pressure do not exo:eed the límiting values (see Chapter base pressure, and the displacem~nts Of the upper and lower
5). fa will usually be expressed in terms of effective stress portions of the piJe.
by the Coulomb expression. Second, the possibility of ten-
sien between the pile tip and the soil rnay be overcome by
specifying in the computer program that the base pressure, 12.3.5 Nonuniform Soil
Pb, cannot be positíve-that is if the pile ís of uniform día-
meter, the tip separa tes from the soil and hence carries no Approximate allowance for the effect of variation of. the
load. For an enlarged base pile, compressiv~ stresses will, modulus of elasticity of the soil with depth can be ma~e.by
however, act on the top of the enlarged poition of the base substituting the matrix [18 /E.d for [/8 ]/Es in Eq. (12.3).
if p b is positíve. It should be noted that if füll slip occurs By this procedure, the soil displacement at a particular
along a pile, the load distribution .in the pile wíll remain
- ""
depth will be calculated as if the modulus at that particular
. ·

depth was also the modulus at all other depths. This ap- 1.0
prox.imation will clearly be unsatisfactory when the varia-
tion of modulus from top to bottom is very large or there
,, =


are sudden majar changes. A more satisfactory solution L

can be obtained by using, for Es, the mean of the values 2.0
at the influencing and influenced elements (see Section

12.3.6 Variation with Time

For cases in which the soil movements are time-dependent

--- 0.75

and the variation of piJe loads and displacement& with time

is required, a consolidation analysis may be combíned with
the above analysis (see Chapter ll ). Alternatively, appro-
priate values of soil displacement S may be input at each
0.2 ----

time considered, and the solution carried out as before.
o 20 40 60 80 100
12.4 TYPICAL SOLUTIONS FOR PILE MOVEMENT FIGURE 12.3 Elastic solutions lor pile movement~uniform-dia­
ANO LOAD meter piJe.

2. For a given movement profíle, the value of L/d has

12.4.1 Purely Elastic Soil-Pile Interface relatively little effect on the piJe movement, especially wíth
uniform-diameter piles.
On the assumptions that 3. An enlarged base is only ·~ffective in reducing the piJe
movements when L/d is relatively small (o;;; 20). The maxí-
l. The soil is a homogeneous el as tic half-space,
2. The pile-soil interface does not slip,
3. The píle is incompressible and does not fail in tension rJ_.,
2 v, 0.3
or compression, d 1
.~ !_ ¡
a series of solutions have been obtained for the piJe move- 0.8 1. --~.

ment and the maximum load irr the pile for various length- 2.0
to-diameter ratios, L/d, of the piJe, and a number of soil-
movement profíles. In all cases, the soil movement is 0.6 /' -
assumed to decrcase linearly with depth from S 0 at the sur- 1

face to-zero at a depth Zs. Both a uniform diameter píle
(dbfd l) and a pi!e with an enlarged base (db/d 2) are
0.4 .....
considered. As long as elastic conditíons are preserved, the i""
solutions are applícable for swelling or shrinking soils,
except for a change in sign. In al! ~ases, 10 elements have
been u sed to divide the pi! e, and vs ís taken as O.3. 0.2 ? - 0.75



Pite Movement
The varíation of dimensionless pile movement, Pp/S 0 , with
o i
L/d and z5 /L, is shown in Figs. 12.3 and 12.4 for dbfd 1 o 20 40 6.0 80 100
and 2, respectively. These figures show that L
l. The movement increases as the depth of swelling FIGURE 12.4 Elastic so!utions for pile movement:-pilc with en-
in creases. larged base.

L d -~
L 0.75
0.5 8 0.5



o 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
d d
FIGURE 12.5 Elastic solutions for maximum pile load-uniform· FIGURE 12.6 Elastic solutions for maximum pite load-piJe with
día meter pilc. enlarged base.

mum effect ís obtained when zs/L = 1 that is, the pile is between soil and pile or within the pile, the solutions for
founded at the bottom of the zone of movement. shrinking and swelling soils are no longer interchangeable.
Attention will be focused on piles in swelling soils, although
Maximum Pite Load sorne comparisons are made between the behavior of a pile
The variation of dímension1ess pile load, Pmax1EsdS0 , in a swelling rnd shrinking soil. Severa! of the solutions
with L/d and zs/L, is shown in Fig. 12.5 and 12.6. An given have been presented by Poulos and Davis (1973).
examination of these figures reveals that Negatíve values of pile force imply tension, while negative
values of Pp indica te upward piJe movement.
l. In most cases, the lárgest piJe load ís developed when
Zs/L is about 0.75. The Effect ofPile Length and Base Diameter
2. The maximum piJe load generally increases as L/d For a given soil profile with a linear distribution of soil
increases. swelling from S 0 at the surface to zero at a depth of lüd,
3. The presence of an enlarged base on relatively short the variation of piJe movement and maximum pile force
piles (L/d 20) results in significantly increased loads as wíth íncreasing soil movement is shown in Fíg. 12.7 for
compared wíth the case of a uniform-diameter pile. three different piJe lengths. For each length, both a
uniform-diameter· píle and a pile wíth a base diameter twice
the shaft diameter are considered. The píle-soil interface
12.4.2 Solutions Incorporating Pile-Soil Slip shear-strength, Ta, varíes linearly from zero at the surface
to O.OlEs ata depth of ~Od, and the base bearing-capacity
The above elastíc solutíons are useful in giving an indication is assumed to vary frÓm 0.36Es for L "' Sd, to 0.64Es at
of the influence ofpile slenderness, base diameter, and soil- L = 20d; these values correspond approximately to a soil
movement profile on pile behavior. However, for real soils, having q/ =30°.
these e las tic so1u tions ,are of very limited validity, as it is Figure 12.7 shows that, as would be .expected, pile
found that slip between soíl and pile commences at very movement decreases as pile length increases. When the pile
small soil movements. In order to illustrate the influence of is entirely situated in the swelling zone (L = Sd), movement
various factors on pile behavior, a number of solutions for of the pile continues after full slip has occurred along the
relatively idealized cases are examined. When failu~e occurs shaft. For piles founded below the zone of swelling, a limit-


--ó'-j ~ T,m
Pi le Soil Pile~soil
movement strength



-~0.05 ~Q.10 ~o.1s o ~o.os ~O. lO --0.15

So So
d d
(al Pile movements (bJ Maximum pile loacs
- - - Uniform~diameter pile, 1

- - - - Enlarned
, base ' d ':!?. 2

FIGURE 12.7 Effect of píle length and base día meter.

ing piJe rnovernent ís reached after a certain soil rnove- enlarged base has the greatest influence when the pile is
ment occurs. The advantage of founding a pile below the situated at or near the bottom of the swelling zone, and
swclling zone is obvious. The rnaximum tensile load in the that the most efficient means of reducing piJe movements ís
piJe generally increases markedly as the length increases; either to use a uniform-díameter pile founded well below
relativeJy. smallloads are developed when the piJe is entirely the swelling zone ( of length abo u t twíce the depth of thís
within the swelling zone. zone) or to use an underreamed pi! e founded at or just
The preseHce of an enlarged base leads to a decrease in below the bottom of the swelling zone.
pile movement, although the effect is relatively small, For the uniform-diameter piles considered in Fíg.l2.7,
especially for L = 5d and L = 20d, or in other words, when the load distributions are shown in Fig. 12.8 for various
the pile is en tirely in the swelling zone, or ancho red well values of dimensionless soil movement S 0 /d. As the pile
below the swelling zone. In the latter case, the enlarged length increases, the load in the pile increases and the
base has virtually no effect. The corresponding maximum distribution of load also changes; the relative position of
loads are considerably greater for the enlarged base piles, the maximum load moves toward the top of the pile. For
except for the L = 20d pi! e. lt is therefore apparen t that the the L =5d and lOd piles, slip cccurs along the whole length


E, 100 fam

Pi le Soil Pile-soil
movement strength

, 1\ Values of z

0.5 ~
1 "''

)>d 0.01


1.0 ......:::::.______.__ _ ______,

-- 1
o -0.5 --1.0 -·2 ~4

T;¡cn d

(a) L 5d (/Ji L ~ 10d (e) L 20d

FIGURE 12.8 Typícalload dístríbutíons.

of the piJe at relatively small soil movements. For the L "' The Effect of Pite Shaft Diameter
20d pile, no change in load occurs after S 0 /d reaches about For a given pi le length and suil-swelling profile, the effect
0.12, but slip only occurs along the upper half of the piJe. of piJe diameter is shown in Fig. 12.9. As the diameter

Pile movement §, _ 0 _0025 strength

E, = 100 ''"' L

(¡¡) Pi le movement d
(b} Maximum pile load
FIGURE 12.'1 Influence of pi! e diameter.

~~ ~ ~
ITl\~-~~ r· j)
L= ~lu L~~

-;.J ~d ~~
01 (ií)
Dístríbutíons e! soíl
Píle-soíl 0.008
swelling wíth depth
E,= '100 Tam d

--0.006 -7.5
(ííi) (í)_./

-0004 /
/ .,.,- -- 0.1 0.2 0.3
d So
1 1 d
-0.002 -2.5 1 (a) Pile novements
o ______j ___ _ j o
o . 0.05 ' -o. 1o o -0.05 -0.10
S,1 So
d d -15
FIGURE 12.10 lnfluence of soíl-swelling profile.

\ncreases, piJe movement decreases, but the maximum load (ii)
increases. However, the rate of decrease of pi! e movement íamd2 /
is almost negligible for diameters greater than about 0.03L, /
-5 /
and even a slender pile (d 0.011) moves only about 20%
,more than a relatively large-diameter piJe (d =: 0.2L). The 1
theory therefore suggests that small-diameter piles founded
well below the swelling zone can satisfactorily suppress up-
ward movements in swelling soils. Donaldson (1967a), has
described the successful use of small-diameter piles to d
support conventional brick buildings on expansive soils in (b) maximwn pile loads
South Africa.

The Effect of Distribution of Soil Movement

The effect of the shape of the soil-swelling profile for a
given depth of movement is shown in Fig. 12.10. Both the
pile movement and the maximum pile load are greatest
when the soil movements decre1se slowly with depth near
the top of the pi! e (case 3) and least when the soil move-
ments de crease rapidly (case 2).
E, = 100 Tam

The Effect of Pile-Soíl Strength Distribution Píle Soil Pile-soil strength

The effect of the distribution of pile-soil adhesion is shown
in Fig. 12 .11. A 20-diameter pile with a línearly increasing FIGURE 12.11 Effect of pile-soil scrength distribution.

f'o The Effect of Axial Load

The effect of axial load on the pile movement is shown in
Fig. 12.12. In the case considered, the downward move-
ment increases almost linearly with increasing axial load.
L = 20d
Comparison of Figs. 12.12 and 12.7 shows that the axial

load required to prevent upward movement is only about
E,= 100 r,, half of the maximum tensile load developed in the un-
~~d ~ ioaded pi! e. Also shown in Fig. 12.12 are the pile move-
Pile-soil Soil
strength movement ments calculated on the assumption that the effects of axial
load and soil swelling can be superposed. Although super-
position is not strictly valid in this case, beca use ~lip occurs
along part of the pile shaft, it nevertheless provides an
approximate estímate of píle movement. Taking account of
Po pile-soil slip in the solution for axial load would lead to
d increased movements and closer correlation with the com-
plete solution.
, Superposition of solution
" lar swelling only and
" elastic solution for
Complete "axial load only 12.4.3 Effect of Tensile Failure of the Pile
solutíon "-

" An example of the effect of tensile failure on pile move-

ment ís shown in Fig. 12.13, where pile movement is
plotted against soil-surface movement for two tensile
strengths. The pile and soil details are as shown in Fig.
12.12 except that the pile-sqil interface remains elastic
that is, Ta is large. When tensile failwe occurs, the upper
FIGURE 12.12 Effect of axial load on pile movement.
portíon moves upward more rapidly than before failure,
while the lower part, according to the analysís, suffers a
small downward movement at failure and then an upward
movement as the soil movement íncreases. As the tensile
strength-distribution and a uniform strength distributíon of strength increases, the soil movement required to cause tén-
the same average value is considered. For a given soil move- síle failure also increases. Tensíle faílure will not occur if
ment, the pile movement and maX:imum pile load are con- the tensile strength exceeds the maximum tensile load,
siderably greater for the uniform distribution. which in thís case, ís 0.393Esd2 •

-0·15 -0·15-

-0-10 -0·10
Uooar Portian Uopar Port1on
-0·05 Lowar Portio.o. • 0 ' 05


o -0·05 -0·10 -0·15 o o -0·05 -0·10 -0·15
~ .§;¡_
d d
(a) Tt/E5 d
2 =0·2 (b) Tt /E 5 d 2=0·3

FIGURE 12.13 Effect of tensile failure of piJe.


Ít should be noted that the accuracy of solutions in

which tensile failure occurs depends toa large extent on the
previous history of the píle, since once failure has occurred
and the pi! e has separated, it remains separated. If too large
an increment in soil movement is taken, the point of separa-
tion may be inaccurately computed; thus, small increments
are desirable for accuracy.

12.4.4 Differences Between Piles in Swelling and

Consolidating Soíls

For piles in a given soil profile, the pile movement and

maximum pile load are shown in Table 12.1 for both a
swelling soil and a consolidating soil, for three different
pile lengths. The pile movements tend to be smaller for the
pile in consolidating soil, especially for the longer piles. 10


FIGURE 12.14 Maximum píle load in swelling soil. Linearly ín-
IN SWELLING ANO CONSOLIDATING SOlLa crcasing pile-soil shear strcngth w th depth.
"s = 0.3

Pmax Pp
L/d db/d -¡¡ pile in a swelling-soil profile Both a uniform pile-soil shear
strength, T a, and linear! y increasing r a with depth, ha ve
Swellin~ Consolidation Swelling Consolidation
been considered. These curves are shown in Figs. 12.14 and
S -0.0096 o 0173 -0.0556 0.0547
12.15 for línearly increasing Ta with depth, as functions of
2 -0.0196 0.0196 -0.0525 0.0509
10 1 -0.0385 0.0543 -0.0179 0.0164 SoHs
the dirnensionless rnaximurn soil·rnovement, - d and the
2 -0.0785 0.0785 -0.0139 0.0081 1 am
20 1 -O.Q785 0.0503 -0.0048 0.0024
2 -0.0785 0.0503 -0.0047 0.0023
a Soil movcmcnt decreases línearly from S 0 at surface to zero at
depth 10d. Valuats of Zs/L

The rnaxirnurn piJe load is greater for short piles in con-

solidating soils, but as the length is increased, the maxirnurn
load eventually becomes less than that for the same pile 02
in a swelling soil. For uniforrn-díarneter píles, the lower
portion of the pile in a swelling soil is in tension so that 0·1
no load ís carried by the base, whereas in a consolidating
soil, the base does carry load. The effect of the enlarged
base is only significan! for the L !Od pile, that is, when
the piJe only extenás to the bottorn of the zone of soil


Dimensionless curves have been prepared to enable rapid FIGURE 12.15 PiJe movement in swellíng soíl. Línearly íncreasing
estirnates of the rnaximurn pile load and movernent for a pile-soil shear strength with depth

p FS = Jo' Tarrddz {12.10)

The following assumptions have been made in obtaining the

curves in Figs. 12.14 to 12.17:

l. The depth of swelling is 1Od.

2. The soil movement decreases linearly with depth from
S 0 at the surface to zero ata depth of zs.

Figs. 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.10, and 12.11 provide a

basis for estimating the effect of departures from the as-
sumed conditions.
When an axial load acts simultaneously on the pile, Fig.
12.12 suggests that in the abst:nce of a complete analysis,
the effects of swelling and axül load may be superposed
FIGURE 12.16 Maxirnum pite load in swelling soil. Constant pilc· with sufficient accuracy, using the solutions for settlement
soil shear strength with depth. and load distribution in an ~xially loaded pile given in
Chapter 5. In estimating the maximum resulting load.within
the pile, the load distributions for axial load and swelling
may be superposed. For swelling, Fig. 12.8 provides a guide
dimensionless depth of swelling, zs/L, and in Figs. 12.16 to the shape of the load distribution. For axial load, Fig.
and 12.17 for a constant Ta with depth. In Fig.12.14,Tam 5.9 suggests that the load frequently decreases approxi-
is the pile-soil adhesion at the leve! of the pile tip. The mately linearly with depth. The proportion of load trans-.
maxímum pi! e load, Pmax, is expressed as a ratio of the load f;;rred to the pile base may be estimated from Eq. (5.31) or
Pps that would occur if full adhesion was mobilized along Eq. (5.32).
the whole shaft, that is, An example is given below to illustrate the application
of the curves presented herein.

Val u es of 2 5 / L
2 fllustrative Example
r- --- -.;¡
. 1
-· -- A 15-ft concrete pile, 1 ft in diameter, is situated in a soil ín
which the upper 1O ft is subjected to seasonal movement.'
·- -·
r-· ---..;
·- ..--o-6_7¡ --- --- -- The maximum soil heave is 3 in. The maximum force and
the movement of the pile will be estimated for two condi-
0·2 r-·
'<>:9'"~ -- ·- tions:
'5'o 0·1 ~--.-=· l. Zero axial load.
2. An axial load of 30 kips.
The following data is assumed:
- - db/d=1
0·02 dt/d = 2
Es 2000 lb/in.Z 288 kíps/ft 2 ( constant with depth)
v9 = 0.4
0·01 Ta = 10 lb/in. 2 1.44 kips/ft 2 (constant with depth)
o 0·2 0·3
Ep 3 X 10 6 lb/in. 2

FIGURE 12.17 PiJe movement in swelling soíL Constant pile soil (a) Zero Axial Load
shear strength with depth. From Eq. (12.10),

30,000 X 0.107
PFs - J 1a1Tddz
!2X 2000
0.13 in. (downward)
- 67.8 kips Thus, the net movement camed by axial load and swellíng
is 0:13 0.57 = -0.44 in. (i.e., net upward movement)
From Fig. 12.16, fordb/d =1, zs/L =10/15 0.67 and

e:)G:) =SO.



In applying the theoretical analysis described in the pre-

.'.Pmax = -33.9kíps vious section to practica! pr·Jb!ems, estirnates are required
of the following quantities:
From Fig. 12.17, p/S 0 = 0.19; that is, p = 0.5 7 in. (up-
l. The soil-movement profih:.
2. The pile-soil interface strength.
(b} With Axial Load of 30 kips
From Eq. (5.31 ), proportion of applied axial load trans- 3. The soil modulus.
ferred to base is

12.6.1 Prediction of Soil-Movement Profile

He re Two cases m ay be considered:

K = .3i>< 10
1500andL/d 15. l. Movements in saturated soils.
2. Movements in unsaturated soils.
From Fígs. 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11,
The first case applies to many problems involving con-
{3 0 0.085,CK o.97, e" = 0.95 solidating soils, and soil movements may be predicted at
:.~ = 0.078 various depths by convention al methods of settlement ana-
Unsaturated soils are frequently encountered in relative-
ly arid regions ami the prediction of movements caused by
base load = 0.078 X 30 = 2.3 kips
seasonal moisture changes is often necessary. Methods for
Assumíng, for símplicity, a línear load dístribution with prediction of such movements are however notas well esta-
depth, the load at any depth mJy be calculated. blished as for saturated soils. Existing methods may be di-
By inspection of Fig. 12.8, the maximum tensile force vided into five categories:
caused by swelling occurs ata depth of about 0.6L, or 9ft.
At this leve!, the axial force caused by the applied loading is l. Methods based on free S\vell. In cases where it can be
about 13.6 kips. Thus, a net tt:nsile force of (33.9- 13.6) assumed that the soil has free access to water, the magní-
= 20.3 kips occurs at this point (the maximum tensile force tude of heave rnay be estimated from experimental data re-
does not necessarily occur at this point; however, in this lating swelling pressur'e to volume change and applied sur-
case, within the limits of ínterpolatíon, the maxímum ten-
charge loading. lf the initial water content is known, and
sile force occurs at or very near this point).
Considering now the axial movement caused by the ap- the disttibution of vertical pressure with depth is known,
. plied loading, from Eq. (5 .33), the amount of heave may be determined for various depths
in the soil.
p 2. Methods based on effective-stress· concepts. One such
p dEl method, descrlbed by Blight (1965), relies on the validíty
For the parameters of this prob1em, from Figs. 5.18 to of the effective-stress law for unsaturáted soils and the x
5.21,/= 0.107 and factor; sorne dispute about th1s validity exists. Variations nf

pore suction resulting from moisture changes can be esti-

mated by finite-difference solution of the diffusion equa-
tion for moisture movement in unsaturated soils (Richards,
1965). Alternatívely, an approximate solution may be ob-
tained from the solution for classical one-dimensional con-
solidation, using a val u e of the coefficien t of swell appro-
priate to the average suction in the soil proflle during the
he ave process (Biight, 1965).
3. Methods based on the specific-volume versus moisture-
content relationship. This approach has been developed by
De Bruijn ( 1961) and relates the specific volume, v, of a
sDil element (the volume per unit mass of grains) to the
moisture content, m. From such a relationship, the volume
strain at depth for a given moisture content change may be
calculated, whereby the resulting soil movement may ~e
4. Methods based on a laboratory simulation of the anti-
cipated moisture history of elements of soil and the mea- Ctay fraction of whole sample (% < 2¡;)
surement of the consequent strains (Aítchison and Wood-
burn, 1969). FIGURE 12.18 Determinatíon of potential expansivcness of soils
(after Van der Merwe, 1964).
5. Empírica! method.s. Because of the difficultíes in ap-
plícation of sorne of the above methods, sorne empírica!
methods have been developed to estímate soil heave in where k is a reference depth indicating the virtual end of
swelling soíls. One such method ís suggested by Van der the swelling zone; a value of 20 ft for two sites in South
Merwe (1964), in whích the total heave of a soil profile Africa was suggested by Van der Merwe.
extending to a depth of h feet ís given by: The potential expansíveness,PE, was related to the clay
fraction and the pl~sticity index of the soil, and a classifi-
cation into very high, high, medium, and low degrees of
S F·(PE)dz (12.11)
expansiveness is shown in Fig. 12.18. Van der Merwe sug-

gests the value·s of PE shown in Table 12.2.


F = factor indicating the relative decrease in heave 12.6.2 Püe-Soil Interface Strength
at depth z to that at surface
PE potential expansiveness lt is commonly assumed that the shear strength between
z 1 , z2 = depth to bottom and top of expansíve !ayer soil and pile increases with depth, approximately in pro-
(h=z¡ z2) portian to the overburden pressure. In situations where the
soil is normally consolidated and is going to remain satu-
rated (zero air voids but not necessarily posítive pore water
T ABLE 12.2 VAL UES OF POTENTIAL pressure ), the limited experience from measurement of
EXPANSIVENESS (VAN DER MERWE, 1964) negative friction on piles in soft, normally consolidated
clays (see Chapter 11, Fíg. 11.25) may be taken to be rea-
Degree of Expansiveness PE in./ft of soü
sonably applicable to the case when the pile is affected by
Very high 1 shrlnking or consolidation of the soil. This experience sug-
High 0.5 gests that, in the equation
Medium 0.25
Low O


F is giveni>y 1
Ca adhesion
F ¿/k (12.12)

rp~ effective pile-soil fric1ion angle of K 0 for overconsolidated soils, a higher value of Ks may
a~ effective overburden :;tress be expected. South African experience (Collins, 1953;
Ks a coefficient of horizontal earth pressure Baikoff and Burke, 1965; Donaldson, 1967b) appears to
suggest in such situations a range in Ks of 1.0 to 1.5. The
the combined term Ks tan !/J~ usually lies within the range cohesion terrn also is not necessarily negligible. For soils
0.2 to 0.3, and that e~ can be neglected. For !/!~:::::: 20, this swellíng from an initially unsaturated condítion, the effec-
corresponds lo a range in Ks 'Jf 0.5 to 0.8, or somewhat tive-stress concept is of doubtful validity, and as a practica!
greater than the coefficient of earth pressur.; at rest, K 0 • approach, ít may be better to use the total instead of the
For swelling situations, especially when swelling occurs effective overburden stress in Eq. (12 .13) and appropríately
under relatively arid conditions, the soil rnust be in an over- deterrnined va1ues of adhesion and pile-soil friction angle.
consolidated state, and corresponding to the higher values For exarnple, Collíns (1953) recornrnends the use of a value


( ft)
Clay with

5 10 15 o 5 10
Yellow E, (lb/in') S (in.)
el ay
40 fa) Assumed parameters in analysis
el ay
Organíc clav
50 Shale

S01l profile

Heave cm. Heave cm.

o 5 10 5

J Píle


(b) Pi les with 5-ton (e) Píles with 10-ton

loads loads

- - - Theoretícal
0 Measured (Co:líns, 1958)

FIGURE 12.19 Cornparisons between rneasured and predícted píle rnovements.


of Ks l with the drained shear-strength parameters of the 18r--------------------------------.

soil, while Donaldson ( 1967 b) suggests the use of the A 4 11 66
drained shear-strength multiplied by a factor ranging from B 27 10 66
e 21 10 66
0.3 to 0.7. lf the soil is severely cracked before swelling D 14 10 66
starts, the high values of Ks given above may not be at- E 11 10 66
F 7 10 66
tained in the earlier stages of swelling, but for design pur- G· 4 10 66
12 H . 30
poses, it would be unwise to rely on the reduction in up- 9 66
1 26 9 66
ward force on the pile this implies. o
8 10-
12.6.3 Soil Modulus éi 8 ..

The most satisfactory means of estimatíon is to backfigure

Es from a piJe-load test in-situ, using the theoretical solu-
tions for an axially loaded piJe. If such a load test is not
possible, a rough estímate may be made by using the corre-
lations between Es and the undrained cohesion, c11 , of the
clay in Fig. 5 .42. The value of Cu should be that appro-
príate to the final moisture content of the soil. Alterna-
tively, a very rough estímate of Es may be rnade from the
value of mv obtained fr9rn an oedometer over an appro- '----'-----'~_j_J_L_l_ __...l_.
priate range of• stress and moisture content, using Eq. o 5 1o 1 :; 20 25 30
(11.23) andan estimated value of v8 • Dept>, (ft)

FIGURE 12.20 Tensile forces measared in a píle during accelerated

heaving test (Donaldson, 196 7).


COMPARISONS WITH THEORY The houses were divided into two groups-one in which
the average load per piJe was 5 tons, and the other in which
Collins (1958) presented an extensíve series of observations the average load was 1O tons-and each house was founded
on the movements of 37 houses founded on expansive soils, on piles tak.en to a specific depth. It is interesting to note
with 24 of these hous~s being founded on underreamed that the houses on piles founded ata 30-ft depth showed a
piles. The houses were on two sites, Leeuhof in the Trans- greater movement than those ata 20- or 25-ft dcpth. It was
vaal, and Odendaalrus in the Orange Free S tate. A typical subsequently found that the 30-ft piles had failed in ten-
soil-profile for the Leeuhof site is shownin Fig. 12.1?. Un- sion. Considerably srnaller movements were experienced
drained and drained strengths of this profile have been re- with the piles carrying 10-ton loads.
ported by Collins (1953). The measured soil-heave at var- The measurements at the Odendaalrus site were more
ious depths, to June 1956, is given in Table 12.3. variable, although they showed a tendecy for movements to
decrease with increasing pile depth.
Theoretical predictions of the behavior of the piles at
Leeuhof were m ade using the measured soil-profile, and as
TABLE 12.3 SOIL HEAVE VS. DEPTH (COLLINS, 1958) previously described, using the drained strengths to estí-
mate the pile-soil adhesion and the undrained strength to
Depth of Heave Soil Layer Expansion of Soil Layer
point (cm) (ft) estímate the soíl rnodulus. A summary of the measured and
(ft) predicted pi! e rnovemen ts is shown in Fig. 12.19, together
cm Percent of 7.9 cm with the chosen parameters for the analysis. The agreement
is good for the piles with 5 tons, but for the lO ton loads,
6 7.9 6-12 4.0 51
the theory somewhat overestimates the he ave. It is signifi-
12 3.9 12-18 2.6 33
18 l.3 18-24 0.4 5 cant to note that the theory predicts that tensile faílure
24 0.9 Below 24 0.9 11 occurs for the 30-ft piles, resulting in larger pile move-
ments. This prediction is substantiated by the observations.

Donaldsun (1 96 7b) Tensile force (Kips)

An instrumented test piJe was installed at Leeuhof,, South

Africa, and the development of !ensile force with time was
measured. The pile was a 9-in-jiameter concrete pile, 34ft
long, with a central steel-pipe :ore containing strain gauges
and acting also as !ensile reinforcement. Heave of the soil
around the pi! e was accelerated by filling, with water, four
hules of 4-in diameter, drilled to depths of 15 ft ata 3-ft
radius from the pile~hence flooding the site. ·
The measured !ensile forces at various dates are shown
in Fig. 12.20. The increase in !ensile force with time as the
heave increases is clearly seen. At the lates! date shown in
Fig. 12.20, the average heave of points at 1-ft radius was 9
mm, and at 5-ft radius, 5.5 mm. Depth
A theoretical calculation was carried out for the lates!
(ft) o
load distribution in the test pile, using soil data similar to
that us<ed for Collin's tests. The soil-surface movement re-
mote from the piJe was assumed to be 9 mm. A comparison
between the theoretical and measured load distribution is
shown in Fig. 12.21. Within the obvious limitations im-
posed by the uncertain soil data, the agreement is satisfac-
Other measurcrnents of pile behavior in swelling soils O Measured
(Donaldson. 1967)
havc been reported by Doroshkevich and Boim (1967), who
examined the effect of axial load on pile uplift, and New-
land (1968), who reported movements of a building founded
on piers in expansive clay. However, in neither case are suf-
ficient data reported for theoretical calculations to be made FIGURE 12.21 Comparison betwcen measurcd and predicted force
f and compared with measurements. in pilc.

13.1 INTRODUCTION From an examination of case records, Marche and

Lacroix (1972) attempted to relate the ratio of the horizon-
When piles are situated in a soft soil !ayer that ís subjected tal displacement of a pile to the embankment settlement
to horizontal movement, horizontal pressures are developed with the relative flexibility of the pile (Fig. 13.1 ), ancl
between the píle and the soil, with a consequent develop- found that this ratio increases with increasing pile-flexibí-
ment of bendíng moments and deflections in the piles This lity. De Beer and Wallays (1972) have described a relatively
phenomenon is the lateral-load analogue of the phenome- simple method of determining bending moments and forces
non of "negative friction" developed in piles by vertical in a pile when an unsymmetrical surcharge is placed around
movement of the surrounding soil. A number of instru- the pile. Ito and Matsui (1975) have developed a theoretical
mented field cases has been reported-for example, Franx analysis for the forces in a row of piles in soil undergoing
and Boonstra (1948), Heyman and Boersma (1961), plastic deformation.
Heyman (1965), Leussink and Wenz (1969) and Nicu et al. A theoretical analysis of the problem of a single pile in
(1971) (a surnmary of these and other cases was made by a soil subjected to lateral soil movement has been given by
Marche and Lacroix, 1972). In most of the above- Poulos ( 1973b) and is described below _ This analysis is an
mentioned cases, the piles have been in bridge abutments extension of analyses previous]y described for laterally
where the horizontal clisplacements of the soíl arose from· loaded piles in Chapter 8, in which both elastic behavior
the constructíon of an embankment at the soil surface. and lateral yield of the soil at the soil-píle interface are
Leussink and Wenz ( 196,9) have described a test on a pi!e taken into account. It should be emphasized, however, that
near an ore-storage embankment in which horizontal move- the principie of the analysis described herein may equally
ments were sufficiently large to cause structural failure of well be applied to other representations of soil behavior-
the pile. for example, the subgrade-reaction model. A quantitative

soil parameters required as input for practica! problems. A

number of comparisons are then described between ob-
served pi! e behavior and that !'.iven by the theory.


-:_¡ The pile is assumed to be a thin vertical strip of width d,

"' length L, and constant flexibility Epfp, and divided into
2': n + I elements, all elements being óf equallength o, except
those at the top and tip, which are of Iength o/2 (Fig.
<> 13 .2). The soil in the basic analysis is assumed to be an
~ 10 ideal, isotropic, elastic material, having a Young's modulus

rr: (Es) and Poisson's ratio (vs) that are unaffected by the
presence of the pi! e. The stcesses developed between the
piJe and the soil are assumed to act normal to the face of
the piJe, and no account is ttken of possible shear stresses
• horiz:::mtai movement d:t pi le ! op 1
set: lr.ment ot enba nk ment developed between the soil ar.d the sídes of the pile.
of In order to better approximate real soil · behavior, ít
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 is assumed that the Young's modulus, Es, may vary along
the pile and that the horizontal pressure between piJe and
soil (i.e., the dífference between the soil pressures on the
FlGt:RE 13.1 Rclativc disp!acement as a func'.ion of relativc !1exi- opposite faces of the píle) ha~; a limiting value, Py, that m ay
bilíty (after Marche and Lacroix, 1972). (Rcproduced by pcrmission
al so vary along the pi! e.
of the Nationa! Research Council of Canada, from thc Canadian
Geoteclmica/ Journal, vol. 9, 1972, pp.l·-24.) A solution to the problem is obtained by imposing dis-
placement compatibility between the pile and the adjacent
soil. The piJe displacements are obtained frorn the equatíon
examination will be made of sorne cf the factors in· of flexure of a thín strip. By writing this equation in finite-
fluencing the devclopment of piJe moments and displace- dífference form for each node point along the piJe, the piJe
mcnts, and sorne comments are made regarding values of displacements may be expres:.ed as

(¡r) forces, a11d íb) Stresses O'í le! Specif:ed coriZOPtal

moments 01 ptle soii movement of soi·

FIGURE 13.2 Pilcs in soil undergoing lateral movement. The problem.


of displacernents together with the appropriate boundary

[D]{p} (13.1)
conditions at the head and tip ,Jf the pile. To allow for the
possíbility of restraínt or externa! loading at the top and
where tip of the pile, top and tip horizontal forces are introduced
as unknowns in the system of equations. Mornents at the
{p} pJe-displacement vector top and tip, however, m ay be readily expressed in terms of
{p} horizontal-pressure vector the displacements.
[D] rnatrix of finite-difference coefficients By so]ving the complete systern of equations, the dis-
placernents may be deterrnined whereby the horizontal
The soil displacements arise both from the externa! source pressures may be evaluated from Eq. (13.1) or Eq. (!3
of movement an embankmenr) and the pressures These pressures may now be compared with the specified
caused by pile-soil interaction, and may be expressed as soil-yield pressures along the pile. At elements where the
computed pressure exceeds the yield pressure, the displace-

ff;{~-~} {!} {p} + {Pe}

ment-compatibility equation for that element, from Eq.
{p} = (13.2) (13 .3 ), is replaced by the beam equation for that elernent,
from Eq. (13.1), with the pressure, p, set to the yield
where pressure, Py· The solution ís recycled until the computcd
pressures do not exceed the yield values. From the displacc-
Esr a reference val u e of soil modulus ments and pressures thus computed, the slope, moment,
soil modulus ata node point and shear-force distribution along the pile may be cal-

t:J UJ
vector of values

matrix of soil-displacement factors

vector of externa! soil displacements
culated. If desíred, the above analysis may further be
modífíed to allow for possible pile-soil separation along the
upper portion of the shaft, ancl for plastic bending of the
pi! e.
Extension to the case of a píle group is also possible
The elcments of [!] rnay be evaluated from the Mindlin with the soil-displacemcnt inCiuence matrix l including
equatio11 for horizontal displacement caused by horizontal the contributions of surrounding piles. However, a rnajor
load wíthin a semi-infinite mass. If the soil is underlain by a problem with such an analysis at present ís in determining
rigid base, approximate allowance for the reduction in dis- how group effects ínflucnce the val u e of yield pressure, p.,.
placement may be made by the approach described in (This subject has been discussed in Chapter 7 .). -
Chapter 8. Tl~e consideration of a nonuniform soil modulus
by introduclion of the {Esr/EJ vector is only approximate,
as the Mind.lín equation is strictly only applícable to a
homogeneous soil (in effect, it is assumed that the stress
distribution in a nonhornogeneous mass is the same as that o 0.2 0.4 0.6
in a homogeneous soil).
While the soil rernains elastíc, Eqs. {13.1} and (13.2) r~
yield the following equation when soil and píle displace- 0.2

ments are equated:

( 13.3) z


fl/j (1]' 1 , the in verted soíl-displacement-factor matrix

KR = pile-l1exibility factor

In addition to the above equations, the horizontal-load FIGURE 13.3 "Standard" soil-movement profile for theoretical
and mornent-equilibriurn equations may be written in terms soiutions.

13.3 TYPICAL RESULTS are assumed (Figs. 13.3 and i3.7). Actual distributions can
usually be approximated in .his way. The distributions of
In order to examine the effect of various factors on píle Es and Py along the pile are :aken to be either constant or
behavior, a number of solutions ha ve been obtained for linearly increasing with depth. Twenty-one elements have
idealized cases. Simple distributions of horizontal move- been used to divide the pile.
ments with depth in the soil nass in the vicinity of the píle

= 25 v, = 0.5 Socketed ni e, free-bead, pinned-tip

Constant p, and E,
d E,
- = 10
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Py


L 0.5
j !-
L ....


(a) Movements (bi Pressures on pi le

- - Soil
- - - Pile Kq :e 10· 5
- - Pile KR 10
PileKR 10


(e) Bending moments

FIGURE 13.4 Effect of relative piJe stiffness-free-head piJe.

13.3.1 Effect of Relative PiJe Flexibility ¡o·s (a very flexible piJe), 10"3 (a pile of medium flexi-
bility), and 10- 1 (a relatively stiff piJe). For the very
For a free-head, pinned-tip socketed pile in a soil having flexible pile, the piJe displacement follows the soil dis-
constant modulus Es and yield pressure Py, and subjected placement almost exactly, and in consequence, small
to the "standard" externa! soil movements (Fig. 13.3), the pressures and moments are developed. A~ the pile becomes
distributions of pile movement, pressure, and bending- stiffer, pressures and moments in crease and the pile-
moment are shown in Fig. 13.4 for three values of KR, movement distribution changes. It is ínteresting to note

_l, = 25 v, = 0.5
d Socketed píle,
Constan! p, and E, restraíned ¡:;:nned-h,<ad,
pinned t1p
= 10 E.
d p, P,
o1 02 03 04 05 1.0 o 1.0
~:--1 "1 1 1

""-. -

. --~~ -

' '~

\ ~)>
l 0.5


L 0.5
;:::? -
/ -

1.0 l/" 1 1
---Soíl - - - Píle KR = 10-
Pi le K R = 10- - - - Pile KA= 10·

(a) Movements (b) Pressures on pi le


(e) Bending moments

FIGURE 13.5 Effect of relative pile stiffness-restrained·head piJe.


that in this case, where no head restraint is provided, the 13.3.3 Effect of Soil-Movement Distribution
rnovernent of the top of a stiff pile is substantíally greater
than the surface soil rnovernent, so that it is an advantage For the sarne piJe as that considered in Fig. 13.6, with al1
in this case to ha ve a more flexible pile. · unrestrained pinned head and a inned tip, movement and
Corresponding distributiom of rnovernent, pressure, and rnornent distributions for three soil-rnovement profiles are
rnornent for a píle with a fully-restrained pinned head are shown in Fig. 13.7. In al! three cases, the maxirnum move-
shown in Fig. 13.5. In this cas·~, íncreasing the píle stiffness rnent is the sarne. For relatively flexible piles, such as those
reduces the subsurface rnovernents of the pile, but leads to considered here, the head movernent is largely dependent
generally greater pressures and mornents than in an Un· on the magnitude of the soil surface movement. The
restrained pile, as well as to a relatively large restraining maxirnurn moment in the pile is greatest for the uniforrn
force at the head. soil-rnovernent profile. The momeWts tend to decrease as
the soil-movernent profile tends to a triangular distribu-
tion with zero rnovement at the base of the !ayer and maxi·
13.3.2 Effect of Boundary Conditions murn movement at the top of the !ayer; in the latter case,
the pile and soil rnovements are identical, if the piJe is
An exarnple of the effect of head and tip boundary- pinned at the tip and unrestrained at top, and no rnoments
counditions is shown in Fig. 13.6 for a pile of rnedium are developed in the piJe.
flexíbilíty (KR = 10-3 ) subje:cted to the standard soil-
rnovernent profile. As previously indicated, the provision
of head restraint reduces the pile rnovements near the 13.3.4 Effect of Magnitude of Soil Movernent
surface, but also increases the rnornent. The provision of
tip fixity, in this case, has virtually no effect on pile rnove- Fig. 13.8 shows the variation in displacement and'moment
ments except near the tip, wh<:re a relatively large rnornent distributions along a free-head socketed pile with increasing
is developed. magnítude of soil movement. In this case, conditions re-

25 0.5 Ke = 0.001 ~L 10 Constan! E, and F,

Socketed pi le
Standard soil-rnovemeP t profi le
p X 10 3
o 0.1 02 O.J 0.4 --2.0 ~1.0


0.4 -
1 -t 0.41
0.6 e-
1 /
// 06 ~
1 _,/'

0.8 f-
1 ,/

1.0 -L-~- ~--~---' 10L<

(b) Moments
(") Movements - - Free-head, pínned-tip
- - Restrained pinned-head. pínned-tip
- - - Free-head. fixed-tip

FIGURE l3.6 Effect of boundary condítions.

l ~ 25 v, = 0.5 10 KR = 0.001
d p,
Socketed pile, pinned-típ, Constant E, and p,


0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4
L l
0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8

(a) Pile movements (u) Moments

0.15d 0.45d o.45u
Soil movements: Case 1
0.4 lJ ~ Case 2 O. 5LI r=J Case 3

V0.45d V
FIGURE 13.7 Effect of distribution of soil rnovement.

. Soil-movement
KR 0.001 _[, = 25
v, = 0.5 S=
10 . disr.ribution

Socketed pile, pinned-top, pinnea-tip, unrestraineci head,

constant E, and p'l

l z
l l

(a) Pile movements (b) Moments

- - - lncluding yield effects
- - Elastic solutions

FIGURE 13.8 Effect of magnitude of movement and local yield.


Cor'Jsta'it Es a;,c E
v, c. 0.5 10 ~ ~ 8000

P.. .X ll

L 1

0.6- //
. 1 .;?

:: ~-'-':.r)

cJ (/¡) Momcnt·;
.! ! ~ .06L
25 ·r o*fl~ /
d1st· 1but1o~
FIGURE 13.9 Eflect 0fpíle díamclcr.

main elastic until the maximum soil movement reaches 13.3.6 Effect of Es andpy Di~tributions
about 0.4d. For greater soil movements, the elastic solu-
tíon tends to overestimate both pile det1ection and mo-
ment, although the diffcrences between the purely elastic The foregoing solutions have heen for the case of constant
solutions and those including yield are r,ot great, even for soil modulus E, and yield pcessure Py in the soil ]ayer.
relatively large magnitudes of :mí! movement (e .g., Psm/d"' Typical solutions for a sockeled piJe in a soil with Es and
0.9). Thus, Fig. 13.8 indicates that in some cases, especially Pv varying linearly with depth from zero at the surface, are
those involving relatívely flexible piles and small soil move- shown in 13 .10. In this ose, the pile-11exibility factor
ments, an elastic analysis may be adequate or at worst, is defíned as KN = E plp/Nh r, 5 , where N11 is the rate of
should provide an overestimate of piJe deflection and increase of Young's modulus with depth (see Chapter 8).
moment. For a given value of KN, the pile-movement pro file appears
to be similar to that for the case of uniform but for a
pile with a larger KR value. For example, the displacement
profile for KN = 1o·.> (in a linearly varying Es) is very
13.3.5 Effect of Pite Diameter similar to that for KR = 10-1 (uniform see Fig. 13.4).
The moments are expressed in dimensionless form as
If the diameter of a pile is changed but the length remains M/PybL 3 , where Pyb is the soil-yield pressure at the leve! of
constan!, the L/d ~atio changes and the pile-flexibi!ity the pile tip. A comparison b1~tween the moments in Fig.
factor, KR, also changes. A typical example of the effects J3.9b and those for a uniform soil in Fig. 13 .4c reveals that
of changing the diameter of a socketed pile is shown in Fig. for comparable values of Py in each case, considerably
13.9. Eomparison with Fig. 13.4 shows that the principal larger moments are developed when Py is uniform. These
effect of changing diameter is to decrease KR. The effect of larger moments arise because the values of Py along the
changing the value of L/d is of secondary importance. upper portien of the pi! e are considerably larger, and in

25 v, = 0.5 E, and Pv linear! y increasing wíth depth
. Py
~ 10
Socketed pile •. free~head, pinned-tip
Standard soil~moveme~t profile
M 4
p X 10
Pyb L
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 o 2 3 4 5

Values of KN

L l
1 L
- - - Kn = 10-
- - - KR 10- 3
--- KR 10" 5

(a) Pi le movements lb) Moments

FIGURE 13.10 Pile in soil with lincarly varying modulus and yie!d pressure.

general, the dístríbution of Py has a greater ínfluence on that the predicted values were often very much smaller than
pile behavior than does the distributíon ofEs. the observed, despite the fact that reasonable agreement
was obtained between predicted and observed settlements.
Because predicted horizontal movements are much more
sensitive than settlements to such factors as soíl anisotropy
13.4 APPLICATION OF ANALYSIS TO PRACTICAL and nonhomogeneity, it appears unlikely that horizontal
PROBLEMS movements can be predícted with confidence at the present
time. Thus, it ís desirable, if possible, to use fíeld measure-
In addition to data on pile geometry and boundary condi- ments of horizontal movements as input data. Such
tions, the analysis requires the following data as input: measurements shoul¡:l be for the surface at least, but prefer-
ably should include values at depth obtained with inclíno-
l. The distríbution of horizontal soíl movement Pe wíth meters or slope índícators.
2. The distríbution of soíl modulus Es wíth depth.
3. The distribution of soil yield pressure Py with depth. 13.5 COMPARISONS WITH FIELD MEASUREMENTS

The estimation of Es and Py has been discussed previously, There are only a few reported measurements of pile be-
in Chapters 7 and 8. However, sorne comments on horizon- havior in the presence of lateral soil movements in which
tal soil movements are necessary. sufficíent data is available to enable comparisons between
Ideally, the horizontal soil movements resulting from an observed and predicted behavior to be made. Three such
embankment or foundatíon can be estimated either from series of measurements are considered herein.
the appropriate elastíc theory if the soil profile is reason-
ably uníform (see, for example, Da vis and Taylor, 1962), or Heyman and Boersma ( 1961)
from a finite-element analysís in more complicated cases. Heyman and Boersma (1961) ha ve described tests on three
However, a number of comparisons between measured and instrumented steel-box piles, 30 cm square and 12.5 m
theoretical horizontal movements (Poulos, 1972c) revealed long, founded in sand, peat, and clay layers underlain by

Dístance from toe of slope (m) Dístance from toe of si:Jpe (m)
20 o 10 20 30

5 25 o
"'E -
E ro ".<:""' 5
E 2'
:;;;" ,g
15 u 7.5
cr::"'"' o


(a) Maxímum moment in pile o

Calculatcd (const. E,)
12.5 ' - - - 4 - - - - -
Calculated (lín. var. E,)
(b) Reaction at píle head
o Measureu IHeyman and Boersrna, 1961}

FIGURE 13.11 Comparison betwec:n measured and theoretical pite moment and reaction.

sand at about 11 m. The piJe heads were propped against a Comparisons between theoretical and measured maximum-
heavy concrete beam founded on an eight-pile bent to moment, 1Wmax• and pile-hea(~ reaction, H, are shown in
restrain hcad movement. A 7-m-high road embankment of Fig. 13.11. The theory tends to overestimate M max and
hydraulíc fill was constructed in stages, with the embank- underestimate H, although the variation with distance of
ment toe originally 30m from the píles. The distributíon of the pile from the toe is reasonably well-predicted. The
lateral soil movement wíth depth was measured by an assumed distribution has relatively líttle influence on the
inclinometer, while readíngs of the moment distribution solutions. For constant E 5 , the value of Es also has rela-
and the heau reaction in the piJe were also recorded. The tívely little influence on the solutions; a larger Es leads toa
embankment was progressively extended in the direction of smaller H and M max, but e ven a four-fold in crease in Es
the piles in steps of 5 m, with readings being taken at each only gives a decrease of about 12% in Mma.x and about 8%
step. A period of two to three weeks rest was allowed at in H.
each step, but relativdy little time-dependency of moment
or head reaction was noted. Heyman (1965)
In obhiníng theoretical solutions, the measured soil The test piles and soil pro file ::lescribed by Hcyman (I 965)
movements were used as input and the following assump- are very simil.ar to those described by Heyman and Boersma
tions were made: (1961 ). Two test pi! es 12.5 m long were instrumented, one
situated at the toe of the embankment and the other at 12
l. Both the piJe tip and the pile head were pínned but re-
m from the toe. The embankment was constructed in three
strained from moving horizontally.
stages to a maximum height of 4 m. The measured horizon-
2. The values of yield pressure Py were assumed to be 9
tal soil movements were not described in detail, but it was
cu for cohesíve soils and three times the Rankine passive
stated that for the full embankment heíght, the movements
pressure for cohesíonless soils, as recommended by Broms,
were almost constant with depth, varying from 1.5 cm at
1964a,b (see Chapter 7).
12m from the toe to 3 cm at the toe.
3. Two distributíons of Es were used:
In the theoretical analysis, the above soil ¡novements
(a) C'onstant E, with depth of 500 t/m 2 .
were used as input and the same assumptions were made
(b) Es varying linear! y from zero at the surface to 1500
re&ardíng soil and píle paramcters as in the Heyman and
t/m 2 at the leve! of the pile tip.

Mom-mt (tm.)
- - Theory-lin. var. E, o
- - - Theory-const. E, 1
- l > - Meosured
/ 2.0
E 2.o -
e Oepth
.o (m) 4.0
Pite 11


- - - Lin. var. E,
5.0 - - - Const. E,
- - - 6 - Measured
Reaction force at pite head (t)

4.0 Morr ent .1 tm.)

o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0


E 3.o ··


~ 2.0 -
-"' Oepth _
e 40
.o Pite 1 lml
E Pite 1

(Full embankrnent he1ghtl


Reaction force at pite head (t)

FIGURE 13.12 Theoretical and measured reaction force- tests of

FIGURE 13.13 Theoretical and meast•red moments-tests of
Heyman (1965). Heyman (1965).

Boersma tests. It was further assumed that the horizontal Leussink and Wenz ( 1969j
soil movements íncreased linearly with embankment height. A test pile was built up of four channel sections to form a
Comparisons between theoretical and measured head- box 0.85 m wide and 30 m long and installed in a soíl
reaction are shown in Fig. 13.1:2, while the moment distri- profile of sand and organic clay and peat overlying sand at
butions for the maximum embankment height are shown in 20 m depth. The pile head was hinged to an almost rigjd
Fig. 13.13. The theoretical solutions for head reaction, as- súpport. A rectangular test-embankment of ore was con-
suming a linearly varying Es with depth, are in excellent structed to a maximum height of about 6 m and measure-
agreement with the measured values, while the solutions for ments taken of the horizontal soil movements at various
constant Es overestimate H. Reasonable agreement is also locations beneath the embankment and of the test pile
found between the rnoments when a linearly varying Es is situated adjacent to the embankment.. It was found that
assumed in the theory, although there is a tendency for the the soil movements were sufficiently large (maximum of
theory to underestimate the moment in the lower portian about 80 cm) to cause failure of the test pi! e. Soil move-
of each pile. ments taken just prior to failure enabled a comparison to

Displacement (cm) restrained from movement at :1 depth of about 5 m in the

10 20 40 50 sand beneath the organic clay.
2. The yield pressures, Py, were given by 9 Cu for co-
hesive soils and three times the Rank:ine passive pressure
for cohesionless soils.
3. Two distributions of Es we1e used:
(a) ConstantEs with deptl· of 350 t/m 2 •
(b) Es linear! y varying fron zero at the surface to 1050
10 t/m 2 at the leve! of the pile típ.
A comparison between the measured and theoretical
pile displacements ís shown h Fíg. 13.14. Because sorne
movement of the pile head díd in fact occur, the
"measured" pile movements in Fig. 13.14 are the values
- - Measured pi le movement
relatíve to the pi! e head.
The shapes of the measure,] and theoretical movements
- - - Calculated pi le movement
(unitorm E, 1 are similar, but the theoretical values for both distributions
- - - C•lculated pi!e rnovement of Es are less than those measmed. Part of the discrepancy
(lín. var. E,)
may be attributed to the choice of parameters in the .maly-
sis, but the additional pile mc,vements caused by H:.e im-
FIGURE 13.14 Mcasured and theoretícal pile movements---tests of
l.eussink and Wenz (1969).
pending failure of the pile m ay also have contributed :;ignif-
icantly. Su eh nonelastic pile movements were not con-
sidered in the theoretical analysis. In addition, it appears
be made between the theoretical and measured displace-
that the reported measured pik-movements correspond toa
ment-profile of the pile.
slightly larger embankment load (20 t/m 2 ) than the mea-
lrr the analysis, the following assumptions were made:
sured soil movements ( which <Lre for an embankmen. load
The pile was pinned at the pile head and restrained of 18 t/m 2 ), so that the agreement in Fig. 13.14 may be
from moving, while the tip was effectively pinned and regarded as fair.

14.1 INTRODUCTION lutíons from this approach and the subgrade-rcaction analy-
sis are described.
Early investigations óf the buckling of pilcs (Granholm,
1929) showcd that for piles of normal dimensions driven
through soft soil, buckling should not take place except in 14.2 FULL Y EMBEDDED PIU:S
extrernely soft soil. However, with the increasing use of
very slendcr piles (e.g., Bjerrum, l95i Brandtzaeg and
Harboe, 1957) and long piles that cxtend for a considerable l4.2.l Basic Subgrade-Reaction Theory
distan ce above the ground !in e, the possibility of buckling
has had to be reconsidered, and a considerable amount of For an elastic pile ernbedded in a "Winkler" rnedium and
research has been carried out in recent years in an attempt subjected to an axial load P at the head, the governing dif-
to obtain more accurate estimates of pile-buckling loads. ferential equation for the horizontal deflection p along the
The majority of analytical methods proposed have employ- pile is(e.g.,Hetenyí, 1946):
ed subgrade-reaction theory, although elastic-continuum
theory has also been used more recen ti y.
In this chapter, the subgrade-reaction analysis is des-
o (l4.1)
cribed and available solutions for the elastic buckling load
of fully-embedded and partially-ernbedded piles are pre- where
sented. The effects of various practical complications such
as piJe imperfections, inelastic buckling, and group effects Epip flexúral stiffness of pi! e
are also discussed. A brief discussion of the elas tic approach kh modulus of subgrade reaction
to the problem is given and sorne comparisons between so- d piJe diameter or width


1' the boundary conditions at the two ends. A system of n + 2

SurfacGl equations is thus obtained:

[D}{p} "' O (14.3)

l" 2
l- ·¡
[D] = matrix of finite difference coefficients
{p} = vector of horizontal pi! e displacements
L• 1
1 By equating the determinan t o([D] to zero and solv-
1 ing, the eigenvalues of P0 may be obtained. The required

j_. ~.,
buckling load is the lowest value. Use ·of the numerical
approach enables any distribution of axial load and modu-
lus of subgrade reaction along the piJe to be considered.
A number of solutions have been obtained for various
combinations of head and tip boundary condiiíons and for
the cases of constan! kh with depth and linearly increasing
FIGURE 14.1 Finite-difference representation of pile. kh with depth. These solutions are described below. The
influence of various practica] complications is considered in
Section 14.4.
The solution to the above equation involves the determina-
tion of the characteristic values of P for instability of the
pile. 14.2.2 Solutions for Constan! kh
Analytical solutions can be obtained using variational
methods (Timoshenko, 1936; Toakley, 1965; Reddy and One of the earliest solutions wa~: obtained by Timoshenko
Valsangkar, 1970). Alternatively, finite-difference methods (1936) for a pin-ended pile alo:1g which no load-transfer
can be used to determine the eigenvalues. For a typical occurs. The critica! load, Pe,., is given by
point ion the pile (Fig. 14.1), Eq. (14.1) can be written as
Pí-2 + [Po(;) 4] Pi-1 + [6 (l4.2)

- - (P¡-P ) + - - - J + [-Po (-P

2Po kh¡/khr
n R 4
p·1 P¡ )' rr 2Epfp
Euler load of a stru t in air
0 0 L2

- 4 J Pi+ 1 + Pi+2 "' 0 khdL


rr Eplp
L piJe length
m number of buckled half-waves
n 2Eplp
P0 axii:tlload at pile head The value of m is obtained from the condition that Pcr is
P¡ axial load at point i a mínimum. Thus, when ~ = O, Pcr is a mínimum for m= 1
khi "' modulus of subgrade reaction at i and Pcr = PE. As ~ increases- that is, k¡¡ increases-the
khr a reference value of kh number of buckled half-waves, and hence Pcr• increases.
4 4
R = Eplp/L kh,.d For an infinitely long pi! e, buckling occurs in half-wave-
n = number of elements in piJe lengths of

Equation (14.2) may be written for points 2 ton along the

L/.¡[3 = 4
piJe, and four' further equations may be derived, expressing



Bjerrum (1957) has used the above expression to calcu-

late buckling values for initially straight piles, and has
shown that buckling need only be considered íf

(14.6) f free
p "~ pinned
ft fixed, tra:1sla_1íng ·

where Note: Upper end condítíon

lísted 1írst

yield stress of pile material

cross-sectional area of píle

For steel piles, with R

52,000 lb/ín. 2 , 1,-,oo;

30X 106 lb/in? 0 ""'--'--L.---'--~L..._..JIL. _L__l___l____j_--'---L-_j

o 2 4 6 8 10
75lb/in. 2 (typlcal value for soft clay)

buckling is only likely if fp/A 2 <O .30. This only occurs for FIGURE 14.2 Buckling load vs. length for kh constan! (Davísson,
shapes such as round and square steel-bars and tram-rails 1963).
such as are used in underpinning operations.
Solutions for various boundary conditions have been
Equivalent length, le, is a function of the boundary condi-
presented by Davisson (1963). The axial load is again as-
tions at the pile top and tip, and of the distríbutíon of k~¡
sumed to be constan! in the pÜe~that is, no load transfer
along the pile. Solutions for left' are shown in Fig. 14.3 for
occurs and the pi! e initially is perfectly straigh t. The solu-
various boundary conditions, where
tions are shown in 14.2 in dimensionless form, as a plot
of Ucr versus lmax, where
1' = (14.11)
Ucr --- (14.7)
E:Jp that is,

R \1 Epfp/k¡¡d (14.8) l' = rrR

lmax L/R (14.9) "Where Ris defined in Eq. (14.8).

Figure 14.2 shows that the boundary conditions exert a Buckling loads calculated from the use of Fig. 14.3 are
controlling influence on Ucr• with the lowest bucklíng loads identical with those from Fig. 14.2.
occurring for pHes with free (unrestrained) ends. Methods of determining k~¡ and typical vaiues for var-
An alternative presentation of solutiorrs has been given ious soíl types are discussed in Section 8.2.
by Francis et al. (1965) and Toakley (1965), in which the
pile is considered as 2: pin-ended strut in air of equivalent
length, le, so that the buckling load is 14.2.3 Solutions for Linearly Varying kh

A number of solutions have been obtained by Davisson

(14.10) (1963) for the case k~¡ = nhzid, and these solutions 2.re
shown in Fig. 14.4 for the case of an initially straight piJe

tix~d top
(e) 'd)
PtiQ: trw to
and bottom sway at top,

FIGCRE 14.3 Piles in uniform m<dium; various end conditions; plot of le/r vs. Lit (Francis et al., 1965).

and no axial load transfer along the pile. The dimensionless

bucklíng load, Ver· is defined as 3,0 r - - - r - - - : , , - - - , · · - - ¡ - - ¡ - - - - ¡
I legend

\J p·p
l free
= pinned
lixed, translating
Note: Upper end
conditíon losted

Pcr ~ critica! buckling load


and the dimcnsionless lcngth, . is

Zmax (14.14)

Figure 14.4 shows that the boundary condition at the top

of the píle is of considerable importance, In cases where 4 5 6
buckling is likely to be a problem, great benefit can be ob-
taíned by ensuring that the píle head is restrained from
translation and, preferably, flxed aga:nst rotatíon. FIGCRE 14.4 Buckling load vs. length for kh = nhz/d (Davisson,
The determination of nh is discussed in Section 8 .2. 1963).

r T
( 1.6 , . . . - - - - , - - - - , --...,..--·---,---,


:t SR

(o) Actual Pd<z ( b) Equovol<?nt Cantoi<?V<?r FIGURE 14.6 Dimensionless deptí1 of fixíty for bucklíng. Constant
k h (after Davisson and Robinson, 1965 ). (© Canada, 1965, by Unív-
FIGURE 14.5 Partially embedded piles. ersity of Toronto Press.)

The critica! load ís then

14.3.1 Theoretical Approach

The basic equation (14.1) agaín applies and solutíons may

14.3.3 Solutions for Linearly Varying kh
be obtained either by analytical means (e.g., Reddy and
Valsangkar, 1970) or numerical means. In the case of the Solutions for a long pile (Zma~ > 4; defined in Eq. (1 4.14),
numerical analysis, the modulus of subgrade reaction at wíth L = embedded Iength) for the case kh n11z/d are
poínts above the ground line can sirnply be made very small sí1own in Fig. 14.7 (Davisson and Robinson, 1965), agaín in
and the solution obtained as befare. terms of an equivalent length of embedded portian of pile.
In this case,

14.3.2 Solutions for Constant kh

For two sets of boundary conditions, constant axial load in
the pile and a relatively long pile (lmax > 4; see Eq. 14.9 for
lmax), Davisson and Robinson {1965) have presented solu·
tions for the buckling load of a partially embedded piles, in
terms of an equivalen! freestanding length of the embedded
portian of the piles (this form of presentation parallels that
given in Fig. 14.3 for fully embedded piles).
The solutions are given in Fig. 14.6, in which

(14.15) Free, free

1.71----t-----~··---r--- -1-----r·-~·-+----·---J

1.6 Lo_ _.....L2_._.J4L__..J6L---:a:------:1o:::---~12
Ls equivalen! free length of embedded portian of
piJe (see Fig. 14.5)
Lu "' unsupported piJe 1ength FIGURE 14.7 Dimensionless depth of fixity for buckling. Línearly
varying kh (after Davisson and Robínson, 1965). (© Ca nada, 1965,
and R is defined in Eq. (14.8), with L embedded length. by Universíty ofToronto Press.)

Jr = - (14.19) Fíxed-fixed

and T is deflned in Eq. ( 14.13).

The buckling load is

rr Epfp
4 (ST + hYrt
Lee (1968) carried out model tests on ~-in.-to-n-in.­
diameter piles in dry sand and found good agreement be-
tween the rneasured buckling loads and those predicted·by
Davisson and Robinson's solutions.


__ _j___....J___ ___L _ _ _j
0.25 0.5 o. 75 1.0

14.4.1 Axial Load Transfer Along Pile


The theoretical solutions given in the preceding sections are

for píles in which the axial load is constan! along the piJe,
that ís, no load transfer occurs along the pile. This condi- 8
-oo-o- P!l-
tion is satisfied for relatively short or stiff end-bearing piles,
but for floatíng piles and compressible end-bearing piles, ....,..,..,_PI!
considerable load transfer occurs (see Chapter 5). The ef-
fect of axial load transfer on the critica! bucklíng load has
heen investigated by Francis et aL (1965), Toakley (1965),
and Reddy and Valsangkar ( 1970). The latter ha ve consi-
dered the following idealized axial load distributions:

Ful!y embedded piles:

P = Po ( 1- ¡J; z /L) (l4.2la)




Po load at píle head

z depth below surface o ...__ _.______L _ _j____J
L piJe kngth 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0
..¡; para meter (O..:;; 1/; < 1) 'i'
Partially ernbedded piles:
FIGURE 14.8 Effect of skin fríction on buckling loads for (a) con·
stant soil modulus; (b) linear soi!modulus (Reddy and Valsangkar
P Po [l-1/;(1 nY (14.22)

where The variation with ¡J¡ of the dimensionless buckling loads,

Ucr = Pcr R 2 /Eplp and Vcr = Pc(I12 /Eplp, is shown in Fig.
Lr totallength of-pile (L + Lu) 14.8 for fully embedded, relatively long piles. Considerable
n = ratio of unsupported length to totallength, Lu/(L increase in the buckling load occurs because of load trans-
+ Lu) fer, this increase being most marked for the fixed-free-with-
sway case-piles with a free tip and a head that can translate
In the latti:r case, the dimensionless length is defined as but not rotate. Corresponding, curves for typical partially-
embedded piles are shown in Figs. 14.9 and 14.10.

Also, ¡J; can be greater than one. 14.4.2 Initial Imperfections

For both cases, the value of ¡J; could be estimated from the This aspect has been investigated by Francís et al. (1965).
elastic solutíons for base load given in Chapter 5. If the soil is assumed to have a constant modulus of sub-
grade reaction, kh, that is independent of lateral deflectir ·..
a pile free of imperfections remains straight until the criti-
. cal load, Pcr• is reached. A pilt with imperfections deflects
laterally from the onset of loading into a form governed by
the imperfections but gradually moves into the theoretical
bucklíng mode as Pcr is approached.


> 1.0

0.3125 0.625 0.5 f'ree-lree

o o



with sway
>" 1 .O
Free-free 0.5

0.4167 0.8333 1.250 1.4667

(b) "'

FIGURE 14.9 Effect of skin friction for partially supported pile FIGURE 14.10 Effect of skin friction for parti~lly supported pile
for constant soil modulus: (a) n 0.2, lmax 0.4; (b) n 0.4, lrr.ax for linear soil modulus: (a) n 0.2, Zmax 4; (b) n =0.4, Zmax = 4
4 (Reddy and Vaísangkar, 1970). (Reddy and Valsangkar, 1970).

In real soils, kh decreases with increasing lateral deflec- tests, so that (14.24) may be expected to usually give a
tíon, and ultimately t 1te soil becomes plastic, that is, kh be- conservative estímate of Pu¡1 , except for very soft soils.
comes zero for further increase in pite deflection. For a
fully embedded pin-ended piJe, the buckling load in a uní-
form plastic medium is equal to the Euler load of the pin- 14.4.4 Group Effects
. ended strut in air. This is one half the value for the piJe in a
uniform mass with constant kh, providing the half-wave Model tests carried out by Toakley (1 964) with groups of
length of the pi! e does not alter. two and three steel-strip piles in soft silt showed that the
An eccentricity ís a general representation of an imper- critica! load is reduced by .srouping when the piles are
fection in a pile. A series of model piJe tests on fully em· closely spaced. The test results are summarized in Table
bedded pin-ended piles, carríed out by Hoadley (1964), 14.1, together with tests on isolated piles. Full-scale tests
confirmed that loading eccentricity decreases Pcr· These reported by Hoadley, Franci.s, and Stevens (1969), how-
tests also revealed that on the average, the post-buckling ever, show little interaction between closely-spaced piles.
load capacity of the pi! e ( after elastic buckling had com- As an approximate means of estimating group effects, the
menced) was 0.5 3 times the el:tstic buckling load. Assuming value of kh may be reduced arbitrarily, as suggested in Sec-
that the soil along the pilc has bccome fully plastic subse- tion 8.2. Alternatively, an elastic analysis of group inter-
qucnt to elastic buckling, the above relationship between action under lateral loading (Section 8.4) may provide a
post-buckling and e!astic critica! loads is in excellent agree- more ratio na! reduction facto:· for kh.
ment with the theoretical prediction that the critica! load
in a plastíc medíum is one half that in an elastic mass.
14.4.3 lnelastic Buckling
1/8-inch Piles
For pi! es that fail ínelastícally, Granholm ( 1929) suggested
~o.of Spacing Av. Pile Load Group
the followíng interaction equation: Pi! es (in.) at F;dlure Efficiency
(lb) (%)

(14.24) 1 147S 100

2 90(1 61.0
2 2 992 67.2
2 3 101? 68.6
where 2 4 1226 83.1
2 6 102.) 69.5
3 928 62.9
Pu1t "' collapse load of pile 3 4 1156 78.3
Pcr clastic bu~kling load
Ps = short-column load :apacity of pile section 24-Gauge Pí1es

1 12B 100
Golder and Skipp ( 1957) carried out model pi! e tests 2 3 8J 64.9
that showcd that the above expression overestimated Pu!t 2 6 10! 79.0
for very soft soíls (cu < ll5lb/ft 2 ) but underestímated Pu1t
for c11 > 115 lb/ft 2 • Hoadley, Francis, and Stevens (1969)
found that Pult is overestimated for a soil with an average
c11 of about 500 lb/ft 2 . Francis et al. (1965), however,
found good agreement between measured and predicted ul- 14.5 ANALYSIS USING ELASTIC THEORY
timate load for a full-scale hollow steel pile in soft silty
clay, but in another case, involving a prestressed concrete The elastic analyses of pi! e b éhavior under axial and lateral
píle in silty clay, the measured load was about 20% higher loads have been extended Madhav and Davis (1974) to
than the predicted value. In both the laoter cases, the soil examine the problem of buckling of a pi] e in an ideal elastic
was stiffer than the very soft soil in Golder and Skipp's soil medium. As previously discussed, this representation of

a soil should be more realistic than the simpler Winkler Assuming the piJe to be a thín bearn, the basic equatíon
spring model. of bending is

=M (14.27)
14.5.1 Analysis

For the basic analysis, the sarne assurnptions are made as in where
the analysis of a laterally-loaded socketed piJe (Chapter 8):
that the soil is a homogeneous, isotropic, elastic !ayer Eplp flexura! rigidity o.: piJe
underlain by a rigid base, and that the piJe is of length L, pP = lateral deflection of piJe axis
diameter ( or wid th) d, with the tip resting on the rigid base, l'rf = bending rr"rnent
and is divided imo n + 1 elements (se e Fig. 14.11 ).
The lateral displacements of the soil adjacent to the pile At any point i, the moment /1{ can be expressed as
elernents are given in Chapter 8:
-dL 2
(14.25) M¡ = - -{C¡}{p} + Hoz¡ + Mo

where + (P¡ - P2) [pPi - (pPt + pP2)/2j

{ sP} vector of soil dísplacernents + (P2 - P3) [pPi - (pP2 + pP3)/2] + •· · · · · •
[sl] (n+l) X (n+1) matríx of soil-displacement-in- t (P¡_¡ P¡) [pPí (pPí- 1 + pP¡)/2] (14.28}
fluence factors
{p} vector of soil pressures where
Es Young's modulus of soil
P¡ = axial load at the leve! of point i
The elernents of [s!J are obtained as described in Chapter { C¡} vector of coeffici~nts for the moment of the
8. lnverting Eq. (14.25), pressures p at point i
H0 horizontal load at cop of pile
{P} (14.26) M0 moment at top of pile
z¡ = depth of point i bdow surface

Expressing Eq. (14.27) in finite-ditference form, and

applying it to all points on the piJe, the follpwing matrix
equation is obtained:

Epip- fl~xural
of pilfl.
1:>5 -sh<iear s~s
on píl~

[B] matrix of finite-dil"ference coefficients with the

only nonzero elements being B(i, i) = B(i, i
- 1) B(i, i+ 1) = 1
Ff,., "Pe Mt Pn•1 • PB
Ca~ I Píi<Z Hing<Zd at Ca~ :n: Pil<Z Fix<Zd at [ C] matrix of coefficients for the mQrnent of the
Both Ends. BothEnds
pressures p at farious points on the piJe
FIGURE 14.11 PiJe loading an<\ boundary conditíons for elastic {G} columnvector,withG¡=z¡.
analysis. { 1} column vector of values of unity

[o:] matrix of coefficients for the moment at var- P1 = Pn+1 =O

ious points on the pile caused by the axialloads M 1 = Mn+1 =O

with These conditions may be incorporated into the equations

- ¡3·¡+ 1 f . . . previotisly derived to reduce the order of the problem from
. ")
a ( z,¡ = í3i-1 or ¡ <. z n+ l to n-1 unknowns. Then, by equating soil and pi! e d is-
2 placements-that is, { sP} = { pP f = { p }-Eq. (14.29) reduces
/3i-l + ¡3¡ to the following form:
o:(i,j) for j = 1
[(A] + P*(~]]{p} =O (14.32)
a(i,j) = O for j >i
/3¡ = P¡/Po
= proportion of axial load at point i
[A] = KRn 2 [B] + ~2 [¡e] -
{{n{E} - {F}}
For horizontal force equilibrium,
. {e}] [/1 1
Ho + H¡ -{E}lp}
[a] - -~{a 1 }{C}


H¡ load at típ
{E}= vector,withE(j)= 1 forj=2ton;E(l)=E(n+ El
KR = .J!....E_ = pile-stiffness factor
l) 0.5 Es L4

For moment equilibrium, Multiplying Eq. (14.32) by [ ~p,

2 [-m-¡ [Al P*[l]]{p} =O (14.33)

H¡L ll-!0 M¡ + dL {F}{p}
where [ 1] is the unit matrix.
Equation ( 14.33) is of standard form and m ay be sol ved to
where obtain the smallest eigenvalue:

{ F} row vector

with where

F(j) (j-1) forj= 2 ton Pcr buckling load of the pile

F(l) = 0.125
F(n+ l) = 0.5n 0.125 In employing the above analysis, the most satisfactory
means of determining the matrix [o:], involving the axial
and load distribution in th'e pile, is to use the distribution ob-
tained from a single-pile analysis for axial load only (Chap·
{'o: 1 } = row vector ter 5). This distribution will be dependen! on the value of
the pile-stiffness factor K E 17 /Es • RA, where RA = area
with ratio of pile. .

14.5.2 Typical Soiutions

The appropriate boundary conditions are now invoked.
For example, for a pile restrained from translation at top Typical solutions for the buckling load of an end-bearing
and tip, but free to rotate, the boundary conditions are pile pinned and restrained from translation at top and


1 Cosa l
Pila hingc:!d atl both ands
---->i~·~ -··-j-----·---t--¡ . . 1 --- ---;----j

i 1
!v, • O· !51 K • !500

i ;

10 ---··


FIGURE 14.12 Effect of L/d ratio on buckling loads.

FIGURE 14.!3 Effect of pi!e-stíffness factor K R on buckling loads.

bottom, are shown in Fígs. 14.12 and 14.13. In all cases, creasing slenderness, L/d. The effect of the axial load dis-
10 elements have been used to divide the püe. The buck- tribution is shown in Fig. 14.13, where values of PcrfPE are
ling load, Pcr• is expressed in dimensionless form as a ratio plotted for various values of pile-stiffness factor K. The
of the Euler load Pe = rr 2 Epfp/L 2 (Le., the buckling load. lower the value of K, the greatcr is the load transfer to the
of a column without soil support). PcrfPE in creases with soil along the pile shaft. PcrfPE in creases as K decreases,
íncreasing pile-flexibility (Le., decreasing KR ), and with in- thus confirming·the conclusión reached from subgrade-reac-


1 Pil~

both qnds

K• 100
pe 1 -
'··+ +-
Bucklíng load 1 of
column fíxqd 1 at
both ¡¡nds. ·
: 500 1 i
"" (Smooth or 1
'Y'~k- lncompr¡¡ssíblil

FIGURE 14.14 Buckling \oads for a fixed ended piJe.

tion analyses, that the buckling load increases as the

amount of load transfer in creases (Section 14.4.1 ).
Solutions for a piJe fixed a: both ends are shown in Fig.
14.14. [n thís case, Pcr is expressed as a ratio of the buck-
ling load, Pcf = 4PE, of a column wíthout soil surrounding


FIGURE 14.15 Equivalent column lengths of fully embedded pin- FIGl!'RE 14.16 Equivalent column lengths of ful!y embedded fixed
pin piles. pi! es.

1000 . - - - - - , - - - - - , . - - - . , . . - - - . . . , - - - - - . - - - - . - - - - ,

hing~Zd ot . both ~Znds

V5 • O· 5
--- Subgrod~Z R~Zoction Th~Zory
- Elostic Th~Zory

FIGURE 14.17 Comparison of elastic and subgrade-reaction theories.

it. The effect of the soil in increasing the buckling loa'd is 14.5 .3 Comparison with Subgr:1de-Reaction ~olutions
less for this case than for the piJe pinned at both ends.
Alternati'le presentations of solutions from the elastic A comparison between elastic and subgrade-reaction solu-
, analysis are shown in Figs. 14.15 and 14.16, where the tions for the buckling load of 1 piJe pinned at the top and
equivalent length of the piJe L,., as a ratio of L, is plotted tip is shown in Fig. 14.17. In )rder to make this compari-
against KR for various values of L/d. son, the modulus of subgradt reaction, kh, and Young's
lt should be noted that for a particular piJe section, KR modulus of the soil, Es, have t een related by equating the
and K are not independent quantities, and it may readily be solutions for a rigid pi! e, free 't the top and pinned at the
shown that ti p. For L/d = 25, this gives ¡;hd ""' 0.8 Es. Figure 14.17
shows ~hat the elastic theory gives larger buckling loads
than the subgrade-reaction ti- eory for relatively flexible
(14.34) piles (KR < 10- 3 ), but for stiffer piles, the solutions are
almost identical. The differen( e between the solutions be-
comes more marked as L/d decJ eases.
For a solid circular pile, Eq. (14.34) reduces to
Figure 14.17 indicates that the estimation of the buck-
ling load from the simpler st bgrade-reaction theory will
(14.35) generally give a conservative value, but unless the pile is
extremely flexible, the error wi:l not be serious.

15.1 INTRODUCTION In the design of foundations subjected to dynamic Ioads

the response of the foundation, in the form of stress, strain,
The design of a foundation subjected to dynamíc loading deflection, and so on, must be determined and compared
must satisfy the usual requirements of safety and stabilíty, with the design criterion adopted. In the estimation of this
and in addition, must satisfy certain desígn criteria relating response, three important steps that among others must be
to the prevention of excessive dynamic movements of the considered, are
foundation and structure. The design criteria most often en·
countered relate to the dynamic response of the founda-
l. Definition of the Ioads.
tion. These are expressed in terms of th.~ limiting amplitude
2. Use of an appropriate method of analysis.
of vibratíon at a particular frequency or a límiting value of
peak velocity or peak acceleration. A summary of the 3. Selection of soil and foundation parameters for use in
dísplacemen t-amplítude-versus-frequency relationships for the analysis.
various sensitivities of response by persons has been given
by Richart {1962) and is shown in Fig. 15 .l. The envelope In this chapter, consideration wi!I be given first to the
described by the shaded line in this figure as "limit for estimation of various types of dynamic loads to which the
machines and machine foundations" relates to persons foundation m ay be subjected. Anal y ses for the determin-
standing and being subjected to vertical vibrations and ation of foundation response under vertical and horizontal
indica tes a limit for safety, not a limit for satisfactory loading are then described and information regarding the
operation of machines. It should be noted that the magni- required soil parameters is given, wher.e possible. Torsional
tudes of vibratíon involved in the criteria in Fig. 15.1 are loading on piles has been considered by Richart et aL
much smaller than the displacements usually considered ( 1970) and Novak and Howell (1977), bu t will not be dis-
for foundations subjected to static loads. cussed here.


+ From Reíher and Meíster~ (steady-state vibratíons)

* From Rausch-(steady-state víbrations)
t:. From Crandell-(resultíng from blastíngl


~· 0.02 -


,; 0.005 -

~ 0.002
o 0.001


200 500 1000 2000 5000 10,000

Frequency (cpm 1
FIGURE 15.1 General limits of disp!acement amplitude for a particular frequency of vibration (from Richart, 1962).


In general, a foundation has six degrees of freedom, and

there are, c:orrespondingly, six modes of vibration (Fig.
15 .2). In many cases, the principal unbalanced forces are
predominantly vertical or horizontal, so that the corres-
ponding vibration modes are vertical, horizontal, and
Dynamic loads may broadly be divided into two main
categories (Nair, 1969):

l. Loads applied directly to the foundation-for example,

machine loads, wave forces, pile driving. FIGURE 15.2 Six modes of vibration.

2. Loads applied to the foundation through the soil-for where

example, earthquake loads, tst effects, dístant vibrating
sources. me total unbalanced mass
e = eccentric radius to the center of gravity of this
In this sectíon, attention will be confined to machine mass
loads, wave forces, and earthquake forces. Forces in a pile w = angular velocity
caused by pile driving have been considered in detail in
Chapter 4. Reciprocating Engines
In a reciprocating engine, unbalanced periodic forces arise
as a result of the need to decelerate and accelerate the
15.2.1 Machine Loads moving parts. In multicylinder cngines and compressors,
it is possible ·to arrange the cylinders in a manner that
These are primarily steady-state vibrations developed by minimizes the unbalanced forces. The forces developed
machines having rotating or reciprocating parts. The fre- by both single and multícylinder machines for different
quency of the steady -state víbrations is the same as the crank arrangemcnts and nurnbers of cylinders have been
operating frequency of the machine. summarized by Richart, Hall, and Woods (1970). In gen-
eral, multicylinder engines have smaller unbalanced forces
Multimass Vibrators than do Dne- and two-cylinder engine"s and compressors.
The simplest case of unbalanced forces is that associated
with oscillators used for deteriming the vibration response
15.2.2 Wave Forces
of soib. A typical type of oscillator has counter-rotating
shafts. each carrying an eccentric circular weight W1,
The forces introduced into piles by waves have received
mounted on a base. The horizontal unbalanced forces
considerable attention in recent years because of the in-
cancel, and the unbalanced vertical force has a magnitude
creased activity in offshore construction. The methods that
form the basis for most design work were proposcd by
Morison et al. (1950) and Crooke (1955), and both depend
on a knowledge of water-particle motion and empirically
determined coeffícients. In the Morison formula, the force
ís taken to be composed of two parts, onc depending on
friction or drag effects and the other on ínertia effccts. As
Q vertical force
pointed out by Naír (1969), this formula is only approxi-
111 0 total unbalanced rotating mass 2 H·\/g
mate, as the existence of drag forces is a violation of the
r eccentric radius of each mass
assumption in the simple theory on which the inertia force
w angular velocity
term is based. However, more-refined analyses do not
appear to have produce<.! any better agreement with mea-
sured forces than the Morison equation.
Thc output is thus a sinusoídally varying force of period
For large-diameter piles in which the diameter is not
2rr/w and maximum value m 0 rw 2 .
negligible in comparison to the wavelength, the waves inter-
act with the piling, causing wave deformation, reflection,
Rotating Machinery
and diffraction. In thís case, Morison's theory is not re-
Rotating machinery dcsigned to operate at a constant speed
liable, and an analysis based on diffraction theory is pre-
for long periods of time includes turbines, axial com-
pressors, centrifuga! pumps, and fans. In such cases, sorne
More-detailed information on wave forces, and also
unbalance of forces always exists in practice, although it is
wind forces on exposed structures, is summarized by Myers
theoretically possible to balance the movíng parts. In
ct al. (1969).
certain types of machínery, unbalanced forces are devel-
oped on purpose (e.g., compaction machinery, vibratory
ro!lers, vibroflotation equípment). In such cases, the 15.2.3 Earthquake Forces
maximum dynamic force is given by
An e1ement of soil in the ground during an earthquake is
(15.2) subject to time-dependem stresses, displacements, and

strains that will vary with location and soil type. Nair dynamic soil behavior. The us~ of such models to analyze
(1969) classifies three methods of accounting for earth- the response of a pile-foundatic'n system is discussed briefly
&~Uake forces: in Section 15.6. However, it should be emphasized here
that although such analyses m1y give useful qualitative in-
l. Equivalen! statíc load at >urface, taking either this formation, it may be unwise to place too great a reliance on
load as a certain percentage (e.g., 10%) of the vertical the quantitative results, since the random nature of earth-
static load, or as the base shear utilized in the seismic quake motíon makes the satísfactory prediction of earth-
analysis of the structure, or as a force based on an average quake performance an extremely difficult task.
ground acceleration (a seismic coefficient times gravita-
tional acceleration).
2. Equivalen! dynamic load applied at the surface, often
assumed to be sinusoidal; that is, F(t) F 0 sin wt, where 15.3 PILE RESPONSE TO AX!lAL LOADS
F 0 is the equivalent static load and w is a frequency cor-
responding to the predominant frequency of the earth-
quake, 15.3.1 End-Bearing Piles
3. One component of earthquake acceleration at bedrock.
Earthquakes introduce two components of motion in the The problem of a píle bearing or1 a rígid stratum with no tip
horizontal and one in the vertical plane, the amplitude of deforrnation and no load transfer to the soil along the shaft
the latter usually being considerably less. Since the two can be analyzed by solving 1.he wave equation on the
horizontal components are usually similar, the earthquake assumption that lateral deform< tions of the pile can be neg-
motion is usually applied in the form of a prescribed hori- lected. The solutíon to this equation may be written as
zontal acceleration. follows:

The use of equivalen! static or dynamic loads, though ALp = AL)' _ 2rrfnL (2rrfnL)
m W --v-tan -.-v- (15.3)
convenient, does not have a rational basis. For example,
Seed and Martín (1966) have suggested that in relation to
embankment design, the equivalen! seismic coefficient is where
between 0.4 and 0.25, dependíng on the position of the
'potential failure circles. However, the seismic coefficient A cross-sectional area of pile
varies with depth, so the use of a single value may be inac- L length of pile
curate, especially for pile foundations. p mass density of pile material
The use of one component of the earthquake accelera- m added mass at top of pile
tion applied at bedrock has .the most rational basis. The )' unit weight of pile material = pg
soil mass and the embedded piles overlying the bedrock are W weight of added mass 1t top of pile mg
assumed to be set in motion by the imposed acceleration, fn natural frequency of pile
which is usually taken to vary only with time, not spatially. v = longitudinal wave velo.:ity in pile
Analyses giveií in soil-mechanics líterature have generally
been based on using o!d earthquake records, although From Eq. (15.3), solutions may be recovered fór both
accelerograms can be generated artificially by stochastic the natural frequency, In,and the maximum dynami~ pi).~
processes. 4 '
force, Pm (which can be shown to occur always at the pile
Because the deformations produced in the soil by a tip ). For the limitin& cases of J weightless pile or the piJe .
horizontal base excitation are primarily shear deformations, only wíth no added mass, these soh.¡t1ons Jeduce to very
the real system may be considered as discrete system based simple forms, while the solutío:1s for the general case may
on a column of soil having a unit cross-sectional area anda be expressed ln terms of these limiting solutions. The solu-
height equal to the depth of the soillayer (Idriss and Seed, tions may be summarízed as folbws:
1968; Penzien et al., 1964). The response of the en tire soil
mass may then be analyzed by assuming the mass to be l. Weightless pile (!' O):
lumped at discrete points down the depth of the !ayer and
the linkages connecting adjacent masses to consist of a
system of springs and dashpots. This system may be non-
fn(/'=0) {15.4a)
linear and can be adapted to any desired representation of .

aAEp For the general case, solutions are plotted in Fig. 15.3 in
-L- (15.4b)
terms of the values for zero top mass.
For a number of typical cases, the influence of axial
2. Pile only with no added mass (W 0): loading on the resonant frequency of end-bearing piles
to rock is shown in Fig. 1 S .4 (Richart, 1962). The top
three curves illustrate the resonant frequencies of unloaded
steel, concrete, and wooden piles (Eq. 15 .3). As the axial
load is íncreased on a píle of given length, the resonant fre-
=- (aAEP\ (15 .5b) quencyisreduced.
2 \ L ) The above solutions are applicable only to point-bearing
piles along which no load transfer occurs so that the pro-
3. General case:
perties of the embedding soil have no ínfluence on response
of the pile to dynamic axial load. The more general case of
fn (:') fn(W=O) = ~ ifn(')'=O)] (I5.6a)
E{lb/in. 2 )
p (~)p -
111 \nsinA m(W-O)
= (~)p

Steel 29.4 >: 10 6



Concrete. 3.0 X 106 150

Wood 1.2 X 106 40

amplítude of movement at top of pile

Young's modulus of pile
solutíon of the equation
\tan;\, 1AL/W (15.7)

2 rr

Q '


o 0.5 1.0 1QQL---.~--~---L--L-L-L~I-L____~--J
20 30 40 60 80 100 150 200
Top mass/Pile mass 1.0 0.5 o
Pile length (ftl
Pi le mass/Top mass
FIGURE 15.4 Resonant frequency of vertical oscillation for a
FIGURE 15.3 Solutions for natural frequency and_maxímum force point-bearing pile carrying a static load W-loaded stratum is rígid
in an end-bearing pile with no load transfer. (from Richart. 1962).

floating piles, or end-bearing pi!.es with sorne load transfer,

is discussed below.

15.3.2 Floating Piles or End-Bearing Píles with Load ,1

Transfer · Casing
For floating piles, it would clearly be absurd to attempt an /
analysis on the assumption that no load transfer from the
shaft to the soil occurs. There would appear to be ~t least
four methods that could be employed to examine the re-
sponse of floating piles to vertical loads, and these are
listed below in descendíng order of soplústícation:
(a) Pi le and ~.oil system
l. A three-dimensional analysis using the finite ele-
ment method) in which the propagation of waves through Q Q,, sin 21f ft
the pile and soil is considered.
2. An approximate elastic analysís in which the problem
is simplified to one of plane strain and it is assumed that m
the elas tic waves only propaga te horizontally.
3. Solution of the one.-dimensional wave equation, for
example, in a similar manner to the solution of this equa-
tion to analyze the pile-driving process.
4. An analysis of the response of a lurnped-parameter
rnass-spring-dashpot system representing the pile and soil.

The first approach, although possible, involves certain prob-

lerns in the numerical analysis-for exarnple, the treatrnent
of the boundaries of the problem, and doe not appear to
e = Damping coefficient
have been extensívely used as yet for pile foundations. It is C6 = Effective spring constan!
probably too expensive in cornputer time to be economi- m Equivalen! mass ol system
O = Periodic exciting force
cally feasible for practica! design purposes. The second Oo = Magnitude of exciting force
approach has been used by Novak (1974; 1977) to obtain t =Time
z = Periodic displacemomt
an approxirnate solutíon for pile response to vertical Az = Amplitude of displacement
loading. He assurned the soil to be cornposed of a set of </J = Phase angle betwe<·n 0 0 and z
f = Frequency (Hz)
independent infinitesimally-thin horizontal layers of in-
finite extent. This rnodel could be thought of as a gen- (b) Mechanica: model system
eralized Winkler material that possesses inertia and dis- FIGURE 15.5 Analytical model Jor floating pile (Maxwell et al.,
sipates energy. By applying srnall harrnonic excitations, 1969). (Reprinted by permission of the American Society for Test-
Nova k derived sol u tions for the equivalen t stlffness and ing and Materia1s, © 1969.)
damping constants of the pile-soil systern. The third
method, involvlng extension of the nurnerical rnethod of The single-degree-of-freedorn model of the lumped-
analysis used for pile driving (Chapter 4), does not appear parameter systern is illustrated in Fig. 15.5. Provided that
to have been used. The fourth approach, the use of a appropriate values of the rnass, damping, and spring con-
lurnped-parameter rnodel, has been successfully applied to stant can be selected for the systern, use can be rnade of the
shallow foundations (e.g., Richart et al., 1970) and has solutions frorn elernerrtary ciynamics to determine the
been applied to pile foundations by Barkan (1962) and foundation response. For convenience, a summary of sorne
Maxwell et al. (1969), who used a single-degree-of-freedorn of the more useful relationslüps is given in Table 15.1,
rnodel; and Madhav and Rao (1971), who used a two de- while the response curves for a so-<:alled constant-force ex-
gree-of-freedorn rnodel. Because of its simplicity and useful- citation (Q=Q 0 sin21rft) is sho"-n in Fig. 15.6, and those for
ness for design purposes, attention here will be concen· a rotating rnass excitation (Q == 11Íeew 2 sinwt) are shown in
trated on t:1e single-degree-of-freedorn rnodel. Fig. 15.7.

1 ! ¡
1 !
Value; of damping ratio, r
4o --- -·· ;
i 1 i 0.01 ' 1
1 1
1 ,.v-0.02

'(, ---- -·
r¡ ~0.05
6 -· 1·-
! /¡

4 -·-· 111/ 1\\\

// \\\
J ~~'-'
e 1
i 1
3 2¡- " -

~~ ~~o
o -
....., ~ . -.........
¡....- • ............

~ ~ 0-.""''\ ~
O. 6 e . --· ~~ i
O. 5¡---- • f----· ~ 0-.~ &
____ _, ~....
O. 4 != ----~

! ¡--

O. 3

o 2 e-·--- ----~ r----.........,·----

O. 1 1 1 1 1
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Frequency rat' o,{~

FIGURE 15.6 Response curves for constant force excitallon.

In using the lumped-parameter approach, Barkan As mentioned previously, Novak (1974) obtained ana-
(1962) has ignored damping (i.e., assumed e = O) and lytical solutions for the stíffness and damping constants.
assumed the equivalen! mass m to be the mass of the His solutions demonstrated that these constants are not
structure ( or machín e) and the supporting piles. The equiva- highly frequency-dependent, and that the most importan!
len! spring constant cfj (tenned the "coefficient of elastic paranieters governing the response are the slenderness ratio
resistance" by Barkan) used in Barkan's analysis is plotted and the ratio of shear-wave velocities in the pile and the
in Fig. 15.8 as a function of piJe length, but it is not speci- soil. Ignoring the frequency dependence, Novak's solutions _ ·
fied whether these values are relevant to truly floating or for the stiffness and damping constants of a pile with no tip
predominantly end-bearing piles. In terms of the pile-settle- movement (Le., end-bearing pile) are shown in Table 15.2
ment theory in Chapter 5, C8 is the ratio of load P to settle- for concrete and timber piles. His subsequent investigations
ment p and can be evaluated from Eq. (5.33) or Eq. (5.34). (Novak, 1977) índicated that the damping of floatíng piles

v alues of damping r~tio, 1
~----4---~---4-----~'--#ffi---~-----~---~---+---·­ •

i ~Ó.02

1 i
¡ {!\¡!e- 0.05
11 \ 1
1-------+----+-------+--------+-----l-,1-,.k- 1

r¡ ~
E 1 ru•

12 1.4 16 1.8
Frequency rat10. ~~

FIGURE 15.7 Response curves for rotating mass excitation.

is larger than that of end-bearing piles, and that the vertical equivalen! mass m to be only the above-ground mass of the
dynamic response of a footing supported by floating piles oscillator, piJe cap, and static load_ They carried out a series
can be much smaller than if it is supported by end-bearing of tests on steel H-piles and concrete-filled pipe piles, in
piles. Sorne typical solutions for stiffness and damping con- silty sand and clay overlying sand, to determine the rela-
stants of floating piles are given in the latter reference. In tionship between frequency and displacement. From the
using Novak's solutions to evaluate the response of a foot- test results, values of equivalent stiffness C8 and damping
ing or structure supported by the pUes, the mass in the ratio ~ were backfigured. At' resonance, the dynamic value
equivalen! lumped-parameter system is taken to be that of of Cs was found to be greater than the static stiffness for
the footing or the structure itself. comparable piles, but it was suggested that the use of the
Maxwell et al. (1969) have also employed the lumped- static stiffness would be adequate for practica] purposes.
parameter m o del in Fig. 15.5, but have considered the Damping was found to be slight, the computed damping

Critica! damping ee = 2,/c¡,m
Con ere te Pi! es Tim ber Pi! es
e Vs
Damping ntio !" -;¡-¡ {,.,,
ce Lfd
'···· '"·' f ....
Undamped natural
U;)fl 10 0.01
0.04 0.055 0.018 0.066 0.050
Sta tic displacement Ps = ·e¡, 0.05 0.057 0.029 0.075 0.073
25 0.01 0.021 0.002 0.022 0.008
Amplitude-magniflcation M 0.02 0.023 0.01 ¡ O.G30 0.029
factor during vibration 0.03 0.027 o 024 0.040 0.054
0.04 0.032 0.032 0.053 0.077
0.05 0.038 0.038 0.067 0.098
For Constant-force Excitation For Rotating-Mass Excitation
Q = Q 0 sin 2rrft Q moew'sinwt (w=2rrJ) 50 0.01 0.011 0.005 0.015 0.015
0.02 0.016 0.020 0.027 0.039
Amplitudé at frequency f 0.03 0.023 0.035 0.040 0.060
0.04 0.030 0.048 0.053 0.079
mee([)' 0.05 0.038 0.061 0.067 0.099
Jñ\fn M
a Reproduced by permission of the Nation<tl Research Council of
Maximum amplitude of víbration Canada, from the Canadian Geotechníca/ Journal, Vol 11, 1974, pp.
574-598. .
b After Novak (1974).
V8 shear-wave velocity in soil = [Esg/(2(l+vshsH '

ve longitudinal-wave ve1ocity in piJe = [Epg/-yp]l'l

. Frequency for maximum amplítude

Stiffness C5 • [ 18 .• = k 22 in Novak 's terminology


Damping constan! (coefficient of equivalent viscous damping)

Note: Fcr rotational motion.
e . r.. ,2 Czz in Novak's termino1ogy
in ·~

A area of pile cross section
1 mass momer¡t of inertia about appropríate axis.
Ep Young's moduJus of piJe
"fs = soil unít weight
lp = pile unit weight
ratio r
for single piles being on the order of 0.04 to 0.05.
However, it was also found that both the stiffness and the Note: for solid piJe,
damping ratio varied with frequency, so that the use of a
single frequency-independent va!ue of each of these para- ~-
(2. __-)y, I
K 'Ys 2(l+vs)
meters would not lead to an accurate prediction of pile
response for all frequencies. In particular, the response at where K = pile stíffness factor.

rcsonance cannot be reliably predicted from data on stiff-

ness and damping generated at a nonresonant frequency.
The variation of stiffness, expressed in terms of a stiffness ting beneath the cap and carrying out another test. Typical
ratio C6 /C5 n ( where C8 n stiffness at resonant freqúency) test results, shown in Figs. 15.1 O and 15 .ll, illustrate the
and damping ratio with frequency ratio flfn, is shown in importance in reducing dynamic displacements of the pile
Fig. 15.9. cap being in contact with the soil.
Maxwell et aL also carried out tests to determine the It should be noted that because the stiffness of a pile
effect of a piJe cap, by performing a test with the cap foundation is generally greater than that of a corresponding
(typically of a diameter about twice the 'equivalent día- surface foundatíon, the natural frequency of the founda-
meter of the piJe) in contact with the soil, and then excava- tion-soil systerp will be increased by the use of piles. On the

2.0 .------.----,---,----¡---,----,

40 -L 1

1 o

• Pile-driving
o Pulling-out
i oj u]J

1 -·~1 J
-"' 20

]}-- 1

/ ~
• 1 0.5
o 25 r - - - - - r - - ·
1.0 1.'> 2.0 2.5 3.0


>/ 1
• 1

o 1 d o. 15 1-----+·------ ----~--I------1--B"r-;21é. . j.........----+-----j

o 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 .E
Pile length (m)

FIGURE 15.8 Variation of the coefficient Cs of a pile (Barkan,

1962). (From Dynamics of Bases and foundations, by D. D.
Barkan, © 1962, McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. Used with
permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)

other hand, because of the much lower damping, the ampli-

tude of dynamic movement of the pile foundation near . f
Frequenc-t rat10, 1,;
resonance may well exceed that of the surface foundation Legend
(Novak, 1974)-that is, the use of piles may have an detri- Static
load (tons)
mental effect on the dynamic response.
¡:, 50
o 100
o 200
15.3.3 PiJe Groups
FIGURE 15.9 Stiffness and dampin:, ratio vs. frequency ratio, pipe
pile D-1 (Maxwell et al., 1969). (Reprinted by permission of the
The approaches described above for single piles may be American Society for Testing and Materials, © 1969 .)
applied to pile groups, provided appropriate values of the
spring stiffness and damping ratio can be determined.
Barkan applied a correction factor Jl to the single-pile value
of C5 , as shown in Table 15.3. However J1 corresponds to
the inverse of the settlement ratio Rs (see Chapter 6), and
the use of the elastic theory given in that chapter would
(Barkan, 1962)
appear to provide a better method of estimating p. Never-
theless, Barkan found, from tests on pile groups in satura- Spacing/Diameter Jl
ted sand, that the measured natural frequency was in quite
good agreement with that calculated from the appropriate 6 0.65
expression in Tab1e 15.1, although being consistently 5 to 4.5 0.64
15% higher. 3 0.41
Maxwell et al. (1969) carried out a fíeld test on a four-
a From Dynamics of Bases and Foundations, by D. D. Barkan, ©
pile group and found that as with the single piles tested, 1962, McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. Used with permission of
the stiffness and damping were frequency-dependent, (see McGraw-Hill Book Company.


Legend , 1 si 1,5
1 Excíting o
1 Force (tons)
~ _;:¡p<:P 1 '
':? 8 V '-'lt'~;-oo..,tl !">
f 1.0
o ro G~

o 1 1
o 0,5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
.20 ·- ........... ~-

"V ¡¡

Jj¡ o
.15 -

¡le ov

4 18 20 E .10 - ...

8 12 24
Frequency Hz

FIGURE 15.10 Rcsults of constant-force test on uncased H-pile

DA hcfore excava! ion of soíl under cap (Maxwell el aL 1969). (Re-

l e

printc•.d by ¡Jermission of the American Society for Testing and

Matcrials, 1969.)
o /1
o 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0
. f
Frequency ra110, (

1400 r- -- Static load 200 tons

Excitíng FIG lJRE 15.12 Stiffness and rlamping ratio, vs. frequency ratio;
1200 r-- --- Symbol Force (tons) four H-pile cluster D-3 (Maxwell et al. 1969). (Reprinted by per·
o 4 mission of !he American Socíety for Testíng a:nd Materials, © !969.)
1 7
S' 1000
Fig. 15.12). Comparison betwcen 15.9 and 15.12
shows that the damping for the piJe group is greater than

i for the single piJe, the value of ~ being about 0.1 at the
'"m" 1 l resonant frequency as compared with about 0.04 for the
~ 600
e 1 i 1
single pile.
Nova k and Grigg ( 1976) carried out tests on mcdel piles
\ i
and pile groups subjected to both vertical and horizontal

/Jl.d ~ 1
excitation. Group effects were allowed for by the modifi·
cation of the single-piJe analyses through the use of inter-

¡~ ..,
action factors (see Chapters 6 and 8). The theory was found
to predict all the qualitative features of response of the pile
o 4 8 12 18 20 24 groups. The use of the soil modulus derived from a static
Frequency Hz single-piJe test was found to yield reasonable predictions of
natural frequency and resonant amplitud e.
FIGURE 15.11 Results of constant-force test on uncased H-píle
For relatively large groups of piles or groups having a
D-4 after cxcavatíon of soil under cap (Maxwell et al. 1969). (Re·
printed by permissíon of !he Ameriean Socíety for Testing and breadth than the piJe length, a simple approach may
Materials, 1969.) be employed for determinin,g the amplitude of vibration, by

calculation of irnmediate settlement under stadc condi-

tions. Normally, ¡;s would be tJken as 0.5.
Chae's tests showed that although ernbedment signífi-
cantly decreases the amplitude of vibrations, the resonant
frequency is not appreciably ,¡ffected, so that the value for
~- 0.8
a surface foundatíon may b2 used. On the basis of the
theory for the soil as an el!stíc half-space, the resonant
.'::? frequency, J; 1 , can be calculattd as
-u (15.9)


c;s shear modulus of soil, preferably determined

from a dynamíc kst
o 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
The equivalen! dimensíons of a pile group may be
EmbPdrnent fuctm, estímated as described in Sc-ction 6.3. lf the embedded
FIGURE 15.13 Amplitud~ reduction factor versus cmbct.lment
depth, DrfD, is greater than 0.8, thc abovc simple approach
factor for circular footings on santl !Chac, 1970). cannot ~alidly be used, ami resort must be made to the
method descríbed in the prevínus section.

considering the groups as a buríed foundation and applying

a correction factor to the calculated amplitude of the cor-
responding surfacc foundation. Chae has presented
values of this correction factor as a function of relative em- 1.5.4 PILE RESI'Ot\SE TO LATERAL LOADING
bedmcnt dcpth D¡/D (D¡ ~ embedrnent depth; D circlc
diamcter) from tests on model circular footings on sand, In examíning the response o!· a piJe subjected to a
and these are shown in Fig. 15.13. Values of D1/D up to time-dependent horizontal f01cc and moment, at leas! tluee
0.8 only are considered. The maximurn amplítude Aomax of approaches may be employcd
the surface foundatíon may be calculated as
1. The piJe is reduced to 'n equival1:nt cantilever. The

Aumax ~ (Z.:) 0.85 (!~ O.l8fz (15.8) resonant frequency and the 1mplitude of vibration of the
cantilever may than be detellníned by standard methods.
However, no information can be obtained on the moments,
where stresses, and displacements abng the length of the piJe for
dynamíc loads.
amplitude of disturbing force 2. The pile ís considered as a beam on an elastic founda-
equivalen! spring stiffness tion subjected to tíme-dependent loadíng and analyzed by
. mo(l - Vs) finíte differences. Moments, stresses, and dísplacements
B mass ra t 10 = ----''-'-:::-or
pD2 along the length of the píle u ay be analyzed, and irnpact
mass of foundatíon loads as well as harmonic load> can be consídcred.
mass density of soíl 3. The approximate analytical techníque developed by
Poisson 's ratio of soil :--iovak (1974) and descríbed previously for vertical
response can be used. This approach derives stiffness and
For foundatíon shapes other than circular, the mass ratio of damping constan ts for piles and pi! e groups, and thus en-
a circle of equal area may be used to compute . C8 ables use of the simple "lumped-parameter" approach to
can probably be determined with sufficient accuracy from a determine the lateral response.

Mass lumped
H at end
""' 3.13
. r::-
Hz (15.1 1)

Mass, m, dístributed
along length where
F lexural rígídity.
En lp
p1 = static deflection of top under the static load, in
Ep lp The above solution may be applied in cases where the static
lateral load is large in relation to the weight of the oile.
For the simple case of a llo<iting pile in a uniform
Winkler medium, Warburton (1964) derived the following
(a) Actual pile lb) Equ1valent can\ílever expression for natural frequency:

FIGURE 15.14 Pile as equívalent cantílever.

f, =
.,, (l\
pA (15.12)

15.4.1 Equivalent Cantilever Systems where

The problem is íllustrated in Fig. 15.14a, and a general kh horizontal modulus of subgr2de reaction (see
representation of the equivalent cantilever is shown in Section 8 .2)
Fig. 15 .14b. The mass of the pile m ay be considered to d = pile diameter or width
be uniformly distributed along its length with a mass p mass density of pile
lumped at the encj. The length Le of the equivalen! canti- A crosS-sectional area of píle
lever may be estimated from the consideration of the beam
on an elastic foundatíon subjected to a horizontal static For rnore-complicated problems, the frequency-dis-
load, as u sed by Davisson and Robinson (! 965) and Nair placernent relationship and resonant frequency of the canti-
et al. (1969)(See Chapter 14.). lever may be obtained by solving the appropriate equation
For the case of a cantilcver of uníform cross-section of motion. 1f the forced vibration has a frequency very dif-
with no concentrated static mass at the top, the natural ferent from the resonant frequency of the system or any of
frequencies, fn, are given by its harrnonics, the amplitude of motion under the forced
vibratíon is unlikely to be rnuch greater than that given by a
static analysis using the maxirnurn and mínimum values of
applied load.
In an alternative approach described by Hayashi et al.
where (1965), nonlinear and viscous behavior of the soil is con-
sidered. Results presented by them indicate that the non-
Epfp stíffness of cantilever in bending linear effects introduced by the soil have a significan! effect
m mass of cantilever on the pile- response.
Le equivalen! length of cantilever
Cw coefficient
22.03, and 61.70 for the first three 1S .4.2 F inite-Difference Analysis
rnodes of vibration
This analysis, presented by Tucker (! 964), is an extensíon
The above solution rnay be used for cases in which the of the static analysis described in Section 8.2. The represen-
static lateral load is negligible in relation to the weight of tation of the piJe is shown in Fig. 15.15. In the general case,
the piJe. the width or diameter of the piJe, and hence the bending
For the case of a weightless cantílever having a static stiffness Epfp~denoted here as F-rnay vary along the piJe.
load at the top, the solution for the lowest natural frequen- In the static case, lateral and axialloads H and P may act.
cy, fn, is approxirnate by the Southwell-Dunkerley expres- The soil is assumed to be a Winkler material and provides a
sion (Richart et al., 1970): lateral resistance, S¡, per unit length at any point i. To

. t p d = pile diameter
L~o The inclusion of dynamic effects involves the addition
of terms to the above equation, representing inertial and
damping characteristics of the pile-soil system. Inertial
properties of the soil medium are assumed to be included in
the elastic restraints, S. Inertial properties of the pile and
soil damping are then represented as additional forces on
the píle at each poínt i. Thus the resulting lateral load at
i ís

ri (15.14)

t 1- 1 where

H[ applied lateral load

H0 ¡ ínertíal force
lfv; damping force

H 0 ¡ is related to the acceleration at i, and lfvi to the velocíty

FIGURE 15.15 Finite-<liffcrence representation of pilc.
at i, as follows:

allow for rotational restraints along the pi!e (e.g., at the pile
( 15 .15)
head), a rotational elastic restraint, R¡, is assumed at the
poínt i (R¡ =O if no restraint is provided at i).
The finite-difference expression for the static behavior = J.1 (op¡\ (15.16)
of the piJe at a point i may be expressed as follows ar)
(Matlock and Ingram, 1963):
a¡Pi-2 + b¡p¡__ , + c¡p¡ + d¡Pi+t + e;Pi+2 =!; (15.13)
W¡ weight of piJe element at point i
where g gravitational accelera:íon
1¡ damping factor at i

. a2p¡
b¡ 2(FH + F¡) The acceleratwn, ot 2 , and the velocíty, at m ay be

e¡ F,-_ 1 + 4F¡ + F¡+l + ó 3S¡ +% {R¡_ 1 + óPH) + written in terms of higher-onler backward differences so
that Eqs. (15.15) and (15.16), for a time t, anda time in-
1(Ri+l +óP¡+¡) crement ot, become

d¡ - 2(F¡ + F¡+¡} W·
e¡ F¡+ 1 -
¡(Ri+l + oP¡+ 1 )
Hau = g(o ;)2 (2Pi.t 5Pi,t-l + 4p~t-2 - Pi,t-3)
Ji = o H13

ó = dístance between adjac:ent nade points

F¡ Eplp at i 18p~t-1 + 9Pi.t-2- 2Pü-J)
P¡ axial load at i
R¡ rotational restraint at i
S¡ = spring factor for lateral soil resistanc:e at Equations (15.14), (15.!7), and \)5.18) may now be in-
kh¡dó corporated into (15 .13). lf the coefficients for all un-
H¡ applied lateral load at l known deflection values for any time tare placed on the
350 '

left-hand side and all known values on the right-hand side, To solve a particular problem, an ínitial set of condi-
the resulting expression ís tions (deflection, velocity and acceleration) must be
specified and (15.19) and the associated boundary-
A¡Pi-2¡ + B¡Pi-l,t + C¡Pi,t + D¡Pi+l,t + E'¡Pi+2,t = G¡ condition and equilibrium equatíons must be solved for
(15.19) each time íncrement ót.
Tucker (1964) presented two examples íllustrating the
where use of the above approach . The first ínvolved impact
ó loading of a 70-ft-long piJe with two section changes and its
A¡ F¡_¡ - -¡(RH,t + ilPí-l,r) lower 55 ft embedded in a rnaterial having a linearly ín-
2(F¡_ 1 -t- F¡) creasing modulus of subgrade reaction wíth depth. Time
increments of 0.02 seconds were uséd in the solution. The
e-¡ F¡_¡ + 4Fi + Fi+t + ó3Si,t +! (Rí-t,t + óPi-t,r) + problem is shown ín Fíg. 15.16, together wíth the S()iutíons
for displacement versus time and moment-distribution at
~ (Rí+l,t -t- óP¡+l,t) -t- ó 3 (2W¡/(ot) 2 -t-J¡/68t) two times. The second example, one of forced vibrations on
D¡ -2(F¡ -t- F¡+ 1 ) a free-head piJe, simulates the model piJe tests of Gaul
(1958). A sinusoidally varying load was applied at the mud
E¡ = F¡+ 1 - %(R¡+t,t + fíP¡+ I,t) line, and. lO elements were used for the ·piJe. Each load
cycle was represented by 20 time-increments, and severa!
H¡,r -t- W¡(SP~r-1 4Pi.t-2 + P~t-3)
G¡ <'> + frequencies of load application were considered, varying
J.ó3 ' fro.11 1 to 200 cycles per second. Calculatíons at each fre-
6t3t (18Pü-l- 9Pü-2 + quency were continued un ti! the oscillation of the piJe had
stabilízed into a pattern. The problem and the solutions for
The above equation can be applied to all interior-node amplitude versus frequency and peak moment versus depth
points of the pile, and these, together with the equations for three frequencíes, are shown in Fig. 15.17. The latter
describing the top and tip boundary conditions and the curves show that píle bendíng moments increase signifi-
horizontal-load and momcnt-equilibrium equatíons, cantly -as the vibration frequency approaches the natural
describe the behavior of the píle ata time t. frequency of the system (about 80 to 85 cps here). The

Moment (;n lbl



fiGURE 15.16 Example of impact loading on a restrained--head pile {Tucker, 1964).


Node 00 = 40 s.n 2:rft lb

o 77~7//77' .
6 2
111:F6 86 X 10 lb 1n
1 Wt 1 264 lbift
''¡ E,
1 48 os¡

!, cps

10 lb)


FIGURE 15.17 Example of forced vibration of a model free-head pile (Tucker, 1964).

peak moment curve for a frequency of 1 cps agrees well 15 .4.3 Novak 's Analysis
with that obtained experimentai!y by Gaul.
Further developmcnts of the above method of analysis, Nova k ( 1974) has derived lateral stíffness and darnping con-
and also a number of test resu!ts, have been described by stants for single píles, including values for coupled rotatim1
Chan and Matlock ( 1973), Agarwal (1973), and Prakash and translatíon; Table 15.4 reproduces sorne of these solu-
and Chandrasekaran ( 1973). tíons. 1t is again found that the frequency dependence of
An alternative analysis for pile response to dynamic stiffness and darnping can generally be ígnored, and that the
lateral loads, employing a fínite-element formulation for important parameters are the ratio of shear-wave velocíties
the pile, has been clescríbed by Ross (1971 ). Nonlinear in the pile and soil, and the slenderness ratio L/d. The
soíl-resístance propertíes and geometrícal nonlinearity of effect of static load was investígated and found to be signif-
the piles were taken ínto account, anda study of a píle sub- ícant only wíth extremely poor soils. Most stiffness and
jected to wavc forces was made. It was found that maxi- darnping parameters were reduced by the presence of axial
mum displacemcnts based on the dynamic analysís were load, but the damping caused by rotation was increased.
considerably greatcr than maximum displacements by static
analysis, especially along the upper portien of the píle. It
was also found that the magnitude and distribution with 15.4.4 Pile Groups
depth of the subgrade-reaction modulus of the soil ín-
fluenced th<:: dynamic response considerably. The methods currently available for the analysis of pile
All the above analyses are based on subgrade-reactíon groups for dynamic surface loads are usually extensions
theory, with the soil being represented as a Winkler of methods of structural analy-sís in which the piles are
materiaL It is also possíble to extend the statíc-elastic reduced to equivalen! cantilevers. Such analyses, described
analysis described in Chapter 8 by íncorporating ínertia and by Shubinski et al. (1 967), Nath and Harleman (1 967), and
dampíng terms in the basic pile-bending equation. Such an Saul (1968), can take account of vertical and torsional
approach, whíle allowing for continuity of the soil rnass, is, loading as well as lateral loads. However, sorne uncertainty
however, still approximate, as it relíes on static-elastic rnay aríse in some of these analyses regarding the structural
theory to give the dynarníc response of the pile-s::>il systern. approximation of the group. An approximate estímate of
Prelirninary calculations índicate that the natural frequency the behavior of a group under dynarnic lateralloading rnay
of a pile in a uniforrn soil given by such an analysis is quite be obtained by analyzing a sirgle pile under such loading
similar to that given by a subgrade-reaction analysis. and then allowing for group effects on the basís of a static

Pi! e Stiffness Parameters Damping Parameters

ve [,,,,
f,,, [,,, [,,, !,,, r.. ,,
0.01 0.202 -0.0194 0.00 36 0.139 -0.0280 0.0084
0.02 0.285 -0.0388 0.0100 0.200 -0.0566 0.0238
Concrete 0.03 0.349 -0.0582 0.0185 0.243 -0.0848 0.0438
vs"0.4 0.04 0.403 -0.0776 0.0284 0.281 -0.1130 0.0674
0.05 0.450 -0.0970 0.0397 0.314 -0.1410 0.0942
0.01 0.265 -0.0336 0.0082 0.176 -0.0466 0.0183
0.02 0.374 -0.0673 0.0231 0.249 -0.0932 0.0516
Wood 0.03 0.459 -0.1010 0.0425 0.305 -0.1400 0.0949
vs=0.4 0.04 0.529 -0.1350 0.0654 0.352 -0.1860 0.1460
0.05 0.592 -0.1680 0.0914 0.394 -0.2330 0.204)
0.01 0.195 -0.0181 0.0032 0.135 -0.0262 0.0076
0.02 0.275 -0.0362 0.0090 0.192 -0.05 29 0.0215
Concrete 0.03 0.337 -0.0543 0.0166 0.235 -0.0793 0.0395
vs=0.25 0.04 0.389 -0.0724 0.0256 0.272 -0.1057 0.0608
0.05 0.435 -0.0905 0.0358 0.304 -0.1321 0.0850
0.01 0.256 -0.0315 0.0074 0.169 -0.0434 0.0165
0.02 0.362 -0.0630 0.0209 0.240 -0.0868 0.0465
Wood 0.03 0.444 -0.0945 0.0385 0.293 -0.1301 0.0854
0.04 0.512 -0.1260 0.0593 0.339 -0.1735 0.1315
0.05 0.573 -0.1575 0.0828 0.379 -0.2168 0.1838

a Reproduced by permission of the National Research Council of Canada,

frgm the Canadian Geotechmcal Journal, voL 11, 1974, pp. 574·590.
After Novak (1974).

Trans1atíon stiffness constan!, kxx

Translatíon damping constan!, Cxx = - , - (/11 , 1 )
d Vs

Ro tation stiffness constan!, k.¡;.¡;

Rotation dampíng constant, c~w

Cross-stiffness constan t, -,-(/,,,}

Cross-damping constan!,


lp moment of inertia of píle cross·sectíon

Ep Young's modulus of píle
Vs shear wave velocity in soil
ve = longitudinal wave velocity in pile
d pile diameter


analysis of pile interaction Chapter 8). Novak and the soil medium at that point when acting alone. The beha-
Grigg (1976) have used this approach to modify Novak's vior of the structural system may be readily obtained from
single-pile solutions and have obtained good agreement structural analysis. Hence, soil and system displacements,
between the response so calculated and the response of velocitíes and accelerations m ay be equated at each discrete
groups of model piles. point and the resulting equatio:1s solved for each time-step
Penzien et al. (1964) consider a relatively complicated
structural system comprising a bridge deck supported on
piles, but for the simple case of a single piJe, the pile beha-
vior may be t>btained from the beam equation. The piJe
response may then be analyzed by the method described in
An analysis of this problem has been described by Penzien
Section 15.4, using the calculated soil acceleration at each
et al. (1964). The analysis is divided into two parts: point at each time for calculating the applied lateral force,
or alternatively, usi;g the calculated soil deflections as an
l. The determination of the dynamic response of the soil input into the analysis.
medium alone when excited through its lower boundary by A study by Penzien (1970 l has shown that during the
a prescribed horizontal seismic motion. critica! time-periods of the earthquake, the piles move
2. The determínation of the ínteraction of the entire essentially with the soil, inte1 action effects being small.
structural system (structure and piles) with the moving Hence, th<i pile curvatures are essentially controlled by the
soil medium. motíon of the surrounding soil. In a layered soil in which
considerable differences in strain may develop b'etween
Dynamic Response ofSoil Alone
The soil is assumed to be of infinite horizontal extent and layers, large curvatures could be introduced in the pi! e (e .g.,
of constant depth, and is idealized as a discrete-mass system piles driven through a soft-clay !ayer into a dense-sand
based on a column of soil having a unit cross-sectional area !ayer). The curvatures and deformatíons so íntroduced
and a height equal to the soiJ ..Jayer depth. The mass is could well exceed the capacity of the pile section if it were
lumped at discrete poínts along the depth of the !ayer, the designed for vertical loads only, and it would appear desir-
number of points being dependent on the accuracy re- able to allow for moments arre lateral deformations in the
quired. Use of this idealization permits the consideration of design of piles in earthquake areas.
a layered-soil profile and nonlinear and hysteretic soil prop- It is possible that greater pile-soil interaction could oc-
erties. The idealízation used by Penzien et al. (1964) con- cur with shorter, stiffer píles m a stiffer, heavier superstruc-
sists of masses linked by a bilinear hysteretic spring and ture than that considered by Penzien. It must also be
nonlinear dashpot corirrected in parallet, which are then emphasized that this analysis was based on a particular
connected in series to a second nonlinear dashpot. Sugges- earthquake record (El Centw 1940, N-S component).
tions for determining the parameters of this model are Somewhat different conclusio11s might be reached for dif-
given. ferent acceleration-time inputs.
Alternative models of soil behavior may be used, and For a single pile, an indicaban of the bending moments,
for the simple case of a linear homogeneous isotropic reactions and deflections caused by earthquake loading may
elastic model, an exact analysis can be performed (Idríss be obtained from a static analysis of piles subjected to hori-
and Seed, 1968). zontal soil movements (Chapter 13), if the veriical distribu-
tion of maximum horizontal movements caused by an
Interaction of Structural System and Soil earthquake can be estimated. In fact, in many practica!
The consideration of interaction of the soil and structural cases, the natural frequency cf the piles may be consider-
system withín the soil is similar to that for static analyses, ably higher than the. predominant frequency of the lateral
in that each discrete point along the system is subjected to soil movements, so that a stati: analysis as described above
an acceleration-time history that is equivalent to that of wíll a quite reasonable estímate of the pile response.

16.1 INTRODUCTION de•·eloped for carrying out pile load tests; among the most
common procedures for compressíon tests are
P!le load tests are usually carríed out for one or more of the
1. Maintained loading tests.
folluwing reasons:
2. Constant-rate-of-penetration (C.R.P.) tests.
3. Metliod of equilibrium.
1. To serve as a proof test to ensure that faílure does not
occur before a selected proof load ís reached, this proof In this chapter, these procedures and their interpreta·
load being the mínimum requíred factor times the working tion are reviewed, and the possible effccts of the loading
load. system on the measured settlement of the piJe are examined
2. To determine the ultimate bearíng capacity as a check theoretically. La ter al and torsional testing are al so de·
on the value calculated from dynamíc or statíc approaches, scríbed briefly.
or to obtaín backfigured soil data that wíll enable other It must be emphasized that in many cases, the rcsults
piles t o be desígned . of a test on a single píle cannot be extrapolated directly to
3. To determine the load-settlement behavior of a píle, predict the behavior of píle groups or other piles. As
especial! y in the regían of the anticipated working load. pointed out by Chellis (1962), the volume of soil in·
Tnís data can be used to predict group settlements and fluenced by a single pile is much less than that of a large
se! tlements of other piles. group, so the influence of deep-seated compressible layers
4. To indica te the structural soundness of the pile. may not be apparcnt in a pile load test, aithough such
layers may critically affect l.he behavior of a group. Pile
The most common type of test ís a compression test, al- l6ad tests should therefore be accompaníed by detailed
though uplift, lateral-load, and even torsíon-load tests are site ínvestigation to define accurarely the entire soil
also performed. A varíety of test procedures have been pro file.


16.2 MAINTAINED LOADING TEST tied down to the heads of tht anchor piles and spanning
the test pite. In testing piles installed for the actual struc-
ture rather than for special tesr piles, it is often convenient
16.2.1. Proced~·re to test an interior member of a group in this manner. A
hydraulic jack on the head of the test pile applíes the load
This is the usual method of carrying out a test, especial!y if and obtains a reaction agaínst the undersíde of the beam.
the load-settlement relationship is required. The proc~dure This method is sometimes called the '~bootstrap" method.
is to apply the load in stages, the load at each stage being Whitaker ( 1970) recommends that any anchor piJe should
maintained constant until the resulting settlement of the be at least three test-pile diameters from the test piJe,
pi!e virtually ceases before applying the next increment. center to center, and in no cas:: less than 1.5 m ( 5 ft ). For
The Civil Engineering Code of Practice No. 4 (1954) takes a íJiles with enlarged bases, the spacing should be the greater
rate of movement of 0.012 in./hr (0.305 mm/hr) as the of twice the base diameter or four times the shaft diameter
limiting rate befo re additíon of the next increment. Cooling of the test pile. However, even with these spacings, con-
and Packshaw (1950) recommend 0.0033 in./hr (0.084 siderable interaction between the anchor piles and the test
mm/hr), while A.S.T.M. Dll43-57T requires a rate of pi! e m ay occur, resulting in an inaccurate inclicatíon of the
settlement less than 0.012 in./hr (0.305 mm/hr) or until settlement of the pi! e ( the measured val u e will be less than
2 hr has elapsed, whíchever occurs fírst. lt is perhaps doubt- the correct val ue).
ful whether a time interval of 2 hr is always adequate to 4. Ground anchors that usually transfer the reaction to
ensure completion of consolidatíon settlement. However, as stiffer strata below the leve! of the pile típ. Because the
is shown theoretically in Chapter 5, the major proportion upper portian of an anchor c<1ble does not usually trans-
of the settlement of a pile occurs as immediate settlement, fer load to the soil, ground anchors can be placed closer
so relatively short intervals betw•een load increments should to the test pile than can reaction piles.
be acceptable--at least at load levels not approaching
failure. The last three methods ma'( affect the measured settle-
The usual procedure is to increase the load in stages ment of the test pile, in sorre cases sígnificantly, and íf
until the proposed workíng load is reached, and then to load-settlement is required, steps should be taken to mini-
unload and to Ieave the load off until the rise or rebound míze the effects of the test-load reactions or to correct for
substantially ceases. The pile is then reloaded to the them. A theoretical examination .of possible crrors arising
working load or to the next higher stage, and the test con- from methods 3 and 4 is descnbed in Section 16.5, and the
tinued to the maxímum load. The unloading of the pile approach could be adapted for method 2.
from the maximum load is often carried out in stages, with The settlement of the pile head may be measured by
a pause at each stage until rebound virtually ceases before dírect leveling with reference to a fixed datum, or by a wíre
unloading to the next stage. The precise loading and un- held under constan! tension between two supports and
loading procedure may often be specífied by building codes passing across a se ale attached to the test pile, or by dial
or established practíce in a particular organization. gauges attached to a beam supported on two foundations
The following methods are commonly used to apply the sufhciently far from the test pie for the reaction system to
loador downward force on the pile: be unaffected by the groucd movement. In order to
measure pile movernents and •,oads at various points along
l. A platform is constructed on the head of the pile, on the pile, displacement rods (sometimes termed "tell-tales")
which a mass of heavy material, termed "kentledge," is or strain gauges m ay be installed. This type of instrumenta-
placed. tion can be installed in almost al! types of conventional
2. A bridge, carried on temporary supports, is constructed piles, but more readily in cast ín-situ concrete piles. In
over the test pile and loaded with kentledge. The ram of a general, tell-tales are simple to install, read, and maintain,
hydraulic jack, placed on the pile head, bears on a cross- and Vijayvergiya (1 969) and Tomlinson (1 977) give details
head beneath the bridge beams, so that a total reactíon of the tell-tale system and its interpretation. As pointed out
equal to the weíght of the bridge and its load may be ob· by Fuller and Hay (1970), the installation of tell-tales or
tained. Whitaker (1970) recommends that the supports be strain gauges results in a physical change ín the cross section
more than 1.25 m ( 4 ft) away from the test pite, to of the pile, and thus its · elastic properties; thus, it m ay
minimize the effect of the supports on pile settlement. sometimes be advisable not to install too much instrumen-
3. Anchor piles capable of withstanding an upward force tation along the pile. In many cases, a tell-tale at the pile
are constructed on each side of the test píle, wíth a beam típ may give sufficient information.

16.2.2 Interpretation of Load Tests the ultirnate load capacity of the pile, may be recognized.
Among the commonly-used definitions of the ultima te load EMPIRICAL METHODS FOR WORKING LOADS capacity are:
A considerable number of arbitrary or empírica! rules have
l. The load that causes a settlement equal to 1O% of the
been used or are contained in codes to serve as criteria for
pile diameter (Terzaghi, 1942).
determining the allowable working load from load-test
2. The load at which the rate of settlement continues un-
results. A number of these rules have been summarized by
diminished without further increment of load, unless this
Chellis (1961 ), and a few are quoted below.
rate is so slow as to indicate that settlement may be a result
of consolidation of the soil (Civil Engineering Code of
l. The test load shall be twice the design load and shall be
Practice No. 4, !954).
maintained constant for at least 24 hr ,·and untíl settlement
or rebound does not exceed 0.22 in. in 24 hr. The design
Whitaker ( 1970) considers the latter definition inadequate
load shall not exceed one half the maximum applied load,
to define failure, especially with piles in cohesive soil.
provided the load-settlement curve shows no signs of
Van Weele (1957) has $Uggested a method of cyclic
failure and the permanent settlement of the top of the píle,
loading to provide sorne indication of the distribution .of
after completion of the test, does not exceed ~in. (Boston
load between adhesion and end-bearing. A plot of the
Building Code).
elastic recovery at each unloading cycle versus load appliéd
2. Tests shall be made with 200% of the proposed load,
at that cycle is used to separate the two components. The
and considered unsatisfactory if after standing 24 hr, the
curve usually becomes a straight line soon after the early
total settlement after rebound is more than 0.01 in. per ton
load increments. The distance between this curve and a line
of total test load (building laws of the City of New York).
drawn through the origin and parallel to the straight part of
3. Observe the point at which the gross settlement begins
the curve, represents the portion of load carried by
to exceed 0.03 in. per ton of additionalload, and divide by
adhesion. This procedure is approximate only. An alterna-
. a factor of safety of 2 for statíc loads, or 3 for vibratory
ti ve method is outlíned by Woodward et al. (1972).
loads (W. H. Rabe).
The importance of residual stresses in driven piles on
4. Observe the point at which the gross settlement begins
to exceed 0.05 in. per ton of addítional load, or at which piJe-test interpretation has been stressed by Holloway et
the plastic settlement begins to exceed 0.03 in. per ton of al. (1975). Compressive residualloads are likely to exist in
additional load, and divide by a factor of safety of 2 for the lower part of the pile, andthese appear to depend on
static loads, and 3 for vibratory loads (R. L. Nordlund). the pile-soil system only, independent of the impact pile-
5. Take two thirds of the maxim!.lm test load in a case driving apparatus used. When a residual point-load remains
where settlement is not excessive and where load and settle- after driving, a portian of the point-bearing capacity has
already been mobilized; however, if load distribution
ment were proportional and the curve remained a straight
measurements are made, the gauges are generally zeroed at
line. Where the test load was carried to failure, take two
the start of the test, and the residual loads are ignored in
thirds of the greatest load at which settlement was not ex-
the test interpretation. ln compression load tests to failure,
cessive and at which loads and settlement were proportion-
the measured point-bearing value in such cases is only that
ate (United States Steel Co.).
mobilized from the start of the load test. The actual point
capacity is the measured value plus the residual point load.
· Chellis éonsiders rules 3 and 4 the most reasonable al-
Conversely; in the tensile load tests, the effect of residual
though 3 may be too conservatíve. Rules such as 5 are,un-
compressive loads is to cause an apparent tensile resistance
reliable, as various irnpressions of the steepness of the load-
at the point. While the effects of residual loads are not
settlement curves may be obtained by varyíng the scale of
readily taken into account, recognition of their effects m ay
the graph, so that a finite lirnit of the change-of-load to
at least.resolve apparent anomalies in sorne load tests..
change-of-settlement ratio is desirable. ULTIMA TE LOAD SETTLEMENT BEHA V10R

In carrying out a maintained load test to determine the load The load-settlement relationship may be used directly to
capacity of a piJe, Whitaker (1970) suggests that it is neces- determine the single-pile settlement at the working load. In
sary first to estímate the load capacity so that a suitable estimating the settlement of a group or the settlement of a
loa~ing and reaction system may be provided, and then to píle of different proportions, the average soil modulus along
defme sorne physical event by which "failure," and hence the pile may be determined by fitting the measured lo~d-

settlement behavior ro the theoretical behavior. Knowing 16.1. The graphical solution ís shown in Fig. 16.1, from
the soil modulus, the stiffness of the relative to the soil which the required undrained value of Es ís found to be 73
may be determined, whereby the appropriate theoretícal kgf/cm 2 .
settlement"influence factor may be determined for a single Considering now the determination of the drained value
pile (Chapter 5), or the appropriate theoretical group" of Y oung's modulus, it will be assumed that the drained
Poísson's ratio of the soil is 03. From Fig. 5.21, R..,= 0.93.
settlement ratio (ratio of group settlernent to single pile
The other factors in (5.33) remain unchanged, so that
settlement at the average pile load) rnay be determined for substitution into this equation, usíng now the final value of
a pile group (Chapter 6). In the latter case especially, the p of 13 mm, gives
additional effects of any deep-seated compressible strata
must be carefully considered in the settlement estima te. (16.4)
An example illustrating the use of the theoretical
soíutions to backfigure the average soil rnodulus from a pile Equation (16 .3) remaíns valid, and graphical solution of
load test is given below. Eqs. (16.3) and (16.4) in Fig. 16.1 gives the drained value
of Es as about 50 kgf/cm 2 •
As an aJternative to the above procedure, the theoreti-
Example of lnterpretation of Pi/e Load Test to Backfigure cal relationship between settlement and Es can be plotled
Soil Modulus
As a simple example, the case of 0.3-m"diam., 15-m-long
floating concrete test piJe in a 30-m-thíck layer of clay wíll TABLE 16.1
.be consídered. It will be assumed that ata lq_ad of 50 metríc
ton, an ímmediate settlement cf 1O mm and a final settle- Undrained Drained
ment of 13 mm is recorded. In order to backfigure the Es ES Es
RK (kg/cm') (kg/cm') (kg/cm')
average undrained and drained val u es of of the clay, use
K (Fig. 5.19) (Eq. 16.1) (Eq. 16.3) (Eq. 16.4)
is made of Eq. (S .33).
Considering first the undrained modulus, from Fig. 10000 1.02 65.0 20 46.5
5.18, 5000 1.08 68.9 40 49.2
2000 1.19 76.0 100 54.3
1000 1.37 87.5 200 62.5
.044 for Ljd 15/0.3 50 and db/d
500 1.68 107.2 400 76.6


R¡, = 0.87 from Fig. 5.20, for L/d 50 and h/L

=- = 2

Assuming the undrained Poisson's ratio of the soil is 0.5,

Rv = 1, from Fig. 5.21. Substituting for p ('i' 1O mm), P, d,
lo. Rv, and Rh into Eq. (5.33), it is found that


R K is a functioa of a pile-st:iffness factor K, and hence

and is plotted in Fíg. 5.19. Thus Eq. (16.1) must be
:olved together with the equatíon defining K, that is,

(16.2) Eq. 116.4)

For a solíd pile, RA 1 , and assuming

kgf/cm 2 ,
500 1000 5000 10,000
Pi le stíffness factor, K ·

Sol u tion of Eqs. ( 16.1 ) and ( 16.3) is most easily carried . FIGURE 16.1 Graphical solution for soil moduli from pile load
out graphically, using a tabulation such as is given in Table test.

for any given load, and the value of Es corresponding to the

measured settlement m ay be read off this plot. F or the
problem above, this latter procedure would require one
curve to be drawn for ez.~h value of vs, from which the un-
drained anJ drained values of Es could be determined,


This test, frequently termed the C.R.P. test, was developed

by Whitaker (JQS7) for model piles and was subsequently Penetration in.

u sed for full-scale piJe tests (Whítaker and Cooke, 1961; (.1)

Whitaker. 1963). In carrying out the C.R.P. test, the pi]~ is

made to penetrate the soH at J constan! speed from its
position as inst:. 11ed, and the force applied at the top of the
pile to mairitain the rate of penetration is continuously
measured. The force is usua!iy applied by a hydraulic jack
and ·~1e setl]ement of the piJe head measured by means of
a dial gauge supportcd on a beam. The test is usually ar-
ranged to take about the same time as a laboratory un-
drained .test of a >ample of the soil, in an attempt to ensure
that the undrained load capacity and the load-undrained
settlement relationship are obtained.
The prime object of the test is úsually to determine QL---~-----~---.L----~----~--~
o 0.5 1.0 ., .5 2.0 2.5 3.0
th.: ultima te load capacity. The data resultíng from the test
Penetr ::Jtion in.
are plotted as a graph e: force versus penetration. The curve
in the case of a floating pile will be similar to one of those rbí

shown ir; 16.2a . The values of force reached at the FIGURE 16.2 C.R.P. test (aftcr W~itaker, 1970).
points mark0d A represent the uhímate load in each case.
The force-penetratíon curve for an end-bearing piJe ís
simibr to that shown in Fig. 16.2h. The upper part of the reasonable settlement data. The principie is to apply to the
curve is straight, or substantially straight, and shows a pile, at each of the t~st, a load slíghtly higher than the
steady increase in !'orce with increasing penetratíon; the required load and then to decrease the load to the desired
ultim:Jte load is taken as the point A, which represents the value. By this means, the rate of settlement diffiinishes
bcginning of this straight portion. This line is found to be a much more rapidly than with the maintained load proce-
continuatíon of the force-settlement relationship for instal- dure and equi!ibrium is reached in a matter of minutes
lation of thc píle from the surface of the bearing stratum rather than hours. The procedure suggested by Mohan, Jain,
en tire! y by C.RP. technique. ldentification of the point and Jaín is first to apply about one tenth of the estimated
A is often difficult in practice, and Whitaker (1970) ultima te load by hydraulic jack in a period of three to five
suggests that ít is usually satisfactory to take the ultimate minutes. lt is maíntained for about 5 min and then allowed
load as the force required to cause a penetration of 10% of to reduce itself vía downward rnovement of the pile. With-
the piJe diameter. in a few minutes, a state of equilibrium is generally reached.
The next increment of load is then applied and the process
is repeated. For higher loads, it is desirable to maintain the
ínitial load for a period oflO to 15 min before it is allowed
16.4 METHOD ÜF EQUILIBRIUM to relax. The total time required by this method is generally
reduced to about one third of that required in a main·
Tll!S procedure, which has been described by Mohan, Jain, tained-load test. At each stage, a cycle of loading and un·
and Jain (1967), is primarily designed to determine the loading may also be adopted and the elastic rebound of the
ultima te load capacíty, although it al so appears to provide píle top measured, in order to separate the side adhesion

.3tatic cone remtance (kg/cm 2 ) Load on pile 1op (tons)

table 1 ¡

" '" 4
Fill with 1 .32~
o-c-o Sta tic cone resistan ce
......._ Number of blows (N) o Me!hod of equ,tibrium
Silty clay '"
·e:: .96
E 1.12
Clay with
1.44 Total settlement
Silty clay _____ _
i 1


Clavey silt 1.92

2.08 Si ncplex 1·ile 18 in di am

78 ft long

L!'l=±="-_,_ ___Li_j___l___l_L_
12 18 24 30 36

FIGURE 16.3 Load-settlcment curves from maintained load test and mcthod of equilibríum (after '.-lohJn d al., 1967)

and point-bearing capacities (Van Weele, 1957; Jain and l. The use of a reference beaw to rneasure the settlemer..t
Kumar, 1963). (Fig. 16.4a).
A number of tests were carrkd out by Mohan, Jain, and 2. The use of anchor piles to provide reactíon for the test
Jain (1967) to compare this rnethod with the rnaintained- load (Fig. I6.4b).
load pn.-";edure. A typical cornparison, shown in Fig. 16.3, 3. The use of ground anchors to provide reaction for the
reveals excellent agreement, in regard to both ullirnate load test load (Fig. 16.4c).
capacity and load-settlement behavior.

16.5 SOURCES OF ERROR IN SETTLEMENT 16.5.1 Errors Resulting from Use of Reference Beam
With this system of settlemer:t measurement, the bearn
Sorne of the loading and settlement procedures commonJy supports settle because of the loaded pile. A theoretical
used in pile load tests may lead to inaccuracies in the assessment of the resulting errors involved in settlement
rneasurement of the settlement of a test pile: A theoretical rneasured may be made by using the solutions for the
examination of such inaccuracies caused by the following settlement of a point on the surface of the soil caused by
procedures (see Fig. 16.4) has been made by Poulos an·.1 a loaded pile (Section 5.3.3). From Eq. (5.40), this settle-
Mattes (1975): ment, Ps, ís given by

Joc ~
J ------LE
- - ¡-----


(a) Sdtlement Measur.:-nt


- r!- r!- !

(b) Test Píl~ J oc<~d Agaínst

_......- anchors. .J
(e) Test Píle Jacked A9aínst
Using Rdt:re:nct: Beam. Rczoction Pil~:s. Gcound Anchoes

FIGURE 16.4 Pile load test arrangements.

From Eqs. (16.6), (16.7), and {16.8),


where fp ís plotted in Figs. 5 5.33, and 5.34. The true
settlement of the piJe itself, p, resulting from the applied
load, is given from Eq. (5.33) as
The correction factor Fe '~valuated for a floating pile is
plotted in Figs. 16.5 and 16.6 for the cases of a piJe in a
p (16.6)
deep !ayer and a piJe in a finite ]ayer. Figure 16.5 indicates
that serious errors (i.e ., values of Fe) can arise in
where settlement measurements on a test píle in a deep soillayer
unless each support of the reference beam is placed about
1 = set tlement-influence factor 0.5 to 1 píle-length away from the pile. In terms of the
dimensionless distance rfL, the effect is more severe for
The measured settlement, Pm, is therefore shorter piles. Figure 16.6 shows how the effect of the
support-beam movement diminishes with decreasing soíl-
Pm = P ~ Ps layer thickness. However, even for an end-bearing p,ile
(H/L = 1), it is desirable to ha ve the supports 0.3 to 0.5
pile-lengths away fwm the test pile.

It is convenient now to define a correction factor, Fe, 16.5 .2 Errors Resulting from .Jacking Against Anchor Piles
to be applíed to the measured settlement, Pm, to obtain the
true settlement p~that is, With this method of load application, the upward loads on
the anchor piles cause an upward movement of the test pile
(16.8) because of interaction. As a result, if the settlement of the
test piJe is measured with reference to a remate benchmark,
or, the correction factor Fe is defined as the measured settlement will be less than the true settle-
ment. A theoretical examina~ion of the magnitude of this
under-registration may be made by using the pile-settle-
Fe (16.9)
ment interaction solutions described in Section 6.2.



1 r

1·0 -----------------

K = 1000
0·5 Vs= 0·5

o._____.______.____._____, Trucz F (Mczosur12d\

S12ttlczmcznt = e· S12ttlczm12nt)
o 0·25 0·75 1•0

FIGURE 16.5 Correction factor F" for floating pite in deep !ayer of soil.

The true settlement of the test pile resulting from the O!¡ interaction factor for two piles at a spacmg of s,
applied load is again given by Eq. (16.6). The upward move- where s is the distance between the test pile and
ment of the test pile because of the reaction on the anchor each reaction pile (Fig. 16.4b).
piles is given (using Eq. 6.12) as
The measured settlement, Pm. relative to a remote bench-
PI mark, is therefore ·
t::..p = dE . o:¡ (16.11)
Pm P - !::..p
(:f:J (1 - 0:¡) (16.12)

Defining again the correction factor Fe as in Eq. (16.9),

it is found that


Fe Values of Fe for various cases are plotted in Figs. 16.7,

16.8, and 16.9. The case of a floa ting pile in a deep soil
!ayer is considered in Fig. 16.7. lt may be seen that in the
L¡d: 25
range of spacings between the test and reaction piles
K : 1000
v5 = 0·5 commonly used (2.5 to 4 diameters), Fe may be 2 or even
greater, or in other words, the measured settlement may be
one half or less of the true settlement. The error becomes
more se ve re for stiffer, more slender piles. Unfortunately, it
is for such cases (i.e., long piles in very soft soils), that
0·2 0•4 0·6 0·8 1·0
accurate settlement measurements may be most necessary.
Figure 16.8 shows values of Fe for end-bearing piles
FIGURE 16.6 Effect of !ayer depth on settlement correction factor resting on a rigid stratum. In this case, the interaction is.
Fe. generally much less, and consequently, large values of Fe do


K ~ 1000
3'0 .----r---~--- .......---r-----.

Ljd = 25
K = 1000
v, ~ 0·5


o 5 10 15 20 25

FIGliRE 16.7 Corrcction factor Fe for floating piJe in a decp !ayer

jacked 8gains: two rcaction piles.

.p d
FIGURE 16.9 Correction factor Fe. Effect of bearing stratum for
S .~ L end-bearing piJe jackcd against two .reaction piles.

/7.. .
Rig1d Stratum
not occur at normal spacings unless the piles are relatívely
s1ender and compressible.
The effect of the relative stiffness of the bearing
stratum on Fe ís shown in Fig. ! 6.9. As the bearing stratum
becomes stiffer, interaction decreases and hence Fe de-
1 ·8 K 200
--K~ 1000 creases hr a given pile spacing. However, signifícant t~rrors
in settlement measurement may still occur at normal piJe
Values of L¡d
spacings unless the bearing stratum has a stiffncss about lO
100 times ( or more) greater than the overlying soil.
Figures 16.7, 16.8 and 16.9 suggest that if settlement
measurements are made wíth reference to a rcmote bench-
1. 4
mark, the usual spacing of abo u t three díameters m ay result
in signifícant undermeásurement of the sett:~ment of the
test pile. Increasing the spacing to at least five díameters
would appear most desírable, especially for long piles ín
deep, soft deposits.
An alternative means of settlement measurement is
possible with the anchor-pile system- by measuring the
settlement of the test pile with reference to the reaction
piles, that is, by fLxing a dial gauge to the cross beam
FIGURE 16.8 Correction factor Fe for end-bearing pile on rigid JO!mng the reaction piles. The consequences of this pro-
stratum :3cked agaínst two reaction pil~s. cedure may again be examined usíng píle-interaction

theory. The upward movement of each reaction pile,Pa, is

given by Eq. (16.12) as


PI _
dE (0.::> - a 1 + O.S<tz) (16 14)
S 2·0....---.-.,-

1 single-pile settlement :.nfluence factor
ínteraction factor for two pile, ata spacing of s
ínteractíon factor for two piles at a spacing of 2s F¿

The settlement of the test píle relative to the reactíon pile.s,

p~, is then
K 1<)00
1 K
Pm Pm + Pa
PI o
( 16.15) o 5 10 15 20
dEs (1.5

Defining a correctíon factor}~ as FIGURE 16.10 Correction factor for floating píle in a deep
layer jacked against two reactior, piles-settleme:1t measured in
F = True settlement of loaded piJe
' (16.16)
relation to anchor piles
e Measured settlement re1ative
to reaction piles ment, in that it gíves a settlement eíther closer to or larger
than the real settlemenL However, in any such pile test,
it may be shown from Eqs. (16.15) and (16.16) that measurement of the settlement by both the alternatíve me-
thods is desirable so that a b·~tter assessment or' the true
settlement may be made.
Fe = .
(1.5- 2a 1 + 0.5o: 2)
All the above solutions apply for a homogeneous soil
stratum. The expressíons in Eq. 16.13 and Eq. 16.17 also
Values of Fe 're plotted against dimensionless spacing apply for non-homogeneous smls, provided that appropriat~
s/d in Fíg. 16.10 for a floating pile in a deep soíl !ayer. values of the ínteraction factors are used. Sínce these
Comparison with Fig. 16.7 shows that Fe
ís generally less factors tend to be smaller for non-homogeneous soils than
than , in other words, less correction of the measured for homogeneous soils, the ,mors involved in the test
settlement is required if measurement ís made wíth respect procedure will be correspondingly smaller; hnwever, the
to the anchor píles. For piles of medium compressibílity general characteristícs of behaYiour and variation t)f Fe and
(K= 1000), Fíg. 16.10 shows that Fe is above unity ata Fe with spacing remain similar.
spacing of about five diameters. It must be poínted 9ut,
however, that at larger spacings or in cases where 1ittle
interaction is likely to occur between the test pile and the 16.5.3 Errors Resulting from Jacking Against Ground
reactíon piles, Fe will be less than one-that is, the mea- Anchors
sured settlement will be greater than the true sett1ement.
In such cases, the soil modulu:> backfigured {rom the un- The upward reaction on each ground anchor will tend to
corrected measured settlement would be too small in con· reduce the settlement of the test pile. Because the cables
trast to the va,lue that wou1d be obtained from the settle- for the ground anchors are generally cased and the anchors
ment measured with reference to a remote point, which themselves are srnall in relation to the test pile, it is reason-
would be too large. Thus, measurement of the test-pile able to approximate each anchor as an upward point load
settlement re1ative to the reactíon piles would appear to acting at the center of thé anchor. To simplify calculations,
have advantages over other means of settlement measure- · it is then assumed that the effect of the ground anchor on

the test piJe is the same as its effect on a point located half !ayer. Figure 16.1 1 shows that if the anchors are located
way along the piJe. With ~he above approximations, the 1.5 pile-lengths or more below the surface, Fe is less than
upward movement, !J.p, of the test pile caused by the 1.2, in other words, the error in the measured settlement is
ground anchors can be written as less than 20%. Beyond an anchor depth of about 2L, the
radial distance of the anchors from the piles has little effect
on the measured settlement.
( 16.18)
The case considered in Fig. 16.11 is not likely to occur
frequently in practice, since to obtain adequate load
where 1M is the vertical displacement factor for a buried capacity, the anchors are usually secured into a stiffer !ayer
point load. 1M may be evaluated most readily from at or below the leve! of the pile tip. In such a case, the up-
Mindlín's equation for a p • t load within a semi-infiníte ward movements caused by the anchors would be le;ss than
elastíc mass. given by Eq. (16.18), so that Fe will be less than indicated
The true piJe settlement, Pr, is again given by Eq. in Fig. 16.11.
( 16.6 ), so the measured settlement Pm of the test pile is Figure 16.11 will also generally give an overestirnate of
F'c for an end-bearing test-pilc bearirtg on a stiff )ayer. The
extreme case of a piJe through very soft soil and bearing on
Pm (16.19)
a stiff !ayer may be examined by considering the pile tip as
a rigid circular area carrying the total applied load, and the
Defíning the correction factor F""c as in Eq. ( 16 .9), anchors as point loads acting on the surface of a semi-
infinite mass of modulus Eb (the bearing stratum). For
this case, Fe is plotted in Fig. 16.12 together with the other
Fe (16.20)
lMt!_) limiting case of a piJe in a homogeneous deep )ayer, with
1 L anchors at the leve! of the piJe tip (the curve for Ha/L = 1.0

Fe is plotted against dimensionless anchor spacing in

Fig. 16.11 for various values of embedment of the anchors.
The test pi!e and the anchors are assumed to be in a deep

Lfd ~ 25 Vs <0·5
K= 1000

1 ·3


1 ·2 1·1

1·0 ¡___ _..J...__ _...J...._ _.......L_ ___¡ 1· o .____ ..J..__ __ , _ _ __¡__ _.......L_ ____..J

o 0·5 2·0 o 5 10 15 20 25

FIGURE 16.11 Correction factor Fe for floating pile in a deep FIGURE 16.12 Correction factor Fe for end-bearing piJe jacked
!ayer jacked against ground anchors. against ground anchors.

in Fig. 16.11 ). It m ay be seen that when the pile bears on Lateral load tests are usually used to índícate the load-
to very stiff rock through very soft soil, (Eb/Es-+ ""),Fe is def1ectíon behavior of a pile. The allowable design load is
extremely small even for very closely-spaced anchors, often taken as the load required to produce a specified
whereas the corresponding value for the homogeneous layer det1ection (e.g., 0.25 in) divided by the requíred factor of
(Eb/Es 1) is considerab1y grea:er. In practice, the value of safety (McNulty, 1956). The values of the subgrade-reac-
Fe would lie between these two limiting values. tion modulus of the soil or the elastic modulus ofthe sóil
Figure 16.12 indicates tha1: when anchors are to be may also be backfigured from 1 test by fitting the observed
fixed at the leve! of the pile tip, the spacing between the behavior to the theoretical, as described in Section 8.5. This
test pile and the anchors should be as great as possible, and procedure enables predictions to be made of movements of
preferably 10 diameters or greater. Greater spacings may be piles of other dimensions or of groups of laterally loaded
achieved most readily by installing inclined anchors. piles. In such cases, the influence of any soft Iaxers under-
Comparison with the other two test systems shows that lying the pile tips is o f much less significan ce than in the
Fe for the anchor system is generally much less, that is, case of verticalloading.
less error ís involved in settlement measurements when
anchors are used.


16.6 LATERAL LOAD TESTS Axial load tests presently represent thé only certain method
of determining the ultimate axial load capacity of indm-
The usual method of carrying out lateral load tests is to dual piles, but conventional procedures and equipment are
insta!] a pair of piles and jack their heads apart. A descrip- relatively costly and inconvement, especially if high load
tion of the method is given by Wagner ( 1953). The piles capacítiesare antícipated.
should be placed sufficíently fa.r apart so as not to obtain · The possibility of carrying out torsional loading tests
significant interaction btttween the movements of each on piles has been examined by Stoll ( 1972), who devised
pile, and hence a horizontal beam is frequently inserted a simple field torque-shear-load test that could be applied
between the piles and the jack reacts against one of the [1ile to cylindrical piles. The piles must, of course, be.capable of
heads and the beam to the other pile head. If necessary, the cárrying the required torque wíthout failure of the pile
effects of interaction with less than ideal spacing between material ítself, so that in stiffer soils, relatively short or
the piles can be estimated, as explained for vertical tests in stiff piles may be necessary. The key feature pf the test
Section 16.5, using the theory given in Chapter 8, Section apparatus is that torque is applied by small-capacity hy-
8.4. Examples of loading arrangements for both vertical and draulic jacks reacting horizontal! y against adjoining job
battered piles have been described by Alizadeh and piles, utilizing the large mechanical advantage available
Davisson (1970) and Tomlinson (1977). at the usual spacing (i.e., 3 to 5 ft or wider).
The procedure employed for the test varíes, but typi- Stoll was of the opinion that the pile-soil shear strength
cally the load is applied in a number of increments and each from torsional tests would not exceed the value for axial
increment is left on until a specified rate of movement is loading.' Model tests reported by Poulos O9'7 5p) showed
reached. Alizadeh and Davisson (1970) used for each incre- that in clay, the values deduced from axi<,1i and torsional
ment a mínimum period of one hour, or un til the pi! e head tests were in fact very similar. H was also found possible in
movement was less than 0.01 in per hr. Tests we re carried these tests to backfigure the shear modulus of the soil from
to lateral det1ections approaching 2 in. the measured to.rque-rotation relationship, using .the elastic
Lateral deflection of the pile head is usually measured theory described in Section 9.3 .3, and to use this val u e to
with a dial gauge. Strain gauges are also frequently installed predict the settlement of a pile loaded axially. Thus, there
along the embedded portión of the pile to measure flexura! is sorne evidence that torsionalload tests may be useful for
stresses whereby the bending moments may be obtained. predicting the behavior of axially loaded piles in clay. For
With steel piles, inclinometers may also be installed with sands, however, beca use of the dependence of the pile-soil
the pile to measure the variation of lateral def1ection with s..'I-J.ear strength on the stress state, torsional tests may give
depth along the piJe. Hanna (1967) has also employed misleading results; for example, for model piles in ,sand,
inclinometer readings along steel H-piles to indicate the Broms and Silberman (1964) obtained considerably tower
bending of piles during driving. values from torsional tests than from axial tests.

The geometry of a typica) cylindrical pile element is shown

in Fig. A l. For a general point i in the soil rnass, the value
of I q is

ió rr(2
Iq j J pi dO de (A I)
(j- 1)b o

PI = influence factor for vertical displacement dueto a

vertical point load
ó length of elernent = Lfn.

From Mindlin's equation, PI is given by '
2 2
( 1+v) {. z 1 ( 5- 1 2v + 8v )
1 = ---- -- + (-3 ··-4v)
- + .:._____,...:.
P ,Q.n(l-v) R 3 D R
. 1 '' l 2
2 2 2
[ _ _2,-c_·z_+_2_c....::] + [ 6ez (z- e)]}
+ 3
R2 R2


z h +e
Z¡ }¡ e
d2 Figure Al Single pile--basic geomctry.
R~ -- + - xdcosO + z2
Id =
+ - xd cosO + z 1 2 where

h and r are defined ín Fig. A 1,

The íntegra! with respect to e in Eq. (Al) can be eva-
luated an¡¡lytícally to give D¡ (r2 + z,2)Y'
D + z2)Y'
1+v { Z¡
Jpide = 8n(l-v) D
4(1 v) In (z 1 + D¡) +
1 snd the limíts of integrationin Eq. (A3) are

z 1 from h-(1- l)ó to h-jó

z from h+(j- 1)ó to h+ió


The integration wíth respect to r can be done analyti-

~ally and yields

2 2
(l+v) 1 z1 (rA - Ro )
];plrdr = 87T(i-v) (Ro )
\ + (3 - 4v)[y'x;; + A In (2y'x;; + 2r - 2A))

+ (5- 12v + 8v 2 ) [y'x~ +A ln(2~ +2r 2A))

surta ce
\ + [(3 4v)z 2

+ 6ez 2 (z- e) {
2ez + :?e

3y'X¡ 3
+A [

r- A

3(B-A 2 )fft


Rol Z¡2 +x2

A x cose
Xo r 2 2A r + R 0 2
X 1 = r1 2Ar + B
B R 0 2 + 4e 2 + 4ez 1
z z 1 + 2c (AS)

The íntegration wíth respect to e

ís again evaluated most
readily by numerical means.
In eva1uatíng the integra1s with respect toO in Eqs. (A 1)
and (A4), intervals of rr/50 are usually adequate. To avoid
the singularíty which occurs "'hen calculating aisplacements
on the piJe shaft for i=j, it is most expedíent to calculate
ordínates at the rníd-point of each interval and then apply
Figure A2 Geometry for integratíon over circular arca. the simple rectangular rule f.:Jr integration to evaluate the
complete double integral. The value of the integral cop-
verges to a constant value a5 the nurnber of intervals in (}
The integral wíth respect to () is, however, only conve- is increased, and as mentioned above, intervals of rr/50 are
niently evaluated numerícally. generally sufficient to ensure convergence. .
The geometry of the pile base is shown in Fig. A2. To For the center of the base resulting from shear stress on
allow for an enlarged base, a base radíus rb C=db/2) differ- elernent j,
ent from the pile shaft radius is considered. For a general
poin t i in the soil rnass, jó

lbj "' 1T J
(j- l)
pi de (A6)
1 [¡

d fo (A4)
l;he integral in Eq. (A6) is given in Eq. (A3), with h = L,
D2 z 2 +d 2 /4andDi =z 1 2 +·d 2 /4.
where For the vertical displacement of the base resulting from
the base itself, it is desirable t o rnake an approxirnate allow-
pi is given in Eq. (A2), and for this case, ance for the effect of the rigidity of the base by rnultiplying
the displacernent of the centt:r of the uniformly-loaded dr-
e no =·L
R~ z 2 + + r2 - 2rx ces e cular base by a factor of ¡; this is the ratio of the surface
R12 z 1 2 + x 2 + r 2 - 2rx eos ()
z z 1 + 2e displacement of a rigid circle on the surface of a half-spaée

to the center displacement of a corresponding uniformly The integral in Eq. (A 7) can readily be evaluated analyti-
loaded circle, and may be assumed to apply approximately cally, and gives
to embedded areas. Thus,
rr(l+v) ~ db
rb lbb = (3-4v)- + (5- !2v+Bv 2 )(R z)
:::: -·
Jpi r dr (A7)
16(1-v)d 2

pi is given in (A2), and now where

o z = Z¡ + 2c = 2L

The basic equation from whkh the required solution is

Px pb. [(3- 4v)F 1 +F4 +4(1 2V) (B2)
derived is that obtained by Míndlin (1936), for the hori- 321TG(I- v)
zontal displacements caused by a horizontal point load
within the interior oí a semi-infinite elastic-isotropic homo- X(l v)Fsl
geneous mass. Referring to Fig. B 1, th1s so1ution is a·s
follows: At the lower corners D anJ C,

Q [(3- 4v) + _1_ +.::..:_ + (3 4v)x
Px 16JTG(l-v) R1 R 2 Rf R~ Px 32
1Tf:;1__ v) [(3- 4v)F 1 +F 2+40 2v) (83)

2cz( 3x )+4(1-v)(l 2v)X X (1- P)F3]
+ -RJ21 - R¡ R 2 +z+c
2c 1

Doug1as and Da vis (1 964) integrated this equation o ver
a rectangular area, and obtained the followíng so1utíon. 2c 2
At the upper corners -;1 and B (see Fig. B2), for a K2
uniform horizontal pressure p,
F¡ -(K¡-K2) In
[ (K¡-K2)
- 2 In [ , . 2
(K 1 -K2)+.J4+(K 1 - K2)
2 J
F2 21n
[ 2(K 1 +,/1 +K~ )

+(K 1 -K 2 )X
(K 1 +K 2)+'\1'4+(K 1 +K2r

\ o

Surface z


zl Q


lA %c• •

o~~ e
(Loading in x direc~ionl

Figure Bl Definition of point-loaó problem. Figure B2 Definition of rectangt.lar area.


ln (K :K X
1 2

- (K 1 +K 2 )]
[V4+(K¡+K2) 2 - (K.+Kz)l-Kz(K2-V!+K~)
K.(vll+Kr- K¡)

=-"~In[ 2 2
(K +y'i"+K1) l+ For the displacement at other points in the same plane, the
- <K 1 +K 2 )+V4+(K 1 +K 2 ) 2j principie of superposition may be employed.

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Abe1, J. F., 83, 373 Booker, J. R., 19, 98, 152,371,372

Adam, M, 277, 375 Boonlualohr, P., 381
Adams, J. L, 10, 46, 47, 48,371,377 Boonstra, G. C., 311,374
Ad1er, M. A., 180,379 Bowles, J. 6, 59, 63, 372
Agarwa1, S. L., 351, 371 Bozozuk,M.,269,271,273,296,372,378
Agerschou, H. A., 54, 58, 371 Brandtzaeg, A., 323, 372
Aírhart, T. P., 8, 371 Brinch Hansen, J., 145, 146, 1< 7, 372
Aitchíson, G. D., 307, 371 Bromham, S. B., 43, 98, 102,372
Alnadeh,M., 175,224,365,371 Broms,B. B., 7, 8, 10, 24, 146, 147,148, 149, 150, 151,
Amesz, A. W., 269,372 154,155,156,160,161,173,174,175,228,267,
Antes, D. R., 377 269,320,365,372,374,3'17,379
Appe1, G. C., 164, 373 Brons, K. F., 269, 372
Auvinet, G., 379 Brown,P.T.,256,262,263,3~2,381
Avery, S. B., 10,371 Brumund, W. F., 17,372
Awad, H., 157, 158, 175,242,371 Buchanan, S. J., 371
Burke, T. J., 308,371
Burkey, J. R., 7, 372
Baguelin,F.,43, 164,174,223,371 Bur1and, J. B., 19, 23, 44, 99, 106,372
Baikoff, E. M. A., 308, 371 Burman, B. C., 42, 43, 380
Ba1aam, N. P., 83,371 Butler, F. G., 372
Balla, A., 46, 3 71 Butterfie1d, R., 74, 81, 372
Baneijee,P. K., 74, 75,81, 92, 93,164,177,192,224,
Barber, E. S., 167, 168, 170,371 Cambefort, H., 36, 98, 99, 372
Barden, L., 138,371 Carter, J. P., 381
Barkan, D. D., 341,343,345,371 Chadeisson, R., 98, 99, 372
Barker, W. R., 16, 17, 371 Chae, Y. S., 34 7, 372
Bartoskewitz, R. E., 373 Chan, J. H. C., 351,372
Begemann, H. K. S., 41, 42, 46, 272,371 Chand~~R.J.,23,372
Bell, R. A., 104,373 Chandra, S., 22,377
Belzunce, J. A., 74, 272,379 Chandrasekaran, V., 351, 379
Bender, C. H., 66, 67, 68, 371 Chellis, R. D., 6, 30, 31, 52, 55, 56, 354, 356, 372
Beredugo, Y. 0., 15, 38,371 Chieurzzi, R., 46, 374
Berezantzev, V.G., 19, 26,123,137,371 Christian, J. T., 83, 3 74
Bishop, A. W., 380 C1aessen, A. l. M., 271, 372
Bishop, R. F., 23,371 Cle'mence, S. P., 17,372
Bjerrum, L., 7,48, 50,109,265,266,270,271,289, C1ough, G. W., 375
290,291,323,325,371,372,375 Coates, D. F., 373
Blight, G. E., 42, 306, 372 Collins, L. E., 295, 308, 309, 373
Boersma, L., 311, 319, 3 20, 375, 381 Cooke, R. W., 43, 44, 97, 98, 99, 101, 105, 106, 373,
Bogdanovi_c, L. J., 372 381
Boírn, V. P., 310,374 Cooling, L. C., 355, 373
Boitano, J., 382 Cox,A. D., 19,373


Cox, W. R., 173, 224, 379 Ferguson, R. A., 228,230,231, 374

Coyle, H. M., 20, 64, 72, 73,371,373,375, Flaate, K. S., 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 374, 377
376 Focht, J. A., 22, 71,222,374,376,381
Crooke,R. 338 Forehand, P. W., 56, 59, 63, 64, 374
Cumming, D. A., 373 Fox, E. N., 374
Cummings, A. E., 7, 373 Franc~,A. J.,233,235,325,326,327,329,330,
Frank, R., 164,371
D'Appolonia, D. J., 7, 8, 11, 138, 139,224,228, Franx, C., 311, 374
373 Freeman, C. F., 40, 41,374
D'Appolonia, E., 74, 78, 79, 80, 107, 108, 109,373, Fry, Z. B., 376
374,378 Frydman, S., 1 223, 374
Darragh, R. D., 104,373 Fukuoka,M., 160,374
Da~all,P. LeP.,269,272,285,286,289,292,381 Fuller, F. M., 355,374
Davies, T. G., 74, 92, 93, 164, 177, 192,224,225,
Davies, W. W., 374 Gar1anger, J. E., 377
Davis, E. H., 19, 74, 80, 94, 95, 97, 98, 102, 103,152, Gaul, R. D., 350,374
153, 177, 178, 180, 181, 186,207,250,257,272, Gibson, G. C., 65, 373
299,319,330,369,373,376,378 Gíbson, R. E., 9, 374
Davisson, M. T., 164, 166, 170, 171, 173, 175,325, 326, Gill, H. L., 164, 171, 173, 373
327,348,365,371,373 Glanvil1e, W. H., 59, 374
Dawson, A. W., 285, 286, 373 G1eser,S. M., 165,227,229, 3·74
De Beer, E. E., 311, 373 Gob1e, G. G., 374
De Bruijn, C. M., 307,373 Go1der, H. Q;, 22, 330, 374, 376
de Mello, V. F. B., 7, 28, 82, 373 Golubkov, V., 371
Desai, C. S., 29, 83, 164,263,373 Granholm,H., 323,330,375
Don~dson.G.W.,294,296,302,308,309,310,374 Gray, H., 3 77
Donovan, N., 377 Gríffe1, W., 374
Doroshkevich, N M., 310,374 Grigg, R. 346,353, 377
Doug1as,D J., 152,177,178,180,181,186,207,369, Grime, G., 374
374 Gyenge, M., 373
Downs, D. l., 46,374
Driscoll, P. M., 243,371
Druery, B. M., 228,230,231,374 Hagerty, D. J., 10, 11, 12, 375
Duncan, N., 374 Hain, S. J., 263, 375
Dunícan, P., 372 Hall, J. R., 338, 379
Dvorak, A .. 374 Hancock, K. E., 374
Hanna, T. H., 7, 10, 15, 25, 48, 49, 50, 135, 137,365,
Eason, G., 373 Hansen, B., 54, 58, 68, 69, 380
Edwards, T. C., 376 Hansen, W. 28, 378
Egorov, K. E., 96,374 Harboe, E., 323, 372
Eide, 0., 372, 374 Hargett, C. M., 263,373
Ellison, R. D., 83, 106, 374 Har1eman, D. R. F., 35 l, 377
E1masry ,M. A., 272, 374 Harr~on, H. B., 248, 374
Emrích, W. J., 376 Hay,H. 355,374
Endo,M.,267,285,374 Hayashi, S., 348, 375
Esu, M., 83,374 Hetenyi, M., 166,323,375
Evangelista, A., 180, 3 74 Heyman, L., 311,319,320,321,375
Evans, L. T., 241, 374 Hill, R., 371
Hilts, D. E., 381
Hirsch, T. J., 59, 64, 371, 375,376, 380
Fausold, M., 380 Hoad1ey, P. J., 330, 374, 375
Feagin, L. B., 374 Holland,G. R., 16,378
Fellenius, B. H., 8, 267, 269, 374 Holloway, P., 74,356,378
Fenske, C. W., 380 Ho1m, C. H., 377
Hooper, J. A., 250, 263, 375 Landva, A., 374
Hopkins, H. G., 373 Lee, l. K., 83, 84, 93,263, 375. 376, 381
Horn, H. B., 7, 11, 12,376 Lee, K. L., 327,376
Horvat, E., 271, 372 Lenci, C., 177, 376
Housel, W. S., 7, 54, 56, 57,375 Leonard, M. W., 22, 374
Howell, J. F., 336, 377 Leussink, H., 311, 321, 322, 3~ 6
Hrennikoff, A., 233, 375 Lo, K. Y., 7, 8, 9, 376
Hribar, J. A., 373 Lo, M. B., 35, 37,376
Hudson, B. S., 379 Locher, H. G., 272, 376
Hughes, G. T., 375 Lowery, L. L., 59, 61, 66, 67, 1}8, 69,371,375,376,
Hutchinson, J. N., 269, 375 380
Lurnb, P., 9, 374
Lundgren, H., 19,376
ldriss, I. M., 339,353,375 Lyons, C. G., 66, 67, 68,371
Ingrarn, W. B., 349,376
Ire1and, H. 0., 96,375
Isaacs, D. V., 59, 375 McAlister, R. F., 377
lto, T., 7, 141,311,375,376 McCamrnon, N. R., 376
McC1elland, B., 20, 25, 27, 29, 59, 66, 67,376
MacDona1d, H. F., 46, 376
Jain, G. S., 107,358,359,375,376 McKenzie, l. M., 376
Jain, M. P., 358, 359,377 McNulty, J. F., 163,365, 376
Jampel, S., 375 Madhav, M. R., 50, 176,237, :!89, 330, 341, 376,
J asper, J. L., 41, 3 7 5 378
Jensen, E. V., 269,375 Madhavan, K., 376
Jezeque1, J. F., 371 Madignier, 177, 376
Johnanne•en,I.J.,7,265,266,269,270,372,375 Mansur,C.l., 106, 107,376
Johnson, J. W., 372, 377 Marche, R., 311,312,376
Johnson, L. D., 263, 373 Mariupo1skü, L. G., 44, 45,381
Johnson, S. M., 48, 50,375 Martín, C. B., 380
Martín, G. R., 339, 380
Matlock,H., 164,166,170,171,172,173,176,225,
Kaufman, R. I., 106, 107, 376 349,351,372,376,379
Kawasakí, K., 267, 374 Matsui, T., 311,375
Kerise1, J., 25,227,375 Mattes, N. S., 74, 75, 76, 79, :H, 82, 92, 95, 96, 97, 102,
Kerkoff, G. 0., 7, 373 104, 1-08, 109, 110, 114, 132, 135, 142,272,359,
Kessler, R. S., 377 376,378
Kezdi, A., 36,375 Matthewson,C. D., 177,376
Khristoforov, V., 371 Maurice, J., 177,376
Kishída, H., 14, 15, 27, 28, 35 . 38,375 Maxwell, A. A., 341, 342, 34S, 346, 376
Klajnerrnan, D., 374 Mazurik, A., 374
K1ohn, E. J., 375 Meyerhof, G. G., 13, 14, 16, ::1, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29,
Koch,K.J.,222,374 35,38,39,42,43,46,47,48,71, 103,109,153,
Kocsis, P., 233,235,375 375,377
Koerner, R. M., 269,288,289,375,376 Mez1er, K. J., 2, 380
Koizumi, Y., 7,141,376 Milligan, V., 7, 8, 377
Koop, F. D., 379 Mindlin, R. D., 71,369, 377
Kubo, J., 175, 176, 227, 376 Minou, A., 267,374
Kumar, V., 107,359,375 Mitchell, J. K., 271,377
Kuzmin, P. G., 96,374 Miyazawa, N., 375
Mohan, D., 22, 23, 43, 44, 107,225, 226, 227, 228, 358,
Labrecque, A., 268,271,372 Mohr, H. A., 48, 377
Lacroix, Y., 311,312,376 Monckton, M. F., 138,371
Ladanyi, B., 8. 9, 23, 40, 376 Moore,P.J., 103,377
Ladd, C. C., 373, 376 Morgan, J. R., 20, 377
Lambe, T. W., 7, 8, 11, 12, 138, 139, 373, 376, 377 Morison, J. R., 338, 377

Morrison, C. 13, 14,379 257,272,299,311,319,359,365,371,372,373,

Mortensen, A., 19, 376 376,377,378,379
Moser, M. A., 159,377 Prakash, S., 158, 166, 174, 175, 187, 228, 230, 351,
Mos1ey, E. T., 68,377 373,379
Mott,N. F., 371 Prandtl, L., 19, 379
Mukhopadhyay, C., 269,288,289, 375 Prasad, G. D. 374
Murayarna, S., 98, 377 Press, H., 36, 379
Murdoch, L. J., 16, 21, 377 Priddle, R. A., 233, 3 79
Murthy, Y. N., 377
Myers, J. J., 338, 3 77.
Raamot, T., 68, 377
Radugin, A. E., 9, 10, 379
Nau,K.,96, 233,234,235,336,338,339,348,377 Randolph, M. F., 74, 85, 92, 164, 186, 379, 381
Nath, J. H., :551,377 Rao, N. S. Y. K., 50,341, 376
New1and, P. L., 310,377 Reddy, A. S., 171, 172, 324, 326,328, 329, 379
Nicu, N. D., 311, 377 Reese, J. L., 56, 59, 63, 64,374
Nishida, Y., 8, 9, 377 Reese, L. C., 16, 17, 20, 26, 64, 72, 7 3, 164, 166, 170,
Nord1und, R. L., 24, 27, 29, 377 171,172,173,175,176,177,234,371, 379,380,
Novak, M., 336, 341,342,344,345,346, 347,351,352, 381
353,377 Rehnman, S. E., 379
Resendiz, D., 269, 379
Richards, B. G., 307, 379
O'Bríen, M. P., 377 Richart, F. E., 336,337,340, 341,348, 379, 381
Olsen, R. E., 54, 57, 58,377 Rinck, J., 269, 372
O'Neill, M. W., 26, 379 Ripperberger, E. A., 173, 376
Orrje, P., 7, 10,377 Robinsky, E. l., 13, 14,379
Os1er, J. C, 375 Robinson, K. E., 327, 348, 373
. Ostenfe1d, C., 372 Romua1di, J. P., 74, 78, 107, 108,373
Oteo, C. S., 158,222,231,232,377 Roscoe, K. H., 153, 159, 379
Ottaviani, M., 83,374 Ross, H. E., 351, 379
Rowe, P. W., 174, 379
Rowe, R. K., 160, 164, 379
Packshaw, S., 355,373 Rutka, A., 377
Palrner, D. J., 16,378 Rutledge, P. C., 379
Palrner, L. A., 165,377
Pandey, Y. J., 16,378
Parrna1ee, R. A., 378 Saffery, M. R., 32, 35, 137,379
Paro1a, J. F., 69,378 Sahzin, Y. S., 296, 379
Parr, R. G., 46, 378 Sa~s,J. A. l,74,80,272,379,380
Parsons, J. D., 48, 50, 378 Samson,C. H.,59,63,68,69, 375,380
Partos, A., 376 Saran, S., 158, 187,228,230,379
Peck, G. M., 39,378 Sau1, W. E., 234, 351, 380
Peck,R.B., 7, 10, 11, 12,20,28,31,271,373,374, Sawko, F., 380
378,380 Scanlan, R. H., 59,374,380
Pells, P. J. N, 39, 40,378 Schaff, S., 3 77
Penzien, J., 339, 3 53,378 · Schaffey, C. 378
Petrasovits, G., 157,158, ns, 242,371 Schmertmann, J. H., 380
Philcox,K. T., 14,15,378 Seed,H. 8.,64,72,339,35~375,380
Pichurnani, R., 109, 378 Selna, L. G., 380
P1anterna, I. G., 378 Sevaldson, R., 372
Poorooshasb, H. B., 273, 378 Shaa1, B., 374
Poplin, J. K., 376 Sharman, F. A., 380
Popov, G.P., 96, 374 Sherman, W. C., 380 ·
Pou1os, H. G., 20, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 85, 92, 93, 94, Shibata, T., 98, 374, 377
95, 96, 97, 98·, 99, 102, 103, 108, 109, 110, 114, Shields, D. H.,'371
117,130,132, 135, 138, 139, 142, 145, 160, 164, Shrívastava, S. P., 225, 226, 227, 228, 377
177,180,181, 183,20J,227,228,237,243,250, Shtenko, Y. W., 41,375

Shubinski, R. P., 35 1, 380 Tucker, R. L., ~48, 350,351,381

Shultze, 4 2, 380 Tumer, E. A., 46,381
Silberman, J. 0., 365,372
Silva, C., 379
Simek,J., !59, 380 Valliappan, S., 83,381
Simons, N. E., 372 Va1sangkar,A. J., 171,1 32+, 3:!7, 328,329,
Singh, A., 380 379
Skempton, A. W., ló, 21, 23, 34, 44, 45, 109, 123, Van der Merwe, D. H., 307, 38:
138,174,380 Van der Veen, C., 42, 381 _
Skipp, B. 0., 330,375 Van Wee1e, A. F., 356, 358, 381
Smith, E. A. L., 52, 59, 61, 380 Varner, M. J., 46, 378
Soderberg, L., 7, 8, 9, 61,377,380 Yerma, R. K., 380
Sokolovskii, V. V., 19, 380 Verruijt,A., 272,381
Sorensen, T., 54, 58, 68, 69,380 Vesic, A. S., 13,.19, 20, 23, 24. 25, 26, 29, 37, 38,
Sowa, V. A., 45, 46, 380 42, 174, 190,375,381
Sowers, G. B., 39,380 Viggiani, C., 180, 374
Sowers, G. F., 23, 32, 39,137, 140,380 Vijayvergiya, V. N., 22, 355,379, 381
Spence, B. E., 46, 380
Spencer, G., 103,377
Spillers, W. R., 177,181,380 Wagner, A. A., 365, 381
Steinbrenner, W., 177,380 Walker, L. K., 269,271,285,286,289,292,381
Stermac, A. G., 7, 8, 9, 376 Wallays, M., 311, 373
Stevens, L. K., 330, 374, 375 Walther, R. E., 381
Stoll, R. D., 177, 181, 38{1 Warburton, G., 348, 381
Stoll, U. W., 365, 380 We1ch, R. C., 177, 379
Sty1es, J. R., 43, 98, !02, 372 Wenz, K. P., 311, 321,322,376
Sulaiman, I. H., 73,373 Whitaker, T., 6, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 43, 44, 48, 52, 57,
Sullivan, W. R., 177,380 97, 98, 99, 101, 105, 106, 107, 137, 140, 355, 356,
White, R., 381
Tan, R. H. S., 25,375 Whitman, R. V., 381
Tate, A. P. K., 32, 35, 137, 379 Wiesner, T. J., 256,262,372,:181
Tavenas, F. A., 29, 380 Wilson, E. L., 380
Taylor, D. W., 53,380 Wilson, G., 44, 381
Taylor,H., 319,373 Wi1son, L. L., 380
Terzaghi, K., 25, 31, 54, 58, 71,173,174,271,356, Wilson, S. D., 10, 48, 50, 371, 378
380 Woodburn, J. D., 3Ó7, 371
Thiers, G. R., 374 Woods, R. D., 338, 379
Thomas, D., 42, 380 Woodward, R. J., 20, 356, 382
Thompson, J. B., 165,377 Wright, S. G., !59, 164,382
Thorbum, T. H., 28, 377 Wroth, C. P., 10, 74, 85, 92,379,381
Thorne,C. P.,40,41,42,43, 380
Thurman, A. G., 74, 380
Timcoshenko, P. S., 324, 380 Yamagata, K., 382
Tr~kky,A.R.,324,325,328,330,380 Yayashita, I., 375
To,nko, J. J., 59, 374, 380 Yegian, M., 159,164,382
Tomlinson, M. J., 6, 17, 20, 2L 22, 355, 365, 380, Yoshimi, Y., 155, 156, 157,382
Touma, F. T., 17, 26, 379, 381
Trofimenkov, J. G., 44, 45,381 Zeevaert, L., 250, 272, 288, 332
Tschebotarioff, G. P., 15 7, 159, 381 · Zienkiewicz, 0., 83, 382

Acceleration of soil rnass, 339, 35 3 effect of residual stresses, 356

Accuracy: of group in clay, 31
of battered pile analysis, 240 of group in sand, 3 5
of pile-raft analysis, 263 interpretation from load test, 356, 359
of settlement solutions, 81-8 3 piles to rock, 38
of so1utions for lateralloading, 180, 192 reduction for soft !ayer below, 28
of thin strip approximation, 186 in sands, 25-27
Adhesion: from SPT, 42
effective stress approach, 23 from static cone, 41
effect of drilling fluids, 17 Base resistance of laterally loaded piles, !53
effect of water content, 16 Ba ttered piles:
effect on ultimate lateral resistance, 146 effect on group lateral capacity, 159, 160
from pressuremeter, 43 effect on subgrade reaction modulus, l 7 5
in rack, 40 elastic analysis, 233-242
from standard penetration test, 43 interaction factors, 242
from static cone penetrometer, 42, 46 negative friction on, 289
typical val u es in clay, 20-25 ultimate lateral capacity, 156 157
for uplift loading, 46, 4 7 Bearing capacity:
see also Skin friction factors N e, Nq, 23, 27
Amplitude-frequency criteria, 337 theories for rock, 39
Anchor piles, 35 5, 360-363 Bending moments:
Anchors, use in pile tests, 339,353 in bent piles, 49
Anisotropy, 224, 319 in laterally loaded piles, 167-. 70, 188-191, 197-198,
Arching around piles in sand, 25 204-207
Arrangernent of piles: measurement of, 365
effect on pile group, 120 in piles in laterally moving piles, 316-321
effect on pile-raft, 2 57 in pile tip, 205
Axia1loading: Bentonite to reduce negative frdion, 269, 271. See also
battered pile, 237-242 Drilling fluids
dynamic analysis, 339-34 7 Bent piles, load capacity, 49-51
effect on buckling load, 328-329 deflection measurement in, 49-50
load capacity, 18-49 Bitumen coatings, 269, 271, 292
with negative friction, 275-282 Block failure, 31, 38, 158, 159
on pile in swelling soil, 305 Bored piles:
pile-raft foundation, 250-264 adhesion values in clay, 22
settlement of pile group, l 09-142 effects of installation, 15-1 7
settlement ofsingle pile, 71-108 field tests, 106
skin friction in sand, 27
typical soil modulus va1ues, 103
Base load in pile (theoretical), 85 under-reamed, 44
Base load capacity: Boundary conditions:
in clays, 23 effect on buckling loads, 324-329, 334
effect of negative friction, 272 effect on group response, 248

Boundary conditions (Cont'd) rate of single pile, 98

effect on lateral behavior, 316 settlernent of pile-raft system, 260
Breadth, effect on group settlement, 123 settlement of single pile, 96, 00
Bridge abutrnents, 163,289,311 of soil causing negative friction, 265
Buckling of piles, 50, 323-335 theory for driven piles, 9
Constant rate-of-penetration test, 102, 354, 358
Calcareous sands, 27 methods to increase load capacity, 67
Cap: problems for bored piles, 16
effect on dynarnic response, 344 Creep:
effect on group load capacity, 34, 35 effect on sub grade reaction modulus, 17 5
effect on group settlement, 255 settlement analysis, 98
effect on load distribution, 88 Criteria:
effect on single pile settlernent, 81, 94 for design, 2, 143, 146
Cap block, in driving analysis, 60 for dynamic loading, 336, 337
Cavity expansion theory; 8, 1O for load test interpretation, 356
Circular area, elastic solution, 367 for piles to rock, 40-41
Classification of piles, 6 Critica! depth in sands, 26
Coefficient of restitution, 57 Crushing of pile, effect on negative friction, 274, 283,
Cornpaction in sands due to driving, 14, 136 297
Comparisons, theory versus measurement: Cushion block:
driving pore pressures, 8 in driving analysis, 60
driving stresses, 69 effect of stiffness, 68
dynamic load capacity, 54, 69 Cyclic loading, see Repeated loading
group efficiency factor, 32-35 Cylindrical element, elastic solutions, 366
group load distribution, 140, 141
group settlement, 139-142
group settlement ratio, 137, 138 Darnping:
laterally loaded groups, 228-232 ratio for dynarnic analysis, 344-347, 352
laterally loaded single piles, 225-231 related to liq uidity index, 6 5
moments in late rally loaded pi! es, 151, 2 28 typical values, 64
negative friction, 289-293 in wave equation analysis, 60
pile capacity in sand, 39 Danish formula, 55
píle in late rally rnoving soil, 319-322 Deflection rneasurernents in bent piles, 49-5 O
pile in sweUing soil, 309-31 O Deflection ratio for group, 216, 235-236
pile with inclined load, 157 Degradatíon of particles, 225
single pile load distribution, 107 Densification of sands, 14, 136
single pile settlernent, 104-108 Depth correction for groups, 34 7
Compressibility of bearing stratúrn: Derivatíon of driving forrnulae, 53
effect on ú1teraction factors, 114 Design charts for pile groups, 1 134
effect at1 negative friction, 292 Design criteria, see Criteria
effect on settlement, 90 Design curves for piles in swelling soil, 304-305
effect on settlernent ratio, 124 Diarneter:
effect on tip load, 87 effect on pile in 1aterally moving soil, 318
Compressibility of pile: effect on pile in swelling soil, 30 l
effect on immediate settlement ratio, 97 Differentia1 settlernent in group, 129-131
effect on interaction fadors, 111-112, 113-114 Diffraction of waves, 338
effect on settlement, 86 Displacernents: ·
effect on stress distribution, 84 around pile group, 135, 136
Compressible layers beneath tip, 95, 132,354,357,365 around single pile, 94
Configuration of groups: d u e to driving, 10-1 2
effect on rotation and deflection, 245 from underlying layers, 95. 132
effect on settlement, 120, 257 Displacement cornpatibility, 77, 79, 81, 178, 273,
Consolidation: 297
effects on negative friction, 2 73-281 Dissípation of driving pore pressures, 7, 9
effécts on subgrade reaction rnodulus, 175 Dowel action of piles in slopes, 160
m o del test results, 108 Downdrag, see Negative friction

Drained load capacity: values for piles in swelling soil, 307-309

in clays, 23 values for soil modulus (laten!), 224, 228
uplift loading, 4 7 values for subgrade reaction modulus, 172, 174
Drilled piers, se e Bored p-iles End-bearing capacity, se e Base load capacity
Drilling fluids, effect on bored piles, 15-17 End-bearing pile:
Driven piles: dynamíc response, 339-345
deflectíons due to driving, 49 errors in load tests, 362, 364
skin fríction in sands, 25-27 field tests, 107
typical adhesion values, 20-21 group settlement ratios, 122
typical soil modulus values, 103 settlement analysis, 77-80
Driving: settlement solutíons, 88-91
analysis, effect of gravity on, 63 Engineering News formula, 55-:; 8
displacements dueto, 1O Enlarged base:
effect of order of driving, 15, 38 interaction factors, 113
effects in clays, 7 pile in swelling soil, 299-300
effects in sands, 13 settlement of single pile, 89
formulae, criticism, 58 tip load, 86
formulae, derivation, 53 Equilibrium method of testing, 358-359
formulae, reliability, 54 Equivalent:
formulae, tabulated, 55 area of piles, 236-237
pare pressures, 7-9 bent method, 234-237, 248
stresses in piJe, 68-69 cantilever, 347, 348
wave equatíon analysis, 58-69 length of piles, 235-236, 248
Dynamíc loading crítería, se e Críteria pierfor group, 120, 129-131
Dynamic loads on piles, 52,336-353 Errors in load tests, 359-365
Dynamic pile formulae, see Driving, formulae Euler load, 324
battered pile deflection, 241
Earthquake loads and forces, 143,338-339,353 effectiveness of tip condition, 208
Eccentríc loading of groups, 35 group design charts, 133
Effective stress analysis of load capacity, 23 group settlement, 119
Efficiency: group settlement with comptessible underlying
formulae, 31 layers, 133
of groups (axial), 30, 33 interpretation of pile load te:.t, 357
of groups (lateral), 158, 221 lateralload-deflection curve, 196
for uplift, 48 laterally loaded group, 2 1.8, n2
Elastic analysis: load-settlement curve for pil<, 1O1
battered piles, 237-243 negative friction, 286
comparisons with subgrade reaction theory, 182,189, pile-raft foundation, 261
198,335 pile in swelling soil, 305
dynamic response, 341, 342, 35 1 single pile load capacity in sand, 29
group settlement, 11 O, 117-119 Expansive shales, 40
lateral deflection of group, 209-211, 216 Expansive soils, se e Swelling scil
· lateral deflectíon of single pile, 177-183 Eytelwein formula, 55, 57, 58
negative friction, 276, 280, 281, 298
pile buckling, 330-33-5
pile in laterally moving soil, 312-313 Factor of safety, 3-5,55, 57, 58, 356
pile íÍ:t swelling soil, 298-299 Field measurements, see Measurements, fíeld
pile-raft foundation, 250-258 Finite difference analysis:
single pile settlement, 74-83 axíally loaded piles, 7 6-80
Electro-osmosis, to relieve negative friction, 271, 274, dynamic lateralloading, 347 350
290 laterally loaded piles, 165, 176
Embankments, 311, 320-322 pile buckling, 324, 330
Empírica!: Finite element analysis:
· equations for group settlement, 109 dynamic problems, 341, 351
equatións for pile settlement, 71 effect of piles on slope stability, 160
values for negative skin fríction, 285 embankment movements, 319

Finíte element analysis (Cont'd) load capacity, 30-38

fieJd test comparisons, l 06 negative friction effects on, 288-289
lateral deflectíons, 164, 180 parametric studies for generalloads, 243-248
lateral load efficiency, l 59 pile-raft systems, 250-264
negative friction, 273, 292 reduction factor, see Reduction factor
pile-raft foundation, 263 settlement ratio, se e Settlement, ratio for group
settlement, 83,93 u plift capacity, 48
Finite ]ayer depth: Grouted piles, 67
analysis of settlement, 77
effect on piJe interaction, 113
effect on piJe test errors, 361, 364 H-piles:
effect on settlement ratio, 123 allowable loads for bent piles, 51
Fixed-head piles: field tests, 106, l 07
bucklingloads,325-329,334 load capacity, 19
group factors, 217-218 use in slopes, 160
group load distribution, 219-220 Hammer:
in laterally moving soil, 316 effect of characteristics, 66
solutions for lateral deflection, 167-169, 184, 196 effect on piJe stresses, 68
so1utions for lateral load capacity, 148-1 S1 efficíency factors, 55
Flexibility factor of piJe, 179, 193 Heave prediction in swelling soils, 306-307
Flexibility of raft-effect on pile-raft, 258 Hi!ey formula, 55-58
Floating piJe: Horizontal deflections, see Lateral deflections
errors in load tests, 361-364 Horizontalloading, se e Load capacity, lateralloading
latera} deflections, i 82-198 Hysteretic spring, 3 S3
settlement analysis, 74-77
solutions for groups, 120-125
solutions for single piles, 86-88 ldealization of problems, 3
Free-head piles: Immediate lateral deflection:
buckling loads, 325-329, 334 group, 219
group factors, 217 single piJe, 186-187
in late rally moving soil, 315-319 Immedíate settlement:
solutions for lateral deflection, 167-173, 182-209 group, 125
sol u tíons for la teralload capacity, 144-14 S, 148-l S 1 model tests, 108
Frequency versus amplítude criteria, 337 single pile, 96-97
Impedance of piJe, 69-70
Improvement of 1ateralload capacíty, 161-162
Gates formula, SS, 57 Inclined loading on piles, 154-15 7
Gibson soil, 93 Inelastic buckling, 330
Gravity, effect on dríving analysi3, 63 Insert piles, installation, 6 7
Group(s): Installation:
analysis for generalloading, 233-249 effects of, 6-17
analysis of settlement and load, 117-119 effects of de1ay on negative friction, 275-281
comparisons of analysis methods, 248-249 procedures for difficult cases, 6 7
densification of sand within, 14-15 Instrumentation in load tests, 355, 356, 365
depth correction for, 34 7 Interaction, dynamíc, 353
design charts, 133-134 Interaction factors:
displacements during driving, 10-11 axialloading, 11 O
displacements during loading, I 35-136 battered piles, 242
dynamic lateral response, 351-353 downdrag load, 288
dynamic vertical response, 345-347 effect of departure ang1e, 211
effects on buckling load, 330 effect of modu1us distribution,. 125, 215
effects on sub grade reaction modulus, 175, 330 end-bearing piJe solutions, 114-11 7
efficiency for axial1oad, 30 floating piJe solutions, 111-114
efficiency for buckling, 330 lateralloading, 209-215
efficiency for lateral load, 158 pile-raft unit, 250-252
lateral deflection analysis, 216-222 lnterpretation of load tests, 102, 223, 356-358,
lateral load ;;apacity, 157-160 365

Jan bu fommla, 55-58 model groups, 33, 38, 140

Jetting: single pile solutions, 84-86
effect on skin friction, 27 Load-settlement curves, 84
uncontrolled, 67 simplified analysis, 99
Joints in rock, 39 Load test interpretation criterh, see Criteria
Load-transfer analysis of settlement, 71-72
Loading tests, 354-365
Kentledge,355 determination of soil parameters, 102, 223, 357,
Kírchoff's equation, 60 365
lateral load, 172, 223-224, 355
methods of load application, 355
Laboratory measurements, see Measurements, torsional, 365
laboratory see also Measurements, field
Laborafory simulation of moisture hístory, 307 Local yield, see Yield
Lambda method for skin friction, 22 "Long-pile" analysis for lateral load, 14 7-151
Lateral deflections: Lumped mass analysis of soillayers, 339, 353
battered piles, 240-242 Lumped parameter model, 341-344,347, 352
due to soil movements, 311-322, 353
dynamic analysis, 347-353
groups under genera1loading, 242-249 Machine loads, 337, 338
pile groups, 209-31 2 Maintained loading test, 3 54-3 55
related to embankment movement, 311-312 Measurements, field:
single piles, 164-209 densification due to dríving, 14
Lateral1oad resistance: dynamic pile response, 343-346
battered piles, 156, 157 group load distribution, 141
effect of adhesion, 146 group settlement, 171-141
effect of base resistance, 153 load capacity in rock, 40-41
inclined 1oading, 154-157 load capacity in sand, 29, 36
load tests, 365 load capacity versus time, 7
methods of increasing, 161-162 Michígan test program, 57
near slope, 145 movements dueto driving, 11
pile groups, 15 7-160 negative friction, 266-268, 289-293
single piles, 143-157 piJe bending during driving, 49-50
socketed piles, 153-154 pile in late rally moving soil, 311, 312, 319-322
Lateralloads, allowab1e values, 163 pile stresses during driving, 6 9
Lateral soil movements: pore pressures d uring drivin~, 8
effect of profile, 3 16 single laterally loaded pile, 225-227
effects on piles, 311-322 skin friction in clay, 20-22
prediction of, 3 19 skin friction in sand, 24, 42
Layered soils: uplift skin resistance, 45
lateral deflection solutíons, 171-173 Measurements, 1aboratory:
settlement sol u tions, 9 2-9 3 dynamic pile response, 350
Liquidíty index, related to soil damping, 65 group load capacity, 32-35, 37,38
Load capacíty: group load distribution, 31<,5, 139-141
bent piles, 49-5 1 group settlement, 135-142
general expression, 18 negative friction, 289
interpretation from load test:>, 356-357 single Iaterally loaded pile, 228-232
lateralloading, 143-162 single pile settlement, 108
pile groups, 30-38 .soil modulus, 102,223
piles in clay, 19-24 strains around driven piJe in sand, 13, 14
piles in sand, 24-30 u plift capadty, 4 7, 48
piles to rock, 38-41 Michigan tests, 56
Load distributions: Mindlin equation, 2, 76, 178, 182, 192, 239, 364, 366-
full-scale group, 141 370
group, theoretícal solutions, 126-129 Modulus, se e Soil modulus
group after driving, 14 Moisture movement in soils, 306-307
late rally loaded group, 217-2 20 Moment, see Bending momenf.s

Moment loading on piles, 167, 168, 184, 188, Penetrometer, see Static cone penetrometer
207 Pier:
Morison theory, 338 equivalent for group, 120
Movement ratio, 90 settlement beneath center, 96
Multimass vibrators, 338 simplified load-settlement analysis, 99
Pile cap, see Cap
Piled groups, se e Pi!e-raft foundation
Natural frequency of piles, 339-353 Pile flexibility factor, 179, 193
Negative friction: Pile-raft foundatíon:
afterdriving, 89, 265, 269 consolidation settlement, 260
battered piles, 289 elastic analysis, 250-258
case histories, 266-269 examp1e, 261-262
comparisons with theory, 289-293 finite element analysis, 263
elastic solutions, 276, 280, 281, 298 plate ana1ysis, 262
in end-bearing piles, 265-293 sirnplified analysis, 258-261
in floating piles, 294-310 ultimate load capacity, 33-35, 260
group effects, 288 Piles, classification of, 6
methods of reduction, 269-271 Piles to rock criteria, see Críteria
parametric solutions, 274-282, 298-305 Pile stiffness factor, 77
rate of development, 278-279 ty pica! va1ues, 104
settlement to mobilize, 2 78 P1ane-strain solution for lateralloading, 152-153
Neutral point, 296 P1asticity index, effect on negative friction,
Newtonian impact, 53 286
Non-homogeneous soil: P1asticity so1utions for bearing capacity, 19
effect on settlement ratio, 125 P1ate analysis for pile-raft, 262
interaction factors, 113 Plate loading tests, 172-173, 223
load test errors, 363 Point load capacity, see Base load capacity
pile buck!ing loads, 327 Poisson's ratio of soil:
pile in swelling soíi, 297 effect on interaction factors, 113
settlement ana1ysis, 77 effect on settlement, 89
solutions for lateral deflection, 170-1 73, 192-199, 215, effect on settlement ratio, 1 25
313,318 effect on tip load, 86
solutions for settlement, 92 typical values, 103
Non!inear analysis for lateral deflections, 175-177, 181, Pore pressures:
182 dueto driving, 7-9, 269, 274
Non-uniform piles, 81, 93, 180 due to surcharging, 284
effect of electro-osmosis, 271, 274
site measurements, 291
Offshore piles: Terzaghi solution, 273
driving ana1ysis, 59 Potential expansiveness, 307
load capacity, 23 Preaugured píles, 11
resistance versus set curves, 67 Pressuremeter:
Overconsolidation, effect on skin friction, 24 for lateral soil modulus, 223
for piles to rock, 40
for p-y curves, 177
Pad foundat:ion, see Shallow foundations for skin friction, 43
Parameters of soil: Probability plot, 54
driving ana1ysis, 64 Proof test, 354
empirica1 correlations for settlement, 1O1-103 Punching of piles into softer strata, 28
interpretation from load tests, 357,365 p-y (p-p) analysis, 175-177, 182,223, 225
for lateralloading, 172-175, 223-225, 227, 320-321
load capacity in clay, 20-22
load capacity in sand, 26-28 Quake:
for negative friction, 285-286 definition', 60
Partially embedded piles: effect on resistance curves,
buckling loads, 327-329 64
lateral deflections, 18 7, 2 22 typical values, 64

Radiographic techniques, 13 measurement in load tests, 355, 359-363

Raft-pile foundatíons, see Pile-raft foundation pile in swelling soil, 298, 30!-305
Raking piles, see Battered piles pile-raft foundation, 250-26 4
Rate of downdrag deve1opment, 271, 278-279 pile subjected to negative friction, 279-281
Rate of sett1ement: ratio for group, 118, 120-125
pile subjected to negative friction, 282 reduction factor, 118, 123, 153
single p He, 9 8 simplified analysis, 99
Reciprocating engines, 338 so1utions for end-bearing pil·:s, 88-91
Rectangular e1ement, e1astic solution, 369-370 solutions for floating piles, 86-88
Reduction factor: from under1ying layers, 95
1aterally 1oaded pile groups, 216 Settlement, differentia1, see D,fferential settlement in
pile-raft foundation, 2 53 _ group
so1utions for settlement, 123 Set-up of piles, 7, 65, 69
Reduction of negative friction, 269-271, 290, Shallow foundations:
292 dynamic response, 341, 344 34 7
Reference beam, 355,359-360 examp1es of ana1ysis, 3, 4
Reflection of waves, 68 Shear strength:
Reliability: related to adhesion, 20--22
of driving formulae, 55 related to water content, 16
of wave equation, 69 Short-pile ana1ysis, latera1load, .144-150
Remou1ding dueto driving, 7 Shrinkage soils, see Swelling soil
Repeated loading: Skin friction:
effect on group 1oads, 38 design values for clays, 20-2J
effect on soil parameters, 225 design values for ncgativl" fri,;iín.n,
effect on subgrade reaction modu1us, 174, 175 desígn values fur me;;,;, 40
of piles in load test, 356, 358 d.~sí~n values for sand, 25-2S
p-p curves, 177 effect of bitumen coating, 2 55, 285, 292
Residual stresses, 12, 74, 356 effect of jetting, 27
Resonant frequency,see Natural frequency of piles group effects in sand, 35,37
Response curves for dynamic 1oading, 342-343, 346 Lambda method for, 22
Restrained head piles, se e Fixed-head from load tests, 356
Rock, piles to, 38-41 from torsional tests, 365
Rotating machinery, 338 Slip, pile-soil:
analysis of, 80, 259-261, 274,297,299-303
effect on interaction, 114
Safety factor, see Factor of safety effect on settlement, 84, 91
Sanders formula, 55 effect on stress dístribution, 85
Sands, densification of, 14, 136 S lo pes:
Screw piles, 44 effect of piles on stability, 160-161
Secant modulus: lateral load on pile near, 145
approach, 190-193, 2 23 Smith's model of pile driving, 59
values, 224 Socketed piles:
Seismic: buckling analysis, 330
coefficient, 339 .effectiveness of fixed tip, 206-209
response of soillayer, 353 lateral deflection, 180, 199-200
Separation between piJe and soil, ·181-182, 187 laterally 1oaded analysis, 153-154
Set-resistance curves, 62-67 in rock, 40
Settlement: subjected to soil movements, 315-316
analysis of single piles, 71-108 Soil damping, liquidity index ¡elated to, 65
around a pile, 94 Soil mass, acceleration of, 339, 353
consolidation, 96, 100 Soil modulus:
creep, 98 determination for settlement ana1ysis, 1O1-103
elastic theory for single piles, 74-83 effect of separation, 188
finite element analysis, 83 effect on lateral deflection, : 85-186, 202, 205
group analysis, 109-142 interpreted from load test, 102, 223,357, 365
of groups dueto underlying 1ayers, 132 for lateralloading, 223-225, 319
load transfer method, 72-74 for negative friction, 285

Soil-modulus (Cont'd) moísture migratíon, 294, 306, 307

for settlement analysis, 102, 103 pi! es in, 294-31 O
for swelling soils, 309 versus shrinking soil, 304
Soil resistance for lateralloads, 145-146. See also Skin
friction; Ultimate lateral resistance
Tangent modulus values, 224
Tapered pile:
determination for pile-raft, 260-263
installation effects, 13
effect on group lateral response, 244-24 7
load capacity in sand, 26, 27
effect on group settlement, 120
settlement, 94
effect on lateral deflection, 21 7
Tell-tales, 355
Springs for modeling piles, 60, 263
Temporary compression values, 56
Stability of slope wíth pile, 160-161
Tensile failure in piles, 297, 303, 309
Standard penetration test, 14
corre1ation with <J¡, 28
effect on load capacity, 7, 9
use for load capacity, 43
effect on negative friction, 265, 269, 273, 282
. Statical ana1ysis:
lateral load capacity, 144-146 Tip:
pile group, 233-234
rotation of socketed pile, 205-207
Sta tic con e penetro meter, 41, 46
Statístical analysís of pile formulae 54 57 settlement, 91
Tip load capacity, see Base load capacity
Steinbrenner approxímation, 77, 96 '
Step-taper piles: forsionalloading, 336, 365
Triaxial tests:
fíeld tests, 104
for damping values, 65
settlement, 81, 94
Strains around driven pile, 13 for modulus, 102
distribution along shaft, 75, 82, 84,85 Ultimate 1ateralresistance, 14:5, 146,181, 182,223,313, ·
dueto driving, 68-70 319. Se e a lso La teralload resistan ce
due to 1ateralload, 181 Ultima te load capacity, se e Load capacity
due to negative friction, 273, 283 Under-reamed piles:
se e a!So Residual stresses load capacity, 44
Stress path approach, 12, 102 settlement, 81, 93
Strip: in swelling soil, 300, 31 O
effect of pile on settlement, 258-259 Undrained:
foundations, 174, 190 load capacity in clays, 19
superposition method, 262 modulus, 97
Structural: uplift capacity, 4 7
analysis of groups, 234-237 248 Unrestrained piles, see Free-head piles
approach, l, 2 ' ·
Unsaturated soils, 306, 308
interaction, 2 Uplift resístance:
Subgrade reaction: groups, 49
comparíson with elastic theory, 182, 189, 198, 235 for inclined loading, 155-157
modulusvalues, 166,172-175 piles to ro ek, 41
piJe buckling analysis, 323-330 single piles, 4548
theory for bent piles, SO
theory for dynamic problems, 341, 348-350
theory for lateral deflection, 164-177 Vertical vibrations:
use in group analysis, 233, 330 pi! e groups, 345-34 7
Superposition: single piles, 339-345
interaction factors, 117,216,252,360 Vibration modes, 337
solutions for soil movement and loading, 303 Vibrators, multimass, 338
analysis for negative friction, 284
around piJe, 311 Water content, increase around bored pile, 16
Swelling soil: Wave equation, 58-69,339,341
design requirements, 294-295 Weísbach formula, 55, 58
determination of movements, 306-307 Wínkler model, see Subgrade reaction

Yie1d: of pile section, 147

deflection factors, 182, 184, 193 pressureofsoil, 145,146,181 182,223,313,
effect on deflections, 182·185, 193-196 319
effect on moments, 188 rotation factors, 182, 193
effect on pile behavior, 314-319 Young's ~odu1us, see Soil modui.Us

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