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College of Southern Nevada

October 10th, 2020

EDU 214 Preparing Teachers to Use Technology

Adrianna Merlino

Position Paper

We are in the world of technology as that continues to grow by revolutionizing our futures and

changing our daily lives. The influence of technology has many pros and cons that cause a debate of it

serving any benefits or more harm. Throughout the years, technology has become more advanced and

constantly evolving. Different generations have learned to adapt and use the many forms of technology

in efforts to improve our daily lives. The role of technology has become most vital in a child’s life as a

means of future success. It serves many functions, but its dominant ways of communication and

discovery. The idea of technology being school appropriate for educational learning sparks a controversy

which puts a negative perspective on the innovative tool. There are some risks that come with

technology use in the curriculum, but I believe that it has the potential to transform the learning

development process and educational value. “Context plays a role, because teachers reported seeing

more collaboration among the kids, so there is something that can be leveraged within the learning

context to help kids benefit from these tools.” Using technology in a classroom environment is

important because it helps engage the children’s interest and encourages creativity. Taking that away

from the students’ access will only make us go backwards in progress. The technology serves as a

resource for many outlets in different subjects for learning and it would have a negative outcome. Only

focusing on teaching material with the intentions of passing scores for standardized tests will become a

catalyst for the downfall of education. There will be a decrease in educational value and learning

development along with the risk for possible stunted personal development.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, Reimagining the Role of Technology in

Education: 2017 National Education Technology Plan Update, Washington, D.C., 2017

Lesson Plan

• Name of lesson: Nonfiction Book Project

• Grade Level Appropriateness: 5th Grade

• Technology Content Standard Addressed: Standard 4.B.12.1 Analyze the capabilities and limitations of
several different digital planning tools for developing solutions or for completing a project.

• Other Content Standard Addressed: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts

to support analysis, reflection, and research.

• Objective: Students will understand how to use features of PowerPoint to create a slideshow with
information about their book of choosing.

• Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Nonfiction book, Computer, Microsoft PowerPoint

• Suggested group size: 1 student per presentation

• Procedures:

Step 1: Begin by creating a new “Blank Presentation”

Step 2: The first slide should include the title “Nonfiction Book Project” and below input
subfields of the title of the book, student’s name, and date.

Step 3: This project needs to consist of 7 slides

Slide #1 as the title page

Slide #2 “Prior Knowledge” which will consist of why the students chose their book and how they
discovered it

Slide #3 “Symbols” Include information about specific symbols from the book (what they symbolized)

Slide #4 “Point of View” Student must identify which point of view the book is written in

Slide #5 “Outline” Student must provide the story outline of the book

Slide #6 “Visuals” Student must include pictures of the book and what it includes

Slide #7 “Opinion of Book” this slide must include the student’s opinion of the book

Step 4: After completing the slideshow, they will save it and present it to the class on
presentation day

• Assessment: 50 points for presentation, 50 points for detailed presentation = Total 100 pts

Student Sample

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