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I’d like to address a few common questions I see often in the Yoga Burn
Family! I’m fairly sure at least one of these questions may have crossed your
Let’s dive right into it!
Q. When is the best time to do Yoga, after lunch? Before dinner?
A. Well, I love exercise first thing in the morning, I always have!
Though not everyone is a morning person nor can many make early morning
sessions happen with their unique schedule.
So the answer is....
Do Yoga whenever you can fit it in!!!
Although, if you want to feel your best,and you're not doing it first thing in the
morning, I suggest doing Yoga Burn at least 2 hours after eating. A nice time to
practice is BEFORE any meal (for example before dinner). Oh and make sure
whenever you practice to be drinking some water before and during your
practice. It's important to stay hydrated.
Q. How should I plan out my weekly Yoga Burn schedule?
A. Here is a rough example of what an ideal week would look like:
Monday: Workout one
Tuesday: Walk outside + Tranquility Flow
Wednesday: Workout two
Thursday: Rest and pamper yourself!
Friday: Workout three
Saturday: Walk Outside
Sunday: Tranquility Flow
On any of these days feel free to add in a Meditation Flow.
Repeat for 4 weeks then progress to your next phase.
Keep in mind, you can switch the days or combine a cardio workout or weight
lifting on your days off of Yoga Burn, if you like.
I do ALWAYS suggest that you take one day completely off were you rest and
spend some time on self-love. Which could mean you decide to: have a bath,
paint your nails, take a nap, whatever makes you feel good!
The key is, to do what works best for you and what works best in your
Q. Can I do yoga while I’m menstruating?
A. In my opinion yes, you absolutely can.
There have not been any scientific studies’ showing it is harmful to do any
specific Yoga poses during this time of your cycle.
In fact, there are ancient Yoga texts suggesting it’s best to stick to a gentle
Yoga practice during this time.
However, you are the one who knows how you feel, what suits your body and
what kind of energy you have. You may find it quite relaxing and pleasurable
doing Childs’ Pose instead of Down Dog during your Yoga Flow. Or maybe
instead of doing Yoga, choosing to go for a walk. You may love the “Tranquility
Flow” during the ‘heavy’ days and getting to your Yoga Burn workout on a later
day in the week.
In general I find getting moving usually helps me to feel better mentally and
And during your cycle, Meditation Flows are another wonderful option.
Q. Is it normal to be sore after my Yoga Burn workouts?
When you first begin Yoga Burn you are getting deep into places in your body
which have not been worked on or stretched very long time, if ever!! So it is
normal to be sore. It will pass. ;)

Now whenever you progress to the next phase, there will be a transition period
where the muscles in the body have to adjust again. This is a good thing,
because it's continual progression creating positive change in the body.
If you do get sore I suggest a short 20-minute walk to get your muscles moving
again. If you want to be really fancy, give yourself a gentle massage with some
coconut oil.
Remember soreness is temporary. And it's a signal you are increasing strength
and flexibility!!
Stay positive!
Q. I get dizzy during the flows! What can I do to help this?
A.This is quite common especially during a vigorous flow where you transition
from forward fold to standing.
So in order to prevent this, my first tip is to stay hydrated! Drink a good
amount of water before and during your practice if you are prone to getting
head-rushes or dizziness.
Another idea is to take your time and rise up to a standing position slowly.
Keep your arms down by your side rather than raising them over head. This
will help to keep the chin slightly tucked into the chest at times when you feel a
bit uncomfortable.
I hope these questions help you on your quest to health!
If you have any other questions, I have a wonderful team of educated women
helping me to take care of the ever-growing Yoga Burn family! Their names are
Morgan, Kelli and Melanie. So do not hesitate to reach out to us. We pride
ourselves on being a tight-knit tribe that supports and educates Women about
Yoga Burn, and we are here to lift you up!!
Wishing you an amazing week filled with just the right balance of work and

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