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In the present context of liberalization in the Indian

economy, what are the key factors that need

attention from practitioners and policy-makers to
make Indian industry globally competitive ? What
is the role of management institutes in this changing
context ? What are the major gaps in management
research in India and what directions should it take
in future ?

The views of chief executives and leading

academicians on these three themes are featured in
this special Perspectives issueofVika1pa.lt is hoped
that the discussion in the following pages will help
generate a meaningful debate on these important

Vol. 17, No.4, October-December 1992

The primary role of an industry is to satisfactorily meet
the needs of its customers — in India and abroad. This
alone can ensure a company's long term survival and
prosperity. To do so successfully, a company needs to
maintain and improve its competitiveness. In Indian
conditions, having functioned in a protected market
and a shortage economy, the first step, though this will
have to be quick, is to become internally competitive —
to be soon followed by becoming internationally com-
Competitiveness is largely a function of a
company's relative performance with respect to tech-
nology, i.e., its products, their cost, and quality. (There
are other areas like distribution arrangements which
are not discussed here). Any company's success will
essentially depend on its performance with regard to
Competition, according to Rahul Bajaj, is the these three parameters. All other factors—providing
greatest teacher for improving products, employment, exports, contribution to the exchequer,
reducing cost and improving quality. If support to socially important activities—though
Indian industry has to become truly important, are spin-offs dependent on a company's
success in performing this primary role.
internationally competitive, he feels its
performance with regard to the three Challenges
parameters of products, cost and quality
needs to be strengthened. Before discussing how a company in the engineering
industry can perform this role, let us look at some of the
Rahul Bajaj is Chairman and challenges facing Indian industry:
Managing Bajaj Auto Limited, 1. Due to the way we had to function during the last
Pune. 40 years, we arc not internationally competitive.
We have to catch up with our counterparts in the
West, in Japan and the NICs in Asia, Latin America
and Eastern Europe.
2. To the extent we need foreign capital and technol
ogy, the recent liberalization moves of the govern
ment are helpful. On the other hand, foreign
capital and technology arc also being wooed by
all these other countries in the developed and
developing world.
Why should a foreign company come to India? 1
believe that, by and large, what India can offer a
foreign company arc four things:-
a) A large market
b) A cost advantage due to low wages

c) A market economy tional community—nuclear arms, civil war and
emigration. The former USSR was India's big trad-
d) Tradition of entrepreneurship and skilled man
ing partner. What will bo the position tomorrow?
Similarly, our position with respect to Europe 1993
(We also talk of democracy, independent press, etc. is also a matter of concern. How will the new
These arc important but we. have our problems regional groupings become part of an integral
including law and order problems in Punjab and global trading system? Where will India stand in
Jammu & Kashmir). this respect? Will the Uruguay Round of trade
negotiations succeed? This can affect our exports,
Hence, if an Indian company wants to be not only
specially to the developed world.
internally but internationally competitive and ex-
port a fairly large proportion of its output, it should 7. Environmental considerations.
be manufacturing a product for which the market
8. Finally, the challenge of time compression—we
in India is large enough to enable world scale
cannot continue to do things sequentially—these
manufacturing capacity to be set up. Otherwise, its
need to be done simultaneously.
cost of production and its capacity to spend on
R&D and international marketing will be These arc some of the challenges facing Indian in-
inadequate. Also, the products should be such dustry specially if some of us have to become truly
that they have, relatively speaking, a high labour internationally competitive.
Now, let me examine the three elements of competi-
3. Another challenge our country faces is the heed tiveness in some detail.
not only to join hands with a foreign company but
to be able to form a strategic or competitive al Prerequisites for Competitiveness:
liance with a foreign company to facilitate exports. Product, Cost and Quality
Maruti-Suzuki is an outstanding example. The
reason for mentioning this as a challenge is that During the last 45 years, we could not achieve success
due to the four advantages mentioned above in these three areas because the system allowed com-
which India possesses, some foreign companies panies that did not fulfil these requirements to continue
consider a large Indian company as a potential to exist because of controls on both en try and exit. Those
competitor and a threat. They do not want to have that did achieve success in these areas were not auto-
an alliance with such a company unless they have matically permitted to expand, which would have
a controlling interest in the company. If at all they facilitated their further improving their competitive-
want to have an alliance, it is with relatively ness.
smaller companies which will be under the foreign The dramatic and fundamental changes in the in-
company's influence. dustrial scenario over the last few years, specially
4. We should recognize that we arc only at the begin during the last year, have resurrected the primacy of
ning of the changes taking place in the world— this fundamental role. The barriers to entry and to
the main changes arc ahead of us. expansion have come down and operating freedoms
have been enlarged, for example, through making im-
5. We have to overcome recessionary conditions
ports, though expensive, essentially automatic, special-
through which we have been passing. Industrial
ly for the engineering industry.
growth in 91-92 was negative. During the current
year, it is not likely to be more than 3% to 4% even Product
with a good monsoon. Unless we contain inflation
Product is the starting point of a business and the final
successfully, our international competitiveness
outcome of a company's efforts. Products that attract
will suffer. The only way to counteract inflation
customers arc the only long-term basis for competitive-
would be further devaluation of the rupee. How
ness. Competition between companies and the rising
ever, this will make imports more and more ex
expectations of the consumers lead the customers to
pensive. Also, a weak currency is not the sign of
continuously want novelty and "more for less." The
a strong economy.
changed scenario has increased customer choice. There-
6. There arc also certain other challenges which the fore, the speed with which products will have to change
world is facing. For instance, the situation in the will increase.
former USSR is a cause of concern to the interna-

Vol.17, No.4, October-December 1992
How does an Indian company improve its derived from a cost advantage. This can be seen
product capability? The key factor, I feel, is
development TELCO
in and Bajaj Auto which increased their
the recognition of the importance of share
marketduring the '80s in the face of competition from
this and then invest in the product
task the
world's best companies. In the past, quality and
developmentof its people on a long-term have
cost been seen as inversely related. However, the
basis. production attitude and systems have laid this ghost
Technology alliances, whether strategic or
arc important, both in developing
. To transform ourselves from slow changing
internal and in reducing the time required to do
so. the organization should be conscious ganizations
or- to having not merely the. desire but
that alliances only complement its efforts. They arc, the
ability to be customer-driven is going to be the
the long-run, not a substitute for its own biggest task of this decade. There arc many routes
efforts. achieve
to this transformation. I shall refer to just one
Reverse engineering, after identifying the needs Bench-marking. Bench-marking is an approach that

the of
market and scanning the international products
open minded but disciplined. We should evaluate
and can accelerate development of
our- against our competitors on the three
internal and reduce the risk of failure. Germany
of product, cost, and quality and diagnose where
did earlier and Japan did it till a couple of decades
this differences
the are the largest and their cause. We have
ago. is no need for us to be apologetic about to develop and implement a plan to catch up with
it. competitors
Cost and Quality . The largest gaps exist in the product
Cost and quality arc the result of efficient area,development
in the quality of our supplier base and in
product and manufacturing methods. Product design relations
our with our suppliers. We also have a long
for usage of materials and ease of manufacture, to
waygo in systematically developing the skills and
the process employed, make and of our people. These weaknesses arc perhaps a
buy and productivity and quality of the work reflec-
tion of our inability to work with the future in
are key
force determinants of cost and quality. Japanese Managements
mind. should be judged by the long-term
com- specially in the automotive industry, have portunities
op- they create and the capabilities
made improvements in the management of develop
they in their
these now referred to as 'lean production.' organizations.
production implies that a company should need less
Lean Conclusion
of to manufacture a
product. There arc no magic answers or ready made formulae
It consists of three integrated aspects of achieve
to the goal of being competitive. Each
philosophy, and tion is
organiza- unique and solutions have to be found
techniques. that uniqueness. While working towards the goal,
• A company has to accept the philosophy that
we take comfort from the fact that achievement
con tinuous improvement is possible and that resulting
and recognition arc perhaps the most
this is shared by the company, its
potent at all levels of any organization. The
employees, and its
of an organization has to only create conditions
• A company should build an organization based ducive to achievement and build an appropriate
on group working, be it in the plant, product ture
struc- for recognition and
ment or in the supply chain. For this, it is
develop reward.
Competition is the greatest teacher for
to develop appropriate attitudes and skills
necessary improving
products, reducing cost, and improving quality.
amongst so that they breathe this
Com- may hurt us in the short- term but this is
• Aphilosophy.
company may adopt various techniques route
the to sustained growth. During this decade, we
like Kan-Ban, Poka-Yoke, JIT, aface demanding but exhilarating
We have to, however, keep in mind that the effort journey.
merelyto implement the techniques, which has been
focus of most efforts, is likely to
fail. With products which are meant to sell in
large significant competitive advantage can

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