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::;r~:~n~~c:~, r~fa:lmwood avenue I,SCHOOLS CLOSED ,.r~''''''''~'~'~';''';-'~'~'''""'''''''-;'''''''''''''''~'~'"~''

. .~'~"~"~..L."~'~~'~'~'! . .L~.J~ ~'~I~I!..L't.:.a."~"' :.,~'~t~'~'~'~'~'''';''~*'';+·
... .•. ... ." .•.." ." .,~ ,,, '''f
...... .....

Friends of Mrs. Stuart McClellan, of UNTIL SEPT. 18 Iif~ Narberth Building & Loan Ass n ~ ~,
125 Woodsid.e avenue, will be sorry
to know that she Is quite ill with an -- + f 'WILL OPEN
CommissioAer Dixon, of State, + A NEW SERIES OF STOCK f
Health Dep!rtment, Issues + ,
attack of appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Humphreys
and Miss Edith Humphreys have re- Sweepmg Order + f
I:~;~~wf~~laandm;tt~t:/rIP through All schools, public, private and paro- ,. Thursday, Sept. 7 ~ h, 1916 ~
M' T tt a d Miss chlal In the State of Pennsylvania,
THE FIRESIDE .Mlss arlan ro er n ffli ted
H~len DUff, .who have be:o~ asev~ral
will remain closed, as a measure
against the spread of infantile paraly- t:~,.:~:~:~,.:*:~:~:*:~:~:~:+;-:+;-:*:~:~:~:~:*:~:~:~:,+,-:~:*:~
lJetty Bllxrer's GossIp.
wlthk whoopm~ C~~g~ be ut
wee s, are agam a e 0 o.
I sis, until September 18, under an order
issued In Harrisburg Thursday nigilt
Mr. C ril W. Taylor. of Llanerch,' by Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, State Com-
. y missioner of Health. The Lower Mer-
Miss Deborah Smedley has returne,l a,2 d MISShGertrubde V. sDpOeUngdhlnegrtY't~~ Ion public schools were scheduleu to
from State College ,.ayne, av.e een , b 5 . , . ,
. I week-end with Mrs. C. T. Moore. open Septem e r . , TO WAYNE, 4-2
. I Entries for ladles smgles and men.s
Commissioner DixonII s Iorder tlWill· singles and doubles closed last Fn-
Miss Mary Melchior has returnee I ---
I Communications r.egardlng various take prec~dence over a ot ler au lor~ day, August 25, 6 P. M. Twelve are
from her vacation. I N rb tl t plcs are always Interest- ity and Will be obeyed. The order of entered In ladles' slng,les, thirty-four Dun Trims Autocar, 14-2-
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Metzgar I',ave 1·lnag. I
erWlllyo not send us an expres- Ccmmlssloner b 18 th II b th"at0 a~tel'
Dixon s.ays ble In men's singles andI thirtY-four dIn Boroughites in Second Place
sion of your Ideas for our next Issue? Septem er ere WI e p SSI men's doubles. Draw ~gs were rna e
gone to Cape May, No J. readjustments with reference to geo- i Friday evening and m the upper Again-Fleck Stars With the
Mr. a,nd Mrs. W. J. Mulholland are Pugh & Hubbard. contractors of the graphical position, age and attendance i bracket of mell's singles are R. E. Bat With Three Hits, While
home from their vacation. new Wynnewood road, report that by of resident pupils." I Pattison vs. Henry Loos, A. T. Kirk Pitcher Hallowell Also Has
next week they expect to haVe the Commissioner Dixon sent his order I vs. R. O. Hall, W. Cowin vs. Dr. E.
Dr. Harry Hartley and family have concrete portion of tlte work com- to the heads of parochial schools and i C. Towne, C. M. Carter vs. Dr. H. Hart-
Three Hits, Practically Win-
returned from Ocean City. pleted. to all borough, city and county school \ ley, H. Hoffman vs. A. M. Watts, ~'I ning His Own Game.
superintendents. 'l'. Grugan vs. F. C. Eves, W. Y. Shaw
Miss Florence Haines has returned, Mrs. Charles A. Fletcher and Mrs. I All.Sundo)" Schools Closcd. vs. J. McKell, Newton Com~ton, W. J. Amid gloom and sorrow the Cham-
from a trip to the Poconos. II Charles V. l'\oel, left the other day, Acc~rdmg to Harrl~burg dispatcl;ts'l Kirkpatrick vs. W. J .. Bailey, lower! pions went down to defeat before the
for a tour of the great lakes and CommIssioner Dixon s order app es bracket, R. C. Wilhams vs. A. J. I
. .• . wl'l r,eturn bv the way of Tr~noto, to colleges and preparatory schools,! l'\ewell, W. H. Brown, C. Humphreys reconstructed Wayne team by the
MiSS Corne. "Y owellI wask entertamed
at Perkasie over t Ie wee -en . '
d I
C·ana d a ' I . ., ,..
'although most of these do not start, vs W F Baer W H Carm.lilt vs. count of 4-2. Inability to hit In the
their fall term until after September J. G. Foote, to'. M. Justice vs. W. J. pinches caused the borough team to
'1' Mrs. Harry Downes and Miss I 18. DuBree, A. C. Staples vs. E. A. Mus- lose While pitcher Hallowell poled OUt
Mrs. J. W. Pritchard is seriously I '1 Katherine Morgan, of Minneapolis, A~I Sunday SChoo~s will b~ closed champ, R. M. Town vs. O. Humphreys, tllr~e hits, two of which resulted in
at her home on Ch.estnut avenue. i Mlnn have be.en visiting Mr. and durmg the same period, Dr. DIxon ex· C. L. Warwick vs. J. H. Donnelly, Dr. "
~ Mrs. "Carroll Downes, of 315 Wood- plalned. The order affecting the Sun- E. L. Kanaga vs. Rev. C. G. Koppel. runs for hiS team.
Dr. Benjamin F. Boyer, of Grayling side avenue. I day schools wll1 become effective next Men's doubles, upper bracket: l'\ar?erth's best . cll~nce to sc.ore
avenue, has returned to Narberth. 'I --- Sunday. Kanaga and Staples vs. Newell and came m the fourth lIl111ng when Stttes
-- A ba IIV IlOY Ilas arrIve . d a t tile home 'rhe efforts of the State Department h R " 0 Hall , Kirkpatrick and R. M. was hit by a pitched ball, Fleck , then
!I r. an
d !l\'rs
. •
II • C• Pierce haVE re-' of Mr. and . -I ..
Mrs. B.T. White , of Dud lof Health to check the dspreadI of t e Town vs . Kirk and Baer, Warwick and Isingled,
turned to Narberth from Wor.::p.ster, Ie avenue. His name is Edward paralYSIS Will also exten to tIe mov- Williams vs. Foote and Burkhardt, owe s. error. Tree one an no one
II' and Koons h was safe don a-
1\1 . Y . G d Wh't thinks ing,-plcture theatres and at least all Watts and Loos, Pattison and DuBree out. Simpson then filed out to Gear
ass. Reed WhIte. ran ma I e I Id t '11 t'l t d . t fi Id . Stlt Mell
--- he IS. a great b oy those that are Ie n I -ven I a e vs . McCarter and E. C. Town'
, lower In cen er e scormg es. on
Miss Hilda Smedley, who'has been . 'halls will be closed to children. No bracket: C. Humphreys and O. then filed out to the pitch.er and
i:l with la grippe, Is able to be about Rememb.er, It's but a short walk to order has been drafted regarding the Humphreys vs. Brown and Ferguson, Humphries fanned ending the Inning.
agalll. Overbroo k were h th ere are electrl'c "movies" as .vet. but those I
_ . held In the Justice and Grugan vs. Compton and What seemed to be a good d d chance
.1 to
--- cars. You may need this tip, if the open air and In Instltuttons will not McKell, Hoffman and Carmlnt vs. tuck the game. away, en e Wit I on ~
.. Miss Mildred S. Smith spent the railroad strike q'uestion Is not settled be closed.
week-end visiting frLends In Che.st-, bofore the men are ordered out.
nut H i l l . , :.. _
I . . I Bailey and Koppel, Shaw and Cowin one run scormg.
Dr. Dixon said In explanation of! vs. Donnelly and Muschamp. Up to the fifth Inning Bob Gibson
closing the schools all over the State: j Ladies' singles, upper bracket: Mrs. only allow,:!d one hit, but in the same
. i While Harry R. Felton, of 2 Elm- I
"There are various reasons. Past W. R. Hall vs. Miss Ruth Diamond. Inning, three singles mixed In with
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Wood, of I wood avenue, was playing tennis last experience has shown on our records Mrs. L. P. Drinker vs. Miss Madeline I two errors, allowed the visitors to
Elmwood avenue, have returned to Monday he £ell and Injured his ankle that this month and next month are McCoy, Mrs. A. M. Watts vs. Miss' score two runs.
I quite s~vereIY. Besides sustaining a the high-water ~~rks In the spread of Linda Jacoby; lower bracket: Miss
broken bone, he suffers very much infantile .paralys.ls. From the history Edith Humphreys vs. Mrs. W'. I. berth team would score. yet Hal-
I While It was thought that the Nar-

Mr. and MIZS. S. Land have returned from a bad sprain. I of the dIsease It appear~ to spread Dothard, Mrs. A. S. Grugan vs: MISS ,lowell was pitching extra good ball,
home after a tour through the White I more rapidly during certaIn periods ~f Mildred Harris, Miss Carol JustIce vs. Iand the home team could not land
Mountains. The alterations to our school build- the year and because of local condl- Miss Mary Rowand. the ball safe. Wayne added one more
Ing are progressing under the dlrec- I tions. Play started 2 P. M.• August 26th, run In the seventh Inning When Hey-
Miss Martha Bishop, of Merchant-, tlon of Mr. Abel Bottoms, contractor. "To make things worse, many peo- and In the preliminary round of men's man singled and Hallowell tripled
ville, N. J., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. and It Is expected that th.e work will pie are now going away for short va- singles Kirkpatrick defeated Bailey over Fleck's h.ead. Narberth came
Harry A. Jacobs. I be entirely completed In ample time cations and those who have been 6-0, 6-0, R. C. Williams defeated A. J. back In their half of the Inning and
--- I for the opening of the school. away for longer vacation are begln- Newell 6-2. 3-6. ,6-4, In first round scored one run when Simpson was
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood H. Sickles --- nlng to come home. Notwlthstandl~~ Pattison defeated Loos 6-2. 6-2, Hoff- hit by a pitched ball. and was ad-
have returned from a motor trip S Townsend Zook and his family,' the present Improved methods of rall- man bested Watts 6-1, 6-1, Kirkpatrick vanced to second on Mellon's out. Bill
through Maryland. 'I of F;lmwood avenue, have been spend- road transportation guarding, against defeated Compton 6-0. 6-2, Justice then scored on Bob Gibson's long
. ing the ·summer at Ocean City. During the bringing In of cases of the dls?ase defeated DuBree 6-0. 6-2. Staples de- single. Howes was then pass.ed, but
Mr. Daniel Leitch. cashLer of .the their absence, Mr. Zook has had a from outside of the State at all pomts. feated Muschamp 6-2, 6-0. Warwick Gibson was forced out at third on
Narberth Bank, has returned from a fine stone garage built on his local we have also the automobile outlaws, bested Donnelly 6-1, 6-1. In doubillj> Wallace's tap to short stop.
two weeks' vacation. property and several other Improve- who can swim creeks, jump fences Warklck and Williams defeated Foote Wayne scored their last run of the
. ments were also made. and otherwise aid In ma.klng the and Burkhardt 6-2, 6-3. game in the eighth Inning when
Mrs. Edward C. Jacob~' and chll-, --- : guarding of the State very difficult. The feature match for the day's Weaver was passed. and was ad-
dren, of 215 lona avenue, left this: Owing to the continued warm I "Our Idea is to Interrupt education play was the singles match between vanced to second on Gibson's wlld
w,~ek for Cape May, N. J. I weather the monthly meeting of t~ as little as pos.slble, and ~e ~re go- Williams and Newell, both men Play-I heave to first base to catch him nap-
--- I Narberth Branch of the Women l:! ing along the hne that It .IS less lng, excellent tennis and almost as ping. Brooke. Wayne's long and
Mr. and Mrs. George Wurst are. re- Suffrage Party has been postponed disastrous not to start a macillne than much credit Is due the loser as the Ilank right fielder then tripled, scor-
ceiving congratulations on the arrtv~ll until Friday, September 8, when It Is to stop it suddenly after it has been winner. It Is hoped the tournament Ing Weaver. Y
of a son, born Saturday, August 2 . to be held at tlw residence of Mrs. started. If we undertake to open the develops many more such matches. Narberth tried hard to come back
--- . Walter Dothard, Haverford avenue. schools In counties at present moder- Play will continue dally. Owing to, In their half when with one down
Prof. Melchior and Mrs. Melclllor I --- ately free from the disease, as soon the f~w entered In ladles' doubles and Fleck doUbled to left field, Koons was
have returned from sprln~town. The Narberth Y. M. C. A. has sent as we start, this miserable thing Is mixed doubles. entries will not close i thrown out by the third baseman.
where they spent Beveral weeks vaca-I about a thousand magazines to Ute likely to appear In those counties. untll 6 P. M. l"riday, September 1st. and when Simpson singLed to right
tion. I horder. We will send another box Then, if we permit the s~hools to open and play In these events will be start- field. Fleck was thrown out by a per-
e sometime In September. and the children are gettl1lg accustom- ed September 5th. fect throw to the plate by Brooke.
Mrs. Rezo Brool<s, of ~hestnut av - Send your old magazines to the Y. ed to school and the teachers to their Again In the ninth Inning, t.he
nue, has r.eturned from New York and M. C. A. now. The "boys" will ap- work, it woull1 be bad to Interrupt the . Boroughltes tried hard to score but
will go to Cape May, N. J., for a few preclate them. schools. . ~IERION STA'l'ION W~NTS , "could not do so. Mellon started the
weeks. "The disease is pretty well scatter-I NE W POST OF FIC,F, inning with an Infield single, and stole
M~s. Howard Hagar and son, Ha:- Mrs. Samuel B. Dickie entertained ed over the State, and it would not do For some time past the residents of second; McClelland batted for Hum-
ris Sheldon, ar.e visiting Mrs. Hagar s In honor of her son Wll1ard's twelfth to exclude certain portions. Merion have been endeavoring to se- phrles and fanned' Gibson filed to
mother, Mrs. Haines, of NortlI Ess.ex birthday, August 29th, from 2 to 5 elm Add to Sell(lol Terms. cure a new post office building. Like right field, and Ho';"es ended the game
avenue. P. M.. at their hom/e, 101 Grayling I "The time taken off from the school Narberth they have outgrown their by striking out
avenue. Among those present were j year now when It Is needed can be quarters. althoug,h the situation Is not .
Rev. Emerson L. Swift and fa
mll Mrs. G. H. Reese and daughter EI- added on at the end of the season as serious as Narberth as they have
y ma Mrs Sallie Lourey and the next June, when we hope we will no~ not had the rapid growth of popula-
I (Continued on Second Page)

their home In Virginia, near

left Na~berth Monday morn~;ed~~~ MI~ses AUdry, Elizabeth and Ruth be confronted with this miserable tion. but there have been of late years CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
Cook, Marie and Madeline Melsen, thing. cc.nslderable additions to the popula-
icksburg. Janet and Olive Polhemus, Master "By the time September 18 arrives tion of Merion. and they too are In Two cents per word In advance; minimum
Mr. and Mrs. T. Buch and famlly Baird Caldwell, Arthur Meisen, John we will have watched the situation need of new post office quarters. ten words.
are visiting Rev. J. E. Nideclrer. Mrs. and Fred Dickie. carefully and can r.eadjust matters FOn SALE-Rich top soli, from old garden,
Buch la a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. --- with reference to age and geographi- rooc per load on premlsea. F.M. Juatlce,
Nidecker. Within a f,ew days Postmaster Haws I cal position and resident scholars- TH E HEDGE • 616 lIlontgomery avenue.

will Install In the post office a new that Is, pupils In dormitories In pre- Compact and green. my smooth- A BARGAIN-Will aell glrl's b(cycl". In
excellent condition. Addreaa. P. O. Box or
Miss Katharine Magulr.e, one of the case which will add about fifty addl- pal'atory schools and colleges." clipped ramparts rise phone 346 Narberth.
employes of the post office, bas been tlonal call boxes, This will relieve Dr. Dixon said he had already talk- To screen thy sport and ease from
FOR SALE-L. C. Smith Vlslbl" Typ,,-
spending her vacation along the upper the overcrowded condition of the ed over the matter with the ~lealth prying eyes. writer, In flrst-cl....a condition: also
Delaware River. 2f'neral delivery and satisfy the many and school authorities In some cities Without are turmoil, trOUble, strife, \I brary table. aectlonal bookcs.a"s, box
pa.trons who desire to have boxes for of the State and that they had agreen and sin; COUCh. 304 Easex avenu".
Miss A. Maude Jacobs, of Atlantic their mail. but who could not be sup- to ablr1p. Ullon any' decision he made.. But herte are happiness and "'OR SALE--At 304 Essex avenue. library
City, Is the guest of her brother, I '(Contlnued on Fourth Page) (Continued on Page Four) I shut in.
love table. aectlonal bookca""s. box couch, fin"
events of the past four years care- iNO CONTAGIOUS I
OUR TOWN fully, but we should have the best I Cash received from contributors ...•.•. '
Paid out:
, , $492.65 ;,;+-,

Owned, and Published every Thurtl-

thought of statesmen and other pub-
licists, editors and writers, to help DISEASE HERE Flags for school children . $5.25
day ;"y the Narberth Civic Associa- us co'me to a satisfactory conclusion.
tiot-. Ardmore Band . . . . 109.00
If eV'ar there was a time when we
Township Health Officer R. A. New Jersey Fire Works Company ..•.•................. 300.00
should sink prejudice, and be guided 8.00
Repairing flag pole .. . . .
BARR Y A. JACOBS, strictly by a desire to promote the Warner Issues Official Notice $437.25
EdJtor. best interests of our beloved countrY'1 Showing Lower Merion Has
- _._---,-------- It Is now at hand. It is therefore a
a Clean Bill of Health $55.40
Mrs. C. R. Blackall A. J. Loos matter of congratulation that the
.\lrs. C. T. MOON Henry Hose Donation to Holiday House . 40.00
t'ubllc Ledger, in a spirit of fair- 15.40
Mrs. E. C. Stokes W. T. Melchior ne3S and ImpartialitY, has opened its Township Health Officer Robley A. Case for flag .
gUl'l 1.'. Smith U. L. Hampton
columns to a presentation of the Warner writes the following for pub-
_1. 1\1. Henry best thought on the merits of both IIcatlon: =
Associate Editors. candidates, and the reasons why they Lower Merion township is again children under sixteen years of age. XAmmU'J'1I I,OSES TO WAYN};
should or should not be elected. As free from forms of contagious dis- Many inquiries are made daily as
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, stated in the Ledger's announcement, ease, especially the dreaded infantile to health certificates, and for infor- (Continued from First Page)
Coshler. this contest presents opportunity for paralysis, and at the present writing matlon the writer states that a med-
! "men who are in daily touch with the is _e,njoyin g a clean. b,ill Of. health. . ical dertlflcate must flrst be secured I How Sud!
Manager. I
lleaders of both parties, to give to the
nation their best judgment of the re-
..! I
Ie twof cases f til
0 III an I e para YSlS ,from a physician who has actually
pNviously reported are now off rec- i examined the child. This certificate,
R. H. O. A K
Send all letters and news item to I spective nl'arits of the candidates, ord. One was Scott Gehringer, age when presented at the office of the Howes, cf. 0 2 0 0 0
p, O. Box 404. based upon personal experiences and four, of Cynwyd, and the other board, will be accepted as an official W~llace, lb 0 0 14 0 0
Selld all advertising copy to P. O. their intimate knowledge of politics Charles Shakespere, age twenty-five, certificate issued. Stites, 1'1. •...••.. 1 0 1 0 (I
Box 820. and political affairs." of Haverford. The former has recov- The board, as well as its officers, FI.eck, Jf. . .. , 0 3 0 0 0
:\laJ,c all remittances to P. O. Box ered from the contagious stage and solicits the earnest co-operation of K.oons, c. . 0 0 6 2 0
118. To the Editor of Our Town. quarantine, has b1aen lifted; the .Iat- all parents and those interested in Simpson" ss. . .. ,. 1 1 3 4 1
Our Town is on sale at the depot The committee lor awarding pri7,tls tel' case was removed to a hospital, the welfare and health of Lower Mer- Mellon, .3b. '.~"'" 0 1 0 2 0
newsstand, and at the store of H, E. for the most attr.l,ctive yards, as selln where death ensued the following ion, and any information that may be H.um Phrles, ,;lb. .. 0 0' 2 5 2
Davis. from the street. says that we have day. advanced as to a violation of the Gibson, p. . 0 1 1 5 2
Entered as secor.d-class matter, On- difficulty in locating the owners on The board and its officers al'e tak- h'ealth laws will be treated as con-: *McClellan 0 0 0 0 (J
~ober 15, 1914, at the Post Office at, :lI:,'ount of alJsf'lIce of numbers 0,1, ing every precaution to safeguard fidential and the offense investigated, i
:'\arberth, Pennsvlvanla, under the Iman
y of the hom'es.
. Id I "
! the township and although lllimer- (S'
d) Totals 2 8 27 18 5
Act of March 3, 1879. :\ t'mbermg the houses w~u le a, ous cases surrounded our territory, nO]III')' A. WIll'lIl'r, C. E.'
"I'(>:,t ad"antag·' !o the delivery ser-, yet Lower Merion is at present f,.ee WAYNE,
THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1916 'ice of :\'arbel'th stores as well as from the disease. ATS SEE THAT I R. H. O. A. E.
-'- o'
[0 the deliv"I'Y Ecrvice of the city, :\'umerous reports have found cir- DEMOCR, 1 Weaver,
2h, 1 0
Fire 350. "to:·es. culation of suspected cases of the YOU ARE ASSESSED. Broo ,e" 1'1. , ..•... 0
Police 1250. '(,loe loeal hardware stO[~ can S~IP' ,disease, bul in each case the rcport i RuseI', .Jb. . , 0 0
_-=:::::='==:::::=~':':":::::::::=:::::::::~ ply numerous at a very low price" has been carefullv Investigated and
" P ohably 5 een!.s. and, if so, there found to be witho~t fOllndation
i Gear, cf, ., 0 1 200
' I "11
Many men are thlllklllg to- ay
• . d f I tlocs not seem ... 1) gOal excuse" ,ly
." l' 01 •
The assessors 0 the severa
Children eoming from infected dis- tion Districts of Montgomery. Countv" I, j\"urpllY If
I EI ,Patterson, ss. .
ec- Heyman, 2b.I
1 1
1 2 150
t IIlllgs t lat \\1 seem vel') won er u '111 the houses SllOUld not be num- . 1 1 0 2 o II
to-morrow anll verv commonplaCe in ' . '. trlcts are at once placed under ob- will he at the places of holding the H II 'II· 0 2 1
. , Lel'Ed. 'erv t' I' tl . . I' d ' I a owe , p. 3 1
ten years. Spring your ideas while W. }:. A. ~ I a 101 '. le~ al e a ISO glvfen ~ me - i electIOns on Tuesday and Wednesl ay, ,Ferguson, 3b. . 0 0 12 o o
they are fr('sh. Ica examlllatlOn. aIH so ar It has' September 5th and 6th, for the pur- i
, . . not been found necessary to establish pose of placing the names of voters I 8 2~1 13 1
To the 1~llllor of Onr Town. a quarantin" . I R' I' f tl t' Totals.. .... , .. 4 -
:\'ow, that everyone is back home. TI B II T I I C I~ is -, on tie eglstry 1st 0 Ie vo ers, *Batted for Humphries in ninth.
let's buckle down and get bUSy. ~e e e ep lO~e . ompal' ; During the last two months man)' 'whose names do not appear on the '
Illaklllg some exvanslve lluprovements. I I' \. I
There are many things to be done In . :\"1 't\ It" I 'ts ca.. ; nUIsances lav,e leen abated, and lists as returned by the assessors, the Wayne ., 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0-4
"The Year-'Round Home Town" be- In . al leI. I, pu lllg III conI UI , ; ;where the offenders do not comply members of the Democratic County ~ ') rtl 0)
fore ~here's any more room for im-, bles: new manholes, etc., the.re ly the law has heen enforced. I Committee should see that every i' ar le I ..... ,.0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-:-
rovement. teal'lng ,up the stre:ts, very consHle:- These nuisances are in the forms I Democrat whose name does not ap-I T\"o-base I ·ts FLeck Hallo,"ell.
P ahlv. :\'0 doubt thIS Improvement I S ,
, . B T 01 une' ean I stores ' WI11Ch are not pear on the Registry " list. go to t IlC Farne ' 11 - ' ,? Three base
I runs-Narberth ..
01 great value to the ell elepholle, If' . , I . 1- l • , •. -
In what are you interested? Let I 1 '1 sereenel J om thes, llirty back yards, assessor and have t lei l' names, hits-Hallowell Brooke Sacrifice
some one know. There's the edItorship . ,Companv . and to us as I wei,I JUt I 11 tIel 'a b 0 I'IS I' ling of, outhouses where It . placed on the R '
eglst!') . I'1st, tl,Ie va ter: hits-Koons Simpson , . Stolen bases
I ' I eft on bases-.


of "Our Town" the Civie AsoclatlOn, , . do not see whv . the loroug I . s lOU l, 'I I f l "
IS POSSI 1 e to make sewer connec- must appear he ore tie assessal 1lI11- -Howes Mellon . I .
, 'he compelled to pay for plac11lg the. I' . . : I ' .,
the Y MeA Community Centre,' . ... I tlOns, tie lllstallatlOn of Spnngfie1<I' self. Narberth 7' WavlLe 5 Struck out-
. ',' . .
the I-lome and School League , the f. istreets I
r e ,III perfect repair agalll' . . \\<1 .. t er, rep Iacmg " the •well supply; I IH AR\'EY - .'CI-IRISTl\1 1\'"""' I "., .
By Gibson ' 5', by Hallowell,2 . Bases
wonder If arrangements have bile ,1 . , D C C .
companv the five churches the S u t - , the cleanmg up of pubhc dumps, the Chairman, - em. o. am., on balls-Off Gibson l' off Hallowell
,, . made With the Bell Telephone Com-. , I t))> -I f ...• ' , , ,
frage party the Women's Community . . Ilmmedlate removal of house wastes. J)I'1lI0crnts II ,II' >oroug I 0 ",ur· 1 Hit by pitched ball-Stites Simp-
", 'I
l'lub the i.i.ing's Daughters etc., and I pany for ~e.avmg the streets III as also tin cans and receptacles which berth whose IIUllll'S lire not 011 the s~n
cach activity would gladly welcome ~ood condlllOn as they. were when may hold Ilater . whIch ' later becomes lis. t SI 1011 II
I 0 b'SI'IH'
,. .tl II.' UIHI,'
·I' 110 t ce,l '
Passed balls-Weaver 'Koons
Umpire-Jon,es, "
Time of game-1.35.
you. Hitch up to one or more!
they found them. \' \. II t
, . }a , 0 I 1'1' •
a hreeding place for insects; the llllll seethe USSI'Sso!' ut the fire lIollse Scorer-Earl P. Smith.
proper protection and inclosure of 011 81.')lt. ;)th or 6th. .'
At the meeting of the ~arberth I T' I 1'1'
School Board on Mondav 0 t Ie ~(Itor?
f 0 T
manure pits, and, above all, "Gooll I ]o'I,y
Husl.' Hull 1>lck.ups,
. . evening of As a subscl'lber ur to own,your va 1uel bDrainage," f which Lower l Merion has ' . . THAI'S. Hard lines for Gibson to r.eturu anll
this w'aek. formal actIOn was taken I fl' 'fi 1 .' 1. een ortunate to possess for the last Swaltlllg flies IS a good method of lose his first game.
to comply with the order issued by paper1'. I ee Juslilel I,m ats nng [tau twelve years, and to-day there are' al- ' getting rid of one of the worst pests Pitcher Hallowell deserves, great
l I
Dr. Dixon. Narberth public schools, to. elll Igllten Ilue tre~ardl Ill~ N? nlla tell' most four thousand houses connected I the human family is called upon to
will therefore remalll closed until
. ot t Ie lest ,ep 'ar sm. ar IeI' I, t
I . I f · 'I .
I . . I
0 t Ie system, With a pOSSible dozen combat, but by USill g, flv traps
. th credit.
e Fleck was the onl" Doroughite able
Monday September 18th. T hey WI'II w IIC 1.. l
, . f I
a ew ' wee ,s ago, was given1 IlOuses WlIC
so muc I space III your paper, anI I I. t
I . II f
t b
or vanous I
I ,
reasons exertIOn of swatting
. j
'I' I .
all( gat ler11lg up to solVe Hallowell's
I' 'I I I
• pitching. AI,
re-open at that tlme, un~ess ur~ leI' was considered of ;lluch importance laTv", no ye een connected. the dead and III urel IS a~0I1 el. 11 though Howes had two singles.
notice' to the contrary IS r'ecelved I
1 10 manv of our reSl( ents.
. so case I IyaleII' d Wit . II t I
he fact that the work of the board a modern fly trap the files are at-
'III tracted bv a I't
Bon Air visits us fLext week.
from the State authontles. . ,
. . . t IS 11' work I t Ie swee t mo 1asses 11l . Gene Davis will be back next Sat-
In regard to parents who wish to A Ide~alled report ~v~sl given a the Department of Health and Drain- the cente"r of the trap; once in they urday.
_ children enter who are between ~engt
I' I I.n y~urd
mterestlllg III eel
palPer'l ~vlllc I wats com-
'I' 11C I repor
very age. Which , . comes under" the personal cannot escape, and it is possible . ' toI Second place again.
a 1-2 and 6 years of age, the Board, 1 1" 11 tl superVISIOn of the WI'lter as Engl- catch many thousands of files Wit I ~arberth could not hit in the
. . men~el most avora J Y upon lOse . , T •
IS disposed to be as accommodatmg 'I I WI tl t' 1 neer of th'e Sewer SYstem, makes It very httle effort and expense. he pinches
as possible. A stnct · constructIOn 'f a 'I places ' I
cal ed I upon, 1
Ied) ar IC 1 " 1 '
POSSI lie to carryon the work in cost of a fly trap IS •
twenty- fi ve cents.
I' .
Wayne did otherwise. bunching
th'a school code would not permit twillc I wa\ to I leI ~on I~ue ,~a~ both departmelits in a most effective One has been in use at the post office theirs
children beloH 6 being admit- comp FII'c'k Stl'tes made a great catc II m '
. I never
I do k now et lla el , many
10 nO now, u ' manner.
0 f us regre t .for the past . four ' weeks, in which It
ted. In case the school starts With t i t At the last meeting of the board IS estimated that ten thousand flies right field
from 40 to 45 cl11ldren · . fi
III the Irst
that 1~1H'h a gOOl I
r cause came a suc I t IIe present questIOn " of inlalltile pa- I have heen captured. Fl'les ma k e t Ile .
If ~arberth wins the pennant this
grade, there would be no room for 1ll a Jrupt I'll( Illg.
1: I t n ,n .t,,]
n ,h-S d .;.
ra~'sls was ~iven slJ'ecial considera- I post office their headquarters, after I )·eal·-the team has "got to go some"
't a bl e to do it, judging by its erratic per'
children below 6 years of, age, b u, tlOlI, anI1 numerous steps were taken' belllg " dnven away b y tie I 11llOSPI
. 1
if there should be less than that I U. f 0 T to especially safeguard the public, grocers and meat shop keepers in the formance of late--and th.ere is a post-
num b'1'1', every e I",or t WI'II b e ma d e t a I To the E ltor tur' own: I . t an t among
. . 1I was the VICllll . . ·t y. I ·With · , 01.
I' fi 0 nllpor wlnc Iseason senes the champIOns
aCCOlllmOIIate sue II c I11'ld ren up t 0 tlIe I In one b a Bour M a e Issues C I' saw
I k' a " I'
c ealllng up "o. f the so-ca II e d italian . 0 ur Ioca I b aggage agen,. t Mr Fegle" ., the De Iaware County League, our op-
, '.
hnllt. 0 f course, as soon as tlley ac- piece . a outI rvn
' . awl' t 0 .ege 00 -,
f! sec t'IOn a f' S prmg . avenue, m , Ard- Ilas a l soI d Olng
leen ' a Iarge flv. c atcll - :i ponents Will • •
be Ridley •
Park lllstead
. Ion 11lg I . for ower t taxK ra es'f on some 0 f more. S trill . gent measures were here 11lg . b ' H e es t'Ima t es tlla t III . I of Drexel Hill. • . w,e can't
tually reach the age 0 f 6,provls
must be made for them.
Work on remodellllg · the 0 ld sc1lao I I'
ttillelrk?rdop.er IY' k' oW I I a p acte
't' IS b 00 t 11lg t'
f or ow ra es,
I Id
°Il t the board.
taken with very gratifying results to three weeks he has captured twenty: get a chance to turn the trick on
'thousand files. . 1-1'IS supp I Y 'IS un- I Drexel HilI, .
Well, If

we'll do our best to

a S
building is progressing rapidly, and tt 1111 tl I IS d OUt I 1nJ.e we t IOU t sge I As to the school situation, in view limited from the stables across the whip their conquerors, if Dun & Co.
. . , o g e IeI' an ge ower wa er ra e ' . .
It IS expected to be re~dY by Septem- This property mentioned gets water I of the fact .that the township to-day: street. ' gIve us the OPPC 11'tIInI1V.
bel' 18th for the openlllg of the ses- 1'1' tl 'Sp ingfield Consolidated i h'ls not a smgle case of the disease, I . I -
- - - - - ,-----:-
w~I:~r ~~mpall~ very cheap, that is, the. board did not feel warranted in:
fifteen cents a thousand gallons. I aslm~g the School Board to defer the:
.FooiS create opportunities that
wise men take advantage of.
The Philadelpilla Pubhc Ledger 1I:ow in a few weeks my case, opelllng of the various schools; how-: ---
haR opened a verr in~eresting con- ag~inst this Water CompanY is com-I' ever, a resolution was passed as to I "First it's one thing and then it's lUE~rnEUS OF TJlE NARBERTH
test for articles discussing the re- Ing up befor the Public Service Com- the admission of children under slx- another" that delays progress in lay- SCnOOL BOARD.
spective merits of Hughes an~ Wil- mission, an~ what I would like to teen years of age, who may have just, Ing the concrete road on Wynnewood
son as candidates for the PreSidency. llave is a copy of all excessive bills I returned from a vacation or a pos- avenue. President-C. Howard McCarter.
All newspaper. and magazine writers receiw~d last July. siblr in1lacted district. . I . For about two. weeks no work was Vice-President-Carroll Downes.
have been inVited to take part, and Clifton Heights is right in for Whereas, The disease of mfantIle donie because of a broken concrete Treasurer-Will K. Ridge.
prizes will be given for the best edi- claiming their own on this case and paralysis is prevalent in various 10- I mixer. Then, after the new mixer Thellwell R. Coggeshall.
torials not exceeding 1,000 words on manv more suburban towns are fol- calities in which citizens of this' worked for two days, there were no Robert H. Dothard.
two subjects, namely, "Wh;, Mr. lowi~g suit. i
township may have been temporarily materials to use in the mixer.
Hughes ShOUld Be. Elected, and This thing was up in court at Nor- resident or lllay have passed through
"Why Woodrow Wilson Should Be ristown some time ago but it fell on their way to this township. and
I Winter will be here soon and then
it will b'e too cold to lay concrete.
The coming election is one of the Swartz.
most vital importance to the future
through on the decisidn of Judge Whereas, It Is the duty of this Narberth is certainly unfortunate
Board of Health to safeguarll the when it comes to getting construc-
Now the Public Service Commission health of this township; therefore be tion work done quickly, to wit: Nar-
of our country. As the campaign have done verv well with different it
proceeds, it is evident that peOPle. are rates such as t~lephones, freight, elec-
I I' brook

Resolved, That all cllildren under general roadway repairs.

Park. Wynnewood road. and
Build Up Your Home
very mUGh at sea as to whom to sup- tric rates and I don't see how they the age of 16 years coming into this
port. In the discussions that are can pass us by without giving us a .township shall and are hereby eX-'1 rXCLAmED LETTERS AT Don't forget that this Is 0 com.
heard on every train, at the lunch ta- fair deal, with the most necessary clud'ed from attendance at all public, X;\RBERTH POST OFFICE. munlty of home makers and home
bles, and wherever men and women, thing we ue,e and that Is water. private, Sunday, parochial or other R. Scott McCracken, P. A. Roun- keepers and that one of YOUR
foregather, many.loose asseTtions are )r, CaUugban. schools for a period of at least ten, tree, Mrs. J. M, Bessley, Elva F. San- :MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES Is to
keep It so.
made, and more or less wild state- . days from the date of his, her or' del'S. ~'.
You can aid materially by do.
ments regarding the two candidates. When a woman is harboring a their entrance into this township. I Postcards: Mrs, John Phillips, Miss Ing )'our shopping and marketing
In order to 'vot'e intelligently, we brain-storm it Is a man's cue to say I Notices have also been sent to all S. Galager. with the adyertlsers In this paper.
must not only personally study the nothing. I moving picture tbeatres to exclud'e all ' Edward S. Halfs, Postmoster.
M. Visitors are cordially welcome.
preo~s t:~O:f iSmc~ea. ;: l~t ;'irS~d~i~tIl~CU~hlSt:t~o~raEe~m~e~m~ Prescrio pti0n Department
ber them all. By having your box
Your h ea Ith IS your most prize
. d possessIOn.
. Wh en .
It .IS.m
A registry book is kept for visitors.
All are asked to register their names. Herbert Krell and John Wilson, number placed on your mail you will danger you wisely hasten to the best physician you know.
two members of Kangaroo Patrol, lii~ in having the mail cased up It is equally important that you choose your druggist to get best
•~T. ,UAUGAHWl"S CHURCH. Narberth Boy Scouts, have returne~! without delay.
I __ results. Purity, Strength, Skill, Accuracy, Carefulness and Clean!~-
Early l\lalls on SUlI.doli from J~pr1J from Camp Delmont, the Boy Scouts BETTER }'ACILITIES ness are of great importance. We lay stress on all of these and y011
l'it to OctolJer 31st ar. (,.JU A. ~1. F rom camp on the Perklomen Creek, where " , .,
No\'emlJer lllt to Marcn ~Lst at 7 A. M. they stayed for two weeks. I'on POST OHICf. can rest assured that your prescription has been compounded JUSt
Late Mass, \/.::10 A. M. throughout tilt! During their stay at the camp they Narberth post office is unabLe to as your physician wishes it jrepared if you leave it at
year. Masses on holydays, 6.3U and had the "honor tent" (best kept) two take complete. advantag~ of the
8.30 A. M. Weel,daYs at 8. EvenlUg different days, which gave them the' second-class prIvilege owmg to the
devotions anli other services at regular privilege of raising and lowering the Ilac~ of room In which to place the
times. I
camp flag on these two days. Their eqUlp~ent that a second-class office
lowest grading on any day was 92. I
is entitled t?, such as modern casing
Herbert Krell won th e c m let- racks sortmg tables, cancelling I Prescription Drug Store
llETHOI)IST I-:I'IS('O{'AL tHUUCH. I ters-C. D.-by Winning l :5 ~oints! machine, flIing cases for sup~lIes and
,. Phone, Narberth 625 or 1284
'rhe Little ('hurch 011 the Hili.
'from the list of requirements, his to- records, sack rackS. for outgomg mall
I tal being obtained by satisfactorily and many other things ~oo numerous ================================:::.::::::=.
Re,·. ('. (I. KOllllel, {'ustor. passing 21 different tests. ~~h:~u:~~a~~ar~:r~sea;:ll~r~~i~:~~redICLEAN...SAfE.•.WHOLESOME $1000 WILL BUY ALOT
Printed stamped envelopes may be AND
Ue·OJlelllng 8undI1)·.
secure d at t h e post 0 til ce at the fo l - UNDER BA.CIERIOLOGICAL CONTROL BUILD 'A HOME
9.45. Sunday school session for all
scholars over sixteen years of a g e . .

scholars will please attend the ses-

sion and meet with the adult classes.

lowing prices:
500 1-cent envelopes .•.•.••••••. $5.62
Officers and teachers of the younger Tra\'ehng Secretary With Auto- .500 2-cent envelopes .•.•..••.•.. $10.62 Pasteurized MJlk
mobile Will Visit Small De- I These envelopes are of first quality. Brynclovls
tachrnent of Troops
. The name and address of purchaser (Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOK
According 10 Your oWn Plans. Balanc
On Easy Terms.
Narberth's Highest Tract
All Convenlenees-old Shade. Ma'eadam
11.00. Morning worship. The pas- II neatly printed in upper left hand cor- Special "Guernsey" MERlO." Road.CementSldew8hs. Ete.
FM Jnstl'Ce
tor will ocCUpy the . pulpit with
. Miss TI !' I I ' t' l
Ie 0 OWing ar IC e s a en rom' i t k f ner, with request to return in MJlk WYNNEFIELD
Prescott as solOist and MISS Wentz I "B d W k" . 11 b days. Note the price. (Roberts' & Sharpless' BA.LA.-CYNWYD Montgomery A"enu"
, . or er or, a semi-mont 1 y pu - Ed ard S Ha DaI I ) " ,NARBERTH. Or
at the organ. I lication giving the news of the army W • WS, Ires NARBERTH 612 Chestnut St.• PhlJa.
8.45. Epworth League. All mem-I Y M C A ·tl tl t . Postmaster. Cream Buttermllk A.RDMORE
llers and friends of the league will . . . . WI I_Ie_roops. ----- -_. Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD JAMES G. SCANLIN
'note . the beginning of these 1'1
ans f or assocla . t'Ion fI e Id wor k m . Private correspondence
. as well as Cream.
devotional servlees for the young peo- .I tl Ie B'Ig B en d d'IS t ric . t 0 f T exas, . that for busmess purposes should be
pl'e. . . I
. where there are about 3000 men pro- I marked ShOWI~g to w~ere It should
. . Contracting Painter
• •
Evening worship. Service
. '
l1l .1 f
. VI< e or
charge of the pastor, aSSisted by MIss: t rave I'lllg secre t anes
d' f
Ie sen mg 0 one or more'
. In . t 0 tlIe (IS
l' t nc
i be returned, If undelivered at post
. t , loffice of address. If tIllS precaution-
Narberth, Pa.
Prescott and Miss Wentz. I VISI
. 't'IDg t 1Ie sma 11 (Ie t ac iImen t s of ':. ary measure could be generally ob-
45th and Parrish Sts.
The first of the pleasant Sunday t
. d I
evening services that Will b<) con uct- o f tl Ie (T't
. t
roops 1D IIIurn.
C 1 1 JAG t
e d Sta0t es one rmy,
. . III ascom-
i served
on, II ffi '1
it would greatly assist post
i 0 ce 0 ffit cia
. l'
s III t e
h h dl'
an iDg of -::
ed in t.his church throughout the fall mand of all the troops in the Big Bend mal ma ter. . I;" Iloward F. Cotter
and wmter. .r • I district, is reported as saying that the! - Try a Pound of
Imllro,·e.d '~)\tllllUO)\. . neediest field along the whole border I U. S. JUIL-~Iay 28, 1916. M'EAIS of
. The trustees announce .the reahza- for the service of the Army Young T
tlOn of a long-felt want m ~he need Men's Christian Association is in this Arrhal.
of more ventilation. Durmg the section. Many of the points where 6.00 A. M.-East and through west I Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
summer the I.ower .parts of the three there are small g,roups of troops are 6.43 A. M.-East and throug}l west 1
larg'e memorial wmdows I~ave been eighty-five miles from base stations 8.59 A. M.-Local west
remodeled and swung on Pivots, glv- on the railroad. 10.37 A. M.-East and through west !---------------~
I George B. Suplee
ing increased air spaces t\~enty-seve.n There are at present thirteen places 11.50 A. M.-East and through west
feet long by three feet high. TillS "'here there are statl'oned small de- 12.26 3 P.
P M.-Local
M west I HA"E YOUR MAIL AmHtESSED :. 8team & H 0 t W a t er H ea t'In g
improve~ent gi~es the c IIIlrc I1 mo:e I tachments of 100 to 150 men. To these I 1. 7 . .-East and through west
PI b
fresh all' than IS usually found III small camps the traveling secretary 3.26 P. M.-Local west TO YOUIt BOX NUl\IDEnS um ing .
public buildings and a temperature is to be sent. He will have an auto- 4.37 P. M.-East and through west Patrons of the post office should Bell Telephone.
during the summer lower than that mobile loaded with supplies and will 6.37 P. M.-Local west endeavor to have their mail addressed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

outside. The improvement has great- constantlv visit from place to place
ly added to the beauty of this cosy spending' from one to three day~ 6.43 A. M.-Local west

and attractive church and the eX-I with each group of men. His equip- 8.59 A. M.-East and through west letters due to the address boeing slm-
to their box numbers, as delays are
frequently caused in the delivery of I Modern Homes FOR
pense of $150 is. che>erfully assumed ment will consist or writing paper 10.37 A. M.-Local west ply given as Narberth, even when SALE OR RENT
by the congregation. and envelopes, games, portable graph- 10.47 A. M.-East and through west street and number is given It is fre-
ophones with forty or fifty good rec- 12.26 P. M.-East and through west quently necessary to look up the WM. D. SMEDLEY
1.37 P. M.-Local west name in directory before the mall can Builder
ords. books, testaments, plenty of
"6 PM-East and througll west ,lIe cased up, causing extra work as
magazines and a motion picture ma- 3.w • • I
Re\'. ,John (jordou, I). I).. Acting
chine with a field electric light plant. 4.37
Writing material, games, one of the 6.37 P. M.-East and through west
graphophones with records and a
P. M.-Local west
6.59 P. M.-East and through west
,well as necellsary delay.


C P COOK • •
Bible School. The School is closed supply of hooks and magazines will
by order of the S ta t e Boar d 0 f be left with each small detachment Arrives 6.00 A. M.
Health, until further notice. of troops. During, the visit of the sec- Departs 5.47 P. M.
Sunday. For the information of the lately
arriving residents of Narberth we an-
nounce again that to purchase postage
Anthrae I·tee08l
11 A. M. Morning Worship. Rev. retary, motion picture shows and talks i stamps and stamped envelopes in the;
John Gordon, D. D., will preach ~nd will be given every night and then he
I I BOROUGH OFFICERS. Ilocal post office Is of great advantage WOOD AND
will fill the pulpit during the tIme will go on to the next place. taking. BurgeEs-Geo. 1\1. Henry. to the office as its advancement is BUlL
w'e are without a pastor. The ordi-: the motion picture machine with him Treasurer-Edwin P. Dold. based upon the saLes. We aim to DING SUPPLIES
nance of the Lord's Supper will be A fund of $~OOO is needed immp.di-
observed. 7.45 P. M., Evening Wor- ately to inaugurate the Big Bend work.
Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel.
Tax Collector-James F. Sherron.
I be courteous and obliging. We also
want to do business with our patrons.
ship. Preaching by Dr. Gordon. This The' entire cost is estimated at from Rtreet Commissioner-W. S. MCClel.! Edwllrd S. llIlWS, Postmaster.
Narberth, Pa.
is the first evening service and hope six to eight thousand dollars.
the members of the church will be
Building Inspector - J. I Howard Stamps are on sale of every de-
in attendance.
. w. ednesday evening. ~Ugust ~O'I
1916. Union prayer servICe at t Ie
Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites.
~ Constable-Fred. Walzer.
nomination from one cent to fifteen
cents, except eleven and fourteen;
l'lISO a plentiful supply of postal cards,
Citrate Magnesia
presb!terian. Church. Mr. ~obert C. AND THE EVERGREENS i stamped envelopes and newspaper Fresh Daily at
McQUilkin Will be the leade . I CO~DIlTTEES OF COUNCIL. wrappers.
Friday, September 1st, 2.30 P. M., -- Prices of stamped envelopes:
Ladles' Aid Society at the church. The Maple and Evergreen Trees I Finance and Law Committee-A. P. 25 1c envelopes $ .28 NARBERTH, PA.
. N b th A B th B' Redifer, W. D. Smedley, H. D. Narrl- 100 lc envelopes 1.10
ALL SAINTS' P. };. CIICUCII. 10 ar er re 0 emg gan. 25 2c envelopes........ .53 CON\'ENIENCE AND ECONOMY

ne\'. Andrew S. Uurke, Uector.

Attacked by Pests and Should
be Cleaned of the Parasites gan, F. L. Rose, Robert Saville.
Highway Committee-H. D. Narri- 100 2c envelopes ..•..... 2.10
- - - - ------

Without Delay Police and Health-W. D. Smedley, NARBERTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION.

The attention of the patrons of the
The services at All Saints' P. E. F. L. Rose, Robert Caville.
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood Water, Fire and Light-F. L. Rose, Narberth Post Office is called to the
President,· A. J. Loos. convenience of sending money by pos-
avenues, for next Sunday, are as fol- The trunks of the maple trees are William J. Henderson, Robert SaVille.
Vice-president, A. C. Shand, J. B. tal money order. The following low
lows: covered with great masses of small Ordinance-William J. Henderson,
8.00 A. M. Holy Communion. white eggs. (If there is any reader F. L. Rose. Robert Saville. Williams, James Artman. rates are charged for sen.ding sums to
11.00 A. M. Holy Communion and of Our Town who knows what they, '1
Secretary' and treasurer, Frank J any money order post office in the
WIsse. United States:
sermon. are and what will kill them, he should' mn SHE GET THE PLACE t Dircetors, Frederick L. Rose, George
The Rev. James A. Muller, of Lans- write the 'editor full details for pub- M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M.
Gowne, will haV'e charge of the ser- lication). "Oh, yls, mum," said Kathleen, ap- Colesworthy, Mrs. William S. Horner, For orders from $.01 to $2.60, oJ
vices on Sunday, September 3rd, 1916.. The pine and fir trees around sev- plying for a new situation, "I lived A. E. Wohlert Mrs. George M. Henry, cents.
There will be a full quartette choir eral houses are literally alive with' in me last place three weeks, mum, Fletcher W.· Stites, E. A. Muschamp, From $2.51 to $5, 5 cents.
at the eleven o'clock services on all caterpillars, which make their co- and. though I say it as shOUldn't, I H. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S'I From $5.01 to $10, 8 cents.
Sundays. coons of the spills of the trees. These gev ixcellent satisfaction," From $10.01 to $20, 10 cents.
Haws, Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Mrs. Les- From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents.
Many churches cut down their mu- should be picked off and burned be- "And why did you leave?" ventured ter W. Nickerson, William D. Smed-
sic during the summer months, but fore they have a chance to crawl out the lady, who was looking for a ser- ley. From $30.01 to $40, 15 cents.
All Saints' b'elleve In keeping up their and move on to the trees of a nelgh- vant. From $40.01 to $50, 18 cents.
high grade of music during the whole bar. "Sure, I couldn't get along wid th' From $50.01 to $60. 20 cents.
year. Examine your trees at once and do mlssus she wor that ould an' From $60.01 to $75. 25 cents.
The Sunday school sessions and the. your part to prevent the spread of cranky." OUR TOWN wID glad1r print l<'rom 75.01 to $100, 30 cents.
IIfternoon services will not be re- any parasite that will endanger the "But maybe YOU'll find me old and aDr Dewllltem about any RobJect Same fees as quoted above charged
sumed until the third Sunday in Sep- life of our beautiful growths. cranky, too." that III 01 Interest to Narberth tor remittances to a number of foreign
tember. ------- "Cranky ye may be, mum, for swee' countries. Orders are paid at 62,000
lolks, but In order to meet post offices in the United States. Re-
We hope there will be a large con- So many people walt In vain for faces like yours is sometimes de- the printing seheilule, all "copy"
gregation to hear Rev. Mr. Muller on their ships to come In because they ceivln', but ould ye're not-I can see mittances received In this way are
-manuscrIpts-must reach the convenient for merchants, pnbllshers,
next Sunday morning. were never launched. that at a glance." ecUtor by 6 P. H. Honday each Beedsmen, insurance companies, etc.,
The church 'busses leave Wynne-
wood Rnd Narberth stations at 10.40 I Th,-:lre's always room at the top-. Painless dentistry is the art of
on Sunday mornings, and the rent is cheaper.

drawing It mild. :.-

--= I etc.
Edward S. Haws, POlltJDBder.
TEN GOLDEN nULES OF Betty Baxter's Gossip.

A Feature Moving Furniture and Hauling! HEALTH }'on SCHOOL CHILDREN

I.-Sleep. Get as many hours in

(Continued from First .Page)
Our Prescription Department Automobiles for Passenger SerVice bed each night as this table indicates plied as every box In the post office
is complete With tlie highest Night Trips When Ordered for your age. Keep windows in bed- is rented. Many patrons would like
quality of room well open. to secure lock boxes, but it is im-
·WALTON BROS. Phone, Narberth 672 possible to provide these as there is
:DRUGS llonrs of Sleep for DilYcrcnt Ages. no available space to place them in
Hours of the present cramped quarters.
Your physician knows our ability in com· Age Sleep Time in Bed
pounding, and our prices are much lower 5 to 6 13 6 P. M. to 7 A. M. Las t S un d ay even i ng was the laEt
than those in Philadelphia, with superior Capital Surplus Undivided Profits 6 to 8 12 7 P. M. to 7 A. M. o f tiSIi summer's series of union twi-
service. $75,000
$150,000 $125,000 108 to 10 11~ 7.30 P. M. to 7 A. M. Ii g h t services. On account of the
HOWARD'S DRUG STORE to 12 11 8 P. M. to 7 A. M. i i th ft'
12 to 14 10~ 8.30 P. M. to 7 A. M.I ra n n e a ernopn, It was necessary
16 to 18
9 P. M. to 7 A. M. to hold the meeting indoors-Presby-
9~ 9.30 P. M. to 7 A. M. (terian Church. Fortunately, this was
2.-Eat slowly, never
I the anly sunday during July and
between August that we were forced to go tn-
MEATS & PROVISIONS I meals. Chew food thoroughly. Drink side.

Hilh Grade Butter IThe Merion Title & Trust Co.

th with
. f meals
ere IS 00 n
d i thbut Mver
e mout.
h Dwheni The Rev . F . S . Ho r t , pas t or 0 f tlle
r nk Calvin Presbyterian Church ave II
Telephone-Narberth 644 A. water several times during the day. very interesting address. ' ~pecial
3.-Brush your teeth at least once I music was rendered by Messrs F W

SAFE! SOUND/ CONVENIENT/ water after each meal.

4.-Be sure your bowels move al
a day. Rinse mouth out well with I Stites and Earl Smith.
Union Pra 'cr ;'[ootIn
J g.

I€:ast once each day. Wednesday, August 30, Presbyterian

5.-Keep clean-body, clothes and ~~urch. Speaker, Mr. R. C. McQulI-
I 2 % interest allowed on checking accounts on balances of
mind. Wash your hands always be-I .
3% interest allowed on Saving Fund accounts, com-
fore eating. Take a warm bath with
soap once or twice a week; a cool
I ;,lAIN USE 1916 SCHEDUL};.
sponge (or shower) bath each morn- -- .
BARRY B. WALL pounded seml-annuall y.
Deposits of $1.00 and upward received in the Saving ing before breakfast and rub body to
a glow with a rough towel.
I' (From Date.)
September 2d-Bon-Air at Narberth,
Plumbing, Gas Fitting Fund Department. 6.-Try to keep your companions. Dun & Co. vs. West PhlIadelphia,
and Heating
especiaIly young children, away from Autocar at Berwyn, Paoli at Wayne.
those who have contagious diseases. I September 4th A. M.-Berwyn at
NARBERTH OFFICE, Open From 8 A. M. to" P. M.
NARBERTH. PA 7.-Use your handk.erchief to cover Narberth, Dun & Co. at Wayne, West
Friday Evem;lgs, 7 to 9. a sneeze or cough and try to avoid Philadelphia at Autocar, Paoli at Bon-
coughing, sneezing or blowing your Air.
BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE nose in front of others. September 4th P. M.-Narberth at

Prime Meats THE MISSES ZENTMAYER S.-Study hard. In study, work or Paoli, Dun & Co. at Berwyn, West
play, do your best. PhlIadelphia at Wayne, Bon-Air at
9.-Play hard and fair. be loyal Autocar.
Home Dressed Poultry. Bulter. Eggs and Game.
Fancv FrUIt and Vegetabl.s. "A STORE FOR 125 WINDSOR AVENUE to your t.eammates and generous to September 9th-Autocar at Nar-
·tt R 0 'ft· ~ ltd ollldergarten,
mon day,
11 ~ t 18 I
WI eo pen IClr oC 100 an
your opponents. berth, Dun & Co. at I"'.loll, West Phf11-
Te ephone. NARBERTH, PA. oep. 10.-Be ch.eerful and do your best I delphia at Berwyn, Bon-Air at Wayne.
to keep your school and YOur home ISeptember 16th-W\lst Philadelphia
H. C. FRITSCH clean and attractive and. to make the at Narberth, Wayne at Berwyn, Auto-
Properties For Rent and Sale
Fire InsoranCl8
MAGAZINES ARE NEEDED NARBERTH Y. M. C. A. world a better place to live in.
During vacation is a splendid time
car at Paoli, Dun & Co. at Bon-Air.
September 23d-Dun & Co. at Nar-
Bell Phone W w. DIRECTORS' OUTING to practice these ruLes. By September berth. West Phlladelphla at Paoli, Ber-
Wall Bnlldlng. Narbertllt Pa. How Friends of Soldiers May they may be a part of your dall~' life. wyn at Bon-Air, ~~.~:.Autocar.
'B k Make the Supply Keep Pace
Miesen s a ery
With the Demand town, Pa.
WI1EN-Saturday, September 9.
Board of Directors.
BUILDING I WHO-Board of Directors and Board H. S. Hopper, presider.t; C. E. A parcels post convention having
Bread Cake Rolls PIes
Candy I~e Crea~
'IThe consumption of reading mat-j of Managers.
ter by the troops Is enormous. From Plans are under way to make this
a meeting of considerable interest.
Kream.er, vice-president; D. D. Stick- been concluded between the United
ney. treasurer; R. L. Beatty, G. M. States and China to take effect Au-
Henry, J. S. Harris, E. S. Haws, Dr. gust 1st 1916 a el t k
'" much handllOg and reading, magazines Our schedule for the season's work
are quickly worn out and fall to wlll be discussed In detail at this
pieces and fresh supplies must be for- meeting.
R. C. Hoffman, W. D. Smedley. T. C. wlll be "admitted p rc
on sand
pac ages
Trotter, A. J. Loos, T. R. Coggeshall, date to the parcel post malls for that
J. G. Walton, I. T. Ward, Vernon country made up in and dispatched
• . T Fleck, Carrol Downes, G. H. Gifford ...
Detective Bureau I warded at frequent IOtervals. ons ,. • .. • •. ')' E. E. Seaver, J. B. Esenwein Frank. from this country. Weight of a pack-
_ _ _ _.. . of magazines have already been shlp- S( HOOLS CLOSt.1t UNTIL SI.l T. IS StoM. ' a g e must be not more than 11 pounds
II ped.
The supply of reading matter mu.st
(Continued ~First Page) I MondayBoard of Managers.
night-Daniel Lietch. Mem-
nor measure more than 3 feet 6
inches in length. or 6 feet in length
b II M and girth combined. Rate of postage
Even Pittsburgh, where the cases are I ers p an~ger.
I be maintained for an indefinite perIOd
LOSSEs fROM IF.AKS PREVENTED 1 wlll be twelve cents per pound or
_____ "and should never be permitted to get comparatively few, has offered no ob- Tues?ay mght- . fraction thereof. Parcels post pack-
NOW IS THE TIME TO low. Friends of the work are asked jection. The only person he said he Educational and Rehglous Work Man- ages for China may be registered.
to aid in supplying the demand. Books, desired to consult with ~nd had' not lager.
good magazines and the Illustrated been able to reach Is State Superi _ Wednesday night-R. G. Savl11, ROARn OF lUANAGERS
Buy a Home weekly papers may be sent to the 10-1 tendent of Public Instruction N ~ House Manager.
cal Young Men's Christian Association, Schaffer, who is in Illinois. . Thursday nl!ht-F. W. Stites. Social
Chairman-Mrs. W. M. Cameron.
Before Prices Advance which will forward them to New Work Manage•. Financial Manager-Mrs. William
. CO. York. At the headquarters the maga- Friday night-H. C. Gara, Financial
CALDWELL & zines will be sorted and sent at once UE)IOCRATIC nALLY Manager. Curtis Pollock. Jr.
Library Manager-Miss Fanny Loos.
to the association branches in the The J?emocrat,s of Lower Merion Saturday night-Fred Rose, Ath-
"'I'th township and Narberth are planning letic Ma,lager' T R Coggeshall Gen- House Manager-Mrs. James F.
. eds
their ne .
camps, In acc 0 r n ce n
a b'Ig Democratic meeting to be heldI I '
eraI Manager;
in Ardmore on Wednesday evening, tive Secretary.
O.• L. • Hampton, Execu-

Social Manager-Mrs. C. P. Fowler.
September 6, in Merion Hall. Prom-! ----- - Membership Manager-Mr. Harry
President, Ohas. E. Kreamer; sec·
retary, Charles V. Noel; financial BOARD OF HEALTH. Inent Democrats from all parts of I IMPORTANT Hartley.
several of wh,om wlll address the Athletic Manager-Mrs. E. Hurth.
secretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer,
Carden Warner; chief engineer,
Chas. V. Noel; first assistant engin·
eer, Edw. Wlpf; second assistant en·
Presldent-Cha.l!. E. Kreamer.
Secretary-A. P. Redifer.
Health Officel'-W. S. McClellan.
Montgomery county have been invited
meeting. Among them Mr. George Cases of communicable disease are
W. Lutz, of Pennsburg and Mr. John ordinarily reported to the secretary
ILarge Gas Stove
gineer, A. P. Redifer; third assistant Members-Dr. Clarence T. I<'alries, Gilroy, of Narberth. of the Board of Health by the physi-
engineer, H. B. Wall; fourth as-
T. B. Dtl Marias, Carden Warner and cian In attendance. If no physician is FOR SALE CHEAP
Chas. V. Noel. OVERHANGING nUSHE& called in, the responslblIlty for re-
sistant engineer, A. W. Needham.
porting rests with the head of the 209 Forrest Ave
It is requested that all bushes. household. This is made obligatory •
hedges and shrubbery that extend be- by State law and the regulations of 1-----------------
yond the pavement line be trimmed or the Board of Health. The penalty for MISS WETHERILL'S
tied back so as not to obstruct tile failure to report is a fine not exceed-
Ttl the Heart of Leisureland sidewalks. ing $100 and costs.
To avoid the imposition of the pen-
Elementary School
where woods are cool, streams allur· STU,\Y llOOS. alty, physicians and householders are RE·OPENS MONDAY. SEPT. 18,1916
ing, vacations ideal. Between New York There are a number of stray dogs requested to report immediately in A .limIted number of pupils received. For infor-
writing cases of communicable dis- matlon apply to IdSS MAUDE E. WETHERILL
City (with Albany and Troy the gate-
ways) and
Lake George
The Adirondacks
around Narberth which should be dis-
posed of by the proper person. They ease which may exist to the secretary
I ters.
be seen lying; around in the gut- of the Board of Health. All children
These mangy, dirty curs are apt in families in which there is whoop-
to carry disease besides the con- Ing cough or chicken pox must be
IRe200 Dudley Au.nue, Narbert".

Flnesl Pholoplav The·

Lake Champlain tlnual nuisance they are yelping at kept on the premises and not be al- .Ire 0.11. Size In Ibe

The North and West automobiles and making themselves lowed

generally objectionable. Isn't there
to come in contact with other
. I EnlireWorld.
·1 PbOIOpl.Y.-CoDII:_u~~ lOA. M. 10 11.30

The 10gical route is ''The Luxurious someone In Narberth whose duty it Narberth Board of llealth. Phil... Pa.

Way" is to rid the place of such nuisances? PROGRAM

Largest and most magnificent river Small Boy: "Ma says they've got a I
Week Commencing Monday, Aua. 28th
l\[ond..,·, Tile......'· Bnd Wt'dn....da'·
steamships in the world new babY girl at Mr. Jones, the I ANn C. O. n, ;,[AIL.
Heretofore the payment of indem- In }'Ir_t I'r._t'nlotloll or The Mt'lro Wondt'l'-
Small Girl: "My! What a sell! noty by the Post Office Department Play
Send for free copy' of Beautiful Will they have to keep it?" has been restricted to Irreparably "TilE PRETENDERS"
"Of course, silly. Why?" damaged articles or parts of articles. Thur_d..,·, }'rIday and SatnrdB,'
"Searchlight Magazine" "'Cause there's a card in the shop Under the amended regulations issued HENRY B. WALTHALl.
window with 'Boy Wanted' on it." I
by Postmaster General Burleson, ef· (or "Birthtlon of • Nation" Fame) In Adapl..•
HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY _ _ _ _ _. fectlve August 8, 1916, payments wllf
Your friends can get considerable be made in cases where articles are
from "enrlk Ibsen's
Pier 32, North River New York enjoyment out of trouble-if it's your I not rendered worthless for the actual. Added Attraetlon, Mon., Tut's.. lVt'Cl. ~'.

usual direct and necessary cost of IUI.I.IE BURKE In Il4!venteenth Chapter or
"T h e Sea r c h Ii h t R ute"
g 0 Haste to get rich may keep a man repairs required to place them in a MAIN production Starts at 10.40, U.30,
poor. ! serviceable condition. I ll.15, t, 8, '1'.411 and 9.30.

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