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Pro and Cons of Carrying Cellphones for Students at School.

In this Era Cellphones have been encountered everywhere and among anyone ranging from toddlers,
adults to the elderly have been addicted by Cellphone. Therefore the emergence of Cellphones is being
debated in the educational environment. Is the use of Cellphones in schools good or bad? This issue is
debated in the educational environment and becomes a pros and cons in the community. Many people
think that the use of Cellphones in schools does not fully have a good impact on students. However,
many people also think that the use of Cellphones in schools can help students to find various
information about the subject matter in class. In this Era technology has been sophisticated many
applications - the application of education is issued to assist students in learning so students can learn
by involving technology. In addition to teaching innovations carried out by educators so that teaching
and learning activities become more effective if it involves Cellphone technology in it. Some parents let
their children bring their cellphones to school to monitor or use them as communication media when
their children are at school. With this, the use of Cellphones at school is not necessarily - it is considered
bad all. Because the use of Cellphones in schools also has a good impact on students in learning.

The use of Cellphones in schools still hinders teaching and learning activities. Often found students who
are in class playing online games, checking social media so that they are not focused when learning
activities take place and tend to focus on their cellphones. Because of this problem their learning
outcomes at school declined and made them addicted to choosing the internet as a media to find
answers to learning material rather than reading textbooks. This problem makes a student sometimes
lazy to read and ignore books. They felt that searching for information or answers on the cellphone
would be more practical than having to read everything in a book. This should be considered again in
the use of Cellphones for students' in the future.

From the problems - the above can be concluded that the use of Cellphones in schools is also very
necessary because it follows the development of technology in the current Era that has been advanced
so that learning activities are more effective. By using a cell phone, students can access their learning
information more broadly, but the school device (teacher) when in class must be able to limit the use of
the cell phone to students so that they do not become addicted. The teacher must always supervise
every students using a cell phone at school so as not to open the things that are not desirable. Teachers
can also limit when they can open their cellphones at school and when they cannot open Cell phones in
the schools so students will become more focused and concentrated when learning activities take place.
However, schools should give information to students about the use of Cellphones wisely. With this
socialization students will understand when they have to use their cellphone and when they do not need
to use a cellphone , so they won't be addicted to cellphones.

Source : Kompasiana ( https://www.kompasiana.com/amp/hermanmakmur/pro-kontra-penggunaan-


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