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SNI 03-2396-2001

Indonesian National Standard

Procedures for designing natural lighting

systems in buildings

ICS 91.160.01 National Standardization Body

SNI 03-2396-2001

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.................................................................................................................... i
Foreword ................................................................................................................................ ii
Introduction............................................................................................................................. iii
1 Scope.............................................................................................................................. 1
2 References....................................................................................................................... 1
3 Term and definitions.........................................................................................................1
4 Criteria Design................................................................................................................. 2
5 How to design natural lighting during the day.................................................................18
6 Testing and maintenance...............................................................................................22
Appendix............................................................................................................................... 25
Bibliography.......................................................................................................................... 30


This Standard for Designing Natural Lighting Systems in Buildings is intended as a guideline
for all parties involved in the planning, implementation, supervision and management of
buildings, so that lighting and comfort in buildings can be carried out as effectively as

The planning procedure for Natural Lighting Systems in buildings aims to complement the
existing regulations on comfort and energy conservation and are the minimum requirements
for buildings.

Discussion of procedures for planning natural lighting systems in buildings includes: design
criteria, design methods for daylighting natural lighting, testing and maintenance.

In order to further improve energy conservation and comfort efforts in buildings. The
Department of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure representing the government,
professional associations, consultants, contractors, suppliers, building managers and
universities, compiles standards for "design procedures for natural lighting systems in
buildings which are then standardized by the National Standardization Agency to become:
SNI 03-0000 -2001.

It is hoped that this standard can be utilized by planners, executors, supervisors and
managers of buildings in applying the concepts of system design procedures for natural
lighting of buildings, so that the goals of energy conservation and comfort in buildings can be
SNI 03-2396-2001

Procedures for designing natural lighting systems in buildings

1 Scope.

1.1 The standard procedure for designing natural lighting systems in buildings is intended
as a guideline for designers and implementers of building construction in designing
daytime natural lighting systems and aims to obtain a daytime natural lighting system
that is in accordance with health, comfort and compliance requirements. other
applicable provisions.

1.2 This standard covers the minimum system requirements for natural daylight in

2 Reference.

a) SNI. No. 03-2396-1991: Design procedures for natural daylight lighting for homes and
b) Natuurkundige Grondslagen Voor Bouurvorrschriften, 1951, Deel 11, "Dagverlichting
Van Woningen, (N BG 11195 1).
c) Hopkinson (et.al), 1966, Daylighting, London.
d) Adhiwiyogo. MU, 1969, Selectidn of the Desfgn Sky for Indonesia based on the
Illumination Climate of Bandung. Symposium of Environmental Physics as Applied to
Building in the Tropics.

3 Terms and definitions.

bright sky
light sources taken as the basis for determining the requirements for natural daylight.

design sky
the sky is in a state defined and used as the basis for calculation.

1 of 30
sky factor (fl)
characteristic number used as a measure of natural daylight conditions during the day in
various places in a room.

measuring point
point in the room whose lighting state is selected as an indicator for the lighting state of the
entire room.

effective light hole field.
inner vertical plane of the light hole.

effective light holes for a measuring point
the effective light-hole through which the measuring point looks at the sky.

4 Design Criteria

4.1 Basic Provisions

4.1.1 Good Daytime Natural Lighting

Daytime natural lighting can be said to be good if

a) during the day between 08.00 and 16.00 hours at the same time there is enough light
entering the room.
b) distribution of light in the room is fairly even and or does not cause distracting contrast

4.1.2 Natural Light Levels in Space

The level of natural lighting in the room is determined by the level of sky lighting on a flat
plane in an open field at the same time.

The ratio of natural lighting levels in the room and natural lighting on a flat area in an open field
is determined by:
a) the geometric relationship between the measuring point and the light hole.
b) the size and position of the light holes.
c) distribution of light sky.
d) part of the sky that can be seen from the measuring point.

4.1.3 Daytime Natural Lighting Factor

The daylight natural lighting factor is the ratio of the level of lighting at a point from a
certain area in a room to the level of illumination in the flat area in the open field which
is a measure of the performance of the room's light holes:

a. daylight natural lighting factor consists of 3 components including: :

1) Sky component (ceiling-fl factor), namely the direct lighting component of sky light.
sky light


Sky component

barrier reflection

outer reflection


inner reflection

Figure 1: The three components of celestial light arriving at a point in the work plane.

2) The external reflection component (external reflection factor - FRL) is the lighting
component that comes from the reflection of objects around the building in

3) The internal reflection component (reflection factor in frd) is the lighting component
that comes from the reflection of indoor surfaces, from the light that enters the
room due to the reflection of objects outside the room and from the sky (see Figure
b) The equations for determining the lighting factor naturally
The natural daylight factor for daylight is determined by the following equations

information :

L = effective light hole width.

H = height of the light hole effective.

D = distance of measuring point to hole light

Information :
(fl) p = sky factor if there are no obstructions.
Average = ratio of the barrier luminance to the sky mean luminance.
Tglass = light transmittance factor of the glass manhole cover, the amount depends
on the number of glass whose value can be obtained from the catalog
issued by the glass manufacturer.
A = area of all inner surface room
R = average reflection factor across the surface
W = area of the hole light.
Rcw = average reflection factor of the ceiling and upper walls starting from the
plane through the center of the light hole, excluding the wall where the
light hole is located.
C = a constant whose magnitude depends on the angle barrier.
Rfw = average reflection factor of floor and lower walls starting from the plane
through the center of the light hole, excluding the wall where the light hole
is located.

4.1.4 Sky Design

a) In this provision, as the light of the sky, the strength of the brightness of the sky which
is expressed in lux is taken.

b) Since the state of the sky shows great variability, the conditions that must be met by
the state of the sky to be selected and set as Sky Design are:
1) that such skies are often encountered.
2) provides a level of luminance in the flat area in the open field, with a near minimum
value, such that the frequency of failure to achieve this level is sufficiently low.
3) the value of the lighting level referred to in point 2) of this article must not be too
low so that the constructive technology requirements become too high.

c) As the Design Sky was defined:

1) blue sky without clouds or
2) The sky was completely covered in gray and white clouds.

d) Sky This design provides a level of illumination at points on a flat plane in an open field
of 10,000 lux. For the calculation, it is taken the stipulation that this lighting level comes
from the sky, which is everywhere evenly bright (uniform luminance distribution).

4.1.5 The Sky Factor

The sky factor (fl) of a point on a plane in a room is the ratio of the direct lighting level from
the sky at that point with the lighting level by the Light of the Sky on a flat area in the open

The measurement of the two lighting levels is carried out in the following circumstances:

a) Done at the same time.

b) The sky state is the Design Sky state with an even distribution of light everywhere.
c) All windows or light holes are accounted for as if they were not covered with glass.

A point on a plane receives not only direct light from the sky but also sky light which is
reflected by outside and indoor surfaces.
The ratio between the level of lighting that comes from direct or reflective sky light to the level
of lighting on a flat plane in an open field is called the natural daylight factor. Thus the sky
factor is always smaller than the natural daylight factor. The selection of the sky factor as a
characteristic number to be used as a measure of natural daylight conditions during the day
is to facilitate calculation because fl is the largest component at the measuring point.

4.1.6 Measure Point

a) The measuring point is taken on a flat area which is located at a height of 0.75 meters
above the floor. This flat area is called the work area (see figure 2).
effective light hole construction

effective light hole


effective light hole glass leading to the roofline of

height the house across the street

angle of light barrier

Field of work

Point of measure

O = projection of the
measuring point U in the
effective light hole plane


( plot plan )
Point of measure
Figure 2: Height and Width of effective light

b) To ensure a satisfactory lighting condition is achieved, the Sky Factor (fl) measuring
point must meet a certain minimum value determined according to the function and
size of the room.
c) In the calculation, two types of measuring points are used:
1) the main measuring point (TUU), taken in the middle between the two side walls,
which is located at a distance of 1/3 d from the area of the effective light hole,
2) side measuring point (TUS), taken at a distance of 0.50 meters from the side wall
which is also at a distance of 1/ 3 d from the area of the effective light hole, where d
is the measure of the depth of the room, measured from the effective light hole
area to the opposite wall, or to the boundary "plane" in the room where the lighting
is to be calculated (see Figures 3a and 3b).

Figure 3a .: Explanation of distance d

light hole

Figure 3b .: Explanation of distance d

d) The “d” distance on the wall is not parallel
If the two opposite walls are not parallel, then for d the middle line is taken between the
two side walls, or the average distance is taken.

e) Distance provisions "1/ 3.d "minimum

For a room with size d equal to or less than 6 meters, the provision for the distance of 1 /
3.d is replaced with a minimum distance of 2 meters.

4.1.7 Effective Light Holes

If a room gets lighting from the sky through light holes in several walls, then each of these
walls has its own effective light hole area (see figure 4).

Figure 4. Explanation of distance d

Generally, the effective light holes can be of different shapes and sizes than the light holes

This, among others, can be caused by

a) blocking of light by other buildings or by trees.
b) The parts of the building itself that are due to protruding narrow the view to the outside,
such as balconies, construction "sunbreakers" and so on.
c) Restrictions by the location of the work plane to the light hole plane.
d) Parts of a window made of opaque material.

4.2 Technical requirements

4.2.1 Classification Based on the Quality of Lighting

a) The quality of lighting that should be and is appropriate to be provided is determined by:
1) use of the room, especially in terms of the severity of the eye's vision of the
activities that must be done in that room.
2) the length of time the activity requires high visual power and the nature of its
activity, the nature of the activity can continuously require proper attention and
vision, or it can be periodically where the eye can rest.

b) Lighting quality classification.

The classification of lighting quality is as follows
1) Quality A: very smooth, continuous careful sifting, such as drawing details,
engraving, sewing dark cloth, and so on.
2) Quality B: fine paper, meticulous work is not continuously intensive, such as
writing, reading, making tools or assembling small components, and so on.
3) Quality C: moderate, differentiation without a large concentration of the actor, such
as woodworking, assembling rather large spare parts, and so on.
4) Quality D: manual labor, discernment where only big details should be known,
such as in guclang, passageways, and so on.

4.2.2 Indoor Ceiling Factor Requirements

a) The value of the sky factor (fl) and a measuring point in the room must meet the
following requirements:
1) at least meet the minimum sky factor (FLMIN) values
listed in Tables 1, 2 and 3, and selected according to the classification of lighting
quality desired and designed for the building.
2) the value of f1min in percent for rooms in a PUBLIC BUILDING for TUU, is as
shown in table 1; where d is the distance between the effective light-hole plane to
the opposite wall, expressed in meters. The minimum sky factor for TUS is taken
as 40% of the flmin for TUU and must not be less than 0.10 d.

Table 1: Sky Factor values for public buildings

Lighting classification flmin

A 0.45.d
B 0.35.d
c 0.25.d
D 0.15.d

Table 2: Value of Factor I units for school buildings

TYPE OF ROOM flmin flmin
Ordinary classroom 0.35.d 0.20.d
Special classrooms 0.45.d 0.20.d
Laboratory 0.35 d 0.20.d
Benqkel wood / iron 0.25.d 0.20.d
Gym 0.25.d 0.20.d
Office 0.35.d 0.15.d
Kitchen 0.20.d 0.20.d

3) the value of flmin in percent for rooms in the school building is as shown in table 2;
For ordinary classrooms, special classes and laboratories where the blackboard is
used as an explanation tool, then flmin at 1/3 d on the board at a height of 1.20 m,
is set to be the same as flmin = 50% TUU.

4) the value of flmin in the percentage for rooms in residential buildings as in table 3;
Table 3: The value of residential building work factors

Room type flmin TUU f1min TUS

Living room 0.35.d 0.16.d

The second 0.35.d 0.16 d
Bedroom 0, 18.d 0.05.d
Kitchen 0.20.d 0.20.d

5) for other rooms which are not specifically mentioned in this table, the provisions in
table 1 may be treated.

b) A room with direct lighting from a light hole in one wall is determined as follows:
1) from any room that receives direct light from the sky through openings or windows
in one wall only, one should examine one TUU and two TUSs.
2) The distance between the two measuring points must not be greater than 3 m. For
example, for a room with a length of more than 7 m, it must be checked (fl) more
than three measuring points (the number of TUU is added).
c) A room with direct lighting from the light holes in two opposite walls.
The value of the ceiling factor (fl) for such a room must be considered as follows:
1) if a room receives direct lighting from the sky through holes or windows in two
opposite (parallel) walls, then each area of the effective light hole has its own
specific group of measurements.
2) for the first group of measuring points, that is, from the plane of the most important
effective light holes, the provisions of tables 1, 2 and 3 apply.
3) for the second group of measuring points, a minimum requirement is set at 30% of
those stated in the provisions of tables 1, 2 and 3.
4) in this case (fl) for each measuring point is the sum of the sky factor obtained from
the light holes in the two walls.
5) the provisions for this second specific measurement group as meant in paragraph
3, do not apply if the distance between the two effective light holes is less than 6
6) if the distance mentioned in point 5) is more than 4 meters and less than 9 meters
is considered to be fulfilled if the total effective light hole area of the two inj is at
least 40% of the area of the first effective light hole. In the latter case, the area of
the second effective light hole is the part of the aperture plane that lies between 1
meter high and 3 meter high.

d) A room with direct lighting from the light holes in two intersecting walls
For room conditions like this the sky factor is determined by taking into account the
following things:
1) if a room receives direct lighting from the sky through holes or windows in two
walls which intersect more or less perpendicularly, then for the second dincling
point, which is not so important, only one additional Main Measurement Point is
2) The requirements for measuring points referred to in point 1) of this article are 50%
of those acting for the main measuring point in the first effective light hole area.
3) The distance of this additional main measuring point to the second effective light
hole plane is taken Y, d, where d is the inside size according to the plane of the
first effective light hole (see figure 3

e) Room with more than one type of use.

If a room is used at the same time for two types of purposes, then for this room the heaviest
conditions apply.

f) Reception of light in a corridor or aisle in a residential building.

Every corridor or alley in a residential building must be able to receive light through a glass
area of at least 0.10 m2 provided that:
1) the glass area of the outer wall or roof is calculated to be 100%;
2) the area of the glass inside the wall, which can constitute the boundary with the
bedroom, living room, and so on, is calculated as 30%;
3) the glass area of other rooms, such as warehouses, bathrooms, and so on, is
calculated as 0%

g) Reception of daylight in corridors or alleys / passageways in buildings.

Every alley or hallway in a public building must at least be able to receive daylight through a
minimum glass area of 0.30 M2.
For every 5 meters the length of the alley or alley, provided that for:
1) the area of the outer dincling glass or roof, calculated to be 100%;
2) the area of glass in the inner wall which is the boundary with the room with lighting
quality A and B, is taken into account of 20%;
3) the area of the glass for the border with a room with lighting quality C. is accounted for
4) the glass area of other rooms, calculated as 0%

h) Reception of daylight comes in the common stairwell.

The staircase, the public must be able to receive daylight through a glass area of at least
0.75 m2 (See figure 5).
For each half of the floor height with provisions
1) outer wall light holes, accounted for 100%:
2) if there is glass on the roof, the light is on:
- the most level 100%
- first level on beneath it 50%
- second level on beneath it 25%
- third floor on beneath it 12.5%
- next below level 0%
i). Angle of light barrier.
The angle of the light barrier should not exceed 600 from the point of view of the layout of the
buildings in accordance with the urban spatial planning, if this cannot be fulfilled, then the
required additional lighting is obtained from artificial lighting.

j). The sky factor in the room that receives indirect lighting.
For the effective light hole of a room that receives daylight indirectly from the sky but through
a glass or light hole from another room, for example through a roofed terrace, then fl from the
measuring point in this room is calculated by means of the provisions of this technical
requirement. , only a maximum of 10% of the sky factor can be taken in a situation where the
measuring point is directly facing the sky.

Glass on the roof

Without Glass





Figure 5: Section of the staircase.

4.2.3 Sky Factor Determination

a). The basis for determining the value of the sky factor.
The determination of the Sky Factor Value, is based on the condition of the sky that is evenly
lit or the Sky criteria Design for Indonesia which provides the lighting power at the point in the
upper plane in the open field of 10,000 lux.

b). Sky factor calculation.

The calculation of the magnitude of the sky factor for the measuring point on the work plane
in the room is carried out using an analytical method where the value of fl is expressed as a
function of H / D and UD as listed in table 4 with an explanation

Table 4: Celestial factors as a function of H / D and L / D

The position of the measuring point U, which is D away from the effective light hole is a
rectangular OPQR (height H and width L) as illustrated below:

Size H is counted from 0 upwards,

Size L counts from 0 to the right, or from P to the left is the same.
H is the height of the light hole effective
L is the width of the light hole effective
C is the distance between the measuring point and the plane of the light hole effective.
The Sky Factor value is expressed in
D 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 11.0

0.1 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10
0.2 0.06 0.12 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.30 0.33 0.36 0.38 0.40
0.3 0.13 0.26 0.37 0.48 0.57 0.65 0.72 0.77 0.82 0.86
0.4 0.22 0.43 0.62 0.80 0.96 1.09 1.20 1.30 1.38 1.44
0.5 0.32 0.62 0.91 1.17 1.39 1.59 1.76 1.90 2.02 2.11
0.6 0.42 0.82 1.20 1.55 1.85 2.12 2.34 2.53 2.69 2.83
0.7 0.52 1.02 1.50 1.93 2.31 2.64 2.93 3.18 3.38 3.55
0.8 0.62 1122 1.78 2.29 2.75 3.26 3.50 3.80 4.05 4.26
0.9 0.71 1.40 2.04 2.64 3.17 3.63 4.04 4.39 4.69 4.94
1.0 0.79 1.56 2.29 2.95 3.56 4.09 4.55 4.95 5.29 5,57
1.5 1.10 2.17 4.13 4.13 4.99 5.77 6.45 7.05 7.58 8,03
2.0 1.27 2.51 4.80 4.80 5.81 6.74 7.56 8.29 8.94 9,51
2.5 1.37. 2.70 3.98 3.98 6.29 7.31 8.22 9.03 9.76 10.40
3.0 1.43 2.82 4.16 4.16 6.59 7.66 8.62 9.49 10.27 10.96
3.5 1.47 2.90 4.28 4.28 6.78 7.89 8.89 9.79 10.60 11.33
4.0 1.49 2.96 4.36 4.36 6.91 8,04 9.07 10.00 10.83 11.58
4.5 1.51 2.99 4.41 4.41 7.01 8.15 9,20 10.15 11.00 11.76
5.0 1.53 3.02 4.46 4.46 7.07 8.24 9.29 10.25 12.12 11.90
6.0 1154 3.06 4.51 4.51 7.17 8.34 9.42 10.40 11.28 11.07

D 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0

0.1 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
0.2 0.45 0.45 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.49
0.3 0.97 0.97 1.01 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
0.4 1.63 1.63 1.71 1.74 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78
0.5 2.40 2.40 2.52 2.57 2.60 2.61 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63
0.6 3.22 3.22 3.39 3.46 3.50 3.52 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.55
0.7 4.07 4.07 4129 4.39 4,4 4.47 4.48 4.50 4.50 4.51
0.8 4.90 4.90 5118 5.31 5.37 5.41 5.43 5.45 5.45 5146
0.9 5.71 5.71 6.04 6.04 6.20 6.28 6.33 6.36 6.39 6.40
1.0 6.47 6.47 6.87 7.06 7,16 7.22 7.25 7.28 7.28 7.30
1.5 9,52 9,52 10.23 10.59 10.79 10.90 10.97 11.05 11.05 11.08
2.0 11.44 11.44 12.43 12.96 13.26 13.44 13.55 13.62 13.67 13.73
2.5 12.64 12.64 13.85 14.52 14.92 15.16 15.32 15.42 15.49 15.58
3.0 13.41 13.41 14.78 15.58 16.06 16.36 16.56 16.70 16.79 16.91
3.5 13.93 13.93 15.42 16.31 16.87 17.22 17.46 17.64 17.74 17.89
4.0 14.30 14.30 15.88 16.84- 17.45 17.85 18.13 18.32 18.46 18.63
4.5 14.56 14.56 16.21 17.23 17.89 18, 3 18.63 18.85 19.01 19.21
5.0 14.75 14.75 16.45 17.52 18.22 18.69 19.03 19.26 19.44 19.67
6.0 15.01 15.01 16.79 17.92 18.68 19.20 19.58 19.85 20.06 20.33
5 How to design natural daylight.

5.1 Daylight Design Procedure.

The Design Procedure for Daylighting is carried out by following the chart below:

Function minimum daylight

Room lighting factor required

orientation, width, light hole size, light

shade tool, glass type hole position

count: count: room dimensions,

H outer reaction barrier outside the
L components inner surface
D inner reaction reflection factor

Calculate sky factor Calculate daylight

lighting factor

Figure 6: The procedure for designing a natural daytime lighting system.

5.2 Natural lighting and light holes

a) In order to obtain the desired lighting quality, it is necessary to pay attention to the
things that affect the quality of the lighting in the design. The quality of natural daylight
in the room is determined by
1). the ratio of the area of the light hole and the floor area.
2). the shape and location of the light holes.
3). the factor of light reflection from the surface in the room.

b) Position of the Light Hole

In addition to the three factors mentioned in 5.2, it is necessary to pay attention to the
position of the light holes against other parts of the building and the surrounding
conditions which can be a barrier to the entry of light into the room.
5.3 Location and Shape of the Light Hole

a). The location or position of the light holes affects the value of the sky factor and the
distribution of light into space as follows:
1). a light hole that is equal in size, has a greater fl value for a higher position. Until a
certain height the value of fl will decrease again. (see table 5).
2). In the following table the sky factor value has been calculated for the measuring
point located 2m from the plane of the effective light hole. The measuring point
gets illumination from the effective light holes in the shape of a square with sides
20 cm at different heights.

Table 5: The relationship between the height of the light holes and the relative sky factor
Height of the hole of the light (cm) Relative sky factor
0-20 1
20-40 2
40-60 3.5
60-80 4
80-100 5
100-120 5
120-140 5
140-160 5
160-180 4.5
180-200 4

One side of the effective light hole coincides with the vertical plane cut through the
measuring point. Projection of the measuring point in the plane of the light hole. effective is
called point 0 (see figure 7). The sky factor value is taken to the lowest place.
All light hole shape is rectangle 20 cm x 20 cm

Figure 7: The influence of the position of the light hole on the magnitude of the sky

3). The effective light hole is the same size if the position is more to the side of the
vertical plane passing the measuring point and perpendicular to the effective light
hole plane, will give the sky factor value at the smaller measuring point. The factor
of the sky with a side of 20 cm and the bottom line coinciding with the height of the
working plane (measuring point), is taken as the unit basis.

Table 6: The relationship between sideways distance with the Relative Sky Factor

Sideways distance Relative sky factor

(cm) value
0-20 1
20-40 0.5
40-60 1
60-80 0.5
80-100 0.5
180-200 0
280-300 0

4). the value of the sky factor for the effective light holes that are central and high to
the measuring point is more effective than those that are sideways and low.
5). the parts of the high effective light holes are more effective in distributing light to
the more densely located parts of the room than to the sides.

b) The shape of the light holes has an effect on the distribution of light as follows :
1) Widened light holes will be useful for distributing light more evenly in the width of
the room.
2) effective light holes whose height is greater than the width. provides better inward

c). Light barrier

1). The elements of the window (sills, bars, etc.) made of opaque materials will
change the size of the effective light hole.
2). The reduction in the size of the effective light hole is not only caused by the
elements lying in the effective light hole plane or parallel planes, but also by the
plane perpendicular to this plane.
3). Calculation of the sky factor of a certain measuring point can be done in the
following way:
(a) first sets the primary size of the effective light hole, so that H / D and L / D can
be set.
(b). then calculated how many percent of the parts that are seen from the
measuring point that are not transparent.
(c). The celestial factor which can be multiplied by (100 - a)% where a is the
opaque part. The price is the corrected sky factor price for non-translucent

d) Other light barriers that are part of the building itself such as:
1) wall thickness or a prominent part of the building.
2) the top of the effective light hole bounded by eaves and so on.

e) Other buildings that are in front of the light hole will generally limit the bottom of the
effective light hole. If at the time of building design there were no other buildings in the
vicinity, while in the city plan another building would be built, this must be considered at
the time of building design.

f) Plants can be a barrier to light because they are difficult to predict and so their effects
are often not taken into account. To take into account
It is recommended that in the design, the sky factor value is 10% to 20% higher than
the given requirements. It is also recommended that tall, shady trees not be planted too
close to buildings.

g) Indoor light distribution

The quality of natural daylight in a room can be said to be good if:
1) The minimum level of lighting required can always be achieved or exceeded not
only in areas near windows or light holes but for the room as a whole.
2) There is no contrast between light and dark parts which are too high (40:1) so that
it can interfere with vision

h). To improve the quality of natural daylight in the room, you need to pay attention to the
instructions below:
1). if the building conditions allow, the room should be able to receive light in more
than one direction. This will help even out the light distribution and reduce any
possible contrast.
2). To make the best use of the entry of natural light into the room, the inner surface of
the room should use a bright color.
3). vitrase (transparent curtains) can help diffuse light, but also reduce the light
entering. The light reduction can be up to 50% or more depending on the material
4). Mosquito netting can reduce the amount of incoming light by at least 15%.
5). the use of special glass to reduce thermal radiation should not reduce the
incoming light.

6 Testing and maintenance

6.1 Testing

Daytime natural lighting testing is intended to test and / or assess / check natural daylight
conditions during the day in chapter 4.Tests are carried out by measuring or checking:
a). Level of lighting.
b). Index of glare.

6.1.1 Lighting Level

a). Measure the lighting level at the Main Measuring Point (TUU). Side Measure Point
(TUS), The point outside the room in the open and the measurement is done at the
same time.
b). Calculate the sky factor in TUU and TUS.
c). Compare the calculation results in item b with the provisions in chapter 4.

6.1.2 Glare Index

Silent glare is caused by direct sunlight or reflections from reflective objects. The factors that
influence glare are the luminance of the light source, the position of the light source against
the observer's vision and the contrast on the work surface.

The maximum recommended Glare Index values for the various visual tasks are given in
table 7. The Glare Index values can be calculated using the formulas found in CIBSE
Publication TM 10.

(CIBSE = Chartered Institution of Building Serv; ces Engineering)

Table 7: Maximum Glare Index Values for
Various Visual and Intedor Tasks
Types of Visual or Glare
Interior and Control Tasks Index Examples of Visual and Interior
Glare Needed Maximum Assignments
Menstrual visual assignments Raw material manufacturing, concrete
or tasks that are not 28 production plants, steel frame fabrication,
performed in a manner works
continously welding.
Glare control is used to a Warehouses, cold stores, turbine and
limited extent 25 boiler buildings, machinery and equipment
shops, plants
Corridors, stairwells, food preparation and
Visual tasks and Normal cooking, canteens, cafeterias, dining
Interiors 22 rooms. inspection and testing (menial
work), assembly rooms,
sheet metal work

Classrooms, (general) libraries, departure

Glare control is very 19 and waiting rooms at airports, inspection
important and testing
(moderate work), lobby, office space
Very thorough visual Printing industry, drawing room, offices,
tasks - Glare control level 16 inspection and testing
height is very important (thorough work)

6.2 Maintenance

In natural daylight, the source of light entering the room is a light hole. The maintenance that
needs to be done is to avoid any obstructions that can reduce the light of the sky entering the
room and clean the glass.

Al Calculation of natural daylight.

A1.1 Example of Factor Calculation Sky

The calculation of the sky factor based on Table 4, the relationship between the sky factors
as a function of H / D and L / D is as follows:

1) hole ABCD : wide 2 m, high 2 m

point Measure U : 2 meters inward, the position see figure 8 (a)
obtained: (1) ABCD light hole,
D = 2m, H = 2m, L = 2m
(2) H / D = 1, L / D = 1
(3) according to Table 4, the sky factor for U is 5.57%.

2) hole ABCD : wide 2 m, high 2 m

measuring point U : 2 m inward, position see figure 8 (b)
obtained: (1) the light holes are thought to consist of holes
AEFD with H / D = 1 and L / D = 0.25
ABCF with H / D = 1 and L / D = 0.75
(2) according to Table 4, the sky factor for U is
AEFD = 1.93%
EBCF = 4.7.5%
ABCD = 6.68%
To obtain the sky factor figures, interpolation was carried out.

3) hole ABCD : wide 2 m, high 2 m

point Measure U : 2m inward, the position see figure 8 (c)
obtained: (1) The light holes are thought to consist of holes
EBCF with H / D = 1.0 and L / D = 1.15 reduced
EADF with H / D = 1.0 and L / D = 0.5
(2) according to table 4, the sky factor for U is
EBCF = 6.47%
EADF = 3.56%
ABCD = 2.91%
Figure 8: Position of measuring point.

4) hole ABCD : wide 2 m, high 2 m

point Measure U : 2m inward, the position see figure 8 (d)
obtained: (1) The light hole is visible above the holes
EGCH with H / D = 1.5 and L / D = 1.5 minus
EFDH with H / D = 1.5 and L / D = 0.5 minus
EGBI where H / D = 0.5 and L / D = 1.5 plus
EFAI with H / D = 0.5 and L / D = 0.5
(2) according to Table 4, the sky factor for U is
EGCH = 9.52 %
EFDH = 4.99 %
= 4.53%
EGBI = 2.40 %
= 2.13%
EFAI = 1.39 %
ABCD = 3.52 %

5) hole ABCD : wide 2 m, high 2 m

point Measure U : 2m inward, the position see figure 8 (e)
obtained: (1) The light holes are thought to consist of holes
FGCI with H / D = 1.25 and UD = 0.75 added
FEDI with H / D = 1.25 and UD = 0.25 are reduced
FGBH with H / D = 0.25 and UD. = 0.75 are
FEAH with H / D = 0.25 and UD = 0.25
(2) according to Table 4, the sky factor for U is
FGCI = 5.75%
FEDI = 2.30%
= 8.05%
FGBH = 0.55 %
= 7.50%
FEAH = 0.23%
ABCD = 7.27 %
A1.2 Example of Calculation for Planning.
Calculations for designing natural daylight from a corner of the room as follows:
1). Sitting room size: 6 m long, 5 m wide.
2). Main measuring points at 2 m.
Requirements based on chapter 5:
 fl for TUU 0.35 d = 1.75%
 fl for TUS 0.16 d = 0.80%
 Correction of window sills = 30%
 fl in TUU to 2.5%
 fl in TUS becomes 1, 15%
 Because the position of the window is symmetrical to the width (to the left and to the
right), then
 fl at each TUU = 1.25%
 fl at TUS = 1.15%
3). the price of the sky factor can be obtained with the window sizes in the combination as
listed in table 8.

Table 8: Price of the Sky Factor based on window size

H/ L/ Light holes or windows
D D Width (m) Height (m). Larg
1.9 0.1 0.40 3.80 1.52
0.82 0.2 0.80 1.64 1.31
0.62 0.3 1.20 1.24. 1.49
0.52 0.4 1.60 1.04 1.6
0.47 0.5 2.00 0.94 2.98

4). if you note any light obstructions by the buildings across the street. Suppose that the
distance between the measuring point and the points of the building across the road
averages 30 m and the height above the work plane = 9 m, this means that the part of
the hole to H / D = 0.3 does not give way to direct light from sky.
In this case the results will be as listed in table 9.
Table 9: Sky Factor Prices based on window size
H/ UD Light holes or windows
D Width (m) Height (m). Was (M2)
2.58 0.1 0.40 5.16 2.06
0.97 0.2 0.80 1.94 1.55
0.74 0.3 1.20 1.48 1.18
0.65 0.4 1.60 1.30 2.08
0.59 0.5 2.00 1.18 2.36

5). In order to comply with the applicable provisions for Side Measurement Points, only
approximately 50% of the center is required for each side window. This is true when
the effect of the middle window for Side Measure Points is not taken into account at all.

6). In order to fulfill both conditions according to the calculation, one symmetrical
window to the Utarna Measure Point can be taken with the following measurements:
a. 4.00 m wide, 1.10 m high, 4.40 m wide or 3.50 m wide, 1.20 m high, 4.20 m2 wide
or 3.00 m wide, 1.40 m high, Area 4 , 20 m2.
b. The above possibilities are just examples, because there are many other possible
combinations. In these calculations, always taken as the lowest part of the window
is the working plane height (0.75 m from the floor).

a). SNI. No. 03-2396-1991: Design procedures for natural daylight lighting for homes and
b). Natuurkundige Grondslagen Voor Bouurvorrschriften, 1951, Deel 11, "Dagverlichting
Van Woningen (NBG 11 1951).
c). Hopkinson (et.al), 1966, Daylighting, London.
d). Adhiwiyogo. MU, 1969; Selection of the Design Sky for Indonesia is based on the
Illumination Climate of Bandung. Symposium of Environmental Physics as Applied to
Building in the Tropics.

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