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lrJwéä¶mo Z‘:
nañVñ‘mV² Vw ^mdmo@ݶ: A춺$mo@춺$mËgZmVZ:&
¶: g gd}fw ^yVofw Zí¶Ëgw Z {dZí¶{V&& 8-20
In this portion, Bhagavan Sri Krishna, is teaching, the concept, of
how Brahmaji's time, works. He said, that each Jiva's punya-paapas,
come back, to the same Jiva. It cannot go, to another Jiva. So,
Bhagavan communicates, the point, that it is the same Jiva, who is
born - again and again - in different bodies.
In this sloka, Bhagavan has said,nañVñ‘mV² Vw
We take the Vw first
Vw - But
Vñ‘mV² na: Aݶ: ^md: - beyond that
It means, Beyond, the state of resolution, of all the beings,
beyond Hiranyagarbha
There are, two states - manifest and un-manifest - state. We are
all experiencing, the manifest state. We know, that there is, an un-
manifest state.
Only something, that is, in an un-manifest state, can come, to a
manifest state. Manifestation, and resolution, keep repeating, in a
So - Vñ‘mV² Aݶ: ^md:- means, beyond - this manifestation -
and resolution…
We will, see this again, in the 15th chapter, as Kshara purusha,
Akshara purusha and Purushottama. The same thing, has been
presented, in a different angle, here.
gZmVZ: A춺$:
Here - there are two words - meaning avyakta
It should be read as:
Vñ‘mV² A춺$mV² gZmVZ: na: Aݶ: A춺$: ^md: ApñV&
Vñ‘mV² Vw - other than this
Vñ‘mV² A춺$mV² - beyond this - in the un-manifest state - when
Brahma ji is, in the state, of resolution - or - His laya kaala, (we also
say - Maya, is resolved)
Beyond - this un-manifest state - of Brahmaji's resolution - there
is, another A춺$ - which, never manifests.
There is something, that manifests, from an un-manifest state.
There is something, which never manifests.
That which never manifests, indicates, the pure consciousness.
This cannot, be perceived, by the senses, and the sense organs. The
Senses, and the Sense organs - perceive - only because of it.
Only by - the existence, of the pure consciousness - the senses,
experience this world. By the pure consciousness - the mind, the
senses, and this world - are experienced.
But, pure consciousness - can never be, experienced. That is
why, we call it A춺$&
So, there are two A춺$s in this
One that manifests, from the un-manifest (that which appears, in
(various) forms, and later - disappears, or resolves - as formless.)
The other one - is that, (which is source of all manifestations),
but which never manifests - which is Brahmam - or, the pure
gZmVZ: - means, beyond time
na: - means, beyond Maya
Such, an independent pure consciousness, always exists.
gd}fw ^yVofw Zí¶Ëgw ¶: Z {dZí¶{V&
¶: gd}fw ^yVofw
¶: means, that which is gZmVZ: na§ A춺$‘² meaning - beyond
time - is superior - and, beyond manifestation,
gd}fw ^yVofw Zí¶Ëgw - even, if all the worlds, manifest, and
g: Z {dZí¶{V - it does not, manifest or resolve.
But - it is, the pure consciousness - that causes the experiences
- of manifestation, and resolution.
Zí¶Ëgw - means, whatever resolves, or changes
Zí¶§ normally, means destruction. It refers to whatever, that gets
g: Z {dZí¶{V&
Pure consciousness never gets destroyed.
Pure consciousness is beyond manifestation and resolution. It
witnesses the manifestation and resolution.
We saw earlier, in the 11th sloka:
¶Xja§ doX{dXmo dXpÝV
{depÝV ¶ÚV¶mo drVamJm:&
Sri Krishna said, that, he would explain, briefly…
Now, if we correlate,
It is this sloka, that He must have had, in His mind while saying
so.The other slokas, were just, some small pieces, of information
But, this one, is an important sloka
In this eighth (8th) chapter - the term Aja~«÷Z² - denotes, only,
what has been explained, in this sloka.
Earlier, he said - Aja§ ~«÷ na‘§ - when, he answered, Arjuna. But
here, he has detailed it, in this sloka.
So, this is - a very, very important sloka - in this chapter. Let us
understand, this well.
The essence of this sloka is:
Pure consciousness is
is superior, is eternally unmanifest, is beyond manifestation and
resolution of all bodies and all Jivas and is beyond time.
Let us continue, to enjoy, the beauty of Bhagavan's teaching, as
we learn further.
nañVñ‘mV² Vw ^mdmo@ݶ: A춺$mo@춺$mËgZmVZ:&
¶: g gd}fw ^yVofw Zí¶Ëgw Z {dZí¶{V&& 8-20
My prayerful blessings, and best wishes, to all of you. Hari om!

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