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Healthy People

The defination of healthy is free from any desease or pain and showing well in
physical,mental and emotional.The shock information that hit us on November
28,2000 from various news channels show 90% of all children show signs of postural
defiency,30% of them already have postural defects.In this moden life,obesity and
posture problem in adults and teenagers is became popular.The unnatural way of life
is the ones problems among children,both physical and mental.All the problem are
become more and more commom due to the children and teenagers will affect
growing girls and boys. All people should know basic knowledge about healthy.The
WHO definition did none of these things — it merely took one vague entity ‘health’
and defined it in terms of another equally obscure concept, ‘wellbeing’.Physical
health means a person who experiences physical health,lack of disease,also regular
to exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest. We receive treatment, when
necessary, to maintain the balance.Mental health is a person's emotional, social, and
psychological well being.

Article A is about First of all,we should eat a home cooked meal.Do not try to eat
junk food too much and eat outside meal every single day and just eat something
that is available to us. Make sure our body gets the necessary vitamins and
minerals.For sure our body can not produce vitamin itself,we should take in through
our diet.Certain of the people do not eat vegetable,they will missing out on the
nutrients that vegetables provide.Vitamin are needed for muscle and nerve
function,and to build-up of bones.Minerals are divided up into
calcium,potassium,sodium and magnesium.We must practise to eat less but eat
often.Nowaday,people are busy with their job even a students.They rush around from
one thing to the next thing all the time,non-stop.In this situation,we should give
ourself enough time to rest and to feel.Rest is a crucial part of our life.Not rest to
much because we can not expect our body to be vigorous if we do not use them
regularly.The more leisure we spent,the slower our brain response.On the other
hand,we must learn to control our emotion and anger during stressful times such as
exam periods.It will cause our hormones produced during stress response.Taking a
jog or walk for free also the way to improve our healthy life.
Exercise no need to get all kind of equipment,it will waste a lot of money.Gymnastic
exercise such as partner roll.The purpose of this activites is to do stretching of the hip
flexing muscles.This exercise will keep our body fit and healthy.As a human
being,sometime we just want to appear strong ,we often try to hide our struggles
deep inside our heart.We must be able to share our problem anyone that you believe
or with the loves ones.It will bring a lot of harm to our if we try to hide

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