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1.2 Difficulties of rendering scholarly terminology in translation.

1.2.1 General problems.

According to the scholars, translation is the communication of meaning from
one language (the source) to another language (the target). Translation refers to
written information, whereas interpretation refers to spoken information. In the
world, there are significant transformations in all spheres of modernity society,
especially in the field of science and technology. This is why, an increasing need in
quality translations in scholarly terminology. Accordingly, O. Kulchytska
terminology has different terms classifications: by application range, by topic, by
structure, etc. In translation studies terms refers to words and words collocations,
which represent specific objects and concepts operated by specialists in a particular
field of science or technology.

Terms can divided into two groups, which are used almost exclusively in the
scientific and technical style (asteroid - "астероїд", depth charge - "глибинна
бомба" etc.) and as special values that apply in a certain area , and as publicly
words (dead - "бездієвий", "нерухомий", "непід’єднаний " (in electricity);
“використаний” (in printing), not just “ мертвий”, such words have well-known
common meaning.

In some cases, the same term has different meanings within different sciences. In
such occurrence, the important role has text context. Translator can meet with
terminology difficulties in scholarly translation, because terms can be terms-
neologisms, which are not fixed in dictionaries.
Then, when Ukrainian equivalent does not exist or it is not known compilers of
dictionaries, translators resort to descriptive translation of the term. For example,
"antenna ground plane" - пластина антени для захисту GPS-сигналів,

відбитих від земної поверхні. Sometimes the same abbreviation can cause
serious difficulties for understanding, so when translating the terminology of such

principle should be based solely on context.

Sometimes, for finding appropriate national terms, should compare terms with
several languages and select the best one for translation. Translation of scholarly
terminology is carried out by various techniques, specifically by means of
interlingual transformations such as lexical, lexical-semantic and lexical-
grammatical. The task of the interpreter is to choose the correct reception during
the translation process in order to accurately convey the meaning of any term.
The traditional approach to solving lexical translation difficulties includes: terms
and methods of translation, shortening, international and pseudo - international
words, polysemantic words, neologisms, proper name.

The main problem in translation is translation of the stable expression, which is

difficult to derive from the meaning of its parts, causes considerable difficulties in
translation for instance, to put it briefly – коротше кажучи, або properly speaking
– власне кажучи.

Among of the lexical difficulties of translating scholarly terminology is existence

of a certain group of international words, words of identical origin that occur in
several languages as a result of simultaneous or successive borrowings from one
ultimate source. In theory of translation such words called “false friends” of

In this case, the correct selection of word meanings, which corresponds to the
content of the text, is very important. The most common cause of semantic wrongs
is neglecting of context, because context neutralize polysemy of words and provide
the concretization of a meaning.
It is worth mention that grammatical difficulties differ from lexical, because such
problems much less expressive. The grammatical structure of scholarly
terminology has a number of feature: use of multicomponent attributive phrases;
use of syntactic constructions, passive constructions, inversions; the presence of
omissions of some service words (articles, auxiliary verbs), especially in tables,
graphs, specifications.
Grammatical problems include, for example, questions of temporality,
aspectuality (the appearance indicates how the process is represented or the
state expressed by the verb from the point of view of its development, as
opposed to time itself), pronouns, and whether or not to make the subject
pronoun explicit.(rework)
Lexis and grammar closely related to genre and stylistic problems, as the stylistic
characteristics of the text include such features as: use definite grammar forms; the
frequency of use in the texts of certain words that are inherent in a particular
branch; use of certain grammatical structures.
Lexical-semantic problems can be resolved by consulting dictionaries,
glossaries, terminology banks and experts. These problems include
terminology alternatives, neologisms, semantic gaps, contextual synonyms and
antonyms (these affect polysemic units: synonyms and antonyms are only
aimed at an acceptance which depends on the context to determine which
meaning is correct), semantic contiguity (a consistency procedure which works
by identifying semantic features common to two or more terms) and lexical
There are a range of methods of resolving lexical, grammar and semantic
difficulties. The most important and the simplest ways to translate a term is to use
transcoding. Transcode means convert (language or information) from one form of
coded representation to another. According to scholars, there are two types of
1) transcribing (transcription of the word with the alphabet of the target language
according to the source language’s pronunciation rules: action – екшн);
2) transliteration (the character by character conversion of the original lexical unit
using the alphabet of the target language: London – Лондон).
Another lexical method of translation is loan translation (also known as a calque),
on the other hand, is a word or phrase taken from another language but translated
(either in part or in whole) to corresponding English words while still retaining the
original meaning. For instance, a standard key-combination – стандартна
комбінація клавіш, формат рози вітрів – wind rose format.
The usage of abbreviations can make difficulties in scholarly terminology. Natural
the process of terminology development is connected with further clarification and
modifying their values by adding new definitions. It can leads to the creation of a
large number new and inconvenient to use terminological groups, which are
usually shorted by abbreviation or acronyms.
The scholarly terminology translation associated with many difficulties and
requires the use of appropriate translation strategies. Translator needs not only
philological knowledge, but also knowledge in sphere, which he or she translated.
Translator must have full understanding the context of using the term to ensure its
logical meaning. Among the main difficulties of translation English terms in the
Ukrainian language are differences in the terminology of these languages, and
inconsistency of their lexical-grammatical, morphological, phonetic level. The most
common strategies for translating terms are transcription and transliteration, loan
translation and descriptive translation. It is these ways of translation provide
maximum logic, accuracy, shortness and objectivity, universal stylistic features of
scientific and technical discourse.
The task of translation, which is the rendering of the message of a text from
one language to another spans three levels of language science: linguistics,
extralinguistics and metalinguistics. The present study mainly concerns the
linguistic level. As language study at this level can also be subdivided into
three different areas, namely, syntax, lexis, and semantics, our emphasis here
is on lexis which has to do with the vocabulary of a language. Oftentimes, lexis
and semantics are linked together, in which case we can speak of lexico-
So,  regardless of the level of proficiency of the translator in both languages, the
extent of his background knowledge, he will somehow meet the unexpected in the
text of the original, possibly linguistic or extralinguistic realities.
The main focus in translation should be on its adequacy and accuracy, taking into
account the final aim - exactly reproduction of the original by means of the
Ukrainian language.

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