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Modal verbs

Function Modal(s)
ability can, be able to + verb: Use 'can' or 'be able to' to express an ability
He can play tennis well.(present)
She is able to speak five languages.(present)
They can come on Friday.(future)
Jack will be able to come next week.(future)
They were able to get tickets for the concert.(past)

could + verb: Use 'could' to mean the general ability to do something in the past.
He could swim when he was five.(past)
possibility may, might + verb: Use 'might' or 'may' to express an opinion that you think has a good
possibility of being true. 'Might' has less of a possibility than 'may.'
She might come this evening.
David may invite Jessica to the match.
Use 'might' when it is the conditional of 'may.'
If I enter the contest, I might win.

may have, might have + past participle: possibility in the past.

Jack may have been upset yesterday.
She might have taken the bus last week when her car was in the shop.

could + verb: Use 'could' to express a possibility which is one of many. This form is not as
strong as 'might' or 'may'. It is just one of a number of possibilities.
Jane could be at work.

could have + past participle: possibility in the past.

John could have been the one who stole the money.
probability, must, have to. should + verb: Use when you are 100% (or almost 100%) sure that
certainty something is the case; conclusion.
They must be in Spain by now. It should be sunny tomorrow.
They have to be friends because they go everywhere together.

must have, have to have, should have + past participle: certainty in the past.
She must have done well on the test. It should have been rainy during that time of the year.
He has to have won the contest because he is so talented.

can't + verb: Use "can't" to express an opinion that you are 100% sure is NOT true; a
generalization or supposition of impossibility.
You can't be serious!

can't have + past participle: Supposition of impossibility in the past

They can't have worked that late.
permission may, might (UK) + verb: Use in formal or polite situations.
May I pet the lion?
Yes, you may pet the lion.

can + verb: Use in informal situations.

Can I look at your costumes?
You can look at my costumes.

Note: Use "be allowed to" for past permission.

I was allowed to drive Susan's car while she was out of town last week.

Function Modal(s)
advisability should, ought to, had better + verb: Use when it is a good idea; recommendation.
We should select cars that are more fuel-efficient.
I ought to install solar panels on my roof.
We had better use re-usable bags when shopping.

should have, ought to have + past participle: Use when it is a regret for past actions.
Frank should have eaten low-fat foods. That might have prevented his heart attack.
Margaret ought to have exercised more so she would be better prepared for the race.
necessity must, need to, have got to, have to + verb: Use when it is an essential or urgent duty.
We must protect our environment.
We need to use more alternative energy sources.
People have got to make changes in their habits.
We have to find cleaner energy sources.

do not have to, do not need to + verb: Use when something is not necessary or not required.
We don't have to drive big cars.

Note: Use must not + verb when prohibiting something.

We mustn't allow cars that use a lot of fuel.

needed to, had to + verb: Use when it is an essential or urgent duty in the past.
She had to finish the first book before the midterm.

will need to, will have to + verb: Use when it is an essential or urgent duty in the future.
She will have to finish the other books before the final exam.
request would, will, might (UK), could, can + verb
Would you please be quiet?
Will you open that door for me, please?
Might I have a try at your computer game?
Could I see the rest of your house?
Can Pamela use the bathroom?
expectation should + verb
It should be sunny tomorrow.

should have + past participle: Use for a past expectation.

Susan should have arrived in New York last week.
suggestion could, might + verb
You could try the cheesecake.
You might not want to eat the cheesecake.

shall (UK), should + verb: Use in a question to make a suggestion

Shall we move into the living room?
Should we go now?

could have, might have + past participle: Use for a suggestion in the past.
You could have spent your vacation in Hawaii last year.
You might have been nicer to her when you saw her.

Modal Exercises: Can, Could, Have to, Must, Might, Should
1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He __________ be exhausted after such
a long flight. He __________ prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest.
2. If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out, you __________ walk downtown
and explore the waterfront.
3. Hiking the trail to the peak __________ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic
weather changes. You __________ research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent.
4. When you have a small child in the house, you __________ leave small objects lying around.
Such objects __________ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
5. Dave: __________ you hold your breath for more than a minute?
Nathan: No, I can't.
6. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It __________ have cost a fortune.
7. If my plants don't get enough water, they __________ die.
8. I __________ speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after we
moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I
knew as a child. Now, I __________ just say a few things in the language.
9. The book is optional. My professor said we __________ read it if we needed extra credit. But
we __________ read it if we don't want to.
10. Leo: Where is the spatula? It __________ be in this drawer but it's not here.
Nancy: I just did a load of dishes last night and they're still in the dish washer. It __________ be in
there. That's the only other place it __________ be.
11. You __________ take your umbrella along with you today. The weatherman on the news said
there's a storm north of here and it __________ rain later on this afternoon.
12. __________ we pull over at the next rest stop? I really __________ use the bathroom and I
don't know if I __________ hold it until we get to Chicago.
13. Oh no! Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He __________ have left it here last night.
14. Ned: __________ I borrow your lighter for a minute?
Stephen: Sure, no problem. Actually, you __________ keep it if you want to. I've given up
15. I __________ believe she said that to Megan! She __________ insult her cooking in front of
everyone at the party last night. She __________ have said she was full or had some salad if she
didn't like the meal.

16. Do you __________ chew with your mouth open like that? Geez, it's making me sick watching
you eat that piece of pizza.
17. Mrs. Scarlett's body was found in the lounge just moments ago, and it's still warm! Nobody has
left the mansion this evening, so the killer __________ be someone in this room. It __________ be
any one of us!
18. Ted: I don't know why Denise starting crying when I mentioned the wedding.
Pamela: It __________ have been what you said about her brother. Or, perhaps she is just nervous.
After all, the big day is tomorrow.
19. __________ you always say the first thing that pops into your head? __________ you think
once in awhile before you speak?
20. I was reading the book last night before I went to bed. I never took it out of this room. It
__________ be lying around here somewhere. Where __________ it be?

Modal Exercises: Might/Could, Must/Have to, Should/Ought to

1. Nancy said you didn't need to buy her anything for her birthday, but I really think you
__________ at least get her some flowers or a nice bottle of wine.
2. Debbie said she was really busy this week, but I think she __________ show up at the party if
she doesn't have to work overtime on Friday.
3. Nina said she would come over right after work, so she __________ be here by 6:00.
4. Oh my God, he's unconscious. Don't move him - he __________ have internal injuries.
Somebody call an ambulance.
5. You __________ be kidding! That can't be true.
6. Dan: Where's the remote control? I want to change the channel.
Fiona: I don't know. It __________ be under the couch. Or, perhaps I absent-mindedly took it into
the kitchen. I'll check in there.
7. For most people, learning a language is a challenging undertaking. Experts agree that to make
the most of your language learning experience, you __________ practice the language regularly
and push yourself to maintain old vocabulary while acquiring new words and expressions.
8. New research suggests that exercise can reduce the chance of heart disease as well as cancer.
That's why I told my father that he __________ start walking once a day.
9. We should invite Sally and her husband to come to the picnic on Saturday. We haven't seen
them in weeks, and they __________ really enjoy a nice day at the beach.

10. Tim: While I was a student, I spent a year and a half studying Pygmy culture in the Central
African Republic. My research focused on unique aspects of the their social structure and religion.
Simona: That __________ have been absolutely fascinating!
11. We had better call Tony to see if he's at home before we go over to his house. He __________
be there and we don't want to drive all the way over there for nothing.
12. At first, my boss didn't want to hire Sam. But, because I had previously worked with Sam, I
told my boss that he __________ take another look at his resume and reconsider him for the
13. You __________ worry so much. It doesn't do you any good. Either you get the job, or you
don't. If you don't, just apply for another one. Eventually, you will find work.
14. I would love to go on the cruise to Tahiti with Robin and Michelle. But such a luxurious trip
__________ cost a fortune. I doubt I could afford something like that.
15. The book recommends adding fresh soil and using plant food to make your garden flowers
grow. Since some people might be allergic to chemicals in artificial plant foods, the book says that
you __________ use an organic brand to avoid skin irritations.

Modal Exercises: Could, Might, Should, Would

Donna: If I won the ten million dollar lottery jackpot, I __________ afford to quit my job and travel
the world.
Sam: Where __________ you go if you had that much money?
Donna: I don't know, I __________ choose to spend a year in Paris - or perhaps I __________ go to
Sam: How often do you buy lottery tickets?
Donna: Never... I guess if I want to win the lottery, I __________ try buying some tickets.
Sam: That __________ help.

Waitress: What can I get for you?

Tony: I haven't decided yet. Is there anything you __________ recommend? Is there anything you
think I __________ try?
Waitress: You __________ try the Cajun catfish - or perhaps the Gumbo. They're both delicious.
Tony: That sounds wonderful, but that __________ be a little too spicy for me. Actually, the
shrimp sounds good. Umm, __________ I have the barbecued shrimp?
Waitress: Sure, __________ you like a salad with that?
Jan: What __________ we look for in a candidate when we vote in a presidential election?
Peter: I think citizens __________ vote for a President who has the ability to improve the quality of
life in the United States.
Jan: What __________ you do if you were President of the United States?
Peter: I __________ focus on reducing environmental pollution.
Jan: What makes you think you __________ actually stop pollution?

Modal Verb Tense and Voice Exercises

1. I'm not really sure where Beverly is. She (might sit) ____________________ in the living
room, or perhaps she's in the backyard.
2. Doug (must return) ____________________ the video we rented on his way to work. It was on
the table, but now it's gone.
3. You (ought to check) ____________________ the air pressure in your tires. You don't want to
get a flat tire on your trip.
4. The computer isn't working. It (must damage) ____________________ during production.
5. The package (should deliver) ____________________ tomorrow afternoon. It was sent by
express mail this morning.
6. You (have to book) ____________________ the tickets for the play in advance - they sell out
7. If Debbie hasn't come home yet, she (must still wait) _______________________ for us in the
coffee shop.
8. Mike decided not to join us for lunch. He (have to stay) ____________________ at work to
finish the marketing report.
9. If I had gone with my friends to Jamaica, I (would lie) ____________________ on a white
sand beach right now.
10. If I had gone with my friends to Jamaica, I (can take) ____________________ scuba diving
11. Margaret agreed to meet us at the entrance to the theater. She (ought to wait)
____________________ for us when we get there.
12. It (might be) ____________________ Sam who called and didn't leave a message on the
answering machine. He said he wanted to get together with us this weekend.

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