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Overall Plan

Amidst the pandemic that we are facing right now, RBCordero Academy is responsive to the welfare of
the students. Also, by molding them holistically for them to be globally competitive despite the situation
that we have. With full compliance to the government and by establishing partnership with the parents,
students will have a conducive learning experience throughout this new phase of educational
development by means of online platforms. Preparations were made ahead of time with the full support
of the institution for the school to be ready for any adjustment for this school year.

A. Physical Aspect of the School

It is our primary duty that we are adhering to the protocols given by the government when it
comes to the setup of our school physical facilities. Daily disinfection will be given for every
classroom where the teachers and staff will be staying during office hours. Sanitation areas are
also allocated for the employees and visitors for regular handwashing. Reminders for social
distancing were posted in every area so that people will have to maintain the 2-meter distance
from each other, especially when there are transactions needed inside the institution.
Temperature checks such as thermals scanners were provided. Also, areas for alcohols and
tissue were being placed in the school. Lastly, a triage will be placed in case someone is not
feeling well or having symptoms of COVID-19.

B. Personnel and Faculty

Being the asset of the company, it is our primary responsibility to take care of the staff of this
institution. With that, employees are provided with face masks and will be given supply of
alcohol in their designated areas. The salary and benefits will be given properly for an adequate
compensation for every staff and for the benefit of their health.

C. Health and Safety Protocols

RBCordero Academy will maintain a strict protocol when it comes to health related issues
especially in this time of pandemic. Temperature checks will be held upon entering the school
together with disinfecting of their hands and footwear. In case that a visitor will have a
temperature above 37.5, he or she will be directed to triage for further assessments. Daily
monitoring for the employees and visitors by answering a form about their travel history and
physical symptoms. Moreover, if an employee does not feel well, he/she must go home
immediately for safety purposes.

D. Financial Assistance
The institution will give its utmost consideration when it comes to the payment of fees but will
ensure that the parents will comply to the given conditions.

E. Facilities
RBCordero will facilitate learning through different online platforms. This will pave way for the
students to gain more knowledge and to learn more even in this time of COVID-19.
Videoconferencing, the use of Facebook groups and google applications. Internet connection is
available in all places within the vicinity of the school. Moreover, Desktop Computers are
available for the employees for them to use. Safer


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