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* STUDENTS: Jason Pettit, Sergio Quiroz, Marcus Gonzalez,

* Adam Houser, Colin Reed
* COURSE: CST 338-30_SU19
* EXERCISE: Module 6 Timed High-Card Game

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

import com.sun.media.sound.ModelAbstractChannelMixer;

import jdk.internal.module.IllegalAccessLogger.Mode;

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

public class Assignment6

static int NUM_CARDS_PER_PACK = 52; //standard pack without jokers
static int MAX_CARDS_PER_HAND = 56;
static int NUM_PLAYERS = 2;
static int NUM_CARDS_PER_HAND = 7;

public static void main(String[] args)

int numPacksPerDeck = 1;
int numJokersPerPack = 4;
int numUnusedCardsPerPack = 0;
int numOfPlayers = NUM_PLAYERS;
int cardsPerHand = NUM_CARDS_PER_HAND;
Card[] unusedCardsPerPack = null;

CardGameFramework highCardGame = new CardGameFramework(

numPacksPerDeck, numJokersPerPack,
numUnusedCardsPerPack, unusedCardsPerPack,
numOfPlayers, cardsPerHand);

ClockTimer timer = new ClockTimer();


GameModel model = new GameModel(highCardGame, "Computer", "Player");

GameView view = new GameView(timer);

GameControl game = new GameControl(model, view);


//START class ClockTimer

class ClockTimer extends JPanel implements ActionListener, Runnable
int count=0;
boolean pauseStatus=false;
public JButton timerButton;
public JLabel timerLabel;
public JPanel timerPanel;

public ClockTimer()
setLayout(new BorderLayout());

timerPanel = new JPanel();

timerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

timerButton = new JButton("Start/Stop");

timerButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,50));

add(timerPanel, "South");

timerLabel = new JLabel();

add(timerLabel, "Center");

public void startTimer()

Thread timerThread = new Thread(this);

public String formatTimer(long seconds)

long sec = seconds % 60;
long min = (seconds / 60) % 60;
return String.format("%02d:%02d", min, sec);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

pauseStatus = !pauseStatus;

public void run()

while (true)
if (!pauseStatus)

public void doNothing()

catch (InterruptedException e)
//END class ClockTimer

//START class GameModel

class GameModel
public CardGameFramework highCardGame;
private String computer;
private String human;
private int computerNum = 0;
private int humanNum = 1;
private Card leftCard;
private Card rightCard;
public int computerScore = 0;
public int humanScore = 0;
private boolean computerCantPlay = false;
private boolean humanCantPlay = false;
JLabel[] computerLabels = new JLabel[GameView.NUM_CARDS_PER_HAND];
JLabel[] humanLabels = new JLabel[GameView.NUM_CARDS_PER_HAND];
public ButtonGroup cardSelected;

public GameModel()
this.highCardGame = null;
this.computer = "";
this.human = "";
cardSelected = new ButtonGroup();

public GameModel(CardGameFramework highCardGame, String computer, String human)

this.highCardGame = highCardGame;
this.computer = computer;
this.human = human;
cardSelected = new ButtonGroup();

// deal cards
public void dealCards()

// need to play a card

public Card playCard(int player, int card)
return this.highCardGame.playCard(player, card);

//check if the card is playable +/- 1

public int getDifference(Card card, Card card2)
int val1 = 0, val2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Card.cValue.length; i++)
if (Card.cValue[i] == card.getValue())
val1 = i;
else if (Card.cValue[i] == card2.getValue())
val2 = i;
return Math.abs(val1 - val2);

// need to take a card to replace cards played

public boolean takeCard(int player)
return this.highCardGame.takeCard(player);

// setter and getter for each game play area

public Card getLeftCard()
return leftCard;

public Card getRightCard()

return rightCard;

public void setLeftCard(Card card)

leftCard = card;

public void setRightCard(Card card)

rightCard = card;

// setter and getter for each player can't play

public boolean getComputerPlay()
return computerCantPlay;

public boolean getHumanPlay()

return humanCantPlay;

public void setComputerPlay(boolean bool)

computerCantPlay = bool;

public void setHumanPlay(boolean bool)

humanCantPlay = bool;

// new center cards when both can't play

public void newMiddleCards()
leftCard = this.highCardGame.getCardFromDeck();
rightCard = this.highCardGame.getCardFromDeck();

// update can't play

public void cantPlay(int player)
if(player == 0)
else if (player == 1)
System.out.println("Bad player number");

public void setTable(JPanel cpu, JPanel player, JPanel table)

// draw cards if needed
if (highCardGame.getHand(1).getNumCards() < GameView.NUM_CARDS_PER_HAND)

if (highCardGame.getHand(0).getNumCards() < GameView.NUM_CARDS_PER_HAND)


// create panels and add to table

for (int k = 0; k < highCardGame.getHand(1).getNumCards(); k++)
humanLabels[k] = new JLabel(GUICard.getIcon(highCardGame.getHand(1)
for (int i = 0; i < highCardGame.getHand(0).getNumCards(); i++)
computerLabels[i] = new JLabel(GUICard.getBackCardIcon());

if (getLeftCard() == null)
if (getRightCard() == null)
table.add(new JButton(GUICard.getIcon(getLeftCard())));
table.add(new JButton(GUICard.getIcon(getRightCard()))); //add 2 cards to


public void refreshButtons(JPanel player)

cardSelected = new ButtonGroup();

for (int k = 0; k < highCardGame.getHand(1).getNumCards(); k++)

JRadioButton rb = new JRadioButton();

public void computerPlay()

computerCantPlay = true;
for (int i = 0; i < highCardGame.getHand(0).getNumCards(); i++)
if (getDifference(getLeftCard(), highCardGame.getHand(0).inspectCard(i))
== 1)
computerCantPlay = false;
playCard(0, i);
else if (getDifference(getRightCard(),
highCardGame.getHand(0).inspectCard(i)) == 1)
computerCantPlay = false;
playCard(0, i);
if (computerCantPlay)

public void computerPlay(GameView view)

computerCantPlay = true;
for (int i = 0; i < highCardGame.getHand(0).getNumCards(); i++)
if (getDifference(getLeftCard(), highCardGame.getHand(0).inspectCard(i))
== 1)
computerCantPlay = false;
playCard(0, i);
else if (getDifference(getRightCard(),
highCardGame.getHand(0).inspectCard(i)) == 1)
computerCantPlay = false;
playCard(0, i);
if (computerCantPlay)

public void turns(JPanel cpu, JPanel player, JPanel table)

// if both can't play
if (humanCantPlay && computerCantPlay)
// check cards remaining in deck
if (highCardGame.getNumCardsRemainingInDeck() > 1)
humanCantPlay = false;
computerCantPlay = false;
// end game condition if cards run out of deck
// cards would run out during deal if only 1 left

public void endGame()

String message = "";

if (computerScore > humanScore)

message = "You Win!";
else if (humanScore > computerScore)
message = "Computer Wins!";
message = "Can you believe it, it's a tie!";

message, "Game Over",
//END class GameModel

//START class GameView

class GameView extends JFrame
private ClockTimer timer;

static final int MAX_CARDS_PER_HAND = 56;

static final int NUM_PLAYERS = 2;
static final int NUM_CARDS_PER_HAND = 7;

int k;

//main GUI panels

public JPanel
pnlComputerHand, //computer cards
pnlHumanHand, //human/player cards
pnlPlayArea, //two piles of cards
pnlTime, //timer and start/stop time button
pnlGame; //game messages, cannot play, and quit

//GUI buttons
public JButton
quit, //quit the game
cannotPlay; //when no card can be played

public boolean cantPlayPress;

//games messages
public JTextArea message;

public GameView(ClockTimer timer)

//setup main frame
setTitle("Card Table");
setLayout(new BorderLayout());

this.timer = timer;
cantPlayPress = false;
//computer panel
pnlComputerHand = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,7));
pnlComputerHand.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Computer Hand"));

//play area panel

pnlPlayArea = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,2));
pnlPlayArea.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Playing Area"));

//human area panel

pnlHumanHand = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2,7));
pnlHumanHand.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Your Hand"));

//time panel
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();

pnlTime = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());

gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 0;
pnlTime.add(this.timer, gbc);

//game panel
pnlGame = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
pnlGame.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Game Panel"));

this.message = new JTextArea("Welcome to the game High-Card. \n\n(1) Play a "

+ "card from Your Hand onto one of the cards the Playing Area. \n\n(2)"
+ " You can play a card from your hand that is one higher or one lower"
+ " than one of the cards in Playing Area. \n\n(3) If you cannot play,"
+ " click the Can't Play button. \n\nThe game ends when the deck is "
+ "out of cards. The player with the fewest number of Can't Play"
+ " clicks is the winner! \n\n");
JScrollPane scrollV = new JScrollPane (message,
scrollV.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,400));
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 0;

this.quit = new JButton("Quit");

this.quit.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,50));
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 1;
this.pnlTime.add(quit, gbc);

this.cannotPlay = new JButton("Can't Play");

this.cannotPlay.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,50));
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 2;
this.pnlTime.add(cannotPlay, gbc);

//add all the major panels to the JFrame

this.add(pnlGame, BorderLayout.WEST);
this.add(pnlTime, BorderLayout.EAST);
this.add(pnlComputerHand, BorderLayout.NORTH);
this.add(pnlPlayArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
this.add(pnlHumanHand, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

public void addMessage(int playerCount, int cpuCount)

message.append("player passes:" + playerCount);
message.append("cpu passes:" + cpuCount);

public void setVisible()


//listeners for quit, cannot play and timer start/stop

public void addQuitListener(ActionListener ev)

//will be updated to false when player clicks card in hand

public void addCannotPlayListener(ActionListener ev)

public void addButtonListener(ActionListener ev)

for (int i = 0; i < pnlPlayArea.getComponentCount(); i++)
((JButton)pnlPlayArea.getComponent(i)).putClientProperty("key", i);
//END class GameView

//START class GameControl

class GameControl
private GameModel model;
private GameView view;

public GameControl()
model = new GameModel();
view = new GameView(new ClockTimer());
model.setTable(view.pnlComputerHand, view.pnlHumanHand, view.pnlPlayArea);
view.addQuitListener(new QuitListener());
view.addCannotPlayListener(new CantPlayListener());

public GameControl(GameModel model, GameView view)

this.model = model;
this.view = view;
model.setTable(view.pnlComputerHand, view.pnlHumanHand, view.pnlPlayArea);
view.addButtonListener(new ButtonListener());
view.addQuitListener(new QuitListener());
view.addCannotPlayListener(new CantPlayListener());
* If player/computer cannot play, increments the count.
* calls models cantPlay() method.
public void setCannotPlayCount(int i)

class QuitListener implements ActionListener

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)

class CantPlayListener implements ActionListener

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)
model.turns(view.pnlComputerHand, view.pnlHumanHand, view.pnlPlayArea);
model.setTable(view.pnlComputerHand, view.pnlHumanHand, view.pnlPlayArea);
view.addButtonListener(new ButtonListener());

class ButtonListener implements ActionListener

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)
int cardIndex;
cardIndex =

JButton btn = (JButton) ev.getSource();

Card temp = model.highCardGame.getHand(1).inspectCard(cardIndex);

if ((Integer) btn.getClientProperty("key") == 0)
if (model.getDifference(temp, model.getLeftCard()) == 1)
model.playCard(1, cardIndex);
else if ((Integer) btn.getClientProperty("key") == 1)
if (model.getDifference(temp, model.getRightCard()) == 1)
model.playCard(1, cardIndex);

model.setTable(view.pnlComputerHand, view.pnlHumanHand, view.pnlPlayArea);

view.addButtonListener(new ButtonListener());
}// END ButtonListener
//END class GameControl

* classes Card, Hand, Deck, GUICard and CardGameFramework

//START class Card

* The Card class allows for the representation and manipulation of a single
* playing card as found in a standard 56 card deck.
class Card
* A public enum Suit stores the values of clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades;
* A public static final char cValue[] stores the values of each card 1-9 and
* T-A. Ten is represented by 'T', not '10'.
public enum Suit
clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades;
public static final char cValue[] = {'A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8',
'9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'X'};
public static char[] valuRanks = {'A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8',
'9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'X'};
private char value;
private Suit suit;
private boolean errorFlag;

//START constructors
//Default constructor
public Card()
this.set('A', Suit.spades);

public Card(char value, Suit suit)
this.set(value, suit);
//END constructors

//START mutators
public boolean set(char value, Suit suit)
if(isValid(value, suit))
this.value = value;
this.suit = suit;
this.errorFlag = false;
this.errorFlag = true;

return this.errorFlag;
//END mutators

//START accessors
public Suit getSuit()
return this.suit;

public char getValue()

return this.value;

public boolean getErrorFlag()

return this.errorFlag;
//END accessors

* public boolean equals(Card card) returns true if all the fields are
* identical and false otherwise.
public boolean equals(Card card)
boolean isEqual = false;

if (this.getValue() == card.getValue() && this.getSuit() == card.getSuit()

&& this.getErrorFlag() == card.getErrorFlag())
isEqual = true;
return isEqual;

* private boolean isValid(char value, Suit suit) returns true if value is a
* valid card value and false otherwise.
private boolean isValid(char value, Suit suit)
boolean isValid = false;

for (char index : cValue)

if (Character.toUpperCase(value) == index)
isValid = true;
return isValid;

* toString() concatenates the A thru 2 card value and the card suit into a
* single string "value of suit" example: "A of clubs"
public String toString()
if(errorFlag == true)
return "[invalid]";
String card = Character.toUpperCase(value) + " of " + suit;
return card;

static void arraySort(Card[] cArray, int arraySize)

int tempVal1 = 0;
int tempVal2 = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < arraySize - 1; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < arraySize - i - 1; j++)
for (int x = 0; x < valuRanks.length; x++)
if(valuRanks[x] == cArray[j].getValue())
tempVal1 = x;

for (int y = 0; y < valuRanks.length; y++)

if(valuRanks[y] == cArray[j + 1].getValue())
tempVal2 = y;
if (tempVal1 > tempVal2)
Card temp = cArray[j];
cArray[j] = cArray[j+1];
cArray[j+1] = temp;
//END class Card
//START class Hand
* The Hand class represents the cards held by a single player
class Hand
public static final int MAX_CARDS = 56;

private Card[] myCards;

private int numCards;

//START constructors
//Default constructor
public Hand()
this.myCards = new Card[MAX_CARDS];
this.numCards = 0;
//END constructors

// public void resetHand() resets an existing hand to 0 cards

public void resetHand()
this.numCards = 0;

* public boolean takeCard(Card card) puts a new card in the players hand
* and also checks that taking a new card would not violate the MAX_CARDS
* allowed in the hand, which is set to MAX_CARDS = 56 by the Hand constructor.
public boolean takeCard(Card card)
boolean newCard = false;

//checking if hand size plus card drawn will put us over max size
if (numCards + 1 <= MAX_CARDS)
myCards[numCards] = new Card(card.getValue(), card.getSuit());
newCard = true;
return newCard;

* public Card playCard() returns and removes the card in the top occupied
* position of the hand array.
public Card playCard(int cardIndex)
if ( numCards == 0 ) //error
//Creates a card that does not work
return new Card('M', Card.Suit.spades);
//Decreases numCards.
Card card = myCards[cardIndex];
for(int i = cardIndex; i < numCards; i++)
myCards[i] = myCards[i+1];

myCards[numCards] = null;

return card;

// toString() concatenates the cards in the hand into a single string.

public String toString()
int cardCounter = 0;
int handCards = 0;
StringBuilder hand = new StringBuilder("Hand = (");

if (this.numCards > 0)
for (Card card:myCards)
if (card == null)
if(handCards < this.numCards - 1)
hand.append(", ");

//if statement below formats the output onto multiple lines

if (cardCounter % 5 == 0 && handCards != this.numCards)
cardCounter = 0;
return hand.toString();

//Getter getNumCards returns the number of cards currently in the hand

public int getNumCards()
return this.numCards;

// inspectCard accesses individual card (k).

public Card inspectCard(int k)
if (this.myCards[k] != null)
return this.myCards[k];
Card tempCard = new Card('z', Card.Suit.clubs);
return tempCard;

public void sort()

Card.arraySort(this.myCards, this.numCards);
//END class Hand

//START class Deck

//Deck class holds all available cards for distribution to hands.
class Deck
public static final int MAX_CARDS = 6 * 56;

private static Card[] masterPack = new Card[56];

private Card[] cards;
private int topCard;

//START constructors
//Default constructor
public Deck()

public Deck(int numPacks)

//Initializes deck with correct number of instantiated cards.

public void init(int numPacks)
cards = new Card[numPacks * 56];
for (int i = 0; i < numPacks; i++)
System.arraycopy(masterPack, 0, this.cards, i * masterPack.length,
if ((numPacks * 56) > MAX_CARDS)
topCard = MAX_CARDS - 1;
topCard = (numPacks * 56) - 1;

* shuffle method
* randomizes indices of existing cards in deck
public void shuffle()
Random shuffle = new Random();

for (int i=0; i < cards.length; i++)

int randomIndex = i + shuffle.nextInt(cards.length - i);
Card swap = cards[randomIndex];
cards[randomIndex] = cards[i];
cards[i] = swap;

* dealCard returns a card while topCard is not negative, otherwise return
* null
public Card dealCard()
if (topCard != -1) //since a card is stored at 0, deck is empty at -1
return cards[topCard--];
return null;

//getTopCard returns topCard integer

public int getTopCard()
return topCard;
* inspectCard return a card with errorFlag = true if k is out of bounds
* return card otherwise.
public Card inspectCard(int k)
if (k <= topCard)
return cards[k];
return new Card('X', Card.Suit.clubs);

* allocateMasterPack generates proper card values for the pack
private static void allocateMasterPack()
int k = 0; //for deck array number

if (masterPack[0] != null)

for (int i = 0; i < Card.Suit.values().length; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < Card.cValue.length; j++)
masterPack[k++] = new Card(Card.cValue[j], Card.Suit.values()[i]);
public boolean addCard(Card card)
//make sure that there are not too many instances of the card in the
//deck if you add it. Return false if there will be too many. It should
//put the card on the top of the deck.

int count = 0;

// get number of cards in the deck already

for (int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
if (cards[i].equals(card))

// check and see if too many

if (count > 0)
return false;
this.cards[topCard++] = card;
return true;

public boolean removeCard(Card card)

//you are looking to remove a specific card from the deck. Put the
//current top card into its place. Be sure the card you need is actually
//still in the deck, if not return false.

int location = -1;

// get number of cards in the deck already

for (int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
if (cards[i].equals(card))
location = i;

if (location > -1)

Card temp = this.dealCard();
this.cards[location] = temp;
return true;
return false;
public void sort()
//put all of the cards in the deck back into the right order according to
//their values. Is there another method somewhere that already does this
//that you could refer to?

Card.arraySort(this.cards, this.getNumCards());

public int getNumCards()

//return the number of cards remaining in the deck.
return (topCard + 1);
//END class Deck

//START class GUICard

class GUICard
//A 2-D array to store cards representation and point values
//14 = A thru K + X (X = Joker)
//4 = suits
private static Icon[][] iconCards = new ImageIcon[14][4];
private static Icon iconBack;
static boolean iconsLoaded = false;

//generates image icon array from files

static void loadCardIcons()
if (iconsLoaded == true)
int rows = iconCards.length;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (Card.Suit s: Card.Suit.values())
sb.append("images/" + Card.cValue[i] +
Character.toUpperCase(s.toString().charAt(0)) + ".gif");
iconCards[i][s.ordinal()] = new ImageIcon(sb.toString());
iconBack = new ImageIcon("images/" + "BK.gif");
iconsLoaded = true;

static public Icon getIcon(Card card)

loadCardIcons(); // should call method above loadCardIcons
return iconCards[valueAsInt(card)][suitAsInt(card)];

static public Icon getBackCardIcon()

return iconBack;
private static int suitAsInt(Card card)
return card.getSuit().ordinal();

private static int valueAsInt(Card card)

char cardsValue = card.getValue();
for(int k = 0; k < 14; k++)
if(Card.valuRanks[k] == cardsValue)
return k;
return 0; //should return an A
static String turnIntIntoCardValue(int k)
return String.valueOf(Card.valuRanks[k]);

// turns 0 - 3 into c, d, h .s
static String turnIntIntoCardSuit(int j)
return Card.Suit.values()[j].toString();

//END class GUICard

//START class CardGameFramework - provided by Instructor--------------------------

class CardGameFramework
private static final int MAX_PLAYERS = 50;

private int numPlayers;

private int numPacks; // # standard 52-card packs per deck
// ignoring jokers or unused cards
private int numJokersPerPack; // if 2 per pack & 3 packs per deck, get 6
private int numUnusedCardsPerPack; // # cards removed from each pack
private int numCardsPerHand; // # cards to deal each player
private Deck deck; // holds the initial full deck and gets
// smaller (usually) during play
private Hand[] hand; // one Hand for each player
private Card[] unusedCardsPerPack; // an array holding the cards not used
// in the game. e.g. pinochle does not
// use cards 2-8 of any suit

public CardGameFramework( int numPacks, int numJokersPerPack,

int numUnusedCardsPerPack, Card[] unusedCardsPerPack,
int numPlayers, int numCardsPerHand)
int k;

// filter bad values

if (numPacks < 1 || numPacks > 6)
numPacks = 1;
if (numJokersPerPack < 0 || numJokersPerPack > 4)
numJokersPerPack = 0;
if (numUnusedCardsPerPack < 0 || numUnusedCardsPerPack > 50) // > 1 card
numUnusedCardsPerPack = 0;
if (numPlayers < 1 || numPlayers > MAX_PLAYERS)
numPlayers = 4;

// one of many ways to assure at least one full deal to all players
if (numCardsPerHand < 1 ||
numCardsPerHand > numPacks * (52 - numUnusedCardsPerPack)
/ numPlayers )
numCardsPerHand = numPacks * (52 - numUnusedCardsPerPack) / numPlayers;

// allocate
this.unusedCardsPerPack = new Card[numUnusedCardsPerPack];
this.hand = new Hand[numPlayers];
for (k = 0; k < numPlayers; k++)
this.hand[k] = new Hand();
deck = new Deck(numPacks);

// assign to members
this.numPacks = numPacks;
this.numJokersPerPack = numJokersPerPack;
this.numUnusedCardsPerPack = numUnusedCardsPerPack;
this.numPlayers = numPlayers;
this.numCardsPerHand = numCardsPerHand;
for (k = 0; k < numUnusedCardsPerPack; k++)
this.unusedCardsPerPack[k] = unusedCardsPerPack[k];

// prepare deck and shuffle


// constructor overload/default for game like bridge

public CardGameFramework()
this(1, 0, 0, null, 4, 13);

public Hand getHand(int k)

// hands start from 0 like arrays

// on error return automatic empty hand

if (k < 0 || k >= numPlayers)
return new Hand();

return hand[k];

public Card getCardFromDeck() { return deck.dealCard(); }

public int getNumCardsRemainingInDeck() { return deck.getNumCards(); }

public void newGame()

int k, j;

// clear the hands

for (k = 0; k < numPlayers; k++)
// restock the deck

// remove unused cards

for (k = 0; k < numUnusedCardsPerPack; k++)
deck.removeCard( unusedCardsPerPack[k] );

// add jokers
for (k = 0; k < numPacks; k++)
for ( j = 0; j < numJokersPerPack; j++)
deck.addCard( new Card('X', Card.Suit.values()[j]) );

// shuffle the cards


public boolean deal()

// returns false if not enough cards, but deals what it can
int k, j;
boolean enoughCards;

// clear all hands

for (j = 0; j < numPlayers; j++)

enoughCards = true;
for (k = 0; k < numCardsPerHand && enoughCards ; k++)
for (j = 0; j < numPlayers; j++)
if (deck.getNumCards() > 0)
hand[j].takeCard( deck.dealCard() );
enoughCards = false;

return enoughCards;

void sortHands()
int k;

for (k = 0; k < numPlayers; k++)


Card playCard(int playerIndex, int cardIndex)

// returns bad card if either argument is bad
if (playerIndex < 0 || playerIndex > numPlayers - 1 ||
cardIndex < 0 || cardIndex > numCardsPerHand - 1)
//Creates a card that does not work
return new Card('M', Card.Suit.spades);
// return the card played
return hand[playerIndex].playCard(cardIndex);

boolean takeCard(int playerIndex)

// returns false if either argument is bad
if (playerIndex < 0 || playerIndex > numPlayers - 1)
return false;

// Are there enough Cards?

if (deck.getNumCards() <= 0)
return false;

return hand[playerIndex].takeCard(deck.dealCard());
//END class CardGameFramework ---------------------------------------------------

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