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Elevator Door Controller AAD03011 Instruction Manual


Elevator Door Controller

AAD03011 Instruction Manual
[Support model] ' AAD03011
Основные действия по проведению
проверок преобразователя
Если параметры преобразователя были изменены до проведения проверки,
следует вернуть параметр P42 в заводское значение по умолчанию,
равное «1».

(1) Подключить кабели управления и проверить правильность

логики преобразователя:
P08=1 P09=1
При контроле использовать N11
Вручную перевести дверь в положение «OPEN» (Открыто) и
убедиться в том, что на дисплее отображается надпись «F**».
Вручную перевести дверь в положение «CLOSE» (Закрыто) и
убедиться в том, что на дисплее отображается надпись «r». В
противном случае следует изменить последовательность фаз A и B
датчика положения. Во время работы необходимо убедиться в том,
что логика входного сигнала верна. При наличии ошибок, следующие
действия по проверке нельзя будет выполнить.
(2) Проверить направление вращения двигателя:
P09=0 FR=3HZ
Нажать одновременно клавиши «UP» + «RUN» (Вверх + Пуск) для
проверки включения, а также «DOWN» + «RUN» (Вниз + Пуск) для
проверки отключения.
При неправильном направлении вращения следует поменять местами
любые две фазы U, V, W.

(3) Режим самообучения:

P09=3 P51= Полюсные пары двигателя (6) P52= Общее число линий
преобразователя (50) P63=0 P67=0 P76=2 P77=0.5 P78=300 P79=0.5.
Для входа в режим самообучения необходимо одновременно нажать
клавиши «UP» + «RUN» (Вверх + Пуск). По завершении данного
процесса на экране отобразится надпись «END» (Конец). Нажать
клавишу «STOP» (Остановка) для того, чтобы проверить значение
D01 и убедиться в сохранении длины хода двери. В противном

случае продолжить работу в режиме обучения до достижения
желаемого результата.

(4) После успешного завершения самообучения:

Выполнить включение и выключение двери, чтобы она смогла
самостоятельно подстроиться к кривой рабочих характеристик.

(5) После настройки кривой следует настроить степень скольжения:
P67=0 P64=50 P65=70 P68=300
Для изменения степени скольжения необходимо настроить эти
четыре параметра. Если они не удовлетворяют требованиям,
необходимо установить новое значение. Настройки могут изменяться
в зависимости от веса и длины хода дверей.

Панель управления и клеммы

1 преобразователя
Некоторые преобразователи оснащены встроенной рабочей панелью. С ее
помощью можно напрямую изменять параметры и выполнять различные
операции. Рабочая панель и клеммы изображены на рис. 1-1.

С1 –Общий контакт для аварийного выходного

сигнала преобразователя
C2- Общий контакт для выходного сигнала
ограничения открывания двери

C3-t Общий контакт для выходного сигнала
ограничения закрывания двери
В1- Нормально закрытый контакт для аварийного
выходного сигнала преобразователя
B2- Нормально закрытый контакт для выходного
сигнала ограничения открывания двери
B3- Нормально закрытый контакт для выходного
сигнала ограничения закрывания двери
Al- Нормально открытый контакт для аварийного
выходного сигнала преобразователя
A2- Нормально открытый контакт для выходного
сигнала ограничения открывания двери
A3- Нормально открытый контакт для выходного
сигнала ограничения закрывания двери

2 Порядок проведения испытаний

2.1 Проверка соединительных кабелей

Проверить кабели, идущие к преобразователю, кабели датчика
положения и подвесные кабели. После проверки их правильного
подсоединения подать напряжение.

2.2 Настроить режим самообучения для двигателя двери
При нажатии клавиши «MODE» (Режим) на экране будут поочередно
отображаться меню «Fr.», «dr.», «P» и «n». Меню «D» отделено от
меню «P». По окончании настройки параметров в области «P», можно
перейти в область «D», нажав клавишу «MODE» (Режим). Изменение
значений в областях «P» и «D» может выполняться нажатием клавиш
вверх и вниз. Некоторые значения необходимо изменить для
выполнения автоматического определения параметров и
удовлетворительной работы двигателя двери. Настройка значений
может осуществляться с помощью клавиши «SET» (Установить) и
« » или «?» после входа в указанный пункт меню. После изменения
значения можно перейти к следующему пункту, нажав клавишу
«SET» (Установить).

2.3 Изменяемые параметры и их значения по умолчанию указаны в

таблице 2-1

Таблица 2-1 Значения параметров в режиме самообучения

Единицы Значения по
№ Параметр допустимых
измерения умолчанию
Выбор управляющей
P08 0-3 1
Сигнал установки
P09 0-6 3
P51 Число полюсов двигателя 2/4/6 6
Константа датчика
P52 100-999 50
Время оценки наличия
P63 мс 0-999 0
Время оценки наличия
P67 мс 0-999 0
Выбор сигналов
P76 промежуточного 0/1/2 2
P77 Частота при оценке Гц 0,1-10 0,5

наличия движения двери
Время определения
P78 мс 1-999 300
наличия движения двери
Альтернативное значение
P79 для движения двери в с 0/0,1-10 0,5
открытое положение
Частота при проверке
d52 Гц 0,5-250 5
хода двери

Параметры Значения Описание допустимых Примечания
P08 1
P09 3
P08 1 Автоматический
P09 2 режим работы
P08 2 Режим работы с
P09 1 пульта управления
Основное значение
P05 10 0-40
Число полюсов
P51 6 2, 4, 6
Константа датчика
P52 50 50-999
P42 1 установленных 0, 1, 2

В режиме пользовательских настроек можно выбрать любые 10

параметров из областей «P» и «D», которые часто приходится
изменять. Это позволит дополнительно упростить работу.
Пользовательские параметры №№1-10 могут быть записаны.
Записанные данные будут считываться ПЗУ и сохранятся даже при
сбое питания.
Режимы пользовательских настроек U01-U10 позволяют получить
доступ к 10 наиболее часто используемым параметрам в каждом из

2.4 Испытание преобразователя
Войти в меню «N» преобразователя и вывести на экран окно «n16».
См. рисунок 2-1, где представляет собой сигнал фазы В
преобразователя, а – сигнал фазы A преобразователя.

Потянуть вручную за прикрепленную пластину, мигание и
будет обозначать то, что сигналы фаз A и В отображаются правильно,
в противном случае в датчике положения отсутствует фаза, поэтому
рекомендуется сменить датчик положения.

Рис. 2-1 Отображение


2.5 Проверить последовательность фаз преобразователя

Войти в параметр n11 и вручную протолкнуть дверь. При открытии
двери на экране отображается «L—F», а при закрывании– «L—r».
Последовательность фаз A и В должна быть изменена, если знаки
отображаются в другом порядке. Это значит, что нужно поменять
местами кабели, подключенные к клеммам №10 и №11.

2.6 Проверка вращения двигателя вперед и назад

Настройка: P08=1, P09=0, а затем вернуться к первоначальному
Порядок действий: сначала поочередно нажать клавиши « » и
«RUN» (Пуск), убедиться в том, что дверь открылась; затем
поочередно нажать клавиши «?» и «RUN» (Пуск), убедиться в том,
что дверь закрывается. Если дверь не двигается или двигается
слишком медленно, можно увеличить значение параметра P05 и
установить параметр Fr равным 3,0; если же дверь перемещается в
обратном направлении, следует поменять местами две любые фазы U,
V и W. По завершении проверки вернуться к первоначальному
экрану нажатием клавиши «STOP» (Остановка).

2.7 Режим автоматического определения значения длины хода двери


Установить параметр P09 равным 3 и вернуться к первоначальному
экрану. Поочередно нажать клавиши « » и «RUN» (Пуск),
запустится режим автоматического определения значения длины
хода двери. Если дверь двигается слишком медленно, можно
увеличить значения параметров P05 (примерно до 30) и d52
(примерно до 50 Гц). Отображение надписи «END» (Конец)
обозначает завершение работы в режиме автоматического
определения значения длины хода двери, данное значение будет
автоматически сохранено в d01.
По окончании режима самообучения нажать клавишу «STOP»
(Остановка) (P09 будет автоматически установлен в «1»). Значение
параметра P05 должно быть уменьшено соответствующим образом,
поскольку слишком большое значение приведет к перегреву
двигателя (рекомендованное значение равно 10-20). Затем установить
параметр P08 равным «2», а P09 – «1», двигатель будет
контролироваться системой управления.

2.8 Регулировка кривой рабочих характеристик

По завершении работы в режиме автоматического определения
значения длины хода двери формируется кривая рабочих
характеристик для двигателя двери при открывании и закрывании, но
она может не оказаться недостаточно плавной и ровной, что приведет
к небольшим толчкам. По этой причине данная кривая должна быть
точно откалибрована.
Кривая регулировки открывания двери приведена на рис. 2-2. Кривая
регулировки закрывания двери приведена на рис. 2—3.

Ниже указаны параметры регулировки, подходящие для использования

преобразователя с 100 линиями:
dl5=3 d16=18 d17=d18=d19=25 d20=5
d22=15 d23=d24=d25 = 18 d26=5 d27=5
d14=d21 =d44=d43 (значения параметров должны быть равными)

Фиксация в Открывание
закрытом состоянии

Время о

Кривая изменения

Сигнал команды промеж.

открытия сост.
Клемма №1 промеж.
Сигнал команды закрытия сост.

Клемма №2
стижения открытого состояния

Клемма №2 промеж.
стижения закрытого состояния сост.
Клемма №2

Положение ДВЕРИ

Рис. 2-2 Кривая регулировки открывания двери

Фиксация в Закрывание
открытом состоянии

Время ожид

Кривая изменения

Сигнал команды промеж.

открывания сост.
Клемма №1 промеж.
Сигнал команды закрывания сост.

Клемма №2
достижения открытого
Клемма №2
остижения закрытого состояния
Клемма №2

Положение ДВЕРИ

Рис. 2-3 Кривая регулировки закрывания двери

3 Ремонт и техническое обслуживание

3.1 Работы по техническому обслуживанию лифта

(a) Регулярно наносить литиевую смазку на подшипник двигателя.
(b) Протереть направляющие и нанести смазку на их поверхность.
Проверить степень износа роликов и заменить, если они
истерлись более чем на 1,55 мм.
(c) Регулярно подтягивать ремень синхронизации в соответствии со
значениями на рис. 3-1.

Рис. 3-1 Требования к натяжению ремня синхронизации

3.2 Работы по регулярному техническому обслуживанию

(a) Проверить устойчивость двигателя при открывании/закрывании
двери и отсутствие чрезмерного шума.
(b) Убедиться в том, что крепежные элементы надежно

Все выявленные проблемы необходимо сразу устранить. Необходимо
предпринять соответствующие меры по обеспечению плавной работы
дверей лифта.

Названия функций
(Перечень функций)

Перечень функций состоит из двух частей: параметры области «P»

(P01-P79) и параметры области «D» (d00-d53).
Параметры области «P» (P01-P79):

№ Название функции Диапазо

★P01 Первое время ускорения 0/0,1 -99
★P02 Первое время замедления 0/0,1 -99
★P03 Режим V/F (вольт-частотное регулирование) 50 / 60/ F
★P04 Кривая V/F 0/1
★P05 Увеличение крутящего момента 0-40
★P06 Выбор электрической функции обнаружения перегрева 0/1/2/3
★P07 Установка мощности, чувствительной к перегреву 0,1-100
★P08 Выбор управляющей команды 0-3
★P09 Сигнал установки частоты 0-6
★P10 Режим остановки 0/1
★P11 Частота остановки 0,5-60
★P12 Время торможения постоянным током 0/0,1-12
★P13 Уровень постоянного тока торможения 0 – 100
★P14 Максимальная выходная частота 50-250
★P15 Опорная частота 45-250
★P16 Сопротивление сваливанию из-за чрезмерного тока 0/1
★P17 Сопротивление сваливанию из-за перенапряжения 0/1
★P18 Первая частота скачка 0/0,5-25
★P19 Вторая частота скачка 0/0,5-25

★P20 Третья частота скачка 0/0,5-25
★P21 Величина скачка 0-10
★P22 Функция ограничения силы тока 0/0,1 -9
★P23 Режим запуска 0/1/2/3
★P24 Выбор режима перезапуска после мгновенного останова 0/1/2
★P25 Время ожидания 0,1 - 10
★P26 Выбор повторного запуска 0/1/2/3
★P27 Количество повторных запусков 1-10
★P28 Нижний предел частоты 0,5-250
★P29 Верхний предел частоты 0,5-250
★P30 Выбор монитора 0/1
★P31 Коэффициент умножения линейной скорости 0,1-100
★P32 Максимальное выходное напряжение 0/1 -50
★P33 Электрический уровень OCS 1 -200
★P34 Частота несущей волны 0,8-15,
★P35 Настройки устройства связи 1-31
★P36 Скорость передачи данных 48/96/19
★P37 Стоп-бит 1 /2
★P38 Проверка четности 0/1/2
★P39 Проверка превышения ограничения по времени 0/0,1-60
★P40 Время ожидания для отправки сообщений 1 -999

№ Название функции Диапазо
★P41 Код 0/1 -999
★P42 Установка логики входной информации 0/1/2
★P43 Время отклика резервного преобразователя 0-31
Время отклика на сигнал о достижении определенного
★P44 0/1 -999
★P45 Время отклика на неисправность датчика положения 1-999
Время проверки сигнала о достижении определенного
★P46 0/0,1 -2,
положения SW
★P47 Выбор функции RY1 0/0,1-10
★P48 Выбор функции RY1 0-7/r0-r
★P49 Выбор функции RY2 0-7/r0-r
★P50 Выбор функции RY3 0-7/r0-r
★P51 Число полюсов двигателя 2/4/6
★P52 Константа датчика положения 50-999
Частота обнаружения превышения ограничения по
★P59 0,5-250
времени l
Частота обнаружения превышения ограничения по
★P60 0,5-250
времени 2
★P61 Ток обнаружения перегрузки l 0,1-100
★P62 Ток обнаружения перегрузки 2 0,1-100

★P63 Диапазон времени оценки наличия перегрузки 0/1-999
Диапазон частоты при оценке наличия помех (низкая
★P64 0-100
Диапазон частоты при оценке наличия помех (высокая
★P65 0-100
★P66 Время переключения при оценке наличия помех 0,5-250
★P67 Время оценки наличия помех 0/1-999
★P68 Время запуска подтверждения 100-999
Время оценки необходимости принудительного
★P69 0/0,1 -50
Время начала принудительного открывания при
★P70 0/0,1 -50
невозможности работы в нормальном режиме
Время удержания в открытом состоянии в случае
★P71 0,0-10
принудительного открывания
★P72 Повторный период удержания в открытом состоянии 0,0-10
★P73 Повторный период удержания в закрытом состоянии 0,0-10
★P74 «S»-образная функция ускорения и торможения 0/1/2
★P75 Выбор остановки при открытом/закрытом положении 0/1
★P76 Выбор сигналов промежуточного состояния 0/1/2
★P77 Частота при оценке наличия движения двери 0,1 -10
★P78 Время определения наличия движения двери 1 -999
Альтернативное значение для движения двери в
★P79 0/0,1-10
открытое положение
Примечание (1) * относится к параметрам, которые можно
изменить во время работы.
Примечание (2) Параметры P53-P58 (отключены) установлены на
заводе, их нельзя изменить.
Примечание (3) Параметры связи P3-P40 – после их изменения
следует отключить подачу питания. Изменения
вступят в силу после включения питания.

Параметры области «D» (d00-d53):

№ Название функции Диапазо

★d00 Ввод кода области «d» 0/1-999
★d01 Заданное значение для длины хода двери 1-65535
★d02 Положение завершения закрывания (%) 0-100
★d03 Промежуточное состояние открывания 1 (%) 0-100
★d04 Промежуточное состояние открывания 2 (%) 0-100
★d05 Промежуточное состояние открывания 3 (%) 0-100
★d06 Промежуточное состояние открывания 4 (%) 0-100
★d07 Промежуточное состояние открывания 5 (%) 0-100
★d08 Промежуточное состояние открывания 5 (%) 0-100
★d09 Промежуточное состояние закрывания 1 (%) 0-100
★d10 Промежуточное состояние закрывания 2 (%) 0-100
★d11 Промежуточное состояние закрывания 3 (%) 0-100
★d12 Промежуточное состояние закрывания 4 (%) 0-100
★d13 Промежуточное состояние закрывания 5 (%) 0-100
★d14 Частота при удержании закрытого состояния 0/0,5-25
★d15 Частота при открывании 1 0/0,5-25
★d16 Частота при открывании 2 0/0,5-25
★d17 Частота при открывании 3 0/0,5-25
★d18 Частота при открывании 4 0/0,5-25
★d19 Частота при открывании 5 0/0,5-25
★d20 Частота при открывании 6 0/0,5-25
★d21 Частота при удержании открытого состояния 0/0,5-25
★d22 Частота при закрывании 1 0/0,5-25

★d23 Частота при закрывании 2 0/0,5-25
★d24 Частота при закрывании 3 0/0,5-25
★d25 Частота при закрывании 4 0/0,5-25
★d26 Частота при закрывании 5 0/0,5-25
★d27 Частота при закрывании 6 0/0,5-25
★d28 Время ускорения и торможения при открывании 1 (с) 0/0,1 -99
★d29 Время ускорения и торможения при открывании 2 (с) 0/0,1 -99
★d30 Время ускорения и торможения при открывании 3 (с) 0/0,1 -99
★d31 Время ускорения и торможения при открывании 4 (с) 0/0,1 -99
★d32 Время ускорения и торможения при открывании 5 (с) 0/0,1 -99
★d33 Время ускорения и торможения при открывании 6 (с) 0/0,1 -99
★d34 Время ускорения и торможения при закрывании 1 (с) 0/0,1-99
★d35 Время ускорения и торможения при закрывании 2 (с) 0/0,1 -99
★d36 Время ускорения и торможения при закрывании 3 (с) 0/0,1-99
★d37 Время ускорения и торможения при закрывании 4 (с) 0/0,1 -99
★d38 Время ускорения и торможения при закрывании 5 (с) 0/0,1-99
★d39 Время ускорения и торможения при закрывании 6 (с) 0/0,1-99

№ Название функции Диапазо
★d40 Ток удержания открытого состояния 0,0-100
★d41 Ток удержания закрытого состояния 0,0-100
Время прекращения удержания открытого/ закрытого
★d42 0/0,1-99
Частота при ожидании удержания при достижении
★d43 0,5-250
открытого состояния
Частота при ожидании удержания при достижении
★d44 0,5-250
открытого состояния
Время ожидания удержания при достижении открытого
★d45 0,0-10
Время ожидания удержания при достижении открытого
★d46 0,0-10
★d47 Таймер начала движения для открытого состояния 0,0-3,0
★d48 Таймер торможения для открытого состояния 0,0-3,0
★d49 Таймер начала движения для закрытого состояния 0,0-3,0
★d50 Таймер торможения для закрытого состояния 0,0-3,0
★d51 Рабочая частота при подаче напряжения 0/0,5-25
★d52 Частота при проверке хода двери 0,5-250
★d53 Настройка кода в области «D» 0/0,1-99

Примечание (1) * относится к параметрам, которые можно

изменить во время работы.

Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product.
- For optimum performance and safety, please read this manual carefully
before using this product.
- Please save this manual for future use.

Safety Precautions

Read this manual and related documents before attempting to install, operate,
service or inspect the inverter.
Make sure that you have an understanding of the device, the safety
information and all precautions before starting use.

Precautions prescribed in this manual is divided into two grades: Caution

and Note.

<ф> Caution The dangerous situations that could lead to personal

injury or death by mishandling the equipment.

/\ Note The dangerous situations that could lead to moderate or

slight personal injury or property damage by
mishandling the equipment.

In addition, the precautions prescribed in Caution may lead to serious

situations in different conditions.
Please follow the information and instructions as laid out in this manual
carefully to avoid damage to equipment or risk to personal injury.

1. Installation
! Note
• Install the unit on a non-combustible material such as metal. Installing it
on other material could lead to fires.
• Do not place the unit near flammable materials.
Doing so could lead to fires.
• Do not hold by terminal cover during transportation.
Doing so could cause the unit to drop and lead to injuries.
• Do not allow foreign matter such as metal swarf enter the unit. Entry of
this type of matter could lead to fires.
• Install the unit according to the instruction manual on a place where the
weight can be withstood.
Failure to do so could lead to dropping of the unit and to injuries.
• Do not install or operate an inverter that is damaged or missing parts.
Doing so could lead to injuries.

2. Wiring
! Caution
• Always confirm that the input power is OFF before starting wiring. Wait at
least five minutes after turning the input power OFF before starting use.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shocks or injuries.
• Always connect the earth.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shocks or fires.
• Wiring work must be carried out by a qualified technician. Failure to do so
could lead to electric shocks or fires.
• Always install the unit before wiring.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shocks or injuries.

! Note
• Do not connect an AC power supply to the output terminals (U, V, W).
Doing so could lead to injuries or fire.
• Connect the correct wiring for the motor. If the wiring is incorrect, the
door control cannot operate properly.

Failure to do so could lead to injuries.
• Connect the control terminals correctly. If the wiring is incorrect, the
door control cannot operate properly.
Failure to do so could lead to injuries.
• Confirm that the product's rated voltage and the AC power supply
voltage match.
Failure to do so could lead to injuries or fire.
• Tighten the terminal screws with the designated tool.
Failure to do so could lead to fire.

3. Operation
! Caution
• Always close the terminal cover before turning the input power ON. Do
not open the terminal cover while the power is ON.
Doing so could lead to electric shock.
• Do not operate the buttons with wet hands.
Doing so could lead to electric shock.
• Do not touch the inverter terminals when the inverter power is ON or
even when the inverter is stopped.
Doing so could lead to electric shock.
• The STOP button is not designed for emergency stop purposes.
Prepare a separate emergency stop switches.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Always confirm the security and function operation of the elevator
before obstacle detection function is applied.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Make sure to input safety sensor in the main controller of the
elevator and to operate the door's obstacle detection on the main
controller side. Obstacle detection function of the inverter does not
operate in CLOSE arrival area.
Always take dual security measures.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Make sure to input arrival signal (limit switch etc.)in the main
controller of the elevator and to operate the door's obstacle detection

on the main controller side.
Do not operate obstacle detection of the door only with OPEN/ CLOSE
arrival signal (input signal and the relay's output signal). Failure to do so
could lead to injury.
• Depending on different settings of the fault OPEN operation forced
operation time and the stop selection of OPEN/CLOSE operation,
sometimes even OPEN/ CLOSE signal are both turned OFF, the door
does not stop.
Confirm the elevator's security and function operation before using this
(Secure personal safety before carrying out the operation.) Failure to do
so could lead to injury.
• Depending on settings of the start mode and ride-through function
settings, if the run signal is ON or the power is restored after a power
failure, the inverter may start (restart) suddenly. Keep out of the
working part of the motor and the machine.

C Design the machine so that personal safety can be ensured

even ifthe inverter starts suddenly. J Failure to so could lead to
• Depending on the start mode function setting, if "the fault trip is reset"
or "the stop state is released with the panel STOP function" or "door
width measurement is reset" when the run signal is input, the inverter
may restart suddenly.
(Secure personal safety before using this function.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• When the retry function is used, the inverter may automatically
start(restart) suddenly. Keep out of the working part of the motor and
the machine. (Secure personal safety before using this function.)
Failure to so could lead to injury.

! Note

• The heat sink fins and brake resistor can reach high temperatures,
so do not touch them. Doing so could lead to burns.»
• The inverter can be easily set to run from low speeds to high speeds.
Confirm the tolerable range of the motor and machine before starting
Failure to do so could lead to injure.
• Prepare holding brakes if required.
Failure to do so could lead to injure.

• If there is no arrival signal, start operation before ensuring the
security and function operation of the elevator system.
(Secure personal safety before starting operation.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• When carrying out the door repeat control and the door width
measurement, the operation direction of the door may change
automatically. Start operation after ensuring personal safety. Failure to
do so could lead to injury.
• Adjust and confirm each parameter before operating. Depending on
the settings of the parameters, the inverter may work unexpectedly.
Failure to do so could lead to injure.

4. Maintenance, Inspection and Part Replacement

^ Caution
• Wait at least five minutes after turning the input power OFF before
starting inspections.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shock.
• Maintenance, inspection and part replacement must be done by
qualified persons. [Remove all metal personal belongings (watches,
bracelets, etc.) before starting the work. ]
(Use tools treated with insulation.)
Failure to do so could lead to electric shocks or injury.

A Note
• Have an electrician periodically tighten the terminal screws. Loosening of
the terminal screws could lead to overheating or fire.

5. Others
! Caution
• Do not use the inverter for a load other than a three-phase induction
• Never disassemble or modify the inverter. Doing so could lead to
electric shock or injury.

6. General Precautions
All diagrams in this instruction manual show the state with the cover or
safety partitions removed to explain the details. Before operating the
product, replace the covers and partitions to the positions specified,
and operate the unit according to the instruction manual.

[Inverter Surface] 7. Warning Lable on Inverter

Disconnect supply and wait 5
minutes before working on this

200V 0.4kW

Table of Contents
• Points for Handling .................................................. 8
• Special Precautions ................................................. 9-10
• Installation ............................................................... 11
• Outline Dimensions ................................................. 12
• Parts Identification ................................................... 13—15
• Wiring (Main Circuit) ................................................ 16-17
• Wiring(Control Circuit).............................................. 18~22
• Operation(Basic Operation) ...................................... 23~28
• Function of each modes .......................................... 29~33
• Setting and Changing Function ............................... 34-35
• Functional Descriptions (Parameter Table) ............... 36~40
• Functional Descriptions (By parameters) .................. 41~73
• Operation procedure of Custom mode ..................... 74~75
• Supplementary Explanation of Door ......................... 76
Width Measurement
• Supplementary Explanation of Obstacle .................. 77
Detection Function of the Door
• .................................................................................... Supplementary
Explanation of................................................................ 78~88
Communication Function
• Individual Details and Remedies for.......................... 89-90
Fault Trips
• Resetting Fault Trips ............................................... 90
• Troubleshooting © .................................................. 91
• Troubleshooting ф .................................................. 92
• Maintenance and Inspection..................................... 93-94
• Specifications .......................................................... 95~97

Points for Handling

Follow this manual and precautions when handling the inverter. Incorrect
handling could lead to inhibited operation or a drop operating life. In the
worst case, the inverter could be damaged.

Power supply Use within + 10%, -15% of the tolerable input

voltage range, and within ±5% of the tolerable input
frequency range.
Size a breaker from the selection table on page 17.
Circuit breaker

contactor (MC) A magnet contactor is not required in normal use. If
installed, do not start or stop the inverter with the
magnet contactor.

Power factor Connect this when the power factor must be

improvement improved.

Input noise Connect this when noise to the peripheral


N filter devices is a problem.


i Inverter
The ambient temperature is the most important
_1 factor for the installation site. Make sure that the
tolerable value is not exceeded.
(See page 9 and 11)

—1 ----- The thermal component built into the inverter is

Thermal relay
used to protect against overloads. Use an open
for open phase
phase protection thermal relay for open phase

Motor 3-phase induction motor.

V ___ ^

Special Precautions
♦ To meet requirements of European standard directive, please refer to precautions on
Page 98.
♦ Use the inverter only within tolerable ambient temperature range.(-10°C to 50°C)
Because the life of the inverter is greatly affected by ambient temperature, use it
within tolerable temperature range. Also, pay attention to the installation directions
and conditions. (See page 11)
♦ The inverter will be damaged if the power voltage is applied to its output terminal.
Applying power voltage to the output terminal U, V or W will damage the inverter.
Check carefully for fault wiring and operation procedure.
♦ Never apply a power voltage that exceeds the tolerable voltage of the inverter.
♦ Never touch the inside of the inverter during operation.
This is extremely dangerous the inverter contains high-voltage circuit. Be sure to wait
at least 5 minutes after the inverter power has been turned OFF, before making an
internal check.
Do not touch the heat sink fins or brake resistor during operation as these parts will
become hot during operation.
♦ Radio interference
The main circuit of the inverter contains a higher harmonic component and may
interfere with communications equipment such as AM radios if these are used
nearby. The amount of radio interference depends on the field strength in the area
where the inverter is used. While it is difficult to completely eliminate radio
interference, it may be reduced by changing the angle of your radio antenna, using a
noise filter with the inverter, housing the inverter in a metallic shield box, or routing
inverter cables in metal conduit. ( Please inquire separately.)
♦ Do not attempt insulation testing between the inverter cables.
To measure the insulation resistance of the power supply cables or the motor cables,
disconnect the inverter connecting wiries and test them with electric connecting wires.
Never conduct insulation testing on the control circuits by megohm meter. However,
insulation testing can be performed between the charging unit and the ground.
♦ If a magnetic contactor is connected to the power supply side or the load side of the
inverter, never use it to start or stop the motor (door controller).
Switching the inverter on the power supply side ON and OFF frequently by a
magnetic contactor, can cause the inverter to malfunction. Do not turn the inverter on
the load side ON and OFF during operation as this causes inverter fault trips. Start or
stop the motor only by means of inverter run signal.
♦ Do not connect a power factor capacitor or suppressor to the output terminal of the
Such devices can damage the inverter, its capacitors and other parts. Remove the
device if one is connected.
♦ Do not use the inverter for loads other than a three-phase induction motor.
♦ Precautions regarding Inverter's Protection Function
Various protection functions such as stall prevention, current limit, overcurrent shut-

off are built in the inverter.
These protection functions are used to protect the inverter from the sudden abnormal
conditions in use, so they are not the control functions to be always used.
Therefore, do not use the applications in which those protection functions activate in
the normal operating conditions.
In some cases, the inverter's life may be shorten, or the inverter may be damaged.
Always measure the output current, etc. with a measuring instrument, and check the
details of the fault trip memory, and confirm that there is no problem in the conditions for
all the precautions and specifications describled in the manual when using the inverter.

/\ Note
• Install the unit on a non-combustible material such as metal. Installing it on
other material could lead to fire.
• Do not place the unit near flammable materials.
Failure to do so could lead to fire.
• Do not hold the terminal cover during transportation.
Failure to do so could cause the unit to drop and lead to injuries.
• Do not allow foreign matter such as metal swarf enter the unit.
Entry of this type of matter could lead to fire.
• Mount the unit according to the instruction manual in a place where the
weight can be withstood.
Failure to do so could lead to dropping of the unit and to injuries.
• Do not install or operate an inverter that is damaged or with parts missing.

[Install the inverter vertically] [Avoid installing the inverter in the

following locations]
Installing the inverter in any other way ■Areas subject to direct sunlight.
decreases its heat dissipation effect ■Areas subject to water or high levels of
and results in malfunction. humidity.
■Areas with large amounts of oil mist, dust
z_ / ----- 7 or fiber dust.

&X ■J
■Areas where rain water, water drops or
oil drops may come in contact.
■Areas where corrosive gases, explosive
о X gases or flammable gases are present.
■ Installation onto flammable materials
Vertical Horizontal Sideways such as wood, or near flammable
[Make sure the ambient materials.
■Areas subject to vibration.
temperature stays within the
The ambient temperature surrounding
the inverter will increase when it is
installed near a heating unit or housed
inside a panel. This may reduce the
life of the inverter. If you want to house
the inverter inside a panel, give careful
consideration to the cooling method
and panel size.
• Tolerable ambient temperature:
-10 °Cto 50°C
(Ambient temperatures should be measured
at a point 5cm from the inverter.)

Failure to do so could lead to injury. ///////////
• >к
5cm or
more 5cm or
r more
the 10cm or more

10cm or more

Outline Dimensions


Mounting hole Frame
Parts Identification



Communication terminal block (1 pc)

Note) Turn off the power supply and remove the communication terminal cover before installing/
removing the communication terminal block. When the communication function is not used,
the communication terminal cover should be fitted.
[Details on model]
Input power Applicable motor
supply capacity (kW) With brakes Without brakes
200V 0.4 AAD03011G AAD03011D

Explanation of Inside of
Terminal Cover

Communication circuit terminal

block (RS485 communication)

Control circuit terminal block

(Input and output signal)

Note) This explanatory drawing

shows the state with the
terminal cover removed. During
normal use, do not remove the terminal cover.

Opening and Closing Terminal Cover

ф Opening the terminal cover

Lightly push up the cover bottom edge of the terminal cover.

@ Closing the terminal cover
Lightly push down the center top edge of the terminal cover.
Note) After closing the terminal cover, confirm that it is securely closed.

The output frequency, output current, line speed, control status
Main display monitor, data for function setting and parameter No. are
RUN button The switch is used to start the inverter.

STOP button The switch is used to stop the inverter.

This switch is used to change to each "output frequency, output
MODE button current display", "frequency setting, control status monitor",
"rotation direction setting", "function setting" mode, and to
switch the display from the data to mode display.
The switch is used to change the display between the mode
and data display, and to save the data. In the "Output
SET button frequency, output current display mode", this switch changes
the display between the frequency and current.

This switch is used to change the data or output frequency, and

A(UP) button to set forward run direction when carrying out forward rotation
with the operation panel.
This switch is used to change the data or output frequency, and
Y(DOWN) button to set reverse run direction when carrying out reverse rotation
with the operation panel.
Handling for the displays of output current, output voltage and internal DC
1) The displayed output current, output voltage and internal DC voltage are not
intended for precise measurement. Use this only as a guide value.
(Use a separate measuring instrument when precise values are required.)
2) Especially for the displayed output current, a relatively large value may be displayed
at approx.40% or less of the rated current. (For example, even if there is no output
current, a certain level may be displayed. Note that when the inverter is stopped,
"0.0A" will be displayed.)

Wiring (Main Circuit)
ф Caution
• Always confirm that the input power is OFF before starting wiring. Wait at least
five minutes after turning the input power OFF before starting wiring. Failure to do
so could lead to electric shocks, fires or injuries.
• Always connect the earth.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shocks, fires or injuries.
• Wiring work must be carried out by a qualified technician.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shocks, fires or injuries.
• Always install the unit before wiring.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shocks or injuries.

Д Note
• Do not connect an AC power supply to the output terminals (U, V, W). Doing so
could lead to injuries or fire.
• Connect the correct wiring for the motor. If the wiring is incorrect, the door
control cannot operate properly.
Wrong connection could lead to injuries or fires.
• Confirm that the product's rated voltage and the AC power supply voltage
match. Failure to do so could lead to injuries or fire.
• Tighten the terminal screws with the designated tightening tool.
Failure to do so could lead to fire.

■ Precautions on wiring
Note the following points carefully to prevent miswiring and misuse of the inverter.
(Devices may be broken.)
1) Connect the power supply to input terminals (L, N) and the motor to output
terminals (U,V,W).
2) Use sleeved round crimp terminals for power supply and motor terminals.
3) After wiring the main circuit, double check for tightness as access will be limited
once control circuit wiring is in place.
4) When connecting directly to a large capacity power transformer (500kVA or more),
always install a power factor improvement reactor on the inverter's input side.
5) Select connected devices and wire size according to the table on page 17.
6) Class D(3) grounding must be done.
7) To meet requirements of CE Marking, power input end of the inverter shall be
equipped with protection devices for overcurrent, short circuit and leakage of

■ Wiring (Main Circuit Terminal)

Ground marking

Note) Always connect protective devices such as fuse for overcurrent, short circuits and leakage
protection to the input terminal.
■ Connected Device, Wire Size and Main Circuit Terminal
Tightening Torque
Inverter capacity Circuit breaker Tightening torque Wire size

0.4 kW BC-30N 10A 1.2 N ■ m

2 mm2 { 14AWG}
Note1) If the breaker's overcurrent trip is a magnetic type, the device could overheat due
to higher harmonics. Use a load rate of 50% or less in this case. Note2) When using an
installed circuit breaker with motor protection, remove it.

■ Precautions for Using Regenerative Brakes

1) When using the regenerative brake, select the one with brakes. The brake resistor is
built in the inverter. (It is built in the radiation fin.)
2) When using regenerative brakes, set the parameter P17 data to"0".
The brakes will not activate when the factory setting "1" is set.
3) The regenerative brake specifications are shown below. Carefully consider the
working conditions before using these brakes.
Note that the inverter could be damaged if the specifications are exceeded.
■ Maximum duty factor (%ED): 2%
■ Maximum working time: 3s
■Maximum torque: 100%

Control Circuit Wiring

Wiring (Control Circuit Terminal)

*To meet requirements of European standard directive, please refer to precautions on Page
(Common) (Common)


© © © ©a ©

1 ©

§>> (О (О §>,
2 2 Шg 0.0. < СО оо
g> .S -C 0 О CO 0(0

CO го СО Ф
С О) Ф О) 0 С .£ §■ ф ф §"
C9 ф -S' (ОС +L СО £ £ -Л СО
Ф <0 Q_ Ф со ф о_го о го °-
_ О о го 5 o-gi — ГО ГО =
О ООО О со
Input signal Encoder signal
♦ Built-in power supply specification: 12 V DC -10%/ +20%, 0.1A or less
Note1) Do not use the Built-in power supply for other devices except for the encoder power
supply. The inverter could be damaged if the Built-in power supply is connected
Note2) The NPN open collector output should be used for the output signals (phase A and phase
B) of the encoder. Please read the precautions on the encoder. (See page 21 and
page 22)
Note3) The common terminals(®and©) are connected within the inverter. Do not ground the
common terminal.

I I r>
■ Wiring (Output terminals)

© B } A } C 2 B 2 A 2 C 3 B 3 A 3


___________II ___________I
Relay 1 output Relay 2 output Relay 3 output
♦ Relay output contact specifications:
1c no-voltage contact, 230 V AC 0.3 A, 30 V DC 0.3 A(resistance load) Mechanical lifetime: 100
million times or more(switching frequency: 180 times/min.) Electrical lifetime: 100 thousand
times or more(switching frequency at rated control capacity: 20 times/min.)

■ Wiring ( Communication Terminals)
♦ Terminals to connect personal computers and PLCs by the RS485
D+ Transmission line + terminal
RS485 Terminator (RS485 communication)
D- Transmission line - terminal
(RS485 communication)
E Terminator terminal
(RS485 communication)

* Related parameter No. P35

to P40.
* Connect the D+ side and
D+ side, and D- side and D- side of the
Short terminals.
circuit * The D- side and E side of the
inverter to circuit be a terminator should
be shorted.
Do not short the units other than the
◄ ------------------------- ► * Do not use the V+ and V-
Transition connecting wire: Max. 500m terminals. Always leave them open. If
they are connected incorrectly, the
inverter could be damaged.
■ Electric Cable Size and Control Circuit Terminal Tightening Torque
Terminal Screw Tightening Wire's insulation
mark size torque N-m Cable size removing size
Ф ~© M2 0.22~ 0.25 0.25~0.75 mm2 5mm
0.25~0.75 mm2
M3 0.5~ 0.6 6mm
A1-3, B1-3 C1-3 (AWG24~AWG18)

M2 0.22~ 0.25 0.25~0.75 mm2 7mm

■Screwdriver: Small-size ©screwdriver (Depth of the edge:
removing size
0.4mm/ Width of the edge: 2.5mm)
[Wiring Method]
■ For the wiring of the control circuit terminals, use the electric wires after removing the specific size
of wire's insulation.
■ Loosening the interminal screws and insert the cables from under the terminal block, and tighten
the screws with a specific torque.
Notel) Twist the strands of the uncovered electric wires.
Do not solder them.
Note2) Tightening loosely causes the wires to be come away or malfunctions.
Tightening too hard causes the short-circuit or malfunctions caused by the damage to
the screw or the inverter.

■ Explanation of Control Circuit Termina s
Terminal Related Parameter No.
No. Terminal Function
Ф P08
Input terminal of Open Signal (forward run operation)
© P08
Input terminal of Close Signal (reverse run operation)
© Input terminal of Open arrival signal d49
© Input terminal of Close arrival signal
© Input terminal of safety sensor P43,P44

© Input terminal of Open speed change signal P09,P43,d48

© Input terminal of Close speed change signal P09,P43,d50

© Common terminal of input signal 1 to 7 —

© Built-in power supply (+) terminal (12 V DC)

Input terminal of encoder (phase A) signal P09,P46,P52

© Input terminal of encoder (phase B) signal P09,P46,P52

© Built-in power supply (-) terminal (12 V DC common
A1 Relay 1 contact output terminal (NO: at factory setting) P48

B1 Relay 1 contact output terminal (NC: at factory setting) P48

C1 Relay 1 contact output terminal (COM) P48

A2 Relay 2 contact output terminal (NO: at factory setting) P49

B2 Relay 2 contact output terminal (NC: at factory setting) P49

C2 Relay 2 contact output terminal (COM) P49

A3 Relay 3 contact output terminal (NO: at factory setting) P50

B3 Relay 3 contact output terminal (NC: at factory setting) P50

C3 Relay 3 contact output terminal (COM) P50

D+ Transmission line + terminal (RS485 serial P35 to P40

communication signal)

D- Transmission line - terminal (RS485 serial P35 to P40

communication signal)
Terminal for setting terminator (Transmission line-
E terminal and short-circuit) Do not short the units other —
than the terminator.

V+ Unused terminal —

V- Unused terminal —

■ Precautions on Wiring
1. Use shielded wires for all control signal wires and keep them away more
than 20cm from power lines and strong electric circuits.
2. The wiring length of the control signal wire is 30m or less.
3. The control circuit's input signal is a minute signal, so use two minute
signal contacts in parallel or use a twin contact to prevent contact faults
when inputting the contact.
4. No-voltage contact signal or open-collector signal should be used with
control terminals No. 1 to 7.
(If a voltage is applied across these terminals, the inverter may be
damaged.) * Input circuit specifications are shown in Fig. 1.
Take special care to avoid loop or leakage current.
5. Precautions on encoder (Refer to Fig.2 and 3)
Note1) NPN open-collector output is used with ouput signal (Phase
A, Phase B) of the encoder.
Use the transistor that meets the specifications below.
■ Max. rated voltage : 30VDC or more
■ Rated current : 20mA or more
Note 2) Power supply of the encoder should be 12 V DC -10%/ +20%. Note 3)
Consumption current of the encoder should be 50mA or less.
Leghth of wiring

Note4) Control the cable wiring length of the encoder within 5m or less.
Note5) The max. input pulse frequency and the min. input pulse width
should be used at the following setting.
■ Max. input pulse frequency (1/T) : 10 kHz or less
■ Phase difference (t1): 25ц s or more
■ Overlap (t2) : 25 ц s or more

A -----------------------------------------►
----------------- -----------------
Phase A W

Phase B
t1 I t2 t1 i t2

Fig. 3
Note6) Confirm the rotation direction before making the connection of the
output signal (phase A and phase B) of the encoder.

[Judging the pulse signals of phase A and B, and forward/ reverse


Open operation in Phase A

forward direction
(Count addition)
Phase B

Close operation in Phase A

reverse direction
(Count subtraction)
Phase B

6. For the communication cable, use a double-core cable(VCTF) or twisted

pair cable ( with shield). Keep the cable away from power lines and
strong electric circuits.
7. The total length of the communication cable must be 500m or less.

Operation (Basic Operation)

• Always close the terminal cover before turning the input power ON.
Do not open the terminal cover while the power is ON.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shock.
• Do not operate the buttons with wet hands.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shock.
• Do not touch the inverter terminals when the inverter power is ON or even when
the inverter is stopped.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shock.
• The STOP button is not designed for emergency stop purposes.
Prepare a separate emergency stop switch.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shock.
• Always confirm the security and function operation of the elevator system before
obstacle detection function is applied.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Make sure to input safety sensor in the main controller of the elevator and to
operate the door's obstacle detection on the main controller side. Obstacle
detection function of the inverter does not operate in the CLOSE arrival area.
Always take dual security measures.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Make sure to input arrival signal (limit switch etc.) in the main controller of the lift
and to operate the door's obstacle detection on the main controller side. Do not
operate obstacle detection of the door only with OPEN/CLOSE arrival signal (input
signal and the relay's output signal).
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Depending on different settings of the fault OPEN operation forced operation time
and the stop selection of OPEN/CLOSE operation, sometimes even OPEN/
CLOSE signal are both turned OFF, the door does not stop. Confirm the lift's
security and function operation before using this equipment. (Secure personal
safety before carrying out the operation.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Due to setting of the start mode and the ride-through restart function, when the run
signal is ON, the inverter may start (restart) suddenly if the power is applied or the
power is restored after a power failure. Keep out of the working part of the motor
and the machine.

C Design the machine so that personal safety can be ensured

even if the inverter starts suddenly. J Failure to so could lead
to injury.
• Depending on the start mode function setting, if "the fault trip is reset" or "the stop
state is released with the panel STOP function" or "door width measurement is
reset" when the run signal is input, the inverter may restart suddenly.

(Secure personal safety before using this function.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• When the retry function is used, the inverter may automatically start (restart). Keep
out of the working part of the motor and the machine.
(Secure personal safety before using this function.)
Failure to so could lead to injury.

/\ Note
• The heat sink fins and brake resistor can reach high temperatures, so do not touch
Doing so could lead to burns.
• The inverter can be easily set to run from low speeds to high speeds. Confirm the
tolerable range of the motor and machine before starting operation. Failure to do
so could lead to injure.
• Prepare holding brakes if required.
Failure to do so could lead to injure.
• If there is no arrival signal, start operation before ensuring the security and
function operation of the lift system.
(Secure personal safety before starting operation.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• When carrying out the door repeat control and the door width measurement, the
operation direction of the door may change automatically. Start operation after
ensuring personal safety.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Adjust and confirm each parameter before operating. Depending on the settings of
the parameters, the inverter may work unexpectedly.
Failure to do so could lead to injure.
• Before turning power ON, check the following points again.
® Check that all wiring is correct.
Reversed wiring between the power supply and the load, in particular, can
result in damage to the inverter.
® Make sure the inverter rating and power supply voltages match each other. ®
Make sure no power factor capacitor is connected to the motor, as it can damage
the inverter and the capacitor.
@ Before starting a trial run, check the set frequency.
• Setting the Frequency and Forward/Reverse Run Function With the
Operation Panel
There are following methods for setting the frequency and carrying out
forward/reverse run function with the operation panel.
■Frequency setting: [Digital setting method]
■Forward/reverse run operation: [Forward run/reverse run method]
[Start/stop, rotation direction mode setting method]
1. Setting the frequency
1) Digital setting method (Parameter P09 set to "0")
Press the MODE button on the panel to enter the frequency setting mode (Fr).

Press the SET button, display the frequency to be set with theA(up) button
andT(down) button, and then press the SET button to enter the data. The
frequency can be changed by holding down theA(up) button orT (down) button
during operation. (Hereafter, this function is called the MOP function.) This MOP
function cannot be used when parameter P08 is set to "1".
2. Forward/reverse run function
1) Forward run/reverse run method (Parameter P08 set to "1")
Press theAbutton (forward run) orTbutton (reverse run) on the panel to select
the rotation direction. Operation will start when the RUN button is pressed, and
will stop when the STOP button is pressed.
*The inverter will not start running just by pressing the RUN button.
2) Sart/stop, rotating direction mode setting method (Parameter P08 set to "0")
First, press the MODE button twice to enter the rotation direction setting mode
(dr). Press the SET button to display the rotation direction data, change the
rotation direction with theA(up) button andT(down) button, and then press the
SET button to enter the data. (Forward run is set as the factory setting.)
Operation will start when the RUN button is pressed, and will stop when the
STOP button is pressed.
Note) In the case of the door control, the forward run operation is OPEN operation
and the reverse run operation is CLOSE operation.
3. Combination of "Mop function", "rotation direction setting mode" and
forward/ reverse run function.
Forward/reverse run function Details of rotation direction setting
MOP function mode

Forward run/reverse run (Cannot be used) Only monitor function

Start/stop, rotation direction Monitor function and direction
mode setting method (Can be used) setting function

Note) When the forward run/reverse run function is set to "forward run/reverse run
method (parameter P08=1) ", the MOP function cannot be used.

• Operating With the Operation Panel -1 (Factory Setting State)
■Forward /reverse run function: Start/stop, rotation direction mode setting (Parameter
P08=0) ■Frequency setting: Digital setting (Parameter P09=0)
[Example for rotating in forward direction at operating frequency 5Hz]
MODE Press the MODE button. Main display
F r
Press the SET button. 0 0 0
Power ON The
displaylamp will turn ON.
Ш will flicker.)
0 |5. 0
1 Press theA(up) or'T(down) buttons to

Changing the MODE Press the MODE button. r
frequency display 10Hz on the main display. (The
Press the SET button.
main display
(The main will flicker.)
display will flicker.) 01 |0.0. 0
Press theA(up)
the SET or'T(down)
button to setbuttons
the data.
to The
Frequency A display 5Hz
willon the
change to the(Theoutput
main display.
setting frequency, and
main display willwill reach 10Hz.
01 0. 5.
0 0
T2 Press the SET button to set the data.
SET Press the RUN button. 0 00
1 As the factory setting is the forward
Run command RUN operation, the motor will start rotating in
the forward direction and operate at 5Hz.
0 5. 0

[Example for rotating in forward direction at operating frequency 10Hz]

[Stopping operation]
Stop STOP Press the STOP button. The motor will start 000
command to decelerate and will stop.

[Changing the frequency with theAandT buttons during operation (MOP function)]
The operating frequency can be changed with theAand'T buttons during operation.
■ If theA(up) button is held down, the operating frequency will increase.
■ If the'T(down) button is held down, the operating frequency will decrease.
Note ) Once the operating frequency is determined, press the MODE button and then press the
SET button twice to set the operating frequency.
If this is not carried out, this frequency will not be saved when the power is turned OFF.

[Continued from previous page, Example for rotating in reverse direction at
operating frequency 10Hz]
Main display

Press the MODE button. r
MODE| Press the MODE button.
d r
Press the SET button.
Changing the
(The main display will flicker.) L —
Press theA(up) button.
direction (The main display will flicker.) —
L r
Press the SET button to set the data.
SET 0 0 0
I Press the RUN button.
Run RUN As the frequency is already set to 10Hz,
command the motor will start rotating in the
| reverse direction and operate at 10Hz. 1 0. 0

[Example to change to forward rotation during reverse rotation]

MODE| Press the MODE button. F r
MODE| Press the MODE button.
d r
Changing the Press the SET button.
rotation (The main display will flicker.)
L r
direction Press theT(down) button. (The
main display will flicker.) L F
Press the SET button.
The motor will decelerate, and will Reverse Г! 0. 0
start forward rotation at 10Hz.
t[ 0. 0
Forward 1 0. 0
[Stopping operation]
Stop STOP| Press the STOP button. 000
The motor will start to decelerate and
will stop.

• Operating With the Operation Panel -2
■ Forward / reverse run function: Forward run/reverse run operation (Parameter
P08=1) ■Frequency setting: Digital setting (Parameter P09=0)
[Example for rotating in forward direction at operating frequency 5Hz]
Main display
The main display lamp will turn ON.
Power ON
I 0 00
MODE Press the MODE button. Fr
fSETl Press the SET button.
(The main display will flicker.) 0. 5
Frequency Press the A(up) andT(down) buttons to
setting display 5Hz on the main display. (The 5. 0
main display will flicker.)

rSET~l Press the SET button to set the data.

0 00
Press theA(up) button, and set the rotation
direction to forward run. (Press theTbutton
Forward run to set reverse run.)
setting 0 F

Current state (0: Stop, F: Forward run, r: Reverse run)

Set rotation direction (F: Forward run, r: Reverse run)
Press the RUN button.
Run command RUN The motor will start rotating in the I I 5.1 0
forward direction and operate at 5Hz.

[Example to change from forward run to reverse run during operation]

Press theT(down) button, and set the
Reverse run rotation direction to reverse run. F- r
■Current state (F: Forward run)
■Set rotation direction (r: Reverse run)-

Run mman Press the RUN button. Forward I 15.101

co d
The motor will gradually decelerate,
and will start forward rotation at 5Hz 0 0
again. Reverse Г 5. 0
[Stopping operation]
Press the STOP button. 0 I 0 I
Stop STOP The motor will start to decelerate
command and will stop.
0 I
Note) If the RUN button is pressed after setting the rotation direction, the rotation direction will
not changed.
[Canceling the rotation direction setting]
After setting with theAandTbuttons, the rotation direction can be canceled by pressing the same
button again.

[Continued from previous page]
1 l
Custom mode After the parameter set
Function parameter data distributed to is confirmed,
custom parameter No. can be set, • The data of the parameter
changed or confirmed. [SET can be changed when SET
Set the required No. with the Aand ▼ Continuously button
is pressed.
<buttons. press • The distributed parameter
[Display parameter No.] U 0 1 No.
[SET can be changed when the
________ ^ SET button is held down.
\ SET (P region and d region can
ISET be distributed.)
[Display set parameter No] P. 0 1 <----------------
The current parameter No.
Press the SET button to confirm the will appear when the MODE
parameter set currently. MODE button is pressed.
(The data is not set.)

© Function setting mode [Data change]

The parameter data can be changed SET The data can be changed
and monitored in this mode. The with the Aand ▼buttons.
is displayedNo.
when this mode is entered. Press the SET button and
Set the required No. with the Aand ▼ SET set the changed data.
buttons. (The next parameter No.
In addition, password can be set. will appear when the SET
buttoncurrent parameter No.
is pressed.)
[Display parameter No.] [PT0T1 will
appear when the MODE
[Display password] | P. | F | S button
is pressed.
(The data is not set.)
1 MODE 1

© Function setting mode for door

control [Data change]
The parameter data for door control can SET The data can be changed
be changed and monitored in this with the Aand ▼buttons.
mode. Press the SET button and
The parameter No. is displayed when SET set the changed data.
this mode is entered. (The next parameter No.
Set the required No. with the Aand will appear when the SET
▼buttons. In addition, password can be The
buttoncurrent parameter No.
is pressed.)
appear when the MODE
[Display parameter No.]
[Displaypassword] d. P S d 0 1 4 --------------
is pressed.
(The data is not set.)

к Password can be set with Parameter P41: P region password and Parameter d53:
D region password.

■ Control State Monitor
The following 17 items can be monitored in the control state monitor mode.
Monitor item Indication
n 01 Output frequency Output frequency(unit: Hz)
n02 Output current Output current (unit: A)
n 03 Output voltage Output voltage (unit: V AC)

n 04 Internal DC voltage Internal DC voltage (unit: V DC)

n 05 Setting frequency Setting frequency (unit: Hz)
n 06 Detection frequency
n 07 Door position area
n 08 Door position Monitor for door control (Refer to pages 31
n 09 OPEN arrival position data and 32)

n 10 No. of door switching

n 11 Encoder detection status
n 12 Fault display 1 (latest)
n 13 Fault display 2 (second to latest) Details of errors
(Refer to pages 89 and 90)
n 14 Fault display 3 (third to latest)
n 15 Fault display 4 (fourth to latest)
n 16 Control terminal state (input signal) Input/output of control circuit terminals
n 17 Control terminal state (output signal) (Refer to page 32)

• Output current (n02), output voltage (n03), internal DC voltage (n04)

■ The indications of the output current, output voltage and internal DC voltage are
not the accurate indications for measuring. Use those indications to get rough
values. (If you need the accurate values, use a measuring instrument.)
• Detection frequency (n06)
■ Detects the actual speed of rotation from encoder signals.
Displays the value as detection frequency that is calculated to the frequency from a
detected speed of rotation.
Speed of rotation [r/min] No. of pulses of encoder per minute[p/min]

Encoder constant[p/r]
No. of motor poles
Detection frequency [Hz] X Speed of rotation [r/min]
Note1) The No. of motor poles 120 (Parameter P51) and encoder
constant (Parameter P52) should be set.
Note2) In the non-encoder mode (Parameter P09= [1,2, 3]), the detection frequency (n06) cannot
be detected. The panel display will be "0.0".

• Door position area (n07)
■ Indicates the operation area of the door position.
[0]: CLOSE hold operation area, [1 to 6]: OPEN operation area [7]: OPEN hold
operation area, [8 to 13]: CLOSE operation area

• Door position (n08)

■ Indicates the data value of the door position. (Data range: 1 to 65535) Operation
panel display: Displays as 1 = "0.01" and 10,000 = "100.". Monitor by communication
function: Directly displays the door position data.

• OPEN arrival position data (n09)

■ Indicates the data value of the door position while the OPEN arrival signal is changing
from OFF to ON.
Operation panel display: Displays as 1 = [0.01] and 10,000 = [100.]. Monitor by
communication function: Directly displays the door position data.

• No. of door switching (n10)

■ Number of switching can be monitored up to 65,535 times.
Operation panel display: Displays as 1 time = "0.01" and 10,000 times = [100.]. Monitor
by communication function: Directly displays the number of switching.
■ The data of the number of switching can be cleared by setting the parameter P42
(setting data clear) to "2".

• Encoder detection status (n11)

■ Indicates the pulse frequency of the encoder signal.
■ Also indicates the rotation direction of the motor by the encoder signal.
F: Forward run (OPEN operation), r: Reverse run (CLOSE operation)
Note) In the non-encoder mode (Parameter P09 = [1,2, 3]), the encoder detection status (n11) cannot be
detected. The panel display will be "0.0".

• Control terminal status (Input signal/output signal) (n16 and n17)

■ The statuses of the input and output signals of the control circuit terminal can be
monitored by "Lightening/Lightening out of each LED segment".

n16: Input signal
Lights: Closed between the input terminal and the common terminal. Lights out: Opened
between the input terminal and the common terminal. Note) The input signal monitor
lights when the input terminal is closed and lights out when the input terminal is opened. It
is independent of the input signal logic setting.
n17: Output signal
Lights: When the relay coil is energized.
Lights out: When the relay coil is not energized.

position Input signal n16 Output signal n17

Ф OPEN signal Relay 1 output signal

© CLOSE signal Relay 2 output signal

© OPEN arrival signal Relay 3 output signal

CLOSE arrival signal
© Safety sensor signal

© OPEN speed change

N /I N /I
CLOSE speed Ф

change signal
© Encoder phase A
© Encoder phase B

Setting and Changing Function
Various function data can be changed and set when the operation is stopped. Note
that some functions can be changed during operation.(See page 35)

Setting functions when operation is stopped.

[Setting example: Change the maximum frequency from 50Hz to 60Hz.]
(Changing the parameter P03 data from "50" to "60".) Main display
ISTOP Press the STOP button to stop the inverter 0 00
IMODE Press the MODE button Mr I
IMODE Press the MODE button dIrI
IMODE Press the MODE button n 0 I 11
IMODE Press the MODE button(Enter the function setting P 0 1 11
(if a password is set, it must be entered at this
>1 point. See page 53.)
| iк Press theA(UP) button twice, and change the P 0131
parameter No. to P03.
SET Press the SET button to display the parameter 5101
P03 data.(The main display will flicker.)
▲ Press the A(UP)button, and change the data 6 10 1
display value to "60". (The main display will flicker.)

SET Press the SET button to set the data. P 014|

IMODE Press the MODE button to make the 0 0 10 1
>f status ready for operation.

OPERATION PREPARATION .. .The normal stop state will be entered and the
COMPLETED inverter can be run.
1. After the function is set, the inverter will not run unless the MODE button is pressed
[Setting Precautions]
and the "operation preparation completed" state is returned to.
2. If the function setting returns to the "operation preparation completed" state during
data changing, while a start input signal is being applied through external control, an "OP"
error will be displayed, causing the inverter to remain inoperative.
* Reset the fault indication using the instructions under "Resetting Fault Trips" (page 90).
3. The set data will be stored in the memory even after the power supply has been
turned OFF.

Setting Function During Operation
The motor and motor load fluctuation could change significantly
Caution: and the motor may suddenly stop or start when data is being
changed during operation. Before making changes, ensure
personal safety at all times. Failure to do so could lead to injury.

[Setting example: To change torque boost level from 10(%) to 5(%)]

Main display
Operation state (for 10Hz operation)
MODE| Press the MODE button five times, and

enter the "function setting mode."
Press the A(up) button five times, and
3 —.
change the parameter No. to P05.
Press the SET button to display the
Oc parameter P05 data.
.£= ф (The main display will flicker.)
§1 Press theA(up) and ▼(down) button to
set the data display value to "5". (The
main display will flicker.)
Press the SET button to set the data.
Press the MODE button to enter the
I-3—I "output frequency, output current display
MODE| mode".(The display will not change
unless the MODE button is pressed.)

* If change the data parameters during operation, please see "Parameter Table".

[Setting Precautions]
1. During operation, the parameters other than those that can be changed will show
data, but the data cannot be changed.
2. If a stop signal is input while changing the data and the inverter stops, the mode
will return to the " operation preparation completed" state.
3. If change the parameters d14 to d27(Open/Close arrival holding frequency and
Open/Close frequency 1 to 6) to "000 setting", output of the inverter will enter stop
state. (The motor will start or stop simultaneously when theabove-mentioned data
are being changed and have been changed, as well as when the data are being
set. Carry out the operation after safety is confirmed completely.)

Functional Descriptions(Parameter Table)
The parameter table consists of "P region parameters: P01 to P81" and ''d region
parameters: d00 to d65".
■ P region parameters: P01 to P81
No. Parameter name Setting range setting
★ P01 1ST ACCELERATION TIME(s) 0 • 0.1 to 999 0.5
★ P02 1ST DECELERATION TIME(s) 0 • 0.1 to 999 0.5
P03 V/F PATTERN 50 • 60 • FF 50
P04 V/F CURVE 0•1 0
★ P05 TORQUE BOOST LEVEL(%) 0 to 40 10
P10 STOP MODE 0• 1 0
P11 STOP FRENQENCY(Hz) 0.5 to 60 0.5
P12 DC BRAKE TIME(s) 0 • 0.1 to 120 000
P13 DC BRAKE LEVEL 0 to 100 00
P14 MAX. OUTPUT FREQUENCY (Hz) 50 to 250 50.0
P15 BASE FREQUENCY (Hz) 45 to 250 50.0
P18 SKIP FREQUENCY 1 (Hz) 0 • 0.5 to 250 000
P19 SKIP FREQUENCY 2 (Hz) 0 • 0.5 to 250 000
P20 SKIP FREQUENCY 3 (Hz) 0 • 0.5 to 250 000

P22 CURRENT LIMIT FUNCTION (s) 0 • 0.1 to 9.9 0

P23 START MODE 0• 1• 2• 3 0
P25 WAIT TIME (s) 0.1 to 100
P27 RETRY TIMES 1 to 10 1

P28 LOWER FREQUENCY CLAMP(Hz) 0-5 to 250 0.5

P29 UPPER FREQUENCY CLAMP (Hz) 0.5 to 250 250

No. Parameter name Setting range setting
P32 MAX. OUTPUT VOLTAGE(V) 0 • 1-500 0
P33 OCS LEVEL(%) 1-200 140
★ P34 CARRIER FREQUENCY(kHz) 0.8-15.0 10
P35 SETTING 1-31 01
P36 COMMUNICATION SPEED 48 • 96 • 192 96
P37 STOP (BIT) 1•2 1
P38 PARITY CHECK 0-1-2 0
P39 TIMEOVER DETECT(s) 0 • 0.1-60.0 000
P40 SEND WAIT TIME (ms) 1-999 001
P41 P REGION PASSWORD 0 • 1-999 000




P47 TIME(s) 0






P51 NO. OF MOTOR POLES 2-4-6 4
P53 - - 0
P54 - - 1.0
P55 - - 0.0
P56 - - 1.0
P57 - - 0.0
P58 - - 5.0
1 (A)
2 (A)
★ P63 10

No. Parameter name Setting range setting


TIME (ms)
★ P68 START CONFIRMATION TIME (ms) 100~999 200
TIME (s)
★ P70 OPERATION TIME (s) 0-0.1~500 0.0


★ P72 REPEAT 0.0~10 3.0
★ P73 REPEAT 0.0~10 3.0
★ P 7 7 SLIP ARRIVAL JUDGMENT 0.1~10 1.0
★ P78 SLIP ARRIVAL JUDGMENT TIME (ms) 1 ~999 100
Notel) The ★ mark indicates parameters that can be changed during the inverter is
in operation.
Note2) Parameters P53 to 58(Function cannot be used) indicate the data is set in
factory and cannot be changed.
Note3) For the communication parameters P35 to 40, always turn off the power
supply after the data has been set. The set value will be effective after the
power supply is turned on again.

■ d region parameters : d01 to d65
No. Parameter name Setting range setting
★ d01 Setting value of door width 1 ~65535 655.
★ d02 CLOSE Arrival position (%) 0~100 0
★ d03 OPEN Speed change position 1 (%) 0~100 1.5
★ d04 OPEN Speed change position 2 (%) 0~100 16
★ d05 OPEN Speed change position 3 (%) 0~100 50
★ d06 OPEN Speed change position 4(%) 0~100 70
★ d07 OPEN Speed change position 5 (%) 0~100 85
★ d08 OPEN Arrival position (%) 0~100 100
★ d09 CLOSE Speed change position 1 (%) 0~100 95
★ d10 CLOSE Speed change position 2 (%) 0~100 75
★ d11 CLOSE Speed change position 3 (%) 0~100 55
★ d12 CLOSE Speed change position 4 (%) 0~100 15
★ d13 CLOSE Speed change position 5 (%) 0~100 5
★ d14 CLOSE Arrival hold frequency (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 2
★ d15 OPEN Frequency 1 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 6
★ d16 OPEN Frequency 2 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 25
★ d17 OPEN Frequency 3 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 25
★ d18 OPEN Frequency 4 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 25
★ d19 OPEN Frequency 5 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 25.2
★ d20 OPEN Frequency 6 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 5
★ d21 OPEN Arrival hold frequency (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 3
★ d22 CLOSE Frequency 1 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 15
★ d23 CLOSE Frequency 2 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 18
★ d24 CLOSE Frequency 3 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 18
★ d25 CLOSE Frequency 4 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 18
★ d26 CL OSE Frequency 5 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 5
★ d27 CLOSE Frequency 6 (Hz) 0- 0.5~250 2
OPEN Acceleration/deceleration time 1
★ d28 (s) 0- 0.1 ~999 0.5
OPEN Acceleration/deceleration time 2
★ d29 (s) 0- 0.1 ~999 0.5
OPEN Acceleration/deceleration time 3
★ d30 (s) 0- 0.1 ~999 0.5
OPEN Acceleration/deceleration time 4
★ d31 (s) 0- 0.1 ~999 0.5
★ d32 OPEN Acceleration/deceleration time 5 0- 0.1 ~999 0.5

No. Parameter name Setting range setting
OPEN Acceleration/deceleration time 6
★ d33 (s) 0 • 0.1-999 0.5
CLOSE Acceleration/deceleration time 1
★ d34 (s) 0 • 0.1-999 0.5
CLOSE Acceleration/deceleration time 2
★ d35 0 • 0.1-999 0.5
CLOSE Acceleration/deceleration time 3
★ d36 (s) 0 • 0.1-999 0.5
CLOSE Acceleration/deceleration time 4
★ d37 (s) 0 • 0.1-999 0.5
CLOSE Acceleration/deceleration time 5
★ d38 (s) 0 • 0.1-999 1.2
CLOSE Acceleration/deceleration time 6
★ d39 (s) 0 • 0.1-999 0.6
★ d40 OPEN Hold current (A) 0.0-100 0.5
★ d41 CLOSE Hold current (A) 0.0-100 0.5
STOP time of Open/Close hold operation
★ d42 (s) 0 • 0.1-999 0
★ d43 OPEN arrival hold wait frequency (Hz) 0.5—250 0.5
★ d44 CLOSE arrival hold wait frequency (Hz) 0.5—250 0.5
★ d45 OPEN arrival hold wait time (s) 0.5


★ d46 CLOSE arrival hold wait time (s) 0.5

со со 0 0 о
о о 1 1 о

о о о

со со
d47 OPEN breakaway timer (SW mode) (s) 0

о о
★ d48 OPEN deceleration timer (SW mode) (s) 0
★ d49 CLOSE breakaway timer (SW mode) (s) 0
1 1

★ d50 CLOSE deceleration timer (SW mode) 0


Operation frequency when power supply
★ d51 is turned ON (Hz) 0 • 0.5—250 3
★ d52 Door width measurement frequency (Hz) 0.5—250 2
★ d53 Password setting in d area 0 • 1-999 000
★ d54 Fault CLOSE operation frequency 1(Hz) 0 • 0.5-250 4

★ d55 Fault CLOSE operation frequency 2(Hz) 0 • 0.5-250 5

★ d56 Fault CLOSE operation frequency 3(Hz) 0 • 0.5-250 5
★ d57 Fault CLOSE operation frequency 4(Hz) 0 • 0.5-250 5
★ d58 Fault CLOSE operation frequency 5(Hz) 0 • 0.5-250 3
★ d59 Fault CLOSE operation frequency 6(Hz) 0 • 0.5-250 2
Fault CLOSE operation
★ d60 acceleration/deceleration time 1 (s)
0-0.1-999 0.5
★ d61 Fault CLOSE operation 0-0.1-999 0.5
acceleration/deceleration time 2 (s)
★ d62 Fault CLOSE operation 0 -0.1-999 0.5
acceleration/deceleration time 3(s)
Fault CLOSE operation
★ d63 acceleration/deceleration time 4 (s)
0-0.1-999 0.5
Fault CLOSE operation
★ d64 acceleration/deceleration time 5 (s)
0-0.1-999 1.2
★ d65 Fault CLOSE operation 0-0.1-999 0.6
acceleration/deceleration time 6 (s)
Notel) The^indicates parameters that can be changed during the inverter is in

Used tosetset
to the
The display the
code fortime
to to decelerate
0.04s from
to the maximumtheoutput
P01) 0.5 Max. output
Data setting range (s) ■is0.1
0.04TIME "000".
Functional Descriptions (By parameters)
to 999
frequency output frequency
from 0.5Hz.
The maximum output to 0.5Hz.
frequency on
is set with parameters P03
Setting unit (s) 0.1 (0.1 to 100), 1(100 to 999) time
Data P14.
setting range (s) 0.04 ■ 0.1 to 999
Setting unit (s) 0.1 (0.1 to100), 1(100 to 999)
The display code for 0.04s is "000".
The maximum output frequency is set with parameters

[50Hz mode]
V/F PATTERN (Parameter P03)
■ Max. output
frequency range of 50/60Hz or 50 to 250Hz can be set.independently from the
■ output
Base frequency (50 to 250 Hz).
Data setting Name Remarks

50 50Hz mode The V/F pattern is set regardless of the parameter P14 and
60Hz mode P15.
The V/F pattern is set according to the parameter P14 and P15.
FF Free mode The maximum output frequency is set in parameter P14 and
base frequency is set in parameter P15.
P03 and P14.
[60Hz mode] [Free mode]
■ Max. output frequency=60Hz Max. °utput frec|uency (P14)

Base frequency(P15) <

100 ---------------- >
'100 '100 o>
0 0
Output frequency 50(Hz) Output frequency 60(Hz) Output frequency(Hz)
■Base frequency=60Hz
Notel) Both the maximum output frequency and base frequency are set to 50Hz as the factory setting
Note2) Take note to the upper frequency clamp (parameter P29) when changing the maximum output
frequency setting.

V/F CURVE (Parameter P04)
Used to select either the constant or
[Constant torque mode] [Square torque mode]
square torque mode.
Data of
setting Name Remarks O)
value ra
0 Constant For machine
torque mode applications. 0
Output Base Output Base
1 Square torque For fan and pump О frequency frequency frequency frequency
mode applications.


Used to set a torque boost level that best fits the load characteristics.
Data setting range 0 to 40 (A larger value causes a higher output voltage and stronger boost.)

[Constant torque mode] [Square torque mode]

Boost Boost
level level
Output Base Output Base
frequenc frequenc frequenc frequenc
y y y y
Note1) If the boost level is too high, an overcurrent fault, overload fault or motor overheating could
occur or the noise could increase.
Note2) The motor current will increase when the boost level is increased. Carefully consider the
settings for the electronic thermal select and setting of current. (Parameters P06, P07).
Used to set the operation level of the electronic thermal relay when the motor overload
is detected and the inverter output is to be stopped. Set these parameters according to
the rated current of applicable motor.
[Parameter P06: Setting of electronic [Parameter P07: Setting of
thermal function details] thermal relay current]
Data Validity Data setting range (A)|0.1 to I0Q1
setting of Details of function(Operation coasts to
value function stop when OL is displayed.) * Set current and thermal operation
Note that the OL trip will occur if a ■Set current X 100% Does not trip ■Set
current that is 140% of the inverter's
0 invalid reference current(3.6A)flows for one current X 125% Trips
minute. * About derating
Function to automatically compensate
1 valid Without output frequency derating operation level when motor cooling
performance drops during low-speed
2 valid With output frequency derating operation.
3 valid Forced ventilation motor specifications

[ParameterP06 = 1] [ParameterP06=2]
10С 100 ....................... ..... d ПП = 3]
Boost Boost Boost /1 i
level level 60 level 60



25! 15 50



Output frequency (Hz) Output frequency (Hz)
Output frequency (Hz)

OPERATION COMMAND SELECT(Parameter P08) ________________

Used to select whether to carry out start/stop and forward/reverse with the
operation panel (panel), with signals input from external devices or with
communication command.
Data Panel Panel
setting external reset Operation method and control terminal connection diagram
value control function
0 Start: RUN, Stop: STOP, Forward/reverse: set in dr mode
Panel Provided
1 Forward run: A RUN, Reverse run: ▼RUN, Stop: STOP

OPEN signal (ON: Forward /OFF: Stop)

2 External Provided 1
control T CLOSE signal (ON: Reverse /OFF: Stop)
Common terminal

3 Comm Provided Make the operation command input by communication valid.


ф Caution:
• Depending on the start mode function setting, if the fault trip is reset or
the stop state is released with panel STOP function" with run signal being
input, the inverter may restart suddenly.
(Perform the operation after ensuring personal safety.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Panel reset function
■ When a fault trip occurs, the state can be reset with the "STOP button" on the operation
panel. (This function is called" Panel reset function".)
• Panel STOP function
■ When setting external control (Parameter P08="2"), the operation may stop with "STOP
button" on operation panel. At this time, the panel displays " 5ГP " . (This function is
called as "Panel STOP function".)
■ When the panel displays " ", repress "STOP button" to release the stop state.
In this case , if the operation signal of control terminal is ON, the inverter begins to carry out

• Precautions on operation control with control terminal(external control)
When Parameter P08 is set to "2", note that the operations are different due to
different settings of P09.

OPEN signal CLOSE Parameter setting of Parameter P09

signal Г2].Г3].Г5]
(Terminal T0J.r6J
No.1) (Terminal Door control
No.2) Frequency Г 1 J N T 4 J Door (repeat) Door
inverter control control (normal) control (detect)

OFF OFF Stop (Note3) Stop

ON OFF ON(forward run) operation
Operation (Note 4)
OFF ON OFF(reverse run) operation * Rotation directions
may switch
ON(forward run) automatically.
ON ON (Note1) operation
Note1) When the OPEN / CLOSE signals are turned ON by frequency inverter control:
■If Parameter P09 is set to "0, 6", operation status will not change. When the
operation stops and the OPEN / CLOSE signals are turned ON simultaneously,
the operation will not be carried out.
Note2) When the OPEN / CLOSE signals are turned ON by door control:
■ If Parameter P09 is set to "1,4", operation status will be ON(forward run)
operation. (OPEN is prior.)
Note3) When the OPEN / CLOSE signals are turned OFF by door control:
■ If Parameter P09 is set to "1, 4", note that the operations are different due to
different door operation area and different parameter setting status.
■Continue to operate(hold operation) in OPEN hold area and CLOSE hold area.
Set parameter d42(stop time of hold operation) if stop operation(hold operation)
is required.
■Stop carrying out operation in OPEN operation area and CLOSE operation
area. Set Parameter P70 (forced operation time of fault ON operation) and
Parameter P75(stop select in OPEN/CLOSE operation), if stop operation(hold
operation) is not required.
Note4) Rotation direction setting with door control (repeat):
■Start: Start the inverter after rotation direction by OPEN or CLOSE signal is set.
■ In operation: After the OPEN or CLOSE signal is detected, the rotation
direction will switch automatically. (Arrival hold time may be set by Parameter
P72 and P73.) The rotation direction in "dr mode(rotation direction setting
mode) "cannot be set due to the inconsistence between command signal and
control status.


/К Caution
• When the door control is being repeated and the door amplitude is being
detected, the operation direction of the door may change automatically.
Secure personal safety before operation.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
There are three options for frequency setting signal: by operation panel (near), by
operation mode controlled by door or by command from communication. In case of
door control, encoder mode and SW mode may be selected.
setting Control method Frequency setting value
0 Operation panel Digital setting(by setting value of Fr mode)

1 Door control(normal) encoder

method Operation mode of door control (Parameter d14 to d27)
2 Door control(repeat) encoder
method Operation mode of door control (Parameter d14 to d27)
Door control
3 (door amplitude detect)
encoder method Detecting frequency of door width (Parameter d52)
4 Door control (normal) SW
method Operation mode of door control (Parameter d14 to d27)

5 Door control (repeat) SW

method Operation mode of door control (Parameter d14 to d27)
6 Communication RS485 Digital setting(by setting value of Fr mode)

• Operation mode of door control

■ The operation mode of door control may be independently set as OPEN operation mode
and CLOSE operation mode.
■ According to the position of the door detected by encoder signal, speed change SW
signal and Arrival signal, the operation is carried out by frequency of Parameter d14 to
d27 and the acceleration/deceleration time of d28 to d39.
• Acceleration/deceleration time
■ Data setting value=[0],[3],[6]:
Operation is set according to P01 and P02(1st acceleration time and 1st deceleration time).
■ Data setting value=[1],[2],[4],[5]:
Depending on operation mode of door control.
Note) If input CLOSE signal to OPEN operation or input OPEN signal to CLOSE operation, the
operation is carried out by 1st acceleration time and 1st deceleration time of P01 and P02.
• Door control encoder method
■ Door control encoder method is operated after the door width setting value of Parameter
d01 is set correctly.

Used to select whether to ramp-to-stop or coast-to-stop when stopping the inverter.
Data Details Explanation of operation
setting value
The frequency is decelerated by the stop signal according to
ramp-to-stop the deceleration time, and then the motor stops.
STOP MODE(Parameter P10)
1 coast-to-stop The inverter output is shut off immediately by the stop signal.


Used to set the frequency which the inverter output stops when the inverter
decelerate to a stop.
Data setting range (Hz)| 0.5 to 60 (Set in 0.1Hz increments)

DC BRAKE TIME and DC BRAKE LEVEL(Parameter P12 and P13)

The DC brake can be applied when the inverter output frequency drops below the stop
frequency during ramp-to-stop or when switching between forward run and reverse run.
[Parameter P12: The DC brake time is set.]
Data setting range(s) 1000 • 0.1 to 120 (The brakes are not applied when 000 is set.)
[Parameter P13: The DC brake level is set.]
Data setting
range [Forward run / reverse run] 0 to 100 (Set in increments of
5. The braking force will
increase when a larger value is
с £ set.)
О CD CD= * The frequency for applying the
DC brake is set by parameter P11
stop frequency.

*The DC brake time when

fixed to 0.1s switching between forward run
and reverse run is fixed to 0.1s.
Used to set the maximum output frequency CD
Max. output frequency
and base frequency. O)
(These parameters are valid only when "FF" ra ----- ----------- >
is set in Parameter P03.) Base freque ncy (P15)

100 * V
[Parameter P14: The max. output frequency is set.] О
Data setting range (Hz) 50.0 to 250
[Parameter P15: The base frequency is set.]
Data setting range (Hz) 45.0 to 250 0
Output frequency (Hz)

Note:1. A frequency higher than the upper frequency clamp (parameter P29) cannot be output.
2. If a general-purpose motor with a rated frequency of 50 or 60Hz is run at a frequency
exceeding the rated frequency, the motor may be damaged. Always set the frequency to
match the motor characteristics.
3. If the base frequency must be changed together with the max. output frequency for a
high-speed exclusive motor, etc., change parameter P15.
4. When running a general-purpose motor with a frequency higher than the commercial
frequency, the base frequency will be set to the normal motor's rated output
frequency(50 or 60Hz).
5. When using the general-purpose motor at a level higher than the base frequency
(normally 50 or 60Hz), the motor will enter the rated output characteristics, and the
generated torque will drop in inverse proportion to the frequency.
When the set acceleration time is too short for the inertial load, this parameter can be
used to temporarily reduce the acceleration rate
Setting data Function details to prevent an overcurrent trip.
Stall prevention function Note) The level that the stall prevention
0 disabled
functions at can be set with parameter P33
Stall prevention function (OCS level).
1 enabled


When the set deceleration time is too short for the inertial load, this parameter can be
used to temporarily reduce the deceleration rate to prevent an overvoltage trip.
Setting data Function details
Stall prevention function
0 disabled

1 Stall prevention function


Note1) When using the regenerative brakes with the inverter with brakes, set the setting data to "0".
(The regenerative brake function will not be activate with the factory setting "1".)
Note2) The specifications of the inverter built-in brakes are as follow. Consider these carefully
before starting use. Note that the brake resistor and inverter could be damaged if the
specifications are exceeded.
1) Braking torque: 100% 2)Maximum duty factor (%ED): 2% 3)Maximum working time: 3s

SKIP FREQUENCIES 1 to 3(Parameter P18 to P20) and SKIP

FREQUENCY BAND WIDTH (Parameter P21) 1 *

If the load mechanism resonates at a specific inverter output frequency, a continuous

operation in that frequency band can be avoided by setting the skip frequency and the
skip frequency band.

О 0 Skip frequency
band width
Data settingP18:
000 • Skip frequency
0.5 to 250 ("000" is 1setsetting]
when the skip (Parameter P21)
range(Hz) P19: Skip is frequency
frequency 2 setting]
to be disabled.)
[Parameter P20: Skip frequency 3 setting]
[Parameter P21: Skip frequency band width setting]
Data setting 01 to 10 ("000" is set when the skip function is
range(Hz) to be disabled.)


If the output current reaches the overcurrent stall level due to an overload operation,
the frequency is automatically reduced. When the load returns to the correct level, the
frequency is automatically returned to the original setting, and the operation is
continued. This function is effective for preventing overcurrent trips in machines that
knead glutinous materials, etc.
* The function's validity and the deceleration time for automatically lowering the frequency when
the output current reaches the overcurrent stall level are set with this parameter.
* The operation level(overcurrent stall level) can be set with parameter P33(OCS level).
Data setting 00 • 0.1 to 9.9
range(s) ("00" is set when the current limit function is disabled. )

• Depending on the start mode, if the run signal is ON and the power is
turned ON or the power is restored after a power failure, the unit may
start(restart) suddenly. Keep out of the machine.

C Design the machine so that personal safety can be ensured

even if the unit starts suddenly. J Failure to do so could lead
to injury.

• Depending on the start mode function setting, if the fault trip is reset
and the OFF state is released by panel STOP function with run signal
being ON, the inverter may restart suddenly.
(Operate the inverter after ensuring personal safety.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
This parameter sets the starting operation for the case that a remote-control set run
signal is input when the power is turned ON.
* The factory setting is "0"(Run).
♦ When set to "1": OP stops immediately when the power is turned ON.
♦ When set to "2": Operation starts after the wait time has elapsed after the power is
turned ON.
Data Outline
setting operation Details of operation
Operation starts immediately when the power is turned ON and the low
0 Run voltage level(LU level) is exceeded.

The inverter OP trips when the power is turned ON and the low voltage
1 "OP" stop level(LU level) is exceeded. Turn the start input signal OFF once, reset the
inverter and then turn the run signal ON again to resume operation.

Operate after The inverter starts when the power is turned ON, the low voltage level (LU
2 level) is exceeded and the wait time is passed.(The wait time is set with
wait time
parameter P25.)
The inverter OP trips when the power is turned ON and the low voltage
level(LU level) is exceeded. Turn the start input signal OFF once, reset the
3 "OP" stop inverter and then turn the run signal ON again to resume operation. (This
setting will function in the same manner as data "1" if the run signal is ON
when the power is turned ON. However, starting after the wait time has
elapsed is possible during normal startup.)
[When power is turned ON with [When run signal is turned ON after
run signal ON] power is turned ON]

Note) The wait time can be set with parameter P25.

ф Caution
• Depending on the restart setting after an instantaneous power failure, the inverter
may automatically start(restart) if the power is restored after a power failure.
Keep out of the machine.
(Operate the inverter after ensuring personal safety. Failure to do so could lead
to injury.)
Used to select the restart mode after an instantaneous power failure occurs,
according to the load conditions and system. A wait timer function is built-in.
Data Inverter operation in regard to instantaneous power failure time
value Min. 15ms or Exceeding min.
less (Note 1) Exceeding min.15ms Min. 100ms (Note 1) (Note 2) 100ms (Note 2)

■The LU trips, and the inverter operates according to the start mode
■"LU" will be displayed, and a fault warning signal will be output.
1 Operation takes
■ Restart from 0Hz after the wait time has elapsed.
place according
Operation ■"LU" will be displayed, but a fault warning signal will not to the details set
continues be output. in the start
2 ■After the wait time has elapsed, the inverter restarts at the
frequency applied before the ride-through restart
■"LU" will be displayed, but a fault warning signal will not
be output.
[When voltage drop time is more than 15ms but less than 100ms]

—> Voltage drop time

1 /
LU level

LU Operates according to the start mode setting

trip details

Wait time (parameter

LU P25)

trip Current limit function


Data setting value
"0"(No restart after
an instantaneous 0
failure) Output
Data setting value
"1"(0Hz restart)
Data setting value
"2"(continue to restart)

Notel) This is the min. time for operation at the rated output current.
Note2) This is the min. time.
Even if the power failure time is relatively long(approx. 1 min), the inverter may restart after
the power is restored.
Note3) The wait time can be set between 0.1 to 100s. with parameter P25.

WAIT TIME (Parameter P25)

Used to set the wait time for the start mode, the restart function after an instantaneous
failure and retry
functions 0.1 to 100
Data setting range(s)

RETRY FUNCTION and RETRY TIME(Parameter P26 and P27)

ф Caution
• When the retry function is used, the inverter may automatically
start(restart). Keep out of the machine.
(Secure personal safety before using this function. Failure to do so could
lead to injury.)
♦ If an inverter fault trip occurs, the retry function will automatically reset the fault and
will restart (run) operation after the wait time has elapsed.
Use this function to continue operation.
■ Select the "retry function validity" and the details of the fault for carrying out retry
with parameter P26.
■ Set the "retry times" with parameter p27.
■ The time interval for retrying is set with parameter P25(wait time).
■ The fault warning signal will not be output during retry. If a fault occurs even
when the set number of retries has been carried out, a fault warning signal will be
■ If a fault not selected occurs during retry, a fault warning signal will be output,
and the counted retry times will be cleared.
■ The counted retry times will be cleared when the power is turned OFF.
■ If a fault dose not occur for 5 or more minutes, the counted retry times will be

Data setting Details
0 Retry function disabled(Retry is not carried out)

1 Execute retry only for overcurrent fault and heat sink fin abnormal
Parameter P26: Retry selection setting]
overheating(SC1,2,3. OC 1,2,3)
2 Execute retry only for overvoltage fault(OU1,2,3).
Execute retry for overcurrent fault and heat sink fin abnormal heating (SC1,2,3.
OC 1,2,3)and overvoltage fault(OU1,2,3).
[Parameter P27: Retry times setting]
Data setting range(times) 1 to 10

LOWER and UPPER FREQUENCY CLAMP(Parameter P28 and P29)

Used to set the lower and upper limits of the output frequency.
[Parameter P28: [Parameter P29:
Lower frequency clamp setting] Upper frequency clamp setting
Data setting range(Hz) 0.5 to 250
Setting unit (Hz) 0.1 (0.5 to 100Hz), 1(100 to 250Hz)

Note1) If the upper frequency clamp is lower than the maximum output frequency (Parameter P14),
the upper frequency clamp will have the priority.
Note2) If the lower frequency clamp is higher than the upper frequency clamp, the upper frequency
clamp will have the priority.


Used to select the details of the operation panel's main display.
[Parameter P30: [Parameter P31:
Monitor details selection] Line speed multiplier setting]
Data setting Details displayed on Used to set the multiplier with respect to the output
value operation panel frequency when the line speed is displayed on the
operation panel's main display.
0 Output frequency Data setting 0.1 to 100(can be set in 0.1 units)
Line speed range
Example : Display line speed
Line speed(m/min)= F(Hz) X K(multiplier)
■To display the line speed 25(m/min) for 50Hz, set the multiplier(K) to "0.5".

Note) A line speed exceeding "999" is displayed as "9.9.9.".

(The 4-pole motor speed cannot be displayed.)

Used to set the max. output voltage.
Data setting 0-1 to 500(When "0" is set,
range(V) the power voltage value will be output.)
Note1)A voltage exceeding the power voltage
voltage cannot be output.
Note2) This setting does not affect the Max. output voltage
DC brake level.
Base frequency Output frequency
OCS LEVEL(Parameter P33)
The OCS level (overcurrent stall prevention operation level) and current limit function
level can be set with a percent(%) to the inverter's reference current (3.6A).

Data setting range(%) 1 to 200(can be set in 1 units)

Notel) The OCS level and current limit levels are the same.
Note2) This setting is not related to the electronic thermal relay level and overload detection level.


♦ Factory data setting: 10kHz
This carrier frequency can be changed to "reduce motor noise" and to" avoid
mechanical resonance".
Data setting (kHz) 0.8,1.1,1.6, 2.5,5.0,7.5,10.0,12.5,15.0(Nine types of settings are possible.)]
Note1) This setting can be changed during operation, but the following groups [Low frequency
groupjand [High frequency group]can be set only when the operation is stopped.
[Low frequency group]: 0.8 to 1.6(kHz)
[High frequency group]:2.5 to 15.0(kHz)
Note2) When the carrier frequency is set to 10.0kHz,12.5kHz or 15.0kHz, the carrier frequency will
change depending on the output frequency.
■ When it is set to 10.0kHz, the carrier frequency will be output at 7.5kHz for the output
frequency in the range of 0.5 to 5Hz.
.When it is set to12.5kHz or 15.0kHz, the carrier frequency will be output at 5.0kHz for the output
frequency in the range of 0.5 to 5Hz, and at 10.0kHz for the one in the range of 5 to 15Hz.

Used to set the parameters necessary for communication.
Function name Data setting value and details
P35 Communication station 1 to 31
No. settingVOLTAGE(Parameter P32)
P36 Communication speed 48= 4800bps/96 = 9600bps/192 = 19200bps
P37 Stop bit 1:1bit / 2:2bit
P38 Parity check 0: No parity/ 1: Odd parity/ 2: Even parity
000 - 0 . 1 to 60( "000" is the setting not to perform
P39 Timeover detect (s) the time-over detect.)
P40 Send wait time (ms) 1 to 999

Notel) The power supply must be turned off after setting the data for the communication
parameters P35 to P40. The set values will be effective afer the power supply is
turned on again.
Note2) If the hold time for information exchange disabled state exceeds the permitted
time when operation command select(parameter P08) and frequency setting
signal (parameter P09) is being set for communication, the inverter will fault
stop (OP display). The permitted time can be set with timeover detect
(parameter P90).
A password can be set to prevent unintentional changes to the parameter data after
they have been set.
■ Parameter P41: Sets passwords for the parameters in all regions(P region and d
Data setting range 000 - 1 to 999( "000" indicates that there is no password.) 2 3
[MODE When the MODE button is pressed five times,
|MODE the password input display(P.PS) will appear, and P. P S
the main display will flicker.
I A | Press the A(up) and^ (down) buttons to display the Main display
previously set password. 7 |7 7
STOP Press the STOP button to stop the 00 0
Y (The main display will flicker.)
P0 1
The parameter No. will appear when the SET
button SET is pressed.
( Example: When the previous parameter No. is "P01".)
* After this step, the data is changed with the normal changing procedures.
Note) After the password is set, the "function setting mode" cannot appear without
inputing the password.(Write down the password so that you do not forget it.)

[Procedures for changing parameter data

after setting password]
3 Example when password is set to "777" for parameter P41.

The set data can be changed to the factory setting data in a batch. Also, the data of
the monitor mode n10(No. of door switching) can be cleared.
Data setting
value Details
Data value that indicates normal state.
0 DATA CLEAR(Parameter P42)
1 Changes all data to the factory settings.

2 Data of the monitor mode n10(No. of door switching) is cleared to "0".

(Other data will not be changed.)

3 Modify function assignment of self-defining mode to be ex-factory

setting state.
Note) Press SET button when the display value changes to "1" or "2", then the data will be
cleared. The set data will return to "0" automatically.


It can be selected to
detect the input signal
by "A contact input" or 0 to 31
"B contact input".

Data setting range

• Setting value
■A contact input="0": When SW(switch) signal is closed (terminal level is "L"), ON is detected.
■ B contact input="1": When SW(switch) signal is opened (terminal level is "H"), ON is detected.

• Setting method
■Convert 0 to 4 bits to decimal numbers and input.
■ Input the total value of the setting value X the additional value for the setting data.
(Example) When CLOSE speed change signal (4bits) and OPEN speed change
signal (3bits) is B contact input.
Setting data=(1 X 16)+(1 X8)+(0X4)+(0X2)+(0X 1)=24 4bit 3bit
2bit 1bit 0bit
Signal speed speed Safety CLOSE OPEN
name change change sensor Arrival Arrival
Terminal No. 7 6 5 4 3
bit 4 3 2 1 0
Setting value 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
Additional 4
value 16 8 2 1

Note) The logics of the OPEN signal and CLOSE signal cannot be changed. "A contact input" is a
fixed value.

(Parameter P44) P47)
• Apply obstacle detection function of the door after security and function
operation of the lift is fully ensured.
Otherwise, it could failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Must input safety sensor in the main controller of the lift and operate
the obstacle detection of the door in the terminal of the main controller.
Dual security measures must be taken.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
♦ When the safety sensor signal is ON, using the obstacle detection function to fault
open the door.
The response time of the safety sensor signal can be set with parameter P44.
The factory data is set to "10(ms)".
If the inverter operate falsely due to noise ect., add the data setting.

(See page 73, the "supplementary explanation of obstacle detection function" .)

Data setting range (ms) 0 • 1 to 999("0" indicates that there is no safety sensor detection function.)


Used to set the response time of OPEN arrival signal and CLOSE arrival signal. The
factory data is set to "10(ms)".
If the inverter operate falsely due to noise ect., add the data setting.

Data setting range (ms) 1 to 999


When there is no encoder's pulse signal, or when the rotation direction of the pulse
signal is different from the one of the command, the encoder fault is detected. The
detection time for the encoder fault can be set with parameter P46.
Data setting range (s) 0 • 0.1 to 2.0 ("0" indicates that there is no encoder fault detect function.)

Note1) The factory setting is "0"(no encoder fault detect function). Note2) If the specified detection
time is short, "En2" error (encoder fault detect prevention) may occur.

When door position data is arrival hold area without arrival signal, or OPEN/ CLOSE
Arrival signal are both ON, arrival SW fault is detected.
The fault detection time for OPEN/CLOSE Arrival signal can be set with parameter
Data setting range 0 • 0.1 to 10 ("0" indicates that there is no arrival SW fault
(s) detect function.)
Note) The factory data is set to "0" (no arrival SW fault detect function).

RY 1, 2,3 FUNCTION SELECT (Parameter P48,49 and 50)

Used to set the functions of the relay output ( control terminals A, B and C).
[Parameter P48: Function selection for RY1] [Parameter P49: Function selection for RY2] [Parameter P50:
Function selection for RY3]

■ Energize in on-state: The relay is turned ON when the coil is excited.

( The signal on-state= Across terminals A-C: ON, across terminals B-C: OFF)
■ Non energize in on-state: The relay is turned ON when the coil is not excited.
( The signal on-state= Across terminals A-C: OFF, across terminals B-C: ON)

Setting data
Energize Non Function Conditions for relay to turn ON
in on- energize
state in on-
state ON when run signal is ON or during inverter
0 r0 Run signal
1 r1 Reverse run ON when the inverter is running in reverse.
2 r2 Arrival signal ON when the output frequency is within the
setting frequency+2Hz
ON when the output current is 140%of the
Overload reference current (3.6A) or higher or when the
3 r3 alarm electronic thermal level is reached.

4 r4 OPEN arrival The detection position of the encoder is in ON

signal hold area or OPEN arrival signal is turned ON.
5 r5 CLOSE arrival The detection position of the encoder is in OFF
signal hold area or CLOSE arrival signal is turned ON.
6 r6 detection
signal ON when fault ON operation of obstacle detection
7 r7 Fault alarm ON when the inverter is in the fault trip state.

(Parameter P51 to P52)
Used to set No. of motor poles and encoder constant.
These parameters are used to get the detection frequency from the encoder signal.
* Specify the value indicated on the label of the motor for the No. of motor poles.
* When the encoder has been directly installed on the motor shaft, specify the encoder
resolution[ No. of pulses per one rotation of the encoder (P/R)] for the encoder constant. If the
encoder had been installed via a reduction gear, specify the reduced value of the motor shaft.
Encoder constant( reduced value of motor shaft) =
[ No. of pulses per one rotation of the encoder] -T-[Reduction gear ratio]
No. Function name Data setting value

P51 No. of motor poles 2:2 poles / 4:4 poles / 6:6 poles

P52 Encoder constant 50 to 999("999" is calculated as "1000".)

Note) No. of motor poles and encoder constant should be specified correctly. Failure
to do so could lead to malfunctions.

• Detection frequency
Actual rotation speed is detected by the encoder signal.
The value that is calculated from the detected rotation speed is the detection frequency. The
detection frequency is used in the case of "obstacle detection
function(slip) ", and so on.
Speed of rotation [r/min]
No. of pulses of encoder per minute [p/min]
Encoder constant [p/r]
Detection frequency[Hz] No. of motor poles
Speed of rotation [r/min]

OVERLOAD DETECTION CURRENT1, 2 (Parameter P61 and P62)

• Apply obstacle detection function of the automatic door after security
and function operation of the lift is completely confirmed.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Safety sensor must be input in the main controller of the lift, and in the
terminal of the main controller, operate the obstacle detection of the
automatic door.
obstacle detection function of the inverter does not operate in CLOSE
arrival area.
Dual security measures must be taken.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
♦ Used to set the parameter of obstacle detection function(current detection) of the
automatic door.
If motor overload is detected by current and reach obstacle judgment level, the
automatic door will carry out the fault ON operation.
Used to set validity of function, current detection level detected by overload and
detection judgment time with these parameters.
(See page 73, the "supplementary explanation of obstacle detection function".)
No. Function name Data setting value

P59 Overload detection frequency 1 0.5 to 250 (Hz)

P60 Overload detection frequency 2 0.5 to 250 (Hz)

P61 Overload detection current 1 0.1 to 100(A)

P62 Overload detection current 2 0.1 to 100(A)

0*1 to 999 (ms) ("0" is set to no obstacle
P63 Overload detection judgment time detection function.)

* Current detection level is set with the four setting values of P59 to P62.
If the output current is higher than current detection level, sandwich of automatic door is judged
and the automatic door carries out fault ON operation.
* The judgment time for obstacle detection can be set with parameter P63.

TIME (Parameter P68)and
HIGH SPEED) (Parameter P64 and P65)

• Apply obstacle detection function of the automatic door after security
and function operation of the lift is completely confirmed.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Safety sensor must be input in the main controller of the lift, and in the
terminal of the main controller, operate the obstacle detection of the
automatic door.
Obstacle detection function of the inverter does not operate in CLOSE
arrival area.
Dual security measures must be taken.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
♦ Used to set the parameter of obstacle detection function(slip detection) of the
automatic door.
If motor load is detected by slip and reach OBSTACLE judgment level slip, the
automatic door will carry out the fault ON operation.
Used to set validity of function, frequency ratio detected by slip and detection
judgment time with these parameters.
(See page 73, the "supplementary explanation to obstacle detection function".)
Parameter Function name Data setting value
Obstacle judgment frequency
P64 ratio (low speed) 0 to 100(%)
Obstacle judgment frequency
P65 ratio (high speed) 0 to 100(%)
P66 Obstacle judgment change 0.5 to 250 (Hz)
Obstacle detection judgment time 0 *1 to 999(ms)("0" is set to no obstacle detection
* If a motor load (torque) increases, the rotation speed will decrease. This is called
* Calculates the detection frequency with the encoder signal to get the frequency ratio.
When the frequency ration is less than the setting value of P64 and P65,overload (sandwich of
automatic door occurs) is judged and the automatic door carries out fault ON operation .
Frequency ratio (%) =
detection frequency^setting frequency
* Frequency ratio can change between high speed and low speed.
Changing frequency can be set with parameter P66.
* Obstacle detection judgment time can be set with parameter P67.

Obstacle judgment
frequency ratio
Detection frequency
Setting frequency . speed

When the inverter is started ( door start operation) and changed between OPEN/
CLOSE(from OPEN operation to CLOSE operation, or from CLOSE operation to
OPEN operation), acceleration torque is required. So load (torque) increases. In this
case, non-detection time can be set with P68 to prevent fault operation of obstacle
Data setting range
(ms) 100 to 999


Used to set the parameter of "obstacle detection function (time detection)" of the
automatic door.
If the time from the start of CLOSE operation to CLOSE arrival reaches the setting data
of parameter P69 or more, sandwich of the automatic door is judged. The automatic
door will be forced to carry out fault ON operation.
Used to set function validity and judgment time of time detection with this parameter.
Data setting range (s) 0 ‘0.1 to 500("0" is set to no obstacle detection function.)


• Depending on the fault ON operation forced operation time setting, OPEN
signal and CLOSE signal are both turned OFF sometimes, but the
automatic door does not stop. Use this function before security and
function operation of the lift system is completely confirmed. (Secure
personal safety before using this function.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
♦ In fault ON operation of obstacle detection, the operation can be selected when
OPEN signal and CLOSE signal are both turned OFF.
* Data setting value ="0" (factory data setting):
Stops running according to command signal
* Data setting value =" 0.1 to 499 (s)" :
Stops running till setting time
* Data setting value = [500(s)] :
Does not stop running (Carry out operation till OPEN arrival
iti 0 • 0.1 to 500

Data setting range (s)

Note1) STOP operation in OPEN and CLOSE hold area is set with parameter d42.
Note2) STOP operation in normal OPEN and CLOSE operation isset with parameter

Used to set the time of the fault ON operation of obstacle detection from reaching
OPEN arrival position to changing to normal operation.
(See page 73, the
0.0 to 10
explanation of
obstacle detection function".)

Data setting range (s)



Used to set hold operation time of door control (repeat) when OPEN arrival and CLOSE
Till hold time, the rotation direction is reversed.
The selection of door
control (repeat) can
be set with parameter 0.0 to 10
Data setting range (s)


The acceleration/deceleration pattern can be selected.
Data Details
0 Linear acceleration/deceleration (Factory setting data)
1 S-shaped acceleration/deceleration (Quadratic curve)
2 S-shaped acceleration/deceleration (Cubic curve)
Note1) The acceleration/deceleration time is always the same regardless of the

acceleration/ deceleration pattern (Linear or S-shaped

Note2) S-shaped acceleration/deceleration function is applicable to all acceleration/
deceleration operations.
• Depending on the STOP select in OPEN/CLOSE operation setting, OPEN signal
and CLOSE signal are both turned OFF sometimes, but the automatic door does
not stop. Use this function before security and function operation of the lift system
is completely confirmed. (Secure personal safety before using this function.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
♦ In OPEN/CLOSE operation, STOP operation can be selected
when OPEN signal and CLOSE signal are both turned OFF.
Data Details
0 Stops according to command signal (Factory setting
1 Does not stop (Carry out operation till arrival position.)
Note1) STOP operation in OPEN/CLOSE hold area is set with
parameter d42. Note2) STOP operation in fault ON operation of
obstacle detection is set with
parameter P70.


JUDGMENT TIME(Parameter P78)


• If there is no arrival signal, use this function before security and function operation of
the lift system is completely confirmed.
( Secure personal safety before using this function.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.

♦ There are two options for using door control encoder: with
arrival signal or without arrival signal.
If there is no arrival signal when testing door width, OPEN/CLOSE arrival position
is judged by slip detection and the door width is tested.
Judgment level and judgment time of slip arrival can be set with parameter P77
and P78.

Function and details Fault detection of arrival signal
Data OPEN arrival CLOSE arrival
setting signal signal En3 En4 En5
Can be Can be Can be
0 Valid Valid detected detected detected
Can be Cannot be Can be
1 P76: Setting of no arrival
Invalid Valid signal select] * Factory
detected setting data = [0]
detected detected
2 Invalid Invalid Can be Cannot be Cannot be
detected detected detected

9 No OPEN/CLOSE arrival signal (Parameter P76="2").

Obstacle occurs when power supply is turned ON or when door width is being measured.
Then, the position is judged as CLOSE arrival position. In this case, the door fails to be
controlled normally.
During setting, ensure that the obstacle detection shall be detected before slip arrival
When measuring the door width, avoid the occurence of obstacle.
In normal door control, arrival position is judged depending on the door position data. So the
door operates normally.
Note1) When using door control SW mode ( Parameter P09= "4, 5"), the setting of parameter
P76 is invalid while arrival signal is required.
Note2) If there is no arrival signal, fault of no OPEN/CLOSE arrival signal ( En4, En5) cannot be
(En3: OPEN/CLOSE arrival signal are both turned ON.;
En4: There is no OPEN arrival signal.; En5: There is no CLOSE arrival signal.; )
[Parameter P77: Slip arrival judgment frequency setting]
Data setting range (Hz) 0.1 to 10
* Used to set slip arrival judgment frequency.
When the detection frequency calculated according to encoder signal is less than slip
arrival judgment frequency (setting value), slip arrival is judged.
* If the power supply is turned ON or slip arrival judgment fault operation occurs when door
width is measured, decrease the setting value of parameter P77.
[Parameter P78: Slip arrival judgment time setting]
Data setting range (ms) 1 to 999
* Used to set the slip arrival judgment time.
* If slip arrival judgment fault operation occurs when the inverter is being started (door OPEN
operation) and being changed between OPEN operation and CLOSE operation (from OPEN
operation to CLOSE operation or from CLOSE operation to OPEN operation), increase the
setting value of parameter P78.
[Parameter P79: Setting of slip OPEN arrival substitute select]
Data setting range (ms) 0 4 5 0.1 to 10( "0" indicates that there is no data change.)

* When the slip of detection OPEN operation arrives, door position data can be selected to be
changed or not to be changed into door width setting value.(parameter d01). Used to set the
time from detection slip arrival to changed data.
* When the setting data value is "0", data will not be changed.
5 From detection to arrival of arrival signal, the position data of the door is changed but is not
related with the setting value of parameter P79.
Function select of safety sensor signal in control input terminal No.5 may be
carried out.
Setting data
Parameter P80:When sensor
safety function
sensor select
signal is ON, fault OPEN operation is carried
0 out.

1 When CLOSE command signal is ON, and safety sensor signal is

ON, fault CLOSE operation iscarriedout.
2 Operation is carried out as fault CLOSE command signal.
[When data value is set to be 0]
After safety sensor signal is ON, OPEN operation is forced to becarried out
by the door in virtue of obstacle detect function. Response time of safety
sensor signal may be set with Parameter P44.
[When data value is set to be 1]
In the state that CLOSE command signal is ON, after safety sensor signal is
ON, fault CLOSE operation is carried out by the door. In case of no CLOSE
command signal, no fault CLOSE operation will be carried out even if safety
sensor signal is ON.
[When data value is set to be 2 ]
Control input terminal No.5 serves as fault CLOSE command signal.
When fault CLOSE command signal is ON, fault CLOSE operation will be
carried out. Only with fault CLOSE command, fault CLOSE operation will be
carried out. Priority order of the three run commands (OPEN command,
CLOSE command and fault CLOSE command) is as follows. When all of the
three signals are ON simultaneously, note that operation will becarried out
according to the following priority order.
f fault > CLOSE
CLOSE command
command command
4 4
(Note) When fault________
CLOSE operation is being carried out in CLOSE operation
> CLOSE command signal is OFF (OPEN command and
region, and fault
CLOSE command are both OFF), note that operation will be different due to
setting value of Parameter P75 ( stop select in OPEN/CLOSE operation).
About fault CLOSE operation
■In the event that signal input in control input terminal No.5 (parameter 80 is Г1 jor
Г2j) is ON, fault CLOSE operation is carried out according to frequency and
acceleration / deceleration time in fault CLOSE operation.
■Hold operation is identical to CLOSE hold operation.
■ In fault CLOSE operation, OPEN operation is carried out when OPEN command is
■ In fault CLOSE operation, obstacle detect (time, slip and current) is still effective.
■Obstacle detect conducted in fault CLOSE operation, its setting value is that of
parameter 81: forced OPEN operation judgment time in fault CLOSEoperation.
■When RY1 -2-3function select (P48~P50)=6, r6, , obstacle detect signal is set
to be ON in fault CLOSE operation.

Parameter P81: Forced OPEN operation judgment time in fault CLOSE operation

When setting value of P80 is Г 1 jorT2j, this parameter may be used to set obstacle
detect function (time detect) of the door in fault CLOSE operation. If fault CLOSE
operation time from start to CLOSE arrival exceeds setting valueof Parameter P81,
obstacle detect is judged to occur and the door is forced to carry out fault OPEN
operation. This parameter may be used to set validity or invalidity of function and
judgment time of time
detect. 0 • 0.1-500
Data setting range (ms)
* If 0 is set to be, it indicates no obstacle detection function.
Setting value of door width(Parameter d01)
When the door width measurement is over, the door width data will be automatically
saved in parameter d01.
(See page 76,"
supplement 1 to 65535
explanation of door width measurement")
Data setting range
Note1) Door width data on the operation panel displays as follows.
• When the door width data is 1 to 999, measurement data will be displayed
• When the door width data is more than 1000, the first three digits will be
displayed. (The last two digits will not be displayed.)
Example: Door width data "65535" displays^ "655."
The different display when
the data is more than1000
Note 2) Using operation panel to directly set parameter d01(door width setting value),
the display value is the door width data. ( The data which is not displayed has
been cancelled.)
CLOSE and OPEN ARRIVAL POSITION (Parameter d02 and d08)
(Parameter d03 to d07 and d09 to d13)
CLOSE and OPEN ARRIVAL HOLD FREQUENCY( Parameterd14 and d21)
OPEN and CLOSE FREQUENCY 1 to 6 (Parameter d15 to d20 and d22 to d27)
(Parameter d28 to d33 and d34 to d39)
HOLD CURRENT DURING OPEN and CLOSE (Parameter d40 and d41)
OPEN and CLOSE ARRIVAL HOLD WAIT TIME (Parameter d45 and d46)
(Parameter d47 to d50)
* For data setting, refer to Page 39.

The inverter can be easily set the operation from low speed to high speed.
Start the operation after ensuring the tolerance range of motor
and machinery.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• When the brake is required to be held, other preparation should be made.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
♦ Used to set parameter of door control operation mode.
OPEN operation mode and CLOSE operation mode can be set independently. The

selection of encoder mode and SW mode is set with parameter P09.

• Arrival position and speed change position (Parameter d02 to d13)
■ The P81:
arrivalForced OPEN
position andoperation judgment
speed change time in
position fault
can beCLOSE operation
set with a percent to
using the door width setting value (Parameter d01) as 100%.
• Setting change of OPEN/CLOSE arrival position (Parameter d02 and d08)
■ In case of no arrival signal, movable range of the door and door width
measurement value is the same. Therefore, setting value of OPEN/CLOSE
arrival position is required to be changed and arrival area width is required to be
■ If there is no arrival area width, the door position data will not conform to arrival
area in normal operation. To secure the arrival area, the setting of
OPEN/CLOSE arrival position shall be changed.
■ Parameter d02 (CLOSE arrival position): Increase the setting value
(Example: If 5% is set, "5% —0%=5%" is the arrival area width.)
■ Parameter d08 (OPEN arrival position): Decrease the setting value
(Example: If 95% is set, "100%—95%=5%" is the arrival area
• Arrival hold frequency (Parameter d14 and d21)
■ Set the OPEN/CLOSE arrival hold operation frequency .
Note) If the arrival hold frequency is too high, an overcurrent fault, overload fault
or motor overheating could occur or the noise could increase or the door
could be damaged.
• Frequency (Parameter d15 to d20 and d22 to d27)
■ The frequency of OPEN operation mode and CLOSE operation mode should be
• Acceleration and deceleration time (d28 to d39)
■ While setting the acceleration/deceleration time, set the time from 0.5Hz to Max.
output frequency.
■ If input CLOSE signal in OPEN operation or input OPEN signal in CLOSE
operation, the speed is controlled according to the first acceleration time
(Parameter P01) or the first deceleration time (Parameter P02).
• Hold current (d40 and d41)
■ Used to set the hold capacity parameter in OPEN/CLOSE hold operation with
the current level.
Note) If the hold current level is too high, an overcurrent fault, overload fault or
motor overheating could occur or the noise could increase.
Note) The motor current will increase when the hold current level is increased.
Carefully consider the settings of the electronic thermal select and current
setting (Parameter P06 and 07).
• Stop time of OPEN/CLOSE hold operation (d42)
■ In the OPEN hold area and CLOSE hold area, the inverter will continue to
operate (hold operation), even the OPEN signal and CLOSE signal are both
turned OFF. Set time with this parameter, if stop operation (hold operation) is
■ Data setting = "0" : (Hold operation) continue to operate (does not stop).
Data setting = " 0.1 to 999 (s)" : Stop operating at the setting time.
• Arrival hold wait frequency and arrival hold wait time (Parameter d43 to d46)
■ After the arrival signal is turned on ON, the hold wait operation can be carried
out. Once the hold wait operation is over, it changes to hold operation.
Used to set the frequency and time of the hold wait operation with this
• Start timer and deceleration timer (Parameter d47 to d50)

■ In the SW operation mode, arrival signal and speed change signal as well as
start timer and deceleration timer can be used to set the operation mode.

• OPEN Operation In Encoder Mode

• CLOSE Operation In Encoder Mode

arrival hold
current d41

Fault CLOSE operation speed curve in encoder mode P80: safety sensor function select Setting value is 2

arrival hold
current d41

• OPEN Operation In SW Mode

• CLOSE Operation In SW Mode

OPEN hold
operat on CLOSE op sration
CLOSE hold operation
H К d26

ЁИ Hold CLOSE hold wait current d41
|d35| d46 Hold operation
t d50 ,
dn d27
d22 d49 P02 d44 d14
Door area 7 9 13
8 10 12 0

OPEN signal ON

CLOSE signal ON 1
OPEN arrival
OPEN speed Note) The s peed change does not occur he
change signal with t OPEN speed change signal.
CLOSE speed
change signal ON 1
CLOSE arrival
signal ON

Start timer d49

Deceleration timer

Faulj CLOSE_ operation speed curve in SW_ mode | P80 :
OPEN hold operation Fault CLOSE operation CLOSE hold operation

: ........ Л»
d58 [d65] HoldHold
wait time
d55 d56 (d46)
d60 d^ > ____ . —L d59 ^d44

d62 d64 d5Q
i i |P02]
DOOR region 7 8 9 io i ii 13 o
OPEN command
signal terminal No.1 ON

CLOSE command
signal terminal No.2 ON i
Safety sensor signal
OPEN arrival signal
terminal No.3
OPEN speed
change signal
terminal No.6
ON \- Unchanged spee in OPEN spe ed change signal

CLOSE speed
change signal
terminal No.7 ONj
CLOSE arrival
signal terminal No.4 ON 1

Breakaway timer

Deceleration timer

Fault CLOSE operation speed curve in SW mode | P80 :

0PENholdoperati on Fault CLOSE operation CLOSE hold operation

d55 d56 , d58 [d65] Hold wait time
Hold operation
d60 d59
'Л __________ L

J5L d^11 ( d50 ( |P02l


0! ___ d14
DOOR region 7 8 9 10 11 13 0
OPEN command
signal terminal No.1
command signal
terminal No.2
command signal ON
terminal No.5
OPEN arrival signal
terminal No.3 ON
OPEN speed
change signal ON Unchanged sp ed in OPEN oeed change signal
terminal No.6
CLOSE speed
change signal ON
terminal No.7
CLOSE arrival
signal terminal No.4
ON 1
Breakaway timer

Deceleration timer

(Parameter d51)
In the case of the door control, the operation frequency after the power supply is turned
ON can be set.
After the power supply is turned ON, the run signal changes to ON, the inverter start
operating with the operation frequency when the power supply is ON. When the arrival
signal is detected, the inverter returns to the normal
Data setting range (Hz) operation mode.
0 • 0.5 to 250 ("0" is set to no function setting.)
Note) When the value is set to "0", the operation frequency is the operation mode of the
door position data when the power supply is turned OFF.
Used to set the door width measurement frequency.
(See page 76,
supplementary 0.5 to 250
explaination of the
door width measurement)
Data setting range (Hz)
Note ) Always use the door width measurement frequency at low speed.
When measuring the door width according to the factory setting dara (2Hz), please
increase the frequency, if the door does not activate or operate slowly.
D Region Password (Parameter d53)
A password can be set to prevent unintentional changes to the parameter data after
it has been set.
Set the password for d region parameter with Parameter d53.

Data setting value

d53 d region password 000 • 1 to 999 ("000" indicates that there is no
setting password.)
[Procedures for changing
Fault CLOSE parameter
operation data after
frequency setting password]
(Parameter d54~d59)*
Example when password is set to "777" for parameter d53.
Fault CLOSE operation acceleration /deceleration time (Parameter
Main display
STOP Press the STOP button to stop the inverter. 000

IMOD When the MODE button is pressed six times, the

password input display (d.PS) will appear, and the d.
EI main display will flicker.
Press the A(up) and^ (down) buttons to display the
previously set password. (The main display will flicker.)
7 7 7

l~SETl The parameter No. will appear when the SET button is
pressed. ( Example: When the previous parameter No.
P0 1
is "P01".)
Frequency and acceleration/deceleration time in fault CLOSE operation accord to
setting value of d54 to d59: fault CLOSE operation frequency 1 to 6 and d60 to 65:

fault CLOSE operation acceleration/deceleration time 1 to 6.
• Setting data of d60 to d65 are effective only when Parameter P80: safety sensor
function select is set to be 1 or 2.
• Speed change position and hold operation in fault CLOSE operation may use
parameters for normal CLOSE operation.
• In the event that setting value of fault CLOSE operation frequenc y is more than
CLOSE frequency, when CLOSE operation becomes fault CLOSE operation,
speed may rise sharply. Therefore, data should be set to be less than CLOSE
• In the event that setting value of fault CLOSE operation acceleration/
deceleration time is more than CLOSE acceleration/deceleration time, when
CLOSE operation becomes fault CLOSE operation, acceleration/ deceleration
time may change sharply according to setting. Therefore, notice is required to be
taken while setting data.

Operation procedure of Custom
In Custom mode, method used to modify data and assign functions.

Custom Mode Confirmation of set contents

SET d.O!
Currently assigned functions may beonfirmed.
Displayed points following region display (P, d)

SE MOD SE usly press

modification of Function assignment of

setting data parameters
P.G /
as asct.65
Encoding main display will
Modifiable data After P region is over, press
the UP button and enter d

[Initial setting value of self-defining mode and initialization of assignment
function ]
Ex-factory setting of self-defining parameter No. is shown as follows. In
addition, when function assignment is to be initialized, parameter 42: setting
data clear is set to be Г3 J.

Parameter No. Function name
parameter No.

U01 P01 1st acceleration time

U02 P02 1st deceleration time

U03 P08 Run command select

U04 P09 Frequency setting signal

U05 P30 Monitor select

U06 P48 RY1 function select

U07 P49 RY2 function select

U08 P50 RY3 function select

U09 P80 Safety sensor function select

U10 P41 P region password setting

Supplementary Explanation of Door width Measurement

• When the door width is being measured, the operation direction of the door may
change automatically.
Start the operation after ensuring personal safety.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Depending on start mode setting, if reset the door width measurement by inputting
the run signal, the inverter may restart suddenly.
(Start the operation after ensuring personal safety.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• The door width measurement is the function that measure the door width according
to the encoder signal and save the measurement value to parameter d01
automatically. Measure the door width according to the following operation
[Operation conditions]
1. Set parameter P09 to "3".
2. Change the run signal to ON.
(Set the run signal according to the operation command of parameter P08.)
3. Start operation towards OFF direction.
( In the course of door width measurement, "CAL" is displayed on panel.)
4. When the CLOSE arrival position is detected, it changes to ON direction.
5. Once the OPEN arrival position is detected, the door width measurement is over.
( When the door width measurement is over, "End" is displayed on panel.)
6. If change the run signal to OFF, the "End" display is reset.
(The setting data value of parameter P09 changes to "1" automatically.)
7. The measurement value of the door width is saved in parameter d01 automatically.
8. Used to set operation frequency of the door width measurement with parameter d52.
( The measurement frequency of the door width must be used with low speed.)
Note1) When the door width is being measured, start the operation after ensuring
that there is no obstacle on the way.
If there is obstacle on the way, the position where the obstacle is located is
determined to be the arrival position. So the measurement cannot be made
correctly. Note2) Set the encoder constant of parameter P52 correctly.

Supplementary Explanation of Obstacle Detection Function of The Door

❖ Caution
• Apply the obstacle detection function of the door after ensuring the security and
function operation of the elevator.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• Safety sensor must be input in the main controller of the elevator and in the
terminal of the main controller, operate the obstacle detection of the door.
Obstacle detection function of the inverter does not operate in CLOSE arrival
Dual security measures must be taken.
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
Carry out the obstacle detection of the door according to the following four major
reasons for detection.
Major reason Related Door control Door control
for detection parameter encoder mode SW mode
Current P59 to 63 Can be detected
Slip P64 to 68 Can be detected Cannot be
Time P69 detected
Can be detected
Safety sensor P44 Can be detected
* Parameter P68 ( start confirmation time ) is the function
to be used to prevent the
fault ON Fault ON operation
operation arrival Normal OFF produced by Normal OFF
produced ^operation ^ ^ sandwich operation ^
by obstacle position detection.
Operation explanation of obstacle detection
operation arrival
OPEN arrival hold
time (P71)

CLOSE signal
reason for
obstacle detection signal
1. Start the fault ON operation according to obstacle
2. Start the subtraction operation of OPEN arrival hold time (parameter P71) timer
according to OPEN arrival signal.
3. When the time of OPEN arrival hold time timer is up, fault ON operation produced by
sandwich is eliminated.
4. After eliminating the fault operation produced by sandwich, CLOSE operation is
started. (If the four major reasons for detection aren't eliminated completely, obstacle
detection signal will not be turned OFF.)

Supplementary Explanation of Communication Function
# About communication protocol
The communication protocol of the inverter conforms to MEWTOCOL-COM, however,
there are some differences as below.
(For the details on the protocol, refer to our PLC manual.)
(1) It does not support multiple frames.
(2) The usable commands are the following 11 types: RCS, RCP, WCS, WCP,
RCC, WCC, RD, WD, MC, MD and MG.
(Max. reading ■ writing point number and data of each command are shown in the table
as below.)
(3) The data code when using WD and RD commands is "D" (data register).
(4) The contact code when using WC (S, P) and RC(S, P) commands is "R"
(internal relay).
(5) Header supports "%" only.
(6) There is no distinction between data and setting areas in the internal memory of
the inverter.
It can be treated as word data (16bit) and contact data (1bit) for the same address
Command Max. reading ■
code Content writing numbe
RCS Read single point of contact information 1 point
RCP Read plural point of contact information 8 points
RCC Read word unit of contact information 27 points
WCS Write single point of contact information 1 point
WCP Write plural point of contact information 8 points
WCC Write word unit of contact information 12 data
RD Read data area 27 data
WD Write data area 12 data
MC Registration and reset of monitor contact 40 points
MD Registration and reset of monitor data 16 points
Contact: 40 points /
MG Monitor execution data: 16 data

Ф Send/ receive changeover wait time

Set the wait time to the values larger than the values shown below after the response
message is sent by the inverter and before a host computer sends the next data.
Communication speed (bps) Wait time (msec)
4800 2.0
9600 1.0
19200 0.5
• Processing time on inverter
The internal processing time of the inverter differs depending on the operating
conditions, however it is always below 50ms.
In the case of setting the parameter P42 (data setting clear), maximum 1.5s
processing time is necessary for writing data into the internal memory. When the
timeout period is specified on the host computer, the value which does not give any
effect on the system must be set.
Host Transmiss Transmiss
ion ion
computer data data

Processing Response Processing Response

Inverter time data time data

4► 4*
Send wait time Send wait time
(Parameter P40) Wait time (Parameter P40)

• Communication Function
The following functions are available depending on communications.

Function Register No. Function name Remarks

Relay No.
DT129 Output frequency 0.01Hz unit (data type 3)
DT130 Output current 0.1A unit (data type 2)
DT131 Output voltage 0.1V AC unit (data type 2)
DT132 Internal DC voltage 0.1V DC unit (data type 2)
DT133 Setting frequency 0.01Hz unit (data type 3)
DT134 Detection frequency 0.01Hz unit (data type 3)
DT135 Door position area
0 : OPEN arrival 1-6 : OPEN operation 7 :
CLOSE arrival 8-13 : CLOSE operation

DT136 Door position 1unit (data type 1)

OPEN arrival position
DT137 data 1unit (data type 1)
Monitor DT138 No. of door switching 1time (data type 1)
Encoder detection 0.01kHz unit (data type 3) + : FWD - : REV
DT139 status

DT140 Fault details 1 (latest)

Fault details 2 (second
DT141 to latest) Refer to the next page for the contents of the
Fault details 3 (third to data.
DT142 latest)
Fault details 4 (fourth
DT143 to latest)
Control input terminal
R144 □ state Contact data
Control output terminal
R145 □ state Contact data
R146 □ Operation status Contact data
Operation control
R147 □ status Contact data
DT237 Frequenc Without
y memory 0.01Hz unit (data type 3)
DT238 setting With memory
Comma R250 □ Operation control Contact data
nd DT253 Fault reset command 0x9696
DT255 Emergency stop 0x9696
DT0DDD P region : Register No. = Parameter No. d
Setting Parameter setting
(Parameter No.) region : Register No.= Parameter No.+256

Notel) suffixed to the relay number means the specified position for BIT (hexadecimal 0 to
F). For the details on the functions of each BIT, refer to each functional
Note ) Rrefer to the next page for the explanation of the data type mentioned in the above

• Display data and transmission data
For the data for monitoring or setting, the display data of the inverter may differ
from the transmission data, so transmission data should be used as the data to be
used for communication.
Calculate the transmission data using the following table of the data type.
Data type Relationship between display data and transmission data

1 Displayed data and transmission data is the same. (Transmission

data) = (Display data) X10
2 Data in 0.1 unit
(Transmission data) = (Display data) x 10
Data in 0.01 unit
3 (Transmission data) = (Display data) x 100
Parameter P03 (V/F pattern) data Display data : 50 60 FF
4 Transmission data : 0 1 2

5 Parameter P13 (DC brake level) data (Transmission data) =

(Display data) /5
Parameter P34 (carrier frequency) data
6 Display data : 0.8 1.1 1.6 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0
Transmission data : 0 1 23 4 5 6 7 8
Parameter P36 (communication speed) data Display data : 48 96
7 192 Transmission data : 4 5 6

8 Parameter P51 (No. of motor poles) data (Transmission data) =

(Display data) /2

• Fault details monitor (DT 140 to 143) Data

Data Fault details Data Fault details
9 Undervoltage
0 -2 10 Overload
11 Auxiliary fault
15 Operation error
3 -5 Overcurrent 16 Encoder fault(No pulse)
17 Encoder fault (anti-
Arrival signal is turned
ON on two sides
6 -8 Overvoltage 19 No OPEN arrival signal
20 No CLOSE arrival signal

of fault details is as below.

• Input terminal state monitor (R144D)
It indicates the states of the control terminals No. 1 to 7 and phase A and B of the
encoder input.
Relay No. Name Details
R1440 OPEN signal input state
R1441 CLOSE signal input state
OPEN arrival signal input
R1442 state
CLOSE arrival signal input
R1443 state
R1444 Safety sensor signal input 1: Terminal is ON (closed).
OPEN speed change input
R1445 state
CLOSE speed change
R1446 input state
Encoder phase A signal
R1447 input state
Encoder phase B signal
R1448 input state

• Output terminal state monitor(R145D)

It indicates the output states of RY output terminal.

Relay No. Name Details

R1450 RY1 output signal 1: RY output signal is ON (energized).
R1451 RY2 output signal 0: RY output signal is OFF (not
R1452 RY3 output signal

• Operation status monitor(R146D)

It indicates the operation status of the inverter.

Relay No. Name Details

R1460 Run signal (RUN)

1: Runs 0: Stops

R1461 Reverse run signal (REV) 1: Reverse operation runs.

0: Stops or forward operation runs.
R1462 Arrival signal(FR-ARV)
R1463 Overload alarm (OL)
OPEN arrival signal (OP- 1: It is turned ON. 0: It is turned OFF.
R1464 ARV)
CLOSE arrival signal (CL-
R1465 ARV)
R1466 Obstacle detection signal

R146F Fault alarm

1: Fault state 0: Normal state

• Operation control status monitor(R147D)
It indicates the operation control status of the inverter.
Relay No. Name Details
R1470 OPEN command state
R1471 CLOSE command state
R1472 OPEN arrival command
R1473 CLOSE arrival command 1: With command 0: No command
R1474 Safety sensor input state
OPEN speed change
R1475 command state
CLOSE speed change
R1476 command state

• Frequency setting(DT 237 and 238)

■ In order to set frequency with communication control, parameter P09 is set to "6".
■ If registor No. 237 is written into the inverter, the memory inside the inverter does
not work. (Turn off the power supply of the inverter, the set data will not be saved.)
■ If registor No. 238 is written into the inverter, the memory inside the inverter will
save it.
■ Use register No. 237 when frequency is changed frequently.
■ The inverter cannot be set in faulty case.

• Operation control setting(R250D)

■ When performing the operation control with communication, set parameter P08 to
■ If the inverter is in faulty case, fault will not reset even operation command is OFF
("0"). Use fault reset command (DT253), if fault reset is required.
Relay No. Name Details
R2500 Run command state
R2501 Reverse run command 1: ON command 0: OFF command

• Fault reset command(DT253)

■ The fault reset activates by writing "0 x9696" in the register No.253.
■ The usable data is "0x9696" only.
■ The command is ignored when the inverter is operating properly.

• Emergency stop command(DT255)

■ The emergency stop activates by writing "0x9696" in the register No.255.
■ The coast-to-stop function is performed displaying "AU" in the same operation as
the auxiliary fault input.
■ The usable data is "0x9696" only.

• Error Codes in Communication
Commands are ignored when an error occurred in communication.
Following error codes are returned to the computer from the inverter in such cases.
Code Content Description
21 NACK error A data error occurred during the communication. (e.g.)
Parity error, framing error
Frame over
27 error A certain command or response is 118 byte or more.
40 BCC error A transmission error occurred in the command data.
A command message does not match the transmission
41 Format error format. (e.g.) Parity error, framing error
" #" or "transmission destination" is not contained in the
42 NOT support
error A command that is not supported was transmitted.
A command was transmitted to a transmission
destination that is not supported.
53 Busy error The previous command is being processed when a
message was received.
The function designated parameter has an incorrect
60 Parameter error

There is an error in the designation of the contact No.,

61 Data error data No. or data code format.
(e.g.) Set data is out of the designated range.

62 Registeration Number of registeration exceeded when monitoring

error data.
When the command was transmitted, the operation
mode of the inverter was one that could not process the
63 Mode error command.
1) Parameter data setting during the inverter is
2) Parameter data setting during the inverter has an

• Parameter Setting
■ For details on the data type in the table, refer to "Display data and transmission data" on
page 80.
Paramete Registe
r r Function name Displayed Unit Internal Data
No. No. Data Data type
P01 DT1 1ST acceleration time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
P02 DT2 1ST deceleration time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990
P03 DT3 V/F pattern 50 • 60 • FF - 0-1-2 4
P04 DT4 V/F curve 0•1 - 0•1 1

P05 DT5 Torque boost level % 0-40 1
P06 DT6 Electronic thermal function 0•1•2•3 - 0-3 1
P07 DT7 Setting of thermal current 0.1~100 A 1-1000 2
P08 DT8 Operation command select 0~3 - 0-3 1
P09 DT9 Frequency setting signal 0~6 - 0-6 1
P10 DT10 Stop mode 0•1 - 0•1 1
P11 DT11 Stop frequency 0.5~60 Hz 50-6000 3
P12 DT12 DC brake time 0 • 0.1 ~120 sec 0-1200 2
P13 DT13 DC brake level 0~100 - 0-20 5
P14 DT14 Max. output frequency 50~250 Hz 5000-25000 3
P15 DT15 Base frequency 45~250 Hz 4500-25000 3
P16 DT16 Overcurrent stall prevention 0•1 - 0•1
function 1
P17 DT17 Overvoltage stall prevention 0•1 - 0•1
function 1
P18 DT18 Skip frequency 1 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
P19 DT19 Skip frequency 2 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
P20 DT20 Skip frequency 3 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
P21 DT21 Skip frequency band width Hz 0-10 1

P22 DT22 Current limit function 0 • 0.1 ~9.9 sec 0-99 2

P23 DT23 Start mode 0•1•2•3 - 0•1•2•3 1
P24 DT24 Ride-through restart 0-1-2 - 0-1-2 1
P 2 5 DT25 Wait time 0.1~100 sec 1-1000 2
P26 DT26 Retry function select 0•1•2•3 - 0•1•2•3 1
P27 DT27 Retry times 1 —10 & 1-10 1
P28 DT28 Lower frequency clamp 0.5~250 Hz 50-25000 3
P29 DT29 Upper frequency clamp 0.5~250 Hz 50-25000 3

P30 DT30 Monitor select 0•1 - 0•1 1

P31 DT31 Line speed multiplier 0.1~100 - 1-1000 2
P32 DT32 Max. output voltage 0 • 1 ~500 V 0-500
P33 DT33 OCS level 1~200 % 1-200 1
P34 DT34 Carrier frequency 0.8~15.0 kHz 0-8 6

Paramete Registe Function name Unit
r r Displayed Internal Data
No. No. Data Data type
P35 DT35 Communication
station No. 1—31 - 1-31 1
P36 DT36 Communication speed 48 • 96 • 192 - 4-6 7
P37 DT37 Stop bit 1•2 bit 1•2 1
P38 DT38 Parity check 0-1-2 - 0-1-2 1
P3 DT39 Timeover detect 0 • 0.1~60.0 sec 0-600 2
P40 DT40 Send wait time 1~999 ms 1-999 1
P41 DT41 P region password 0 • 1 ~999 - 0-999 1
P42 DT42 Setting data clear 0•1•2•3 0•1•2•3 1
P43 DT43 Input signal logic setting 0~31 0-31 1
P44 DT44 Safety sensor response 0 • 1 ~999 ms 0-999 1
P45 DT45 time
Arrival signal response 1~999 ms 1-999 1
P46 DT46 Encoder fault detect time 0 • 0.1 ~2.0 sec 0-20 2
P47 DT47 Arrival SW fault detect 0 • 0.1 —10 sec 0-100 2
P48 DT48 time
RY1 function select
P49 DT49 RY2 function select 0-7 0-7
- 1
r0-r7 8-15
P50 DT50 RY3 function select
P51 DT51 No. of motor poles 2-4-6 Pole 1-2-3 8
P5 DT52 Cables No. of encoder 50~999 p/r 50-999 1
2 - - - -
P53 DT53 1
P54 DT54 - - - - 1
P55 DT55 - - - - 1
P56 DT56 - - - - 1
P57 DT57 - - - - 1
P58 DT58 - - - - 1
P59 DT59 Overload detect 0.5~250 Hz 50-25000 3
P60 DT60 frequency
Overload 1 detect 0.5~250 Hz 50-25000 3
frequency 2
P61 DT61 Overload detect current 1 0.1~100 A 10-10000 3
P62 DT62 Overload detect current 2 0.1~100 A 10-10000 3
P63 DT63 Overload detect judgment 0 • 1 ~999 ms 0-999 1
Overload judgment frequency 0~100
P64 DT64 % 0-10000 3
ratio L
P65 DT65 Overload judgment frequency 0~100 % 0-10000 3
ratio H
Overload judgment high
P66 DT66 and low changeover 0.5~250 Hz 50-25000 3
P67 DT67 Overload detect judgment 0 • 1 ~999 ms 0-999 1
P68 DT68 time
Start confirmation time 100~999 ms 100—999 1
P69 DT69 Forced OPEN operation 0-0.1 ~500 sec 0-5000
judgment time 2
Fault detect OPEN
P70 DT70 operation forced operation 0-0.1 ~500 sec 0-5000 2

Paramete Registe
r r Function name Displayed Unit Internal Data
No. No. Data Data type
Fault OPEN operation OPEN
P71 DT71 0.0-10 sec 0-100 2
arrival hold time
P72 DT72 Repeat OPEN arrival hold 0.0-10 sec 0-100 2
P73 DT73 Repeat CLOSE arrival hold 0.0-10 sec 0-100 2
P74 DT74 S-shaped accel./decel. 0-1-2 - 0-1-2
function 1
P 7 5 DT75 Stop select in OPEN/ CLOSE 0•1 - 0•1
operation 1
P76 DT76 No arrival signal select 0-1-2 - 0-1-2 1
P 7 7 DT77 Slip arrival judgment 0.1-10 Hz 1-100
frequency 2
P78 DT78 Slip arrival judgment time 1-999 ms 1-999
P79 DT79 Slip OPEN arrival substitute 0-0.1-10 sec 0-100
select 2
P80 DT80 Safety sensor function select 0 - 1 - 2 - 0-1-2 1
Fault OPERN operation
P 8 1 DT81 0-0.1~500 sec 0-5000 2
Forced OPEN operation time

Notel) For the communication parameters P35 to 40, always turn off the power supply after the data has been
set. The set value will be effective after the power supply is turned on again.

Paramete Registe Function name Unit

r r Displayed Internal Data
No. No. Data Data type
d01 DT257 Setting value of door width 0.01 ~655 - 1-65535 3

d02 DT258 CLOSE Arrival position 0~100 % 0-10000 3

d03 DT259 OPEN Speed change position 0~100 % 0-10000 3
d04 DT260 OPEN Speed change position 0~100 % 0-10000 3
d05 DT261 OPEN Speed change position 0~100 % 0-10000 3
d06 DT262 OPEN Speed change position 0~100 % 0-10000 3
d07 DT263 OPEN Speed change position 0~100 % 0-10000 3
d08 DT264 OPEN Arrival position 0~100 % 0-10000 3
d09 DT265 CLOSE Speed change 0~100 % 0-10000 3
position 1
d10 DT266 CLOSE Speed change 0~100 % 0-10000 3
position 2
d 11 DT267 CLOSE Speed change 0~100 % 0-10000 3
position 3
d12 DT268 CLOSE Speed change 0~100 % 0-10000 3
position 4
d13 DT269 CLOSE Speed change 0~100 % 0-10000 3
position 5
d14 DT270 CLOSE Arrival hold frequency 0-0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d15 DT271 OPEN Frequency 1 0-0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d16 DT272 OPEN Frequency 2 0-0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d17 DT273 OPEN Frequency 3 0-0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d18 DT274 OPEN Frequency 4 0-0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3

Paramet Regist
er er Function nam Displayed Unit Internal Data
No. No. Data Data type
d19 DT275 OPEN Frequency 5 0-0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d20 DT276 OPEN Frequency 6 0-0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d21 DT277 OPEN Arrival hold 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d22 DT278 CLOSE Frequency 1 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d23 DT279 CLOSE Frequency 2 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d24 DT280 CLOSE Frequency 3 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d25 DT281 CLOSE Frequency 4 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d26 DT282 CLOSE Frequency 5 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d27 DT283 CLOSE Frequency 6 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d28 DT284 OPEN Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d29 DT285 1 OPEN Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d30 DT286 2 OPEN Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d31 DT287 3 OPEN Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d32 DT288 4 OPEN Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d33 DT289 5 OPEN Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d34 DT290 6 CLOSE Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d35 DT291 1 CLOSE Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d36 DT292 CLOSE Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d37 DT293 CLOSE Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d38 DT294 4 CLOSE Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d39 DT295 5 CLOSE Accel./decel. time 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d40 DT296 OPEN Hold current 0.0~100 A 0-1000 2
d41 DT297 CLOSE Hold current 0.0~100 A 0-1000 2
d42 DT298 STOP time of OPEN/ 0 • 0.1 ~999 sec 0-9990 2
d43 DT299 CLOSE
OPEN hold operation
arrival hold wait 0.5~250 Hz 50-25000 3
d44 DT300 CLOSE arrival hold wait 0.5~250 Hz 50-25000 3
d45 DT301 frequency
OPEN arrival hold wait sec 0-100 2

0 1

d46 DT302 CLOSE arrival hold wait sec 0-100 2

d47 DT303 time

о о о о
о о о о
1 1 1 1
со со со со
0 0 0 0

OPEN start timer(SW sec 0-300 3

d48 DT304 mode)
OPEN deceleration timer sec 0-300 3
d49 DT305 (SW
start timer (SW sec 0-300 3
d50 DT306 CLOSE deceleration timer sec 0-300 3
(SW mode)
Operation frequency when
d51 DT307 power supply is turned 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
Door width measurement
d52 DT308 frequency 0.5~250 Hz 50-25000 3
d53 DT309 Password setting in D 0 • 1~999 - 0-999 1
d54 DT310 region
Fault CLOSE operation 0 • 0.5~250 Hz 0-25000 3
d55 DT311 frequency 1 (Hz) operation 0 • 0.5~250
Fault CLOSE Hz 0-25000 3
frequency 2 (Hz)

Paramete Registe
r r Function nam Displayed Unit Internal Data
No. No. Data Data type
d56 DT312 Fault CLOSE operation 0 • 0.5-250 Hz 0-25000 3
frequency 3 (Hz)
d57 DT313 Fault CLOSE operation 0 • 0.5-250 Hz 0-25000 3
frequency 4 (Hz)
d58 DT314 Fault CLOSE operation 0 • 0.5-250 Hz 0-25000 3
frequency 5 (Hz)
d59 DT315 Fault CLOSE operation 0 • 0.5-250 Hz 0-25000 3
frequency 6 (Hz)
Fault CLOSE operation
d60 DT316 acceleration / deceleration 0 • 0.1-999 sec 0-9990 2
Fault1 (s)CLOSE operation
d61 DT317 acceleration / deceleration 0 • 0.1-999 sec 0-9990 2
time 2 (s)
Fault CLOSE operation
d62 DT318 acceleration / deceleration 0 • 0.1-999 sec 0-9990 2
Fault3 (s)CLOSE operation
d63 DT319 acceleration / deceleration 0 • 0.1-999 sec 0-9990 2
time 4 (s)
Fault CLOSE operation
d64 DT320 acceleration / deceleration 0 ■ 0.1-999 sec 0-9990 2
time 5 (s)CLOSE
Fault operation
d65 DT321 acceleration / deceleration 0 • 0.1-999 sec 0-9990 2
time 6 (s)

Details and Remedies for Fault Trips
• Fault trip memory ........The cause of the trip can be saved in parameter n12 to n15.
The details on the latest trip and the three prior trips are saved even if the power is
turned OFF. ( The details of the shipment inspection are saved when the unit is
Display Details and cause of fault Remedies
■ Check for an output short-circuit or
■ Instantaneous overcurrent during
SC1 ground faul ■Check the ambient
acceleration or abnormal heating of
heat sink fins temperature ■Increase the acceleration
■ Check for output short-circuit
■ Instantaneous overcurrent during
SC2 or ground fault ■Check ambient
constant speed or abnormal heating
of heat sink fins temperature
■ Instantaneous overcurrent during ■ Eliminate excessive changes
■ Check for output short-circuit or
SC3 deceleration or abnormal heating of in load
ground fault ■Check ambient
heat sink fins temperature ■Increase the deceleration
OC1 ■Overcurrent during acceleration ■Check for an open output phase and
Eliminate sudden changes in load
■Increase the acceleration and
OC2 ■ Overcurrent during constant speed deceleration times ■Adjust the torque
boost level ■Check the restart in inertia
OC3 ■Overcurrent during deceleration ■Do not switch the electromagnetic
contactor at the load side
OU1 ■ Excessive internal DC voltage ■Increase the acceleration time
during acceleration
■ Excessive internal DC voltage
OU2 during constant speed ■Eliminate excessive changes in load
■ Excessive internal DC voltage
OU3 during deceleration ■Increase the deceleration time
■ Measure the power supply voltage
LU ■ Power supply voltage drops to less ■Consider using the instantaneous
and Check output open-phase
than 85% of rating
power failure restart function
■An output current exceeding 125% of
the electronic thermal setting current ■Check the electronic thermal setting
OL or 140% or more of the inverter rated current ■Check and adjust the torque
current (3.6A) occurs for more than 1 boost level ■Reduce the load
■The abnormal stop command was ■Check the communication processing
sent. of controller
■Check the start mode (parameter P23)
■The power supply was applied while
the run signal was ON ■The run signal ■Check the run signal when the data is
was turned ON while setting data in being set.
OP the stopped mode, and the mode was
returned to the operation mode with
the MODE button ■Timeover was
detected ■The communication ■Check the communication setting and
connector was removed during the wirings ■Reduce the noise around the
operation inverter

Display Details and cause of fault Remedies

■Check the encoder's power supply

En1 ■There is no encoder pulse
Resetting Fault Trips
■Check the encoder's wiring
■The rotation direction of the encoder ■Check the encoder's wiring (phase A
En2 pulse is different from the rotation
direction of a command and phase B)

En3 ■OPEN arrival signal and CLOSE ■Check the OPEN arrival signal and
arrival signal are both turned ON. CLOSE arrival signal
■When door position data is OPEN
En4 arrival state, there is no arrival ■Check the OPEN arrival signal.
■When door position data is CLOSE
En5 arrival state, there is no arrival ■Check the CLOSE arrival signal
■ Excessive noise applied on the
CPU ■Reduce the noise around the inverter.
Note) Refer to " Troubleshooting ® and ® " on page 91 and 92.

ф Caution
• Depending on the start mode function setting, if the fault trip is reset with inputting
the run signal, the inverter may restart suddenly. (Reset the trip after ensuring
personal safety.)
Failure to do so could lead to injury.
• If a fault is displayed on the operation panel's main display and the inverter is
stopped, remedy the fault before resetting. It is possible to restart the inverter after

Power • Turn OFF the power once, then turn it ON again.

reset (Operation can be started when the power is turned ON again.)
® When operation is set to local (Parameter P08 set to "0" or "1"), the fault
will be reset when the "STOP button" on the operation panel is
Resetting © When operation is set to external ( Parameter P08 set to "2"), the fault
by stop will be reset when both the OPEN/CLOSE signal are turned OFF.
signal ® When operation is set to communication ( Parameter P08 set to "3"),
the fault will not be reset even if the operation command of
communication is turned OFF. In case of communication setting, the
fault will be reset with "fault reset command".
Resetting • The fault will be reset when the "STOP button" on the operation panel is
by panel pressed.


Ф Caution
• Wait at least 5 minutes after turning the power supply OFF before starting
maintenance and inspection.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shock.
• Maintenance, inspection and part replacement must be done by qualified persons.
[Remove all metal personal belongings (watches, bracelets, etc.) before starting
(Use tools treated with insulation.)
Failure to do so could lead to electric shock or injury.
1. The motor does not rotate(when fault display is not lit).
^ Is the power voltage normal?
^ Is "000" displayed on the panel? No
Yes Press the MODE button to display

Turn the local or external run signal * Check the run signal and setting data.
Set the frequency setting value to * Check the frequency setting signal and
0.5Hz or more. setting data.

{ The frequency does not appear, or there Voltage is supplied to the

is no output voltage. ^ Yes motor. Yes
The inverter is faulty. The motor is faulty.
(Contact us.)
2. The motor does not rotate(when fault display is lit).

When one of the faults on pages 89 and 90 is displayed and the motor has not rotated,
check the following two points:
® Check the malfunction occurs for the first time (after installation) or it has been in use
for a period.
© Check if this is an inverter malfunction (failure), a wiring, or a motor malfunction.

<If the phenomenon occurs for the

first' time or immediately after
Remove power supply (U, V and W)
on the inverter load side.
Turn the local or external run signal
Yes Inverter malfunction
Appear OC1, etc. displayed on the pages 84 and 85. (Contact

Руководство для контроллера управления дверями лифта

Maintenance and Inspection

Caution • Wait at least 5 minutes after turning the power supply OFF before starting maintenance and inspection.
Failure to do so could lead to electric shock,
• Maintenance, inspection and part replacement must be done by qualified persons.
[Remove all metal personal belongings (watches, bracelets, etc.) before starting work.]
(Use tools treated with insulation.)
. Failure to do so could lead to electric shock or injury.
Л Note • Have an electrician periodically tighten the terminal screws.
Loosening of the terminal screws could lead to overheating or fire.
1. Precautions for inspections
■ When measuring the insulation between the power line and motor line, always disconnect the wires connected to the inverter
first. Do not perform a megger test on the control circuit.
■ The inverter is mainly configured of semiconductor elements. So, daily inspections must be carried out to prevent the effect of
the working environment such as the temperature, humidity, dust and vibration, to prevent problems that occur due to the
passage of part usage and part life. The standard replacement term that apply when the inverter is used in a general
environment (ambient average annual temperature 30°C, load rate of 80% or less, and 12 working hours or less a day) are
given in the below table.
2. Inspection Items
1) Daily inspection: Check that the inverter is operating as intended.
Check the input and output voltages of the inverter during operation using a voltmeter.
2) Periodic inspection: Check all locations where inspection can only be performed when the inverter is stopped and where
periodic inspection is required.

Руководство для контроллера управления дверями лифта

3. Parts Replacement
Wear fault (lifetime).... The lifetime is greatly dependent on the installation conditions.
1) For example: The lifetime of a relay depends on the wear condition of its contact surfaces. The contact current and load
inductance are major factors.
2) The capacitor inside the inverter is used mainly as a smoothing filter and its lifetime varies greatly with temperature as internal
chemical reactions take place. Generally, when the temperature of the aluminum electrolytic capacitor increases by 10°C, the
life is halved. Thus, the temperature determines the inverter life span.
If the inverter is used at high temperatures, the aluminum electrolytic capacitor could wear out before the other parts. In t his
case, the capacitor must be replaced to extend the inverter's life.
Part name replacement Replacement procedure and others
Cooling fan 2 or 3 years Replace with a new part
Smoothing 5 years Investigate and replace with new part if
capacitor necessary.
Relays Investigate and replace with new part if
♦ Contact us if you need part replacement or repairs.
4.Maintenance and inspection table Note) Symbols in the check frequency field have the
following meanings m means daily, О means yearly and, © means every two years.
Inspectio Inspectio

Inspection Instrum
Inspection details n Test criteria ent

n method
Ambient Ambient frequency Ambient
See installation temperature: -10 Thermo
environm temperature, ☆ meter
Whole system

ent humidity, dust,ect. to 50°C hygrom

Whole Is there any abnormal ☆ Visual inspection Humidity: 90% eter
and audible check max.
system vibration or noise?
Power Is the main circuit Measure the 200V: voltmet

voltage voltage normal? input voltage 170~253 V AC er

1) Check if all 1) Tighten 1), 2) Normal

fastenings are tight fastenings
General2) Any indication of
2) Visual
overheating on any inspection

Connecte 1) Are conductor

d 3) Clean 1), 2) Visual 1), 2) Normal
crooked? inspection
2) Is the cover broken?
and wiresStrange smell? ☆ By smell Normal
Terminal о Visual inspection Normal
Main circuit

Is there any damage?

Transfor Check the resistance Disconnect main
© circuit wires and Ohm
mer and between terminals measure at meter
diode terminal
1) Are there any liquid ☆ 1), 2) Visual 1), 2) Normal
Smoothin leaks? inspection

g meter
capacitor 3) Minimum
2) Is the safety valve 3) Using a
о capacitance 85% of rated
normal? metercheck 1),capacity

3) IsMeasure the electrostatic
operational 1) Audible 2) Normal
Relay noise
capacity. normal? 2)Visual inspection

1) Check
Are the the insulators
state of 1), 2) Visual 1), 2) Normal
Resistor contact
cracked? roughness. inspection
2) Are any voltage wires 1) Measure voltage 1) Line output

1) Check output
balance between between output balance is 4V
phases during terminals. max.
inverter operation (400V type is 8V Rectifier
Control and protection

Operation without application. max.) type

checks 2) Simulate a voltmet
2) Check the protection short- circuit er
and display circuits between the 2)The sequence
with the sequence inverter protection
protection operation warning circuit must
1) test.

Any strange smells 1),outputs.

2) Visual function
or discoloration? 1), 2) Normal

All parts inspection and

2) Are
Any traceany of liquid of leaks
the smell
Capacitor or connections
deformation? loose? ☆ Visual inspection Normal
Cooling1) Is there any abnormal vibration or ☆ 1) Audible check 1), 2) Normal

fan abnormal noise?

2) Are any of the connections loose? о 2)Tighten
Display Are any LEDs not fastenings
unit working? ☆ Visual inspection Normal
Motor Display

Meter Are all readings ☆ Check indicated Must be within Voltmet

standard value er
correct? value and control Ammete
1) Is there any abnormal ☆ 1),2) Visual, value.
1), 2) Normal r
General vibration or audible and
abnormal noise? ☆ smell test
2) Strange smells?
• Rated specifications
Single-phase 200V input type
Applied motor Rated output Rated output Power
Product No. output current capacity supply Mass
0.4kW 2.8A 1.1 kVA 1.3 kVA 1.2 kg

Руководство для контроллера управления дверями лифта

Notel) The last digit of Product No. indicates D: Inverter without brakes,
G: Inverter with brakes.
Note2) Rated output capacity is specified for output voltage of 230V AC. Note3) Power supply capacity depends on power supply
impedance. It should equal or exceed the capacity specified above.

• Standard Specifications
Applied standard motor 0.4 kW
■о 3
Three-phase, 200 to 230V AC (proportional to power
0) Q Rated output voltage supply voltage)
ГО з cr
О Overload current rating 150% of rated output current for 1 minute
Number of phases,
voltage, frequency
Input power supply

Single-phase, 200 to 230V AC: 50/60Hz

Tolerable voltage + 10%, -15% of rated AC input voltage
Tolerable frequency + 5% of rated input frequency
Instantaneous voltage ■ Continuous operation at 165V AC or more.
drop resistance
capacity ■ Continuous operation at less than 165V AC for 15ms
Output frequency 0.5 to 250 Hz

Frequency display Digital display


Frequency setting Digital setting less than 100Hz: 0.1Hz Digital setting 100Hz
resolution or more : 1 Hz
Control method High carrier frequency sinusoidal PWM control (V/F control
Select from nine types(0.8 to 15kHz changeable) (0.8, 1.1,
Carrier frequency
1.6, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0kHz)
Base frequency: 50, 60Hz fixed setting and optional setting
Voltage/frequency between 45 and 250Hz.
characteristics V/F curve: Constant torque, square torque pattern
(selection changeover)

Torque boost Optional setting for 0 to 40%.

Руководство для контроллера управления дверями лифта

Regenerativ 100% or more (Short-time)
e brakes
braking Without

torque 80% or more

Operates when less than stop frequency ■Braking torque

DC braking
level: 0 to 100 (set between 20 levels) ■Braking time:
Optional setting for 0.1 to 120s

■Operation panel buttons

Start/stop ■Control terminal input signal (OPEN signal, CLOSE
signal) ■Communication command (RS485)

Frequency setting signal

■Operation panel setting ■ Door operation mode setting
■Communication command (RS485)
■OPEN/CLOSE operation frequency: Max.6 speed can
be set.
Door operation mode ■Accel./decel. time: Set OPEN and CLOSE operation
setting frequency respectively. ■Door speed change position:
Up to 5 place settings
■ Door hold frequency: 1 speed (individual

OPEN andDoor speed
CLOSE control in encoder mode
■ Door speed
hold control
torque:in SW
setting (

Door control function

■ Door width
individual OPEN and measurement
CLOSE setting) function
■ Door obstacle detection function
0.04 to 999s (individual acceleration and deceleration
Accel./dece . time
Accel./decel. Linear and S-shaped characteristics (selection
characteristics changeover)
Stop mode Select from ramp-to-stop or coast-to-stop (selection
Stop frequency Optional setting from 0.5 to 60Hz.
Reset function Stop signal reset, panel reset and power supply reset.
Up to 3 place settings
Skip frequency setting
(skip frequency band setting from 1 to 10Hz)
Upper frequency clamp Optional setting from 0.5 to 250Hz.
Lower frequency clamp Optional setting from 0.5 to 250Hz.
Validity of function, and 0Hz restart, operating frequency
Ride-through function
restart (selection changeover)
Retry selection : Select validity of function and details of
Retry function
retry fault Retry times: Optional setting for 1 to 10 times

Руководство для контроллера управления дверями лифта

■OPEN/CLOSE signal: 1a contact signal

■OPEN/CLOSE arrival signal: 1a or 1b contact signal
Input signal (selection changeover) ■Safety sensor : 1a or 1b
contact signal (selection changeover) ■OPEN/CLOSE
speed change signal: 1a or 1b contact signal (selection
changeover) ■Door position detection signal: encoder
Relay output: 3 outputs, 1c contact
signal (2-phase input)
(contact capacity 230V AC, 0.3 A, 30 V DC, 0.3 A
Output signal resistance load) Output function: Run signal, reverse

Control terminal
run signal, arrival signal, overload alarm, OPEN arrival
signal, CLOSE arrival signal, obstacle detection, fault
warning (seletable)
■Interface: RS485 serial communication
■Communication speed:4800/9600/19200 bps
Communication function ■Protocol: MEWTOCOL-COM
■Communication method: Half duplex
■Max. No. of connected units: 31 units
■Max. transmission distance: 500m (total length)
12 V DC -10 %/+20 %, 0.1 A or less (exclusive for
Built-in power supply
Output frequency, output current, output voltage,
internal DC voltage, setting frequency, detection
Operation and control

frequency, door position area, door position, OPEN

status arrival position data, No. of door switching, encoder
detection status, control terminal status (input signal,
output signal)
Symbol indicated when protective function activates
Fault details
(last 4 faults are stored.)
Current limit Current limit can be set from 1 to 200% of rated output
Instantaneous overcurrent, temperature error (SC1 to 3) ,

overcurrent (OC1 to3), overload/electronic thermal

Trip (stop) overload(OL), low voltage (LU), overvoltage (OU1 to 3),
auxiliary fault (AU), operation error(OP), encoder error
(En1,2), arrival signal error (En3 to 5)
Stall prevention function Overcurrent stall prevention, overvoltage stall
Working ambient
temperature and -10 to +50°C(with no freezing)
90% RH or less(25°C with no dew condensation)

Transportation and
storage temperature and -25 to +65 °C
95% RH or less(25 °C with no dew condensation)
Vibration 5.9m/s2 {0.6G} or less
Altitude 1000m or less
Atmosphere medium Indoors, with no corrosive gases, explosive gases, oil
mist or dust present
Enclosure IP20 defilable type, however, excluding incoming line
holes of main circuit line and control line.
Cooling method Self-cooling

Руководство для контроллера управления дверями лифта

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