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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGIES Pulse Pressure- the difference between diastolic and

systolic pressure

Pulse Deficit- the absence of palpable pulse waves in a

PYREXIA (fever) – elevated body temperature peripheral artery.

HYPERPYREXIA- more than 41°C body temperature, above HEALTH ASSESSMENT

Head to toe (IPPA)
HYPOTHERMIA - low body temperature.
HYPERTHERMIA - body temperature greatly above normal. Palpation
TACHYCARDIA - rapid/fast heart rate. Ausculation
BRADYCARDIA – slow heart rate. Abdomen (IAPP)
EUPNEA – normal breathing.
APNEA – no breath, temporary cessation of breathing. Auscultation
TACHYPNEA - rapid breathing. Percussion
BRADYPNEA – slow breathing. Palpation- examining the body, by the use of touch.
Percussion- tapping the body part, that probably
POLYPNEA- rapid or panting respiration.
produce sound
OLIGOPNEA - breathing that is shallower, or slower, than Auscultation- through the use of stethoscope
Dorsal or Supine Position – back laying position.
HYPERPNEA - increased depth and rate of breathing.
DYSPNEA- difficult or labored breathing. ➢ LOW FOWLER’S – 10 degrees
➢ HIGH FOWLER’S – sitting position
ORTHOPNEA-shortness of breath while laying or supine ➢ SEMI FOWLER’S – 2 to 3 pillow
position. ➢ Elevated of different positions
HYPERTENSION- high blood pressure
LITHOTOMY- pregnant/labor position, back laying position
HYPOTENSION – low blood pressure in 90°

NORMOTENSION - normal blood pressure. GENUPECTORAL POSITION – “knee-chest” position with

torso in 90° and two hips
HYPERVENTILATION- excessive rate and depth of respiration.
LATERAL POSITION- side laying position
HYPOVENTILATION - decreased levels of oxygen.

AFEBRILE- free from fever: not marked by fever. SIM’S POSITION- semi prone and side laying position

FEBRILE- related to fever. PRONE POSITIONS (face laying position)- abdomen

laying position.
HEMOPTYSIS- spitting up blood. OVERWEIGHT- if the weight of the person is
more than 10% of the ideal body weight
HEMATEMESIS- vomiting of blood.
OBESE- the weight of the person is more than
DHN- Dehydration
20% of the ideal body weight
HYPOXIA – lower than normal concentration of oxygen.
DEHYDRATION- fluid loss, inadequate of body
Kussmaul’s breathing/hyperventilation – deep and faster than fluid
GASTRIC LAVAGE- irrigation of the stomach to
Systolic Pressure – pressure of blood during ventricular nasogastric tube
Diastolic Pressure- during ventricular in relaxation
NGT- nasogastric tube
GASTROSTOMY FEEDING- through the tube to the ANEURYSM -widening(dilatation) artery, veins
EMBOLISM- blood clot that travels/move
JEJUNUSTOMY TUBE – feeding the patient with the tube
inserted in the jejunum. BLOOD DYSCRASIA-disorder of blood

DEFACATION- expulsion of feces from the rectum (bowel THROMBOSIS- blood clot that stays
movement) SCARLET RED – color of the blood
CONSTIPATION- passage of small, dry and hard stool, or LYMPHATIC SYSTEM- lymphocytes
no passage of stool for the mean time
EMBOLUS- blood clot that continue to flow
DIARRHEA – frequent passage of water stool
THROMBOCYTOPENIA – low count of platelets
FECAL IMPUCTION- collection of hardened stool, putty-like
feces HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK- shock due to a decrease in
blood volume from bleeding, loss of blood plasma
OBSTIPATION- folds or stranded in the colon through severe burns, or dehydration
FLATULENCE- fart(flatus) or presence of the excessive of MYELOMA – cancer of plasma cells
gas in the intestine
THROMBECTOMY- surgical excision of a thrombus.
FECAL INCONTINENCE- involuntary elimination of bowel
contents. COAGULATION- blood clotting

FECES- waste product of digestion present in colon THROMBOPHERESIS- process of collecting

STOOL- waste product of digestion expelled
HEMATOCHEZIA – blood in stool
ACHOLIC STOOL- a grain, pale, clay colored stool
HEMATURIA – blood in urine
ANOXIA- the absence or near absence of oxygen
HEMOTYMPANUM – blood in the middle ear
BIOT’S BREATHING – abnormal breathing pattern, quick,
shallow followed by regular or irregular periods of apnea. Iron deficiency Anemia- A lack of iron in the
body leads to reduction in the number of
CHEYNESTOKES BREATHING- abnormal breathing
pattern by progressively deeper erythrocytes.

AGGLUNITATION- clamping particles by specific antibodies Cytoblast/Blast- Early stage of differentiation of

blood cell
CLOT RETRACTION- blood clot becomes smaller and draws the
broken edges of broken blood vessel. Albumin- protein seen in the plasma of the blood

HYPERKALEMIA- extra potassium in blood Septicemia - blood poisoning

HEMOGLOBIN- transport and moving oxygen Leukemia - type of cancer found in the blood and
bone marrow that is caused by the production of
ANEMIA- low level of blood abnormal WBC
IRON DEFICIENCY- reduction of iron Macrophage- A large phagocyte that destroys
worn-out red blood cells and foreign material.
DIC- disseminated intravascular coagulation

HEMOLYSIS – destruction of RBC

ARTERY- carries oxygenated blood

VEINS-carries unoxygenated blood

PHLEBOTOMY- procedure of blood removal

HEMOPHILIA- blood that doesn’t clot normally

HYPOVOLEMIA- volume depletion “low volume of blood”

HEMORRHAGE- bleeding tendencies, ruptured blood

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