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Name : Rizky Azuarsyah Azmi

Class : ANKES B

NPM : 3118075

Courses : English

What is a Health Analysts ?

The terms "health analyst" or "laboratory administrator" still sound foreign to
most people's ears. Most Indonesians are more aware of and familiar with professions
in the health sector such as doctors, nurses, midwives and pharmacists.

Health analysts are professional personnel who play an important role in

health laboratory analysis. Health analysts are often known as medical laboratory
technology experts.

Indonesian Health Laboratory Expert Professional Standards is a profession

for health laboratory experts in Indonesia in carrying out their professional duties to
play an active and integrated role for Indonesia's national development. There are
many aspects that support advances in medical science such as professions,
laboratories, and others.

Meanwhile, according to KEPMENKES RI NUMBER 370 / MENKES / SK /

III / 200, Health Analysts or also known as Health Laboratory Technologists are
highly skilled health workers and scientists who carry out and evaluate laboratory
procedures by utilizing various resources. This health facility is in the form of a
Health Laboratory such as the Clinical Pathology Laboratory which checks samples
in the form of human body fluids such as blood, sputum, faeces, urine, liquor cerebro
spinalis (brain fluid), and others to obtain data or results as a diagnosis of an disease.
Its scope is also broad including examination of microbiology (bacteria), parasitology
(fungi, protozoa, worms), hematology (blood cells and plasma), immunology
(antigens, antibodies), clinical chemistry (hormones, enzymes, glucose, lipids,
proteins, electrolytes , etc)

The Health Analyst profession is very important in the world of medicine,

because a doctor cannot determine by himself in deciding a disease diagnosis, but it is
required from the results of laboratory examinations.

The doctor's diagnosis is strongly influenced by the samples examined by

laboratory personnel. Therefore a health analyst must be skilled and competent in his

Maybe some people or the general public don't really know a Health Analyst.
Because maybe the work of a health analyst is in the laboratory, and it is not known
by everyone because a health analyst sometimes likes to be confused with
pharmacists or other hospital workers.

Duties of Health Analysts Health analysts perform a variety of tests

(Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology, Immuno-serology, Toxicology,
Food-Beverage Chemistry, Water Chemistry, Anatomical Pathology, Molecular
Biology) that use instrumentation to aid diagnosis, treat and prevent disease.

Her responsibilities include collecting and preparing samples such as blood,

body fluids, tissues and interpreting the results. Often work independently but health
analysts are an important part of the health care team.

Health analysts in Indonesia differ in their duties and abilities. It not only
supports the analysis of clinical specimens, but also analyzes non-abiotic objects such
as water, food and beverages. If you want to find a health analyst profession. If
anyone has ever been to a hospital and has had a blood check in a laboratory, it means
that he has met them.
Health analysts have a very broad scope, such as hematological examinations
(the study of blood and its parts and disorders), clinical chemistry examinations,
parasitology examinations (protozoa, fungi, worms, etc.), microbiological
examinations, immunological examinations, and so on.

However, health analysts can also have a career in the Anatomical Pathology
laboratory for examination of tissue samples from surgery. Not only working in a
health laboratory, but an analyst can also work in the food and beverage industry, and
so on.

Health Analyst professional ethics has three main dimensions, namely: Skills
(knowledge, reasoning or ability in association and training), Skills in communication
(both verbal & non-verbal), Professionalism (knowing what to do and what to do).

A health analyst has obligations, including: obligations towards the profession

by upholding and maintaining dignity, honor, profession, maintaining integrity and
honesty and being trustworthy. increase skills and knowledge in accordance with
developments in science and technology.

Perform professional work in accordance with standard operating procedures,

applicable work safety standards and professional code of ethics. Maintain
professionalism in fulfilling the call of duty and professional obligations. Obligations
for work by working with sincerity and gratitude. Trustful and full of integrity. Work
thoroughly and responsibly. Full of passion and dedication. Creative and persevering.
Maintain self-esteem and be honest. Serve with humility obligations towards Partners
by treating each colleague within the limits of the prevailing norms. uphold solidarity
in carrying out the profession. Fostering good cooperative relationships and mutual
respect with colleagues and other professionals with the main aim of ensuring high
quality service.
Obligations towards Patients in a responsible manner and maintaining their
ability to provide services to patients / service users in a professional manner.
maintain the confidentiality of information and examination results of patients /
service users, and only provide it to entitled parties. can consult / refer to peers or
more skilled parties to get accurate results

The profile or role of Health Analyst Diploma III education graduates refers
to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 370 /
Menkes / SK / III / 2007. The main task of the Indonesian Health Analyst is to
provide health laboratory services. In carrying out these main tasks, health analysts
have functions / obligations, including: Developing procedures for taking and
processing specimens, carrying out analytical tests on reagents and specimens,
operating and maintaining laboratory equipment, evaluating laboratory data to ensure
accuracy and quality control procedures and developing solutions problems related to
test result data, evaluating new techniques, instruments and procedures to determine
their practical benefits, helping clinicians to use laboratory data effectively and
efficiently to interpret laboratory test results, plan, organize, carry out and evaluate
laboratory activities, guide and foster personnel in the field of olfactory engineering,
designing and carrying out research in the field of health laboratories.

There are several health analysis functions in providing medical laboratory

services and carrying out their duties including preparing operational technical
processes, conducting analytical tests on specimens and reagents, developing
procedures for taking and processing specimens, operating and maintaining
instruments in the laboratory, maintaining work safety in the laboratory environment,
and evaluating lab data to ascertain quality control procedures and accuracy.

In addition, health analysis actually still has several other functions, for
example helping clinicians to use lab data to interpret lab test results, organize lab
activities, conduct research, and provide education to the community related to
medical labs.

Before plunging into the real work field, someone who wants to become a
health analysis worker or laboratory technology expert must have several
competencies that must be achieved, one of which is mastering knowledge related to
its obligations and functions in a medical lab. They must also be able to design
processes related to their duties and functions in the lab according to their level.
Skills are certainly one of the competencies that must be achieved because without
skills for operational processes, a lab expert cannot do their job. Meanwhile, the skills
themselves also consist of various kinds such as skills for taking specimens, carrying
out lab procedures, and skills in maintaining the tools in the health lab.

An analyst must have high skills and responsibility in examining samples.

This corresponds to the risk of being fatal if something goes wrong.

Many do not know that health analysts have tons of job opportunities. An
analyst graduate can work in a hospital laboratory, of course, to help diagnose a
doctor. Apart from hospitals, health analysts can be placed in Prodia, PMI, and all
other places related to analysis.

In the world of work, the differences between D3, D4, and S1 Health Analysts
are not really taken into account, because many agencies and companies require the
competence of an Analyst. They usually have the opportunity to work in private civil
servants (PNS), private clinical laboratories, government or private hospitals, regional
health laboratories, food and drug control centers (BPOM), companies in the field of
food and beverage, pharmacy, police forensic labs, institutions research science (lipi,
biopharma) and lecturers (especially in health science schools).

Currently, health analysts in Indonesia are still lacking, whereas in the

development of science and technology, the number of health laboratories has
increased so that the job opportunity for a health analyst is very large. so the shortage
of health analysts is 4,267.

The shortage of Health Analysts must be met immediately, so that Indonesian

public health services can be optimal. Therefore, the role of health education
institutions is needed to produce professional and competent Health Analysts in the

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