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Household Income What is a

Age Gender Occupation Education

(PKR) smartphone?

18-24 Female Student Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Male Student Post-Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Connection
18-24 Male Student Graduate 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Female Unemployed Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Extension of self

18-24 Male Student Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Male Employed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Communication
18-24 Female Employed Graduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self
18-24 Female Unemployed Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Female Employed Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Male Business owner Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Student Graduate 301,000 and above Connection
18-24 Female Employed Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian

18-24 Female Student Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self
18-24 Male Unemployed Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self

18-24 Male Student Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian

18-24 Male Student High School 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
25-34 Male Employed Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Connection

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Extension of self

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 0-100,000 Utilitarian

18-24 Female Student Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
25-34 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Employed Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian

18-24 Male Employed Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian

25-34 Female Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 0-100,000 Utilitarian

25-34 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Male Student High School 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Female Employed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self
35-44 Male Employed High School 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian
25-34 Male Student Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self

18-24 Female Unemployed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian

18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self

18-24 Female Student High School 301,000 and above Connection

18-24 Female Employed Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self
18-24 Female Employed Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Connection
18-24 Female Student Graduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self
25-34 Female Employed Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Student High School 101,000-200,000 Extension of self
18-24 Male Unemployed Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self

18-24 Female Unemployed Graduate 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian

25-34 Male Student Graduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self

25-34 Female Employed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Male Employed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Female Unemployed Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Female Student Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Unemployed Undergraduate 0-100,000 Utilitarian

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self

18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Post-Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Business man Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
25-34 Female Unemployed Post-Graduate 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Male Unemployed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Connection
18-24 Male Unemployed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Male Student Graduate 201,000-300,000 Connection
45 and above Female Housewife High School 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Female Unemployed Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Connection
25-34 Female Employed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Connection

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

Under 18 Female Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian

18-24 Male Employed Undergraduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 0-100,000 Extension of self

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 0-100,000 Connection

18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian

18-24 Female Unemployed Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self

45 and above Male Unemployed Graduate 201,000-300,000 Connection
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Connection
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 0-100,000 Extension of self
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Connection
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Connection
25-34 Female Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Connection
18-24 Male Employed Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
25-34 Female Student Graduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Connection
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self
18-24 Male Employed Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self

18-24 Male Student Graduate 0-100,000 Extension of self

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Connection
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self
25-34 Male Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Connection

18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

45 and above Female Employed Post-Graduate 201,000-300,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Female Unemployed Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Connection
18-24 Male Unemployed Undergraduate 0-100,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Male Employed Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Female Employed Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Female Employed Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Female Employed Post-Graduate 301,000 and above Connection
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 0-100,000 Utilitarian
25-34 Male Student Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Male Unemployed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Connection
18-24 Female Student Post-Graduate 301,000 and above Connection
18-24 Female Student Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
18-24 Female Employed Graduate 301,000 and above Connection

18-24 Male Unemployed Graduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Extension of self

25-34 Male Employed Undergraduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 0-100,000 Utilitarian
25-34 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Post-Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Male Unemployed Undergraduate 301,000 and above Extension of self

18-24 Male Student Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

18-24 Male Business man Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
18-24 Female Student Post-Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
25-34 Female Employed Graduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self
25-34 Male Employed Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self
35-44 Female Employed Post-Graduate 201,000-300,000 Connection

25-34 Male Employed Post-Graduate 301,000 and above Extension of self

18-24 Male Unemployed Undergraduate 301,000 and above Connection
25-34 Female Unemployed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self
25-34 Male Employed Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Connection
18-24 Female Employed Post-Graduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
18-24 Female Student Graduate 0-100,000 Connection
25-34 Female Employed Graduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self
18-24 Male Unemployed Graduate 301,000 and above Connection
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian
25-34 Female Employed Graduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self
18-24 Female Student Undergraduate 301,000 and above Utilitarian

25-34 Female Employed Graduate 0-100,000 Connection

18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 201,000-300,000 Connection

25-34 Female Employed Graduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self
25-34 Male Employed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Connection
25-34 Female Employed Graduate 201,000-300,000 Extension of self
18-24 Male Employed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
25-34 Female Unemployed Graduate 101,000-200,000 Extension of self
35-44 Female Housewife Graduate 201,000-300,000 Connection
18-24 Male Student Undergraduate 101,000-200,000 Utilitarian
What comes to How many
Which brand comes to
mind by the Reliance on Daily time brands are Who effects your buying
mind when you hear
word smartphone spent in your decision
smartphone house

Device Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Family/Friends

Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 4 Family/Friends
Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 1 Word of Mouth
Brand Very Much 0-3 hours Oppo 3 Tech Reviewers
Device Very Much 9 and above Apple 4 Avertisments
Environment Very Much 9 and above Samsung 3 Tech Reviewers

Device Pretty much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Tech Reviewers

Brand Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 1 Word of Mouth
Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 4 Word of Mouth
Consumer Very Much 9 and above Samsung 2 Tech Reviewers
Device Pretty much 6-9 hours Samsung 4 Family/Friends
Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Oppo 2 Tech Reviewers
Device Pretty much 3-6 hours Apple 1 Social Media Influencers
Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Samsung 3 Family/Friends

Brand Pretty much 6-9 hours Samsung 2 Family/Friends

Brand Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Tech Reviewers
Brand Pretty much 9 and above Apple 3 Social Media Influencers

Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Social Media Influencers

Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Oppo 3 Family/Friends

Environment Very Much 9 and above Apple 3 Family/Friends

Device Pretty much 3-6 hours Apple 1 Word of Mouth
Consumer Pretty much 0-3 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends
Consumer Very Much 9 and above Apple 4 Family/Friends

Consumer Very Much 3-6 hours Samsung 1 Tech Reviewers

Device Very Much 9 and above Apple 4 Tech Reviewers

Device Pretty much 9 and above Samsung 3 Family/Friends
Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Apple 2 Family/Friends
Consumer Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 2 Family/Friends

Consumer Fair amount 3-6 hours apple 2 Tech Reviewers

Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Samsung 3 Family/Friends

Device Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Tech Reviewers

Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Tech Reviewers

Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Samsung 2 Social Media Influencers
Device Pretty much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Word of Mouth
Brand Very Much 0-3 hours Apple 4 Advertisement
Consumer Fair amount 0-3 hours Oppo 1 Word of Mouth

Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends

Device Very Much 9 and above Samsung 4 Family/Friends

Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Family/Friends

Brand Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 1 Family/Friends
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Word of Mouth
Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 2 Tech Reviewers
Device Very Much 9 and above Samsung 4 Tech Reviewers
Brand Very Much 3-6 hours Samsung 4 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends
Brand Pretty much 9 and above Apple 3 Family/Friends

Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours SAMSUNG 2 Family/Friends

Consumer Very Much 9 and above Samsung 3 Family/Friends

Device Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 4 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 4 Family/Friends
Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Family/Friends
Brand Very Much 9 and above Samsung 3 Family/Friends
Brand Pretty much 3-6 hours Apple 1 Tech Reviewers

Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Tech Reviewers

Device Pretty much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Other

Device Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 4 Family/Friends
Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 2 Tech Reviewers
Device Very Much 9 and above Apple 2 Tech Reviewers
Device Pretty much 6-9 hours Oppo 3 Family/Friends
Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Other
Brand Pretty much 0-3 hours Samsung 3 Family/Friends
Environment Pretty much 9 and above samsung 3 Tech Reviewers
Brand Very little 9 and above Apple 1 Family/Friends
Brand Very Much 9 and above Apple 3 Tech Reviewers
Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Samsung 4 Family/Friends

Device Pretty much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends

Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Family/Friends

Consumer Pretty much 9 and above Apple 2 Family/Friends
Brand Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends

Consumer Pretty much 6-9 hours Samsung 1 Family/Friends

Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Advertisement

Consumer Pretty much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Other

Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends

Consumer Fair amount 0-3 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends
Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends
Brand Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends
Consumer Fair amount 3-6 hours Samsung 4 Social Media Influencers
Device Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 2 Family/Friends
Environment Fair amount 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Tech Reviewers
Device Very Much 9 and above Samsung 2 Family/Friends
Environment Very Much 9 and above Apple 2 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Pretty much 9 and above Samsung 4 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Word of Mouth
Consumer Pretty much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Family/Friends
Brand Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 3-6 hours Samsung 4 Family/Friends
Brand Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 4 Social Media Influencers

Brand little 3-6 hours Oppo 1 Word of Mouth

Environment Very Much 9 and above Samsung 3 Social Media Influencers

Brand Pretty much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Word of Mouth

Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 1 Word of Mouth
Consumer Very Much 0-3 hours Apple 2 Tech Reviewers
Device Very Much 3-6 hours Oppo 2 Social Media Influencers
Device Pretty much 3-6 hours Samsung 2 Tech Reviewers

Device Pretty much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Tech Reviewers

Consumer Very Much 3-6 hours Huawei 4 Family/Friends
Environment Pretty much 6-9 hours Samsung 3 Advertisement
Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Word of Mouth
Environment Very Much 9 and above Samsung 3 Tech Reviewers
Brand Pretty much 3-6 hours Apple 1 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 2 Family/Friends
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 4 Family/Friends
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 4 Family/Friends
Consumer little 6-9 hours Apple 2 Word of Mouth
Device Very Much 9 and above Apple 4 Family/Friends
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 4 Family/Friends
Device Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends
Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Other
Consumer Pretty much 9 and above Apple 3 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Samsung 4 Word of Mouth
Brand Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 2 Tech Reviewers

Brand Pretty much 6-9 hours Apple 4 Social Media Influencers

Brand Pretty much 3-6 hours Apple 3 Word of Mouth

Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Samsung 4 Tech Reviewers
Brand Pretty much 3-6 hours Apple 3 Word of Mouth
Device Pretty much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Other
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 2 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Apple 2 Family/Friends
Consumer Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 1 Family/Friends
Device Very Much 9 and above samsung 1 Tech Reviewers

Device Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 3 Social Media Influencers

Device Very Much 9 and above Apple 2 Tech Reviewers

Device Pretty much 0-3 hours Apple 3 Family/Friends
Brand Very Much 9 and above Apple 3 Social Media Influencers
Device Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 3 Tech Reviewers
Brand Pretty much 0-3 hours Apple 1 Advertisement

Device Very Much 0-3 hours Apple 1 Other

Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Oppo 3 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 9 and above Apple 3 Family/Friends
Brand Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 2 Advertisement
Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 4 Advertisement
Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Oppo 2 Word of Mouth
Brand Very Much 9 and above Apple 3 Word of Mouth
Brand Very Much 9 and above Apple 1 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 1 Social Media Influencers
Brand Very Much 9 and above Apple 3 Word of Mouth
Consumer Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 1 Social Media Influencers

Consumer Pretty much 3-6 hours Oppo 4 Tech Reviewers

Environment Very Much 6-9 hours Apple 1 Family/Friends

Brand Very Much 9 and above Apple 3 Social Media Influencers
Device Very Much 6-9 hours Huawei 4 Social Media Influencers
Consumer Very Much 0-3 hours Samsung 2 Family/Friends
Consumer Very Much 3-6 hours Apple 4 Tech Reviewers
Consumer Very Much 9 and above Apple 3 Family/Friends
Device Very Much 0-3 hours samsung 2 Family/Friends
Brand Very Much 3-6 hours Samsung 3 Family/Friends
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Which feature is Which features is Which features is
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Samsung Satisfied Display Battery Life Camera Processor

Samsung Very Satisfied Processor Processor Processor Processor

Apple Very Satisfied Camera Processor Battery Life Battery Life
Samsung Very Satisfied Processor Camera Camera Camera
Oppo Satisfied Camera User Friendliness Battery Life Battery Life

Oppo Fairly Satisfied Processor Camera Processor Battery Life

Samsung Satisfied User Friendliness Design Camera Processor

Apple Very Satisfied Camera Display Battery Life Design

Samsung Satisfied Camera Display Display Battery Life

Samsung Very Satisfied Camera Processor Camera Processor

Samsung Satisfied Camera Camera Camera Processor
Oppo Very Satisfied Display Camera Processor Display
Apple Satisfied Design Battery Life Battery Life Battery Life

Huawei Satisfied Display Battery Life Camera Camera

Apple Satisfied Camera Battery Life User Friendliness
Samsung Satisfied Camera User Friendliness Camera Camera
Apple Satisfied User Friendliness Processor Camera Battery Life

Apple Very Satisfied Camera User Friendliness Display Display

Apple Satisfied Camera User Friendliness Battery Life Battery Life

Apple Fairly Satisfied User Friendliness Processor Display Display

Apple Very Satisfied Battery Life Camera Processor Camera

Apple Very Satisfied Processor Battery Life Camera Camera
Oppo Satisfied Camera Processor Processor Battery Life

Samsung Very Satisfied Battery Life User Friendliness Camera Battery Life

Samsung Very Satisfied Processor Processor Camera Camera

Huawei Fairly Satisfied User Friendliness Display Camera Processor

Apple Very Satisfied Battery Life Processor Battery Life Battery Life
Apple Very Satisfied Design Processor Camera Camera

Samsung Satisfied Camera Processor Processor Processor

Huawei Very Satisfied Design Processor Camera Processor

Samsung Very Satisfied Processor Display Camera Camera

Apple Very Satisfied Design Processor Processor Battery Life

Apple Satisfied Processor Camera Camera Processor

Samsung Satisfied Design Design Camera Design

Samsung Satisfied Battery Life User Friendliness Camera Design
Apple Very Satisfied User Friendliness Battery Life Design Design

Apple Very Satisfied Design User Friendliness Battery Life Processor

Samsung Very Satisfied Camera Display Camera Camera

Apple Satisfied Camera Battery Life Design Display

Apple Very Satisfied Design Battery Life Display Processor

Oppo Fairly Satisfied Camera User Friendliness Battery Life Display
Samsung Very Satisfied Processor User Friendliness Design
Huawei Fairly Satisfied Design User Friendliness Camera Battery Life
Oppo Satisfied Camera Display Camera User Friendliness

Apple Very Satisfied Design Camera Camera Processor

Apple Satisfied Design Processor Battery Life Camera

Samsung Satisfied Processor Camera Camera Display

Samsung Satisfied Camera, Display Processor Processor Battery Life

Apple Satisfied Design Camera Display Camera
Apple Very Satisfied Processor Display Camera Display
Apple Satisfied Display Processor Display Battery Life

Apple Satisfied User Friendliness Camera Design Camera

Samsung Very Satisfied Design User Friendliness Camera Battery Life

Apple Satisfied User Friendliness Camera Design Battery Life

Apple Very Satisfied Display Display Camera Battery Life

Huawei Fairly Satisfied Camera Camera Battery Life Battery Life

Apple Very Satisfied Design Camera Design Display
Apple Satisfied Camera Processor Processor Processor
Apple Very Satisfied Design Processor Battery Life Battery Life
Samsung Satisfied Processor Camera Camera Camera
Apple Very Satisfied Processor Processor Battery Life Battery Life
Oppo Very Satisfied Display Processor Battery Life Battery Life
Samsung Satisfied Camera Processor Processor Processor
Apple Dissapointed Processor Display User Friendliness
Oppo Very Satisfied User Friendliness Design Camera Processor
Apple Satisfied Design Camera Camera Camera, Battery Life
Battery Life,
Oppo Satisfied Battery Life Design Design

Apple Satisfied Processor Display Processor Display

Samsung Fairly Satisfied Processor Display Display Display

Apple Very Satisfied Processor Camera Display Display

Apple Satisfied Processor Battery Life Camera Battery Life

Samsung Satisfied Display Design Processor Display

Apple Satisfied Display Design Battery Life Display

Apple Very Satisfied Camera User Friendliness User Friendliness
Apple Very Satisfied Camera Display User Friendliness
Samsung Satisfied Processor Processor Processor Processor
Samsung Satisfied Camera Display Camera Processor
Apple Very Satisfied Design Battery Life Display
Apple Satisfied Display Battery Life Battery Life Battery Life
Samsung Not Satisfied Camera Processor Camera Processor

Apple Very Satisfied Display Battery Life Processor Processor

Samsung Very Satisfied Camera, Display Battery Life Camera Battery Life
Samsung Satisfied Camera Design Battery Life
Apple Satisfied Design Design Battery Life Design
Samsung Satisfied Design Battery Life Camera Camera
Samsung Satisfied Camera Processor Camera Display
Samsung Fairly Satisfied Processor Processor Processor Processor
Apple Very Satisfied Processor User Friendliness Display
Samsung Very Satisfied Processor User Friendliness Display Processor
Huawei Very Satisfied User Friendliness User Friendliness User Friendliness
Samsung Fairly Satisfied Camera Processor Camera Processor

Oppo Satisfied Processor Processor Camera Battery Life

Apple Satisfied Camera Processor Display Display

Apple Very Satisfied User Friendliness Display Processor Processor
Apple Very Satisfied Design Design Display Display
Oppo Very Satisfied Camera Display Display Display
Samsung Satisfied User Friendliness Design Battery Life Battery Life

Oppo Satisfied Camera Display Camera Processor

Huawei Very Satisfied Camera Processor Camera Display
Samsung Very Satisfied Display Display Camera Processor

Apple Satisfied Design Camera Design Processor

Samsung Very Satisfied User Friendliness Camera Processor Battery Life

Apple Satisfied User Friendliness Camera Design Battery Life
Apple Very Satisfied Design Processor Camera Camera
Huawei Satisfied Processor Camera Camera Camera
Huawei Satisfied Processor Camera Camera Camera

Oppo Fairly Satisfied Processor/Chipset Processor Processor Camera

Apple Very Satisfied Camera Display Camera Camera

Apple Very Satisfied Camera Camera Camera Display

Apple Satisfied Processor Display Camera Display

Apple Very Satisfied Camera Processor Battery Life Processor

Apple Very Satisfied User Friendliness User Friendliness Camera Camera
Oppo Satisfied Design User Friendliness Display Design
Apple Very Satisfied Design User Friendliness User Friendliness
Apple Satisfied Processor Camera Display Display

Apple Very Satisfied User Friendliness User Friendliness Battery Life Display

Samsung Very Satisfied Processor Camera Camera Camera

Apple Very Satisfied User Friendliness User Friendliness Battery Life Display

Apple Satisfied Camera Processor Display Processor

Apple Very Satisfied Processor Camera Processor Display
Apple Very Satisfied Battery Life Processor Battery Life Battery Life
Apple Satisfied Camera Battery Life User Friendliness
Samsung Satisfied Camera Camera Processor Processor

Apple Very Satisfied Camera User Friendliness Display Display

Apple Very Satisfied Design Camera Display Battery Life

Apple Satisfied Camera User Friendliness Battery Life Battery Life
Apple Very Satisfied Design User Friendliness Battery Life Battery Life
Oppo Very Satisfied Processor Display Camera Camera
Apple Satisfied Display Battery Life Design
Apple Dissapointed Camera Processor User Friendliness
Oppo Very Satisfied Display Display Display Display

Apple Very Satisfied Processor Battery Life Processor Display

Apple Very Satisfied Design User Friendliness Battery Life Battery Life
Huawei Satisfied Display Battery Life Processor Display
Oppo Very Satisfied Camera, Display Processor Camera Camera
Apple Very Satisfied Display Display Battery Life Battery Life
Apple Very Satisfied User Friendliness Design Battery Life Camera
Apple Very Satisfied Camera Processor Camera Display
Apple Very Satisfied User Friendliness Display Battery Life Battery Life
Apple Very Satisfied Camera Processor Camera Display

Samsung Fairly Satisfied Camera Display Processor Processor

Apple Very Satisfied Display Battery Life Battery Life Battery Life
Apple Very Satisfied User Friendliness User Friendliness Battery Life Battery Life
Huawei Satisfied Processor Display Camera Camera
Samsung Very Satisfied Display Display Camera Processor
Apple Very Satisfied Processor Display Camera Display
Apple Very Satisfied Processor Battery Life Processor Display
Samsung Very Satisfied Processor Processor Camera Camera
Samsung Satisfied Display Processor Camera User Friendliness
Which features is Last
Action you took after
Huawei best smartphone ad
watching the ad
known for you remember

Seek more information

Camera Samsung
about the product
Display Samsung Ignore it
Battery Life Samsung Ignore it
Camera Samsung Ignore it
Display Samsung Ignore it
Discuss the product with
Display Samsung
Discuss the product with
Battery Life Samsung
Processor Oppo Ignore it
Discuss the product with
User Friendliness Samsung
Processor Oppo Ignore it
Processor Samsung Ignore it
Camera Oppo Ignore it
Battery Life Oppo Ignore it
Discuss the product with
Battery Life Oppo
Battery Life Oppo Ignore it

Battery Life Oppo Ignore it

Camera Oppo Ignore it

Seek more information

Camera Samsung
about the product

Discuss the product with

User Friendliness Xiaomi
Discuss the product with
Display Huawei
Display Samsung Ignore it
Battery Life Samsung Ignore it
User Friendliness Samsung Ignore it

Contemplated what i am
Camera Oppo
doing with my life

Camera Samsung Ignore it

Discuss the product with
Battery Life Huawei
Camera Huawei Ignore it
Camera Samsung Ignore it

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Processor Oppo
about the product

Discuss the product with

User Friendliness Samsung
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Processor Samsung
about the product

User Friendliness Samsung Ignore it

Processor Samsung Purchase the product

Design Samsung Ignore it

User Friendliness Oppo Ignore it
Camera Oppo Ignore it

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Processor Samsung
about the product

Discuss the product with

Processor Oppo
Discuss the product with
Processor Oppo
Processor Oppo Ignore it
Design Samsung Ignore it

Design Samsung Ignore it

Battery Life Oppo Ignore it

Battery Life Xiaomi Ignore it
Discuss the product with
Display Oppo
Display Oppo Ignore it

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Display Samsung
about the product

Processor Oppo Ignore it

Camera Huawei Ignore it
Processor Huawei Ignore it
Processor Huawei Ignore it
Discuss the product with
Processor Samsung
Camera Oppo Ignore it
Design Oppo Ignore it

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Design Xiaomi
about the product

Design Oppo Ignore it

Display Oppo Ignore it
Processor Samsung Ignore it
Processor Samsung Ignore it
Camera Samsung Ignore it
Battery Life Samsung Ignore it
Processor Samsung Ignore it
Processor Oppo Ignore it

Processor Apple Apple

Processor Oppo Ignore it
Battery Life Huawei Ignore it
Discuss the product with
User Friendliness Oppo

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Display Huawei
about the product

Display Huawei Ignore it

Discuss the product with
Display Oppo
Camera Samsung Ignore it

Seek more information

Camera Samsung
about the product

Discuss the product with

User Friendliness Oppo
User Friendliness Huawei Ignore it

Camera Samsung Ignore it

Processor Huawei Ignore it

Camera Oppo Ignore it

User Friendliness Huawei Ignore it

Battery Life Samsung Ignore it

Processor Oppo Ignore it
Discuss the product with
Processor Samsung
Battery Life Oppo Ignore it

User Friendliness Oppo Ignore it

Design Oppo Ignore it

Battery Life Oppo Ignore it
Processor Huawei Ignore it
Processor Huawei Ignore it

Processor Huawei Ignore it

User Friendliness Oppo Ignore it

Discuss the product with
User Friendliness Huawei
Watch it again because of
Display Oppo

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Display Samsung
about the product

Processor Oppo Ignore it

Processor Samsung Ignore it
Display Huawei Ignore it
Processor Oppo Ignore it
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Camera Samsung
about the product

Processor Samsung Ignore it

Display Oppo Ignore it
Processor Samsung Ignore it
Discuss the product with
Processor Samsung
Processor Huawei Ignore it
Design Oppo Ignore it
Camera Samsung Ignore it
Processor Huawei Ignore it
Processor Huawei Ignore it
Discuss the product with
Camera Huawei
Camera Oppo Ignore it
Display Huawei Ignore it
Discuss the product with
Display Samsung
Battery Life Samsung Ignore it
Display Xiaomi Ignore it
Display Oppo Ignore it

User Friendliness Oppo Ignore it

Discuss the product with
Processor Oppo
Battery Life Oppo Purchase the product

Processor Oppo Ignore it

Battery Life Oppo Purchase the product

Camera Xiaomi Ignore it

Processor Huawei Ignore it
Camera Huawei Ignore it

User Friendliness Samsung Ignore it

Processor Huawei Ignore it

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Camera, Design Samsung
about the product

Display Samsung Ignore it

Battery Life Oppo Ignore it
Battery Life Oppo Ignore it
Camera Samsung Ignore it

Battery Life Samsung Ignore it

User Friendliness Apple Ignore it

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Display Oppo
Camera Huawei Ignore it
Battery Life Huawei Ignore it
Battery Life Oppo Ignore it
Camera Huawei Ignore it
Battery Life Oppo Ignore it
Processor Oppo Ignore it
Processor Oppo Ignore it
Battery Life Oppo Ignore it
Processor Oppo Ignore it

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Processor Oppo
about the product

Battery Life Samsung Ignore it

Battery Life Oppo Ignore it
Camera Huawei Ignore it
Processor Oppo Ignore it
Processor Huawei Ignore it
Camera Huawei Ignore it
Display Oppo Ignore it
User Friendliness Samsung Ignore it

The following key explains what each coded variable in the

data set meands for the respective questions

Q1. What is a Smartphone?

Classification Meaning

Category of people who use their smartphones

for different features, applications, etc.

People who use their smartphones in order to

Connection connect to other people through either social
media, text message, or calls.

People who use it beyond the first two

approaches (particularly looking at personal
Extension of Self associations, such as, with brands which portray
the consumer. People who use the device as an
extension of their own being/self

Q2. What comes to mind by the word smartphone

Brand Consumers thought of a particular brand
Consumer used some personal association or
Consumer thoughts regarding the category
Consumer responded with answers relating to
Environment the technology world, such as, Andriod, Internet

Consumer highlighted some specific feature of

smartphones, such as, display, battery etc.

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