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Evolution of Marketing as a
Discipline: What Has Happened
and What to Look Out For
ournal of Marketing (JM) is in the midst of exciting ISSN: 0022-2429 (print), 1547-7185 (electronic)

J times—times that reflect economic vacillations,

quick changes in business environments, and the
emergence of new industries and markets. To stay current
with and responsive to the changes in the business world—
a top priority of JM through the years—future research
directions must be precise, rigorous, and relevant. In other
words, this is a crucial period for the marketing discipline
to reaffirm its position in providing new knowledge and
thought that will have a lasting effect on academicians and

Evolving Themes and Metaphors

Over the decades, the marketing discipline has experienced
changes in terms of its dominant focus, thought, and prac-
tice. Amid all the changes, JM has been at the forefront of
bringing such themes to prominence and garnering the
attention of the research community. At each stage of its
evolution, the discipline has taken a new course by bringing
to light pertinent areas of marketing and generating impor-
tant insights that continue to shape further research.
Whereas the six decades after 1936 witnessed gradual
changes in the research and practice of marketing, begin-
ning in 1996, the discipline has experienced a faster rate of
evolution, with several marketing topics and foci coming
into the popular view concurrently. Drawing on Kerin’s
(1996) systematic study, which contains the themes and
metaphors of the marketing discipline as they relate to JM’s
evolution from 1936 to 1995, I provide my observations
about more recent history and trends since 1996 in this edi-
torial. Table 1 illustrates this trend.
In compiling Table 1, I draw specific attention to the
triggers for the themes. Over the years, it has been clear
that the marketing discipline is evolving continuously. To
under- stand these changes and identify the forthcoming
turning points in the field, I believe it is critical to identify
the causes responsible for the changes thus far. My goal for
this editorial is to shed light on the factors that have

V. Kumar (VK) is Regents’ Professor, Richard and Susan Lenny Distin-

guished Chair & Professor of Marketing, Executive Director, Center for
Excellence in Brand and Customer Management, J. Mack Robinson
Col- lege of Business, Georgia State University; and Chang Jiang
Scholar, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (e-mail:

© 2015, American Marketing Association

marketing and articulate an expectation of where the
field is headed. To Roger Kerin’s existing
categorization, I add my viewpoints on the triggers
that have spurred the changes. My aim is to provide an
evolutionary perspective regarding the future course
of marketing by observing the current trig- gers. This,
I hope, will add value and direction to scholarly
discussions of marketing research topics. I conclude
with a note on the importance of being able to identify
the triggers and how these triggers will likely shape
the field’s future.

A Resource-Conscious View
The marketing discipline adopted a resource-
conscious view between 1996 and 2004, focusing on
customer prof- itability issues and the use of
organizational resources to enhance marketing
effectiveness. Specifically, researchers conducted
studies in the following four broad areas: (1)
identifying the customer value potential for the
organization and building an approach to appropriately
align marketing resources, (2) maximizing the value
of each customer, (3) optimizing marketing resources
for customers at the indi- vidual and segment levels,
and (4) developing and imple- menting resource
allocation strategies on the basis of cus- tomer
profitability. The focus on customer profitability and
marketing resources, however, did not emerge without
rea- son. Looking back, three critical factors seem to
have trig- gered this wave of research, as Figure 1
First, significant changes with respect to data
storage and processing enabled sophisticated
empirical studies. These changes included the type of
data sought (e.g., behavioral, attitudinal), the type of
data collected (e.g., indi- vidual level), and the nature
of data processing (e.g., han- dling megabytes and
gigabytes of data). Furthermore, data warehousing
applications, storage service providers, and storage-
intensive consumer applications contributed to the
data-oriented approach marketing academia began to
Second, the abundance of data and the ease of data
col- lection enabled researchers to capture individual
customer data, thereby directing the level of analysis
toward the cus- tomer level. This called for scholars to
make an assessment of the needs and wants of
individual customers and to iden- tify appropriate
ways and means of communication. Such an approach
necessitated identifying customers’ lifetime value,
which in turn led managers to reserve strategic mar-
keting resources for the areas in which the
expenditures would generate the greatest impact.

Journal of Marketing
1 Vol. 79 (January
2015), 1–9
Evolution of Marketing Thought and Practice
Prominent Predominant
Timeline Theme(s) Metaphor Triggers for the Themesa
1936–1945 a Marketing as applied economics
Illuminating d
marketin c Marketing as a managerial activity
g u
principles st
and o
concepts m Marketing as a quantitative science
er Marketing as a behavioral science
1946–1955 c
Improving nt
marketin ri Marketing as a decision science
g cit
functions y
and Marketing as an integrative science
productiv Marketing as a scarce resource

1956–1965 Marketing as an investment

Assessing market


Uncovering buyer

1976–1985 Crafting


Identifying market/
1996–2004b Customer
n efforts
2005–2012b Marketing

2 / Journal of Marketing, January

●U r pli y p o further research developme ●Use of sophisticated empirical techniques
n n cat l n ●Spotlight on nt and ●Emergence of conceptual frameworks of
d m ion t i of marketing understand marketing phenomena
e e s o n m practice through ing market ●Use of interdisciplinary knowledge
r n for e ar JM’s “Applied structure ●Developments in database technology
s t m ● k Marketing” ●Outlook ●Ability to capture individual customer data
t l ar d et section toward the ●Analyses performed at the individual level
a e ket e in ●Refocus to a use of
n g ing n g “scholarly quantitativ
k ●Technological advancements
d i pr t ●Foc professional e
e ●Deeper customer insights to aid marketing
i s act i us journal” through techniques
t initiatives
n l ice f on editorial policy in
i ●Marketing investment activities directed at the
g a● Acc i mar changes marketing
n customer level
o t o c keti ●Emphasis on theory
f i u a ng
t Emer Marketing Marketing ●Changes in media usage patterns
mo n t i the gin at the core as an ●Focus on marketing efficiency and effectiveness
a n t h o ory g and new integral part ●Firm value generated by engaging stakeholders
r a e n dev (20 media of the of the firm
k a b o elo 13 influence organizatio
e n i r pm – n
ti d l y
o ent prese
n i f ●Tra nt)b
g t t m nsiti
a a
p r y
aMy interpretations added to Kerin’s (1996)
n r on
ri a d k into bMy extension, based on the developments in the
n d o ana marketing discipline. Notes: I adapted and updated
c e f s t
lytic this table from Kerin (1996).
i al cation when future brand-switching
c i
p r m i n
Third, the aforementioned factors behavior is detected (Rust, Lemon, et al.
l e a e g dies
g ●Inte have significantly helped the 2004), investments in communication
u r n
rest development of new analytical and channels for managing customer
l k c f
in empirical methods. The benefit of such relationships (Duncan and Moriarty 1998;
a e e u
h stati an approach became evident in the Venkatesan and Kumar 2004), and
t t ●F n
r industry when managers became customer portfolio management (Johnson
i i oc
o al
o n c t empowered to deter- mine the frequency and Selnes 2004). Other areas that
u n g ui qua
of each of the available marketing and exhibited this focus include studies on
g s s o lity
con communication strategies such that innovation (Chandy, Prabhu, and Antia
h●M f n customer lifetime value was maximized. 2003; Chandy and Tellis 2000; Shih and
c a u os trol
a r n n ●Nee This line of marketing thought and Venkatesh 2004), new product
s k c d practice gradually increased the development (Moorman and Miner 1997;
e e t t a for knowledge base in this area and shaped Rindfleisch and Moorman 2001; Urban,
s t i hn est the resource-conscious view. Weinberg, and Hauser 1996), and firm
t i o ed abli strat- egy (Frels, Shervani, and Srivastava
During these years, the focus of the
u n n shin
gd discipline as a whole was also reflected 2003; Johnson, Sohi, and Grewal 2004).
d g s g
i r e in JM articles that contributed The guidelines generated from these
e r a oc r sophisticated empirical studies pertaining studies have contributed significantly to
s e n wi age to the use of mar- keting resources. Some managers’ ability to consider long-term
●N s d t d nda of the key studies in JM in this area customer profitability effects in firm-
e hi level managerial decision making.
e n s include articles on the integration of
e for
a s og marketing with busi- ness processes and In addition, articles published in JM
d the
r y f shareholder value (Srivastava, Shervani, have also influ- enced studies on similar
t mar
c s o and Fahey 1999), governance value
o keti topics published in other scholarly
h t mn analysis to address marketing strategy
c e ng journals. Within these areas, the topics of
o a
t m disc decisions (Ghosh and John 1999), long- customer prof- itability and the
m r t
o k h iplin life customers and profitability (Reinartz subsequent resource allocation decisions
p e and Kumar 2000), the measurement of
r p p ee have been examined with respect to
●Arti customer lifetime duration in noncon-
e i r t
contractual (Allenby, Leone, and Jen
h c o i tractual settings (Reinartz and Kumar 1999; Bolton 1998) and noncontractual
e s
d nd hig
2003), customer rela- tionship efforts on
u ge hlig
c f htin retention (Verhoef 2003), resource allo-
d a
t di g
g n FIGURE 1
d i i n dire
v s i ctio Triggers for a Resource-
i i c t ns Conscious View
mt i i for

Evolution of Marketing as a Discipline

make an “ideal” metric; and
(4) establishment of generally accepted
brand investment and valuation standards.
As an advisor for the Marketing
Accountability Standards Board, I can
confidently say that such projects will
contribute significantly in producing new

i, ec d Bechwati 2001; Berger and Nasr 1998).

( N isi V By 2004, the efficient allocation of
D a on er resources had become a top focus of the
w r s ho academic and business communi- ties,
y a (B ef and the measures used to make such
e y lat 20 allocation deci- sions became critical in
r a tb 04 terms of their credibility and validity.
1 n er ; The literature offered several measures
9 d g T designed to guide practitioners in the
9 a an ho allocation of marketing resources.
7 s, d m However, standard measures and metrics
) a D as that explicitly linked to financial
s n ei , performance were missing. This dearth
e d gh R led to the initiation of the Boardroom
tt H to ei Project in 2004. Com- prising a cross-
i u n na industry and cross-discipline body of
n m 19 rtz influ- ential marketing scientists, the
g b 96 , Project was formed to estab- lish
s y ; an marketing measurement standards for
, 2 Bl d continuous
a 0 att K improvement in business performance.
s 0 be u The Boardroom Project concluded
e 2 rg m that the discipline’s next stage of
g ), , ar evolution rests with marketing becoming
m a G 20 a board-level strategic investment rather
e c et 04 than being treated as a discretionary
n q z, ), business expense. This conclusion later
t- u an an led to the establishment of the Marketing
b i d d Accountability Stan- dards Board in 2007
a s T pr as an independent standards-setting body
s it ho o to ensure accountability and continuous
e i m m improve- ments across all domains of
d o as oti marketing to enhance financial return.
a n 20 on Currently, the Board is involved with
p a 01 ex several impor- tant projects that will have
p n ; pe a significant impact on the disci- pline
r d B n- and the business community, such as
o r ol dit the following:
a e to ur (1) the formulation of the Marketing
c t n, es Metric Audit Protocol, a formal process
h e L (B for connecting marketing activities to the
( n e er financial performance of the firm; (2)
L ti m ge measurement and improvements to the
i o on r return from television advertising based
b n , an on the Marketing Metric Audit Protocol;
a d an d (3) identifi- cation of characteristics that

4 / Journal of Marketing, January

m e se n ore accountable and to showcase the (Krasnikov and Jayachandran 2008;
ar b d i discipline’s vitality in improving the Morgan and Rego 2009; O’Sullivan and
k u o m firm’s bottom line (CMO Council 2004). Abela 2007; Ye, Marinova, and Singh
et si in ut p The need for such a focus is also 2007), firm value (Krasnikov, Jay-
in n the lo or reflected in the academic community’s achandran, and Kumar 2009; Rao and
g esCor o ta consistent calls for research attention Bharadwaj 2008), the marketing–finance
k s por k nt (Rust, Ambler, et al. 2004; Sheth and interface (Hanssens, Rust, and Srivas-
n c of pl Sisodia 2002; Srivastava and Reibstein tava 2009; Kumar and Shah 2009;
o o
ate m ac 2005; Stewart 2009). Mantrala et al. 2007), and competitive
w mBo ar e The need for research attention was advantage (Kumar et al. 2011; Vorhies
le mard k in further bolstered by the invitation of and Morgan 2005). In retrospect, three
d u roo et c multidisciplinary research in marketing, factors triggered the expanded marketing
g nims in or accounting, and finance jointly focus to include an investment-based
e ty g p announced by the Market- ing Science outlook, as Figure 2 illustrates.
a e. b or Institute (MSI) and the Emory Brand The first trigger was technological
n y at Institute in 2007. The five key research progress in terms of sophisticated data
d br e areas identified through this exercise management applications (e.g., Siebel,
in in b were (1) exploring the drivers of market SAP, Salesforce). These applications
b gi o value, (2) understanding brand varied in their com- plexity and the
ri n ar valuation, (3) challenging the efficient degree to which they could be integrated
d g dr market hypothesis, (4) understanding into the company’s organizational
gi m o the investor commu- nity, and (5) infrastructure (Speier and Venkatesh
n or o evaluating recommendations of 2002). Some popular technologies
g e m financial ana- lysts. The selected papers include elec- tronic data interchange,
th ac s. were presented in the special interest spreadsheets, sales forecasting tools,
e c In conference titled “Marketing Strategy inventory management tools, and content
g o 2 Meets Wall Street” and culminated in manage- ment systems (Hunter and
a u 0 the November 2009 special issue of JM Perreault 2007). These technolo- gies
p nt 0 titled “Marketing Strategy and Wall enabled managers to gain timely access
b a 4, Street: Nailing Down Marketing’s to customer, product inventory, and
et bi th Impact.” market intelligence data and thus respond
w lit e This call for research action has to customer questions more quickly and
e y C been answered by stud- ies in JM that with better information. In the business-
e to M focus on key areas such as mergers and to-business (B2B) setting, account
n m O acqui- sitions (Bahadir, Bharadwaj, and managers who were focused on creating
a ar C Srivastava 2008; Hom- burg and long-term relationships, rather than
c - o Bucerius 2005; Swaminathan and increasing sales transactions, iden- tified
a k u Moorman 2009), firm performance a key benefit of these technologies.
d et n
x FIGURE 2 customer level, which in turn has
e in ci
p Triggers for an Investment- contributed to the investment-oriented
m g l
a Oriented Approach approach. The technological advancements
ia a al
n enabled man- agers to make decisions
regarding customer behavior and company
actions more easily. Specifically,
marketing resources were directed toward
customer acquisition, cus- tomer retention,
and relationship-building efforts according
to their value to the firm (Payne and Frow
2005). In effect, the marketing investments
at the customer level led to a concerted
focus on investment from a marketing
standpoint. Marketing academia focused
on this approach with several studies
pertaining to, for example, market-based
learning (Vorhies and Morgan 2005),
transition from product/brand management
to customer management (Sheth 2005),
a d ct so and migration from product portfolio
n e iv ca Second, theThird,
advanced technologies
these technological management to customer portfolio
d d iti ll developments have eased the formulation management (Johnson and Selnes 2004).
th i es e of marketing activities directed at the Indeed, JM ran a special section on
, d
Evolution of Marketing as a Discipline
c e en m
u th te a marketing approach (i.e., developing a
portfolio of valuable customers and featured in JM through studies that
st at d pr focused on product fea- tures and
o c ap od serving their needs). Such a shift in
philosophy highlighted the importance of functionality (Chitturi, Raghunathan, and
m o pr uc Maha- jan 2008; Gill 2008), managing
e v oa t- nurturing profitable customer
relationships and offering products that product returns (Bower and Maxham
r er ch ce 2012; Petersen and Kumar 2009),
r e . ntr satisfy customer needs rather than driving
product profitability and market share product cus- tomization (Franke, Keinz,
el d Th ic and Steger 2009; Moreau, Bon- ney, and
at re e ph (Tuli, Kohli, and
Herd 2011), and designing and offering
i le fo ilo ethical products (Kronrod, Grinstein, and
o v cu so Wathieu 2012; Lin and Chang 2012;
n a s - Luchs et al. 2010; White, MacDonnell,
s nt on ph and Ellard 2012).
h to m y With the heightened emphasis on
i pi ar (i. justifying marketing actions in financial
p c ke e., terms, it is safe to say that marketing has
m s tin sel turned a corner in terms of moving
a a g lin beyond merely being an expense item to
n ss ini g being an investment variable. As a result,
a o tia pr the field has attracted significant
g ci tiv od attention and has become elevated
e at e uc alongside other business functions with
- e ac ts respect to accountability and
m d co to performance. Furthermore, the customer-
e w un w focused marketing approach has provided
n it ta ho a definitive direc- tion, thereby placing
t h bil m the discipline at the crossroads of
i th ity ev finance, accounting, technology, and
n e w er operations.
t e as is
h m als wi
e er o lli Marketing at the Helm
O gi ac ng The emerging paradigm for marketing
ct n co to seems clear: it must be an integral part of
o g m bu the organization’s decision-making
b in pa y) framework. This calls for a complete
e v ni to integration of market- ing activities with
r e ed a the other business functions and creates
2 st by cu unique opportunities for marketing
0 m a sto scholars whereby research studies must
0 e ch m now consider not only the marketing
5 nt an er- function but also its interface with other
is - ge ce business functions. As with the previous
s o fr ntr two phases, the emergence of this phase
u ri o ic is also triggered by three developments.
Figure 3 illustrates these triggers.
First, media usage patterns have
undergone significant changes over the
years. Specifically, the variations in cus-
tomer preferences toward media channels
have increased: people are spending
more time on interactive media (inter-
active television, pure-play Internet and
mobile services, and video games) than
on traditional media (radio and print).
This scenario has potential implications
for ensuring organizational stability and
resource allocation across the


6 / Journal of Marketing, January

eg s bu hermore, with social media sites now influence a user wields in a social network
rat be dg enabling businesses to gather statistics on (Kumar et al. 2013), the use of viral
Tr iv co et the impact, reach, and progress of a marketing for marketing utilitarian
ig e m s product/service, the opportunity to gain products (Schulze, Schöler, and Skiera
ge A e to insights on customer behavior, customer 2013), understand- ing user contribution in
rs pp a ra preferences, product penetration, and social media (Toubia and Stephen 2013),
fo ro ga pi branding is tremendous. and the impact of social media influence
r ac m dl The issue of using social media on product choices (Wang, Aribarg, and
an h e y options has emerged primarily from Atchadé 2013).
Int ch cr social media’s meteoric rise in usage Second, marketers are under
Bharadw an ea within the relatively short time since it increasing pressure to establish how
aj 2007).
This ge te came into existence. Indi- viduals and marketing investments improve their com-
research r or companies use social networks to pany’s bottom-line profits. This pressure
area was
also in pr communicate with (and within) one extends to the demands of shareholders
prominen se o another. Furthermore, the merging of and chief financial officers, who want
tly ve m social networks and mobile devices has better accountability and documentation of
c f ra ot made it extremely easy and compelling the value added by the marketing function.
h u l e for people to stay connected and, thus, In essence, there is a clear need to
a n in th influence one another’s purchase demonstrate the efficiency and
n c du eir decisions. Social networks have gained effectiveness of marketing activities. This
n - str br
e ti ie an
l o s. d
s n Its th
b s in ro
e o cr ug
c f ea h
a a si vi
u b ng ral
s u pr co
e s o nt
t i m en
h n i- t,
e e ne so
y s nc ci
c s. e al rapid momentum and adoption because of request from all quarters of the
a M ha m their ability to instantly identify and organization is due in part to previous
n o s ed connect with users, their speed of marketing practices that focused on
a r in ia communication, and their ease of use in acquisition rather than retention, price
f e fl co influenc- ing user experiences. rather than added value, and short-term
f r ue nt Addressing the issue of social media transactions rather than the development
e e nc es usage is an important development for the of lasting, profitable relationships.
c c ed ts, field because the new media option Marketers need a management approach
t e co an represents a congregation point among that encompasses increasing customer
t n m d not only users and companies but also the heterogeneity, addresses concerns about
h tl pa co marketing, tech- nology, and operations marketing accountability, puts available
e y ni ns disciplines. Studies in this area can have a data to good use, and uses customer
r , es u potentially significant impact on the profitability as a key objective function.
e s to m future course of marketing.
v o in er
The academic community has already
e c cr en
begun to focus on issues relating to the
n i ea ga
nature and scope of social media usage.
u a se ge
Recent research includes investigations
e l th m
on the impact of brand-related user-
a m ei en
generated information in social media
n e r t
(Smith, Fischer, and Yongjian 2012), the
d d so ef
linkages between user behavior on social
c i ci fo
media and search engines (Ghose,
o a al rts
Ipeirotis, and Li 2012), the profitability of
s h m .
social coupon campaigns to businesses
t a ed Fu
(Kumar and Rajan 2012), the net
ia rt
Evolution of Marketing as a Discipline
T a a and manage not only individual which firms develop innovations that
h r t l customers’ purchase behavior but also violate category norms (Barone and
i k h u their atti- tudes. In other words, beyond Jewell 2013), the value of multichannel
r e a e just encouraging customers to buy more customers (Kushwaha and Shankar
d t t a intensively over time, it is critical to 2013), and the level of technology
, i c d encourage them to (1) refer more people usage in service encounters
n u d to buy products/services from the firm; (Giebelhausen et al. 2014). These and
s g s e (2) talk to other customers and prospects other such studies not only address
p t d about the firm, consequently influencing practitioner-relevant challenges but also
u i o b them to transact with the firm; and (3) ensure that the top- ics are of academic
r n m y exchange information (in the form of importance and merit formal enquiry. The
r v e e cus- tomer feedback) with the firm. emphasis on practitioner-focused
e e r n When this heightened state of customer problems is also evi- dent in the regular
d s e g engagement is effectively tracked and hosting of academic–practitioner confer-
t n a man- aged, firms will increase their ences such as Theory + Practice in
b m g g profits (Kumar 2013). Marketing and Market- ing Strategy
y e a e Meets Wall Street. In addition, the Gary
n g m L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize serves
v t e e The Future of JM as I as an incubator for studies that develop
i m n See It and implement marketing science con-
b s e t From the aforementioned discussion of cepts and methods that have a significant
r c n e the evolution of themes, their impact on the per- formance of
a e t f corresponding triggers, and the wide organizations. Finally, the MSI Research
n n l f range of topics covered, it is clear that Prior- ities also serve as an impetus for
t a e o these factors will continue to shape the scholarly research that reflects
r a r course of the marketing discipline. marketplace challenges.
s i d t Across the changes that have transpired
o o s s thus far, the scholarly footprint is
c , t , evident in the creation of new
i o it knowledge and in addressing
a t s i practitioners’ concerns. Going forward,
l h u s I expect this phe- nomenon to become
e s i a more formalized cycle of furthering
m t m science and practice in marketing, as
e e a p illustrated in Figure 4. I predict that the
d m i o practitioner community, the ongoing
i e n r developments in society, and the new
a r e t thinking in marketing at large will
g d a affect scholarly work in marketing
a i p n such that issues from these three
n n r t sources will continue to feed mar-
d g o t keting scholars with ideas. Whereas
f o the first two sources will foster
t t i i empirical investigations in marketing,
h h t d the third source will advance the
e o s e conceptual knowledge in marketing
u . n and continue to expand the knowledge
c g T ti base.
h h o f For example, consider the range of
a t a y recently published studies that
l s , originated from the practitioner
l s c u community. These studies cover topics
e e e n such as managing relationships with
n e r d customers’ customers in B2B markets
g m t e (Homburg, Wilczek, and Hahn 2014),
- s a r the effect of brand licensing on royalty
i s rates (Jayachandran et al. 2013),
i t n t understanding profitability patterns in
n o t a multidyadic industrial channels
g h n (Dahlquist and Griffith 2014),
b e d understanding the conditions under
m e v ,
8 / Journal of Marketing, January
Future of Marketing Thought and Practice

Recent developments in society also affect scholarly

practitioner focus, it is imperative that we look around us to
work. Scholars keenly observe the marketing environment
identify and address the important issues with rigor and
and undertake studies that help explain the new
relevance. When the generated insights are actionable, a
phenomena. A few recent examples of such studies include
the role of brands and technology in long-distance family cyclical operation is set into motion that will help the acad-
practices (Epp, Schau, and Price 2014), the role of culture emic community continue to advance the generation of new
in binational households (Cross and Gilly 2013), the value knowledge. This outlook, I believe, will be the path of least
of middle- class consumers in emerging markets (Kravets resistance to publication and knowledge creation.
and Sandikci 2014), the impact of recognition on charitable
behavior (Winterich, Mittal, and Aquino 2013), corporate Concluding Comments
social responsibility in B2B markets (Homburg, Stierl, and
Borne- mann 2013), and the effect of environmentally The emerging paradigm of marketing’s integrative
sustainable new products on brand attitude (Olsen, approach and its importance in the growth of the discipline
Slotegraaf, and Chandukala 2014). Studies that fall under is but one phase that is indicative of the evolution process.
this category identify and explore the relevant and There have been and will be several development phases
important issues among the latest societal developments that promise to shape the field of marketing. Research from
that will continue to add to the knowledge base. recent years indicates a trend toward exploring the influ-
Alongside the empirical studies, conceptual articles cre- ence of new media. It is also evident that marketing as a
ate new knowledge in the marketing discipline. However, discipline now occupies a much more central role in
of late, the focus on conceptual articles has declined organi- zations. This elevated position provides the
consid- erably, resulting in calls from within the discipline new ways to expand its horizons and bring in
community for more conceptual articles and marketing interdisciplinary knowledge. Thus, it is crucial to
scholarship (Lutz 2011; MacInnis 2011; Yadav 2010). understand that the inter- face of multiple business
Despite the low inter- est, a few recent impactful functions is beginning to radically change the way research
conceptual articles have emerged that have significantly is conducted, and it will continue to do so.
advanced our understand- ing about the topic and From the core marketing theories that have evolved
contributed to new thinking within the industry. A few over the past decades to the interdependencies with other
examples focus on approaching cus- tomers’ customers in factors such as accountability, investment decisions,
B2B markets (Homburg, Wilczek, and Hahn 2014), the technology needs, and operational guidance, researchers
impact of uncertainty on marketing promo- tions and free will have to understand that this trend is only going to
gifts (Laran and Tsiros 2013), marketing doc- trine for firm mature in the coming years. Furthermore, with the advent
decision making (Challagalla et al. 2014), and marketing in of globalization and the challenges international markets
computer-mediated environments (Yadav and Pavlou 2014). present, the need of the hour is for the discipline (and JM)
Studies that fall under this category explore marketing to be in perfect synchrony with this dynamic landscape and
topics to uncover their various facets. This inves- tigation stay updated accordingly. In light of these changes, we
and subsequent understanding lead to the advance- ment of must remain cog- nizant about the dynamics in the
the discipline and further new thinking. marketing environment— that is, look out for the questions
As I see it, studies in these three categories continually that need to be answered and the issues that need to be
provide us with new knowledge to further the discipline. solved—to empower our- selves with the knowledge we
Because JM has a great deal of scholarly influence and seek.
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