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Разноуровневые задания

5 класс

УДК 372.881.111.1
ББК 81.2Англ-922

Издание допущено к использованию в образовательном процессе

на основании приказа Министерства образования и науки РФ
от 14.12.2009 № 729 (в ред. от 13.01.2011).

Английский язык. Разноуровневые задания. 5 класс / Сост.

А64 Г.Г. Кулинич. - М.: ВАКО, 2014. - 64 с. - (Дидактические мате­
ISBN 978-5-408-01365-4
Пособие представляет собой сборник разноуровневых заданий для проведения
самостоятельных проверочных работ по английскому языку в 5 классе. Разработано
по учебнику М.З. Виболетовой и др. “Enjoy English”. Задания составлены в соответ­
ствии с требованиями ФГОС и разделены на три уровня сложности.
Предназначается учителям, учащимся 5 класса общеобразовательных учрежде­
ний и их родителям.

УДК 3 7 2 .8 8 1 .1 1 1 .1
ББК 81.2А н гл -922

Учебное издание


Кулинич Галина Григорьевна
Разноуровневые задания
Электронная копия
никогда не заменит
5 класс
Налоговая льгота - Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 0 0 5 -9 3 -9 5 3 0 0 0 .
Издательство «ВАКО»
Подписано к печати 3 0 .0 9 .2 0 1 3 . Формат 7 0 x 1 0 0 /1 6 .
Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Ш кольная. Печать офсетная.
Уел. печ. листов 5 ,1 9 . Тираж 5 0 0 0 экз. Заказ № 209

Отпечатано в ООО «Уланов-пресс»

125047 Москва, ул. Фадеева, д. 7, стр. 1, офис 2

ISB N 978-5-4 0 8 -0 1 3 6 5 -4 ©ООО «ВАКО», 2014


Разнородность класса в плане способностей учащихся к изучению

иностранного языка и к учению в целом - объективная реальность.
Разноуровневое обучение предоставляет возможность выровнять
расслоение класса. Для этого используются разноуровневые задания,
которые создают условия для продвижения школьников в учебе в со­
ответствии с их возможностями. При этом успех последовательного
преодоления первых, более простых этапов заданий является стиму­
лом для повышения познавательной активности учащихся. Таким об­
разом, создается положительная мотивация к учению, а следователь­
но, и возможность перейти из группы базового уровня в среднюю,
а затем и в группу повышенного уровня.
Предлагаемые разноуровневые задания делятся на три группы:
А, В, С (узнавание, дифференциация, творчество). Упражнения начи­
наются с простейших заданий с последующим возрастанием уровня
сложности. Разноуровневые задания могут быть использованы учи­
телем на разных этапах обучения, включая контроль, который явля­
ется одной из эффективных форм образовательного процесса. Объем
заданий и время выполнения зависят от уровня подготовки учащих­
ся группы. Упражнения для учащихся 5 класса включают ряд новых
форм изложения материала. Некоторые из них (уровня С) являются
заданиями повышенной сложности.
Невозможно дотянуть всех учащихся до единого уровня. Но со­
здать условия каждому школьнику учиться в меру своих сил и потреб­
ностей - реальная необходимость учебно-воспитательного процесса
нашего времени.
Объем и содержание предлагаемого материала для упражнений
дают возможность учителю варьировать и дозировать задания.
Оценка «3» выставляется за выполнение не менее 50% предло­
женных заданий на данный период обучения, «4» —за выполнение
70-80% , «5» - за выполнение 90-100% .
Каждый ученик имеет возможность последовательно осваивать
уровни заданий и достигать более выеоких результатов. Упражнения
могут быть использованы как для работы на уроке, так и для само­
стоятельных дополнительных занятий дома.

Hello! Nice to see you again! - 1

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Timetable; 2) ask; 3) art; 4) subject; 5) mark; 6) break; 7) I.T.; 8) borrow;
9) answer; 10) P.E.
а) Перемена; b) физкультура; с) отвечать; d) оценка; e) расписание;
f) брать взаймы; g) спрашивать; h) искусство; i) предмет;]) информатика.

2. Write down the words. Cross out the unnecessary one. (СЬишите. За­
черкните лишнее слово.)
То speak, to tell, to sell, to say, to ask, to answer.

3. Divide the chain into fourteen word combinations. Write them down.
(Разделите цепочку на четырнадцать словосочетаний. Запишите их.)

4. Write down the sentences. Mark the unnecessary one. (Спишите. От­
метьте лишнее предложение.)
1) There are some computers in our classroom.
2) We like to watch films on video in our lessons.
3) In the classroom you can see a lot of desks and chairs.
4) You can see a nice goldfish in my room.
5) Sometimes pupils run and jump in the classroom.
б) We can discuss our problems at school.
7) We have got fine holidays during our school year.

1. Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите под­
ходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) This year we have got some new (timetables / subjects / marks).
2) Our pupils like to (ask / task / answer) a lot of questions.
3) He is a sportsman. He likes his (Art / Maths / P.E.) lessons.
4) Our pupils can (ask / task / answer) the teachers’ questions well.
5) My friend likes (to speak / to say / to tell) me about his funny cats.
6) She (speaks / says / tells) that her little sister is glad to get a new doll.
7) I can’t understand you. (Speak / Tell / Say) slowly, please.
8) My friend (spoke / said / told) English yesterday.
2. Write down the words. Fill in the m issing letter combinations. (Спи­
шите слова, вставляя пропущенные буквосочетания.)
То sp__ k, to te__ , to s_, m________ к, br_к, to borr_________ , to dr___ , s____ ool,
comput__ s, classr__ m, Ma__s.

3. Choose the appropriate word combinations. W rite down the pairs.

(Выберите подходящие по смыслу словосочетания. Запишите по­
лучившиеся пары.)
1) to write an exercise - ___ (tosee a book / to watch TV / to use a pen);
2) to learn by heart - ____(to write a book / to read a poem many times /
to count to ten);
3) to translate - ___ (to write an exercise / to read a text / to read
a dictionary);
4) to get good marks - ___ (to listen to stories / to answer well / to listen
to friends);
5) to listen to the teachers - ___ (to be a good pupil / to be at home /
to be in the schoolyard).

4. Choose the appropriate endings of the sentences. W rite down the

sentences. (Выберите подходящие по смыслу окончания предложе­
ний. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) We read and write, draw and count (in the schoolyard / in the zoo / in
the lesson).
2) We must not run and jump (in the park / in the lesson / in the schoolyard).
3) There is a new timetable (on the blackboard / on the chair / during the
4) We usually have lunch during (our breaks / our short break / our long

1. Translate the words from Russian into English. W rite them down.
(Переведите слова с русского на английский язык. Запишите их.)
1) перемена - ___ ;
2) оценка - ___ ;
3) школьный предмет - ___ ;
4) расписание - ___ .

2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verbs. Write down the sentences.
(Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами. Запиши­
те получившиеся предложения.)
1) My friend often ___ me about his dreams.
2) His English is great. I can’t ___ so well.
3) N ick ___ loudly in the lesson yesterday.
4) They___ us about their last trip.
5) She usually___ , “Goodbye, my friend!"
6) Our girls usually___ that they are happy to get good marks.
Слова для справок: say, told, speak, says, tells, spoke.
3. Translate the words in brackets in to E nglish. W rite down the
sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) In Maths we usually (считаем и решаем)___ .
2) In Russian we always (пишем упражнения)___ .
3) In Music lessons we often (поем песни)___ .
4) In English we seldom (говорим по-русски)___ .
5) During the breaks we often (разговариваем)___ loudly.
6) In Literature our teacher usually (рассказывает)___ us much interesting.

4. Write six sentences about what you like or dislike (don’t like) to do
at school. (Напишите шесть предложений о том, что вы любите или
не любите делать в школе.)

Hello! Nice to see you again! - 2 *

1. Bring the words in correspondence w ith the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Invite; 2) miss; 3) improve; 4) invitation letter; 5) spend.
а) Письмо-приглашение; b) улучшать; с) проводить (время); d) пригла­
шать; е) скучать.

2. Write down the word combinations. Cross out the unnecessary one.
(Спишите. Зачеркните лишнее словосочетание.)
То be happy at school again, to get marks, to borrow books from the
school library, to take a dog for a walk, to run and jump in the schoolyard, to
listen to the teachers, to look at the blackboard, to have a long break.

3. Divide the chain into eight word combinations. (Разделите цепочку

на восемь словосочетаний.)

4. W rite down the sentences. Choose the sentences w ith the polite
request. (Спишите предложения. Выберите предложения, которые
выражают вежливую просьбу.)
1) Can you speak English well?
2) Do you like to read English books?
3) Could I take your English dictionary?
4) Can you read English texts?
5) Pete, can I borrow your CD, please?
б) May I listen to your talk?
7) Could you help me to do my homework?
8) Can you often help your sister?
W rite down the words. Fill in the m issing letters. (Спишите слова,
вставляя пропущенные буквы.)
То m_ss, to _mprove, to _nv_te, an _nv_tat_on letter, hol_days.

Choose the appropriate endings of the word combinations. Write down

the word combinations. (Выберите подходящие по смыслу оконча­
ния словосочетаний. Запишите получившиеся словосочетания.)
1) to wear (a schoolbag / a new timetable / a new uniform);
2) to carry (new friends / a new schoolbag / many lessons);
3) to make (a nice cake / long breaks / friends);
4) to listen (at the blackboard / in the schoolyard / to the teachers).

Write down the sentences. Cross out the wrong one. (Спишите. За­
черкните неверное предложение.)
1) We are friends. We like to spend much time together.
2) I am a good pupil. I usually get a lot of fine marks.
3) I miss my friends. They are far from me.
4) I am a good pupil. I often miss my lessons.
5) My sister is a kind girl. She takes care of her pets.
6) Last week they went abroad. We miss them.

Choose the appropriate answers to the questions. W rite down the

pairs. (Выберите подходящие по смыслу ответы на вопросы. Запи­
шите получившиеся пары.)
1) Could you help me to do my homework? (Here it is. / I can do it after
2) Can I borrow your ruler? (Here you are. / Yes, I can.)
3) Can you skate and ski? (No, you can’t. / I can do it well.)
4) Could I see the answer to this question? (No, I am afraid not. / No, I can’t.)
5) May I,watch this film on TV? (Yes, they may. / Sure. It’s a nice fairy tale.)

Translate the words in brackets in to E nglish. W rite down the

sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) You сап (совершенствовать)___ your English in the English lessons.
2) In summer I (скучаю)___ my school friends very much.
3) Yesterday I wrote some (писем-приглашений)___ .
4) May I (пригласить)___ a lot of my school friends, mum?

W rite what you can do at school. Use the following verbs in your
sentences: to learn, to get, to wear, to listen to, to make, to have. (На­
пишите, что вы можете делать в школе. Используйте в своих пред­
ложениях следующие глаголы: to learn, to get, to wear, to listen to,
to make, to have.)
3. Bring the similar word combinations in correspondence. W rite down
the pairs. (Установите соответствие между похожими словосочета­
ниями. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
spend a lot of time together be unhappy
go abroad buy something
miss parents take photos
spend the weekend feed cats and dogs
miss lessons go to the country
take pictures go to the USA
go shopping . meet friends every day
take care of animals be absent

4. Write the appropriate answers to the questions. (Напишите подхо­

дящие по смыслу ответы на вопросы.)
1) Can I help you? - ___ .
2) Could you give me your dictionary? - ___ .
3) May I go together with you? - .
4) Could you do my homework, please? - ___ .
5) May I ask you some questions? - ____________________________ .

Hello! Nice to see you again! - 3

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write
down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Famous; 2) at the seaside; 3) favourite; 4) fruit; 5) vegetables; 6) well-
а) Любимый; b) на побережье; с) овощи; d) знаменитый; е) известный;
f) фрукты.

2. Write down the words. Cross out the unnecessary one. (Спишите. За­
черкните лишнее слово.)
A writer, a musician, an artist, a poet, a scientist, a museum.

3. Divide the chain into seven word combinations. (Разделите цепочку

на семь словосочетаний.)

4. Write down the sentences. Mark the sentence with the verb писать.
(Спишите. Отметьте предложение с глаголом писать.)
1) Не would like to become a well-known writer.
2) He usually writes very funny stories.
3) They are very famous writers.
4) My sister’s favourite writer is Chukovsky.
Choose the appropriate words (word combinations). Write down the
sentences. (Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова (словосочета­
ния). Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Не writes very interesting stories. He is very (famous / favourite / formal).
2) This poet is my (famous / favourite / formal). He writes funny poems
about animals.
3) We didn’t read his books. We didn’t hear about him. I think, he is not
(favourite / well-known).
4) Cabbages, carrots and potatoes are (vegetables / fruit).
5) Apples and oranges are (vegetables / fruit).
6) They like to have a rest (at the seaside / in the camp).
7) We had a lot of fun (at the camp / in the seaside).
8) I like to read his books. He is a well-known (artist /poet / musician).

Bring the words in correspondence with the right description. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его опи­
санием. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
writer one who makes experiments
musician one who paints pictures
artist one who writes stories
museum one who plays musical instruments
scientist one can see a lot of pictures there

Choose the appropriate endings of the sentences. W rite down the

sentences. (Выберите подходящие по смыслу окончания предложе­
ний. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) At the seaside we can (pick berries / sunbathe / do homework).
2) In the forest we can (go sightseeing / play the piano / pick mushrooms).
3) At home we can (go abroad / take care of pets / bike).
4) In the^arden we can (pick berries / see a lot of pictures / go shopping).
5) At school we can (spend the weekend / do nothing / take part in
6) At the museums we can (run and jump / ride a bike / recognize famous
7) At the zoo we can (pick berries / see animals / create much interesting).

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. Write down the sentences.
(Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Запишите
получившиеся предложения.)
1) Не would like to become a well-known___ .
2) He usually_________very funny stories.
3) They are very fam ous____ .
4) O ur___ are my favourite.
5) My sister's favourite is Pushkin.
6) We lik e ___ funny poems.
Слова для справок: writers (2), writer (2), to write, writes.
1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. Write down the sentences.
(Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Запишите
получившиеся предложения.)
1) Pushkin is a very___ Russian writer.
2) Oranges are my favourite___ .
3) We can see a lot o f ___ in the kitchen garden.
4) The Hermitage is th e ___ museum in Russia.
5) People like to sunbathe at th e ___ .
2. W rite what these people can do. (Напишите, что эти люди умеют
1) A writer__ . 5) A m usician____.
2) An artist___ . 6) M u m _________ .
3) A pupil___ . 7) A friend_______ .
4) A poet___ . 8) Dad

Write what you can do... (Напишите, что вы можете делать...)

1) in the garden___ ; 5) at school__ ;
2) in the kitchengarden*____; 6) at hom e__
3) in the museum___ ; 7) in the schoolyard__ ;
4) in the forest___; 8) at the seaside__ .

4. Write six sentences using the following words: create, write, writer,
recognize, spend the h o lid a y s, take p h otos. (Напишите шесть
предложений, используя следующие слова: create, write, writer,
recognize, spend the holidays, take photos.)

Hello! Nice to see you again! - 4, 5

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Return; 2) school club; 3) language; 4) translation; 5) recognize;
6) tradition; 7) legend.
а) Традиция; b) перевод; с) школьный клуб; d) возвращаться; е) язык;
f) легенда; g) узнавать.
2. Divide the chain into eight word combinations. W rite them down.
(Разделите цепочку на восемь словосочетаний Запишите их.)

* Огород.
3. Write down the words. Cross out the unnecessary one. (Спишите. За­
черкните лишнее слово.)
Sightseeing, guide, legends, fountains, history, traditions, visit, palaces,
dream, stories, museums.

4. Divide the chain into seven sentences. W rite them down. (Разделите
цепочку на семь предложений. Запишите их.)

1. Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите под­
ходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) We’d like to (repeat / repair / return) home by car.
2) Would you like to learn more (lucks / languages / lemons)?
3) Do you know any English (tails / tickets / traditions)?
4) Who invited you to your school (corner / cousin / club)?
5) Did you listen to your friend’s (lesson / legend / language)?

2. Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите под­
ходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) We’d like to visit different (colours / collections/ countries).
2) Last summer they went (swim / sightseeing / straight).
3) They enjoyed the (places / faces / parts) of interest.
4) My friend told us some (steps / storms / stories) and legends.
5) We like to learn more about the (subject / story / history) of London.

3. Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите под­
ходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) A museum is a place where we can see a lot of interesting (dreams /
teams / things).
2) A palace is a place where (dreams / queens / trees) lived.
3) A fountain is a place with a lot of (rest / rain / train).
4) A guide is a person who (says / speaks / tells) us legends and stories.
5) A musician is a (place / palace / person) who plays the piano.

4. Choose the right explanation of the clubs’ activities. W rite down the
sentences. (Выберите верное объяснение клубной деятельности. За­
пишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) In the Drawing Club (we take photos / we draw pictures / we play games).
2) In the Water World (we play games / we swim and dive / we run and jump).
3) In the Travellers’ Club (we play games / we go sightseeing / we draw).
4) In the Nature Club (we sing songs / we play instruments / we learn to
take care of animals).
1. Translate the words in brackets in to E nglish. W rite down the
sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Would you like to (вернуться)___ home by plane?
2) Would you like to learn more foreign (языков)____?
3) Do you know any Russian (традиции)___ ?
4) What (школьный клуб)___ do you like to visit?
5) Did you hear an interesting (легенду)___ yesterday?
6) What (страну)___ would you like to visit?
7) How can you (узнать)___ your new friend in the airport?

2. Translate the word combinations into English: иностранные музеи,

история и традиции, достопримечательности, слушать леген­
ды, ездить за границу. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate ones.
Write down the sentences. (Переведите указанные словосочетания
на английский язык. Заполните ими пропуски. Запишите получив­
шиеся предложения.)
1) We’d like to see different___ .
2) Last summer they___ .
3) They enjoyed___ .
4) My friend told me much about___ .
5) We like to learn more about English___ .

3. Give your own description of the following words. W rite down the
sentences. (Дайте свое описание следующих слов. Запишите полу­
чившиеся предложения.)
1) A museum___ . 4) A guide____ .
2) A palace___ . 5) A traveller____ .
3) A fountain___ .

4. W rite 6 - 8 sentences aboutwhat you can do at your school clubs.

(Напишите 6 - 8 предложений отом, чем вы можете заниматься
в школьных кружках.)

Hello! Nice to see you again! - 6, 7

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Grade; 2) grown-up; 3) drama; 4) library; 5) school uniform; 6) poster;
7) science; 8) rules.
а) Правила; b) плакат; с) библиотека; d) взрослый; e) класс; f) драма;
g) школьная форма; h) естественные науки.
2. Divide the chain into seven words. W rite them down. (Разделите це­
почку на семь слов. Запишите их.)

3. Divide the chain into twelve adjectives. Write them down. (Разделите
цепочку на двенадцать прилагательных. Запишите их.)
Foreign responsiblecreativesociableindependentangryilldullweakkind

4. Divide the chain into ten rules. W rite them down. (Разделите цепоч­
ку на десять правил. Запишите их.)

1. Choose the similar word or the appropriate description. W rite down
the pairs. (Выберите похожее слово или подходящее описание. За­
пишите получившиеся пары.)
1) grade - ___ (from / form / frost);
2) grown-up - ___ (child / boy / uncle);
3) school uniform - ___ (shirt / clothes / shoes);
4) poster - ________ (post / card / paper);
5) science - ___ (sound / song / subject);
6) library - ___ (legend / lesson / room);
7) drama - _______ (song / play / subject).

2. Write down the words. Cross out the unnecessary one. (Спишите. За­
черкните лишнее слово.)
Russian, Spanish, British, Italian, German, Easter, French, English.

3. Choose t*he appropriate nouns to the following adjectives. Write down

the pairs. (Подберите к прилагательным подходящие по смыслу су­
ществительные. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) foreign (age / language/ leg);
2) responsible (place / picture / pupil);
3) creative (dog / children / birds); '
4) sociable Gam / joke / people);
5) independent (cap / cake / country);
6) dull (rubber / ruler / rule);
7) angry (homework / health / character);
8) unfriendly (map / man / music).

4. W rite down the rules. Cross out the unnecessary ones. (Спишите.
Зачеркните лишние правила.)
1) Learn English hard.
2) Don’t read detective stories during the lesson.
3) Answer the teacher’s questions.
4) Don’t miss the lessons.
5) Don't talk loudly during the break.
6) Don’t listen to music during the lesson.
7) Ask the teachers silly questions.
8) Listen to dull grammar rules.

1. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Write down the right sentences.
(Исправьте ошибки в предложениях. Запишите правильные пред­
1) They are the students of the 10th great.
2) We like to wear a rule uniform.
3) My little sister would like to be a grow-up today.
4) We can take any book aut of our school library.
5) Dramar and Sciense are subjects in the UK.

2. Form the adjectives from nouns. Write down the pairs. (Образуйте при­
лагательные от существительных. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) England - ___ ; 4) France - ______ ;
2) Germany - ___ ; 5) Spain - _______ ;
3) Russia - ___ ; 6) Italy - ____.

3. Choose the appropriate nouns to the following adjectives. W rite down

the pairs. (Подберите к прилагательным подходящие по смыслу су­
ществительные. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) creative____; 5) d u ll____;
2) angry___ ; 6) sociable_______ ;
3) independent___ ; 7) unfriendly______;
4) foreign____ ; 8) responsible____ .

4. Make up and write down the school rules that are very important for
you. (Составьте и запишите те школьные правила, которые очень
важны для вас.)

We are going to travel to London - 1

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Suggest; 2) wake up; 3) hurt; 4) fall ill; 5) sore throat; 6) body; 7) be
responsible for.
а) Больное горло; b) заболеть; с) быть ответственным за; d) предлагать;
е) тело; f) просыпаться; g) болеть.
2. Divide the chain into ten word combinations. W rite them down. (Раз­
делите цепочку на десять словосочетаний. Запишите их.)

3. Write down the words. Cross out the unnecessary one. (Спишите. За­
черкните лишнее слово.)
Collect, describe, decorate, translate, celebrate, suggest, inform,
celebration, invite, stay, arrange, meet.

4. Find in the chain the expression быстрее поправляйся, пожалуй­

ста. W rite it down. (Найдите в цепочке выражение быстрее по­
правляйся, пожалуйста. Запишите его.)

1. Choose the appropriate verbs. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите
подходящие по смыслу глаголы. Запишите получившиеся предло­
1) My friend (suggests /meets / has) that I buy this book.
2) His little sister (hurts /wakes up / suggests) early in the morning.
3) Last week Mike (met / had / said) a sore throat.
4) I didn’t go to school yesterday because my leg (had / fell / hurt).
5) My mum (fell / tell / sell) ill and stayed in bed.
6) Yesterday I (arranged / stayed / suggested) with my little sister.

2. Choose the right prepositions. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите

верные предлоги. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) If you are ill you can stay (in / for / at) home.
2) (For /„To / After) lessons I usually go home.
3) Our English group is a group (in / of / for) eight students.
4) Who is responsible (of / for / from) the concert?
5) In summer we’d like to stay (in / on /at) the hotel.
6) Last holidays I stayed (to / with / at) my granny.

3. Choose the appropriate words. W riie down the sentences. (Выбери­

те подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся пред­
1) I’d like (to collect / collection / collect) foreign maps.
2) Can you (describe / to describe / description) this picture?
3) Do you like the (decorate / to decorate / decoration) of our hall?
4) Yesterday we sent a lot of (invite / invitation / to invite) letters.
5) We like (celebration / celebrate / to celebrate) our school dates.
6) Can you (translation / translate / to translate) from English into
7) What can you (information / to inform / inform) about your last trip?
Choose the appropriate endings of the sentences. W rite down the
sentences. (Выберите подходящие по смыслу окончания предложе­
ний. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
Please, learn hard and get to London,
Please, stay in bed and get good marks,
Please, as soon as possible get well soon

Translate the verbs into English: болит, просыпаться, имела, за ­

болела, предлагает, заснула. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate
ones. W rite down the sentences. (Переведите указанные глаголы
на английский язык. Заполните ими пропуски. Запишите полу­
чившиеся предложения.)
1) My friend A n n ___ that I come and see her new hat.
2) They don’t like t o ___ early in the morning.
3) Last summer I ___ a sore throat and stayed in bed.
4) If you are not well your body___ .
5) My little sister___ yesterday.
6) Her mother___ late that night.

Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions. Write down the sentences.
(Заполните пропуски верными предлогами. Запишите получив­
шиеся предложения.)
1) On Sunday you can stay___ home and read.
2 ) ___ lessons you can visit your school clubs.
3) There is a group___ six students in our classroom.
4) He was responsible___ the decoration of the Assembly Hall.
5) We decided to stay___ the hotel.
6) Last holidays I stayed___ my friends.
7) I am responsible___ my little sister.
8) It is our group___ eight students.

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. Write down the sentences.
(Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Запишите
получившиеся предложения.)
1) My friend’s ____ of stamps is very nice and interesting.
2) T h e ___ of the text is very hard.
3) Read th e of this place. It’s wonderful!

4) I would lik e ____ my friends to my birthday party.

5) They w ant___ us about our school news.
6) We’d lik e ___ our school for the holiday.

Remind your friend about his responsibility for his health and wish
him to be healthy as soon as possible. W rite in two sentences. (Напо­
мните своему другу, что он ответственен за свое здоровье, и поже­
лайте ему поправиться как можно скорее. Напишите в двух пред­
We are going to travel to London - 2, 3

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Cinema; 2) magazine; 3) newspaper; 4) sound; 5) souvenir; 6) badge,
а) Сувенир; b) газета; с) кино; d) значок; e) журнал; f) звук.

2. Divide the chain into twelve verbs. W rite them down. (Разделите це­
почку на двенадцать глаголов. Запишите их.)

3. Write down the sentences. Cross out the wrong one. (Спишите. За­
черкните неправильное предложение.)
1) In summer our group is going to go sightseeing.
2) On Sunday my friends are going to go out with me.
3) On the weekend I’m going to play sport.
4) On Monday I am going to miss my lessons and go to the cinema.
5) I'd like to help my mum. I’m going to clean the flat.

4. Divide the chain into three questions. W rite them down. (Разделите
цепочку на три вопроса. Запишите их.)

1. Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите под­
ходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) They are going to read a (sound / souvenir / magazine).
2) Listen! There are a lot (cinemas / sounds / souvenirs) around.
3) Last week we bought many (cinemas / cities / souvenirs) for our friends.
4) We can see a lot of (bears / bags / badges) on his jacket.
5) They can know much from the (newspapers / numbers / nuts).
6) If you like to see an interesting film you can go to the (theatre /
museum / cinema).

2. Choose the appropriate verbs. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите

подходящие по смыслу глаголы. Запишите получившиеся предло­
1) When friends meet they often (wash / shake) hands.
2) When people have free time they try to (go out/ get up).
3) If you like to be healthy you have to play (computer games / sport).
4) When it is warm outdoors we usually (put on / take off) our coats.
5) When we invite our friends we usually (decorate / celebrate) our flat.
6) Listen! My sister is singing. It (sounds / stays) well.
Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Write down the right sentences.
(Исправьте ошибки в предложениях. Запишите правильные пред­
1) In summer our group is going to play sightseeing.
2) On Sunday my parents are going to go in with me.
3) On the weekend I’m going to stay sport.
4) On Monday I am going to kiss my lessons because I’m ill.
5) I like to help my mum. I’m not going to clean the flat.
6) He is ill. We are going to visit our happy friend.

Complete the sentences with the following words: newspapers and

magazines, to take off, are going, to stay, to decorate. W rite down
the sentences. (Дополните предложения указанными словами. За­
пишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Who is going___ the flat for holiday?
2) How often ___ they____ to help their mum?
3) Who is going to look for th ese___ ?
4) Are you going___ with your granny?
5) It is warm and sunny. Are you going___ your warm coat?

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. Write down the sentences.
(Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Запишите
получившиеся предложения.)
1) They are going to listento the n ic e ____ of music.
2) Look! There are a lot foreign_on his jacket.
3) Last week we read an interesting story in th e ____ .
4) We can see some foreign___ in his collection.
5) The postman brought us three ___ yesterday.
6) The nearest___ is not far from our house.

Translate the verbs into English: заниматься спортом, украшать,

звучит, пожмите (руки), желаю, сними. Fill in the gaps with the
appropriate ones. W rite down the sentences. (Переведите указанные
глаголы на английский язык. Заполните ими пропуски. Запишите
получившиеся предложения.)
1) I ___ you all the best!
2) How lovely it ___ !
3) I am not strong. I need .
4 ) _____your coat. It is warm in the room.
5) Try to make friends.___ your hands.
6) I don’t lik e ___ our fiat. It’s my sister’s hobby.

W rite the sentences using the following word combinations: to go

sightseeing, to go out with, to spend summer holidays, to sta y at,
to visit a capital. (Напишите предложения, используя указанные
4. Translate the words in brackets in to E nglish. W rite down the
sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) (Вы собираетесь)___ to help your friends?
2) Do you often read (газеты и журналы)___ ?
3) Would you like (погостить у)_______ your granny?
4) Did you like the (посещение) of your friends?
5) (Звуки)___ of spring are very pleasant.
6) My sister likes (украшать)___ her room.

We are going to travel to London - 4, 5

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write
down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Biscuit; 2) guests; 3) meal; 4) charity; 5) special; 6) sleigh; 7) wishes;
8) skating rink.
а) Благотворительность; b) специальный; с) пожелания; d) печенье;
e) гости; f) каток; g) пища; h) сани.

2. Divide the chain into eight phrases. W rite them down. (Разделите
цепочку на восемь фраз. Запишите их.)

3. Divide the chain into ten polite phrases. W rite them down. (Раздели­
те цепочку на десять вежливых фраз. Запишите их.)
4. Divide the chain into eight phrases. W rite them down. (Разделите
цепочку на восемь фраз. Запишите их.)

1. Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите под­
ходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) We’d like some (biscuits / badges / bubbles) with tea.
2) You have more than (thirty / thirteen / three) meals a day.
3) It is a special (tail / task / teeth) for you.
4) I say, “My congratulations and best (dishes / wishes / riches)!”
5) I am responsible for my (guess / guide / guest).
б) Oh! How fun it is to ride iri a one-horse open (sleigh / way / say)!
Choose the appropriate verbs. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите
подходящие по смыслу глаголы. Запишите получившиеся предло­
1) Не decided to (give / leave / live) the country.
2) They (left / went / came) the country for Moscow.
3) It is necessary to (wear / prepare/ do) for your test.
4) What is your Christmas dinner (decorates / does / consists) of?
5) What did you (get / enjoy / fly) best of all?
6) Who in your class can (word / work / warm) hard?

W rite down the pairs of the sentences. Cross out the wrong one.
(Спишите. Зачеркните неверную пару предложений.)
1) I’m sorry. I am late.
2) I’m sorry that you are not well. Get well soon.
3) It’s a great party. Thank you very much for it.
4) I was glad to see you. Good luck!
5) Are you going to stay at home? Have a nice trip.
6) It is a great date today. Happy holiday!

Choose the right words. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите вер­
ные слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) They (sent / went / left) the party.
2) Are they going to leave the country (to / in / for) Moscow?
3) Would you like (other / an other / another) glass of juice?
4) He (went / left / lived) for London.
5) My mum left home (to / on / for) work a minute ago.

Translate the words in brackets in to E nglish. W rite down the
sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Give me (одно печенье) ____, please.
2) Do you like your school (еду)___ ?
3) Is it your (специальная)___ clothes for travelling?
4) What were his best (пожелания)___ ?
5) How many (гостей)___ did you invite yesterday?

Translate the verbs and prepositions in brackets into English. Write

down the sentences. (Переведите глаголы и предлоги в скобках
на английский язык. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Не decided (уехать из)___ the city.
2) My foreign friends (приехали в )___ Moscow.
3) It is necessary (подготовиться к)___ his coming.
4) What subjects is your timetable (состоит из)___ ?
5) What is your schoolbag (полон)___ .?
6) Can you (трудиться)___ hard, my dear boy?
7) His cousins (уехали из)___ Moscow for London.
3. Think of the appropriate polite phrases to the following sentences.
Write down the pairs. (Придумайте подходящие по смыслу вежли­
вые фразы к следующим предложениям. Запишите получившиеся
1) Oh, you are ill. Get well soon. - ___ .
2) Does it hurt you? - ___ .
3) Are you going to London? - ____________.
4) Are you going to take part in our competition? - ___ .
5) How are you? - ___ .
6) Your Christmas tree is great! - ___ .
7) Your help was important for me. - ___ .
8) Thanks for your help. - ___ .

4. Translate the words in brackets into E nglish. W rite down the

sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) This is not a very nice dress. I’d like (другое) ____one.
2) I don’t like it. I’d like (уйти)___ the party.
3) It is tasty. I’d like (еще одну)______ cup of coffee.
4) My dad (ушел на)___ hom e____ work.
5) Would you like (уехать из)___ the city?
6) My friend (заболел)___ , I am going to visit him.

Faces of London - 1

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Theatre; 2) square; 3) stadium; 4) cathedral; 5) museum; 6) capital;
7) cinema; 8) library.
а) Кино; b) музей; с) библиотека; d) театр; e) площадь; f) собор; g) ста­
дион; h) столица.

2. Divide the chain into six phrases. W rite them down. (Разделите це­
почку на шесть фраз. Запишите их.)

3. Divide the chain into fifteen adjectives. Write them down. (Раздели­
те цепочку на пятнадцать прилагательных. Запишите их.)

4. Divide the chain into fourteen verbs. W rite them down. (Разделите
цепочку на четырнадцать глаголов. Запишите их.)
1. Choose the appropriate nouns. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите
подходящие по смыслу существительные. Запишите получившие­
ся предложения.)
1) In London they are going to stay in a (toast / host / roast) family.
2) Is London the largest (camel / capital / culture) in Europe?
3) Is there a famous (square / were / share) in your city?
4) There are always a lot of sportsmen at our (square / there / stadium).
5) Churches and (channels / cartoons / cathedrals) are very interesting
places to visit.
6) The main British (language / literature / library) is full of books.
7) Our (magazine / museum / musician) consists of some halls.

2. Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите под­
ходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) The UK (consists / contains / controls) of four countries.
2) London was (rounded / founded / proud) by Romans.
3) London is (favourite / foreign / famous) for its Big Ben.
4) Many people of the UK are (regular / responsible / ready) for their
places of interest.
5) The City of London is (pull / full / rule) of banks, offices and firms.

3. Choose the appropriate adjectives. W rite down the sentences. (Выбе­

рите подходящие по смыслу прилагательные. Запишите получив­
шиеся предложения.)
1) They built this cinema some years ago. Look, it is nice and (ancient /
old / modern).
2) I didn’t like the guide’s story. Our visit to the museum was (amazing /
interesting / boring).
3) We liked our visit to London. Such a (lonely / loudly / lovely) place!
4) Our last visit to the zoo was fantastic! The crocodiles are interesting but
they are very (beautiful / ugly / nice).
5) I liked my days in the English family. They were so (hospital / healthy /
6) The results of the test are great because they are so hard (walking /
watching / working) students.

4. Find the sentence with the mistake. W rite down the right sentences.
(Найдите предложение с ошибкой. Спишите правильные предло­
1) What are they doing? They are boiling some meat.
2) Look, what are the camels doing? They are carrying heavy things.
3) Who is climbing the tree? Pete is.
4) Are you having dinner now? Yes, I am.
5) Are they wanting to answer the lesson? No, they are not.
6) Is it raining now? Yes, it is.
22 7) What is your mum doing? She is cooking.
1. Translate the words in brackets in to E nglish. W rite down the
sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Our (стадион)___ is not far from my house.
2) Many people like to take photos in Red (площадь)___ .
3) Would you like to visit the Bolshoi (театр)___ ?
4) Did you see St Paul’s (собор)___ in London?
5) What (столица)___ of the world do you likebest of all?
6) Do you like to live in а (гостевая семья)________?
7) Were they very (гостеприимные)___ ?

2. Translate the word com binations in brackets into English. W rite

down the sentences. (Переведите словосочетания в скобках на ан­
глийский язык. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Moscow (была основана)___ in 1147.
2) Red Square___ usually (полна)____ tourists.
3) St Petersburg (знаменит)___ its sightseeing.
4) The UK (состоит из)___ four parts.
5) They like (готовиться к)___ foreign visits.

3. First w rite the sim ilar word, then the word w ith the contrary
meaning. (Сначала напишите похожее по значению слово, затем
слово с противоположным значением.)
1) modern - ____ , ___; 4) beautiful - ___________ , _;
2) interesting - ___ , ___ ; 5) hospitable - __________ , _;
3) lovely - ___ , ___ ; 6) hard-working-____, ___ .

4. Choose fourteen verbs that are not used in the Present Continuous
Tense. Write them down. (Выберите четырнадцать глаголов, которые
не употребляются в the Present Continuous Tense. Запишите их.)
Hate, lotfe, like, boil, need, want, carry, see, climb, have, wish, do, hear,
feel, feed, know, grow, seem, learn, notice, work, cook, play, understand, rain,
sleep, write.

Faces of London - 2, 3

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Sight; 2) tower; 3) fortress; 4) palace; 5) politician; 6) activities; 7) face-
а) Деятельность; b) достопримечательность; с) дворец; d) лицом к лицу;
е) политик; f) крепость; g) башня.
2. Divide the chain into eight phrases. W rite them down. (Разделите
цепочку на восемь фраз. Запишите их.)

3. Bring the names of the places in correspondence with the right

description. Write down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между
названием места и его описанием. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Madame Tussaud’s; 2) Science Museum; 3) Sheriock Holmes Museum;
4) The Tower of London; 5) Westminster Abbey; 6) The Houses of Parliament;
7) Bi'g Ben.
a) A bell, the clock, the deep boom; b) King Edward, St Peter, a church;
c) airplanes, microchips; d) beside the River Thames, the country’s leaders,
politicians; e) wax modals of the famous people; f) cap, pipe, violin, Baker
Street; g) a fortress, a palace, a prison, a museum, black ravens.

4. Divide the chain into ten phrases. W rite them down. (Разделите це­
почку на десять фраз. Запишите их.)

1. Choose the appropriate words. W rite down the sentences. (Выбери­
те подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся пред­
1) The (Tower / houses / tailor) of London has a cruel history.
2) Big Ben is one of the famous (nights / sights / times) of London.
3) Buckingham (museum / theatre / Palace) is the Queen’s official London
4) Many years ago the Tower of London was a (fountain / fortress /
5) The Houses of Parliament are the place where the (politics / policemen /
politicians) speak.
6) Businessmen are busy with their special (authors / activities /

2. Choose the right endings of the phrases. Write down the phrases. (Вы­
берите верные окончания фраз. Запишите получившиеся фразы.)
be situated of famous sights
take something pets and animals
take part many years ago
take place in the centre of the city
take care of from the shelf
take off abroad
take photos a warm coat
go abroad in the competition
buy souvenirs with a family
3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. Write down the sentences.
(Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Запишите
получившиеся предложения.)
1) ___ is the famous waxworks museum in London.
2) You can see Mrs Hudson’s room in the museum o f ___ .
3 ) ___ is the biggest clock bell in Britain.
4) Many great Englishmen were buried in ___ .
5) T h e ___ consist of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
6) Now the _ _ _ of London is the famous museum.
Слова для справок: Tower, Houses of Parliament, Madame Tussaud’s,
W estminster Abbey, Sherlock Holmes, Big Ben.
4. Choose the appropriate words. W rite down the sentences. (Выбери­
те подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся пред­
1) We'd like to visit new (corridors / countries / collections).
2) Tourists usually stay (at home / in the theatre / at a hotel).
3) We always buy a (bag / map / box) of the place.
4) During our visit abroad we usually take many (things / wings / photos).
5) In London they often go shopping to buy (sights / signs / souvenirs).
6) If we are abroad we usually (tall / hall / call) our parents.


1. Translate the words into English: дворец, политики, сувениры,

Тауэр, достопримечательность, деятельность, крепость. Fill in
the gaps with the appropriate ones. Write down the sentences. (Пере­
ведите указанные слова на английский язык. Заполните ими про­
пуски. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) T h e __ _ of London has a cruel history.
2) Big Ben is one of the fam ous___ of London.
3) Buckingham___ is the Queen’s official London home.
4) Many years ago the Tower of London was a ___ .
5) The English___ speak at the Houses of Parliament.
6) Businessmen are busy with their special___ .
7) People like to buy___ abroad.

2. Translate the words in brackets into E nglish. W rite down the

sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) The Tower of London (расположен)___ in the City.
2) These events (происходили)___ many years ago.
3) They always (заботятся о )___ their guests.
4) If it is warm you may (снять)____ your warm jacket.
5) It is better (ехать за границу)____ with your family.
6) They usually (принимают участие)___ different competitions.
7) (Возьми)___ your clothes and put them into your bag.
3. W rite what these places are famous for. (Напишите, чем известны
эти места).
1) Madame Tussaud’s ____ . 6) The Houses of Parliament____.
2) Sherlock Holmes Museum___ . 7) Trafalgar Square___ .
3) The Science M useum ___ . 8) Westminster Abbey_________ .
4) Big B e n ___ . 9) Buckingham P alace_________ .
5) The Tower of London___ . 10) The River Tham es_________ .

4. W rite a letter to your friend about a very interesting day you had in
London. (Напишите письмо своему другу об очень интересном дне,
проведенном в Лондоне.)
D ear___ ,
What an interesting day I had today! It was an early___ , but we were
ready to g o ___ . We began w ith___ . This place is famous fo r ___ . Then we
visited___ . We s a w ___ there. Then we had our lunch. And after that we
w ent___ . Such a nice sight! And finally we came to o u r___ . We were tired
but happy to see so m any___ of London. We took a lot o f ____ . i send you
one of them. You can see me in ___ Square.

Faces of London - 4, 5

1. Bring the words in correspondence w ith the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) East; 2) peace; 3) west; 4) wheel; 5) view; 6) royal; 7) free; 8) below;
9) raven.
а) Колесо; b) ворона; с) ниже; d) свободный; e) запад; f) восток; g) мир;
h) вид; i) королевский.

2. Divide the chain into ten phrases. W rite them down. (Разделите це­
почку на десять фраз. Запишите их.)

3. Divide the chain into six phrases. W rite them down. (Разделите це­
почку на шесть фраз. Запишите их.)

4. Write down the right sentences. (Спишите верные предложения.)

1) Their parks are full of green grass and trees.
2) The outdoor activities are very popular with tourists.
3) They ride their bicycles on the park roads.
4) There is the Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park.
5) They are very proud of their parks.
6) Their parks are rich in palaces.

1. Choose the appropriate words. W rite down the sentences. (Выбери­
те подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся пред­
1) What parks and gardens of London are (tree / free / three) to all?
2) Did you see all the rooms in the (Royal / Roast / Rude) Palace?
3) Do they live in (please / prince / peace) with each other?
4) What shop can you find (allow / slow / below) the London Eye?
5) Ancient legends tell us about the (rivers / ravens / roads) of the Tower.
6) Can you see such a giant (wheel / hill / well) as the London Eye in other
cities of the UK?
7) The park Kensington Gardens is to the (nest / west / test) of Hyde Park.

2. Choose the appropriate words. W rite down the sentences. (Выбери­

те подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся пред­
1) We saw more than 600 royal rooms. We ___ very (organized /
surprised / proud).
2) London___ (rich / teach / switch) in parks and gardens.
3) We (took / came / name) out of the shop with a lot of souvenirs.
4) Yesterday our dreams (same / name / came) true.
5) It is necessary to turn to the (write / night / right).
6) We (adventured / adverted / admired) the views of London.

3. Choose the appropriate words. W rite down the sentences. (Выбери­

те подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся пред­
* 7
1) It is my dream to (work / walk / world) in Hyde Park.
2) I’d like to visit the London (Zoo / too / true).
3) It is interesting to see the (Horses / Houses / Hosts) of Parliament and
Clock Tower.
4) Our trip on a famous London (dance / grass / bus) was wonderful.
5) Horses can (merry / carry / fairy) things and people.

4. Choose the right sentence of every pair. W rite down these sentences.
(Выберите верное предложение в каждой паре. Запишите эти пред­
1) Their parks are full of green grass and trees.
Their parks consist of green grass and trees.
2) The outdoor activities are very popular with tourists.
The outdoor adjectives are very popular with tourists.
3) There is the Speaker’s Colour in Hyde Park.
There is the Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park.
4) They are very round of their parks.
They are very proud of their parks.
5) Their parks are read in ponds and lakes.
Their parks are rich in ponds and lakes.

1. Make up the questions. W rite them down. (Составьте из слов во­

просы. Запишите их.)
1) parks / gardens / are / and /-the / all / London / free / of / to / ?
2) palace / the / there / rooms / how / royal / in / are / many / ?
3) other / with / in / people / do / live / peace / each / ?
4) Tower / ravens / of / take / do / of / the / care / they / why / ?
5) London / wheel / a / you / where / of / giant / see / can / ?
6) views / the / photos / you / did / take / of / London / ?
2. Translate the words in brackets in to E nglish. W rite down the
sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) We (были удивлены)___ to see so many rooms.
2) Every year we (восхищаемся)___ the views of London.
3) London (богат)___ sights.
4) We (вышли)___ of the shop with many souvenirs.
5) (Поверните)___ the right and you’ll see the Palace.
6) Maybe all your dreams (сбудутся)___ .

3. Guess the riddles. Write down the answers. (Отгадайте загадки. За­
пишите ответы.)
1) You can walk there. There is the Speaker’s Corner in it. It i s ___ .
2) There are a lot of animals there. It is situated in London. It i s ___ .
3) It is the famous fairy tale character. You can see it in Kensington
Gardens. It is th e ___ o f ____ .
4) You can travel by it. You can see it in London. It is famous, it has got
two floors. It i s __ _.
5) They are nice and strong. You can see them in the fields and in the zoo.
They can carry people and things. They a r e ___ .

4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word combinations. W rite down
the sentences. (Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу сло­
восочетаниями. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) The sights of London___ seeing.
2) The capital of London___ parks and gardens.
3) W e ___ travelling.
4) The Houses of Parliament___ two Houses.
5) The people of the U K ___ their capital.
6) The Royal Palace___ 600 rooms.
Слова для справок: are proud of, are worth, are full of, is rich in,
consist of, are ready for.
Faces of London - 6, 7

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Fork; 2) spoon; 3) glass; 4) saucer; 5) knife; 6) plate; 7) teapot; 8) sugar
а) Заварочный чайник; b) тарелка; с) стакан; d) вилка; е) ложка; f) блю­
дечко; g) сахарница; h) нож.

2. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Novel; 2) adventure; 3) character; 4) chat; 5) artist; 6) architect;
7) magazine.
а) Приключение; b) роман; с) журнал; d) герой книги; е) архитектор;
f) художник; g) беседовать.

3. Divide the chain into seven adverbs. W rite them down and translate.
(Разделите цепочку на семь наречий. Запишите их и переведите.)
4. Divide the chain into twenty five adjectives you need to describe your
favourite character. (Разделите цепочку на двадцать пять прилага­
тельных, которые понадобятся вам для описания любимого героя.)

1. Choose the appropriate words. W rite down the sentences. (Выбери­

те подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся пред­
1) They can create great (candles / novels / dinners).
2) My favourite (collection / channel / character) of the book is very kind.
3) The characters have got a lot of (adjectives / adverbs / adventures).
4) They would like to meet some famous (artists / actors / architects) in
the theatre.
5) The famous (artists / actors / architects) built that theatre.
6) The famous (artists / actors / architects) created those great pictures.

2. Write down the pairs of adjectives. Cross out the wrong one. (Спи­
шите. Зачеркните неверную пару прилагательных.)
Happy - unhappy, friendly - unfriendly, lucky - unlucky, young - old,
tall - short, slim - fat, good - bad, big - small, smart - silly, pretty -
beautiful, favourite - unknown.
3. Choose the appropriate words. W rite down the sentences. (Заполните
пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Запишите получив­
шиеся предложения.)
1) Put your fork on the (left / right / in) of the plate.
2) Put your knife on the (left / right / in) of the plate.
3) There is a (cut / cup / club) of tea on the saucer.
4) There is a (grass / glass / last) of juice for your breakfast.
5) Put your (date / plane / plate) on the napkin.
6) Use a (moon / balloon / spoon) to eat soup.
7) Be careful, the teapot is (what / not / hot).
8) The sugar bowl is (pool / cool / full) of something.

4. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. W rite

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Just; 2) already; 3) ever; 4) never; 5) yet; 6) lately; 7) recency,
а) В последнее время; b) недавно; с) только что; d) когда-либо; е) уже;
f) никогда; g) еще.

1. Guess the riddles. W rite down the pairs. (Отгадайте загадки. Запи­
шите получившиеся пары.)
1) We put something sweet into it.___
2) We hold it in our left hand.___
3) It is full of soup.___
4) We hold it in our right hand.___
5) It is full of milk. _ _
6) We can eat soup with it.___
7) Sometimes it is very hot.___
Слова для справок: fork, spoon, glass, sugar bowl, teapot, knife, plate.
2. Translate the words in brackets in to E nglish. W rite down the
sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Не has (только что)____ cut a slice of bread.
2) Have you (когда-либо)___ painted pictures?
3) Ann has (уже)___ read the novel.
4) I have (недавно)___ lost my English book.
5) We haven't been to London (еще)___ .
6) She has (никогда)___ seen her English friend.
7) I haven’t written any stories (в последнее время)___ .

3. Guess the riddles. W rite down the pairs. (Отгадайте загадки. Запи­
шите получившиеся пары.)
1) Не paints pictures.___
2) The girls like to do it.___
3) We can see him in the theatre.___
4) It is something unusual in our life.___
5) We can meet him in the books.___
6) The writers create it.___
7) He builds houses and palaces.___
Слова для справок: novel, actor, character, artist, chat, adventure,
4. Answer the questions and describe the character of your favourite
book. (Ответьте на вопросы и опишите героя своей любимой книги.)
1) Who is he (she)?
2) What is he (she)?
3) What colour are his (her) eyes?
4) Is he (she) smart or silly / beautiful or ugly / big or small / kind or
angry / young or old?
5) What clothes does he (she) wear?
6) What good (bad) things does he (she) like to do?
7) Why do (don’t) you like him (her)?
8) Is he (she) responsible for something or somebody?
9) Are you proud of him (her)?
10) Would you like to be like him (her)? Why?

Learning more about each other - 1

1. Bring the words in correspondence with the right translation. Write

down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его пере­
водом. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Exchange; 2) penfriend; 3) guest; 4) during; 5) experience; 6) impression;
7) opportunjty; 8) homesick; 9) so far.
а) Тоскующий по дому; b) опыт; с) до сих пор; d) друг по переписке;
е) возможность; f) гость; g) обмен; h) во время; i) впечатление.

2. Divide the chain into ten word combinations. W rite them down. (Раз­
делите цепочку на десять словосочетаний. Запишите их.)
Offersom ebodytodosom ethingstaywithafam ilyhaveapartyshowsom e

3. Divide the chain into seven adjectives. W rite them down. (Разделите
цепочку на семь прилагательных. Запишите их.)
Friendlykindhospitableamazingfantasticunfo rgettablebest.

4. Divide the chain into six phrases. W rite them down. (Разделите це­
почку на шесть фраз. Запишите их.)
Choose the appropriate words. W rite down the sentences. (Выбери­
те подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся пред­
1) Не is (no far / so far) in London.
2) Have you got any (opposite / opportunity) to visit London?
3) What was your (impression / expression) about London?
4) We can get a great (experience / exhibition) during our visit.
5) What would your (guess / guests) like to visit?
6) Are they still (homestick / homesick)?
7) What did they write about our students’ (exchange / except)?

Choose the appropriate verbs. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите

подходящие по смыслу глаголы. Запишите получившиеся предло­
жения.) *
1) They (often / opened / offered) Liz to visit them again.
2) My penfriend offers me to (say / stay / straight) with his family.
3) They are (knowing / snowing / going) to show our students the sights
of London.
4) We are going to (decide / discuss / design) our future plans.
5) What sight of London did you (joy / enjoy / joke) best of all?
6) They’d like to (take / lake / make) new friends in Moscow.
7) Our students want to (share / were / wear) their impressions with us.

Choose the appropriate adjectives. W rite down the sentences. (Выбе­

рите подходящие по смыслу прилагательные. Запишите получив­
шиеся предложения.)
1) It is (mind / kind / find) of you to heip me so much.
2) Were the families (friendly / newly / simply) with our students?
3) We tried to be very (hospital / hospitality / hospitable).
4) The views of London were (crazy / amazing / amazement).
5) Our travel was (fanatic / fantastic / fattest).
6) The (forgotten / forgetful / unforgettable) impressions of England come
to my dreams every night.
7) East or West home is (rest / best / test).

Choose the appropriate words. W rite down the sentences. (Выбери­

те подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся пред­
1) Sorry, but I have no (cheek / check / change).
2) Sorry, but I would like to (red / get / met) my change.
3) If you travel abroad you have to (change / chance / chap) rubles for
4) If you are going to visit your friend’s party you have to (chess / change /
chat) your dress and shoes.
5) The weather usually (change / changes / cheeks) in spring.
6) Let’s visit some shops (for / to / on) a change.
T ran slate the words in brackets in to E n g lish . W r ite down the
sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Students’ (обмен)___ is very important for learning English.
2) We are going to meet our (друзей по переписке) ___in England.
3) Our visit to London was a great (опыт)___ of travelling.
4) During our visit to the UK we had an (возможность)___ to improve
our English.
5) Our students were full of (впечатлений)___ .
6) We do not (скучать по дому)___ so far.

T ran slate the words in brackets in to E n g lish . W r ite down the

sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) They (предложили)___ us to (обсудить)____ our plans.
2) We (поделились)___ our impressions with the English students.
3) They (собираются)___ (остаться)____ in London as long as possible.
4) Our students are going to (завести новых друзей) ___ in London.
5) They (показали)___ us much and we (получили удовольствие)____
every sight of London.
6) (Во врем я)___ our visit to London we stayed with а (гостевая се­
мья) ___ .

F ill in the gaps of the dialogues w ith the appropriate words. (Вставь­
те на месте пропусков в диалогах указанные слова.)
1) - Is it all?
- Yes, that's all. Thank you.
- But what are you waiting for?
- I’d like to get m y___ .
- Sdrry. Haven’t I given it to you? Here is your___ .
2) - What places have you already visited?
- We have seen all sights of London.
- Let’s go to their amazing parks___ .
- That’s a good idea!
3) - Are you going_______your rubles for dollars?
- No, I am going_my rubles for English pounds. Don’t forget, we
are going to visit England.
4) - You are very happy. But why? Are things so pleasant?
- You are right. I am going to take part in the students’__ .
- Oh, that’s great!
5) - Are you going _ _______ your dog’s name?
- Yes, I am.
- But why? What's its name?
- Toy. I think, it (звучит) ___ silly for such a big dog.
Слова для справок: exchange, to change, change, for a change.
4. Bring the words in correspondence with the right description. Write
down the pairs. (Установите соответствие между словом и его опи­
санием. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Friendly; 2) kind; 3) hospitable; 4) amazing; 5) fantastic; 6) best;
7) unforgettable.
a) It’s full of surprise; b) nobody has a thing better; c) he is kind and ready
to help; d) he likes to meet guests; e) it is something unreal; g) he has got
a warm heart; h) we usually think about it much.

Learning more about each other - 2 -5

1. Divide the chain into fourteen word combinations. Write Jhem down
and translate. (Разделите цепочку на четырнадцать словосочета­
ний. Запишите их и переведите.)

2. Divide the chain into twenty eight adjectives. W rite them down and
translate. (Разделите цепочку на двадцать восемь прилагательных.
Запишите их и переведите.)

3. Divide every chain into fourteen words. W rite them down and
translate. (Разделите каждую цепочку на четырнадцать слов. За­
пишите их и переведите.)
1) Teacherdoctorvetlibrarianfarmernursehousewifedriverpostmanpilot
2) Protectgrowpaincreateflybringwritecooklearntreatworkteachrepairprotect.
3) Knowledgepeopleanimalsbooksfieldscaredinnercarnewspapersplane

4. Divide the chains into words (word combinations). W rite them down
and translate. (Разделите цепочки на слова (словосочетания). Запи­
шите их и переведите.)
1) Cookingwritingplaysportlisteningtomusicdancingtakingphotosgoingto
2) Nouns: actorcamerasceneearshealthpaperkitchen.
3) Adjectives: culturaltastyinterestingunforgettableslimpleasantuseful
4) Verbs: seerunenjoyworkcreatemoveplay.
5) Prepositions: oninunderafterwithduringatwithout.
6) Pronouns: myhimitsshetheyheryourtheirusthem.
1. Choose the right prepositions. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите
верные предлоги. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Do they get (on / in / to) with each other?
2) His friends are interested (on / in / to) music.
3) It is great if you have a good sense (to / on / of) humour.
4) Their home library is rich (with / on / in) books.
5) They are so tired (on / with / of) their long travel.
6) We are very proud (with / of / on) our great country.
7) Why are they afraid (of / in / on) him?
8) Who are they responsible (to / in / for)?
9) He is fond (on / of / in) dancing.
10) What are you responsible (for / to / in)?

2. Choose the verbs and nouns that are connected w ith the following
professions. W rite down. (Выберите глаголы и существительные,
которые связаны со следующими профессиями. Запишите.)
Example: actor - to play, scene.
Professions: teacher, doctor, vet, librarian, farmer, nurse, housewife,
driver, postman, pilot, writer, artist, gardener, bodyguard.
Слова для справок:
• verbs: to protect, to paint, to fly, to drive, to care, to give, to treat,
to speak, to find, to work, to grow, to create, to bring, to cook;
• nouns: knowledge, danger, plants, pictures, novels, animals, books,
fields, care, planes, cars, dinner, medicine, newspapers.
3. Choose a verb, an adjective and two nouns that are connected with
the following hobbies. W rite down. (Выберите глагол, прилагатель­
ное и два существительных, которые связаны со следующими хоб­
би. Запишите.)
Example: watching films - to go, interesting, cinema, actors.
Hobbies: cooking, writing, playing sport, listening to music, dancing, taking
photos, going to the theatre.
Слова для справок:
• verbs: to see, to have a picture, to work, to create, to move, to
enjoy, to run;
• adjectives: cu ltu ral, unforgettab le, ta sty , in terestin g , slim ,
pleasant, useful;
• nouns: a play / actors, camera / views, sounds / pleasant, scene /
partner, records / health, paper / novels, plates / kitchen.
4. Choose the appropriate adjectives. W rite down the sentences. (Выбе­
рите подходящие по смыслу прилагательные. Запишите получив­
шиеся предложения.)
1) She likes to laugh and sing. She is a very (serious / merry) girl.
2) He often beats cats and dogs. He is a (cruel / kind) boy.
3) His mouth is full of bad words. He is (tactful / rude).
4) Sometimes Ann can’t stop telling stories. She is a very (talkative / quiet) girl.
5) Pete is slim and healthy. He is (athletic /non-athletic).
6) Kate likes to read books and to know much. She is a very (indifferent /
curious) girl.
7) They often run, jump and cry. They are very (calm / noisy) children.
8) My teachers and parents like my sister very much. She is a very
(naughty / obedient) girl.
9) My younger brother is very (intelligent / silly). At the age of three he can
switch on TV.
10) Our pets are very (plump / thin). They like to eat very much.
11) They always say, “Thank you” and speak without crying. They are
(polite / impolite) children.
12) She can’t speak much, her face is often pink. She is a (sociable / shy) girl.
13) He learns his lessons every day and gets only good marks. He is
a (lazy / hard-working) student.
14) My sisters are always ready to help me and their friends. They are very
(friendly / unfriendly) girls.

1. Translate the word com binations in brackets into English. W rite

down the sentences. (Переведите словосочетания в скобках на ан­
глийский язык. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Do they (ладят с ) ___ their foreign friends?
2) His friends (интересуются)___ theatre.
3) Some people have got (хорошее чувство юмора)___ .
4) This place (богато)___ parks and gardens.
5) They (очень утомлены)___ their long travel.
6) They (очень гордятся)___ their great country.
7) W hy___ they (боятся)____ dogs?
8) W hat___ they (ответственные)____ ?
9) My friends (увлекаются) ___ taking photos.
10) What parties did you (принимал участие)_?

2 . Add your own sentence to prove the previous one. W rite down the
pairs. (Добавьте свое предложение, чтобы доказать предыдущее.
Запишите получившиеся пары.)
Ехатр1ё: Ann is a merry girl. She likes to laugh and tell us funny
1) Pete is a hard-working boy. H e ___ .
2) My friend is very kind. H e ___ .
3) My little sister is a curious girl. S h e ___ .
4) We are polite students. W e ___ .
5) My pets are naughty. They___ .
6) Parrots are usually very talkative. They___ .
7) I think some cats are lazy. They___ .
8) This man is strong and athletic. I know he ___ .
9) My little sister is usually obedient. She always___ .
10) My dog is very friendly. He doesn't_.

3. W rite what the people of the following professions usually do. You
can use the following verbs and nouns. Use the appropriate adjectives.
(Напишите, чем обычно занимаются люди следующих профессий.
Вы можете использовать указанные глаголы и существительные.
Также используйте прилагательные, подходящие по смыслу.)
Example. Teachers give us knowledge. They are clever and patient.
Professions: teacher, doctor, vet, librarian, farmer, nurse, housewife,
driver, postman, pilot, writer, artist, gardener, bodyguard, actor.
Слова для справок:
- verbs: to protect, to grow, to paint, to give, to treat, to work, to cook,
to drive, to take care of, to bring, to fly, to create, to grow, to play;
• nouns: people, knowledge, danger, plants, pictures, anim als,
novels, planes, newspapers, care, dinner, children, fields, books.
4. Write what your parents, friends, your sisters, brothers or cousins
are fond of. Prove it with the second sentence. Use the appropriate
words. (Напишите, чем увлекаются ваши родители, друзья, сест­
ры, братья, кузины и кузены. Докажите это вторым предложени­
ем. Используйте подходящие по смыслу слова.)
Example. My mum is fond of cooking. She makes tasty cakes every
Слова для справок: cooking, w ritin g, playing sport, listen in g
to m usic, dancing, taking photos, going to the theatre, going to the
cinema, reading, playing computer games, swimming, playing musical
instrum ents, watching TV.

Present, Past or Future Simple

1. W rite down the sentences. Underline the verbs. Define their tense
form: Present, Past or Future Simple. (Спишите предложения. Под­
черкните глаголы. Определите их видовременную форму: Present,
Past или Future Simple.)
1) Every summer my sister makes new friends.___
2) Tomorrow I'll explain the homework to my friend.___
3) Yesterday I wrote our new timetable.___
4) Pete will answer your questions in a day.___
5) They had got some new subjects a year ago. ____
6) Our last summer holidays were great!___
7) They usually speak English in the lesson.___
8) On Mondays we are usually at school.___
9) She will tell you an interesting summer story tomorrow.___
10) Last year they got good marks.___
11) Ann often plays chess with her friend. ___
12) Next year I’ll try to learn my lessons w ell.___

2. Write down the sentences. Underline the auxiliary verbs. Define their
tense form: Present, Past or Future Simple. (Спишите предложения.
Подчеркните вспомогательные глаголы. Определите их видовре­
менную форму: Present, Past или Future Simple.)
1) What books did she read last sum m er?___
2) What will you try to write next w eek?___
3) I didn’t see our new timetable yesterday.___
4) I won’t answer your question in a minute.___
5) Have they got any new friends?___
6) Were they happy to be at school again?___
7) What language do they speak in the lessons?___
8) What is your sister?___
9) Where are they now ?___
10) Who’ll try to answer my question?___
11) What does she usually do after her lessons?___
12) Our students don’t have much time for rest.___

3. Write down the sentences. Underline the companion words. Translate

them into Russian. (Спишите предложения. Подчеркните слова-
спутники. Переведите их на русский язык.)
1) In summer we often go to the zoo.___
2) They never discuss difficult problems.___
3) She seldom meets her friends on her working days.___
4) Last year we played much during our breaks.___
5) My friends were very busy yesterday.___
6) Last weekend they watched films together.___
7) His sisters will go there in some days.___
8) Next year we’ll have some new subjects.___
9) We always do our homework together.___
10) They played football in the schoolyard some days ago.___
11) My brother seldom gets bad marks.___
12) Three days ago we gave flowers to our teachers.___

4. W rite down the sentences. Underline the verbs in the negative form.
Translate them . (Спишите предложения. Подчеркните глаголы
в отрицательной форме. Переведите их.)
1) They won’t learn this poem by heart.___
2) They aren’t ready for the lesson.___
3) They didn’t go far away in summer.___
4) He will not get up early on Sundays.___
5) She does not water the flowers in her classroom.___
6) We did not tell each other about our summer holidays.___
7) He isn’t very noisy.___
8) They are not at school now.___
9) We do not play chess together after lessons.___
10) She doesn’t like to walk with her dog.___
11) Alex was not tired after lessons.___
12) She is not at home now. She is at school.___

1. Choose the right form of the verbs. W rite down the sentences. (Вы­
берите верную форму глаголов. Запишите получившиеся предло­
1) I (tried / try / will try) to help you tomorrow.
2) Everyday my sister (takes / take / took) her dog for a walk.
3) Look at the girl. She (be / will be / is) my little sister.
4) Last summer they (buy / bought / will buy) the books for school.
5) This year they usually (speak / spoke / will speak) English.
6) They (be / will be / are) at home now.
7) Two days ago they (was / were / will be) ill.
8) Who (write / wrote / will write) a test yesterday?
9) Our teachers (tells / will tell / told) us much interesting next year.
10) Where (are / will be / were) they last Saturday?
11) They (learn / will learn / learnt) this poem in a day.
12) Nick usually (helps / will help / helped) me to do my homework.

2. Choose the right auxiliary verbs. W rite down the sentences. (Выбе­
рите верные вспомогательные глаголы. Запишите получившиеся
1) (Do / Did) you borrow your friend’s dictionary yesterday?
2) (Do / Will) you go to school with me tomorrow?
3) What subjects (do / did) you have last year?
4) What (do / did) they usually do during their breaks?
5) (Will / Did) they get good marks last year?
6) Who (does / will) water the plants in the classroom tomorrow?
7) Who (is / will) be on duty next month?
8) What (does / will) she do in an hour?
9) What stories (did / will) they listen to last summer?
10) What games (will / do / does) your sister usually play?
11) How many lessons (do / did) you have last Wednesday?
12) What city (did / will) your students visit next year?

3. Choose the right companion words. W rite down the sentences. (Вы­
берите верные слова-спутники. Запишите получившиеся предло­
1) Some days (often / last / ago) I gave a nice present to my friend.
2) My brother (usually / yesterday / seldom) gets bad marks. Ue is a good
3) (Yesterday / Last / Often) Nick got a bad mark. He was lazy.
4) My mum and I (last week / always / tomorrow) make cakes together.
5) We’ll go to school in (every day / often / some days).
6) (Last / Next / Every) Monday we got our new timetable.
7) (Last / Next / Every) year they’ll have some new subjects.
8) They (never / yesterday / tomorrow) learn poems by heart.
9) (Next /' Tomorrow / Every) lesson he borrows my English book.
10) My friends (yesterday / seldom / tomorrow/) do their homework
11) We’ll ask you a lot of questions (usually / yesterday / in a minute).
12) (From time to time / Yesterday / Tomorrow) we go to the swimming
pool after school.

4. Choose the right negative form of the auxiliary verbs. W rite down
the sentences. (Выберите верную отрицательную форму вспомога­
тельных глаголов. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) They (don’t / didn’t / won’t) do their homework yesterday.
2) Mike (doesn’t / don’t / won’t) usually walk to school. He takes a bus.
3) They (didn’t / don’t / won’t) go far away next summer.
4) He (didn’t / doesn’t / won’t) go to school last week. He was ill.
5) She (won’t / didn’t / doesn’t) water the flowers in their flat. Her mum
usually does it.
6) Two hours ago he (doesn't / won’t / didn’t) write his test. He was at home.
7) Sometimes they (didn’t / doesn’t / don’t) like to answer the teachers’
8) They (won’t /don’t /aren’t) at school now.
9) My friend (doesn’t / didn’t / won’t) learn many poems by heart last year.
10) His sister (doesn't / won’t / don’t) like to go for a walk after her lessons.
She always stays at home.
11) Alex (wasn’t / didn’t / doesn’t) tired after lessons.
12) They (don’t / didn’t / doesn’t) have coffee every morning. They like tea.
1. F i l l in the gaps w ith the verbs in the rig h t form. W rite down the
sentences. (Заполните пропуски глаголами в верной форме. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) From time to time my friends and I (to go)___ for a walk together.
2) Three days ago we (to leave)___ school after lessons.
3) Next year we (to have)___ some new subjects.
4) My sisters seldom (to play)___ computer games.
5) Last lesson she (to tell)___ us much interesting about England.
6) He never (to borrow)___ his friend’s things.
7) They (to take)___ a bus tomorrow.
8) In some days students (to go)___ to school.
9) We always (to learn)___ our English together.
10) During our breaks we usually (to run)___ in our schoolyard.
11) Two lessons ago we (to write)___ a very difficult test.
12) In 2011 we (to be)___ in the third form.

2. F ill in the gaps w ith the rig h t a u x iliary verbs. (Заполните пропуски
верными вспомогательными глаголами.)
1) What m arks___ you usually get in English?
2) What _ _ you do tomorrow during a long break?
3) W here___ they often play football last month?
4) W hat_______ you write an hour ago?
5) W hat____your friend borrow very seldom?
6) W hy___ your classmates talk so noisy an hour ago?
7) W hy___ his friend get always good marks?
8) W hat___ you do in the English lesson next Monday?
9) W h o ___ go to England in 2016?
10) What songs___ they sing in their Music lesson yesterday?
11 ) ___ you see your new timetable some minutes ago?
12 ) ___ your friend discuss her problems every day?

3. T ran slate the words in brackets in to E n g lish . W rite down the

sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) (Завтра)___ after school we'll play football in the schoolyard.
2) (На прошлой)___ break we had a nice lunch in our school dining room.
3) Three days (тому назад)___ Nelly told us about her summer holidays.
4) In the fifth form we (обычно)___ have five or six lessons every day.
5) Our students (часто)___ write English tests.
6) My friend (редко) ___ gets bad marks.
7) (Вчера)___ we wrote our new timetable.
8) Our teacher we’ll explain this question (на следующем)___ lesson.
9) (Через)___ an hour they are going to discuss their school problems.
10) (Иногда)___ we run and jump in the classroom.
11) At school we (всегда)___ listen to our teachers.
12) We (никогда)___ speak loudly in the lessons. 41
4. Fill in the gaps with the auxiliary verbs in the right negative form.
Write down the sentences. (Заполните пропуски вспомогательными
глаголами в верной отрицательной форме. Запишите получившие­
ся предложения.)
1) They___ do the homework tomorrow.
2) Mike’s d a d ___ walk to his farm. He’ll take a bus.
3) They___ go far away last summer.
4) H e ___ go to the swimming pool. He was ill.
5) They___ like to water the flowers. They like to feed their goldfish.
6) My friend___ write this test.-He will be at home.
7) Sometimes my sisters___ like to answer my questions.
8) A n n ___ go to school with me. And I am very sad.
9) My friend___ learn a poem by heart. And he got a bad mark.
10) My sister___ like to go for a walk with our pet. I always do it.
11) Alex_________ speak much. He is a very shy boy.
12) They______ get any marks. They were not at school.

Modal Verbs

W rite down the sentences. Underline the modal verbs. (Спишите
предложения. Подчеркните модальные глаголы.)
1) Не can finish his text to the end of the lesson.
2) We must be polite to the other classmates.
3) Dear, you may try on my new dress.
4) I would like to pick some berries.
5) Nick, you may take my English dictionary.
6) Our students can recognize him.
7) We must answer the teacher’s questions.
8) They would like to visit a well-known museum.
9) May I ask you some questions?
10) You must be responsible for your health.

• Choose the right modal verbs. Write down the sentences. (Выберите
верные модальные глаголы. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) It’s too hot. (Must / May) I open the window?
2) He (can / may) speak English very well.
3) (May / Could) you help me to do my homework?
4) They (must / can) finish their work in some minutes.
5) (Must / Could) you borrow me your English dictionary?
6) (Must / May) we do what the teachers say?
7) They (could / would) like to know Russian.
• Choose the appropriate answers to the following questions. W rite
down the pairs. (Выберите подходящие по смыслу ответы на во­
просы. Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) It’s too windy. May I close the window? - ___ .
2) Can you speak French? - ___ .
3) Could you listen to me, please? - ___ .
4) Must I be polite to my classmates? - ___ .
5) Would you like a cup of coffee? - ___ .
6) May I run and jump between the desks? - ___ .
7) Granny, may I help you to sweep the floor? - _____ .
8) Mum, can I play my computer games again? - ___ .
Ответы: a) I’m sorry, but I can’t, b) Of course, you must, c) Yes,
please, d) Thank you, my dear girl, e) No, you m ustn’t, f) I’m sorry.
But I am busy at the moment, g) Sure, h) No, I am sorry. But it is not

Many, much, a lot of, (a) few, (a) little

Write down the sentences. Underline the words много, мало, немно­
го, несколько. (Спишите предложения. Подчеркните указанные
1) I haven’t got much time to help you.
2) Have you got many problems with your classmates?
3) There are a lot of books in our school library.
4) There isn’t much money in my bag.
5) It is a’ pity, but he hasn’t got many friends.
6) There is only a little tea in our cups.
7) There aren’t many museums in our small town.
8) There are few flowers in our classroom.
9) There is little snow in the streets.
10) There are a lot of sunny days in summer.
11) He has got a few English books in his home library.
12) Are there many questions under the text?

• Choose the right words. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите вер­
ные слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) I have got (a little / many) time to do my work. But I’ll be ready in time.
2) There are (a few / few) lamps in the hall. It is dark.
3) Pete, give me (a little / little) water, please. I'd like to water the flowers.
4) Has he got (a lot of / much) friends at school?
5) Is there (a lot of / much) snow in the streets?
6) Why is she sad? Do they pay (few / little) attention to her?
7) They have got very (many / few) subjects this year. They are not very glad.
8) There are (a lot of / much) little children in the room. It is noisy.
9) There are (many / a few) students in the classroom. We can't begin.
10) Is there (a lot of / much) blue water in the Black Sea?
11) There are (many / few) books in my schoolbag. It is easy.
12) There aren’t (many / few) hens on the farm. They’d like to buy some more.

F i ll in the gaps w ith the fo llo w in g words: many, much, a lot of,
(a) few, a (little). (Заполните пропуски указанными словами.)
1) Are there___ students in your group?
2) Is there___ snow in the streets?
3) They have g o t___ new subjects this year.
4) There wasn’t ___ rain last year. It was dry.
5) There are ____students in our school. All the classrooms are full of.
6) There i s ___ milk in the fridge. I can’t cook.
7) Yesterday we spent___ money. Mum wasn’t happy.
8) He invited only___ friends to his party.
9) She has got ____ friends. She is not very popular.
10) He speaks_Russian. We can understand each other.
11) I saw my friend___ days ago.
12) Do you know____ people in the hall?

Prepositions - 1

W rite down the sentences. Underline the prepositions. (Спишите

предложения. Подчеркните предлоги.)
1) My little brother is afraid of angry dogs.
2) We study a lot of subjects at school.
3) They usually have some cheese for breakfast.
4) In the country they often have a lot of fun.
5) They like to go to the country.
6) In summer they visited some interesting places.
7) On Sundays they go to the swimming pool together.
8) During the breaks they can play table tennis.
9) Does he get along with his sister?
10) He goes to bed at half past nine.
11) I like to go for a walk with my dog.
12) Look at the blackboard, please!
• Choose the right prepositions. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите
верные предлоги. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Children are usually afraid (to / in / of) angry dogs.
2) My friends study a lot of subjects (at / in / to) school.
3) My sister usually has some coffee (to / for / in) lunch.
4) (In / To / From) the country we often have a lot of fun.
5) They went (to / in / for) the country last summer.
6) (In / On / For) spring they took some interesting photos.
7) (For / On / In) Saturdays we go to the swimming pool together.
8) (On / In / During) the breaks they can play different games.
9) Does she get (in / to / along) with her brother?
10) His mother goes (to / in / for) bed (in / on / at) half past ten.
11) He likes to go (on / for / to) a walk with his friends.
12) Look (in / at / on) her picture, please! It is so nice.

Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions. Write down the sentences.
(Заполните пропуски верными предлогами. Запишите получив­
шиеся предложения.)
1) Look ___her. Is she like her mum?
2) When does he usually g o ___ bed?
3) Do they run and ju m p___ the breaks?
4 ) __ winter they are going to visit England.
5 ) __ the country they always help their grandma.
6) We can visit some clu b s ___ school.
7) Why don’t you g o ___ a walk in the evening?
8) Do you usually get ___ with your classmates?
9 ) ____ weekends we often visit our park.
10) A year ago we w ent___ the town museum.
11) What do you usually have___ your breakfast?
12) What are they usually afraid___ ?

Prepositions - 2

• W rite down the sentences. Underline the prepositions. (Спишите

предложения. Подчеркните предлоги.)
1) We looked for our pet in the yard.
2) I’ll be at home in a minute.
3) At night I saw sweet dreams.
4) If it is cold put on your coat. 45
5) If it is hot take off your coat.
6) Please, come in time to my party.
7) Translate this sentence from English into Russian.
8) My sister is in the tenth form now.
9) My penfriends are from England.
10) You must listen to your teachers.
11) Ann invited me to her birthday party.
12) You may go out if it is necessary.
13) There are some new subjects on our timetable.
14) There are few people in the streets.

Choose the right prepositions. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите

верные предлоги. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) I’ll finish my work (at / in / on) two days.
2) Put (off / out / on) your coat. It is not hot outdoors.
3) Don’t be late. Come (in / on / at) time, please.
4) We are (on / in / at) the fifth form now.
5) You mustn’t listen (with / on / to) bad words.
6) I am not well. May I go (out / on / off)?
7) There are a lot of green trees (at / on / in) our street.
8) Are there any new subjects (on / in / at) your timetable?
9) Who invited you (on / to / at) London?
10) My friends came (from / with / on) the USA.
11) Who can translate this text (in / to / into) Russian?
12) You may take (on / off / out) your jacket. It’s very hot in the room.
13) What dreams do you usually see (at / in / on) night?
14) Are you looking (with / for / in) your dictionary?

Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions. Write down the sentences.
(Заполните пропуски верными предлогами. Запишите получив­
шиеся предложения.)
1) I’d like to know what you are looking___ .
2) Could you take your c o a t___ , please? I’dlike to see yournew dress.
3) Do you usually sleep w e ll_night?
4) My friend translated this text___ R ussian____ English.
5) What country did he com e___ ?
6) They invited my friends____ the USA.
7) What new subjects are there___ your timetable?
8) We can see a few new houses___ our street.
9) I’m sorry. I’m late. May I com e_____ ?
10) It is not necessary to listen____ these noisymen.You may g o _____ .
11) What form are you ___ ?
12) You must come to scho ol___ time.
13) They are going to visit u s ___ a week.
14) It is cold outdoors. P u t___ your warm jacket, please.

Degrees of Comparison

Write down the sentences. Underline the adjectives and adverbs in

the comparative and superlative forms. (Спишите предложения.
Подчеркните прилагательные и наречия в сравнительной и пре­
восходной степенях.)
1) Summer is the hottest season of the year.
2) My friend knows English better than me.
3) The Volga is longer than the Thames.
4) My birthday is the happiest day of the year.
5) He is the best pupil in his class.
6) My brother is good at Maths.
7) Friday is the worst day of the week. It is full of homework.
8) I think that roses are the most beautiful flowers.
9) Frost is worse than rain.
10) Are these words so bad?
11) Look at these books, they are more interesting.
12) My dog is better than her cat.
13) Summer days are usually wonderful.

Choose the right form of the adjective. W rite down the sentences.
(Выберите верную форму прилагательного. Запишите получив­
шиеся Предложения.)
1) Is Ann’s cat (good / better / the best) than Mike’s dog?
2) Do you know any (bad / worse / the worst) words?
3) I’d like to choose (most interesting / the most interesting) books for you.
4) My brother is the (best / better) pupil in his class.
5) What day of the year is the (happy / happiest) for you?
6) Who knows English (good / better / the best) than you?
7) What is the (long / longer / longest) river in Russia?
8) Today I am (the happiest / happier / more happier) than you.
9) My picture is (good / worse / bad) than Mike’s.
10) I think he is (the best / the worst / worse) studentat school. He usually
gets a lot of bad marks.
11) I am sure that cold raining weather is very (theworst/ bad / worse)
for our health.
12) He is very happy when he can hear the words “(the best / better / good)
for you".
13) Are your sisters (the most beautiful / more beautiful) than their dolls?
14) Summer holidays are the (wonderful / more wonderful / most wonderful)
for me and my friends.

■ Saa|

Translate the words in brackets in to E nglish. W rite down the

sentences. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык. Запи­
шите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Moscow is (самая лучшая) __capital in the world.
2) My friend is (самый сильный)____ boy in our class.
3) Pete is (старше)___ than me.
4) Kate is (самая маленькая)___ girl in our class.
5) His brother is (талантливее)___ musician than me.
6) I think Monday is (самый плохой)___ day of the week.
7) Tennis is (популярнее)__in our school than football. ‘
8) Now I can see that my marks are (лучше)__ _ than my friend’s.
9) It’s a pity that Peter’s marks are (хуже)___ .
10) Our river is (длиннее)___ than the Thames.
11) This book is (самая интересная)___ .
12) This picture is (красивее)___ .
13) I know that today is (самыйсчастливый)____ day in your life.
14) Maths is (более трудный)___ subject for me than English.

Tag Questions

W rite down the sentences. Underline the signs of the tag questions.
(Спишите предложения. Подчеркните признаки разделительных
1) Your mum is busy, isn’t she?
2) Pete and Mike aren’t good musicians, are they?
3) Your sisters haven’t got bad marks, have they?
4) Bill has already done his homework, hasn’t he?
5) You aren’t playing now, are you?
6) Your friend won’t go with you, will he?
7) Tim is learning a poem by heart, isn’t he?
8) Ann has got a very angry dog, hasn’t she?
9) Your grandma likes to play computer games, doesn’t she?
10) Your classmates didn’t watch a film yesterday, did they?
11) Your mum doesn’t cook a cake every Sunday, does she?
12) Your sisters play the piano every evening, don’t they?
13) Jane can’t help you, can she?
14) Your friend could meet you, couldn’t he?
Choose the right endings of the questions. W rite down the sentences.
(Выберите верные окончания вопросов. Запишите получившиеся
1) Your brothers don’t play football, (do you / don’t they / do they)?
2) Mike saw an interesting film yesterday, (don’t he / didn’t he / did he)?
3) Your sister hasn’t got a pet, (hasn’t she / has she / have you)?
4) Tim and Mike will go for a walk together, (won’t he / will they / won’t they)?
5) Your friend couldn’t find it, (could he / can he / couldn’t he)?
6) Your dad isn’t a doctor, (has he / isn’t he / is he)?
7) Your mum helps you, (does she / do you /doesn’t she)?
8) Pete and Mike aren’t at school now, (is he / aren’t they / are they)?
9) Your friends have got funny pets, (have they / hasn’t he / haven’t they)?
10) Your sisters are singing in the hall, (aren’t she / aren’t they /are they)?
11) Jack and Tim didn’t listen to the teacher, (did he / do they / did they)?
12) The students won’t be lazy next year, (will not they / will they / won’t they)?
13) Alex didn’t see his friend last week, (doesn’t he / didn’t he /did he)?
14) Alex and Jill can’t play tennis well, (can’t he / can they / can’t they)?

Complete the questions w ith the rig h t endings. Choose the rig h t
answers. W rite down the pairs. (Дополните вопросы верны ми
окончаниями. Выберите верные ответы. Запишите получившиеся
1) Your sisters will go to school next year,___ ? - Yes, they will. / No, they
won’t, (согласие)
2) Your friend doesn’t speak English,____? - No, he doesn’t. / Yes he
does, (несогласие)
3) You haven't finished your test yet,____? No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have.
4) You are not a student of the fifth form,___ ? - No, I am not/ Yes, I am.
5) Your friend is not reading now,___ ? - No, he isn’t. / Yes, he is. (со­
6) Your friends usually go to school with you,___ ? - No, they don’t. /
Yes, they do. (несогласие)
7) Your teachers didn’t see you tomorrow,___ ? - No, they didn’t. / Yes,
they did. (несогласие)
8) He has got a lot of friends abroad____ ? - Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
9) She hasn’t got many stamps in her collection,___ ? - Yes, she has. /
No, she hasn’t, (согласие)
10) Mike is not going to play football on Sunday,_? - Yes, he is. / No,
he isn't, (согласие)
11) You were not in the fifth form last year,___ ? - No, I wasn’t. / Yes,
I was. (согласие)
12) Your dad can’t skate w ell,___ ? - No, he can’t. / Yes, he can. (несо­
13) Your mum isn't busy now,___ ? - No, she isn’t. / Yes, she is. (согласие)

Plural Nouns

Write down the sentences. Underline the nouns in plural. (Спишите
предложения. Подчеркните существительные во множественном
1) His teachers are clever and kind.
2) My classes usually begin at eight o’clock.
3) There are a lot of sheep in the fields.
4) Mathematics is her favourite subject at school.
5) Wolves are usually strong and angry.
6) Pete always takes photos in the country.
7) There are many towns in our big country.
8) Your clothes are very dirty today.
9) Jim likes to wear black jeans.
10) There are a lot of people in big cities.
11) His shorts are very short.
12) There are three women in the street now.
13) They go to school five days a week.
14) We’d like to visit places of interest.

Choose the right words. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите вер­
ные слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Are there many (man / men / mens) in the street?
2) There (are / is) no people in the hall.
3) Are there many red (foxs / foxes / fox) in your forest?
4) There are no big (cities / city / cityes) in his country.
5) I can see a few (fish / fishes) on the plate.
6) Why (is / are) your trousers always dirty?
7) Be careful. The (knife / knives / knifes) are very sharp.
8) Peter’s (tooth / teeths / teeth) are always white.
9) How many (pianos / piano / pianoes) are there in the room?
10) How many (lesson / lessons) have you got every day?
11) Her (years / year) at school were wonderful!
12) Are your (foot / feet) all right?
13) Where are you carrying these big (boxes / box)?
14) Where is your (watch / watches)?
Fill in the gaps with the right form of the plural nouns. W rite down
the sentences. (Заполните пропуски существительными во множе­
ственном числе. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Sometimes (mouse)___ are very smart.
2) We can see some strange (man)___ in the street.
3) Our (watch)___ are on the table.
4) In autumn they have got a lot of (fruit)___ in the garden.
5) The (photo)___ of her friends are very nice.
6) Are there any (sheep)___ in the green fields?
7) Don’t take these sharp (knife)___ . It is dangerous!
8) Would you like to wash many (dress)___ ?
9) How many (family)___ are present?
10) What colour is her (hair)___ ?
11) (Carrot)___ are very useful for our health.
12) How many (child)___ are there in your group?
13) We’d like to visit their (a place)___ of interest.
14) Can you count (animal)___ in the zoo?

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Read the sentences. Then write out the sentences: 1) in the Present
Simple; 2) in the Present Continuous; 3) with the verbs that are
not used in the Present Continuous. (Прочитайте предложения.
Затем выпишите предложения: 1) в Present Simple; 2) в Present
Continuous; 3) с глаголами, которые не употребляются в Present
1) I can’t understand what language he is spearing now.
2) They always go to the country in spring.
3) In summer we usually stay at the hotel near the sea.
4) He writes letters to his foreign friends every month.
5) Look at my new dress. I really like it.
6) Listen! Somebody is playing the piano.
7) In the USA they speak English.
8) Pete can’t go out. He is writing his homework.
9) Helen, I can see our friends through the window.
10) Look! They are coming up to our house.
11) I can’t translate this text. I need my dictionary.
12) I don't want to help you, because I hate washing up.
13) My little sister really loves her toys.
14) They are happy. They are swimming and laughing.
15) Every summer they play football and swim in the river.
16) They have got two funny pets in the country.
• Choose the right form of the verbs. Then w rite out the sentences:
1) in the Present Simple; 2) in the Present Continuous; 3) with the
verbs that are not used in the Present Continuous. (Выберите вер­
ную форму глаголов. Затем выпишите предложения: 1) в Present
Simple; 2) в Present Continuous; 3) с глаголами, которые не упо­
требляются в Present Continuous.)
1) We can’t understand why he (sleep / is sleeping / sleeps) now.
2) My friends often (are coming / .come / comes) to me for doing homework.
3) In winter she usually (skates / is skating / skate) in our park.
4) He (plays / is playing / play) the piano at the moment.
5) Look at these pets. Ann really (like / likes / is liking) them.
6) Listen! Somebody (makes / is making / make) much noise in the room.
7) In Australia they (are speaking / speaks / speak) English.
8) The boys can’t do it. They (are playing / play / plays) in the yard now.
9) Mary, we (sees / see / are seeing) your pets in the street now.
10) Look! A lot of birds (fly / flies / are flying) in the sky.
11) Sorry, I can’t help him. He (need / needs / is needing) your help.
12) Alex doesn’t (want / wants / is wanting) to wash up, because he
(hates / hate / is hating) all these dirty plates.
13) Kate really (love / is loving / loves) all her cousins.
14) She (is watching / watch / watches) her favourite cartoon at the moment.
15) Sometimes they (go / goes / are going) for a walk far away.
16) The students (have / has / are having) got some nice pictures on the
walls of their classroom.

• Correct the mistakes in the sentences if it is necessary. W rite down
the sentences. (Исправьте ошибки в предложениях, если это необ­
ходимо. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) I know, they talk about my bad marks now.
2) She is loving her mum very much.
3) Mike needs your help.
4) Look, she draws something interesting.
5) I’d like to know what you look at.
6) What trees are you planting every spring?
7) She feeds her pets every morning.
8) Ann is hating to eat porridge in the morning.
9) What are they doing? - They write their test.
10) They are wanting to look through the window.
11) My sister watches a funny cartoon now and she is laughing.
12) Oh, you are having lunch. Let us do it together!
13) Usually we are going for a walk together.
14) She is making her cakes on Sundays.
52 15) At the moment they prepare for their lessons.
Present Perfect

W rite down the sentences. Underline all the signs of the Present
P erfect. (Спишите предложения. Подчеркните все признаки
Present Perfect.)
1) I am ready to answer. ! have just finished the translation.
2) He is not ready. He hasn’t done his test yet.
3) I have recently seen my foreign friends.
4) It is not necessary to feed the pets. I have already done it.
5) It’s a pity but I have never been to London.
6) Have you ever sung any English songs?
7) I have lately met him at school.
8) I see that you haven’t written your letter yet.
9) My English friend has never been to Russia.

Choose the rig h t form of the verbs. W rite down the sentences. (Вы­
берите верную форму глаголов. Запишите получившиеся предло­
1) Sorry, mum, but I (buy / have bought / haven’t bought) apples yet.
2) Don’t worry, mum. I (have / has / had) already (put /puts / puted) my
things into my schoolbag.
3) I am glad. I have just (get / got / gotted) a nice present.
4) I can’t see him, because he has just (leaves / leave / left) the room.
5) Has yourbrother ever (drove / driven / drive) a car?
6) Your friend is laughing. He has (enjoy / enjoyed / enjoying) your party.
7) It is dark. Where have we (coming / came / come) to?
8) This pk^ture is nice. Has she ever (draw / drawn / drew) such pictures?

F i ll in the gaps w ith the appropriate verbs in the rig h t form or

companion words. W rite down the sentences. (Заполните пропуски
подходящими по смыслу глаголами в верной форме или словами-
спутниками. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) Has s h e been to the UK? - Yes, she has.

2) She h a s told me her secrets.


3) No, I haven’t. I haven’t heard this concert___ .

4) He has recently___ it at home.
5) My dad is not in. H e ___ ju s t____the house.
6) I have___ seen your friend in the yard.
7) Her mark is good. S h e ___ the poem by heart.
8) Sorry, but I ___ ju s t____my dictionary to Mike. He needs it.
Present Perfect or Past Simple

W rite out at first the sentences in the Past Sim ple, then in the
Present Perfect. (Выпишите сначала предложения в Past Simple,
затем в Present Perfect.)
1) I called you yesterday.
2) I swam in the Black Sea last year.
3) He has already lost some pens.
4) What time did they start?
5) Have they already got any good marks at school?
6) My friends have repaired my bike.
7) They had their lunch at two am.
8) Have they ever repaired any bikes?
9) Mike had got a lot of friends.
10) I walked in the park.
11) She was not in.
12) We haven’t finished our work yet.

Choose the right companion words. W rite down the sentences. (Вы­
берите верные слова-спутники. Запишите получившиеся предло­
1) What did they begin to write (last week / at this time)?
2) What haven’t they done (already / yet)?
3) Who lost his book (just now / two days ago)?
4) Where have they (just / now) met?
5) Ann has (never / yesterday) been to Moscow.
6) They visited my friend (in 2011 / already).
7) I didn’t have holidays (this year / last year).
8) I haven’t spoken to him (some days ago / lately).
9) He came to visit my aunt (lately / last week).
10) My friend has (recently / yesterday) seen them.
11) Who called you (last Sunday / already)?
12) Where did you meet them (the day before yesterday / recently)?

Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the right form. (Заполните пропу­
ски глаголами в верной форме.)
1) Where is your record book? Have you (to lose)___ it?
2) I didn’t (to see)___ him last week.
3) I (to see)___ my cousin recently.
4) H e ___ just (to buy)____some milk.
5) We haven’t (to do)___ our work yet.
6) It’s a pity, but I have never (to ride)___ a horse.
7) Has he ever (to be)___ to London?
8) I can’t see Nick. Has he (to go)___ to school?
9) When did you (to see)___ Mary?
10) When I was a child I (to swim)___ in our warm river.
11) I (to write)___ a story yesterday.
12) I ___ just (to write)____an interesting story.


Write down the sentences. Underline the articles a , an or the. (Спи­

шите предложения. Подчеркните артикли а, ап или the.)
1 Nick’s sister has got a big nice book with pictures.
2 I know that his dad is an artist.
3 Ivan Petrovich is a head teacher of our school. The head teacher is kind.
4 Dogs like to eat meat better than sweets.
5 My little sister likes eating ice cream very much.
6 His friend lives in Green Street.
7 Have you ever sung an English song?
8 Look at the photo of my cousin.
9 The Black Sea is my favourite place for having a rest.
10 The best season for rest is summer.
11 I love Moscow, the capital of our country.
12 All my friends live in the Russian Federation.
13 English is the first lesson on my timetable.
14 I like Oleg Petrov very much. He is a great sportsman.
15 I’d like to visit Africa together with my friends.
16 I can’fforget my visit to the Bolshoi Theatre.
17 Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence.
18 We took some photos of the sights of Red Square.
19 Which of the books is the smallest one?
20 Has your foreign friend ever visited Russia?

Use the right articles where it is necessary. Write down the sentences.
(Используйте верные артикли, где это необходимо. Запишите по­
лучившиеся предложения.)
1) My sister has got (а / the) big box with (the / -) dolls.
2) His uncle is (an / a) architect.
3) Anna Ivanovna is (the / a) teacher of English in our school. (A / The)
teacher is very sociable.
4) (- / The) cats like to catch (- / the) mice.
5) Mike’s little sister likes drinking (- / a / the) cold water very much.
6) His English friend lives in (a / the / -) Bond Street.
7) Have you ever seen (a / an / the) English film?
8) Look at (a / the / -) picture on (the / a) wall.
9) (The / a / -) river Volga is my favourite place for having (a / the / -) rest.
10) (A / The) best lesson for me is (an / the / -) English .
11) They love (the / -) London, (the / a) capital of (the / -) UK.
12) All my foreign friends live in (the / -) USA.
13) (An / The / -) English is (a / the) first lesson on my timetable.
14) I like Pete Brown very much. He is (a / the / -) very good friend.
15) They’d like to see (the / -) animals of (the / -) Australia.
16) I can’t forget (- / the) sights of (the / -) Houses of Parliament.
17) In (the / -) England we visited (the / -) Westminster Abbey.
18) We took some (the / -) photos of (the / -) sights of (the / -) Kremlin.
19) Whose brother is (the / a) tallest one?
20) Have your Russian friends ever been to (the / -) United Kingdom?

Fill in the gaps with the articles where it is necessary (a, an, the, no
article). Write down the sentences. (Заполните пробелы артиклями,
где это необходимо. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1 ) ___ tourists in ____ Moscow usually v is it ____ Red Square. They
want to s e e ___ Kremlin and its fam ous____ clock. They always take
___ photos.____ most of them want to s e e ____ Bolshoi Theatre too.
2) They visited___ Africa last year. They s a w ____ animals o f ____ conti­
nent. And they took ___ photos o f ____ animals. One day they saw
___ strange animal. But they didn’t know ____ name o f ____ animal.
3) My friend___ Mike Belov is ____ student. He is ____very good student.
He gets on ly___ good marks. His favourite subject i s _____ Russian.
___ Russian i s ____ second lesson on his timetable.
4) They live o n ___ great Russian river Volga. But every year they go to
___ Black Sea. They think it i s ____ best place fo r ____ rest.
5) Look a t ___ picture of my sister. She i s ____ nice girl. They say that
she is ___ most beautiful girl in ____ class. She is ____ clever student
too. I am proud o f ___ sister. And she likes to sin g __ _ English songs.


Write down the sentences. Underline two similar words in every pair of
the sentences. Translate them. (Спишите предложения. Подчеркните
два похожих слова в каждой паре предложений. Переведите их.)
1) In every picture we can see the beauty of our nature.
My sisters are very beautiful girls.
2) We can see a lot of clouds in the dark sky.
The grey sky was very cloudy.
3) My friend likes to collect different things.
His collection of maps is very interesting.
4) They are going to visit London.
Their visit to London was very interesting.
5) The music of many songs is very pleasant.
His cousin is a very famous musician.
6) Does he like to write his stories every day?
Yes, he does. He is going to be a famous writer.
7) Is your dad busy very often?
Yes, of course. You know he is a businessman.

Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите под­
ходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) His (care / careful) is very pleasant.
Her aunt is a very (care / careful) woman.
2) The (rainy / rain) was very cold.
The weather was (rainy / rain) and cloudy.
3) We began (to translate / translation) our text.
The (to translate / translation) of the text was not easy.
4) He (hoped / hope) to get a good mark.
His (hoped / hope) was unreal.
5) Ann plays the (pianist / piano) every day.
She is a good (pianist / piano).
6) Why does she (singer / sing) her songs every day?
She is going to be a famous (sing / singer).
7) Do you like to watch his (showman / show)?
Yes, I do. I think he is a good (showman / show).

Compose the new words using the highlighted ones in every pair of
the sentences. W rite down the sentences. (Составьте новые слова,
используя те, что выделены в каждой паре предложений. Запиши­
те получившиеся предложения.)
1) What’s the use of your words?
His words were n o t___ .
2) The sun is shining in the blue sky.
The weather i s ___ .
3) We celebrated my birthday very well.
T h e ___ was great!
4) They like to play computer games.
Their___ was dangerous.
5) We can go to our school library every day.
O ur___ is very polite.
6) Who likes to teach you good manners?
O ur___ like to do it.
7) Does he really play sport?
Yes, he does. He is going to be a famous _

Phrasal Verbs

W rite down the sentences. Underline the phrasal verbs. (Спишите

предложения. Подчеркните фразовые глаголы.)
1) Не doesn’t like to get up early.
2) He always gets along with his sisters.
3) It is necessary to look at the blackboard.
4) It is late. You must look for your dog.
5) Don’t look out of the window. It is raining.
6) Yesterday we stayed at home.
7) Last summer they stayed with their foreign friends.
8) It’s cold. Put on your warm coat.
9) It’s dark. Switch on the light.
10) Take off your coat. It’s too hot in the room.
11) Switch off the light. It is not necessary now.
12) She likes to try on her coloured hats.
13) Our girls take care of the flowers
14) Please, try to get rid of your bad habit.

Choose the right prepositions. W rite down the sentences. (Выберите

верные предлоги. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) It’s 7 a. m. It’s time to get (in / on / up).
2) In the morning I usually put (in / on / into) my shorts.
3) Don’t try this dress (on / in / to). It’s too small.
4) At night they usually switch (on / in / off) the light.
5) It is not necessary to take (on / in / off) your jacket. It’s cold.
6) Switch (off / on / in) the light, please. I can't see anything.
7) Would you like to stay (with / to / by) your grandma?
8) Why did you stay (in / to / at) home last Sunday?
9) Don’t look (up / out / in) of the car window. It’s dangerous.
10) What is she doing? She is looking (of / at / for) her pen in the bag.
11) Children, loot (on / in / at) the blackboard, please.
12) Can’t she get (in / along / into) with her friends?
13) Who takes care (on / of / off) your pets?
14) Can you get rid (for / from / of) your bad habit?
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions. W rite down the
sentences. (Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу предло­
гами. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)
1) I like to g e t___ in the morning listening to nice music.
2) Don’t pu t___ your dirty jeans, please.
3) Never buy clothes without trying them ___ .
4) Don’t sw itch___ the light. I can see nothing.
5) Why don’t you take _ _ your warm jacket? The weather is fine.
6) If it is dark I usually switch ___my lamp.
7) Why did they stay___ school in the afternoon?
8) Why didn’t they want to stay___ their friends?
9) Loo k___ of the window, please. Is it raining now?
10) Where is your dog? Why aren’t you looking__ _ it?
11) Don’t look___ her. She is a very shy girl.
12) Do you g e t___ with your classmates?

Verb Tense Forms

Write down the sentences. Underline all the signs of the verb tense
forms. (Спишите предложения. Подчеркните все признаки видо­
временных форм глаголов.)
1) Не usually speaks English with his foreign friends.
2) Listen! What language are they speaking?
3) He has already bought some milk.
4) He bought a picture a week ago.
5) She will go to the country in a week.
6) Sometimes he likes to drink cold milk.
7) They haven’t written the exercise yet.
8) They aren’t having breakfast at the moment.
9) He swam in the Black Sea last summer.
10) Look! Somebody is crossing the street.

Choose the right form of the verbs. W rite down the sentences. (Вы­
берите верную форму глаголов. Запишите получившиеся предло­
1) Не always (draw / draws / drawn) the pictures of animals.
2) He has just (took / takes / taken) the books from the shelf.
3) She’ll (feed / fed / feeds) her pet in a minute.
4) The boys are (run / running / runs) about in their classroom now.
5) On holidays he often (forget / forgotten / forgets) about reading.
6) Yesterday he (sees / seen / saw) a lot of birds in the park.
7) He hasn’t (hears / hear / heard) this song yet.
8) Look! It isn’t (flies / flying / flew) in the sky.

F i ll in the gaps of the dialogue w ith the verbs in the rig h t form.
(Вставьте на месте пропусков в диалоге глаголы в верной форме.)
- Where is Ann?
- She (to go)___ to school.
- Is she a good student?
- Yes, she (to be)___ . But last year she(to be)______________ better.
- What marks does she usually (to get)__ ?
- Her marks (to be)___ good. 4
- What (to be)___ she going to be?
- She (not to know)___ . Last year she (to take)___ care of our pets very
much. And she (to be going)___ to become a vet (a doctor for pets).
- _she already (to read)____ any interesting books about her future
- I (to be)___ not sure. Yesterday she (to read)____ some funny stories.
- And what she (to do)___ now?
- I think she (to write)_____ her English test at themoment. It is time for
her English lesson. And yesterday she (to write)___ a test in Mathematics.
- I see she is very busy. W hen___ she (to be going to)____ have a rest?
- After lessons she (to visit)___ her grandma.
- OK, I (to meet)___ her there.

Interrogative Sentences - 1

Write down the sentences. Underline the auxiliary and modal verbs
in the following general questions. (Спишите предложения. Под­
черкните вспомогательные и модальные глаголы в следующих об­
щих вопросах.)
1) is he a pilot?
2) Is she reading a letter now?
3) Are they students?
4) Has he got an angry dog?
5) Have they got the same dolls?
6) Were they in the country last weekend?
7) Was she at school yesterday?
8) Can he translate the text?
9) Have they already seen this film?
10) Has she done her exercises?
11) Do you usually play chess together?
12) Does she often go for a walk?
13) Did they live in London?
14) Am I right?
15) Will you visit your friend?
16) May I go out?

• Choose the appropriate answers to the following questions. W rite

down the pairs. (Выберите верные ответы на следующие вопросы.
Запишите получившиеся пары.)
1) Is Mike a doctor? - ___ .
2) Is Lisa making a cake now? - ______.
3) Are Pete and Mark at school now? - ____ ______ .
4) Has Max got an interesting book? - ___ .
5) Have they got funny cats? - ___ .
6) Were your friends together with you? - ___ .
7) Was Jill in the park? - ___ .
8) Can Peter swim well? - ___ .
9) Have your classmates just left yourhouse? - ____ .
10) Has Mary written her poem? - ______.
11) Do your friends often visit you? - ___ .
12) Does your sister play with you? - ___ .
13) Did your sisters meet you in the yard? - ____ .
14) Am I kind? - ___ .
15) Will Ann and Mary go to the cinema? - _____ .
16) May I take this dictionary? - ___ .
Ответы: No, they won’t. Yes, they did. Yes, they do. Yes, they have.
No, she wasn’t. No, they haven’t. Yes,they are. No, heisn ’t. Yes, she
is. Yes, he has. No, they weren’t. No, he can’t. Yes, she has. No, she
doesn’t. Yes, you are. Yes, you may.

• Ask the general questions to the following sentences. Write down the
questions. (Задайте общие вопросы к следующим предложениям.
Запишите получившиеся вопросы.)
1) They will do homework tomorrow. - ___ ?
2) My uncle visited Greece last summer. - _?
3) His cousin often writes funny stories. - _?
4) Bill has already got some good marks. - ___ ?
5) The girls were in the classroom. - ____ ?
6) They have got a funny green frog. - ___ ?
7) Your friends are in the park now. - ____?
8) Our teacher is at school now. - _____?
9) They are drawing pictures at themoment. -
10) She has got a new computer. - ____ ?
11) Mike was at the cinema yesterday. - ____ ?
12) Some girls can repair bikes. - ___ ?
13) Ann has just translated the text. - ___ ?
14) My brother usually takes a bus. - ___ ?
15) You may come in. - ___ ?
16) I am in the fifth form. - ___ ?

Interrogative Sentences - 2

W rite down the sentences. Underline all the signs o f‘the special
questions. (Спишите предложения. Подчеркните все признаки спе­
циальных вопросов.)
1) Whose book is this?
2) How can you do it?
3) Who is on duty today?
4) At what time did he go to bed yesterday?
5) What are you doing now?
6) When did he take this photo?
7) Whom can you see in the yard?
8) Where is he going at the moment?
9) What time is it now?
10) How many rooms are there in your flat?
11) How much sugar is there in your tea?
12) How long have you been there?
13) Why does he usually do it?
14) What colour is Ann’s dress?
15) Which bus goes to your school?

Write out at first the general questions, then the special ones. (Вы­
пишите сначала общие вопросы, затем специальные.)
1) How many books are there on the shelf?
2) Would you like to drink a cup of tea?
3) Could you help me, please?
4) Whom would you like to see?
5) Why do you look so happy?
6) Are they at school now?
7) Do they usually go to school together?
8) Will they visit us?
9) When are they going to visit us?
10) Should we eat healthy food?
11) Had they got an angry dog?
12) Were there many people in the streets?
13) Whose picture was it?
14) At what time does he usually start to school?
15) Must we follow all the school rules?

• Ask the questions to the highlighted words. Write down the questions.
(Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. Запишите получившиеся
1) My mum works for a firm w hich m akes sw eets. - ___ ?
2) Her hair is red. - ___ ?
3) He helps her mum because he loves her. - __ ?
4) They have been there fo r tw o w eeks. - ___ ?
5) There is little milk in the fridge. - ?
6) There are six books in my schoolbag. - ___ ?
7) It is seven o ’clo ck now. - ___ ?
8) My friends are playing in th e yard now. - ___ ?
9) I can see my cla ssm ates in the street. - ___ ?
10) We took these photos last sum m er. - ___ ?
11) We are w ritin g our homework now. - ___ ?
12) My dad usually comes home at 8 p. m. - ___ ?
13) My frien d repaired my bike yesterday. - ____ ?
14) I can do it easily. - ___ ?
15) This is P e te r’s schoolbag. - ___ ?

Предисловие .......................................... 3

Hello! Nice to see you again! - 1 ........... 4
Hello! Nice to see you again! - 2 ......... . 6
Hello! Nice to see you again! - 3 .......... 8
Hello! Nice to see you again! - 4 , 5 10
Hello! Nice to see you again! - 6 , 7 . . . , 12
We are going to travel to London —1 . 14
We are going to travel to London - 2 , 3 17
We are going to travel to London - 4 , 5 19
Faces of London - 1 ............................... 21
Faces of London - 2 , 3 ........................... 23
Faces of London - 4 , 5 ........................... 26
Faces of London - 6 , 7 ........................... 29
Learning more about each other - 1 . . 31
Learning more about each other - 2-5 34

Present, Past or Future Simple ......... 38
Modal Verbs .......................................... 42
Many, much, a lot of, (a) few, (a) little 43
Prepositions - 1 .................................... 44
Prepositions —2 .................................... 45
Degrees of Comparison......................... 47
Tag Q uestions........................................ 48
Plural N ouns.......................................... 50
Present Simple or Present Continuous 51
Present Perfect ...................................... 53
Present Perfect or Past Sim ple........... 54
A rticles................................................... 55
Word-building ...................................... 56
Phrasal V erb s........................................ 58
Verb Tense F orm s.................................. 59
Interrogative Sentences - 1 ................ 60
Interrogative Sentences - 2 ................ 62
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