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A model is a simplified representation of some aspect of the world.

In what ways may models help or

hinder the search for knowledge.

Knowledge is the familiarity or understanding gained through experience or study. If there were
a limit on how much we were allowed to know, or if we reached a point where we knew everything, the
human focus, of constantly expanding and learning new things, would no longer exist. We are built to
operate in a way of learning. Without being able to research and find something knew there would be
no point of human life going further. New inventions, plans, and models are produced everyday to help
progress and expand our knowledge. Some of these plans or models may prevent further research into a
certain topic but may also expand the views about a certain product or idea. There are three different
types of models through which you can inherit knowledge: one is to initiate an idea, two is to explain an
idea, and third to conceptualize an idea, all of which lead to greater knowledge yet in some way limit
how much you know.

The first type of model that is introduced to us when we are just beginning to learn is the
“example” approach of a model. When we enter into the first day of kindergarten and are participating
in arts and crafts, there is an example piece in the middle of the table displaying what yours should look
like. Art is meant to be creative and a way to express yourself. It has no right or wrong answer therefore
by placing a model as an example you inherently put limitations to how much you can go outside the
box and include yourself inside your art. This hinders the amount of creativity you put out and limits
your originality from day one. Growing up in my high school career, I have learned that the idea of
learning something is more than a task; it is an art that is developed through your teachers and fellow
students. I learned to see these figures in my life as role models and developed some sort of emotional
attachment to their teachings and demonstrations. This emotional bond between the model at hand
and the person displaying it creates an emotional (maybe a different word? ) tie which draws you away
from being creative and developing your own ideas and models. Their presentation and teachings put
on the table are not there for you to copy, but to guide you. Nevertheless, you feel that since you look
up to them as a role model in your life, you feel obligated to create something very similar to their piece.
Becoming dependent on models starting in kindergarten limits your ability to find yourself, which carries
on throughout your school career. You expect models to be there and rely on them after using them for
so long that when there not there for you anymore you feel stuck or let down. You have to then begin
figuring things out on your own and developing your own topics to explore without someone’s model
sitting right there to use as a guideline. This is why my teacher in my art class today feels strongly against
providing an example because she feels it will take away from the individuality of your work and create a
collection out of the classes’ pieces versus each project being unique and a reflection of self. When first
learning how to write, or to create art, or begin anything new, a model is a good thing to help you learn
the material, but it is not something that you should become dependent on. In the long run, it will limit
your creativity and work ethic because you are used to having something to base your work off of.

When a model is developed based off of an idea or something already existing, it can limit
alternate interpretations or opinions of the object. If the object is built, it seems as if the research is
already done and what you have is the final product (Kinda confusing?) . For example if you have a
model of a new air craft carrier with the dimensions in place, would you think that there is more building
and planning to do or all that’s left is making the final product? Having a model placed before you puts
limitations on what the outcome could be. Models are an idea formed to serve as an example or a
selling piece. It is so people know what product they are getting or what is being made before the actual
construction. Once you have a key piece or idea, you can form bigger and better objects based off of this
model. It is a basis for expansion and advancement within a certain field of industry. Going with the
aircraft model, there are multiple uses for aircrafts such as military transportation, civilian
transportation, and commodity transportation. With such a high demand for advancement in America as
well as around the world these models are always being changed, added too, or made more efficient to
match the demands of the people. (New Paragraph?) When looking at a model to explain something
that already exists, we can look to the sciences to explain objects that are microscopic such as atoms. In
addition, models of objects in science are used to explain the function of something based on its shape.
For example the chemical make-up of graphite helps to explain the function of them and why graphite is
so strong and can be used as a substitute for lead. Models when being used for explaining something
that already exists are useful for clarification purposes, however it may limit the outcomes of the
inventions being produced.

When looking at models through the aspect of business it takes on an additional effect on how
they help or hinder us. While putting together a business plan or developing a new project, a model is
seen as a good thing because it represents a company’s improvement as well as how they are trying to
expand further. It opens up opportunity for advancement within the business and you to explore more
pathways and opportunities. It allows for more positions and ways for people’s input to be incorporated
in the business. A model when used this way is a guideline or a start of something that you could build
up. For example when starting a hairstyling business, you have the business plans of other companies to
follow, however you have to find a business plan that fits your company. This involves the producing and
caring out part of models. It can be seen a lot in sciences and businesses when presenting new ideas and
trying to persuade or explain to others your creation. When viewing it In the sciences, while producing
alternate energy or creating some sort of new element, scientists use the idea of models to persuade
others toward their reasoning for coming up with this plan and why it will be effective. The difference
between this and the previous idea is in model 3 you are the one creating the model and coming up with
the idea, whereas in model 2 you are using a model to present an already thought of idea.

Models are incorporated in our world to help improve and expand the ways we think, the way
we build, and the ways we progress in life. At times we over use these tools and become dependent on
them and they begin to limit our uniqueness, but by pushing past that is what in the end makes them
useful to us. The limitations models put on our knowledge is slim when compared to the amount that
they help us. When used correctly they can improve our world by allowing us to advance further than
now and broaden the scope to discover different ways to better communicate a topic or object.

Word count: 1,322

This is a pretty awesome essay! Just made some suggestions but other then that I like it


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