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The Dorn Spinal Therapy

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Dorn Spinal Therapy and Lower Cross Sydnrome

by Jason Mallia ND - Integrative Naturopath

Dorn Spinal Therapy is a low force, non maniplative spinal therapy suitable for patients
that need correction of their spine and other structures.

The therapy originated in Germany over thirty years ago and is now practiced by over
1000 practitioners worldwide ..DORN therapy involves gentle re- alignment techniques
which work on balancing the leg length, spine and all of the joints of the body .

Dorn spinal therapy can work in conjunction with other therapy`s including Chiropractic,
Naturopathy and Acupuncture or on its own as an alternative to these therapy.

Lower Cross Syndrome

Lower cross can be caused by hyper tonicity and hypo tonicity of various Lumbopelvic
Abdominal muscles and upper and lower leg muscle groups. This ultimately changes the
overall structure of an individual. This often causes localized joint dysfunction either in

SI joints or lower lumber most commonly.

• L5 S-1 is commonly stressed as a result of the above

• Also L/S T/L Junctions, SI hips and knee joints are also usually over stressed

• Joints dysfunction and painful trigger points are common in lower cross

• Usually there is posterior pelvic tilting accompanied by upper cross syndrome/

forward head carriage

Lower cross can contribute to increases thoracic lordosis and decreased lumbar lordosis
and stress in either of the junctions in these areas. Stress on these the vertebras can cause
subluxation at various spinous segments putting pressure discs and irritation of the nerves
the muscles and ultimately the mind!

Main muscle groups involved and their state are:

• Tight Hamstrings
• Tight psoas muscles and hip flexors
• Tight and weak rectus abdominus

• Weak gluteals muscles

• Tight quadriceps
• Tight spinous erectors

Things that may cause these muscles shortening are

• Sedentary living, desk bound posture. Shortened hip flexors and hamstrings
• Psychosomatic elements which may influence musculature through stooping
• Muscle hydration levels may affect muscle elasticity and flexibility
• Poor Nutrition of the muscles, decreased Magnesium due to diuretic usage
• Lack of activity and exercise
• Over use of various larger muscle groups which can cause fatigue and muscle
spasm and shortening and subsequent global structure shifting
• Incorrect stretching techniques
• Various sports involving forward hunching over. Boxing, rowing

Dorn Spinal Therapy care Can help with the following

Diagnosis of the main underlying condition and the trigger for the developed problem

This will include assessment of the following

Muscle strength and length
Location of pain points
Treatment will involve

• Re-Alignment of restrictions
• Relax tight muscles
• Stretch short muscles
• Strengthen week muscles
• Improve movement by retraining patient to have better habits

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