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Bullying- How we can stop it

One day, a mother saw her child came home with a bruise on her face
- What’s wrong honey?
- Oh, it’s nothing. I bumped into a classroom door
The next day, she saw her daughter has something odd, and strange, thinking to
herself she might gone herself into something bad
- Is everything okay honey? Can you tell me? What did the teacher teach you
- Everything is fine mum. There is nothing unusual today mum
Thinking to herself “She might has been through puberty, she’ll get used to it”
- Okay, I won’t ask you anymore
Clearly, noticing her daughter is beginning to be odd everyday, the mother still
asked, scared that she might has something bad. And every answer is just a “It’s
fine, mum”
Gradually, she noticed her daughter never talked about school anymore, about
her classes, about her teachers, and friends like the same, her studies dropped
seriously, has no interest about going to school, and always mad about things,
never share about her thoughts. Sometimes the mother was shocked about her
daughter when she has a tendency of violence, she was more violent then dogs
and cats, pets, and worse, started to abuse her own brother
“Never understand what is wrong with her”. Sometimes her parents had to shout
so hard at her
Ladies and Gentlemen, that’s my story, my reaction and how I answer to my
parents. Sometimes I felt so lonely, disappointing, feeling that the whole world
would turn their back at me
I was bullied
Believe me, I knew that there isn’t only me who experienced the same
Out there, there are many teenagers in the world are victims of bullying. Fighting
and bullying had interrupted the education lives of 150 million children from the
age of 13-15 over the world, based on UNICEF report
Director of UNICEF, Madame Henrietta Fore said “Education is a key to build a
peaceful society, but to a million children over the world, that school is not a safe
place anymore”
In the world, every 3 students from the age of 13-15, then there is more than one
student got bullied – Such a big number
Boys and girls have the potential of being bullied just the same. If the girls got
bullied by mental, like insulting, name calling, racistism, making fun of, and
isolated from the community, then I know that boys would be hitted, stolen, face
other threats.
Bullying or insulting are not a harmless thing. That makes a big impact to the
child’s brain, even to leave scars for the rest of their lives and can leave serious
damage for a long term
A scientific research in England record that over 40% the number of suicides of
young people, relating with bullying
Okay, so what are the actions are considered as bullying, and what should we do
to stop it

According to the documents in Ontario, Canada

Bullying is an aggressive behaviour that is typically repeated over time. It is meant
to cause harm, fear or distress or create a negative environment at school for
another person. Bullying occurs in a situation where there is a real or perceived
power imbalance
Bullying happens when there is an imbalance of POWER between people. One
imbalance can mean that one student is bigger, more powerful or he’s in the
group of many ppl than others
Bullying can take many forms, such as
Physical- Including: hitting, shoving, damaging, stealing properties, or
worst, giving money for a peaceful life
Most of us can recall to the event when a group of girls, hit and strip off a girl’s
uniform back in March, 2019, in Hai Duong City, giving physical and mental
damage, leaving the girl not wanting to go to school again
Physical bullying, normally, is most visible action and the visible impact on a
human being
Verbal- Name calling < ugly, trash can >, making sexist, racistism,
homophobic comments < You gay! You lesbian freak! >
This is a disparaging act, insulting others honors, and also disgusting
Social- Those are actions with a goal to exclude others from a group,
spread rumors about them, force them to isolate from the community
This is an act target to isolate someone out of the society or the community,
making them feel weak and unconfident
Written- Writing notes of signs that are hurtful and insulting < ex: Go die,
Crybaby, Best friend-stealer >
How do you feel when you walked into the washroom, seeing your name
connected with filthy, and dirty letters
Cyber bullying: With the growth of technology, all of the platforms, social
medias, this form of bullying is understand as spreading rumors, hurtful
comments, insulting content through the use of email, cell-phones < e.g: text
messages > and on social media sites
Can be commonly noticed through Facebook, Twitter. Example, everyday you
receive a message < Die you fat! You are fat as hell! > or a text on FB saying that
you are in a relationship with someone, attached with some sensitive images
photoshopped your face on something weird nor disgusting
Threats, rumors, headlines with no base can push you to the devastating line
because you do not know how to fight back
Through the aspect, the males bully using violence, and the females tend to bully
using an indirectly way, examples with talking behind other’s backs, and make the
trashiest things. But the most common way to bully is to bully on social medias
with both genders
Bullying can leave the most painful scars
As I said at the beginning, the director of UNICEF, Mrs. Henrietta Fore, being
bullied can leave the most painful, and most dreaded scars that can change a
person’s life. Its impact can go beyond the school yard
Research and experience consistently show that bullying is a serious issue,
with far-reaching consequences for the students involved, their families and
peers, and the community around them. Those children who are victimized,
bully other children, or both, are at risk for many emotional, behavioural, and
relationship problems. They will require support from adults to help them
develop healthy relationships, not only in school but throughout their lives.
Students who are bullied often experience social anxiety, loneliness,
withdrawal, physical illnesses and low self-esteem. They can also develop
phobias, take on aggressive behaviour or slide into depression. Some students
miss school, see their marks drop or even leave school altogether because
they have been bullied.
In the other hands, Children and teens who learn to use power and aggression to
distress others may stop caring about the difference between right and wrong in
general. Eventually, they may become abusive adults. Therefore, it is important to
help them to stop bullying as early as possible
How to stop bullying
When you see yourself getting bullied, try to
- Keep yourself as calm as possible- keep calm. Every action, word when you
are angry can make everything worse, or even a purpose to be bullied again
- Keep yourself out of the bullied line as fast as possible
- Tell the story of yourself being bullied to your parents, and your friends
which you are sure they are reliable to listen to their story
When you are bullied and hurt, you also don’t want to share it to your parent.
Me too. The things had stopped me
+ I’m scared when I share them, I would remember those memories
+ I don’t want to be a tattler- everything needs to tell to my parents
+ I’m scared that my parents will discard my phone, never able to be online on
the internet
+ I’m scared that my parents will do something I don’t want them to do
something I don’t wanted, sometimes I’m scared that I would lose a
relationship in there, maybe I would become the victim of bullying. Because
I’m scared to be lonely, scared to become left alone
But there is something you don’t know
+ That you have the right to be safe, inviolable bodily, honor and protected by
the law and government. No one has the right of making you feel hurt
+ Adults always have the knowledge, calmness, and the experience to solve
the problems with a gentle way. You can always conversate with your parents,
your teachers about the things you want to solve all of it
+ Report to the school, the teachers to have the most appropriate, and needed
+ Do not use violence or revenge on your classmates. Violence can’t stop
violence and make it even worse
Reminders to all parents and teachers
So, what about the parents and teachers
Dear all children guardians,
Please listen and feel our feelings, be ready to help us in the darkest times.
Sometimes we felt very lonely, and didn’t know what to do
Please have some proper and appropriate solutions to bring a peaceful and
safe learning environment
Make sure to take notes and solve the problems in a safe way when receive
our requests
Understand what are we going through the years, and don’t overreact when
you heard us getting bullied, it only makes things worse
Children has the right to live and learn in a friendly and happy environment.
This content has been written in the Pact of laws for children, and been
approved by the Vietnam government for over 30 years
Each of us please conceive about the laws of inviolable bodily, honors and
traits, and be brave enough to stand up and stop bullying
Thank you

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