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1. Define globalization and expound your answer in no less than five (5) sentences.

- Globalization is a term used to describe the growing interdependence of the world’s

economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and

services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information.

In simple terms, Globalization basically means the movement and exchanges all around the

world. An effect of Globalization encourages interactions between different regions and

populations all over the planet. According to World Health Organization (WHO), it can also be

defined as “the increased interconnectedness and interdependence of peoples and countries”.

It is generally understood that Globalization has to have two inter-related elements, for

instance, the opening of international borders to increasingly fast flows of goods, services,

finance people and ideas and the changes in institutions and policies at national and

international levels that facilitate or promote such flows.

Because of trade developments and financial exchanges, we often think of globalization as an

economic and financial phenomenon. Nonetheless, it includes a much wider field than just

flowing of goods, services or capital. Economic globalization is the development of trade

systems within transnational actors such as corporations or NGOs; Financial globalization can

be linked with the rise of a global financial system with international financial exchanges and

monetary exchanges. Stock markets, for instance, are a great example of the financially

connected global world since when one stock market has a decline, it affects other markets

negatively as well as the economy as a whole. Cultural globalization refers to the

interpenetration of cultures which, as a consequence, means nations adopt principles, beliefs,

and costumes of other nations, losing their unique culture to a unique, globalized supra-culture;

Political globalization the development and growing influence of international organizations

such as the UN or WHO means governmental action takes place at an international level. There

are other bodies operating a global level such as NGOs like Doctors without borders or Oxfam;

Sociological globalization information moves almost in real-time, together with the

interconnection and interdependence of events and their consequences. People move all the

time too, mixing and integrating different societies; Technological globalization the

phenomenon by which millions of people are interconnected thanks to the power of the digital

world via platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Skype or YouTube; Geographic globalization is

the new organization and hierarchy of different regions of the world that is constantly

changing. Moreover, with transportation and flying made so easy and affordable, apart from a

few countries with demanding visas, it is possible to travel the world without barely any

restrictions; Ecological globalization accounts for the idea of considering planet Earth as a single

global entity – a common good all societies should protect since the weather affects everyone

and we are all protected by the same atmosphere. To this regard, it is often said that the

poorest countries that have been polluting the least will suffer the most from climate change.

The wide-ranging effects of globalization are complex and politically charged. As with major

technological advances, globalization benefits society as a whole, while harming certain groups.

2. Discuss how globalization impacts your daily life: in your family, school, and among your

friends and other acquaintances.

- Globalization has a big impact on all of us. Personally, I wake up in my bed, with

blankets that are probably made from China. I then eat breakfast, which will probably consist of

products that are originally from other countries. However, globalization has good and bad
effects. The good effects are the increased trade between nations, the faster transportation,

and more readily available medical help. It has never been easier to experience different

cultures through the advancements in technology. Computers can do things people could never

dream of. As for the negative effects, with easier transportation for people, means easier

transportation for viruses, for instance the COVID-19 pandemic. Diseases are a large threat that

we are still trying to deal with. Invasive species can harm the ecosystem as a whole. Products

don't last as long enough, as companies typically go for quantity over quality. Globalization

affects my life in more ways than imaginable. The clothes I'm wearing are different than the

ones I wore 10 years ago in the sense that the very cotton it's made from could be from a

foreign country, as the Philippines was never known as big cotton exporter. My computer

keyboard is probably manufactured by a Chinese company in a factory in China. And even the

Spaniards in our past moving here in the first place was a result of globalization. From the songs

we hear everywhere to some of the most popular movies and novels we find interesting, the

similarities of interest and relationships we build with our friends can still have an impact on

how we handle ourselves and how it motivates us to keep going, globalization doesn’t just

affect us physically but also emotionally.

As for globalization’s effects in school, the things we do in our academic lives is affected by

motivation. The happiness we get when we are provided with gadgets that helps us in school is

still a cause of globalization. The philosophy of our teachings also did not originate in our

country, still a cause of globalization. Globalization produces an increased quantity of

scientifically and technically trained persons. The emerging economy is based on knowledge as

a key factor of production and the industries demand the employees remain highly trained in

science and technology. It encourages students to work in teams. To be able to work closely in
teams is the need for employees. Working in teams requires students to develop skills in-group

dynamics, compromise, debate, persuasion, organization, and leadership and management

skills. Globalization meets the knowledge, education and learning challenges and opportunities

of the Information Age.

3. Discuss the concept of the ‘global village’. Elaborate the concept of ‘global values’ and

‘global experiences’ and how do they relate with the concept of global village.

- Global Village is about the idea of people being connected by easy travel, mass media,

and electronic communications, and has become a single community. The Global Village is the

name for the vision of a new human habitat, offering virtually all of the services and amenities

of cities while still preserving the rural quality of life and care for healing and human dimension.

Which means that people all over the world are becoming one.

The concept of global values talks about the set of values or a set of a person’s principles,

standards of behavior, and one’s judgment of what is important in life, that are shared by

everyone, and that everyone means all of the members of the community. These values could

be reverence for life, solidarity, fairness, justice, nonviolence, truthfulness, tolerance, equality,

sustainability, respect for human rights, and integrity. The said values are something that is

already ingrained in each and one of us. These values are not something that is taught by us by

our professors but is something that is taught by life and is something that we grow up with, it

is something that we will carry with us as we grow old and these values could be applied in

each situation that we will be facing in our individual lives, the way we apply and stand by these

values are important. The results might be positive or negative, but no one could really tell if
what you did was right or wrong as each and every one of us differ in our values, and these

differences in values could separate us or could unite us.

The concept of global experience talks about traveling extensively or living abroad for work but

as I researched more I have found out that the concept for global experience has changed

because of how the world has gone through period of financial crisis. Cost reduction, and

optimization have become important themes across organizations. Bringing in expatriate works

with niche skills is expensive and international travel has reduced significantly, but then, at the

same time, technological advancements and virtual presence have come up in a big way,

because of the advancement of technology in our today’s time, knowledge can now be shared

virtually, team meetings can be held across geographies and time zones and the Internet.

The correlation of the concept of global values with the concept of global Village is that as the

community has become one because of the easy travel, mass media, and electronic

communications, there are now an existing large amount of members in the community and

these members are people with different perceptions and values, and in a community it is

important for the members to get along with one another and to work with one another. and

that where the concept of global values is being correlated. It is important for a community to

share common values, for the reason that it would actually help the community to become

united and to be more progressive. But then, having different values is not really rare, it is

something that is common in a community and this could actually pose problem with unity of

the members, these differences is not such a bad thing as it will also help the members to be

enlightened and to be more understanding with other people. Meanwhile, the correlation of

the concept of global experience with the concept of global village is because of how the
community in global Village has become one due to the mass media and electronic

communications, and in global experience technology and media is a very important factor,

global experience can now be easily done because of the advancement of technology and how

the community has become one because of it, which means that it will be more easier for them

to gain more experiences and it will help them in building relationships and gaining knowledge

in a more easier manner.

4. Discuss the different factors that drive globalization.

Base on our research, economic, financial, political, technological and social factors have

paved the way to globalization. Economic factors mainly include lower trade and investment

barriers. Expansion of financial sector is also considered an important force of glo- balization.

Political factors can be defined according to government policies designed to facilitate

trade and commerce in the face of globalization. Moreover, these policies are important in

developing the flow of money and capital. The process of globalization is regulated by several

national and international organizations and countries in policy making. The rise of globalization

in the past seems to be more concentrated in developed countries (Madison, 2001) However,

the contribution of emerging market economies to international trade has increased

significantly over the past few years.

Technology plays a key role in facilitating the process of globalization. It is considered an

important facilitator and driver of the globalization process. Advances in technology have

allowed companies to rapidly globalize their products. Multinational Food Chain can replicate

and standardize its products around the world through fine grains developed in harmony with

technology. The development of containerized ships and air freight is considered to be a key
technological advancement in trade and commerce. The creation of personal computers and

the Internet has created electronic commerce (e-business) and electronic commerce (e-

commerce), which are used to justify the latest techno-globalism. The financial sector benefits

from technology through electronic banking services. Transfer of electronic funds is considered

the first form of operation of the global electronic financial system. The modern era of

globalization is now experiencing "internet economies" due to technological advances. The

growth of the Internet has been a key factor in building relationships across the globe. This is

one of the essential elements of social globalization, and it would be incomplete without the

invention of the internet.

Social factors lead to cultural convergence, that is, to increasing similarity across the

world by significantly reducing transportation and communication costs. Today, the cost of

transmitting information is almost negligible, reducing the world to a single market. Individuals

and societies are taking advantage of this enormous cost reduction through the use of standard

brands and services around the world. As a result, the societies that are moving towards the

convergence of tastes, which increases the homogeneity throughout the world.

The above factors have helped to shape globalization. These factors are responsible for

the flatness of the world. It is necessary to know the possible sources of globalization as the

contribution of these factors is not uniform worldwide. The extent and intensity of globalization

varies among countries and regions. This indicates that the factors driving the process of

globalization may have different effects between developed and developing economies due to

the structural state of a country.

There are several economic, political, social and technological factors that have

contributed to globalization in recent decades. Includes lower restrictions on trade and capital
that have increased the flow of international trade and capital across the globe. Market and

cost drivers have cooperated to affect the level of integration in countries. Transportation and

communication costs have been significantly reduced due to technological reforms that

promote a culture of borderless economies. The integration of economics has developed a new

culture of interdependence. Therefore, to take advantage of modern technology and

innovation, the national economy needs to be integrated into the rest of the world. Using these

technologies in low-income countries is difficult due to lack of investment in human capital. The

role of human capital in determining the process of globalization in developing countries is not

important. Therefore, developing countries are encouraged to need to invest in human skills to

keep pace with other countries. In addition, infrastructure development is needed to accelerate

trade flows between countries.

5. Discuss the competing conceptions of globalization.

- Globalization is a relatively new idea in the social sciences, although it has long been

used by people who work and write about the media, international corporations and

international business. The central feature of the idea of globalization is that many

contemporary issues cannot be properly studied at the level of nation-states, that is, in terms of

each country and its international relations. Instead, they should be considered in terms of

global action. On some studies shows that, the understanding of economic dimension of

globalization similarly, as the evolution of “transnational sourcing and a single interdependent

global company” facilitated “foreign investment, information exchange, World culture

commercialization and the integration of trade and production” beyond economic inquiry, the

globalization concept has proved quite useful in exploring other world- level process and
developments. A scholar have studied world cultural and political integration. A casual scan

through any library database illustrates the ever- more specific applications of the globalization

concept to such realms as health policies, music, ethnicity, and gender.


Ayesha Naz, Eatzaz Ahmad. (2018). “Driving Factors of Globalization: An Empirical Analysis of

the Developed and Developing Countries”.


Nahrada, F., “The Concept of Global Village”. Retrieved, September 7, 2020. This Wiki.


Value definition. Retrieved, September 7, 2020. Merriam Webster.


Leisinger, M., (2014). “Global Values for Global Development”. Retrieved, September 7, 2020.

Leslie Sklair. (1999). “Competing Conceptions of Globalization”.


Thomas Clayton. (2004). “Competing conceptions of Globalization" Revisited: Relocating the

Tension between World- Systems Analysis and Globalization Analysis.”


Tyagarajan, T., (2014). “What is the definition of ‘Global Experience’ today?” . Retrieved,

September 7, 2020. Blogspot. http://tigertyagarajan.blogspot.com/2014/11/what-is


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