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To become the preferred Filipino-Chinese college 1. Common to All Programs
Education for excellence, geared towards that offers high quality, learner-centered, and outcome- 1.1 Recognize and examine the trends and developments in one’s field of specialization.
a united Filipino-Chinese community based education to future entrepreneurs, professionals, and 1.2 Effectively communicate orally and in writing using English, Filipino, mother tongue
equipped with the basic academic skills, managers in the fields of business, IT, and education. language, and an appropriate Foreign Language required by the industry.
wisdom, and the virtues of propriety, 1.3 Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
righteousness, incorruptibility and honor, 1.4 Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibilities.
committed to nation building and international CKS College is a preeminent Filipino-Chinese college 1.5 Preserve and promote Filipino historical heritage and cultural values.
concern. that seeks to grow, educate, and train future entrepreneurs 1.6 Engage in ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge (lifelong learning).
and leaders who will make significant contributions to 1.7 Demonstrate the values of propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, and honor.
2. Common to the Business and Management Discipline
Chiang Kai Shek College challenges It endeavors to create a learning environment that balances 2.1 Perform the basic management functions, such as planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and
stakeholders to lead their lives in accordance theory with practice, so as to equip students controlling.
to the four Confucian virtues: with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values 2.2 Apply proper decision making tools to critically, analytically, and creatively solve problems
Lǐ (禮, propriety, proper rite) that will enable them to succeed in their respective fields. and drive results.
2.3 Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing,
Yì (義, righteousness or justice) In partnership with CKS College faculty, staff, and finance, human resources management, production and operations management, information
Lían (廉, incorruptibility) administration, and through stronger linkages technology, and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various business
with various organizations, CKSC alumni, situations.
Chí (恥, honor, sense of shame) businessmen, and professionals, it shall continuously make 2.4 Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business
its degree programs more adaptive and relevant environment.
Concomitant to attaining these values are the
to changing educational, social, technological, 2.5 Work effectively with other stakeholders and manage conflict in the workplace.
cultivation and sustenance of the holistic
and business environments, thereby bridging the gap 2.6 Employ entrepreneurial skills in planning and implementing business activities.
approach to education, an all-around
between academe and industry. 2.7 Demonstrate high personal moral and ethical standards, organizational citizenship, and
development in five domains:
It shall supply various sectors with capable, competent, corporate social responsibility.
Dé (德, moral)
and pro-active educators, accountants, managers,
Zhì (智, intellectual) 3. Specific to the Business Administration Program
marketers, IT experts, and entrepreneurs who shall be
3.1 Acquire, analyze, and synthesize business and industry data for strategic and operational
Tǐ (體, physical) known for their commitment, excellence, passion, and
decision-making and to devise innovative business ideas.
Qún (群, team spirit) 3.2 Engage in business research by identifying, analyzing, and solving business problems and
CKS COLLEGE INSTITUTIONAL OBJECTIVES applying appropriate quantitative and qualitative tools and frameworks.
Měi (美,aesthetic) 3.3 Define and formulate relevant corporate, business, functional-area, and operational plans and
1. To train bright and capable leaders of society strategies for economic sustainability.
Based on these Confucian moral values, CKS 2. To prepare people for the task of building a better and 3.4 Manage and coordinate people, business processes, and business resources.
College simplifies its Core Values as follows: stronger nation 3.5 Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in various business contexts.
Relevant Education 3. To harvest and share great ideas from Eastern and 3.6 Employ critical thinking skills to evaluate the practical implications of organizational
Good Character Western cultures policies, decisions, and strategy.
Committed Service 4. To enhance friendship and understanding between 3.7 Recommend ethical behaviors, promote corporate social responsibility, and engage in social
Filipinos and Chinese enterprise.

Course Code : BAMCRO Course Description:

Course Title : Basic Microeconomics
Credit : 3.0 Units This is a course that deals with the principles, concepts, and theories of Microeconomics. The course
Instructor : ________________________ covers methods and tools of economic analysis; organizational structure of an economy and
Class Day : ________________________ economic systems; supply and demand analysis including the concept of elasticity; equilibrium price
Class Time : ________________________ and price controls; theory of consumer behavior and concept of marginal analysis; theory of
Classroom : ________________________ production, cost and revenue and theory of markets. Practical application of the principles, theories,
Consultation Schedule : ________________________ and concepts to real economics situations and/or problems is an integral part of the course, which are
vital to managerial decision making.

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course Outcomes

Explain the basic economic principles, concepts, theories that guide the economic activities and 3.1 Acquire, analyze, and synthesize business and industry data for strategic and operational
relationships of man and the various sectors of society. decision-making and to devise innovative business ideas.
3.6 Employ critical thinking skills to evaluate the practical implications of organizational policies,
decisions, and strategy.
3.7 Recommend ethical behaviors, promote corporate social responsibility, and engage in social
Apply the economic principles, concepts, and theories learned to individual decision making and 2.2 Apply proper decision making tools to critically, analytically, and creatively solve problems and
economic problems and issues as well as policy formulation. drive results.
2.3 Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing,
finance, human resources management, production and operations management, information
technology, and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various business situations.
2.6 Employ entrepreneurial skills in planning and implementing business activities.
3.2 Engage in business research by identifying, analyzing, and solving business problems and
applying appropriate quantitative and qualitative tools and frameworks.
3.3 Define and formulate relevant corporate, business, functional-area, and operational plans and
strategies for economic sustainability.
3.6 Employ critical thinking skills to evaluate the practical implications of organizational policies,
decisions, and strategy.
Apply various economic methods and tools of analysis like graphs, diagrams, tables, and charts for 2.2 Apply proper decision making tools to critically, analytically, and creatively solve problems and
purposes of presentation and application of economic principles, theories, and concepts. drive results.
2.4 Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course Outcomes
3.1 Acquire, analyze, and synthesize business and industry data for strategic and operational
decision-making and to devise innovative business ideas.
3.3 Define and formulate relevant corporate, business, functional-area, and operational plans and
strategies for economic sustainability.
3.5 Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in various business contexts.
3.6 Employ critical thinking skills to evaluate the practical implications of organizational policies,
decisions, and strategy.
Utilize appropriate economic principles, concepts, and theories in evaluating current economic 2.2 Apply proper decision making tools to critically, analytically, and creatively solve problems and
problems, issues, and other related economic concerns. drive results.
3.1 Acquire, analyze, and synthesize business and industry data for strategic and operational
decision-making and to devise innovative business ideas.
3.2 Engage in business research by identifying, analyzing, and solving business problems and
applying appropriate quantitative and qualitative tools and frameworks.
3.3 Define and formulate relevant corporate, business, functional-area, and operational plans and
strategies for economic sustainability.
3.4 Manage and coordinate people, business processes, and business resources.
3.6 Employ critical thinking skills to evaluate the practical implications of organizational policies,
decisions, and strategy.
Appreciate the importance of economics to society’s development. 2.7 Demonstrate high personal moral and ethical standards, organizational citizenship, and corporate
social responsibility.
3.4 Manage and coordinate people, business processes, and business resources.
3.7 Recommend ethical behaviors, promote corporate social responsibility, and engage in social

Course Requirements:

 Class Participation. Attendance to all lectures and required alternative activities is highly encouraged. Students are expected to actively participate in discussions and to be respectful of each other’s
views, opinions, and insights. It is part of the student’s responsibility to prepare for each class session by reading the assigned materials (textbook, references, journals, websites, hand-outs, etc.), as
indicated in the Course Plan.
 Quizzes. Pre-discussion and post-discussion quizzes shall help assess student learning on a more regular basis. Such quizzes are unannounced. Pre-discussion quizzes shall help assess how well the
student prepared for the session. They shall help students develop lifelong learning skills. Post-discussion quizzes shall help assess how much students learned from lectures and classroom
 Long Exams. Two long exams shall be administered before midterms and another two shall be administered after midterms. The schedule for the long exams are indicated in the Course Plan.
 Midterm & Final Exams. The Midterm and Final Exams shall be comprehensive and shall be administered as per the schedule set by the CKS College HEI Deans’ Council.
 Case Analysis. Students shall be assigned to groups and each group shall be assigned a case to work on. Written case reports shall be submitted prior to midterms. Students are required to follow the
format provided. The schedules for case presentations and defense are indicated in the Course Plan. Cases are selected and assigned to help students gain a deeper understanding of concepts learned
as they observe, analyze, and critique how companies design, implement, and monitor strategies.
 Project. The end-of-term project is an important course output which will give the student an opportunity to synthesize and apply various lessons learned in the course. Proper presentation skills and
proper use of presentation materials should also be exhibited during the oral presentation and defense.

Grading System: Grade Score Equivalent (GSE):

Midterm Class Standing = Quizzes & Exams *70% + Recitation *30% Rating GSE Rating GSE
98 to 100 1.00 77 to 79 2.75
Midterm Grade = Midterm Class Standing *60% + Midterm Exam * 40% 95 to 97 1.25 75 to 76 3.00
92 to 94 1.50 < 75 5.00
Final Class Standing = Quizzes & Exams Before & After Midterms * 50% 89 to 91 1.75 No Grade NG
+ Recitation Before & After Midterms * 20% + Project or Research Output *30% 86 to 88 2.00 Authorized AW
83 to 85 2.25 Withdrawal
Final Grade = Final Class Standing * 60% + Midterm Exam * 20% + Final Exam * 20% 80 to 82 2.50


 Viray, E., Bato, M., & Malveda, L. (2016). Microeconomics (Simplified). Mandaluyong City: Anvil Publishing Incorporated.


 Bade, R. & Parkin, M. (2015). Foundations of Economics (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Case, K, Fair, R., & Oster, S. (2017). Principles of microeconomics, global edition (12th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Colander, D. (2013). Microeconomics (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
 Frank, R. & Bernanke, B. (2016). Principles of economics (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
 Hubbard, G. & O’brien, A. (2016). Microeconomics (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Karlan, D. & Morduch J. (2014). Microeconomics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
 McConnell, C., Brue S., & Flynn S. (2015). Microeconomics (20th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
 O’Sullivan A, Sheffrin S., & Perez S. (2016). Microeconomics: Principles, application and tools (9th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Parkin, M. (2015). Microeconomics: Global edition (12th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Perloff, J. (2015). Microeconomics: Global edition (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Schiller, B. & Gebhardt K. (2016). The micro economy today (14th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
 Slavin, S. (2014). Microeconomics (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Electronic Sources:

 http://www.slembesk.ch\principle.html Principles of Economics

 http://www.marxist.org/refrerrence/subject/economics/marshall Principles of Economics: An Introductory Volume. By Alfred Marshall
 http://www.aw.com/ruffin/gregory Principles of Economics
 http://www.econphd.net/notes.htm
 http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/economics/14-01-principles-of-microeconomics-fall-2007/lecture-notes/
 http://www.mruniversity.com/courses/principles-economics-microeconomics?gclid=CPyPvvi56M0CFYOXvAod2zcJCQ
 http://www.bsp.gov.ph
 http://www.neda.gov.ph
 http://www.dof.gov.ph
 http://www.dbm.gov.ph
 http://www.adb.org
 http://www.worldbank.org
 http://www.imf.org
 http://www.undp.org
 http://www.principlesofeconomics.net
 Government Offices
 Bureau of Internal Revenue
 Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
 Department of Finance
 Department of Budget and Management
 National Economic Development Authority
 Philippine Stock Exchange

E-book and Online Text and Notes:

 McConnell, C. Economics (15th ed.). http://www.mhhe.com/economics/mcconnell15e/student/olc/powerpoint.mhtml

Course Plan:

Inclusive Teaching-Learning
Week Learning Outcome/s Topic/s Reference/s Assessment Methods
Date/s Activities
1  Discuss and appreciate the nature of economics, its  Introduction of the Course  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Recitation
foundations, the basic economic problems, the scope,  Discussion of Course o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion
and framework under which economic activities are Requirements Chapter 1
undertaken.  Review of the Meaning of o Case, Fair, & Oster,
Economics, its Nature, and Chapter 1
the Methods of Analysis
2  Explain the nature of microeconomics and its  Overview of Microeconomics  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Quiz
underlying principles and concepts such as the  Opportunity Cost o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion  Case Study 1
opportunity cost and production possibility frontier  Production Possibilities Chapter 1  Exercise 1
 Describe the interaction of the various sectors of the Frontier o Case, Fair, & Oster,
economy using the Circular Flow Model.  The Circular Flow Model Chapters 1 & 2
3  Describe how prices of goods and services are  Demand  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Recitation
influenced by consumers through their demand and o Definition of Demand o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion  Board Work and/or
sellers through their supply. o Determinants of Demand Chapter 2 seatwork
 Ascertain how the market or equilibrium price is o The Law of Demand o Case, Fair, & Oster,  Problems and/or
4 determined. o The Tabular and Graphical Chapters 3 & 4 Cases
 Explain how the government intervenes on market Analysis of Demand  Quiz
prices  Supply  Case Study 2
o Definition of Supply  Exercise 2
o Determinants of Supply
o The Law of Supply
o The Tabular and Graphical
Analysis of Supply
 Market Price or Equilibrium
Inclusive Teaching-Learning
Week Learning Outcome/s Topic/s Reference/s Assessment Methods
Date/s Activities
o Descriptive Analysis of the
Market Price Equilibrium
o Graphical Presentation and
Determination of the
Market Price Equilibrium
 Price Control
o Price Ceiling
o Price Floor
 Practical Application of
Demand and Supply to
Business Decision Making
5  Comprehend how the reaction of the quantity  Concept of Elasticity  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Recitation
demanded and quantity supplied when the prices of o The Concept of Elasticity o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion  Board Work and/or
goods and services change and when the level of and its Significance Chapter 3 seatwork
income of consumers changes. o The Price Elasticity of o Case, Fair, & Oster,  Problems and/or
 Apply price and income elasticity when designing a Demand Chapter 5 cases
pricing policy to maximize profit. o The income elasticity  Quiz
o The cross elasticity of  Case Study 3
Demand  Exercise 3
 Hypothetical and Practical
Exercise Relative to the
Application of the Elasticity
Concept to Business
6  Apply the principles, theories and concepts on  Consumer Choice and  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Recitation
consumer behavior to business decision making. Demand o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion  Board Work and/or
o The Concept of Human Chapter 4 seatwork
Behavior o Case, Fair, & Oster,  Problems and/or
o The Marginal Utility Chapter 6 cases
Approach  Quiz
o Law of Diminishing  Case Study 4
Marginal Utility  Exercise 4
o The Indifference Curve
Approach and Budget Line
 Practical Application of
Concepts Learned in
Individual Consumption
Decision Making as They
Relate to Business Decision

Inclusive Teaching-Learning
Week Learning Outcome/s Topic/s Reference/s Assessment Methods
Date/s Activities
7  Assess and evaluate how business firms utilize the  The Production Function,  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Recitation
factors of production to maximize output relative to Cost, Revenue, and o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion  Board Work and/or
their cost minimization and revenue/profit Profit/Loss of a Firm Chapter 5 seatwork
maximization goals. o The Production Analysis o Case, Fair, & Oster,  Problems and/or
o Law of Diminishing Chapter 7 cases
Returns  Quiz
o Theory of Costs  Case Study 5
o The Revenue of a Firm  Exercise 5
o The Profit / Loss Analysis
9  Midterm Exam
10  Analyze the labor market, market wage rates and  Labor Market: Wages in  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Quiz
different wages. Perfect Competition o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion  Recitation
 Discuss factor markets, efficiency-wage, superstar o Market for the Factors of Chapter 6  Case Study 6
phenomena, and labor market equilibrium and Production. o Case, Fair, & Oster,  Exercise 6
signaling theory. o Labor Market Equilibrium Chapter 10
o Factors that Explain
Productivity and Wages
11  Identify the determinants of interest rates.  Interest, Rent, and Profit  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Quiz
 Differentiate between nominal and real interest rates. o Interest o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion  Recitation
 Describe the effects of interest rates on businesses. o Rent Chapter 7  Case Study 7
o Profit o Case, Fair, & Oster,  Exercise 7
o Market Niches Chapter 10
12  Analyze the different possible market situations a firm  Theory of Markets  Suggested Readings:  Teacher additional  Group Report
could be operating its business in. o The Market Structures o Viray, Bato, & Malveda, inputs  Board work
 Identify and describe the different types of market o Pure or Perfect Chapter 8 (graphing)
13 structures. Competition o Case, Fair, & Oster,  Case Study 8
o Monopoly Chapters 12, 13, 14, & 15  Exercise 8
o Monopolistic Competition
o Oligopoly
14  Explain why markets fail and how the government  Market Failure and  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Recitation
intervenes when there is market failure. Government Intervention o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion  Case Study 9
o Types of Market Failure Chapter 9  Exercise 9
o Information Failure
o Externalities
o Cost and Benefits
o Positive and Negative
o Public Goods
o Non-excludable and Non-
rival Public Goods
16  Analyze the different forms of business enterprises  Organization of Firms  Suggested Readings:  Lecture  Recitation
available in the market. o Sole Proprietorship o Viray, Bato, & Malveda,  Discussion  Case Study 10
o Partnership Chapter 10  Exercise 10
Inclusive Teaching-Learning
Week Learning Outcome/s Topic/s Reference/s Assessment Methods
Date/s Activities
o Corporation
o Cooperatives
17  Preparation and
consultation for the
industry paper
study of the
18  Final Exam

Course Policies:

Academic Integrity CKSian values include propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, and honor. Students should exercise such values both inside and outside the classroom.
Students are expected to value the importance of education and should recognize that such involves hard work and sacrifice.
Academic dishonesty— whether in the form of plagiarism (intentional or unintentional), cheating in exams and assignments, non-contribution to the group project, or the like–
shall not be tolerated and shall strictly be subjected to the penalties indicated in the CKS College Student Handbook.
Tardiness A student who incurs more than 12 hours of absences or twenty (20) percent of the prescribed number of class periods during the semester would be given a failing grade and
given no credit for the course or subject. A student may be accepted in class even if he/she arrives late provided that it is not more than 25% of the class/session. A recorded
tardiness is considered 1/3-absence, which if added to two other recorded tardiness will be equivalent to a full absence recorded against a student.
Use of Mobile Devices Once inside the classroom, the student is expected to focus on his role as a learner. Distractions should be avoided. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones, tablets, or
other gadgets in class. Mobile phones should be switched off or placed in silent mode.
Make-Up Quizzes/ Exams No make-up quiz shall be given to a student who is absent for the class period. For pre-discussion quizzes administered at the beginning of the class period, students are not
allowed to enter the classroom in the middle of the quiz. Latecomers are advised to wait outside the classroom until the students present are finished taking the quiz. No make-up
quiz shall be given to latecomers. For long exams, make-up exams may be given only upon presentation of an approved Application for Excuse Absence.
For students who are unable to take the Midterm or the Final Exams, an approved Application for Excuse Absence and an approved Application for Special Examination should
be submitted to the instructor before the make-up exam can be scheduled and administered.
Group Contribution in The groupings for the project/s shall be determined at the beginning of the semester. Once assigned to a group, students shall not, under any circumstance, be allowed to switch
Project/s groups. Students are expected to exercise teamwork and contribute meaningfully to the group project. A duly accomplished peer evaluation form shall be submitted by each
group member along with the group’s written report.
Consultation If needed, students are highly encouraged to schedule consultation with the faculty within the consultation schedule provided. Such shall be conducted at the consultation area in
the CKS College Faculty Room.
Others Both student and faculty are responsible for maximization of class contact hours to ensure satisfaction of course learning outcomes.
Once the class period has started, no one is allowed to leave the classroom, unless officially requested by the Administration Office and/or allowed by the instructor.
Leaving the classroom at any time within the scheduled class period, whether for short or extended periods of time, is strongly discouraged.
Students should go to the toilet before or after class, or during the scheduled break within 3-hour class periods.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Prof. Edilberto Viray Dr. Frederick Halcon Prof. Maribel Chan

Dean, School of Business, Accountancy, and HRM


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