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4th Quarter Final Examination

Grade 11
March 23, 2020

Name: _____________________________________ Score: _______________


_____1. People often refer to taxes in terms of their being much too high. In reality, they are probably even higher than you
think, because in addition to the federal income tax we are now studying, there are many other Federal, State, and local
taxes, including sales taxes, inheritance taxes, state income taxes, personal property taxes, real estate taxes, and others.
These are just some of the most obvious ones.
a. Taxes are much too high. c. Inheritance taxes and real estate taxes are unfair.
b. We pay more taxes than we may realize. d. Some taxes are hidden.
_____2. The fact that electronic computers are now used for data processing has led the general public to believe that it is a
mysterious, complicated science and that the computers are giant brains. Both of these ideas are false. A computer is
basically just a high-speed adding machine that performs the functions it is told to. If the input data are varied even a
little, the computer is unable to operate until it is programmed to accept the variations. The business operations it
performs are impressive only because of the extremely high speed of manipulation, but most of these operations have
been used for decades. Unlike man, the computer performs repetitive calculations without getting tired or bored.
a. A computer is a high-speed adding machine. c. A computer is impressive because of its high speed.
b. A computer is a mysterious giant brain. d. A computer is superior to man in many ways.
_____3. The Louisiana Purchase proved to be one of the shrewdest business pacts in the entire history of the United States. The
purchase doubled in the area of the country and provided territory from which fourteen new states were created either
wholly or in part. It also gave us control over the mouth of the Mississippi River and opened up the way to foreign
trade. Prior to the purchase, the waterway had been blocked by the Spanish, probably with the approval of Napoleon.
The land that was bought was rich in timber, minerals, and natural resources of many kinds. Finally, the cost of the
transaction was unbelievably low; the total of $15 million amounted to about four cents an acre.
a. The Louisiana Purchase was a very good business deal for the U.S.
b. The land bought by the Louisiana Purchase was rich in minerals.
c. The land bought by the Louisiana Purchase was very cheap.
d. Most Americans were very pleased with the purchase.
_____4. There is a common belief that while the dog is man’s best friend, the coyote is his worst enemy. The bad reputation of
he coyote traces back to his fondness for small animals; he hunts at night and is particularly destructive to sheep, young
pigs, and poultry. Yet it is sometimes wise to encourage coyotes. Provided valuable farm animals are protected, the
coyote will often free the property of other animals, like rabbits, which are ruinous to crops and certain trees. He is
especially beneficial in keeping down the rodent population. Where coyotes have been allowed to do their work
without molestation, ranchers and fruit growers have found them so valuable that they would no more shoot them than
they would shoot their dogs.
a. Under certain conditions the coyote is helpful to man.
b. The coyote is feared because of his fondness for small animals
c. Modern ranchers would no sooner shoot coyotes than they would shoot dogs.
d. The coyote usually prefers rabbits and other rodents to sheep and poultry.
_____5. In earlier days those who had overseas business which they believed should be discussed personally, took ship and set
out across the briny deep. Once aboard they transacted their affairs, engaging in commercial and social matters or
conducting government business. Today ships and passengers continue to sail the seven seas, and airplanes soar
overhead. But above them all, words speed through the sky – telephone conversations quickly bring together in the
most personal fashion people who are separated by thousands of miles.
a. Overseas telephone service today is ruling out all need for overseas travel.
b. Nothing can take the place of person-to-person conversation in settling business, social, and government problems.
c. Many conversations which once required overseas travel can now be conducted by telephone.
d. Even with modern overseas telephone service people continue to travel abroad by ship or by plane.


_____6. My chronic back pain was only ______ by the whiplash I experienced in the car crash.
A. ameliorated B. aggravated C. alleviated D. assuaged E. amended
_____7. The ______ ceremony of the ancient tribe can be shocking to modern researchers who are not
familiar or comfortable with human sacrifices.
A. atonement B. immolation C. hedonistic D. ritualistic E. penance
_____8.The argument Laura made in her essay seemed ______; it was clear to the teacher that she had not fully thought through
the differences between the moons of Saturn.
A. synthesized B. sagacious C. inchoate D. developed E. coherent
_____9. The film’s story seemed so ______ that audiences couldn’t believe that it was based on a true
A. implausible B. tenable C. orchestrated D. conceivable E. lucid
____10. As punishment for his insubordination, the lance corporal was demoted and ______ to the
demeaning task of cleaning the latrine.
A. scourged B. patronized C. exonerated D. succored E. relegated
_____11. After putting out the devastating blaze, investigators quickly came to the conclusion that the
______ was probably started by ______ device.
A. arson ... an incombustible D. conflagration ... an incendiary
B. holocaust ... a noisome E. terror ... an inflammable
C. pyre ... a flammable
_____12. While still in school, Richard Nixon’s debate coach noticed the young debater’s ability to
answer questions ______ and noted that Nixon rarely seemed to address anything ______.
A. audaciously ... brazenly D. obliquely ... directly
B. ambiguously ... disingenuously E. bluntly ... explicitly
C. unequivocally ... absolutely
_____13. Mrs. Rubin was taken aback by Timothy's ______, as she had never before seen a child
disrespect his elders so blatantly.
A. jauntiness B. reverence C. impudence D. humility E. obsequiousness
_____14. Many states use a point system in which each driving infraction is worth a certain number of
points, and if one exceeds a certain number of cumulative points in a year, his or her driving privileges are ______ until
a later date, at which time the driver may reapply for his or her license.
A. revoked B. recuperated C. reprimanded D. curbed E. instituted
_____15. Though not appreciated in the author’s own lifetime, Thomas Paine’s The Age of Reason has
come to be recognized as a ______ work, one that profoundly impacted Western theology for generations.
A. controversial B. negligible C. seminal D. trifling E. provocative
_____16. The staff writers found the new editorin-chief to be ______, especially when he would belittle
the writers and irritate them with his desire to micromanage their stories.
A. abrasive B. judicial C. charismatic D. demure E. winsome
_____17. Though obviously a work of fiction, the book became popular because of its ______: because
the author made even the ancient Byzantine conspiracy plot seem believable, the book sold millions of copies.
A. incongruities B. disingenuousness C. honesty D. machinations E. verisimilitude
_____18. The food critic was not quite sure what to make of the_______ foam that accompanied the
foie gras, as it seemed ______ and added nothing to the dish overall.
A. insufficient ... imperative D. verbose... extravagant
B. causeless ... warranted E. lavish ... opulent
C. gratuitous ... superfluous
_____19. Early historians referred to Custer’s defeat at Little Big Horn as a savage massacre by the
Cheyenne tribe, but most modern interpretations place them ______ in the proper historical context and note, for
instance, that Custer himself had led several similar bloody attacks on various tribes in the region.
A. restitution B. carnage C. ordnance D. vengeance E. insurrection
_____20. Most felt that Carlton’s ______ made him incredibly unpopular, since people seldom wish to
be friends with someone who constantly looks down on them.
A. superciliousness B. apathy C. gregariousness D. modesty E. insensitivity
_____21. Service-oriented jobs are occupations that:
A. require a full-time employee
B. have employees graduated from a four-year course
C. have face-to-face communication with boses
D. require customer satisfaction
_____22. Some of the service-oriented occupations are the following except for:
A. medical transcriptionists C. salesmen
B. nursing aides D. tour guides
_____23. To be able to fill out forms correctly, one should first:
A. seek assistance from the office C. ask someone to work closely on the forms
B. secure two copies from the desk D. read and follow instructions carefully
_____24. Forms are normally available in print but most applications can now be accomplished:
A. through employees from the office C. through agents of the offices
B. through the barangays D. through the websites of the offices
_____25. Taking down notes require skills in:
A. reading and writing C. reading, listening, and speaking
B. reading, writing, listening, and speaking D. listening and speaking
_____26. Mind mapping is one way of note-taking that requires one to:
A. create maps in one’s mind C. map ideas by interacting with others
B. illustrate ideas in graphical representation D. create notes from one’s memory
_____27. The type of note-taking that can only be used for reading:
A. outline notes B. summary notes C. linear notes D. mind mapping notes
_____28. The regular type of note-taking which requires one to take down all information read or heard:
A. outline notes B. summary notes C. linear notes D. mind mapping notes
_____29. Investigative reports are written primarily to:
A. catch the criminals or the source of mistake C. identify the solution to the problem
B. inform superiors about the incident D. establish the facts in an incident
_____30. Travel brochures are written to:
A. attract tourists to a destination C. provide safety measures to travelers
B. provide interesting information about a destination D. inform travelers how to reach a destination
_____31. Tourism today is not only booming in first-world countries but also in developing countries because of:
A. increasing number of tourists C. motivations of people to go beyond boundaries
B. increasing number of attractive destinations D. development of newer and faster forms of air transportation
_____32. Investigate reports should include facts that represented clearly and cohesively using:
A. transitional devices B. adverbial clauses C. appropriate vocabulary D. prepositional phrases
_____33.according to Michael Biggs, this may not necessarily spell out a successful investigative report:
A. good handwriting B. education C. police training D. age
_____34. The order used in writing an investigative report is the:
A. special order B. logical order C. sequential order D. cause-effect order
_____35. Investigative reports should always be signed by:
A. recorders B. administrative heads C. victims D. suspects
TEST III.Determine whether the statements are answerable by the investigative questions. Write Who, What, Where,
When, How, or Why.

_________1. The stolen motorcycle was found in the creek of Binangonan, Rizal.
_________2. The suspect was identified as Miguel Corpuz.
_________3. The victim was killed with a caliber gun.
_________4. The landlady saw five men leaving the motorcycle at the creek.
_________5. Manong Carlos called the police at 4:30 a.m. to report the stolen car.
_________6. Miguel Corpuz was seen driving the motorcycle at midnight.
_________7. The suspects admitted that they were high on prohibited drugs when they did the crime.
_________8. They waited for the motorcycle to leave the subdivision and they flagged it down near the park with the excuse that
there was an accident.
_________9. The suspect took the wallet, credit cards, and the phone of the victim.
_________10. The camera from the car was used to identify the car coming out of the parking lot.
_________11. The gun was positively identified by the suspects and was given to the police as evidence.
_________12. The parents of the suspects stated that their sons did not come home that night.
_________13. The police investigators were dispatched to Binangonan at 5:00 a.m.
_________14. The bloodied clothes of the suspects were found in the garbage can.
_________15. The parents reported their sons’ participation because they felt sorry for the family of the victim.



_________1. Would never accept any bribe. A. good academic background

_________2. Attends to social obligations B. decent pleasing personality
_________3. Finished at late high school C. sociable person
_________4. Asks the questions most often forgotten D. healthy and energetic
_________5. Takes note of details beyond what is obvious E. good retentive memory
_________6. Does not turn off victims or other parties involved in F. technical knowledge
investigation G. communication skills
_________7. Tends to look at all viewpoints and biases H. job integrity
_________8. Prepares himself/herself in the job by studying the matter I. observational skills
to be J. unbiased accurate recording
_________9. Exercises regularly K. awareness of the business world
_________10. Considers the technical and legal bases of the matter L. curious mind to inquire
_________11. Remembers all the details of the investigation
_________12. Expresses ideas effectively through speaking and writing
_________13. Thinks of possibilities related to the incident
_________14. Eats nutritious food especially vegetables and fruits
_________15. Can speak at least two languages or dialects

TEST V. Write check ( ) or (×) .

____1. When taking down notes, write down every word.
____2. Decide what is important.
____3. Be an active listener or reader.
____4. Do not use symbols and abbreviations, don’t do shortcuts.
____5. Use only one color when using inks to improve your listening/reading techniques.
____6. Revise your notes as soon as possible.
____7. If you are listening to an hour-long lecture, take all the notes for the first 15 minutes.
____8. Improve your handwriting even when taking down notes.
____9. Focus on your spelling and grammar when taking down notes.
____10. Do not be so immersed in note-taking that you forget to notice that your handwriting has become unreadable.


Subject Teacher
Time started: ____________
Time completed: ____________
Time elapsed: ____________

4th Quarter Final Examination in TLE 8

March 23, 2020

Name: _____________________________________ Score: _______________

Grade and Section: ___________________________

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the statement carefully and choose the answer that best describes the statement. Write
your answer on the blank.

_____ 1. What storage byte is considered as the smallest unit of measurement?

a. Nibble b. Bit c. Byte d. Kilobyte
_____2. The following storage bytes below are considered as the most commonly used storage units except:
a. megabyte b. kilobyte c. exabyte d. gigabyte
_____3. Megabyte has _______________KB.
a. 1,024 b. 1, 034 c. 1, 044 d. 1,000
_____4. This are used in computers to represent and interpret letters, numbers, and characters with bits.
a. Binary codes b. Storage bytes c. Base 2 d. Base 10
_____5. What is the decimal value of petabyte?
a. 1,000,000,000 b b. 1, 000, 000 b c. 1, 000,000,000,000,000 b d. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 b
_____6. What technical drawing is composed of graphic symbol to interpret the flow of a specific process or step?
a. Diagram b. Symbols c. Graph d. Flowchart
_____7. Which flowchart symbol indicates an activity or an individual steps in the process?
a. b. c. d.

_____8. Terabyte has _______________ GB.

a. 1,024 b. 1, 034 c. 1, 044 d. 1,000
_____9. Flowchart is also known as ________________.
a. flow chart b. diagram c. flow graph d. flow diagram
_____10. Which flowchart symbol indicates the continuation of the process from the previous page?
a. b. c. d.

_____11. This type of flowchart is a simple diagram that shows the step-by-step execution of a process.
a. basic flowchart b. data flow diagram c. swim line flowchart d. business process diagram
_____12. All are examples of workplace hazards except for one, which one is it?
a. rayed electrical cords b. boxes stacked precariously c. noisy machinery d. books stacked neatly in
_____13. It is a type of hazard that involves machinery.
a. mechanical hazard b. chemical hazard c. physical hazard d. electric shock hazard
_____14. What is the decimal value of exabyte?
a. 1,000,000,000 b b. 1, 000, 000 b c. 1, 000,000,000,000,000 b d. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 b
_____15. What type of flowchart is almost the same with the basic flowchart, the only difference is that it is categorized?
a. basic flowchart b. data flow diagram c. swim line flowchart d. business process diagram
_____16. The following statements below are the importance of a flowchart except:
a. It can replace pages of words. c. It will be easier to write a paragraph.
b. It promotes understanding through pictures. d. It will be easier to revise policies or steps.
_____17. 1TB is how many bytes in decimal?
a. 1,000,000,000,000 b b. 1, 000, 000 b c. 1, 000,000,000,000,000 b d. 1,000,000,000 b
_____18. Which of the following is NOT a binary digit?
a. 7 b. 1 c. 0 d. none of the above
_____19. 1024 megabytes is equivalent to ___________.
a. kilobytes b. gigabytes c. terabytes d. petabyte
_____20. What storage byte has 1,024 EB?
a. yottabyte b. zettabyte c. terabyte d. exabyte
_____21. A graphical representation of business processes used in a workplace.
a. basic flowchart b. data flow diagram c. swim line flowchart d. business process diagram
_____22. Seiri means _______________.
a. sort b. sweep c. sustain d. shine
_____23. Chemical hazard is due to dusts, liquids, and other forms of ________________.
a. chemicals b. poisons c. diseases d. bacterias
_____24. What type of flowchart is a graphical representation of the flow of data in an information system, modeling its process
a. basic flowchart b. data flow diagram c. swim line flowchart d. business process diagram
_____25. 1, 024 petabytes is equivalent to ________________.
a. yottabyte b. zettabyte c. terabyte d. exabyte
_____26. Physical hazard involves you and your ________.
a. immune system b. body c. self d. life
_____27. What ‘S’ is always maintain a dirt-free workplace?
a. seiri b. seiton c. seiketsu d.seiso
_____28. The following words below are the English term for seiton except:
a. straighten b.clear c. set in order d.configure
_____29. 1B is how many bytes in decimal?
a. 1,000,000,000,000 b b. 1, 000,000, 000 b c. 1, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 b d. 1,000,000,000 b
_____30. This type of hazard happens wwhen a person gets in contact with the source of electricity.
a. mechanical hazard b. chemical hazard c. physical hazard d. electric shock hazard


_____1. How many MB is there in 5TB?

a. 5, 000, 000 MB b. 5, 000,000,000 MB c. 5, 0000 MB d. 5, 000,000,000,000 MB
_____2. If the DVD ROM can hold 4.7 GB, how many DVDs can be filled in MB?
a. 47, 000 MB b. 4, 700 MB c. 47,000,000,000 MB d. 4,700 000 MB
_____3. How much memory is there when 6.17 TB is converted into MB?
a. 6,170 MB b. 6,170,000 MB c. 6,170,000MB d. 61, 700,000 MB
_____4. If you download a 9.7 GB movie and you want to convert it to MB, what will be its equivalent?
a. 97, 000 MB b. 9, 700 MB c. 97,000,000,000 MB d. 9,700 000 MB
_____5. Convert the video size of 145.8 GB to MB?
a. 14,580 MB b. 14, 580,000MB c. 145,800 MB d. 1,458,000 MB
_____6. If you combine 6.4 TB hard drives, how many MB ill it be?
a. 640 MB b. 6,400 MB c. 64,000 MB d. 6,400,000 MB
_____7. How many MB is there in 14TB?
a.14, 000, 000 MB b. 14, 000,000,000 MB c. 14, 0000 MB d. 14, 000,000,000,000 MB
_____8. If the flash drive can hold 16.5 GB, how many can be filled in MB?
a. 16,500 MB b. 16,500,000 MB c. 1,650 MB d. 1,650,000 MB
_____9. . If you download a 4.27 GB application and you want to convert it to MB, what will be its equivalent?
a. 42, 700,000 MB b. 42, 700 MB c. 42,700,000,000 MB d. 4,270 MB
_____10. . Convert the image size of 21.8 GB to MB?
a. 21,800,000 MB b. 21,800MB c. 2,180 MB d. 218 MB

TEST III. TRUE OR FALSE.Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

___________1. A flow diagram is different from a flowchart.

___________2. A business process diagram is considered as the simple step-by-step business process.
___________3. DFD is almost the same with the basic flowchart.
___________4. An arrow should only be used in beginning and ending of the process.
___________5. All shapes are connected with an arrow in a flowchart.
___________6. The swim lane flowchart shows the kind f information that will be inputted and outputted from the program.
___________7. A flowchart can replace pages of words through a diagram.
___________8. The circle symbol is used as a continuation in the flowchart.
___________9. A flowchart promotes understanding of a process through pictures.
___________10. The decision box is only answerable with a yes or no.
___________11. Spray the liquid cleaner directly on the part of the computer when cleaning.
___________12. Use a clean cotton cloth when wiping the monitor of the computer.
___________13. Use a vacuum to absorb dust, dirt and hair stands on the computer.
___________14. When using a liquid cleaner, a solvent that has a strong chemical is recommended to remove the dirt on your
___________15. Use cable ties to bundle the wires or USB connector on the computer.

TEST IV. IDENTIFICATION.Identify what flowchart symbol is being described and draw/write the name on the space
provided. 2pts.


1. This indicates the beginning and the ending of the process. - ________________ - _______________________________

2. This is also known as decision box that indicates a - _______________ - ________________________________

decision that is answerable b YES or NO.

3. This signifies where an in-process measurement happens - ________________ - ________________________________

4. All shapes are connected with this that shows the flow - ________________ - ________________________________
from one step to another.

5. This indicates any type of data that is inputted in the process - ________________ - ________________________________


Subject Teacher
Time started: ____________
Time completed: ____________
Time elapsed: ____________

4th Quarter Final Examination in TLE 7

March 23, 2020

Name: _____________________________________ Score: _______________

Grade and Section: ___________________________


_____ 1. On this following tools, which tool that not include of Information and Comunication Technology?
A. Television B. Telephone C. Wash Machine D. Computer
_____2. Which the correct timeline of computer generation ?
A. Vaccum Tube - Intregrated Circuit - microprocessor – Transistor
B. Microprocessor - Integrated Circuit - Vaccum Tube – Transistor
C. Vaccum Tube - Transistor - Intregrated Circuit – Microprocessor
D. Vaccum Tube - Intregrated Circuit - Transistor - Microprocessor
_____3. Which is the correct storage media ?
A. Mouse B. Printer C. Keyboard D. Hard drive
_____4. Which is include to hardware ?
A. Webcam B. Website C. Windows Media Player D. Web-Base
_____5. Which tool is used to strip and cut wires?
a. Anti-static mat c. Philips head screwdriver b. Hex driver d. Wire cutter
_____6. Which tool is used to retrieve parts from location that are too small for your hand to fit?
a. Part Retriever c. Cable ties b. Lint-free Cloth d. Flat head screwdriver
_____7. Which tool is used to clean different computer components without scratching or leaving debris?
a. Part Retriever c. Cable ties b. Lint-free Cloth d. Flat head screwdriver
_____8. The meaning of CPU is _____?
a. Central Program United b. Central Program Unit c. Central Process Unit d. Central Processing Unit
_____9. The following statements below tell about the uses of computer except:
a. accepts and stores data input c. processes the data input
b. entertains user d. generates the output in a required format
_____10. Which tool is used to bundle cables neatly inside and outside of a computer?
a. Part Retriever c. Cable ties b. Lint-free Cloth d. Flat head screwdriver
_____11. What electronic device accepts information, manipulates it, responds to a specific set of instruction, and executes the
a. television b. computer c. mobile phone d. DVD player
_____12. Which tool is used to loosen or tighten slotted screws?
a. Part Retriever c. Cable ties b. Lint-free Cloth d. Flat head screwdriver
_____13. The following statements below tell about the advantages of using computer except:
a. faster communication c. accessible entertainment
b. creative and innovative d. increased dependency
_____14. Which tool is used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like depression on the top, a feature that is mainly found
on laptop?
a. Anti-static mat c. Philips head screwdriver b. Torx screwdriver d. Wire cutter
_____15. Which of the following categories below best describes the intelligence of AI in playing games?
a. Neural networks b. Robotics c. Game playing d. Expert system
_____16. Which tool is used to blow away dust and debris from different computer parts without touching the components?
a. Anti-static mat c. Compressed air b. Hex driver d. Wire cutter
_____17. This was invented by Charles Babbage in the 19th century.
A. Television B. Telephone C. Wash Machine D. Computer
_____18. It is an electronic device or a programmable machine.
a. Printer b. Computer c. CPU d. Monitor
_____19. What is the correct meaning of UNIVAC?
a. Universal Automated Computers c. Universal Alternative Computers
b. Unison Automated Computers d. Universal Automatic Computers
_____20. Computer works efficiently because it is built with several instructions that directs its memory, which is known as
a. Software b. Hardware c. System d. Storage
_____21. IC is a single component consisting of several transistors that were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips called
a. semiconductors b. microprocessor b. vacuum tube d. transistor
_____22. Computer is also composed of different parts such as keyboard, mouse, and monitor which are classified as
a. Software b. Hardware c. System d. Storage
_____23. Which of the following categories below best describes the voice recognition that computers can only hear the words
and transcribe them into text?
a. Expert system b. Neural networks c. Natural Language d. Robotics
_____24. Computers started in 19th century through a mathematics professor named _______________.
a. John Bardeen b. Walter Houser Brattain c. William Shockley d. Charles Babbage
_____25. Mouse lets the user give a command by manipulating the ___________ on the screen.
a. pointer b. arrow c. command d. point
_____26. This is a chip that has electronic circuits and contains information that the computer needs for it to operate efficiently.
a. vacuum tube b. transistor c. microprocessor d. Integrated Circuit
_____27. The most common layout of keyboard is known as _________________.
_____28. What device is connected to the sound card of the computer?
a. microphone b. speaker c. web camera d. headset
_____29. Which of the following categories below is expected to help people make decisions specifically in tough situations?
a. Expert system b. Neural networks c. Natural Language d. Robotics
_____30. CPU is considered as the ___________ of the computer.
a. system b. brain c. prior d. data


__________ 1. A flash drive can store data up to 2 TB.

__________ 2. DVD is a small portable storage device that is usually connected with the USB plug.
__________ 3. DVD drive is also known as optical drive.
__________ 4. A card reader is used to connect the computer with an electronic device such as flashdrive.
___________5. Central Procedure Unit is the brain of computer.
___________6. Good posture is essential for all users of computers.
__________ 7. All tools and equipment must be properly maintained so that workers are not endangered.
__________ 8. Damaged or defective equipment/tools should be tagged and removed from service.
__________ 9. Productivity is increased because time is not lost looking for tools, parts and equipment is one of the benefits of
proper storage.
__________10. Health and safety procedure is the responsibility of all persons in the computer and technology industries
__________11. Spray the liquid cleaner directly on the part of the computer when cleaning.
__________12. Use a clean cotton cloth when wiping the monitor of the computer.
__________13. Use a vacuum to absorb dust, dirt and hair stands on the computer.
__________14. When using a liquid cleaner, a solvent that has a strong chemical is recommended to remove the dirt on your
__________15. Use cable ties to bundle the wires or USB connector on the computer.
__________16. A speaker can be used for either podcast or recording.
__________17. The monitor can feed an actual image through a computer.
__________18. The most common layout of keyboard is known as QWFRTY.
__________19. The monitor is also known as video display unit.
__________20. One can use a headset to listn privately to any music.


Legend: A – First Generation B – Second Generation C – Third Generation

D – Fourth Generation E – Fifth Generation

______________________1. Artificial intelligence was developed.

______________________2. Vacuum tubes were used for circuitry.
______________________3. Integrated Circuit (IC) was developed.
______________________4. Universal Automatic Computers (UNIVAC) was invented.
______________________5. Game Playing began a category of artificial intelligence.
______________________6. Computers was designed using a microprocessor.
______________________7. The development of transistor began in this generation.
______________________8. Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer (EDSAC) was invented.
______________________9. The transistor was invented by John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain, and William Shockley in
______________________10. Robotics began a category of artificial intelligence.


Printer Saved document Web Camera Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Keyboard Card Reader
Online Game Speaker Headset Movie
Monitor Downloaded Music Google Chrome USB connector
Application Mouse Scanner Hard drive


TEST V. Give the meaning of the following acronyms.

1. http - ___________________________________ 6. UNIVAC - ____________________________________

2. www - __________________________________ 7. EDSAC -
3. SMS - __________________________________ 8. EDVAC - ____________________________________
4. USB - __________________________________ 9. ENIAC - ____________________________________
5. CPU - __________________________________ 10. IC - ____________________________________
Time started: ____________
Time completed: ____________
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Subject Teacher

4th Quarter Final Examination in TLE 9

(Cookery - Specialization)
March 23, 2020

Name: _____________________________________ Score: _______________

Grade and Section: ___________________________


_____1. Which phrase best fits food safety and sanitation?

a. When in doubt, throw it out.
b. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
c. Measure twice, cut once.
d. An ounce of safety is worth a pound of cured ham.
_____2. Which is NOT a quality/type of sugar?
a. confectioner’s sugar b. brown sugar c. castor oil sugar d. granulated sugar
_____3. A pinch of ____________ helps the egg white to whip up better.
a. baking powder b. cornstarch c. sugar d. salt
_____4. What is the most common element needed in preparing dessert?
a. sugar b. cream c. milk d. gelatine
_____ 5. _____________ provides the basis for many desserts.
a. raw fruit b. ripe fruit c. cooked fruit d. fruit juice
_____6. Batters should be rested at a room temperature to reduce its ___________.
a. thinness b. softness c. elasticity d. thickness
_____ 7. What ingredient may be purchased natural or blanched?
a. fruits b. packaging c. nuts d. containerization
_____8. Which of the following ingredients below is a thickening agent?
a. gelatine powder b. baking powder c. yeast d. cornstarch
_____9. The following fruits below can be added to gelatine except:
a. strawberries b. kiwi c. pineapple d. mango
_____10. Sauces should be kept away from _____________________.
a. moisture and pests c. heat, oxygen, and pests
b. moisture, oxygen, light, and pests d. none of the above
_____11. What storing technique keeps food cold or cool below 40°F?
a. freezing b. chilling c. cold storage d. refrigerate
_____12. Which of the following materials is NOT appropriate to use in storing dessert?
a. plastic container b. paper bag c. glass container d. aluminum foil
_____13. What packaging material is appropriate to use in packaging cakes?
a. leaves b. glass c. paper d. metals
_____14. Which of the following sanitary practices is not true in storing desserts?
a. Wash utensils and equipment thoroughly c. Store foods and ingredients in a dry place d
b. Keep away from food when you are ill d. Safeguard the food during distribution
_____15. What is the proper order in preparation of glass containers?
a. Inspection-Rinsing-Sterilization-Washing-Sealing and Capping-Cooling
b. Sterilization-Cooling-Inspection-Washing-Sealing and Capping-Rinsing
c. Inspection-Washing-Rinsing-Sterilization-Stealing and Capping-Cooling
d. Washing-Sealing and Capping-Inspection-Sterilization-Cooling-Rinsing
_____16. Which statement is true about glass in terms of packaging?
a. It reacts with food.
b. Protects the food from crushing and bruising.
c. Glass is not able to withstand heat.
d. Should dispose after use.
_____17. This factor simply indicates the inverse amount of hydrogen ion available in the food system.
a. moisture content c. Amount and nature of fat content
b. enzyme system d. pH of food
_____18. The following are thickening agents for sauce, EXCEPT
a. baking powder b. cornstarch c. Cream d. egg
_____19. What cream may also be used as an effective layer for trifle?
a. whipped cream b. cream c. all-purpose cream d. pure cream
_____20. This is a simple mixture of flour and water is used to make crepes and pancakes.
a. base b. dough c. batters d. crust
_____21. Which of the following is considered the simplest dessert?
a. custard b. gelatin c. fruits d. puddings
_____22. Confectioner's sugar is used mostly for ____________ the tops of desserts.
a. covering b. thickening c. decorating d. dusting
_____23. What is the process of putting your product into containers for easy distribution?
a. Packaging b. Wrapping c. Labeling d. Storing
_____24. This term refer to packaging in large standardized containers for efficient shipping and handling
a. aseptically b. packaging c. bulk d. containerization
_____25. Which of the following material is made from wood pulp and used for flexible packaging of goods?
a. Cellophane b. metal c. Glass d. paper
_____26. The following statements below are the guidelines in preparing a vanilla custard except:
a. Use clean, sanitized equipment and follow procedure.
b. Slowly beat the hot milk into the beaten eggs and sugar.
c. Chill milk before combining with the yolks.
d. Slowly beat the hot milk into the beaten eggs and sugar
_____27. Which of the following is NOT a type of chocolate?
a. bitter sweet chocolate b. semi-sweet chocolate c. dark chocolate d. caramel chocolate
_____28. Which statement is NOT true about advantages of using metal cans over other types of containers?
a. Metal cans are rust-free.
b. Metal cans are tamper proof.
c. Metal cans provide total protection of the contents.
d. Metal cans are convenient for presentation.
_____29. A sweet course or dish which is usually served at the end of a meal.
a. Sauce b. Stock c. Dessert d. Appetizer
_____30. Which of the following sanitary practices is not true in storing desserts?
a. Wash utensils and equipment thoroughly c. Store foods and ingredients in a dry place
b. Keep away from food when you are ill d. Safeguard the food during distribution
_____31. This is a flavored liquid blend of ingredients that adds flavor and enhances the appearance of the food.
a. Appetizer b. Sauce c. Dessert d. Stock
_____32. Which of the following sauces is suited to a simple dessert?
a. cold sauce b. hot fudge sauce c. light sauce d. rich sauce
_____33. This is a delightful contrast to a cold cornstarch pudding or vanilla ice cream.
a. Hot fudge b. Hot sauce c. Rich sauce d. Light sauce
_____34. Which of the following containers is used to store sauces?
a. airtight jar b. Plastic bottle c. Medium-sized bowl d. Small plastic bag
_____35. Which of the following cannot be used as garnishing in dessert?
a. fruit b. chocolate c. nut d. flower


__________________1. Simple mixture of flour and water is used to make crepes and pancakes. It is also used to coat fruit
for fritters.
__________________2. These ingredients are available whole, chopped or ground, roasted or caramelized. They are an
important part of dessert cookery as they provide flavour for creams and ice creams.
__________________3. Melted to easily blend into fillings and butters. It can also be poured over desserts such as puddings.
When melted and cooled it can be shaped and moulded into many attractive decorations.
__________________4. The common element for all desserts. It may be used to sprinkle over fruit, beaten into egg yolks for
custard or into whites for a meringue. It serves as sweeteners.
__________________5. This is used to set many cold moulded desserts. It is the basis for jellies and is also used to set creams,
mousses and glazes.
__________________6. These are flavored simple syrup use to moisten cakes
__________________7. Contains starch as well as eggs, resulting in a much thicker and more stable product.
__________________8. Consist of milk, sugar, eggs and flavorings and used as pie fillings, as a dessert by itself and as a
basis for many bake puddings.
__________________11. Five factors to considered in plating dessert
__________________14. This method is enclosing the food in a material for physical, chemical, biological protection
and tampering resistance.
__________________15. This packaging material is highly absorptive, fairly easily torn, and offers no barrier to
water or gases.


2 examples of dessert that uses cream 2 examples of dessert that uses gelatine
1. 1.
2. 2

2 examples of dessert that uses batters 2 examples of dessert that uses nuts
1. 1.
2. 2.


Subject Teacher

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