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Volume 1 , issue 4 2/4/11


S u p e r b o w l t o b r i n g m u c h n e e d e d
r e v e n u e t o c i t y
Wauwatosa, WI- Atten- sion of the Tosa common standards we’ll probably
tion Tosa Jayers, with council, the city will be generate more revenue
the Super Bowl quickly providing fakes in an on the East side. In the
approaching the city of effort to generate higher exotic dancing business
Dallas has and will con- city revenue. The new it’s quality not quantity.
tinue to experience an policy goes into effect on Are data also ranks the
incredible increase in Tuesday. The Wauwa- freshman and junior
population. This really tosa School District has classes as the thirstiest so
means that there will be even showed their sup- we’ll be relying on a big
a disastrous stripper port by creating many of turnout from them. The
shortage. Estimates tell the I.D. pick-up locations cost of an I.D. is 35 dol-
us that more than 500 in both East and West lars. This is a small
new “dancers” are High School. In a re- price to pay to start a po-
needed to fill the void. view of the data the West tential career. Let’s get
Any jayer that thinks skanks outnumber the down there and show
they are up to the task East hoes by a margin of Dallas what Wauwatosa
need only apply to the nearly 3 to 1. This isn’t is all about. Drop it like
club in Dallas of their an issue because the East its hot and GO PACK!
choice. Now technically jayers wont look nearly
you must be 18 to get a as coked up and trashy as
job in a strip club but the West strippers and
thanks to the 5-4 deci- because of out higher

S t o n e r s b u m m e d a f t e r f i n d i n g o u t
s u p e r b o w l i s a g a m e n o t f r e e
w e e d

Dalas TX—The hundreds of stoners part of “Super bowl” Sunday were this is a big misunderstanding and
that flocked to Dallas this week for told that the super bowl is a sport- that plans to host the American
smoking of a super bowl were ing event and not an exceptional cookware association’s super BOWL
greeted with a rude awaken- pipe full of marijuana to be convention is still slated to occur
ing. Mass amounts of “bummer smoked. The misunderstanding February 9. It is still unclear to this
dude” and “Mannnnn” echoed comes days after 15,000 homeless day if anyone in America is planning
through cowboy stadium today as men showed up in Dallas looking for on watching a football game this
750 stoners hoping to get high as a a soup-er bowl. Authorities say that Sunday.
P a g e 2 Other headlines C l a s s l e s s c h ap s

S o m e t i m e t e s t e d a d v i c e f o r # 5 2
With the Most Valuable but the national media is and turn my swagger on,
Defensive Player Award hatein’ on him. It is at don’t let them haters get
going to the “Nappy Ha- times like these when the me down” is exactly the
waiian” Troy Polamalu, the hated need some words of advice that Matthews
Green and Gold’s defense inspiration. This inspira- needs. He just needs to
was left speechless. The tion comes from none whip his hair when the
front runner Clay Mat- other than actor/singer/ media is tryin’ to put him
thews basically got producer/dancer/exploited down. The media can’t
shafted. On top of Sir child star WILLO SMITH. tell you nothin’ your just
Clayton’s superior skill and Her song “Whip my Hair” tryin’ to have fun, so keep
ability, his “Bro Flow” seems to have been writ- the party jumpin’ for us in
locks are by far the ten for this exact situa- Dallas Clay. Just WHIP it
suavest in the league. My tion. The poetic verse that Clayton.
guy Clay needs his props goes “hop up out the bed

O r i g i n s o f a 3 r d s t r i n g l e g e n d
All of Packer Nation is aware adult film business under the ing moustache rides for
of the tragic injury that name of Teddy the Tickler. $5.99. I mean let's face it, all
ocured to the great Jay Cutler Since the bears are no longer Hanie will ever be remem-
but many people aren't in the playoffs perhaps Hanie bered for is throwing the
aware that the 3rd string could go back to Dallas and game winning interception to
quarterback with the Ron help them out with their B.J. Raji, and on behalf of the
Jeremy moustache originates shortage of strippers. Hanie's entire population of Packer
from the great city of Dal- professional football career is Nation, I can honestly say
las,Texas. Many are also un- not panning out the way he that everyone loves a BJ.
aware that before Caleb Ha- would have liked. Maybe its Thank you B.J. for restoring
nie's almost heroic comeback time for big Teddy to go back the faith in everyone who
he spent many years in the to what he knows best, giv- doubted the power of a BJ.

S u p e r b o w l s t r e a k i n g t i p s
With the Super Bowl quickly obese. Why is this? It’s not will tell you that you should
approaching, it is time to pre- pleasant for ANYONE, there- wear a bag over you head to
pare for everyone’s favorite part fore, please keep your flab protect your identity. Hogwash,
of a football match, streak- and mold all to yourself. Also you simply will not escape so in
ers. Since the Super Bowl is the the guards seem to have a the end it doesn’t matter. Sec-
primo football event of the year, policy of shooting such peo- ondly be as dry skinned as
it is also the prime time for ple, as no one likes grappling possible, so when you are
streaking, as shown by Janet with a whale, so let’s not ruin tazed there is no amplification
Jackson. First it should be men- the Superbowl with blood- of the electric shock. Finally,
tioned that it is best not to shed. So finally let’s get to run like hell and make sure you
streak if you are obese or near the tips: First, many people have a good lawyer.

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