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Korean Master and Western Student

When we communicate with our friends or our family members we misunderstand menu
do.Nos too scratched his head and wonder if we speak the same language. Why do n
ot I understand? . One definition of communication is the exchange of thoughts,
opinions or information in a conversation, or writing samples. Thus, if all spea
k the same language we understand why evil?
Well, I do not have all the answers, but I have to consider. The challenge comes
from the cultural background of Koreans compared to Westerners. Might speak the
same language but the interpretation or understanding can be quite different. T
hese differences and where they come from those who are interested.
Koreans classified as a collectivist society and the goal of communication is to
maintain harmony. While the western classified as an individualistic society an
d the goal of communication is information. Koreans are emotional, easily embarr
assed and really take into account the feelings. The West is more logical, imper
sonal and tends to separate the affairs of their emotions.
There are different styles of communication, with several findings in the vocabu
lary and the verb in its use among Koreans. This helps in the delineation of soc
ial class or family of the coversacion of people. When Koreans are outside their
country of origin often behave in a manner reserved until they can master the l
anguage of the country and feel connected to the individual who is disrespectful
and unacceptable hablando.Es assume familiarity between strangers too early and
treating or derigirse other by their first names, unless the person is a family
member or friend.
Another important aspect of communication in Korean culture is the use of nonver
bal communication. A common characteristic of Koreans have continued to avoid ey
e contact. This is especially true among people of different sex, age or social
class. However, among familiar people, eye contact and use of first person in th
e conversation may feel more comfortable. Confucianism teaches that "silence is
golden", "If you have something to say and is nothing more beautiful than the si
encio, it is best to be quiet." Therefore, many Koreans are comfortable with lon
g moments of silence through their daily tasks and activities. Enriching the con
versation is highly rewarding, while the talk is regarded as trivial insubstanti
The communication of emotions or feelings with facial expressions is uncommon. T
he smiling and joking are acceptable only in certain situations under certain co
nditions. Otherwise, these expressions from the viewpoint of a Korean person, sh
ow a lack of intelligence and respect.
Another application of communication is the importance of interpersonal contact
between people and space. The family is very touching too poorly tolerated by ma
ny Koreans. In public areas, Koreans accepted the touch that can occur when it i
s due, such as put your hand on the shoulder of the other person. However, in si
tuations within the family, the physical expression of sentmientos as hugging or
kissing is rare. When physical contact such as shaking hands or a hug is always
initiated by the older person and then allowing the youngest person to exchange
The concept of KIBUN has a great importance and is necessary in relations betwee
n the Korean people. The definition of KIBUN does not exist in the Spanish langu
age, but the closest equivalents are feelings, emotional state or state of mind.
With the maintenance of pacific KIBUN, remains an internal environment, peacefu
l. It is the responsibility of those individuals that interact in your life to d
etermine the KIBUN else, so they can resolve needs and communicate effectively.
The gift of knowing how to read and be continually mindful of maintaining good K
IBUN called NUNCHI.El not have this NUNCHI (NUNCHI opts) can easily disturb the
KIBUN, for example: when a young person shows bad manners toward an elder or sup
There is a strong belief in filial duty of family and social roles among Koreans
, treating parents with respect and obedience, care for them when they are elder
ly. Devotion to parents is not considered an obligation or repayment, but as an
honor and privilege that comes from the heart of the children. All these ideas a
re incorporated in the fundamental ideas of the strong values of kinship and fam
ily ties. In Confucianism, there are five three moral codes and moral links that
take place as a center of relationships and the need to strengthen the harmony
and order. They apply especially to the structure of the familia.Este can be mad
e to Kwan transaladado of each, which is tended by his Master Instructors ayegad
os making the most kwan is PerServer with values.
CHEMYEON or "social face" remains a force that controls the Korean society due t
o the approach that prevails in the social environment, hierarchical relationshi
ps, and appropriate behavior. We can also describe the CHEMYEON the prestige, pr
ide, dignity, honor and reputation, which are related to their position in socie
ty. Koreans tend to focus on their daily lives, actions, and maintain social int
eractions around their CHEMYEON. Therefore, when the affected CHEMYEON, and a re
lationship is unbalanced, one must immediately restore that balance. It can be a
delicate and difficult situation but one time a sincere apology can restore the
Koreans tend to let discussions are enlarged very rapidly, on the other hand we
see a discussion as an accepted form of communication, pleasant and stimulating.
Koreans avoid direct, whereas we tend to be honest with dialogue and persuasion
. Koreans do not look straight in the eye for long periods of time, whereas West
erners teach us to do. In the event that a person does not look directly into th
e eyes is that the person has something to hide, to hide something. Koreans took
this as a jest of nerve aguia and challenge them to look directly into the eyes
without lowering the light from time to time.
The denial, in the eyes of Koreans, ruins the atmosphere. A denial of reason to
a Westerner is a Korean aceptable.Según this denial harms "KIBUN. Koreans are very
aware of how their actions affect other people. If devben giving bad news to so
meone, leave it to the end of the day, not to spoil the morning the other person
and thus can be recovered during the night. Koreans often give positive respons
es to avoid disturbing the harmony or hurt feelings:
Teacher asks student --
You can do this for me?
The student responds
(negative response)
I will try!
I will do my best!
While I watch it is difficult to do.
The vision of the West to respond effectively to the information to show sinceri
ty in your response or question
No (negative response)
I can not!
I agree!
In the second case while knowing that one may not please the Master, the answer
as a negative phrase, I can not!, Suggests that the respondent has not even inte
nd to test whether you can do the job and that arrogance and show little regard
for the individual student. The Korean students were taught that one should list
en and not ask the teacher to be seen as an authority. Children must be supervis
ed and should not be fighting escuchados.Si Maestro is a student, and students m
ust remain silent while the teacher finished talking, the Master concludes after
this, the student must make a time for reflection and respond later. Interumpir
the Master or not to answer "yes" or "no" are not well accepted.
I can see in these examples frustration and misunderstanding that can occur easi
ly. Sometimes when a Korean says "Yes" means "I heard you." To us the "Yes" we i
nterpret as an affirmation berth. For the Koreans communicate better through foo
d and drink, the dialogue is secondary.
"At West dialogue is the primary source. Koreans display a high level of nonverb
al communication (NUNCHI), especially with superiors. Verval This communication
is not very inportante, especially renowned for the Masters, representing a scho
ol or organization, where the shapes are much more important than words. "
We rely on the communication of the word. Koreans believe that society is not re
asonable, and there is no place for logic. We believe that society is controlled
and persuaded with logic step by step.
Preferieren Koreans speak from the heart. Westerners see this method of communic
ation such as speaking in circulos.Es important to consider the fact that the Ko
rean language is hierarchical in structure.
Here are 5 pilarescde Korean culture:
1) follow Confucian concepts of authority, the duty of hierarchical relationship
s and unequal (no one is equal and everyone should continue its role in society)
2) the enormous value education because it offers the path to a high social stat
us, wisdom, abundance and success in life
3) strong sense of loyalty to the family, which is the foundation of Korean life
, and includes a sense of duty and obligation.
4) proud of its history, its people and the tremendous progress made in the last
50 years.
5) his attitude is always working for the benefit of the collective benefit of t
he individual
The six concepts that control the psyche are in Korea, the CHEMYEON (social aspe
ct), KIBUN (emotions), NUNCHI (see KIBUN) bunuiki (ambient), jeong (harmony) and
(unit), and the interaction between these forces as to the Korean culture so un
Only persons who are aware of the values of Koreans and their own, and the match
will enjoy harmony in a balanced and fruitful relationship between the two.

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