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Assigment #5 Brittany Contrera.

English Immersion Program.

UNEV Santiago

Grammar ´´There was / There were´´.

1- Reed carefully the following explanations and pay close attention to the
charts so that you learn How and When to use There was / There were.

This is the past form of There is / There are. As in the Simple Present we will use 'there
was' when the accompanying noun is a countable noun in the singular or an uncountable
one and 'there were' with the countable nouns in the plural.
These are some examples of sentences using there was and there were.

Plural There were There were 3 strangers outside the office

Singular There was There was a stranger outside the house

Plural Were there? Were there 3 strangers outside the house?

Singular Was there? Was there a stranger outside the house?

- Affirmative statements with There Was and There Were

This is the way to make affirmative sentences with there was and there were

There + Verb to be Complement

There + was a book.

There + were two people


Check these examples of sentences using there was and there were.

1. There was a cat in the house.

2. There was money in the safe.
3. There was a dog barking at us.
Assigment #5 Brittany Contrera.

- Negative statements with There Was and There Were

This is the way to make affirmative sentences with there was and there were
There + Verb to be Complement

There + wasn’t a book.

There + weren’t two people


Check these examples of negative sentences using there was and there were.

1. There wasn’t any money in the bank.

2. There wasn’t any information in the file.
3. There wasn’t a Christmas tree in the living room

- Questions with There Was and There Were

This is the way to make questions with there was and there were
Verb to be + There Complement?

Was + there a book.?

Were + there two people?


Check these examples of questions using there was and there were.

1. Was there a man standing here?

2. Was there a soccer player in the hotel?
3. Was there a museum in that old town?

Questions and Answers

A: Were there a lot of people at the party?

B: No, there weren’t.
A: Was there a lot of food at the party?
B: Yes, there was.
2- Follow the link and watch the video so you understand better
this topic.
Assigment #5 Brittany Contrera.


3- Turn the following sentences into negative.

1. There was a cake on the table. There was not a cake on the table.

2. There were many books on the shelf. There were not any books on the shelf.

3. There was an old bed in the room. There was not an old bed in the room.

4. There were ten eggs in the fridge. There were not ten eggs in the fridge.

5. There were five flowers in the vase. There were not five flowers in the vase.

6. There was a cat in the kitchen. There was not a cat in the kitchen.

7. There was a big table in the room. There was not a big table in the room.

8. There were many trees in the garden. There were not any trees in the garden.

9. There was a TV set on the table. There was not a TV set on the table.

4- Turn the following sentences into interrogative.

1. There were five children in the room. Were there five children in the room?

2. There were three kittens in the box. Were there three kittens in the box?
Assigment #5 Brittany Contrera.

3. There was a telephone on the table. Was there a telephone on the table?

4. There were some birds in the tree. Were there some birds in the tree?

5. There was a big lemon on the table. Was there a big lemon on the table?

6. There was a fridge in the kitchen. Was there a fridge in the kitchen?

7. There were some boys in yard. Were there some boys in yard?

8. There was a toy bear on the sofa. Was there a toy bear on the sofa?

9. There were newspapers on the floor. Were there newspapers on the floor?

5- Make sentences with the following words by putting them in


1. a birthday / there / cake / on the table / was. There was a birthday cake on the table.

2. funny / two / under the bench / were / puppies / there. There were two funny puppies
under the bench.

3. was / a letter / on the table / there / not. There was not a letter on the table.

4. there / flowers / were / nice / in the vase? Were there nice flowers in the vase?

5. some / were / apples / in the fridge / there. There were some apples in the fridge.
Assigment #5 Brittany Contrera.

6. a kitten / under the tree / there / was? Was there a kitten under the tree?

7. in the field / a horse / not / was / there. There was not a horse in the field.

8. there / any people / were / at the bus-stop? Were there any people at the bus-stop?

9. there / not / a tiger / in the street / was. There was not a tiger in the street.

10. any children / at the zoo / there / not / were. There were not any children at the zoo.

Picture A
Assigment #5 Brittany Contrera.

6- Fill in the blanks with THERE IS / THERE ARE.

1.There is a web on the window. 2. There is a big spider in the web. 3. There is
an old TV set in the corner of the room. 4. There is a radio on the TV set. 5. There are
three flowers in pots on a window sill. 6. There are two butterflies on the flowers. 7.
There is a fat dog with a bone. 8.There is a green cup on a table. 9.There are two big red
apples on the table. 10.There is a thick book in front of the apples.
11. There are glasses next to the book. 12. There are two chairs in the room. 13. There
are two women in this room. 14.There is a purple teapot. 15.There is a grey cat under the
table. 16.There is a baby next to a woman.
Assigment #5 Brittany Contrera.

Picture B

7- Make sentences using THERE WAS / THERE WERE talking

about the things that are missing, taking as a reference Picture

1.There was a dog on the floor.

2. There were two butterflies on the flowers.

2.There was a baby next to a woman.

Assigment #5 Brittany Contrera.

3.There were glasses next to the book.

4. There was a book on the table.

5.There were two apples on the table.

6.There was a web on the window.

7.There were three flowers in pots on a window.

8.There was a green cup on the table.

9.There were two people in this room.

10.There was a big spider.

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