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Philosophy- love of wisdom, seeks to understand the mysteries of

Philo/philia- Greek word of wisdom
Classification Of LoVE
EROS- part of love constituting a passionate, intense desire for
Philia- entails a fondness and appreciation of other
Agape- paternal love of God to human, brotherly love for all humanity
Philia- philosophers must exhibit this kind of love because it seeks for
Lover of wisdom- human endeavous of seeking wisdom, philosophers
Philosophy- science of all sciences
Knowledge- is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or
something, such as facts, skills, or objects
Wisdom- the quality or state of being wise
Philosophy & Science – studies the fundamental truth about universe,
nature and life.
Philosophy & History- interrelated fields that are dependent to each
other, breading ground, interpretation
Philosophy & math- logical bodies of knowledge, logical reasoning
Philosophy & Religion- inseparable fields in a sense that justifies the
other, philosophical culmination of ideas, concretizes the divine belief.
Major Discipline of Philosophy
Logic- study of right and sound reasoning
Epistemology- study of validity of knowledge
Metaphysics- seeks to explain the fundamental concept of being
Aesthetics- philosophical study of beauty.
Cosmology- study of real things in the universe
Theodicy- study of God and his nature
Social Philosophy- study of human and their relation in society
Ethics- science of morality of human acts.
-teach how human ought to live, branch of philosophy with
principles of conduct of a group.
Ethos/ethnikos- Greek word for way of doing things or body of customs
Sine qua non- the practice of ethnical/moral life’s implies imperatives.
Human freedom- actions wouldn’t deserve any rewards of punishment if
there is no freedom
Existence of God- good acts are rewarded, evil acts are punished
Immortality of the Soul- if there’s no life after death, people will commit
evil acts
Mos- latin word for custom
Morals- customs established by group of individuals, customarily
allowable as right or wrong
Ethnical Principles
Truthfullness/honesty- basic principles of the natural moral law, dealings
with others is a pre-requisite for social order and well-being
Loyalty- the willing and practical and through going devotion of a
person to a cause
Respect- simplest form, maintains the human beings have intrinsic and
unconditional moral worth.
Fairness- characterized by equality, respect and justice & stewardship of
the shared world
Integrity- principle imposes an obligation on all individuals to be
straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationship
Ethics- the principles of high & wrong that guide an individual in
making decisions
Morals- the rules develop as a result of cultural values and norms
Moral standards- set of norms in society in accord to moral principles
that suppose to determine about the kind of actions people believe are
morally right & deter them
Development of Moral Standards- postulated by accepted cultural
practices and established societal norms overtime
Moral standards- rules of people have about kinds of actions they
believe right or wrong
Non-moral standards- rules unrelated to moral or ethical considerations
Dilemma- difficult situation in which as individual is confronted to
choose between 2 or more alternative actions to resolve the problem
Types of Dilemma
Classic dilemma- type of dilemma that has different criteria, same
Temporal dilemma- has same process, different criteria, same result but
varies according to time frame
Orthogonal dilemma- different behaviors, different criteria, generates
different outcomes both can be considered but should be based on
Sequential dilemma- different behavior, different criteria, proportion of
time to spend in each situation
Unequal Dilemma- type of dilemma where in dilemma is split across
unequal status, because of unequal status, one side of dilemma receives
Moral Dilemma- person making a decision experience a conflict
between the morals rightness of a decision and the quality of the results
it produces
Personal Dilemma- type of moral dilemma in which the individual needs
to choose between 2 points neither of which resolves the situation in an
ethnically acceptable fashion
Organizational Dilemma- moral dilemma of principles and standards by
which business operates
Systematic Dilemma- type of moral dilemma about law that can harm to
Freedom- power of right to act, speak or think
Freedom (politics)- involves free will as contrasted with determinism
Kant- a philosopher who aid that freedom is the source of all value
Saint Augustine- philosopher who said that human is free physically, yet
bound to obey the law
Gorbachev- philosopher who said that principles of freedom is a must,
moral freedom involves freedom over things that matter the most
Quito- philosopher who said that “no ethics is likewise without human
Immanuel kant- he said that morality was based on reason along and
once we understood it, we would see that acting morally is the same as
acting rationally
Reasons- enables us to think and reflect over the actions that we intend
to do and decide which of the to take
Morality- mere knowledge of this will not make human moral
Impartiality- principle of justice should be objective, not in the basis of
Moral freedom- in which individuals are expected to determine for
themselves what it means to lead a good and virtuous life.
- Involves freedom over the things that matter most
Moral Agent- a being who is capable of acting with reference to right
and wrong
-expected to meet the demands of morality (choosing between good and
- must also be capable of conforming to at least some of the demands of
-someone who is capable of doing things right or wrong
-those who can be held responsible for their actions
Culture- an aggregate of beliefs, attitudes etc. which can be viewed as
“blessing” and a preserver of values, heritage, arts & good behavior.
-it changes with time
-it can also be a baggage
Types of Culture
High culture- linked with elite upper-class society, those families and
individuals with an ascribed status position
Cultural Diversity- concept relating to culturally embedded differences
within society, it’s the fact that different cultures exist alongside each
Subculture- culture enjoyed by a small group within society, they have
distinct norms and values
Popular Culture -borrow the idea from high culture and popularizes it,
making it available for the masses
-positive force for it brings people of different backgrounds together in a
common culture
Multiculturalism- different ethnic groups living alongside each other
Global culture- feauture of globalization, they are emerged due to
patterns of migration, trends in international travel and the spread of the
Importance of culture
-culture affects perceptions
-influence behavior
-shapes personalities
-our culture shapes our value and belief systems
Moral behavior- are what one believes to be the right things to do
Role of Culture in moral behavior
-shaping moral behavior and extends even further to social norms
-influences human behavior at any given’s society beliefs system law
mores, practices which make a people unique from others (Victor, 2017)
-has a great impact in the development of the human person
Cultural relativism- principle of regarding the beliefs, values and
practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself
Ethnical relativism- theory that holds that morality is relative to the
norms of one’s culture
-it denies the extension of one universal moral law
Moral relativism- view that moral judgement are true or false only
relative to some particular standpoint
-there is always one right answer to any ethical question
-it is an ethical judgement which claims that no ethical system is better
than another (Jeff landaver & Joseph Rowlands, 2001)
Moral relativism- descriptive moral relativism/cultural relativism
-says that moral standards are culturally defined, which is generally true
Meta-ethical moral relativism- there are no objectives grounds for
preferring the moral values of one culture over another
Normative moral relativism- idea that all societies should accept each
other’s differing moral values.
Buddhism- shapes character in southeast Asia as Christianity does in
Theravada Buddhism- encourages its practitioners to keep their
emotions and passions and check and stresses karma over determination,
which often means people are more willing to accept their lot in life and
is sometimes is viewed by westerners as a lack of ambition or
Buddhism 5 basic moral prohibitions
-refrain for taking life
-don’t steal
-avoid illicit sexual activity
-don’t speak falsely
-refrain from consuming inebriating substances
5 cardinal virtues
-benevolence in terms of sympathy for others
-duty reflected in the shame felt after doing something wrong
-manners, propriety and feelings of deference
-wisdom,interms of discerning right and wrong
-loyalty and good faith
Filipino moral Character
-friendly, outgoing, sensitive, easily offended, good nature, happy, value
educ, nosy, direct, hospitable, clever, generous, feisty, irrevent, witty,
fun loving
Filipinos as “ the easiest people in Asia to get along with”
1. Pakikipagkapwa0tao- sense of justice and fairness, concern for
2. Strong family ties- possess a genuine and deep love for family, has
honor to elder and care to children
3. Joy & humor- being cheerful & fun loving
4. Flexibility, adaptability, Creativity- we can adjust and to adapt to
circumstances and the surrounding environment, both physical and
5. Hard-work and industry- we have the capacity for hard-work given
proper conditions
6. FAITH & religiosity-
1. Extreme Personalism- we tend to give personal interpretations to
2. Family Centeredness- result to a lack of concern for the common
good and acts as a block to national consciousness
3. Lack of discipline- being impatient
4. Passivity and lack of initiatives
5. Colonial mentality
6. Kanya-kanya syndrome
7. Lack of self-analysis & self-reflection
Filipino positive values
-hospitability-helpful to others/bayanihan
-jolliness and sense of humor
-discretion and dignity
-family oriented
-adaptabilty and resilience
Negative Values
1. Fatalism- an attitude of “what goes around, comes around” or
“come what may”
2. Crab mentality- people tend to push each other down to clear the
way for their own gain
3. Ningas-kugos – leaving our work either half-baked or unfinished
4. Filipino-time
5. Colonial MENTALITY- preference for all things foreign over our
6. General disregard for rules- filipinos are known law abiding
individuals but with stronger inclination to disregard these laws
7. Procrastination or “Mañana Habit”- bukas nalang o mamaya
8. Corruption
9. Gossiping
10.Passivity (lack of leadership)
Values – from latin word “valere” which means “to be worth”
-means to peace, to esteem, to appraise, to estimate (John Dewey)
Human Values- are the virtue that guide us to take into account human
element when one interacts with one another human being
-our feelings for the huma essence of others
Moral values- help us distinguish between what’s right and wrong, good
or bad for you as well as society
-principles that govern our lives & beliefs that make us realize the
importance of life
Types of Moral Values
Acceptance: having an objective attitude toward others‘ ideas and
practices that differ from your own
b. Compassion: understanding the suffering of others or self and
wanting to do something about it
c. Courage: willingness to do difficult things.
d. Equality: believing everyone deserves equal rights and to be treated
with respect.
e. Fairness: acting in a just way, sharing appropriately
f. Generosity: willingness to give resources, help or time to others
g. Honesty: being truthful and sincere
Integrity: sticking to your moral and ethical principles and values
i. Kindness: being considerate and treating others well
j. Perseverance: persisting in a course of action, belief or purpose
k. Politeness: using good manners, acting in socially acceptable ways
l. Respect: showing consideration for the worth of someone or
m. Responsibility: being reliable in your obligations
n. Self-control: staying in control of your words and behavior

Sources of Moral Values

- religion
Faith is the virtue of believing in God’s word without seeing.
Hope is the virtue of keeping trust in Divine Providence.
Charity is the virtue of loving God and His creatures
Prudence is the virtue of knowing what to do under peculiar
circumstances which enables one to see the best means to approach a
given situation.
Justice is a virtue of giving anyone his/her due under no condition.
Fortitude is a virtue of keeping resolute in the face of overwhelming
Temperance is the virtue of curbing or managing the sensitive appetites.

Moral character
 -a function of whether he/she has or lacks various moral virtues
and vices.
 formed by one’s actions -- habits, actions, and emotional
responses of the person of good character
theory of Lawrence Kohlberg states that the moral development of
most people begins with a desire to avoid personal punishment and
may evolve over time to a desire to make the world a better and more
just place for all people.

Conscience based mora decisions

 Conscience from its Latin origin known as

cum alia scientia; it means the
application of knowledge.
 an act of reason
 an act of the practical moral judgment
 an act guided by reason
 The best way to educate our conscience is
to always obey laws.

 Acts that Build Character

 Character is developed through time
and experiences
 It will determine our success
 Acts that Emanate from Character
 Character is what we are, it is inside us,
hidden, and shaped through times,
while acts are outward manifestation of
who we are

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