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Vision A vibrant university high school nurturing lives for a great future.

Mission To develop happy achievers equipped with life-relevant skills anchored on Scholarship,
Character and Service.

Core Values Self-reliant, resilience, God-loving, compassion, extra miler

Module 1
Lesson 1 – Discovering the Hero; Reclaiming My Worth
Lesson 1.1 Beowulf
In this lesson, you will discover yourself while identifying the hero of an Anglo-American
Literature. As you go through the lesson you will learn about an epic that will help you
empathize to the characters while learning you really are as well. Let’s discover the real You
and unlock your potential.

Activity 1: Anticipation-Reaction Guide

Before we indulge ourselves to the exciting world of Anglo-American Literature, let us
first have a little expectation setting.
In this part, answer the column "Before the Lesson." Write TRUE for those statements
that are correctly stated and FALSE if otherwise.
Before the Statement After the
Lesson Lesson
TRUE 1. European countries have epics, while Asian countries
have folktales.
FALSE 2. Any ordinary person can be an epic hero.
FALSE 3. Beowulf is an example of an Anglo-American Poem.
TRUE 4. Old poems usually rhyme, while modern ones don't. `
TRUE 5. Lyric poems are those poems that are sung or chanted.
FALSE 6. We use modal verbs with permission, obligation, and
prohibition statements.
TRUE 7. Anglo-American literature’s most prominent
characteristics of this poetry include heroic action and
codes of conduct.

Let's start the module by recalling our lessons on literature in the previous grade levels. Try also
to remember what makes someone heroic as you go through this part. Keep on thinking about
these questions.
Activity What
2: Wanted: makes a poem effective? What is the best way to know one’s self?
During this pandemic, imagine you are enlisted to participate in special training that
eventually makes you a better and more prepared individual. Among the description
below, what characteristics should you have to be a part of the ten outstanding graduates
of the special training?

I am … Active Adventurous Authentic Awesome

Beautiful Bold Brave Capable Caring Confident
Courageous Curious Dependable Determined
Distinct Dynamic Energetic Enthusiastic exceptional
Fascinating Feisty Fun Gutsy Happy Hardworking healthy
Do you have what it takes to be a hero? What should you do to become one? Do you
already have an idea of who you are? List your anticipations for this lesson in the box .

I think I don’t have the capabilities to become a hero but if I really do become one I must do anything I
my power to preserve peace and unity. My traits as a hero is helpful, attentiveness I my surroudings
lesson in the know
and always have the energy to help others.

How are the first two activities so far? Let us know more about you in the next activities!

Activity 3: My Top 3 List

Every individual is like a yin-yang or a coin (with two sides). We are composed of a
bunch of strengths and some weaknesses or vice versa. For now, you are to submit a list
of your strengths and weaknesses with your talents and abilities. In case you forget, not
everyone is made of sugar, spice and everything nice but everyone is made of talents
and abilities.

My Strengths / Weaknesses & Talents / Abilities Chart

Strength Weaknesses Talents Abilities
1.joyful Shy Dancing Genuine interest in
2.generous Judgmental people Running A great sense of
3.respectful Laziness Swimming The ability to be
supportive and
motivate others.

Process Questions:
1. Which among the four did you have a hard time filling in? How about an easier time?
* Talents and abilities were the ones I had a hard time filling in because I sometimes see
myself as a normal person who has no talent and abilities.
2. Do you think it is what others think about you as well?
* Maybe, but I’m not actually sure because what if they have different thought in what I
think of myself.
3. How do you use your strengths, talents and abilities?
* I use these to be my guiding lines in becoming a contented in what i have in my life.
4. How do you overcome your weaknesses?
* By facing my weaknesses and not running away from it.
5. What is the best way to know one’s self?
* For me the best way to know one’s self is to find your strength, weaknesses, talent and

In this lesson, YOU will have a better understanding of yourself by dissecting your
personality – your strengths, weaknesses, talents, and abilities.

You have listed in the previous activities your strengths, weaknesses, abilities and
talents. The next activity will be much exciting; you will meet a hero of an Anglo-
American Literature.

ACTIVITY 4: The Brave Soul

In the classic epic below, you will be exposed to the adventures of a hero named
Beowulf. You will have to focus on identifying yourself by empathizing with the hero.

But before that you need to answer this question:

What are your thoughts about Anglo-American Literature?
 I think this topic is going to be hard for me because I have a hard time in this subject,
but I will try my best in understanding this and make me much more knowledgeable in

this subject
What do you think this epic is all about?
 This is about the story of Beowulf slaying a giant dragon

Now, read the selection to see if your thoughts matched the story.


Beowulf begins with a history of the great Danish King Scyld (whose

funeral is described in the Prologue). King Hrothgar, Scyld's great-
grandson, is well-loved by his people and successful in war. He builds a
lavish hall called Heorot, to house his vast army, and when the hall is
finished, the Danish warriors gather under its roof to celebrate.

Grendel, a monster who lives at the bottom of a nearby mere, is

provoked by the singing and celebrating of Hrothgar's followers. He
appears at the hall late one night and kills thirty of the warriors in their
sleep. For the next twelve years, the fear of Grendel's fury casts a shadow over Danes'
lives. Hrothgar and his advisors can think of nothing to calm the monster's anger.

Beowulf, prince of the Geats, hears about Hrothgar's troubles,

gathers fourteen of the bravest Geat warriors, and sets sail from his
home in southern Sweden. The members of Hrothgar's court greet
the Geats, and Beowulf boasts to the king of his previous successes
as a warrior, particularly his success in fighting sea monsters.
Hrothgar welcomes the arrival of the Geats, hoping that Beowulf will live up to his
reputation. During the banquet that follows Beowulf's arrival, Unferth, a Danish thane,
voices doubt about Beowulf's past accomplishments, and Beowulf, in return, accuses
Unferth of killing his brothers. Before the night ends, Hrothgar promises Beowulf great
treasures if he meets with success against the monster.

Process Questions:
Do you think it was reasonable for Grendel to cause havoc because of the banquet?
* No, for it is not good to cause havoc at the banquet, he could have just talk and
negotiated with them calmly

What do you think will happen next?

*He will set a quest to find and slay grendel

Grendel appears on the night of the Geats' arrival at Heorot. Beowulf, true to his
word, wrestles the monster barehanded. He tears off the monster's arm at the shoulder,
but Grendel escapes, only to die soon afterward at the bottom of his snake-infested
mere. The Danish warriors, who have fled the hall in fear, return singing songs in praise
of Beowulf's triumph. Hrothgar rewards Beowulf with a great store of treasures. After
another banquet, the warriors of both the Geats and the Danes retire for the night.
Unknown to the warriors; however, Grendel's mother is plotting revenge. She
arrives at the hall when all the warriors are sleeping and carries off Aeschere, Hrothgar's
chief advisor, and her son's claw.  Beowulf offers to dive to the bottom of the lake, find
the monster and destroy her. He and his men follow the monster's tracks to the cliff
overlooking the lake where Grendel's mother lives. They see Aeschere's bloody head
sitting on the cliff. While preparing for battle, Beowulf asks Hrothgar to protect his
warriors and send his treasures to his uncle, King Hygelac, if he doesn't return safely.

If you were Grendel's mother, would you also take revenge

for your son? Explain
 Yes, because it hurts to lose someone you love

Before Beowulf goes into the sea, Unferth offers him his sword, Hrunting. During the
ensuing battle, Grendel's mother carries Beowulf to her underwater home. After a terrible
fight, Beowulf kills the monster with a magical sword, probably put there by the Al-
Weilder, that he finds on the wall of her home. He also finds Grendel's dead body, cuts
off the head, and returns to land, where the Geat and Danish warriors are waiting
expectantly. Beowulf has now abolished the race of evil monsters.

The warriors return to Hrothgar's court, where the

Danes and Geats prepare a feast in celebration of
the death of the monsters. Beowulf bids farewell to
Hrothgar and tells the old king that if the Danes
ever again need help, he will gladly come to their
assistance. Hrothgar presents Beowulf with more
treasures, and they embrace, emotionally, like
father and son.
The Geats sail home. After recounting the story of his battles with Grendel and
Grendel's mother, Beowulf tells King Hygelac about the feud between Denmark and their
enemies, the Heatho-bards. He describes the proposed peace settlement, in which
Hrothgar will give his daughter Freawaru to Ingeld, king of the Heatho-bards, but predicts
that the peace will not last long. Hygelac rewards Beowulf for his bravery with land,
swords, and houses.
The meeting between Hygelac and Beowulf marks the end of the first part of the
poem. In the next part, Hygelac is dead, and Beowulf has been the king of the Geats for
fifty years. A thief steals a jeweled cup from a sleeping dragon who avenges his loss by
flying through the night burning down houses, including Beowulf's hall and throne.
Beowulf goes to the cave where the dragon lives, vowing to destroy it single-handedly.
He's an old man now, and he is not as strong as he was when he fought Grendel. During
the battle, Beowulf breaks his sword against the dragon's side; the dragon,
enraged, engulfs Beowulf in flames and wounds him in the neck. All of
Beowulf's followers flee except Wiglaf, who rushes through the flames to
assist the aging warrior. Wiglaf stabs the dragon with his sword, and
Beowulf, in a final act of courage, cuts the dragon in half with his knife.
If you were Wiglaf, what would you do?
I would the great king, Beowulf

Yet the damage is done. Beowulf realizes that he's dying, that he has fought his
last battle. He asks Wiglaf to bring him the dragon's storehouse of treasures; seeing the
jewels and gold will make him feel that the effort has been worthwhile. He instructs
Wiglaf to build a tomb known as "Beowulf's tower" on the edge of the sea. After Beowulf
dies, Wiglaf admonishes the troops who deserted their leader when he fought against the
dragon. He tells them that they have been untrue to the standards of bravery, courage,
and loyalty that Beowulf has taught.
Wiglaf sends a messenger to a nearby camp of Great soldiers with instructions to
report the outcome of the battle. Wiglaf supervises the building of the funeral pyre. In
keeping with Beowulf's instructions, the dragon's treasure is buried alongside Beowulf's
ashes in the tomb. The poem ends as it began -- with the funeral of a great warrior.
- END –

Process Questions
1. How do you feel after reading the adventures of Beowulf?
it felt like reading an action and fantasy movie. Every sentence that I have read puts
my mind into a state that imagines the scenes that are portrayed in the story.
2. What was the best part of the epic that you can relate the most?
the best part was were Beowulf fought the dragon himself not until wiglaf refused to
retreat. In life no matter how many friends you have only few are loyal to you that’s why
you should always be thankful for them.

3. What were the lessons that you got from the epic?
That not all friends and followers are not the same as loyalty
4. What is a revelation about Beowulf that makes you think that even a character
from old Saxon Literature went through the same experience of self-discovery?
dying can always happen anywhere anytime. Beowulf lived a life full of fortune and
battles and he ended his life with a bang.

Anglo-American Literature also known as English Literature, the prefix Anglo refers to the
relation to the Angles, England, the English people and Language.
Epic is a narrative poem about a heroic adventure of a certain individual.

Below is a chart with the characters of the epic Beowulf. Supply the characteristics of
each character and jot down the striking similarities and differences of the characters
from you.
Characters Characteristics Striking Similarity and
Differences between you and
the character. Why do you
Beowulf Brave , strong , responsible Me and Beowulf

King Hrothgar Generous , loyal I am always loyal to person

that a worth being loyal to
Grendel Resentful I tend to hide my anger in
times that are not needed

Grendel’s Mother Vengeful I don’t seek vegeance

Wiglaf Loyal, kind, brave Wiglaf is kind of like me but

not brave

Process Questions:
1. After filling up the chart, what was your realization about yourself?
I realized that we don’t have similar characteristic and that I am completely a
different person.
2. Were there many similarities between you and the characters? Why do you
think so?
not many, wiglaf is kind and loyal like me
3. Which character made you feel a connection with? Why?
Wiglaf, for I am somewhat like him kind and loyal at the same time willing to be
by their side when something bad happens
4. If you were one of the characters in the epic, who will you be and why?
I would want to be Beowulf , I want to experience a life full of action and enjoy a
lavish life like him.

How do you find the activities so far?

Rate yourself by coloring the stars:

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