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Silver Pulser & Colloidal Silver:

I've noticed the following: (After daily blood electrification and drinking
colloidal silver.)

1. Reduction in old skin scars.

2. Resolution of warts on the surface first with building of good tissue


3. Healing of athlete's foot virtually overnight

4. Very decreased recovery time after heavy weight lifting.

5. Decreased sugar craving and need for less food in general.

B.L., Minnesota

Silver Pulser & Colloidal Silver:

I bought your Silver Pulser-have used it every day now for about a month.
This is the first time in 9 years I've felt great!! (Chronic fatigue
syndrome, fibromyalgia, hashimoto's, candida, etc.) I was using silver
colloid (30 ppm)…but the stuff I make (5 ppm) seems so much more
effective-why is this??

My life is just starting over-thank you so much!

C.W., California

Editor's Note: From what we've researched, 5 ppm seems easier for the body to
work with. Protein stabilizers can reduce the effectiveness of colloidal
April 1997
Silver Pulser & Colloidal Silver:
I can't say enough about the unit. I have had prostate pain for about one
year and since I take silver [colloid] and the zapper [Silver Pulser] the
pain is totally gone in about two weeks.

C.S., B.C.

Colloidal Silver:
I want to share my silver colloid experiences with "Health Stories from the

My yellowish tinge skin coloration I've had since 1975 disappeared-restoring

my skin to a normal flesh tone. (It happened after I drank a whole glass of
silver colloid for a few consecutive days.)

S.C., LA

Colloidal Silver:
Within an hour of making and drinking silver colloid, my wife had a much
needed bowel movement and her cobweb feeling head cleared up. I feel great,

Dr. C.S.

Colloidal Silver:
I am currently visiting my Granny. She has a colloidal silver machine [Silver
Maker]. I have always had trouble with ichy red eyes that would swell
periodically. The doctor would give me antibiotic drops for them which didn't
seem to heal them much faster than if I'd just left then alone.

When I first arrived at Granny's one week ago I woke up with infected,
swollen eyes. The infection was so bad that it spread to the left side of my
nose which was swollen and hurt to touch. When I looked in the mirror I was
so horrified that I cried, which just worsened the condition. I looked
hideous and I was embarrassed to be looked at. I felt depressed. It was my
friend's birthday party in two days. I was sad because I knew from past
experience that it would take a week or two to heal! I was desperate so I
decided to try my Granny's colloidal silver. I sipped the liquid slowly
running it through my teeth and under my tongue. After drinking 8 ounces I
got a warm, almost tingly feeling in my mouth, throat, and stomach.
Everywhere the liquid touched. Immediately I got an energy lift and my mood
changed for the better. I turned from depressed to hopeful. I then soaked a
large cotton ball in it and taped it to the worst part of the infection the
side of the nose and eye. I put 3 drops in each eye every 40 minutes and made
sure the cotton ball stayed wet. After one hour I noticed my eyes were
already less swollen. After two hours my eyes appeared normal which shocked
me. I peeled the bandage back and to my surprise the swelling was gone. I
looked normal. What only two hours before seemed like a disaster was now
turned around thanks to colloidal silver. I went to the party with bells on!

I've been drinking it every day now for 1 week and each time I drink it, it
lifts my mood and gives me energy. I got from tired or even grumpy to
energetic and pleasant!

V.W., B.C.

The Zapper:
We had a flu bug in California this winter which I had. The bug caused
respiratory congestion and took all the energy reserves leaving an exhaustion
for 2 or 3 weeks. I received the Clark Zapper [The Zapper] after recovering
for one week in a very weak state. I zapped for 7 days. After two days my
energy was restored. After one week I had more energy than before the flu.
The energy level is very high some five weeks after the flu.

An unexpected surprise was after one week of zapping; my ringing in the ears
which I had for 2-3 years stopped. I was able through specific nutrients to
stop the ringing prior to zapping for two days. It has now been three weeks
with no ringing."

Dr. R.P., CA

The Zapper:
We are very happy with The Zapper and have been documenting info for you. I
was in Costa Rica for a year and got DDT poisoning and hemorraghic parasites
so it's been a long road back to health but I'm getting there!

A.W., CA

May 1997

The Zapper:
September 20/96: "The pulmonary physician found a large amount of fluid
between my left lung and my chest wall. My left lung was collapsed about 50%
due to the pressure of the liquid. ...

September 24/96: " ... the lab report showed cancer cells! ...

"I had read Dr. Clark's The Cure for All Cancers about six months ago. ...

September 26/96: "I started the Dr. Clark's parasite program. ...

October 16/96: "I went to see the oncologist. They still don't know where the
cancer is. He assured my wife and I that I definitely had cancer. ... he
predicted I would live only 12-15 more months and if in the future I had
chemo, it would improve the 'quality of my life' and might extend my life
about three more months!!! ... Naturally we left his office in shock! ...
November 4/96: "Arrived in San Diego ... On the third day Dr. Clark met my
wife and I and confirmed that yes, I did have cancer and that the fluid in my
chest cavity as confirmation of my last x-ray before coming to the clinic.
... she also said that I would have to visit the dentist and have ALL the
metal removed from my mouth. ...

"It ended up in my having 12 teeth removed ... In addition I had to have all
my fillings removed since even the 'plastic' fillings had metal in them. ...
If I had known this dental work had to be done, it would have saved time if I
had the work done before I went to the clinic ...

"We ended up staying five weeks due to the dental work delaying my progress.
... The great news is that when I left the clinic the chest x-ray showed no
fluid and I was feeling excellent. ...

"When I got home I scheduled a check up with my pulmonary physician ... The
doctor cam in beaming from ear to ear and told us that the x-ray was
excellent with no fluid in the chest cavity ... I then told him I had read
the book and had gone to the clinic. ... He then suddenly acted like he was
deaf and had never heard me and did not ask a single question!! ... My
primary care physician, that originally found the problem has been very
supportive. He said, 'traditional medicine had nothing to offer me'! ...

"Incidentally, I will be 70 years old in March and can now do 10 regular

push-ups ..."

E.D., Virginia

Silver Pulser & Magnetic Pulser:

"I have had chronic fatigue syndrome of a viral origin for 16 years. Last
year I used Bob Beck's electronics diagram to build my own blood cleanser
[Silver Pulser] and I also built my own Magnetic Pulser (my background is

"I used them both for 2 months for a total of 90 hours on the blood cleanser.
Even though it was somewhat difficult with all the cleansing reactions I'm
glad I did it because now I feel like the virus has been completely
eliminated because I don't have the ongoing flu-like symptoms anymore. I
highly recommend the use of this product for any problem of viral and/or
bacterial origin."

M.F., North Carolina

Colloidal Silver:
"I went to Australia in late March for 8 days. On the sixth day I started
getting the tell-tale tickle in the back of my throat and things went
downhill from there. When I arrived back in the US, I had the full blown flu,
which I affectionately nicknamed the Martian Swine Flu. Consistent coughing,
sneezing, fever, watery eyes, you name it. And I just couldn't shake it.
Tried doctors, my homemade cayenne pepper recipe, everything, and nothing

worked. Then [my friend] Jon stepped in to the rescue. He told me about
colloidal silver and it really caught my attention. He brought in about a
half gallon [which I drank] every day for about a week and presto!! The flu
disappeared along with a recurring case of athlete's foot that I have had for
about 10 years. Another effect was that my mustache grew about a 1/4 of an
inch OVERNIGHT!! Woke up the next morning and had to trim it before I could
eat breakfast, it was the weirdest thing ... Needless to say I now have my
own Silver Pulser and have never felt better ..."

D.C., California

July 1997
During October 1996 I received a call from my sister telling me she had
pulled a tic out of her arm. The tone of her voice imparted deep concern
about the bite. Before this I had not spoke to anyone who had Lymes Disease.
Apparently she had and knew that it is carried by tics. Thinking back now I
thought I would have learned about Lymes because I live in a high risk area
in the three high risk states and also because of my interest in health and
avoiding offensive foods, inhalants, poisons etc. I'm a 20 yr. vegan who has
been all over the U.S. for training from Hippocrates Health Institution in
Florida to Colon Therapeutics in Texas to the Biogenic Society in California.
My response to her call was not one of help but "I don't know anything about
that." I had focused all my education on the man made poisons in food, water,
air etc. and considered everything in nature necessary and good.

The next day before going to sleep I found a tic on my abdomen. When I found
it, I was lying down and could actually see this thing doing a head stand in
order to embed itself in my skin. I immediately got up for a pair of tweezers
and into the light. Being careful I was successful in getting it out intact,
head and all. Before falling asleep I thought if the tic did carry the
spirocete bacteria my immune defences would easily handle it. After all I had
spent the last 20 yrs. detoxifying, exercising and using all of the proven
cutting edge supplements and the past year on 100% raw plant foods. After
observing the bite site for a week I was sure nothing was happening.

Two weeks later during sit ups I felt pain on the back of my leg around the
thigh. I looked to see what came off in my hand. It was a blood gorged tic
that probably expanded 10 times its original size by feeding on my. It was
about the size of a sunflower seed. My thoughts went back to the first bite.
"That one didn't phase me why get worried over this one." I was wrong, the
site of the bite developed into an excruciating painful bullseye after 4
days, the classic Lymes Disease initial symptom. Still I was confident that
my immune system would stop any invader. I had my mind made up to never use
pharmaceutical antibiotics due to a prior experience with them. I began using
natural antibiotics like: garlic, whole aloe, bee propolis, cayenne pepper,
N.A.C. and antiooxidants like CoQ 10 and pycnogenol. The library was the next
stop. The first two books covered the History of Lymes Disease (about 20
yrs.) and the symptoms and dire consequences of not treating earlier. The
supplements did not stop the intensity of pain and growth of the bullseye. I
attempted to bike 4 miles while my vehicle was being inspected. I realized I
really was in trouble then.

My energy was gone. I had all I could do to walk the bike. That night I
couldn't sit down because of the pain of the bullseye. It was 7" in diameter.
Fasting would surely stop the challenge I faced. Seven days of no solid food
whatsoever and only green drinks. I had lost 8 pounds and thought the
progression would reverse but it did not stop. I tried cool water and food
grade hydrogen peroxide baths. The pain that was only at skin depth had now
dived into the leg muscle and I had to limp. Three weeks after discovering
the bite my knees, hip and back especially had developed arthritis to the
point where getting out of bed and dressed took 15 minutes. Everyday the
bacteria was in different places, hands, shoulder blades, wrists and elbows,
spine and ankles, you name it they went everywhere. The third book was most
up to date. Still antibiotics were the only way. The book also said that
antibiotics can only stop the Spirocete Bacteria when it's in the blood
stream. Once in the tissue cells antibiotics are ineffective. Dr. Allen
Barbour says should you be on a course of antibiotics you may become symptom
free. The bacteria can return to the bloodstream, proliferate and the disease
is back. I knew it was too late for antibiotics at this point anyway. Out of
work, no voice, hobbling around. I'm 42 and was in good shape. My 90 yr. old
friend walking with a cane was waiting for me to keep up with him. Every
movement was painful. My hands and fingers could only move in segment motion.
I had refined my food to only sprouted greens and sprouted grains, no fruit
not even carrots so not as to provide sugar to feed bacteria. I prayed God to
take away all the good things I have and just give me back my health. I taped
plastic enclosure around the bathroom tub so I could soak in water and bubble
ozone through the water. Ozone is also known for stopping pathogens, but it
didn't work.
I thought I was a gonner. I had exhausted everything I knew, remembering what
I'd heard about intravenous ozone injections I had to consider it. I felt I
was going to die. I tried IV injections of ozone for one week. It didn't
touch the symptoms. I thought I should have called Brian and Anna long ago,
they are the directors of Hippocrates in Florida … I got the response of my
fax to them in 2 hours. "Dear David, be sure you will be healed as many
others have with this information." was their response. They are powerful
words because they are world renowned for helping those who are diagnosed as
terminally ill. The instructions of their letter was to call SOTA and get a
device that makes silver. "How the heck can I make silver?" It didn't matter,
I called and ordered it. They day it came I began making my own Colloidal
Silver. "Wow," I thought I just made $150.00 worth of health food store
priced silver in 8 minutes. This thing cost me less than $150.00 and will
probably make about $4,000.00 worth at the store rate. I started taking it
that night, a tablespoonful every 20 minutes holding it under the tongue for
one minute.

I went to sleep. When I woke up I jumped out of the bed and ran out the door
realizing I was healed. I began shouting to the neighbors as loud as I could.
It was a dream. When I did wake up the next morning I could hardly move and
it took me five minutes to convince myself to go through the pain of sitting
up. Maybe that dream was a vision of the future or something. That day did
come. One morning in January I woke up and played out that dream in real
life. It took three days for the silver to begin working. The fifth day I got
70% healing. When I got total mobility of my hips and spine, I knew the Lymes
was biting the dust. It seems to me as the concentration of silver rises in
the body, it eventually interfaces with every cell. If there is a bacteria or
virus present where the silver shows up the bacteria coating is disabled and
eliminated. Gradually I think this is what was going on in my body. Everyday
there was less pain and more mobility. The last areas of pain were the hands
and feet. It took about 1 ½ to 2 months for total healing. Some say because
we've messed with the weather and nature, tics have a longer breeding season.
They are attracted to creatures with body heat. Deer populations have grown
and live closer to people than before. Whatever the reason people who live in
New Jersey, Connecticut and New York have a relatively new health concern to
consider. Consider it and learn about Lymes. Today is June 5, 1997. I have
been Lymes free for 4 months now, no recurring symptoms. People that have it
tell me you'll never get rid of it. I tell them about silver.

Thank you SOTA. (Canada)

Thank you Hippocrates Health Institute (West Palm Beach, FL)

D.T., N.J.

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